This book is completly unedited all LOLS,and OMG'S included,inless i feel like editing it and all that but this book is complely from the teenage point of view. :) Ok so let me tell you about my self. Im 13 and yes my life seems not so complicated,but i just sometimes need to take a brake calm down and breath. So yes this is none edited and stuff. This is all my privitethoughts lol so if people on my facebook are actually smart and read my post they can be able to read all this. But i dont care. My lifes my life, and i feel like im a care free person, so if it happens it happensnothing can ruin me. Well actually it can, the thoughts really get to my head real lately. So ive just been thinking alot. So i mean i guess you can kind of say this thing is like my diary but its more thoughts then feelings so i wouldnt call it that. So im going to try to write as much and im pretty sure im going to write alot. Since its one of my hobies. Lol well not exactly a hobie since i dont write it i just type it. So this is my update well not update but whats going on in my head know. So ive been dateing the best bf in the whole world his names matthew :) ive been dateing him for two weeks & a dayknow. But i kind of feel like its not going fast enough a good thing but a bad thing. See i have a habit of trying to hard, moving to fast, and getting hurt to easily. But I like him, i cant officalysay i love him yet, because i think it but thats how i think with every guy ive dated. But I STONGLY like him. Im just afraid of it either going to slow,going to fast, or he just one day wont feel the same wayabout me. But i kind of feel like hes the one. There may not always be the aww moments but ive known him since like 2nt grade, and hes only asked me out once before and i said no becausei was like 10 and you know 10 year old think eww codies and stuff lol so i wasnt that smart to see he was like my best friend & the love of my life all in one. So I also have a little relief the one thingthats good is that he cant be stolen away from me because if he at least remembers the littel things that i do then he will at least think "hey shes to beutiful to let go of". But you can only wish. I've beenthrough enough heart brake. But the funny thing is, i feel like a really strong person not phsically but mentally. Because after all the heart brake,embarisment, and disaster, i still put up with it,i dont"take a brake" i dont "cry"(in front of people). I stay strong. Just the only thing thats not strong about me is I cut. Well at least i used to cuz i quit for a while then i did it some more. And thats just all. I think alot and i swear some times my head might blow up! But i still think alot about him (matthew) i LIKE HIM ALOT..i think about him all the time..haha and write know as i type im thinking abouthim but im to lost in thought to call him. I just love quotes and stuff. As i type this i got my spotify,facebook,notepad,and all this open . And i read on facebook, "When the world says "GIVE UP" hope wispers"try one more time". And i love that type of stuff. I can spend a life time dweling on stuff like that but yet still be fasinated by other things and my mind just goes on and on switching from this to that.Well im kind of tired of typeing but thats all for today. A little part of me hopes alot of people read this but the other doesnt really give a fuck lol so yh i cuss a little bit sorry bout that :* bye haha ttyl
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 10.05.2013
Alle Rechte vorbehalten
Alexis Chavers, Matthew, My mom & my dad,All My family