
table of contents

chapter 1- lets begin

chapter 2- run for it

chapter 3- Memories

chapter 4- The unexpected Proposal

chapter 5- The wedding


Chapter 1- Let’s begin

Hello. My name is Ms.C.jackson. C stands for charlotte, but friends call me cc. I work as a divorce lawyer in an office, which stands in the center of downtown, Atlanta. I’ve worked for a couple of famous people, like Kim Kardashian, Will Smith, etc. I can’t say that I’m rich nor wealthy, but for 1 year, I earn at least up to $100,000 to $200,000 annually. I work for the firm of Atlanta divorce lawyer / family attorney in Atlanta, Ga. For me, if you should ask, life is great. I’m engaged to a famous NFL player, Tony Brasting. When we met, it’s like I knew that he was the one. So…you want to know his description, huh?

Well, I’ll tell you. He is tall, light skin, light brown eyes, and a smile and winks that would make a girl faint. Yes, it does sound adorable,tho. Okay…back to me. Everyday, I wake up feeling fresher than the other days. I even some times memories my whole schedule for a week. But as time roll by, you just cant help but to ask yourself, “If I was single, would I be doing all this?”Whenever I ask myself that question, I would have the same response, which is yes. Don’t know about you, but life is happier when you have a helping hand. As life strolls through memory lane, you can view all the stuff that you’ve could’ve sworn you forgot about. Like I could’ve sworn I forgot about my lovely ex from high school. His name, don’t even think its important to say, is David Lovith Jr. I would call him DJ. I rarely think about going to my fiancé’s games because I know that I will run into DJ, because DJ plays on the same team my fiancé plays. Truth be told, I am not all that innocent, and neither are my sisters. I have two sisters before me, and a brother before them. So in other words, I’m the baby of the household. I am 24 years old. Yeah, I know what you are thinking…she is too young to be working as a divorce lawyer. I use to think that was the case, but not at all. My sister’s names are Natasha, and Becky Jackson. My brother name is Brian Jackson. My brother is 30 years old. Natasha is 28 years old. Becky is 26 years old. All of us are 2 years apart. My sister Natasha is 7 months pregnant, and she is having a girl. Her baby shower is next month on June 2nd. I have a meeting @ 7:00 am tomorrow about the court cases, and its progress. Okay, let me see…I’m getting paid Friday, have to go to fiancé’s game Saturday, family’s dinner Sunday morning… I think I got it, yep, that’s it.


 “Hello?” I answered. “Yes, is this Ms.C.jackson?” answered the responder. “This is she…may I ask who is speaking?” I responded. “This…is…um…was…your secret admirer from high school” answered the responder. “Okay…what is your name?”I responded. “My name is Adrian Davis” he replied. Omg, I thought. What will I say? I haven’t seen or heard from this man in 4 years. But to be real, his real full name is Adrian “D” lovith. Yep. That is Dj’s brother. Sadly, I turned him down at prom junior year. Well, he is 25 years old. I have no clue of why he would be calling me because the last time we talked, we were talking about getting him a job. “Um…hey, how you’ve been?” I asked, “Got a family yet?” “No…not yet, but I found me a job, I start tomorrow”Adrian said. “Cool…maybe when you’re finish, we could go celebrate” I responded. “That sounds nice…I’ll call you later, bye”  Adrian said. “Okay, bye” I said, while hanging up my phone. Wow, so he finally found a job, that’s great. I’m actually happy for him. Well, I’m going to bed.

 Wednesday morning


  The alarm went off at 6:30 am on the dot. I got up, got dressed, and headed downstairs. Before I left, I gave my fiancé a kiss on his forehead. As I went into the kitchen, I made me a cup of coffee, which is usually a large cup. I quickly jumped into the car, opened the garage door, and headed out to work. My fiancé and I have 3 different vehicles put together. I have a BMW 2013 convertible, and my fiancé has a cherry red w/ black strips motorcycle, also a black coated pries hybrid. Sometimes, we would switch cars depending on the occasion. I made it to work at 6:45am, which gave me enough time to go to the breakfast bar. I was practically at my desk, waiting for them to say, “Meeting starts in 2 minutes”, but instead another announcement came, saying,  “Ms.Jackson, please come to the conference room”. I was kind of shocked, like why me, but I had no choice. As I walked inside, everyone started clapping and shouting with cheer. Then my boss walked up to me, shakes my hand, and handed me an award saying, “Let’s hear it for this years 2013 head lawyer”. I was so shocked to the point of me crying. Before he sat down, he quickly told me, “ As head lawyer, you will have to spend 4 months straight training our newest member of the work force, Adrian Lovith”. As I looked up, Adrian was sitting in the chair next to mine.

   For some reason, I knew he recommend that I train him. When I sat down, I was more focused on the meeting than him, not noticing that he was feeling on my leg. The meeting ended at 1:00pm. I had enough time to get him settled down for office work. My office was big enough for 2 people, so I had put Adrian’s desk facing my desk. The only things separating us were the walkway of my office, and the doorway. I wrote on a sticky note my email address, and phone number, just in case, he had any questions. I had placed it on the face of his computer screen. As Adrian was putting his stuff down, he noticed the note, and quickly looked at me smiling, which made me blush a little. Adrian came to my desk with his chair, and sat down next to me. The thing about my office is that my windows and doors are sound proof, and my blinds are always down and closed. I have a sign on my door that says, “in order to come inside, knock 3xs, and wait for my response”.

As he sat next to me, he noticed that my coffee cup was between my legs. Adrian gently removed the cup from my legs, and took a sip. I glanced at him for a second than headed back to my work. Adrian whispered something in my ear, which was, “For these 4 months, I’m your friend with…huh?”  Adrian sat up straight while I went to see who was at the door. To my surprise, it was my brother and sisters. “OMG, Brian, Natasha, Becky, I didn’t expect to see you until your baby shower”, I exclaimed. “Yeah…see that’s the thing…” Natasha said. “Wha…what’s wrong?” I asked, while bringing them into my office. Becky saw Adrian sitting at my desk and looked away. And then, I suddenly stopped, and turned around. I walked over to Adrian, and said in his ear, “Ask questions later, but right now it’s a family matters, I know and hope you understand”. Adrian shook his head, and slowly walked out of the office.

 “Now, tell me what’s wrong?”  I asked. Natasha looked aside crying.  “Natasha, please, I can’t help you, nor Brian and Becky, if one of you doesn’t start spilling out your minds” I pleaded. “Okay, you want to know why we are here today?” Brian yelled, frustratingly. “Yes! I do…I mean I am your sister, who cares and love this family too much to throw you away” I responded. Brian had put his hands into mines and said, “Lil sis, I’m sorry that I’ve come on such short notice, but mother died last week in the hospital due to a heart attack” I had let go of Brian’s hands, and headed out of my office. Adrian saw me coming out of office, barely able to walk.  Adrian quickly grabbed my arm and lifted me up and took me outside for some air. Adrian took me to the back part of the building. There he laid me down softly on the ground. As I woke up, I started crying like crazy. Adrian sat beside me and started stroking my hair back and forth. He told me something to help me calm down, which was, "Life comes and goes but you shouldn't let that kill you, and just know that i'm always there". I looked at him with eyes full of tears. I gave him a hug as a thank you. I recieved a text on my phone. I read the text, which says, " sister, this is becky, i have to talk to you. I am still in your office waiting for you. Brian and natasha had headed home to get the funeral place ready. The funeral is @ 8:00 am".  I looked at adrian and  said " take me back to my office". I could tell that adrian was mad when the text came up. Adrian took me to the room, and sat down on the bench that was outside of my office,and started whipping my lipstick off of his lips. Before i entered the room, i took a deep breath,and then walked into the room. Becky came running to me because she felt bad the way natasha and brian told me the news. She looked me in the eyes and said,"listen, no matter what, you will always be my bestfriend,and my little sister. Nay nay and brian was loves you, but they didn't feel that they should hurt me with the news". I pushed away. "Hurt me...hurt me, becky, thats my mother we are talking about here. Okay, answer me this, if they truly loved me, why did they keep this from me?", i yelled. Becky had no answer. She just kissed me on my forehead,and said,"just remember, what i said, okay". Becky walked out of my office, and Adrian walked in. I looked at him,and he looked at me. I went to my desk,and sat down. Adrian went to his desk and got on his computer. I was looking through my email suddenly I got an email.I opened the email, and there was a picture of my mother in the hospital, sleeping in death. All of a sudden, i threw up in the trash can.

Adrain rushed over to check on me, he saw the email,and quickly closed it out. I got up and started running for no reason. I grabbed my purse, phone, and keys. I jump into my car, and I rushed home. I rushed inside and ran upstairs. I didn't notice my fiance downstairs watching tv. Tony got up, and closed the front door, and headed upstairs. "hello", tony calls out. There was no response. The bedroom's door was open. Tony grabbed the nearest object,and looked around the bedroom. He heard the water runningin the bathroom. He opened the door and looked around. He slowly opened the shower door and saw me crying, lying on the shower floor.

Tony quickly turned off the water,and carried me off the floor. Tony quickly took my clothes off, and dried me off with a towel. He quickly grabbed a dry pair of pjs,undies,and socks. He dressed me,and carried me downstairs. He jumped into the kitchen,and quickly made me some dinner. He came to the dan with the food.He feed me, and gave me something to drink. I came out of nowhere,and started saying,"the last time, i seen my mother was when I handed her $25,000 outof my income check, which of course got slightly seperated between the kids". Tony looked at me. Then he said," how long ago was this?". I looked at him, and said,"it was about 4 years ago". Tony shook his head. I added on," then she had the nerve to die a week ago in the hospital." Tony stopped shaking his head. He slowly tried to hug me, and i looked at him as if he was disturbed. "Babe, what's wrong?",i asked, while whipping his tears from his face. He said,"My mother died 2 years from cancer,and the last thing she told me was that as she die, she wanted to die proud because she knows that i am happy." I hugged him tightly because i know that was a sad memory for him. Then suddenly, i had let go of him. Not the type that means i cant stand him,but the type that means how dare me act this way.The man's mother left earth 2 years ago and he still held strong,but mines just left a week ago and im acting like a baby. "I' sorry for being this way",i said, while walking away from him. Tony stood up,and said something so strong that he felt from his heart, which was " when my mother told me to be happy, here i am happy with the one i love...with you." I stopped. "You don't mean that", i said. " Every word of it is true",he replied,"...and i love you." Then he added on,"Do you love me?" I froze. I'm thinking to myself...out of all themes why would he choose this scene to be the cheeses. "Yea..i love you but dont take it to the head."Say-ing that you love someone and actually be in love is two total opposites. I fell in love,and got hurt so many times, i can't even count,but in the end, love will find you. "We're getting married", tony shouted, which startled me a little. "Yes...yes, we are", i replied,"well, im gonna go to sleep". "Alright, see you honey", tony replied.

(thursday morning)

I woke up 10 minutes before the alarm rung. I did exactly what i did yesturday,but a little slower. I took my fiance's motorcycle today. The weather said it was going to be alittle bit chilly,but great later on. I arrive to work 20 minutes early today. To my surprise, adrian was in the office before i was. Adrain looked a little more anxious then yesturday. I wanted to ask what's wrong,but i didn't feel like talking. Never once did he explain to me, what was the exact reason of why he did what he did yesturday,and so i questioned him. "Why did you kiss me?", i asked. "Huh?",Adrain asked back. "I said why did you kiss me the way you did yesturday?, i repeated. Adrian paused from what he was doing,rubbed his beard,and then looked at me. Then said,"Because of 2 reasons...1: i wanted to, and 2: you needed it." Without thinking or speaking, i started walking toward the door. Adrian jumped up,and pleaded for me not to go. I stopped. I looked back at him,and started back to my desk. I got on my computer,and started checking my email, checking for anything new. I saw that I recieved an email. I was kind of nervous on whether i should or should not check my email. But knowing me, i try to be strong ,and opened it. There was a page with the background of hearts,and ther was a note on the page. I read the note, which says, "No matter what, you are always my baby, and i love you". My response was kind of kiddesh,which was a loud "awwwwwwww". I thought it was from tony,but then i saw the words "no matter what". I dont get it. I glanced at adrain,who was smiling at his computer screen. I quickly texted back, saying"very nice,but who is this?" He texted back saying,"look across the room". I looked,and saw adrian looking at me. I got up,and went towards his desk. I sat on the edge of his desk. I quickly said," I'm getting married within 7-8 months from now,and you dont love me, do yah?!" Adrian looked at me,and said," I loved you ever since i first layed eyes on you. You never noticed me but i noticed and took interest in you". Then it came to me. How could i be so stupid. Those 4 years, he was in law school in california, moved  down here after graduating, asked every law job site if i worked there,and once he found this one, he signed up immediately. "We can only be employees toward each other,im sorry...that's it...nothing more", i said, while heading for my desk. He jumped up,and said,"I do understand,but i dont care. You passion for you is uncompariable to any ther person. I mean i would die for you. I know that somewhere deep inside of are saying if i was single, i would being saying the same thing,aren't you?",adrian said, while coming towards me. I didn't answer because i knew that if i said something, he would only try to kiss me again. The thing is that people think i am sensative.


"Hello?",i answered. "Hey girl, its jessica",she said,"Hey girl, what are you doing later on today?" "Nothing really, why?", i responded. "How would you like to have a 1 day get-away?", jessica asked. " I would love it,Okay meet me at my house @ 5:50 because i'll be ready then",i responded, while packing my stuff in my purse. "Tay..t...ta,bye",jessica said. ", bye", I responded, while hanging up. I quickly looked up. "What time is it?", i asked. " It's 7:42 am", why?", adrian asked. I quickly started to undress myself. I ran over adrain's desk,and scrabbled through the closet. I quickly grabbed my black laced dress and hat. I looked at adrain. Adrian122 was about to fall out his seat.

"Adrian...Adrian!", i said. Adrian quickly snapped out it. Adrian started saying," Were...were you just clothless?" "Yes, im rushing and so should you!", i yelled. "What im rushing for?", adrian said. I quickly put on the dress and started for the door. I pushed adrian out the office while grabbing my purse and keys. Becky was out in the front of the building. I loaded the motorcycle onto her car. Once I closed the door, Becky sped off. Becky looked at me,and then looked at adrian in the top mirror. And then she suddenly said something," So, why did you want to come with my sister?" Adrian was kind of out of words,but then he said,"I came to give your sister support in this sad time as her collige." Becky looked at me,and started smiling. " what are you smiling for?", i asked. Becky kept smiling. "what?!", i said, this time wanting to know eagerly. "You guys are so cute together, i mean instead of being engaged to a 27 year old, you have an adorible 25 year old man, right here! Now i'm 26 years old, Okay, i could take Tony and you could take adrain. Here's the ages: Charlette-24, adrian-25, me- 26, and tony-27. Do you hear what i am saying?",Becky said."What are trying to say?",i asked, while slick getting mad. "Now, you remember when you had to go somewhere,and you had asked me to to your place?", becky asked. "Okay...umm...yeah,but where?",i said. "To tony's game",becky said. "yeah, why?", i responded. "well,when i was there,tony kept looking at me smiling",becky said. "Okay, probably he was happy that you came", i said. "I dont think so", becky said. We arrived to the kingdom hall a few seconds before it had started. Adrain and i sat in the first row along with my brothers and sisters. Tony arrived a few seconds before me. I didnt notice tony at all until he held my hand so tight that i had let go of adrian's hand. I looked at him,but didnt dare look back at me. I whispered to him,"you're hurting me". He still didnt let go. I was getting frustrated because i hate being held on to. I started yanking my hand out of his. I yanked so hard that my hand sled right out of his,but my engagement ring slipped off my finger into his hand. I started rubbing my hands because they were finally free. Tony openned his hand. As soon as i saw the ring, i quickly grabbed the ring and slipped it right back on my finger.Then that was when he looked at me, and I didn't dare look at him, but instead I looked around. In the far roght in a corner, I saw DJ and his mom sitting together."The thing about Sister C. Jackson was that she loved Jehovah and his son, Jesus Christ. Before she died, she told me to pray for her children,and for jehovah to resolve their issues that they have love toward each other. Also, she wanted to tell her baby girl, Charlotte, that she loves her soo much,and the same to natasha, Becky, and Brian. She leaves behind her children: Natasha(David) 'brickett' jackson, Becky jackson,Brian Jackson, and Charlotte Jackson, Grandchildren: Angel,and Jacob. Brothers: David, louise, Carmon, and Kalvin. Sisters: Charleatte,Beckia,Nakasha, and Danayalle. Ciarra was the youngest of 9 children, and the first of the 9 to have a baby", said Bro. Johnson, who was the elder of east point congregation. After the funeral, Tony was no where to be found. Natasha came to me and said,"I wanted to tell you that I am sorry abiout how I acted in your office. Like it was totally rude, do you accept my appology?" I looked at natasha, and said,"I could never stay mad at you for too long." I felt someone tap me on my shoulder. I turned around.  To my surprise, it was my aunty charleatte."Aunty Charleatte, how you doing?", i exclaimed. "I'm fine", aunt Charleatte replied, while holding her daughter's hand. Cousin sara looked and saw that it was me, and gave me a hug. I walked around with sara for a while. "how old are you, now?", I asked. "I'm 24, and you?", sara replied." I'm 24",I replied. Sara quickly walked away because her mom was leaving. " just couldn't stay away from me, huh?", said a voice that sounded familar. I quickly turned around. To my surprise, it was Dj. "Oh my god! How are you?", I said, forgetting about the question he just asked. We hugged for a while. "I'm fine", Dj responded. "I know you are", i whispered. "What was that?", Dj said, while smiling. " Oh nothing, Hows things with your team?", i asked. "It's good , we are actually 10-0", dj said. "Wow, that's great", i exclaimed. Dj pulled me to the side, and told me," heres my # just in case, you get bored or you just someone to talk to. Oh, by the way, i actually do miss what we had back in high school, I realize that i was a fool for letting you go". Dj also told me that i stay on his mind. I walked over to him, and said,"I can't believe it took you 5 whole years to realize that...its good seeing you, dj". I went into the bathroom, and quickly changed my clothes. In the stale next to mines, i thought i heard becky on the phone. " Becky!! that you?!", i yelled out. It was quiet for a while, and then there was a response. " Yeah, what is it?", becky answered. " Becky, why in the world would you choose a bathroom stale for a telephone conversation?", i said, while getting out the stale. Becky didn't respond. I walked out the bathroom. Adrian quickly grabbed my hand,and took me outside. Dj was outside too. I was about to scream. Adrian got on the motorcycle,a dn told me to get on. Once i got on, adrian zoomed off. As soon as we reached the office, i jumped off and ran inside.Adrian parked the motorcycle,and then ran inside after me. I ran into my office. A few seconds later, adrian came in. Adrian closed the door. I took my keys and headed to the door. Adrian pushed me to the door really hard. I struggled to get up. As soon as i got up, adrian pushed me onto the wall. I tried to move but adrian held me strong against the wall. I thought i saw adrian reach for his pocket. I quickly started acting buckwild. I quickly used all my strength to get adrian off of me. I quickly grabbed my purse, and keys.I quickly opened the door,and ran. I was so scared that i didn't even dare look back. As soon as i got on my motorcycle, i zoomed off. I quickly dailed up dj. " hello?", said DJ. "...why...why me?", i said, while crying. "wha...what you mean?", Dj asked. " i mean out of all the people in the world, why does it have to be the person I train that tries to hurt me?", i responded. " Adrian did what to you?", dj yelled. One thing about DJ, he respects girls, and their personal space. "Yes, he tried to hurt me. I mean a few seconds before we arrived to the funeral place, he texted me saying," I have a surprise for you, are you ready? Dont try to hide because i'll know!", i responded,crying even more. I could tell by his voice that he was very angry. "Okay, where are you right now?", dj asked. "I'm 50 minutes away from my house,why?", i responded. " me at the Papa's golden grill, okay",Dj said. I thought to myself, " in a moment like this, this man got the nerve to think about food". " Okay",i said, while hanging up the phone. Papa's golden grill was two blocks from where i was. One thing i didn't know was that when adrian grabbed me, he placed a tracking device on my engagement ring. Dj came with a doffel bag. "Why did you do that?", i asked. " Do what?",dj said. " Why did you bring that doffel bag?", i repeated. "Oh, you'll see later", Dj said. I started looking at my ring. " Hey, do you have a magnified glass?", i asked. "Yeah, why?",Dj asked. "Let me see it", i said. "Okay,here", dj said. 

Chapter 2- Run for it

As soon as Dj handed me the magnified glass, i quickly looked at my ring. "humph...this is one weird ring my fiance gave me", i said, underneath my breath. I handed it back the magnified glass to dj. " Now...I still can't believe that adrian tried to rape you", dj said. (beep) I looked through my purse,and grabbed my phone. When I turned on the screen of my phone, it said you have 5 new messages, 3 new voice mails, 3 missed calls,and 1 video messages. I said to myself now i know i haven't been gone for that long. As usual, i looked through my text messages first. First message was from becky, which said," I'm sorry...lil sis :( :(". Second message from Tony which said," Times hard,and i don't really think that we have that fit bound, i'm sorry :/ :(". I looked around. I looked at the video message. In the video, it was becky and tony drunk inside the same room. I jumped out of my seat, and i headed for the door. Dj quickly grabbed his duffel bag, and ran after me. Dj could tell that i was pissed off. I locked the wheels to the motorcycle with heavy chains. I jumped inside of dj's car, and said, "take me to this address". Without answering, dj quickly pressed the gas, and sped to that location. Once we got to becky's house, someone was throwing a block party. I opened the door, and quickly went inside. I ran up the stairs. I kicked the door open. Tony and Becky quickly jumped up. I got so angry that i grabbed the nearest thing I could see. *grabs a bamboo switch* "arrrggghh" I swung at becky and tony with all of my strength. When i was finished, becky and tony was twitching on the ground. I take a deep breath and starts to walk out the door. I run down the stairs and jumps inside of dj's car. "Are you alright?""Just shut up and drive" I throw my ring out the window as dj starts to drive off. I stare out the window while tears fall from my eyes. As dj starts to drive off, I heard two loud gun shots. *car stops* *gasps* I quickly think to myself. I jump out of the car and starts to run towards the building. "Becky!!!"I ran so fast that i couldn't even feel my feet. *enters room* Adrian looks at me. "H..." Before he could even say hi, i tackled him out the window. *crash* I start to punch the mess out of adrian. Dj quickly got out of the car and grabbed me off of adrian. He seats me inside the car. I kept screaming and crying. 

Chapter 3- Memories

I stopped,and took a picture of the house. I finally realized that i was no where near my house. I saw someone walking down the hill. I got his attention. "umm...excuse me...ummm...can you tell me exactly where i am?", i asked. The man looked at me, and then said," well, are in buckhead...basically saying"welcome to the ghetto". "Umm...thank you", i said.I started to jog back up the hill.

(back at the house)



chapter 4- The unexpected Proposal


chapter 5- The wedding



Texte: 2013
Bildmaterialien: 2013
Lektorat: jolynna jean-pierre
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 22.05.2014

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