
Chapter 1


I stared at the wall as time passed me by. There was nothing more boring than waiting for something when you got here early. I lifted my wrist to check my watch, 10:30am. I let out a sigh and lifted from my seat. I’ve got important shit to do, and this just won’t do. I walked over to the receptionist desk and tapped my finger obnoxiously on the desk. The woman a blonde beauty looked up at me. I waved my clutch purse in front of her. “I have been here since 9:00, I have a busy schedule and I am awaiting to see the man who has my norwegian aunts Will or some shit like that. I didn’t even know I had a norwegian uncle”. The blonde, full lip beauty puckered her lips and waggled her well manicured finger toward the door to the back. She winked at me and the door automatically opened. I huffed a thanks and a slipped my card under her keyboard. She eyed it and then me. I smirked at her before walking down and into the doorway. An office to the right and to the left. I paused between both and a man looked up. He looked me up and down and leered at me before waving me into the room. I curled my lip into a half sneer but quickly covered it up with a plastic smile that bedazzles any man, I took a seat and he pulled out a large folder with 2016 stamped on it, he then pulled out another folder within that one with “Deets Dastivix Will” Printed on it. What an interesting name...He handed the folder over  to me and picked his teeth with his pinky nail. I let out a quiet hiss and he looked in my direction. “Did you hear that?” I shook my head innocently gazing up at him, I flipped open the folder and inside it was a letter dedicated to me.


Dear Little Bug, you may not remember me but I remember you. Your father Fox he brought you to me a few times when you were a wee babe. I am writing to you to include you into my will. You are my only next of Kin and I know how successful and how wonderful of a person you are. I give to you my estate and everything inside of it, including the Butlers and Maids. I wanted to meet you once more before I die but that is not happening for I am bedridden and will not be living much longer. I wanted to let you know, pretty Bella, that I had fallen deeply in love with you. As an Alpha, you were destined to be my Bella, my mate but we have blood running in our veins, and as you and I both know, incest amongst Wolves is only for the highest authority in which I am not but you are. I never had the courage to come to you…


There was more to the note but I couldn’t bare to read the rest. I stuck it back into the folder and stood up shoving it between my arm and side. I offered the man a nod of thanks and he nodded back in response. I turned on my heel and walked the hell out of there taking the back exit, once I was out of the building I let out a huge huff of breath and opened the folder again, skipping the deranged love letter from a blood relative where a little baggy slipped out and landed on the floor and inside the bag were multiple keys with tags on them, There was a car key, a house key, a gate key, a key to something and an extremely fancy key, vintage even with a heart shaped handle. It seemed to be made of old copper. I smiled and gave my driver Patrick a call. He answered right away.

“What do you need Mistress” I rattled off the address and ordered him to pack my things because we are headed to Norwegian. I told him about the inheritance and that we are moving. I snapped the phone shut and mentally called to my pack. Daemon Frax replied first, his deep and menacing voice echoed in my mind. Funny enough though he was the sweetest out of the pack.

“Yes my Dame?” a nickname he uses that is short for madam. I smiled “get the pack ready, we are leaving to Norway  wheels are up in 3.”

“Yes Dame” he replied but Tyranny chimed in “What, why are we leaving…” I mentally shut them off before the rest bombard my head. I grabbed my keys from around my neck and clicked the unlock button. I jumped into the car and sped off in the direction of our private jet.


The entire pack was waiting each of them holding a small bag of their belongings beside them at their feet. The blonde haired and violet eyed brute of a woman, Kat with the body of a runway model bowed her head as I approached. Beside her was Tyranny a huge man with tattoos covering every inch of his body knelt before me as well, his handsomely chiseled chin pointed to the floor. Daemon was next to drop to the floor kneeling deeply. I turned my head where Red the fired haired beauty short with piercing green eyes ran up to me, her long orange hair swaying like flames grabbed a hold  my hand to kiss my rings, pecking each of them that adorned all five of my fingers. Krix the darkest of the pack snuck up behind me to wrap his lanky arms around my waist. His dark long hair tied back in a loose ponytail hung over my shoulder tickling my cheek as he picked me up and shouted.”My destined one!!!” Stark the geekiest but most formal pack member ripped the man from my waist like a piece of paper and flung him. “Mind your place “ the omega wolf barked, growling. Krix caught his fall my landing in a crouch and began to growl. “Fuck off Stark with no spark!” Krix taunted, his crouch becoming much more defensive than a few moments ago. Stark's  face turned beet red and he puffed out his chest. Stark had tried to mate with Red but wasn't able to get his up so Krix never let him down for that hence the ‘Stark with no Spark’ referencing his flaccid penis to a lighter that has run out of fluid and is only capable of a spark.

I let out an annoyed sigh and sneered my lip up into a warning growl the pack immediately stood to attention. Stark recomposed himself as Krix lifted his body from the crouch and bowed apologetically.

“Let us go” they all nodded and headed toward the private jet, climbing aboard as Patrick our loyal butler and driver packed all of our things into the storage unit on the plane. It took an hour before it took flight into the air. I sat next to the window gazing out into the blue clouds passing by. Kat arm wrestled with Krix and Stark sat in the back reading a book. Red snuggled up at my feet, she tends to change into wolf form and prefers to keep my feet warm, possibly the reason she behaves so submissively is that she hopes to win me over and I will finally select her as my mate. I rubbed my feet against her belly her red fur tickled between my toes and she rolled onto her back exposing her soft belly. I giggled a bit and poked her. She lapped at my ankle playfully with her tongue. Tyranny was fast asleep across the jet. My mind went to the strange heart shaped key and I pulled it out. Something was rolled up inside the key. I blinked and pulled it out. It said Left corridor, Master division. I clutched the key and tucked in neatly in my bra to keep it safe. We spent a six point five hours to arrive to Norway from where we were located. We were able to park the jet onto the Landing strip Deets maids prepared for us. The moment the wheels touched the ground and came to a stop I was already at the door. I pushed open the jet's door as a pair of stairs reclined downwards my hair whipping around my face furiously. The pack followed close behind. I nodded toward Patrick who began to unpack our objects. The plane was parked out in the front of the Castle gates. Four maids and four butlers were waiting out front, the moment they saw me walking toward the gates entrance. They all bow in unison as the pack spread out checking each service helper for anything that could cause potential harm to their alpha. Krix and Tyranny took on the female staff workers and basically sexually assaulted them but the females didn't seem to mind. Krix fingers lingered a bit longer on someone's breast than necessary the woman's cheeks were flushed pink and she was practically swooning. They both ran their nose along their necks intimate as it may seem they are leaving their scent on them, warding off any other supernatural spirit or being. Red had stayed in her wolf form and snaked herself between the butlers legs they nervously stood there. Once they've given me the nod, I walked past the frazzled and disheveled housekeepers into the Castle. It was quite a walk to reach the castle front doors but we managed. The castle doors opened and presented me with a decor and atmosphere of royalty. The walls were painted purple with black designs. Each room was designed differently but the same color scheme. A maid timidly walked beside me to whisper “Madam, before our Master died he arranged everything in this castle to be redecorated per Mistresses tastes…” she wore a high ponytail and a tight leather dress. She was adorable. “including our attire” she whispered softly. Deet knows my dark tastes apparently. The castle was huge 35 rooms and three different sections. Red decided at that moment to change back into her human form. The maids gasped and the butlers stared as the once wolf female was now walking and looking like a female human. Her plump butt perked out, her long red hair covering her breasts. “Go find yourself a room you like, there are three different kitchens, choose a side you decide to reside in but stay out of the left section.” I ordered and took off in that direction, I pulled out the heart shaped key from my bosom. I stared at it looking around i examined each door knob and its lock never finding the correct slot to place the key in. I let out a frustrated sigh and decided to go into the master bedroom, I am in a need for a hot shower. I searched for the master bedroom it sat at the end of the corridor, past all the other rooms and the word Master engraved on the beautiful oak finished door, it was so separate from the rest of the rooms that it could stand out in the darkest of nights. I reached over and turned the knob, it was locked. I pulled out the key with no tag and used it, it unlocked the door immediately and I pushed the door open. A giant bed took up most of the room, seven people could sleep in it comfortably. A duvet of purple with white squares sat on top of the bed. Beautiful and tasseled decorative pillows were perfectly arranged at the head of the bed. Beside the bed were two hand made oak nightstand tables with lights with specialty made corset like lamp shades. They stood out in the room. Beside the bed is a huge bathroom the archway was dropped into a giant curve and white sheer curtains covered it enough to make the bathroom appear modest. I walked along the room and stopped in front of a huge outverted window, a small table and a recliner was placed in the middle and a giant bookcase was to the right of the recliner. All types of books from Romance novels to Science fiction were alphabetically set on the bookshelf. All of my favorite authors with books I haven't even got the chance to read yet and even ones that weren't released yet to the public. My heart seemed to soften toward this Deet guy, who had been so generous to give me all that he has ever owned. He must have a huge influence because this is not just your average rich man, no there is more to Deet than anyone will ever know. I let out a sigh and began stripping off my clothes. I stopped in front of a large oak dresser and opened it. It was all furnished with clothes that I would wear, I opened up the second drawer to find a silk nightie dress that reached my ankles in the color of midnight blue. I grabbed it and walked into the bathroom, lifting the curtains out of my way, they brushed my face tickling my neck. A huge hot tub to the center of the room and a standing shower to the right and to the left was the toilet and walk in closet. I decided to take a quick shower. After my shower I dressed into my nightie. I hopped into bed, covered myself to my chin and curled up into a ball as I let darkness consume me, and waited for the horrible nightmares to commence but the last thing I thought about before everything turned black was the mysterious heart shaped key....

I woke up with sweat stuck to my back, I wiped my forehead with the back of my hand and got up. I reached for the key on my bedside table and looked at it trying to rid myself of my demons. The window brought in moonlight so it was still night outside. I clutched it to my chest, my ear twitched. There was something or someone, I could hear them, they are crying..I got up and looked around the room. The crying grew louder as I got closer to the right side of the room. As I approached the bookshelf there was no doubt in my mind that the crying was coming from behind the shelf. I looked at the bookshelf. The unique design around the shelf caught my attention I reached over and touched the sides of the bookshelf and my finger brushed against what felt like a keyhole. I blinked and gently brushed my finger over it again before pressing close to examine the hole. It was the shape of a heart. My heart began to race as I lifted up the key to the hole and slid it in. I turned the key and I heard a click, the bookshelf shuttered and screeched as it slid sideways into the wall, a hydraulic lift made the bookshelf disappear. A gasp left my mouth. Inside the room was Adult size baby items from a huge adult crib to other items like a high chair, a bouncer, a baby swing and a shelf full of diapers, baby toys and baby powder. On the other side of the room beside the crib was a play spot with toys and on the top shelf was baby bottles, pacifiers and sippy cups. I was taken back but I noticed the crying had stopped. I looked around the room as my eyes landed on a small cage in the corner. Inside this cage with a toddler sized mattress and a small woman. She had long hair that curled at her ankles. She was wearing an oversized gray t shirt and a pacifier hung on her pinky as she clutched the bars staring at me with big hazel eyes. She was the most beautiful thing I had ever seen and all I could do was stare..I turned as the bookshelf alerted me that it was closing. It closed behind me and I whipped back to stare at the girl inside the black cage..

Chapter 2



“How long..have you been here…” I asked, slowly and quietly approaching the cage, my hands up in the air. She scrambled back into the corner of the cage, squishing herself into a tiny ball. She trembled and my heart raced. I finally got down on my hands a knees and slowly crawled toward the side of the cage she curled up in. “Please, I will not hurt you, why are you here..” I asked finally reaching her. I lifted my hand and gently brushed her hair. She twitched and hid her face. An electric current went straight through my body I ripped my hand away and clutched my chest. It was painful. I looked up at her and she too clutched her chest. She whimpered out. What the fuck..”Did you feel that?” I asked I reached over and grabbed the bars of the cage, shaking it causing her to scream out. Fear settled deep within me and then hot rage. This cannot be happening. I flung myself up and away from the girl. This is not happening. I touched my chest once more. No this isn’t I couldn’t have imprinted ! I looked down at her and noticed she was human and anger fueled me further. No I DID not just imprint ON A HUMAN FEMALE. I let out a roar and she shook shaking the cage with her. Tears streamed down her face and for a moment guilt racked my soul but I ignored it. I turned on my heel. This female, is bad there is nothing this female can do for me. I looked back at her as she watched me walk away. I opened the door it screeched. I stepped through the threshold, I could feel her eyes on me but I never looked back. The bookshelf slammed shut and I sunk into the recliner. Someone was banging on the door. “GO AWAY!” I screamed and made sure to tape off my conscious so no one would ask me questions.

My rapid heartbeat began to settle but my anger did not. I opened up a mental path to Red and called out to her. She was eager to respond and by the time the connection had come to an end she was gently tapping at the door. I let her in. She was in a red silk robe that matched her hair. I stared her, devouring her appearance. She smiled coyly and slowly untied her robe, dropping the silk to the floor. I let out a low growl, the sound of the girls crying muffled against the bookshelf could still be heard. I ignored it and I’m sure Red was too occupied with excite to even pay it any heed. I closed the distance between us, I pulled her hair, she growled in response, we tumbled to the floor in a heated and lustful frenzy but the girl in the black and red cage never let my mind as I pleasured the woman beneath me.


I woke up with Red tangled and intertwined with my body, we spent most of the night making love. She had multiple orgasms and her cries were louder than the girl in that room. I looked over toward the bookshelf her cries came to a stop sometime during my love making with Red. I had hoped sleeping with Red would ease the pit in my stomach that grew as the lustful night went on. I untangled myself from Red and got out of bed, scooping my night dress from the floor and pulling it over my head. I stared at Red before I threw her robe at her. She woke up and snapped at it but she forgot she was not in wolf form and blushed. She looked down at what was thrown at her and she looked back up at me confused. “Out” I said and she blinked back tears, hurt visible on her face. She nodded and climbed out of bed, wrapping the robe around her. She looked back at me one last time before exiting the door and shutting it closed behind her. I walked to the bookshelf and opened it with the key. It screeched and slid into the wall. I walked over to the cage passing the adult sized changing table and bent down to look at it. Inside was the girl curled up fast asleep the pacifier hanging from her mouth. Her long hair laid alongside her back, curling at her butt in the most perfect swirl. My face softened at her angelic features I scrubbed my face with my palm. I looked around the room and in the very corner was a desk with a piece of paper on it. I walked over to the desk and peered down at the paper.


Dear Bella, you may have found this room and have become shocked with what is inside of it. It is my darkest and largest secret. Inside this room is the most powerful human in the world as the prophecy spoke it decreed of a girl with long pastel hair. I snatched her and have kept her prisoner since. Her blood is of unique origin, the only living pure blooded Rein Lila. She may be mortal but her powers are beyond that of a normal mortal being, that being said my precious Bella know that my intentions were good and that she has been well kept. She is in perfect condition and she is yours to keep. Do with her as you please, she has been branded and she belongs to you now. Be weary of who you bring her around, she is on the most wanted list in the Neutral ground for all supernatural beings. People are looking for her, other immortals have killed to find and have her in their possession.  Because her blood is so pure and potent Raven the Dark Queen will do anything to get her hands on her that is if she ever finds out you have her in your possession. Stay safe my Bella.


  • Love Deets


I stared blankly at the piece of paper. This is just great, I slapped my hand over the desk in anger in turn it startled the tiny being in the cage. Her eyes snapped open the pacifier slipping from her mouth where she let out an unholy scream that shook the walls with its force. My first instinct was to make the sound stop so i ripped the cage door open practically off its hinges. I reached in and grabbed the girl by the hair and yanked her into my arms. That sizzling spark I felt earlier was now tenfold, almost immediately the girl stopped her screaming as she stared up at me her mouth agape. I looked down at her, gazing into the portal that is her eyes before shaking free of this trap and threw her across the room. She tumbled and rolled, hitting the wall. She let out a cry of pain but she did not dare screech again. I stared down at my fingers that touched her, the sizzling sensation still lingering. I pushed back my hair back and smoothed it down, the long stands frayed at the ends. Guilt once again swallowed me whole. Why do I feel such guilt for a human, a mortal being? I let out a frustrated growl and stomped toward the little girl who now lay curled up soaked in tears and urine. “Female, what is your name?” I demanded, she flinched and whimpered. “Female I swear on my soul if you do not respond I will kill you.”  She sniffled weakly and lifted her head. “Lucette…” I bit my lip and looked at her “Okay Lucette, how old are you?” she whimpered once more but replied “I am...18” My eyes widened in surprise she is only but a baby, no more than a child...anger filled me up once again. I reached for her and yanked her to her feet. She coward in my grasp. The sizzle pricking my fingers, she moaned out in pain or pleasure..? I do not know. I let her go and she stumbled i barked “stay standing, girl’ and just as she was told she stayed standing. My night strap had fallen off my shoulder showing a lot more skin, Lucette the girl stared at my collar bone her gaze followed it down to the top of my breast I pulled my nightie up and she snapped out of the trance. She began looking around and spotted her pacifier she looked up at me and back at the pacifier then back at me again, I nodded and she dove toward it, grabbed it and stuffing it into her mouth, it seemed to relax her entire body. I looked at her and realized just how dirty she was with urine dripping down her legs. A motherly instinct took over and I picked her up, I set her on my hip, her urine drenching my nightgown but I didn't care. I grabbed some diapers off the shelf and walked into the adjoining room and inside it was a kitchen and a bathroom. I walked into the bathroom. I stripped us both of our clothing and stepped into the shower. I set her down and she grabbed my hips to steady her wobbly foot. A huge bruise stretched across her back from when I threw her. I felt terrible and grabbed a loofah from the shower shelf and squeezed some soap onto it. I lathered it up and gently cleaned her body being extra careful with her bruise. She stared at the floor the entire time.

We finished our shower and I scooped her up. Her wet body pressed against mine made my mind race. She was a fully developed woman yet she acts like a child. It must be sinful to think lustful thoughts of such a pure being but...I sneaked my gaze at her and she stared at my breasts, gazing at them with a hidden hunger but she closed her eyes and flushed pink, she isn't entirely pure...I laid her down on the carpet and slipped a pull up over her curvy hips, keeping my gaze from her nether region. She kept her gaze closed as I scooped her back and laid her in her crib. She opened her eyes to look at me through the crib bars. I sat down on the rocker across from the crib. This room is strange, this girl is strange, all of this is weird but treating her like a child just feels oddly right..I closed my eyes briefly

“Who are you, why do you act this way, why are you here? How did you get captured ?”


She sat up and gazed at me “I am here for you” she replied. I blinked at her. “Okay I get that since Deets left a nice gift letter over there” I pointed. “who were you before he captured you…” “I...don't know” she responded running her finger along the bars. “I was a nobody..” she replied softly “people hurt me, and used me until Deets found me and told me I was special. He hid the bodies I killed..” she murmured. “he rescued me and brought me here.” I raised a brow and asked her to continue. “he treated me like a princess, told me of this room, he told me he knew who I really was and I didn't have to pretend anymore. He took care of me, but he is dead.”

I stared at her as she curled up into herself. This girl is so broken..

Chapter 3

I shook my head to clear out all the thoughts that were running through my head. I held up my hand “let me get this straight..” I began trying to gather what I was trying to say. “You are not held prisoner here ? Because Deets saved you, correct?” she twiddled her fingers she was sitting up now. “No I am held prisoner, Deets said I cannot leave, ever” she peeked over the bars up at me. I got up, the cold air kissed my skin and realized I was naked still. I paid it no mind as I walked over to her. Her eyes never strayed from my body. “OK so you are a prisoner long have you been here?” I asked and she dropped onto her butt. The padding from her diaper made a soft sound as she did. She looked super adorable. She quietly responded “since I was 14..” I was taken back and stumbled back a bit. “you've been trapped here for four years?” she hid her face and nodded. “Dear god, how inhumane..did he ever take you out, you missed school!” she murmured softly “No Melinda taught me, she home schooled me and took great care of me..until recently.” I blinked  and racked my brain through all of the maids that she read about before her journey here. It stopped on a mental image of a beautiful but plain woman with brown eyes and braided brown hair. She was in her early thirties and she was from Columbia. “Where is she now? I did not see her when I came yesterday, all of the maids and butlers were ordered to line up in the front for my arrival.” Lucette shrugged her shoulders and sat up, pointing toward a door in which I assumed was a closet. “She went there and hadn't returned. The last I saw of her was three days ago.” I got up and walked over to the door, I grabbed the knob but it burned me, I jumped back in shock and looked down at my hand. Burn marks were present on my skin and I made a fist. I looked back at her “what is the meaning of this door?” I asked and she responded “it is enchanted to keep any being from going in and out...I tried escaping that way I too could not touch the door.” I looked at her concerned but I grabbed the doorknob enduring the pain it caused me and twisted, it resisted burning my palm even further, I bit down on my cheek to prevent from yelling out and turned it, pulling it open. It resisted but finally gave in to my efforts. Behind the door was a wall. A freaking wall, Lucette stood up in the crib, leaning against the bars in shock. “How can that be!” she said “I saw light, bright light beaming out of that door, it swallowed her whole when she entered, she looked back at me with sadness!” She pulled on the bars, tears welling in her eyes before dropping down her slender cheeks “this is not fair, I chased after her, there was a door there!” She appeared visibly distraught. She dropped down onto her butt once more and began to sob like a child. Her hands went up and covered her eyes as she cried. I reached out and touched the wall a magic force could be felt. I looked back at her and walked over to her. “Shh, it's okay female, do not cry..” I was not much for consoling beings let alone humans..I reached over and gently brushed her pastel pink hair out of her eyes. She leaned into my touch, I froze there was nothing I could say at that moment as she brushed her tear streaked face against my palm like a cat. I hesitated before taking her body into my arms, it was done awkwardly as I adjusted her body. She weighed so little that it was easy to position her comfortably on my person. She let out a silent wail that racked her body. How can a human be so upset with a person who decided to leave her behind? I sank us into the rocking chair and rocked her until she settled. I reached over on the side table beside the chair and grabbed a pacifier, I slipped it into her mouth and she relaxed even further into my arms until eventually she drifted off to sleep. What am I supposed to do with this.. I looked down at the woman in my arms her body so frail and so fragile. My heart began to race as I watched her sleep. I had imprinted on a mortal female. It is one of the worst things a Wolf can ever do..Wolves can live for hundreds of years while mortals can not and when a wolf's mate dies they are lost and become feral or die. I do not want either of those things to happen. There is a old sorcerer or so the story goes that he can unbind your soul and change your mate, but as the story goes some end up having their entire soul ripped out...and the being turned feral and zombie like. Would it be worth the risk ? I need to visit this so called sorcerer to find out for myself or i'll find a way to correct this huge mistake. I looked down at her, her breathing was deep and even. She looked so much like an Angel that it is hard to believe that someone like herself is mortal. Her beauty and innocence far surpasses that of a Human being. I slowly got up and gently placed her in her crib. I grabbed a blanket hanging from the railing and tucked her in. I need to sort this out and where do I start with the pack..I turn around to see the most of the pack staring back at me through the open bookshelf

Chapter 4


I choked on my spit and stumbled over my words. Reds face was red and puffy, Krix was comforting her with an arm to steady her. Tyranny looked as though he was gonna burst with anger. His gaze was transfixed on the girl sleeping. Kat looked annoyed with her hip popped out and Stark he looked confused. The first to speak was Tyranny “Who the fuck is that” he growled low. I walked through the threshold with my hands up in the air, I backed them away from the bookshelf. Kat was the second to speak “What the fuck is all that” she pointed toward the oversized baby crap. Again I was at a loss of words. In a world of supernatural as weird as that alone sounds how do you explain this to even immortal and supposed fictional beings ? Stark walked over to me his gaze straying from my face, he sniffed me a few times before his gaze widened in shock and jumped back..”You imprinted!!!!” I stumbled over the words “yes, well i can explain. It's not what it looks like deets you know he's..” He looked over at the female and back at me and gasped “you imprinted on her!” Red's eyes filled with tears and sorrow and she took off running Krix looked at me and gave me a look before following after Red. Tyranny stalked over to the girl almost crossing the threshold “Ill rip off her head” instincts took over and I whipped back turning quickly and reaching Tyranny, I grabbed ahold of his thick neck and yanked him backwards before he could step over. The force I used propelled him into the air and I let go, he flung like a rag doll into the bathroom smashing the tub. “Do not touch “ I growled my body beginning to change to its original form. Tyranny got up and spit out blood. He wiped the dribble and he stalked out not even glancing up. Kat clicked her tongue and sat down on the bed.

“Tell me everything.” Stark had entered the room and was poking and examining the large baby items. I let out a sigh and grabbed a robe from the chair and put it on and sat down and proceeded to tell them about the letters Deets left behind, how he captured this mystical human and how she was held prisoner for four years and now she belongs to us. Kat swallowed this information whole. “So what are we gonna do with it..?” she asks referring to the mortal girl. I looked over my shoulder at her. Stark had listened in but he now stood over the crib gazing at her with awe in his face. I suppressed the urge to growl at him and turned back to Kat. She smiled at me waggling her brows “Our high and mighty Madam is….a jealous type! Who knew!” I shot her a glare as I stared at the sleeping form in the crib, making sure to give Stark a few warnings with my breathing. He stepped away and looked back at me. “She is very beautiful, it's as though she is an Angel.” He rubs his chin and walks over to me passing the bookshelf entrance but turns to grab a book out of the bookshelf. I raised my brow at him. He showed me the book cover “Halflings”. “You don’t think..” I asked and he nodded “I do.” He sat down on the bed and began flipping through the pages. One of his abilities is being able to read a 500 page book in any language in under fifteen minutes. Stark has a lot of wonderful attributes and he is extremely handsome. The nerdy kind of beauty that would make any woman swoon. That is if he ever decided to wear a suit instead of cartoon character t-shirts.He flipped rapidly through the pages Kat examined her nails until he shouted “Eureka”. He stretched the book out and laid it on the center of the bed for everyone to see. Inside the book described of a mortal woman named Cortana who wowed the strongest of Gods angels with her voice. An image of a beautiful woman with long beautiful hair that was in the same exact color as the moon sang out in ancient language. In the shadows an Angel Luciel stood off to the side listening in secret. Every night Cortana would sing and every night Luciel would listen until he could not bear anymore he stepped out for the mortal to see and Cortana was struck with so much awe that she fell in love with the Angel. Luciel announced his love to her as they mated in the night. The sun rose high and Cortana awoke to see the angels wings have been ripped off his back and he lay there beside her. He had fallen and Cortana screamed and ran off in fright leaving Luciel in the dirt. Lucille's wings turned from a beautiful shade of white to the murkiest shade of black and vowed he would never again love another mortal woman. Cortana fled to her village and back to her husband. Moon phases passed by and her belly began to swell. Each moon her belly was larger and she knew it was the angels child. She rubbed her belly lovingly. Her husband never knew that it wasn't his. On a full moon she brought forth a beautiful baby girl with hair in the color of the softest pink. Cortana loved her daughter very much and named her after her father Luciel she called her Lucet, but on one fearful night Luciel came to the village destroying and burning everything, raping and killing the woman in the village. He saved the remaining hut for last where his beloved cortana stayed. He came in gutting the husband and searched every room until he found cortana in the corner holding something in her arms she screamed “please do not hurt your child!” he stopped as she revealed the pinkest and most precious babygirl he has ever laid his eyes upon. He took the little girl and killed Cortana leaving her behind. Luciel raised the little girl with hatred. All he could see was Cortana who he ached and yearned for. He raped and tortured lucet in replacement of Cortana until he set her free at a youthful age. He ended his life and Lucet wondered the world mindlessly.


I sat back in my chair and bit my lip. “So she is a direct descendent of Lucet then?”

Stark looked at the book with a sickened face. He ripped away from the book and closed it. “Yes so it would seem or she is Lucet.” They both look back at her as she slept soundly in her crib. “How would that be possible, unless she lost all memory of it? That would also mean she is older than both of us combined” Stark nodded “yet she still smells so human” Stark stood up “She was probably reborn” he began tapping his fingers in the air a sign his brain is working at its full capacity going through all calculations and possibilities. “Which means the Gods need her for some reason.” I blink up at him and stand up “What do you mean..” he turned and stared at me “She is a ticking time bomb if she figures out who she is and begins remembering her past she will be the strongest creatures to walk this earth

Her powers will be unleashed and she will be the destruction of mankind and earth…”

Chapter 5


I stood up and walked over to the crib and peered down at what seems to be the most angelic and gentle creature I have ever laid my eyes upon. Her long unrealistic hair seemed to always stay in such beautiful graces, never frizzing, never tangling and never appearing unruly. She is a creature that appears to be some sort of goddess while her scent is undoubtedly and most appetizingly human. She smells of sunflowers and lavender.  An interesting combination nonetheless. I turn away from her, stepping out of the bookshelf. I am going to have to move her “nursery” into a more common room because this will no longer suffice. The entire pack knows and now there is no reason to hide her..except..from everyone outside of this pack. I bite my nail and gently push a button, the automatic bookshelf begins to shutter, the sound like a howl o scream of help begins to close. The little girl stayed sleeping even after I had shut the bookshelf. She is a hard sleeper I thought to myself as I sunk down into my bed and fell into a deep dreamless sleep.


I startle awake to the sound of Kat shaking me awake, her eyes wild and her hair amiss. Shes jostling me and I snap out of the daze pushing her off “What the hell?” I ask and she's breathing rapidly, her chest rising and a knife in her hand. “We are under attack!” I shoot straight up as all my senses as a Wolf Shapeshifter come into focus. I close my eyes and use my mind to examine the property and just like a Camera from the sky I expand the image. The mansion, the trees, the grass the gate surrounding and bam I spy multiple figures around all perimeters of the property, climbing up the walls of the castle like fucking spiders. I jump out of bed, grab the heart key and lock the bookshelf. This is crazy. I look over to Kat, her teeth and ears elongating to points. “Is all the pack here!” I shout and she shifts her eyes to me, bright yellow piercing eyes of a beast. She shakes her head no. “What the fuck, where are they!?” She shrugs her shoulders and responds through my mind “Stark said he’d be back with some new technology for the house, something about advancing the security, Red and Tyranny or doing god knows what where and Patrick and daemon? I don’t know where they are….” I growl and bite my lip, I fling up my suitcase and rip it open, pulling out multiple knives and guns, strapping them on my thighs, chest and my back. I holster the gun to my hip and to my front. “What about Krix ???” Kat is beginning to change so her response was late. “Krix? Wait he should be here..” She said, her voice echoing in my head. I rub my face and run past her, she follows behind on all fours, completely changed. She was one of the most beautiful wolves in the pack. Her coast was a sparkly gold tipped with white and her eyes where two different colors, hazel and blue. She was a sight to behold but as graceful as she appeared her stance and walk was everything but. I look back at her and hiss. her giant paws made such a loud thumping sound. She slowed down and lowered her head, stretching into a slow walk, it muted her loud scamper to a soft kiss of the floor. I nodded and once again zoomed out into my mind, sensing which part of the mansion was breached. They managed to get in and they appear to be closing in. I let out a silent fuck and backtrack to the Master bedroom. “Our best bet” I w inhisper “is to stay here and allow them to come to us, we don’t have time to look for kri- I turn around and he was standing there in his half wolf form blocking the bookshelf, his back facing me. I let out a low growl and he turns to me, his eyes a piercing red. “I protect” he hisses I grab a book and chuck it at his head but he dodges it. “WHERE WERE YOU” I scream in my head sending the telepathic message to his mind. He grabs his head dropping his kitchen knife. “I eat!” he growled out, shooting me a glare that could kill before snatching up his knife and keeping his back to the bookshelf.
“INCOMING” KAT yowled and we turned, facing three black figures, wearing ski masks, their eyes a red blazing haze shooting out of the mask. A stench worse than the pits of hell wafted off them, it was so bad you could see dark murky black shit seeping out of their clothes and suffocating the room. I twitch my nose. “What the fuck are you, you nasty bitch!” They tilted their heads and an indent of what appears to be a smirk covered the lower half of their mask. “We…” they said in unison “are here for the girl…”

Kat dove out first knocking one of them off their feet, his body clattered against the floor but the nasty being grabbed ahold of one of her ears and wretched her head forward, Kat growled and bit down on the figure's arm. He let out a screech and so did the rest of them before darting off in different directions “WE SMELL HER, WE TAKE HER NOW” they screamed and I dodged one man and snapped my hand against his neck as he tried to go past me toward the bookshelf. “I smell her she is there..” The being pointed toward the books and more of them swarmed into the room. “Fuck..” I muttered and snatched a dagger out from my thigh, throwing it behind me, it landed on the back of the monsters skull. He fell to the floor black crap seeping out of the wound. I dodged a hit from the side and smashed my knee into something squishy possibly a stomach or something and the being doubled over. Kat was shredding creature after creature, keeping them from flocking into the room but some still managed to pass her by. They were like a colony of ants, a never ending stream of them trying to find something to snack on. A frustrated yowl escaped my mouth as Krix tore through one and punched another. My ear twitched. She was awake! I spit out another curse and began tearing through as many as I could, they were easily killed but they kept together in numbers.

Sweat poured from Krixs neck, he had long transformed back to his human form as he had little stamina left to hold a half-form. His clothes were shredded, he looked over to see me panting my hands on my knees wiping black muck from my forehead and looked over at him. “I think it’s over” I said my voice weak but as beautiful as ever. Kat was curled up, licking the black tar like crap from her fur while bodies littered the floor. I stood up straight and closed her eyes, moments later I nodded “they are all dead”. I paused “for now.” Krix nodded and dropped the knife to the ground and slumped down. I let out a deep sigh and sat down on the end of the bed. The room was a mess, black tar painted the room, the sheets the walls and the floor. Furniture was wrecked and broken, walls had holes and the carpet was torn.  “After all this commotion I realized that the maids and butlers are not here either, who sent them home?” I  asked and Kat looked up, from her grooming and tilted her head in response. Krix scratched his head as “I don’t know...maybe Daemon?” The sound of feet running down the hall alerted all three of them and they looked up to find the rest of the pack at the doorway, they dropped the bags of groceries and lifted out their weapons “What the fuck happened..” Stark and Tyranny said in unison. Red had her hand over her mouth and nose “it stinks!” Patrick stood in the hall leaning against the wall just behind Red. I  stood up my eyes now a murky green panting now my fists clenched at either side. My voice boomed “KNEEL!” the force of my voice compelled them and they slammed to their knees, completely against their will, as it is the power of the only female Alpha in the world.

Chapter 6


The whole pack was now on their knees, including Kat who had to fling herself off the bed to kneel before her. She couldn’t even raise her gaze toward me but I knew what she was thinking and I ignored it. “I never thought in my life that I would ever have to worry about whether or not my pack has my back.” I spit out, putting a hand to my thigh and running my hands through my hair roughly, strands of delicate pieces fell out as I ripped my hand away in anger. “UNTIL today.” I hissed, as I crossed the room and stepped over the kneeling subjects, my gaze landed on Patrick who was on the floor his but literally up against the wall. He looked quite odd and must be completely embarrassed being in such a weird pose. My bare feet slapped against the marble floor as I stopped in front of them. “Patrick, you were not present before we came here, after or during, what business is more important then your pack?” I asked while waiting for a response, his body shook and vibrated. Oops, “you may speak.” He gasped out a breath and began rambling off, “my brother, he needed my help, he was trapped in Hades and I had to get to him. I tilted my head to the side, gazing sideways up at the ceiling. “Max would not be in this situation if he had just joined my pack.” Patrick appeared to be biting his lip before whispering softly “he does not believe a woman should be Alpha. He says it's unnatural way of things.” I barked out a laugh turning on my heel, he let out a breath that was soon hurtled out of his mouth by my foot that crushed against the side of his ribs. He grunted but remained in bowing position. “You all belong to me, you vowed your legence, you understood what it meant and my powers as an Alpha woman.” I turned away and walked back into the room, stepping on top of the kneeling forms. “I have treated you all with so much respect as you are my family, my blood runs through all of your veins!” I reached down and ripped off the clothing of Krix. A large bite mark on his chest revealed my seal on him. “You each have this mark somewhere on your body. I’ve made love to each of you as there is nothing more intimate than receiving the ritual of blood sharing in this entire world.” The atmosphere of the room seemed to change quickly as a weight of heavy guilt settled over everyone. “A mate, my mate and it does not matter whether I chose this or not and whether you like it or not does not mean you should NEGLECT them. They are a part of me!” my voice raised a notch. “She was nearly taken tonight because of all of your foolishness. Did I not tell you emotions are dangerous! We are wolves, not vampires! We are cold and calculated, we are vicious and unforgiving.”
I let out a growl “You all acted like PUPS!” they whimpered in unison. “PATRICK, you are blood, you should know I would have helped you retrieve your ill minded brother!” I turned to Red “Beautiful Red, sweet Red, STUPID Red” she twitched at the word “You know as an Alpha we can have a Mate and a Beloved.” I turned to Tyranny and crouched down “Tyranny, your anger will kill you one day, your name is not who you are, just because the Elders named you after Anger does not mean you have to let it control who you are! “ I growled out a warning in the ancient language “I am being lenient, punishments should be given for your insolence but I will not, as your Alpha is merciful.” with that I raised my hand and snapped my fingers “rise” and each of them found their footing rising slowly to their feet, wobbly from the dominant power waving off me like a power converter. One by one they kneeled before me asking for my forgiveness. I nodded “It may be because I act too often as your friend instead of your leader but I do not wish to rein my power upon you, you are my loves, my life..” each of them seemed to frown, their eyes glazing over as if they were to cry, they knew of my past and what I had to battle to be where I am. “Please my family raise your heads, you are my equals, now please help us clean this room..” they nodded and began cleaning. Tyranny lifted a body over his shoulder while Red laid another ontop. Near the end Tyranny ended up carrying all of the bodies out of the room and Stark and Patrick were scrubbing the floors. Kat waved incense around and Krix pulled the sheets from the bed. It took a total of four hours to get the room and hallway cleaned. I settled down in the chair ignoring the presence right behind the bookshelf. I can sense the tiny creature her hands pressed against the makeshift wall, her hair curling at the ends. She was calling to me, not as a person that she has gotten to know but as her mate, but I am just not ready to deal with her. I close my eyes and rest my head against the back of the chair.



Lucet pressed her palms harder against the wall where she knew was a door. She leaned her forehead against the wall before dropping down to her knees. She did not understand why the woman on the other side will not look at her. When they were together she always flinched, was she disgusting..? She touched the ends of her hair to examine them. She slowly got up and made it to the bathroom where an imprint of a mirror was suppose to be. She reached out and touched it. She has never once seen her own face. She must be hideous and that is why she chooses not to like me or talk to me kindly. She falls to the ground in front of the sink and begins to sob. “I do not know why all who say they love me leave me..” she softly whispered and once again she drifted off into a deep sleep, curling up on the soft plush carpet.


My senses calmed down and I found my composure, the rest of the pack decided to turn in early and were all sleeping soundly in their rooms. The house helpers returned to their posts and I found myself in front of the bookshelf. I ran my hand over my face this was the third time this night that I had stood in front of this looking dumb as ever. Breathing in courage I opened up the bookshelf. It let out its familiar screech and I crossed the familiar threshold. My heart dropped as Lucet was no where but it settled as I smelt the air. She was still present but it was different..cold almost. I rushed over to the bathroom where I found the tiny thing shivering and curled up on the carpet. She sleeps so long and so often, I knelt before her and scooped her into my arms and she did not even stirr. I gazed down upon her face, a strand of hair ran down the middle of her face and down her nose. I swiped it gently away, her brows furrowed ever so slightly and her breathing pitched for just a moment before evening out. I bit down on my lip and walked her over the threshold and settled her into my bed, I gently slid in with her covering us to our chin in blankets. I let my nose take its fill of her scent before being sucked into a black and dreamless sleep.


My body shot up as I reached for a knife underneath the pillow pressing it against something warm and flesh like. I opened my eyes to find a very beautiful and delicate creature straddling my hips, her hair framed her face as she opened her plump lips in a shocked o shape but she did not flee from her spot. She settled in deeper, pressing her pelvis into mine. I let out a groan and snapped the knife shut, dropping my hand onto the bed. “What in goddess name are you doing girl?” I asked harshly. She tilted her head and ran her hands over my chest, stopping just beneath my breasts. I sucked in a breath “Lassy..” I let out a warning growl, she blinked down at me with a curious face before leaning in her glossy lips inches from mine. I rolled my eyes to the back of my head attempting composure but her lips met mine and all sanity was lost.

Chapter 7



Lucet was completely insane, how could she kiss a creature that undoubtedly finds her repulsive ?

But it was as if a force greater than herself had demanded her to do so. It was as if she could not control her own body. Her hands roughly but gently followed the curves of the alpha woman below her. Her lips seemed to smash into Lucets with a feverish vigor.  A moan escaped her the woman's hand had reached between her legs gently and delicately touching the soft petals of her womanhood.  She arched her back,  ripping her lips from Nevra. The alpha woman raised her lips ever so slightly in a way that resembled a evil smirk as she pressed her middle finger into the core bundle of nerves. A wave of Euphoria enveloped her and stars appeared behind her eyelids.

Nevra watched Lucets face as it scrunched up in pleasure. It was the most adorable facial expression she has ever seen.  She moved her finger rapidly against her pedal. It gushed with liquid and a moan so sweet and so soft escaped the tiny creature.  Lucet has never experienced such an emotion? She composed herself and steadied her hands against the woman's chest who seemed completely satisfied with her reaction. A blush so bright spread across her cheeks.  “I-i am so sorry” she stuttered covering her mouth.  Nevra raised a brow and sat up leaning against the bed headboard.  “Why should you apologize? Was this your first.. “ she stumbled off her words.  “What was that? I've never felt such a bodily reaction” she gently whispered between her hands. Nevra bit her lip and reached to touch her face but held it back as she observed Lucet. “It is called an orgasm it is when the body releases endorphins when.. “ she says her finger once again touching her soft folds. Lucet shivered and rocked her hips involuntarily against Nevra. Nevra groaned and pulled her hands away to grasp her hips.  “when someone touches you like that.. “ Lucet nodded her eyes sparkling “it is amazing.. “




I stared in awe at the woman on top of me who had never experienced an orgasm until I. She stared at me with wonder and awe. She grasped my hand and laid it back upon her flower.  She looked at me with a desperate need for more stimulation.. I could not resist and applied pressure between her thighs once again her hips began to rock.  She moaned and writhed as I picked up speed.  Her body shook as another orgasms took ahold of her body. A low growl escaped me as I flipped her over onto her back and climbed on top of her.  My lips reached her lips and we kissed.  She moaned between each loving kiss and I moved down her body,  ripping away the thin fabric that separated me from her luscious naked body.  Her skin was so beautiful it glowed and as the moon from the window casted a light across her whole body I could only stare and admire the beauty underneath me. Her eyes fluttered open and met mine. Again they dazzled me sparkling in the moonlight her hair in waves framing her entire body. A coy smile snuck it's way upon her mouth. I could not help but smile back and returned to kissing her bare skin. I kissed a trail down her stomach and across her navel and stopped just above her pelvis where soft pastel hair covered her precious mound. Usually I don't like woman with hair but this? This is beautiful and raw.. Pure I lifted my gaze up at her and a slight look of fear crossed her faze and confused.  I gave her a reassuring smile and pushed her back down against the bed.  She let out a gasp as my mouth met her beautiful flower. She let out a cry and I let my tongue slip along the moist folds of her womanhood.  She quivered hard and bucked against me as I gently lapped at the bundle of nerves that peaked out and teased me. Unable to stop myself I run my free hand down between my legs and begin to run my fingertips between my folds catching the moisture from my need and spreading it around. I got enough lubricant from my wetness so I reached up and gently dabbled my finger between her folds and delving just a bit inside her she quakes once more urging me on and slowly I slipped the finger inside of her. She was hot and wet, sucking my finger into her and giving it a big hug.  I let out a hiss to control myself as this is her first time and gently move my finger in and out of her slowly picking up speed.. I gave her orgasms after orgasm until the moon disappeared and the sun rose high above the the time she was satisfied my finger felt like it was gonna fall off but it was worth it in the end as she curled up into my side with the most serene facial expression and ever so often she would let out a pleasant sigh.


Chapter 8

I gently slipped my body from hers and wrapped her up in the covers. I slowly walked to the bathroom and turned on the shower. I slipped inside once the water began to steam the glass i stepped into the water letting it splash across my face in waves. The hot water soothed the aches and pains, a sigh escaped me. A scent wafted through my nose and I turned to see the tiny little lady slipping into the shower with me. I rubbed the water from my face and raised a brow. Her long hair trailed behind her tangled but still beautiful she looked up at me four foot nothing and smiled but it wasn't a innocent smile. It was a devious smile. She looked up from her thick eyelashes and dropped to her knees. I took a stumbled step away my back hitting cold tile. She scooted closer using her hands to spread my thighs. I clutched the side of the tile as her soft face and chin tickled my pussy. Those thick eyelashes made her eyes even more beautiful and innocent.. She grinned and dabbed her tiny pink tongue out and touched the most sensitive part of my body. A gasp left my mouth and I reached over grasping her head. She giggled and began to use her whole mouth tongue and chin. The gentle dabbing of her tongue now a furious battle with my clitioris. I moaned tangling my fingers into her long hair as it became wet and limp from the water. Another giggle left her mouth the vibrations from it making me buck against her face. She realized quickly and began humming and diving her tongue inside me. She reached up and grasped my ass forcing me to face fuck her. Stars began to dance around my eyes as an orgasms was near the hill. My legs wobbled but she was able to maintain my stability as the orgasm rocked my body in waves and she never let up until I was panting and begging for her to stop.  She pulled back and her lips were moist with my juices she smiled once more and wiped her chin of the dribble. I let out a laugh and picked her up into my arms and pressed her against the shower wall.  The shower head rained down  upon us and I smashed my lips against her she let out one of the most delicious moans I've ever heard and reached above her head grabbing the bar of soap from the shelf beside the shower head and put it between us resting it on her clit and mine and began to thrust it into her. She squeaked and trembled. The bar of soap began to lather and made it a smooth lubricant between us allowing for quicker friction. I watched her as her eyes rolled in the back of her head and her body quakes and she begins to thrust against me in a fevery need that surpassed my own. I gripped one of her breast and pulled it to me licking and biting her nipples which sent her over the edge and a scream was ripped from her lips.

Once finished I let her slide down my body and I began to lather her body in soap as she stood there dazed and feeling high from her orgasm. I smiled proud of myself and gently squirted some soap onto her hair and lathered it in, thick strand by thick strand picking her hair up and making my way to the ends. I grabbed the shower head and washed the soap out and kissed her neck. I gently scooped her up and wrapped a towel around her and stepped out reaching over and turning the water flow off. I looked up to find Kat waiting in the bed for me. I sat little lucette down on the ottoman and turned toward Kat she stood up and bowed.

“We've got a problem” she said lowering her gaze she pulled a photo from her pocket and handed it to me. I reached and grabbed it from her staring down at it. I bit my lip and stared at Raven. I let out a cuss. Inside it Raven smirked up at the security camera with a letter. “I'm coming for her, Little sister.. “ beside her was one of the butlers dead at her feet.



Chapter 9

Quickly I gathered Lucette into my arms and power walked toward the hidden room. I dropped her into her crib and flung a fluffy pink blanket over her body.  I raced across the room gathered some supplies and quickly Diapered her in the crib. She protested but my strength was far greater than hers. Finished and Diapered she sat in the adult crib pouting with a thick diaper on. I couldn't help but giggle as she looked extremely adorable. Biting my lip I give her a quick kiss and head toward the exit. “Wait I can fight! “ she yells toward me I send a glare toward her.  “You absolutely will not! “ With that I stepped through the threshold and slammed the bookshelf shut. I grabbed the key around my neck and locked it. I took the key and shoved it inside one of the books and put the book near the bed on the bedside table. I quickly gather my suitcase and whip it open pulling out a leather pair of skin tight jeans and boots. I grab a bulletproof corset and wrap it around my bare waist, tying it with expertise and precision. I slip on the leather pants and boots and strap on a few different kinds of knives up and down my thighs.  I grab a AK47 and sling it over my shoulder and attaching a couple hundred rounds of ammo to my hips. I grab a 1911 browning and stick it in my pants with three different loaded clips.  Kat has already suited up in a hot tight leather dress and spandex with knives of all kinds adorning her legs and thighs. Her favorite choice of gun a FN Five Seven attached to her shoulder. Weight means nothing to us.  I adjust my footing cocking out my hip and swinging my long black hair out from my front to the back.  Having superhuman strength does help with the 100 pounds of weight that this AK puts in these luscious lady hips. I grin at the thought of a human’s facial expression at my entirely pimped out get up.

Kat adjust the knives one last time on her thigh and looked up at me waiting for the signal to get ready. I sent a telepathic message to the pack leaving the telepathy open for conversation “Where are you, are you all ready? Raven is here. “ A bombard of voices filled my head, each pack rattling off their location and position, they've been ready waiting.  I told everyone to meet up in the front because it appears that Raven is in the living room waiting. At least she has some manners, unlike Mother. We set off down the hallways I take one last look at the room before bounding down the hallway picking pace,  Kat close behind determined to protect her alpha by any surprise attack but Raven isn't known for such petty tricks. In the middle all of the hall each member turned in from individual hallways that connected to the Master corridor following behind Kat and I. Each of them adorned with weapons and protective apparel. By the time we reach to staircase Raven had already ripped off the front door with a scrawny tiny human maid in her long fingered grip her nails like a dagger pointed at the woman's main carotid. I raise my hand up, the pack stopped in a defensive stance, Kat with her double daggers out gripped in both hands, Patrick with his ridiculous nunchucks. Stark with his retarded emo painted bow, Tyranny and his iron knuckles and Red of course has chosen her original form and Krix well..let's say he has chosen syringes filled with toxic and lethal concoctions. What a weird weird individual. Raven tilted her head her hair curling at her feet the same color as mine an odd dejavu hits me as I remember the tiny figure in the crib with breathtakingly long hair just like Ravens. Her black dress puddled in with her hair causing it to merge together. One pale leg left the cut of the dress and she stepped over the dead body dragging the tiny human along with her. She squirmed and clawed at Raven's hand but it seemed futile.

“You know Dear Sister it's extremely rude to keep a maiden like myself waiting. So I decided to go hunting. Sorry about the door, but it turned out all of your servants here decided that they could run out the front door and not get caught.” She effortlessly lifts up the human female who weighs at least 120 pounds. “Isn't it rude to run away from your duty to Serve those of higher breed? “ Raven asked shaking the female. The female let out a terrified squeak and apparently began urinating out of fear. Ravens face turned up disgusted “Ew” she said before chucking the young woman across the room and over the railing of the Master stairs. A sickening crunch echoed in the room as her body hit the wall and slid down her life force gone. I bit my lip and began descending the stairs.  “You didn't have to kill all of the helpers. “ Raven grinned and ascended the stairs we met half way face to face,  my step just a bit higher than she.  “I kept the boys they will be a pleasure to break and train don’t you think? “ She smiled even bigger “Did you know,  that one of the servants was hiding a son? “ Raven reaches at her dress and lifts the cut, a tiny boy clutches at her thigh in fear his chest rising rapidly and his eyes big and wide. He was beautiful unlike any child I've ever seen. His eyes were blue and green dipped in white. It was the purest blue I have ever seen. I reached for him but she pushed him back forcing him to fall down the flight of stairs. He tumbled and hit the marble floor with a thud knocked out cold.  She clicks her tongue and the black tar like beings appeared out of nowhere crawling out of the cracks of in the walls and snatched the boy and disappearing within the walls again. My eyes widen “He wasn't human, give him back he belongs to me. “ anger fuels me as I look for any survivors.  How could they not tell me there was a half blood born here how could my uncle not tell me of this child! I frown and stare at my sister her pale beautiful face stared back at me. “You know sister you should have join me and Mother, we could rule the world together. The only alpha woman ever born.. “ I tilt my head to the side “Yeah but you are also a half breed. Half Wolf.. And half Demon Rah” She reaches out quick and slaps me hard across the face.  “Your father was a demon wolf, consider yourself a half breed as.well. “

I grin and wipe the drop of blood she managed to pull from my face. “But I am a full bred wolf you are nothing but a mixed mutt, if that. It's not my fault mommy was a whore” fire blazed in her eyes as she jumped from the stair and attacked me, we came tumbling down the staircase, fists flying. “That boy what are you going to do with him! “ I rammed a knee into her stomach, she let out a sound of air before dropping an elbow into my side.  I grunted and pushed away from her jumping back to my feet. She levitated into the air her dress flowing around her. “you are still a half breed sister that is why you were banned from your original pack and the boy? He is no longer your concern. “

Chapter 10

With that Raven raised her arms and creatures seeped out of the walls and dropped onto the floors. Hundreds of them forming from black blobs.I let out a curse and reach for my AK47 but it had been ripped off during the fist fight. Fuck fuck fuckity fuck. Kat and Red back up while Krix looks down at his needles. He lets out what sounds like a really sad sigh and pulls out a case placing each needle back into the case safely. He sets the case down on a nearby mantle with a plant and yanks out a machete where he hid quite well for someone his size. Did he put it up his butt? I cringed and laughed at the obscene thought. I lift up my shirt and pull out two daggers, wrapping them in my palm and slanting them that the daggers were pointing out of the pinkies. With a low growl and a howl Red darted out first, taking down three blobs at once, ripping through their legs that just turned to mush, black muck dribbled from her chin, drenching her beautiful fur. It must taste horrible. Krix begins swinging the machete, taking down two to his left, and I go running down the stairs, stabbing and swinging the daggers, in the corner of my eye Raven had disappeared into the walls with the boy whose hand was reaching out of her dress to me. Rage engulfed me as a flashback from my child resurfaced…


Little Nevra, so tiny and small being ripped away from her mother. Her sorrowful cries echoed in my head as she reached out toward me, the masked men grabbed her by the waist and yanked her back, yet she fought and fought until one of them snapped her neck.The dungeon door was then slammed shut in front of me, beaming lights invaded my vision. White sterile walls and men in green body outfits..Little Nevra is dragged into another room with a white bed, she is thrown on top of the bed and that's when I decide to dart past them, but one of them grabs my black hair and drags me back, shoving a metal cage over my head the sound of metal locking echoed in my ears. I begin to cry and the men are speaking in a language I could not understand, I crawled to the corner of the bed and they ripped my arm upwards, yanking it out of its socket, I let out a screech as a needle is shoved in my forearm, they all step back as my body begins to seize on the bed, a pain i’ve never experienced before racks my body, locking the limbs and unlocking them, sweat poured down my face in bullets and my breathing was nothing short of heaving as if you were about to vomit but your body wouldn’t let you. The men in green stepped back as a large woman in a white coat walked in. “Her body has yet to reject the A49 gene.” She nods and walks off...the scene ends and she's back in the mansion covered in black goop. Her pack in a circle around her, their back to hers. “Hello there Milady, are you back from Lala land to help us with this?” Strix says, pointing his weapon toward the secondary swarm of gooey monsters.Tyranny was just pulverising the creatures and cursing at the same time “THERE'S NOTHING CRUNCHING, NOTHING BREAKING IT'S JUST POOOP”. I break out in a laughter and smear off the black tar from my forehead possibly leaving a  smudge. The little boys image interrupted her vision momentarily as she ducked under the protective circle and began dashing and slashing through these Jello beings. Red follows close behind, I turn to notice a giant puddle of black tar under her paws and it begins to move so quick no one had time to react. I turn on my heel the moment Red is swallowed not a trace of Red, just a blob like bubble. A rippling howl that turns into a scream ripples out. I dive into the blob and someone behind me has a hold of my waist. There's no time to think. I blindly search for her only gathering fist full of black crap. My vision begins to blur and a strange ringing in my ear passes through and then nothing….




Tyranny gently scoops up Red from the floor, wiping off the goop from her naked body and carries her up the stairs, he looks behind his shoulder. Krix has Nevra in his arms and he is removing her clothes and throwing them in the fireplace. Something evil is in the slime and it needs to be disposed of appropriately. He begins ascending the stairs and turns into the right corridor to where his bed chamber is, he stops at his door and looks down at the Red fiery beauty in his arms, so small and petite she fit perfectly. He let out a sigh and brushed her hair out of her eyes. Her brows furrowed but her eyes did not open. They have been passed out for an hour despite everything they’ve done to attempt to wake them. It seems now that their battle may be internal and very much mental. Their physical health appears to be completely fine, not even a scratch upon their bodies. He opens up the door and closes it behind him. He scans the room to make sure the blobs had not gotten upstairs and hid somewhere but there was nothing. He made his way to the bathroom, he started the shower and managed to strip while still holding her. He steps into the shower and lets the water fall upon them both. He looks down creating a shelter from the water to prevent the water from going into her eyes and nose. She did not stir not once, she was a warm limp body in his arms. He bites his lip and turns the shower off as soon as the black tar was removed from both of their bodies. He dries her off. He gently tucks her into bed. All control has been used and he begins slamming his fitst into the wall until every muscle in his body was exerted and despite the noise he made, she did not open her eyes. He slid down to the ground beside the bed and rested his head on the edge.



Krix gently rested the Mistress into his bed and covered her up. He had worked on removing every inch of the goo from her body. He looks down at the basin of black murky water and the pitch black rag that was once white and frowns. He pulls the chair closer to the edge of the bed and gently grasps her hand into his. “Please, mia amor wake up”. Fatigue catches up with him and he rests his head next to her arm and closes his eyes where he drifts off into a deep sleep.



Krix is running down a dark alleyway, a bag clutched to his tiny torso and his feet bare, slapping across pavement and dirt. He huffs and puffs until he makes it to the corner of the alley and climbs up a descended latter. He almost slips but catches himself, clutching the latter and the bag in his mouth, he chooses not to look down and proceeds upwards until he is at the last window of a run down apartment. He slides it open and crawls inside the room. It is dark and smells of rotting food, trash and alcohol. He slowly creeps out of the kitchen passing his unconscious mother. He looks back before sneaking into his room where he closes the door quietly behind him. The door itself has bolts on the door and a giant hole that stood up on the higher half of the frame. A peeping hole to watch their son. He reaches up and covers it with a crumpled up piece of trash he found on the floor. Quietly and slowly he opens his closet and pulls out a small box, it meowed at him and he smiles big and scoops the kitten out of the box. His name is Spots and he is sick. He holds the kitten close and uses his t-shirt to wipe off the green mucus seeping from his left eye and pulls out the bag and lifts out a bottle of eye drops. He opens the bottle and attempts to administer it into the kitten's eyes. It is successful and he gently settles the kitten down on the floor. He stumbles around before catching his balance and begins batting around a ball of fluff around the hard floor. It gets stuck in the pile of blankets on the floor and he tilts his head confused. Krix smiles and settles a bowl of milk down onto the ground. The sound catches the kitten's attention and he turns around and runs into the bowl dunking his head in the rim to lap at the milk hungrily. Krix smiles and pulls out a piece of jerky from his pocket and lays it next to the bowl. The kitten smells the dry meat and turns over to nibble at it. Krix smiles and gets up, he turns around and sees that the piece of trash he used to cover the hole was on the ground and his mother's eyeball was peering through the hole and she is angry. “How dare you” she spat, opening the door “You brought a filthy animal into our home!” She screeches, pushing Krix aside, he falls onto his but twisting his ankle as it got caught in the tangled blankets on the floor. She reaches down and grabs it by the head. He begins to mewl and howl. Krix eyes widen as he scrambles to his hands and knees and grabs onto his mother's ankle. “Mommy please!” She looks down at him in a way that even a bug would be worth less. His lip begins to tremble “I guess you can’t help it as filthy animal kind stick together.” She turns on her heel, her hair trailing behind her. Krix heart begins to race as the hair flashes in his mind. He gets up and reaches for it, yanking it, she is stumbled back and she turns to stare at him. She throws the kitten to the ground and it slides hitting the floor. Krix runs passed her and scoops up the kitten, covering it in his body as his mother proceeds to kick him in the face, head, ribs, stomach and back. Krix keeps his eyes tightly shut, holding the kitten that now no longer breathes in his arms and waits until it passes. Eventually his mother grew tired of this game and stumbled out of the hallway and into the living room, her matted hair dragging across the floor scooping up trash on its way. As soon as her footsteps stopped he slowly got up, wincing at the sudden stabbing pain in his ribs and carries the kitten close to his chest. He crosses the hallway and straight back into the kitchen where he slowly and quietly slides open the window and crawls out. He climbs down the ladder with one arm carefully cradling the kitten in his arm and jumps to the ground. He stumbles and falls to his knees. By now tears are streaming down his face as he slowly walks out of the alleyway, stopping along the way to hold the walls to breathe through his pain. Eventually he finds himself in a patch of grass, trees and bushes. He crouches down between the bushes and begins to dig a hole while petting the kitten in his arms. Gently he settles the kitten down into the hole and stares down at him. Finally he let it out, the screams and the tears, flowing out of his tiny shaking and broken body. The sound of high heels echoing in the distance made Krix straighten up and wipe his tears away sloppily as he tries to cover up the shallow grave of Spots. The clacking stops and he gets up to sharpy and swiftly walk back home except he bumps into something warm and soft. He looks up to see a beautiful woman with the greenest eyes he has ever seen. He stumbles backwards tripping into the bush and falling on his back. The woman tilts her head and crouches down before him and he closes his eyes, holding his hands up in front of his face. “Why do you grimace as if I will hit you?” she asks her voice a mellifluous sound. He trembles under her gaze before he has the courage to open his eyes and look in her direction. She was breathtaking, almost as beautiful as his mother...he shivers and looks down at his cut up knees. “Why do you have no clothes on boy?” She asks and again he is unable to answer her question. She frowns at him and winces “Boy, where are your parents.” He stares behind her into the alleyway and she looks in his direction. She looks back and gets up, she reaches down and he cowers under her and picks him up. “We will go and see your parents” she says and he shakes his head, clutching her chest “No, no you cannot!” She ignores him and continues into the hallway where they finally reach the end, the last apartment.Krix stares at the ladders and she follows his gaze where the last window hung. She crouches down low and he looks at her confused before they are propelled into the air. He lets out a scream and he clutches at her body. She puts up a hand to his back and pats it gently. They make it to the window with no effort and she slides it open, climbing with him in his arms. She stops and stares at the apartment. It was in shambles, unlivable. She walks around and finds his room where trash, piss and shit littered the floor. She turns to him and points toward the floor where the sheets and blankets were piled up. Much of them had holes and a lot of them were stained with blood and other bodily fluids. He looks down at his feet. She walks past the room and into the kitchen. Dishes littered up to the ceiling and mold grew for what seemed like miles. The kitchen table was broken and smashed to pieces and the fridge was empty. The strange woman begins to walk toward the living room and Krix grabs her shirt and shakes his head no pleading for her to stop. She rips away from his grasp and finds herself in the room. A woman with long white hair was lying on the couch, her gaze stuck on a tv-show, the vampire diaries. When she notices the woman in the house, the mother shoots up onto her feet. “Who the fuck are you!” the mother gaze lands on little Krix and she growled “WHAT DID I tell YOU ABOUT BRINGING FILTH INTO MY HOME, do you not learn from all of the other pets you’ve brought?” She spits as she steps away to dispose of the bodies littered behind the couch. The social worker, the next store friend, the kind grocery man, the dog and the squirrel he rescued, now desiccated bones.The strange woman tilted her head, at the woman. “I will rip you from limb to limb” the white haired lady hissed before morphing into half a Tiger, her paw giant and her mouth razored with teeth that hung out of her mouth. From a beautiful white haired maiden she turned into a white monster. Krix cowers behind the woman, and he peeks up at her. He is confused, why is this woman unfazed by his mother? The woman pushes Krix back gently and turns around “Go to your room” she whispers so gently and she smiles at him “Go to your room and do not come out until I get you, hide under the blankets.” He bites his lip and runs into the kitchen and into the hallway. He skids into his room and hides under the blankets. There is screaming and shouting furniture breaking, eventually there was silence and he held himself into a ball. The door creaks open and he shivers, terrified to see behind the blanket. If its mother she will most definitely kill him. He closes his eyes tightly as the blanket is lifted from him. He lets out a scream and opens one eye. There she was, the strange beautiful woman and she bent down and scooped him up. She was covered in blood, it is smeared across her cheeks and hands. She gently whispers into his ears, close your eyes and do not open them. He looks up at her into her gaze and nods before closing his eyes, He tucks his face into her shoulder and begins walking, she stops to open up a door and he finds himself looking into the living room. His mother torn apart, her head in one direction as her torso and arms and legs in another. His eyes widened and he shut them quickly...and they walked out of the apartment and into the hallway and out of the building. He leans back in her arms and “We go?” he asks he frowns and bites his lip, he was never taught how to speak properly so it was always difficult to get his point across but with no confusion at all she said “Yes we will go, and you will live with me, and I will protect you.” and with that they walked into no particular direction.

Chapter 11

Little Nevra stared at the fat woman in white, her ugly face and the mole in the corner of her mouth lifting each time she spoke to her nurses. She held a clipboard and pen in hand, check marking off or writing something. She paused to stare at me and checked off something. He gave the clipboard to the man beside her and walks toward the bed, she ran her hands along my tiny legs and nodded her head toward the men in green. The one who had the clipboard checked something off once more. I shut my eyes as tightly as the woman invaded my body and my personal space from, touching between my legs to examine the texture, her fingers in my mouth to examine the sharpness and density, finally it was over and she stepped back. She walked over to the sink and washed her hands of my bodily fluids and grabbed the clipboard again and reciting to the nurses. “Trinity Galvin, age five, well taken care, offspring of the highest breed of Alpha the Ekon, but genetic whereabouts of her mother supernaturally unknown. Purity intact, green eyes, tan olive skin and long black hair.” She looks up from the clipboard and smiles  “The best candidate for our research” . She looks toward the men and she whispers in their ear, and glares at one near the door. “Do not touch her purity, not yet.” The lady nodded at the rest of the nurses and left. I coward in the corner, hiding my face until the sound of falling feet disappeared down the hallway. I dare to peek and look up to find the creepy man by the door staring at me.

Chapter 12

Lucet paced around the room. The exact same room that she has been locked in for most of her life. She stares at the wall where that beautiful woman comes to see her. She lets out a groan and runs over to the wall smashing her tiny dainty fists against it until all of her energy is spent. She slumps down the wall and onto her knees. “I can help!” She shouts through the wall at no one in particular. Doubtful that anyone can even hear her. Her padded bum irritates her and she reaches for the tabs to rip it off but remembers that Nevra was the one who placed it on her and she hesitates before ripping it off. She throws it across the room and runs over to the dresser to pull out clothes which were all cute and frilly. She frowned and tossed the clothes around until she found a decent looking pastel looking dress she pops it over her head. She looks toward the bookshelf and frowns. She wanted to help, she has been protected and babied all of her life, she was almost a object to be displayed but hidden. A beautiful vase that was placed in the Master bedroom of someone’s house only for the pleasure of the head of the home. That was what she was and it bothered her to no end. She ran over to the wall/bookshelf. On her side it was not a bookshelf but a metal wall that slide into the wall once opened, she observed it, running her soft hands along the cold metal. “There has to be an emergency exit system.” She muttered to herself, tracing every line and bump along the way. There was nothing, no latch, no button and no handle for her to pull. She bit her lip and turned her back to the wall, slumping down to the floor to her knees, her dress puddling around her. She was exotic and dainty, beautiful and abnormal and completely unaware of the beauty she holds. With a frustrated sigh she drops her face into her hands. Why can’t I help? Why can’t I be of use? Why must I be locked up inside this pink cage ! she let out a yell, a scream that reached a high pitch, so high the lamp beside the changing table teetered, books and toys fell from shelves but the lamp stayed the same. She raised her brows it was tethered to the table, and..she thought it has never been turned on! She gets up and runs toward it, she peers at it, standing on her tiptoes, the changing table was higher than she so she couldn't quite reach it with her four foot five stature. She spins around looking around the room and spots the cage she was placed in and runs toward it, she grabs ahold of the metal bar and drags it with a huff across the room and leans it up against the changing table and climbs on top of it, finally she was at height with it enough so she could touch it. She places her hands all around the metal lamp, it was a gold lamp with a pink hat. She stared at it, feeling for any switch along its smooth surface she groans when nothing but a flat surface greeted her. She looked up under the had to see a chain with a ballerina shoe peak out of the metal just below the light bulb. She tilted her head to get a better look before grabbing ahold of the ballerina shoe and yanked on it. It creaked resisting for a split second before popping out of its socket. A screech and a groan the door behind her began to open. She jumped down and let out a triumph it HA before running across the threshold squeezing herself between the door and the frame. The room was empty and silent. She looked across the bed that was in the middle of the room and eyed an open archway that was the bathroom, that too was empty she turned standing in front of the bed toward the door that was slightly to the left closer to the bathroom than the bookshelf. She has never stepped her foot through that door before. She takes a hesitant step toward the door her heart beating quickly in her chest. Adrenaline coursed through her veins and she took of running, Lucette ran out of the room and stopped in the middle of the hallway confused on which direction to go...a soft sound of whispers made her ear twitch. Down both sides of the hallway there were doors but one door was cracked open with light seeping out. She looked down the hallway and counted the doors. It was the fourth door to the left. Slowly and quietly she tiptoed toward the door, keeping her back flat against the wall she kneeled down, poking her nose up against the door frame and peaking inside. Yellow light splashed the room inside the room there was blankets covering the entire bed and a man with brunette colored hair leaned against the side, his hand grasped into his, she inhaled. That hand was extremely familiar. Long elegant fingers with long nails. It was Nevra, she leaned into the door more until she fell into it, the door swinging open and she lands on her face. Krix jumps up his arms in a defensive protective stance. His gaze landed on her and he looked at her confused a mix of emotions planting on his face before he lowered his arms. Lucette scrambled to her feet and looked from krix to Nevra and she began to pant. “Why is she in your bed?” She asked her gaze sticking to the lump of flesh in a man's bed. Krix walked over to her his gaze looking at her from head to toe. “What are you ?” He asked picking up her hair that curled at his feet. It was long. Not just long but extremely long. She stepped away from him her back up against the wall. He stood before her staring at her. “you remind me of someone..” he said trailing off. Lucette stared at him. “I don't think I've ever met you before “ she whispered her gaze darting from him to Nevra “Why is she in your bed” she repeated he looked over his shoulder his eyes growing sad. “Who are you and how did you get past the magic barrier?” She frowned irritated that he keeps ignoring her question. With a huge inhale of breath she kicks off the wall and runs toward the bed . Her hair was caught and she was pulled back barely grazing her fingers against her hand she let out a low growl and even started herself. She reached up and grabbed her hair, countering the pull so it wouldn't hurt as much. “Please let go. I need to see her” she whispered her eyes watering “let me see her” she whispered softly sliding to the ground her knees collapsing underneath her and hiding under the ridiculous pink dress. Krix did not move. He stared at her with an intense gaze before responding “She was hurt in battle and she hasn't woken up since.”

Chapter 13

Krix stared at the woman before him. She was a short little thing, her body a miniature version of Kats. She was small with lovely curves. Her hair was rapunzel length in a color he has never seen before is it dyed ? He reached over and picked it up. She stared at him “Why is she in your bed?” She asked and he ignored it. “who are you and How did you get in here ? How did you get past the magic barrier ?” She seemed upset at him and he blinked only to find her darting past him toward Nevra instinct kicked in and he grabbed a thick bundle of her hair. She fell to her knees and grabbed ahold of some of her hair pulling in return. “Please let go” she whispered as her eyes began to water “I need to see her please let me go” his eyes widened as her tears began to pearl at her cheeks. She looked pitiful in a billowing pink dress. She almost resembles a Princess. He sighed “she was hurt in battle and hasn't woken up since” She looked at him her gaze widening “Please let my hair go it hurts..” she said softly and Krix dropped the bundle of hair. She slowly got up and walked toward the bed. She was short so the bed was at her waist. She reached over and grabbed Nevras hand. He ran a shaky hand through his hair and walked over to her standing next to her. “Who are you ?” He asked and she looked up from Nevra tears streaming down her face she sniffled “My name is Lucette..I have lived in this house for over ten years.” She returned her gaze to Nevra sleeping form “I was given to Nevra by my previous caregiver..” Krix mouth opened trying to understand what caregiver meant and who this little thing is. A pixie maybe ? Mermaid ? No she smells different..she smells almost divine...wait. he steps back a few staring at her. “What the fuck are you ?!!!” Her long magical hair her pale beautiful skin. The innocents that seeps off her in nauseating waves. The sound of the door opening further made him turn as Kat stood in the doorway her hand on her hip. She was beautiful with blonde long shoulder length hair no boobs but an ass for days. She gazed at him than back at Lucette.

“She belongs to Nevra  so whatever you are thinking don't she will kill you. “ Krix bit his lip and tilted his head “well I wasn't thinking that way about her..” he trailed off. Kat grinned and walked past him. Lucette stood still grasping onto Nevra. Kat reached over and pushed the pastel pink hair out of her eyes she looks up at her and she steps away “who are you ?” She asks and Kat smiles “I am a very good friend of Nevra and she's told me a lot about you. If you'd like you can lay down next to her.” Lucette eyes widened and she nods Kat giggles softly as lucette struggled to get into the bed. Kat gently boosted her up and watched lucette curl up around Nevra her head tucked into the sleeping shoulder of Nevra. “Goddess please wake up” she whispered softly her hand snaking around Nevras sleeping form as she too closed her eyes. Kat and Krix stared at them both. Something serene about the picture eased a bit of her worry. “You know” Kat said “Nevra imprinted.” Memories of the night that bookshelf room came barreling back. He didn't get a good look at the being in the crib until now. This was her imprinted mate ? He turned his gaze toward Kat and ran a rough hand over his face. “well fuck.”

I stood in the cafeteria a tray in my hand and a cool wisp of air touching my back, I reach behind me in an attempt to close the hole in my medical gown that all residents here have to wear. The room was filled with many people of all different ages ranging from two years old to 21. Staff members tended to the toddlers, feeding them in their high chair as though they were the ones who sired them. I bit my lip and looked around to find a small round table with a little girl in it. She had black raven hair much like face lit up and I walked toward the table. She wore a purple headband with her medical gown, a yellow flower stuck to it. She was reading a book. I set my tray on top of the table “Hi my name is Trinity” the girl looked up and raised a brow. She was a pretty little girl almost like a porcelain doll. She rolled her eyes “Natasha” she replied. I sat down across from her, I picked up my fork and stabbed at the beans and white bread. It was all they ever fed us. “I am eight years old” I said smiling at her in hopes she would converse with me. Natasha seemed very uninterested in me. I frowned when she did not respond and shoved the tray away. I was never really hungry especially with all the shots they give me throughout the day. I let out a sigh and Natasha put her book down and finally really looked at me. “I am eight as well. I have been here my whole life but you” she replied with “are new” I grasped my gown, clenching and unclenching it in my fist. “I was born here but” I said “I have been underground, in the..” I trailed off trying to find the word for it she smiled “the basement?” I nodded “You are a basement baby?” She asked her eyes lighting up. “What's it like down there?” I leaned back remembering the way they killed my mother, I shivered “Dark and lonely” She smiled “That's so amazing, I always wanted to know what it was like down there” I tilted my head to the side and stabbed my fork into the food, I lifted it up and took a bite. It tasted stale and empty like this institution. “There are many rooms each of them made out of cement. There is a hole to deficate in and there is one single straw filled mattress on the floor.” Natasha consumed that information before jumping to her feet “come to my room!” she said and she grabbed ahold of my wrist. She left the book and the tray behind as I trailed behind her. We went through corridor after corridor until we stopped at a room to the left labeled number 555. She pushed open the door and inside the room was nothing i’ve ever seen before. The walls were stripped in pink and purple. The bed was large with a fluffy pink blanket on top and toys littering the pillows. I stared mouth agape. “What?” Natasha asked, sitting down on the edge of the bed “I’ve never seen a room like this before?” I stepped further into the room spinning around to take it all in. It was so different in compared to mine. My room was white with a cot in the corner, a sink on the other side of the room closest to the door and that was it. Nothing like this room that looked like a normal girls room. “It’s beautiful!” I exclaimed reaching over to run my hand over the fluffy pink blanket. “How did you get all these things?” I asked and she lit up clapping her hands “Mummy got them for me!” I wince at the word and cast my eyes downwards “oh how nice” I said. She jumped off the bed and grabbed my hands slapping them closed together “You can be her daughter too and have all these nice things!” she said excitedly “she will love you, you are so pretty” I pulled back “My mom is dead..” I whispered and she frowned “but now you can have a new mommy.” My heart started to beat faster in my chest and a feeling I don’t quite understand began to fill my soul. “Does that mean I will be your sister?” A smile so big covered her face “yes oh my god yes!” that feeling was hope…


Or so I thought.

Chapter 14

Lucette opened her eyes and a scream rippled through her she scrambled up against the head of the bed. Her back hitting the wood. She grabbed the closest thing she could find which happened to be a book and hurtled it at the black and gold panther. He got up backing away holding his paws up. She screamed again and attempted to grab the lamp. A warm hand gripped her wrist as she looked down to see Nevra had awoken from her slumber. Lucette loosened her grip on the lamp.

“Little lass that is Krix, he is a Panthret. “ Her voice came out in a croak as she slowly sat up in bed. Lucette let go of the lamp and held onto her arm wearily gazing at the beast at the foot of the bed. “A werepanther if you will.” She stated resting her hand softly against her wrist in a calming manner. “How long have I been out ? “ Nevra asked sending a glare toward Krix and he shifted back into his human form “I’m sorry Mistress and you've been out for almost thirty two hours.” Nevra let out a sigh of relief and finally settles her gaze on Lucette. Her breath hitched from her hard gaze. She dropped her head, winding her fingers around the blankets that surrounded them. “How on earth did you get out ?” She asked her voice tinted with anger. Lucette bit her lip and wiggles under her drilling gaze. “I found the emergency escape protocol” Nevra nodded “did I not tell you to stay put ?” She looked up at Nevra this time. “Don't you ever leave me like that again! You scared me, I cried for you to get me because I know somehow I could help but you ignored me and than I didn't hear from you. I escaped to find you lying in this man's bed” she said startling Nevra and herself for such a outwards outburst her finger pointed toward Krix with a scowl on her face. Nevras face softened as she admired the cute adorable being pointing fingers at a man three times her size. “Then” she began “you wouldn't wake up no matter how many times I called you and it scared me” tears began streaming down her face her lip trembling “I've lost so much in my life and I can't afford to lose you!” Nevras eyes widened at the adult statement. Something someone as sweet and innocent as her; it was a surprise and strange to hear. Nevra grabbed ahold of her and held her close to her bare chest. Smoothing down her frizzy locks of pastel colored hair, she was nothing short of amazing and she continues to surprise her in ways she never will be able to understand

“I will not ever leave you. You are” Nevra stated hesitantly worried that the next few words that come out of her mouth she won't be able to take back and Lucette breathing stopped in anticipation she peaked up at Nevra the braven beauty “are my mate..”





I am taking a huge risk saying these words to this unbelievable woman. For one I never expected that my wolf decided to choose such a girlie mate. A small pink fluffy princess of a woman. I typically go for woman like red or Kat. Mature beautiful woman with sex appeal that poured out of their pores. I've never given a innocent girl a time of day. I've never give virgins a second glance. They were too much trouble and too emotional. Way too much package not something I ever wanted to carry around, until now. So when the last words rolled off my tongue I wanted to regret it. Once the inner wolf chooses a mate it is for life. I had never planned on mating. I was going to rule mypack alone and never have something any of my enemies can use against me. Mating is out of my control but I will not allow this girl to be my kryptonite. I looked down at her as she hugged me tightly. “I do not understand what a mate it but it sounds beautiful” she whispered the last words and her sweetness should have melted my heart but I looked away eyeing Krix who stared at me sideways as if he was reading my mind. She will never need to know in order to become official we would have to do the mating ritual.


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 08.02.2018

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