

COPY RIGHT TO Paige Leisa-Maree Bromfield





Our first meeting and the problem


I was in class when i was called out over the loud speaker channel Chloe jade please come to the front office. OH’s angered throught out the class as i packed up my things and walked to the office. I found that my dad was at the front office and i was going home for some reason. We walked to the car i wondered if i should ask the question why am i coming home i have no appointments i figured it would be best to ask. Dad why am i coming home i don’t have any appointments. My dad turned to me and said we will talk about it when we get home. We turned the corner coming up to the house and i found two stretch hummers out the front of my house. I looked at my dad and said what is going on? Why are there two stretch hummers out the front of our house? My dad looked at me and smiled and said i will explain everything in a minuet. We got out of the car to walk in the house and find a man and women and their son he looked like he was about my age by the way was 16. The boy had dirty blonde hair and the lightest blue eyes i have ever seen. I extended my hand he slowly took it and shook it and i found myself shaking it for what seemed like forever cause i was looking in his eyes i pulled away as soon as i noticed, i turned to what must have been his father, who had dirty blonde hair too but his eyes where a darker blue then his sons i shook his hand and turned, to what must have been his wife and she has Aubrey copper hair and light green eyes i shook her hand also, i turned to my father and asked who they were politely my dad turned to me and said this is Mr. Palmer and Mrs Palmer and their son Preston you have been arranged since you were born to marry each other and you will be moving to Dallas, Texas to live with them you will be going to Prestons school and you and him will share a room

Disaster strikes


I looked to Preston and back to my dad, my dad shoot me the don’t even try to argue it is no use, i looked to the ground and said when will i be moving my dad turned to me and said this afternoon, and go up to your room and start to pack as i get up Mr. Palmer says Preston will help you, Preston gets up straight away and follows me up the stairs we get to my room i open the door and walk in. I walked over to the closet and as Preston sat on my bed and had to make the remark that i had the most comfy bed ever as he looked at me and smirked at me. I smiled back and said i know right i grabbed my three suitcase i had from when i went on vacation last year to Spain. I put them on my bed and went to my draws and Preston asked what can i do i turned and smiled at him you can go in the bathroom and get all my make-up, conditioners, shampoos, toothbrush and everything else i looked at him and smiled he smiled and walked to the bathroom and got my stuff while i got all my stuff out of my draws and put them in the suitcases.  I shut the two suitcases as Preston walked in and said where do you want me to put these and I handed him a bag, he put them in there and said do you need help with anything else I said come with as I walked over to my closet I said help me get my shoes he smiled and said you have a lot of shoes I nodded and smiled he smiled back, I picked up as much as I could and put them in my suitcase Preston did the same and shut the suitcase I got my school bag and filled it with my laptop and all the pictures I have in my room.  I grabbed my two bags and one suitcase Preston took the other two and we took them down stairs and put them by the door, Preston walked back into the lounge room while I went to the kitchen to get a drink, I offered the other guests and dad a drink they said no I went and sat down next to Preston I asked when are we leaving my dad said at 8 o’clock.



Dinner,  dad called I can down to the dining room with Preston following slowly behind it was 7 o’clock I sat next to Preston we ate and me and Preston went and watched TV in the lounge room after 10 minutes I checked the time and saw it was 7.36pm I went up to my room and had a shower got changed with the spare cloths I left out to get changed in I layed on the bed and looked at the time on my alarm clock it said 7.45pm I layed there as sleep consumed me.

New surroundings

I woke up to someone placing me on a very soft chair, I woke up and looked around, Preston said, sorry I didn’t mean to wake you up, I said its ok how did I get here and where is here, Prestons said you are on my family’s private plane and I carried you from your bed cause I didn’t want to wake you cause u looked so peaceful, I said thank you and put my head on Prestons shoulder and instantly fell asleep again the next time I woke up I was in a room in the biggest bed I have ever seen it could have fit 15 people or more the room was massive just like the bed I walk in to the bathroom and found all my things in there I walked out after I washed my face, walked over to the closet and found all my stuff in there with Prestons I walked over to the shoe rack and my shoes were there, I walked over to the chested drawn and my stuff was there too.  As I was still walking around the massive room Preston walked in and said oh your awake I put all ur stuff away for you I was about to do ur pictures right now, I smiled and said thank you can I help he said you can do it if you want to, ok but I wanted to ask you a question, yes he replied, how did I get here? Well when you fell asleep again I carried you off the plane and in to the bedroom as I said before I didn’t want to wake you cause you looked so peaceful, I smiled as I handed him the pictures and he placed them nice and neatly, we finished and I said we make a good team you and I he smiled and said do you want a snack I nodded, we walked to the kitchen and made popcorn, and walked into the lounge room put a movie and sat there and watched and ate popcorn it was 12 o’clock when the movie finally finished and the popcorn was gone I turned the TV off and the DVD player while Preston put the bowl we used in the sink and rinsed them I turned off the light and walked into the kitchen and we turned out the lights and I held he hand as we walked up the stairs to go to the room, when we got to the room I went and had a shower and came out raped in a towel and Preston just stood there with his mouth wide open I smiled and said you can have a shower if you want he smiled and walked in the bathroom, I got changed into my pjs and layed on the bed when Preston came out of the bathroom with a towel wrapped around his bottom half, he got changed and came and layed down next to me I turned to face him and I smiled, he smiled back I asked him is if I could snuggle into him since I didn’t bring my teddy bears, he smiled and said anytime you want I snuggled into him and he started to play with my hair as I said goodnight sleep consumed me as he said goodnight.

Getting ready for the first day of school

I woke up to the sound of my alarm went to turn in off but fell short as Prestons arm was around me holding me in a deft grip I shook him to wake him up cause I didn’t want to be late for my first day of school, he woke up instantly and said what? I said nothing but we have to get ready for school he growled and pulled me back down he said 5 more minutes I’m comfy I turned to face him and started to play with hi dirty blonde hair 5 minutes passed and I shook him to wake up again, he woke up fully this time and we raced each other to the bathroom and he got there first but ushered be in, we both waked in I got undressed and started the shower he went to the toilet and I hoped in the shower, a second latter he was in the shower too fully naked, I looked at him and said marry me first he laughed, we started to wash ourselves and wash our body off with the occasional bump here and there, I washed my hair and shaved my legs and got out of the shower followed by him getting out I wrapped myself in a towel and walked out to get dressed, Preston came out dried off with no cloths on and no towel on all I could start thinking about was his mussels, chiselled abs and amazing V line, he noticed I was looking and said what I smiled and said nothing I put on my cloths he did the same I walked out to the kitchen where I was greeted by Mr and Mrs Palmer I said help to them and they told me to call them Donna and Vince, I smiled and said ok I was looking in the cardboard when Donna says here is your timetable and computer I said thank you and gave her a grateful smile, then she said all you have to do is go to your first class everything is already organized, thank you I said, down the stairs came Preston and said are you ready I said yes and smiled he smiled back, which car are we taking mine he says ok as he ushers me in the passenger side I smiled and gave him a kiss and said thank you, he smile and said its ok.

Arriving at school

We arrived at school and Preston promised he wouldn’t lose me so he got out of the car and came to my side and opened my door and let me out then shut the door, he put his hand around my waist so I wouldn’t get lost before we walked in the school we checked our timetables and we had all the same classes except 3rd and 4th which I was in a lower science class all the rest were the same first we had math, we walked in the school and as soon as we walked about one step in the gate everyone was staring at us, I looked to him and said why are they all staring he looked at me and said cause they are jealous cause they wish they were you, I said why? He said because I’m so hot and very girl wants me and you are so hot probes all the guys want you too but we are the lucky ones because we have each other.  A group of about 5 boys walked up to me and Preston and said OMG who is she? Is she single? Can I have her? Is she your mate? OMG ask her and she will answer one at a time he looked down at me and smiled and I smiled back! I’m channel Chloe Jade, no I’m not single, no you can’t have me, I looked up at Preston and he answered for me yes she is my mate, I looked at him with a questioning look and asked what do u mean by mate?  I will tell you latter let’s get to class, I smiled and said ok. We walked to math me and Preston and the rest and the other 5 guys sat in the back row we were the first people there and our teacher was Mr. Als-touth I watched as every guy and girl that walked into the class looked in shook I was the only girl I think that has ever sat up the back with the boys the class went really quick it was two 40 minutes, now it was recess me and the boys went and sat down at their probes usual table and talked all recess the bell went me and Preston went to music Preston went and got a guitar and came and sat with me he played the guitar while I just sat there and did nothing and I got a detention for not participating then the teacher let me off cause it was me first day and I didn’t know the rules, class finished Preston took me to my class and said don’t talk to any boy or there will be trouble not with you with me and them, I nodded and gave him a quick kiss and went to a spare seat.

Bad first day at school


I sat in between two guys one said hi you must be knew I said yes and they kept talking to me and I said that they shouldn’t talk to me unless he wanted trouble, he grinned and said what kind of trouble I said I don’t think you want to find out and then I turned back to him to say ok when he kissed me I pulled away and punched him in the face he fell to the floor and started bleeding, I heard a voice that was my teacher say channel principle now I got up and took my stuff to the principal’s office I got there and the principle asked why I was here when the boy that kissed me came in the office with blood pouring out of his nose, DID YOU DO THIS? The principle asked I nodded and he called Donna and Vince to come and see the principle emedatly I was called into his office and he asked me what happened, I took a deep breath and told him how he kissed me and I have a boyfriend that I am getting married to and he kissed me so I punched him, the principle looked at me and said that is no reason to give him a broken nose, I looked up from the floor and said maybe now he won’t kiss me, the principle sent me out of his office when Donna and Vince arrived, they walked up to me and said what happened? Is Preston ok? Preston is fine he is in class then whose blood is this I didn’t even notice I had blood all over me I said a boy in my class kissed me so I punched him, Preston doesn’t know he wasn’t in my class. The principle came over to Donna and Vince and said come into my office, they nodded and said yes they were in there for what seemed like forever, they finally came out and said you are suspended and can’t come back to the school till next term cause the principle said I was a danger to corsetry, I nodded and said what about Preston Is he coming home early with me or not, do you want him to come home early with you, I nodded and said I smell like the other boy Preston will get pissed they both nodded in agreement, I had an idea Donna you take me home since Preston had drove his car to school today they nodded, Donna and I ran to the car got in and drove home, I got home and ran to the shower and just as I was getting in, I heard a slamming car door and it was Preston, he ran up to his mom and said where is she? Upstairs taking a shower he run up and looked at my face which I hadn’t washed yet and said what happened? I said I would tell him when I got out her stepped back and saw my bloody cloths and said channel turn to face me just as I finished washing my face and I turned to him he was looking all over my body, I asked what he was doing and he said looking where to bleeding was coming from and I stuttered cause the water went cold and said i…i h…i…t s…o…m…e…b…o….d…y and he said are you ok? As he hugged me no matter if the water was on and I was under the water I turned off the taps to he didn’t get a cold, I said I’m fine saying the last part breathless cause he was hugging me so tight, he realise and let got and went out of the bathroom to shut the bedroom door cause it was still open I walked out with a towel in my hair and around me body to get dry, when I walked out he was getting me cloths out he grabbed me my sort shorts bright blue lace undies and bra to match and grabbed my crop top and his jumper and helped me put them on even though I didn’t need his help, he grabbed me and hugged me tight and sat me on the bed and he went in the bathroom and got my hair brush I looked at him and said I can do that and put my clothes on, he looked at me and said I want to do it I smiled and said ok, I told him one if my secrets the I had never had my hair brushed by anyone even though it was down to my bottom, he looked at me and smiled and said I always use to brush and plat my mums hair before she cut it short I sat there as he brushed my hair and when he was done he ran to the bathroom and got a hair tie ran back and fishtailed my hair and said done, I smiled and said thank you and turned around and gave him a long passionate kiss, then I remembered what he said at school today about me being his mate then i asked what did you mean about me being your mate today at school?

The surprise


He looked at me and said to me wait here a second I heard him go down to the study where his mum and dad where, and ask can I tell her now please, they said yes I ran back to the bed so he wouldn’t know I was listening, he didn’t realise and grabbed me and took me out the back which had a forest nearby, I said what dose being out here have to do with me being you mate and what it means, he said just wait I will explain in a minuet I blinked and the next thing I knew I couldn’t see him all I could see was a werewolf and then in my head I heard, channel its ok it is me Preston, my mouth fell open and I said you’re a werewolf in a shocked tone then I ran up to him and said that is kool he started licking me and rolling on me, I amsed what was he doing and that is when him mom and dad come out and said he is putting his scent on you so everyone know that you are his, I smiled and said that is so cute, I hugged him and the all of a sudden Vince and Donna turned into a werewolf’s to cool, Preston lowered himself down and in my head said hop on I will take you somewhere, I hoped on and we ran in the forest and a waterfall came into view, OMG it is so beautiful I know right just like you, I smiled as we stopped and I jumped off Preston we sat there for what seemed like hours, I got back on Preston and he ran back home and I went up to the bedroom while Preston changed back to human form he came up and I was in the shower he hopped in and got out before me and said I will be back with your cloths, I turned off the shower and got dry while I waited for Preston to come back in with my clothes he had hot red lace panties and bra to match and one of him tops he was wearing his boxer I put them on and he did my hair again, we got in bed and I turned to face Preston and asked if he had school tomorrow and said no you I said not until next term I won’t go to school then either, I smiled and kissed him like I have never kissed anyone before, I felt him smile on my lips, I pulled away for air I snuggled into him and he started to play with my hair again, I said good night and that I loved him with my whole heart and I never wanted to leave him, he smiled and said night and me too he kissed me on the forehead before I fell asleep.


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 27.03.2014

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