
The prince's mistake

Chapter One

Zoe is a young hero the one and true last of his race.
With his skills and strong magic he and his friends are the only ones that can truly save the world of Zin.
In the world of Zin There is a deadly tribe that treaten to stomp upon the gates of Zin.
A great and amazing book One to enjoy.
Cunning traps and ambushes as these heros fight their ways out of enemy forces and stomp away the dangers that come to their peaceful land of Zin.

"Kamota are we going to the prince's aid once more master?"
Zoe asks.
"Of course we are my young apprentice for it is our duty as the kind king's servants to protect and all of those that are next to be crowned."
Kamota states.
"Of course master his son is very devious in his own ways though my lord."
Zoe replies.
"I understand but it is our duty young one."
Kamota states.
"Of course well then shall we begin to get ready master?"
Zoe replies
"Yes go into your room and be sure to get your wand and scimitar."
Kamota says.
Zoe leaves his master outside and walks into the building.
He undresses and grabs his garments and then redresses into his war armor.
Before leaving he puts his scimitar into the leather strap on his back and grabbing his wand he swiftly glides out the door to meet back with his master.
"Master I am ready shall we be off for the prince might have gotten himself into trouble my lord."
Zoe says
"Yes I fear that he has to So lets be cautious and ride hard to his aid."
Kamota replies.
They ride hard out of the kingdom Zin, and glide into the forests of the orcs.
They run through mud and limbs that are lying on the forest ground making lots of loud noises and begin to fear their being followed.
"Master I sense something."
Zoe hesitates.
"I also sense the presence of evil, Zoe."
Kamota replies.
Almost a second later the battle cry of the orcs sounded off and the next time the two realizes is 5 heavy and hairy bodies coming their way fast and hard.
"Zoe cast firaga and burn them to ashes quickly now boy."
Without a moments thought Zoe begins to chant loud and clear.
Zoe screams.
The flaming ball smashes hard on left hand side of the incoming targets burning two orcs to the bone toppling them over their horses saddle's.
Kamota charges in to kill what looks like the leader slicing his head from his shoulders in a strong and forceful swing.
At this moment the two orcs that remained begin to panic and begins to flee.
With the quick and precise movements a stranger appears and hacks down the last orcs with a quick snap of his bow.
The battle was over and the orcs destroyed.
Ahh I see it was wrong of me and my apprentice to not expect you too be able to fend for your self prince."
Kamota says.
"Yes I had them right were I wanted them but then more kept coming and coming and the four men I had have been all slain so I must ask you Kamota and Zoe will you accompany me and help me destroy the encampment about an hour ride from here?"
The prince asks.
"It would be our honor"
Kamota speaks up.
"Alright then shall we be off my prince?"
Zoe asks.
"Yes we should leave quickly"
The prince states.
They begin to ride hard to the encampment were the prince's men were killed in cold blood by the savage orcs.
The sky begins to darken and they can see a horde of orcs all gather around the camp fire in the middle of the camp site.
"Zoe I need you to take your wand and make the fire leap out and strike the orc forces that sit next to the fire."
Kamota says.
"Yes master. Firaga!"
Zoe says.
The fire leaps out of the fire place and burns the orcs killing 3 of the 7 orcs melting the skin to their bones and flesh.
The prince screams.
Kamota jumps off his horse and charges an orc head on and begins to duel with him.
The orc keeps his pace up and defends quite easily and then changes to the offensive.
Kamota the skilled swordsman he is takes this and strikes hard into the orcs side bringing a stripe of blood to the linen.
The orc yelps out in pain but does not surrender instead he goes into a rage and launches a strong but unsteady blow to kamota's side.
Kamota see's the blows mark and parry it with ease.
With the orc unaware of what just took place Kamota stabs the orc deep in the chest and kills him quickly ending the beat of the orcs heart forever.
The next orc comes charging at Zoe with his battle axe raised.
Zoe see's the next orc and parries him without taking the blow luckily.
Zoe raises his scimitar and cuts at the orcs torso but misses his mark.
The orc rebels dangerously and uses all his brute strength and cuts Zoe’s sword arm but not deep enough to mortally wound him.
Zoe stab's at the orcs chest and hits it dead center bringing a deep wound which causes the orc to yelp in pain.
The orc fall's in pain and gives the young warrior the chance to fell him for good.
Zoe takes his blade and slams it deep in the orc's chest ending him for good.
The prince begun to shoot arrows at the third orc and quickly topples him over with many arrow wounds in the orc chest which kills him quick.
The last orc charges for the prince and launches a spear towards him.
The prince grabs his short sword out of its sheath and parries the spear and run's toward the unarmed orc slicing its juggler killing it for good.
"Whew amazing fighting Zoe I have taught you well."
Kamota says.
"Thank you master and prince I was surprised that you've become so good."
Zoe replies.
"Thank you Zoe I must admit though you have become a very promising young warrior."
The prince says.
They all laugh and begin to set out for their kingdom of Zin.
On their ride back to zin they run past heavy terrain and began to talk.
"My prince I fear the terrain is becoming worse than normal many trees have been cut you don’t think the orcs have a plan do you?"
Kamota asks.
"If they do my father will destroy them we the people of Zin have become very powerful and I doubt the idiot orcs have the bravery to try to pull an attack off."
The prince says.
"I pray you are correct my lord."
Kamota says.
"I do too but we can only hope their not crazy enough."
The prince replies.
"So Zoe how have your magic been coming along?"
The prince asks.
"It have been very good I have learned to conjure fire, water, wind, earth, and sleeping spells thanks to the help of my master Kamota."
Zoe replies.
"Yes I agree your master is a genius of a man and very brave."
The prince says.
"Thank you for the kind words my king but I see the border gate and the castle gate shall we ride hard."
Kamota states.
"Alright Kamota let us be off."
The prince says.
They ride their horses hard towards the beautiful and peaceful gates of Zin an a dignified way.
On their way to the gates they see young men harassing a girl about Zoe's age.
"Master can we please help that girl?"
Zoe pleads.
"If you feel the need go Zoe show them to respect a young lady."
Kamota replies.
Zoe rides up to the men and the girl.
"I am Zoe ligert and I demand you to leave this woman alone now!"
Zoe demands.
The men laugh.
"And what are you going to do about it?"
They say.
"I will fight you if it comes to it."
Zoe states.
"Oh really now come on then."
They say.
The men pull out their short swords and begin on the offensive which was a big mistake.
Zoe begins to chant.
Zoe brings a flooding wave of ice cold water washing the now soaking wet men.
The men scream and begin to run off.
"If I ever see your horrible faces picking on the weak again I promise you I will not be as merciful."
Zoe screams to the men that fled.
"Well done my apprentice you have grown more than I thought and you are learning to do what is right I must say I am most proud to be your master."
Kamota says cheerfully.
The girl gets up from where see had been pushed down.
"Thank you very must Zoe."
She says.
She then runs quickly southwards.
"Well she must have had somewhere to be in a hurry. Well men let us be off then to my father's throne I must tell him of the increasing orcs so close to our homestead."
The prince says.
They then turn around and ride to the gates.
The solder’s seeing the prince had returned open the gates for the trio Quickly without any identification.
Once in the kingdom they had left their horses in the royal stables and begin to walk the mighty step's to the prince's father's throne to inform him of the unusal Sightings in the forest of late.
"Father we have come to inform you have the orcs movements in the forest.
They have been coming closer and closer to our peaceful home.
Komato and I have seen many trees cut and the forest has been put under a rough terrain.
Komato please tell the king of the worries you have."
The prince states.
"My lordship as we were riding I seen many changes in the woods and as the prince had said the forest has been utterly tampered with.
I believe in a certainly of my heart the orcs are up to some type of plan involving wood and boulder's for the forest supply has been stolen.
I believe that they are preparing for a surprise attack.
I do not know this for certain but my lord I do believe we should send spies or something to gather information."
Kamota says.
"Well now Kamota and my son this is quite a bit of information.
I am very curious now so I will send spies.
I must ask you three as king of this land, will you three and two of my best man go deep in the woods and find an answer to this."
The king asks.
"Yes father I vouch for these two men they will accompany me and the two best solder’s in your main guard.
When we have completed the mission we shall return with information.
Father please make your men ready by tomorrow morning for we must bathe and eat and resharpen out blade's for the battles we fought earlier."
The prince requests.
"Very well my son be ready to leave at dawn."
The king says
"Yes father."
The prince replies.
The three walk out of the throne room.
"Master I am tired may I go home and sleep my lord."
Zoe asks.
"Yes Zoe you go home and sleep I will come to wake you in the morning."
Kamota says.
"Ok master good bye."
Zoe replies.
Zoe goes home and gets in bed without undressing.
Using magic wears him down.
He falls deep in sleep.

The Secret in the Woods

Chapter Two

Zoe awakens to a hard but steady knock on his door.
He gets up and makes his way toward the door.
When he opens it Kamota and the Prince burst through the door.
"Hey Zoe its time to go and from now on you can refer me to my real name Salander."
Salander says.
"Ok Salander so were are we going to head to first?"
Zoe asks.
"We are going to search deep within the forest"
Kamota says.
"Ok give me a few minutes for i must get dress and get my gear on."
Zoe says.
"Alright but hurry."
Kamota replies.
Salander and Kamota leave Zoe.
Zoe quickly runs into his dressing room and puts on his warrior garments on.
With a flash he grabs his wand and scimitar stuffing it tightly in its sheath that hangs on his back.
Out the door he flies to meet his companions.
Once out side Kamota speaks.
"We will head deep in the forest close to the Hill giants land but not to close for their very unstable."
Kamota states.
"Yes that is a good plan. Well lets be off the men my father promise are at the border we will begin the stragedy there."
Salander states.
The three hero's ride to the border line to meet with the king's men.
"Hello there Kargo and Raffin I thought it would be you two."
Salander says.
"Yes my lord so have you come up with a ideal on how we shall proceed?"
Kargo asks.
"Yes I and Kamota have decided to tread the land till we are deep within the forest near the hill giants land but not to close to begin a feud."
Salander says.
"Very good plan my lord."
Kargo says.
"Shall we be off the king was wanting us to be quick and swift for he fears the orcs are planning war."
Raffin says.
The five quickly ride out of the land of Zin and embark on their mission.
They travel far and wide into the forest.
They stumble upon a far wide empty field that was once filled with trees.
The field was destroyed and hacked into pieces and seems as if it was just done here recently.
"My lord what do you think happened here?"
Kargo asks.
"I honestly don’t know. My guess would be that the orc's are up to something.
Salander says.
"My lord we must hurry and see if we can put a halt to their progress."
Kamota says.
"Yes I agree we must hurry. Let us be off."
Salander replies.
They end the conversation and ride hard into the once filled field.
They ride till they reach the end and they spot movement in the woods.
In the woods were hill giants.
"Their far from their land."
Salander states.
"I wonder why"
Kamota says.
"I have a bad feeling about this master."
Zoe says.
"Should we advance and ask why their in our land?"
Raffin asks.
"That is our only option it seems. Forward march men."
Salander says.
They ride steadily easy towards the hill giants.
The giants see their approach and begin to enter into an offensive stance.
"I am prince of the kingdom of Zin. May i ask why you tread on out land?"
Salander says.
"We have run low on wood sources so we have begin to take little here.
The giants say.
"Very well can you pay for what you stolen?"
The prince asks.
"Yes here this should cover it now leave us to out work."
The giants say.
The giant throws Salander a huge bag of gold.
"Thank you."
Salander says.
They all ride off quickly and leave the giants and don’t stop riding till their far away.
"My lord that was fishy"
"Raffin says.
I must agree"
Salander replies.
As they begun talking 12 orcs jump out of the woods in a attempt to ambush the five hero's.
Stand guard and attack them quickly."
Kamota screams.
Kamota charges for the first orc with a striking blow.
The orc dodges it gracefully and returns the blow.
Kamota drops to the ground avoiding his death and slices the thigh of the orc.
The blow cuts flesh and begins to bleed heavy but the orc resisted it and struck back wounding the ground for his blow missed the mark.
Kamota hops up in a instinct and stabs hard at the orcs arm slicing it clean off.
The orc unable to move screams as Kamota hacks him into ground meat.
Zoe begins to use magic calling upon the power of wind in his mind.
Gusts begin to come and lift mud over the next orc blinding him for the time being.
The orc goes into a frenzy and begins to swing wild to avoid being killed.
Zoe moves past the unpracticed swinging and stabs the orc in the back but did not finish it.
The orcs vision returns to him and with this stabs for Zoe's heart.
Zoe dodges the fatal blow and comes up with his scimitar and bangs it against the steel of the orcs blade.
Sparks ignite from the powerful hit and Zoe calls upon his magical power creating a flame barrier around his blade.
The orc becomes startled by the power of Zoe's.
Zoe swings and the orc parries but is burnt by the intensity of the flaming blade.
Zoe catches him in a frozen stance and drives his scimitar deep into the orcs belly releasing the orc from his lifeless body.
Salander grabs his blade and slides it out of his sheath.
He then charges the third orc head on and bangs his blade against the opposing force.
The orc rebels and goes in for a chance to hurt Salander.
Salander see's an opening and thrusts his blade forward cutting the orc badly but not killing it.
The orc becomes angry and cuts Salander forearm before he retracts it.
Salander yelps in pain but continues on and slices the orcs face leaving a deep gash in its mouth.
The orc jumps back and begins spitting blood.
Salander takes this advantage and cuts the sword arm softly but deep enough to slow the orc.
The orc picks up his blade and swings downward towards Salander but his movement was to slow and weak so Salander knocks the blade out of his hand.
Salander pierces the orcs heart and watches him die.
Kargo goes after the forth orc and brings his great claymore and slams it had onto the side of the orcs blade.
The weight of the massive sword sends a tremble down the orcs arm.
The orc caught off by the massive swing leaves an opening long enough for Kargo to slice him in two.
The orc dies a painful and horrible death.
Raffin grabs his short sword and strikes hard for the orcs throat.
The orc parries it and knocks the blade away from him.
Raffin unready for that leaves his side wide open.
The orc strike hard and cuts the wound but not deep for he was unsteady.
Raffin moves to the orcs side and cuts the bicep of the orc and releases the blood flowing through it. The orc screams in terrible pain and falls in lost of blood.
Raffin takes his blade and cuts the throat of the orc for good measure and ends its miserable life for ever.
Zoe become's angry with the pain everyone was getting from the battle.
Something happens and Zoe begins to float.
"Zoe what are you doing!"
Kamota screams.
Zoe does not answer but instead sends a huge wave of fire upon the last seven orcs reducing them to ash.
Zoe begins to descend and lands on the ground.
Zoe faints into a deep sleep, sore and tired from the battle he had just fought.
The Unleashed power from within
Chapter three:
The group waits around Zoe's bed waiting for him to wake.
Kamota and Salander begin to speak.
Kamota do you have any clue on what happened out there in the battle?
Salander asks.
"No my lord what Zoe has done has never happened before.
He had so much power coursing through him and I had never seen it.
The power he releases though has happened before to those chosen in a bloodline of ancient mage blood.
By what the books told me all were extinct and the power was lost to the world forever.
I don’t know if Zoe could possibly the last soul survivor of his heritage.
It was strange that Zoe could be so talented though because it takes years to learn what Zoe can summon.
If he in fact does have the power in him though he will be the most powerful man in the world.
In my readings though it is hard to control the power which can make him use it not knowing for when he unleashed his power earlier today he was not consciously there.
The power causes the wielder to go into a berserk mode when using it.
So Zoe could in fact be a very dangerous person unless he learns to control his power.
Kamota states.
"This is amazing Kamota if Zoe can control his power he could save us from any treats that up rises.
But you Kamota must teach him to control his power if you are able.
Salander says.
"I will try if I am able."
The king reveals himself to the 5 men.
I have heard of Zoe’s new unlocked powers.
Kamota you must make sure he does not wield it carelessly.
Now I must hear of the news that you all learned in the forest.
The king says.
The group in detail tells the king of what took on in the forest.
They speak of the giants taking trees and of the gold they have given.
They also speak of the ambush and of what they believe to be true.
The also tell him of the enormous power that Zoe had wielded and of the seven orcs that were burnt to a crisp by its magnitude of power.
"I believe we do have a war coming.
Kamota see that Zoe learns to use his amazing power for we might have need of him when the battle comes.
The king say's.
"Yes my lord"
Kamota says.
Now all of you sleep for you do not to be weary in the morning Zoe will most likely be awake and then all of you train him to your capabilities.
The men go to their bunks and sleep deeply.
In the morning Kamota awakes and run's to Zoe’s house to see if he has indeed awaken.
Zoe was awake and was trying to recall on how he got home.
Kamota walks in without knocking and grabs Zoe in a tight embraced.
"Zoe my boy I was so worried I thought you would never wake from your deep slumber."
Kamota says excitedly.
"Master what happen to the orcs I cannot recall on what has happened."
Zoe says.
"Zoe I am going to explain it to you the best way I possibly can.
You have the ancient bloodline of mages.
The reason you can control magic so easily and so strongly is because of the power that lies in your sleeping body.
You killed the orcs with an amazing powerful flame blast.
You cannot remember because you yet have control over your power so when you use it fully it puts you into a berserk mode.
Zoe war is also coming to our peaceful land and we must train you to use your power safely so you can assist us when battle comes.
Do you understand Zoe?"
Kamota says.
"Yes master but how can I of all people have such great power?"
Zoe asks.
I do not know but somehow when your clan was wiped out by the battles from the past you must have been hidden and in thus living to claim the glory your people once had.
Kamota says.
"Well master if this is true and if I am to learn control of my power when do we begin?"
Zoe asks.
"We begin at noon meet me and the other's in the training ground's there we begin."
Kamota says.
Kamota leaves Zoe to be alone and get ready for the enduring training ahead of them.
Zoe grabs his clean linen and changes quickly.
He grabs his sword and wand and run's to the training field to meet with the guy's.
"Ah Zoe you have arrive."
Salander says.
"Yes it is good to see all of you too."
Zoe replies.
"Zoe were going to begin on magic using when ever your ready conjure a wall of fire."
Kamota say's.
Zoe thinks for a long time of trying to unlock his inner power and in a moment of 5 minutes Zoe is ready.
Zoe begins to chant and in front of him a small fire type shield appears.
"Try harder Zoe unlock the power."
Kamota screams.
Zoe thinks harder and with a flint spark the shield turns into a vicious wall of fire.
"Good Zoe Now control the fire and make it move."
Kamota commands.
Zoe does as he was instructed but cut short for the power had left him.
"Master I am tired may I rest for a moment?"
Zoe pleads.
"Yes Zoe take a moments rest then we must get back at it."
Kamota replies.
"Ok Master."
Zoe says.
The 5 men sit down and eat their lunch to refill their stamina.
Zoe thinks to him self.
"I must do this for the master needs me to lend him my power."
After they finish eating they begin training again.
"Zoe I want you to use the water in this bucket and make it float."
Zoe does what he was told.
He uses his mind to bend the water to what ever he wants.
The water begins to rise and out of nowhere Zoe’s power unravels it's self and begins to mass reproduce.
Zoe loses his control and the water begins to grow out of control.
"Grab Zoe, Kamota and let’s escape from the flood."
Salander demands.
Kamota runs to Zoe and grabs him and off they run into the other direction.
As they run they notice the water begins to follow them.
"Its following Zoe Kamota what do we do?"
Salander screams scared.
"Lets lead Zoe to the lake and forcefully wake him."
Kamota screams.
They all run fast to the nearby lake.
As Kamota nears the lake he jumps in with Zoe in his arms.
Zoe awakes automatically.
As Zoe loses the grip of power the water ball falls into the lake.
Kamota and Zoe swims back to he shore and climbs out.
"I lost control didn’t I?"
Zoe asks.
"Yes you did Zoe. Let’s go back to training"
Kamota responds.
They return to the training field and continue with the training.
Zoe practice’s without losing control again.
"Now let’s do sword fighting Zoe."
Salander says.
Zoe replies.
Zoe draws his sword and so does Salander.
Salander take's the first move and strikes hard at Zoe's sword.
Zoe quiver's from the powerful swing.
Zoe in return swings back and knocks Salander's blade backwards.
Salander twists around and swings his blade towards Zoe’s blade twisting him around.
Zoe falls back but quickly recovers his balance.
He strikes Salander’s front and with amazing grace his power quickly takes control and strikes Salander knocking him down hard and making the weapon fly from his hands.
"WOW such power Zoe how can you have such strength?
That was the most amazing and most cunning battle I have ever done.
Zoe you truly are an amazing warrior."
Salander brags.
"Thank you so much for the congrats and i only won cause the power begin to course through my veins.
You are truly a strong and amazing opponent your self Salander.
Thank you for battling with me today."
Zoe says.
"Zoe you didn’t go berserk when the power released within yourself this time.
I believe you are getting use to it."
Kamota says.
Yes I think so also when ever I felt endangered I felt great strength enter into the limbs of my body and I felt as if nothing could harm me as if I was invincible."
Zoe says.
"Let’s call it a break and continue on tomorrow.
The king wanted us to report to him after we made progress.
Let us be off to the throne."
Salander says.
The three head to the kings throne room.
As they enter the king sits alone in his mighty chair.
"Father I have come to tell you of Zoe’s progress."
Salander says.
"Yes and what of our young heroes progress?"
the king asks.
"He has proven more control in sword fighting but alas not in magic."
Salander states.
"Well it is a start my son.
Lets just hope he can make it before the battle comes.
I have sent spies and they have informed me.
You two were correct the orcs and giants are working as one."
The king states.
"Father if this is true it will be impossible to win we haven’t power to defeat the giant" Salander pleads. "we must put our faith into young Zoe."
The king pleads.
"Yes father if Zoe can use his power he could destroy the giants"
Salander says.
"As king I need you to go to the kingdom of garu and have him lend us soldiers."
The king says
"I forgot were bound by war father.
surely with Zoe and garu’s men we can win this battle."
Salander says.
"I Kamota will see that we do not lose."
Kamota states.
"Yes you three be off with haste.
Farewell my warriors."
The king says.
The three leave the throne.
They all go to their rooms alone and begin to pack for the mission.
Zoë goes into his room and grabs all of his clothes and puts them into a sack.
He then fastens his sword to his back.
He then goes out the door and loads his horse with his belongings.
He climbs atop his horse and rides to the southern gates.
There they regroup and began to start their quest to king garu’s land hoping they do not take to long.

The Unleased Power From Within

Chapter Three

The three set out from the gate in complete silence.
As they ride on hard the sun begins to set in the sky.
Zoe watches two sparrows fly high in the sky.
The beautiful setting makes Zoe feel warm and fuzzy inside.
Zoe feels so happy inside he sighs.
They ride even harder when the sun begins to fall.
They begin to slow and halting to a complete stop.
They jump off their horses and begin to make camp.
As they become finish with the camp Salander is the first to speak.
"My plan is to go to the king and humbly ask for assistance in our time of need."
Salander says.
"My lord that is a good plan lets just treat him with respect and hope he agrees to help."
Kamota says.
"Yes let us take rest for we ride at dawn. Zoe you take first watch"
Salander says.
As they begin to get ready for sleep Zoe was the first to take watch.
As he sits and watches the camp he begins to think.
He thanks of the orcs and of the battle.
He thinks of battling.
He grabs his blade and practices its movements.
Moving to the left an inch and slicing forward than retracting his blade close to his side.
He throws his blade up in a defensive manner as if he was blocking and orc then drops his blade and with a twist slicing the imaginary orc.
He drops to the foot and pushes his blade as if he was cutting the ankles of an enemy.
With précised movement he is back on his feet and begins to unlock his true power.
With a flash he slices a small tree into felling it.
He was just far enough to were he did not wake the others.
"Wow such power I never felt such wonderful power ever."
He says.
He then puts his blade back into its sheath.
He runs back to camp and walks to his horse.
He unbuckles the strap to the sack.
He carefully grabs his wand and begins to walk away from the camp.
He walks far enough so he doesn’t harm the encampment with his powerful magic.
He says.
Before him a water ball begins to rise from the muddy soil beneath his feet.
With amazing grace he makes the water flex and rise even higher into the air and splitting it in two.
He has never stilted water in two and controls it in midair before.
Zoe was truly amazed with what he could manage.
Zoe loses his self to the engulfing power coursing through his body and in a instinct loses conscious.
The ball begins to grow more and more until it becomes a water tornado.
The water moves closer to the camp splashing Kamota and Salander with freezing water.
They both awake quickly and see what Zoe has done.
"Quick Salander awake him with haste."
Kamota screams.
Salander runs and picks Zoe's sleeping body and begins to run from the camp.
The water tornado begins to follow the two with haste.
Salander grabs the smelling salts in his pouch and with the smell awakes Zoe from the sleeping state.
With Zoe's wake the water disperses and falls leaving the terrain a muddy mess.
"Zoe you cannot practice your magic with out one of us with you."
Salander screams.
The two walk back to the camp and Salander puts Zoe to bed.
"I will take watch."
Salander say's.
Zoe gets into his sleeping bag and lies there till he falls asleep.
Zoe is woken in the middle of the night.
“Zoe its Kamota I think were being watched.”
Kamota says.
Zoe hops to his feet for he suddenly felt fear.
“Who is it master?”
Zoe asks.
“I think it is another army but I do not know.”
Kamota replies.
At that moment they see torches and mounted horse men headed their way.
"I think it is a army but I do not know."
Kamota replies.
At that moment they see torches and mounted horse men headed their way.
The leader jumps off his horse and approaches the camp.
Salander was the one who stood before him.
"Hello there sir."
Salander speaks.
"Hello are you the son of the king of Zin?"
The commander asks.
"Yes that would be me."
Salander replies.
"Good I have come with my band to escort you to the king garu's throne.
The commander replies.
"May I have your name?"
Salander asks.
"My name is Brian."
Brian replies.
"Ok are we to leave now it is starting to turn to light."
Salander says.
"Yes we must be on our way with haste for the king has been informed of what you need."
Brian answers.
"Ok let us pace our things."
Salander says.
The three run all over the place packing and getting ready.
They get strapped into their tunics and weapons.
In a matter of a few minutes the camp had been packed and everyone was ready to leave.
The three get onto their horses and emerge into Brian's force.
"Brian this young warrior is Zoe and this Kamota."
Salander says.
"Yes good to meet you all."
Brian says.
"Good to meet you too."
Kamota says.
The group begins to ride and make good time.
On there way they see great rivers and soft land that had been left untouched by the giants and orcs.
It seemed so beautiful to Zoe like a haven place.
The smell in the air smelled of sweet bread as they neared the kingdom of garu's.
As they reach the gates the doors flung open to let the visitors into the castle.
Brian leads the three into the stables and tie's their horses up and leads them to the throne room.
Brian and Zoe walked in front as Kamota and Salander walked in the back.
When they entered the room Salander automatically step forward in pride.
Before speaking he had bowed and then spoke.
"King Garu I the Prince of Zin need you to humbly aid us in the expecting battle to come forth.
We believe that we have been targeted by the orcs and hill giants in the woods beyod our lands.
My father King of Zin has ask me to come and seek aid from you."
Salander says.
"Yes I have receieved word of your lands dilema.
I shall aid you and your father for it is so I also fear that after your throne is destroyed my will be next.
I must ask for you all to stay the night and whenever morning come I shall send 4000 solders to aid your 4500 solders and with Gods will we can defeat them for once and for all."
King Garu says.
"Thank you my lord."
Salander says.
"Oh before Brian takes you to your rooms may Zoe stay here to speak to me alone?"
King Garu asks.
"Yes lord take as much time as needed."
Salander replies.
The party leaves the room with Brian leaving Zoe and king Garu completely alone.
"Ah Zoe my boy I have been inform that you are the last of your kind.
Your magic is like no others your strength stronger than a ox."
King Garu says.
"Yes my lord I do and have the ancient bloodline of the most gifted tribe and yes I am the last of my kind."
Zoe answers bluntly.
"Zoe you mustint call me a king for your more royal then I will ever be boy.
Your the last hope we men have and I believe you will reclaim your tribes lost name and bring forth the most powerful wizards alive once more.
So Zoe just listen to this I beg of you not as a king but as a father please put a stop to tnhe force headed our way please protect my family Zoe."
The king says.
"I will do what I am capable King Garu and I am not royal I am just gifted but I will protect you and your family with every ounce of strength I can muster.
I lie my body down and I will fight to protect the world if I must I will not allow the orcs or hill giants take any life I am able and I swear my life to the people of man."
Zoe said truthfully.
This was the longest and most meaningful thing Zoe had ever said and he ment it till his death.
"Thank you Zoe go along now meet with your friends and I wish the best for you I will always pray for you Zoe.
The king says dismissing Zoe.
Zoe turns around and begins to walk.
Zoe felt amazing like a true hero when he stepped out the throne room.
As he walked down the steps he had images flowing thorugh his head.
He really wanted to do his best and put an end to all the torture and evil in the world.
Zoe ment to save the world with all he could muster.
When zoe got to the bottom of the steps he saw Salander, Kamota, and Brian all waiting for him eagerly.
Brian begin to walk and they all followed him till they reached the end of the hall and with Brian leading them in they were in their room.
Brian left as soon as they all were ready and done with their bathing.
The three sat down and Kamota spoke first.
"I really hope we can do this."
Kamota says.
"Me to so Zoe what the prince want?"
Salander asks.
"He wanted me to do the best in my power to end the force headed our way."
Zoe says.
"We all know you real I have faith in you Zoe you truly will be the most remarkable person I have ever had the pleasure to meet and i believe in you truthfully.
Kamota says.
"Well we need to sleep to have strength goodnight guys good night."
As the three heros begin to drift off to sleep Zoe begins to think.
Fear is slowly creeping on him he was honestly scared.
he did not know if he could save the world he did not know if he was able to become strong enough to fight the wars to protect all of those who needed his aid.
He fought many battles but he knew without a doubt of the dangers that were to come and truly did envy it.
Before he shuts his eyes for good that night he prays that he be gicen the strength to save those who all need him.

The Ambush from the Unknown.

Chapter Four

At the crack of dawn, Zoe was awoken by Kamota.
When he awoke he changed his sleeping garmets and begin to wear his war armour.
Since he awoke he had a bad feeling that his trip home would not be easy.
He felt that as if they were exposed and being watched at every moment.
When he was finished he walked down to the main hall to meet with the group.
As they all greeted him comfortly he spoke up about this surrounding feeling filling in his heart.
"Master I dont know why but I fear that when we leave here we must be cautious it feels as if we are being watched from every angle."
Zoe says.
"Are you sure Zoe.
"Are you just friegten that we rely on you for so much when you are so young?"
Kamota asks.
"Yes master I am sure that there will be danger alokng the roads please just heed my warning."
Zoe begs.
"Yes I agree lets folow our young hero's words of wisdom.
Salander says.
"Alright my lord, we shall do as you say Zoe."
Kamota says.
"Thank you so much master."
Zoe says.
The three than get onto their horses and with one gallop they begin to be off with Brian and the 4000 men promised by king Garu.
When they get to the massive gates the guards open them and out the opening they all flew off in a hurry.
They rode for many minutes before Zoe warning had been put into efect.
Not even 20 minutes ride from the kingdom they were under attack by many orcs and hill giants tossing boulders towards the army.
Zoe hurry and released his sword from the sheath that held it tightly and begun to use his power and fulfill his promise to the king just the night before.
With one mighty swing and the power coursing thourgh him begin to feel and he went on a killing rampage and started felling orc after orc with little or no trouble.
Kamota was not as lucky he saw many orcs filling the mountains pass and tumbling over the force they were to bring to the king of Zin.
kamota went for a strike and killed the poorly train orc splitting it into with his massive blade.
As an orc neared him from behind Zoe went into a major frenzy and dice the orc into many pieces stopping it from causing the man he thought of as a father pain.
Salander was in a bit of trouble with the over realming force striking hard at their comrades.
Zoe seing his friend in danger sent him over the edge and he suddenly begin to use magic without a wand and was still concious.
He brings forth a flaming wall destroying all enemies that were close to Salander.
Zoe saved his friend but the war was not over with.
All three reliazed it was their turn to strike a heavy and dangerous blow to the orc numbers and hill giants.
Kamota fill with pleasure and happiness for Zoe went in easily blowing killing blows smashing and slicing orcs left and right with ease.
The hill giants saw their numbers begin to shrink and started throwning harder and faster than before.
Kamota sees this and runs to the first one feeling Zoe strength and his power coursing thourgh him.
Zoe didnt reliaze but his bond was so strong with Kamota and Salander that he begin to emit rays of power to the two and filled them with the power to stop the hill giants.
Kamota clashed his blade against the strong giant but still slicing him pretty deep.
The giant retailates aand swings back but with great speed kamota dodges it easily and slices back violently cutting the giants calfs making it limp.
The giant felt fear he had not known any human to be as gifted as Kamota was and try to pull away but Kamota saw his mark and jumped high onto the orc and with one quick thrust he cuts the giants juggaler dropping him with a big thud onto the ground.
Kamota then charges back into the orcs and begins to fight in a frenzy just as Zoe was doing.
Salander felt unbeatable with Zoes magic and runs headlong against a massive giant.
The giants swats at him quickly but with failure as Salander drops to the ground before being hit.
Salander hps up in a instinct and charges and waith great poer hacks of 3 of the giants fingers brining a loud yelp from the huge opponet.
The giant tries to body slam Salander but he fails and falls to the ground leaving himself wide open.
Salander sees his chance to wound the giant great and jums upon the giant and with enormous strength vuts the giants spine crippling it for ever.
Salander with great pride then sticks his blade into the back of the giants skull piercing the brain tissue winning the battle without a doubt.
Brian sees the men need his help and pulls a bow from his pouch and begins to open fire on the orcs never missing a mark and killing the orcs with the first blows.
Zoe starts to conjure much magic to save his friends.
First he puts an unknown Shield around the armies man protecting them from blows not one orc could break the enormous magic of Zoes.
With the thought of a tornado swarming the orcs and lifting them into midair and killing them with the amazing and violent winds it creates its self from Zoe's thought and begins doing its job.
Zoe than grabs his sword and starts killing all orcs in his way.
He sees the last to giants and charges for them.
The first giant takes a swing at Zoe but Zoe parries and dodges the blow and comes up with his blade ripping the giants heart out.
The next giant throws a rock towards Zoe.
Zoe drops and with a instinct calls for a ghost form.
The form charges the giant and attacks the internal organs.
The giant dies a painful death from being tprn inside out.
No one saw Zoe's ghost and Zoe was happy they didn't for he thought it was unnatural.
Zoe kills 2234 orcs in the matter of minues and with spell after spell and the protecting magic from Zoe spells they only lose 142 men in the great and epic battle.
When all the killing and massacre was over the armies men begun to bury their dead.
"You fought couragous Zoe truly splendid."
Kamota says.
"Thank you master I did my best."
Zoe replies.
"Yes well let us begin the clean up and be on our ways."
Salander says.
The three get their armour and weapons cleaned of gore and guts.
Brian starts to regroup the remaining man and gets their horses and everyone gets mounted.
They leave the battlefield of gore and as they march away from the battle the sun hits them perfectly making their armour glisten as if they were from God himself.
Zoe the young hero was the main talk of the traveling battle force.
The men talked of his fierce power and of how trained with the sword the young warrior is.
Zoe really enjoyed the talk he felt amazing he felt the power still awakening in him.
His true power has yet to reveal its true nature and Zoe was so excited to unlock the power and use it for good of men.
He kept thinking of the battle of how all the people was protected by his magic and how everyone was able to win because of him.
Zoe was so happy that he was able to fulfill his promises to the kings and to be able to make his oath really happened.
The way Zoe was feeling made him want to hurry to the land of Zin for he knew he was the last and only hope the world can have.
The men were uneasy still with war on their minds for they all knew what was to come would be even worse than it had been just earlier.
The men were comforted by having Zoe around.
Zoe had become a beacon of strength the men truly believed their safety was left to this one so young of age but so high in wisdom.
As they were begining to see the gates of the land of Zin Zoe excitement took over and Zoe dashed past the troops and left all the other men in the dust.
Zoe didnt understand what had made him want to greet the king so badly but he did.
When Zoe reached the gates the solders opened the gate for the true and remarkable hero,
When Zoe finally made his way thourgh the town and raced to the stables leaving his horse he flew up the castle to the kings throne room.
"My king I have returned with great news I have learned to control my power and I swear an oath to protect your kingdom even if I must lay my life down i will protect my homeland.
Zoe says.
"Well my young hero I than must say i will have my faith in you.
May i ask were the rest are?"
The king says.
As he finished speaking Kamota, Brian, and Salander appear thourgh the doors.
"My father we are here.
We have done what you asked we have brought plenty of solders and we are fully ready to fight if we must.
Father we were ambushed on the way home by thousand of orcs and a handful of giants but Zoe has proven his heritage and open his power and created a shield around us and fed me and Kamota strength.
We were the victors and Zoe is the most remarkable warrior i have ever had the chance to meet."
Salander says.
"Very well and well done Zoe."
The king Says.
"I am Brian folle and I am a general in king Garus army.
Me and my men will lift our swords to your aid.
This is my oath and this is what shall happen."
Brian says.
"Very well it is my pleasure to meet you Brian.
I must ask that you start training and in one month let us begin our attack.
My spies have told me they will charge us head on in one month so alas this is all the time we hold.
The king says.
"Yes father."
Salander says.
Salander turns around and motions for the rest to follow.
The four walk out the door and down the steps and greeting the huge force in the castle grounds.
Salander motions for everyone to follow him and they all went to the training grounds and the other army was there adding on to make over 8000 men ready to die for the land.
"All men will build their camps next to the training grounds and this is were you all will stay."
Brian says.
All the men go forth and start setting their tents and gathering fire wood.
Hunters went into the woods and brought back plenty of food to feed the hungry.
By nightfall the camps were all finished and ready for the men to stay in.
Zoe begins to become tired.
"Master i am tired so i am going to go rest for training in the morning."
Zoe says.
"Yes Zoe you have had a long day and have fought enough to sleep for days I will come for you in the morning.
Good night Zoe be safe my young warrior.
Kamota says.
Zoe leaves the racket of men, the smell of meat, and the cold bitter night.
He gets to his house undresses from all his heavy armour.
He changes to his comfortable robes and lays down and begins to think.
As he lays he searches deep within his body trying to find his power.
Memories of his past begin to appear fuzzy but his dreams were always fuzzy.
He tries not to dwell on his past but sometimes he cannot help to wonder were he comes from.
When he was young Kanota was on a mission for the king and the enemies were searching for his hard.
Kamota was fierce in his younger days more swift than most men alive today and was very well taught.
Kamota stumbles upon a cabin that was deserted and uses it as a hideaway.
When he walks into the cabin doors to his amazement a baby lied on the floor alone.
Kamota was surprized and without a momments thought he grabs the baby.
He fled from the cabin thourgh the woods and all the way back to the cabin.
He named the baby Zoe and kept him as his own.
This is what kamota told Zoe as he grew older but none of it rings a bell.
Kamota shakes the memory and then thinks of the ghost from earlier.
The ghost looked like someone he knew.
He begun to think he summoned a spirt that was dead.
Zoe got a cold tingly feeling and dismisses the thought and finally closes his eyes and went to sleep.
His body needed sleep from the worn and tear he put on it when he battle.

The Skills Unlocked.

Chapter Five

When Kamota comes to Zoe's room Zoe is silenty asleep.
Kamota not wanting to wake him had to because he was the one who needed the training the most for he was the one true hero that would fight in this bloody war.
Kamota easily shakes Zoe and he awakens in a violent shake.
"It is time for us to begin the hardships of training my young apprentice."
Kamota says.
"Yes ok master I shall be ready in a few moments.
I will meet you outside when I have finished.
Zoe says.
Kamota leaves Zoe to begin dressing and preparing himself for the training.
Zoe gets out of bed slowly and sleepy like and begins taking off his comfortable clothes and slipping into his tunic.
After Zoe gets done he slips the scimitar into its sheath and the wand into his bag.
Zoe tidys his room up and washes his hair before stepping out of the doors to the eager face of kamota's.
He follows kamota slowly and still sore from the battle from the other day.
When they make it to the field to Zoes amazement the men were already training and doing different routines.
Zoe thought they were amazing and had much courage and that he felt pride being able to be one of them.
Zoe took note of one battle that was amazingly neck to neck.
The guys were using different fighting styles and without blades it was hand to hand.
"Who are they master?"
Zoe asked.
"Their names are po and mo their brothers and they love the hand to hand more than bulky swords."
Kamota said.
Zoe watched in amazement as Po struck a hard bloe to mo's wrist.
Mo backed off but came back hard with a strike to Po's side making mo gasp for a moment but carried on.
Both men stuck eachother's blindspots but they manuvered so elegantly and so remarkable that Neither could land a hard enough damanging blow.
Po saw an opening and struck forward hard.
Mo gasp and gave up the match.
Zoe walks up to the two after the battle ended and greeted them.
"Amazing skills if I might say also I am zoe."
Zoe says.
"Ah yes your a splended warrior yourself for one so young."
Po says.
"Yes I must agree with my brother your the one who saved us all during the ambush."
Mo says.
"Yes I just wanted the us to be safe.
Your skills are beautiful I wish I knew such knowledge."
Zoe says.
"Well if thats all we will show you."
Po says.
"Really that would be amazing and I would be so happy."
Zoe says excitedly.
"Great shall we begin."
Mo asks.
Zoe asks.
"Of course zoe we have limited time."
Po says.
"Oh alright then."
Zoe says.
The three move to an area were they had plenty have space.
"Alright then I will go first, zoe follow my movements."
Po says.
Po swiftly moves to the left with percised footing.
Zoe mimicks him perfectly shocking both po and mo.
Po throws a left jab faster than light and then raises his foot to a certain height.
Zoe does the same but falls back and land on his back.
Everyone begins to laugh.
"That wasnt bad zoe you matched me perfectly."
Po says.
"Yea till the end but still I dont understand but the movements felt so natural."
Zoe says.
"Thats amazing zoe it takes men years to learn but youve done so well your first time."
Po say
"Really you think so?"
Zoe asks.
"Of course zoe you truly are a remarkable man."
Po says.
"Alright it seems it is my turn zoe. are you ready?"
Mo says.
"Yes let us begin."
Zoe says.
Zoe and mo get into position
"Alright on this excersise were going to pratice strikes.
Just follow my lead."
Mo says.
Mo pushes forward with a soft but firm punch.
Zoe sees it and without thought moves to the right and swings his fist down knocking Mo's punch Away.
Mo twists and kicks hard at Zoe's side.
Zoe dodges and swings forward striking Mo's chest hard.
Mo gasps from the swing stunned by Zoe's strength but continues on.
Mo jumps and swings a kick and strikes Zoe's arm but Zoe shows no sign of pain.
Zoe didnt notice but Po and Mo did.
Zoe's eyes turned into what seemed as cat eyes.
Mo swung forward but Zoe with amazing flexibility ducked and came back up with a crushing kick Knocking Mo down.
Mo gives up and Zoe out of it returns to normal.
"Wow that was amazing the hardest fight ive ever fought."
Mo says.
"I didnt hurt you did I?"
Zoe asks.
"No but next time go a little bit easier."
Mo says.
They all laugh.
"Your eyes they changed Zoe is that normal?"
Po asks.
"I dont know I never noticed before."
Zoe says.
"Oh well still you were amazing.
Lets continue this tomorrow Zoe."
Po says.
"Alright then see you tomorrow."
Zoe says.
As zoe walks away he feels troubled about his eyes and decides to talk to Kamota about it.
He finds Kamota with Salander at the dinner party.
"Master may I speak with you and Salander?"
Zoe asks.
"Yes of course whats wrong?"
Kamota asks.
"Has my eyes ever changed form before?"
Zoe asks.
"Not that I am able to recall. why what happened?"
Kamota says.
"Well when po and mo were training me my eyes turn to those of a cats and I became flexible." Zoe says.
"Well then ill put the word in to find out if that is a part of your heritage."
Salander says.
"Alright thank you very much."
Zoe says.
"Now go eat before there's none left."
Kamota says.
Zoe says.
Zoe runs off to the tables to eat.
"Eyes that are like a cats?
Thats not common."
Salander says.
"No it is not but I do remember in old legends of those who controlled cat eyes were gifted with extream flexibilities and ended up bonding with the sabertooth giants."
Kamota says.
"Sabertooth giants?
Please explain."
Salander says.
"They are gigantic fierce animals gifted with size and power.
The old would hunt them but in result losing hundred of men.
The sabertooth resembles a cat including cat eyes."
Kamota says.
"Wow Kamota I am very surprised and you think Zoe have this power?"
Salander asks.
"Yes he has amazed me so far so it is very possible."
Kamota answers.
"What does this mean then should we put more research into the matter?"
Salander asks.
"Yes we should for my instinct could possibly be incorrect for my memory have faded over the years."
Kamota says.
"Yes of course I shall returned to the castle and put the order in goodbye Kamota and get some rest you need it.
Salander says.
Salander runs of to the castle and Zoe is almost finished with his dinner.
As zoe takes the last bite of his stew he feels funny as if something or someone was calling for him.
Within moments he begins to understand the words filling his head and was frighten by it.
"Young one I have seen you in my dreams we have become one you need to come to me."
The mysterious voice says.
"Who are you and what do you mean we are one?"
Zoe asks desperatly.
"I am a Saber Tooth and my name is Lina.
We are connected because you have the ancient bloodline of many hero's.
Your power is what makes us one and you must find me for I am locked away.
I am the last of my kind as you are Zoe.
I have been waiting here for you to discover your true nature Zoe so I must plead for you to find me."
Lina says.
"But how am I suppose to find you I dont have any ideal were to look."
Zoe says.
"I am located past the forest in the hill giants land Zoe in a temple carved of many faces.
Inside the tomb I will be underneath you must open the gates to set me free young one."
Lina says.
"When should I leave? and should I bring anyone to aid me?"
Zoe asks.
"Leave at dawn Zoe and bring a small band not large Zoe remember this for I must go I have grown weak."
Lina says
"Wait dont."
Zoe screams but it was to late the connection had been lost.
"I must go speak with master Kamota."
Zoe thinks.
Zoe runs past the men and the smell of sweat leaving the training grounds.
Zoe runs to Kamota house and beats on the door.
In a second later kamota answer's.
"What is wrong my boy?"
Kamota asks.
"Master there is a sabertooth named lina.
She spoke to me in my mind and said we were connected.
She has told me to travel into Hill Giants land and rescue her."
Zoe screams.
"Hold on Zoe so a sabertooth has called to you?"
Kamota asks.
Zoe says.
"When do we leave and ill fetch Salander."
Kamota says.
"Wait master arent you worried?"
Zoe asks.
"Zoe I knew I just wasnt sure if I was right.
But that is of no matter we must save her for she was right you two are one now."
Kamota says.
"She told me to leave in the dawn and set out towards the hill giants and come to a tomb of many carved faves and unlock the cell she is being held in master.
Zoe says.
"Then go rest Zoe I shall have all prepared just be ready to set of in the morning.
Good night.
Kamota says.
Zoe leaves still scared but does as he is instructed and goes straight home.
He opens his door and steps in and gets cleaned for bed.
With a thought of confusion Zoe falls silently asleep.

New Friendships Stronger Powers.

Chapter Six

Dreams of war and death hunt Zoe.
Men being taken from their homes and thrown into war.
Lifes taken away and children being slaughter mother's being ravished.
Zoe saw him in the middle of all the horror fighting side by side this most elegant and beautiful lion type creature.
Zoe was making the elements all around his bend to his favour and destroying the enemies.
But their were so many thousands and thousands Zoe begin to fear he could not win.
Zoe woke in a viloent shake at the beaming of light thourgh the window.
Kamota hadnt even woken him yet which surprised Zoe.
With a few moments of wandering around the room and getting ready Zoe hears a knock on the door.
Zoe opens the door and Kamota stood there with everything zoe could need and with Salander and Brian standing next to him Kamota motioned for zoe to step out.
Zoe did as he had been instructed.
"Zoe ah your awake already We are going to supply you with our arms for all the bravery you had shown during the ambush."
Brian says.
"Thank you so much for risjing yourself for me."
Zoe says.
"Yes it will be my pleasure to assist you on your quest."
Brian says.
"I to Salander prince of Zin will lay my sword to your use."
Salander says.
"Thank you so much."
Zoe says tearfully.
Zoe felt so happy with his comrades offering him their weapons he felt like he truly belongs for the first time.
"I as your master shall help you no matter what."
Kamota says.
"Yes so shall we be off?"
Zoe asks.
"yes let's make haste to the woods and then past the hill giants lands."
Kamota says.
The four get onto their horses and without waiting they ride off with haste to save Zoe's friend.
As they leave the gates the sun is shining brightly in the sky.
Zoe begins to wonder how the world could be so evil and beautiful at the same time.
All the evil the people could bring to such a beautiful place begin to anger Zoe.
He didnt like the fact that people did what they wanted and cared not for what they hurt.
Zoe anger slowly increased untill Kamota spoke.
"Calm Zoe I can sense the anger coming from your heart.
Be at ease young one what is wrong?"
Kamota says.
"Well master I do not know or see what makes people do such harm to sch a beautiful place.
I dont understand why people can kill without mercy or feel the pain they inflict.
Master it angries me how selfless people can be."
Zoe says.
They continue to ride as Kamota thinks of what to say to Zoe.
"Zoe people are evil by nature.
They do not understand or comprehand the pain they inflict.
People in general cannot control their actions that is why people can be so heartless."
Kamota explains.
"I understand master all I know is ill never be so heartless."
Zoe says.
Kamota replied.
The four continue on riding and Zoe with wonder kept watching the beautiful sun while being deep in thought.
Such horrors have come to claim the beautiful land that Zoe swore on his life to protect.
Never will he go back on his word for he felt as if it was his destiny to vanquish all evil.
The ride was a long way from their home and they havent even tocuhed the distince in the first few hours of their flight.
After many more hours of riding and Zoe daydreaming most of the ride they finally reach the hill giants land.
"Go quiet men."
Salander whispers.
The Four tred thourgh the land quietly and noiseless trying to cause no attention to them.
With a flash the four see a movement in a bush and out came many orcs.
Attack while we can."
Salanader calls out.
There were 6 orcs.
Easy work Zoe thought.
With a word Zoe blows the 6 orcs into the wind within a flaming tornado.
"NO Zoe."
Kamota yelled but it was to late.
The sight attracted over 21 Hill Giants which would be the hardest fight the four have ever expected.
The hill giants ran hard to confront the flah of flames and in a second thought they appeared over the ant-like looking men.
The first giant slammed it's club down but out of a flash Zoe was on top of it and sliced deep into the Giants massive vein on his wrist.
The giant fell and yelped in pain from the deadly strike.
With its blood flowing quick from his vein he died quickly.
The next giant begin to fill with rage and Zoe yelled out to his compaions.
"Run now flee I can do this alone.
Kamota didnt want to run but did as Zoe begged.
The three ran some distance and waited for Zoe to finish the battle alone.
The next giant came fast but his bulky huge body was a disadvantance and Zoe knew this so ran past with amazing agility and sliced the giants achilles dropping him and renderling him useless.
A voice comes to Zoe's mind.
"Zoe i'm going to give you my power".
Lina screams into Zoe's mind.
With a flash Zoe's eye changed into the cat-eye look and filled him with such power he thought he might burst.
Zoe runs faster than light and with amazing acrobat skills flips, jumps and stretches everywhere.
Zoe goes on slicing and hacking organs, veins, body parts from the giants with ease.
Zoe kills all thats in his path till he comes to the last giant.
This giant was not like the rest Zoe had just fought.
This one had armor which was uncommon for giants.
Muscle over muscle fill this giants frame and Zoe could sense something sinister from him.
Zoe jumps onto a tree and then jumps upon the giant and slices his arm but to Zoe's surprize the blade didnt cut as he had intended it too.
"Ah poor human I must admit you posses many skills but your not nearly as strong as I".
The giant laughs.
Zoe just kept trying and trying to wound the giant but could'nt harm him.
With frustration Zoe attacks hard and with tears in his eyes begins to shout but fails.
A voice appears in Zoe's mind.
"Zoe you must unlock your rage to defeat him".
Lina calls out.
Zoe then thinks hard of his fears.
Zoe calls out in sorrow thinking of his close friends and the world being destroyed.
Zoe begins to transform and with tremendous power Zoe grows stripes as if he were a tiger and his blade turning into sharp claws.
Zoe jumps from the ground and gains much air and strikes toward the giant.
With a fast strong and deadly slice the giants head falls from his shoulder's.
Zoe then lies down and passes out.
Zoe lays there silent until moments later Kamota and the rest arrive to the battlefield.
Kamota shakes Zoe violently until he awakes.
Zoe had changed back to him normal self before the rest saw him in his transformed mode.
Zoe was so amazed with the power he had just had before the party came to him.
"Zoe are you alright my boy?"
Kamota asks.
"Yes I do believe I am master."
Zoe responds.
"So what happened Zoe?"
Salander asks.
"well to be honest I don't really know but it was weird."
Zoe says.
"Well as long as you are safe Zoe."
Brian says.
Zoe replies.
"Shall we be off now?"
Salander asks.
"Yes I think we should leave.
You take lead Salander."
Kamota says.
Salander says.
The four set out from the battle Zoe had just fought.
As they begin to ride Zoe hears a voice in his head which was Lina.
"Zoe you are close I can sense you more than ever."
Lina says.
"Alright where are you Lina?"
Zoe asks.
"I'm to the south Zoe please hurry."
Lina pleads.
"Salander go south.
Lina is that way."
"Alright Zoe."
Salander says.
The four head south and journey for what seem to last forever than they stumbled upon a a huge tomb like building.
Zoe felt the surge of power enter into his body now.
"She is in there I know it."
Zoe says.
The four rush into the building and with haste go down into the basement.
Zoe was the first to see the elegant beautiful tiger type animal that lied in the cage.
Lina had the most beautiful oval green eyes that Zoe had ever seen and the sharp points on Lina's claws showed that she was very dangerous when needed.
"Ah Zoe my master you have came for me I am most glad to see you in one piece."
Lina spoke softly.
"I am so happy to finally meet you.
You are so elegant and beautiful Lina I'm so drawn to you.
Allow me to release you."
Zoe says softly.
Zoe steps to the door with the key that lied on the table next to the cage.
He puts the key into the slot with ease and with a twist the door flies open and Lina springs out to finally be united with Zoe.
Zoe touches the beautiful main of Lina's and hugs her tightly.
"Let us be gone from this dreadful place and begin to quest for home."
Lina says.
The party laughs of joy happy that they were actually returning home.
They all pounce out of the door and begin on the journey home.


Texte: John Dylan Boone
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 19.04.2012

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