
Table of contents

Chapter 1 - Life at school

Chapter 2- The Fire

Chapter 3 - My graduation

Chapter 4 - The funeral

Chapter 5 — State of Georgia vs. Cynthia Ballome (part 1)

Chapter 6 - State of Georgia vs. Cynthia Ballome (part 2)

Chapter 7 — Baby Johnathan

Chapter 1 - Life at school

*eyes pops open* *eyes rotates toward the clock* *clock says 6:33 a.m.* "urrrggghh" I slowly slide out of my bed, and heads for the bathroom. My little brother, joey, was sleeping right next to me. *walks inside the bathroom* *turns on the water* As I lean forward on the sink, I watched the steam turn into fog. The warm fog slowly covered the mirror, and my face. *knock knock* The knocking at the door distracted me. *heads to the door* *cracks the door open* I was so sleepy that all I saw was little baby bears. "You ready to take your bath, joey?", I mumbled while opening up the door. Joey walked inside. Joey reached out for me to carry him, but instead, I just took his pjs off of him. *joey begins to cry* I carry him into the bath tub. I quickly took him a bath. I carried him back into the room, and quickly got his clothes out of the closet. I quickly dried him off with his towel, and helped him put his clothes and shoes on. By the time i put my clothes on, and grabbed our book bags, the time was already 6:55 a.m. I quickly made joey some cereal. When he finished his cereal, I grabbed the keys. I quickly grabed joey's hand, and headed out. *exits the apartment* *locks the door* *heads downstairs* Joey and I began to walk to school. *holds joey's hand tightly* (15 minutes later) *opens classroom's door* *walks inside classroom* "Alright, joey I want you to be a good boy today, ok, i will pick you up afterschool" "Choco...please dont go" *joey starts to pout* *looks at joey* "Hold on" *joey nods* I pulled out my phone out, and called mr.lawerence, my homeroom teacher. "hello?" "Hi, mr.lawerence, it's me, chocolate" "Hi chocolate,what may I do for you?" "I was wondering if I could bring my brother to school with me today" "humph...i don't know, chocolate" "How about around lunch time?" "You have to be back before advisory" "Okay" "Okay, bye" "Bye" *hangs up the phone* *walks towards to joey's teacher* "Okay, my teacher said that around 12 p.m., I can pick up joey" "Okay, I will have his homework prepared for you to pick up" "Okay" *turns towards joey* "I'm going to pick you up early, ok" "Ok" *kisses joey on the forehead and walks out the classroom* *exits the school* *walks off the school's property* (10 minutes later) *Opens school's front door* *runs to the class before the late bell* *enters class* *heads to my seat* *late bell rings* As I walk towards my seat, timothy sling shot a pencil at my booty. *pauses* *picks up pencil from the ground* * places pencil back on timothy's desk* "I think you dropped this, tim, maybe next time, you'll be more careful" *pinches timothy's cheek* (laughter in the background) * continues back walking to my desk* *sits down* As I look around the room, I kept noticing timothy staring at me with rosy red cheeks. *enters carman, sharlene, and shaie* "Awe snap!!...who made you blush this time best friend". Timothy turned around from looking at me. *carman looks at me* "Chocolate made you blush, already?!" *carman laughs* "You know, to be real with you, you are horrible at this hard to get game" "Geesh..thanks" "Glad to be at your service" *carman chuckles*

(Far on the other side of the classroom)

"Bobby!!" "What is it, shay?" *shay walks over towards bobby, and sits on his lap* "We need to talk" "About?" "Umm...we need to talk in private" "Ok" *Mr.lawerence stands up* "Alright..settle down, class" *everyone sits down* "Since we are only three days away from graduation day..." *entire class cheers* "This is a time to what..chocolate!" I stand up and tells shay, carman, and sharlene to stand up with me. *whispers* "One..two..three" "This is time tooooo....TURN UP!!" *blast music* *eveyone starts dancing* We danced all the way to lunch time. Instead of eating school lunch, Mr.lawerence and the principle bought us lunch. When I looked at the time on my watch, it was 11:55 a.m. "oh snap" I grabbed my bag, and signaled to mr.lawerence that I was leaving to go get my brother. *mr.lawerence nods* *exits the classroom* *timothy sneeks out the classroom and follows me out the building* *timothy runs up besides me* "Hey, where you think you going?" *ignores timothy and kept walking* "Look..i'm sorry about what had happened in class today" *slightly looks at timothy* "'s fine, you were only going through Jerk phase 1" *opens classroom door* Joey turns around. "Choco!!!" *joey runs and gives me great big hug* *carries joey* *walks over to the teacher's desk and signs joey out* *exits classroom* *softly places joey on the ground* Joey notices timothy standing outside. "Timmy!!" *timothy swoops joey into the air* "What's up, big man" "Put him down because we need to start walking" *timothy places joey on the ground* *joey quickly grabs my hand* *timothy walks beside me* 

(5 minutes later)

*enters classroom**heads towards mr.lawerence* Mr.lawerence hands me my lunch. Joey could smell the good food coming from my lunch bag. I headed towards a large table. *joey follows**sits down* Joey quickly jumps onto my lap. Timothy grabbed his lunch and sat next to me and joey. I looked at timothy and said, "Don't you usually sit with Carmen and Sharlene?" Timothy looks at them with disgust and said," I hate sharlene", continues,"carmen would understand" I looked at timothy, and said," understand what?!...that you had a crush on me since the 6th grade, and that you only went out with sharlene to make me jealous?" Timothy was silent. " seriously thought that i didnt know" Timothy stared at me as i fed joey his lunch. "I...I'm sorry" I ignored him. Timothy got up from the table, and sat his desk. I refused to feel pity for him. *tugs at my shirt**looks down* "choco...i got to peepee" "Ok..lets go" *gets up**walks up to mr.lawerence**whispers* "Can you watch my stuff as i take my brother to the restroom?" *mr.lawerence nods* *exits classroom**enters ladies restroom**enters stall**Joey begins to use it.* "You done, joey?" *joey nods**opens restroom stall**stands face to face with sharlene and her sister, toshia* Toshia spits on the floor. Joey looks at toshia and screams," you are disguisting, creep!!" *joey kicks toshia**I smiles* "Let's go wash your hands, joey" *walks to sink**washes joeys hands**exits restroom**enters classroom**walks towards the table**sits down* "Come on joey ...let's get you something to do" *pulls out some paper and color pencils* "Here draw on these" *joey begins to color* *dozes off a bit* *phone vibrates* I quickly answered. "Hello?" *sobs* "Hello? whose this?" "My little angel..." "mom?" *joey quickly looks at me* "Hello soo sorry that i haven't been there for you and joey the past 3 years" "Its...its ok...its fine" "No its not fine because i should have been there for you as a mother" *baby cries in the background* "seems like you have a new child" "Yes...and its a're new baby sister" "Well, congrats on that one" "You don't sound happy, baby girl...what's wrong?" "It's because im expect me to be all kool-aid smiles and screaming with joy for the new one. Let me guess...when it was born, you said she was a gift from god,right?...well guess what?! Bad news for you...its not! Joey barely remembers your name, face,and voice..matter fact, he barely remembers a thing about you, only reason why he knows that he has a mom is because i allowed him too. Other than that..he has been calling me mom, but each time i have to tell him that im his sister and that mother has died n has left you to me..*tears flow from my eyes*...n each time i cry only because the true fact is that my own mother has left us because she wanted to love a stranger rather than her own the way, my graduation day is Monday at 10:00am, but whats the point of telling you when your husband wont even let you out of his sight" *hangs up**starts to cry**runs out of the classroom**joey begins to throw a tantrum**mr.lawerence runs after me*" chocolate...what's wrong...please tell me what's wrong?" *looks at mr.lawerence* "My mother just called me out of the blue" "what did she want?" "she wanted to brag about her 3 year old daughter". Joey stands in the middle of the hallway with his teddy bear. " scared" *walks towards joey* "Mr.lawerence, i need to go now" "Okay" *heads out the school* *holds joey's hand*

(15 minutes later)

*heads up the stairs**opens the door* "Come on, joey" *joey walks inside**closes the door* "Come on joey...lets go change your clothes" Joey runs into his room, and jumps on the bed. *enters room**Joey starts to quickly take off his clothes**pulls out joey's clothes**helps joey put on his clothes* " go watch tv" *joey runs into the tv room**walks into the kitchen* "what you want to eat?" "cereal" "what kind" "fuwoot loops" *chuckles* "ok" *opens refrigerator's door**makes joey's cereal* "joey come eat your cereal" "ok" *knock..knock**walks towards the door**looks through peep hole* "gorge!!!" *opens door* "gorge!!" *jumps into his arms* *gorge smiles* "what's up, coco" *gorge walks inside**door closes* Joey was so focused on Tom & Jerry that he didnt notice that gorge came inside. As joey was watching tv, gorge and I walked to my room. *closes the door* *gorge sits on the bed* "It's been so long" "I know right" "You know i miss you, right?" "I miss you too, sis" "Now, you know that we are not real's a title we use outside my room" " Yeah, I know, but what if we..." "Shhh....please don't doubt us. If only you knew, that the thought of you gives me strength and courage to get through life itself" *gorge softly kisses me on the lips* "What was that for, gorge?" "It's a thank you" "Well, here's my thank you" *locks the door*

(few minutes later)

*giggles* *door opens* *gorge and I exits the room* "What if the tiger jumped on me though?" "oh wow" *enters the tv room* *stops walking* "What in the world are you doing here, timothy?!!" "i should be asking you the same thing" "ummmmm....i live here?" "Not you...him?!" *gorge looks shocked* "who me?" "um..nahhh, yeah you nigga" "Well, i came..." "man, nigga, i dont care why you came...i want to know why you still my girl's crib" "your...your girl?!" "That's what i said...isnt it?!" * i interrupt* " you never answered my'd you get in here?" " i asked the manager for the spare key" "i...i thought my mother had the spare key" "nope...i thought so too, but he said she gave it back before she went to the airport because she wouldn't need it no more" *feels sad* *gorge looks at me* "choco..u ok? *runs to my room* "choco!!" *locks my door* *grabs my phone* *dials up my mother* "hello?" *long silence* "hello?...anybody there?" "why'd you return the spare key?" "wha...what you mean?" "the spare key!!...why'd you return the key...the damn key that helps you check up on us...that key!!" "chocolate...i would've told you, but..." "I don't care anymore!!" *hangs up* *throws my phone**screams* *exits my room* As i enter the tv room, gorge and timothy both stares at me. "what?!" *gorge tries to hug me* "jus...just get out!! *pushes both of them out the door**locks the door* "joey turn off the tv and come to bed" "5 more minutes" "ok, but thats it...i got my phone on timer" "ok"

(5 minutes later)

*joey enters the room**joey climbs onto the bed and falls asleep**i curl up with joey**whispers* "good night"




Chapter 2- The Fire

*alarm beeps* *clock says 7:45 am* I look at my calendar. *thinks* "yess!! It's the annual senior ball!" *jumps out of bed* I walk towards my closet.  *opens my closet* I pull out a beautiful, silky, mermaid tailed shaped dress with a glittery design, and colored with a shade of bluish-purple. I fell in love with it at first sight. *enters bathroom* *brushes my teeth* *quickly takes a shower* Once i got finish with my shower, i wrapped myself with a towel and heads to my room. *closes my door* 

(a few minutes later...)

*knock...knock* *runs to the front door* "who is it?!" "it's me, shaie" *opens front door* "Shaie!!" "hey girl" "come on in" "thanks" *closes front door* *walks to my room* "you still have my dress with you, right?" "yeah, it's right here" *hangs dress outside my door* "perfect!!" "so what time is the party again?" "I think it's 12pm to 12am" "ok kool" "let's get ready then...shall we?" "alrighty" *shaie enters my room* *shaie pulls out flat iron* "choco...sit" *sits down in the chair and grabs a magazine* 

(15 minutes later...)

" all done" *stands up,and looks in the mirror* "wow, shaie you've gotten really good with this" "thanks, girl" "your very welcome, now your turn...sit" *shaie sits in the chair* *begins curling shaie's hair*

(5 minutes later...)

"alrighty..." *shaie stands up and looks in the mirror* " always you hook me up with the most awesomeness style ever" "you know it" "Alright...let's begin the make-up session"

(20 minutes later...)

"wow, don't we look beautiful" "girl...we the definition of beautiful" *knock...knock* *walks to the door**opens the door* Outside, there Bobby and Timothy stood. "Wow, you look absolutely beautiful, shaie" "Thank you, bobby" "Chocolate, you look like an angel" "you don't look half as bad yourself, timothy" *bobby and timothy hands us a bouquet of roses* "awww thanks" "ginks, you owe me a soda" *exits the apartment* *locks the door* *heads towards a limo**enters the limo**heads to the dance*

(5 minutes later...)

*exits the limo* *walks towards the building* As we walk towards the building, a waitress greets us. "Greetings, may i have your full names so i may seat you correctly?" " my name is Choclate Jackson, and these are my friends...Bobby Johnson, Shaie Princtone, and Timothy Wallace." "Alright...Ms. Jackson, and party of 4...come with me" We begin to follow the waitress. *enters building* "here you guys are...V.I.P. table #1" "thank you" *sits at the table* As we sit at the table, someone gets on the stage, and begins speaking. "Ladies  and Gentlemen..I am proud to welcome you to the 2013-14 senior ball!!" *everyone cheers* "Before we begin, I will like to tell you about a very special person that i met 3 years ago. She was lost and scared, very confused as of where to go. To make matters worst, she had to take care of her 2 year old baby brother by herself. All alone, she had doubts about staying in school, and whether or not to put her baby brother up for adoption. But after meeting her, i became her personal councilor. I guided her to a brighter and more happier future. So now 3 years later, that same little girl bloomed into a beautiful young lady. It is my pleasure to give this All-You-Can-Achieve Award to Ms.Chocolate Jackson!!" *everyone cheers* *looks shocked* *begins to walk towards the stage* *walks onto the stage* *gets the award* "thank you so very much" *tear falls from my face* "my brother and I are fine now thanks to my cousin, ms. larlia. *claps* "Although, my mother left us weak, and scared, today i can say that i, personally, have fully recovered, and is only a day away from recieving my diplomia. You may ask, "What motivated you to get this far?...well, the answer is that the day i questioned whether or not to place my baby brother for adoption, a question back fired at me. That question was whether or not i should graduate" *holds back a tear* "And looking at his little face, i just told myself, graduate, become a role model for my little brother, joey, and here i am... *tear falls from my face*...standing here, apart of this beautiful ball" *everyone cheers* *walks off the stage* *heads back to the table* *wipes my face as i sit down*

*light turns off* *spotlight shines*

*shaie walks into the light* "If you think that this is a sit and watch party, you are soooo wrong!!" *shaie clap three times**music blasts* "Ayeeee!!" *everyone starts dancing* As everyone is dancing, Timothy grabs my hand, and forces me onto the dance floor. "Are you enjoying yourself?!" "What?!" "I said are you enjoying yourself?!" "Oh yes thank you!" "Oh...that is nice to hear" "yeah...are you enjoying yourself?!" "As long as im with you, im happy" *smiles* I wanted to say something, but nothing came out, except : "look, im going to get me something to drink?!" "Okay!!" I walked myself out of the crowd, and headed to the drink bar. "let me have a glass of sprite with a cherry on top" *bartender nods*

(2 minutes later...)

"thanks" *drinks the soda**goes outside* *begins to walk down the street* As I begin to walk down the street, I thought about joey. "Let me call joey's babysitter" *gets phone out of my purse* *calls cythia* "you have reached cythia ballome, please leave your name and number and i will be back with u as soon as possible, thank you..bye" *thinks* "why isnt she picking up her phone?" *looks up* As i look up, i see a thick cloud of smoke in the sky. *sees ambulance trucks and firefighters* "Are they heading...." *begins running towards my apartment complex* *stops in front of my apartment complex* *sees smoke* *runs towards the building* "joey!!" *runs towards the entrance of the building* *police stops me* "ms, you can't go in there" "my brother is in there!!!" " i said you can't go in there!" *sees a firefighter holding joey* "jo...joey!!" *runs to the firefighter* *holds joey's hand* "joey??" *firefighter looks at me* "are you related to him?" "yes...he's my baby brother" "well, you have to come with me" "o...ok" *enters ambulance truck* *heads to the hospital*

(5 minutes later...)

*enters hospital* *walks into a room #246* *sees joey sleeping* *doctor walks in* *stands up* " everything alright with he going to be ok?" "Your brother has been suffuring from a severe case of asthma that turned into a life threatening case of bronchitis" "wha...what does that mean?" *tear falls from my cheek* " going to be straight with you...your brother's body is strong but not strong enough to pump enough white cells into his lungs providing air to his body...meaning his lungs are slowly dying and he would need a lung transplant" " long does he have?" "sadly, he has only 2 weeks" "2..2 weeks? takes you guys a week just to place an order for a lung donor and then another week to find one and bring it here to this hospital!!" "Ms, you need to calm down, please" " am i suppose to keep calm when i just learned that my brother is going to die if he doesn't find a donor within 2 weeks span!!" "i understand your worries ms, just please remain least for your brother's sake" *looks at the doctor* "i'll...i'll try" *sits down* *phone vibrates* *looks at my phone* "hello?" "choco...where are you?...everyone is worried sick about just vanished from the party like that..." "look, im dealing with something very important right now" *intercom annouces* "Are...are you at a hospital??" "yeah" "what happened? Are you ok? Did someone hurt you?" " least for now i am, but im in the hospital because my baby brother is sick and i have nowhere else to go to" "You can call your cousin, lalia." "Ok..i'll call you back" "alright" *hangs up* *finds lalia's number* *calls lalia* "he...hello?" "hello? lalia?" "choco...where are you? Are you okay?" *cries a bit* "joey...joey..." "what's wrong with joey?" "joey's dying" "dying...what, what you mean dying?" "meaning he's only have 2 weeks left" *silence* "where..where are you?" "i'm at the General #246" " on my way...stay right where you are..ok" "ok" *hangs up*

(15 minutes later...)

*knock...knock* "chocolate?" *wakes up* "lalia?" *stands up**hugs lalia* *looks at joey**whispers* "he is just a baby....why can't he live longer?" *begins crying* As lalia comforts me, the doctor comes back into the room. "ms, may i ask where your brother's mother is at this moment?" "my mother is in New York, New York" "Do you think you can get into contact with her as so us, doctors, can have consent to the surgery just in case we do find a lung donor in time" *lalia stands up* "I'm both chocolate, and joey's eldest cousin that lives within state...if we are not able to recieve contact with my aunt, which is their mother, i will personally sign the consent forms for any type of life saving surgery that will be needed to save my cousin" "Ok, but may i ask who are you?" "I'm Lalia Jackson, head lawyer at the jacksonville law office." "did you say lalia jackson?" "yes sir, i did" "you never lost a case, and you be battling the best lawyers in the state" "true, but this is my family, and im willing to give consent in place of my aunt" "i understand" *doctor exits the room* *looks at lalia* "how am i suppose to graduate tomorrow if 1. i don't anything to wear, cap and gown is destroyed due to the fire at my apartment complex, and 3. joey's condition" "i have some of your clothes at my house, and your cap and gown wasnt destroyed because i never gave you your real one...i gave you a preview of it" "Oh ok, but still joey needs me" "joey will be fine...i promise you...the doctors will take good care of him, now..come with me so we can get sme fresh pair of clothes and something to eat" *nods**grabs my purse**walks over to joey and kisses him on his forehead**exits the room* *lalia walks over to the doctor* "Doctor...if you have any questions or additional information that you need to tell me while im not here, you can contact me from this number *lalia hands the doctor a card*..that's my contact information" "ok thank you i will place this in his file" "thank you"

*exits the hospital**drives to lalia's house* *enters lalia's house* As we walk inside, a puppy runs to the door. *puppy barks* *lalia laughs* "this is pup...she's a cutey, isnt she?" "yeah, she is" *walks to lalia's room* "here you go" *lalia hands me 3 different pairs of clothes* "thanks" *walks over to the couch and lays down* 

 *goes to sleep*

(several hours later...)

"chocolate...*lalia taps me*...hey, wake up" *slowly wakes up* "hey, wake up's your big day" *mumbles* "go away" *goes back to sleep**lalia pulls me off of the couch* " go take a shower and put your clothes on, and in 20 minutes i want to see you in your best behavior, in your biggest smile, and in your cap and gown" *lalia grabs a bucket of water, and splashes me with it* " are fully awake" *gasp* *lalia grabs my hand, and drags me to the shower* *shivers* *enters bathroom* "you soooo better be happy that im your cousin, and that i love you and i care for your future or else you would've been on that street, and lord knows what would've happened to you" *lalia blasts the shower* *starts to take a shower*
 (15 minutes later...)

*exits the shower* *wraps myself with a towel* *exits the shower*


Chapter 3- My graduation

*enters the guest room* *dries myself* *thinks about joey* *tear falls from my face* *continues drying myself*

(a few minutes later...)

*knock...knock* *door cracks open* "you decant?" "Yeah" *door opens* "awwwww....look at my little baby cousin, looking so beautiful...i dont know what your mother was thinking when she had let you guys go, but im surely glad that i took you guys in" *smiles* "...and i truly appreciate everything that you have done for treated us like we were your own kids" *tear falls from my face**lalia dries my tear* "awe don't go messing up your make-up over me now...we're family..that is what family is take care, and be taken cared of" *smiles* "now....let me see you in your cap and gown girl" *giggles* "ok" *stands up* *tear falls from lalia's eye* "you look absolutely beautiful" "thank you" "you ready?" "i believe so" "i know you are...let's go champ" *smiles* *lalia smiles back* "breakfast is ready in the kitchen if you are hungry" "thanks" "i'm going to go get ready..ok" "ok" *lalia exits the room* *sits down**sighs* *pulls out a picture of joey* *kisses it**thinks* "hope you get better baby the only family i've got. If i lose you, i dont know what i'll do. you not just a brother to me, having to take care of you since you was 2, you are more like a son to me, so please get better." *looks at the mirror* "this is for you, joey" *gets up* *exits the room* *walks to the kitchen**enters the kitchen* *quickly grabs something to eat**lalia enters the room* "you ready to go champ?" " ready" "great..let's go" "ok" *exits the house**lalia locks the door* *enters the car**lalia enters the car, and drives off* *sighs* *lalia glances at me* "what's wrong?" "..." "you thinking about joey, arent you?" "what else am i suppose to think about to go celebrate my graduation while my only baby brother is dying in the hospital" "everything is going to be seems that nothing else is wrong with joey because none of joey's doctors has called within the 24 hours that we have left the hospital saying that anything has gotten better nor worst" *mumbles* "they probably not calling because they dont want us to worry" "wha...what was that?...i wish they would hide anything from me...i would be stomping up and down their throats like medicine" *giggles* "is that a smile i see?" *giggles* 

(5 minutes later...)

*pulls into the parking lot* "go check in..i'll be right behind you" "ok" *exits the car**enters building* As i begin to walk down the hall, i hear someone scream my name real loud. "chocolate!!!!" *slowly turns around**sees shaie running towards me**smiles**shaie jumps into my arms* "hey girl" "chocolate we missed you sooooo much last night at the party. it wasnt the same without you" *slightly smiles* "im sorry for leaving but i had something very important come up" "i told me that yesturday on the phone..what exactly were you in there for?" *sighs* "my baby brother is in the hospital waiting for a lung transplant...i pray for the lung to come soon" "awe chocolate im soo sorry about that" "yeah, but im here" "Yeah,well...come on" *shaie grabs my hand,and we run to the auditorium* *we make it to our seats* *program begins*

(2 hours later...)

*program ends* *everyone is cheering and laughing* *lalia phone rings* *lalia picks up* "hello?" "hello...this is doctor sherman from the general hospital. Are you Ms.lalia jackson, with whom i should be speaking with concerning joey jackson?" *lalia exits the building* "yes, this is she. Is everything alright with my cousin, joey?" "Ms.Jackson, from the biopsy report of joey's lung, it seems we were wrong about our diagnosis about his lung..." "Wha...what do you mean you were wrong with your diagnosis?" "I mean that joey does not have a life threatening case of bronchitis..." "That's good,right?" "I'm sad to say that it is not good at see, we have just come to find out that joey has had a tumer in his failing lung, and blood cancer..." " can fix it, can't you?" *sees lalia outside on the phone**walks outside* "Is everything alright, lalia?" "go..go back talking to joey's doctor" "is everything alright with joey??" "go back inside...please?" *tear falls from lalia's face* *nods* *reenters the building* "as i was saying doctor, can you fix him?" "Ms, i am being very truthful with you at this moment, and with that being sad to say that we can not fix him...time has ran out for us to even try anything to help him..his body is shutting down to quickly..." *lalia begins crying* " much time left?" "2 hours left" "..." *lalia faints* *runs outside**doctor in the background* "hello?....hello? Ms.jackson?" *picks up the phone* "hello?" "Yes, ms.jackson..all i am saying is you just might want to the hospital quickly" "um...ok" *hangs up**fans lalia* "lalia?...come on get up girl" *lalia gets up* " alright?" "i'm...i'm fine, but we need to get back to the hospital now" "ok" *enters car**lalia enters the car**drives off* 

(15 minutes later...)

 *exits hospital**rushes to joey's room**sees the doctors leaving joey's room* "Doctor!!! joey ok? he going to make it for his lung donor shipment?" *doctor gazes at me in surprise* "wha...what? did i say something wrong?" "no, ms, you didn't say anything wrong..." *lalia walks towards us* "you didn't tell her?" *looks at lalia* "tell me what" "um..." "lalia?...are you hiding something from me about my brother?" *lalia looks away* *glares at lalia* "lalia!...what are you hiding from me!?" "chocolate...please i am as upset as you are but please understand i was going to tell you as soon as i got the news..." "TELL ME WHAT!!!????" *becomes extremely angry* *lalia becomes sad* "your...your brother..." "my brother...yes...what's wrong?" *tears falls from lalia's face* "your brother is dying...he has only an hour to live" *stops**looks shocked**tear falls from my face* "your...your lying!! brother is fine,see, *points at joey* he is only sleeping...see" *looks at joey through the glass window**begins crying* "he is only sleeping..." "chocolate...we must.." "DONT touch me!!!!" *glares at lalia* "dont you dare touch me" *opens the door**goes into joey's hospital room**lays on joey's bed**begins crying**holds onto joey**cries myself to sleep*

(1 hour and a half later...)

*wakes up**notices joey is missing**realizes that he is dead**screams* "wh...why!!!!!" *quickly gets off the bed* *exits the room* *storms out of the hospital* *rain begins pouring outside* *begins walking* *lalia chases after me* "chocolate...wait!!" *turns around* "what?!...what exactly would you really want to say to me right about now?...that..that you are sorry..that you didnt know...just please say me the time and save yourself the energy. I must accept the fact that the only person that i truly... *tear falls from my eyes* truly cared about did not even make it to see life to it's fullest" "..." "i just need time..." "but you..." "ALONE...i need time alone" *turns back around* *continues walking* 

Chapter 4 - Joey's funeral

As i continue walking, i began to slowly see images of joey within the rain. *keeps walking*

(back in the hospital's parking lot..)

*lalia sits in the car crying**lalia thinks*"i should've told her...why didn't i tell her...i should have told her that her only brother was dying..but is it too late to ask for her forgiveness? i hope it isnt" *lalia begins her car**lalia drives off* "i need to find" *lalia drives around looking for me* "is that her?" *lalia looks closer* "That's her" *lalia pulls up next to me**lalia rolls down her window* "chocolate..." *ignores her**lalia puts on her emergency lights and slowly started following alongside me while i was walking* "chocolate please listen to so so sorry, please understand that when i got the call from the doctor at the hospital saying that he was going to die within 2 hours many emotions ran through me...anger, confusion, sadness, fear...all of this ran through me so much to the point of me's my fault...the reason why i didnt tell you on time is because i fainted...please forgive me" *stops walking**lalia stops driving**slowly turns to look at lalia**walks towards the car's window* "For the fact...*points up my finger*... for the fact that we are family, and you spent all your time taking care of me, and my brother, i will always and i mean always be in your debt, and for the fact that treated me like your daughter rather than your cousin, i will always and i mean always love you dearly, and for every extra moment you treated us with the extra love we needed as children, trust me, i will never and i mean never forget...*tears flows from my face*...but i can never forget my brother..." *shakes my head**lalia whips the tears from her face* " you know i will never ask you to let go of the bond that you and your brother had grown throughout your childhood life with each other, but please come in the car and get out of the pouring rain, and please let me take you home, please" *thinks about it**decides to get in* "well...ok" *gets in the car**closes the door**lalia drives home* 

(15 minutes later...)

*enters the house**lalia quickly rushes to find some dry clothes* *shivers* *lalia walks up to me* "come on now...take off these wet clothes off, and let's put some dry ones on you" *shivers* "ok" *goes in the guest room**changes my clothes**wraps my hair in a towel**exits the room**heads to the tv room**sits on the couch**turns on the tv**watches house* *falls asleep*

(some hours later...)

*slowly wakes up* *mumbles* "lalia??" *looks around**sits up* *hears lalia on the phone**slowly walks towards lalia's room**listens* "no, listen, i don't want chocolate worrying about the arrangements for the funeral. Let me be the one worrying about that stuff, ok?..i mean like foreal, why would i let my little cousin worry about her baby brother's funeral when she is still trying to recover over the fact that he died..i mean like have a heart for the child" *slowly cracks the door open**door screaks**lalia quickly turns around* "chocolate...hunny, you up already?...i thought you'd be exhausted from all that walking you did in the rain yesturday?" "well, again, you thought wrong, and why are you trying to do my brother's funeral without me?" *lalia sighs* "i don't want you overworrying yourself right now...all you need to do is go lay back down on the sofa, drink you a nice glass of calming tea, and some tv, do some yoga, do something to keep your mind at peace" "um...ok" *exits lalia's room* *returns to the tv room**makes me some hot tea**turns on the tv**sits on the sofa**begins watching another episode of house**slowly drinks my tea**focuses on the house episode**lalia exits her room**lalia enters the kitchen* "so..when is the funeral going to be?" *lalia looks at me* "what was that?" "i said when is the funeral?" "oh the funeral is today at 2pm" "mhm..ok" *lalia's phone begins to vibrate* *lalia answers* "hello?" " it true?" "who is this? and how have you come to know my number?" "this..this is your aunt, charllote" "you have some nerve calling you know what chocolate is going through because her brother is dead" "so it is true" " is true" *lalia looks at me* "what's wrong lalia?" "" *walks towards lalia* "who's that on the phone?" "nobody.." "let me have the phone" "i said it's nobody" *grabs the phone* "who is this calling my cousin at this time of day?" *silence* "um..hellloooo?" "chocolate, please, quit acting like a child, you need to be mature about certain situations like these" *recognizes voice* "mom?" "chocolate" *hands lalia back the phone* "i...i can't talk to her...not now" *lalia takes the phone back* *walks back to the sofa**turns off the tv* *walks to the guest room*

(15 minutes later...)

*enters the funeral home**finds my seat**sits down**lalia sits next to me**service begins**pastor begins speaking*

"How are you ladies, and Gentlemen doing this sad evening" 

(2 hours later...)

*walks around while the dinner is going on**an elderly lady walks up to me* "Chocolate?" "yes...may i help you?" *the elderly lady shakes her head* "no, you can't help me, my dear, i come only to give my dearestappologies about little joey. he was such a sweet boy." *glances at her* "is that all?" *the elderly lady looks sad and shocked* "you don't remember me, do you?" "To be honest with you...i don't know anyone's face or at least i don't want to remember anyone's face right cousin just called up a whole bunch of family members that she knows that are related to me, and here we are...pilled up in one big hoop of pain..*chuckles*'s funny. Seems like the only time family truly gets together is when a funeral is involved...and yes, i know that you are my grandmother off of my mother's side" *walks outside the funeral home**breathes in and out**looks at the sky**whispers* "i know you up there somewhere..where ever you are, stay close to god and don'twonder around" *whips my tear from my face**walks back inside**sees lalia**yells* "lalia!!" *lalia quickly turns around* "let's go" "just a minute, i got to finish my conversation first" "let's go...NOW!!" *lalia gets up and grabs her purse* "excuse me everyone..." *lalia andi exit the funeral home**enters the car*

lalia drives off* *goes home* *rushes to the guest room* *lays down* *sighs* “well, I guess this is it, huh?” *a tear falls* “good night joe” *sleeps*


Chapter 5 – State of Georgia vs. Cynthia Ballome (part 1)


*wakes up* *yawns* "well...isn't it a shitty day. .." *slides out of bed* *looks into the mirror* *yawns* *thinks to myself* "Joe.... how can I go another day without you? You were my baby...1ike literally my baby...I took care of you... bathe you…fed you...loved you as if you were my own child although you were my brother... *tears falls* . . . I never experienced love so deep and so pure before in my life...." *breaks down crying* As soon as I looked in the mirror, I started to realize something. *whispers to myself* "live life to make joe proud" *slowly walks to the bathroom* As my feet start to touch the cold tiles of the bathroom floor, I start to shiver from the icy cold touch. *shivers* *turns on the water in the tub* *fog starts to rise* *sighs* *begin to trance into thoughts again* "this water feels good...too good, I could just…" *sighs* I bathe myself and slowly dries myself. I slowly go to my room with sadness with the thoughts of joey being gone since my graduation. *stretches* *puts on my jogging outfit* *Lilia enters the room* "knock...knock" *slightly looks at her* *she smiles* "'re up bright and early" "I couldn't sleep so I decided to go out for a jog" "well, don't be out too long..." *Lilia smiles* "I won't…" “before you leave though... " "yes?" "I've made you some's in the kitchen" "thanks" *heads to the kitchen*

(15 minutes later)

As I exit the house, I am greeted by a soothing breeze that softly lifted my sadness towards the heaven blue skies. *smiles* *places my headphones in my ears* *plays brave by Sara

Bareilles* *starts jogging* *mumbles* "say what you want to...and let the...fall out...honestly, I want to see you be brave..." As I turn the corner, I notice my burdens were slowly drifting as a temporary relief.

(30 minutes later)

*jogs into the driveway* *notices a brand new BMW* *enters the house* "hey. ...who's BMW. *sees gorge* ...OMG?! Gorge?!" *hugs him* *he smiles* "hey coco... "how you knew I was here?" "your cousin told me. " *slightly smiles* "well...I'm glad you came... *gorge smiles* "ah...yes.. .1've got something for you... "really?!" "close your eyes and cradle your arms" "cradle my arms?" "just do it...ok... " *closes my eyes and cradles my arms* *gorge places a golden retriever puppy in my arms* *gorge gets on his knee with a ¼karat diamond ring in his hand* *it licks me* *quickly opens my eyes while laughing* *sees gorge* "gorge?" "Chocolate Pearle Jackson..." "Gorge?!" "will you do me the honor. . . " "you can't be serious right now... " *tears flows* "in being my wife instead of my god sister?" *cries* "you've been aware of how I felt about you all this time, and after this tragic incident, I cannot afford to lose you either... -I love you so much and I don't care how much people say this is wrong, I want to spend forever with you and grow with you and be there with you..." *yells* "yes gorge yes?!" *rushes over to gorge and kisses him* *he places the ring on my finger* *Lilia walks in on us kissing* "oh...hello gorge" *cries happily* "Lilia?! I'm getting married?!" "omg?!...I'm so happy for you" *smiles* "thanks. " *thinks* "Gosh, is this really happening...l mean if so, don't stop" A few days passed and everything started to look up right... well, so it seemed. *door bursts open* "They found her?!" *Lilia jumps up while making lunch* "they...they found who?" "Cynthia?!" 'they did!" "yes... *holds a newspaper*-it says here that she's been arrested in the DeKalb county jail house for multiple fraud charges" It seemed like happy news until reality struck me hard. ''you do know what this means right, chocolate?" "yes...I do...” Moments later, a police car pulled into the driveway. "well, here we go... " *knock knock* *Lilia opens the door* "yes?" "is this residence of Ms. Chocolate Jackson?" "yes, I'm Lilia Jackson, her cousin, is there a concern that we must address?" "yes madam.... we need for both you and Ms. Chocolate to come down to the jail house to answer a couple of questions regarding her brother's killer... oh ok...let me get her and grab my purse" *she softly closes the door* "coco ...go grab your purse, we have to go... " "ok" *quickly goes upstairs* *Lilia turns off all the heat in the kitchen and grabs her purse* *grabs my purse* *comes downstairs* "you ready?" "let's go" We left the house calmly and followed the officers into their vehicle. On arriving to the jail house, an overwhelming feeling came over me. "I don't know if I can do this. " *Lilia looks at me* "you are as strong as you are brave, don't let nothing stop from getting justice for your brother... " *takes a deep breath* "ok" *exits the car**enters the building* The police leads us to an interrogation room. *a detective Step inside* "before we go inside, I just want to say, off the record, I am truly sorry about your loss... "thank you... but I need to know something... where is your father while all this is going around?" *looks at Lilia* "um…” "because I am aware from my records, you haven't spoken or seen your father since your brother was born…is this true?" *Lilia intervenes* "what does this have to do with you finding my cousins killer?" "well, because Miss Jackson, it seems that both of the victim's parents are alive, and yet, only one seems to have attempted to make contact with either of you…" *looks down* "we just need to know any leading facts from the victim's only living sibling eligible to speak on his behalf..." An awkward silence filled the room. "is it because he is in jail for attempted murder?" When I heard those words, I felt the whole world sink within my chest.

" " *the detective looks at me* "how what? How I know?" "yes" "well, baby girl, that's my job" "is he here?" *the detective glares* "now why on earth would you want to see him?" "because he is my father..." "that is no explanation...never mind that...I’ll see if I can get you to see him... but only after my questions at hand..." "ok" After an entire two hours of questioning about what happened prior to the death of my brother, the detective finally wrapped it up. "now are you sure you want to see him?" "yes" "alright..." As they lead me to the visiting pen, my stomach began to tie a knot. "Joey Jackson?!" "yeah..." "you got a visitor..." ''who?" "your daughter...” *joey slowly entered the pen* We starred at each other like two identical strangers. *chokes up* "d... dad?" *joey starts to tear up heavily* "and all this time, I thought god had punished me for being an irresponsible father...I’m so sorry for not being there for you and your brother...I swear if it wasn't for my current situation...” “dad.... stop...I forgave your absence a long time ago... I just never knew this was the reason though..." "what you mean... you never got my letters that I wrote to you... "what letters?" "yes that's right..."what?" "each letter I wrote since the birth of your brother was sent back unopened. " *tear falls* "I... I never knew... ''well I know the situation must be bad if life lead you to meet me this way. . . " "well I'm afraid it is. . . " "before you tell me, I just want to know…how’s everything with you?" *smiles* "well, I'm getting married soon" *dad smiles* "1 want to be able to walk you down the aisle" "that would be lovely" "If good behavior strikes through, I could be awaiting parole" "that's awesome...I've missed you so much dad" "I've missed you too's my big man doing?" *looks at him sad* *mumbles* "no one's told you?" "told me what?" *clears my throat* "j... joey is dead... " *dad glares at me* "wh... wh... what you mean hers dead?" "it's as I... " "no... you have to give me an explanation or something because this do not make any form of sense..." "dad...” *the security guard walks up to our table* "if you don't lower your voices, I will have to force your visit to be short" *looks at the guard* "I'm sorry...” *looks at the time* "dad...I have to go. " *dad grabs my hand* "wait...please tell me. *tears fall down his face* did he suffer... " *a tear falls and shakes my head* "dad.... please..." "please... he.... he needed a lung transplant because he had a tumor in his lungs, but the tumor proved to be too large and there was not enough time to get his lungs on -so he struggled until his last breath" *tears continues to fall* *dad began to cry* *whispers* "I'm... sorry" *the guard shouts out* "visiting hours is over...wrap up your conversation... *looks at my dad* *tears falls* "dad... I'm sorry..." *gets up and leaves the table*

As I left, I started to feel a moment of both peace and closure towards the absence of my father. The relief was extremely needed for me due to my life being ripped into two crumbled pieces. The tears falling from my eyes were as comforting pillows of doubt and stress being removed from my chest. *Lilia sees me* "chocolate... everything alright?" "yeah.... everything is fine... just need some air" *goes outside*


~a quick thought process: if you have ever been through the steps that I've been through in life, then you must understand what I've been through and I understand what you been through. ~


Chapter 6 - State of Georgia vs. Cynthia Ballome (part 2)

(6 months has passed...)

*fixes my stuff into the moving boxes* *looks around* *thinks: "Well, it's finally happening.... I’m going to college... " * *Lilia looks at me smiling with her camera* "smile girl.... baby girl making big moves..." *smiles* *camera flashes* "perfect. " *giggles* "you excited to start college at Clark?" *sighs* "I actually am... I am just hoping this will be a fresh start for me, especially with what has happened over the past year... " *Lilia sighs* "yes I completely understand how you feel. " *Lilia clears her throat* "but it seems that you won't need a dorm anymore though..." *looks at her* "what you mean.... we live an hour away from Clark... " *she smiles* "I know, but Gorge doesn't" *looks at her* "now you know...l am not about to move in with Gorge before I get married...I’m just not" *Lilia looks at me* "this is not up for negotiation...I'm going to my dorm" *Lilia nods* *picks up mega, my puppy* *opens the door and heads towards the car* *Lilia helps bring my stuff to the car* As we drive towards Clark, my mind starts to play back memories with joey. *tears up while touching the window* *smiles* *whispers* "joey... " *Lilia interrupts* "chocolate...” “h... huh?" "you ok?" "yes, I'm fine...l was just thinking about joey, that's all..." *Lilia smiles* "it will be ok.... you’ll see..."

(20 minutes later...)

As we pull up to Clark, we see there is a rally of people gathered together. There was music playing, people shouting, and sadly, some people fighting. What a way to start college...l guess. *mumbles under my breath* "here goes nothing... " *we park at a building that looks like the student center* *looks at Lilia* "let's make sure this is the right building before we actually unload the car, ok?" *Lilia nods* As we get out the car, someone from my high school recognizes me. "Choco?!", shouts a familiar voice. *looks around* As I look around, I don't recognize anyone so I kept walking. "Choco?!" *gets frustrated* "who could be possibly calling me?" As I look around for the second time, I recognize shay waving her hands at me. "shay?!" *runs towards her* When I got closer, I suddenly stop. *eyes pop* "shay, you're…" *shay holds her stomach and sighs* "yes.... I’m pregnant...” *shay quickly smiles*...but look at the bright side, I got my best friend to cheer me on, right?" As I look at her, I can tell that she wanted to cry. "I know it's none of my business, but what happened to you and bobby?" *she looks at me* *she clears her throat* "bobby...bobby got cold feet after I told him that I was pregnant, so during summer break after graduation, he texted me last minute stating that he was accepting his scholarship at The University of Tampa for baseball, in which I said congratulations and that I was happy for him because he would finally get to live out his dream, then he said that he was moving near the end of summer break, and I fried to ask him if we would still be together... *shay chokes up while starting to cry* .and he said...he said that with him being in Florida and me in Georgia, our relationship isn't going to work so he broke up with me. " *shay starts to break down crying* *pats her back* "there...there…everything is going to be ok…how many months are you?" *shay looks at me* "I'm like 7 some weeks... I'm not sure..." *smiles* "you can share my dorm until you feel comfortable being by yourself' *shay smiles* "I truly appreciate you..." *dries her tears off* As we walk towards the dorms, we see the building for new registering students. *enters the building* *sees an elderly lady sitting behind the desk reading a book* "e... excuse me, miss, is this where I get my dorm keys?" *she slaps the book closed and looks up at me* The woman, herself, had a peculiar way that she carried herself. Her hair looked as she gets catered to on a regular. Her nails were well managed. Her eyes were as the ocean-waves, both smooth and deadly. "Wah ya want?" *looks shocked* Realizing that she is Jamaican, I get relieved. *smiles* "how you doing my island gal... *the lady rolls her eyes* . . .my family is from Jamaica too... " *she tips her glasses forward* "oh... really... which part ye fwom...Cause mi and mi fam fwom Kingston. " *smiles* "Mi fam fworn Portmore... .mi fatha dem hav mi small lil count of family left in Portmore... " *shay looks shocked* "I didn't know you were Jamaican?!" *looks at shay* €'we'll discuss that later... *looks back at the lady*... .but as for right now, I am just trying to get the keys to my dorm room... *the lady slightly smiles* "here ya 42" *nods* "thank you..." *quickly leaves with shay*

(moments later...)

"room 36, room 38, room 40. *sighs in relief* we 42" I giggle the keys at the door just in case somebody was already in the room. *door opens* "I am so excited to see what my dorm looks like..." *enters the room* *shay giggles* "well, it could use some personal touches" *sighs* Well, as expected, the room wasn't bad, but like shay said, it could use some personal touches. I mean the room had spider webs, dust, and dirty windows, as if the room hadn't had someone living in here for ages. But what can I say? Home isn't home till you make it your home. But seriously...this is not what I expected when I said I wanted a place of my own for college. Maybe Lilia wasn't so wrong with that idea for moving in with gorge. *phone buzzes* Speaking of the devil...gorge is face timing me now*picks up the phone gorge, my darling how are you today?" "I'm doing well... your cousin told me that you are starting your years in college...I am so proud of are you liking the new dorm?" "well, I wouldn't say that it is brand new…" *shay peeks at the camera* "hey gorge?!" *gorge giggles and waves* "hey shay nice to see you... " *gorge looks at me* "hey I was in the area and I was wondering if I could come scoop you and take you for lunch…" *smiles* "I would like that…” "alright...see in 5" *blows a kiss at the camera* *hangs up the phone* *sighs* "girl...l think I might move in with gorge if he asks me to... *shay looks at you*... .and yes, you can come because I need to assist you with the baby..." *shay sighs* "Choco...I need to talk to you..

*looks at her* "what's wrong?" "I... I’m not keeping the baby..." *looks shocked* "w... why

not?!” I have a whole life to live, and a baby is the last thing on my to-do list. .." *looks at her* "you can't get rid of the baby...the baby will always need its me...I should know... " *shay holds my hands* "which is exactly why I want you to have him. " *looks at her* "y... you can't be serious... "you are only person I know and trust that will take and do an excellent job raising my child... I'm not motherly like...I'm scared, confused...without bobby, there is no life for me. ...this child will just only remind me of that more...1 was going to give him away regardless, but now that I reconnected with you... .it was as if god was sending me in the right direction to a safe haven for the child in my womb.... I know this is shocking news, I will give you a couple of days to think it over, but after that, the decision is no longer in your hands. " *shay leaves the room* *remains shocked* *phone buzzes* *sees a text from gorge* ''I'm outside... " *grabs my bag and walks towards the main gate* *sees gorge sitting on the side of his car waiting on me* *smiles and runs towards gorge* "gorge?!" *gorge smiles* Gorge gets up and meets me halfway. *hugs and kisses him* *gets in the car* *gorge gets in the car and starts the ignition* *gorge looks at me* "is everything ok?" *sighs* "shay wants to give me her gorge coughs at the sound of child* "sa.. . say what now?" "exactly what I said.... she wants to give me her child... "what you mean... .1ike she's pregnant or something?" *nods* "yea, and I just found out today that she was pregnant... "and she wants you to keep her child, even after what you just been through with jo... " *glares* "I know. . ." "I'm sorry..." "1 think I should do it... " "whoa... shouldn't we at least talk about this... .1 mean as your future husband; I think I do have a say in this as well. . . yes you what do you think?" "I mean we have to think about this rationally.... she is doing this because she is young and scared…she is choosing you as her close friend to take her child so that whenever she gets back to her senses, she'll know where to find you, and let's not forget the fact of if she wanted her child back, and you refused, she could accuse you of kidnapping her baby...due to there being no legal paperwork done for the adoption... because adoption isn't done between handshakes... there is a third-party... the law is involved, she must go downtown and hand over her rights as mother, and choose an adoption agency, in which a bidding/interviews are made onto seeing what family is suitable in adopting the child, and plus not to mention that you must get approved to adopt as well. . .” *sighs*

"maybe your right. . .” “because if a random family adopt her child, she won't be able to ensure her child's safety, and there is a huge chance of her not seeing her child again...” “exactly... now you see what I was saying..." *sighs* "let's forget about this and go get something to eat. "

* gorge smiles* "alright..."


Chapter 7 - Baby Johnathan


(3 months has passed...)

*gorge looks at me as we sat in the adoption agency* *he whispers* "why are we you really think we are ready for a child... you heard shay. . . *gorge clears his throat* . . .1 never wanted a child to begin with, and if bobby finds out and hates me for it, then oh well, a life for a debt is repaid... the hell does that even mean?!" “gorge calm down…she clearly doesn't care about the child... I know and that's what is pissing me off... .1 legit thought she was better than this.... got us in here like some desperate grandparents.... if we sign this, then we will have to move up the wedding date so that way we can have more time to prep because our families will not understand the situation we have gotten ourselves into today... " "you are right as beautiful husband... *kisses his cheek*. " *gorge blushes* *the adoption lady calls us into the room* *enters the room* "please have a seat... " *we sit down* "Ms. Princeton has explained to me the entire process of what she would like to happen in regards to her unborn child... " *me and gorge looks at each other* *gorge clears his throat* "what exactly is it that she wants done?" "well, she said that she wants you both to be rightful parents to her unborn child.... keeping his existence hidden from his father and his father's family and from her and her family as well...." *we look at each other shocked* "she...she doesn't want anything to do with the baby?" *the lady sadly nods* "it is written in this contract, clear as day... " *gorge gets upset* "give me the contract..." *the lady hands him the contract* *gorge grabs a pen and signs and dates the contract* "here... *gorge slides the contract towards me* "1 " "just sign. " *signs the contract* *gorge hands the contract back to the lady* "we signed under one condition. " "what's that?" "that she doesn't go back on her word, and doesn't ever fry to take the baby from us..." *the lady nods* "let's go" *gorge and I walk out of the adoption agency and leaves*

(2 weeks later...)

*gorge paces anxiously within the nursery* "I just pray the baby is healthy..." *holds all of the baby materials* *baby starts crying* *gorge and I look at each other smiling* *the doctor comes out* ''you guys can come and see the baby if you'd like..." *we nod* *we slowly walk into the room* *puts our stuff down on the floor in the room* *smiles while looking at the baby* *shay looks at me smiling* *picks up the child from her arms and smiles at him* "hi, pumpkin, I'm your mommy, and this is your daddy, look.. " *gorge slowly holds the baby* *gorge smiles* "he is so very chunky. . ." *gorge kisses his forehead* "...I think I'm going to call you

Johnathan... " *the baby looks at gorge and smiles* 

To be Continued...


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 18.05.2015

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