
Through his Silver eyes, i resurrected ...

The Golden Wolf


By Rizonne Alexander



Chapter 1


Lyra’s POV

I woke up with my head banging and my body feeling as if it was thrown with petrol and set alight. I was blinded by the sun peeking through the blinds as I turned onto my other side on the couch. Last night was one of those nights where I just did not give a fuck. Holding onto my head, I sat up. I reached to the glass table in front of me and pulled it closer to take my morning hit. My body was aching and I needed to get my mind cleared. I lined up the pulls perfectly and snorted up everything falling with my back onto the couch rest taking a deep breath and letting everything go. I heard the toilet flush and immediately propped up, who the fuck was in my flat? I thought. The door flew open and out walks a guy. “Morning sleepyhead, slept alright?” he chirped. Oh yes, now I remember, the guy I picked up from the casino. “Hi Matt, right?” I murmured under my breath hoping I was correct. “No, it’s Steve for the 7th time!” he responded irate. “Look thank you for the night, you a really good fucker and I hope to hook up again.” He said walking out the front door. “Yeah whatever dude, and that would be very unlikely!” I shouted hoping he would hear. I got up from the couch to the bathroom, damn my bladder was full probably from all that beer of last night. Beggars can’t be choosers when you offered free alcohol whole night. I filled the bath tub up and got out some clean clothes and lingerie. I climbed in and soaked up the warmth that tingled at my skin and the calmness it brought upon my heightened senses.

My name is Lyra, I was kicked out of my pack and now I’m hooked on sex and drugs to ease my pain. I never asked for this but because I could not find my mate I was the female Omega and got abused for many years. Before the drugs and the nightlife, whenever I closed my eyes I felt the burning of my flesh as my Alpha pierced his canines into my body. I would feel the cracking of my ribs as I was flown against a tree or whatever it may be. The thing with wolves is that finding your mate is sacred, you become a full wolf and respected. My mate? No clue at all. One day after a beating because I did not bring the supper fast enough, I waited till the pack was sleeping until I escaped. Escaping is not easy when you belong to a pack, whether you are the lowest rank or the highest. You will be found and can be found. How I got away was a miracle done by a witch I befriended, her name is Ameena Cortze. She heard my cries for many nights, days and moons. She casted a cloaking spell so that I could not be traced and once she did that, I ran and never looked back. The front door flew open breaking my trail of horror. “Lyra! I brought some breakfast!” Joanne shouted. “Argh” I groaned knowing the bitch is about to give me another speech. Joanne is a distant cousin that somehow tracked me to Las Vegas, she has been all mommy about me. I know it’s all care and love but I’m grown too. “I’m getting out of the tub, I will be with you shortly!” I shouted back to her while getting out and hurrying to get dressed. I heard her clearing up the counter, I could hear she was pissed because of the plates been thrown into the sink. “Joanne, my cutlery did nothing wrong to you. Good morning.” I said. “I don’t know why you can’t think for yourself and just realise that you are going to die if you continue this, look how this damn place looks! You need to start getting over the shit that happened to you okay. Every wolf has a mate meaning yours is still out there Lyra but you won’t find him while you are sitting here rotting your life away” she said sounding as if she was begging. I stood against the door frame with my arms crossed. “You done now?” I said huffing back at her. My eye caught the mirror from across the room. My hair was thinned out and my body was frail. I know I was in a bad state, probably worse than my pack days but fuck I don’t care. Nobody will understand. “Joanne, I have told you many times that your talks might seem easy, but it’s not and I will not continue this conversation anymore. Thank you for the breakfast.” I said sitting down at the table. “So, what is the plans for the day Lyra?” Joanne asked joining me at the table. “Same old I guess, nothing new.” I responded. “Why don’t we go out shopping? You could do with a new wardrobe. Frank left his credit card with me while he was away on pack meetings with the elders.” She said. “Joanne, when last did you hear from my father?” I asked. The silence deafened the atmosphere by that question. She looked at me with saucer sized eyes. “Why would you ask such a question? You know we don’t speak of him.” She stated. “I know yes but you are part of his pack and his your Alpha.” I responded. Many years ago, when I was about 14 years old, my father banished me off The Creek. All my life I was the Omega. The runt. I never forgave him for what he had done and I don’t think I will ever. When he banished me, the pack that I escaped from trapped me in the dark forest. At first, I thought it was a saving until I striked doom again. I remember my father’s last words to me – My daughter I love you but you are too weak for my pack. No matter how much I pleaded or cried, he banished me. My whole life I have been insecure, abused and not accepted, so why should I even attempt to change? I’m enjoying this life. The men want my body, they crave it when I move. They enjoy the way I arch my back with every orgasm and with every cum that exits my body. “Maybe there is a small part of me that would assume he would want me back.” I replied. “You know that will not happen but I still believe that you carry the gift Lyra. Nobody in the pack has come forth with it.” She proclaimed. “Well it still hasn’t shown itself in me after so many years.” I said. “Don’t you think you could be deafening it by the drug? Your emotional roller-coaster? It has been three years now since you escaped the Yeeler pack. Don’t you think you can at least try? Even its for one week. One week of healing, no drugs, no sex.” She asked. “That sounds like a lot of work.” I said sighing, crossing my arms leaning in my chair. “You really believe in me hey? you have been on my case at least three times a month for the past three years after you found me.” I stated. “Well yes Lyra, your blood runs through mine and as much as what I am linked to your dad, I do care and love you too. I just want you happy and healthy.” She said pleading. Joanne got up and walked towards the door, “Think about it at least okay.” She said and walked out the door. I stared at the door that closed behind her and took another sigh. I got up and started clearing the place up. While I was cleaning up the left-over cocaine, in the back of my head I pictured myself reigning, forming my own pack and being Queen. I stood in daze but then I looked down at my hands, my frail fingers and shook off every thought of it. I don’t think I would or could ever make it that far. I shook out the scatter cushions and cleared up the sink in the kitchen. Once I was done with everything I poured a glass of whiskey and took a cigarette and sat on the sofa again. With every pull I took my body ached, I was sick. I know it but how do I get out of this? How do I heal from years of rejection and abuse? Fuck it I thought and got up. Grabbed my bag and keys and left the apartment. I got into the driveway and saw a truck unloading boxes, probably some new tenant moving into the block. I got into my car and drove off. I made my way to the casino again. I pulled up and walked through the back into the girl’s room. “Hey girls!” I shouted over the loud music. The first shift of girls was getting done for their performance. “Lyra! Wow you are alive!” Deena joke. “Hahaha Deena, brilliant joke.” I replied. “No seriously, you were high as fuck last night, I honestly thought you would OD with all that alcohol as well. You should be careful girl. I know this is an escape but I’m sure you don’t want to die.” She said. “Deena, you don’t even know half of my shit. Where is Carryn? I want to do some over time today. I have nothing else planned till tonight.” I stated. “She’s in the foyer I think, I saw her last in that area.” She responded. I turned around and left the dressing room making my way through the bar and the small crowd of creepy old guys waiting for the first performance of the day. I took the flight of stairs down and crossed over into the foyer. Carryn stood at the reception welcoming some tourists over. She is one of the most beautiful woman I have ever seen. Tall and slender, her dresses always hugged every curve that she had. Her breasts plumped up almost reaching her chin and her black straight hair aligned perfectly like a puzzle with her facial structure. I walked up to her once the tourists left. “Lyra! Hey girl, you good?” she greeted me. “Hey Carryn, look can I do some overtime? I have nothing planned until tonight and I could do with the extra cash.” I asked her. “Yeah sure, but wait till the first performance is done, you can just fill in the open spaces between the performances until your shift tonight.” She said. “Thank you Carryn, it means so much to me.” I replied and made my way back to the girls dressing room. I opened my wardrobe and picked out my outfit. I think I should go a bit dark today, yes, I’m feeling dark I thought to myself. I took out my leather high waisted hot pants with matching string bra that only covers my nipples. I added my black whip with choker, leash and included my thigh high leather boots. I did my make up while I waited for the first round of dancers to finish. I could hear the creepy old perverts cheering and half-drunk already. The moment I finished up my make-up the dancers ended their first round and entered the room. I heard the MC start making the announcement and I got ready for the stage making my way through the girls. Please give a round of applause for your favourite, our favourite LYRA!!!!!!! Mike the MC shouted. I made my way to the pole and started my routine to my favourite song. I did my famous twerking and went down to the ground after eyeing a drooling pervert. I had his face between my legs rubbing against my pussy making him breath in every bit. I twisted around onto my knees having his face still between my legs, I twerked hard on his face as he reached over and placed a $200 into my hand. I did a few more moves and the song ended meaning I was done. I picked up the rest of the cash on the stage, turned around and gave my signature goodbye and flashing my nipples at the hungry dogs. I did this for the next three hours and took a long break till my shift started. I got dressed in clothes and made my way to the café for something to eat. I ordered a pizza and some coffee. My stash was up and I needed a caffeine hit. I sat peacefully eating and having my coffee, some people will never think that I’m a stripper. It’s a job, no feelings attached although I know when I started dancing it was merely an emotional high. It made me feel wanted, extra cash and I felt somewhat good after every performance. Once I left the casino, I was back in my hole, depressed and unwanted as always. My heart suddenly jumped and I grabbed my chest feeling out of breath. “What the fuck?” I said and thought out loud. It stopped almost immediately but as if a surge of electricity just moved through my body. I wiped my mouth and hands off with the napkin and made my way back to the casino for my actual shift. I dressed into something different, Cowgirl. Gear and all. The announcement was made and I made my way up to stage with a different routine. As I was dancing I noticed another drooling pervert and flipped him over twerking. This was really a hard job I swear, it had me sweating and breathing heavy but at the same time I could not show it. I let the man go and turned around to face the crowd one more time before my last move and then it happened. Standing tall and muscular between the crowd, staring at me and watching every single move I make. Never did I think I would feel it, think it or experience it. I looked him straight in his eyes which turned silver and mine reacted to it. I felt my body surge with electricity, I felt hot and weak. I fell to the ground breathless, my heart racing as our eyes linked. I couldn’t break free. It was like a trance. I heard Carryn, Deena and some girls rush to stage. They pulled me up by my arms as my legs buckled. I stared at him and he back at me. Then I heard it, it filled the empty space in my heart – Mate!



Chapter 2


Lyra’s POV

I woke up with machines beeping around me. I slowly opened my eyes, it was still blurry and my head was hurting. I knew my body was having withdrawal symptoms. The aching I could not take anymore, I need to get hold of my guy for more. I don’t care if I’m in hospital, my body is in need and I won’t be able to think or function. Holding my head, I slowly sat up to try and reach for the dresser next to me hoping my handbag and mobile is there. I opened the first draw, nothing “Argh!” I moaned out loud and in walks Joanne at the same of finding out my misery. “Ah you awake, you seem in pain. Are you okay?” she asked, “No Joanne, my body hurts and I want to get out of here!” I demanded. “No can-do Lyra, the Doc says your heart beat was irregular and nearly suffered a stroke. They will be sending you to rehab too.” She stated. “Excuse me? With who’s permission? I don’t need rehab.” I said holding my head squinting my eyes. “Enough is enough, I am going to treat you like a child because you are acting like one. I just came from the sheriff’s office and got a court order that will be sending you to a local rehab. With or without your permission!” she shouted at me. “You do know that if I was not in this state I would be ripping your throat out Joanne.” I said gritting my teeth from the pain. The nurse walked through the door as if she was heaven sent. She gave me a morphine shot and left the room again. I laid back onto the pillow staring at the ceiling. “Do you remember anything that happened yesterday?” Joanne asked. “Yes, I do remember the girls running up to the stage.” I replied. “Your heart Lyra, I am scared for you and I’m doing this because I love you and I care about you. you can’t keep doing this.” She pleaded. “You will never understand Joanne.” I said, “I have asked you for many years now to make me understand so that I can help you Lyra, I know you are hurting from the years of rejection and abuse but there is help. I have told you this before. I also know that not finding your mate is making things worse.” She replied. The word mate sent chills down my spine. I decided not to tell her that I found my mate because she will make my current situation unbearable. Joanne kissed me on my head and left the room. All I could think about was him and why now. His silver eyes pierced mine making sure I feel him; the feeling was so overwhelming that my body and heart could not stand it. Where did he come from? Why now? What next? How does this work? All these questions I thought to myself. I looked down at my body that laid on the hospital bed, I am a stripper. A cocaine addict and an Omega. I’m a reject, a runt and after so many years my mate pitches. I have a mate, I smiled at that thought. Maybe I should try to heal, maybe I could just attempt. I closed my eyes drifting at the thought allowing the morphine shot to kick in.


The doctor woke me up a couple of hours later with my discharge letter and entry to rehab. I looked at the form to sign and at the rehab papers, three weeks of rehab. Three weeks to get cleaned up and clear my mind. I signed the papers and got up from the bed still finding some balance. Joanne left a bag of clothes and toiletries and I made my way to the bathroom to get dressed and cleaned up. Once I was done I grabbed my mobile to call Joanne. “Hey, where is my car?” I asked. “It’s at home Lyra, you have to take taxi home.” She replied. “Really?” looking out the window seeing the rain pour down the window. “It’s raining outside! Come and fetch me!” I said pleading. “No can-do kiddo.” She said putting down the phone. “Fuck” I said out loud, grabbed my things and left the hospital room towards the reception. I handed the discharge form over to the girl sitting there and she handed me a bag full of medications that had instruction labels on each one. “Doctor wanted to explain to you the medication himself but his currently in surgery so I printed his instructions out. If you get confused please do call on the number at the end of the page okay.” She said. “Thank you.” I responded and walked towards the door. I stepped out and the rain caught me, I ran towards the pavement and almost immediately a taxi stopped. I jumped in slamming the door shut wiping my face with my jacket. “Faure Avenue please.” I instructed the driver. My heart was racing and my head felt a bit foggy again, I didn’t understand why. The drive was not that long, I looked out the window and I must admit the rain was really downing today. No sign of any happiness on this day. The car stopped and I checked my surroundings; right in front of my door. Unsure, I looked up at the driver – “Thank you I guess” giving him the money and still confused onto how he knew exactly where I stayed. Something about him looked very familiar, I looked again and my wolf shouted and rejoiced. Immediately his silver eyes reflected again and I jumped out the car, I couldn’t believe it. It was my mate! I stood in the rain, breathless next to the car. He got out and came around to the other side, we were both soaking wet. I glanced at him through the pouring rain. He was built like a King. Dark hair, broad shoulders and muscles bursting through his suite. He came nearer and I flinched, as much as I dreamt of meeting my mate; I was in attack mode. It was surreal. “I just needed to make sure you got home safely.” He said in this deep enchanting voice that pulled the air out of my body. I fell to the ground, I felt his arms around me and lifting me up. We walked up the drive way and he placed me onto the sofa that is standing on the porch. Once he placed me down I forced my eyes to focus so that I can see him, everything was blurry as I saw him walk away and get back into his car. He sped away and once he was pretty much in good distance away from me my vision and strength came back. I sat up clutching my bag. I sat there for a few more minutes in a daze. I don’t understand this I thought shaking my head. I got up and unlocked the door to the apartment and walked in. The place looked as if cleaners was here, Yip this must be Joanne’s work I thought. I walked over to the kitchen counter where a vase with white roses was placed in, I could see they were fresh. Very strange of Joanne to place flowers in my apartment, a small note peaked out from one of the roses. I plucked it out and opened it. It read; “I wish you good health Lyra, get better soon” – Flynn Gordon. Who the fuck is Flynn Gordon? I thought to myself. I don’t have time for these silly games and went to my room to start packing, my mobile rang and I ran back to the kitchen. “Hello Joanne?” I greeted “Lyra, I’m coming to fetch you in a few minutes to take you to Evergreen the rehab okay. Be ready I’m almost pulling up.” She said shouting and cutting the line. I went back to the room to continue packing when the door flung open. “I’m here” Joanne shouted. “That was really fast!” I said shouting back. She peaked in the room, “Yeah, your appointment is in an hour and it’s a distance to drive as well.” She said, “I’m really glad you cleaned up the place, it smells amazing and wow those roses look really pretty.” She said smiling. “You have to be kidding me Jo, I thought this was your doings.” I said place my hands on my hips staring at her to try and find a flinch of humour. Nothing. “No, it was not me. The bag I brought you at the hospital is what you left at the casino, I haven’t been here.” She claimed. “Who is Flynn Gordon? There was a card with that name on it tucked in the roses.” I said. “That name sounds familiar, wait let’s check the internet maybe we can find him.” She said which still did not give me any explanation to my apartment being spotless. We both sat on the bed and when she typed in the name a company called Gordon LTD popped up. “Check for photos Joanne!” I said. She scrolled and there he was. Flynn Gordon. “Do you know him Lyra?” she asked me. I felt my face go pale and put my head into my hands. “Fuck!” I said out loud. “Who is he Lyra?” Jo asked me. “My mate.” I responded trying to not even look at her face. “OMG!!!!!!!!! What? How?” she kept shouting. This is the reason why I did not want to tell her. “Can you just calm down please?” I said taking my packed bags to the lounge. “No way Lyra, how did this happen?” she asked. I looked at her. Honestly, I knew if I told her this will happen. “At the club Jo, that is why I collapsed. I saw him in the crowd, our eyes met and our wolves howled.” I said. “Are you not happy? Excited? I am! Fucking finally!” she squealed with joy. “It’s complicated.” I said. “What you mean it’s complicated? After all these years you have found your mate Lyra, you are free” she said in a more angelic voice. “I know yes but when he came near me, I flinched. I was in attack mode. Even so when his near I become weak.” I said as my confusion took over. “I understand, you had years of abuse and you don’t do well with acceptance. I get that and I understand that. For the becoming weak part when his near; that is because your mind is rejecting and your wolf suffers when you push back nature and what is due to her. She yearns to be out, to run and be free. You haven’t run in a while have you?” she asked, “No I have not since I escaped the pack.” I said sadly. “Well that is the problem Lyra, you are pushing him away. I know it’s not your fault but the key word in this whole situation is TRY.” She explained. “Can I tell you another thing?” she asked. “Uh yeah sure?” I replied. “You don’t need rehab anymore.” She said, “What do you mean?” I asked. “You not sick anymore, your withdrawal symptoms are gone and I haven’t seen you on edge yet since I got here.” She said. “I don’t understand?” I said confused. “You weakened your wolf further when she already was weak. She had nothing to rise for. Your drugs and lifestyle she accepted and allowed you to get high. As a fully accepted wolf nothing can harm us except death by a weapon. I can snort a whole pack of cocaine and not flinch, I can drink a case of vodka and not get drunk. My wolf won’t allow it, our wolves protect us. When your wolf found your mate, she rose a little, not completely because you still pushing away. She’s healing you now.” Joanne explained. “I see, so she is healing me but cannot completely because of me.” I stated. “Yip.” Jo said. I walked to the kitchen to grab a glass of water. Everything was so overwhelming and it was a lot to take in. I did not know I was weakening my wolf but I couldn’t help it. My mental capacity for life tipped over. “Joanne, so what now?” I asked. “Now you need to think carefully, by the looks of it Flynn is not pushing you into anything. He probably read you a mile away.” She explained. “What if I don’t want to be with him?” I asked. “Lyra, remember I told you that no wolf in your father’s pack has shown the no sign of the gift. I still believe it’s you. I really do believe so. I need you to just try okay. Now go unpack your bags and let’s go shopping.” She said hugging me.

Days turned into weeks and no sign of Flynn except for the weekly flowers that would just pop up on the kitchen counter. It became a routine I got use too. I started work as a waitress at a nearby café, it was a good change coming from being a stripper. My new boss Mason was really cool, he was supportive and always allowed me the overtime that I needed. Almost every week Joanne would throw out my old clothes and replace them with new ones, she was really keen on getting me fixed up with a new look in case I ever bumped into Flynn. I appreciate everything that she has done for me, she is the only family that ever cared for me. Ever since that day that I got discharged from the hospital I did feel more alive than ever, I even started to hit gym. I ate, slept and breathed. I felt clean and healthy and I am proud of how far I have come and with the support too. It is still hard for me to open up about my past and to forget it, I can’t. Have you ever wished for something so long and when you eventually get it you doubt it? That is the phase I am going through at the moment. After my shift at the café I walked home. From work to the apartment is really close by and its good exercise for me as well. I think I picked up over 15kgs, toned down the muscle but still look rounder than what I did previously. I walked up the drive way unlocking the door and walking in. I smiled looking to my left, this time they were pink roses. I walked up to them picking up the note that came along with it and it read – Are you ready now? Flynn Gordon. That was the third are you ready note he has sent me. Nope I thought and chucked the note away in the bin. I cupped the pink roses in my hands and embraced the smell. “That is literally the third time you are doing that.” A voice said behind me, I jumped and screamed as if my life depended on it. I turned around and there he stood. Hands in his pockets, all suited up with no expression other than disappointment on his face. “Flynn” I said holding my head as the pain started to take over. “My head” I moaned. As he came closer it got worse. I reached out my hand to stop him from coming closer. “accipit mihi enim tuus sum” I started to hear chanting. I fell to my knees as the words burned through my head making me scream even more and then suddenly it stopped. I dropped further down onto the floor with my hands, breathing heavy and trying to catch my breath. “What……. Are you… doing here?” I slowly voiced. “I needed to speak to you, come take my hand.” He said. I looked up and saw a woman, she was clearly a witch based on her wardrobe. “What have you done to me?” I asked. “Get up Lyra and I will explain everything.” He said. I reached up and took his hand. He helped me up, I turned to take a glass of water. My head was clear, no pain. I walked with them to the sofa and we sat. “I brought Safar with me to help you with the pain. I can’t speak to you when every time I come near you collapse or pain inflicts your body.” He said to me. “Thank you Safar, you may go now. Payment will be with you shortly.” He told her and she left. I sat on the sofa dumbstruck. I was in a room with my mate.


Chapter 3


Lyra’s POV

“Before you say anything, you had a witch cast some sort of spell on me?” I asked, “Uh yeah, to help you Lyra.” He answered. “Who said I want your help Flynn?” I said. “Why are you acting like this? He asked. “Look, I don’t need this right now okay. I really don’t and its best that you leave now.” I demanded. “Look you can’t keep pushing me away like this, we are mates. You are mine and I am yours.” He stated. Those words sent shivers down my spine. This man does not understand that I am not ready for this. “Lyra Zoe Mucker, look at me please.” He pleaded this time. I looked at him and his silver eyes glanced at mine. I could feel the radiation between our wolfs. I could feel the yearning, the wanting and the needing but I was not ready. “Flynn, I am not ready.” I finally said something. “I understand but allow me to make sure every day you are okay until you are ready for me.” He asked. “Alright but…… boundaries! You cannot just pitch up here when you want okay!” I said to him. He started to laugh, he tilted his head to one side and looked at me. “Can I knock when I come around then?” he asked smiling. “Well that is what normal people do yes.” I stated. “Well Miss Mucker, you still have a lot to learn about me not being just a normal person okay.” He said getting up and making his way to the door. He turned to me and said – “You do have the gift, Safar saw it in you.” He left the apartment and the door closed shut. I sat there in utter shock. “I have the gift?” I said out loud. I stood up and walked to the mirror on the other side of the room. I looked at myself, staring. I have the gift. I am future Alpha of the Luna pack. I smiled, my dad is in for a very big surprise. I turned around and headed to my bedroom. Lights out world. Alpha Lyra is coming hard and strong.

I woke up to the smell of really strong coffee. I stretched out of my bed and yanked my morning slippers from beneath the bed. I checked the time, 08:26 am. “Joanne, don’t you think it’s a little too early to harass me?” I asked and shouted at the same time. I walked out in my nightie to the kitchen. “Argh! So early Flynn? Really?” I moaned. He sat the kitchen table drinking coffee and reading a newspaper. Not noticing me I tapped the table. “Uh halo?” I said. He looked up at me smiling, I swear he is so handsome and although Safar healed me; my heart raced for his scent. It enchanted me to the depths of my stomach. “Good Morning Lyra, well let me get going.” He said and folding up his newspaper, grabbing his suitcase and making his way to the door. “Why do you wear a suit? What work do you do?” I asked stopping him in his tracks. He turned around and smiled at. Fuck his so hot I thought to myself. He came closer putting his suitcase back onto the kitchen table. “Well Miss Mucker, I’m the owner of Gordon LTD, the oil company. I established it.” He claimed. “Okay, and what pack are you from?” I asked. “The Luna pack.” He stated. “Excuse me? That is my father’s pack!” I shouted, “I do know that yes, he is my Alpha.” He said replying. “I don’t understand, how am I able to find my mate now only when years ago we were together, possibly under one roof?” I asked almost crying. “Look, there is much that I would like to explain and tell you but I have to go now. Take my card and make an appointment with my assistant for you to come over to my building okay.” He said leaving. He came closer to hug me but I pushed him away. “Don’t.” I said firmly. He nodded his head and left. Just when I thought my life is somehow coming together I find out that my mate is from the same pack that I was born from. The same pack I was banished from. This is impossible. I grabbed my mobile and called the number on the card, I could not wait any longer to find out what is going on. The girl on the other side almost immediately picked up. “Gordan Oil Limited good morning.” She greeted. “Morning, I would like to make an urgent appointment to see Mr Gordan please.” I stated. “In connection with?” she asked. “Well he gave me his card a few minutes ago to make an appointment with you to see him during the day.” I explained. “Alright, what’s your name?” she asked. “Lyra Mucker.” I replied. “Would to just hold the line for me please?” she asked and placed me on hold. Joanne walked in at the same time and I shushed her indicating to her that I’m on a call. “Thank you for holding, alright I can squeeze you into Mr Gordons schedule at 4pm sharp. Do not be late as there is something right after your meeting with him that he needs to attend. The address for our building should be on the card. See you soon Miss Mucker.” She explained. “Thank you, uh what’s your name?” I asked. “Emily.” She said, “Thank you Emily, see you later”. I said and hung up. “Hey, everything okay?” Joanne asked. “No Joanne.” I said rubbing my forehead. “What’s up?” she asked. “Is there a reason why you did not tell me that Flynn is from the Luna pack?” I replied. “From the Luna pack? No, he is not!” she stated. “Well he claims that he is and I’m meeting up with him this afternoon to find out what is happening.” I told her. “Let me see that picture again of him, maybe, I don’t know. Let me just check but look from your laptop.” She asked. I fetched my laptop from the bedroom and opened it on the counter, I browsed through the photos on the internet to get a clearer picture of him. “That is him.” I said. She looked at it for some time and I could see her face going pale. “What?” I shouted. “He was part of the pack around the time you were born but he left with his parents shortly after.” She explained. “I don’t understand?” I said confused. “Well, look okay I can’t say anything. You know I am still a full Luna wolf, as much as I love you; I love my life as well. Go speak to him.” She said. “Yeah I understand don’t worry about it. So, what’s your plans for the day? I’m off for the next three days. Mason was kind enough to give me a break.” I told her. “Well I need to go to the Creek soon, the full moon is in the next couple of weeks. So, I need to do some shopping, you know how the elders get when you don’t bear gifts and all that shit. How about you?” she asked. “Nothing much though, just hit the gym and pop by the casino to check on the girls.” I said. “You still go there?” she asked. “Yes, I do. Remember they are like family to me. Especially Carryn.” I told her. “Mmm, you right. They were with you for a very long time. Why don’t you join me before you hit the gym and see Flynn?” she asked. “Yeah sure, let me just get dressed okay.” I said and went to the bedroom. Once I got dressed I made my way to the mall with Joanne. We first stopped for breakfast and then made our to a jewellery store. While Jo was speaking to the assistant I browsed through the diamonds and pieces that were created from them. Everything was so beautiful, expensive as fuck. I would have to at least save up for about ten years to even try to attempt to buy something from this store. As I walked further and deeper into the store I came across a diamond silver ring. I looked at it with so much amazement. It was cleanly cut and had tiny diamonds surrounding the bigger diamond, almost like a king or queen being surrounded by a kingdom. I peeked through the glass to check the price, $67 987. “What!” I said out loud. They are crazy I thought to myself, before going over to Joanne; I took a look at it one more time. It’s like it was calling me, I wanted the ring so badly. I walked over to Joanne hoping she would be done already. She paid up and took the box from the counter. “What did you get?” I asked her. “Oh, just a ring for each elder, I just need to still check something for the guys and then the kids okay?” she explained. We walked out and popped into another store that was across, she was speaking to the assistant once again while I walked past rails of clothing. All of them so damn expensive, I eyed this really sexy red dress. I am going to have to try this on! I took the dress down; “Joanne, I’m going to fit this on okay.” I shouted to her smiling and she returned the smile. I walked out with the dress on and faced the mirror; wow I thought to myself. My new curves do suit me well and especially in this dress! It was an off-shoulder design that flowed onto the floor with a small trail and a really high thigh slit. “Lyra? Is that you?” Joanne shockingly joked. “Oh c’mon, and yes I fell in love with this dress.” I said stroking it down my hips. “I could buy it for you? wow I didn’t think you could ever look this hot! Wow Lyra, absolutely speechless.” She said. “Yeah I didn’t think I would also feel this way and no you are not buying anything for me okay!” I walked back into the changing room and got undressed. I hung the dress back up and checked the time. “15:18!” I shouted. “Joanne, you need to take me to Flynn now okay! I can’t be late.” I pleaded with her. “But I’m not done yet!” she said. “Joanne, don’t. I need to go now okay.” I said. She huffed and walked out the store. I ran after her to the parking lot. We got into the car and drove. “So, you know exactly where the building is?” I asked. “Yip.” She said and stopping the car. “Destination reached, go now.” She said. “What? We hardly drove for 15min! what the fuck.” I proclaimed astonished. I looked out at the window and there stood the building, as tall as the sky and as steady as a rock. I got out and made my way up the thousands of stairs, I checked the time; 15:45. I walked through the sliding doors up to the reception. “Hi, I’m here to see Mr Gordan, 4’ 0 clock appointment.” I said. “Hi, please take the elevator on your left to the 9th floor. Emily should be there and take you further.” She responded. I nodded and walked towards the elevator waiting for it to open. Once I was in I pressed the 9th floor and made my way up. The building is incredible even the elevator alone is glass made, except for the flooring of cause. The door opened and I could immediately pick up on his scent, my wolf howled inside of him. Rejoicing and yearning for him. This section was really amazing, everything was glass and tiled with white lilies on every table that stood. Everything was so corporate, if I knew I would have dressed up better. I walked over to the second reception. “Uh, I would assume you are Emily. I’m Lyra Mucker, here to see Flynn.” I said. “Ah! Right on time, please follow me.” She said and showed me the way. We took a right turn and down a hallway that passed about five or six boardrooms and a kitchen. She knocked on the door twice and entered. I already felt my heart racing, I’m never ready to see Flynn. He stood with his back towards us, hands behind his back and overlooking the city through the glass window. “Mr Gordan, Miss Mucker has arrived.” She said, “Thank you Emily, no disruptions please.” He replied and off she went closing the door. His office was white and modern. He had little fairy lights with paintings on one wall and the rest was much homelier with a large sofa in the corner and coffee table. He also had a balcony with another coffee table and a fireplace. This place was beautiful! “You like?” he asked “Yeah, it’s beautiful. Did you do the deco?” I asked. “Of cause, this is like my second home.” He replied. “I never thought a man would be able to sculpt a place like this.” I said. He turned around to me and smiled. The sun hit the side of his face and his silver eyes came forth and once again mine reacted. “So, can we talk now?” I asked. “Please have a seat, uh would you like some coffee?” he asked. “No thank you I would just like to get to the point of this meeting so that I can get on with my life.” I stated and he looked at me with so much amusement and giggled. I rolled my eyes. “Well, Lyra. I was born into the Luna pack and yes, your father is my Alpha. I only see him on a full moon, other than that not at all. I was taken away when you were born because my parents and yours knew that we were mates. They knew you had the gift. However, your father is power greedy and did not want anyone to take over as Alpha.” He explained. “So, what you are saying is that my father banished his only daughter to not let go of being Alpha? Ever?” I asked shockingly. “Yes, that is correct. I have never agreed to your father doings or basically nothing in general.” He said. “I’m trying to understand the madness in this right now. I’m trying to understand the betrayal and hurt right now. My father is willing to banish and hurt anybody in his way for the throne?” I said in a daze. “Yes, he is Lyra, your mother has suffered and is still suffering. The unfortunate case is that your mother had to let you go. If she did not, she would have died and you would have still in any case been banished. She’s trying to keep the Creek together. Nobody can do anything with him being Alpha.” He explained. “This I cannot believe, why has Joanne not told me any of this? Are you playing me? She is also part of the pack, she is my mom’s cousin.” I said. “She cannot tell you anything because she is the Alpheus; the queens helper. She will be executed at hand.” He explained. “Yeah you right, she keeps telling me that whenever I asked her about the Creeks business.” I said. “Flynn, I can’t believe everything that I am hearing. It’s hard for me to put the puzzles together right now.” I said as he came closer to me. I looked up at him, I yearned for him but I just could not. I was broken and he did not deserve it. “Don’t.” I said pushing him away. “Lyra, please don’t keep pushing me away. We need each other.” he pleaded. “If you knew we were mates and that I was somewhere in the world, why did you not come and find me? Why not Flynn?” I said feeling my emotions take over and anger clouding me slowly. He turned away putting his hand through his hair looking out the window once again. “WHY NOT FLYNN!” I said shouting. “Because I had trackers Lyra! You have no idea how powerful and persuasive your father is! Fuck he had me trailed, tracked and beaten every time I came to close to you!” He screamed back at me. “Fuck, Lyra I am sure by now he knows we are together. I know it and I feel his rage in my veins.” He said. I looked at him and I knew that somehow, I need to learn to be with him and most importantly love him. I know that I need to heal, to move forward. How? “Flynn, the gift. What is it? What is the gift?” I asked calmly. Flynn walked towards the other side of the office picking up the telephone. “Emily, please have my schedule cancelled for the rest of the day please.” He requested putting down the receiver. He walked towards me and stood looking down at me. His scent flickered past my nose, I wanted to strip him of everything that he wore right now. I wanted to take him with my whole heart but still, I backed away. “The gift you entail is being the next Alpha and immortality. It’s a gift earned by the Ancestors and this means you will reign for a very long time should you wish to give it up. You are called the Golden Wolf. Something your Father knew and kept hidden. A Golden wolf is born when the Ancestors decide on one. The last Golden wolf was Sura, she is from the Hunali pack in the Mediterranean region. I think she is over 200 years old. However, should an Alpha be killed by the ancestors based on certain reasons before the next Alpha is not old enough to take over; the Beta wolf will take over until the rightful Alpha takes his or her place. The Ancestors can give and take.” He explained. “So, if I’m Alpha, what happens next.” I asked. “Lyra, the unfortunate part is that you are going to have to fight your father. In tradition it’s called a Madirah – a fight for Alphas. Yes, your father is still entitled to being Alpha but should there be a vote to have him dismissed; you take over. If there is no vote and you request a Madirah and win; you become Alpha. There is a lot to being an Alpha, you wear and bear a lot of weight.” He explained. “This is crazy Flynn, I can’t fight my father who I’m sure is much stronger than me. How the hell am I going to get that right.” I told him. “Well then you really are underestimating yourself and your wolf Lyra. When last did you run?” he asked and this time sitting on his desk on his one leg. “Uh I think almost four years ago, when I escaped the Yeeler pack.” I stated. “I heard about that by the way. You came out much stronger than what most did. Lyra, you need to start healing, your wolf might go crazy and once she does there is no way of turning back again. A wolf that goes crazy is called a rogue and will forever be rejected and banished from every pack. So be careful. Think properly with what you are doing.” He said. I looked at him with saucer like eyes. I didn’t expect those words, I didn’t expect what he explained and said today as well. I know I have been hurting myself, but I did not know this bad. I heard about rogues but nobody ever really taught me anything about being a wolf and what it meant. I never was part of a traditional ceremony. I was never part of anything significant with regards to being a wolf. “I have to go now.” I stated. “When can I see you again? We need to plan now Lyra. Your father knows we are together and might do something.” He said. “Just give me time please, my head is reeling with information that has not set in yet. I cannot think or be near you right now.” I explained. “Be near me?” he asked. I looked at him sighing; if only this man knew the torcher of wanting him and not wanting him at the same time was doing to me. Today was a day of truth, a day of forgiving myself and to try and move forward now. I know the truth, I now know what is needed of me. The Creek Is suffering under my father’s rule, my mother as well. As a little girl the one thing that confused me the most was if my mother loved me. I was the only daughter, how could she not? How could my father not? I remember the day I was banished, I left behind three little brothers clinging onto my mother’s skirt as the horn silenced the mountains to my departure. An electric sizzle went through my body breaking my horror memory. It was Flynn, he grabbed me into his arms and hugged me. I decided not to break free and threw my arms around his neck breathing in his scent. We stood like this for a few more seconds when he let the hug go. “I love you Lyra, I have been waiting very long for this day. For the day I get to meet you and here you are. In front of me, healthy and alive. I want you to go and look after yourself. Think about everything, let it filter through.” He said. I left the office and made my way home.

Chapter 4


Flynn’s POV

The moment I signed the new contract to be in Las Vegas I knew my dream would come true. For many years I have been searching for her and finally I have found her. Last night was one of the worst nights ever; the moment I landed in Las Vegas I was attacked. I knew it would happened because I stepped directly into the Lyra Mucker’s radar. Sabastian, my Alpha banished his only daughter and my mate for his own good will. I stopped breathing for some time to try and fool Sabastian’s henchman that I was dead, they eventually left me in the airports bathroom alone to die. Emily came looking for me, she found me and healed me. Without her I would have succumbed to my injuries. Being without a pack to help you fight is really hard and especially when you are being attacked by your own. Emily is a runaway witch from her coven, I found her wandering the forests many moons ago and we have been together ever since. We had no sexually feelings towards each other or even thought of a relationship too. We both had shit to deal with and life plans. Together we just looked after each other. We are so close that if anyone was to hurt her, I would rip them apart and if I was to get hurt; she would decapitate on the spot. We love each other. She is my sister, I am her brother and I am proud of how far we have come. Our friendship might seem strange but she knows me more than I know myself and I know her more than she knows herself as well. Once Emily healed me in the bathroom she helped me up. She opened up my suitcase and took out clean clothing for me to put on, the ones I had on was bloodied and ripped. “Thank you, Emmy.” I said hugging her. “I don’t know why you keep on moving away from me, you knew this would happened and I gave you strict instructions to stay by my side.” She said. “Yeah, I know but as you can see I needed to use the bathroom and then this shit happened, Argh.” He said moaning. “All this for a girl, I would never understand you wolfs.” She said laughing. Once I was cleaned up we made our way to the car that was waiting in front of the airport to the hotel that Emily booked for us. This was until I’m able to get a decent apartment to purchase that would accommodate both me and her. The last place we had, she was down stairs with her own kitchen and space. Mine was upstairs. It was good for us and we minded each other’s business. We drove past a few bars, clubs and then the Treasure island casino when I felt it for the first time. “What’s wrong?” Emily asked. “I picked up on her scent, she is close by.” I said sighing. I wasn’t sure if I should be excited or relieved. “Well that is a good thing Flynn, soon everything will fall into place and your plan will work out the way you want it too.” She said smiling. “I hope so too.” I responded. Once we got to the hotel, we both settled in to our room. Emily came over to confirm the schedule for tomorrow and one of them being at the same casino I got her scent from. I had to meet up potential clients there over a few drinks. I hate doing business introductions over wine; but a man’s gotta do what a man’s gotta do. I took a long hot shower before getting into bed, I stood in front of the mirror checking out the scars that was left behind from every beating I took for being near Lyra. When I left with my parent’s years ago, not only was it the best thing to do which meant I was not there to witness any wrong doings, I began to feel empty as the years gone by. With every moon and change, the feelings progressed and I could no longer stop my yearning for her. She is my mate and I needed to find her. I got dressed and was about to jump into bed when there was a knock on the door. “Who is it?” I said shouting. “It’s me Emily.” She responded. I opened the door and Emily fell into my arms. “Emily what happened?” I shouted and started looking for any open wounds on her. “Nada, this wiiiiiiiiine is really baaaaaad. How da fuck can I geeeeet this drunk.” She slurped over her words. “Oh, you got to be kidding me. I have never seen you drunk before. Are you sure nobody slipped something into your drink Em?” I asked picking her up, she was like dead weight. “Emily, c’mon. you need to sleep.” I said. “Nooooooooo I am not gon sleep!” She said trying to raise her voice at me. “I have aaaand still AM working my fucking aaaas off for you MR GORDON aaand I deserve a break.” She said continuing to slurp and smiling. She steadily balanced herself off the bed and giggled. I was astonished, I have never seen Emily in this state before and never heard this type of argument from her. “Alright missy, we can speak about this tomorrow okay.” I stated. “No!” she replied. “What do you want Emily.” I asked sighing. “You!” she shouted while taking her dress off. “No, no, no, no, no! You are fucking drunk and you need to leave right now okay.” I said pissed off. I looked up at her and she was naked. I could not believe my eyes, I have never seen Emily naked before. “Emily Suthers, get the fuck out please and put your clothes back on.” I said shouting at her. She started approaching me and I backed up. She got so close to me that the moment I backed up again I fell on my back onto the bed. she took advantage of this and got on top of me. Her naked body slumbered onto my chest and her pussy perfectly aligned with my dick. I laid there, closing my eyes thinking of all the shit that could possibly happen instead of this fucked up situation right now. “Emmy, please don’t do this. You not thinking straight.” I said to her in a more calmly voice. “Oooooooh c’mon I know yoooooou want it too. It’s beeeeeeen a while since yooooou fucked a girl.” She said. I put my hands my behind my head opening up my eyes to look at her. My wolf started to take over and I growled out loud. She started to grind on my dick. Fuck I can’t believe this is happening I thought. I grabbed her ass further down onto my dick and made her feel the hardness causing her to moan loudly. I flipped her over and bit her neck making her bleed a little. I want her to see that when she wakes up tomorrow morning. I removed my boxers as she laid spreading her cleanly shaved pussy open for me to embrace. I sat up while inserting myself into her. She grabbed both my arms digging in with her nails. I forced her pussy hole further open to make room for my dick. I pumped hard, she started to shout and I grabbed her breasts smacking each one as I thrusted faster. She let go and I felt her warm liquid spreading across the blankets. I flipped her over to spread her ass open. She wanted to act like a slut when drunk so I’m going to treat her like one. Inserted my finger into her ass hole to stretch it out and it followed with three more fingers. “Flynnnnnn go harder please.” She moaned. I stood up and pushed my dick hard into her ass gripping her hair. She screamed from the pain and thrusted harder. I lifted her leg up in a dog peeing position and slid my finger into her pussy holding it there while I fucked her ass. I could feel my body tensing up, I took my dick out and back into her pussy. I fucked it for a couple more minutes, then I released. I closed my eyes knowing that this was just a sexual frustration, tomorrow I will regret every single moment. Sometimes I hate my wolf.


My alarm went off exactly at 07:00, I put it off and suddenly last night’s doings came flooding in. For the first time in my life I felt like crying. I rubbed my eyes open and slowly sat up. “Oh, thank goodness.” I said out loud, Emily left already. This is going to be one awkward day ahead I thought to myself. I got up and took a shower to clean myself off from last night. While I was in the shower I heard someone entering. “Good morning Mr Gordon, I’m setting up your suit for the day. Your schedule is on the desk and I will email it to you as well. Call me if you need anything.” Emily shouted. I couldn’t help but laugh but I heard her chocking on every word. Yes, that will teach her a lesson to not drink again I thought to myself. Once I was done I stepped out and entered the bedroom and this time I couldn’t help but buckle over laughing. She removed the bedding and placed clean ones on. I wrapped the towel around my waist and walked out the room to hers. I knocked and she opened. “Thank you for changing the bedding Emily, so kind of you.” I laughed sarcastically and almost immediately she slapped me. I stood there shocked, maybe I did cross the line with my laughing. She already slammed the door shut in my face to even try and say sorry so I made my way back to the room. I quickly got dressed as my first meeting was coming up; Emmy should be joining me. I ended up sending her a text message. >>> Emmy I’m sorry okay. I shouldn’t have. Next meeting in 20min? Meet you in the café downstairs. Talk afterwards okay. <<< Press send. As soon as I was done, I left the room and made my way down to the café. I got a table and ordered two breakfasts’ and two coffees to go with it. I’m really hoping Emily comes down, I feel bad for my sarcasm but at the same time I’m also filled with regret for what happened last night. The plates came and Emily arrived. I sighed feeling relieved. She sat down and looked at me full of regret and anger. “Thank you for the breakfast.” She said and started eating. Once we were both done eating we made our way to the boardroom where she set up everything last night; possibly before her endeavours. “Emmy, look last night was a big mistake okay. We have been friends for many years and I think last night was just filled with so much emotion. I’m also sorry about the comment of earlier.’ I said, “Please don’t speak to me, I’m not ready for it.” She said expressionless. “Mr Gordon!” A voice said behind me. “Welcome gentleman, please do take a seat. This is my assistant Emily Suthers.” I responded and Emmy shook their hands. Once everyone was seated, I started my business proposal. It went on for about thirty minutes. “Any questions?” I asked. “Yes, so tell me Mr Gordan. If we expand your branch further into Las Vegas. What are the employment risks?” He asked. “Mr Ramsey, jobs are scarce in the world and at the moment I don’t see any risks as employment opportunities is needed.” I replied. “But the drilling? For the oil. It is a life risk too.” He said. “Yes, I do agree and that is why I mentioned extensive training will be done over a course of six months.” I replied. The questions and arguments also continued for another twenty minutes and the meeting was adjourned. Next on my list was meeting up another few guys at the casino. I don’t know how to feel about it because I smelled her there at the casino. Emmy packed up everything and I made my way to the car in front. She decided to stay at the hotel and I went alone. I parked the car and made my way into the casino. The guys were pretty drunk already early in the morning, fuck I thought to myself. I have my work cut out for me today. I went to the bar and the whole place smelt like her, she’s here. My stomach turned unsure if its excitement or me being nervous. I met up with the guys and ordered a few glasses of whiskey on the rocks. We had a really good conversation and I ended up with quite a few signatures on a binding contract. If any of these fuckers wake up tomorrow morning unknowing what they signed; fuck them. I was about to leave when I heard the announcement. Lyra Mucker was about to perform. Perform? What? I thought to myself. The spot light blinded me for a moment from seeing her and then it dimmed away. She was dressed up in a skimpy cowboy outfit. I swear I had to contain myself from ripping all these men’s eyes out and pulling her down. How dare my mate do this. How dare she exploit herself like this. I wanted to scream, I wanted to get on that stage and just tear everything down. I could hear her heart racing when she looked into the crowd and saw me. Never has this happened; my eyes reflected thus of a wolf. My wolf howled inside of me and rejoiced. We stared at each other for a few more seconds until she collapsed. Our wolfs howled for each other but then I knew, she was broken. Her mind rejected me and it took strain on her body. The moment the other girls got to her safely I made my way out to the car again. I heard the ambulances and quickly sped away. “Fuck!” I shouted out loud. I need to find out what happened to her, I know she was banished but that was years ago. I called Emily, no answer. I tried three more time, nothing! “Fuck you Emily!” I said out loud. Because she was a horny drunkard now I must suffer now. I sped further up to the hotel, got a parking and got out the car locking it. I stormed into the hotel, good thing the elevator opened when I came in and dashed for it. I got in and pressed for the eighth floor. Horrible music that was playing in the elevator I thought. Finally, the floor was reached and I got out. I barged further down the hall reaching her room. “Emily! Open up!” I shouted and knocked at the same time. No answer. I walked to my room and checked if she was there, I opened and nothing. “Fuck!” I sighed falling onto my bed. I felt helpless. I got up to go the bathroom when I found a letter on my dresser. I picked it up and it was addressed to myself from Emily. It read – Dearest Flynn, for many years we have battled together and protected each other. We have a bond so great that nothing can ever break us apart. However, I feel what happened last night can and will break us apart. It was not my intention; I do not know why it happened and I cannot work with you or be with you knowing what happened to between us. I am dreading every moment while writing this letter. Just know that I love you and once this letter is done, everything will be back to normal.

I paused for a moment wondering what all of this could mean. Is she resigning? Leaving me? I read further and I was instructed to turn the piece of paper around.

Flynn, the words you just read now has a spell encrypted into it. The spell has now been completed and activated. You and I both will have no memory of what happened last night, this is for the sake of our lives and yours too. See you soon.

The letter vanished into thin air and I stood there for a while, astonished that she will do something like this. She has never used magic on me before. Suddenly I felt dizzy and blurry, my surroundings went dark. It lasted a few seconds and I opened my eyes again. I turned around in the room unsure of why I was here. I know I had come in here for a reason. “Fuck yes, I remember! Information on Lyra!” I said out loud and left my room to Emily’s. “Emily! It’s me Flynn, I need your help please!” I knocked and shouted. I knocked a few times until she finally opened. “Emmy, why are you still in bed? This is unlike you!” I asked. “I have no idea and good morning Flynn. Shit I really have no clue why I am in bed. look at me, I look terrible!” she said looking in the mirror. “Abri Sangu mu” she chanted and immediately she was clean, dressed and perfect. “Wow I wish I had that ability.” I said “Emergencies only! You know I only use magic when in dire need.” She said laughing, “Alright, what’s happening?” She asked. “Lyra rejected me, don’t worry our wolfs did not.” I explained. “Shit she rejected you? Damn is she even aware of the consequences that comes with rejecting a mate?” She asked. “Clearly not, so I need you to please pull up every single detail about Lyra Mucker. I need to find out why and what has happened to her since 19 September 1906 when she got banished from the pack. I need to know her whereabouts and who she was with okay.” I instructed her. “Okay, everything noted. How’s the schedule looking for the day? I swear my mind is blank.” She said. “Don’t worry mine too.” I replied. I took out my mobile and checked my schedule. “Every meeting has been done already, nothing for the rest of the day. Lyra was taken to hospital. I think I should go around there.” I said. “Alright, by the time you get back I should be done.” She responded. I left the room still a bit dazed about everything and took the elevator down. I got my car and drove off tracking her scent to the nearest hospital. I walked into the hospital and her scent became even more stronger. I walked up to the reception. “Hi, Lyra Mucker was admitted here. I would like to see her please.” I requested. “I think she is currently sleeping now. When she came in she was out of it. The doctor is currently on a break but she is in ward nine, room four.” She responded and I made my way to Lyra. I know this is wrong of me to do but I need to know if she is okay. I stood outside the door peeking through the window. She was sleeping and I slowly opened the door. I walked over to the bed, she was so beautiful but I could see the years of strain on her. I could see it all over her body, her skin and her hands. She looked really weak. I walked over to the table with her file on it and looked through it. Fuck she almost had a stroke because of her rejecting me, as I went to the next page the heart monitor started beeping really fast. I looked up at it, it was increasing. Its starting again! I closed the file and rushed out the room and out the hospital. I took my mobile out, “Em, are you done yet?” I asked. “Almost but here are some serious things you need to look at okay.” She responded. I ended the call and sat in the car. I quickly called Em again. “Sorry, I’m just in a bad space right now. I will tell you everything when we meet up but I just need you to send me her current address. I want to check out her place while she is here at the hospital.” I said. “It’s okay, don’t worry. Plus, you will be over your head once you read all about her too. I’m sending it as we speak.” She replied. “Thank you I got it.” We ended the call and I drove to her apartment. It was not far away so I arrived in no time at her place. It wasn’t too bad looking and I got out of the car making my way up to the drive way. The door was obviously locked but good thing my lock picking skills is amazing. It was not long before I got access and walked in. when I walked in I was really in shock. The place was dirty, I picked up on cocaine residue on a table and cigarette buds. What life was my mate living? I quickly picked up my mobile and dialled my personal cleaning services. “Hi Kathy, it’s me Flynn here. I’m going to be sending you a location that I want you to please do a massive clean-up. And when I mean a massive clean-up; I myself want to eat off the floors and walls please.” I requested. “Yes, Mr Gordan, not a problem. Anything else?” She asked. “Yes, and my usual order for flowers please on a weekly basis. I will send you a text of what should be written on the card too.” I replied and we cut lines. I left the apartment and made my way back to Emily at the hotel. Before I went to her room I decided to first take a shower and get out of this suit. It wrenches of sweat and booze from the day. The sun was busy setting already and I was hungry as fuck. Once I was done dressing I walked over to Emily who was in her room. Today was not a busy day for her. We both just had morning appointments and the rest of the day was free. “Hi Em.” I said opening the door. “Wow Flynn, since when have you stopped knocking?” she asked squealing. “Since your door was a few inches open.” I replied. I took a seat on her bed sighing and sitting against the wall. “So, what do you have for me?” I asked. “Well to be straight forward and honest. When Lyra was banished from the pack, she was captured by the Yeeler pack. She was treated like a true rogue, everyone’s punching bag.” She explained and I took a deep sigh slipping further into Emily’s bed in disbelief. “Should I continue?” she asked. “Yes, go on.” I said heavily. “Lyra was beaten and abused from her pack days to the Yeeler pack. She escaped when she befriended herself with a runaway witch. My cousin, Ameena Cortze.” She said. “Your Cousin?” I asked. “Yeah but she is dead. “I stated. “Why and how?” I asked. “Well like myself, I am at risk. Plenty of witches ran away from being under rule by the coven. This is the reason why I cloaked myself to not be tracked also why I barely use magic. Ameena, well she was a risk taker and got executed.” She explained. “Alright, I’m sorry to hear. Do carry on.” I said. “Once Lyra escaped she came to Las Vegas where she settled in. Her mother’s cousin Joanne somehow tracked her here and moved to Las Vegas to look after her. Lyra has been in a mental institution twice in one year about a year after escaping. She tried killing herself multiple times. She is depressed and not sober. Flynn, she is a cocaine addict, a stripper and has been with multiple men. As much as what I want you to be happy but she has a lot of baggage. The addiction can be healed or probably has started already because both you’re wolfs have connected already so that is not a problem. It’s her hurt, betrayal and abuse that is worrying me.” She explained. I laid on the bed staring into space. I was shocked about the information yes but sad about it. I felt so much sadness about everything that she has gone through, to take your own life must be a very deep hole that you are in or was at the time. “You okay?” Emily asked. “I will be, thank you for the information. I’m going for a run.” I said getting up from the bed. “A run?” she asked. “You only do that on the full moon.” She stated. “Yeah but I have endured too much in one day and my wolf will go crazy.” I stated. I got up, kissed Emmy on the head and left the room. It was really late already, I checked the time and it was around 20:58. I went down to my car and got in, taking a drive. I first drove past Lyra’s place and saw the lights on. She must be home which is a good sign. I decided to go to the fishing moat which was connected to a campsite. I needed to let go a bit. I parked the car in a safe place and took a walk into the campsite. It was quiet this time of the year and nobody in sight. Without waiting another second, I stretched out a little and burst into my wolf landing on my paws. I did not run but rather trotted up onto the deck that led across the water. I sat on my hind legs looking up the stars, the lake was quiet, soft and calming tonight. The full moon is approaching and its silencing nature. Once full moon strikes everything that is part of the supernatural will wake. I laid down onto my front paws and thought hard on how I would be able to heal Lyra, how am I able to? Where do I even start? She’s my mate and I need to help her. My mind drifted off slowly and my eyes closed.

A few hours later I heard my mobile ringing. I pecked up my ear; it’s coming from the car. Wait what? Shit I’m still in wolf form and the sun is rising already. I quickly transformed back and ran to the car to get dressed. “Hello Em” I answered the call. “Flynn, where are you? the sun is almost out and you did not sleep yet!” she said worried. “I’m okay don’t worry, I slept by the lake, can you believe it; I was in wolf form. I swear if you did not call me I would have slept further in wolf form. But it was so amazing though, I haven’t done that in years. It felt so right.” I explained to her. “Just come to the hotel please, its urgent.” She said and disconnected the call. Oh, what happened now I thought to myself. I got into the car and sped to the hotel, I dashed for the elevator and made my way up. “Emmy, open its me.” I said knocking. “It’s open, come in!” She shouted. I walked in and her bed was covered in blood. “Emily what is going on?” I shouted. “Your whole bed is covered in blood, are you hurt? Who did this?” I screamed. She came from the bathroom in her robe. “I woke up like this. Its either the coven that found me or the ancestors sending me a message. I’m fine don’t worry. No cuts and bruises.” She explained. “Now what does this mean?” I asked. “I can find out but it would require a lot of magic which means I will put myself on the radar Flynn.” She explained. “So, what now because a bed full of blood means some serious fucking business. We can’t just let it go or slide. We need to find out.” I said. “Well there is one option.” She said. “What?” I asked. “We get a witch, someone who we can trust to find out and to decrypt the messages. Your schedule is clear for the next three days giving us some time to sort things out.” She said. “Why is my schedule clear for three days?” I asked. “Well because it is and you know it depends on the interest of investors and currently there is none. Can we just focus on this please? You have enough money to splash around. I’m sure three days won’t do any harm to your bank account.” She stated. I looked at her terrified and unsure of what is happening. “Okay so where do we find a witch?” I asked. “Here is one in Las Vegas, I picked up on her aurora when we arrived. I did some research and she works at a nearby mall. Can you go check it?” she asked. “Yes sure, give me the information.” I said rubbing my temples and leaning against the wall. She handed me the paper and I pulled her close to give her a hug. “Don’t worry Em, we have been through worse okay. We will get through this.” I said and left the room. I just stopped by my room to take a shower and change clothes and headed out the hotel again. I went towards the mall that Emmy mentioned and quickly parked the car. I stepped out and immediately I tracked Lyra’s scent. “She’s here.” I said out loud. Fuck I thought to myself and made my way towards the entrance of the mall. I walked trying to find the damn shop that Emmy mentioned. Santina Couter was the stores name and apparently sold evening gowns. I stopped by a security guard and asked him directions to which he gave me accurately and I easily found it. I walked into the store and went up to the store assistant that worked there; “Hi I’m looking for Santina Winter.” I asked. “Hi, okay stay here I will call her.” She said and dashed to the back of the store. Lyra scent became stronger and I knew she was nearby. Fuck hurry up damn it I thought to myself. I did not want to get caught in a lady’s store by Lyra. I turned and a woman walked out from the back with the assistant, she had long black hair and was hippy like dressed. “Wolf” she said under her breath towards me. “Yes, I’m assuming you are Santina. I need your help please.” I said. She took me by the arm and pulled me to the other side of the store. I flinched a bit because she is a witch and can be dangerous. “How dare you come into a witch’s territory and just demand my help!” she said in a furious whisper. I turned and saw Lyra stepping into the exact same store as me. Now I’m fucked I thought to myself. “I’m sorry Santina but I wouldn’t be doing this if it was not urgent. There is a friend of mine; a witch and she needs your help. Both of us please. Can you just come with me right now?” I explained and asked. She looked at me, basically stared at me. “Fine, I will come. Any funny tricks and I will have your head in my hand okay. Let me just get my things at the back.” She said and I nodded, gulping. I looked up from behind a railing and I saw Lyra, what is she wearing I thought to myself. Wow she looks amazing, beautiful. It was this red off shoulder dress that fitted her curves perfectly. She looked like a goddess. Fuck I wanted her body and her lips. Suddenly Santina broke my daze away. “Come let’s go.” She said. Lyra left the front of the store and went to the back and that is when I could swiftly walk out the store without looking guilty. We quickly made our way to my car and drove back to the hotel. We got out and went up with the elevator to Emily. “Emily, it’s me. Open. I’m with Santina.” I said knocking. The door slowly opened and I walked in the room. “Are you okay?” I asked her. “Yeah I just feel really sick.” She responded. I turned around to look at Santina who had her arms crossed over her chest. “Emily, this is Santina, the witch you told me about.” I said. “Yes, I know, Santina please do come in.” she said holding her stomach and looking really sick. “Emarie Roel Migo. I must say, you have hidden from the coven very well hey.” she said to Emily. “You as well Safar, good seeing you after so many years.” She said. “Oh, you guys know each other?” I asked. “Yes.” They both replied at the same time. I walked over to the couch while the girls were chatting and Safar as what I just found out now unpacked her bag filled with strange witch objects. Safar started chanting in the room and over the bed. Her eyes were closed and her hands were trembling. “Emarie, you have hidden yourself from the truth and a life will get taken and given.” She told Emmy. “What do you mean?” she asked. “You will not know because you placed the spell upon yourself and now you reap a child.” She said. “What?” she said confused. “Let me show you.” Safar said placing her hand on Emily’s head. Emily started to cry and I stood up making my way towards her when she stopped me to finish seeing whatever she was being showed by Safar. “Emarie, you need to deal with what you have done. You made a foolish choice. Do you remember now?” she asked. “Yes I do, does he know?” she asked. “No, not until you break the spell he will not know.” She replied. “Flynn, could you mind giving us alone time?” Safar asked me. I then left the room to mine. “Emarie, you are carrying a Hybrid child. Half wolf and half witch.” She said. “I cannot believe it. It was just one night. One night that I thought I could forget forever. Safar, he has a mate. That is why we came to LV to sort things out and to fight a battle.” I replied. “Yes, but that is his journey, not yours. You cannot hang on his hem for the rest of your life Emarie.” She explained. “So, what will happen now? I’m with child. Do I tell him?” I asked, “When you are ready.” She replied. “But remember, the blood means a life will be taken as soon as a life is given.” She continued. “One last favour Safer.” I said. “Yes?” she said. “Please temporally take Lyra’s pain away so that she can heal and open up towards Flynn. Her rejection is causing body pain and strain and he is unable to get through to her.” I explained. “Very well.” Safar said and left the room. I came back into the room to find Emily taking off the bloodied sheets. “Are you okay now?” I asked worried. “I will be, don’t worry about me okay.” She replied. “Okay uh I kinda need you to do something for me please?” I said. “Yes sure, what is wrong?” she asked. “There was a red dress that Lyra tried on today at the same shop. Can you buy it for me please?” I asked. “Yes of cause, I will do it later on once I’m done here. You need to also get in touch with Safar again, she will be taking Lyra’s pain away temporally until you guys accept each other. This will give you some time to win her over and to help her heal okay.” She explained. “Wow Emmy, that is the best news ever. Thank you so much.” I said hugging her. Everything seemed fine and falling into place over the next few days. Me and Safar went over to Lyra, I think she probably wanted to rip my throat out for bringing a witch along. Safar helped to ease her pain to give me a chance to break through to Lyra. I became very persistent over the few days to make her understand that I care about her and I want to be there for her. I stopped by every morning to make sure she is up and ready for work and immediately leave. I still gave her the space she needed but also making her understand that I do exist in her life. One morning she came into the kitchen, I had just made us coffee knowing that she would be waking up soon. She walked in with this oh so hot silk nightie. I could feel my dick getting hard beneath the table. I breathed and tried to get my mind off her; she thought I could not hear her but I did. I looked up and no it did not help. For the first time that day she asked me a few questions and even spoke to me. I gave her my business card that day to call up Emily to fit her into my schedule. I was hoping the time would come where she would want to know a little bit more or to understand what happened. She was very upset hearing that I was also from the Luna pack but eventually she understood everything. I am really hoping that she would accept me fully so that we can take on her father together. So that we can heal the Creek and build the pack up again. After the long conversation me and Lyra had. She decided to take some time and think about everything so I gave her the time which I agreed to. I wanted her to be ready. After about a week away from her I decided it was time to meet up again. I arranged with Emmy to have the dress delivered to her house and to also book a table at Goutre Abi, a French restaurant here in LV. I hope she will take the slightly demand well. I had a note sent with the dress to be ready at 18:00 sharp. Emily has been very distant from me over the past few days ever since Safar helped her that day. As much as what we have been friends for all these years, we have always not been in each other’s spaces but I feel that something is wrong and I’m hoping to find out soon or just hoping she will speak to me about whatever is bothering her.




Chapter 5


Lyra’s POV

It has been a few days now since the meeting I had with Flynn. I have not seen Joanne too, probably at the Creek already. Every night I have been tossing and turning in bed trying to understand everything, allowing my brain to filter every detail. Every day was the same routine; I would get up and go to work, come back and sleep. Flynn hasn’t even contacted me, sometimes I feel angry about it but then I get flustered knowing that he loves me and is giving me the space I need. Every day I do the same summery in my head; my father is Alpha. He is power greedy and the Creeks is suffering with his rule. My mother did not want to let me go but had no choice and I have three brothers left behind. My father knew about me having the gift and that I would be Alpha, he banished me because of this. I can’t believe that I was a treated like a rogue on purpose, treated like an outcast for another’s benefit. Once I was done with my shift at the Café I walked home. Same old, same old. I got into my apartment and to my surprise on the kitchen table was a nicely wrapped box, I swear my stomach turned from excitement. I knew it would be from Flynn, I smiled walking over to it. I first picked it up, okay it’s not that heavy I thought. I put down my bag and started to unwrap the box. Once I opened It, my mind was blown. It was the exact same dress I fitted on in the store! “What?” I shouted out loud. I took the dress out and hugged it. Oh, this man is good I thought to myself, he is really working hard to get through to me. He has officially scored plenty of brownie points. I picked up the note that came along it which requested I be ready at 18:00 sharp. Okay so I have never been on a date, he didn’t exactly ask as well. Oh well, he gave me enough space and I think it is time I start trying now. It was around 15:00 so I had about three hours to get perfectly done. I picked up the box to take it to my room when Joanne burst through the door out of breath and bewildered. She was in wolf form. “Joanne, what the fuck is going on!? Why are you here?” I asked confused. She changed back and fell to the floor, she laid on her back and kicked the front door closed with her leg. I ran to her side. “What happened?” I asked again. She signalled for some water and I rushed to get her a glass and brought it to her. Once she drank the glass she got up and moved to the sofa. “Lyra, your father is planning against you. I ran here as quickly as I could. He has already sectioned a few henchmen for you and Flynn.” She said out of breath. “What? Oh, fuck no Joanne. You can’t be serious.” I said almost in tears. “Lyra do you think I would be running in wolf form around town for nothing? I was trying to get to you as fast as possible and I have to go back again. If Sabastian finds out I left I will be killed. He only positioned his plan this morning so this gives you and Flynn enough time to run okay. Please just leave.” She said to me pleading. “Jo, I am not going anywhere, I am done running. Go back and tell my father I will see him in the next forty-eight hours.” I stated. “You got to be kidding me! No, I will do no such thing!” She said shouting at me. “Like I said, I will be killed if he even knows I’m here.” She stated getting her another glass of water. “I have to go now, I have less than four hours to run back.” She said. As she walked out the door, I pulled her back. “Is my mother okay?” I asked. “No, she has locked herself up in her room since your father found out that you and Flynn are together. She knows what is coming next and if I were you; I would run. Bye.” She said and left. I can’t believe this is happening, on the same day I’m supposed to go out with Flynn. Joanne said I still have enough time so maybe I could still just enjoy it and tell him about it afterwards but I still cannot believe that Sabastian wants me dead so badly that Joanne risked her life to warn me. This man is crazy and he has no idea what is coming for him. I am going to make sure he pays for everything that he has done to me, the Creek and to my mother. I wonder how my brothers are; how old are they and if they have kids. Fuck, am I an aunt? I needed to clear my mind so I decided to go do my hair and nails. My confidence boost over the past few days has been great and I feel more alive. Being sober has really opened up my heart, mind and soul. I feel free. Yes, I still have unanswered questions, confused thoughts but I’m getting there. My father really has no idea what is coming his way. I left my apartment and got into my car driving towards the salon I know that is at the casino. It’s a really sweet girl that owns the salon and most of the entertainers go to her for their hair and nails. I got out the car after parking and made my way in. “Lyra!” A voice behind me shouted. I turned around and it was Carryn. “Hey! How have you been doing?” I asked and hugged her at the same time. “Well I have been great, no complaints. Wow girl you look amazing, seriously these curves suit you! Wow I think you should come back. These fuckers will pay hundreds to see you on stage.” She said laughing. “Aw thank you Carryn, yeah I’m on a much better road at the moment. Healing and focusing on myself now. I’m sober and clean and picking up weight.” I said laughing too. “I can see yes; your skin is so much clearer as well. Wow I never expected to see this side of you, okay I get that sounded wrong it’s just we all preached and then bang.” She said clapping her hands to interpret thunder. I looked at her laughing. “Yeah, I know it’s just a lot of things has happened, met new people and found out a little bit more about myself too.” I explained. “I can imagine yes, so where you off to now?” She asked. “Well I was going to get my hair and nails done for tonight.” I replied. “Oh, you have a date?” she asked curiously. “In fact, I do.” I said giggling. “Wow Deena will not be able to believe this, oh who is the guy?” She asked almost begging. “Uh Flynn Gordon.” I replied hoping she wouldn’t flip and in fact she did. “Excuse me? The Flynn Gordan that owns a multi-millionaire company? You not serious right now.” She said shockingly. “Yes, it is him.” I said crossing my arms across my chest. Thinking to myself that the people in my life expect Joanne really thought nothing about me and that I will get nowhere in life. “Wow girl, you really moved up the high rider hey. You should introduce me sometime to me.” She said. Yeah right as if I would. “Yeah sure but I have to go now. Cya.” I said and I continued the walk to the salon. “Hi Xena, I see you empty today. I need a serious makeover please.” I stated. “Hey girl! Yes, the girls just left a few minutes ago. What can I do for you?” she asked. “Well my hair is long and black, I’m looking for something different and oh my nails please.” I said. She walked around me flipping and feeling my hair. She tugged and pulled. She took my hands and checked my nails out. “Alright, firstly what is the occasion?” She asked, “Well a first date?” I said also kinda unsure. “Wow okay, and what are you wearing?” She asked. “He bought me a red dress to wear.” I replied. “Shoes? Bag?” she asked shrugging her shoulders. “Nope.” I said. “Sammy come here please. Can you please get me a black clutch bag with black 8 inch please, I think peep toe will work? Take the emergency credit card in the back.” She requested. “Wow uh Xena? Thank you. But why? oh and I do wear a size five okay.” I said. “Because I have watched you for a very long time and hoped this day would come. I could see you different from the others. So, let’s not get all sobby about this and get done. So, I decided I am going to give you a Rihanna cut and keep your hair black. With regards to your nails I am going to also do them Ombre with nude and black okay.” She explained. “Okay that sounds amazing Xena, thank you so much. I’m being picked up at 18:00 so I have about two hours and fifteen minutes left.” I said. “Not a problem, I will be done in an hour.” Two girls were busy with my hands and feet, Xena decided to throw in my feet as well. They cleaned, cut and buffed while my hair was getting washed. I felt so relaxed for the first time. For the first time I was getting myself pampered and I felt really good about myself. Before Xena started on my nails she cut my hair. From my hair being down my lower back to on my shoulders was a massive scare and change but I loved it. After about twenty minutes I was fully complete and it was around 17:15. “Xena, thank you so much for everything you have done today for me. I’m in love with my nails and I’m definitely coming again!” I said hugging her. “It’s my pleasure Lyra, another thing before you go.” She said. “Yeah?” I asked. “Please do congratulate Emily on her pregnancy.” She stated and rushed to another client that walked in. Emily? I thought. Okay I guess they are friends but then she can do it herself. So weird I thought. I rushed home and ran up the driveway. I unlocked and locked the door again after entering. I ran my bath so long while I packed out everything onto the bed that I was too put on. Fuck these heels look so fancy I thought to myself and the dress I just can’t believe I own it. I got into the tub that I filled with some bubbles and oils, all of a sudden my body took heat. I felt hot and uh horny. I haven’t felt this way in a long time but fuck this isn’t the time right now. I started to feel more flustered as I parted my legs a bit to allow the water inside to soothe the heat. I closed my eyes and slipped further into the bath when I heard the door go open. I got such a fright that I slipped and I went right under the water and coming out gasping for air. “Fuck my hair!” I shouted out loud. “Its 18:00 and you still not done yet.” a voice said and I knew it was Flynn. My brief encounter left me a bit off trail and I felt unbalanced. “Uh yeah I’m sorry I got caught up in a few things.” I responded. “Oh you did? Like what?” he said leaning against the door and watching me in the tub. I started to giggle and I slid down into the tub again resting my head on the edge. “I think you should get me a glass of wine please to enjoy with this bubbles.” I stated. I refused to look at him. “Oh, so you want to be fashionable late at the place I booked for us?” He asked walking over to the tub. “Well you are Mr Gordon, I’m sure you can move the booking?” I asked. “Alright, I will do so.” He said standing and looking down at me. Luckily the bubbles covered my entire body and he didn’t really have a good view. He took my hand and examined it. “I’m impressed.” He said and placing my hand down into the water again. “Well let me get that glass of wine for you.” He said walking out the bathroom. I felt so embarrassed, the man was looking so hot and I couldn’t even speak properly or hold his gaze. Like seriously his scent made my current situation worse! Damn he looked fucking sexy in his tux. I wanted him all. While he was busy in the kitchen, I decided to quickly wash up. I heard him talking on the line as well, probably the place he booked for. I was almost done when he walked in with the glass. “Here you go.” He said placing the glass next to the tub. He took off his jacket and rolled up his sleeves. “Let me.” He asked and took the sponge. I sat up holding my breasts so he wouldn’t dare see them. I sat leaning onto my legs as he washed my back slowly. “You know I never thought this day would come that we would or I would be washing your back.” He said. “Yeah.” I said sighing. “You know I love you Lyra, I know it might seem strange that we have only met but we connected. Our wolfs did. We are mates and I want nothing but the best for you. I just want you to give me a chance.” He said drying his hands, and stepping away from the tub. He walked over to the door and stood there. I turned my head over to look at him. His silver eyes reflected at me. I still couldn’t get a word out, he stood there effortlessly with his black hair sleeked to the back. I stood up with no cover at all and I could hear his heart racing. I stood in the tub working my fingers through my shortly cut hair not breaking the gaze. I saw a trickle of sweat running down the side of his face. My grey eyes beamed back at him and that is when he let go. He walked over to me picking up. He stormed out of the bathroom with me in his arms into the bedroom. He laid me down and got on top of me. I reached his face bringing him closer to mine and our lips met. The moment we kissed my pain, my hurt and everything that betrayed me was gone. I forgave everything and everyone. I connected with Flynn, I connected with my mate. Our kissed magnified the years of yearning, the years of needing and wanting. I could feel his hardness between my legs which led to a moan. Our bodies were heated up to a point that any human-being would burn touching us. “Lyra, are you sure?” He whispered. I arched my back against his hardness signalling that I am. I slowly unbuttoned his shirt looking into his eyes.He got back on top of me and kissed me. “Lyra, if we continue it means we have fully mated and you are marked to me.” He said softly. I could sense he was waiting for an outburst or possibly rejection but I gave him non. I pulled him closer, indulging in his scent and then I bit him. He screamed in pleasure. I bit him again on his shoulder this time and he continued. The bites was me marking him assuring him that I wanted this, I wanted him. He pushed me back down onto the bed holding both my arms up above my head. He was out of breath and I could see he no longer could hold it out. He let me go and got off the bed, he took off his pants and slid between my legs. I groaned as I felt his hardness moving up my thighs and settling down as he kissed me further. He looked at me, “You marked me.” He said smirking and trailing his finger from my ankle to my upper thighs. He kissed me one more time before he inserted himself into me. My back arched as his greatness filled me up. He continued to thrust and moan from pleasure. I pulled my upper body towards his chest, I released my canines and bit into his flesh one more time making him cum hard. He fell onto my body, out of breath and unable to talk. Suddenly I felt a surge of electricity in my veins, “Flynn, look.” I said lifting up my arm, I could see all my veins glow. “Yes babe, you’re a full wolf now. Your gift has been full granted and now the ancestors are awaiting you to take your rightful place.” He explained getting off me and holding me in his arms. I watched my veins dim back to normal and looked up at Flynn, he was fast asleep. Wow that was quick I thought to myself. There goes the dinner date I thought to myself. I stood up and went over to my cupboard and pulled out my robe. I headed towards the kitchen and made myself a cup of coffee. My stomach rumbled, I hadn’t eaten anything yet so I made myself a sandwich. I made for Flynn as well, my guy has to eat I thought smiling. I sat on the sofa in front of the television which I switched on. I went through the channels and stopped by some sort of series. Fuck I can hear Flynn snoring from here. I still can’t believe that after all these years I finally found my mate and I’m finally a full wolf. I am Alpha of the Luna pack, well technically not yet but I’m next to take the throne. I sank deeper into the sofa watching the television when I heard Flynn wake; he went into the bathroom. My stomach became filled with butterflies, he always has this effect on me. He came from the bathroom with nothing on but his boxers. As he waked into the television light I could see all the bite marks that left a scar after healing. He felling onto the sofa and onto my chest. I filled my fingers with his black hair and kissed his forehead. I have never felt so whole before, I have never felt so loved and wanted. “Lyra?” he said. “Yeah?” I asked “I’m hungry.” He said and I giggled, he was still half asleep and sounded so sexy. He had this very deep voice which sent tingles down my spine. “I was hoping you would wake up, I made you a sandwich since you caused us to miss our reservation.” I said pouting. “Oh I caused it?” he asked. “Yes you did” I replied and burst into laughter as he got me into a hold, unable to move and started tickling me. My eyes was filled with tears as the nonstop laughter took over my body. Eventually he stopped and I jumped up running into the kitchen. I took the plate out of the microwave and my mobile rang, I put down the plate and picked up my mobile; unknown number. Who would be calling after 23:00 at night I thought picking up the phone. “Hello?” I greeted. No answer, just breathing. “Hello?” I repeated and by this time Flynn sat up on the sofa looking at me, he probably sensed and heard. “Lyra?” the voice asked. “Yes, who are you?” I asked. “It’s me, your mother.” The voice whispered. “Mom?” I asked. “You and Flynn need to run please. Sabastian’s henchman is coming before the full moon to kill you both so that you don’t become Alpha.” She said and the line cut. I looked up and Flynn jumped over the couch running to me. I screamed. I cried. I just heard my mother’s voice after thirteen years. The pain and betrayal flooded again. Flynn held onto me as I screamed, never have I ever screamed the way I did. “It’s okay baby, everything will be okay. I am here and never leaving you okay.” He kept repeating to reassure me. Eventually my crying drifted me into sleep. I could feel Flynn picking me up from the floor and into the bedroom. He laid me into his arms and I slumbered into a deep sleep.


Chapter 6


Emily’s POV

Ever since the day Safar came to me I feel as if my whole life is a mess. It started when for the first time I had a drink at the casino. I wanted to unwind a bit and just relax as Flynn’s workload was not that much anymore. He sealed a few deals, made good contacts and I just wanted to be me for once. Not the witch who ran away from the coven and hiding as a personal assistant for a multi-millionaire wolf. I remember the barman making me a cocktail, my first cocktail. It tasted so good I had a few more and it continued to vodka. In a short period of time I was completely waisted and I made my way to Flynn’s room. I was so intoxicated that my magic was even more dulled out which made my mind weak. I cannot remember all the details but I know we had sex. I used a spell on us both but because of all the weird shit that was happening around me, I had to call in an old friend who reversed the spell on myself only. Flynn still does not remember unless I reverse it. When Safar put her hands into my mind to unlock it, every bit flashed back. I saw the way we had sex, what he did and what I did. Safar mentioned the blood on the bed means I am marked for death. Yes, I was cloaked and shielded from the witches that are trying to track me but because of the child within me; I no longer can hide. The pregnancy won’t last that long, our gestation period is shorter and quicker because we are magical and mystical. About four weeks and then I will be a mother so I am growing really quick. I decided to not tell Flynn anything, I know it’s very wrong but we have been through hell and back. He has been beaten and nearly killed just so that he could find his mate. To be with her and save the creek. Too much is on stake and what will Lyra do should she find out that before she even mated with Flynn, he got a witch pregnant. No that cannot happen, I won’t let it happen. I can do this on my own and I will, I may be marked for death but I will keep fighting and running. I refuse to be under the coven that is being led by corrupt witches. I remember one night in the village, I went to fetch water from the lake. I did not want to get up so early the next morning to do so, I then decided the night before. I walked past one of the head houses and saw the lights on. It was very strange as it was late and the elders usually would sleep early due to plenty of duties the next day. I walked past the window and they were busy doing or practicing dark magic spells. That was the night I ran because when I heard them I fell over my bucket and they caught me outside. I ran, ran and never looked back. They tracked me a few times, been on my trail a few times but I was also a step ahead. I know they are scared I will report them to their higher – Maru Hik. He is located deep in the China mountains. He is our Sire and creator. He created a witch clan who then expanded the witch generation. Maru Hik does not physically live anymore but his soul was placed into a stone for communication. He can also travel between worlds, dimensions and spiritual places too. Now my plan was not to go and report them but to just get away. I was hidden in a dark forest when Flynn found me. That is the day we became friends, we fought together, ran together and lived together. He is like a brother to me and I know I am like a sister to him. I promised that I will always be by his side and guide him to his true love, I promised I will heal every wound. I promised him. Safar offered me a place to stay that was far from Flynn, she explained her place is veiled meaning that no witch will ever find her. I remember that Safar was chosen to be an apprentice amongst the elders, her powers were stronger than her generation. She ran when she witnessed a witch being slaughtered in a dark magic ritual. I knew Flynn was occupied with Lyra and since the full moon will be arriving in the next week, I won’t see him for the next two weeks. I packed my things from the hotel and left Flynn a note on his bed. “Dearest Flynn, I’m going to be away for a few days. Please don’t worry about work now. I will manage the branches on my own. Please do take your time with Lyra, the full moon is coming up and you are going to need your full strength for the battle. Please don’t worry about me okay, I’m with Santina. We are catching up. I really do hope everything works out for you and Lyra. I wish you all the happiness. See you soon. Love, Emmy” I wrote. I placed the note onto his bed and left the hotel room. Safar was already waiting for me outside and I hopped in. “You okay?” she asked and driving off. “I don’t know yet Safar, I feel as if I’m doing the biggest betrayal towards someone I love.” I said. “Well remember I did tell you that at the end of the day it is your choice to tell him about the baby and most importantly break the spell for him to remember. I understand your point and why you are doing this, I just hope when things are settled you will tell him.” She said. “Yes, I hope so too. I don’t know what the future holds for me. You said it yourself that I am marked for death. No way I can escape that shit.’ I told her. We drove for a couple more minutes until we reached her house. It was a really nice neighbourhood, green grass, clean sidewalks and massive houses. We drove into her driveway and we got out. “So, you can stay in one of the top rooms. You can choose.” She said opening the door and walking into the house. “The attic is where the magic things are stored and has a much stronger veiling spell to it than the house. It will be great if you can store your stuff in there okay.” She said walking to the kitchen. “You have a really have a beautiful house.” I shouted to her from the lounge. I looked at myself in the mirror, I was growing really fast. My dress covered the baby bump that was there already and there was no way I could have stayed with Flynn. “Thank you, Emily what’s wrong?” she asked. “Nothing, I was just checking out my stomach. It really grew fast.” I stated rubbing it and still looking in the mirror. “Yeah, the unfortunate case of being mystical and powerful. Babies with in a four-week span.” She said laughing. “So which room can I take?” I asked. “Any room Emily.” She replied. “Uh do I stay here as well when the baby is born?” I asked looking at her. She looked at me sighing. “Of cause Emily, where else? This is the only place that can temporally guard you during the pregnancy and the birth. But please do remember that it can depend on the ancestors as well okay. If they want to burn this fucking house down they will do it with a snap of a finger.” She said. I nodded and went upstairs to choose a room and get settled in. It was not many rooms, just four to be exact with a bathroom for each which I liked. I decided on a room that overlooked the front of the house, I’m still on guard and whatever tried to get in, I will be able to see. While I was packing in my clothes into the cupboards, I wondered how Flynn was doing. The full moon is coming up so there is a big battle awaiting him. I wonder if he got through to Lyra and if they mated, I told him that the bond will be stronger and once she mated, their wolf ancestors will accept her choices on the pack. The thought of carrying his child without him knowing hurts me, but if I tell him, what will become of him. What will become of his pack battle. Then an idea popped into my mind. “Safar, come here please.” I shouted down stairs. “I’m coming” She shouted back. She walked up into the room. “Nice choice with the room. What’s up?” she asked. “Well, I was wondering if you are able to do a protection spell on Flynn and Lyra?” I asked. “I can’t Emmy, the full moon is magic beyond mine and their lives have been written already. There is no way I can tamper with wolfs baby girl. No way. I know you mean well but it’s really impossible.” She explained. “I know that yes, I just thought because your magic is stronger.” I said. “Do you want to see him maybe? Check if his okay?” she asked. “That would be great and reassuring yes.” I said rubbing my growing belly. Safar chanted her spell into the mirror that stood against the wall and there he was. He and Lyra finally mated and bonded. I could see their bond and strength is beyond what I could ever imagine. They were at a restaurant having breakfast, they were laughing and they were happy. His dream came true, this is what he deserved and she too. They both. I didn’t realise I was crying until Safar gave me a tissue. “Are you sure you love him just as a friend Emily?” she asked. “Yes, you can even do a truth spell or whatever. It’s just, I know what he went through and he might lose Lyra and what they will built together if they found out about the child.” I said. I looked up at Safar once she ended the spell. I started to cry, I sobbed. Safar held me tight. “Now now Emmy. Everything will be alright. You have been through worse than this.” She said, “I have bastard child Safar!” I said crying. “Oh, don’t say that Emily. I’m here okay. You will get through this. Why don’t you take a long bath while I prepare supper okay?” she said hugging me one more time. Once Safar left I decided to do exactly what she said, take a bath. I took out some pyjamas and made my way towards the bathroom. I filled up the tub and got undressed. I peeped out the bathroom window, I don’t know why I did it but something just told me to check if anyone was outside. I got into the bath shaking off that quick strange feeling and soaked beneath the warm waters. Today was a really tough day, in overall the whole week already. Finding out that I had sex with Flynn, cast a spell to make us forget it, finding out I’m pregnant, getting in touch with an old friend who broke the spell on me and then lastly finding out that I’m marked for death. I how am I going to raise a child or even give birth knowing I am marked for death. I can basically die at any time. All of a sudden, I felt a surge of drowsiness. I tried sitting up and keeping my eyes open but I couldn’t, instead I slipped deeper under water. I couldn’t breathe, I felt paralysed. I slumbered into a dark place. I woke up in a house that looked so familiar, I felt my belly; okay the baby is still with me. I got up off the bed and looked around the room. It was mine! My old room! Back in the village! I scurried back onto the bed in the corner in horror. The elders broke through Safar’s magic and found me, I thought terrified. The baby put me on the radar. Suddenly I heard footsteps coming. It stopped outside the room door. I closed my eyes to not see my death at hand, to not see them. “Child?” The voice said. I slowly looked up. “Mother?” I asked. “Yes, I did not think it would work to get your spirit here.” She explained. I got up from the bed and rushed to her side. “I’m so sorry.” I said sobbing into her arms. “It’s okay Emarie, I know what happened and nobody blames you for fleeing.” She said, “It’s time to come home now.” She stated. “How can I? I am marked for death. The elders will kill me.” I said “Emarie, they were all executed years ago, we have a new coven. Everything is okay. Everything is safe. We are safe.” She explained smiling. “I don’t believe you. My bed was filled with blood, I am marked.” I said stepping away from my mother. “This is not real.” I shouted. Suddenly my mother gave out a wicked laugh and her face changed into Yuri; one of the strongest elders. I screamed in horror and suddenly things went dark around me and I gasped for air. My chest was burning and I felt as if I was dying. Suddenly I saw light and my lungs filled with air as Safar pulled me out from under the water. “redi, redi. cseca go away, taedia auferetur tenebris” Safar continued to chant, her eyes were rolled to the back and white. Blood was coming from her nose. The moment I was able to get control of my body I grabbed her by her arms and shook her. “Safar stop! Safar you are killing yourself!” I said shouting. Her body was trembling, I knew that she was fighting off the elder who got through to me. Fuck if I use magic now I will be completely exposed. She risked her life, I owe her and decided that my magic and hers could at least kick Yuri off balance. “redi, redi. cseca go away, taedia auferetur tenebris” I repeated her every word, fighting back the darkness. I drove deep into my soul pulling out my powers that I kept hidden. We both continued until I saw her body stop trembling and her heart pacing normal. The bleeding stopped and I knew that we did it. We won now but the fight was not over. I took a wet cloth, wiped her face and blood, she was under a lot of strain and her body is still weak. “sequere me leva” I said and her body lifted off the floor, and floated in the air as I led her body to rest on the bed. I put on my pyjamas and got into bed next to her. I pulled the blankets up to cover her and myself. I cradled my stomach, I cradled my baby. I did not want her or myself to sleep alone. We need each other to fight off what is coming. They know where we are and they know we are together. What Safar thought is a safe house is now a ticking bomb. She was safe before I came into her life, we both ran away. She had her own way of hiding and me as well; this all started with one night. One night that got me pregnant. I did not mean for this to happen especially to Safar. I started crying and that is when she woke up. “Please stop crying, there is nothing we can do now but fight.” She said. I looked at her and hugged her. “You’re okay!” I said. “Yes, you saved my life Emarie. Thank you baby girl.” She said sighing of relief. “We are not safe anymore.” I said “I know yes. Soon they will be here and we need to be prepared.” She said staring up at the ceiling laying on her back. I turned and laid on my back as well, “After so many years we are going to fight back. Why don’t we try and take over the coven?” I asked. “Don’t be crazy, I was thinking we head to China, to report this.” She explained. “Well that does sound like a proper plan. We should have done it years ago. Yuri really fucked me over with using my mother.” I said “Yeah I know. They know that is your weakness and used it against you, but believe me when I say that your mother is still safe and alive. They know that someday you might come back for her and that is how they would have gotten you.” she explained “I never would have gone back.” I said. “Why not?” she asked. “Because even when I was there, I felt controlled. Syber really needs a new coven before I even think of going back but now I have no choice. A fight is approaching, witches and the wolfs and there is nothing that can stop it.” I explained. “That is true yes, our magic together is strong I must admit. We just need a few more practice sessions and to lay out what spells will be used to detain the coven and especially against Yuri.” She stated. “Yeah, I thought as much. So, when do you plan on going to China?” I asked. “I was thinking in the next two days. It just gives me some time to also get a temporary manager for the store and sort my shit out. Are you going to join me? You have to, you not safe alone.” She said and asked. “I guess but I’m scared, I’m carrying a Hybrid child and walking into sacred ground can cause my death as well.” I said “Maybe, maybe not. It is a risk. Many centuries ago Hybrid child were killed. There has not been one from then until now, a child you are carrying. Hybrids were a sin, I’m not sure if the laws have changed but I will find out okay and then we can decide from there.” She explained. “Goodnight Safar.” I said “Night Emarie.”


Chapter 7


Lyra’s POV

I woke up with so much sorrow. Even though I was in Flynn’s arms, hearing my mother’s voice last night was just heart breaking. Today marks a 48hours until the full moon which means me and Flynn should be ready because at any moment; we could get ambushed. I am not sure what the plan is and I’m hoping once Flynn wakes up, we can talk things through. I’m also not sure about challenging my father, I am so scared. I’m scared that once I step into the Creek, I would become the scared little girl again. The damaged, rejected and addict girl that once lived within me. I just wish that all of this we did not need to go through. I finally found my mate, I’m happy and healed but now I need to fight for my life, I need to fight for us. I slowly crawled from underneath Flynn’s arm to jump into the shower before I start with breakfast, we have a long day ahead full of planning. I quickly undressed and hopped in. The water was hot and it relaxed my muscles putting me at ease and out of sight from any sort of stress that has taken over my mind since last night. As I turned around to face the shower door, Flynn stood there grinning at me. “Oh, c’mon Flynn! That is so creepy!” I said squealing at him. He laughed at me ridiculously. “Really now? You laughing? You nearly gave me a heart attack.” I stated. He started to undress and got in. He gave me a hug from the back, it was so soothing. His arms wrapped around me kissing me in my neck as the water sprayed against our bodies. I could feel our bodies radiate heat and his hardness forming against my back. I turned to him and cupped his face in my hands bringing him closer to mine as both his hands rested against the shower wall. Our lips touched and once again, electricity filled the room. I groaned as he pressed against my pelvis and I pulled on his hair as he kissed me down my neck, trail down my nipples to my belly button. He swiftly picked me up and I leaned against the shower wall with my back as his face went between my legs. “Flynn” I moaned out loud. He lifted me higher up against the wall as he kissed and licked me between my legs. I could feel an orgasm approaching, I pulled his head further down between my legs as I clung onto his shoulders. The muscles in body started to stiffen as the orgasm ripped through my body making me collapse weirdly on Flynn. He put me down and turned me around; having my face rest against the now hot wall. He inserted himself from the back and thrusted hard and fast. His moaning and mine seemed like an endless sex song on repeat until he reached his point of satisfaction. He turned me around and kissed me breathlessly. “Lyra Mucker, I love you so much that not even the full moon would ever separate me from you.” He said. “Flynn, I love you too.” I responded to him caressing his cheek. We both finished up in the shower and hopped out. I got dressed in the bedroom and he in the bathroom. “Flynn, you do know that we need to talk. Can we do it now? We don’t have much time.” I shouted to him. “Yeah, we need to. Let me start with the breakfast so long. Sorry I disrupted your morning plans.” He shouted back laughing. Yeah yeah I thought to myself smiling. Once I was finished dressing I went to the lounge and fell onto the sofa, I reached for my phone and checked any miscall or messages. Alright three voicemails, I dialled to listen to them. >> You’re fired! << is what I heard when I just put down the mobile instead of listening to it any further and to the rest. The past few days have just not been good and work was the last thing on my mind. Sorry Mason, I thought to myself. “Here babe.” Said Flynn giving me a cup of coffee. “Thank you, do you think I could phone back to her?” I asked. “No, it won’t be a good idea. Breakfast is almost done okay. Once we done eating then we can talk okay.” He said making his way back to the kitchen. I went through my phone and fiddled my finger over the dial button looking at the number. I so badly wanted to call the number again, I wanted to hear her voice again and speak to her. I then decided to try a text message. >> Hi Mom. << and I pressed send. My stomach turned as I became anxious. >>Child, it is not safe to do this. << she replied. Oh fuck, I wanted to just jump for joy because I received a reply. >> I need to see you, we need to talk. << I replied again. “Breakfast is ready!” Flynn shouted coming with the plates into the lounge. I got such a fright that my mobile jumped from one hand to another hand and then onto the floor. “Uh what are you doing?” Flynn asked. “Nothing, oh my goodness I was just thinking about a few things. I was in my own world and didn’t expect you to shout.” I tried explaining. He still gave me a strange grim. I took the plate that was filled with a scrumptious English breakfast. We both started eating when my phone vibrated. Flynn was glued to his plate and television so I checked out the message. >> I love you Emarie, do not reply. <>Hello?<< I answered. >>Lyra, you are here?<< She asked. >>Yes mother, I’m going to save the Creek.<< I replied bravely. >>My daughter please be careful. Your father is full of rage and hatred. His men was sent out to kill you in Las Vegas, he does not know yet that you are here. I felt you, I heard your heart. It’s a mothers bond by birth.<< she explained and I almost burst into tears hearing that. >>Everything will be okay. I promise.<< I replied. Things went quiet and then the line cut. I gave a sigh of disappointment and sat on the edge of the tub with my head in my hands. Fuck I thought, I just made a big promise and I have to keep it. “Lyra?” Flynn called. “Still busy.” I shouted. “Come out please.” He asked me. Strange. I slowly opened the door and Flynn was sitting on the bed leaning with his elbows on his knees watching me. “You haven’t showered yet, come sit. We need to talk.” He said. I slowly made my way over to the bed and sat. “Lyra, you have been speaking to your mother since that night.” He said and as I tried to say something he stopped me. “It is okay, you did not have to hide it from me. I really do understand.” He said. “I’m hiding things from you? I basically gave my heart to you, I pulled my heart out of its jail just to have it fucking crushed again?” I yelled at him. “Please do not speak to me like this.” He said staring at me. “Flynn, you lied to me! You and Emily?” I told him. “I lied to you? Oh so you just believed the shit that bitch said? Are you that gullible?” he screamed at me. His eyes turned silver and I knew he anger was increasing. “Do you know why I killed that bitch? I got beaten and nearly killed every time I got to close to you. She snitched on me, stalked me and followed me. She is your fathers messenger and eyes. Hence the name MIST!” he shouted once again. “She is a fucking fox Lyra, so you have been angry at me the whole time over some bullshit story that you heard without hearing me out first?” He said hitting the wall. I flinched, I closed my eyes as the tears fell down my cheeks. “I killed her for us Lyra and no I have never ever been with Emily. Never.” He said softly after seeing my tears. He sat down again onto the bed next to me holding his face into his hands. I couldn’t speak. “Lyra, I know what you have been through and every time I tried; I got ambushed. The last attack I had was when I landed in LV. The day before we connected. I literally played dead for them to stop, if Emily did not find me I would have been dead.” He said. I took a deep breath and put my hands onto his leg. “I’m sorry Flynn. I truly I am.” I told him softly. He looked up at me, put his hand around my neck and pulled me closer. “I know you hurt, me too. Together we can heal and be happy okay.” He said and he kissed me. I love this man, I truly do.



Chapter 8


Lyra’s POV

I woke up to Flynn’s scent and strong arms around me. I haven’t really slept through the night because tomorrow is the full moon and today I face my father. I have to be strong, I promised my mother everything will be okay. Yesterday’s fight with Flynn really gutted me, I never want us to go through that again. “Lyra?” Flynn questioned. “Yeah?” I responded. “When last did you run?” he asked. “I thought you were sleeping. The night I escaped the Yeeler pack, I think it was about four years ago.” I said closing my eyes again. Flynn pulled me closer into his arms and breathed in my scent. “You need too, well of cause you going to have to but just before you leave to the Creek.” He said. “I’m not ready yet” I said. “What you mean? You are the Golden wolf” he asked. “I know, I have gotten use to my runt look. So, the new look might scare me off.” I said laughing as I saw Flynn’s shocked face to my reason. “I love you Flynn so much it hurts.” I said cupping his face. “Where exactly does it hurt?” he said smirking. “Oh c’mon.” I said jumping out of the bed. He jumped out too and picked me up. He hugged me and turned me around. “I love you too Miss Mucker and soon to be Mrs Gordon.” He said. “Mrs Gordon? Oh, I don’t recall you asking me to marry you.” I said sarcastically. “Soon.” He said giving me a big smile. “Alright Flynn, jokes aside. What is the plan of action for today?” I asked nervously. “Well we have to get breakfast, have a shower and off you go to save the creek.” He said falling back onto the bed and trying to act serious. “That is such an amazing plan. Wow thank you for being such a good wolf boy.” I said standing there and clapping my hands. “Lyra, I am serious, you know already that you need to request a Madirah should the pack refuse to let go of the Alpha. When you win, you cast out all the wolfs that followed your father unless they change and follow your ways.” He explained. “Sounds simple, I make my way to the Creek. Introduce myself as the Golden wolf, kill my father if they do not let him go as the Alpha blah blah” I said to him. “Spot on babe.” He said. “Have you heard anything from Emily yet?” I asked him and not looking at him. I could feel his eyebrow raised on that question. “No, nothing but once everything in the Creek is sorted and you are safe; I want to go to the witch’s village. They are not too far off from the Creek.” He explained “Oh, I didn’t know the witches are also situated in this area.” I said shockingly. “I swear I never saw one witch when I stayed here.” I responded again. “You won’t yes, they don’t mingle to well with the wolfs however I know there was an ancient deal signed between us. All we know is that we stay out of each other’s ways and do not kill each other. That is it and how we were raised.” He said. “I do hope she is okay, I know this is unlike her. So, what is happening to your business at the moment?” I asked. “Very good question my love.” He said kissing me. “I just checked up on my stand in manager now and assistant, all my branches are still up and running. Orders and payments are well, no crisis.” He said. “That’s great, okay let’s clean up.” I said shooing him off the bed. As I was making up the bed, Flynn hoped into the shower. I cleaned up, took out my clothes for the day as well and preparing to take a shower too. I decided to go casual because I know I will be changing into a wolf. I took out my black jean with long sleeve halter neck top and my sneakers. Fuck today my short hair should just work with me for once. I packed up the rest of our things neatly onto the bed as Flynn came out the bathroom dressed already. “While you taking a shower, I will go and get us some breakfast okay.” He said kissing me again. “Okay, please don’t be too long. I’m hungry.” I stated. “Don’t worry babe, I love you.” He said as he left the room. “I love you too!” I yelled back hoping he heard.

Two hours later and I’m still waiting on Flynn. I have showered, dressed and finished up cleaning and still no sign of him. I have rung about six times already but his mobile just rings. I’m getting really worried, we are really close to the Creek and anything could happen. For fucks sake my father’s plan could have even changed overnight! I decided to make my way down to the reception to ask them in which direction they might have seen Flynn go. “Morning, have you guy seen a tall guy, black spikey hair. He is wearing a black t-shirt and blue jeans.” I stated. “Morning, yes I saw Mr Gordon earlier. He asked me the nearest food place to which I told him to take a right at the entrance and he will see the burger shop.” She explained to me. “Thank you” I said and made my way out. I saw the place almost immediately but police cars were surrounding the place. I ran towards the place and stopped a stranger. “What’s going on?” I asked her. “There was a fight but they got away. The place was messed up. They even had a dog attack some poor guy.” She explained. My heart and soul dropped by hearing those words. “What was he wearing? The guy that got attacked?” I asked almost in tears. “Uh I think a black t-shirt.” She replied looking at me strangely. “Do you know the guy?” she asked me. “Uh no, sorry wrong person.” I replied and turned around. My tears started rolling down my cheeks and I kept wiping them away but fuck they wouldn’t stop and I can’t even think straight. I crossed the road to a park and sat on one of the swings. They took him, I know it was them. I don’t know if his dead or alive. This could even be a way to get me to the Creek, well that was my whole fucking plan. They didn’t need to take him, kill him. My heart was burning as I felt the rage fill through my veins. Now is not the time to lose control over you wolf; I then stood up and bravely made my way south towards the Creek. My father took everything away from me, he stripped me and made me a runt because of his greediness. He caused my emotional suffering for all these years because he kept my mate away and now that I found him he takes him away again. Not a fuck. Then I hear my mother had to choose for the sake of the Luna pack, which I understand because he would have slaughtered everything. This is done, I am done standing back and I am going to fight for what is right. My chest started to burn, my stomach rumbled. I was really hungry and thirsty. The long dusty dirt road that I walked down at least had a few shops. I stopped at one and just bought me a take-way pie and soda. Once I reached the end of the road I just had a field to cross and over a small cliff and I would be there. I’m currently in dangerous grounds meaning that my father’s men could be anywhere right now but I know for a fact that this was a planned move. They are waiting for me. I know it. The pie and soda did not help that much, I still had some space that I could fill with food. I came to the end of the road. I took a deep breath, if the thought the road was dangerous, this is the dangerous part. I’m going to be crossing the border now. I started my walk through the field, I remember this field very well. I ran through it the night I got banished and thrown out. My heart started to pace as I smelled the wolfs on the other side of the cliff, I just had to be strong. I’m no little girl anymore, I have been through hell and back. The ancestors chose me for a reason. I am the Golden wolf I thought to myself. In no time I crossed the border and stood in front of the cliff. In front of this cliff stands the wolf village. I kneeled on one knee and said a prayer. I got up and started the climb up the cliff. I felt electricity going through my veins, I looked at my arms and saw my veins are glowing again. The ancestors are with me, I know this is what they want and I know they are protecting me all the way. Half way through the climb up I could feel my wolf waken. She was ready for what is next. She howled inside of me, she was ready. I was ready. Although I have been avoiding this for a long time, I can’t wait to see my father’s face as I take my rightful place. I can’t wait to fix what is broken and I can’t wait to build what should have been build. The huts and sheds started peeking out as I climbed higher, the Luna pack was extremely traditional by the way they live. They do not socialise with the outside world and basically still live in an era of Queen Victoria. Finally I was on top and looking down below to the tiny village. Everyone who was walking and working stopped immediately in their tracks and looked up to me. Everyone turned there gaze to me.

I looked down at them all, I stood tall and did not flinch. I wonder if they know who I am I thought to myself. The crowds gathered closer, kids ran with their mothers towards me. I could see they were preparing for the Full Moon feast and run. “Who are you?” someone shouted from the crowd towards me. “I am Lyra Mucker, Golden Wolf born from the Luna pack!” I shouted to all and kept my pose. Everyone gasped in disbelief. “Impossible!”, “Ridiculous!”, “You’re an Imposter!” the crowd shouted back at me. “Why would you not believe?” I shouted back. “Lyra Mucker is dead!” someone shouted. I could feel rage boiling u inside of me and my wolf was not happy as well. I slowly walked down the cliff when three people or more transformed into wolfs, I still did not flinch. I don’t blame them for how they feel but I will not be intimidated either. I could hear the growls at my ankles when someone shouted. “STOP!” a man shouted through the crowd. The crowd split and gave way, immediately they bowed. I could feel my heart racing and I knew it was my father. I did not show any sort of being submissive to him and I looked him straight in my eyes as he made his way towards me. “Well look what we have here, isn’t this my dead daughter?” he said smirking and everyone gasped upon hearing that I truly am Lyra Mucker. I could feel my teeth wrenching and fists forming, my tears were probably near too. “Say something Lyra.” He said again. “I challenge you to a Madirah.” I stated. Everyone around me couldn’t believe what they heard. My father stared at me and tilted his head. “You want to challenge me? To be Alpha? You just a little runt that I kicked out of the pack many moons ago.” He said laughing. “Oh, so you are admitting now in front of the pack that you kicked me out?” I said crossing my arms across my chest. “I am Alpha and I do and say as I please.” He said with a low growl, “How about we discuss this inside this inside? Maybe you would like to see your mother and siblings my dear daughter.” He said smiling. I could not help myself and I slapped him right across the face. “Go to hell.” I said back in a growl, “I’m saying this again. I am challenging you to a Madirah; do you accept?” I asked staring at him. The crowd around us started to cheer and by now I’m sure they accepted who I am. He wiped his mouth and looked at me. “Yes, I do accept. The challenge will take place in one hour.” He said angrily. He then turned around and walked off. I gave a sigh of relief. “Child, are you really Lyra?” an old lady asked me. “Yes, I truly am.” I replied. “I saw you when you were just a pup running around the dusty roads. You have grown beautiful.” She said and I smiled. “Are you here to save us?” another asked. “Yes, I am. I am going to bring this village the joy that it deserves and the riches in culture.” I responded. “Child, are you the Golden wolf?” another elderly woman asked. “I am yes.” I responded. I felt flustered by all the questions. “Alright everyone, can you give Lyra some space.” A woman said coming from behind the crowd. It was my mother, she has not aged a bit. Her black locks still met her lower back and her eyes still crystal blue. “Mother!” I squealed and ran to her. I hugged her dearly and she held on to me as if her life depended on it. She pulled away and cupped my face, “Are you okay?” she asked with tears in her eyes. “Well, for now I am but something terrible happened.” I stated. She took my worryingly and steered me away from the crowd towards the house. “Your father went into the woods to prepare for the Madirah, he is furious Lyra.” She said as we walked into the house. Everything was still the same, the photos, the smell and furniture. Nothing changed. “Home.” I said out loud as I breathed in the smells of food being cooked for tomorrows festivities. We both sat down around the kitchen table. “Child, you have grown so well. You are my true reflection. I am so sorry for what has happened.” She tried to explain. “You need not explain anything anymore, My mate; Flynn Gordon explained everything to me.” I replied. “Ah yes, very well then. What is wrong.” She asked. “Well he went missing and I have a good feeling that father is behind it. A on looker mentioned that a dog was present with a few men who beat him up and dragged him out of the restaurant a few hours ago.” I explained to her. She looked down. “Mother? If you know where he is, you need to tell me now.” I said in a more raised voice. “I don’t know 100% but it does sound like your father’s doings. What I will do is try and find him for you. Once you and your father gather for the Madirah, I will go look. Not having your father around the entire village will give me a slim chance to search.” She said. “Very well.” I said and a wolf pup strolled through the front door. “Oh Goodness, who might this cutey belong too?” I asked stroking him. He yelped at me to stroke him further. “That is Samuel, your nephew. Sylvester’s son.” My mother explained. I felt an urge of heartache. I missed out on my brothers growing up and their kids. “Don’t worry, you are here now and that is all that matters.” My mother said taking my hand. “I know your reasons and why everything has happened but I can’t help but still have anger towards you.” I said looking down “I wouldn’t expect it any other way. Wait here, I will be right back.” She said and left the kitchen. She came back shortly with a black little box. “I kept this for you hoping that one day we will meet again.” She said and I took the box from here. “What is it?” I asked. “Opened it.” She replied. I opened the box and in it was a gold necklace with a silver stone place in a pendent. This was the most beautiful necklace I have ever seen in my life. “Mother, I can’t accept this.” I said. “It’s yours, it was given to me while I was in labour with you. I knew and your father knew that you were conceived as the Golden wolf Lyra. This necklace was given to me by the elders, for you.” She explained. I looked at it in the box and took it out. The moment my skin touched the necklace, the bell rang. Signalling the Madirah is about to start. “Quickly, put it on Lyra. You don’t have much time. This necklace bears your gifts and with it on it will help you through your change.” She said and got up to help me with it. “Thank you mother.” I said. “Lyra I love you. Make me proud and be safe. I will go and check for Flynn okay.” She said and hurried out. I stood in the house still praying that his okay. I can’t lose him. After three minutes of the bell ringing it stopped, meaning that the pack was ready to receive the opponents. I took a deep breath and stepped out the house and taking a right. The battle field was further up away from the cliff I climbed over. The village was completely cleared, nobody in sight. I could hear clapping, probably Sabastian that arrived on the field. I was nearly there when Samuel ran up to me. He took my hand and walked with me. I nearly cried. His such a sweet boy, I could feel he depended on me to save this village. I walked over the little bridge that entered onto the field and I could not believe my eyes. I could not believe what I saw. Little Samuel ran across the field after changing into a pup and left me there, in front of the field. Are they here for me? I thought.


Chapter 9


Lyra’s POV

I looked across the field which was surrounded by neighbouring wolf packs to witness the Madirah. From the Tunda pack right up to the Sawli pack, more than a hundred wolfs gathered. Right in front was the elders; Huna, Fyra, Lera, Sumah and Jerv. They looked really good for being over a hundred years old. I walked to the middle of the field and silence took over all packs, not a sound could be heard. My father followed the lead and approached to the middle as well, I looked him straight in his eyes to which he smiled back at me. I gave a sigh of irritation. Honestly this man irks me and I would love to see him dead. Huna then came forward and stood between us. “Wolfs, Welcome to the Madirah between Sabastian Mucker and Lyra Mucker. Now I do understand your confusion, father and daughter up against each other. Through sad circumstances this has happened. Thank you everyone for traveling to bear witness. Before we start, each one will state their case in front of the elders so that the last wolf standing will be truthfully accepted as the Alpha tomorrow on the full moon.” He explained. Huna stepped aside and gave me the platform to face every wolf. I closed my eyes, took a deep breath and looked at them all. “Today I stand here as Lyra Mucker, Golden wolf born out of the Luna pack whose father had banished for greed. This man who leads you threw me away, this man who leads you is full of corruption and this man who leads does not love anyone of you but himself. Because of him I was captured by the Yeeler pack and treated as a rogue, as the runt when in fact I should be leading. Today I stand here, with a heart full of joy because I got to see my family, to smell my home again and to feel the ground I once ran on as a pup. This man that leads you, stripped that all away from me. He is hungry for power and this ends today. I am going to take his place and put us back again on the map. I am going to continue with our rich cultural ways, we are the Luna pack. Born directly from the moon.” I shouted lifting my first up in the air as the wolfs howled agreeing to every word. “Now dad, what do you have to say now?” I said turning around to him. Huna looked shockingly at Sabastian as if he was disgraced by following him in the first place. Sabastian looked at me with so much rage, his face turned slightly red from anger and burst into a wolf launching me. As he launched, another wolf cut him off. I looked up, I was the only one still in human form. Everyone turned. The wolf that cut him off had him down onto the floor, who could this wolf be I thought as he changed back to human form. “Sylvester?” I asked. “Sister.” He said bowing his head to me. He walked off the field still watching over me, I smiled at him. Sabastian got up and shook him from the dust. He changed back and approached me. “If you don’t leave now your mate will die.” He said chuckling and walking away from me towards the elders. My stomach turned, my heart raced and I could no longer stand still. I will not allow this, I will not allow myself to be stepped on again. My veins began to glow, my eyes gleamed silver. Every wolf saw this and howled to embrace my change. I launched into the air as every bone cracked and broke, every bone inside of me twisted and turned and every bone that put itself back together again like a puzzle. I landed onto the ground and the earth shook, with every step I took, it shook a little bit more. By now Sabastian fell to the ground laying a few feet in front of me. I haven’t changed in years and this was my first time showing my true form. I kept my eyes low onto him, I slowly walked and I made sure he knew I was coming for him. I could smell his fear when he saw me, I could already taste his blood. My paws gently scratched the earth as I paced forward. “Please, Lyra. You can’t kill me. I am your father.” He said as I approached him. I looked up at everyone, they all stood amazed as they have never seen a Golden wolf in flesh. Then suddenly I heard a cry for help, I looked to my right as a wolf was being pulled by its hinds onto the field by some men. I turned and saw that it was Flynn. As I was about to run, Sabastian turned into a wolf and grabbed me by my tail. I jerked a bit to the back and fell. He ran towards Flynn and I chased him. I was much faster than him and got hold of him by his neck throwing him through the air to the back of me. I then ran further towards Flynn. The men that had him let go him go in fear and ran away from me. I stood in front of him. He wasn’t dead but severely weak. I could hear his heart. Sabastian came running towards me and I knew this is our moment. I ran towards him and as we collided I bit into his neck. I was much bigger than him and he stood no chance against me. Nobody did. He bit back but my fur would allow him to get to my flesh. I rammed my teeth deeper and the moment I felt his warm blood dripping through my teeth I let him go and dropped him onto the ground. He wasn’t dead, just really hurt. He yelped in pain, he looked at me with fear in his eyes as I changed back to my human form. “You are not my father, you are not of me and I will never be anything of you.” I shouted to him with so much overwhelmed and emotion as he changed back as well. The crowd overlooked us, my mother in the meantime ran to Flynn’s aid “Lyra please, this Madirah was a mistake. Me taking Flynn was a mistake too. Just let me go and you can become Alpha. I promise, they in any case won’t allow me to be Alpha.” He said pleading and holding onto his bleeding neck. “I did not struck a vein for a reason. I am done with you, I am done with all of this.” I said in more emotion and this time crying as well. “You have no idea what you have done to me, how much pain and hurt you have caused over my life. You have no idea how unloved I felt, how I constantly got raped in the Yeeler pack, abused and treated as if I’m not something. You deserve nothing but hell.” As I said those words, I dug my hand deep into his chest and filled my hand around his heart. “Fuck you.” I said and ripped his heart out. I looked him in his eyes as he took his last breath and died. I stood up and through his heart to the middle of the field and ran to Flynn’s side. My mother already had him on some drip and was busy healing his wounds with some herbs. “Will he be okay mother?” I asked her full of emotion and still crying. “He will live my child.” She said smiling and kissing my forehead. Samuel ran towards me and hugged me. “Hey Sammy. You okay?” I asked him. He smiled and just held onto me. Sylvester came up to me from behind as well. “Sister.” He said and I got up from where I was kneeling, I gave him one look and jumped into his arms. “Brother.” I said. when I opened my eyes a crowd gathered around me. A few other wolves had moved Sabastian’s body before it started to decompose. “Sister.” Said another voice and I let go of Sylvester and turned around. “Liam.” I said and hugged him. Huna came forth, “Lyra Mucker, tomorrow we welcome you as the new Alpha of the Luna pack. It is with great sadness that you had to go through so much to get to this point today. Catch up, eat, be happy and enjoy your home once again. The creek.” He stated, everyone clapped. All the neighbouring packs have left already to spread word of the Madirah. I was thrilled, I stood between both my brothers who greatly outgrew me in length. Flynn is healing and my mother, well she is okay.

The day went past very quickly. I was back in my old house and in my room. It felt really good being back, after the Madirah was down I took a long shower. They wanted to move me to the main wing but I declined. I want to be a part of the house, the community and the people. Flynn was still resting on my bed while I was downstairs with mother helping her cook. I could sense she was still jittery and anxious about what has happened. I finally got to meet my sister mates. Jay who is mated with Liam and Lera who is with Silvester. Sweet girls especially Samuel. He is too young to speak English, I can’t wait for when he starts speaking. Jay is currently pregnant with her first pup so I am going to be an aunt again. It was around later afternoon when Flynn called for me from the room, I went upstairs to him and opened the curtains a bit for some light to shed through. His arms were tucked behind his head and he looked at me smiling. “Have you seen yourself as the Golden wolf?” he asked me. “No, I have not.” I said smiling back at him. “It’s the most beautiful thing ever to have the Golden wolf embrace with the presence.” He said taking his arms and wrapping them around me. “You almost died Flynn.” I said staring away into a different dimension. “I am here now, that is all that matters okay.” He said. “I don’t know what I would have done if you got killed. The rage I felt towards that man when he mentioned that he would kill you struck me to the core.” I said. “Listen Lyra, we are both back home now. This is a fresh start for both of us. Mainly you as new leader of the Luna pack and me?” he asked sarcastically. “You tell me.” I said smirking back at him. “I need to check up on Emily, I’m hoping she is at the Covens Nest. It’s going to be hard for me to get in but I’m going to try.” He explained. “but you haven’t healed yet” I stated. “I know babe but my soul cannot rest is if I don’t know what is happening with her Lyra.” He said with worry in his eyes. “Alright.” I said sighing. “You will go after the ceremony okay.” I said getting up from the bed. “Thank you, babe.” He pulled me back and kissed me. “Sleep now. You need to heal.” I stated and left the room. I made my way down the stairs to the kitchen where my brothers were seated. “Hey goofball” I said ruffing up Liam’s hair. He hugged me again. “Okay boys, give your sister some breathing space. We all missed her.” Mother said and Liam let go and gave me a smile. “No, it’s okay mother, I love every moment of it.” I responded. “Lyra, I’m still trying to get everything to sink in.” Sylvester stated leaning against the counter. “Yeah, me too. Every day it was a battle to understand the truth behind all this madness.” I said. “Well, I loved dad but I know that the Creek and the pack is better off.” He said trailing off sadly. I decided to change the subject because I was in no position to declare any sort of love towards that man. I decided to take a walk outside, when I stepped out; the bath from the front door was filled with yellow petals as well as in the road too. The wolfs have been showering me gifts all day already since I won the Madirah. Little pups ran up to me as I walked down the streets, they jumped and yelped for joy. Elderly woman all bowed their heads to me and I waved back to them. I still need to get into the swing of things, firstly by getting use to this place again and secondly becoming Alpha. It was long until I found myself on the bridge that led to the field where I killed my father. I don’t know what led me here, it’s been hours since his death and emotions are still fresh. I walked off the little bridge as the sun began to set and onto the field going to the place that he died on. “Lyra.” The voice said. I turned around with much sudden. “Impossible!” I choked out. “You’re dead!” I said shockingly. “I am yes, I’m just here in spirit. Wanted to speak to you.” He said. “Dad, I think we have nothing more to say to each other.” I said turning around from him. “Lyra, I am sorry for everything that I put you through and I deserve nothing more than what you did. You did right by the pack.” He said walking away. “I forgive you father.” I said to him shouting. “Make me proud Lyra.” He shouted back disappearing into the sunset. I watched the sun set on his time as his spirit left this world to be with the rest of the Alpha’s above. Tomorrow as the sun will rise, so will I for my time.

“Wake up darling child. You have a long day ahead of you.” My mother whispered into my ear waking me up. I looked at her and smiled, I reached out to Flynn but he was not in bed. “mother, where is Flynn?” I asked. “His out with your brother’s preparing the forest for later. I gave them all strict instructions. I want this day to be perfect for you.” She said stroking my hair. I smiled at her again, I can’t believe I made it this far. I’m with my mother again, back in my bed and surrounded with my family. “Lyra, I have picked out your dress for later. Its hanging in the cupboard and I’m preparing your water to take a bath. Nula from next door will come and help you.” She said, “Thank you mother but who is Nula?” I asked. “She’s a young wolf. It’s also her first time doing the run tonight. She only matured a few weeks ago so maybe you girls can get to know each other?” she stated and left the room. This is so strange, I’m Alpha and a grown woman, I can’t be babysitting young wolfs. I got up and made up the bed. I’m glad Flynn has fully recovered, I still cannot imagine a life without him. I peeked outside the window which overlooked the forest. Almost every tree had fairy lights, exactly how I remember my mother; I thought smiling. Once I was done cleaning up the room I made my way to the kitchen where my mother was also done with breakfast and had a quick bite to eat. I was full of nerves so my appetite was very low, later on I will be leading the pack on the run. Once I was done eating, Nula came around. “Alpha” she greeted bowing her head. “Morning, you must be Nula. So, my mother said that you will be assisting with my preparations?” I asked. “That is correct yes, I am truly honoured.” She said still keeping her head bowed with no eye contact. “And this is your first run as well?” I asked. “That is correct Alpha, I am now of age.” She replied. “How old are you?” I asked. “I am sixteen Alpha.” She said. I signalled for her to follow me the bathroom where my bath awaited her. “Alright, so what’s first?” I asked her. She still looked down, “Nula, it’s okay. Please do look at me.” I said lift up her chin. She smiled and started chatting right away and when I mean chat; I am talking about regretting wanting her to speak. She was like any other teenage girl. “So Alpha, you can get in the bath and wash your hair while I prepare your attire on the bed. The only thing we are doing is your hair and dress. Nothing else.” She explained. “what do you mean?” I asked confused “we are wolfs, no make-up, no extensions, no fake lashes and all that fancy things. The ancestors have chosen you as is and plus you have natural beauty.” She explained. “okay thank you for the great advice.” I replied and got into the tub as she walked out. “Lyra.” Flynn said from behind the door. “Oh you back.” I said happy to hear his voice. “Yes I am, we almost done. I just wanted to check up on you and to see if you okay.” He said still standing behind the door. “Yes I am but I should rather be asking you that question. Have you healed up completely?” I asked. “Yes, I really am all good. No complaints. Your mother mentioned she has a tux for me, you know majority of my things is back in LV. Also my parents have arrived.” He said. There was a few seconds of silence. “Very well, please do tell my mother to welcome them and give them a place to stay okay.” I replied. He poked his head in the bathroom from behind the door. “Thank you Lyra, you are amazing.” He said blowing me a kiss. I didn’t expect to meet his parents or for them to even come back but they are part of my pack, they did no wrong but to follow my father’s instructions. After washing my hair and cleaning myself up, I got out and dried myself. I wrapped the towel around me and walked to my room. “Alpha, you are done.” Nula stated. She was getting herself ready. I smelt smoke and hurried to the window. “Oh goodness! Where is it burning?” I said worried. “Don’t worry Alpha, that is the fire that was made for the ceremony. It’s almost time.” She said smiling. I gave a sigh of relief. “You look beautiful Nula, who made the dress?” I asked. “My mother did and yours she made too.” She explained twirling around. I picked up my dress that was laid onto the bed. It was a soft kind of silk with a corset. I could see myself dying inside of this corset. My mother walked in just in time as I was about to put on the dress. “Stand like this.” She said turning me. I got into the dress and died with every pull on the corset. The dresses were very much Victorian style, nothing modern in The Creek or amongst every wolf pack. After being tied in I tried breathing but my lungs felt pressured by doing so. “Mother, no! I can hardly breath!” I moaned. “You will get used to it, plus you won’t be having it on for so long.” She said laughing. “Mother, what is going to happen?” I asked nervously. My stomach was really in knots for this whole ordeal. “Well, you will be walking the road down to the forest with your mate as the wolfs welcome you. Once we reach the forest you and Flynn will be the first wolfs to undress and turn. Things will work out from there.” She said in a hurry and walking out the room. “Mom wait.” I shouted. “Lyra, I need to get dressed. Some of the elders have gathered already in the road my child. You get done.” She said hurrying away. After I got into my dress, Nula dried my hair and combed it down neatly. My hair has grown a bit but I do miss my long black locks. Both my brother’s wives popped their head in the bedroom. “Lyra!” they both squealed. “You look amazing!” said Jay. “Thank you Jay, have you seen Flynn yet?” I’m very bothered that is so scarce today.” I said frowning. “Oh, don’t worry about him. His dressed already, all the men were at the Fountain wing.” She explained. “Are you ready?” she asked. “I guess.” I said sighing. Nula and the girls left the room and house. My mother has gathered outside with the rest of the village. My bedroom gave a small view to the road and forest and I could see many people on both sides of the road, looks like I will be walking between them. The bills started ringing, very loudly which signalled the start of the ceremony and welcoming the presence of our ancestors. It was time for me to leave the house now and to lead the Luna pack into the forest. My stomach twisted and turned for I was so nervous. I took one more look into the mirror, as what Nula said; natural beauty. I walked out the bedroom, downstairs and entered the kitchen. The door was still closed and the bells were ringing. I took one more breath and I opened the door. The bell immediately silenced and beating of drums started. I walked forward, leaving the house as my trail followed me. I can’t believe I’m barefoot as well! I was astonished when Nula told me that I cannot wear shoes. Everyone was silent and all you could hear was the beating of drums at a low tempo. There was a few elders crying, my mother included when I looked up. Everyone’s head was bowed as I left the front yard into the road. A trail of yellow petals was laid down which I’m sure leads into the forest. Once I was at the starting point in the road to walk down, Flynn came out of nowhere. He was in a black pants, white shirt and barefoot as well. He stood in front of me and took a bow. I was in awe of what exactly is happening. I didn’t expect that. He came to my side and asked my hand. My palm and his palm gracefully touched. Huna then came forth and took his place in front of us. “Luna, Luna, Luna. Embrace your new Alpha as she walks.” He shouted and the rhythm of the drums started to increase. He was chanting with the beat of the drums and started to walk. Huna was throwing some powdery dust on the petals as well which made it turn into gold glitter. Flynn looked so proud, he was looking straight ahead, very serious too but I could see that he was taking his place by my side officially. Me and Flynn followed Huna and so did the rest of the pack. Row by row, they came behind us and followed. The walk was long and intense. It felt like I was walking down the aisle for my wedding or leading a funeral. Nobody spoke. It was only Huna chanting with the drums. If I’m not mistaken he was speaking to the ancestors. I could hear another person burst into tears, wailing. “Don’t worry, she will be okay. Her husband that past on just came forth from the spirit world, Huna welcomed him now.” Flynn whispered still looking ahead. Flynn sensed that I was a bit shaken. “So, you saying that every dead wolf from the pack is speaking to Huna now?” I whispered back to him. All he did was nod. I felt very much enchanted about what is happening, my followers have full of faith in me. We finally reached the end of the road and into the forest. Huna stopped in front of the pedestal that was a few feet away from this massive fire holder that burned bright. “Lyra and Flynn, everyone is behind you. They have accepted you, now it’s time to lift your wolf to the ancestors to accept fully. Take off your clothes, stand on the pedestal and be bare.” He said walking away. Flynn let go of my hand and we started to undress. For a moment it felt as if I was back on stage at the casino, stripping bare. We both got on and I avoided all kind of eye connection. Flynn took my hand. “Are you ready?” he asked. I nodded and smiled. Huna then started to chant again and suddenly the fire burnt higher, the drums beating faster. He continued to chant as sparks flew from the fire and everything became so bright. I felt electricity once again going through my body, I looked at my body and every vein was alight. So was Flynn’s body too. Suddenly my body felt like it was on fire and at the same time every bone started breaking. I screamed out in pain and Flynn followed. Our bodies started the change, my spine broke as well as my legs and forming itself again adjusting to a wolfs body. Finally the transition was done. Huna started chanting again and I got up from my fall. I have fully transitioned into a wolf through the ancestors and not by my request. Every person in the Luna pack turned to a wolf to celebrate my full authority now. I was theirs and they were mine. My eyes gleamed silver as I howled out to them. we howled together to make the other packs aware that an Alpha has now been accepted. I felt something wasn’t right, I looked to my left. Flynn was still laying down in human form. I connected to Huna’s mind. *** Huna, what is going on with Flynn? *** I asked. *** The ancestors have not accepted him as the second Alpha of the pack. *** he explained. *** Why not? He is my mate. *** I stated. *** He is but there is a hidden secret and the ancestors do not tolerate anything but honesty. Leave him and lets run. The pack is waiting, you have a responsibility now. *** I nodded and jumped off the pedestal making the ground shake. Immediately I bolted past the tree’s and deeper into the forest as a gold trail was left behind and the wind passing through my golden fur. The pack was behind me and we all ran at a speed. The animals around us trembled beneath us, the ground shook beneath us. We are the Luna pack born directly from the moon. After the run was done, everyone turned back and went back to the fire to enjoy drinks and food to celebrate. When I got there, Flynn was not there anymore. I walked back home to where my mother was too. I entered the house and got my mother busy in the kitchen. “Mom, when are you going to stop cooking?” I asked. “When the festivities is done Alpha Lyra.” She said smiling and I rolled my eyes. “Where is Flynn?” I asked. “His upstairs getting dressed.” She said frowning and also confused to what is happening. I climbed up stairs and as I wanted to enter the room Flynn bumped into me. “Hey, where are you going? We need to talk.” I said to him upset. “Lyra, I have to go. I have to find Emily.” He said not even looking at me. “I’m sure that can wait five minutes.” I said. “No it cant.” He replied trying to leave the room. “As your Alpha I say you wait.” I stated clearly. He then looked at me and I could see the hurt in his eyes. Maybe I should have not done that but I was expecting to marry this man in a wolf ceremony and he got rejected. Somewhere there Is something hidden. He sat down sighing onto the bed. “Flynn what is going on? You were rejected for a secret?” I stated. “I don’t know Lyra.” He said lowering his head. “How can you not know Flynn? We are mates! What are you hiding from me?” I said raising my voice. “This is supposed to be my fairy-tale life now and look what has happened.” I said upset. “Look at me Flynn!” and this time I shouted. “Banish me for all I care but I am leaving know to find out what the fuck is happening.” He said, got up and left. He left me there. I could feel my heart breaking, I sat on the bed and started to cry. My mother came into the room and sat next to me. “My child, Alpha Lyra. I know it hurts but he needs to find his path now. He needs to seek what is unknown to him. The same like you have done.” She said and hugged me. I put my head onto the pillow and she covered me with a blanket. She left the room and closed the door.



Chapter 10


Emily’s POV

It’s been eight days since the attack from Syber. Me and Safar is still a bit jittery and in hiding. Well we still not sure if the hiding part is even working. My baby bump has grown even more and none of my jeans are fitting me anymore, I just hope this little baby will be safe in this world. Me and Safar still continued to share a room over the past few days, not letting anyone of us out of sight and also sharing a bed. For some strange reason, we just feel safe and our magic together is at least a decent voltage amount. I wonder how things were going with Flynn, I miss him dearly. I’m not too sure if I will undo the spell on Flynn yet, I really don’t want to spoil things for him. “Emarie, breakfast is ready!” Safar shouted from below. I slowly got up from the bed, I can’t do things too fast anymore these days. I put on my robe and morning slippers. I really felt like an old pregnant person, swollen feet and all. I slowly walked down stairs and embraced in the bacon smells that filled the kitchen. “Morning Safar.” I greeted. “Hey Emarie, have a seat and here is your plate.” She said. I took the plate and digged in. she too took a seat and we ate in silence until the doorbell rang. I think I almost choked as it broke the silence. We both looked at in other afraid. We quietly put down our forks, I wiped my mouth with the napkin. I gave a deep sigh looking at Safar, we have been so paranoid about everything. To a dog barking or a car passing by. We both got up slowly and made our way to the door and opened. It was a little girl. “Hi mam, im selling cookies to raise funds for a school trip.” She said smiling. “Later okay?” Safar said and closed the door. “I really cannot live like this Emarie, its heart wrenching.” She said, “Me too Safar, me too and for me it’s even worse because I’m carrying a Hybrid child.” We were almost in the kitchen when the bell rang again. “Oh c’mon!” I pleaded and we made our way to the door again. Safar opened the door and the chanting started “meurs, meurs viens avec moi et laisse-moi emmener ton corps” they kept saying. It was Syber and two other witches. They found us! The spell that they were doing was deafening my mind and Safar’s. our eyes went blurry and I fell to the floor holding onto my unborn child. I could hear the continues words of the spell and it just wouldn’t stop. I heard Safar screaming and I blacked out.

I woke up to myself being chained to a chair with Jax powder surrounding me. Jax is a powder substance that blocks out any sort of magic which is used in a circumstance like this. I kept on going in and out of consciousness. I had severe cramps and I just pray my baby is okay. I’m currently almost three weeks so if she gets born now she will be premature. My head hurt, I tried keeping my eyes open but I felt drugged, I felt drowsy. I could hear Safar moaning as well and then screaming. She eventually started crying. “Stop” I whispered trying to talk. My head slumbered to the side when the door opened and banged shut kicking me out of my current state. “Wake up sleepy heads!” shouted the voice. I kept my breathing normal to not give off any sort of fear. “Ah, I always wanted to kill a Hybrid child.” The person said touching my stomach, I tried flinching, I tried protecting my child but I could not. These damn chains! I opened up my eyes, slight a blur but I could see that it was in fact Roe. One of the other elders. “Please don’t hurt my child Roe, I beg of you.” I said whispering. She gave a loud chuckle. “Listen Emarie, my plan did not entail this child. We have been looking for you for such a long time but when your pregnancy started; it alarmed the whole coven. You cannot hide that.” She said laughing. “I know that yes, this child is innocent.” I said. “She is a Hybrid, a bastard child! Nothing about her is innocent!” Roe shouted at me. “She?” I asked. “Oh darling, you didn’t know the sex of the baby yet? Yes, it’s a girl.” She stated. Syber entered the room and walked towards me, she slapped me across my face. “That is for fucking with me; you and Safar!” she said angrily. “It took me a whole week to recover!” stated. “Alright Syber, calm down. We already have both girls that we have been searching for many years. I think that is good enough that they have been caught and now we in victory.” Roe explained to her. Syber crossed her arms and huffed. “So, what are the plans with them?” Syber asked Roe. “Well, the rest of the coven wants them both dead but the baby changed things so I am waiting for feedback.” Roe said. Safar moaned and groaned, she was in a lot of pain. I tried focusing my vision properly. Syber and Roe walked up to her and grabbed her hair pulling her back into the chair making her fall onto the grounded. Both of them laughed as Safar cried out in pain. I couldn’t help but start crying, I am going to die. Im so sorry my child; I thought to myself. “Ah, a cry baby.” Roe stated. “You wouldn’t be in this position if you were a good witch like every other and minded your own business!” she laughed. “Both of you stop now!” another voiced shouted. “You’re acting childish now, we searched them for a reason and got them for a reason.” The voice stated. I looked up and saw it was my mother that was in fact talking. “Mom?” I whispered in shock, frowning trying to understand if I’m looking right. She pulled a chair and placed it in front of me. She touched my cheek as she sat down and I flinched. I wanted to spit at her. “Now Emarie, that is some vicious anger that is boiling within you right now.” She said smiling. “How dare you!” I said gritting through my teeth and a pain went down my spine. I cried out in pain. “Sounds like my grand-daughter wants to arrive early?” she said rubbing my stomach but I could not do anything. “Why are you doing this? Why? I don’t understand.” I pleaded with her. “Emarie come I tell you a story alright. When I fell pregnant with you, it was because I was raped by some random asshole. Unfortunately, when you fall pregnant with no marriage to a warlock, you get killed whether it’s by rape or whatever. I struck a deal. I practice the dark magic with the coven for you and me to survive. I did not want you Emarie, I just made sure you were looked well after.” She explained to me with a straight face, emotionless. My heart tore in pieces, my soul diminished. I had nothing, I was nothing. I closed my eyes as I could feel an outpour of tears. “You don’t mean any of this, you don’t mean it! You’re my mother!” I said screaming at her and in tears. My heart was laying on the floor and being trampled on. “Emarie, you are not understanding my point here. I birthed you and kept you so that at least one day you can be some successful witch or whatever you want to do with your life, I don’t care however I am now the leader of the coven and you have put us at risk. I will not allow that.” She said still emotionless. I could feel down my spine, I could not even buckle over to try and ease it so I cried out in pain. The sweat dripped down my forehead as the pain intensified. “I don’t believe any word you are saying. You cannot not love me, impossible.” I said gritting through my teeth. “Stop with this, you are brain washed!” I said shouting at her. There was something about this whole situation that just did not seem right, it felt unreal and I refused to believe it. My mother loves me, she did everything in her power to protect me from anything in this world. As I said those words she slapped me across my face. “I am nothing of you.” She screamed back at me. She got up and walked over to Roe and Syber, “Burn them!” she shouted at them and she barged out the room. I cried out in fear, my child. “Please! Please don’t do this please! I have a child in me, no you can’t!” I cried out as they came closer to me laughing. Roe bent down on one knee and looked at me, “You’re right, we did brain wash her and there is no way of her getting back her old self. She’s gone Emarie. She’s on our side.” She said laughing and getting up again. Safar started to gain conscious, “Emarie are you okay?” she tried to speak from the floor. Her head was still bleeding and I could see she wasn’t going to make it as she became unconscious. “Shame” Syber said. “Roe hand me my knife please, I have always wanted to do this.” Roe handed her this big butcher knife from a drawer. Syber went to Safar and kneeled down. “No please don’t, I beg you don’t do this. Please Syber, please don’t!” I pleaded with her as my tears rolled down. Immediately I felt my water break. “Syber please oh my fuck! Syber my water broke!” I screamed out. Roe came up to me and saw the water trickling. “Syber, her water has indeed broken.” She told her. “Well, that is not going to stop.” She said as she pierced Safar’s heart with the knife. “NO! NO! Safar! NO!” I screamed and shouted. “You killed her!” I shouted. The pain intensified and I shouted even more, I was in labour and I was to birth this child prematurely. “You fucking killed her! You killed her!” I continued to scream as the labour pains cursed through my body. “You all cowards, you surround me with Jax because you know I would have killed you all by now!” I said sarcastically laughing at them. “Now now Emarie, don’t be so modest please.” Syber said wiping the knife onto her skirt. “It’s your turn now. But we have a surprise for you. You see this building is a long building that you tied in. located in the forest. It’s far from the village.” She said smiling as she picked up a large vase and emptied some sort of liquid around me. The smell crept into my nose. GAS! “Syber please no. my daughter. I beg of you. Please.” I pleaded with her. “To make things fun, I’m going to untie you.” She said and with a snap of her fingers the chains were loose. I bent over as another contraction came and I started seeing blood between my legs, she was crowning already. Roe left the building already, Syber then strikes a match and let it fall onto the gas igniting a slow fire. That surrounded me, I could not leave as the Jax blocked me from doing so. I got onto the round as I started to push, the fire was spreading everywhere and I closed my eyes blocking the sight of Safar’s body catching fire. I screamed in pain and suddenly the door broke down and I saw two silver eyes piercing through the fire. I gave one more push and she was out. I quickly put her underneath my t-shirt to try and prevent the smoke inhalation. I tore the umbilical cord a part with my bare hands. She was fully formed but tiny and underweight as she was born to early. My chest started to burn and I looked up again as I saw the silver eyes looking at me. I knew that it was Flynn, he tried jumping over the fire but kept flinching as the fire touched him. “Flynn leave!” I shouted. “There is no way out!” he turned around out the door. I closed my eyes realising that he left me when I saw a wolf speeding at full force and making a massive jump over the fire towards me. “Flynn!” he turned back into a human and he coughed profusely. I point to the white powder and he kicked it, breaking the circle. I was too weak already. “Emmy, please what is going on.” He asked almost in tear. “Flynn, I’m sorry. You don’t have much time. She doesn’t have much time. I need you to take her and get away here as far and fast as possible.” I said to him. “I can get you both out here.” He said pleading. “NO! you look me in the eyes right now and you will understand every word I am saying. Take her and leave.” I demanded. I took her out from beneath me and handed her over to Flynn, I took off my clothes to form some sort of carrier for her. I placed her in it and gave her a kiss. “I love you Shae`” I said and gave her to Flynn, he was so confused and unsure. “Flynn I made a big mistake, I’m going to use my last energy now to correct it.” I said and placed my finger onto his head reversing the spell. I could see his eyes grew bigger and his heart pounding faster as all the memories came flooding back. “I’m sorry.” I said and collapsed. I looked at him as he started crying. He got up and placed Shae` down. He changed into a wolf and he picked her up and kept her beneath him. He jumped over the fire that now closely surrounded me. As Flynn disappeared out of sight, I knew she would be safe and I took my last breath.




The End




It’s been eight years since Emily died in the fire. Everything was a shock to me that day when I found I had become a father after Emily broke the spell she cast on me. After I returned with Shae` to The Creek, Lyra did not speak to me for a few days. I had to state my case in front of the elders and ancestors to which they excepted Shae` into the pack. Everyone knows that she is a Hybrid and everyone knows that Hybrids never lived to see the sun. once I confessed, I became fully accepted as the second Alpha alongside my mate; Lyra. Eventually Lyra forgave me and raised Shae` as her own. After Shae` turned three years old, Lyra then gave birth to our son Lindan. The witch’s coven has been completely wiped out, the wolves no longer tolerated after I explained everything to them. A small pack was ordered by Lyra and got hunted down. All the other witches probably moved over sea’s but far from wolfs because we sent out an instruction to all packs to kill a witch at hand if you come across one. I know it does not sound right because our daughter is a half witch but we filled a pendant with Jax in to block her powers. She swore to never have it removed, we basically just change it to accompany any change of clothing. This is the only way that we can protect her, the dark magic that was practiced can kill mankind and those who are innocent.


We as the Luna pack are born directly from the moon and we shall protect earth no matter the cost. The Creek has become much more peaceful over the years, it has expanded tremendously to which we had to appoint four mayors for the four sub towns that were formed. Both my brother in-laws had about five children each, the growth of the Creeks meant a lot to us. To us it marks our pack as being content at where they are at. Now and then I still take a walk to where the building burned down that had Emily inside. My heart breaks every time. I decided to sell my business and use the money for the creek, to build schools, medical facilities for the packs doctors to work in. we also invested a lot in the gardening to keep the youngsters busy too. As much as what the Luna wants to remain out of date, we slowly introduced a few more luxury things (I had to convince Lyra). Everything is exactly how Lyra wanted things to be. She has grown, she is healthy and amazing. She is a sweet mother and a strong leader. Together we are a force. We are the Luna pack – Born from the moon.



























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Texte: Rizonne Alexander
Bildmaterialien: Rizonne Alexander
Cover: Rizonne Alexander
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 30.01.2019

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