
chapter one

BEEP, BEEP, BEEP. I swift my hand over to the alarm clock slamming my hand down. It didn’t shut off. So I brought my hand over to the plug and unplugged it. I sat up in bed. Sigh. This is ganna suck. Stupid job. Why do people have to wake up at five in the morning to go to work? I mean really? Then I heard it. The whining. He’s up. I ran over to the next room. “Baby!” I say. Isaac looked over at me and started to laugh. Gee, this kid is weird. I mean who in the hell wakes up laughing. I’ll tell you who. Isaac. That’s who. Going to his closet, I picked him some cute clothes. I just love baby clothes. There so cute! I picked him out a polo shirt and blue pants with some socks. After I dressed him, I got ready myself. I threw on a pink breast cancer shirt and blue jeans. I looked in the mirror and study myself. I was naturally beautiful. I’m not bragging or anything but that’s what I hear. My hair is curly and black and it feels like silk. NEVER gets frizzy. Weird, right? Pshh yeah. I’m half Latino and half Indian. So I’m tan of course. What throws me off is my eyes. There like rainbow colors. For real I’m not even joking. My parents eyes are not that color. Or these colors, I should say. My brother has my mom’s big blue eyes. Well any way I’m 5’8 and skinny but I don’t look like a stick. I’ve got curves and a nice size butt and good size boobs.
But I don’t show any of it off. Cause I don’t like creepers looking at my goodies. I went to my brother, picked him up, and went into the kitchen. I live in an apartment so yeah it’s small but a good size for a cute little family. I got me an apple and my brother a pop tart. Then I went to get my keys and purse to leave. I went to my old school looking mustang. It was my parents so I got to keep it. When I got to the daycare, I saw a new car there. Hmm must be a new parent, I thought. I went into the daycare to get ready to watch some moody little children. Isaac, of course, is free. I went into the front after putting Isaac in the back and saw a cute dude about 20 with a little adorable girl. “Oma gosh!” I said. The guy looked at me and had an expression on his face like “what”. I tried so hard to not roll my eyes, really I did. But they did it anyway. Stupid eyes. Moving on there own and stuff. “She’s so cute!” I said in a du kind of voice. He just smiled. “Oh yeah I know. She just turned two, five days ago. She’s my little sister. Mom and dad wanted me bring her to this daycare. I wanted to check it out first, though. Her names Zoe.” He said. I had a pang of jealousy in my heart. I missed my parents. “Well, hellos miss Zoe.” I said. Zoe looked at me and smiled real big. Pshh little kids love me. Why wouldn’t they? I’m lovable. The guy looked shocked. What got stuck up his nose all of a sudden? Zoe reached out to me to take her and I happily took the invitation. Zoe snuggled up to me and fell asleep. I was a little freaked. I mean, who goes to sleep that fast? I looked at the guy and got freaked out more. His eyes basically popped out of his freaking eye sockets. “Damn dude, you needa push those eyes back into your head before they get dirty from rubbing on the floor!” I said. “Isabel Grace Sanchez, you watch your mouth!” oh shit. I turned around and put my best puppy dog face on. “I sowy, Mrs. Valentine.” I mumbled.
Jenny’s face softened a bit. “It’s ok, but remember not to cuss while you’re in this daycare. Don’t want the kids to pick up bad habits, now do we?” she said. The guy was out of his shock state and was staring at me. Stare much? I gave him the “what” look. “She never did that to a stranger before. Not even my ex-girlfriends. She doesn’t trust anyone except me and my parents. Hell, she doesn’t even talk.” He said. I made my eyes go big.
“Aw! Mrs. Valentine! This guy said a bad word!” I tattled. The guy started laughing and Jenny stared at me hard. What? I was completely serious. “Ha-ha, ok now I gatta go to college.” I was like whaaat?!? “dude! Your ganna leave your little sister here on my watch and not even ganna sign the papers? Eh-uh. Nope. Not here. Sign these forms.” I said. He did what was asked and gave me the forms. I looked down. “Well thank you, Jake Michaels, for this info. The daycare closes at ten o’clock so yeah . . . Bubye!” then I left. I went into the room full of little ones. Te-he. They look like chipmunks. They were all asleep because it’s five thirty in the morning. I looked at Zoe in my arms. I didn’t even notice she woke up. “Hey there sweetie.” I said. “Hi!” she said happily. Ha-ha what now Jake!?! She spoke to me and not you. Psh I knew I was special. Wink, wink.
I smiled so wide, I think I freaked her out a little. “So baby girl, what do you want to do while the other chipmunks sleep?” I asked. She looked around then back at me. “Aw, baby chipmunk.” She said. Oma gosh. This kid is adorable. I just want to squeeze her! I looked up and saw that Isaac was awake. I put Zoe over the drawing table and went over to Isaac. “Hi baby! What’s up? You want to go drawl with Zoe?” I ask. He looked at me then looked at Zoe. “Okay” he said. I took him over to Zoe and they started baby talking. Gee, I need to learn baby talk.
It would be so much easier to listen to the kids. Zoe and Isaac started to draw together so I went to check on the other little kids. There are a total of eleven kids today. I went back to Zoe and Isaac to see what there master pieces look like. Isaac drawled a ‘truck’. “Zoe, babe, what did you drawl?” I asked. “smiley!” she said and handed me the paper. I was kind of shocked. Her ‘smiley’ looked like a freaking penis. I mean, it had it all. Yep, I decided this is definitely going on the wall of art. I went over to the wall of art and hanged up Zoe and Isaac’s pictures. I can not wait to see what Jenny has to say about this. Mohahahaha!


6...5...4...3...2...1...0… “Izy, you can go now, babe.” Jenny said. “Yes!” I jumped up to get my stuff. Today was a very, VERY, long day. I had this little boy saying uncle fucka all day. Then, another kid that kicked me in my leg. Oh, how I wanted to give that kid a good ass whipping.
I got ready and took Isaac from the back. I looked around and saw Zoe playing with this little girl that was trying to hit Zoe. “Jasmine, keep your hands to yourself, little girl!” I yelled. The girl turned around and stuck her tongue at me. Keep your cool. Trying to calm myself is hard as heck. I went over to where Zoe was and kissed her on the head. “Bubye, baby girl.” Zoe looked at me. Aw! She looks like she’s ganna cry! “Bye ithy.” She said. I gave her one more kiss before leaving.
After buckling Isaac up, I started the car. I looked in my mirror to adjust it when I noticed something. “WHAT. THE. HELL.” I said. “Hell! Hell! Hell! Hell! Hell!” Isaac said happily. Oh shit. “No! No Isaac! Bad word bad!” why am I trying? He’s just ganna keep saying it anyway. I looked back in the mirror. My hair is turning white. EFFING WHITE! Oh god, I knew it. I’m stressing way too much. What if I get wrinkle? Does stress make you wrinkle, too? Am I going to look like an old lady by the time I’m twenty? Oh god! Ok, ok, calm down, Isabel, just calm down! I looked back into the mirror. I’m kind of getting a little pale, too. Ok just go on with your plans for today. I went to the restaurant that I go to every time I get off work. “Hey there sexy, how are- holly hell, Isabel! You got white hairs already!” my best friend Scylla said. “Oh, well thank you, I feel so much better now. Yes, I do. The next time you’ll see me, my boobs will be sagging on the floor.” I snarled. “Aw, Izy I’m sorry! But if it makes you feel better, you still make me want to turn lesbian. Even if you have saggy boobs.” She says. Eh, what a freak. But that’s my freak and I’m loving it. “Foos! I wan food, now!” Isaac basically screamed at us. Gee, problems much? “Lil boy, don’t you be getting an attitude with us!” Scylla said. I swear, they have a love/hate relationship. They always argue. I mean, when I went to K-mart they had a full on argument on which toy was better. So I ended up buying Scylla the truck and Isaac the red car. Yes, Scylla plays with toys. Its part of her. And it creeps me the hell out. “Ok! Guys stop fighting. Really Scylla? He’s freaking three!” Scylla just scoffed. “So! That doesn’t mean he can be rude to me!” I started rolling. Isaac was MAD. “Shut hell up, foos.” He mumbled. I stopped laughing. Scylla looked at me like what the hell did he say? Uh oh. Before she could blow up in the parking lot, I ran in the restaurant with Isaac. “Oh, waaaiiitteerrr!” I yelled. Everybody stopped what they were doing and looked at me. “What? Can a lady call for her waiter?” they just kept staring. “RUDE, MUCH?” I said very loudly. Oh yeah that’s right. I forgot about my creepy eyes. Then I remembered my hair. “Gee, people, just because I’m going white headed doesn’t mean you can be rude and stare… but are my boobs sagging cause I cant tell.” I asked while looking at my boobs. Isaac poked one. “Hey dude! I have sensitive nipples.” I said to Isaac while rubbing my poor booby. A waiter came over and got us a table. He looked like he was twenty and had black hair with green eyes. “What’s up, dude!” Isaac asked the guy looked at Isaac and smiled. “Nothing much, just taking an order from a pretty girl and her son.” He said eyeballing my boobies. Son? Oh, well he can keep on thinking that. Wait! He’s eyeballing my goodies! “Dude! Get your mother licking eyes off ma goodies!” I yelled. The guy didn’t even say sorry! Just rolled his eyes. “Hey you’re finally in!” I say looking at Scylla while she sends daggers at the waitress. Oh no. she’s ganna take all her anger out on him! Shiz. Oh well this should be fun. “WHAT IN THE HELL WAS THAT!?! HM? LOOKING AT MY BFF’S BOOBIES! EYE RAPING HER! ASSWHOLE DO YOU WANT ME TO GET THE MANAGER?!?! HU? CAUSE, BITCH, I CAN MAKE THAT HAPPEN!” she yelled. Oh man, where in the hell is the popcorn when you need it? I looked at the other waiter while mine was being harassed by my friend. “Oh, hey there. Can you take my order? Yeah I want one mini pizza with fries on the side. A seven up would be good with that meal an-“ I was about to take my order when something went BAM. I looked over and saw that Scylla had that guy under her on the floor. I looked back over at the waiter. “Also, I want a fish sandwich with fries and a coke.” I said. The waiter wrote everything down while looking at Scylla with big eyes. “You have very pretty eyes.” I said. The waiter dude looked at me and smiled. “T-thank you. So do you.” Awez! So cute! After he left I looked around and noticed everybody staring at us. Why are they staring? Oh, yeah, I forgot. I looked at Scylla doing some kind of wrestling move on the guy. “Scylla, Babe, let that guy go. He’s turning purple. Wait… he’s turning green now. Pretty colors.” I said. Scylla let him go and went to our table. She looks a lot happier. I looked back at the poor fellow passed out on the floor. Isaac and Scylla were playing with some toys I brought with me in the bag I carried. I looked outside. Sigh. Such a pretty day.


I woke up to hear the wonderful sounds of birds chirping. Man, I’m glad it’s Friday. No chipmunks for three days. Yay! I hoped out of the bed and looked at my alarm clock. 10:30am. Sweet. I’m up before Isaac! I went to check on Isaac, and then got some clothes to take a shower. After my shower it was 10:45. I ran in Isaac’s room.

“Isaac! get up! You need to take a bath, stinky butt!” I heard him mumble from his little car bed “I not dinky.” Te-he. I ran over his bed, but stopped when I noticed something in the mirror.
“HOLLY SHIT!” my WHOLE head is white! “shit, shit, shit.” Isaac mumbled in his sleep. I honestly didn’t care what he said. I’m to busy looking at my hair. I got my cell phone and called Scylla.
“hey sexy” she said. “MY HAIR IS FREAKING WHITE! ALL OF IT! AM I GOING TO GET WRINKLES TOO? ARE MY BOOBS GOING TO SAG ON THE FLOOR TOMORROW? AM I GOING TO DIE AT THE AGE OF TWENTY? I SWEAR TO GOD IM NOT ON DRUGS! HELP ME!!” I screamed. I turned and looked at Isaac. HE’S LAUGHING AT ME! “Lil boy, if you don’t stop that laughing of yours, you are NEVER going to see your favorite mint ice cream AGAIN.” I told him. Ha, that shut him up. “NO! NO! NO! I SOWY ITY!” he cried. I was about to say its ok till I heard someone singing in the phone.
“Do your boobs hang low?
Do they wobble to and fro?
Can you tie 'em in a knot?
Can you tie 'em in a bow?
Can you throw them over your shoulder,
like a continental soldier?
Do your boobs hang low?”
I’m ganna kill her. I had to laugh though. I mean how could you not laugh?
“Scylla you are one crazy bitch.” I whispered in the phone. Guess who STILL heard me? Yeah you guessed right.
“Bitch, bitch, bitch, and bitch!” yelled Isaac.
“Lil boy! What did you say?” screamed Scylla in the phone. I swear Isaac just turned a little pale. Why did I call Scylla again? I looked over at Isaac. “Isaac, why did I call Scylla again?” he pointed at my hair. “What’s wrong with my hair?” I asked. I looked in the mirror. “SKYLLA, MY HAIR IS EFFING WHITE!” I yelled into the phone. “Yeah, I know, you told me like, five minutes ago.” She said “WHY DIDN’T YOU TELL ME!” I screamed. “Oh, my bad I thought you knew.” She said. I hung up the phone and examined my head in the mirror. Well, it looks like it has a little blond in it. Why my head? Out of all the pretty heads, it had to choose mine? Of course it had to be my head. Of course. Sigh. Back to reality. I took Isaac and gave him a bath. Then I let him run around naked. Hm… I wonder how that feels? I took off my cloths then slowly started to walk around. I feel… relieved and a little free! I ran around the room with Isaac. “Yay! We both naked!” yelled Isaac. “Yay, I know!” I yelled back. What? Didn’t think I’d do it, did you? Well, guess what? I did. And it feels AWESOME.


After I talked on the cell for about an hour with Scylla, I turned on the TV and watched a little about these gangs and stuff. I got an idea after I heard this guy that was in jail that had a nickname. Out of all the cool nicknames he could have chose, guess what he picked? No, no, go on, guess. Nope that’s not it. He picked sugar bear. SUGAR BEAR. This guy was big and buff, too. I guess he was too nice or something. I have no clue. So, after I watched a little bit more, I decided to give myself a nickname. I decided on pacifier. Yep, like a baby pacifier that they suck on? Yeah, you know what I’m talking about. I didn’t want the full name, so I chose paci. It’s cute. Now for Isaac and Scylla. Hm. I looked in the kitchen where Isaac was eating noodles. DING, DING, DING! That’s it! Isaac’s gangster name is noodle! I went over to Isaac smiling real big. He looked at me curiously. “Whot?” he asked. He says what weird. “Isaac, your gangster name is noodle!” I said happily. His eyes got big and rounder then they already are. “Cool!” he said. “Come on noodle (wink, wink) where going to the park!” I said.

When we got to the park, it was packed. Oh shiz. I don’t really like being around other people. It gets weird. I looked at Isaac. He was way too happy, so I can’t go back now. We got out and went to an empty spot on the swing. I was about to sit down with Isaac on my lap when I felt it move. So guess what? I fell. WITH ISAAC IN MY ARMS! I looked at Isaac to make sure he wasn’t hurt. He wasn’t. Thank god. Turning around, I saw the asswhole who took my swing. This is EXACTLY why I hate parks.
It was this girl that was smirking at me evilly. She looked about 19. My age. Oh hell no.
“Um, hey didn’t you see I was about to sit there?” I asked. She looked at her fingernails then back at me. “Yeah, that’s why I took it before you sat on it.” She said in a du kind of voice.
“Look, I had my little brother”- I pointed at Isaac next to me-“with me when you did that. Do you understand if he would have been hurt, I would of seriously beaten your ass”- I motioned to her butt… or back I should say-“I mean your back to a pulp.” She got up and went into my face.
“Bitch, you wouldn’t of done nothing, hoe!” she yelled in my face.
“Oh HELL NO! Bitch get your mother licking, ugly face out of my personal area, ass-face! Looks like your face switched places with your ass.” I said. Then she went on and smacked me. I am MAD. It started thundering. Hum weird, wasn’t like this a minute ago.
“Bitch, don’t tut my titer!” Isaac screamed and hit ass-face. Ass-face raised her hand and smacked Isaac. I heard gasp.
“OH HELL NO! BITCH DON’T YOU EVER IN YOUR ASS-FACE LIFE”-by this time I hopped on her and had her on the ground punching her ass-face in-“EVER SMACK MY BROTHER! HOE WHO DO YOU THINK YOU ARE?!? YOU ABUSING, CHILDISH, SKANKY, FISH-SMELLING, BITCH! BITCH I’LL PACI YOUR ASS!” I screamed while I was punching her face in. I felt someone lift me off ass-face and held me back. I punched the person in the face when I turned around. Oops.
It’s Jake. “Isabel, why are you punching my girlfriend in the face?” he asked. I looked around me and saw people staring. Looking around, I saw Isaac crying by this lady. I got out of jakes grasp and went over to Isaac. “Noodle, are you okay baby?” I asked Isaac. He nodded his head. I looked back at Jake that was now helping ass face off the ground.
“I wouldn’t of beat ass-faces ass-or back if you call that an ass- if she didn’t hit my brother! I swear to god, if she ever comes near me or my brother again, I’m going to beat the rest of the ugly off her face!” I yelled while picking up Isaac. “Is this true, Nancy?” asked Jake. “No, the bitch only got mad because I stole the swing.” Ass-face said. Jake looked at me expectantly. “What?” I yelled at him. “You need to say sorry.” He said. “Actually, that Nancy chick needs to say sorry to her and her brother. She hit her brother in the face, right after hitting her in the face.” A guy voice said. I heard everyone mumble yeah. I looked for the guy that said it. “Hey! Its you! The waiter with pretty eyes!” I said. He smiled at me shyly. Awz! It’s still so cute! I looked at Jake and he was mad. “Nancy were over. Again.” He said and left. Awez, Ass-faces looks like it’s about to cry. Bitch deserved it. I went over to waiter dude and studied him for a minute. He had blond hair with green eyes, he was skinny, but had a nice body. He looked like a ‘nerd’ as people call people. I don’t think any of ‘nerds’ or ‘popular’ exist. I see like this. There’s the nice people, then there’s the mean people. “Thank you, waiter dude.” I said and gave him a kiss on the cheek. He turned a pretty shade of pink. “Your welcome, and my names Jacob, but you can call me Jake.” He said. “I like the name Jacob.” I said smiling at him. I was happy. Really happy that this guy was here. I liked him. I looked at the sky and it was really sunny. Weird, it was storming a minute ago. I looked back at Jacob. “I like you.” I stated. He smiled real big. “I like you too, Isabel.” He said. Cool, don’t need to tell him my name. “Hey, do you want to go get something to eat? Me and Isaac didn’t eat dinner yet.” I asked him. “Yeah that would be great!” he said. So we went and got pizza. We talked a little bit and had fun. Isaac really likes this guy. “Isaac come on, we have to go! Stop hanging off Jacobs boob and lets go!” I yelled at him. “No! My booby!” he yelled back then poked Jacobs ‘boob’. Jacob was laughing cause of our little fight.
I took Isaac and gave Jacob a kiss on the cheek. “Thanks for the lovely day.” I said. I was about to go when he pulled me back and gave me a kiss on the lips. Wow, this dudes lips are soft. Then there was a third set of lips. I pulled back laughing at Isaac giving Jacob a kiss. Jacob pulled back and was smiling real big. “Awe!” Isaac said. We all started laughing. I gave Jacob one last peck on the lips, while putting my number in his pocket, then left. This was an awesome day.


What is wrong with me? That’s the question I woke up to. I went into the bathroom and closed the door. I’m kind of scared to look in the mirror today. I did it any way. My hair is still a Blondie white color. My skin color is tan, but not my normal tan. Like a white person kind of tan. That’s so cool! I bet if you took one look at me you wouldn’t even know that I’m Latino/Indian. I was about to leave the bathroom tell I stopped. Something is tingly by my belly button. I lifted up my shirt. Holy hell! I got a… tattoo! It’s all colorful like my eyes. It looks like it has signs on it. He are my ideas of what the signs look like: Love, Nature, Ocean, elements of fire, earth, water, air, and soul. Then there’s the sun and some other ones. It goes from my belly button then goes down almost to the knee. It raps around my leg though. Oh, this is weird. I wake up and I have a freaking tattoo. I don’t even want one. Because, when you get old, they look all green and stuff. Like this guy came to the daycare had a tattoo when he was young that said hero, but when he showed me it, it looked like it said hoe to me. How did the e get all the way behind the o, I don’t know. I looked at it a little longer. Oh well. At least it’s pretty. I went to my dresser and got some clothes out. I picked out my pretty pink wavy top. It shows a little of my chest, so I decided to get a neon green tank top to go with it. Then, I got out my smiley face bra and the matching underwear out, too. Then, I went to get my shorts that got cut off at my knee. I started my shower, and then went to look for my shoes. I got my pink sandals and put them with my clothes. I hopped in the shower. I looked at the water in my hand. Hm. I wish the water would just stay in my hand. Oh… look at this! It’s so weird! It’s like staying in my hand! For real! Even when I spread my fingers, it still the same. Hm, I wonder… I let the water go. It’s still there! In the perfect shape of my palm! Oh man this is so cool. I need to show Scylla. How do I get the water to go down? Right when I thought that, the water went SPLASH on the ground. What in the hail am I? I have an idea. I hopped out of the shower and got dress quickly. I went straight to my computer. I looked at my tattoo that was sticking out from my shorts. I described it in the Google bar to try and see what the meaning is. One of the signs of the tattoo popped up. It said it meant leader pack of the lycanthrope a.k.a werewolf’s or shapshifters. Um, they mean dogs, right? That was the crescent moon tattoo thingy. I stayed there for a while looking up the rest of them. Here’s what I got so far. The heart looking one was the goddess of love. Then there’s also the water goddess, light goddess, and dark goddess. I looked down. Check, check, and check. The other tattoo is of the elements. I also have the tattoo of the ‘vampire’ queen. Then there’s the fairy queen and the witches master and a whole lot of other shit. Sigh. Oh wait here’s an article about if they are all together… if they’re all together on the one person, then this person is the most powerful person on the planet. Re-he-he-he-hilly? Ha. Yeah, of course the most powerful. OF COURSE. I stopped reading there, and was about to wake up Isaac when I got a text.
Jacob-Hey this is Jacob. Would you like to go out today?

Me’z-Hey Jacob, of course I would love to.

Jacob-Okay yeah, how about we meet up at the park at 12:00? Am of course:)

Me’z- yeah okay. I’ll be there dude! ;D

Then I got a phone call. For reals? I answered. “Hey baby girl, it’s your aunt Linda! I was just wondering if we can have Isaac over here for at least a month. Please, I know you have work and stuff, so I wanted to give you a break. I know how hard it was for you for taking care of your brother since he was born.” She said. What?!? “Are you crazy?!? You want to take away my baby for a whole month?!? I think I’ll die! He’s my reason for living in this hell whole of a dump called a world!” I yelled in the cell. “Oh sweetie, it’ll go faster then you’ll know. Please?” she asked. She only wants Isaac over there because she can’t have kids. “Uh, fine.” I mumbled. “Yay! Steve will be there in… ten minutes?” Sigh. They planned this before I even had a say in it. “Okay, you had this planned all along? You know what just don’t answer that.” I hung up the phone and got a suit case ready. Then, I went to Isaac. “Isaac, mean old Aunt Linda is taking you away from me for a whole month!” I said. Isaac sat up in bed, wide eyed. “Yay!” psh. That was mean. I heard a knock at the door and saw Steven. I opened it. Then slammed it. He-he. I opened it again to see a smirking Steven. Steven liked me a lot. He was my fourth cousin. Ewe. Incest much? We went to Isaac’s room and got him ready. “Bye, baby boy. I love you so much. Steve, Babe? If you don’t be careful with my baby, then don’t count on living any longer.” I said.
When they left. I fell on the floor balling. Guess what? My tears are colorful. I don’t care though. After my mini brake down, I looked at the clock and seen that it was eleven am. Oh, crap. I need to put some make up on. I went to my mirror and put on some light pink eye shadow. Then eyeliner and mascara. I didn’t need it, but I want to look a little nice. I looked at my hair. It was curly. It’s still wet. Darn, I don’t want it to be wet. Then, my hair was magically dry. I can get used to this. I looked at my hair again. It looks like some professional did my hair. COOL! I walked in the kitchen and looked at the clock. 11:49. how did the time go by so fast? Oh well. I got in my car and turned on the radio. What makes you beautiful came on by one direction. I sang along. By the time I got to the park it was exactly twelve. I got out and skimmed the park. There you are! I sneaked up behind Jacob and jumped on his back.
“Ha-ha! Sucker! I got you now, fool! You’re never getting away! NEVER!” I said. He turned around but I was still on his back so when he turned around no one was there. He looked back at my face and smiled. “Hey, beautiful.” He said. I gave him a big kiss. “Awe! Your so sweet!” I said to him. He smiled real big. I looked up when someone cleared there throat. I looked up to a very pissed off Jake. What’s up with this dude? “Oh hey Jake.” I said. “Oh so you guys met already?” asked Jacob. “Yep, at the daycare. Also, there was the fight with miss ass-face. How do you guys know each other?” I asked. “Were cousins.” Mumbled Jake. “Oh sweet. Oh yeah, toots, we need to kidnap my baby! He’s at Aunt Linda’s about 3 hours from here. The bitch basically kidnapped him.” I mumbled. “Ha-ha. Babe, no. you need the time. He probably needs to see his other family, too.” He said. I wanted to cry. “Wait, you have a kid?” asked Jake. “Yes. Well, he’s really my little brother, but basically, he’s mine.” I said. “Where’s your parents?” asked Jake. “Jake.” Jacob said. “No, it’s okay. The day after Isaac was born, we got into a car crash. I saw the car first, so I got out of my seat belt and hopped in front of Isaac so no glass could get to him. My parents died instantly, since it was head-on. I had to get 10 big pieces out of my back and 29 little pieces. It took me like 20 minutes to heal. I guess I’m a fast healer. So when the doctors left, I went to where my brother was. He was in good condition. So I took him and left. They didn’t know I turned only sixteen that day my parents died. They thought I was eighteen. So I have full custody of Isaac. So, that’s it. It was hard in the beginning, but it was so worth it.” I said. “I’m so sorry. I didn’t know…” Jake said. “Well, know one knew. I’m hungry, baby! I want some pizza!” I yelled. Jacob laughed. “Okay, we can go get something to eat. But babe? You’re going to have to get off my back.” He said. “Humph. Fine. Big old Meany, bitch.” I mumbled. Jake and Jacob both laughed. So we went to the pizza place. I burst into the doors. “Hello, Love of my life! Future husband of my babies! I’m back!” I yelled. I LOVE PIZZA! In both worlds. Wink, wink, wink, wink, wink. “Hey!” said Jacob. I looked at him. “Don’t you come in-between me and my pizza. Cause I will always choose the pizza.” I said evilly. I went at my table and sat down. Jacob flicked me. I glared at him. “Yoouuuu-son-of-a-beach.” I mumbled. They both laughed. Asswholes.


Since it was only 4:00pm, me, Jake, and Jacob went to see a movie. I dropped off my car at the apartment because I live 30 sec. away from the movie theater. I did not want to go looking for a freaking parking space. To much trouble. So, after Jacob parked his car, we all walked to the movies. I feel funny. Like, someone watching us, kind of funny. I turned around and saw the person that was looking at me. Well, not at me, but at my leg. I looked down. Oh yeah the tattoo. He then looked at me. He looked to be in his late twenties. He had green eyes and brown hair. Wow, his eyes are like the green grass color. He closed his eyes and started to sniff the air. Ewe, now that’s just plain weird. All of a sudden his eyes popped open and he looked at me with big eyes. “Isabel, what are you looking at?” Jacob asked. I looked at him. “Oh, um nothing, its just… your butt is so cute.” I said. I wasn’t lying about that. He had a little bubble butt. Heehee. He turned a little bit pink. Jake was pink too, but that is from trying to not laugh out loud. “Oh, uh well thanks?” Jacob said. DING! There it is. His gangster name! “Jacob, that’s it! Your gangster name! Bubble butt! Yay! Mines paci by the way.” He was about to say something when I turned to Jake. “Jake, your gangster name is…” I studied him for a minute. He had black hair, with grey eyes. He was really buff and was really tall. Cute, too. He had on a black and white striped shirt. “Stripes” I said. He nodded his approval. “Hey! Why does he get stripes and I get bubble butt!” whined Jacob. I looked at him with a loving smile. “Because you have the most beautiful butt I ever seen a guy have. So round and… bubbly.” I said. He just rolled his eyes. “Fine, I’ll stick with bubble butt.” He said. Jake laughed at that. I looked at him evilly. He stopped laughing. I looked back to see if the guy was still there. No he wasn’t there, he was in my face. I jumped back a little. He seems familiar, like he’s been a part of me before, but got lost. “Wow, dude! Why are you all up in my face?” I asked. I turned to look at the guys. “Hey, go on into the movies, I’ll be in there in a minute.” They nodded and left. I turned back to the dude. “I’m sorry I was in your face, you just caught me by surprise, alpha.” Said the dude. “You were surprised? I was the one to turn a-wait what?!? Did you just call me alpha? Like a dog boss?” I asked. He looked a little hurt, but also looked confused. “Yes, I did. I can smell it on you, it’s a stronger smell though. Plus you have the tattoo.” He said pointing at the one of my tattoos poking out of the shorts. I looked back at him then around us. I took his hand and went to sit on the bench were no one was. “Um, so are you saying you’re a doggy?” I asked, a little bit excited. “No, not a doggy, a shape shifter or what humans call it, a werewolf.” He said. Oh man, this is cool. “Dude! You’re a doggy! Awe! Oh, why did you call me alpha? Isn’t that the leader daddy?” I asked. He rolled his eyes. “No, I called you alpha because you are the leader of us. All of us, since you got the tattoo to prove it. But I smell something else in your blood. A LOT of other stuff.” Oh yeah! My other tattoos. “Well, that isn’t the only tattoo I woke up with.” I said. His eyes got big. “Wait what? No, it cant be… how many other tattoos?” he asked. I lifted up my shirt and tank top and showed him the tattoos. “It goes from my belly button, to my knee.” I said. His eyes got super, super huge. I’m kind of scared. “No way! You’re the goddess of all!” he said. I looked at him. “What do you mean?” I asked. “You’re the goddess of all. You have all the tattoos. Even the rare ones. You got the tattoo for the angels, demons, love, mermaids, werewolves, fairies, trolls, and the list goes on.” he said. “OH SHIT! I forgot about the movie!” I yelled and ran inside. Truth is, I did forget about the movie, but I didn’t want to hear anymore of that. I was already kind of shocked. I went into the movies and got my ticket. We were watching some kind of scary movie. I looked around and saw the guys. They were all the way to the top. I went up and sat next to Jacob. He turned to me and smiled. I smiled back. He started to lean in. our lips met in one passionate kiss. Gosh, his lips are soft. Our lips moved slowly. I was about to let Jacob stick his tongue in my mouth, when I heard Jake clear his throat. I looked over at him and gave him my sorry face. Jacob looked mad though. Ha-ha, mad cause he wanted his tongue in my mouth. I looked up to watch the movie, when I saw doggy dude was in here. Oh, no. he was looking around when he spotted me. Then he came and sat next to me. “Hey” he said. “Was sup?” I asked. Someone was poking my shoulder. I turned around to see a very peed off Jacob. Psh, jealous problems much? “Yes?” I asked. He looked at me in disbelief. “Um, who’s he?” he asked in a du voice. “My friend?” I said in my du voice. Oh yeah! What now? You aren’t the only one that can get smart! Then I turned around to a smirking doggy dude. “Doggy dude, what’s your name?” I whispered. “It’s Jeff.” Jesus. Another ‘J’. Lucky me right? “Wassup Jeff!?! I’m Isabel.” I said. Then I got the feeling in my stomach. The feeling when I need something. Something so important that, if you don’t get it for me, I’ll go insane or die. “I NEED MY SKTTLES!” I yelled. Everybody went ‘shh’ to me or said shut up. “DON’T BE RUDE PEOPLE! WHEN A GIRL NEEDS HER SKITTLES, SHE’S GATTA HAVE HER SKITTLES! LETS GO, BUBBLE BUTT, STRIPES, AND DOGGY DUDE!” I yelled. I hopped out of my chair and zoomed out of the movies. I ran to the gas station across from my house. “Ding, Ding, Ding! Your favorite customer is here Mr. Cashier!” I hopped over to the dude that what looked like to be, in his twenties. Gee, why is everybody twenty? Where are all the mean/sweet old peoples at? Anyway, I went to get my skittles. They only have the king size bags, so I grabbed twelve of them. I know, I know, you’re probably like “ONLY KING SIZE” but hey? I usually get three big bags. So what? Hm? Ganna do something bout it? Yeah, I didn’t think so. I went to pay for my stuff. I looked at the guy. He had a lot of acne and had glasses on. Like Jacob! Not the acne part, the glasses part. Other than that he’s cute. But the mean people probably pick on him. Meaners. They need to go die in a whole somewhere in china. Cause I don’t want them here. I looked at the guy and gave him a loving smile. “Well hey there, good looking! I want all these yummy skittles. You guys seriously need to get the big bags in.” I said. He smirked. Well, that’s not a good sign. “Baby, I got big bags for you. Just come in the back and let me show you.” He said in his ‘sexy’ voice. I take everything I said about him in my mind back. I hope Meaners hurt him. I hopped over the counter onto the guy and started to beat him with my fist. He ran out from the counter, me still on him, screaming his head off. The door bells dinged, but I didn’t pay attention to who it was. I was to focused on to teach this harasser a lesson. Hm, maybe I should chop his balls off first. I bit down on him when he pulled my hair. I felt someone lift me off harasser. “LEMME AT EM! I’LL TEACH HARASSER A LESSON!” I yelled. God how I wished Scylla was here. I was pulled out of the station. I looked at Jacob, Jake, and Jeff. They stared at me. Then we all started to crack up. “Oh, man Isabel, you should of seen the look on that guys face! He was screaming like a girl!” Laughed Jake. “Yeah, he was like, AHHH! GET THIS THING OFF ME! OH, GOODNESS HELPS ME PLEASE OH HELP ME!” laughed Jacob in a girly voice. “Ha-ha yeah and when I pulled you off, you didn’t want to stop biting him! You were like a leach!” laughed Jeff. All of a sudden, I stopped laughing and jumped on Jakes back. I started to bite his face and pull his hair. “AHHH! WHAT THE HELL ISABEL!?! GET THE HELL OFF OF ME!” screamed Jake. “NO! I WANT MY SKITTLE AND I WANT THEM NOW!” I was still biting him when I said that, so it sounded more like, “woe I wan my waddles and I wan when wow” so yeah. See? See what happens when a girl doesn’t get her skittles? Dangerous I know. You should see when Scylla doesn’t get her gummy bears. It is TERRIFING. So that’s why I keep a stash of gummy bears in my cabinet. I heard a bell go ding, then it went ding two seconds later. “Baby, I got your skittles. Now come on down slowly.” I looked at him then slowly, started to climb off Jake, but I was still biting him. “Now take your teeth out of him slowly. Then step aside.” I slowly took my teeth out of him then stepped aside. As soon as I stepped aside, Jake ran like a girl where Jeff and Jacob are standing. I pointed to the bag. “The bag… NOW.” I said. He tossed the back and I caught it. I ripped it open with my teeth and ate some skittles slowly. I can see them hold there breath. I smiled real big and skipped over to where they are. I threw my arms around Jacob’s neck and gave him a big kiss. “Thank you baby!” I said happily. He just smiled and put his arms around my waist. “Dude, your girlfriend is bipolar.” Jeff said. Jacob laughed and kissed my head. I yawned and looked at my cell. 8:34. dang, time flies. I looked at Jacob. “I’m tired.” I said. “Well, lets go to your place and take a nap.” I nodded my head. Jake looked peed and Jeff looked like an idiot smiling weird. Eh, he’s a freak. We waved bye and went to my apartment. I unlocked it and we went in. I went to the bedroom and laid on the bed. Jacob came in a minute after and laid down with me. I cuddled up to him. I lifted my head up and looked into his big green eyes. He stared aback at me. He leaned down and kissed me. After a few minutes he asked for entrance. I happily gave it to him. I never felt like this before with anyone. He makes my heart race when I think about him. It tingles when he touches me. He makes me breathless when he smiles. Are kiss got deeper and he was on top of me. A lot of voices were inside of me said ether something like mate or soul mate. He’s the one. He’s mine. He stopped kissing me and just stared at me. He sniffed the air. Then he stopped and got off of me. “What’s wrong?” I asked. “You’re the alpha.” He stated. My eyes got wide. “You’re a puppy, too!” He smiled and nodded. I concentrated. Yes I see now! I can tell that he’s puppy by his scent! Cools! He stared at me with lust in his eyes. “Mate” he said, and then he was on top of me again. We started kissing and it lead to more. Well, I’m not ganna describe how we made love, you pervert! Now let me go to sleep. It’s been a long night.


It’s been a week since that awesome day. Te-he. Yeah, I got it ON. Aha! You people suck. Anyways, a week passed and Jacob is acting weird. I know he’s keeping something from me. I can since/smell/taste it. For reals. Weird right? I guess my weird powers are kicking in. anyway, he just looks stressed. I need some answers. I need them NOW. I get dressed and drive over to Jake’s. I walk up to his door. Before I could knock, the door opens. “Hey Jake.” I say and walk in. “Well, hi to you, too. Sure, come on in my house.” He says sarcastically. “ZOE!” I yell. I hear to feet slap onto the floor coming towards me. Then it rounds the corners and there she is. “Izy!” yells Zoe. I run up to her and grab her off the floor. “Hey baby girl! How are you? Oh I’ve missed you so much!” I said. She gives me lots of kisses. Oh I forgot Jake hasn’t heard her talk yet. I’m kind of scared to turn around. Let me face my fears! I turn around, oh so slowly. “AHHH!” I yell. His freaking eyes are on the floor! Well, basically they are on the floor. His mouth is on the floor, too. This is a freaky sight! “DID she just talk!?!” he screams. “Dude! Stop screaming! Yes, she did. She talked on the first day she came to the daycare. Now, I need some answers and I need them now.” I said. I walked over to the couch and sat down with Zoe sound asleep next to me. Damn, puppy wolves can be knocked out quick. I look to where Jake was STILL standing. “Jake, get your freaking ass over here NOW!” I yelled. He quickly came. “What’s wrong with Jacob?” I asked. His face immediately fell. He didn’t say anything. Hm, I think I’m gana use my powers. I closed my eyes and concentrated. ‘I wonder if I should tell her that he’s going to the military in two day.’ He thought. What?!? Oh HELL no! Everybody knows how much I’m against dating people in the army. Why, you ask? This world isn’t worth fighting for. My opinion… Actually, it’s not just that. I’m not telling suckers! I stare at Jake wide eyed. I get up and leave. I’m driving but I don’t know where. I end up at the beach. I get out of my car. There are these teens that look seventeen or eighteen playing volleyball and some elderly people, but I don’t care. “AHH!” I scream as loud as I can. I can feel eyes on me, but I don’t care. My knees go out from under me. Why did he not tell me? I deserve to know things like this. I’m his mate. Why is he doing this to me? I start to cry my eyes out as I gaze at the ocean. “Hey, are you okay?” I here a girl ask. I don’t even glance at her. I can tell she’s a wolf along with the other two girls and three guys. There probably still trying to figure out what I am. Little do they no I’m EVERYTHING. Still not looking at them, I speak. “No, my boyfriend is a freaking ass. Keeping his dirty little secret with him. I’m going to rip his balls off and stuff one down his throat and the other one up his ass.” I mumble. I heard a few laughs. I get up off my knees and start walking by the water. I feel like my heart is broken. I don’t need this. I turn around and noticed that the wolves were still following me. “Do you guys need something?” I asked. They were looking at my leg. The guy with blue eyes and brown hair looked at me. “You’re the goddess of all.” He said. Hm, really now? “Yes, I am. That isn’t a problem, right?” I asked. He shook his head no. “So, what’s your guys name and age?” I asked. The girl with blond hair and blue eyes looked at me. “My names Angela. I am twenty-one, and this is Braden~” she pointed at the guy with black hair and blue eye. Let me tell you, all of them have blue eyes. “~and this is Chris~” she pointed at the guy with red hair. “~and this is Mark, the grey hair guy, and this is Abby and Janice.” She said. They all waved at me. I waved back. “Hey, my names Isabel, but you can call me Izy.” I said. I heard a car pull up and I looked to see Jacob got out of his jeep. Man, I wish he did not mark me. He walked up to me and tried to kiss me but nope. Not letting that happen now are we? He had a confused look on his face. I just shook my head. Chris hopped over to me and put his arm around me. “Is this guy the guy you threatened to rip his balls off and stick em down his throat and ass?” He asked. I started laughing. Jacob looked mad. Not cause the balls thing but the Chris’s arm around me thing. “Guys, I need to talk to my boyfriend.” I said. They nodded there head and walked away. I turned to Jacob. “Why?” I asked. Jacob didn’t say anything for a while. “What do you mean ‘Why?’?” he asked. “You are hiding something. Tell me it. NOW.” I said. I already knew what it was, but he didn’t know I knew. He froze. “Um, yeah I am and I was going to tell you but I didn’t know how and stuff. Ok here it goes. Isabel, I, I, I signed up in the army a while ago because I thought I could help with my strength and stuff. Um, and then I met you. I’m not changing my mind though, because I always wanted to be in the army, since my dad went and stuff. But I love you so much and I don’t want us to be over because of this. I love you, Isabel. I want us be together forever.” He said. I just stood there for a while looking at the ocean. Then I lifted my head up and looked at Jacob. “But what if they come?” I asked. “Who?” he asked. I felt tears in my eyes. “The men in black.” I cried. That is the reason I’m so against this. Because they come. I don’t want them to come. Jacob hugged me tightly. “Baby girl, you got to have faith. Don’t be scared of them. I’m a wolf. I can do this.” He said. I cried into his shoulder while he rubbed my hair. This sucks ass.


IT’S THE DAY! The day my mate leaves me. I wanted it to be a dream, but my powers can’t go that far. I could change his mind with them though. He wouldn’t want it though. So I went against that. I was helping Jacob get the rest of his stuff out of the truck. I turned around with his bag in my hand, and found him on his knee. What. The. Hell. We only have been together for fourteen day! We ARE mates. And I DO love him. I started crying. “Isabel Grace Sanchez, I love you so much. I don’t want to lose you and I want to make you my wife when I come back. I promise every night, before I got to sleep, I will think of you, us, and how much I love you. Will you marry me, Isabel?” he asked. I smiled real big. “NO!” I yelled. He froze. I started laughing. “Of course I’ll marry you, Jacob.” I said. He smiled real big and grabbed me. I gave him one big soft kiss. I heard a car rumble and turned my head. I saw Steve and Isaac. “ISAAC!” I scream. I hear Jacob chuckle. I run to the truck and grab Isaac. “Mommy!” Isaac yells. I kiss him every where. I don’t care if he calls me mommy. He’s my child. I raised him. I claimed him. He’s MINE. I may not have popped him out of my vagina, but so what. I snuggle up to Isaac. “Oh baby I missed you so much!” I said. I looked back to Jacob. He had a huge smile on his face. “Did you make them bring him back early?” I asked. He nodded. I went over to him and kissed him. I tried to pull away but something of mine was stuck on Jacob. Oh, wait. Never mind, it’s Isaac. I gave Isaac to Jacob. “Hey there buddy.” Jacob said. “Hi daddy!” Isaac said. I froze. What is Jacob’s reaction? I looked at Jacob. He was looking at Isaac. All of a sudden he smiled real big. “Yeah, that’s right bubby. I’m your daddy. I love you Isaac, so much. I’m going to make it final that you’re my son when I get back.” He said. I had tears in my eyes. I went over to them and gave them both kisses. I’m the freaking luckiest girl a freaking live! After are little family moment, we got Jacob stuff and went to the plane thingy. Yeah, don’t judge ma! I’m not stupid, it’s just I… forget easily? Yeah, that’s it. I forget easily. Oh, gosh, I hate goodbyes. I rap my arms around Jacob. “Why must you leave me?” I cried. “Babe, stop crying. Your colorful tears are ruining my uniform! I’m not leaving you, beautiful. We are always together. I promise I will be back.” He said. I looked up at him. “Don’t break your promise to me.” I said. He nodded his head. He bent his head and kissed me. Soft and sweet. He broke the kiss and put his forehead on mine. Then, he let me go and picked Isaac up. “Baby boy, I have to go now. Be a good boy for your mommy.” He said. “Okay, daddy. I love you.” He said. Jacob kissed him on the cheek. “I love you too, Isaac.” He said. He gave me Isaac and gave us each a kiss on the cheek and left. I broke down crying. I felt someone rub my back and I looked back. Scylla was there with tears in her eyes. “STOP CRYING, ISABEL! HE’S COMING BACK! AND WHEN YOU CRY, I CRY! AND BITCH, IT’S RUINING MY MAKE-UP!” she cried. I laughed and sniffled. I grabbed her hand and put Isaac on my hip. We walked out the airport and left. We went to the park. And guess who we saw? Jake AND ass-face making out. Mhm. What a nice cousin he is, seeing his cousin off to the army. NOT. I walked up to Jake with Scylla behind me. They still didn’t notice me. “THIS IS A PARK FOR KIDS! NOT FOR UGLY ASS PEOPLE MAKING OUT!” Scylla yelled. They stopped kissing and looked at us. “Why didn’t you see Jacob off?” I asked. Jake froze. “That was today? Oh shit!” he said. Ass-face just smirked. “What the hell are you smirking at? What’s wrong with your face? You looked like you switched it with your ass.” Scylla said. Yeep, she’s like my twin. Isaac looked at her and got angry. Well he remembered her. “Look, Izy mom! It’s the bitch!” he yelled. I froze. I turned to look at Scylla’s face. It was red. Like Chris’s hair. I quickly explained. “Sky, he called her that when she slapped me. And then she slapped Isaac. But I got her good as you can see.” I said, pointing at ass-face. She had two black eyes and a broken nose. Scylla went into her face. Uh-oh. “YOU SLAPPED A FUCKEN THREE YEAR OLD IN THE FACE!” She yelled. Ass-face smirked. “Yes, and it felt good.” Then she went still. I think it was because Jake. I looked at him. Yep, he was pissed. Before ass-face could turn around, Scylla hopped on her. “WHAT WAS THAT, BITCH?!? DON’T YOU EVER COME NEAR MY FAMILY AGAIN! THESE ARE MY PEOPLE! DON’T MESS WITH MY PEOPLE!” Scylla screamed. I just watched her beat ass-face in. Batman. That’s Scylla’s gangster name. I turned back to Jake. “How did you forget something as important as that?” I asked. He wasn’t paying attention to me. He was looking at my hand. At my ring. “Yeah, he purposed and I said yes. You would of knew if you were THERE.” I said. I heard a BAM and turned around. Scylla had ass-face in a head lock on the ground. “Scylla, come on babe, I feel like I’m going to throw up.” I said. It’s true. I felt sick. She snapped out of her batman mode and walked to where I was. “Are you ok?” she asked worried. I smiled weakly at her. “I’m fine. Just a little sick. Oh, and by the way. Wipe all that blood off you before you step one foot in my car.” I said walking off to the car. Why me?


It’s been two weeks since the park incident. I feel like I’m being watched all the time. Plus, being sick doesn’t make it all that better. I also got noodle to take care of. I’ve gained like 10 pounds. Wait. I just now started to think of this. Jacob used protection… right? Oh, shit. I walk into my bedroom. If he did, he would have thrown it away in the little trashcan in my bedroom. I never really got the chance to clean it out. I walk to my little yellow trashcan and looked inside it. Nope. No condom. Well, off to the gas station it is. I walked into Isaac’s room. “Hey, Scylla. I’m going to go to the gas station to get a pregnancy test.” I said. She looked up from her toys. “Okay, let me know if you’re pregnant.” She said. Then, she looked down and started playing with Isaac again. I walk out the door and walked across the street. The bells jingled. The cashier I attacked looked up. He looked a little pale. I shrugged then walked up to the tests. I picked up one of the cheap ones, then ten of the good ones up. I got the cheap one because, if I was pregnant, I want to keep the stick of my first pregnancy with me. The newer ones fade off. I walk to the cashier. He looked at me scared. “I’m not going to do anything to you, I just need these.” I said. He looked at the pregnancy tests. He smelled weird. Like a smell that smelt good, but familiar. I looked at him. His acne is cleared up and he doesn’t have glasses on. He changed. Very, very, fast. “What are you?” I asked. He stopped ringing up the tests. He looked at me. “How do you… you’re a vampire, too. I can since it. My names Zane. I’m the prince of the vampires.” He said. Cool! He lifted up his arm and showed me a tattoo. It looked really similar to mine. “Hey! That kind of looks like mine!” I said. I lifted up my shirt to show him. His eyes got wide. “You’re the goddess of all!” he yelled. Few, am I glad know one is around us. I nodded my head. “Do you have a bathroom?” I asked. He nodded and pointed at the door. I smiled then dashed to the door. I started puking. After that was over I peed on all the sticks and sat them down. After three minutes I looked at them. They all had a positive sign on them. Sigh. I have some work cut out for me. I threw the good sticks away and kept the cheap one. I walked out of the restroom. “So are you pregnant?” asked Zane. I looked at him and nodded. Then I started to cry. I’m going to have to wait for my fiancé to get back before I get help. No, Scylla would help me. Zane came over and patted my back. I sniffled and looked up. “How long does it take for a wolf baby to come out of my vagina?” I asked. Zane laughed and gave me a hug. “You’re lucky. It only takes five months for a wolf baby to come.” He said. “Are vampires and wolfs enemies?” I asked. He looked down and nodded his head yes. “We need to change that. I have visions. I can see us change the world. All of us will get along sooner or later. When I say all, I mean ALL creatures.” I said. He looked up and nodded. “I know some people are going to try and kill me, but I have to try. Well, I gatta get back. Bye, Zane.” I said. I turned around then stopped. I looked back at him. “Why do you work in a gas station?” I asked. “My dad made me.” he said and shrugged. I smirked and left.

I got back to the apartment and went to my computer straight away. I opened my yahoo account up and sent Jacob an email. It was just a simple ‘Babe, I’m pregnant’ email. I already know the sex. It’s a girl. I know. I have awesome powers. I walk into Isaac’s room. Scylla and Isaac looked up. “I’m pregnant. Hey, Isaac! You’re going to have a sister!” I said. Scylla jumped up and hugged me. Isaac was jumping everywhere like a mad man. “Scylla lets go to the mall.” I Said. She nodded like crazy and got Isaac to get him ready. I went into my room to get ready myself. I quit my job at the daycare a few days ago. I don’t really need it. When my parents died, they had a lot of money in the bank. Plus the insurance. I had over five billion dollars in the bank. I have know clue how they got that money. Not one idea. I went to my dresser and got short shorts and a blue tank top. Gee, you can already see the bump! I got dressed but felt uncomfortable. So I put some basketball shorts on. Oh yeah, I feel good. I went out and got the keys and my credit card. “Come on Scylla and Isaac!” I yelled. They came running out of the room. We got to the mall and I hopped out of the car. I felt my phone vibrate. I opened it up and looked at the message. It was an email from Jacob. Tears came to my eyes as I read it.
‘Hey beautiful. Give Isaac a kiss for me. I got your email. I’m so happy. I think it’s a girl ;) I miss you guys so much. I can’t wait to see your faces. I love you, baby. I have to go now. Xoxo-Jacob.’ Oh gosh, I miss him. I put my phone in my pocket and got Isaac out of the car. We went to the baby store first. I picked out some cute little dresses and Scylla went crazy as hell on baby clothes. “ISABEL! I NEED TO GET YOU THESE ONES FOR THE BABY! SHE’S GOING TO LOOK FUCKING CUTE IN IT! AWW I LOVE THIS BABY ALREADY! OH I LOVE YOU GUYS!” she yelled and hugged me and Isaac. “Can’t. Breath.” I said. She let go and gave me her sorry face. I told Scylla everything if you were thinking that. She knows everything that’s going on with me. Me being goddess of everything and all. Scylla drags me to this shop with baby shirts that say stuff like ‘fuck off’ and stuff. Who in the hell would put that on there baby? That is just wrong. That word is just wrong. I felt like I was going to puke so I gave Scylla Isaac and ran to the nearest trashcan. After I get done puking my guts out, I get my toothbrush out and go to the restroom. These come in handy for times like this. After I get done brushing my teeth, I feel hungry. I hop over to the stupid store we were at and got Scylla and Isaac. “I’M FREAKING HUNGRY!” I yelled. We went to the food court. I acted like I was flying. Then I bumped into a hard chest. I looked up to a very amused Jake. I looked at each of my arms then put them back over to my side. “Yooouuu-son-of-a-beach. You just made my plain crash.” I mumbled. I walked away and looked around. “Scylla! I want a chocolate frosty with fries and a cheese burger without onions. I also want pizza with some skittles and a chocolate bar. I want lemonade with all that too. Then, get Isaac some chicken nuggets. You get whatever.” I said. She nodded her head and went off to get the order. I took Isaac and went to sit in an open table. I sat down and looked down at my belly. Gee, I already have a baby bump. I looked at Isaac sitting next to me. “Isaac, you know you’re going to have a little sister soon.” I said. Isaac looked up at me and frowned. “No! I wanna broder!” he yelled. I smirked at him. “Well, too bad!” I said happily. He pouted some more then got distracted by his awesome toy car. I heard someone clear there throat, but I already knew who it was. The big bad Jake. I looked up after three minutes of his freaking throat clearing. “What?!?” I asked/yelled. He looked a little shocked. “Gee, what got stuck up your vajayjay?” He asked. I stood up and pointed at my belly. “This.” I said and sat back down. Now he was even more shocked. He looked up at me angrily. “Y-you’re pregnant!” he yelled. I nodded my head slowly. “I didn’t know that till you pointed it out.” I said slowly. His eyes were filled with anger. “Why are you so mad, huh? You should be happy for your cousin and me.” I said. “I liked you before he did!” he yelled. I looked up. I knew he liked me, but I can’t help this. “I can’t help who my mate is. Werewolf’s only getting one mate, so if I rejected him, he’d be lonely for life. Plus, I wouldn’t throw away someone I love back, away. Sure, I had a little crush on you, but I got over it when I met Nancy. Just go back to her. You might like me, but you also got a mate out there. Don’t throw away your chances for someone that’s not your mate. Sure, it’s rare. But don’t give up. Now, Scylla’s coming back with some yummy stuff I’ve been wanting for a long time. Leave us!” I said. Scylla had three bags of food and set them on the table. She looked up at Jake and gave him her dirtiest look. “Where’s your girlfriend? Slapping babies around?” She asked. He gave her a dirty look and left. Scylla shrugged her shoulders and started digging in the bag. “Here are your chicken nuggets, Isaac-boo.” She said and gave him his food and drink. She looked up at me. “Here is your frosty with fries and a cheese burger without onions and pizza with some skittles and a peanut bar and lemonade with all that too. I didn’t get you a chocolate frosty or bar because dogs can’t have chocolate.” She said, nodding her head to herself. I wanted to punch her. I looked at my stuff and started to create my master piece. I open my cheese burger and put fries on top of it and added my peanut bar, skittles, and pizza along with the fries on top of my cheese burger. I lifted it up to my mouth and started eating it. Mmm, yum, delicious. I looked up to see Scylla and Isaac look at me in disgust. Aye, what I do?


I woke up to a loud bump. Welp, they’re here. I had a vision last night that two troll guys where going to break in my house and kill me and Isaac. I was pissed at that. So Isaac is at Scylla’s and I’m here ready to beat some asses. Trolls are not ugly. They are very gorgeous. Well, the men. The women have some problems. I think you can be beautiful if you act the way. You can also be ugly. Like ass-face. Teehee. Anyways, I go out of bed and walked into the living room where they were. They where turned around and I made my smell be gone. So they think I’m gone. I looked at them. Wow, they were tall. They were speaking some kind of language. I can… understand it. That’s freaking awesome. I cleared my throat to let them know I was here. They turned around. I raised my eyebrow. “Do you guys want some coffee? It’s six am and I need to try and wake up.” I walked into the kitchen leaving them shocked. I put the coffee on and took three cups out of the cabinet. I turned around and looked at them. They were still a little shocked. I walked up to them and took both of there hands. They had really ruff hands. I bet they loved the feeling of my soft ones. I dragged them into the kitchen and made them sit down. I put the coffee in front of them. I sat down in my seat and tried to bring my feet to my belly, but the huge bump made me stop in my tracks. Yeah, my bump is huge. I’m five weeks pregnant. Zane was wrong. Because I’m the goddess of all, I have babies faster. I looked at the huge trolls with sad eyes. “Why are you trying to kill me?” I asked. They got out of there shock and stared at me. The blue one looked at me. “I don’t want you to take my thrown. So I have no choice.” He said with power in his voice. I looked at the tattoo on his arm. Oh… I looked at him and shook my head. “I’m not going to take your thrown. I know what the scrolls say, but I don’t care. You are going to be the leader of the trolls. I know you are a good one. I’m created to bring us all together. To be happy. For love to bloom.” I looked down at my belly and rubbed it. She was kicking really hard. I started to sing. It makes her calm. I started to sing she’s a butterfly by Martina Mcbride. She automatically calmed down. I looked up at the trolls. “To protect what we love. What we have. I am not taking your throne.” I said. They looked at each other and started to speak there language. I rolled my eyes and just listened to them. “What should we do my lord?” Asked the red one. The ‘lord’ looked at me, then at my belly and smiled a little. Oh, so it smiles. Shocking. He then looked at me. “Nothing.” He said in his language. I sighed. “Good” I said in there language. They looked at each other and smiled. I looked at the lord. “Can you buy me some chips?” I asked. The lord laughed and nodded his head to the red troll and told him to go buy me some potato chips. The red troll left to get me some chips. Oh, yeah humans can’t see what they really look like. Only me and other creatures. The lord dude looked at me then at the coffee on the table. He lifted up his big hand and took the coffee and drank some of it. Cool, trolls like coffee. All of a sudden he stopped drinking it and spit it everywhere. Or maybe they don’t. “What is this delicious drink!?” The lord dude asked. My mouth dropped open. “What in the hizales is your problem?!” I yelled. Lord dude looked at me and blinked twice. “Nothing, why?” he asked. I was about to yell at him tell I smelt some yummy chips. I looked over to the red troll that was standing by the door way. I got on my feet and sighed slowly then… attack! I jump on troll dude and rip the bag from him and got off him. Oh yeah. How do you like them plums?! I walked over to the cabinet and got a bowl out for the chips. I ripped the bag open with my teeth and put the chips in the bowl. Taking the bowl, I went to the fridge and got the jar of caramel out. I went to my spot at the table and sat down. “Red dude! Get the pickles outta the fridge!” I yelled. Red dude looked at me, then got up and got the pickles out of the fridge. He came back to his spot at the table and sat down. “By the way, my name isn’t red, it’s Sed.” He said. I took the pickles from his large hand. “Thanks red Sed.” I said. He rolled his eyes. I took my pickles and poured the caramel in it. Then I opened my jar of pickles and took out a pickle. I looked at the trolls. “Want some?” I asked. They smiled and said sure. The dipped there pickles in my special dip. They smiled as they chewed. Oh, I know its good.


*two month later*

I woke up with wetness under me. Oh shit. I looked at Scylla, who was sleeping at the end of my bed. Her head was hanging off the bed. I kicked her. “SCYLLA, WAKE UP! SHE’S COMING!” I yelled. Scylla did a double flip off of the bed then rolled into the wall. “Damn, you havta be so freaking loud… THE BABY IS COMING!?” she screamed. My bedroom door opened and in came Isaac with his toy baseball bat. “I get em! I get em!” he said running in circles. I got off the bed and went into my closet and got my suit case. I gave Scylla my car keys. She picked up Isaac and got my suit case. I put my slippers on and went out to the car. Scylla put my suit case in the trunk and Isaac in his seat. She got into the car and put her seat belt on. We are now headed to the hospital.
So, I’m guessing you want to know what happen these past two months. I found out that I’m having a girl. My cravings got worse. I craved a candle that smelt like flowers. Stupid Scylla took it away from me before I could taste it. Nobody has been trying to kill me. I know a lot more about my powers now. It is awesome. Jake won’t talk to me. He hasn’t at all. Too bad I quit my job at the daycare. Now I can’t see awesome little Zoe. Jacob is supposed to be back in seven more months. I miss him so freakers much! By the way, my baby shower was the bomb digidy. Last but not least, I got a new home. It’s a six bedded house. Really pretty one, too.

Back to reality. “GET THIS BABY OUT OF MY JAY-JAY!” I screamed at the doctors. We been here for almost seven hours and I’m ready to kill. The nurses were going around getting ready for the baby to come. Isaac is outside in the waiting room with Jeff, Chris, Angela, Abby, Janice, Braden, Mark, and Zane. So he’s safe with a bunch of dogs and a vamp. Scylla is in here with me. One nurse came in with a bucket and put it under me. I was confused. “Why in the hell are you putting a bucket under me?” I asked. The nurse looked at me. “We are not allowed to deliver the baby. So if the doctor does not come in time, the baby will go into the bucket.” This bitch just messed with the wrong mamma. “OH HELL NO HOE!” I yelled. Scylla looked like she was ready to burst. “I AM NOT GOING TO JUST SIT HERE AND LET MY BABY NIECE FALL INTO A BUCKET! I’LL DELIVER HER IF A FUCKKIN DOCTOR DOESN’T COME! Ignorant ass people.” Scylla said. The doctor finally came in after me and Scylla harassed all the nurses. The doctor told me to push like fifty times. “I’M FUCKING PUSHING, ASS! STOP TELLING ME TO PUSH! JACOB, I’M GOING TO KILL YOUR ASS WHEN YOU GET BACK! YOU DID THIS TO ME! AHHHH!” I screamed. I pushed my last push and the baby came out. I couldn’t cry because of my tears are colorful. Stupid ass tears. Scylla got to cut the cord. The doctor came over with my beautiful baby girl. She opened her eyes and smiled at me. She had her daddy’s eyes and nose and hair color and… everything. Not one thing on me. I smelt her scent in. She’s just a puppy. I’m glad of that though. “I love you, Olivia Jane Scaller.” I said. I started to get a little teary eyed. Scylla wiped my tears before anyone could see them. I was getting tired but I didn’t want to go to sleep yet. Scylla took the baby from me and told me to get some rest. I nodded my head and dozed off.

“Hey mommy, it’s time to feed your baby girl.” I heard Scylla say. I yawned and rubbed my eyes. I looked around and touched my tummy. It’s weird not having a bump. A big one at that. Scylla gave me Olivia. I pulled down my shirt and put Olivia near my boob so she could eat. Scylla went to go get something to eat for herself. After Olivia was done eating, I got to have my visitors to come in my room. Everyone came into my room. “Hey” they all said. I smiled. “Hey” I replied. They all came over by me and looked at the baby and gave me lots of compliments. I saw Isaac looking at her. “She so squishy and cute.” He said. I smiled and gave him a kiss. I took a picture of her and sent it to Jacobs email. Then I took one of Isaac and did the same thing. I smiled. I love my life.


It’s been a month since I had my Olivia. Life has been going pretty crazy. I’m strong. So I always get through it. Jacob emailed me yesterday and told me he loved and missed his family. I can’t wait for him to come home.
I walked into Olivia’s room. Well, I’ll describe her room for you. It’s so cute! Her room colors were black, red, and white. Her room theme is zebra print. I got everything I need in her closet.
I walked up to her little bed to get her when all of a sudden I got this terrible pain all over my body. I couldn’t do anything. Not even scream. It felt like I got stabbed a thousand times. Then it just stopped. I got off the floor and looked around. What the hell? I think it might have been a vision coming on or something. I hope it doesn’t come back. It hurt like hell. I got Olivia from her baby bed and went downstairs. Isaac was playing with Scylla and Chris. I went into the living room and sat down. I gazed at the Christmas tree. Yes, it’s almost Christmas. Isaac doesn’t care about Santa that much. He wakes up in the morning and says “It’s Jesus’ birthday!” he always makes me get a birthday balloon. I don’t mind it. It’s Jesus’ birthday after all. Not Santa’s. I look down at Olivia. She is sucking on her paci and looking at the tree. She then looks at me and smiles and starts making baby noises. I smile at her. She looks like her daddy so much. She snuggles deep in my arm and falls asleep. Isaac, Scylla, and Chris all came into the living room. Isaac comes up to me and looks at the baby. Then he looks at me. “Mommy, Livy is sleeping. Can I kiss my baby?” He asks. I smile at him and nod. He got on his toes and kissed her forehead. Isaac adores Olivia. He always wants to sleep in the same room and bed. I don’t know why, but I feel sad. I look at Scylla. “Scylla, take Olivia, okay?” I asked. She nodded her head and took the baby. Isaac, Chris, and Scylla look at me with concern. I go outside and look at the garden. I feel like I want to cry, but I don’t know why. Maybe I’m getting depressed about Jacob being gone. I walked around the garden and reached the pool. My pool is freaking awesome. It’s shaped like a bean and has a small waterfall. I feel someone tap my shoulder. I turn around to see Chris. “Hey, wassup?” I asked. “What’s wrong with you today?” He asked. I lost my smile. “I don’t know. I just feel sad. I don’t even know why.” I said. He looked at me with worried eyes. I smiled. “It’s okay. I’ll be fine.” I said. He nodded his head and went back inside. Sigh. I started to sing a song. It’s called ‘Santa bring my soldier home’ by the stunners.

I went into the kitchen and started dinner. Isaac wanted some pizza, so I’m making home made pizza. I learned the recipe from mom. I missed them so much. I remember my first word…

(Flash back)
I looked at the tall man with raven colored hair and high cheek bones. I smile real big at him. He looked down at me with warmth in his eyes and smile. He sat down next to me on the peach colored sofa. “Hey there, belly button, daddy’s home.” He said. I smiled another smile at him. He smiled and grabbed me. He snuggled me up to him and kissed my forehead. The front door opened and a woman stepped in. She was tall and had brown hair with tan skin. She looked at us on the couch and smiled, her blue eyes sparkling. “Hey there.” She said. She walked over to us and kissed my daddy and kissed me on the cheek. She sat down next to daddy. She stretched her foot and hit it on the table. She got a scowl on her face. “Owe! Oh, shit!” she yelled. I looked at her and I looked at daddy and put the same scowl on my face as mommy. “Shit!” I yelled. Daddy looked at me in surprise. He then grew a goofy smile on his face. He looked at mom. “Hey sweetie! She said her first word!” he said in excitement. My mother looked at me. “Well, finally. I was getting kind of worried. Since she’s one years old and all.” She smiled and went to get something. It was a pink book. “Now baby girl. This is your baby book! Now let’s see. Your first word is shit at age one year, 2 months, 4 days, 23 min, and 2 seconds years old.” She said in excitement. I smiled real big. “Shit!” I yelled. “Shit!” They yelled together, happily.

(Back to reality)

It was 10pm and Isaac was still up. Olivia was already fast asleep. I walk downstairs and go into the living room where Isaac, Scylla, Chris, and Zane. What in the hizales is Zane doing here? Uh, I don’t care anymore. I walk were Isaac was very slowly. He can always tell when his bed time is. As I get near, Chris’s eyes flash up to where I was. See, that’s where the mistake was. Isaac automatically jumped on Chris. He looked at me and hissed. Yep, he is a little weirdo. I get into a stance ready to attack Isaac at anytime he makes a move. Chris looked at Isaac and was about to grab him. It was too late. He made his move. Missed. Isaac jumped off of Chris and ran towards the back door. I automatically ran to him and hopped on him. He tried to escape but failed. I took his feet and lifted him up. He was hanging upside down. He looked at me and pouted. “No! I don’t wanna go to bed!” he yelled at me. I smirked at him. “Well, I don’t want to step on toys twenty-four seven, but I’m not complaining.” I said. He squinted his eyes. “Touché.” He said. I smile and set him down. He automatically went to bed. I went into the living room and sat on Chris’s lap. He looks up at me and smirks. I gave him my evil eye. I look up at Zane. He was reading a book. I cringed at that. I don’t get along with books. So don’t try and put me in a room with them alone. I will go insane. Zane looked up at me, finally noticing me staring at him. “Wacha reading?” I asked. “Oh um, nothing really.” He said. “Really now? It looks like something to me, bro.” I left my brow up. Before he could open his mouth, I hopped on top of him. I guess he saw my move, because I was underneath him now. I sighed. I squinted my eyes. “Yoooouuu-son-of-a-bitch.” I mumbled. He smirked at me. I felt a hand by my knee. Oh shit. I looked at him wide eyed. I started laughing real loud. “No! STOP! That’s my ticklish spot you ass!” I laughed out. He was smiling evilly. “I know.” He said and continued to tickle me. I was kicking my feet, so I guess I kicked his baby makers. I heard an ‘oaf’. I looked down. Yep, I did. I got up and dust my self off. I turned to Chris and Scylla. I squinted my eyes at them. “Traitors” I mumbled. I stomped upstairs. I went into my room and got changed into a tank top and short shorts. Then I hopped on my bed and rolled into a ball. I started to cry. What is wrong with me?


I woke up to a foot in my face. I looked down to see Scylla sprawled out. Of course her head was hanging off the bed. Why does she not sleep in her room? Yes, Scylla lives with me. I got off the bed and got some clothes to take a shower with. Today I’m wearing a turquoise turtle neck that goes down to my butt, and a pair of black tights. I go to check on Isaac and Olivia, and then hopped onto the shower. I took a fifteen minute shower then got out. I started putting on my clothes. After I was done, I looked into the mirror. Holy moldy! My hairs back to its pitch black self! Yay! I look at my eyes. They were still the same. I looked at my eye shadows. I decided on a gold looking color and black eyeliner with lip gloss. I went into Isaac’s room and looked at him. I looked at the big ball next to him. I smelt the sent. Chris stayed over. I smelt again. And Zane. I went downstairs and went into the kitchen. I think I’m ganna make my famous French toast. I went into the fridge and got out the eggs and butter. I went into the cabinet and got out the sugar, cinnamon, powdered sugar, and bread. I got a frying pan and started to make my awesome meal. After I was done, I went to wake up Scylla. She was up and on her cell phone. I stopped and listen. Yes, call me nosey, I don’t give a shit. “Yeah, I know… so when are you coming to visit me?” since I have awesome hearing, I could hear the other person on the phone.
“I don’t know really, but it’s going to be soon. Okay baby?” the dude said.
“Yeah ok. Hurry up and get here!” Scylla said.
“Hahaha, alright gee calm down, bro. Well, I got to go. I love you boo-thang.” He said.
“Okay. I love you too, boo-bay.” Scylla said. She hung up the phone and turned around. She jumped a little. “Gee Isabel! Trynna gimme a heart attack!” she yelled. Oh no. you are NOT getting out of this one, hoe. “Who was that?” I asked. She started to shuffle her feet. “My mom.” She said. I got out my cell phone and called her mom. I know she lied, but I just want to embarrass her for lying to me. Carrel answered on the first ring. “Hey there Isabel how is Indiana?” she asked. I smiled. “Cold and ugly. How is California, Carrel?” I said while eyeing Scylla. Her eyes went wide. “Oh, it’s lovely dear. Did you need something dear?” She asked. “When was the last time you spoke to Scylla?” I asked. “Oh, it was Monday, the seventeenth so… I’d say a week ago.” She said. I smiled. “Okay. Bye, I love you, boo-bay.” I said smiling. She laughed. “I’m guessing you caught Scylla lying to you about a call? Hahaha, I love you too, boo-thang.” She said and hanged up. I looked up at Scylla. “Why did you lie to me?” I asked. She looked scared. “I couldn’t tell know one about my relationship with Conner. I’m sorry.” She said and put her head down. I sighed. “You know you can tell me everything. I forgive you. This once though. Don’t you ever lie to me again. I will fuck you up the next time you lie to me. Come on it’s time to eat.” I turned around and went to the guest room. Zane was there asleep. I jumped on him. His eyes popped open. He looked at me. “IT’S TIME TO EAT, BROSKY! KNOW GETCHO LAZY ASS UP, BOYEE!” I yelled. I jumped off Zane and ran to Isaac’s room. “Wake up, people! Breakfast is done!” I then ran to Olivia’s room. She was awake and cooing. I got her and went to the kitchen. I got the bottle out off the counter and popped it into her mouth. Someone rang the door bell. Scylla took Olivia. I went and walked to the door. I opened it and there were two guys in black uniforms at my doorway. I looked at the guys. I looked at the black SUV. Then I looked at the guys that had a look of pity on there face. I looked at the one with a letter in his hand. I looked at them. “He… He’s gone, isn’t he?” I asked with tears streaming down my face. I don’t care if they see my tears. There wolfs anyway. The guy with brown eyes nodded his head. I fell to my knees and screamed. I did everything. I screamed. I cried. I yelled. But they were still here. The men in black. I heard footsteps behind me. I felt someone wrap there arms around me. I looked up to see Chris with a look of pity on his face. I cried harder. “No! He-he promised me! We where s-s-suppose to get married and be h-happy! Why me! WHY!?!” I screamed and cried and yelled. I couldn’t do anything but this. I cried myself to sleep.

(5 days later)

I was here. This place with a bunch of people in army suites. I had Olivia and Isaac close to me. I was sitting here with my kids looking at there fathers big picture. Jacob’s parents went up to his casket. His mother laying a hand on his grave crying. Jake went next. His eyes were red and splotchy. He left. I was the last one to go up. I took in a big breath. I looked down at Isaac. He looked up at me with tears in his eyes. I took his hand and went up. I looked down. His flag was there. Scylla took Olivia from my hands. I slowly put my hand on his casket. I started to cry. “I love you baby. I am going to miss you.” I started to cry worse. “So much. I am going to miss you so much. Jacob Steven Scaller, I love you and always will.” I took the flag from his grave. I looked down one more time, then turned around. It was time to change the world.


Texte: dont still my crab peoples!! :)
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 02.03.2012

Alle Rechte vorbehalten

hey i just wanted to try and write a book myself. it seem fun. i do not own these pictures. the story is mine though. so please don't steal. complete

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