
table of contents

chapter 1- the beginner                  

chapter 2- the vistor                        

chapter 3- the message

chapter 1- the beginner

9 years ago...

During the time of the baby boom season in china, many men ages 17 and up had no choice, but to join the army or they would get killed. While the governor sent out his troops to go get more men for the army, my parents and I were too busy making our way toward the boarder line river that separated the northern cities from the middle cities, which was called the Huang He river.

" OK,we're here",said papa, while he was leading the way with me on his shoulders.

We were crossing the river when we heard some voices coming from the forest behind us. We quickly tried to, without drowning, cross the river very fast,and quietly. The voices were getting closer.

"papa, what are we going to do", I said in a crying voice." shush myli, it's going to be fire,"said Fuchang,my father.

It was quiet for awhile. All of a sudden, a deer ran passed and shook some leaves. I got startled and felled from my father's shoulders into the water. (splash)

"There they go, right there,right thereeeeee"shouted a soldier,hearing me fall.
"mama!!!",I screamed while still in the water."Help me" "Go", yelled papa.

Mother quickly grabbed me out of the water,and headed toward a forest up ahead. Though I didn't turn around, in the background I heard papa get shot,and a huge splash. Then that's when I turned around. I saw papa's body lying in the water. I started to run toward papa, but mama grabbed me. We hid in a huge shade behind a huge tree. Night came, and I was freezing. Mama did everything she could to keep us warm.

"Why mama, why did they have to take papa?" I asked,while tears fells from my face.Mama would have no answer for me,but just a look. A look that says I loved him too, sweetheart, I loved him, too. Then she would give me a huge hug,and a kiss on my forehead.

Morning came,and mama woke me up 3 hours before the sun came out. I couldn't see a thing,but I felt safe in my mother's arms as we walked through the forest. By sunrise, we made it to Nanjing. In Nanjing, my mama had a few friends that she knew who could help us.Mama found their home. (knocking)(people speaking chinese inside the house) "Who is it?",asked Chu Fe. "It's me,ling la",mama replied. "Who?!"Chu Fe asked again. "Ling La" mama replied. (door opening) "Ling La!!!It's god to see you. How have you been?"said Chu Fe. "I've been fine"mama replied. "That's good, that's good...oh, come on in",Chu Fe said. (Door closing) "Noooooooo"I yelled,while opening up the door.

Chu Fe turned around,and saw me shivering on the floor. Chu Fe look at mama very confused,pointing at me then to mama then back to me. Chu Fe walked toward me very slowly. I moved back,every time he move closer. He scooped me off the floor very gently, like a newborn or something. When he walked into the the room with me in his arms,everyone stood up and stared at me.

An old lady saw my mother before every else did, and smiled with tears in her eyes."Ling La, come here, darling”, grandma lee, who was known as everyone's godmother. Mother walked in the room. When she saw Grandmother Lee sitting on the couch, mama ran and buried her head into grandmother lee's lap and was crying because she knew that if she told her grandmother that her son had died, she would have died. So mother decided to keep it to herself until dinner time. Before dinner time came, Chu Fe gave mama and me some dry clothes to wear. Grandmother and Fufu were fixing the dinner table while Ling and Fafa were keeping me company until it was time to eat." Time to eat!!!!", Fufu yelled.

Everyone was having a good time at the dinner table except mama. She couldn't get papa off her mind. "Ling La, Ling La, is everything all right?", asked uncle Fufu. "Huh?! Oh yeah,yeah, don't worry about me, I'm fine,yeah", replied mama. " No, Ling La, I haven't seen you in five years, ever since you moved to Beijing, and you know the general over there is crazy and if Fafa and I had went over there with you, we would have got killed,exceptually around this time of year. So please tell me what's wrong?” uncle Fufu said, waiting for an answer. “I’m a widow. Five years ago, I married a man named Fuchang Lee, and had children together. It was around baby boom season, and I had twins. Their names were Myli and Mylia Lang. La is short for Lang. Just yesterday, we were crossing the Haung He River, and he got shot!”(Mama busted into tears) mama replied.
( Grandma busted into tears also) “ No..No…not… not my son…my only son !”, grandma yelled.

“Mama, I have a twin sister”, I asked. “Yes, you have a twin sister, and that’s the reason why I have to go to Hong Kong so I can see my daughter, so please, Chu Fe… Fafa…Fufu, please help me find the Chang Jiang river, please?!” replied mama pleading to her brother, sister, and close friend to help her. “ OK, we will help you sister only under one condition, when we help you, we come with you to see mama and our niece, and that’s it” replied Fufu and Fafa. “Fine” agreed mama.
“I will help you only because my love for you is still somewhere inside me trying to come out” said Chu Fe. “So when are we going to find the river” mama asked.“Tonight at pitch dark” replied Chu Fe.

Night came a little bit early only because it got dark quick. Chu Fe led the way. Fufu held me on his back, while Fafa held mama’s hand. When we made it to the river, there was a man waiting for us in a black rob. He loaded us quickly onto the boat. As he paddled, the water glimmered with the rapids, and the moon reflected itself gracefully across the water. This river was way longer than the first one because this one is about 3 miles across. Fog started to cover the air, and the stars danced across the river like professionals. When we made it across the river, it was still foggy and dark. Fufu still had me on back, but sometimes he’ll carry me in his arms. We decided to rest for a while in a city called Changsha. We went to a motel and rented out two rooms. One room for the boys, and one for the girls.

“Okay, Chu Fe and Fufu, you will share room # 24, and us girls will share room # 25”, said mama. “Okay” Fufu and Chu Fe said, while going to their room.

(3 hours later)

One of the rays from the sun beamed on my eyelid, and I was very hungry. Good smells of the breakfast downstairs woke me up quick. I went to the bathroom, and washed up. I had put on a clean pairs of Pjs and bunny ears. I opened the door and took the stairs down. I was still sleepy at the time because I only had 3 hours of sleep. As I walked into the kitchen, a great big rolling chart greeted me with an unfriendly hit. Boom!!!!

“Oh, child are you okay?” a cook asked.“ yes, mame, I’m… okay” I answered, while shoving some bacon strips into my mouth. “wow… this is good!” I exclaimed. "Why thank you...oh you poor child, you look like you haven't eaten for days, are your parents here?" the cook asked."Yes, but only one of them"I replied.

While back at the room, mother had just woke up and didn't see me in bed. "No, she's probably in her aunt's bed" mother said to herself. "Fafa...Fafa, wake up"mama said. "Wha..what is it?"Fafa said,while slowly waking up."Is myli in bed with you?"mama asked."No, isn't she suppose to be in bed with you"Fafa responded."Yeah, she was,but she's not"mama said.

Fafa jumped out of bed,and quickly put her rob on,and headed out the door.Fafa went downstairs to the kitchen area. Once she turned the corner,she saw 4 official officers sitting at a table near a window. A waitress had walked by,and Fafa quickly grabbed her.She took the waitress clothes and went in the kitchen. Fafa looked around.There in a far corner, Myli was held in a cage because there was a reward out for $30,000 dollars for a missing child named Myli Lang. Fafa was amazed that the waitress, she took the clothes from, was actually the head cook,and the key for the cage was in there.

"Hey,now why you let me put this child in here?" Fafa asked,dressed up as the waitress,"she should be with her mother".

(lock opening)
"Oh, thank you,mame"myli said,while she walked out of the cage.

(Fafa grabbed held of myli's arm,and tilt hat forward)

"You are in so trouble,young lady!!" Fafa whispered.

Fafa took myli upstairs to their room,where her mother was freaking out. Fafa pushed myli inside the room,and started packing up the suitcases and Fufu did the same thing. Mama stared at Fafa like she was crazy.

"Look there are 4 soldiers downstairs,and..."Fafa paused. "And what?!"mama demanded for an answer."Shush!" Fafa said."What does she look like?"asked one of the officers. "Who?"said the lady. "Mame,the one who robbed you for your clothes?"asked the second officer.

Fafa threw all of our suitcases out of the window,and reach for myli. Fafa started down the ladder until one of the soldiers saw her. "Hey you..stop..or i'll shoot" demanded the soldier. "Okay, you will rather shoot,and the winning prize or trade off my life for her reward.Your choice?"Fafa said. "Okay,put the child in the middle and let her choose...who she wants to go for?"replied the soldier.

Fafa had put myli down. But neither of them knew that when myli gets scared, nervous,or even has to choose between two people over a simple thing, caous happens. Though she may had looked, she actually is very angry on the inside.

"little brat,if you don't choose...i'll..i'll"the soldier yelled. "" myli yelled,while turning toward the soldier. When myli turned toward the soldier,and looked at him, eye to eye, the soldier's gun dropped,forgetting that it's safety was off,and shot him in the ankle. Myli walked toward him. The tip of my shoe had tapped the soldier's boot. The soldier looked at me and kept screaming.

"Ahhhhh,my!!"the soldier yelled."Now,what are you going to do to me,huh?" I questioned. "I can't see...I can't see...I'm...I'm blind,nooooooo!!"the soldier yelled.

Myli turned around,and started walking toward Fafa. Fafa grabbed the shades in her pocket,and had quickly put them on myli's face to cover up her eyes. When myli looked at her mother, her hands turned bright red. Myli wanted to say something to her mother,but fear got in the way. Myli turned half-way toward her mother then looked up. Myli saw a huge black shadow coming toward her. Myli froze for a second,and then started running toward a main road.

"Myli,get back here!"Chu Fe yelled.

Myli had no clue why she was running,but all she knew is that she had to get away from the shadow behind her. Myli ran to a little passage way that lead to the inside of a forest. Myli stopped and it stopped. Myli took off straight. The shadow landed. The shadow was actually a huge bird. Myli took off her shades. The bird's eyes looked exactly like myli's eyes. Since they were both calm, their eyes had the figure of wind that symbolized calmness. Myli whispered something to the bird.

"Can you help me find my twin sister, Mylia?",myli whispered. "Tweet..tweet..okay i'll help you,hop on",replied the bird."I've been looking for you and your sister,only because i'm your guardian and i'm here to guide you through your years ahead until i know your ready",said the bird. "Oh, by the way, the name's Marley",said the bird.

Myli got on the bird and not a second later, they took off. Myli had no clue that the bird already knew where Mylie was at. It took at least 3 hours to get inside the city. Since the bird was so huge, she lied in the middle of its back. The bird took a huge leap down toward this little hut,and landed in its backyard. The bird hissed a loud blow. A door opened,but myli lied low looking at what was going on. A young girl came out.

"Hello", Mylia said shyly. "Hello, my name is Marley,and i was sent from way up in the northern part of Asia. I have a little surprised for you",said Marley. "Okay, i love surprises",replied Mylia. "Close your",said Marley.

Mylia opened her eyes while Marley lifted up his wing. Mylia was extremely surprised,especially while she was looking at a girl, who looked exactly like her. Myli and Mylia circled each other for a while. Mylia was startled at first.

"Who are you?",asked Mylia. "My name is Myli lang",myli replied,"who are you". "My...My name Mylia lang!!",replied Mylia. "This is your twin sister,Mylia",said Marley.

Myli and Mylia were so happy that they had tears in their eyes. The symbol in their eyes were balloons/tears. Mylia started calling for grandma. " baby...nooo!!"yelled grandma,while running down the stairs. "Grandma...this is my sister,Myli lang!!!",excla-imed Mylia. "'s your mother?",asked grandma,while still in shock. "She's good,she with Fufu and Fafa",replied myli.

Grandma looked like she had something to say,but she just broke down into tears. Myli ran outside,and told the bird to fly in the air,but away from the sun. Myli scrambled around the backyard looking for a taxi-bike,and once she found one, she ran inside and grabbed her grandma and her sister by the hand,and pulled them toward the taxi-bike.Myli loaded them onto the taxi-bike,and started paddling toward the main road. Myli looked at the bird,and whispered something.

"Give me the directions to my mother's location,please",myli whispered.

The bird gave her the directions to her mother's location by blowing a great wind,which made her spin to the right instead of the left. Myli paused,closed her eyes,and then stumped her foot on the paddle,almost making them flip over. Myli opened her eyes,looking left and right,and zoomed down the road. It took at least 2 hours to get to her mother's location. When they arrived, her mother was sitting on a log,saying something.

"Ohhhhhh,first my husband then my daughter,now what?!",cried ling la. "Wait...look...coming looks like...myli!it's myli!yeah!"screaming Fafa.

Ling la looked up and saw two girls running toward her in full joy. Myli and Mylia hugged their mother with full joy. Ling la's mother saw her and started running toward her,too. When ling la saw her, she stood up and hugged her mother very dearly. Fafa and Fufu gathered and hugged their mother,also. " im soooo happy to see the both of you very "

chapter 2- the message

After the celebration, myli and the rest of the family went back to grandmother's hut before night came. When they arrived back to grandmother's hut, there was a note hanging on the door.

It said,"I know what happened at the motel,and I know who you made blind. I seen what your eyes can do,and I've learned your ability. I know your father, I will follow you everywhere, so if I was you, I would watch my back!!"_mysterious man.

When Mylia saw it, she was shocked only because she knew it wasn't her. Then everyone turned toward Myli. Myli was just as shocked as Mylia was. Then Myli had a quick flashback. Myli saw a black shadow zoom by on a motorcycle at the corner of her eye, but she didn't pay any mind at the time.


  "",Myli thought, after reading the note again only because she knew that means one day she would have to face this mysterious man. Ever since she read that note, myli's attitude had change. Myli became very nervous and a little mean, not to family, but to strangers.


  "Myli!!” mother yelled, “what is this I becoming a trouble maker...nooo...not you?!" Myli listened, sighed, and then walked away. It wasn't long till the mysterious man could catch them home alone. Marley, the guardian, was sleeping. Mylia saw a mysterious man pull up with his motorcycle. "Myli”, Mylia yelled, “Who is this?!".Myli quickly ran to the window. Mylia turned around toward the back door. While going toward the door, Mylia tripped over a wooden table. The noise startled Marley. His tail accidentally slashed through the house, and hit Mylia across the face, knocking her unconscious. Half of the house was crashing down. Myli got up, and went toward Mylia. She made it to Mylia just before the whole house fell down. Myli used all her strength to carry Mylia out of the house.


  When Myli made it outside, there were two boxes, and a speaker. A mysterious man voice came on, which startled Myli, and woke up Mylia."Hello, I have two boxes here in front of you. One of the boxes gives you directions to your mother, grandmother, and aunt, and the other box gives you directions to your uncle, and your mother's guy friend. Good luck, you’re going to need into by the way almost forgot to tell you. There is a time limit to this rescue. You have 48 hours until the firework show. So!!(Beep)", says mysterious voice. Myli and Mylia quickly grabbed a box, and ripped the boxes open. Myli had the women's locations, and Mylia had the men's locations. They grabbed what they needed, and headed out. Once they were at least 5 miles away from each other, they waved and zoomed off. When Myli made it to the place, which was an abandoned warehouse, she rushed inside.


" no!!” Myli said. Myli grabbed all four masks. She had put one on for oxygen. She looked around for scissors. Once she found one, she had quickly cut loose her aunt first because she was about 6 months pregnant, and then everyone else. Once everyone was loose, she pushed everyone outside, and closed the door behind her. She took the mask off."Aunt, get on the bike, now!!” Myli yelled. But for mylia, it wasn't that easy as she thought it would be, only because she had to choose whether to save uncle Fufu or mama's ex. fortunately for mylia, myli pulled up right before Mylia chose who to save. Myli jumped off the bike, and came to Mylia with her backpack. Myli pulled out a key copier."The direction says: There is someone upstairs, and there is someone downstairs. There is a bomb strapped to their chest set for about two minutes. If you make it out alive, then there will be a surprise for you when you leave. So I hope you choose wisely, bye”.  Myli and Mylia looked at each other, and Myli started saying something quickly. “Look you go down stairs and ill go upstairs”. Mylia looked surprised because she had no clue that she would say that, and quickly said. ”no, you will not…”, but before she could finish her sentence, Myli started running real fast toward the building. Mylia was very upset with myli’s decision so she ran very fast after Myli. Myli noticed that Mylia was running after her so she jumped really high in air. Mylia was so focused on getting Myli she didn’t even notice that she had jumped in the air, and ended up crashing into the wall. (Boooooom) Mylia and Myli crashed into the building at the same time. Brushing themselves off at the same time, they had seen exactly what the mysterious voice was talking about. There was a bomb strapped to both the person upstairs and downstairs, and a bomb strapped to the edge of the wall. Myli gave the signal and they unlocked the people at the same time. Myli and Mylia threw the people out of the window, but as for them, as they were jumping out of the window, the bombs blew up causing them to spin uncontrollably toward the ground. As they landed the legs snapped into three different locations. The fire became a wild fire, circling them both like a flaming pit.

(2 hours later)

(Fire trucks on scene)

“Man, if someone would have earlier, we would’ve save her life” said one of the firefighters.  When Myli woke up, she quickly looked around for Mylia. Mylia was deeply unconscious, lying underneath a pile of burning wood and glass. Myli crawled over to the pile of burning wood and glass. Myli started to beat herself up because she thought that her sister was died. A firefighter saw Myli in life threatening conditions, and had quickly gone over to her. “Are you okay?” the firefighter said. Myli looked at the firefighter and then back to the pile of burning wood. Not a second later, Myli fainted on top of the burning wood. When she had done that, the firefighter saw that there was another body underneath the burning wood and glass. The firefighter picked up Myli with one hand and grabbed Mylia out of the fire with the other hand. The firefighters saw him coming with Myli and Mylia in both of his hands, they quickly grabbed the rolling beds to put them in. Once loaded onto the truck, they quickly went the nearest hospital. Once they arrived to the hospital, Myli woke up, and saw that Mylia was separated from her. Myli started having a very bad temper with anyone who would try to pick her up. Myli screamed so loud that everyone went pitch quiet. Then she yelled, “where’s Mylia?!!!!!!!!!!!” The person rolling her to her room, had stopped and asked, “Whose Mylia?” Myli looked at the doctor and said, “Where is she?” Three rooms down from Myli’s room, they had put Mylia in there, not knowing that she is the one Myli was yelling about. A few days later, a doctor was talking about Mylia, saying that she was in room #334 and Myli knew that the room was only two rooms down from hers because she was in room # 332. So Myli thought of a way to fool the doctor. One day she ordered for a clown to come into her room. After that, she asked for two dozen balloons. Once in hand, she asked for two jugs of red paint with a cup. Putting all of the items together, now all that she needed was a perfect date.

(Three days later)

On Monday morning, Myli had the nurses take her a bath and give her food. Once feed, she told the nurses to get out. Now knowing that opening the windows would make the alarm go off, she went for it anyway. She quickly took off her garment, Put the huge paint balloon underneath the garment, applied a wig and prostatic legs to it, and then she opened the window. The alarm quickly went off. She dropped the body figure, and then ran into the closet. Not knowing that Mylia was looking out the window too, Mylia saw the body jump. The doctors kicked down the door and then went into the room. They looked down and saw from a far, something that look like legs and blood. The nurses began to cry. The doctors began to shake their head, and said, “I did not know that she was suicidal”. Almost going crazy inside the closet, Myli busted out of the closet screaming, “Look!! You crazy baphoons, I am not and will not be suicidal, you here, I am just sick and tired of you guys separating me and my sister, okay, gees”.  After saying that, Myli ran down the hall butt naked. Once she stopped, she did a whistle that only here sister could here. Mylia came out her room running to be with her sister. Once together, they ran down the hall toward the stairway. Before myli ran into the stairway, she turned around and grabbed a dress-like jacket. As she put on the jacket, she heard walkie-talkies going off. Myli grabbed her sister's hand, and ran into the stairway. As they ran, the alarm went off. Myli grabbed mylia's hand tighter and jumped out the nearest window.


As they started getting up, the ground started rumbling and shaking. The alarm started going faster and faster and faster until there was a pitch silence. (Wind blowing) " Hold on...wait...why is it quiet",myli said, with suspision. The ground started slowly splittng apart. Mylia was still on the ground knocked out. Myli quickly picked up mylia and started running like crazy towards the open road,knowing that there is a good chance of getting hit. Myli just remembered that the marley was following them in case of danger. Myli whistled marley down. Marley flew down and scooped them up from the ground. Marley looked shocked as if he did not even see that coming. 

chapter 3- the great escape

He flew them to safety. Marley flew up to see if any danger was coming. Marley saw a great dark cloud coming our way with great speed. It came so fast that marley didnt even have time to get us out. When it came i was busy trying to hold on to something that i didnt notice that mylia flown away. The storm lasted for 3 minutes. Once everything cleared up, i noticed that mylia was missing. "Mylia...Mylia...Where are you?",myli yelled.

(back at dark shadow's castle)

" future queen",said dark shadow. Mylia slowly woke up and saw that she was inside a warehouse sittiing in a wire chair, while wrapped up in the live wires.Mylia started speaking. "How you call me your queen if you are not even in love with other words you thought i was myli, didn't you?", mylia said. Dark shadow quickly turned and looked at mylia with great anger. He yelled to his guards to go in search for myli.Dark shadow turned to me and said," and for you fooling me, you will hang in the chain room while getting slashes. Take her away". Mylia's eyes turned from water to fire.    

(back in the forest)

Myli's eyes went from water to fire also. "Mylia's in danger...we must find her" "how can i help find her if i haven't got the slightest clue where she has gone?" "urgh...don't you know anything?!" "control your anger, myli, for bad things happen when your eyes symbol fire" "how...*flame sparks from my hand* can i calm down when i feel something terrible is going to happen to her?" "Just breathe" "i'll...i'll try" *tries to breathe**hot smoke blows from my nose*

(back at the castle)

*mylia opens her eyes* "why is everything red?" *mylia looks around**creates a maze like map**sends it to myli's brain*

(back at the forest)

"Marley, why is it that mylia and i always get split apart" "im not sure" *myli feels a sharp pain in her head* "Arrrrgh" *myli holds her head* "Arrrrrggggghhhhhh" *slowly opens her eyes**sees a red map* "it''s a map?'s a map!!!" "a map you say?" "yes...mylia sent me a map telepathically to my head" "well, are you going to follow it?" "yes, could you lend me a ride?" "sure thing...climb on" *myli climbs on marley's back* "well, we can start off by going straight" "alrighty" *marley starts going straight* 

(back at the castle)

*mylia starts sqreaming**mylia starts yelling* "help!!...someone!" (a few seconds later...) *marley lands outside the building**winds blowes hard**myli jumps off of marley's back**myli sneeks inside the building "mylia!!..where are you?" *mylia coughs* " over here" *myli looks up and see mylia hanging in live wires**myli looks around to see if she can find something to cut her down with**grabs an old-looking japenese sword**unravels the sword**begins to swing the sword* "Arrrrrgggghhhh!!!" *slices the wires apart**mylia falls to the floor**myli quickly untangles mylia**myli whispers* "hurry up and follow me" *mylia nods**mylia and myli exits the room silently**myli and mylia stops* "the guards..." *mylia sqreaked* *guards quickly turned around* "hey! there!!" *myli and mylia quickly dashes with the wind* "we must find a way out of here" *continues running**myli spots a window* "here..we can jump" *mylia looks* "Are you out of your mind?!"*mylia thumps myli's forehead* "ouch..what's that for?" *mylia looks again* "do you know how many feet from the ground we are??...girl, we can be killed!!" *guards running in the background* "well, i've taken worser chances..." "wait..what?!" *myli grabs mylia's hand**myli jumps through the window* "Ahhhhhhhhhhh!!!" *myli quickly adjust mylia onto her back**jumps from roof top to roof top**myli jumps on final time, attempting to land on the ground**lands softly behind the gate*





Texte: (c) 2012
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Tag der Veröffentlichung: 13.12.2012

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