

Jayna was standing on her balcony overlooking the people of Earth, when Jayke came in and wrapped his arms around her waist.
"Have you ever wondered what it's like down there?" Jayna asked him.
"Yes, I have, but then my uncle Garrid left to scout and never came back."
"He's still alive," Jayna turned around in his arms to face him,"I can feel it. Remember my talent?"
"Jayna, sometimes I used to think that you were fakeing it,but when Shauna was gone,you found her and you had already told me that she wasn't dead,I didn't believe you when you said that,but not any more, I beleive you now."
"You know, now that I think of it, It's pretty strange how oblivious humans are of us."
"We're what they, the humans, call angels. They can't see behind the glamour thats protecting us."
"Oh, well whats an angel, I've never heard of them in our human studies. Are they a race of humans?" Jayna asked.
"No, honey, they're not a race of humans. They're said to be supierior beings with beautiful wings that obey a God. Most of those humans down there believe in them. Its a type of religion." Jayke looked out over the balcony with longing as he said that. Jayna knew he was thinking of his uncle Garrid. "Jayke Do you think we could-," She swallowed hard,"-go down there and look for your uncle?" Jayna looked down at her barefeet scared of what Jayke would say.

"We could ask for a Search and Rescue mission, but it's been four years. Father Jerimyah would most likely say no.But it's worth a try if it's for my uncle."
Jayna smiled up at him,"Then what are we waiting for?"

Father Jarimyah

"I do not know.Going down to Eno [Earth] could be dangerous,especially for a lady as young as you,Jayna. Jaykob,your father is already in bad health,he would worry. I'll have to talk to the Star Sisters and Moon Brothers about this,and most definatly the Night Children."
"Father Jerimyah,do you really need to talk to the Night Children about this?" Jayke asked a little nervously.
"I am afraid so, Jaykob Starkwake."
"I don't like the Night Children much. They creep me out a bit."Jayna finally spoke up.
"Well,Jaykob and Jayna, I will have to call a council meeting for you to stand in front of and state what you want to do."
Father Jerimyah walked out of the room.


Tap,Tap,"Are you done getting ready yet Jayna? We've got fifteen minuets to get to the Rupturing Galaxies court room."
"I'm coming, I'm coming, just let me put one last touch to my Kitaro."
"Hurry up though. The Star sisters,Moon Brothers, and Night Children are not patient."
"Okay I'm done,how do I look?"
Jayke gasped, she looked beutiful. Her deep red hair was pulled up in two jade combs, she was wearing a jade blue and green brilette colored dress. With the pink chaledony necklace Jayke had given her for her birthday three years before. Jaynas sparkling blue eyes were nervous and scared.
"What? Is it too much? I could change."
"No, it's perfect. You look amazing, you could be a star in the night."
Jayna blushed. Jayke kissed her and said, "Lets go, we don't want to be late."
Jayna then noticed what Jayke was wearing.He was wearing black pants, a turqouise collar shirt with a black vest over it. In Sakeno you didn't wear shoes unless it was a special event like a coronation,dance,or royal birth. So, Jayke wasn't wearing any shoes. They walked along too nervous to speak but not too nervous to keep each other company by holding hands.

"State your names and bussiness." one of the Star Sisters commanded.
"Jayna Rosealia Redcloud." Jayna said.
"Jaykob Coltton Starkwake, and we're requesting a Search and Rescue."
"For whom?" One of the Moon Brothers asked.
"Garrid Nikolaf Landcastor" Jaykob replied.
"It says here he's been missing for four years as of next week." Darion one of the Night Children stated, sounding kind of bored.
"Yes, but, I have a talent and I can tell if people I've met have died. I met him before he was sent down to Eno, I know he's not dead." Jayna said.
Lars,a Moon Brother,said," Yes, it is on her record. From the time she found Shauna. Remember we thought she was dead?"
Karin replied,"Ah, yes when Jayna found my daughter, I was so full of joy. Lets have a vote. And by the way, Jayna, I love your Kitaro."
"Enough compliments. We have to have a vote remember? Jayna,Jaykob, would you kindly step out in the hallway?"Lars said nicely.
They nodded and walked out.

They were back in the Rupturing Galaxies courtroom. Waiting for the final decision.
"As much as I hate to say this, your permission has been granted." Darion announced.
Jayke decided to peek over at Jayna, she was almost in tears because of her joy.
"Father Jerimyah, will you show them out,please?"
Father Jerimyah nodded his head and signaled for them to follow.As soon as Jayke and Jayna were out of the courtroom they hugged each other. Jayna started crying out of happiness, and Jayke kissed her excitedly.
"We get to go,honey!"
"I know, I know! I'm so excited!" Jayna said.
Father Jerimyah cleared his throat.
""They both stammered.
"You two better get some sleep tonight."
"Wait Father Jerimyah.Who's escorting us to Eno?" Jayke asked.
"You will be escorted while you sleep by Marya of the Star Sisters."

Eno (Earth)

Jayke and Jayna went off to bed.It took Jayna about an hour to undo her Kitaro,hair and get packed.
She put the pink necklace that Jayke gave her with all the things she needed to bring. Jayke took about 20 minutes to get packed and into his sleepwear.They fell asleep in each others arms with smiles on their faces, but there was worry bubbleing in the back of Jayke's head: What if they got seperated? What if they couldn't fine Garrid? What if...what if....what if...what if Jayna fell for a male human? "Thats silly," Jayke thought,"It's illegal and she knows it. Jayna wouldn't do that to me, would she?" Jayna moved a little to get comfortable and Jayke sighed. He kissed her on the forehead and whispered in her ear, "I Love you." Jayna smiled in her sleep and sighed. The next time Jayke awoke he wasn't in Jayna's amazing turqouise room he was in a room with white walls,one window,and a desk. On the door there was a note, Jayke rolled out of bed and padded over to the door. The note said:

From the desk of:Marya Soulhunter 8/26

Jayna, Jaykob,
This is where you will be staying, it is close to where Garrid Landcastor was sent to scout.Your clothes are in the dresser in the extra room. You are in New York,New York, U.S.A.
U.S.A. stands for United States of America. You are staying in the same building as Garrid did.We searched the
building but he is not here. His things are gone but there is some letters carved in to the door. The letters are
'W.A.' We do not know what W.A. means,we have had researchers look it up but we found nothing. Jayna,
It says on your record that when the feeling of the soul your looking for gets stronger. I do not know if that is true, but please, try your best,and Good Luck.

Marya Soulhunter

P.S. Time exists here unlike in Sakeno. You will have a watch on the desk. Again Good Luck.
~Marya Soulhunter


"What kind of person names a city after a state?" Jayna asked.
Jayke gasped and turned around, "Don't sneak up on me like that."
"Sorry it's just you looked like you were thinking really hard and I didn't want to disturb you." Jayna looked down
her feet.
Jayke took her face in his hands and lifted her head up, "It's okay. Theres no reason for you to be ashamed of
yourself." He kissed her.
Jayna was at a loss for words and smiled.


Jayke was looking at a map when Jayna got out of the shower,dressed, and walked into the kitchen.
"What's that?" she asked and put her arms around his neck and her chin on his head.
"A map. We should look where we think he would be." Jayke replied, tilting his head up to look at her.
"Or we could start in the direction that the feeling is strongest." She looked down at him.
"Amazing, why didn't I think of that?"
"Because women are smart. Plus, I'm the one with the talent." She kisses him.
Jayke sighed, "You have no idea how much I love you."
"And you have no idea how much I love you"

Jayna led them west almost to the city limits. When they saw the city limits sign, they thought that they
ought to contact Marya.Jayke and Jayna went back to the little building they were staying in and got out the
Wocher they used to contact Marya. She was there within a couple minutes, and told them that they should follow
Jayna's feeling.She said she would tell the land lord that their moving out.
"Thank you Marya. We'll find him, I know we will."

The next day, they were following the feeling again.Jayke and Jayna didn't know how to drive so Marya
got them a limo driver. The driver didn't ask questions except for if they were comfortable and what he should call
"Call me Miss Redcloud and him Mr. Starkwake."
"Yes ma'am."
Jayna didn't know where they were headed except that the feeling kept getting stronger as they crossed boundry
lines. Soon she fell asleep against Jayke's shoulder. Hours later she woke up screaming,"Stop here, Stop here!"
The driver pulled over and stopped. Jayna jumped out,looked around and threw up. The feeling was so strong it
hurt her stomach.
"Jayna, honey, whats wrong? Are you okay?" Jayke went over to her side and rubbed her back.The driver jumped
out,ran over and gave her a handkercheif so she could wipe her mouth off. Jayna was breathing hard when she
finally straightened up,"Jayke he's here I know it." She whispered.
"You can go now, Mr.m um...."He trailed off.
"You can call me Denmark."
"Thank you Denmark you can go back to New York if you want. Or wherever it is you go back to.By the way where
are we?"
"You are in Denver, Colorado. Besides,My mom lives here, I have to visit her. I'll be here for a few days so just
come find me if you need me."
"Thank you so much, Denmark." Jayna said.
"I hope you'll be alright Miss Redcloud."
"I will I'm just little motion sick I guess."
"Yes, ma'am."
"Jayna, lead the way." Jayke said.
Jayna nodded and started walking. Denmark got back in his limo and drove away, Jayke followed Jayna. It was
getting dark when Jayna finally stopped.The house was light yellow with a brown roof. There was a flowerbed full
of flowers Jayna and Jayke had never even seen before. Jayke went up to the door and knocked, he could hear
footsteps walking toward the door. Jayke looked over at Jayna she was looking sicker and more nervous with
every second. The door opened and there was a woman looking at them with questioning eyes. She was tan with
black hair and deep brown eyes.When she spoke it came out sounding kind like she was used to seeing strangers
show up at her door.
"Can I help you?" She asked sweetly.
"We're looking for Garrid."Jayke said.
"Oh! Then come in, come in!" She let them step in and walked them into the kitchen," I'll go get him.How about you
two have a seat and when I come back I'll make you some food, you both look hungry."
The cheerful lady left the kitchen.
"He's here honey, it's so strong, this feeling. Its almost painful." Jayna said sounding out of breath.
"Don't worry I'm sure it will go away."

Unle Garrid

"Jayke? Is that you? And Jayna?" Garrid said from behind them both. They both spun around in their seats to see
an astonished looking uncle Garrid.
"Un....uncle...Ga..Garrid?" Jake stuttered.
Jayna just gasped.
Jayke and Jayna both got out of their seats and stood up not knowing what to do. It surprised them both when
Garrid came up and gave them both a hug.
"I didn't think they'd send anyone. But they sent you. Both of you."
"It was Jayna's idea. She was the one that wanted to ask for a Search and Rescue mission."
"Jayna, really? I knew you were smart, but all these years you denied it."
Jayna blushed and looked down.
"Oh, I'm being so rude. I'm sure you met my wife, Kelsie?"
"Uncle, she's a human, thats illegal." Jayke whispered.
"Oh,no,no,no! Shes one of us."
"Really? Ughh...We've been here way too long. We can't even tell our own kind from humans."
"I need some air and some time to get used to this feeling of closeness." Jayna said.
Jayke looked over at her and gasped. She looked pretty bad, her hair was stringy,she was sweating, and her
breathing was shallow.
"I'll take her outside. She's looking bad." Kelsie volunteered.Kelsie helped her up and they walked slowly to the
"Oh, Jayna you'll need to take a shower. You're burning up honey."
"It's my talent. It's been awhile since I've used it."
"I know what you mean. I had something a lot like yours when I was younger. I could hear people's thoughts,
I thought that if I suppressed it for a long time that it would go away. There were thoughts I didn't want to hear.
Especially when my parents fought." Kelsie stared out into space for a moment.
"Kelsie, are you really one of us?"
"Yes, I was sent down to scout at the sametime your Uncle was sent. Only about a month before."
"He's not my uncle. He's Jaykes uncle, but Jayke says that soon we're going to get married, so I guess Garrid
would be my uncle by law."
"Oh! You're a bride to be? That is so wonderful. Can I design your dress? I'm a clothes designer but I never had a
real line of clothing."
"Yes, I'm a bride to be. Sure, you can design my dress but it has to go with the necklace that Jayke gave me."
"Oh thank you so much! I promise you won't be dissapointed. Where is the necklace?"
"Right here," the pink necklace was around her neck like it always was.
Kelsie gasped,"It's beautiful! Your dress will be surounded by that necklace."

Jayna got out of the shower and found some clothes lying on the bed in the guest room. She guessed
they were Kelsie's.She pulled them on, the pants were a little long so she rolled them up a little.
She walked into the kitchen and saw everybody talking around the table. Everyone looked up and
watched her walk in and sit down.They were all smiling,
"What are you all so happy about?"
Jayke held up a small velvet box and said,"I finally got your ring."
Jayna gasped, she was too shocked to speak.


Jayke walked around the table,put it on her finger, and kissed her. Jayna looked at it, smiling, with
tears falling down her cheeks. It was a diamond on a delicate silver band, with the words 'forever' imprinted in the
silver. She got up,walked over to Jayke and wrapped her arms around him.
Still crying she whispered,"I love you so much."
He pulled back and wiped her tears away from her cheeks,
"You have no idea," he said.

Jayke was holding Jayna when she fell asleep. Jayke was sleeping when he woke up to Jayna
screaming, "Baby, whats wrong?"
"Go. Check. The. Bedroom." Jayna said out of breath.
Jayke got up and walked into his uncle's bedroom,Kelsie was crying and kneeling next to Garrids bed. Jayke
walked over to her not knowing what to expect.
The first thing he saw was blood, and lots of it.He looked at his uncle, there was a knife protruding from his chest,
he wasn't breathing, and there was just so much blood.
"Kelsie, what happened?"
"I..I...Don't know," She sobbed,"I went to the kitchen for some water, and when I came back....There was blood....
So much blood..."
Jayke dropped to his knees, his face in his hands, Jayke was crying.
"No,no,no...not now. He can't be gone, I just found him, after four years,and this? Why, why,why!?!"

They were all sitting around the kitchen table when there was a knock at the door.Kelsie got up, looked
out the window, and left to get the door. A few minutes later Marya walked in, she was comforting Kelsie.
"Jayna,Jaykob,Kelsie, we have to go back to Sakeno, and take Garrid with us. We will have a burial among the
stars.It was a terrible way for him to....go...but we must go back.Go get your things, but hurry."
After that everything went by fast.
When they were ready Jayna had on a black dress,the pink necklace,her ring, and a black veil.
By the time they left the house the sunrise was just coming up, they could see the purples,pinks and oranges.
"We need a ride, wheres the limo driver I hired you?"
"He said he was staying here for a couple days,I could try to find him using my talent." Jayna suggested.
"But Jayna, doesn't it hurt? I mean with what happened this morning?" Jayke asked sounding a little worried.
"No honey, after a while it goes away.Like yesterday, when we were so close."
"Okay, Jayna, lead the way." Marya said.
The sun was in the middle of the sky when Jayna finally found Denmark's house.
Jayna went up and knocked, the feeling wasn't hurting her like it did when they found Garrid. Denmark
answered the door with a smile on his face.
"Miss Redcloud, Mr. Starkwake how can I help you? Do you need a ride?"
Jayna nodded,"We need to go to Washington."
"Yes, ma'am. Let me get my things and I'll take you."
"Thank you,Denmark."Jayke says.
They waited on the porch for Denmark to get his things, as soon as he's out of the door he tells them to wait
where they are while he gets the limo.When he pulled up with the limo everyone got in the backseat. Jayna had
her head on Jaykes chest with his arms around her. Marya was reading and Kelsie was looking out a window.
Jayna fell asleep in Jaykes arms. Her dreams were restless. She dreamed that she had a sister, her sisters face
was blackened out but Jayna could tell she was bad.
"Kill me, if you have to. I'm the one that killed Garrid." She laughed.
Then another person she recognized but couldn't remember who she was walked in the room. "Wake up, your
having a nightmare.Wake up,wake up,wake up!" Said the other girl.
Jaynas eyes flew open, she gasped she wasn't in the dark place anymore, she was staring up at Kelsie,Jayke and
Marya's worried faces.
"Honey, what happened? You were tossing and turning, and you tried to choke me."said Jayke. Jayna could see
little finger bruises on his neck.
"I'm sorry Jayke. It was so scary, the dream. This girl said she was my sister and that she killed Garrid." Jayna
started to cry.
Mary sat back,"It's just what I feared. Jayna you do have a sister, a twin sister. Your mother took her and hid her
from us because of her birthmark, it was a sign. An evil sign. Remember your history studies the chapter about
Weston Firesoul?"
"Yes. He was thrown out of Sakeno for attempted take over of the throne."
"Well your mother hid her with him. Alaina grew to love him, just like you love Jayke. He wants power still and she
is helping him. Last we heard they had a child named Mayze but he ranaway.Theres no more records about Mayze
accept that he would be six now. You must have some kind of mind link with your sister, most twins do,but nothing
so terrible like yours has ever been heard of." Mary told her.
"Why didn't anyone tell me this? Jayke did you know?"Jayna asked.
"No honey I didn't,but the night before we had the hearing you muttering something like 'Alaina Marie' in your sleep.
I figured it didn't matter so I went back to sleep."
"It's okay, you didn't know." Jayna's heartbeat was back to normal by now.
"Jayna, no one told you because we were afraid that you'd go looking for her and help her with their army."
"Army? I wouldn't join an army. If someone had told me she was evil then I wouldn't of even gone."
"Jayna,your sister has unique capabilities. She can make people do what she wants them to do. Her talent is just
like Kelsie's but she can talk to people in their minds and tell them what to do. And if they don't do it, it is very
painful.See this mark,"Marya lifted up her shirt to about her bellybutton and on her side was something that
looked like a burn mark,"Your sister did that when she was a baby, because I didn't pick her up."
"But I'm not evil like her.Are we like the oppisites of each other?"
"Yes, your souls and destinies are different but you look alike."
All of a sudden Denmark tells them,"We're in Washington, what city do you want to go to?"
Before anyone else can answer Jayna says,"Seattle, we want to go to Seattle."
"Yes ma'am."

"Jayna, why are we headed to Seattle?"
"Because I know where Mayze is."


"Jayna, we're supossed to be heading back to Sakeno."
"I know but we can save Mayze.He's living in an abandoned building on the east side of Seattle. I can take you to
"Jayna, I doubt you've ever met him,how could you know where he is?"Marya asked.
"It may not say in my record but I know where my family is,good or evil,at all times."
Marya looked worried, "This could be dangerous,Jayna,This means you know where Alaina is."
"Marya she's everywhere.There's too many people's minds that have been messed up by her that I don't know
where she is. It scares me because I feel her everywhere I go.Even in Sakeno I could feel her."
"But thats impossible, she can't control anyone in Sakeno. We have blocks against that."
"Well she must've some how gotten in to Sakeno, taken over someones mind and gotten out of there. If I were her it would've probably been someone importent like a Night Child,Star Sister,or Moon brother."
"It's not Marya,Jayna, so we can trust her.I doubt its a Moon Brother. Most likely a Night Child, they have more
power than Star Sister or Moon Brothers." Kelsie spoke for the first time since they had left.
"It possible but I don't see how she could've gotten in,"Jayke spoke up,"I thought there were barriers all around
Sakeno to tell who's entered and who's left."
"We set those barriors up after we threw Weston out."
"But shouldn't Weston be dead by now?That happened 150 years ago."Jayna asked
"He is immortal and can shape-shift to look younger than he really is. Apparently your mother trusted him enough
to let him raise Alaina."
"My mother must've known him then."
"She did, because she was his wife for a few years,but then when she heard about him trying to take over Sakeno
she left him. Then yours and Alaina's father came along and your mother had you both.Weston killed your father
two days after the pair of you were born."
"Your father was a great man,Jayna, He changed Sakeno."Kelsie said.
"Who was he?"Jayna and Jayke asked at the same time.
"Sergio Tidebreaker. A remarkable man, It was such a loss to all of Sakeno when he was murdered."
"Wait! We had a whole chapter on him in History,it said that he was murdered by an unidentified person or persons."
Jayke said.
"That's because the investigation was still going on about who murdered him,Weston did a pretty good job of
covering up."
"Ma'am, were in Seattle. Do you want me to drop you off here?" Denmark told Jayna.
"Thank you Denmark, yes we'll get out here."

They got out near some tall tower that was called the space needle.They shrugged their shoulders
and started to follow Jayna, the streets kept getting nastier and the buildings looking more rundown
than they'd ever seen.Jayna stopped at the worst building of them all and Jayke saw movement in the window.
All of a sudden someone came running around the side of the house screaming,"You rich people, you can't have
this building its all mine!" Jayna was about to respond when everything went black and she was falling.

When Jayna awoke Jaykes face was leaning over her looking worried in the dim light.She gasped and
sat up a little too fast and almost toppled out of bed.Jayke caught her and smiled,"Its okay.Theres nothing to be
so surprised about."
"What..What happened?"Jayna asked,her voice sounding raspy.
"You fainted when Mayze came around the side of the building.I guess the feeling of your sister on him hurt you."
"That was only half of what will happen when I meet Alaina. I really need to prepare for her."
"I'm just glad your okay,"He said and kissed her.
Mayze walked in then,"Hey.Let me get things straight, Your my moms twin sister and my aunt?"
"Yes, I am." Jayna said.
"You look a lot like her. So, I guess I'm gonna have to beleive you.Your friends are in the other room, and
I'm sorry about you fainting I hope it wasn't my fault."
"Don't worry I'll be fine,I just have to get used to my talent,It hurts me sometimes.Last time it wasn't as strong."
Jayna got up and stumbled, Mayze got to her before Jayke did, even though Jayke was closer.
"What...What was that?" Jayke asked.
"Eh? Oh,that was my talent I'm a shifter like my father but I also got speed."
"Wow." Jayna breathed.
"A double power? That hasn't been seen in five hundred years."
"It's not that spectacular,you know.Theres consequences that come with double powers."
"Really? I didn't think about consequences." Jayke said.
"Yea, it hurts to try to use both at once.Right now I can only shift into a wolf and the speed drains me."

It wasn't until then that Jayna noticed Mayze's features,
he didn't look like he was six like Marya had said he would be, he was tall,
beautifully tan,with brown hair that went down to his chin,
but his eyes didn't seem to fit him.
His eyes were ice blue,and just under his right eye was a mark,
slightly darker than his skin,Jayna couldn't make it out, but then Mayze said," Looking at my birthmark,huh?"
"Oh, sorry I don't mean to be rude, but what is it?"
"It's a howling wolf, pretty neat, huh?" Mayze replied.
"Yea, its amazing and beautiful." Jayna said.
"Mayze, how old are you?" Jayke asked.
"I'm 8 and don't call me Mayze, I changed my name because I hate my parents. Call me Wesley Airstryker."
"But Marya said you'd be 6." Jayna commented.
"Yea but I was born two years before anyone ever figured out that my parents had a child.
My guess is that they just figured I'd been born around the time they found out."
"Come on you probably want to see your friends." He said, sounding kind of mad.

When they walked into the room they saw everyone sitting down looking kind of impatient.
"Finally! You're awake Jayna!" Kelsie said excitedly.
"Jayna,Jaykob, we have to get to Sakeno. Mayze, if you would like, you may come with us." Marya said.
"Sure, I'll came with you, but where's Sakeno at?"
Everyone was stunned.A Sakien that didn't know where or what Sakeno is?
"What? Why are you all staring at me?"
"Oh Holy Avela! Have Mercy on Wesley's soul!" Marya cried out.
"Artemois Avela Shatari Kivaya!" Kelsie whispered then drew a moon over her forehead,
an arpostalia on the right of her chest,
a sun over her heart, and a circle above her bellybutton.
Wesley looked at Jayke and Jayna with questioning eyes. Jayna whispered in his ear,
"You're a Forbidden one, not born in Sakeno and you do not know what it is."
"Is there any pure water around here?"Marya asked.
"Uh..I don't know. Why?"
"Marya, a Star Sister, must cleanse you before we go."
"What'll happen if she doesn't?"
"You'll take a long fall back to Earth."Seeing the look on Wesley's face,Jayke added,"But you won't die."
"How will she cleanse me if there's no pure water here?"
"Boil it!" Kelsie said,"If you boil water it technically becomes pure. You boil it then add all the essense,I always keep
essense with me."
Wesley looked at everyone questioningly and Kelsie spoke,"Got a pan and some water,kid?"
"You know, I don't quite fancy that name,Lady"
"And I don't quite fancy backtalk,boy."
"Uh, hey can you guys stop fighting, I'm not feeling too well." Jayna said.
As a matter-of-fact, she wasn't looking too well either. Her face was pale,she was sweating,then she fainted.
Jayke caught her and there was a knock on the door,
Wesley ran over to the windowand looked terrified.
"My mom," he mouthed,"Hide upstairs."
Kelsie and Marya went flying up the stairs, Jayke carried Jayna as fast as he could up the stairs,
as soon as they were out of sight Wesley went to the door and opened it.
"Hello, my darling son." Alaina said.
"Mother,Father,Annabelle,Lucca." Wesley said turning to each person as he said their names,
"Now you, I've never seen before."
Looking at a young girl about 13 or 14.
"Mayze, this is Adalyn, she just joined our ranks."
"Talent?" Mayze asked.
"She can hear anyone from 2 miles away." Weston answered, his voice was soft but there was a lot of power in it.

Adalyn knew that there was people upstairs, she coulds hear them breathing but she didn't tell anyone,
she was a spy for the Sakiens, as much as she hated it she had to go along with everything the Opposites had
planned until it was time for Jayna to go after Alaina and Annabelle.

The Opposites

"Adalyn, is it safe to talk here? Is there anyone else in this building?" Annabelle asked.
"No, madame." Mayze noticed she had a slight accent. What was it? French,Italian,Russian?
"Good, Mayze, would you show us in side?" Weston asked.
"Yes,sir, would you like something to drink?"
"No. Now we need to get to business."
"Now Mayze, we have been told by a most valuable source in Sakeno that some Sakiens have come to look for your mother and you.
Now we want you to watch for them and if you find them, send Noëla for us."
Just then a girl with short spikey black hair walked in,Mayze guessed that was Noëla.
"Hey boss, do ya mind if I have Felan here for company?"
"Noëla, who is Felan?" Annabelle asked.
"Felan is my twin brother."

Noëla and Felan knew that Adalyn was a spy because they were too. Not only did the Opposites have spies in Sakeno
but the Sakiens had spies with the Opposites. Noëla would never be sent to Weston or Alaina, she would go directly
to Sakeno and tell the Night Children about the plans from the Opposites. Right now the plan was to lay low until
the Opposites did something big. And apparently building an army of dead people was nothing huge.
Felan,who had all the traits of a wolf, knew someone was upstairs even though he had just walked in after
Mayze's parents had said he could stay. He looked sideways at Adalyn, who kept her face straight and her head forward,
nodded just slightly enough for Felan to catch the movement. Felan wondered if Noëla had told anyone about her
talent, she could see heat signatures.

Upstairs, Jayna still hadn't woken up and Jayke was starting to panic. Kelsie put her head close to Jaynas
to see if she could hear her thoughts, and she could. Jayna was dreaming; dreaming that she was back home, safe and
sound with Jayke. They had a child named Sergio after her father. Garrid wasn't dead, and Alaina was a good person.
Kelsie knew that was never going to be true, and little did she know, it was going to get even worse.Kelsie pulled her head back
and reassured Jayke that Jayna was going to be okay and that they should all stay quiet.

Mayze downstairs was getting a headache from Lucca and Annabelle. They were always holding hands and kissing
about every 10 minutes or so. Right now though, they were bickering about pointless things, like his shirt or her hair.
He stifled a sigh of releif after his parents said goodbye.

After about 15 minuets of silence past, Felan said," So, Mayze you wanna tell Noëla and me who's upstairs?"
Mayze sighed, he didn't know that they were spies for the Sakiens."Its Jayna, Jayke, Kelsie, and Marya." He replied.
"You mean to tell me that the Sakiens Alaina and Weston have been looking for are here?" Noëla said kind of angrily,
"Why didn't you tell us earlier?"
"Hmm, well lets see. My parents, were here and I don't want those people upstairs getting hurt!" Mayze practically yelled
at her.
Felan couldn't stand loud noise because of having traits of the wolf comes with better hearing. "Be quiet." He said in almost
a growl.
Noëla went to the stairs,tested the first one and went up. She looked in all the rooms, and found a blonde boy holding a redheaded
girl. She seemed to be just waking up from a long nap.
Jayke looked to see what Jayna was staring at and his eyes met a girl with short black hair, he didn't know what
to do so he kept tending to Jayna.
"Jayke, there's someone standing in the door." Jayna whispered.
"I know but right now we're gonna worry about you. You're burning up,sweetheart." He replied.
"Hey, are you Jaykob Starkwake?" The girl in the doorway asked.
"Who wants to know?" Jayke replied.
"Hmm, only me and my brother."She replied.
"Are you helping Alaina and Weston?"
"Oh Avela no." She replied, "I work for the Sakiens, I'm Noëla. My brother Felan is a spy also."
Another person appeared right behind Noëla in the doorway.
"Heard someone say my name. Hey Noëla, that girl over there has a fever, might want to have someone
take care of her, I hear someone in the next room." The boy said.
"Wait! Don't hurt them, their friends, the people in the next room I mean." Jayke yelled after him.
"Please kid, I don't hurt women. It's against my vow." The boy swept from the room.
"That was Felan. He can be rude but he can be nice, he's my twin." Noëla said.

Jayke wondered what Felan had meant by vows, but before he could ask, Jayna was coughing.
Her encounter with being close to her sister obviously had been bad and Alaina wasn't far enough away.
Kelsie came running into the room,pushing Noëla out of the way and kneeling down next to Jayna. Jayke
saw her give Jayna something to stop coughing and it worked.Kelsie sat back and sighed what sounded like
a sigh of releif.
"Well Jayke, I know shes not going to die, and she'll be asleep for a few hours. But when she wakes up
she'll feel better."
Marya came in and went over to Jayke.
She whispered in his ear, "It's going to be hard living with her, are you sure you're ready for whatever comes
Jayke looked her in the eyes and said, "Yes. I wouldn't have asked her to marry me if I wasn't. I'm still here
aren't I?"
Marya nodded and left.
Felan walked in, "Well, you can't just leave her lying on the floor. C'mon I'll help you get her downstairs."
When they got Jayna downstairs they laid Jayna on a bed that Wesley showed them to.
"She's lighter than I thought she'd be. You know, you're lucky to have someone to love." Felan said.
Felan was bout to leave the room when he heard Jayke say,"What'd you mean by vow when we
were upstairs?"
"When Noëla and I were 6, our mother was killed. The same person tried to kill my sister when we were 15,
I stopped him but he still harmed her. I made a vow right then that I would never hurt a women. I still haven't
found the murderer but I know somethings about him. He has a blood red cresent moon on his hand, and a
scar on his right arm. That scar goes all the way down his arm, I would know its there, because I gave it to
Jayke could see the hate in his eyes. Felan hated that murderer with a passion.


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 28.09.2011

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To my uncle David Schlarman May he rest in peace.

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