
Chapter 1

God is, was and always be the Life Giver. All people we're created equal.He created the world beautiful and allow people to enjoy everything he had created.But people become's too greedy and insensetive for the surroundings.  They think they own what they have. They tend to forget about God.They became abussive and took advantage on everything.If they did'nt get what they want or if something they expected fall out according to what they had planned, they satrted to question the God. Why? What if?Can't it be?How could you?Too many questions...

We all have many questions in our life. Is it because the people never get contented of what they have?

Life is indeed beautiful, and we must be thankful to our creator! The Lord our God!

Thank you Lord!Thank you for the gift of life!Thank you for the beautiful surroundings!Thank you for the eyes that can see your beautiful creations!thank you for the family and thank you for my Mom!she is my Life Giver...


A couple prayed hard to have a child. They waited and finally their wish was granted.God gave this couple a healthy baby girl. The baby happens to be me.Everyone was happy.And my mom and dad gave me their  unconditional love, and a beautiful life,.My mom and my dad are so happy that god gave my mom a baby girl my mom said"I am so happy that we now have a baby to call our own.After many years my sister and my brother was born. I'm so happy that i have a brother and sister.And my mom give all the best and support and love to all of us.Just like god he gave his love to all his creations.Every night my Mom tells us stories about the God and other stories of king and queen and fairy tales. She always becomes very detailed about our health, education, future and our safety from other strangers.My God, My Mother, is my love, my true creator.This is how i was created,











Chapter 2

God is the creator of everything in this earth, we owe everything to him.

However God gives a special task to all the women, it is to give life too.They are our Mother.

She is the one who suffered to bring me into this world.

My mother is my life giver, without her I am nothing and will not exist.

My mother is the most important person in my life. 

Like friends, they are like to solved problems.Friends are always to make us to be happy like our parents they always give love to us.And god who sucrifies for us and people are mede by god sa we can breath so people can be happy and to be responsible.She is like true nature who always knows only to give us, not taking back anything in return. We see her from the first moment of our life when we open our eyes in this world however we feel her nine months before in her womb. The first word of us becomes "Mom" whenever we start speaking. She is our first love, first teacher and first of all our first friend in this big world. When we born we are nothing and unable to do anything however it is she who make us grow and develop in her arms. She makes us able to understand and do anything in this world. She is always only for us and nurture us like God. If there is any God on the earth, it is our mother. No one can care and love us like our mothers and no one can sacrifice everything for us like her. She is the best woman of our life whom place can never be replaced by anyone in the future. Even after being tired she become always ready for us to do everything like a tired less one. She wakes up us in the early morning very politely, prepares breakfast and gives lunch and water bottle as usual. She waits for us in the afternoon at the door after doing all the daily chores. She prepares a delicious dinner in the night and always takes care of our likes and dislikes. She helps us in doing our homework and project. She never tired off giving lots of love and care.She is unique and only one in the whole universe who can protects us. She is the solutions of our all the small and big problems. She is one who never says bad to her child and always takes side of her child


Chapter 3

 God is always right there at our side like our mother's do.So God know that we are good to each others.. And God are kind to us because God think that he make a people that kind..And parent and God are thankful to us because they have a love to us ...Pernts are like God because they are always thinking of us who are suffering us to learn a good thing not a bad thing to our minds...So. we can know that ourself must to be able too see you're kindness to God and parents.....

When a woman becomes a mother, her heart filled with big amount of love for her child. She carries her child for 9 months in her womb, bears all the pain and trouble in that process and when her child comes into her arms, she forgets all the pain and loves her child unconditionally.Mother had cared and will always care for us as ever more than anyone related to us. We must never let her down. When we are born we are so helpless and dependent, and she is our only help in that stage. She shrills her voice and talks in a funny loving manner just to bring a smile on our face. While we are asleep in our comfortable warm cradle she sits aside, looks at us and curses herself a thousand times for us. She is ready to bear any pain but never wants a scratch onto us. She never feels boredom in our company. She is the supreme lover on this earth no one can surpasses her boundaries of love. How deep is a mother's love! We are all lucky that we all have a mother..Whenever something becomes too much for me, she is there calming me down — giving me a hug and telling me it’s going to be OK. She can even prevent me from being hyper finding my “lost” textbook (it was, of course, in the open, in the first place I checked), helping me to finish my long assignments even if it's due the next morning.A mother is the first, foremost and best friend of everyone’s life as no one can be true and real like her. She is the one and only who always stands with us in our all good and bad times. She always cares and loves us more than we deserve and others in her life. She gives us first priority of her life and gives us glimpse of hope in our bad times. The day we born, it is our mother who becomes really happy. She knows our all the reasons of happiness and sadness and try to make us happy every time.

Chapter 4

 God are like our save your life to live with the good people or person. And God are always had a blessing to us to be a good person to our world...

Never underestimate the influence that a mother has over a child. Children look to their mother for guidance and mother turns a house into a home and home is the initial school of a child. Mother is our best teacher and trainer. She never gives up training us to speak,She teaches us how to love, cherish, and respect who we are, Mothers have incredible power over their children that they must be respected.I am proud to call my mother Mom, and hoping one day i can pay back her for all the sacrifices that she is doing for all of us. Dealing to work and staying alone abroad is hard but all the sacrifices is nothing to her just to give us good life. My Mom is my hero and my life giver, i will always love her until the moon shine in the morning and the sun shines in the evening.I am proud of my life giver.A mother and her child have a special bond that only they can understand. You can fool most of your friends most of the time, but you can’t fool your mom. She sees right through you and always knows what’s wrong.When I was a little girl, my mother said I never liked to leave her side. Whenever she tried to leave, I held on to her leg and would not let go. People would comment that I looked just like her, which I took as a compliment. Like mother like daughter, that is what we are!I admire my mom.She is a person I like the most in this world.She is very loving,kind and lovely. I came out from her stomach. I drank her milk. She takes so much care of me. I tell everything to her. She solves all my problems. She is the best person in the world. She takes care of me when I am sick. She teaches me well. She corrects my mistakes.I love my mother.The role of the mother in our lives is always different and precious than other involved in our life. Of course we are truly loved and cared by our mothers every moment all through the day. She never wants back anything from her kids instead she loves us with open heart. We as a child also love and care her from our heart but our love cannot be compared with her. Mother is unique in this world in the life of everyone’s as a living goddess who always takes all the pains of her child and gives love and care. She is the one who spends her sleepless nights during our sickness and other bad days. She happily involves in our happy moments and understands our each and every likes and dislikes. She always guides us to go ahead at right path and do right things in the life. She is our first teacher who teaches us at every step of life. She teaches us to always be in discipline, behave in well manners and make us understand about our roles and responsibilities towards family, society and country.A mother is only one in everyone’s life whom another can never replace her in our heart. We see her from the first moment of our life when we open our eyes in this world however we feel her nine months before in her womb. The first word of us becomes mom whenever we start speaking. She is our first love, first teacher and first of all our first friend in this big world. When we born we are nothing and unable to do anything however it is she who make us grow and develop in her arms. She makes us able to understand and do anything in this world. She is always only for us and nurture us like God.No one can care and love us like our mothers and no one can sacrifice everything for us like her. She is the best woman of our life whom place can never be replaced by anyone in the future. Even after being tired she become always ready for us to do everything like a tired less one. She wakes up us in the early morning very politely, prepares breakfast and gives lunch and water bottle as usual. She waits for us in the afternoon at the door after doing all the daily chores. She prepares a delicious dinner in the night. She helps us in doing our homework and project. She is the true solutions of our all the small and big problems. .

Chapter 5

 It is hard to describe the feeling that a mother has towards her children. Mothers give a lot of support to her  children, whether it is very visible support or simple encouragement. Not only do mothers support her children, but they also often hold the whole family together. When all is well, a mother puts her children before anything else, including their own comfort and happiness. Describing a mother's love is virtually impossible. It is a feeling that can only truly be understood by those that experience it. Famous saying states that "God could not be everywhere and so he invented mothers"!It is the unconditional love that a mother feels that drives these feelings. It is hard to describe the feeling that a mother has towards her children. In fact, most people do not understand unless they become a mother themselves.No matter what the scenario is, my mother always makes me feel better. And she does this all with a smile, even when I forget to say thank you.


In the bible verse said " See, I have set before you today life and good , death and evil, in that I command you today to Love the Lord your God, to walk his ways, znd to keep his commandments, his statutes and his judgements, that you may live and multiply, and the Lord your God will bless you in the land which you go possess, i call heaven and earth as witness today against you, that I have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing, therfore choose  life, that both you and your descendants may live..."


When we choose life, we choose that which is good and that which is a blessing..


The God and our Mother are our Life Giver, they dessreve to be loved and respected, Let us not forget all the sacrifices they did for us, so we are able to see the beauty of the world.

My God, My Mother, is my love, my true creator.!!!


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 09.12.2015

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