

She did not know where she was, or what was going on. All Cassie knew was it was dark and cold. She sat up trying to configure her surroundings which she thought was stupid, because even if there was anything around her she could not see it in the first place. Her mind automatically scanned through the possibilities that could have wound her up here. Then, her roommates came to mind. Of course. They were always playing jokes on her. This is just another one of their pranks, Cassie thought to herself. It was never dark or a teensy bit chilly on this campus she was trapped on. Against her constant wishing it was always bright and sunny here. It is not like she hates the sun or warm weather it was just that it would not go away no matter how she felt about it. Everyone needs a bit of shady skies in their life. The sun was always burning in the sky, but here she was frozen to the bone in a blackness that was as deep as a tidal pool. Then, a whirl of images floated around her. They were pictures that had been taken of her on her first day coming to this campus. She was dizzy in the photos and very confused. She was a new student with a grudge toward her parents for leaving her here while they went to study culture in Fiji. Cassie remembered that day as if it were just yesterday. With a whip, the images were gone and replacing it was the image of him. He was beautiful, like he often was, in the photo. Immediately, Cassie's heart began to break along a new split. She knew she would never see him again. Suddenly, just as quick as they appeared, the images vanished.

Chapter 1

Cassie's eyes fluttered open and she was in her dorm room with her roommates, Nicki and Nicole, fast asleep on the other beds. She took a deep, ragged breath preparing on facing another day of everlasting sunshine. She stiffly got dressed and put on the usual duo of mascara and lip-gloss. She popped three bagels in the toaster and went to go wake her roommates. They were always a hassle in the morning, but today they were a tad more stubborn. First, she went over to the drapes and pulled them back. Morning sunlight flooded the room making Nicki and Nicole pull their covers higher over their messy bed heads. She then proceeded to the usual tug-of-war with the blankets on the two girls' beds. Cassie won like she always does and went on to the feet pulling and as she predicted, Cassie's roommates held tight to their headboards. They eventually fell to the floor with their pillows. They usually got up by now, getting tired of Cassie's many different wake up calls, but here they lay still struggling to reach unconsciousness. Cassie reached and snatched up their pillows tossing them on the beds. She then snatched them both by their arms until they sat straight up. They finally gave up and slipped into their jogging suits as Cassie already had. The bagels shot up out of the toaster and the girls went to get their breakfast.
After their morning jog, Cassie, Nicole, and Nicki went to the Star Bucks they had on campus and got their daily dose of cappuccinos in them. They then walked to their first class of the second semester. Mr. Bender was wearing his common jeans and collared shirt. He was the science teacher of the school. See, there were only a hundred or so that attended the school they went to. It was not because it was exclusive on who they let in; it was just not many people come to this small town in California. It seems weird, because so many people come to California and it’s so popular. That is what the big towns are like (can someone say Hollywood?). Nestlé Seed, you see is not a big town. It's tiny, so who would think to attend a school in little o' Nestlé Seed. Also, students in this school are sent here for a reason. It varies for each person. It's not that the students have special needs or are insanely smart. For instance, Nicki is here, because she needs to get away from her own life. She described it as getting claustrophobic from to much stuff going on. Nicole is here for a totally different reason, she doesn’t have enough going on with her that she needs a chance to socialize with brand new people. You may be wondering about Cassie. Well, she's a little more complicated. You'll discover why later on. Anyway, the class was surprised to learn that a new student had arrived last night and would be coming in Mr. Bender's class in just a few minutes. Naturally, they were all anxious to meet the new kid. Everyone was so busy talking about the new guy that no one actually saw him come in the classroom except for Cassie.

Chapter 2

He was the new student at a new school again. His parents traveled quite a bit; whenever, they got tired of a place they would move to another. He never attempted to make friends anymore knowing he will be gone by the end of the month. Derek did love his parents, but eventually moving to new places every month or so gets old. He was getting tired of all the moving and trying to convince his parents to stay in one place for more than a year was harder than anyone could imagine. They always insisted on a 'new adventure' which he figured out shortly after was their words for running away. He does admit that moving does have its perks. For one, he gets to see a lot of beautiful places, and if he doesn't like it; he doesn't have to worry about staying very long. Derek still didn't like the fact that his whole life was based on running away. No matter how hard he insisted on staying his parents would turn around and leave again. They could be overbearingly stubborn at times. His parents also got exasperated of his constant wishing over staying, so they would tolerate another short month and move again. This didn't make Derek any happier about it though. His life became entirely routine. He didn't even bother unpacking all of his stuff anymore. There was just no sense in it knowing that he would just have to pack it all up again in just a short time.
This new adventure of theirs dumped him in a small town called Nestlé Seed, and as far as Derek could tell it was downright plain compared to all the big places he has been to. I mean sure, it has a nice feel to it. Comfy even. It was perfect for a suburban type person, but Derek wanted more out of life than just settling down in his youth. It seems that he would want to stay in one place and get cozy, but he was a natural born mover. What could he say? Old habits die slow. Perhaps he would settle in a permanent spot later on in his years, but he wanted to stretch his wings first, so to speak. You could say him and his parents were meant to be a family. No matter how Derek felt about their running away. See, he wanted to see the world, but not through moving boxes and under his parents watchful gaze. He was a rebel at heart, always wanting to get away, but never too far out of the parents reach. He only had to suffer through two more dependent years with them until he was free to make his own choices. When he was free to decide how long to stay or if he should stay at all. Yes, in about two years he would be eighteen and independent. He couldn’t wait for those stretches of glorious freedom to come. It seemed too far away. Derek was patient, though. He hoped that would pay off.
“Do you need something, Mr. Miller” the school office’s secretary broke Derek out of his revere.
“No, no. This is all, thank you.” he assured the overly helpful Mrs. Dawn. She had just handed him his schedule and a map in case he needed help finding classes. It was silly, who could get lost in a tiny school such as this? He thought to himself. He made his way toward his first class. The subject was science. He never really liked the topic, but always made one of the best grades in the class due to home-teaching as well as top schools since age 5. The teacher’s name was Mr. Bender. Derek was thinking of nick-names that would have come with the name as a child (not all of them good) when he stepped into room number 103. He was surprised the rooms actually broke the triple digit score. He shuffled into the room full of rambling students all talking about the new guy no doubt, and introduced himself to Mr. Bender. He was a science teacher all right. Right down to the space tie around the collared shirt he wore button all the way up to his neck. Mr. Bender pointed to all the open seats, indicating Derek to pick one himself. Derek took the books the teacher gave him and looked up to see which seat he would choose to spend the next month in. He was scanning the rows of students when his eyes fell upon her.

Chapter 3

Cassie saw him alright. She didn’t understand how you could overlook a person such as him. He was tall, about 5’9”. His hair was a deep chestnut. It was thick and had slight waves running through it. Cassie moved her eyes down to his face. Oh, his face! She thought to herself. He has a sculpted jaw bone and cheek bones, but not enough to make you think he was made from granite. His skin was tan. It was just the right mixture- not too pale or too dark. His eyes were Cassie’s favorite so far. They were bathed in the most pure of caramels with subtle specks of gold. They seemed to have an almost perfect shape. Those eyes were brilliant, and they were looking straight at her! Cassie had been so deep in her thoughts that she didn’t realize Mr. Bender had told the new student to see which empty seat he wanted and to her utter embarrassment she hadn’t looked away from his gaze all this while. She quickly looked away to study a crack in the far wall. She realized that her roommates were also staring at her with wide, surprised eyes. They had seen the new kid. Cassie was sure of that. She ignored their stares and counted the splits coming out of the crack in the wall she busied herself by studying.
She had just gotten to the fifth fracture when she felt the chair beside her pull away from the desk. Why the seat beside her?! Cassie thought while she readied herself for his accusing gaze. She slowly switched her view toward the center of the room that way she could look at him from her peripheral vision and to see if he was staring at her of course. He appeared to be focusing on Mr. Bender, but she had a feeling he was watching for her reaction just as she was waiting for his. Cassie wanted to believe that he was really looking at her, but it wouldn’t make sense to her if he was. She was never aware of guys, not since Him anyway. Cassie shoved her dark thoughts away and really focused on Mr. Bender getting ready to give his lesson for the day. No matter how tempted she was she would not look over in the slightest bit for the rest of this class, she promised herself. She wanted to cheat as soon as that promise crossed her mind.

* * * *

She had a subtle kind of beauty. She was not too skinny nor fat, but somewhere in between. It was a healthy figure. Her skin was a pale color, but with a hint of a fading tan. Her hair fell a little ways past her shoulders. It was a medium brown with light golden highlights. It framed her face perfectly. A face that seemed delicate in a way it unexplainable yet beautiful. Her eyes were a deep chocolate with swirls of green here and there. Derek was so busy studying her that it took him longer than necessary to realize she was staring at him. He was thinking of a way to look friendly, and not like a creep who had just been practically interrogating her with his eyes. He decided to just smile at her. Too late. Her eyes had found the wall and his had found the floor. Derek was the first to break. His eyes found her again, but this time they did not stay. They wondered over to the empty seat beside her. Well, why not? Derek thought to himself. He figured he might as well enjoy what fate brought to the table.
He slowly made his way up toward the vacant chair nearest to her. He hesitated before claiming the available spot. He worried for that split minute that she may not like him sitting next to her, and that maybe he shouldn’t push it too far after the staring contest. Then, he remembered he would not be here for long so it would not be a huge deal. Derek, fully decided, settled down in the space that was now his for the month or so. He was planning on at least introducing himself the next time she decided to glance his way, but he got stood up. She kept her eyes to the front of the class the entire time. Disgruntled, Derek settled on sideway glances at her then and again. However, he was careful not to be obvious and kept his head angled toward Mr. Bender, but let his eyes stray off slightly throughout the class. He tried his best to pay attention, mostly, but by the time the bell rang he didn’t even remember more than five words that came out of the teacher’s mouth.
* * * *
The bell finally rang releasing Cassie from her daze. She had done it. She had kept her promise to herself that she would not look at the mystery guy beside her. She had no idea how hard that promise was to keep, but now it was over. She was free to gaze at him willingly enough. She slowly gathered her books, and lifted her bag over her shoulder. Finally, Cassie looked up to drink him in with her eyes. He had just grabbed up his book when his curious eyes found hers. This time, though he did not look away. She was confident, and by the looks of it he wasn’t budging. He was the first to break the ice.
“Tough lesson today, huh?” he suggested cautiously. Cassie was thrown off for a moment, because honestly she didn’t even know what the lesson was about let alone if it was challenging. She just simply shrugged in reply. “Oh, I’m Derek by the way.” he offered her his hand.
Cassie shook it willingly, and asked “So you’re the new kid the whole school’s buzzing about?” He nodded slightly.
“That’s me.” he said openly.
“Cool.” She smiled shyly, and began to walk toward her next class. Derek held out his hand to stop her.
“Aren’t you at least going to let me in on what your name is?” he said playfully.
“Fine, Cassie.” She made her way down to the door with one last look at Derek over her shoulder. Derek. Hmm. Cassie thought. I’ve always liked that name.

Chapter 4

Cassie, it’s fitting. Derek thought to himself. He was lying across his bed with his boots still laced onto his feet. He didn’t even attempt to try and sleep. He knew it was hopeless. How could he possibly sleep after finding out he had more than one class with Cassie? They both had science and math together. Both subjects were not in Derek’s favor list, but it did not matter to him. It only meant that he had something productive to do while the teacher roamed on and on about evolution, quadratics, and stuff he really didn’t bother listening too. While he still made high grades, he could get to know the girl that he found himself pondering over. The math teacher, Mr. Hinkle, assigned Derek the seat farthest away from Cassie. It was as if somehow he knew she was his biggest distraction; however, this did not stop him. Derek could still exchange long glances with her, he could still stroll slowly by her desk when walking by, and he could still talk to her before and after class. He was pleased with the thought, and if those ideas didn’t work they always had Mr. Bender’s science class in the morning. Derek rolled over, and tugged off each his boots and socks. Then, he sighed and changed into something comfortable he might be able to fall asleep in that night.
Once he lay back down his mind began to wonder once more. This time he was trying to figure out what he should talk with Cassie about the next day. He found himself excited to be here in this new town. Suddenly, he frowned. Why am I getting my hopes up? He wondered to himself. She was just another lost hope. He was going to have to run away in a matter of weeks. These thoughts crowded Derek’s mind allowing no belief of staying in Nestlé seed enter. Defeated, he crunched up in his bed, and drifted into unconsciousness.
* * * *
Beep! Cassie groaned and rolled over. Beep! She heard her roommates’ complaints about her getting up so early. Beee-click. She slammed her hand down on the off switch of her consistent alarm clock on her bedside table. Cassie slowly got to her feet and stretched out her arms. Groggy, she made her way to the bathroom on her floor of the dorm. As she took her regular morning shower she started to think about the dream that had gone unfinished thanks to her wake up call. All Cassie could remember from her dream was looking up into rich caramel eyes, and seeing the gold flecks in them shine. She didn’t have to think twice about whose eyes she was dreaming about. They had been in her head all night even before she broke into unconsciousness. She shook her head trying to focus on walking back to her room in her cotton soft robe.
As Cassie got dressed into her running sweats she found her mind running through the possibilities today could bring. She had to admit to herself that all of them had the same lustful eyes as in her dream. She decided to take her morning jog alone today. She left a note and set four alarms for her roommates. They would understand why she needed to be alone, especially after the staring competitions from the day before. They only bombarded her with a million questions about the new guy, Derek. Most of which Cassie herself didn’t know the answer too. She needed to clear her mind of everything, and try to find a sensible solution to it all.
Cassie was jogging her usual route when she spotted an opening up ahead of her in the woods. As she got closer it was easy to tell no one had really been into the break. It was a spot that could be easily missed. Her curiosity got the better of her, and she decided to explore the new path. She turned her iPod, that was blasting ’You Found Me’ by The Fray in her ear buds, to a low volume. It seemed to be a small path. Nothing seemed different about it. A flash of disappointment struck her. It would have been nice to find something cool that no one else knew about. She thought to herself. She turned her music back up, and steadied her pace to a slow run. She was just coming around a bend in the trail when she ran smack dab into something that felt as hard as brick.
* * * *
Derek woke up early the next morning preparing for a jog. He left his dorm feeling lost. He had never felt anything like this before. He felt excited to see her again, but at the same time, didn’t want too. He did not want to start to get his hopes up in this place, then have them come crashing down when he was handed a moving box. Although, he knew he shouldn’t Derek felt himself worrying about things like what he should wear that day, should he wear his cologne or does she even like guys with cologne. His thoughts were crowded with the girl he met only the day before. How can such little time with Cassie cause him to totally change his point of view? He pondered.
He started his sprint outside into the woods that were out back behind the girls’ and boys’ dorms. He was guessing on where certain assessable running trails were and was pleased to find out he had taken the right one. Look at here, it’s only the second day and I’m already getting comfortable with the place. He thought to himself. That thought was interrupted by a dark one. Why was he getting comfortable? He wasn’t staying here long. He frowned to himself and found a bend that led to an opening. The ground leading to the crevice did not look as worn down as the regular path. Derek’s adventurous instinct got the better of him, and he started jogging down into the break in the woods. It didn’t look like much. Disappointed, he continued down the rough terrain, running more than jogging. He ran around a sharp curve. All in one moment it happened so fast. One minute he was running free, and the next he was atop of someone he had toppled into.
“Hey, watch it!” a girl’s voice squealed from under him. Derek quickly rolled over onto his feet. He held his hand out to help the young women with whom he collided with. “Don’t bother!” she snapped, pushing his hand away. She was in the middle of wiping off her knees, and mumbling something along the lines of how if jerks watched where they were going the world would be a lot safer place when Derek noticed the familiar brown hair and body shape.
“Cassie?!” The girl immediately responded to her name, and stood up. He saw recognition dawn in her eyes. Of course, when I go somewhere to figure out what I’m going to do about Cassie. Who’s going to show up? Cassie! Derek thought. He had to admit to himself he was much more pleased than annoyed.
* * * *
Of all the people on this campus that Cassie could have ran into it just had to be him! She did not want him seeing her with her bed head in a ragged pony-tail, her in sweats, and while she was sweating! As soon as he said her name she knew it had been him. She didn’t have to look up to see who that all too familiar voice came from. The same voice that had been in her dreams the night before. Now, Cassie stood straight up facing Derek. She was tongue-tied.
“Fancy running into each other here, literally.” His joke caused her to giggle nervously. Derek laughed at her expression. “You’re as white as a sheet. I didn’t scare you that much did I?” he teased. Cassie finally composed herself.
“Whatever, I didn’t expect anyone to be shooting around the corner like that.”
“So you think I’m fast?” he challenged.
“Not in the least. I just didn’t assume a person would be coming that’s all.”
“Ha, okay. You’re just saying that because you don’t want to admit that you were impressed.” Cassie raised her eyebrows at his remark.
“Not even. I could lap you around that whole campus.” she shot back playfully.
“Oh, you’re on. Race you back to the dorms?”
“On three.” was her reply. They got into position beside each other, and started counting off together.
“One, two...”
“Three!” Cassie finished. Off they went. Both were fast indeed. Cassie pushed herself more. She glanced sideways and saw that Derek was also impressed by her speed. This gave her confidence. She started running at her full speed. Derek noticed the change immediately, and pushed himself to his maximum velocity. He pulled ahead of her, snickering slightly at the surprised look that sprang on Cassie’s face. Apparently, she heard his laughter, because a moment later she had pushed herself in front of him. He caught up beside her with much effort. They were about to be to their dorms. They both realized this at once, and speed up even more. With one last stride they tumbled onto the campus simultaneously. They were both breathing hard and were leaning on their knees. Derek was the first to straggle out a sentence.
“Good race. I admit I didn’t think you could be that fast.”
“Thanks. You were good too.”
“Well, we tied. We need to settle the score somehow.”
“You’re on.” Cassie challenged.
“We need to come up with how else we can compete. I don’t know about you, but I don’t feel like going through that again for another couple of days.” he sighed.
“True. We know we have some things in common now.” she suggested.
“Yeah, we both like to run, we both like to win, and we both have an untied shoelace” Derek pointed to her right shoe, then back to his. They laughed at the coincidence, and bent down to tie they’re laces. However, as they were bending down they bumped heads which caused them to topple over each other shaking with laughter.
“Don’t mind us, Cass.” Nicole shouted from a few feet away. Both Derek and Cassie, quickly untangling themselves from one another at the sound of the voice, looked up at Cassie’s two roommates who looked like they had just got back from jogging as well.
“Yeah, just pretend we’re not even here. We’ll be in the dorm when you say goodbye to your…friend?” Nicki posed the sentence as a question as if she was not sure if Derek and Cassie were just friends. They walked off into the girls dorm, giggling. They stopped before they went in; however, and gave Cassie a ‘you’ve got some explaining to do!’ look. After they had gone, Cassie gave a little groan of exasperation. She could tell they already had a million questions for her dancing in their minds.
“I guess that’s my queue to go and get ready for my second day here at Nestle Seed, huh?” Derek guessed.
“Yeah, I better get in there.” He could tell she wasn’t really looking forward to being ambushed with questions today. Derek gave her an understanding and pitied look.
“I’ll see you in science then.” he called as he strode off into his dorm. Cassie waved until he disappeared behind the glass doors. What was she going to tell her roommates?!

Chapter 5

It had been a long time since she has ever found someone who she clicked with so easily. The thought made a new break along her heart. She didn’t want to remember that time when he was in her life. Those wondrous years were stripped away quite awhile ago. Although she didn’t want to remember, she found herself unwilling to forget. It happened four years back, Cassie was thirteen and in love. Michael was fifteen and a bit more experienced. They met on a hiking trip arranged by their families. Michael and Cassie didn’t know it, but their relatives had hoped they would fall in love. They grew up right next to each other.
The first year they were together was the best in Cassie’s eyes. It was the honeymoon faze; although, they had not been intimate yet. She thought this was one of the reasons it was the happiest year, but she was still wondering where it went wrong. The year that followed had a few fights, but they always found their way back to each other…back together. Year number three was where it got a bit complicated. Michael was developing a need to change things up, and Cassie agreed. They were intimate and fell deeper in love.
The final year was the turning point of Cassie’s entire life. One day in March, Michael did something Cassie never thought he would do. He cried in front of her. He wouldn’t tell her why even though she wouldn’t stop insisting for him too. He explained the next day that he had had a lot on his mind, but Cassie didn’t buy it. One faithful summer day that year, came the abrupt end. She thought things were going great, that tear-filled day forgotten. They sat on her family’s porch swing laughing and talking about everything they loved. Michael’s face turned serious. He asked her to take a ride with him, and she agreed willingly. She didn’t know the road they were on, and they had been driving for quite awhile. She tried to ask where they were, but he assured her she would be ok.
She remembered coming around the corner and seeing a large building and others, slightly smaller, surrounding it. She saw the sign in the front lawn. Nestle Seed Academy. Michael had stopped the truck, and stepped out. Cassie followed him down to the campus. He walked her up to what appeared to be the girl’s dorm, and she followed him all the way up to room 24C on the third level of the building.
“You’re not mine, anymore.” Michael’s words sent a shiver up her spine. “This is your home now. Please, stay. This is for the best. I can’t.” He walked out of her new dorm, and out of her life. That’s when Nicole and Nicki found her, with tears streaming silently down her face. They took her in and explained that the school was here for people that have a hard time or that need to get away. It helped them realize their full potential, and it helped them with their life. Cassie just nodded. They left her alone. Cassie spent the first months in a deep depression. Her parents had one to study in Fiji, and she never heard a word from Michael. She slowly adjusted to her new life. She didn’t mention anything to anyone about her past. She didn’t want them to know. It wasn’t their business. Michael never came, but his words still whispers in her head. She was broken, but wasn’t unfixable. She would always have the internal scars and breaks, but would be able to move on, eventually.
“Spill!”, Nicki and Nicole squealed out simultaneously, breaking her out of her revere. Cassie was sitting between her roommates on her single bed in their room. She relayed her morning story to her wide-eyed friends.
“Coincidences like that don’t just happen, Cassie!” Nicole explained. “You two already have so much in common and even you said it was like you were the only two in the room when he came in that first day. “She reminded Cassie.
“Yeah I guess.” she admitted slowly.
“Oh, come on. You two are already acting like a couple.” Nicki accused lightly.
“It was only a friendly competition. I don’t see the big deal here.” However, even Cassie wanted to believe that Derek and her were becoming more than friends. She was confused as to what exactly was happening. She hadn’t felt this way about anyone except for him.
“You don’t even believe that rubbish. It may have started out that way, but it progressed into a whole lot more.”
“Yeah, come on. You aren’t even that blind.” Nicole agreed. Nicki laughed playfully at her remark.
“Fine.”, Cassie collapsed backwards onto her bed, sighing deeply. “I like him, okay? Are ya‘ll happy now?” They squealed, and Cassie rolled her eyes at them. “This doesn’t change anything, though.” she said over their delight. “He doesn’t feel the same. He couldn’t. It just doesn’t make sense for him too.” She sighed.
“Oh my god! Nicole, would you please explain to her that she’s being completely dim!”
“Gladly too, Nicki. Let me say this so that even you can understand. He. Like. You.” Nicole explained slowly like Cassie needed help with the simplest sentences.
“Shut up you two! You know what I mean, and I know for a fact you both have felt the same way when ya’ll have had crushes.” Cassie blurted.
“That’s true, but it means nothing. Every girl goes through it. Trust us on this, Cassie. He likes you!”
“Likes her? He’s completely head-over-heels for her!” Nicki shouted thrillingly.
“SHUSH!! Do you want the whole campus to know?!” Cassie panicked.
“CASSIE AND DEREK!!!” Nicole and Nicki screamed out in unison. Cassie tackled them to the floor, stuffing a pillow over their mouths. All three of them let out a chorus of laughter.
“Okay, okay. We have twenty minutes to get ready for class now. We gotta hurry!” Nicole reminded them.
“Oh, no.” Cassie said sounding defeated.
“What’s wrong, Cass?” Nicki asked, worried.
“I need to look extra pretty, and I only have twenty minutes!” she fretted.
“Ha don’t worry. We gotcha covered.” Nicole assured her.
“Yeah, now go take a shower. You do not need to be sweaty when trying to impress someone.” Nicki warned her roommate.
Cassie went and showered. She came back to their room, and was less than surprised to see her roommates, already dressed, waiting on her. They had already picked out a new cute shirt Cassie had bought a few days ago and her black skinny jeans and some matching heels.
“I figured you can borrow my shoes since your closet is dangerously low on heels.” Nicole feigned horror. “Just be sure to give them back undamaged missy or who knows what will happen to your favorite pair of converse.” She threatened jokingly. Nicki and she helped Cassie with her hair and make-up. By the time they had finished and Cassie was dressed and ready to go, they had five minutes to get to class. They rushed out the door. Cassie soon found out it was not so easy to run in heels. They finally reached the door of Mr. Bender’s classroom with one minute to spare.
* * * *
Derek threw the third shirt on the ground in front of him. Oh for Pete’s sake! Do I have at least one decent shirt that’s not wrinkled from my suitcase! He thought to himself despairingly. He wanted to make a good impression after running into Cassie not looking his best at all. “I’m acting like a chick!” he shouted out loud at himself. What was wrong with him? He never worried this much about his appearance. He, eventually, decided on some dark, almost black, jeans, a semi-straight green shirt with a black design on it. He slipped into his sneakers, and made his way out the door.
He pushed open the door to his first class with still 10 minutes until it started. His eyes immediately found his seat. They drifted to the seat beside him. Derek’s face fell. It was empty. Did she get sick? No, that wasn’t possible. He had just seen her. Was she faking sick? Maybe she didn’t want to spend another minute with him. Maybe he had been too pushy with her, but how? What did he do wrong? He asked all these questions to himself. He kept trying to think of what could have happened in the last thirty minutes that could have led to her not coming to class while he made his way to his desk. He sat down exasperated. He had never thought this much about a girl before. Sure, he had girlfriends, but he never really did like them. They were only mere things to entertain him until he moved to another place. Cassie was different. He didn’t understand it, but he was going to be sure to enjoy every minute of it. He kept hoping that maybe she was just late, but he didn’t let that hope make it so far. he learned early in his life to never hope for something too hard, because it come crashing down before you. You worked so hard to believe and wish for one thing, and then you see it blow up in your face. No, he didn’t dare hope or wish too hard, but he did as much as he allowed himself too.
The door to class room swung open suddenly. It was followed my at least three people breathing heavily. He stared, and he hoped more than his limit allowed. Cassie and maybe her roommates came around the door. Derek couldn’t really tell if it was her roommates, because he was too busy looking at a completely different person than he saw this morning. She was gorgeous. It wasn’t that she was not pretty before. Derek had to admit to himself that he did not see it coming at all, and he was surprised. She was down right sexy, and he fell for her all over again. That caught him off guard. He had never felt this much about anyone, not in this way. He knew the truth behind this, but he didn’t dare let it escape from inside. He couldn’t. It wasn’t right to be so happy, and have the scene ripped out from under you, literally. He felt a sudden flash of anger at his parents go through him. He didn’t want to dwell on the cruel reality that would soon come to reign. He only wanted to enjoy this moment. No matter the consequences. Derek hadn’t yet realized that Cassie was making her way up towards her seat that is. She had a shirt that complimented her skin perfectly, and showed all of her curves. He quickly closed his mouth which had dropped when he had seen her.
“Hi.”. Cassie smiled shyly. She lightly scooted her chair back, and took her seat.
“Oh, uhm, hey”. I’m such an idiot! Derek thought to himself. Uhm, hey? What is wrong with me?!
“So, have you thought of a way to break that tie?” She kept her eyes locked with his.
“Uhm, sorry. What?” She must think I’m pathetic. Why couldn’t he focus?
“The racing tie? How to break it?” Her forehead scrunched up which made it harder for him to focus on what she was trying to say. God, she could make sexy. Okay, focus. He tried to snap himself out of it. He looked down toward his notebook.
“Oh, that. Sorry, I guess I’m a bit out of it today.” He admitted sheepishly. He was floundering like a tuna fish. “How about we discuss it over a movie and popcorn?” Bold, but he wanted her to know he didn’t normally act this stupid.
“Haha. Is that a date?” She questioned, raising her eyebrows.
“Only if you want it to be.” He passed her one of his famous looks. Apparently, he had a few looks that could make girls go weak at the knees. He didn’t let it go to his head, but he made sure they didn’t go to waste either. He could tell it was the perfect touch once her cheeks stained a light pink. It flattered her even more than any clothes could. He reached out and brushed a stray hair behind her ear. “The color on your cheeks looks lovely with your skin.”
“I’ll think about it and uhm, thanks.” She blushed even deeper. Ah, time to make her flounder. Derek plotted to himself.
“I think you’ll say yes. I mean considering I don’t do this very often.” He was mostly in control of his thoughts by now.
“Do what? Talk to girls?” she laughed playfully. Derek heard her roommates behind her giggle. They were obviously listening.
“Well, I’m actually talking to three right now,” he gave a pointed look at her roommates behind her shoulder, “but only one answer matters to me.” He gave her a smoldering look, allowing her to know she was the only one in the room that he was worried about. Nicole and Nicki rolled their eyes at him, but were smiling all the same.
“You seem quite confident.” She stated, her gaze wondering down to a tare at the end of her folder.
“Only if you like confidence.” He replied. Mr. Bender chose then to start the class. Derek and Cassie did not have a chance to speak again until the bell rang. Derek shot up from his chair. He was on edge. He guessed waiting for Cassie’s answer was why. He looked at her expectedly. She glanced at him for a mere second and turned away to converse with her roommates.
“Oh, it’s going to be that way, huh?” Derek stated this loud enough for their section of the classroom could hear. A few stopped and made a couple glances; but otherwise, they ignored him completely. Cassie looked as if she intended to do the same. “Well, I guess it would’ve never worked anyway. I mean I think you are far more petty to compete with me.” He teased her like a cat with a ball of yarn. She turned and grabbed on to the yarn.
“Excuse me?” she snapped, raising her eyebrows to the sky.
“So, now, you hear me?” she rolled her eyes at his remark. “All I said was I think you might be a little late to come up to my level. You know, if your too scared I guess I won’t bother you again.” By this time the whole class, what was left of it, was waiting to see what Cassie’s reply would be. Perfect, Derek thought, an audience.
“I wouldn’t say that. Maybe I don’t want to spend my time with someone so arrogant.” She challenged in return.
“Oh, arrogant am I? If memory serves me right, you’re the one that came pouncing onto me this morning.” He reminded her.
“Ha! You’re the one that couldn’t watch where he was going.” She took two steps forward toward him during this retort.
“You enjoyed being on top of me. Go ahead and admit it to yourself. It’s better to just get it all out there.” Derek took the challenge, and stepped forward two places also. Cassie poked her finger against his chest. By now, their shoulders were only a few inches away.
“You are so ignorant. You think the world evolves around you, huh? News flash, your not! So, do us all a favor and get over yourself!” A smile was playing at the corners of her mouth. Taking advantage of the breaking point, Derek dunked his head close to her ear.
“You just can’t keep your hands off me, can you?” he chuckled lightly. “I suppose that’s a yes, by the way?” he pulled back slightly to register her reaction. She seemed shocked slightly, but pleased. She gave him a good once-over look.
“Absolutely.” Cassie stalked out of the classroom with Nicole beside her. Nicki, however, stayed behind. She stepped closer so no one could hear what she would say.
“She trusts you. Please, don’t give her a reason not too. She’s been through enough, and if you hurt her you won’t have to worry about school for a long time. You just better hope they give homeschooling in the hospital.” She threatened. Derek could tell she cared a lot about her friends, and she didn’t like seeing them hurt. A brilliant smile replaced her serious expression. “Now with that done, what day is this special evening happening?” Without giving him time to answer she continued. “I’m thinking tonight at nine-ish. Since it is a Friday ‘n all. Oh, and the room is 24C.”
“Sounds like a plan.” He confirmed. “I like that you care so much for your friends. I assure you, if I ever hurt her I will not fight against you.” He promised. Nicki gave him a respectful smile, and turned to follow her roommates out the door.

Chapter 6

“Never, in a million years, have I seen such a skimpy closet! I mean…” Nicole rambled on and on about how Cassie’s closet was so lowly stocked that she was surprised Cassie had made it this far without her help. The three of them were gathered in their dorm room; Nicole raiding Cassie’s closet, Nicki heating up a curling iron for Cassie’s hair, and, finally, Cassie trying to stand out of the way while her roommates bombard all around her. It was seven thirty and they were making a fit of how Cassie was not even close to ready. “You’ll just have to borrow some more stuff from me, but I am so taking you shopping tomorrow!” Nicole took a look at Cassie’s reaction and added, “No buts!”.
“Finally, it’s ready! Get your butt over here, Cass!” Nicki shouted from her desk that appeared to be transfigured into a hair parlor. Cassie sighed and strolled over towards her. Nicki pushed her down into a seat and started pinning up hair that she wasn’t curling that minute. Cassie watched Nicole in her mirror seeing what she was picking out to see what looked best for tonight.
“Not a dress! We are going to the theater not a fancy dinner!” Cassie reminded Nicole just as she was about to lay a prom worthy dress out. She gave her a look, but did not argue and went to get her cute black skirt that went a couple of inches above her knees. Cassie relaxed into her chair as Nicki let another layer of hair fall to be curled. She couldn’t believe she had a date. After everything that happened to her, she didn’t think she could be happy with someone else. She admitted she didn’t want to be at first, but now she thought she could finally let herself be truly happy and fall in love again. She couldn’t help but to think of Derek as she waited. Maybe he won’t be the one, but I’m willing to dive in and see for myself, she thought. She found herself ready for what was to come.
* * * *
By the time Nicki had finished Cassie hair, Nicole had an outfit out that Cassie immediately fell in love with. She had just locked her eyes on it when Nicole swung around the corner of their small bathroom (technically, it’s not considered one since there is only a sink and mirror and toilet in it).
“No, you can’t keep it. I was just feeling generous, and you totally deserve props for catching the new guy before any of the other girls here could even blink.” Nicole winked and took hold of Cassie’s wrist. “Come on, it’s make-up time and we’re not going halfway with it like you usually do with just mascara and lip gloss. You’re going to have it all and you’re not going to argue at all with us, because you’ll look so pretty afterwards you won’t even have time to thank us before Derek takes a look and sweeps you off your feet.” Nicki and Nicole sat Cassie down in the revolving chair in their bathroom and got to work. It took several minutes before her lashes would curl exactly the way her roommates thought they should be, then they went back and forth about what shade of blush and eye shadow would be best for Cassie’s skin tone.
“A light peach is the perfect color for her cheeks, and of course, a ravishing red on her eyes!” Nicole stated holding a blush container like a weapon at Nicki.
“No offense, but I think I know her a little better than you. A pink with a light bronzer would look way better than peach. It’s like it was made for her and that red is too bright it’ll drown out her natural features.” Nicki argued pointing Cassie’s mascara bottle at Nicole. This debate lasted about fifteen tense minutes. Eventually, they both agreed on a light red eye shadow with black eyeliner to add a smoky affect and a darkish peach color for Cassie’s cheekbones. They, then, proceeded onto jewelry. When Cassie was finally ready she had a pair of dangle red and black earrings, a decent necklace that rested on her chest above the flattering red silk shirt that hugged Cassie’s hips and loosened at the top, Nicole’s black skirt, and black stilettos that seemed to be miles high to Cassie who was balancing unsteadily on them. By then it was eight forty five.
“You’re gorgeous!” Nicki exclaimed.
“Completely!” Nicole agreed. They were walking circles around Cassie trying to see if they missed anything important. Cassie was twisting the ring on her index finger nervously, it was the same ring Michael had given to her on their fourth year anniversary. It was the last gift she had received from him, and it was a few months before her whole world shifted upside down. She hasn’t tooken it off since the night she opened the huge box with tons of wrapping paper around inside. The moment she saw, on that gigantic bear, that beautiful ring on a necklace that rested right over where the stuffed animal’s heart would be she couldn’t dare part with it. It was the only thing she had left of her past, and she couldn’t tear herself away from it no matter how much she wished she could. Every times she saw it, it brought along the same painful soul deep heartbreak as the day he left her had. No matter how hard remembering the past was, it was somehow worth the memory of her old dream. A dream which amazed, enchanted, and finally, shattered her world.
A knock at their door, with two squeals coming for her roommates, sent Cassie back to reality. She pushed back the past, and focused on what hopefully, would be her future. Nicki pointed to the bathroom, a silent gesture that Cassie should hide before Nicole let our guest in. Cassie hurried as fast as her skyscraper heels would allow to the bathroom. She could still hear Nicole give one last squeal before she calmed herself down enough to turn the knob, and open the door slowly allowing Derek to nervously shuffle into the room.
* * * *
I have a date with Cassie..I am going out tonight with Cassie.. Derek kept turning these thoughts over in his head. It was thirty minutes until nine. He could not decide what to wear for the life of him. He had several clothes thrown across his bed, but none seemed right. His hair didn’t want to go the right way either. He was starting to feel like a chick.
“Tonight you decide to do this, really?!” he scolded his locks as the swayed up once more. He squeezed out more hair gel out of its bottle, and tried to manage his horrible cowlick. It lay flat for a second, but immediately shot up when he thought it was finally going to behave. “Ugh!” he exclaimed. Exasperated, he threw the bottle down. He gave up on his hair, and he turned to see the massive pile of clothes on his bed. He slowly went through them for the third time and decided on simple pair of jeans with a plaid long-sleeved shirt. It was casual, but not too casual, he thought. He rounded on the small mirror that was attached to the sliding door of his closet. “Now, if you will just do right!” he said, talking to his hair yet again.
* * * *
Derek looked into the mirror one last time. His hair had, finally, swayed and looked the way he wanted it, his clothes had some creases, but his jeans, surprisingly, had no holes torn in them, his black sneakers almost shined. Satisfied, he walked out of his dorm to walk over to Cassie’s. He thought of what he planned to say to her once they were alone. Does she like jokes? What does she like? Well, isn’t that the point of this first date? To find out more about each other and become closer? Why was he so nervous? It was just a date. A date with Cassie. His stomach did a flip. Calm down, he told himself.
He had reached the girl’s dorm. He walked up the steps and, with one last deep breath, swung open the door. Oh god, he thought. Every girl in the lobby seemed to stop and stare at him. He looked around, and when his eyes fell upon them they looked down and giggled with hushed voices. He could hear their whispers all the way up the hall. He was glad to reach the elevator. The dorms only had 5 floors, but it was still convenient. He pressed the button for the third floor.
As the doors closed Derek leaned heavily against the back and let a huge breath out. It seemed within seconds the elevator doors slid open again. He walked down to room 24. This is it echoed through his mind as he knocked lightly on the door.
He heard bumps and quiet squeals before the door finally opened. Nicole’s face popped in front of him quickly followed by Nicki’s.
“Hi!” they chimed together making them giggle.
“Hey.” He greeted them and looked around the room. It looked as if a closet threw up. Well, at least I wasn’t the only one struggling for the right clothes to wear, he thought. “I see you girls had some trouble.” He said, gesturing toward the piles and piles of outfits and shoes.
“Oh, it was nothing.” Nicole waved it off, “So, I’m guessing your wondering where your blushing brunette is, am I right?”
“Well, yeah.” Derek admitted, smiling at her. His eyes scanned the room once more. Cassie wasn’t in sight. They must have forced her into the bathroom. His thoughts seemed to be correct, because at that moment, he heard the door of their rest room squeak open and closed. A few more seconds later she came around the corner to face him. “Whoa.” his thoughts escaped out of his mouth.
* * * *
Cassie blushed a deep scarlet. She was taken aback with his sudden compliment in front of Nicole and Nicki. She saw them exchange glances and Nicole covered her giggles with a cough.
"Why did we put blush on her again?" Nicki turned to Nicole for her answer.
"Hmm, I'm not sure anymore. It looks like Derek brings that out in her just fine." Nicole replied.
"It seems she brings some color to his cheeks too." Nicki pointed out. Cassie realized she just so happened to be walking in between them and toward Derek when her elbows decided to take a blow to each of the girl's ribcages. A chorus of "Ouch" and "Hey" followed afterward.
"Come on, let's get out of here or risk further torment." Cassie teased and threw daggers through her eyes at her roommates when they laughed louder.
"Oh, get a grip, Cass!" Nicole snickered out.
"Yeah we're just joking around with you and your boy toy here." Nicki added with a grin. Derek cleared his throat giving him a reason to hide his face. Cassie took this as an opportunity to punch both of the girls in their shoulders and give them each a warning look; yet, she could not help the smile that spread across her face.
"Alright you kids get on outa here!" Nicole shooed them toward the door with Nicki right beside her. Cassie and Derek step outside the doorway right when Nicki turned toward him with a semi-stern look on her face.
"Have her back by breakfast mister!" she said with a quick wink and shut the door. Cassie didn't know what to say. She was embarrassed, nervous, and angry all at once. She didn't dare look up to see what expression was on Derek's face. She did not want to be the first to say anything after that comment. She was going to kill them when she got home tonight.
"So shall we go?" he spared her from more embarrassing moments of silence. She hadn't found her voice yet so she replied with a small nod still looking at the floor as they made their way to the lobby. Cassie realized, with immense relief, most of the girls were already up in their rooms. She didn't think she could take the whispers and giggles.

Chapter 7

Derek, grateful the lobby seemed to clear while he was gone, leads Cassie outside. He guides her towards the parking lot. He wanted to go to the old theater in which their classmates were more than likely not at. He could tell Cassie did not expect this. She hesitated and fell a few steps behind him.
"Nervous?" he teased her. She shot him a playful look, but remained rooted in place. "What did you expect? Did you really think I would be so dim as to take you to a theater full of our classmates or do you just like the attention that much?" he chuckled lightly at the expression on her face.
"Not at all. I just wasn't exactly sure about it." she immediately started walking again. She probably meant for her steps to be confident and graceful, but she falters a few steps away. Derek reaches out towards her and catches her elbow. He steadies her, but, instead of removing his hand, simply trails it down her arm and takes hold of her hand. Cassie's hand his warm in his and it feels right. She is taken aback, but recovers her composure quickly and twines her fingers through his.
* * * *
"Are you kidding me?" Cassie exclaims as Derek leads her towards what looks like his motorcycle. She consciously looks back down at her outfit. It is definitely not the appropriate motorcycle attire. She looks back up to see him grinning at her. "What?"
"This," he waves his hand in the direction of the bike, "is not my only way of traveling, you know." He walks over to the black truck right beside his motorcycle. Suddenly, Cassie felt very silly. Of course he has another vehicle. Why didn't she think of that? "Besides," he continues as he holds the front door of the truck open for her, "I wouldn't be that cruel. Well, not on the first date at least." he smiles mischievously at her and she knows he is just kidding around. Maybe. She can never know for sure with him. This was still so new to her.
She shook her head slowly and looked at the truck seat. Uh-oh. She looked back down at her shoes and skirt. This was not the best scenario either, she thought. She felt Derek wrap his arm around her waist and he lifted her up and onto the seat. She felt her heart skip a beat and quicken as she tried to keep the blush from appearing in her face. Derek cleared his throat.
"Sorry, I guess i didn't think of everything." He gave her an apologetic look and stepped back and closed the door. He went around the front of his truck and easily sat down beside her in the driver's side. Cassie couldn't help but to glower at him a little. "What?" he grinned slightly, watching the way she studied his movements.
"Oh nooothing." she carried out the word, glancing out the window as they reversed out of the parking space. Derek raised his eyebrows at her. She smiled slyly at him. "What?" she mimicked his earlier words.
"You’re really going to do that to me?" he asked as he stopped on the way out of the parking lot. She nodded, smile still in place. "You’re going to tell me." He stated matter of factly. Cassie shook her head in doubt.
"I don't think I will." she teased. Derek put the gear in park and looked at her straight on.
"Well, I can always get you to tell me." He leaned slightly closer to her as he talked.
"Nope. I really doubt it." she said, holding his gaze steadily. Suddenly, he slid across the seat toward her and leaned down so their eyes were level. Cassie was very aware of his face inches away from hers. She tried to control her breathing as his eyes took in every detail of her face, lingering on her lips. Headed in and she could feel his sweet breath on her face.
"Please." he spoke softly, his lips coming close to the corner of her mouth. She was frozen in the lock of his gaze. If she wanted to say something she wouldn't even be able to mumble a word. Her heartbeat was pumping almost twice as quick as before when he had slid his arm around her waist. She closed her eyes and was about to lean in when she felt him pull back. She cracked her eyes open to see his amused face. She shook her head clear and realized that it didn’t take much for him to make her light-headed and confused.
“That wasn’t fair.” She said, trying to gain control back over her racing pulse. He grinned and leaned back in his seat.
“No, but it was fun.” He teased, changing the gear back into Drive. He eased the truck out of the parking lot and into the light flow of traffic. Cassie opened her mouth for a snappy comeback, but closed it again realizing it was pointless.
“So where are we headed anyway?” she asked, changing the subject. He chuckled lightly at her poor attempt but answered anyway.
“An older movie theater just outside of town.” He admitted, looking at her from the corner of his eye to see her reaction. She seemed shocked. “I mean we can always go to the one in town. I just thought it would be different and less crowded.” He rushed out, keeping his eyes trained on the road ahead.
“No, it sounds great. I just didn’t expect it is all.” She reassured him. He didn’t realize he had been holding his breath until he exhaled a big gust when she finished.
“The old theater it is then.” He said, his smile returning to his face. “Why were you surprised?”
“Well, you are new in town. I didn’t think you would even notice the older one.” She looked over to study his face while he answered.
“I don’t know. I kind of like older places. It shows they have a lot of history behind them.” He said, catching her watching him. She looked back down, embarrassed that she was caught.
“I guess we have more in common than we thought. I get it from my dad I think. He always has liked the more run-down places.” She realized she hasn’t talked much about her parents to anyone let alone to a guy she barely knows.
“I know I definitely did not get it from either of my parents. They’re always going to places that are new and exciting.” He emphasized the last couple of words with fake enthusiasm. Cassie surprised him by giggling.
“Then what are they doing here in Nestlé Seed?” she asked when she stopped laughing. “It’s tiny and there aren’t many places that people call ‘exciting’ here.”
“Well, they actually are moving up and down the coast. They stuck me here so they wouldn’t have to worry about homeschooling me for now.” He said. By now they were pulling into the theater parking lot.


Texte: google images
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 02.10.2011

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