
Star Wars v.s. Classic Battlestar Galactica. "Disrupted Timelines And Parallel Dimensions."

Star Wars v.s. Classic Battlestar Galactica.

"Disrupted Timelines And Parallel Dimensions."

Author's Note.

This is fan fiction only. This story has not been endorsed by Lucasfilm or by Glen A. Larson the creator of the original series of Battlestar Galactica or by Universal Studios. The author of this fan fiction is not affiliated with any of those previously mentioned.
This work of fiction consists of three separate timelines and parallel dimensions.
The first being the "Main Star Wars Timeline And Dimension." This refers to the universe conceived of by George Lucas and the canon setting of the movies.
The second being the "Alternative Star Wars Timeline and Dimension." This being the non-canon universe conceived of by the author.
The third is simply the "Colonial Timeline And Dimension," the very setting of the original series of "Battlestar Galactica" set four years before the pilot episode.
This story portrays real people as fictional characters, the primary purpose of this fan fiction is to allow those in it to live out their Star Wars fantasies and the author wishes to give credit to all his friends who expressed their interest in participating and giving their generous consent to use their characters as well as background information, which made this story possible.

Special thanks by the author to the cast:- Joe "Lord Bruticus" Mignano, Eric Johnson, Sean Connaughton, Patrick Delieto, Colleen Driscoll, Alex McKeel.
I dedicate this fan fiction to them, George Lucas and Glen A. Larson.

BOOK ONE "The Force Users."

The Sorgarn-a race of beings who possessed technology to travel through time and parallel dimensions-they explored, observed and studied cultures of various parallel universes wherever their curiousity directed them. Their race conducted their scholarly explorations with strictly covert methods, with only few exceptions did they get discovered. One such a tragedy occurred on the Rebel held world of Vargot. When the Sith Lord Darth Bruticus received word of those out of place aliens he quickly dispatched an entire fleet to surround the mountainous base where he believed the technology lay. Hoping the technology would make The Galactic Empire invincible, Darth Bruticus left his apprentice-Darth Shivilow-in command of The Death Star and directed the attack to capture this exotic technology personally. In an unusual move, the Sorgarn sent a distress signal to the rebel base situated in their area. The Sorgarn on Vargot were the only ones within the system unable to escape to the planet where their nearest dimensional gate had been installed. The Jedi within the rebel base they studied agreed to help them escape and prevent the technology from falling into the hands of The Empire.

"Part #1 -Exotic Distress Call."

4 Years after The Battle Of Yavin. (Alternative Star Wars timeline.)

Darth Bruticus overlooked the planet Vargot from the bridge of his Super Star Destroyer "Dominator."

He left his apprentice Darth Shivilow in command of the Death Star as soon as he got word of those out of place aliens. The dark lord wished to lead the mission to capture the technology to travel through time and parallel dimensions personally.
Such phenomena had been documented in the past as far back as 1,000 years to Darth Bane himself. His holochron told Bruticus of one such an experience by that very Sith Lord who introduced "The Rule Of Two." This most curious of Sith secrets lead Lord Bruticus to research other claims of travel through time, another timeline or even other dimensions. This research lead to Imperial engineers to devise a mathematical algorithm within a sophisticated computer system to predict where and when the next occurrences might take place.
The Rebel-held world below still had it's planetary shield up, so he and his commanders planned how to drop vehicles which could go through the shield and deploy walkers.
Bruticus added to the attack plan from their last briefing. "The area is mostly thin forest and mountains. The location surrounds a Rebel base we've only now detected, it is possible that they may also posses the technology. I want to take it intact. Blockade this planet and prevent any Rebel craft from escaping. Do not destroy their transports, use only ion cannons in case the technology may be aboard one or more of them. We surround them as planned. Force the Rebel scum to concentrate all their resources against the first three waves." Then tapped a few keys in front of the bridge holographic display, highlighting for the command staff the area west of the Rebel base. "If the shield is still up, deploy the fourth wave of drop ships upon this area of the mountains under heavy reinforcements upon issue of my orders." The area Lord Bruticus had shown being the location where technology had been detected away from the Rebel base. The dark lord suspected the mountains being the most likely area the extra-dimensional beings might be.
"General, are your Snowtroopers ready?"
"They are my Lord." Replied the sophisticated commander of the ground forces.
"Good! ...You may begin your attack when ready." The General bowed to his master and left the bridge.
Lord Bruticus left the bridge and entered his ready room to send a last-minute transmission to his apprentice, he ordered her to transfer to Dominator

as soon as the next meeting regarding the Death Star's construction was over. With that done the dark lord rushed back to the bridge's viewing port. His feeling of anticipation for this important mission becoming more exciting as he watched the drop ships penetrate the planet's thermosphere.
Soon At-At's, Scout Walkers, Juggernauts, Speeders and Speederbikes would give the Rebel scums an attack they'll never forget.

A trio of Imperial Snowtroopers raced above the surface in the direction toward two AT-ATs closest to the main area of the base upon orders to reinforce them. The one riding behind the leader's left flank took care not to hit the tree on his left but got jumped and then slashed a split second later by the dark emerald green blade of Jedi Master Damocles. He then threw his Jedi weapon at the one opposite to him and veered to his right to fire at the leader. With those three Snowtroopers gone, Master Damocles sped farther to the right under the front left leg of the nearest of the two AT-ATs. He force-jumped and climbed the leg, the commandeered speederbike flew for another half-a-kilometre before crashing to the ground. As soon as the Jedi Master reached the top of the leg, he activated his lightsabre to cut through the armour plating behind the front edge of the torso near the corner. The Force aiding his balance due to the circular-edged surface on top of the constantly moving leg.
Damocles force-jumped through and took out the four Snowtroopers within the immediate area. Due to the Rebel base being almost within firing range of the AT-ATs, he had little time to seek out any other personnel so he then ran through the neck section toward the drivers and commanders. Master Damocles gestured with his left hand downwards to use The Force to close the blast door behind him upon entering the command section and chopped the commander in half with a sideways slash across the heart-level as he looked through the periscope. The first officer quickly drew his service blaster and Damocles deflected the blasts to hit the left-hand-driver and then toward the roof so as to not damage the controls. After the fifth shot, the First Officer got eliminated with a downward, left diagonal slash. The right-hand-driver had more than enough time to alert the other Imperials with a touch of a button. As the Jedi Master moved to take him out, his two blaster shots in defense were his last actions.
Master Damocles spotted the other AT-AT within the area 200 feet ahead and about 20 degrees to the right. He aimed the heavy cannons carefully due to the steep angle of fire required to target the head section. The Maximum firepower destroying it in a spectacular blast as soon as the armour finally gave way.
In the distance, Master Damocles saw a GR-75 Rebel transport flying close to the surface five kilometers ahead of him. This one being modified to have the capability to carry a whole spacecraft-load of bombs instead of goods and soldiers just like the others within the base. It faced his direction and then dropped much of it's payload upon the AT-AT's and other heavy vehicles coming toward the base from another of the three directions the imperials came from and then tilted very steeply to it's port side and veered 50 degrees. The entire surface of that area practically blasted out of existence, almost as if it was the work of a single proton bomb.
Master Damocles assumed the impressive change in direction was to hover above other heavy Imperial vehicles within that area but had no time to watch with the remaining Snowtroopers within his commandeered AT-AT breaking their way through the blast door of the AT-AT's head section.
Instinctively, the Jedi Master leaped back and force-pushed with his left as soon as the door had been exploded. He deflected the blaster rifle fire and force-pushed again, rushed toward the door and angled the throw of his lightsabre around the corner into the neck section to dispose of a few of the Snowtroopers coming through. After catching his weapon again, he backed-up and another came through only to be force-grappled and thrown toward the left-hand driving controls. His blaster rifle got stolen by telekinesis and thrown hard at the helmeted head of the next Snowtrooper to come in. As soon as the shock ran through the helmeted head, Damocles threw his lightsabre again and the spinning blade hit through the chest of the final Snowtrooper. A second later Master Damocles rushed closer, caught his lightsabre and chopped down at the second trooper leaving only the first one who had no choice but to take on the Jedi Master unarmed. He deactivated his lightsabre and engaged the Imperial trooper with a combination of heavy punches at his mask and two kicks, which felt to the Snowtrooper as if every strike was inflicted by a long battering ram, one at his chest with his right knocking him a few feet backward and a side-kick to the stomach with the other then ending with a right palm-strike under the jaw. The Force augmenting the Master Damocles' strength to lethal levels.
"More Imperial drop ships detected, they're heading for the Sorgarn base and we have no forces to stop them. We only have enough of us to protect our own base." Came the terrible news through Damocles' comlink.

Lord Bruticus lead his Snowtroopers into the small maze of tunnels after their ground penetrating sensors located the nearest of the two secret entrances of the Sorgarn base. Another two squads remained outside the entrance to the south. There was no opposition from the extra-dimensional aliens themselves, only security turrets. The Sith Lord wanted to reach the Sorgarn as quickly as possible, there was every possibility that they had already vanished but he had to take that chance for The Empire's ultimate prize. He turned to his leading Snowtrooper for his plan.
"TS 4142, I'll deflect the turret fire, you shoot them out as I proceed." The Sith Lord immediately ran forward and kept to the north side of the tunnel wall for Snowtrooper TS 4142 to get a clear shot. The blood red lightsabre blade easily preventing the blaster bolts from hitting any of the troopers behind him.
"Rebel planetary shield is down. Now launching fighters." Announced the Super Star Destroyer's communications officer.
Bruticus and his squad encountered more security turrets together as they penetrated deeper into the hidden base. Their dark red blaster bolts firing repeatedly. But unfortunately for the Sorgarn, even that was too inefficient to stop the deadly Sith Lord.
"The rebels have disappeared! Repeat, disappeared! There's no trace of them. There is no explanation." The admiral announced as soon as there were a mere three turrets left opposing his squad.
"Did you see a bright white flash?" Remembering the data from Darth Bane's holochron.
"Yes, my Lord."
TS 4142 and his Snowtroopers covered the three Sorgarn with the barrels of their blaster rifles.
"Commence securing the planet, with the Rebel base gone, the planet is now ours. I'll brief you on the disappearance later. There is no need to be concerned." Lord Bruticus moved closer to the captured Sorgarn, the tall, dark blue beings still in their seemingly dignified stance. "And Admiral, has the Death Star arrived?"
"Yes, my Lord."
"Good. Tell Darth Shivilow to place it into orbit. Bruticus out."
"Yes my Lord. Dominator

All three of the Sorgarn rose into mid-air after the dark lord extended his left hand, the dark side of The Force transfixed them helplessly. Bruticus took a momentary look at the Extra-dimensional beings. They were about 12 feet tall with long white robes with some silver jewelery embroidered into them in long, vertical, rope-like patterns. Their dark, turquoise blue heads reminded the dark lord of the Geonosians only with the spiritual dignity of the Kaminoans.
"Deactivate the controls to your inter-dimensional travel." Demanded Lord Bruticus.
The reply from the being in the middle merely answered that it was not safe to do so. The bombing by the imperials had caused their controls to go unstable resulting in the Rebel forces disappearing. They had only managed to stabilize the controls just before Bruticus came in and deactivating the controls would result in farther instability and cause them to warp everyone into a random dimension.
Lord Bruticus' force abilities told him that the lead Sorgarn had expressed the truth. He started lowering the three over the wall opposite to the controls.
"You three stay right there and don't make any attempt to use the controls."
Then The Brutal One sensed the force, strangely, both light and dark. It was not Shivilow. He became concerned about this unforeseen occurrence and before he could alert the troopers behind him he saw two men of similar appearance locked in lightsabre combat coming from the curved tunnel opposite himself.
The dark-sider force-pushed everyone in the room and the Jedi then locked sabres with his opponent, pushed each other's blades away and then commenced slashing at each other. One of the strikes by the dark-sider slashed the wide control console.
"Nooo!" Bruticus' anger heightened as the controls to the inter-dimensional travel failed to maintain their stability.
What appeared to be electrical currents filled the room, despite the appearance it didn't have the same effect, in fact, no-one was able to even feel it. Next, formed a bright white light enveloping everyone within the room.
Darth Bruticus knew that he was about to experience the same thing that the great Darth Bane had 1,000 years ago.

"Part #2 -Bruticus' Apprentice."

-Colleen Driscoll as Darth Shivilow.

-Patrick Delieto as Admiral Targeta.

4 ABY (Alternative.)

The second Death Star was nearing completion. Darth Shivilow sat in what used to be her Father's throne-that of Darth Sidious A.K.A The Emperor Palpatine. She remained in command of the Imperial Forces in the absence of her master Lord Bruticus. Technology to travel through time, parallel dimensions... the Death Star... "Yes." Shivilow thought. "The Empire will truly be unstoppable." The power the Sith shall hold being too exciting to wait for with any amount of patience.
Admiral Targeta. the supreme commander of the Imperial Navy stood at attention before his master with three other high-ranking officers behind him with their progress reports of the Death Star's construction and modifications ordered by Darth Bruticus himself. The noise of some of the technician's welding tools overtaking the sounds of the Imperial commander's voices. Irritated, Shivilow snapped and reprimanded the workers. "Do that quietly, we have important matters to discuss at this time." Her well-bodied, long, dark, curly hair shaking even more than her head.
"I'm sorry my lady, there is no way that could be done unless we stop now and come back when you've finished your conference."
"NO! WORK NOW..." she shouted, initiating a light force choke as a warning. "...just quietly." Then let go.
"But my lady..." the foreman tried to clarify. "...if you come over here and see for yourself what needs to be done you'll see that there's no way we could reduce the noise."
Darth Shivilow froze, their work area resembled the type of reactor shaft her Father had been thrown into, she witnessed it herself when the traitor Darth Vader threw him down as he absorbed the dark side lightning to save his son. Her only fear was her own death, she became paranoid and shouted angrily.
"NO!! You dare attempt to murder me in the same way as The Emperor had been." Drawing both her lightsabres and attaching their ends in mid air before catching the now dual-weapon in her hands. The foreman found himself being drawn toward Darth Shivilow through mid air as she wielded the red dual blades, slicing the man effortlessly into several pieces in a full second.
Due to her fear of death, she chose another location for the Throne room not wishing to see the same place her Father had died.
"Another modification must commence immediately..." she shouted in a demanding voice, one which no-one within The Empire dared ignore. " grates over every floor where there's a reactor starting with this one. The meeting ends now and will begin when the modifications are completed within his room. You are dismissed." Her commanding staff bowed and left.
Shivilow's dark side powers sensed something about to happen, it was too ambiguous in nature to determine what it was since it was unrelated to The Force. She hadn't the knowledge of the bright white light associated with inter-dimensional travel since her master hadn't informed her of it but planned to after the attack on Vargot.
As soon as the novel experience was over, she would find that herself, the fleet surrounding Vargot, and even the Death Star itself had suddenly appeared in open space. Not a planet in sight. Upon Shivilow's orders, scanning for nearby systems commenced.

"Part #3 -Darth Bane vs The Cylons."

Eric Johnson as Darth Bane.

1,000 before the battle of Yavin. (Main Star Wars Timeline and dimension)

For eight years Darth Bane had trained Zannah, he set his shuttle to autopilot as he examined the new Sith artifacts he had obtained from a forgotten asteroid base. Those items held new techniques for usage of the dark side of the force. Knowing that very few Sith ever possessed those all too rare skills he was eager to learn the techniques to teach them to his apprentice Darth Zannah. The Sith shall grow stronger and one day, even if it will be centuries after the deaths of himself and Zannah, the Jedi shall be more easily destroyed.
After four hours of travel he reached their hideout, as Darth Bane exited the shuttle. he took with him a sophisticated analyzer, this newly purchased apparatus being the type specially designed for reading ancient software like the computer chips he found.
Darth Bane headed to a secret chamber and stored the chips and analyzer into the room-sized safe filled with other priceless Sith artifacts before making his way back to the shuttle. He was to rendezvous with his apprentice at an appointed time. By the time he reached half-way between the exit and the shuttle, a small, but brilliant, flash of white light appeared all around him. It was as if a cocoon of white light encased him and only him.

After a split second, the great Sith Lord found himself in a corridor of a design he had never seen before. Lights low and doors transparent in many places. He heard alarms sounding and sensed the presences of many beings of the same type approaching his strange location. Bane detected no presence of The Force, so his initial suspicion of the Jedi being involved got dismissed. He ignited his lightsabre, the glowing red blade adding an eerie effect around himself, as if reflecting the danger and evil he presented to the hostiles charging toward him.
Then he saw the enemy-whoever they were. Battle droids, unlike any design he had seen before. Where did he somehow teleport to? Their eye slits had a single red light moving from side to side, a sound following the movement along each way. Then he noticed the upper legs, a feature making them look more humanoid. Their hands appeared as if they were covered with gloves. Could they have been armoured soldiers? Cyborgs perhaps? Probably not, he sensed no emotion, not even aggression.
They aimed their blasters and Bane deflected their shots as he backed off to a better defensive position due to their numbers. As they approached again, he "felt" two of their blasters through The Force, still with his lightsabre in hand, and turned them around to shoot at those behind him. Once that was done he force-rushed toward the remaining 10 and unleashed a wide arc of sith lightning to finish them off. Darth Bane wasted no time in finding a way out. He sped though corridor after corridor, no signs, no writing and no maps anywhere to indicate where to exit. Seeing a larger corridor which looked like a promising way out, he instead found himself in a control room. He hid as soon as he heard them speak to each other for the first time. Their voices all similar, sounding electronic and virtually monotonous. The was also a different model, bronze in colour, apparently one functioning as their commander. This one spoke in the same pitch and voice only one octave lower. They spoke of how to track him more efficiently because their apparent leader mentioned that even their systems could not properly track the intruder. Everywhere Bane looked, their technology indicated to him that those beings-battle droids, cyborgs, or whatever-were obviously highly advanced. If there was a way for them to adjust their tracking systems he did not want to allow them the chance of doing so. He leaped high from his hidden location a second before their apparent commander started to mention that he had been detected within the very control room they stood. Lightsabre ignited as he somersaulted and landed with a wide slash to the two on his left as he telekinetically stole the blaster from the one on his right and pulled the trigger in mid-air with The Force leaving only the bronze-coloured one farther to his right.
"Definitely battle droids." The great Sith Lord realized after noticing the glowing metal from where he slashed his aggressors. Bane dropped the rifle and stood in ready stance against his single opponent. The bronze battle droid commenced firing and Bane deflected each shot.
"Tell me where I am." The Sith Lord demanded.
The droid didn't answer, only kept firing until Bane was close enough to chop it's blaster in two. Then demanded an answer to his question.
"Listen to me droid, what system is this?" The Command Centurion was unfamiliar with the term "Droid" so it assumed it was a Human slang term or taunt.
"All humans are enemies I will not aid you in any way."
"You've seen what I can do, you know I can destroy you easily. I ask again, what system is this?"
"I will not aid any Humans."
It was clear to Darth Bane that he could not convince the battle droid to do his bidding and wasted no time in blasting it with Sith Lightning. The white and blue energy burning it's internal circuits and mechanics, the rest of it's frame flying 15 feet away. More would be coming and there was only one way out of the control room, which would make it a more effective trap if overwhelming numbers would come. He sensed that the strange place he appeared in were swarming with literally thousands of them.
At one point the Sith Lord had to make a detour because he found he had entered an area containing an entire battalion of those exotic, red eyed, battle driods. Bane dashed into the corridor to his left and entered the door at the end. There were no droids there but he had little time to evade the battalion behind him, so the Sith Lord cut into the middle of the south wall with his lightsabre to create an escape route. The metal was unusually thick and it was like tunneling, it seemed to Bane that this could be the outer armoured hull of the base and the exit he was looking for. This proved to be a mistake as soon as he had stabbed to cut another circle again and the air commenced escaping. The other side contained a vacuum! Using the force to give himself the resistance to move toward the east wall, he cut a hole there and as soon as he went through, the base's systems countered the escaping of atmosphere. The area on the other side appeared to be a stockpile. There were no guards there and instead of choosing a corridor, Darth Bane force-leaped upon a few crates and cut a hole into the ceiling in order for the battalion's pursuit to be made more difficult and, hopefully, less opposition. Fortunately for Bane, the plan worked. Before he moved on, he dropped the powerful explosive he found in the stockpile before escaping and force-ran. As soon as he had sensed the battalion swarming into it, Bane pressed the key on the remote detonator. He laughed as he enjoyed destroying his multiple opponents.
One of the next few rooms he had entered had a window upon the ceiling. Then he realized. The base he teleported into turned out to be a space station. This confirmed his suspicion after discovering the vacuum. There was no way to escape unless he could find a hangar, but that plan was only practical if he could find the controls to shut the shields down first. Upon realizing this, Darth Bane altered his plan. He would rid the space station of all within and then contact Darth Zannah and use this base as a hideout. The secret of whatever brought him into this base might be contained within. All he would need is a protocol droid to translate anything ambiguous and it's secrets will belong to the Sith.
Throughout the next hour he eluded the battle droids and reduced their numbers upon opportunity.
Throughout the space station, Darth Bane saw no evidence of who the battle droids belonged to. He only saw the silver and occasional bronze model everywhere he had been. No other type of droid and no living being aboard. Not even technicians working in hangars or the maintenance area he found. It seems as if those machines existed independently and self-sufficiently. The great Sith Lord felt more curious than he even had for a long time. Which system could he possibly be in? Why were those droids anti-human. Was there a race or organization which once existed and did those droids still follow their original programming? Then again, if the base is as self-sufficient as it seems the possibility of a race or organization which uses those droids could be located nearby. Could THEY hold the secret to the method of teleporting him from a great distance without the use of hyperdrive? The answers to these questions being too important to Bane for him to ignore. The Sith must destroy the Jedi, such an advantage must be exploited.
He saw no evidence at all, nothing within the space station except for two types of battle droid, that is until he cut though the floor and landed into a spacious chamber containing about 100 battle droids diagonally to Bane's right aiming at the entrance of the chamber. Diagonally to his left a very high dais where a single being sat upon a throne. The battle droids had already changed their direction of their aiming as soon as Bane dropped through the high ceiling. The force checking the impact of the Sith Lord's landing.
He wasted no time to force-run behind the dais for his own protection and Force-jumped to reach the back of the being's throne.
"Drop your blasters or I'll dispose of this one." The Sith Lord demanded. The glowing red blade of his lightsabre held horizontally in front of it's throat.

"Part #4 -The Two Experiences Of Darth Vader."

-Joe Mignano as Imperial Captain Tur Kilvain of "Devastator." (Main Star Wars Dimension.)

One month after the destruction of the first Death Star, the imperial Star Destroyer Devastator

cruised above Tattooine. Captain Tur Kilvain stood with his arms crossed in front of the bridge's central window. He saw nothing of any significance but remained alert for any danger. The efficient Imperial officer had not been informed by Lord Vader of the purpose of the fleet's presence over this remote world of little value to The Empire. All one could deduct from Lord Vader's solo mission to the arid planet was that it was obviously important to the dark lord alone. As to how, that was anyone's guess. Could it have something to do with the Corellian corvette this very ship caught above this very same planet? Captain Kilvain considered that it wasn't a co-incidence. As interested as he was, he knew when to separate curiousity from his duty. Kilvain would not ask his lord if he was right. He readied himself for his next set of orders since Lord Vader's shuttle arrived minutes ago.
Lord Vader's presence was felt by the bridge crew as soon as the sound of his respirator hit their ears and then the heavy footsteps of the two-metre tall Sith Lord. Captain Kilvain maintained his position, there was no need to turn around to make sure of who it was. The Sith Lord stopped by the Captain's right, he, of course, avoided asking whether if his lord had found anything while on the planet below. There was no way to tell even by the tone of his electronically distorted voice.
"Captain Kilvain, the estimated time of the fleet's rendezvous?"
"They will be due within eight minutes my lord."
"Good." Was the only other thing the dark lord said for the whole time after that. His effort to find any clues as to the identity of his apparent son turned up no information of value. The moisture farm his Mother had lived in seemed the only plausible area where he could have grown up. The last time Vader had seen that property, now charred and totally ruined, was a mere three years before the day he had been encased within his black, armoured respirator. The apparatus necessary for him to survive. He felt no sentiment for the moisture farm, he had let go of the past, that is, with the exception of the grave site of his Mother. The only time he took away from his personal mission was to visit it. The tombstone remained intact despite the extensive damage done to the main area by his Stormtroopers. Then looked for any sign of the boy who destroyed the Death Star. The exploded junk did indicate that a young man had lived with his Brother-In-Law and his girlfriend, or perhaps, by then, his wife, but no clue to his identity. Even The Force hadn't helped the Sith Lord find any information of value. Disappointed, he boarded his shuttle and patiently flew around the general area using the force to find any sign of where Obi-Wan Kenobi might have hidden. Again nothing. He would have to confirm the identity of his apparent son with some other source.
The fleet Devastator

and the eight other star destroyers awaited had jumped out of hyperspace, pleased to move on, Darth Vader ordered his shuttle ready. Captain Kilvain noted the five star destroyers positioned around the new class of battleship. This being the first time he had seen one. Indeed, the super star destroyer was impressive, eight kilometres of near unstoppable power. Indeed a whole rebel fleet would struggle against one alone and lose many ships in the process even if they would destroy it. Kilvain thought that with a few more ships of that super class, The Empire would crush the rebellion and remain an unstoppable force throughout the whole galaxy. He knew very well that the massive ship in front of him was the prototype, the only other he knew of, called Executor

being under construction. It would be that ship which would truly be the first of it's kind when completed.
Vader's shuttle and the escort of four TIE fighters flew within view of the bridge. The captain watched as it disappeared underneath the enormous dreadnaught and then the TIE escort flying back toward Devastator.
The ships in view turned around, upon command Captain Kilvain relayed the orders to his eight other star destroyers to follow and stand by for jump to hyperspace.
Instead of hyperspace, a whole field of what appeared to be scattered lightning surrounded the entire fleet of 15 before expanding and becoming a single bright field. After a few seconds it disappeared. Tattooine and it's moons now gone. Orders were given by Lord Vader himself to scan the area. Analysis yielded the fleet nothing, nothing until Captain Kilvain's attention was called by a young officer stationed in a lower section of the bridge.
"Lord Vader..." The captain immediately informed the Sith Lord "...our scanners have detected a similar phenomena five parsecs from 280 degrees of us.
"Set course for that area immediately. We'll follow." Vader's electronically distorted voice spoke quickly over the communicator. The fleet turned as Devastator

increased it's speed to take the point. No time being wasted, all ships jumped to hyperspace after it.

* * *

Republic Era (Main Star Wars Dimension.)

One month before the chosen one had been found, Jedi Master Qui Gon Jinn made his way along a dirt track away from the Jedi outpost under construction. He had become intrigued by something he thought he had seen and sensed at the area where the river bent in the forest. The great Jedi Master detected no presence of The Force but was nevertheless curious to take a second look. An hour through the tall trees and he was there. Overlooking the arrow-shaped bend in the river 15 feet below him. Qui-Gon stretched out with The Force to see what he could find out.
He tried sensing the single tall being he believed he saw, wondering what it would be doing in such a remote area instead of one easy to reach like the Jedi Outpost Qui-Gon had came from. There was a presence there. He was certain it was the same individual. Then the unexpected bright light surrounded himself. He sensed the being had disappeared a split second before he did.

After the light disappeared. The Jedi Master found himself in a darkened chamber. Space being visible through the various windows of the spacious area. A fleet of arrowhead-shaped ships, half the length of a Trade Federation Droid Control Ship, in the distance. Qui-Gon saw two darkly-clad figures, both being just as surprised to see him as he was of them. The Jedi Master not knowing what to make of the unfamiliar environment because he sensed the dark side of The Force being so strong with in the chamber.
The first of the figures stood up quickly from his throne. He was humanoid, hooded, with greyish skin, very wrinkly like a 5,000-year-old man and yellow eyes. The second clad in black armour, a stylized skull-like helmet concealed his features. Qui-Gon deduced that the measured, artificial breathing of the two-metre tall figure, as well as the control panel upon the breastplate of the dark armour, also served as a respirator.
"It's impossible. And yet he's here, he had been slain decades ago." Said the armoured figure to the humanoid in front of his throne. The voice being electronically distorted.
The next thing the Jedi master saw was the armoured figure ignite his lightsabre. Red-just like the Sith Lords of old.
"Deal with that Jedi Lord Vader."
Qui-Gon drew his lighsabre, his green blade locking with the red blade of his opponent a split-second after igniting it.
"How did you get here?' The one called Darth Vaders' electronic voice buzzed.
"I don't even know what is happening." Was the defiant response as soon as he used his sabre to push the tall figure away. The armoured Sith lowered the point of his sabre with both hands gripping it.
A few strikes more and Qui-Gon jumped back two feet to evade a slash across his stomach and then the red blade slashed back with an upward diagonal swipe of his assailant's lightsabre moved Qui-Gon's blade out to his left and received a severe kick to the chest with Vader's right.
The Jedi Master endured the fall upon his higher back and then leaped up back into stance with rapid slashes to keep Darth Vader on the defensive until he finally created an opening past his guard and slashed across the control panel upon Vader's breastplate. The sparks shorting it out and this respirator partly malfunctioned.
The humanoid force-ran with his lightsabre ignited on the way and prevented Qui-Gon from approaching the half-incapacitated Darth Vader. A series of alternating, diagonal downward strikes forced Qui-Gon away from Vader and closer to the stairway to the throne. Qui-Gon somersaulted his way to the top of the stairs. The dark figure approaching him with his red blade pointed throughout his pacing up the stairs. Not letting Qui-Gon have the advantage of the higher elevation, the humanoid made it appear he was about to strike, but instead dashed to his right side to step into the central area of the floor in front of the throne.
Qui-Gon quickly followed, sabres locking, then slashing. The loud sounds of sparks being so constant as the lightsabre blades collided with each other.
Upon opportunity, the humanoid pointed his left hand and unleashed his sith lightning, Qui-Gon had no time to block the strike at first, the pain running throughout his body. He strengthened his will to move his lightsabre in front of him and finally managed to use the blade to resist the lightning.
Qui-Gon and the humanoid dark-sider exchanged three strikes and the Jedi Master force-pushed but it didn't have the desired effect due to the Sith Lord partly resisting it. It knocked him slightly off balance and Qui-Gon took advantage of that with a strike at the upper arm, the Sith blocking the blow and his right side pressed against his throne. Qui-Gon was strong in The Force, but so was that Sith Lord he was fighting. They used their strength to try to push at each other as their sabres remained in a lock. The humanoid's teeth gritting, Qui-Gon's concentration intensifying, not letting this phenomenally strong Sith Lord take advantage. The yellow eyes of his wrinkly-face opponent burning with the raw hated fueling the dark side of The Force for maximum defense.
The Sith Lord thought at first that the Great Jedi Master commenced some type of rare Jedi trick he hadn't seen before only to see the intensely bright light obscure Qui-Gon from view and disappear. The pressing of green lightsabre blade vanishing along with him.

Qui Gon fell three feet to the ground, his hands breaking his fall. The Jedi Master next found himself in the familiar scene he had vanished from. He looked behind him to see the river he viewed before the surreal moments he had experienced. Everything was exactly as it was before. That is, except for the presence of the tall, elegant being he wished to contact. Master Qui-Gon decided it best to get back to the outpost and report the phenomena so that others would hopefully not fall victim to it.

"Part #5 -The Two Jedi Grand Masters."

Sean P Connaughton as Grand Jedi Master Seaco Buroc.

Patrick Delieto as Grand Jedi Master Delpa Gival.

John Damocles Smith as Master Damocles.

-4 Before the battle of Yavin. (Alternative Star Wars timeline.)

The Rebel fleet advanced toward the remote planet ahead of them. The blue, white and green world suddenly visible after coming out of hyperspace. Seaco Buroc with his modified B-Wing fighter and Delpa Gival with his orange Jedi Interceptor in the lead. Outdated X-Wings and Y-Wings-all maintained with spare parts-spread out behind them and the capital ships even farther behind. A massive secret base belonging to part of the Confederate remnant awaited to be attacked. Should they succeed, much of the supplies The Empire would receive in this sector would be eliminated. The size of the Rebel fleet being three times in number than usual.
Initial orders from the flagship directed the fighters toward latitude 60 degrees north of the planet, their direction of flight in an elegant curve from their right and upward toward their target area, the cruisers following. The massive continent with the enemy base covered a third of the northern hemisphere, a fifth of the equator and stretched down thickly from the south-eastern region. Everyone's eyes upon it, readying themselves for the mission ahead. One of the biggest in eight years.
Grand Jedi Master Seaco Buroc gave the signal for the fighters to follow himself and Delpa Gival into the atmosphere. The capital ships spreading out to form a blockade against any escaping Confederate ship. Cruisers moved to positions below the cloud levels to help their X-Wings and Y-Wings deal with enemy fighter craft.
Drop ships plummeted to their prearranged areas. Seaco Buroc and Delpa Gival banked sharply farther west, leading the Rebel fighter craft toward the base and force the Confederate vehicles to concentrate upon them, enabling cover for their drop ships to deploy their land-based vehicles.
Geonosian fighters headed their way, already in formation. Spider droids and dwarf spider droids had already been deployed indicating that the Rebels had been detected as soon as they came out of hyperspace. Grand Jedi Master Delpa Gival contacted the cruisers within the atmosphere to come closer to the confederate base as soon as he saw Intergalactic Banking Clan Hailfire droids just before they commenced firing at the Rebel fighters.
"All dropships have completed deploying land based vehicles. All fighters and cruisers proceed with phase II." The flagship broadcasted.
Numerous Rebel juggernauts and speeders bravely advanced against the CIS vehicles as Corporate Alliance tank droids became visible upon scanners. Before long the speedy Geonosian fighters, although initially large in number, eventually became reduced by 50% thanks to the aid of the cruisers.
Delpa Gival's Orange Jedi Interceptor sped toward the space between two of the three Geonosian fighters ahead of him. He smoothly veered slightly to his left, shot down the closest one, then curved his flight path to the right and eliminated the one previously in the middle and with a slight adjustment of his direction of flight, he tipped the front of his fighter upward taking the third one out a second later. With those three out of the way, Seaco Buroc sensed through The Force that there were no other fighters within their general area, this enabled him to dive at a steeper angle and aim at a Spider Droid. B-Wings were designed for attacking capital ships, so blasting the huge walker with it's powerful cannons was not problem. Being much too close to the surface, Master Buroc ascended after executing the sharpest turn his fighter could, it's maximum speed bringing it toward the group of enemy fighters taking out the cannons of the nearest Rebel cruiser. Delpa Gival's Jedi Interceptor already flying closely underneath the hull, tailing four Geonosian fighters all too vulnerable to his attacks. Master Buroc fired at the fighter suddenly changing it's direction toward Master Gival. His B-Wing's lasers hitting even from his still-great distance.
With fewer than 100 Geonosian fighters in opposition against the numerous X- an Y-Wings and Cruisers, the Rebels would soon begin phase III of their attack plan.
Grand Jedi Master Seaco Buroc broadcasted to the other pilots. "All fighters, after we eliminate their air force we commence attack against their land vehicles. Whenever possible try to eliminate those hailfire droids. Shoot them from behind if you can."
The vermillion and light red sky saw fewer explosions of fighters either friend or foe. Rebel juggernauts and speeders struggled less as soon as the cruisers were free to fire their first wave of missiles at enemy walkers and tanks. The surface obscured by clouds of rocks and dust. The only thing aiding the rebel pilots in finding their targets being their scanners as they reinforced the Rebel vehicles upon the ground. The cruisers saved their missiles for phase IV of their attack plan-the confederate supply base itself.
With most of the CIS opposition gone, the cruisers were finally ordered to approach the higher elevation of the surface toward the base, firing their remaining missiles while their fighters remained closely behind. The rebels hit hard so much so that almost none of their defensive turrets remained to endanger the fighters, speeders and Juggernauts. Even the hidden ones.
"Well done everyone, our plan is an astounding success thanks to your well-coordinated efforts. Now, all troop transports enter the base and destroy the factories." The admiral praised the brave Rebels.
Delpa Gival and Seaco Buroc landed their fighters behind the juggernauts and lead their ground troopers to infiltrate the exposed underground areas of the Confederate base-Phase V.
Their intelligence was almost accurate, there indeed were massive underground factories manufacturing vehicles and equipment for The Empire-three of them. The Rebel's only opposition being Geonosian warriors and Trade Federation battle droids.
The Geonosian heads of the base had eventually been found but refused to deactivate their battle droids and order their troops to stand down. Instead, they themselves responded with shots by their exotic blasters and eventually died by the blue blade of Delpa Gival's lightsabre as rebel troops provided him cover.
Meanwhile, near the deepest levels of one of the factories, Seaco Buroc's division set-up their explosives. Since there were two more of those gigantic facilities than their intelligence reports had known about, they had only enough explosives to destroy one complex and half as much required for another, so they planned to destroy the other two by using the manufactured Imperial explosives found within a stockpile.
Master Buroc took out his comlink and instructed Master Gival to evacuate his troops by the time his division had completed their task to set-up the charges, thus completing phase V-the final stage of their attack plan.
The explosives did their work.
The Empire within this entire sector would have to seek alternative sources for new supplies.
"Score one for The Rebellion." The Admiral broadcasted to the entire fleet. Seaco Buroc and Delpa Gival slapping their hands together into a strong grip high in the air with the feeling of victory as they walked among their troops raising their fists or blasters, cheering. Some of the troopers congratulating the Grand Jedi Masters on a job well done leading them and some of them giving their thanks.
The celebrations were broken up by orders coming from the flagship to evacuate the planet before any reinforcements arrive. Surely they did. 20 Imperial Star Destroyers dropped out of hyperspace as Rebels rushed to their vehicles. Their battle with The Imperial fleet would have been a struggle if it wasn't for the thick flash of light taking the entire Rebel squadron elsewhere, where exactly, no-one knew. But one thing was for certain, as confusing as their surreal situation was, they knew that they had somehow appeared in another base-an Imperial one. This time the Rebels faced the stronger Imperial Stormtroopers-not Trade Federation Battle Droids.
The sudden need to adapt to being inside a battle zone so suddenly caused many of the Rebel soldiers to feel enormous stress from the vulnerability of not knowing from what angles they may get shot at, many made it inside their vehicles and returned fire.
The two Grand Jedi Masters could not find their fighters so they did their best to preserve the numbers of their comrades in arms. A Scout Walker 25 feet away from Seaco Buroc turned to it's left and fired, the glowing white blade of Master Buroc's lightsabre diverted the blasts from the front cannons 120 degrees to his right, hitting the side of an imperial assault tank of some sort. Delpa Gival concentrated upon covering Seaco by eliminating troops, his blue blade reducing their numbers as quickly as a squadron with the same number of troops, indicative of his force skills as a Grand Jedi Master.
Seaco somersaulted upward and landed atop the port-side cannon. He force-jumped again and used the white blade of his lightsabre to open the hatch on the top and force-pushed the drivers inside to stop them from firing at his troops and then eliminated them before slashing the control panels.
Two Juggernauts fired at the doors of the section where the Scout Walkers and tanks came out and the smaller speeders fired continuously to eliminate any troops within. As soon as Seaco and Delpa saw it was clear, Seaco ordered his troops to follow him inside. On their way in, he told Delpa Gival that he sensed the presence of someone strong in the force.
"Let's hope it's a Jedi prisoner, we could use more help against The Empire." He had sensed it as well.
Turing left into a long, grey corridor-as typical of any Imperial architecture-Seaco force-pushed at the group of Stormtroopers and Delpa threw his lightsabre at them while they were down and then both charged at the rest. They took the main bend right and followed it until they reached a turbolift. Delpa gestured with his hands to open the door using The Force and then they jumped down one level.
The first level below the surface was surprisingly empty, the two Jedi Grand Masters followed the strong force presence toward the corridor branching to their left. All the vaulted doors looked the same but they distinguished which one to open by following their well-tuned instincts.
Delpa opened the door with force-gestures of his hands. As he did so, both Grand Jedi Masters sensed that the being within had sensed them as well.
The two saw a familiar face, their faces being just as familiar to the Jedi within.
"Master Damocles! What are you doing here?' Said Seaco. The two entering what used to be living quarters for ten Stormtroopers. The rebel soldiers on their guard for whatever may come their way.
"I don't know what happened, I was fighting off an Imperial attack on Vargot and suddenly I found myself on a Trade Federation space station and then here. I don't know which system I am in. I just can't explain it."
The Grand Jedi Masters realized the same thing had not been confined only to them. They then noticed that Damocles was repairing a Confederate Destroyer Droid. Quite out of place to even see one in an Imperial base.
"Vargot? What were you doing there fighting The Empire when our fleet bombarded the supply base?" Asked Delpa. The last time he had seen Master Damocles was at the secret Jedi base their Rebel fleet had come from.
"What supply base?"
"Never mind, who authorized you to go to Vargot?" Delpa asked.
"Master Skywalker sent me there."
The two grew even more confused.
"Who's Master Skywalker?" Asked Seaco.
"You don't know? What's going on?" How was it that Masters Gival and Buroc didn't know? All three of them knew who Luke Skywalker was.
"Master Damocles, is there something you're not telling me?" Said Seaco, the conversation became even stranger to bear. "Your orders were to remain at Phantom Base until we return. So why have you left for Vargot and who is Master Skywalker. This is getting very confusing."
Delpa Gival added:- "Since you say you were sent there you obviously didn't appear there instantaneously."
Indeed Seaco was right. "Master Damocles' next answer raised even more eyebrows.
"Phantom base? We've abandoned that place years ago and if you don't know who Master Skywalker is then something must have happened to your memory because we all know him."
"Years ago?" Both replied. Then Delpa Gival thought of a theory.
"Master Damocles, before you found yourself here, did you see a flash of bright light everywhere?"
"Yes Master Gival."
A pause, Seaco and other Rebel soldiers within the room looked at Delpa.
"My next question may not make sense, but, what's the date?"
Damocles replied. The confusion dissolved.
Delpa Gival's shoulders relaxed. His implausible theory being correct.
"Master Damocles, the date you gave me is eight years from ours." A pause of realization from all. "That light, or whatever it was, it teleported us from one place to another and one time from another. It must be some sort of temporal anomaly." Said Master Gival.
"I've heard of that happening before, those cases are very isolated but they have been documented. In each case, abnormal amounts of tachyons have been recorded." A Rebel technician informed his leaders.
The three Jedi took a closer look at each other. Master Damocles did indeed seem older-that would make him about the same age as they were now to minus one year, and Grand Jedi Masters Seaco Buroc and Delpa Gival appeared younger as well. It all made sense. All except what the cause of the phenomenon was.
Master Damocles replaced the top plate of the Destroyer Droid's head and activated it with his remote control.
"So... where did you get a hold of one of those?" Master Buroc being curious.
"As I said before, after I disappeared from Vargot, I appeared in a Trade Federation space station and then here." Then spoke to the Destroyer droid. "Come with us."
"Did you eliminate all the troopers down in this level?" Asked Delpa Gival.
"Yes. A half-an-hour ago. I used this room as a secure place and trap for others who'd come this way while I repaired this droid."
"You must have come here just before we did. It was hard at first but when we started fighting off the Imperials, we eliminated then quite quickly." Said Seaco Buroc. "Now come with us Damocles, we got to regroup and leave this place."
"Not yet, we have to shut down the shields in the lowest level and I sense the presence of the dark side down there. Now that you're here, we'd better go in together and deal with it, and I'm using this droid to help us out. Reinforcements are coming from the other base."
The three Jedi wasted no time, they had no problem eliminating the little opposition which was left. The Rebel troopers were ordered to remain outside.
The three entered the massive vault protecting the shield generator power plant. The key codes required to unlock it not being an obstacle because of the force gestures from Seaco's hands. Damocles ordered his Destroyer Droid to deploy it's guns and shield.
The darkened room was quieter than the usual power plant. The humming of energy sounded more like it had been muted by 30 feet of water. The octagonal-shaped chamber walled with computer panels and consoles. The dark side was always hard to sense but the three knew that a single presence was there. As soon as the three stepped out of the ante-chamber they reflexively started deflecting blaster shots by in-built security turrets.
The the dark-side user came out from behind a smaller chamber at the far side of the power plant. It was a tall, figure, clad from head to toe in black. The helmet and robes being identical in design to that of The Emperor's Royal Guard except for the inversion of colours, black on the robes and red at the helmet's lens. The figure held in his hands a staff about five feet long and ignited a metre-long red lightsabre blade.
"A shadow guard! There aren't any left during my era." Said the surprised Master Damocles.
"None? When do they disappear?" Master Buroc said, intently deflecting the blaster fire from the various turrets.
"About two years after your time." Then approached the Shadow Guard after asking his Destroyer Droid to take out the turrets.
The Force guided Master Gival's instincts to protect the droid so that it's shield wouldn't wear off as quickly from more blaster bolts.
The dark, emerald green blade of Master Damocles' lightsabre locked with the Shadow Guard's light lance. The cover provided by the other two Jedi Masters leaving him free to engage the dark side user. Modern Jedi lightsabre techniques usually involved movements to deflect blaster bolts. Damocles-a Master swordsman specialized in lightsabre-to-lightsabre combat as well. An advantage providing the Shadow Guard with a challenge which gave him a feeling of excitement, adrenaline flowing. Every strike of his light lance reflecting his enjoyment of fighting such a strong opponent. The sound of his long weapon moving through the air the same as the vibration of a conventional lightsabre, only with a lower, more hollow pitch.
The Shadow Guard evidently possessed at least a few techniques Sith Lords use, he occasionally cast sith lightning at Master Damocles. Despite some combinations of fast strikes and the length of the Shadow Guard's light lance, he managed to counter the Jedi Master's movements quite well. He let his excitement fuel his dark side powers, relishing the fact that he would destroy this unusually skilled Jedi Master.
Seaco and Delpa still found it difficult to deflect the blaster bolts despite the Destroyer droid taking them out, the shield had just worn out and there were still so many to concentrate upon to enable Master Damocles to battle the Shadow Guard freely. The dark emerald green blade constantly striking the sith red blade, sparks sounding, countering each other's movements becoming quicker and more intense, each determined not to let their guard open when Master Damocles moved past the length of the Shadow Guard's light lance and chopped through the right shoulder and as deep as the higher chest, withdrew his blade quickly to block the red blade and slashed through the black helmet sideways as his evil opponent's strike deadened.
With the Shadow Guard gone, Master Damocles took the light lance telekinetically and used the force to move it along the walls to help take out the security turrets.
"Reinforcements have reached the area, we'll be in firing range within minutes." Came an announcement through Seaco's comlink.
"We'll be there." Seaco replied. Seeing that the turrets became less of a problem with a third Jedi helping them out.
With their burden lifted, the three, with the Destroyer droid following, lead the Rebel soldiers out the surface level, but this time in a different direction because Master Damocles had mentioned that he had seen many Rebel fighters appear in that area before he headed for the lower level of the base.
Damocles found his customized heavy fighter and co-incidentally the personal craft belonging to the two Jedi Grand Masters as well.
"They weren't there before." Master Damocles said in passing.
Up in the sky, there were their cruisers and fighters. In addition to that, Seaco and Delpa had noticed other Rebel craft not belonging to them as the three force-ran to their craft.
"Did that fleet come from Vargot as well?"
"Yes, they came here along with me." Damocles answered as he strapped himself into his cockpit, his voice being transmitted through his comlink.
"All regroup and prepare to escape this system." The Admiral broadcasted to both Rebel fleets. The ten additional capital ships and 25 cruisers followed, speeding away from the intent fire of the Imperial reinforcements from the nearest base upon the unidentified planet.
The Rebels shot out of the atmosphere and prepared to jump to hyperspace as soon as the last of them would enter space. Star Destroyers appeared upon everyone's scanners, coming form the planet's eastern hemisphere.
The chase by the nearest of the imperial craft from within the atmosphere became more intense, some of the X- and Y-Wings farthest from the fleet being eliminated more frequently, ten more fighters remained within the atmosphere and the now-familiar bright white light enveloped the rebel fleet.

No-one could tell where they had reappeared, the star charts within everyone's nav'puters could not make sense of the constellations around them. There was no sign of the Imperial fleet, the Rebels stood down with relief.
"This is Seaco Buroc, Admiral, what's out next course of action?" The Jedi Grand Master transmitted from his B-Wing fighter.
"Standby...." Came the reply and then a short pause. "...our scanners have detected a planet 18 parsecs away. That's our next destination. Transmitting courses now."

"Part #6. The Force-Using Twins."

Alex McKeel as Orion Knight-Star and Sith Lord Draconis.

The Old Republic-Prequel era. (Main Star Wars dimension)

Orion Knight-Star flew his Jedi Star Fighter in a curved arc to land upon the launching pad of the abandoned base. Abandoned until being re-used by his twin brother Sith Lord Draconis. The planet being little explored due to it being mostly rocky, barren and barely habitable. He circled behind the highest peaks, which surrounded the former exploration base. Everywhere in the landscape surrounding the mountains being just as dark brown. According to Orion's quick research of the area from the Jedi Archives, mining the rocky landscapes proved to be unproductive due to the very poor quality of the minerals. No wonder why even the explorers left. No wonder why Lord Draconis chose this area to hide.
As Orion reached the final curve of his flight arc, approaching the north end of the landing pad, he straightened his path and slowed down, settling steadily.
He vaulted out of his Jedi Star Fighter, drawing his lightsabre.
"I've found you now." He said and ran toward one of the entrances. Orion determined not to waste this opportunity to confront his fallen twin Brother. In recent times, The Jedi Order had become aware of the return of the Sith. One had been eliminated by Obi-Wan Kenobi and the other remained hidden. Some even speculated that Lord Draconis had become the new apprentice to the other Sith Lord. Orion Knight-Star knew that wasn't true. He found the Sith holochron Draconis had somehow discovered from an unknown location and learned the ways of the dark side of The Force with the secrets locked within it. Should Lord Draconis join forces with the returned Sith Lord for real, The Republic would be in greater danger. Orion Knight-Star would not allow this as long as he remained alive.
After passing through a pair of massive double doors, he turned right into the corridor upon instinct, as if he knew which direction to go. Orion Knight-Star knew that Lord Draconis had sensed his arrival even without seeing his Jedi Starfighter. Who else would come alone to this forsaken complex-he was the only one residing within the entire outpost unless you count the reactivated maintenance droids. The alarms were not needed, Orion made no effort to hide the fact he entered the base.

Lord Draconis approached one of the security monitors, The Force drawing him to the exact one among those in the middle. Enraged that he had been somehow found he waited for his twin Brother to approach a certain area at the end of the main corridor. His hand hovering above a switch. He could tell just by looking at Orion that he sensed he was being watched. He walked as if it didn't bother him. Just as Draconis had hoped, Orion approached the two doors at the southern end of the main corridor. One directly in front of him, and one on the end of the east side. Draconis triggered the switch and the explosives behind the east side door detonated as Orion was about to press the controls to open the door in front of him.
As soon as the dust clouds cleared, Draconis saw that Orion, although injured, had only been weakened slightly due to his Jedi endurance. By no means had be become unable to fight but it gave Draconis a slight advantage should he be unable to avoid a fight. The Sith twin rushed to the hangar at the south end of the landing pad to board his converted Jedi Starfighter.

The south end of the corridor also had a large set of double doors like the ones Orion had entered from the opposite end. He ran and opened those using the force accompanying the gestures of his hands. Out in the landing pad, he turned and faced the hangar doors at the south side and repeated the gestures with the smaller set of doors. Within it, Orion found his Brother's converted Jedi Starfighter and him rushing toward it. The dark side of The Force may be hard to see, but Orion could sense his twin significantly better than anyone else could and consequently, Lord Draconis found it quite difficult to hide from his twin whilst nearby.
Lord Draconis barely made it half-way between the corridor and his starfighter when he saw his twin advance. Knowing he was too late to board his vehicle he had drawn and ignited his lightsabre as soon as Orion's gardian blue lightsabre blade shot out of it's hilt.
Draconis kept his defensive crouch ready for Orion. The two stood only a foot between the tips of their blades.
"How did you find this place?" Draconis' expression serious, tough.
"Master Yoda has many great sources. I meditated on the leads and searched my feelings. And here I am."
Draconis stayed put. If it were anyone else he would have remained hidden for much longer. The burden of his twin Brother constantly tracking him built up his anger inside. He used that to strengthen his dark power.
"Draconis, don't make me fight you. Let me arrest you, let me help you come back to the light."
"Never!!" Striking at Orion with a hard slash from diagonally above his left shoulder to the right side of Orion's neck.
While countering with a parry with one hand, blades locking, sparks crackling, Draconis simply shouted. "I WANT the dark side, I want the power it gives me I refuse the light. The true nature of The Force lies in the dark." And continued with a few well-coordinated strikes. Orion started backing up outside onto the landing pad and their sabres locked. Both pushed each other away and regained stances, their lightsabres waving behind them as if displaying showmanship before holding their blades in front of themselves at ready.
The twins knew each other's fighting style all too well, it was difficult to strike without countering each other's movements every time they hit. The swordplay between them progressed to the point of virtual stalemate. Then the two sensed something surreal about to happen, then they saw the bright white light surrounding the landing pad and the immediate areas. The brightness had no painful effect upon their eyes, it only prevented them from seeing anything in front of them. Orion reached out with The Force for knowledge and could only determine it was not a natural phenomenon and had nothing to do with The Force.

The light disappeared. Orion found himself in another place, his surprise beyond expression. Draconis felt exactly the same emotion. He found he was in a curved tunnel leading to his left, the soil cold to touch. To his right it stretched far and branched both right and left. It looked as if it could be a mine hastily dug into a mountain judging by the cold breeze. As soon as he saw Orion Knight-Star, Lord Draconis shot out sith lightning with both hands out. Orion's jedi reflexes stopping it with his. Being virtually equal, Orion was unable to counter by returning the lightning to it's caster. Neither was Draconis able to intensify it to weaken his twin's blocking. Deactivating his sith lightning, the two ignited their lightsabres once again. Draconis blocked Orion's blows as he steadily backed around the bend of the tunnel hoping for a way to escape. If not, hopefully he would find a way to gain an advantage in his fight against his jedi twin brother.

Part #7 "Ari'eshna."

Joe Mignano as Lord Bruticus.

The flash of brilliant white which surrounded him faded and found himself impacting against a stone wall and slipping down to a sand-covered floor. Darth Bruticus reflexively leaped up to a standing position upon hearing a Klatooinian bark out orders to a second Klatooinian. The two left their posts sealed by a portcullis brandishing their vibroblade staves charging at Bruticus who stood with his arms and hands open, ready to counter attack.
He sensed a third presence, a humanoid clad entirely in an armoured black flight suit. The top of his helmet looked similar to that of a death star trooper's except the face cover was entirely smooth and black but transparent from the inside. He quickly muttered something in a quiet mellow language seemingly similar to the one the Klatooinians spoke. He approached Bruticus quickest, medium blaster pistol held high, and being the immediate threat he addressed that being to make his first counter-attack.
Looking into his entirely smooth face plate-where it's eyes would be-Bruticus attempted to influence the creature's actions to slow down, and as a back-up plan, he used his Sith reflexes to grab his arms. The precaution turned-out to be wise since the being's will was not weak enough to be sufficiently influenced by the force so the effect was slight.
Darth Bruticus pulled the being's right arm past his face while using his great strength to keep the other arm down with his left gripping the wrist. In a split-second after pulling the being's right arm as far as it would go, the Sith Lord used the force to telekinetically pull the trigger with the blaster's bolt hitting into the throat of the second Klatooinian, falling immediately to his knees, his death following a second and a half later.
The first Klatooinain, who was standing farther behind, had been dealt with by Lord Bruticus physically throwing the black-clad being-with the aid of the dark side-at him. As he fell on top of the first Klatooinian, the Sith Lord telekinetically summoned the vibrostaff of the dead second Klatooinian into his right and gripping it's shaft with his other hand he charged and ran it through the black-clad being through his lightly protected stomach with the tip of the virboblade stopping on the Klatooinian's breastplate.
Bruticus looked at the narrow corridor's south end and with a gesture of his left hand held high and quickly lowered, the security door slammed shut to prevent any other threats from coming in. He looked back to see the remaining Klatooinian taking the black-clad being's blaster from out of his hand. Bruticus distracted him by a gesture of his left hand in a fist with one finger pointing to the security camera behind him and moving that pointing finger toward his face. Being protected by a metal helmet, the monitor- which was ripped from it's frame bolted into a corner-flew straight into the Klatooinian's unprotected face.
Darth Bruticus simply stood there, vibrostaff lowered and lightly laughed with a smirk. He allowed the remaining Klatooinian to stand and attack him. The corridor was just wide enough to sufficiently wield the vibrostaves and Bruticus amused himself by blocking each blow by his attacker effortlessly. Laughing in the same manner again, he struck and struck at the Klatooinian faster and more proficiently so as to make it more and more difficult for him to defend himself. This moment the Sith Lord took to amuse himself and intimidate his opponent and to see how much fear his attacker would accumulate also for his own curiousity and to use the dark side for the sake of it. Accompanying Darth Bruticus' final blows were his acts of harsh intimidation as he commenced killing his final opponent with repeated hacks at his armour with the staff's vibroblade and shouts at the Klatooinian regarding his pathetic weakness against him before ripping the breastplate upward and running the vibrostaff through the heart, lifting his entire body, relishing the kill and dropping the vibrostaff to watch the body fall.
The only other thing which the Sith Lord heard were various individual voices, mostly spoken in Basic and about a third in Huttese. They came from the room beyond the doorway half-way along the west wall of the corridor, just behind the very spot he appeared. The Sith Lord detected no threat, only fear and uncertainty. The deaths of his assailants were likely the reason for the emotions of uncertainty incorporated into their fear. With a gesture of his right had upward, the locked security door rose speedily.
Upon entering he saw about 25 slave girls. They very type seen around Hutt establishments. Most of those women were either Human or Twi'Lek and wore the Hutt-design gold and brown metal bikinis (either similar in design or variants thereof) with the (usually) royal purple sarong attached to the front and back of the lower bikini half. The sight pleased the Sith Lord's eyes. He always loved the Hutt-style slave girl look. Despite almost all Hutt cartels being gangster clans, scums and villains, the appeal of the Hutt slave girl look reached throughout the galaxy.
One of them, speaking Basic in a native Tattooinian accent felt brave enough to ask:- "Can you help us?" The fear was still evident in her face as she reached out with her left.
Darth Bruticus approached until he was a few feet away from the closest of the slave girls holding his palms up briefly saying:- "I'll not harm you-any of you. I don't know where I am and I wish to leave as much as you all

do. I can get you all out easily but only if you could assure me that I could get transports away from this place." Hoping that asking for transports along with the deal to free them will get him out of wherever it was he found himself in.
"Don't you know? (Said the slave girl who asked if he could help) You're in Jabba The Hutt's palace." This raised his eyebrows, in the era Darth Bruticus came from, Jabba The Hutt had died almost a year before and the fact that the slave girl referred to the establishment as Jabba's Palace as if he was still alive did nothing but surprise him.
"What is your name?" Bruticus asked the slave girl who first spoke to him.
Wasting no time with more questions aside from the necessary ones, the Sith Lord quickly asked:- "Well, Ari'eshna, where are the transports? We need to run."
"Outside the door past the guards outside but none of us know the sec code."
"I need

no sec code! I'll get you out the same way I came in." Then dashed back into the corridor and with another upward gesture of a hand the exit opened upward and he ran out followed by the slave girls carrying anything they could to cover themselves with to protect themselves from the heat of Tattooine's twin suns.
"That way." Ari'eshna pointed to an unlocked hangar 40 feet to the right of the exit. Bruticus saw four beings working within the hangar, two Weequay, a Gamorrean guard and a Nikto. With the force, Lord Bruticus summoned the DL-18 blaster to his hand from the closer Weequays' holster and fired. The force aiding his accuracy.
"Hurry, hurry!" He urged the slave girls with his left arm waving four times at the desert skiffs, ready for any other of Jabba's guards which might turn up.
Finally, all 28 slave girls had filled two of the skiffs and Lord Bruticus leaped on the closest and both skiff's repulsorlifts activated only to be shut down after a computerized voice shouted "Power down." Blaster rifle pointed at the slave girl at the helm of the second skiff. "Disembark, you know what I can to all of you in a second." They did so, Bruticus hidden.
"You too scum, come out of there."
The Sith Lord jumped to the ground to confront the man clad from head to toe in green Mandalorian armour. What a baffling sight it was to Lord Bruticus to see Boba Fett still alive-so he thought. Then he realized, he had traveled back through time between 1 and about 15 years before his time. Jabba being recently dead and it being impossible to tell Boba Fett's age underneath his distinctive helmet. The great bounty hunter looking so severe and threatening with his blaster rifle pointing at the dark lord.
"All slaves belong to the great Jabba. Rest assured I'll see to it you get fed to the Hutt's rancor for his entertainment, he'll certainly not be pleased with your attempted theft of his property."
Lord Bruticus dropped the DL-18 blaster and walked toward Boba Fett with his fists hanging by his sides with a defiantly threatening stare.
"You daaaare

speak to me like that bounty hunter?"
His approach didn't faze the armoured Fett.
"Don't move, I'm sure the Hutt wouldn't mind if I turn you in to the rancor dead instead."
The Sith Lord still approached, charging up his anger.

decide this outcome and I'm taking the slave girls with me-where they can be properly

appreciated in ways no

Hutt could!!"

The intensity in Boba Fett's computerized voice almost buzzed at his anger from his demands not being met.
"I said don't move!!" And fired a single aimed blast at the dark lord's chest.
The blaster bolt got stopped by the palm of the dark lord's crooked right.
Still unfazed, Boba Fett fired multiple shots at the obviously dangerous threat with each laser bolt being blocked by the palms of Lord Bruticus' hands.
When the dark lord got too close he suddenly activated his flame thrower to force his adversary away and Bruticus somersaulted backward and to Boba's right.
Fett activated his jet pack and flew back in an upward, diagonal direction another 40 feet and launched the mini missiles from his knee pads at the same time he continued to repeatedly fire his blaster rifle to force Lord Bruticus closer to the hangar wall. Explosions hit the floor and blasting the sand covering it in all directions as Lord Bruticus struggled to avoid injury from the blasts.
Despite the hazards of the mighty bounty hunter's weapons, the Sith Lord was by no means helpless. He felt the knee missiles-one after the other-with the force and diverted them to the nearest skiff and with this right, quickly threw the skiff with the force in front of the bounty hunter.
The skiff dropped, the bounty hunter still there, launching the last of his knee mini missiles along with a mini missile from each wrist launcher.
Darth Bruticus held out his hands a split second after all the missiles fired and felt the wrist rockets with the force and brought them together, the close explosive shock wave forcing the bounty hunter to lose control of his jet pack and fell 20 feet to the ground.
With a quick force-run, the Sith Lord dashed toward Boba Fett just as he attempted to stand back into stance only for Bruticus to rip the jet-pack off from the bounty hunter's armour and receive a feeling of strangulation by a crushing gesture of the Sith Lord's left.

you really think you could stop me with all your fancy weapons?" then telekinetically lifted the mighty bounty hunter with a gesture of his right. "You may be one of the most powerful humans to ever have lived, but you will always

be weak next to the power of the dark side of The Force."
Lord Bruticus let go of his force-choke and allowed Boba Fett to fall upon the hot Tattooine sand and blasted this defeated opponent with his sith lightning.

the power of the daaark siiide." Watching with delight at the struggles of pain knowing that he had defeated one of the most terrifying bounty hunters in the history of the galaxy. Enjoying the way he channeled the hatred fueling his dark power and using it on such a significant figure.
The dark lord heard the slave girls activating the repulsorlifts of the desert skiffs and ceased casting his Sith lighning to channel in more anger and hatred for a more intense attack and blasted Boba Fett again.

the power of the dark side of The Force. Feeell

the poooweeer." His delight at seeing the armoured figure suffer getting stronger.
"Ultimate pooow-weeer!!"

As soon as the two desert skiffs neared the dark lord, he force-jumped, somersaulting backward, looking upon the limp, defeated figure of the terrifying bounty hunter as soon as he landed.
"Ha haa" Lord Bruticus cheered quickly as the view of Boba Fett became more distant. Only then he sensed through The Force Jabba's guards preparing to intercept.
The dark lord felt himself being held, as if in a start of an embrace which never went farther.
It was Ari'eshna, the speed of the skiffs blowing her long brown braid toward Lord Bruticus' chest.
It seemed she was still unsure of whether to fear her rescuer or not, but the way she thanked him for freeing her of her life in slavery in Jabba's Palace was obviously genuine.
She admired Bruticus for his efforts at rescue and his amazing abilities-which she didn't understand-but she had never seen such a man with such power. This made him all the more intriguing. He held her to make her feel more comfortable around him.
Taking a quick glance at the skiff he stood upon, and the other flying starboard and the direction they came, the Sith Lord saw that they were well out of range of Jabba's followers and would not likely recapture the slave girls even without him to defend them.
10 minutes into the flight, Bruticus and Ari'eshna were in conversation about his apprentice Darth Shivilow and his need to track her down. He didn't mention the fact that he had come from the future and hoped that the Shivilow he knew was also somehow transported into the era the Sith Lord found himself in. The same brilliant flash which brought him back in time happened again and he found himself upon a dark brown rocky surface, tall escarpments around the area and a thick forest at what seemed to be the north east. Three moons and a minour moon orbiting the largest lit the night sky brightly.
Enraged at the sudden loss of the 28 Hutt slave girls he roared out his disgust of this misfortune, he cast his sith lightning into the air to vent his stress.
"Bruticus." Ari'eshna's voice made him suddenly turn. The surprise made him act as if the loss never happened.
He looked around for anyone else and found there were only the two of them. Ari'eshna had probably transported with him because the two were in each other's arms. It occurred to him that he had not noticed due to his momentary anger.
He knelt to Ari'eshna-who still lay upon her side after the teleportation-and explained the time travel the two of them went through. Because of this, she believed his truthful claim and explained that he had no idea where they were.
Ari'eshna lightly held each side of his face and kissed him once and said "But don't you see? There's no way those disgusting Hutts would ever find me again, I don't ever want to go back." The feeling of humiliation from the experience evident. "To any of them."
For the Sith Lord it wasn't that simple, it appeared that he would never find his apprentice again and consequently never be able to wipe out the hated Jedi. He refrained from explaining this as sith matters are ultra secret.
"I'm free, I always thought that I'd die an old lady there or be fed to the Rancor if Jabba got bored of me. I've seen it happen to others, some of them good friends of mine."
Though pleased that Ari'eshna got exactly what she wanted, he held her, still with the disappointing thoughts of the loss of his apprentice.
When about to mention that they'd better look for materials to build a shelter and a fire, Lord Bruticus felt Ari'eshna kissing him, that and her embrace evidently being from her gratefulness of her new found freedom.

BOOK TWO "Warriors Of The Twelve Colonies."

Part #8 "The Cylon Empire v.s. The Galactic Empire."

Eric Johnson as Darth Bane.

Joe Mignano as Imperial Captain Tur Kilvain.

The unfamiliar type of battle droids dropped their blasters to the floor upon command from their threatened Imperious Leader. Darth Bane's lightsabre never moved whilst being held in front of their supreme ruler's throat.
"Why have you brought me here?" Darth Bane demanded of the Imperious Leader.
"We have not brought you here. You're an intruder."
Irritated at not receiving a clear answer the great Sith Lord demanded in a wilder tone. "How could that be possible? I didn't bring myself here. And if you didn't then who or what did?"
"The answer is unknown. All we have ascertained is that a localized intensity of tachyons formed in the section of this Basestar we first detected you." Darth Bane's force abilities helped him to determine that the droid's supreme ruler spoke the truth.
The voice of their leader sounded very clear at all times and with a slight echo. Strangely, the being never moved. Bane detected none, even while it spoke.
The mystery deepened for Darth Bane since becoming aware of the fact that even those unfamiliar beings and droids had nothing to do with his experience. He demanded their leader to order all the battle droids out of the chamber except for the new type of droid which seemed to serve as the second-in-command.
"If you use this base to take me back to the nearest border of Republic space I'll spare your life." Bane planned to betray them thus taking the base for himself.
"We have never heard of this Republic you speak of." Replied the more humanoid droid.
Enraged at feeling as if his demands were going nowhere he demanded that either they show him where in the galaxy he was or to find a way to send him back. The humanoid droid agreed to show him his location since there was no way of sending him back by the same means which brought him into the space station.
"You may bring the data here in this room, I will not give-up my hostage."
Alarms ululated, a voice of one of the conventional battle droids announced through the comlink attached to the Imperious Leader's throne.
"Imperious Leader, our Basestars are being approached by 15 capital ships of unknown design. Scans indicate the presence of human life forms."
"Fire Mega-Pulsar Cannons when they come within range."
Bane's force senses indicated that the attack was not a deception against him to save the droid's supreme commander. That was all too clear even before the first blasts of returned fire hit the battle station he was in. The Sith Lord saw no choice other than to forsake the Basestar and demand they help him escape.

Lord Vader noted the five battle stations his fleet found at the location of the phenomena similar to the one they experienced. Their double-saucer configuration matching nothing similar in the Super Star Destroyer's database. Sensors indicated to the crew of each Star Destroyer energy signatures indicating over 100 defensive turrets and even more powerful weapon fire coming from the front of the top saucer-sections. Those concentrating their fire upon Vader's new dreadnaught.
"Lord Vader, shields have been lost already and scattered damage has been reported at the bow and starboard sections." A tactical officer announced.
"Concentrate fire upon their strongest weapons." Vader ordered.
To add to the fleet's difficulty, 300 fighters launched from four of the strange battle stations each. Their own Star Destroyers carried six squadrons of TIE fighters totaling 72 each in addition to the command ship's 144.
1,200 of, what turned out to be, some sort of droid star fighters charged to engage 1,152 Imperial TIE Fighters of various types.
The Mega-Pulsar Cannons from the battle stations charged and fired again. The Super Star Destroyer Prototype shook. Even Darth Vader's sense of balance had almost given way. The dark lord saw that a shot from even one of those powerful weapons was capable of eliminating a capital ship like their Star Destroyers with only a few shots. He stood straight again, looking out the bridge's front window. While he believed that the command ship could withstand the next four shots there was no time to organize a proper resistance.
"All hands, abandoned ship!" His electronically distorted voice commanded.
It was a situation where everyone aboard had to save themselves, as Vader found his prototype TIE advanced x1 the next four Mega-Pulsar Cannon blasts caused greater explosions at their impact areas than the ones before. The durable armour of the mighty ship almost completely giving way by then. The dark lord suddenly found that he had to bank significantly to the right as the hangar wall nearly hit his personal fighter. It was only a slight tilt but significant enough to challenge even the greatest pilots the Empire had to offer.
"Move away from the command ship." Captain Tur Kilvain of Devastator

warned the fleet.
Darth Vader flew in a path well above the Super Star Destroyer, then took a look at the damaged vessel the unknown enemy was about to destroy. Even in it's bombarded state it seemed invincible-not actually so during that exceptional battle with those unforseen types of weapons used against it. A whole section of the starboard side near the corner was missing, the engines behind them somehow still functioned despite the blast area immediately in front of it. Much of the deck plating before the bow section gone as was the port side between the bridge and corner. The tail-like stern section had so much of it's starboard edge blown out that one could see the inside.
The remaining weapons kept firing under automatic control until the dreadnaught exploded from the finishing shots of the enemy space stations. The tragic blasts and shock waves taking any craft within it's radius friend or foe.
Vader attempted to help his fighters even up the odds with the aid of his tough TIE x1 and piloting skills aided by the dark side of The Force. The droid star fighters never stood a chance. At one time, the dark lord got a clear glimpse of the enemy's insignia at the lowest ends of the curved wings. A green double pentagon, that is, a smaller one within another. It still told him nothing, the enemy could not be identified. For all Vader knew, the fleet could be outside their own galaxy.
The five space stations came into his view. There was something about the station on the far left, the very one which didn't launch it's fighters. The Force told Vader that there was a powerful force-sensitive being within it. In light of this discovery, he then formulated a plan.
"This is Darth Vader, concentrate fire only upon the battle stations which launched their fighter craft. We will attempt to board and capture the one which didn't after eliminating the others."
Vader got a closer look at the one which interested him. Indeed very few of the turrets fired. He chose to waste no time on the active ones and made the Mega-Pulsar Cannons his priority. Despite the obvious skeleton staff at their stations there were obviously enough personnel to operate their most powerful weapon. Speeding over the edge of the top saucer section to look for where to fire, he then saw one of the Star Destroyers launching missiles from close range at the enemy battle station nearest to the one the dark lord scouted. It appeared as if the constant hits may have succeeded in taking out one of those threatening weapons while taking moderately heavy damage itself.

Aboard Devastator,

Captain Tur Kilvain carried out a plan with four other Star Destroyers to launch a flank attack at the enemy station on the far right. The Slayer

being in the lead at 40 degrees from Devastator

and already taking much damage as the enemy station kept turning it's rotation to track it for subsequent shots. The Steel Rancor

following Slayer's

course. The two others 330 degrees of Kilvain's ship providing them cover from the other enemy bases with The Flamedriver

directly above The Ravenclaw.

All other ships behind the five aiding their TIE Fighters against the Droid Star Fighters.
With the other four in position, Captain Kilvain ordered the pilot to climb steeply. When Devastator

arrived directly above the battle station at the right flank, he ordered the bow to dip until it faced the surface of the top saucer section. The pilot hoped that his Captain wasn't going to issue orders for ramming speed since it appeared as if the next manoeuvre would be to plunge down at it like a dagger.
Kilvain magnified the view of his scanner and took a brief look at the target.
"Remain stationary. Aim for the central structure, that might be their command centre."
The Captain's orders came a mere 30 seconds after The Slayer

had been blasted beyond recognition. The Steel Rancor

taking it's place as it fired upon the section of the Mega-Pulsar Cannon. The enemy battle stations proved to be more hardy than even The Empire's own Star Destroyers.

missiles and turrets fired simultaneously, Captain Kilvain then ordering the shots to run continuously. The barrage penetrating past the outer hull and blasting it's way through to the pylon-like core section beneath it thus eliminating the first of the five enemy battle stations.
A trio of Star Destroyers traveling in a triangle formation five kilometres below the middle base, fired continuously with all of their turrets pointing 90 degrees, their multiple shots bringing The Empire a second victory.
Captain Kilvain checked the battle computer and noted the loss of three of their own Star Destroyers other than the command ship. Those being lost from the same weapons which managed to destroy the prototype Super Star Destroyer. The displays upon the screen indicating about five more sustaining moderate to heavy damage from the enemy fighters alone.
Virtually all the TIE Bombers available made a run over the middle-left space station as two other Star Destroyers cruised over it to provide cover against the still-numerous unidentified droid star fighters. Darth Vader himself and his four wing men were free to provide additional defense for the bombers since they destroyed the Mega-Pulsar Cannon belonging to the virtually empty base. The dark lord's godly piloting skills made short work of every enemy fighter within his sights.
The remaining Star Destroyers dealing with the space stations mercilessly converged upon the final one remaining, but not before another of their capital ships got destroyed by the only remaining Mega-Pulsar Cannon. That weapon being their primary target.
Lasers fired from capital ship turrets. Payloads dropped from TIE Bombers. Hefty armour plating tore from it's top surface. Explosions erupting from much of the exposed inner areas. Battle Droids positioned throughout the space station rendered all too vulnerable from The Empire's overwhelming firepower. Soon the entire top saucer section tore apart and the exposed core exploded leaving only their droid star fighters as opposition. The lower saucer section floating lifelessly down into space.
The bombs from the enemy fighters have long since been exhausted. This gave them the head start needed to render many of The Empire's Star Destroyers half-dead. Their greater numbers still posing a great threat to both capital ship and TIE Fighter alike. The only support for the Imperial Pilots being from half the fleet before elimination for the four opposing battle stations. The usual tactic by the battle droids for the many victories they gained being from their overwhelming numbers. These same measures enabled them to eliminate another five Star destroyers-the very same ships Captain Kilvain had earlier noted upon his battle computer. Even Lord Vader, with all his unmatchable piloting skills, was unable to help even the odds fast enough for more than their remaining 320 TIE Fighters of all classes to survive the victory.
Had the fifth battle station launched their fighters and all their turrets operated, the cost of their struggling victory would have, all too clearly, been worse.

As planned, the fifth battle station was about to be boarded. Darth Vader had joined Devastator

beforehand and organized a raiding party. Being a base 1,800 metres in diameter-a mere 200 longer than an Imperial Star Destroyer-a small boarding party against something the size of a Corellian Corvette would be suicidal, even against their apparent skeleton staff.
Since Devastator's

shields were still up and remained stronger than any other ships thanks to Captain Tur Kilvain's tactical thinking, Lord Vader chose it to approach the remaining battle station and absorb the few turret blasts available to oppose them. The dark lord wanted the base intact.
After meeting with Lord Vader before the airlock, Kilvain received his last minute instructions from the Sith Lord.
"Captain, as soon as each division has entered the base, move the ship away for maximum protection. No-one is to damage the droid starfighters within, we shall look for a way to modify those to replenish our numbers." Then immediately signaled his Stormtroopers to follow.
Heavier explosives were set-up to blast through the airlock than was used for the Tantive IV during their last raid. A Corellian Corvette being nothing in comparison to this mighty battle station larger than an Imperial Star Destroyer.
After destroying the initial opposition of chrome-and black coloured battle droids-again being of a culture totally dissimilar from anything The Empire was familiar with, Darth Vader lead his division using The Force as his guide and follow the presence of the being who also possessed the same power. The only thing so far resembling anything he was familiar with. The Sith Lord was determined not to lose it.

The Imperious Leader saw he had no choice other than to meet Darth Banes' demands and help him escape. The humanoid droid ordered a transport through a comlink but with no Centurions to escort them.
"Centurions." Thought Bane. He had heard of a few cultures using that term but none like the droids within, what they called, a "Basestar."
The platform from the high dais lowered from it's column, taking Bane and his hostage to the floor level and floating through the transparent double doors after the humanoid droid joined them. The opening and closing giving a strange "crystallized" scraping noise.
The floating dais-top took the right branch of the corridor. Within minutes, the humanoid command droid had been informed of the destruction of the first of their Basestars and eventually the total defeat of their forces soon after. Bane then sensed the presence of a force-sensitive being. He felt as if it came from the opposite side of the Basestar the "throne room" faced. Perhaps a little farther. They were moving away from them only to be informed of human troops penetrating through the Basestar from another quadrant. This next division of boarders being too near the area where The Imperious Leader's Shuttle was located. Not being able to reach it in time, the floating dais-top changed direction and headed toward the nearest launching bay.
Did that fleet know about him and that's why they attacked the Basestar so that they could send a Jedi to lead Republic forces to capture him? Due to the unique circumstances Darth Bane had found himself in it might not be the Republic at all. The humanoid droid in command of those Centurions had never even heard of The Republic. The again, if it wasn't The Republic, why was there a Jedi leading those forces? The great Sith Lord sensed about 500 now within The Basestar. Escape seemed impossible.
Darth Bane cursed the circumstances he found himself in when the humanoid droid commander received a report of another division of humans storming through the Basestar, this time from the point opposite to the first breach. There was definitely no way to escape from anywhere else with another 250 blocking them. Darth Bane felt the presence of The Force getting closer, the being he sensed seemed different. The Force surrounding him seemed to be darker!

Could it be that he and his apprentice had not been the last of The Sith remaining? That would explain the unknown configuration of the vessels attacking the Basestars. If it indeed was The Sith, that might also finally explain how he had been transported if they were responsible. After the way he had abandoned The Sith during the war against The Republic, they would have no reason to be merciful toward Bane. Yet, somehow, the hostility he sensed was directed toward the Centurions. The only attention he sensed toward himself was from the force-sensitive being, he felt through The Force that the being sought his attention and not a confrontation. It was more to do with curiousity.
"There is no way we could escape. We will surrender to them and hopefully they would spare us." Bane had only the intention to save himself and perhaps use The Imperious Leader and the Centurion's command droid as bargaining chips for his freedom. He barked against their disagreement, threatening to kill them and their leader moved the dais-top in any direction Bane would order. His plan to meet this other dark-sider payed off. He ordered the dais-top to stop in the middle of a widened section of one of the countless dark corridors. Control panels lining the walls at both sides. It seemed to be a monitoring station of some sort.
Darth Bane saw a red glow come from the curved corridor ahead of the three, watching for whatever would show itself. The glow came from the blade of the lightsabre the being held. It was clad head-to-toe in black armour. An intimidating hissing sound came from the distorted-skull-like helmet, reminiscent of a Sith Battle Droid. Like Bane it was two-metres in height and threatening in appearance.
The subtle movements of it's helmet indicated that it noted the Imperious Leader and the Centurions' command droid before returning it's gaze back toward Bane. The three could not help but notice the measured hissing coming from the helmet.
"Who are you?" Came an electronically distorted voice.
"First, tell me who you

are? And what do you want with me?" Bane answered defiantly. He sensed the troopers previously following the dark-sider standing in front of him in an area much farther behind and holding their positions.
"I want only answers. How did we get here and how is it you possess the power of The Dark side?"
The Imperious Leader replied in Bane's place.
"We had nothing to do with your sudden appearance. You and your fleet had appeared in much the same way as Darth Bane, here, had within this Basestar."
"IMMMpossible." Vader replied as he held up a left fist. "Darth Bane lived 1,000 years ago and the only Sith Lords in existence are myself and my master." Avoiding to mention that The Emperor was a Sith Lord.
"I am

Darth Bane and whoever died 1,000 years ago was obviously another Sith Lord named Bane." Then initiated a strike with his now-ignited lightsabre, Vader blocking it with both hands at chest level. They pushed each other away and surprisingly, the armoured Sith hadn't returned with any other strikes.
"There was only one

Darth Bane and he could not possibly be alive today."
A few more strikes by Bane, each one of them blocked. It was evident that the Sith Lord before him wanted something else from him other than his death.
"We have a policy that there must only be two Sith at a time, you must be eliminated." Bane stated, threateningly. Vader defended himself against the strikes from the great Sith Lord, surprised at the mention of the rule of two. Only the real Darth Bane would have known as he had established that rule himself. He did not preach that rule among the Sith he once allied himself with. By the time their blades locked together, Vader deliberately mentioned his name and title.
"I am Darth Vader lord of The Sith. If you are

the Darth Bane you claim to be, then who is your apprentice?"
"That I'll not tell you." Bane hissed as he considered it no-one else's business except for his. Sabres still locked, the two pushing at each other. Bane found it strange that this Sith referred to himself as "Darth." During his era, the Sith had long forsaken the "Darth" title until he himself adopted it.
"Was it... Zannah? Darth Bane established the rule of two which lead up to my master and myself for 1,000 years."
Bane moved back. Sabre off as soon as he stepped farther back. Only Bane knew of Zannah. None

of The Sith before him lived to see the day he first met his apprentice.
"How is it you know about my apprentice?" Bane was already convinced but he wanted the answer nevertheless.
"Through the knowledge I and my master gained from your holochron."
The next thing Darth Bane did was stretch his right arm behind him and lifted The Imperious Leader with telekinesis. Darth Vader did the same with his left against the Centurion's droid commander. Both the great Sith Lords destroyed the commanders of the Basestar.
Vader then said:- "You are too important to the future of The Sith Order. Because of you, the Jedi and The Republic are now gone. Find a place to remain hidden while I lead my troops to take over this battle station for our own use. Afterwards, I'll endeavor to find a way to send us back to our proper places." Then left to rejoin his Stormtroopers.
Darth Bane was pleased, realizing that this strange Sith Lord named Darth Vader came from a different time, he felt assured that the Sith will indeed continue and destroy The Jedi as planned.

"Part #9 -Battlestar Galactica."

Eric Johnson as Darth Bane.

Lieutenant Boomer lead the patrol to investigate the phenomenon detected by the Colonial Battlestar Galactica.

Core Command was unable to match it to anything similar from within their records. His three wing men flew in a triangle formation behind him. Flight Sergeants, Jolly and Greenbean at each corner of the base and Flight Sergeant Ortega at the apex. Their fellow Warriors, Captain Apollo and his best friend Lieutenant Starbuck were playing a game of pyramids back at the Bachelor Officer's Quarters. The place Jolly preferred to be at that moment. If it wasn't for the fact that he was on standby he would have had the opportunity to use the cubits he had saved to place a few bets in the high-risk card game.
"Approaching objective, scanners activated." Boomer transmitted back to Core Command.
"Transmit readings." Core Command operative Rigel responded.
The four saw nothing at first and Boomer ordered his patrol to move in. Still nothing.
Boomer, Jolly, Greenbean and Ortega saw no evidence to suggest that anything out of the ordinary had ever occurred here, the conflict with the data collected by The Galactica

made them feel uneasy.
Weary of any danger, the viper pilots kept alert, Boomer contacted Core Command.
"Scanners detected nothing in relation to Galactica's

data, proceeding farther into the area to investigate."
Following Boomer's lead, his wing men pressed the turbo buttons on their viper's joystick-like yokes. Long, blue and white ion vapors shot out from their fighter's thrusters, accelerating them toward the centre of area where the unidentifiable phenomenon had been detected.
Then, debris registered, it filled the scanner displays in their cockpits as if detecting fragments from an asteroid field. He ordered his wing men to disengage their turbo thrusters.
"Frack! What could have possibly

done this?" Jolly could not help but feel baffled as to why there was so much debris and nothing on the scanners registering any likely cause.
"Yeah, it would take a whole destroyed fleet to create a mess like this one such a grand scale." Flight Sergeant Greenbean was equally surprised.
"A massive Cylon attack or something else we haven't seen?" Jolly was questioning his guess more to himself although addressing the other three Colonial Warriors.
"Possibly,..." Boomer agreed. "...but then again, considering whatever it was which The Galactica

had detected, it could be that and a new type of Cylon weapon being introduced into usage."
The thought was chilling. Boomer, Jolly, Greenbean and Ortega knew just as well as anyone else within The Twelve Colonies Of Man that Cylon technology exceeded their own, therefore the possibility felt all too plausible.
"Boomer!" Jolly exclaimed although each of their scanners had registered what his had detected simultaneously.
"Move out of the field, we need room to manoeuvre." Boomer quickly shouted his order.

Captain Apollo pushed 12 gold cubits to the centre of the table feeling confident about winning the pot from tonight's pyramids game. The excitement around the Bachelor Officer's Quarters at it's height as those of them spectating watched the final round.
All eyes went to Lieutenant Starbuck, the only player yet to decide whether to bet or abstain. He sat leaning back upon his chair, grin on his face, the fumarello he smoked clamped between his teeth at the right corner of his mouth. It was impossible to tell how good the cards he held were behind his lively manner.
"I'll match the bets." The crowd within the Bachelor Officer's Quarters sounded their collective "OOO-WWOOO" as Starbuck added his 12 cubits to the centre of the table bringing the pot to a total of 344.
Starting from the Lieutenant's left, each pilot showed their hands with Apollo's being the highest. The Captain, finding his best friend's grin amusing, smiled and asked "All right, what do you

"Here you are..." laying his cards down neatly, fumarello still between his teeth. "...FOUR... pyramids." The crowd's suspense finally relieved with a loud "OH" as pyramids expert Starbuck collected his winnings with both his arms stretched out.

Core Command Operative, 2ND Lieutenant Athena, juggled her duties and monitoring the pyramids game with separate scanners. Her Father, the legendary Commander Adama being off duty. Colonel Tigh taking the command shift.
The man she loved, the handsome, smart-aleck, fumarello-smoking, ace pilot, Lieutenant Starbuck, taking the winnings. She smiled, quieting her laughter so that no-one else within Core Command could hear her. Hardly surprising considering his proficiency at the card game. But one thing not surprising was that the man she loved was also the handsome, womanizing,

smart-aleck, fumarello-smoking, ace pilot. She used one of the scanners to monitor him as he left the Bachelor Officer's Quarters. He took a few corridors away from the ones leading to her quarters, her mistrust building. He eventually stopped by and used the cubits he won from the pyramids game to purchase two bottles of ambrosa. He promised to buy them some if he would win the game. Pleased, at seeing this, she waited in anticipation for her shift to end. Starbuck took the corridors toward Core Command and Athena's pleasure became short-lived, for he then took the passages away from both Core Command and her quarters and was shocked to learn of him visiting Cassiopeia. Before Cassiopeia became a Medtech she was a socialator-a 4,000 yahren old profession sanctified by the "elders", wherein a person obliges the desires of others.

-little-sneak!" This expression Athena always found herself using whenever she caught Starbuck acting out his womanizing.
Jealous of his latest act of being unfaithful, especially to a socialator, who, in her angry thoughts, considered the profession to be that of nothing more than a glorified courtesan, Athena searched the controls throughout her station to look for something to use to get back at him.
"Is something wrong Lieutenant?" Flight Corporal Rigel-the other female Core Command Operative-called to her from her station.
"Nothing Corporal, I just thought that there was a defect in one of my controls just for a few microns."
Although there was nothing wrong with her controls there was, however, something else wrong. One which Core Command Operative-Sergeant Omega-detected upon his scanners.
Alarms ululated, lights turned red to signify alerts.
"Positive shields...." Colonel Tigh ordered, protective doors lowered like a slabs in front of the bridge's viewing port. "...scramble fighters."
Communications came through, the surprised Omega, despite the enemy being detected, announced to Colonel Tigh of his confirmed transmission from Lieutenant Boomer.
"Put it through." Tigh maintained his alert posture.

this is Lieutenant Boomer, you may stand down your red alert. In fact, we've brought you back a big

As Boomer elaborated upon their story the crew of The Galactica

had been presented with a captured Cylon Basestar. Everyone within Core Command awestruck.
"How did you commandeer it with just the four of you?" Colonel Tigh asked after Boomer completed his transmission.
"No effort was required. It was totally unmanned when we found it. No Cylon Raiders being launched and every single Centurion destroyed. We saw evidence of it being in use only a few centares ago, but nothing to indicate anything as to why there wasn't a single entity-from whoever destroyed them-in it. It's like... they've all vanished.

And I mean in the literal sense of the word."
Colonel Tigh didn't know what to make of their patrol's findings.
"You mean to say that something destroyed The Cylons and left their Basestar intact?"
"As far as we could tell, that seems to be the case. As for the condition of the Basestar itself, it's intact with the exception of their Mega-Pulsar Cannons. There was, however, enough Cylon debris for four other Basestars." Boomer explained as best as their findings suggested to his patrol.
No reply from Colonel Tigh or anyone else. Jolly continued.
"We believe that the debris field of exploded vessels had something to do with it. The metal alloys are not Colonial or Cylon and they appear to have come from capital-class ships. We've retrieved a few samples I'm sure Dr. Wilker would like to take a look at."
"Anymore evidence of any kind relating to the phenomena we detected Boomer? Physical or other wise?"
"None whatsoever Colonel."

Hours before the Colonial patrol commandeered the Cylon Basestar. Darth Bane found himself on familiar ground. Half-way between his hideout and his shuttle. Not wishing to waste time due to his rendezvous with his apprentice Darth Zannah, he quickly boarded his shuttle and checked the chronometer. Despite the time which passed during his most outlandish experience, it was somehow the same time and date. Surprised to be able to rendezvous with his apprentice after all, he launched his shuttle and placed it on autopilot as soon as he left the atmosphere.
Instead of commencing his usual Sith meditation, he recalled the words of the future Sith Lord Darth Vader. He had mentioned Bane's holochron. Darth Bane still hadn't found the means to construct one. Considering this revelation, he made a detailed record of his time-travel experience. Months later, he found an ancient Sith Lord's record of an experience similar to his and encounters with tall blue beings who studied cultures from various timelines and parallel dimensions. The mention of parallel dimensions and those beings-which he himself had never encountered-would finally answer Darth Bane's question as to what truly happened to him.
Two years later, the great Sith Lord would finally find the means to construct a holochron of his very own. He would place this most precious of information within it for any future Sith Lord to find and, if they would encounter the Sorgarn, his avatar would urge them to capture their technology by whatever means necessary.
A millennium later, this information from the same holochron would eventually reach Darth Bruticus and his launching of a massive fleet of Imperial ships to the rebel-held world of Vargot in attempt to capture this exotic technology.

"Part #10 -Sorgarn, Seraphs And Sith."

Colleen Driscoll as Darth Shivilow.

Alex McKeel as Sith Lord Draconis and Snow Trooper TS 4142.

Joe Mignano as Darth Bruticus.

Awaiting their rendezvous with the Seraphs, Sorgarn research directors needed only to await for one of their incredibly fast "Ships Of Light" to find them. The Sorgarn were already familiar with those non-corporeal beings of light. A race centuries older than The Colonials and referred to as "Angels" in their religious text "The Book Of The Word." Themselves capable of travel through time, the Seraphs related to the scholarly Sorgarn well. Their capability to move through different dimensions, however, was not used in the same manner as that of The Sorgarn who used it to observe cultures. The Seraph, after capturing any less advanced being, use it to bring them into their ships. Any abductee or visitor would be transported into a different dimension once inside. This, the Sorgarn felt comfortable with due to their rare understanding of the concept.
None of the members of The Ministry Of Sorgarn Research felt any fear as soon as they sighted a ship of light, neither did they fear the strange piercing sound one would hear as soon as it approached. From the outside, it appeared as a group of luminous skyscrapers joined together by their bases in a cross shape and others attached to the middle on both sides at right angles. The whole superstructure being at least as large as an Imperial Super Star destroyer they have seen in their observations. The inside, where their meeting took place, appeared as a spacious, illuminated room walled with what appeared to be crystalline materials and transparent drapery hanging in various places.
"Welcome back Ministry Directors." One of the Serphs greeted the ten Sorgarn they were already familiar with. Their long, veiled, white robes sparked continuously.
"The Ministry Of Sorgarn Research extends it's greetings." Their leading director stepped forward. His movements made him seem to glide than walk. His speech, like all Sorgarn gave him a highly spiritual and noble demeanour. Almost matching that of the Seraphs.
"Since our last meeting we have managed to negate the effects of the trans-temporal & dimensional effects of those displaced into the dimension we met. Very few remain. As for those which do, we were unable to send them back to their proper planes of existence after the destruction of the control systems which resulted in transporting them. Because they've been in this universe for so long, their atomic structures have 'settled' here and we must therefore send them back manually."
The Seraph conducting the meeting on behalf of his people suspected that sending the beings foreign to their universe would not be a simple matter due to the fact that the Sorgarn requested a meeting.
"What complications do you face for such a task, director?"
"We have analyzed the timelines for this universe and if we do not act, then the fleet of The Empire will advance to the Colonial world of Caprica and utterly destroy it. The only way to send back such a massive fleet would be to construct a station powerful enough, with the required facilities, near the planet itself. We require the Colonials to assist us in buying the time required for such a feat. It will likely be too late. We therefore ask of the Seraphs for your assistance in any way possible.
"We do not intervene with The Colonies directly. That, for a very long time ceased to be our way..." The Sorgarn present repressed and discarded their disappointment due to their utter respect for all cultures. "...However, you may show us your data in regard to the likeliest outcome of this universe's timeline and the fate of The Twelve Colonies. Afterwards, we shall decide ourselves which course of action we will take..." The heavenly-looking commanding Seraph answered. "...if any."

Lord Bruticus searched the immediate area of the dark-brown, rocky landscape for a suitable area for a shelter where he could set-up a fire. He force-jumped to partly climb one of the tall escarpments and view the more distant areas. The three moons and minour moon orbiting one of them providing him with ample illumination to survey the area. There was no sign of a single settlement anywhere upon the exposed surfaces, consequently the thick forest appeared to be the only promising place, that is, assuming it concealed any constructions of any type from his current viewing point.
Ari'eshna watched Bruticus jump down to the surface, The Force checking his impact. Every new ability she learnt her new man possessed amazed her.
"I see no place we could check out when the daytime comes, so for the time being we'd better look for anything combustible since it doesn't appear that there's any wood here. I have a pyrotechnic and lighting fluid in my utility belt so we ought to be fine."
Both felt a strong sense of surprise as the dark lord's comlink sounded.
"Lord Bruticus. Do you copy?" It was Darth Shivilow.
The dark lord snatched it from his belt.
"Good to hear from you my apprentice. What's your location?"
"We're in orbit around an unidentified planet, our records couldn't find a match. I searched for you through The Force."
Bruticus looked up to the illuminated night sky. He couldn't see his fleet.
"I will explain what happened and the circumstances we are all in will become clear. I sense you and..." Lord Bruticus paused as his force powers detected another dark presence other than Darth Shivilow. "...send a shuttle, I sense something else which may be important. Search your feelings."
A pause by his apprentice. "I sense it too, I'll dispatch a shuttle now."
"Bruticus out."
Ari'eshna smiled. "So that's your apprentice." That being a statement from her interest and not a question.
"Yes, how fortunate she found us. It must have something to do with the way the time and parallel dimension technology works. We even arrived at virtually the same time."
Before long, Bruticus and Ari'eshna saw silhouettes of Imperial Star Destroyers move in front of the largest moon, seemingly headed toward the minour moon orbiting it. The Lambda-Class shuttle commenced landing, it's wings folding upward against it's main body.
"Niiice." Ari'eshna commented, not seeing a modern Imperial Shuttle before. She only knew of the older Theta-Class models.
Climbing aboard, the pilot, an off-duty Snowtrooper, saw his lord coming in followed by the former Hutt slave girl covering herself with her royal dark-purple cloak to keep warm.
"Don't look at her Captain, keep your mind on your duty." Lord Bruticus reminded the pilot. "You may start by heading... there." Bruticus pointing in the direction toward the thick forest.
"Yes, my Lord. Heading 30 degrees."
Bruticus sat beside the still shivering Ari'eshna.
"I'll see to it you get a change of wardrobe when we get aboard Dominator.

Of course, not that I don't like what you have on right now

, of course, my dear..." She smiled and laughed slightly, still shivering despite the dark lord keeping his body closer to hers. "...I think an Imperial uniform would look rather nice

on you."
Ari'eshna didn't like the idea of anything to do with The Galactic Empire, but she was able to get used to it since, to her, anything was far more preferable than anything to do with the Hutt cartels. With her new man being in command of the entire Imperial fleet, no Hutt or anyone affiliated with those disgusting creatures would be able to touch her.
Bruticus sensed his objective closer as the shuttle cruised along.
"Pilot, what is your name?"
"Snow Trooper TS 4142 my Lord."
"Oh,... you were with me when we raided the Sorgarn base. I didn't recognize you in standard uniform."
It was just as TS 4142 had thought. He smiled, not taking his eyes off the landscape he flew over.
"Good to have you back my Lord."
Bruticus stood up, looked outside and followed his force sense and pointed another direction.
"Head that way, stay close to the sides."
"Yes my Lord."
The Imperial Shuttle flew alongside small mountains by then and after passing one with a prominent, steep slope, the dark lord immediately caught sight of a base hidden into the side which came into view. The docking door still open for some reason.
"TS 4142, land in there." Then stood straighter and told the pilot and Ari'eshna to remain inside, assuring he would not be long.

Awaiting there, witnessing the Imperial Shuttle landing, the dark side user stood to see what it was had he sensed through The Force. Could it be someone who could help him? Another dark side user or not, he needed off this planet. The boarding ramp lowered, jets of excess hydraulic gas shot out of some of the vents. The Sith saw a man about 5' 08" tall with hair shaved very closely to his scalp. The dark side surrounded him as if he were an event horizon. This man was obviously many times far in advance of his own prowess with the dark side of The Force.
"Greetings, Lord Draconis I presume?" The surprise at hearing this man uttering, not his name, but his chosen Sith identity, so surreal. Had he any stolen data from the Jedi archives? Then, what seemed to be the perfect explanation, entered his mind.
"You must be that Sith Lord, you must be that Darth Sidious the Jedi order is looking for."
"Oh nooo..." he corrected, seeming to understand Draconis' situation. Maybe amusement was present in his voice. "...Logical guess considering where you came from. Far from it. I have the answers to your questions." Said as this mysterious figure kept approaching. Draconis was about to speak only to be interrupted. "I am Lord Bruticus, Supreme Commander of The Imperial Fleet. I'll explain everything on the way to my ship, come with me."
"I have my fighter here, I'll follow you with it." Turned and left without asking about the "Imperial Fleet" he mentioned-something which, to him, would not exist for another three years. At the time, all he was interested in was a way to return to the areas of the galaxy he was familiar with, infuriated and being unable to determine where he was. No data he found within the base he stood within gave him any indication as to which part of the galaxy he found himself in.

As instructed, there were no personnel greeting Lord Bruticus and his former Hutt slave girl lover and the rescued Sith Lord Draconis, that is, except for Darth Shivilow. Bruticus exited the shuttle as Shivilow stared at the Clone Wars-era modified Jedi Star fighter. Despite the association the vehicle had with The Jedi, she sensed the same dark presence within it as she did upon the planet. The dark side-user leaped out of the cockpit and she was surprised to see it was a male since she was instructed to bring along a ladies' imperial uniform.
"Greetings my apprentice, all will become clear soon. This..." turning to the newly arrived dark figure. "...believe it or not, is Lord Draconis."
Along with how unusually pleased Bruticus seemed, Shivilow's surprise grew considering that the man hadn't aged the extra 26 years this new dark lord should have.
"I was going to tell you about this after the invasion of Vargot but time was of the essence. I'll elaborate later, but in short, what basically happened was that the fleet have traveled through time and into another dimension..." turning once again to the Sith behind him. " in the case of Lord Draconis, here. I'll show you what Darth Bane said in his holochron soon."
"You have Darth Bane's holochron?" Was the first thing Draconis said since landing into the docking bay.
"Why yes, I am

the Lord Of The Sith." Bruticus added as if he was amused.
"Here's the ladies' uniform you requested, plain and without the decorations as requested." Shivilow indicated the suit bag held in her left.
TS 4142 escorted Ari'eshna out of the shuttle. He saluted Shivilow as soon as the two reached Lord Bruticus' right.
Ari'eshna received the suit bag as soon as Shivilow handed it to her.
"You must be Darth Shivilow, thank you." She smiled, nodding as she received her bag.
"A Hutt slave girl! What's a Hutt slave girl doing here? This is the Imperial flagship." Was the brash question Shivilow asked her Lord. To her, she was even more out of place than Lord Draconis was from this timeline.
"Her name is Ari'eshna and she's no longer a slave girl to anyone

Hutt of otherwise, and

is my permanent guest." Not too pleased with his apprentice's conduct.
"What are we going to do with a fooormer

Hutt slave girl? I don't see why we need her." Still with her voice raised.
All this time, Lord Draconis smirked, the hooked thumb and forefingers of his left resting at his lips in amusement.
"You are out of order my apprentice. Answer me this:- Who are the enemies of The Sith?" With his tone of voice the dark lord expected her to listen. Obviously disappointed.
"The Jedi." Shivilow responded with her usual apprentice-to-master discipline.

Nooow, is Ari'eshna a Jedi, my apprentice?" Bruticus asked in the tone of voice expecting his crazy apprentice to be reasoned with.
"No, my Lord."

You'll be seeing a lot more of her so I suggest you focus upon your duties to the dark side and use them against the enemy, which is not

Ari'eshna. Remember your purpose as a Sith Lord, Shivilow."
"Yes, my Lord." She bowed and turned to leave. Bruticus let her go. Still pacing, she turned her head back to Lord Draconis and shouted her displeasure for the last time before exiting the docking bay.
"What's so funny you dirty nerf-hearder!


"Part #11 Secrets Revealed."

-Sean Connaughton as Grand Jedi Master Seaco Buroc.

-Patrick Delieto as Grand Jedi Master Delpa Gival and Imperial Admiral Targeta.

-John Damocles Smith as Jedi Master Damocles.

-Alex McKeel as Orion Knight-Star.

-Colleen Driscoll as Darth Shivilow.

-Joe Mignano as Darth Bruticus.

The Rebel Fleet faced the fleet of Colonial ships who answered their broadcasts, Battlestars, Destroyers and support craft of all classes. To the Alliance's surprise, the Colonials had been expecting them. They already determined the cause of their disappearances for themselves and therefore assumed at first that the fleet of ships belonged to sometime in their future thus knowing of their displacement in time. It seemed they, at last, found the people who could explain their situation.
Partly correct. As they would find after the Rebel Leaders would be invited to a meeting by The Quorum of 12 aboard the Battlestar Atlantia.

The Jedi and Rebel leaders met the Colonial representatives after the Colonial shuttle landed in the port pontoon of the Atlantia.

They were greeted and welcomed by President Adar of The Twelve Colonies, Council Sire Domra, Quorum Member Siress Tinia and Count Baltar with an escort of eight Colonial Warriors. Their light-brown uniforms and medium-brown jackets made both the male and female warriors look impressive.
"It's an honour to meet you President Adar. I am Grand Jedi Master Seaco Buroc, head of what's left of The Jedi Order. This is my head of the Jedi Council Grand Master Delpa Gival, and my strategist Master Damocles and our head of the Rebel military, Admiral Chertoros."
"Without further ado Grand Jedi Master, we'll take you to the Council meeting chamber. We have much

to discuss of which I'm sure

would be of great interest to you all." President Adar turned and all other colonials followed him like they were his shadows. The three Jedi and one Admiral eagerly awaiting the answers to their questions.

The newcomers to the Battlestar Atlantia

watched and listened to the very tall, dignified alien Sorgarn lecture the two sides of this ultra-secret meeting with great fascination. The Colonials had already known of the disruption of time and parallel dimensions from the Sorgarn, but only enough to explain the basics, they awaited the arrival of The Rebel Alliance in order to inform all concerned of the enormity of the seriousness and dangers of the matter. The Ministry Of Sorgarn Research had only omitted discussion of their previous meeting with The Seraph. Only some final questions remained, Delpa Gival started.
"You mentioned that some who are displaced have not returned to their proper time and dimension. Why are we still here?"
"The principles require an understanding of our science of physics, but, to explain it in layman's terms, your atomic structures have 'settled' into this universe and that has the effect of establishing yourselves here unless we return you. Because we didn't have enough time and power to return everyone some remained outside their native planes of existence. Yourselves and the Imperial Fleet could only be sent back if we build our facilities to create a field to surround all of you and read your dimensional signatures. Once read, our computers would determine which dimension and direction of time you belong."
"What's a dimensional signature?" Asked Seaco Buroc, still in his diplomatic manner, reminiscent of Master Kenobi himself.
"It is something unique to every atomic and subatomic structure. This applies to everyone and every thing.

Our instruments can scan you and determine whether if you belong to the same or different timeline and dimension from each other." The seemingly spiritual manner of the head of The Ministry Of Sorgarn Research prevalent, having the effect of calming all those present despite not possessing The Force.
"And does this apply to those from the same timeline but existing years apart? For instance, Master Damocles is not the Master Damocles we are familiar with, he's from eight years after our time. Would your equipment send both him and the rest of us to the same date or the different dates we originally come from?"
"I understand what you are trying to clarify Master Gival, and your answer is 'yes.' This is done by determining, what we refer to as, a 'Quantum Signature.' It is simple process conducted after, or at times, independently of, reading dimensional signatures."
Master Damocles asked the final question.
"You mention you need between 30 and 35 days to construct your facilities and Bruticus' fleet will reach us well before then. What do you suggest we do in order to prevent The Empire from destroying what you plan to build?"
"It isn't their intention to destroy

it. They want the technology for themselves, that is why they attacked the base you were assigned to. They found it there without any prior knowledge of it's existence just as they converged upon our research outpost. We cannot allow you to stay in this universe as timelines must take their course as naturally as possible, so we shall not delay the construction of the facilities we need. Therefore both Rebel forces and the Colonial forces must form a coalition to engineer a defense for Caprica. That is where the Imperial Fleet will attack."
With no farther questions, President Adar turned everyone's attention to the figure seated two places to his right.
"Rebel leaders, I'm sure you've been eager to know who this man is. Why don't you introduce yourself."
The Jedi stood.
"Greetings Masters, Admiral..." he stood and bowed. "I am Jedi Knight Orion Knight-Star. I was seeking out my twin brother and then reappeared in the Sorgarn base and then this very chamber. You come from after my time, so have you heard of Sith Lord Draconis?" To Orion's surprise, they hadn't.
Orion only gave a few words to elaborate his story before seating himself. President Adar was about to suggest calling in warships for their defensive measures when the council member seated two places from Adar's left rose and commenced voicing his contempt, pointing in the general direction of the Rebels, shouting.
"Why should we go to war with that Empire you speak of? It's their very presence here which is the obvious reason for those Imperials to threaten Caprica or any world within The Twelve Colonies. I suggest we begin diplomatic measures with The Empire instead of planning outright war. I demand that the Jedi and the rest of the Rebels must leave The Colonies for the duration needed to build the Sorgarn facilities in order to save as many Colonial lives as possible-lives we The Council are responsible for."
Seaco Buroc responded in his usual practical and diplomatic ways.
"The Empire wants

no peace. Their aim is to conquer and diplomatic measures would simply not work, especially considering that The Sith are in command."
"Nonsense, we do things differently here. We simply cannot

strike first and ask questions later. Only if negotiations should fail..."
Lord Baltar, who sat another two seats down interrupted. He stood, rapped the knuckles of his right upon the table once along with his first words.
"Damn you Sire Minos, we must hear them out! It is they

who know The Empire, not us. If what they say is true we need their information to set-up the defense we need." It already became clear to the Rebels that this Lord Baltar had a flare for the dramatic just by witnessing the manner in which he spoke.
"Nonsense Baltar, the Rebel presence within The Colonies will be the reason for their attack, therefore they must go..." Sire Minos' visible closed-mindedness still blocking his understanding of the situation.
Batlar interrupted again with emphasis to each word.
"A fight is inevitable." He seemed to spit out his statement.
"Hostile Empire or not, we, however, are not barbarians..."
"Can't you see we have no choice!" That being Baltar's statement and not a question.
"Gentlemen, please." President Adar attempted to put an end to the argument. Then turned to the head of the remains of The Jedi Order. "Grand Jedi Master, you may begin enlightening us of the capabilities of The Empire and what we are likely to face." Adar's statement also being an apology to Seaco Buroc.
Standing, again in his diplomatic poise, the Grand Jedi Master began.

Lord Bruticus lay back comfortably on his long recliner, Ari'eshna snuggled up beside him. The dark lord's spacious personal quarters already being something she could get used to. Such a contrast to Jabba's Palace, she loved it.
"Have I told you that you look most lovely in that Imperial Uniform my dear?"
"I've lost count after 12 times my Lord." She touched the edge of her wine glass to his, smiling.
Darth Shivilow entered.
"Here's the report of our fleet strength and the latest copy of the Death Star's completed stages of construction as ordered, Lord Bruticus." Not looking too interested in bringing the files in.
"Thank you, my apprentice. You may place it into the display. That will be all."
Shivilow inserted the computer chips into the front of the monitor without turning it on and paced her way outside. Her well-bodied curly hair following her sharp turns without messing up.
"Now, don't worry about Darth Shivilow, she will not dare do anything, she knows her duties as a Sith. So you merely need to ignore her temper. She may have the necessary discipline but she is, however, still crazy."
"Well, whatever it is, it hasn't stopped her hair from looking as perfect as ever." The two laughed.
After a short pause for the two to drink more of their wine Ari'eshna asked:-
"My Lord, maybe this is none of my business, but is Shivilow jealous?"
"Nooo,..." he replied relaxed. "...she just doesn't understand that even The Dark Lord Of The Sith needs time away from work and maintaining his skills with The Force."
"Was there ever anything between you two?"
"Oh no, never anything like that. She's always been my apprentice and that is all. She's always been a great learner of the Sith arts, just like her Father. Her relations with people and understanding of it has never been her strong point."
"Her Father was a Sith Lord like you?"
He paused, took drink.
"Yes. Certainly, he was none other than Emperor Palpatine himself."
"The Emperor was a Sith Lord?" Ari'eshna was understandably surprised, noting Bruticus' smile.
"That's part of the reason why he managed to take over much of the galaxy."
"If Shivilow is his daughter then why is she on your side?"
"Shivilow never knew him. She knew of

him but never met him until the day I sent her to take down Darth Vader. After I tracked down The Emperor's former relationship and observed her, I saw she was not happy where she lived and I offered her freedom and the chance to realize her abilities and purpose for existence. I knew she would take it. She blasted her Mother and said 'Get me out of this Sarlacc-hole.' And from that day I trained her as my apprentice, I needed her to help me take down The Emperor and Lord Vader."
"I can't imagine what she saw in Palpatine, the way he looked-horrible."
"Well, that was shortly before the Jedi disfigured him."
"Oh." Nodded in realization and then took drink.
"So, how did she take down Lord Vader and The Emperor?"
"We didn't. After the Rebel fleet engaged the ships and the shield was taken down, my fleet came out of light speed. Myself, Shivilow and my royal guards broke through The Emperor's tower to take out his Royal guards. As soon as we reached the throne room, I was about to give Shivilow her final test, that was to take down Darth Vader. But the last thing we expected to see was that Rebel terrorist Luke Skywalker engaging Lord Vader in a lightsabre duel. I had to alter my plan, so we waited for the outcome before I'd make the next decision. It was such a strange moment, Skywalker defeated Vader but refused to kill him, The Emperor himself attacked Luke and somewhere along the line, he said 'Father pleeese' and Vader actually betrayed The Emperor and absorbed the sith lightning he cast at Luke even as he physically carried him away. It was tremendous, along with discovering Vader's identity as his own Father he managed to carry Sidious..."
"Oh, Darth Sidious was The Emperor's Sith title. Vader managed to endure absorbing the sith lightning and survive after throwing him down the reactor shaft. That is certainly not easy to do. Darth Vader clearly had the determination to succeed, but the sith lightning had left him too badly injured to even walk by himself, even with any force energy he had left."
"And then what did you and Shivilow do?"
"We remained hidden and observed them. Skywalker helped carry him out and simply left. Vader was already dying, so there was no need to send Shivilow to kill him and we let Skywalker go because our priority was to use all my forces to hijack The Death Star...." paused and tapped the shaft of his glass in thought. " much as I wanted to deal with them it wasn't the time. That was our only chance to take the battle station."
"I understand how strange it must have felt, I can't get over the co-incidence of Shivilow being related to The Emperor and Skywalker to Vader. You were quite lucky to take the entire Death Star without needing to kill The Emperor and Vader. Since those two were so dangerous did it make it much easier to take it over?"
"I don't believe in luck, at least not in the literal sense of the word Ari'eshna. We used the Rebel fleet as a distraction for the Imperial forces on Palpatine's side to get to the battle station itself. Both sides were too busy with each other to bother with our side. The deaths of Palpatine and Vader did, however, enable me to convince most of Palpatine's Imperial fleet to side with me. One leader for an entire empire, and not two, is always better. United, the Imperial Fleet became stronger."
"You certainly did very well Bruticus." She finished her drink, Bruticus poured her some more and they kissed. "What happened to the Rebel fleet?"
"After we dropped our ground forces into The Death Star our ships were free to fire upon theirs'. They, of course, realized that they were overwhelmed so they aborted their attack. This left our side to finish off Palpatine's forces in orbit."
"What about the rebels on the forest moon?"
"They defeated Palpatine's ground forces, we were going to deal with them after the fleet and Death Star but they were long gone. The Rebel scums never came back so I suspect that they escaped in the ships they landed with or that Skywalker transported them after leaving The Death Star. We rebuilt the shield generator and took over it's construction."
"Shivilow just gave you reports of the latest stages of it's construction, and we're away from that shield generator, so how long until it's finished?"
"It's complete regarding the original designs, we're just modifying it internally and installing more launch bays for fighters and adding more turrets so that smaller enemy craft couldn't take out it's defenses as easily."
"You're quite an organized man my Lord." Then touched her glass to his and they kissed.
"Why thank you my dear Ari'eshna." They took drink again and Bruticus once again asked:- "Have I told you that you look most lovely in that Imperial Uniform my dear?"

Admiral Targeta saw Darth Shivilow storm into the bridge. It seemed too soon to deliver the reports to him and be back. She didn't look too pleased.
"I think it would be a while

before he even looks

at those reports Admiral."
"That makes two of us, my Lady." Targeta understood.
Still looking at the scanners in front of him, the Admiral could swear he could feel the pause from Shivilow. It seemed she had resigned from talking until he heard her say:- "Lord Bruticus has been unusually cheerful these last few days. I've seen him act happily before... but... not like... that!

I tell you Admiral, that Ari'eshna is no good for Lord Bruticus."

"Part #12 Covert Precautionary Measures."

-Sean Connaughton as Grand Jedi Master Seaco Buroc.

-Patrick Delieto as Grand Jedi Master Delpa Gival.

-Alex McKeel as Orion Knight-Star.

-John Damocles Smith as Jedi Master Damocles.

With the use of the archival data from the Rebel flag ship, Grand Jedi Master Seaco Buroc gave the Colonial Warriors a detailed lecture of The Empire and their ships. The holographic display fascinating them because it differed from any technology they possessed. It was also easier for all the pilots within the lecture hall to understand the more minute three-dimensional details as the Jedi Leader enlarged key images. Many of the pilots wished they possessed such sophisticated holographic displays like the Rebels. The lecture being made easier for Seaco thanks to Lieutenant Sheba-who helped him and the Jedi-to understand the Colonial terminology they found confusing.
Captain Apollo took most interest in the Star Destroyers and compared it's armaments and details to that of their own Battlestars. Only Seaco Buroc's Jedi senses told him that Starbuck to the Captain's left was almost as interested as Apollo in the unfamiliar, arrowhead-shaped ships. The manner in which he sat with his leg crossed and smoked his fumarello made it impossible for anyone without force skills to tell whether if he wanted to be there or not.
Next to Starbuck sat Sheba of the Battlestar Pegasus.

Although this lecture was performed in front of the Galactica's

pilots, Seaco knew from Sheba herself that she was the Daughter of their Commander Cain and assigned her here as his representative. Sheba acted in every way as a professional pilot and representative, but she also paid a lot of attention to those mysterious Jedi. She had never met anyone like them with their powers and all, the intrigue she felt for them became attraction. During her time helping the Grand Jedi Master with Colonial terminology, she became attracted to Seaco the most. Shortly before the lecture, she invited him for a drink of ambrosa during her off-duty hours. Although he accepted, she would be disappointed later that night when he declined to see her again because a closer relationship would be impossible due to the fact that he was married. Something Sheba had not taken into account. She admired the Grand Jedi Master for being so understanding like the wise man he obviously was.
"Any final questions before this session ends?" Seaco asked the Colonial Warriors. Sheba readied herself because after the lecture, she would accompany the Jedi elsewhere.
Lieutenant Starbuck, raised the hand which didn't hold his fumarello.
"Aaahh, there's one thing you didn't tell us about this TIE Fighters Master Buroc."
Then pointed his forefinger and thumb out, clenched the rest of them to make the shape of a blaster out of his hand and moved it around the lecture hall.
"Where are they? They sound fun to knock out." Half the Colonial Warriors laughed at Starbuck's usual smart-aleck conduct.
Lieutenant Sheba followed Seaco, Delpa, Orion, Damocles and Admiral Chertoros after the Grand Jedi Master dismissed the lecture. Commander Adama of the Battlestar Galactica

wanted to speak to the Rebel Alliance leaders. As the representative of her Father-Commander Cain-Sheba was to take part in the meeting.
Upon entering his private lounge, the Rebel alliance saw that Commander Adama was a mature man with a full head of grey hair and black eyebrows. For the Rebels, it was impossible to determine how old the Commander was ever since learning that most colonials lived much longer than they did, but references to him suggested he was between 120 and 130 years of age (or yahren

in Colonial terminology.) Unlike the troublesome Sire Minos from The Quorum Of Twelve, Adama seemed wise, very practical in action and very realistic in assessing the situation. As the two sides talked, it seemed his diplomatic skills exceeded even that of Seaco Buroc's own.
Commander Adama called this secret meeting with The Rebel Alliance leaders mainly to discuss plans to muster as many Colonial forces as they could to readily aid the Rebel fleet at short notice. Watching the two sides was the head of The Ministry Of Sorgarn Research, who stood virtually silent.
"What would happen if we amass a fleet without Sire Minos' vote in The Quorum?" Seaco asked after Adama's initial speech.
"Unfortunately... Sire Minos Darius has strong ties with the military, himself being a retired Commander. They cannot launch without his approval even with a majority vote from The Council. The military hierarchy would likely be divided if we proceed without his vote, which I fear, would never come."
"We understand Commander. The way he verbally attacked us and our force skills told us that there is no

way to convince him otherwise. Had be been in our dimension, he would have witnessed the way The Empire conducted their operations throughout our Galaxy." Seaco Buroc spoke for the other three Jedi and Admiral Chertoros.
"Rebel leaders, there may be one chance of hope. I've arranged a meeting with a good friend of mine Commander Cain. He's a very well-respected leader and has served with distinction in his service within The Colonial Fleet. We shall all meet with him within five centares. I'll inform you when he arrives." By then the Rebels understood that the term "centar" is analogous to their "hour."
With the meeting adjourned, the rebel leaders moved out to retire to their guest quarters after a long day's work of lecturing.
Lieutenant Sheba waited until the Jedi and Admiral split up. Only Delpa Gival and Master Damocles were left, and the latter was about to open the door to his quarters.
"Master Damocles..." Sheba said, Delpa Gival turned around but sensed she wanted a private conversation and continued four doors down to his temporary quarters. "... Master Buroc mentioned during today's training lecture that you're a strategist."
"That's right Lieutenant. Military strategy is one of the skills I studied as part of my Jedi training."
"As soon as Seaco mentioned it, that interested me. You see, my Father, Commander Cain is a military genius and I think you two would work well together."
"I look forward to meeting him."
"Master Damocles, I know he'll be arriving soon, but, I'd like to show you a few recordings of his tactics if you're interested."
"I'd like that very much." He replied and followed Sheba down the corridor.
"So,... I don't know what you have back where you all came from, but here, we have a drink called Ambrosa. Have you tasted it yet?"
"Not yet, but Master Buroc told me it's quite nice."
"Well, if you like you may have some with me while we watch the recordings."
Delpa Gival had opened his door and looked to his left, seeing Damocles and Sheba walking much farther down the corridor in conversation. He wasn't surprised, it was just as he thought regarding her wish for a private conversation. The Grand Jedi Master closed the door.

Baltar boarded his shuttle and simply dropped his weight onto his seat.
"What's wrong now?" Karibdis-Baltar's pilot and top electronics expert-understood just by looking at him that the meeting had been much more serious than it had been for a long time.
"This is a unique situation Karibdis, it's too highly classified to even talk about. What I can say is that Caprica will be attacked and naturally we need to organize a defense."
"Attacked? Those damn Cylons will be coming at us and they're not allowing a defense?" The surprised pilot asked and then pressed the turbo button on the joystick to launch the shuttle.
"It's not against Cylons, it's by forces not of the Cyrannus Galaxy. The problem is that damn Sire Minos!

Our sources tell us that they're conquerors and yet Minos insists upon diplomacy."
Karibdis changed the shuttle's course toward Baltar's battlestar.
"They sound worse than the Cylons-whoever you're not allowed to talk about."
Baltars' hands came together, fingers in between each other as he leaned forward.
"Ooohh those forces concern me greatly with what I've been told of them. There will be literally nothing left of Caprica if we fail..." Then his temper intensified. "...but that Sire Minos... those forces are capable of obliterating a whole planet and yet he insists upon dialogue!

Baltar heard Karibdis breathe out in shock at the mention of obliterating a whole planet.
"Lord Balter, I wish I knew what happened to Minos, electing him to The Quorum was nothing but a mistake. He's so different from the other Sires that it's a wonder how any

policy got approval."
"He is

nothing but a problem." Baltar breathed on his clenched hands.
"Exactly my thoughts Baltar. I may not have seen what goes on in any of your meetings, but, everyone knows that his ears have become more and more stubborn to the rest of The Council's. By the sound of what you told me, he ought to be replaced for the good of The Colonies."
"Replaced. Oh, dooo

I like the thought of that." Baltar replied, seemingly more to himself than Karibdis.

"Part #13 Anticipating The Inevitable."

-Colleen Driscoll as Darth Shivilow.

-Patrick Delieto as Grand Jedi Master Delpa Gival and Imperial Admiral Targeta.

-Joe Mignano as Darth Bruticus.

-Sean Connaughton as Grand Jedi Master Seaco Buroc.

-Alex McKeel as Jedi Knight Orion Knight-Star.

-John Damocles Smith as Jedi Master Damocles.

"Destroy them all!!" Darth Shivilow shouted as crazily as she actually was. The first of the three double-saucer-shaped battle stations disappeared from the Death Star's main video panel.
Imperial Navy supreme commander, Admiral Targeta, awaited the three-minute recharge of it's ultimate weapon. All capital ships of Darth Bruticus' fleet concentrated fire upon the nearest from extreme range.
"Ha HAAA!!"

Shivilow shouted again and jumped up with her left fist held high as she witnessed the firepower of their 200 Star Destroyers utterly destroy the second one. Their surprise attack being all too successful.
Admiral Targeta transmitted to Lord Bruticus his updates of the attack. Droid Star Fighters commenced launching from the third. Readings on Targeta's monitor displayed the count-down timer for the next time the superlaser charged. The Admiral had no knowledge of what type of super weapons the droid battle station might possess-if any-therefore he took the precaution of ordering the fleet to ignore the fighters until they destroy it. The Death Star turrets will aim for the fighters.
Shivilow noticed something else upon her monitor.
"Admiral, more Droid Fighters detected from the planet's surface. Order a scan for bases."
"Yes, my Lady." And carried out his orders.
Despite how hardy the battle stations were, none of them were a match for the firepower of 200 Star Destroyers in over a minute.
"Grrrr-REAT work!!" came the next crazy shout from Shivilow.
With only the Droid Fighters left and eventually, the superlaser ready to fire once again, Admiral Targeta requested instructions as to what to do with the planetary base one of the crew located.
"My Lady, no planetary shield detected. Shall we fire the Death Star Laser?"
"No Admiral, there may be information for us about this sector of the galaxy. After we shoot down their fighters, take out their defenses with capital ships and dispatch AT-ATs to assist."
After The Empire captured the Battle Droid's Base, Darth Shivilow met with her troopers upon the surface, bringing along a team of protocol droids. Lord Bruticus himself arrived half-an-hour later. The dark lord loved the sight of the defeated battle droids lying everywhere. Not a single one left functioning. Who made them? They all appeared militant the way they functioned. If they were independent, how did they originate?
The lead protocol droid approached Darth Shivilow and she relayed it's news to her Master.
"Lord Bruticus, the droids have successfully deciphered the data we found."
"Did you find anything in relation to navigation and habitable planets?" He asked the very same droid his apprentice referred to.
"Yes sir, this way."
Shivilow scrolled through the catalogue of information organized by the protocol droids and her force senses intensified as soon as she saw diagrams of a prominent system of planets.
"It says, 'The Twelve Colonies Of Man' my Lord."
She let a breath out, still absorbed by the information discovered. "Apparently so." Still not quite sure.
The brutal one nodded, said in almost a hum:- "So, there are other beings like us in this universe."
Shivilow's force senses compelled her to enlarge images of one planet in particular. Bruticus felt it as well. Images of the planet from orbit and the pyramidal-shaped constructions covering much of the urban areas told the two what else could be found there. Not by the images themselves, but, through The Force.
"This world is called Caprica. That's where we must set course."
"Yes, my apprentice. And that is where The Rebels are located."

Aboard Commander Cain's private lounge within the Battlestar Pegasus,

the well-respected military genius analyzed the data Master Damocles presented to him with their holographic displays. Of all the Jedi, he came to their universe from the farthest date in time and therefore the only one familiar with The Death Star. A weapon Seaco Buroc, Delpa Gival, Admiral Chertoros and especially Orion Knight-Star would yet see in their personal futures. Commander Adama and Colonel Tigh were already familiar with The Empire's ultimate weapon through Seaco Buroc's lecture to their pilots. Learning of it's capabilities the first time was unsettling enough, it still felt the same to them seeing this a second time. Master Damocles completed showing footage of the superlaser in action, the very images taken by the Rebel fleet during their attempted destruction of it above the forest moon of Endor.
"That, I'm sure you could see, Commander Cain, is not the only danger The Death Star presents. According to our sources, it also has 15,000 turbolaser batteries, 15,000 heavy turbolaser batteries, 7,500 laser cannons, 5,000 Ion cannons, 768 tractor beam generators."
Commander Cain's hand covered his mouth in an analytical manner.
"Most formidable indeed. It's complement?"
"Again, according to our sources, 7,200 TIE Fighters of all models, 16 Capital ships and 3,600 Lambda-class shuttles and 2,480 GAT-12 Skipray Blastboats... but to be realistic, Commander, these figures are out of date. Our intelligence reports that it appears to be complete and has since been modified with even more turrets... so, I treat this information as the lowest estimates of it's armament and compliment." Then turned to Commander Adama and Colonel Tigh. "I suggest the task of taking out The Death Star should be assigned to Commander Cain, Adama."
"Agreed. If the Commander will accept this challenge." The still-standing Adama walked closer to his old comrade-in-arms already knowing he'd concur anyway.
"I can already think of something Master Damocles."
"Good..." Adama turned to Colonel Tigh after establishing Cain's assignment. "...Tigh, your report of the Basestar?"
Adama's second-in-command walked over to the viewing port where the battle station floated in space closely to The Pegasus

all followed him.
"The Mega-Pulsar Cannons still need time to repair, as for the hole we found, which Master Gival determined as been cut-out by lightsabre, that has been fully repaired."

the Mega-Pulsar Cannons be fully repaired, Colonel Tigh?"
"I'm confident they will be. There's enough resources inside the Basestar itself to repair the Pulsar Cannons many times over..." Tigh turned, smiled then added "...And thousands

of lightsabre holes. Whether if they're cut out by Bruticus, Shivilow or Draconis."
"I don't think it was Draconis." Orion Knight-Star added for the record. "I sense my twin Brother better than anyone else. The dark presence I felt there was from someone much

more powerful. Although I couldn't think of why Lord Bruticus would cut a hole in the hull like the way we found it."
"Perhaps it was a tactical manoeuvre..." Suggested Commander Cain. " could have been his plan to let his troops in, perhaps because it was not well defended in that section."
"Who knows." Colonel Tigh responded for everyone.

Count Baltar held a secret meeting of his own, one with the Commander of the Battlestar Solaria.

"But that weapon, I'm certain

he's seen the data we sent him and yet..." suddenly silent as he paced his way around the Commander's private quarters. "...yet he still wouldn't agree to launch the forces we need against that thing...

" His arms hit the air downward. His flare for the dramatic always there. " can destroy a whole Battlestar in one shot. Even a whole planet! Sire Minos is so stubborn and closed-minded that he'll probably only be persuaded once Caprica is blown out of existence along with our planetary defenses. We'll have nothing there to aid the fleet. Commander, you must do something

to persuade him to vote in favour of defensive action."
"Count Baltar, the admiralty has already tried, we still haven't given-up but I doubt there's anything we could do by protest."
Baltar clenched his fist without Solaria's

Commander seeing him.
"There is an alternative measure, that is... one I do not wish to mention to the admiralty."
Baltar's face turned quickly to meet the Commander's.
"Just what

are you suggesting?"

The next daily drill commenced as it had the past week-and-a-half since the Rebel alliance had arrived. Seaco Buroc lead all the Rebels and Colonials, each in their own starfighters. They flew under, through, over and around the captured Cylon Basestar. Both sides by then all too familiar with each side's terminology and names of manoeuvres. They then practiced their approaches against capital ships with the help of the Rebel fleet facing the Galactica.

Mixed teams of X-Wings, Colonial Vipers, Y-Wings, Colonial Bombers, A-Wings, B-Wings and others flying among Mon Calamari Cruisers, Nebulon-B Frigates, Corellian Corvettes and Rebel Transports alike. Laser turrets set to a non-lethal mode during the war games and computers keeping track of hits and misses.
Grand Jedi Master Seaco Buroc and the Rebel leaders received a broadcast from Colonel Tigh.
"This is the Galactica.

I have good news and bad news." Upon hearing those words, most wondered whether if Tigh meant both good and bad at the same time because of the way he voiced out his announcement. "I have just received word from President Adar that Sire Minos Darius has apparently been assassinated, depending on who replaces him, The Council Of Twelve may be able to vote in favour of mobilizing the Colonial fleet to aid The Rebel Alliance and the defense of Caprica. Investigation is in progress as we speak."

"Part #14 Coalition's Turning Point."

-Sean Connaughton as Grand Jedi Master Seaco Buroc.

-Patrick Delieto as Grand Jedi Master Delpa Gival and Admiral Targeta.

-Alex McKeel as Orion Knight-Star and twin brother Sith Lord Draconis.

-John Damocles Smith as Jedi Master Damocles.

-Colleen Driscoll as Darth Shivilow.

-Joe Mignano as Darth Bruticus.

"Buuurn Minos Buuurrrn." Lord Baltar said quietly in a low voice as he witnessed the bridge of the Battlestar Medusa

glow from the explosive fire within. Looking through the viewing port from Baltar's right stood Karibdis-who engineered the subtle, yet effective, plot. Baltar was not surprised that Karibdis-his pilot and top electronics expert-was able to think of a covert way to carry out his task and not have it traced back to him or anyone associated with him.
"Let's hope the bridge controls at Core Command can be repaired in time. We need all the help we could get."
The glowing within Medusa's

bridge faded to an almost uniform yellow as the fire within apparently commenced to become brought under control.
"Disregard what I said before, I must know, how did you do it?"
Karibdis answered with only the key details.
"I sent a technician to Core Command with a case of spare parts and told him that they are for an upgrade and must replace the existing parts in monitor alpha-12. I had shown him the electronics and tools first. Once I closed the case it armed the Solonite detonators inside the 'upgraded parts.' Only upon re-opening the case would the explosives be triggered. I made sure his executive officer called Sire Minos to the bridge and show him something on one of the neighbouring monitors so that he could be there at the same time as the technician."
"His XO wasn't aboard Medusa

"No, he was in his shuttle. I detonated it after the bridge had."
Baltar crossed his arms. He kept watch upon the Battlestar once under the command of the assassinated Sire Minos Darius.
"Well done Karibdis."

"The Quorum has passed the vote to bring aid to The Rebel Alliance and form a temporary coalition. As we speak, aid is on it's way to Caprica from Aeries, Gemoni, Sagitara, Virgon and Taura so far. Do you see them reaching us in time?" President Adar asked the head of The Ministry Of Sorgarn Research. The graceful being stood in the centre of The Quorum Of Twelve's chamber where he could properly address all present.
"The Imperial Fleet will likely arrive after you amass the forces you need. What's important is that our facilities remain protected. There is no possible way to complete the construction in time. The Empire must be defeated otherwise our effort to replace everyone to their proper planes of existence will be all for nothing."
Commander Cain felt more confident than anyone else of a victory.
"However we defend Caprica, we must move the fleet farther away from the planet and engage their ships and that Death Star at as great a distance as possible. The most important tactic is to prevent it from destroying Caprica and that is to prevent it from approaching within range in whatever way we can."
The Quorum leaders, Commander Adama, Colonel Tigh and the Rebel leaders could only agree with the Pegasus

"You cannot actually stop it from approaching, it's the size of a small moon and much too hardy. If you have a plan to knock out the superlaser, Commander, I'd like to hear it." Stated Master Damocles.
"I have it right here." The charismatic military genius held up an electronic notepad, smiling. He narrated from it and all within the chamber watched the animated diagrams upon the chamber's viewing panel.
It has been two weeks since The Rebel Alliance had arrived in the Cyrannus Galaxy. There had been no sign of The Galactic Empire, but according to the Sorgarn, they could arrive at any time. All hope by those within The Quorum Of Twelve's chamber rested upon Commander Cain's military genius.

The bachelor officer's quarters hosted yet another card game of Pyramids. Orion Knight-Star had a good hand and opted to stay in the game. Apollo wasn't sure whether if he'd have a chance to win or not so he folded. Seaco stayed in the game and finally, Starbuck as well-who's amused facial expression implied he saw a good chance of winning the cubits.
Boomer-who was the first to opt out of the game-wanted Starbuck to stop fiddling with the top of his cards and kill the suspense and make a decision quickly.
"What'll you do Starbuck?"
"Iii'll raise you another 12 cubits." His expression hadn't altered, the fumarello between his teeth seemed to never have moved while he spoke.
"I'm out." Orion decided not to risk it.
Seaco, still leaning back, looking in every way the dignified Grand Jedi Master, matched the Lieutenant's bet.
Starbuck had shown his hand and moved to scoop the cubits toward himself with his right arm.
Seaco, only his face moving stated:- "Thought you said four

pyramids beat a hand like the one you have."
Starbuck's face fell as Seaco Buroc lay the fan of cards lower. Jolly, Boomer and Apollo laughing.
"Maybe I ought to take a deck of those type of cards as a souvenir from the Cyrannus Galaxy. I'd like to teach the game to my wife when we have the more social of our guests visiting us. The Grand Jedi Master said.
"You're married?" Orion Knight-Star exclaimed, obviously surprised. In his dimension there was no such grade as 'Grand Jedi Master' and that was just about the only majour difference between his plane of existence and Seaco's, but this is the first difference which induced him to exclaim in surprise.
Seaco Buroc turned is head to the right.
"Shouldn't I be?"
"Where I come from, Jedi are forbidden to marry. So is that permitted in your timeline."
"Oh..." Seaco understood Orion's surprise. " has been for at least 200 years." Answered as he shuffled the cards.
"I came from a mere 18 years before your time and I don't think there would be a time that The Council would permit Jedi to marry at least after my lifetime." Orion added as he had his cards dealt out to him.

Meanwhile, Master Damocles and Lieutenant Sheba met for another drink of ambrosa in her quarters. The conversation involved both the circumstances the fleet faced, each others' cultures and each other personally. They viewed the mixture of ships outside as they held each other. A unique sight which would never be seen again. Mon Calamari cruisers, Nebulon-B frigates, Corellian Corvettes, Rebel Transports converted as heavy bombers, Battlestars and the smaller Colonial Destroyers. The two all too aware that they'll never see each other again after the Sorgarn complete their work, that is, assuming that they will survive The Empire's Attack. Both have seen many battles and many of their own lost to know it's realism. At the same time their new relationship felt different due to their unique circumstances, neither needed to be a Sorgarn to know that they cannot return to each other since they came from different a dimension and timeline from each other. So, Master Damocles and Lieutenant Sheba made the most of the time they had left by seeing each other more often while off duty.
"We all know what we're facing, but even if we take out that Death Star, and the Star Destroyers, there are still many more fighters than we have. It'll be quite a struggle." Said Sheba.
"It certainly will, but I have faith in your Father's plan. I may be a strategist myself, but Commander Cain is far more skillful than I am. I believe there's a chance of The Coalition winning considering the two things Colonial Battlestars have which Imperial Star Destroyers don't. Commander Adama had shown me simulations of past conflicts and your Battlestars are quite hardy."
"My Father may be a capable man, but the Cylons never developed anything like The Death Star before. I'm hoping that this will not be the last time I'll see him."
"He's a great man and a more than capable warrior. I feel sure."
Sheba knew that in her heart. She had seen him triumph over tough situations before.
They put aside any negative thoughts and held each other more closely and exchanged their kisses, feeling the love they had for each other.

Grand Jedi Master Delpa Gival sat in his guest quarters, his senses stretched out with The Force. He meditated to communicate with it in attempt to discover anything he needed to consider for the forthcoming battle. Perhaps something Commander Cain might need to know. The Dark side of The Force may be in use by the Sith to cloud the future like The Emperor did during his time. There was no way to tell in this case. In his deep trance, Delpa Gival for some reason had thoughts of himself piloting his orange Jedi Interceptor. He hadn't seen it in a vision, it was an impression. Then he detected something even he missed a few times already, a disturbance in The Force.
He brought himself out of his meditation and moved to leave his guest quarters. Commander Adama needed to be informed immediately that the attack by The Empire will be much earlier than expected.

Imperial Admiral Targeta patiently viewed the Death Star control room's main viewing screen.
"Fifteen minutes until Death Star is in range." Came an announcement. The planet their information called Caprica still had no sign of any Rebel presence there.
"Launch all fighters from both capital ships and Death Star alike." Darth Shivilow ordered.
The Star Destroyers changed positions to an oblong formation, the longer ends covering a wide flank. The wide wall of ships then curved in formation in almost a quarter of a sphere. The Death Star Superlaser would easily avoid their own ships when aiming for Rebel vessels.
"Inform Lord Bruticus at the first sign of opposition."
"Yes, my Lady." Admiral Targeta responded.

Aboard the bridge of the Super Star Destroyer Dominator,

Lord Bruticus moved away from the forward viewing port and behind the rear controls to communicate with The Death Star.
"Admiral Targeta, is Lord Draconis and the Death Star fighters in position?"
"Yes, my Lord."
"Good! And Shivilow, order Draconis to lead the fighters against any vessel of any kind who approach The Death Star too closely. All fighters from the Star Destroyers will support their capital ships. Bruticus out."
The dark lord crossed his arms and watched the various classes of fighters move forward into position, ready for a taste of Rebel blood. The sleek crafts flew impressively in prefect formations, carrying out the opening battle plans efficiently. The brutal one relished his own anticipation of battle and that of others he sensed through The Force.
"Die Rebel scums, diiieee." Lord Bruticus said low enough for only himself to hear it, imagining their enemy hearing his words as he lead the opening stages of the battle.

Lights turned red and alarms ululated, Colonial pilots were driven to the launch bay upon rapid transport trollies with their helmets already worn.

"We're being scanned." Admiral Chertoros broadcasted from the Rebel Flagship. Colonel Tigh of the Battlestar Galactica

ordered the fighters to launch.

Captain Apollo flicked a couple of switches to their "activate" position and then pressed the controls marked "Turbo 1" "Turbo 2" and "Turbo 3" in turn. His Viper sounded indicating it's energy charging. He held the joystick-like yoke and pressed the "Turbo" button. The sudden rise in g-forces forcing him back into his seat as his Viper accelerated through the launch tube.
Lieutenant Starbuck launched next, then Lieutenant Boomer, Flight Sergeant Jolly, Flight Sergeant Greenbean, Flight Sergeant Ortega and then others.

Colonel Tigh stood by for another transmission by the Rebel Flagship to all the Coalition ships.
"The Imperial Fleet have ceased scanning us."
Upon hearing this, Commander Adama then ordered:- "Good, release the secret weapon ten microns before we're within range of their weapons."

Both Colonial Warriors and Rebel pilots maintained positions, the secret weapon released as ordered-The Captured Cylon Basestar-under the command of the highly distinguished Commander Kronus-the career military officer, previously in command of the Battlestar Rycon

and The Fourth Fleet, famous for his victory at Battle of Cosmora Archipelago 36 Yahren before. The titanic struggle of which cost him much of his fleet including his ship. Jedi Knight Orion Knight-Star served as his tactical adviser assigned to aid him against the Imperial Vessels.

Grand Jedi Master Seaco Buroc, from his B-Wing fighter, performed last-minute checks with the pilots as he and his Colonial wingmen, Apollo, Starbuck and Boomer and Greenbean flew in formation at half-speed over the top saucer-section of their captured Cylon Basestar.
"This is Grand Jedi Master Seaco Buroc. All fighters are ready to engage the enemy."

"Part 15 The Battle Of Caprica."

-Patrick Delieto as Grand Jedi Master Delpa Gival and Admiral Targeta.

-Alex McKeel as Orion Knight-Star and twin brother Sith Lord Draconis.

-Sean Connaughton as Grand Jedi Master Seaco Buroc.

-Colleen Driscoll as Darth Shivilow.

-Joe Mignano as Darth Bruticus.

-John Damocles Smith as Jedi Master Damocles.

Twelve centons before the Imperial Fleet were within range of Caprica by The Death Star's superlaser.
Coalition forces moved, as planned, farther away from the prominent Colonial planet to delay the enemy fleet by whatever means possible. Captain Apollo gave the signal.

Core Command, the Imperial fleet is now in formation. They've passed the nebula and are almost within range of our weapons."

Core Command, Battlestar Galactica


Colonel Tigh received the transmission and Commander Adama said to his executive officer:- "Good, inform Commander Cain that The Death Star is now in position."

From within the captured Cylon Basestar, Commander Kronus received the same order to commence attack as all 100 Battlestars and 300 Colonial Destroyers and 30 Rebel Starcruisers had.
"Launch fighters." The distinguished Commander ordered. The Basestar at the time of battle had been fully repaired and all 300 of the raiders converted into remote-controlled craft operated by the skeleton crew within. And old trick by the Colonials, although seldom used since it was rare to have commandeered more than a few Cylon Raiders at any time within "The Thousand-Yahren War." As Commander Kronus' Rebel adviser, Jedi Knight Orion Knight-Star selected targets for both the captured Basestar itself and the remotely-controlled Raiders. The two watched as Coalition star fighters approached the oncoming Imperial TIE Fighters.
"Attention all craft..." came the urgent transmission to all capital ships by President Adar from the Battlestar Atlantia.

"...Commander Cain has been delayed for reasons unknown. He should have come out of light speed according to plan. Do not abort plan alpha, repeat, do not

abort plan alpha."
Commander Kronus did not allow the demoralizing news to phase him, he focused upon carrying out his orders and directed his energy toward the battle at hand like the great military leader he always had been. He watched plan alpha in progress, Colonial and Rebel fighters escorted the modified 300 raiders hoping the initial manoeuvre would give the Coalition the advantage after learning exactly what they're up against.

Imperial Admiral Targeta ordered the first target for the Death Star's superlaser. Darth Shivilow standing quietly near his left, away from his scanners, supervising the battle station's operations. The crew at their stations, all cross-referencing the data upon their scanners with the display of Caprica's system and coalition forces upon the titanic view screen.
Targeta transmitted to the superlaser's control room. "First target selected. Fire when ready."

Death Star Superlaser Control Room.

The fully helmeted Death Star Gunner reached up to pull down a lever from the control panel above him, the long curve of the lower half of his helmet protecting his face against the brightness of the massive blast yet to come. Others, similarly geared with the impressive-looking helmets, gripped the levers in front of them, moving them back to carefully prepare the titanic shot.
Everyone who stood at platforms built at the sides of the huge, tunnel-like apertures covered their ears as each branch of the superlaser charged.
Outside in space, each division of the superlaser converged at a point and formed a single, thick, devastating beam of green light, it's planet-shattering power totally obliterated it's first target to the cheering delight of the Death Star's crew.
"Rebel Flagship destroyed, my Lady!"
Darth Shivilow held her bent arms high with a tense fist each, shrieking. "Aaahhh the Rebel Scum."
The Imperial fleet's morale rising already.

"Admiral Chertoros!!" Apollo, Starbuck, Boomer and Greenbean heard Grand Jedi Master Seaco Buroc exclaim in horror through their transceivers. The once-majestic Mon Calamari-built vessel gone in the bright explosion. The first loss by The Rebellion being the worst possible.
Seaco's Colonial wingmen heard his transmission to the Rebels who piloted an X-Wing or a B-Wing Fighter to open their S-Foils, upon hearing his command to accelerate to "attack speed," the Colonial Vipers followed the Rebel's lead by pressing the "Turbo" buttons upon their control sticks to meet with the TIE Fighters who commenced fire upon the Coalition Forces.
Apollo spotted an Imperial fighter with three wings heading in an upward arc and then downward toward an X-Wing pilot. The wings appeared as that of a TIE Interceptor except that they were turned around and joined to the main body of the craft from the other side. He recognized it as a TIE Defender. Knowing it possessed extra firepower as well as ion cannons which could disable craft, Apollo veered upward to his port side and watched the diagram upon his targeting computer to quickly take out that dangerous fighter. The X-Wing it targeted blasted the Standard TIE directly in front. The two probably worked in pairs.
Starbuck, someplace at his starboard side, tilted slightly upward to shoot down two other standard TIEs streaking high above Seaco Buroc's B-Wing. He could not tell who Boomer and Greenbean shot at until he saw them overtake the Grand Jedi Master in an arc passing in front of his B-Wing's port. Their ion vapours showing as clear as day.
It was a Lambda-class shuttle. Although used mainly for transport, it's two steerable forward laser cannons and other two twin cannons and it's aft retractable twin laser cannons rendered it as a craft which far outmatched any TIE Fighter. Boomer and Greenbean's Vipers tried taking out it's shield powered by multiple generators as the powerful B-Wing Fighter belonging to Seaco Buroc (designed to attack capital ships) scored a direct hit with it's heavy blaster cannon and twin auto blasters in one simultaneous shot. Greenbean cheered and he and Boomer dealt the finishing blasts.
The four Colonial wingmen backing Seaco Buroc approached the Star destroyers under his leadership. At 1,600 metres, each Colonial pilot knew that those formidable craft exceeded a Battlestar in length by at least 350 metres, or "metrons" in their terminology.
"Ready 'Plan Alpha' " The Grand Jedi Master stated.
Fighters broke formations and became smaller groups, Apollo and Starbuck streaked along the starboard edge of the Star Destroyer Seaco headed for, starting from just 100 feet past the pointed tip. They stayed under the partial protection between of the top deck plating and the bottom deck plating. Their Jedi leader just outside to take out any fighter targeting them as the two shot their way through turrets along the way, hoping that the remote-controlled Cylon Raiders followed them.
"Initiate 'Plan Alpha' now!" All accelerated away from the 193 of the surviving Cylon raiders upon Seaco Buroc's orders. The remote-controlled heavy fighters manoeuvred into place by the skeleton crew aboard the captured Basestar, colliding with the formidable Star Destroyers and detonating the solonite explosives heavily loaded into them. 18 of each being sufficient to destroy one of them.
The elimination of 10 Star Destroyers and heavy damage of two others had only given the Coalition Forces reason to celebrate the success of "Plan Alpha" for a very short time. The Death Star's next three-minute charge of their superlaser had been used to destroy a second Mon Calamari Star Cruiser.



?" Commander Adama's voice came through the communications. According to plan, his forces should have come out of light speed centons

ago. Seaco attempted to contact Delpa Gival, who had been assigned to lead their fighter squadrons-but, curiously, there was no response by his reliable friend.

Lord Bruticus manoeuvred his personal fighter craft to behind the protection of the bridge of his Super Star Destroyer Dominator.

The unique craft a Sith Meditation Sphere. It resembled a sphere ten meters in diameter with vertical, bat-like wings at each side (almost like a TIE Fighters') and a single eyeball in the middle. At the heart of the meditation sphere Lord Bruticus sat in his meditation chamber. The interior had jagged walls that sloped inwards and at the center the Sith Lord would crouch and focus his dark side powers that allowed him to amplify his intentions and send them out over great distances to control his army and ensure victory for his forces. Thanks to the Sphere, the Dark Lord could create Illusions and make them real enough to cause damage, giving him an edge in battle.
Had this been his own galaxy, the Sith Lord would have been able to see the whole galaxy laid out, though he lacked data of The Cyrannus Galaxy he was still, however, able to monitor the progress of his army. The giant holoscreen on the wall displayed more detailed tactical information. He used it to watch a squadron of TIE Interceptors escort 20 TIE Bombers toward the nearest Battlestar, Hephaestus

and it's support ships. His battle meditation guided the Interceptors to evade the turrets of the Battlestar Amazon

four kilometres to it's starboard and the supporting Colonial Destroyers. The tactical data upon the holoscreen told Lord Bruticus that all of the 100 Battlestars had the support of three Colonial Destroyers each. The 50 Interceptors fought their way through the squadrons of the long, swift Colonial Vipers before they commenced taking out the turrets of the Battlestar Hephaestus and the nearest destroyer starboard of it's command section in order to allow the Bombers to get through to the Capital ship, firing their concussion missiles as they approached. Their payloads dropped with surgical precision upon the hardy Battlestar. Among their fist targets , Hephaestus

Core Command.
The dark lord enjoyed the way the Battlestar's superstructure weakened and eventually exploded from the constant impacts. The TIE Bombers made their run over their supporting destroyers, taking the three out as another squadron of fighters and bombers shot down much of the remaining Vipers coming from the capital ships within that vicinity and gave the Battlestar Amazon

and it's supporting Colonial Destroyers a similar fate.

As capital ships eventually approached each other, The Imperial fleet changed to a spherical formation around the Super Star Destroyer. Some close, some near but most farther away. Rebel transports from one of the Rebel fleets, specifically the ones which were converted into heavy bombers from the Alternate Star Wars Timeline, were escorted toward the Star Destroyers by some of the Battlestars and their supporting Destroyers to aid a bombing run of their own.
The Death Star superlaser fired and destroyed a third Mon Calamari Cruiser. After that blast, many among The Coalition realized that the gargantuan battle station would reach Caprica in a mere four centons.

Starbuck recognized a Skipray Blastboat, obviously from one of The Star Destroyers since the ones which came out of The Death Star remained between the Imperial Fleet and the gargantuan battle station along with all other craft launched from there. Just as Captain Apollo felt concerned of the dangers the TIE Defenders presented and felt motivated to concentrate upon them, Lieutenant Starbuck felt concerned of the threat the Skipray Blastboats presented being such heavy fighters. He prepared to fire upon it with his targeting computer. Unlike Cylon Raiders, they possessed shield generators, so Starbuck made sure he hit it with a few more shots before it's pilot had the chance to launch it's concussion missiles at the nearest Rebel Transport.
Just after that, he saw Master Damocles' customized heavy fighter flying in a narrow arc, tilted almost 90 degrees. He shot past his viper's nose by half-a-kilometre ahead toward the Star Destroyer nearest to the one directly below, which was under bombardment by the converted Rebel Transport Starbuck just protected. Being designed as a versatile craft for attacking both capital ships as well as fighters, the Jedi Master had no problem taking out the Lambda-Class Shuttle in the way with it's four heavy cannons. Two above either side of the cockpit and one at each tip of its wings. Starbuck had only enough time to see Master Damocles change course in a steep dive to his port side and fire at the neighbouring Star Destroyer's capital turrets.
The Rebel Transport Cruiser converted as a heavy bomber had already half-killed the Star Destroyer below it due to the enormous payload it contained, Starbuck flew closer to the Transport, witnessed Lieutenant Boomer fly close to it's hull, climbing to shoot away a TIE Bomber attacking it and saw the distinctive blasts from the captured Cylon Basestar's Mega-Pulsar Cannons aid the Rebel Transport against the target Star Destroyer from extreme range. The durable Imperial vessel exploded from various points below it's hull seconds before blasting apart in all directions.
The division of Coalition Fighters within the area climbed and commenced attacking the above Star Destroyer from underneath. The captured Cylon Basestar commenced firing upon the neighbouring Imperial ship while Master Damocles busied himself to eliminate their turrets. The Rebel Transport cruised above it for another bombing run.

Captured Cylon Basestar.

Jedi Knight Orion Knight-Star and Commander Kronus witnessed the next Star Destroyer exploding in an even bigger blast by the same Rebel Transport.
"Are we within range of The Death Star yet?"
Before Orion could check his scanner, the fourth blast came from the enormous battle station. This time hitting a converted transport. Evidently The Empire spread word about the advantage one of the two Rebel fleets had.
"We're not within range now but Caprica will be in one centon.

" Orion made sure he used the Colonial term for "minute." Both he and Commander Kronus knew that meant one more to approach the prominent Colonial planet and another two to recharge. Although it meant that the captured Basestar would also be within range by then, the two knew very well that Caprica would be the next target.
Perhaps they'd be targeted afterwards.
Orion stretched out with The Force and decided upon the next target. The Rebel and Colonial craft within that area didn't appear to be in trouble but he sensed imminent danger which needed to be prevented.
"Commander, target Star Destroyer in grid Sigma, 17, section 4."
The gunners computed their aim and then a warning from one of the crew within the Control Center.
"Commander Kronus, incoming TIE Bombers, 50 of them under escort of 100 Fighters, 80 Interceptors, 40 Skiprays and 25 Lambda-Class Shuttles."
Kronus switched to his scanner. He could see that their heavy numbers would approach within half a centon

. He alerted all gunners.
"Ready turrets, great numbers approaching from 30 degrees."
"Commander, request permission for me to leave the Control Center. I feel I must bring aid with my Jedi Starfighter."
"Granted, go." Kronus recognized the need all too well, hoping that Orion's Jedi powers would help preserve their fighter numbers as he turned his attention back to the tactical information upon the main viewing screen.

Commander Cain came out of light speed at last, the moon-sized battle station came into view. Based on the time delayed, the tactical computers extrapolated The Death Star's position in relation to Caprica. The error in calculation resulted in the fleet of 25 Battlestars and 75 Colonial Destroyers lead by the military genius 60 kilometres away from their gigantic target-a mere 20 too close.
"Full speed over to the superlaser." Cain ordered the first phase of his strike plan into action. According to the intelligence one of the Rebel fleets had provided Commander Cain, the interior of the crater-like area of the Death Star's superlaser had very few turrets, that was where he planned to order their fighters to launch. The capital ships his Battlestar Pegasus

lead fired upon the surface as they sped over to their target areas, taking out as many turrets as they could along the way.
Communication came through.
"Commander, Commander Adama reports that The Death Star is in range of Caprica and will fire in two centons."
Already directly in front of the superlaser, Cain gave his next set of orders.
"Launch fighters, initiate phase II."

Lieutenant Sheba flicked up a couple of switches to their "on" position, pressed the buttons marked "Turbo 1," "Turbo 2" and "Turbo 3" in succession. The engines of her Viper hummed to life. She pressed the "Turbo" button of the yoke and the sudden G-forces of her fighter's acceleration through the launch tube forced her back into her seat. Lieutenant Bojay launched next, followed by the rest of Silver Spar Squadron and Bronze Spar Squadron from the opposite pontoon.
Out in space, Grand Jedi Master Delpa Gival's orange Jedi Interceptor joined them. His fighter had to launch out of one of the Pegasus'

pontoon entrances since his craft could not fit through the Viper launch tubes. The capital ships under Cain's command adjusted their courses as The Death Star moved closer, Delpa Gival followed the Colonial Vipers' lead, flying behind Sheba and Bojay. The fighters spread across the superlaser crater in all directions and commenced taking out all the anti-missile turrets they could find from the edge of the crater and outwards, Battlestars and Colonial Destroyers moved in reverse in order to fire their Mega-Pulsar cannons-which only faced forward-upon The Death Star's surface. Their light and heavy turrets concentrated upon the Imperial fighters launched from the Death Star itself, lead by Sith Lord Draconis. He and his forces were already approaching rapidly.
"One centon until The Death Star is in range of Caprica." Came Commander Adama's voice throughout the communication systems utilized by Commander Cain's strike force.
Delpa Gival shot down laser turret after laser turret in defense of Sheba and Bojay as they blasted the anti-missile turrets. Had Cain's strike force arrived earlier as planned, their Vipers and Bombers would have had more time to take out more of The Death Star's defenses. With the battle station too close to Caprica, all squadrons were ordered to move away from the mighty sphere and engage the Imperial pilots.


Core Command.

With no time left, The Death Star about to fire in half a centon, it's squadrons heading for his separate attack force, Commander Cain announced that they would have to make do with the defenses their Vipers took out with the little time they had available.
Everyone within the 25 Battlestars and 75 Colonial Destroyers prepared themselves for phase III of the military genius' plan.
"Fire." Commander Cain ordered.
Each Battlestar launched it's four nuclear missiles and Colonial Destroyers providing supporting fire with theirs. They streaked toward each area where an aperture for each division of the superlaser was as their Vipers engaged the Imperial craft well out of the blast radius of the earth shattering missiles. Delpa Gival and the Colonial fighters preventing the Imperial craft from shooting them down.
The crater-like area of The Death Star's superlaser started to get obscured from view by the nuclear explosions tearing the outer hull of the immediate area. The last of the missiles destroying the vital areas underneath rendered The Empire's ultimate weapon useless. All that remained was a circular area exposing the areas underneath.
With Commander Cain's successful defense of Caprica came great morale for the Coalition Forces. And gargantuan fury from the brutal one.

"Part #16 - Close Quarters."

-Alex McKeel as Orion Knight-Star and twin brother Sith Lord Draconis.

-Sean Connaughton as Grand Jedi Master Seaco Buroc.

-Patrick Delieto as Grand Jedi Master Delpa Gival and Admiral Targeta.

-Colleen Driscoll as Darth Shivilow.

-Joe Mignano as Darth Bruticus.

-John Damocles Smith as Jedi Master Damocles.

The rage felt by Darth Bruticus filled his entire Sith Meditation Sphere. The loss of the superlaser was the last thing he expected to happen in this, or any other, battle.
"Shivilow, help even up the odds. Get to your fighter and join Lord Draconis." The enraged dark lord transmitted to the Death Star's command center.
"Yes, my Lord."
Then Bruticus continued his transmission to The Death Star's command center. "...Admiral Targeta, move The Death Star closer to Caprica's red moon. Force them to defend The Sorgarn, my ship's monitors found them there. Send a heavy strike team to capture and detain them within."
"As you wish my Lord."

Core Command, Battlestar Pegasus.

Commander Cain Transmitted a pre-recorded message to the fleet commanders as he concentrated upon the remaining ships in the battle at hand.
"Attention Coalition Leaders. We apologize for the delay. This was due to sabotage by supporters of Sire Minos. The facilities were rigged with solonite and damaged so badly that we had no alternative other than to seek more fuel elsewhere. As a result we had to settle with half our fuel capacity in order to make it in time. However, I believe it will be sufficient to last for the duration of this battle."

Core Command, Battlestar Galactica.

Upon hearing this transmission after the mighty superlaser's destruction, Commander Adama turned to Colonel Tigh to relay the next set of orders for the battle plan.
"Commence attack upon The Death Star. Use nuclear missiles to cover as much of the surface area as possible in order to knock out their turrets starting with the equator and polar regions."

The captured Basestar suffered a constant pounding by TIE Bomber ordnance. Although the Battlestar Galactica

stationed beside the upper port side and Battlestar Atlantia

at the upper starboard side remained and provided exceptional support, it was not sufficient to eliminate the huge bombers after their fighter support got taken out with the time they had available. And despite The Battlestar Columbia

-which was stationed beside the Basestar's lower port side-directly below Galactica

and Pacifica

below Atlantia,

they were unable to provide enough cover fire since their opposition struck from above the top saucer-section of the Basestar. The supporting Colonial Destroyers for the above Battlestars gone by the time Commander Kronus gave the order to abandon the Basestar.
Orion Knight-Star's Clone Wars-era Jedi Star Fighter escorted Kronus' shuttle to the Galactica.

The last of the TIE Bombers got eliminated soon after. The Basestar, although rendered too unfit for personnel to enter, remained half-intact due to the fact that it was more hardy than a Colonial Battlestar and an Imperial Star Destroyer combined. With it's Mega-Pulsar Cannons out of commission as well, Commander Kronus ordered it's last-resort usage. The mighty Cylon Basestar accelerated toward the numerous fighter craft which came from within The Death Star's armada and detonated the nuclear explosives installed within. The titanic blast radius destroying five capital ships and over 4,000 fighters, leaving Sith Lord Draconis with two-thirds of their forces at his disposal.

The starfighters belonging to the four Jedi Masters and Colonial Vipers from the Galactica

and Pegasus

reunited over the red moon of Caprica. The fighting became quite intense as the remaining 120 Star Destroyers with the Super Star Destroyer Dominator

in the centre of their spherical formation of ships moved ever so close. AT-ATs and Scout Walkers had been dropped upon the surface toward the Sorgarn facilities. The Battlestar Hydra

approached the cavalry of 20 four-legged and 20 two-legged walkers, after blasting the Star Destroyer which dispatched them, with it's heavy Mega-Pulsar Cannons. The aforementioned Jedi and Colonial warrior squadrons witnessed that the Hydra

never fired a single shot at the Imperial ground forces because it was too badly damaged and as a result, the 50 Imperial fighters which maintained their attack were more than sufficient to blast it into fragments which fell to the immediate lunar surface area below.
"We're the only ones within the area to deal with them, Jedi, Blue Squadron, Silver and Bronze Spar Squadrons, I have a plan."
Captain Apollo explained his strategy with as few words as necessary in order to conserve time during the more intensified stage of battle. He ordered Starbuck, Boomer, Greenbean and Jolly to follow him along the terrain toward the AT-AT in the lead as Bronze Spar Squadron forced the ones at the left flank to concentrate their fire upon them. Blue Squadron did the same against the left flank. Silver Spar Squadron took out any TIE Fighter giving the walkers support.
"Approaching the leader." Apollo said.
Delpa Gival spoke next.
"Remember that AT-AT armour is too strong for blasters. Aim for the legs and the viewing port on the head when at close range. Try to hit the neck whenever you have the chance, it's the weakest spot."
"What about the guns?" Said Starbuck.
"Still too strong, only a lucky shot would take those out without missiles."
"10 metrics and closing." Apollo announced. That being the cue for Seaco Buroc, followed by Lieutenant Sheba and Lieutenant Bojay to dive toward the leading AT-AT's port side and Master Damocles, followed by Flight Sergeant Ortega, to dive toward it's starboard side. Seaco's B-Wing fired it's powerful cannons at the neck as Damocles did with his customized Predator Mark 1 Heavy Fighter with the support of Sheba's, Bojay's and Ortega's Colonial lasers. The powerful explosion within made it appear as if a saboteur had left a charge to detonate within the neck to make it spread toward the head and front torso. The five came down for another pass to aim at the next AT-AT behind it as ordered by Apollo. Seaco, Bojay and Sheba returned, this time with a lower flightpath witnessing an AT-ST Scoutwalker being shot away, head on, the first by Boomer, the next by Starbuck and the third by Jolly. The two-legged walkers momentarily leaned back as if about to fall backwards from the lethal shots by their opposing viper pilots. Then Apollo, Starbuck, Boomer, Jolly and Greenbean maintained intensive fire upon the next AT-AT hoping to take out it's armoured cannons.
Mega-Pulsar Cannon shots came from the sky and instantly destroyed the walker Seaco, Damocles, Bojay Ortega and Sheba were about to strike. It was the Battlestar Triton.

The Imperial Walkers were gone, all Colonial Warriors hit their turbos, following the ascent by the Jedi.
Little did they know that the walkers were dispatched as a diversion for The Empire to enable their ground forces to covertly infiltrate the Sorgarn facilities. Their stealthy guidance aided by the Sith Meditation Sphere piloted by Darth Bruticus.

Apollo ordered their squadrons to split up and assigned them to separate areas. Apollo, Starbuck, Boomer and Bojay would be lead by Seaco Buroc's B-Wing against the nearest Star Destroyer to take out the turrets on the top port side. Jolly, Greenbean and Ortega would follow Master Damocles' Predator Mark 1 to take out the turrets on the starboard side at the same time. Delpa Gival and Sheba would lead Silver spar squadron to cover them. Orion Knight-Star lead Bronze Spar Squadron farther East-North-East of that same Imperial ship to deal with the Imperial Fighters closest to the surface and Sorgarn facilities. It appeared that The Empire wished to capture the area and those elegant beings within.
As the arrowhead shape of Orions' Clone Wars-Era Jedi Starfighter took his Colonial allies toward the heavy group of TIE-Fighters in several delta formations, their turbo boosts nearly matching his extreme speed, he ordered them to aim for any TIE-Defenders first because of their ion cannons.
The surface of Caprica's red moon seemingly raced below them so fast that it appeared as a dark blur. The green blaster fire from some of the nearest TIE-Fighters fired toward them. The Colonials responded with their red and orange lasers of their Vipers.
"Break!!" Orion signaled and climbed higher at 20 degrees to starboard, his ship's blasters took out a TIE-Fighter in front, then one slightly to his left and another much higher to his right. A delta formation of Vipers streaked below his starboard and climbed steeply in a right arc and attacked a Skipray Blastboat and the eight TIE-Fighter wingmen. Orion turned 70 degrees to his port side and flew due west. He sensed a great danger threatening the Vipers, even witnessed eight of those agile craft being blasted away all too easily as he approached. It was Darth Shivilow's Sith Infiltrator. Orion recognized it as the same class of craft used by the Sith Lord which attacked Master Qui-Gon Jinn and the then Padawan Obi-Wan Kenobi.
The Jedi Knight engaged Shivilow's fighter before any of it's six solar ionization cannons could take out another Coalition craft. He fired, spun, sped in complex directions and although he didn't get a single hit, he did, however, prevent Shivilow from targeting others as intended. She dived in almost a full circle behind her, fired at Orion and passed below him after he dodged her shots. The Jedi Knight turned to follow her only to lose sight of Shivilow. Strange she left her Fighters to fend for themselves. She was nowhere in the area. Did she engage it's cloaking device? Could Lord Bruticus have ordered her elsewhere? Orion wasted no time and simply shot down TIE-Fighter after TIE-Fighter, aiding his Colonial allies as he heroically defended the Sorgarn base.

Apollo and Starbuck sped above the port side of the sections of the Star Destroyer-the turrets of which they eliminated-above the multi-layered structures which lead below the bridge. Ten interceptors tailed them, the two seasoned warriors hit their "turbo" buttons and tried to evade their laser fire by taking cover behind the higher aft section of the Star Destroyer. As the Interceptors turned to follow, they were met by Sheba and Silver spar squadron traveling the opposite direction and their red laser blasts. Seven got destroyed and the three remaining targeted by Delpa Gival and the four X-Wing fighters following him. Apollo and Starbuck turned around to the top starboard section and fired intently upon the Star Destroyer's hull plating as they went.
Damocles and Seaco Buroc, followed by Boomer and Bojay dived steeply toward the top of the bridge section. The Predator Mark 1 fired a pair of concussion missiles and it's four heavy cannons. Seaco's B-Wing fired it's heavy laser cannon and twin autoblasters. The repeated fire by Bojay and Boomer added to the destruction and the combined attack by the four resulted in the entire top plating of the bridge section rendered useless.
Apollo and Starbuck passed the pointed tip of the Star Destroyer's bow, and made a hairpin turn to port and fired along the deck plating on the ship's opposite side. They saw the Battlestars Acropolis

and Medusa

-visible behind it's starboard-firing upon the Imperial Star Destroyer. The two Battlestars faced the port corner, no supporting Colonial Destroyers left. Every single battery emplacement aimed at the side of the multi-layered sections as all fighters pulled up to vacate the area. The Star Destroyer lost what was left of it's endurance and blasts erupted from many points from within it's deep core forming an earth-shattering explosion which reached two kilometres close to the Acropolis

and Medusa's

bow sections. The brilliant ball of light obscuring most of the debris from view.

Sith Lord Draconis lead two formations of TIE-Bombers toward the Battlestar Medusa's

bow. The escort of 40 TIE-Fighters covered them as they fired their concussion missiles at the Medusa's

two main engines. Draconis concentrated upon the auxiliary engines before flying along the top. The Colonial Vipers which just took out the nearby Star Destroyer headed toward them. Red and green laser blasts intermingled as the TIE-Bombers did their work virtually undisturbed. Lord Draconis ascended as soon as he reached the Core Command Section to create distance between himself and the bridge. When ready he dived and fired intently as the last 15 of the TIE-Fighters attacking that Battlestar fought to protect the Bombers. Even they got eliminated by those swift Colonial Vipers-which seemed to Draconis to match or possibly exceed that of those TIE craft about two decades ahead of his time-but not before he got the chance to finish their work by applying the last few intensive shots for a full two minutes destroying the Battlestar Medusa.

If only Lord Draconis knew the irony of the fact that that particular ship he eliminated himself was once in command of Sire Minos Darius.
Having no squads left in the immediate area, he manoeuvred his Clone-Wars Era modified Jedi Star Fighter to take out any fighter defending the Battlestar Acropolis.

He requested another strike force from Admiral Targeta to be assigned to him. As he waited, he busied himself against the Coalition fighters. After shooting away eight Vipers and an X-Wing, he chased a Colonial Warrior who proved troublesome to target. It was Flight Sergeant Ortega, Draconis judged that such a good pilot to evade him a great danger against Imperial forces so he continued targeting him.
Lord Draconis, despite his great force senses, reacted in surprise as Apollo got a good shot at him. The two red laser discharges hit the aft section next to the port engine. It seemed he came out of nowhere. The Sith Lord dived down out of the way and resumed his pursuit of Ortega, fired as he received a direct hit on his fighter's ventral section by his twin Brother Orion Knight-Star. The shots saved Ortega, but not many of his fellow Colonial Warriors would have considered that a great loss had he died since he was despised by them because of his immature behaviour. Not being able to take another hit, Draconis had no other choice than to retreat.

Lieutenant Starbuck suffered a similar pursuit but by Darth Shivilow's Sith Interceptor, trying in vein to evade the firepower of her six solar ionization cannons. Even his legendary piloting prowess rendered him unable to shoot at enemy craft because he needed all his skills to stay alive. It was like being intercepted by a compact capital ship. When Starbuck spotted an area free of any fighters from either faction, he pressed his "Turbo" button and climbed very steeply, finally escaping as other Colonial Vipers converged and fired altogether. One of them scored a hit on the top central area of the Sith Interceptor's bow section, knocking out most of the shielding.
"Great shot Bojay!" Sheba said excitedly.
The simultaneous shots from Seaco Boruc's B-Wing Fighter knocked out all of her shields and caused severe hull damage. He came at her from a steep, diagonal path behind her cockpit. She too, had no other option than to retreat. Darth Shivilow ensured her escape by going to lightspeed and eventually returning to the scene to dock with the Super Star Destroyer Dominator.

The nuclear missiles launched by the various Battlestars had taken away much of the The Death Star's surface and consequently, their turret defenses. Power throughout the mighty battle station stopped being distributed and it's main reactor ceased functioning.
Battlestars and Colonial Destroyers continued firing their Mega-Pulsar cannons at the Imperial Star Destroyers, exploiting an advantage The Empire's capital ships didn't have.
The Death Star, weaponless, no longer attacked, and all forces from the Colonial side of the temporary Coalition Forces-which fired at the spherical weapon of terror-changed courses to aid the depleting number of ships by both factions. President Adar of the Battlestar Atlantia

ordered the last of the nuclear missiles by the division lead by Commander Cain to be directed at The Imperial Fleet itself.
The still-remaining abundance of Imperial Fighters prevented all but two of the remaining 15 rockets from impacting against a Star Destroyer each.
The gigantic blast radius obliterated 50 from Lord Bruticus' fleet and nearly 4,000 Fighters.
The Coalition forces safely situated at the other side of the spherical formation of enemy ships so they received no damage.

Delpa Gival's Jedi interceptor was in pursuit of a Lambda-Class Imperial Shuttle. He sensed through The Force that it's intention was to escape. He utilized his Fighter's superior manoeuvreability and Force skills to avoid being hit by the aft cannons. It's alternate military configuration had two instead of the usual one. He rolled alternately form left and right, fired continuously to take out it's strong shields. This Delpa Gival did rapidly. The three minour ion cannons from Seaco Buroc's B-Wing Fighter hit the cockpit from a low dive toward the shuttle's front starboard flank, rendering the craft very much inoperative.
"Brilliant plan." Seaco transmitted to the other Grand Jedi Master.
Delpa Gival towed the craft containing the captured Imperial Chief Of Staff Admiral Targeta and Ari'eshna to the nearby Battlestar Galactica.

From within his Sith Meditation sphere, Darth Bruticus saw the nuclear explosions reach as close as 15 kilometres from his port side. With the vast empty battlefield in the aftermath, and more Coalition ships approaching in ever greater numbers, he made his retreat into the hangar of Dominator.

The illusions of Imperial Fighters he cast with his ship's aid to confuse the enemy continued to be detected by the Jedi. Their flying of their personal fighters may have been made more difficult but they managed to report which ships were real and which were not. The wise Sith Lord knew when to alter a tactic in the face of danger. Twelve Colonial Vipers came at the dark lord's Sith Meditation Sphere, his laser cannons fired, their elimination aided by the Magnetic Accelerator mounted on top of his craft. The metal ball it shot with the aid of magnets embedded in a machinated track to launch it at great speeds collided dramatically. His favourite being the second hit shattering the protective cockpit coverings as he sensed the Warrior's distress at being exposed to the lethal vacuum of space.
Bruticus veered under the middle port side of his Super Star Destroyer, a Rebel Nebulon-B Frigate came into view and in the way. He fired at it intently to stop it from taking out his command ship's turrets and aided his followers in destroying it.
A grin spread across the dark lord's face, yet another ship full of Rebel scum gone. Excited as he flew on his way to the hangar, taken out four X-Wing's as he approached.

The fleet of Star Destroyers above and below Lord Bruticus' command ship attempted to change formation into a smaller spherical one as best as they could. The ones starboard of it too occupied by the number of Rebel and Colonial ships which engaged them closely. The Super Star Destroyer tilted 20 degrees so that all it's turrets on both sides faced that way. Some Coalition ships broke through that side of the formation of the arrowhead-shaped Imperial vessels to, at last, aid the Rebel Starcruisers. Among them, the Battlestars Pegasus

, Columbia,



and the legendary Galactica.

Their supporting Colonial Destroyers which remained covered them as they all aided the two Rebel capital ships already there. The Battlestars fired their Mega-Pulsar cannons at the Super Star Destroyer as fighters and other Coalition craft engaged the nearby Star Destroyers to allow the converted Rebel Transports through to the command ship.
Seaco Buroc lead Apollo, Starbuck, Boomer and Bojay away from the turrets their capital ships fired upon and flew closely to the deck plating from the rear starboard corner. Master Damocles, Sheba, Jolly, Ortega and two B-Wing Fighters approached from the opposite corner. Delpa Gival, Orion Knight-Star lead a squad of five X-Wings and three Y-Wings along the prominent tail-end. The first two groups headed for the bridge, the role of the team lead by Delpa and Orion was to take out all the aft turrets they could in order to make approaches toward the monstrous 19-kilometre dreadnaught safer.
The first two teams navigated through the hazards of the Super Star Destroyers' defenses and explosions from Coalition ship fire. Upon Seaco's signal, they all ascended and fired at the bridge intensely from both sides, Seaco used the remaining four proton torpedoes for his B-Wing and Damocles fired the last four proton torpedoes from his Predator Mark 1. The bridge of the Dominator

blasted out of existence from the combined efforts.
The last remaining three converted Rebel Transports bombed the Super Star Destroyer. One of them taken out from many of their turrets and the nearby Imperial ships. It exploded shortly after the Star Destroyer nearest to Master Damocles blasted apart.
The turrets of Lord Bruticus' command ship, initially numbering 250 Turbolasers, 250 Heavy Turbolasers and 250 Ion Cannons, slowly diminished in number as the Transporter/Bombers exhausted it's supply of bombs and the Battlestars Lemuria

, Olympus,


and Phoenix

approached after blasting through two Star Destroyers in their immediate way.
An Imperial ship successfully boarded by a mixed team of Colonials and Rebels turned to fire upon the nearest of it's kind.
Multiple fire from the Mega-Pulsar Cannons of Battlestars, the smaller Colonial Destroyers and Rebel Starcruisers and fighters of all classes including the four Jedi's personal starfighters attacked the Super Star Destroyer Dominator

with all their might. The monstrous ship of Imperial terror endured massive damage. Hull plates ripped out. Explosions from scattered internal sections caused much of it's insides to be exposed. Entire sections a kilometre wide collapsed. Reinforced inner armour plating gave-way, entire sections lost atmosphere and Imperial personnel met their deaths in the vacuum of space.
Lord Bruticus threatened the Coalition with a transmission.
"Cease fire or I'll kill the Sorgarn. We've captured them and their base."

Part #17 "Raiding The Dominator."

-Patrick Delieto as Grand Jedi Master Delpa Gival and Admiral Targeta.

-Alex McKeel as Orion Knight-Star.

-Sean Connaughton as Grand Jedi Master Seaco Buroc.

-Colleen Driscoll as Darth Shivilow.

-Joe Mignano as Darth Bruticus.

-John Damocles Smith as Master Damocles.

After the threat by Lord Bruticus to kill the Sorgarn, many from the Rebel Alliance and Colonial Warriors felt horrified as soon as the Jedi lead a large strike force to board the Super Star Destroyer Dominator

in response.
"Why are you boarding my flagship? A battalion of my best troops have them at blaster-point and you defy me?

I will carry out my threat now if you don't turn back-IMMEDIATELY."
"That's what you

think Darth Bruticus..." Delpa Gival transmitted almost immediately via his comlink. "'ve underestimated my Jedi powers. I sensed a disturbance in The Force and I knew it had something to do with the Sorgarn, so I made preparations to protect them. As for those things you captured, they're droids made with spare parts, extended limbs and fitted with prosthetics aaand

explosives the Colonials call solonite." The Grand Jedi Master then transmitted the command to the disguised droids to trigger their explosives. The three relays required to do so did their work as Darth Bruticus discovered when the Imperial strike team upon the Caprican red moon failed to respond.
Delpa Gival then took his turn to make their demands.

up, Bruticus. Your Death Star is gone, we now outnumber your fleet by 47 more ships and we dispelled more than enough of the force illusions from your Sphere and many of your short-range fighters will run out of fuel if you continue. Do you think that 25 Star Destroyers is enough to take us all out? Even if you could, what's to stop other Colonial ships from sending more forces to defend their worlds-especially

with that battle station of yours rendered useless. You have no

way to get the Sorgarn technology you want so much anyway." Said while their mixed Rebel and Colonial squads advanced and shot their way through groups of Imperial Officers and Stormtroopers alike.
"Come and get

me!" Was the only response by The Brutal One. Delpa Gival truly felt as if the dark lord was unfazed.

Within Lord Bruticus' private lounge, the dark lord conferred with his apprentice.
"Shivilow, we will not die in this battle, I have forseen the Sorgarn-wherever

they are-sending us back to our dimension. Nevertheless, whatever happens between now and that time, keep the case in that vault away from the wrong hands. Remain here and do not hesitate to destroy anyone who manages to break through."
"Yes My Lord, I foresaw it as well." Darth Shivilow responded. Although crazy, he could always rely on her, for she possessed her Father's tactical wisdom.
"Good luck Master." She said as he left. Then gave the Stormtroopers outside some last minute instructions and went on his way to kill the hated Jedi.

"I can no longer sense him. He's camouflaged himself with The Force, so has Shivilow." Delpa Gival said to Seaco, Orion and Damocles as the mixed team of Rebels and Colonials shot at the Stormtroopers at the end of the main passage.
Apollo, being left-handed, shot from behind the right-hand corner of the corridor as Starbuck, Boomer, Jolly, Greenbean, Sheba and Bojay shot from behind the opposite corner with the aid of other Colonial Warriors. The four Jedi supported Apollo's side with Rebel Troopers and their lightsabres deflecting the gunfire from the Stormtroopers' BlasTech E-11 rifles. Master Damocles did not draw his DL-18 blaster because it was not strong enough to penetrate Stormtrooper armour, so he had kept his rare black-bladed lightsabre in his left hand alight.
"Well, there aren't many places they could hide with all the damage this ship has taken." Orion Knight-Star said. "Besides, to separate themselves against the four of us, it would be foolish. I don't think that this Bruticus would risk fighting all of us by himself when, tactically, they have a better chance by fighting together." Orion took away a Stormtrooper's blaster with The Force and used it to shoot other Imperials as he talked.
"Whatever the case, we're getting closer. Those two will not be easy to take down, but whatever we do, this is our opportunity to stop them once and for all and I don't want us to waste it." Seaco Buroc said, then addressed Damocles-his strategist-his thoughts.
"I think we definitely have him cornered, but, there's always the possibility of a weapon, a trap or some form of deception he might use in case of great danger to themselves. If it's not by technical means, it will be through The Force. (He paused.) Or vice versa

Sheba had shot down the last Stormtrooper and the four Jedi ran through, on the lookout for any hidden enemies or any other danger similar to anything Master Damocles suggested.
The four Jedi spread out, their Force senses had not detected any hidden danger and Seaco signaled their allies to proceed to their area. Apollo, Starbuck, Boomer, Jolly, Greenbean, Sheba, Bojay and 20 Colonials and 25 Rebels proceeded to follow.
Seaco, Delpa, Damocles and Orion watched each branch of the crossroads vigilantly, sabres drawn. Their blades hummed, held absolutely still as they force-ran.
In a split second, the blast doors slammed shut in the south corridor behind them which separated Orion Knight-Star and all members of their strike force from the others. Another trapped Seaco and Delpa in the eastern branch. Damocles got trapped in the northern branch. He thought that Lord Bruticus and Darth Shivilow must have concentrated their Force skills well to conceal this trick from all four of them. Unable to open the blast door with either The Force or his lightsabre, the Jedi Master proceeded with caution.

Orion Knight-Star asked the strike team to stand back, he stabbed the blast door to cut a hole through with is lightsabre blade only to find he could not push it through. He checked the walls, again the same result. Surprised, he announced to those behind him:-
"I think I know what this is. It's rare but I'm quite sure these doors are made of phrik

alloy. Some Jedi and Sith have been known to use it to make their lightsabres out of it. For an entire section to be made of this much of it, we must be

near our objective. Our laser blasts wouldn't do either. (Then paused.) But I think I know what would."
"In case that doesn't work, I have a back-up plan." Said Apollo.
"What are you suggesting, Captain?"
"A thermo-drill or a diamond saw. I'll contact the Galactica.

"Proceed, I'll go back to my Starfighter and come back as soon as I can."

Seaco Buroc and Delpa Gival, after discovering the same thing as Orion did regarding the blast doors, decided to try cutting through the corridor wall only to find that they were also made out of phrik

alloy. There were no other doors to try cutting through along the way. Delpa Gival tried opening the blast doors using Force gestures but it didn't work either.
"It's no use, it's like that day on that Trade Federation ship when I tried using The Force with it." He said to Seaco.
"There's only one thing we can

do and that's let The Force guide us." Said Seaco.
The two continued east, and followed the bend to the left. They deflected the multiple shots from the Stormtroopers at the end and as soon as Delpa Gival was free to use a force push, he did so and Seaco Buroc threw his lightsabre to finish them off.

Master Damocles cautiously followed the left-hand bend at the end of the corridor and found no sign of any danger. Knowing that The Sith were all too unpredictable he took no chances. Shortly after, the corridor bent to the right, he passed the corner with such stealth that it was as if he was not actually there. A split second later, he saw part of the corridor roof opening 25 feet ahead of him and Lord Bruticus landing on the floor from out of it. He stared at the Jedi Master defiantly, sabre ready, head bowed with a challenging stare.
"Prepare to meet your doom Jedi slime." He ignited his lightsabre, the red blade shot out with a spitting, hissing sound. "Let's see how you are in battle."
Master Damocles responded by drawing a lightsabre in each hand. Both hilts appeared the same design, eerily similar to Darth Vader's, only instead of chrome, one of them has a copper finish and the other brass, and black everywhere else. The weapon activated in his right had a dark, emerald-green blade and the one in his left, the brass one, a rare black blade. The unusual dark glow around the white core gave it a unique yin-yang effect only with light.
"Let's see what you can do, Jedi master swordsman." Said Lord Bruticus, eager to test him out.
"Two can play at that game." Master Damocles responded in his distinctive Southern-Coruscanti accent, and from the corner behind him came his Destroyer Droid rolling in and rose from it's wheel mode to unfold into it's droid mode and activated it's shield.
"Did you say... two.

" Lord Bruticus said as he took out another lightsabre, activated it pointing down past his right foot, not letting go of his challenging stare for a moment. Not until his Destroyer Droid commenced firing and Master Damocles used The Force to take out all ten of his heavy war darts from out of his utility belt. The war dart usage a signature trick of his. He'd use his Force powers to aim them and accelerate their movements so that he could fire them like projectiles.
With the combined efforts of everything at his disposal, Master Damocles did whatever he could to keep the brutal one occupied, hoping to buy time so that the others would somehow arrive soon. With his formidable force abilities, Lord Bruticus deflected the Destroyer Droid's dual cannons at the end of each arm and dissolved the war darts he evaded with the energy of his sword blades. Despite the difficulty even the Dark Lord faced, he evaded the flight of each dart he didn't dissolve with the length of his blades and dealt with the remainder with each attempt to avoid being shot through with them. Even without force abilities, one could tell that each of those darts had more power than any projectile weapon ever made had.
Master Damocles deactivated his black-bladed lightsabre and drew his DL-18 blaster pistol-the very type associated with Hutt crime gang members-and fired at the Dark Lord until it ran out of energy then redrew his second lightsabre as Darth Bruticus leaped over the Destroyer Droid and landed behind it. He stabbed with a powerful lunging stance to weaken it's shield and damage it at the same time. Half the droid brain dissolved by the red tip of Bruticus' right-hand lightsabre.
"What else do you have?" Said as the Damocles' Destroyer droid collapsed. "Do you think you could handle me nooow

Jediii?" Stated as he hacked the Destroyer as soon as the shield stopped generating. "You're supposed to specialize in sword-to-sword combat. Use them...

(he spat out the previous two words) ...they

are now your only means to destroy me." Each word in the statement a defiant threat and challenge.
Neither of the combatants relaxed their stances. Each knew what the other could use to their advantage. At a slightly over 6 feet, Master Damocles stood more than four inches above the Sith Lord and well aware of how to counter effective techniques used by shorter opponents, and as for his force abilities they have an emphasis on combat reinforced by his knowledge of military strategy. The power of the Dark Side surrounded Lord Bruticus like an event horizon, evil visibly burned in his now-yellow eyes. With such devastating power at his disposal, this notorious Sith Lord would be a strenuously difficult opponent to defeat even for this ultimate combat Jedi.
The two combatants sensed the intensity of the fight as they faced each other. Their force powers amplified while still in stance and heightened even as they charged toward their opponent.
Lord Bruticus, Dark Lord Of The Sith, Master Damocles, Jedi master swordsman locked sabres, pushed each-other's blades away, and wielded them in complex movements. Sparks sounded as their swords clashed. Their techniques made the two appear as if they were displaying elegant, yet extreme forms of showmanship instead of a battle. Their formidable lightsabre techniques all too lethal. Their strikes devastating.

Darth Shivilow sensed that the Stormtroopers outside the door had perished. She watched the security monitor as Seaco Buroc and Delpa Gival commenced moving farther down the corridor. Upon seeing them reach half-way down, she activated defense turrets from both ends of the passage and used The Force to lift the twelve dead Stormtrooper's blasters and fire at the two. Delpa Gival force-pushed at the blasters at the same time he deflected the shots from the turret ahead, but not before receiving two shots from the rifles at his chest and lower, right ribs. His Jedi endurance ensured that he took the injuries. Seaco used a force gesture in the form of a left-hand grip to rip the opposite turret from the roof to the floor after deflecting it's shots. He then spun around to aid Delpa until all of the Stormtrooper blasters were rendered useless by the blades of their weapons.
Darth Shivilow saw on the monitor that they knew that they were unable to cut through the vault made of phrik

alloy and appeared to be contemplating a way to get through. A telepathic message came from her Master.
"Shivilow, the attempt to trap the Jedi within the crossroads has failed. Not one of them has been sealed within the intersection. There's a way through to where I am now, who's made it past the blast doors?"
"Buroc and Gival. They're right outside your lounge, Master."
"They must not find their way toward me, let them in and play for time as best as you can. It's the only way. Meanwhile I'll deal with Master Damocles and I'll be there as soon as I can."
Shivilow sensed her Master's thoughts go into battle mode for confronting his target, and she wasted no time to back way from the vault and somersaulted 20 feet behind to give herself room before opening it.
The two Jedi Grand Masters were surprised to see the entrance to, what turned out to be, Bruticus' lounge, open. Bruticus' notorious apprentice stood theatrically with her fists resting at the sides of her hips, her nose in the air. Four of Bruticus' royal guards stood at either side of her. The only eight left in existence. Many of the others killed by Seaco and Delpa and others of the remaining Jedi Order. They appeared identical to the Royal Guards who served Emperor Palpatine, only, the personnel who wore the uniforms were always with Lord Bruticus' side of the once two-faction Galactic Empire. They also used the same weapons.
"Prepare to meet your doom Jedi rebel scums. It's about time." She looked at them as if they were beneath her in value while she held out her lightsabre at waist level. The dual blades ignited at the same time. The Royal Guards already in stance beforehand with their force-pikes.
The two Jedi Grand Masters dashed through toward either side of Darth Shivilow to attack the guards at first. Unsurprisingly, the vault closed, but what the two didn't expect were the eight defense turrets lowering from their hiding places in the roof. One at each corner and one at each cardinal point from above Shivilow.
Delpa Gival used The Force to lift one of the four Royal Guards attacking him and threw him toward the turret behind him to block it's fire while using the other three as cover from the central turrets. The other one in his area fired from within just into Delpa's front left side and the blue blade of his old lightsabre deflected the shots as he took out the weapon fastened to his back. It was the force pike which Master Damocles took from the Shadow Guard he killed earlier. He ignited it and the metre-long blade activated from one end. The artificial Sith crystal it originally contained was replaced by one of the dark emerald-green adegan crystals Damocles used. He threw it at that turret and moved the guard held in mid-air by his force powers away from the first to deflects it's shots at an angle to destroy the central turret facing him. All this an action the great Jedi Grand Master committed in two seconds.
Seaco Buroc took a defensive measure at the opposite side of the room. He, too, used The force to lift a Royal Guard in front of a turret, specifically the one behind him. Backing into the corner, but not too close to the enemy held behind him, he deflected other turret blasts as the other three Guards approached him out of the way of their defenses in order for them to keep firing. They were programmed to never shoot any of the guards.
More freedom of movement came as soon as Delpa caught the force pike he summoned back into his hand and threw it at the nearest central turret facing Seaco. Seaco was now able to move farther to his left, still with one guard in front of the turret once behind him and deflect the shots from the one in the corner in front of him at the opposite side of the room. Seaco used this deflecting to allow the blaster shots to take out one of the guards attacking him with his force pike and then the next. He decided against running for the "uncovered" turret because of Darth Shivilow in the way with herself and the third Guard attacking him as well as the fact that one of the central defenses covered the path to that area. He chose an alternative tactic to run back closer to his opponent held in mid air and used that far turret's shots to be deflected into the central ones, which took the remaining two out of that area. In order to eliminate the need to run past Shivilow and the third Guard, Seaco used a force gesture to rip the turret down from it's emplacement-like he did with the one in the passage-then moved the guard in mid air to the other side of the room and slashed the defense nearest to him. With freedom to move, he rushed sideways to his right as he blocked blows from the third Guard's force pike, increased his physical strength with The Force to move the pike to the right, angle his lightsabre downward to drive the pike lower to then slash the Guard's forearms as he brought his weapon away in a wide slash and then back across the stomach level and back again across the neck. Seaco force-choked the fourth Guard as he stayed in mid-air, the other hand simply blocking the blows of Darth Shivilow's dual-bladed weapon.
With his opponents out of the way, Seaco Buroc's left hand once again held the hilt of his lightsabre with a two-handed grip. The white blade locked in a low angle with one of her red blades.
Delpa Gival rushed back out of the way toward the other side of the room, toward the wall dividing the lounge and the passage the two came from. He let go of the first Royal Guard and destroyed the final remaining turret the same way Seaco did with the one in the passage. The other three charged toward him and he threw his blue-bladed lightsabre at the one on his right, the weapon impaled him like a think, heavy arrow, and gripped the first Guard again to pull him toward his opponents, hitting their backs. As the three fell, he side-stepped and with his two hands turned the force pike downward and impaled the first guard in the back through the heart. Delpa, with the use of telekinesis, took the blue blade of his lightsabre from out of the first Guard he killed, deactivated the blade and holstered it before the remaining two guards got up. He used the lightlance which he borrowed from Master Damocles to fight against the last two of Lord Bruticus' Royal Guards. The Force had told him during his last meditation that Delpa Gival would need it. Damocles hadn't forseen the turrets but knew it would make the battle much easier toward the end. Delpa used the weapon to block a force-pike and trip over the other opponent, force-pushed the one in front of him hard against the wall, killing him. The impact of the shock equivalent to falling from 300 feet. His final opponent jumped back up into stance and Delpa waved the five-foot hilt in elegant ways against the Royal Guard, used his great force-strength to deflect the force-pike away at the right time, slashed across the chest and then brought the lightlance up high for a finishing bow down from the left shoulder to the right rib cage.
Delpa Gival reattached the lightlance to his back and drew his lightsabre at the same time. He somersaulted toward the area just right of the destroyed central turrets as he reignited his sword. Darth Shivilow went into a drop stance which kept Seaco's white blade down at a low angle while blocking Delpa's blue blade at a higher angle with the other end of her dual weapon at the same time. With two opponents and everything else at her disposal gone, Shivilow moved her blades away from that of her opponents, and separated the hilt into two single lightsabres. Each hilt resembling that of her Father's-The Emperor Palpatine.
The two Grand Jedi Masters stayed at either side of her whenever possible in order to make it more difficult for Shivilow to defend herself. To counter this, she flipped into the air to a space out of the way as soon as one of her two red blades diverted one of theirs.
She landed in a crouch, blades parted, then closer together in a ready stance. Seaco stood at the opposite side of the same wall near the entrance vault, Delpa more to Shivilow's right and closer. Both approached, she blocked their first strikes, blades locked, Seaco thrust a right kick to the left side of her waist and she dropped her left-hand sabre. While upon the floor, Depla maintained his lock on her other lightsabre as she used her empty hand to force-push Seaco back to the opposite side of the room. She spun on the floor and her left heel hit behind Delpa's knee which tripped him to the ground. She summoned her lost sabre and alternated her next set of strikes against him as soon as he leaped up into stance in a split second. Those drove him back a few feet, he maintained defensive tactics to wait for Seaco to come back, which he did with a long somersault.
Back to using tactics to block a lightsabre blow from each opponent, she divided her defenses and after deflecting two blows at the same time, she flipped facing forward and slightly to her left, then landed behind Seaco's left flank with a slash striking him across half-way deep into his two lowest rib bones. His reflexive movement preventing any greater injury. His downward strike to block the next thrust took Darth Shivilow's left sabre down and she used her right one to hit Seaco's white blade on top and keep it lower as she released her left and managed to thrust it an inch into his sternum. Taking both injuries with his Jedi endurance, he backed up slightly and hit that very sabre blade away and went back into stance as Delpa readied himself at his side. Although both faced Shivilow, only Seaco Buroc advanced, she blocked his combination of strikes with her two blades and as the noises of their lightsabre clashing sounded Delpa Gival flipped into the air, moved his blue blade in a downward arc, knocked Darth Shivilow's left-hand sabre upward, grabbed her wrist as he swung his blade away. He blocked her side-kick with the side of his knee and stabbed her into the left side of her midriff, narrowly missing her stomach organ and burning the lowest layer of her lung. The edge of the lightsabre puncturing it almost an inch across.
After Darth Shivilow screeched from the excruciating injury, immediately having great trouble breathing, Seaco simply moved his hand quickly to grab her right hand and take the sabre away from her. Instead of withdrawing his weapon from her torso, Delpa Gival simply deactivated it. Only Darth Shivilow's Sith endurance with The Force saved her but Delpa used his force healing techniques to ease the pain while still holding her left wrist to enable Seaco Buroc to confiscate her other lightsabre.
With Darth Bruticus' notorious apprentice defeated, Seaco Buroc looked for the controls to open the phrik

alloy doors but couldn't find them. Shivilow was too badly injured to tell them even if she would ever agree to do so-which both the Grand Jedi Masters knew she wouldn't.
"Master Gival." The head of The Jedi Council called. Delpa looked up, his hand still over the opening in Darth Shivilow's midriff, healing as best as he could, Darth Shivilow still of course had trouble breathing but at least the pain was at last gone.
"I haven't found the controls but look what I've found in this safe."
Delpa Gival stared in amazement at one of the items he held up in his right.

Lord Bruticus and Master Damocles still hadn't scored a hit against each other with either of the lightsabres in each of their hands. The only blows which got though involved martial art strikes with parts of their bodies. At one time Bruticus managed to cast Sith lightning against Damocles after he somersaulted to avoid certain bows. He fell to the tough metallic floor, also made of phrik

alloy, and willed himself to throw the Sith lightning back to the dark lord. Bruticus ceased casting it before he could use it against him. Then their lightning-fast strikes from both their two lightsabres continued, vicious, lethal, deadly. Each rapid, continuous strike sounded with ever so intent clashes, sounds of which would drown out any background noise due to the intervals between them being so frequent. Each devastating strike powerful enough to seriously damage a Trade Federation AAT Tank with one slash. As the two locked sabres once again, intently trying to push each other away, the two leaped back. Darth Bruticus approached the Jedi master swordsman farther down the corridor, the battle seemed to go nowhere, but the brutal one was patient-one of his greatest advantages. The intensity of the fight suddenly continued as if the brief calm never existed. The vibrating of their lightsabres through the air and strikes all to rapid, just as before.
Minutes passed, their vicious, and at the same time, elegant, movements of their swordplay continued with neither of those formidable opponents slowing down against each other. Much Force energy expended by the two as they tried in vain to destroy their opponent. Then the dark lord sensed multiple presences rushing through the corridor, and once turning the corner, he saw Rebels scums, brown-uniformed Colonials lead by Captain Apollo and Lieutenant Starbuck and three other Jedi. Seaco Buroc and another Jedi somersaulted to Master Damocles' side to prevent the brutal one from escaping down the corridor, lightsabres held out. The fourth Jedi looked exactly like Lord Draconis only in a Jedi robe. He correctly assumed that the Jedi Knight was none other than his twin brother Orion Knight-Star.
Seaco Buroc approached Darth Bruticus, the white blade of his sabre held out defensively.
"You know you can't fight us all, now come with us-there's no-where to run. Your fleet is defeated, Master Gival has Darth Shivilow in custody, she can't help you because she's been sedated and is now being rushed to a bacta tank due to life-threatening injuries." Seaco approached even closely. "Not even you could deflect over 45 laser blasts and our lightsabres altogether."
The brutal one deactivated his lightsabres knowing he had no choice. Orion Knight-Star, with telekinesis, took the sabres he dropped and kicked away as Seaco Buroc arrested Lord Bruticus.
"How did you get though?" Master Damocles asked Orion.
He answered as he called his astromech droid R2N6 who rolled in from behind the corner.
"It's all thanks to good old R2. The unlock codes were more complex than most he had ever encountered and each door had a different one but he figured it all out."
Then Damocles turned his attention to the Grand Jedi Master.
"Good work in capturing Darth Shivilow Master Buroc."
"Thanks Master Damocles. You also did a great job at keeping this dark lord occupied for long enough until we got here." Seaco said as he gestured to Bruticus, now in binders, to move along with the strike team.
Darth Bruticus could only feel all but annoyed at the success of their missions and groaned toward them in a low, unenthusiastic tone.
"Jedi slime."

Part #18

"Epilogue -Time And Parallel Dimensions."

-Sean Connaughton as Grand Jedi Master Seaco Buroc.
-Patrick Delieto as Grand Jedi Master Delpa Gival and Imperial Admiral Targeta.
-Colleen Driscoll as Darth Shivilow.
-Eric Johnson as Darth Bane.
-John Damocles Smith as Master Damocles.
-Alex McKeel as Orion Knight-Star and twin brother Sith Lord Draconis and Snow Trooper TS 4142.
-Joe Mignano as Lord Bruticus.

Battlestar Atlantia

The fleet commanders had been informed of the capture of both Sith Lords. The time for celebration was not yet as a new danger arose, not from the Imperial Fleet, but from the Death Star once again. Having lost all means of power distribution due to the nuclear damage it was no longer able to change course so it simply drifted at the speed it had while it still functioned. The main reactor no longer had sufficient connections to other systems in order to generate any power so it inevitably shut down.
"This is President Adar. The Death Star is on a collision course with Caprica. Give it everything you have." The Colonial leader announced urgently.
No ship from Commander Cain's fleet had any nuclear missiles left but 11 Battlestars still possessed their unfired four and used them without hesitation, they had only the problem of turning their capital ships around in order to launch their other two which fired only from the other side.
They hit their target, although significant damage resulted, the entire superstructure was still too big to be blasted into smaller pieces. The out-of-commission battle station reached within 100 kilometres of the planet, no missile left from any ships powerful enough. Tension arose throughout both sides of The Coalition as no action was able to be taken. The anxiety of hopelessness only had minor relief as the missiles from both Caprica's ground-based and satellite defenses finally reached their target. The gravitational force The Death Star generated due to it's immense size created tidal waves upon Caprica's oceans as it approached the planet more quickly. The missiles continued to hit their mark. Islands on the hemisphere facing The Death Star became flooded and coastlines along continents suffered similar disasters. The once-mighty battle station of terror approached the thermosphere, internal components-many of which were not designed to resist heat-broke apart due to no longer being protected by the outer surfaces which previously existed. The ground-based and satellite nuclear missile lauchers which continued to hit the internal superstructure of the sphere aided the process to finally shatter it to large pieces and they rained down like meteorites upon ocean, land and some cities alike. Laser cannons did their best to fire upon the debris.
The battle and the dangers Caprica faced by The Empire were finally at an end. What remained of the Imperial Fleet recalled their fighters and their Star Destroyers eventually rounded up and escorted to one of the most powerful military shipyards to be monitored.

Aboard the Battlestar Atlantia,

an award ceremony took place. A military band played a tune with low notes coming from brass instruments and drums. Then brass instruments with higher-pitched sounds played virtually the same notes but at a quicker tempo. Stringed instruments added a profound atmosphere as they came in with their long, smooth notes. Medal bearers followed President Adar. The Colonial leader stopped in front of those honoured people about to receive their awards. Adar turned around and presented his speech.
"Everyone, Colonials Warriors, Rebel Alliance. (Then a brief pause.) Guests to The Colonies, we, here, in the Cyrannus Galaxy shall now present an award we throughout The Twelve Colonies Of Man call 'The Golden Cluster.' It is one of our highest honours we bestow upon those who perform outstanding services, deeds such as these people behind me have done to save all twelve of our colonies... whose knowledge and abilities brought us victory."
The President turned and awarded all ten of the dignified Sorgarn present. They bowed their very tall frames deeply in order for him to be able to place the medals around their necks. Next, Adar awarded Grand Jedi Master Seaco Buroc-leader of what was left of The Jedi Order. Delpa Gival-head of The Jedi Council. Master Damocles-Jedi Strategist and master swordsman. Jedi Knight Orion Knight-Star, wise and powerful member of The Jedi Order. And finally, the great military genius of The Colonial Fleet, Commander Cain.
All saluted in the ways they did depending on which organization they belonged to.
And then cheered.

Battlestar Galactica,

Adama's private lounge.

The four Jedi and the head of The Ministry Of Sorgarn Research met with Commander Adama and Commander Cain for an unofficial meeting. Ari'eshna was also present at the request of the Sorgarn. She was made welcome and the Sorgarn research leader wished to discuss her future, he agreed to listen to her regarding her life in Jabba's Palace on Tattooine. She begged them not to send her back there.
"I am aware of what Lord Bruticus is and what he's done, but I wish to stay with him and not in that horrible Hutt palace. You said so yourself that you're aware of Hutt culture, so if you're going to imprison him let me at least be able to see him regularly and well away from those gangsters. You have to understand

I can't go back. I'll only suffer like I did before"
The Sorgarn research leader tried to reassure Ari'eshna.
"We have taken into account your situation. Rest assured you'll not be sent back to Hutt Space. We have looked at your timeline and we have chosen the perfect place for you to be your new home. We cannot allow you to suffer a life of slavery ever again. We view slavery as barbaric. We cannot, however, allow you near Lord Bruticus because he's native to a different timeline from yours and he doesn't exist in your native realm."
Ari'eshna was visibly relieved, pleasantly surprised. All despite her loss of Lord Bruticus. With the meeting dismissed, she was escorted to her temporary guest quarters by Delpa Gival. Seaco Buroc followed him. Orion Knight-Star remained behind and had one last question for the Sorgarn leader.
"There's one more thing, what about my Brother? He's disappeared from the battle after his fighter received heavy damage."
The very tall being answered in the usual intelligent, dignified temperament characteristic of all Sorgarn.
"Lord Draconis cannot hide no matter where in this universe and dimension he chooses to go. Because our facilities remained functional our computers were able to determine the quantum and dimensional signatures of all present in the battle beforehand. When our new facilities are complete, we would have the ample power necessary to send all not native to this plane of existence to their native places. You will see him again and from then you may deal with him."
Orion thanked the Sorgarn and bowed in the Jedi fashion and left to make his way back to his guest quarters.
The meeting was over, Master Damocles reluctantly stood to leave. He enjoyed taking to the wise Commander Adama whenever he had the opportunity to. He was very practical in his conduct and intelligent, the very type of person the rebellion needed more of. He sensed through The Force that this great old warrior would face an important destiny in a few years, as for what, he couldn't foresee but knew he would be the perfect one for his future duties. After he shook hands with the admirable, great Commander in the Colonial manner-with a hand grip at each others wrists, Commander Cain did the same and said:-
"Master Damocles, before you go, I have something for you. With the rebellion's struggle against The Empire you all told us about, I have prepared this

for your efforts. I hope it will help you in ways just as your people helped us." The charismatic military leader said, smiling.

Hours later, the Jedi held a private meeting within Seaco Buroc's guest quarters. They discussed the items Seaco had found after his and Delpa Gival's fight with Darth Shivilow. Having no Jedi Temple to store them within for safety, they made suggestions to each other regarding how to hide them securely and analyzed the feasibility of those measures. Among the dangerous items found, Darth Bane's holochron-the very item from which Darth Bruticus learnt of the Sorgarn and their technology to travel trough time and parallel dimensions-and the holochron of the The Emperor himself. Presumably used by Bruticus to farther train Darth Shivilow in the ways of the dark side of The Force. The third holochron being Bruticus' own and the rest of the items consisted of computer chips for Sith Lords to train their apprentices, similar to ones used by Darth Sidious to train Count Dooku when he no longer had access to the Sith holochrons he secretly viewed within the Jedi Temple before he left The Order. They were determined to make sure no-one would ever use those items ever again.

Eight days later, Master Damocles and Lieutenant Sheba visited each other for the last time. The Sorgarn had finally finished constructing their facilities to generate the immense power required to send everyone back to their native realms. The upcoming ceremony to officially farewell the Colonial's Rebel allies a mere two hours away. They had dinner together along with Master Delpa Gival and a female pilot named Andromeda, also from the Battlestar Pegasus,

Sheba had introduced him to. The two couples felt so close to their partners regardless of what they talked about, who knows, maybe The Force helped them find each other, but there was no way to know for sure. Andromeda kept asking Delpa Gival to perform Force tricks with his telekinetic abilities and jokingly played with the floating objects to amuse herself. As they poured more ambrosa, Sheba recalled the bottle of drink her friend gave Delpa Gival to remember her by. She decided to do the same. After thanking Sheba, she said:-
"Here's something from our universe you can show to your friends when you get back home. Maybe you can drink it with the other Jedi the day you finally return to... which part of Southern Coruscant did you say you're from?"
Damocles answered, but Sheba still couldn't register the phonetics of the pronunciation of the name of his home region.
"Come over here." Sheba gestured to a space behind her desk. The sound of Andromeda and Delpa Gival exchanging laughter became even more lively from the enjoyment of each others' company. Sheba asked Damocles to speak into the microphone. As he did so, the thin green text appeared upon the monitor and phonetic variations appeared as soon as Sheba typed in a command. The text was, of course, in Colonial writing but Damocles saw that it looked identical to some script he had seen in some Imperial facilities. How odd indeed! Whoever standardized that writing system in his dimension must have existed in the Colonial timeline as well.
Although the phonetics were merely technical and pronunciation didn't actually matter to most natives, Sheba still thought that the name of Damocles' homeland in some part of Southern Coruscant was amusing. To her, it sounded like a contraction of two specific words into one-"Down" and "Under."
Damocles then put Sheba's gift upon the dinner table and then recalled the gift he received from Commander Cain.
"Speaking of gifts, look at what your Father gave me." He reached into an internal pocket of his black, Anakin Skywalker-style Jedi robe and took out a memory chip.
"What's in it?" Sheba couldn't guess what he could have given Damocles.
"It's your Father's military strategy techniques. I believe it's his way of thanking us and helping us out."
Sheba was surprised. "I don't believe it, he never does that."
He put it back into his Jedi Robe as he said "It's already formatted for our computers, I can't wait to see in it what we can use against The Empire, there's much of our galaxy which needs to be freed from their rule."
It was almost time for Master Damocles to return to the Rebel Fleet, Delpa Gival and Andromeda left Sheba's quarters. Alone, and to use what time they had left, the two held each other in their arms and kissing each others' lips, relishing the love they felt for each other knowing that they'll never see one another again. They accepted their inevitable separation, but they certainly wouldn't forget each other no matter where they'd go.

The Colonial Battlestars and Destroyers which survived the conflict surrounded the two Rebel fleets from separate timelines of each other. The farewell ceremony like none other which ever happened before or after. The 25 Star Destroyers were handed over to the Rebels from Master Damocles' time since Bruticus' fleet also came from four years after The Battle Of Yavin. Even what remained of the Dominator

would go with them for reconstruction, modifications and a new name -Kenobi

-in memory of Master Luke Skywalker's teacher, a great Jedi Master and hero to The Rebellion. Their Imperial prisoners were kept within one of the Star Destroyers with the controls for their turrets and light speed temporarily deactivated, the systems for operating those removed to prevent attack or escape.
The Sorgarn activated the power distribution at the end of the farewell ceremony, the Rebel fleets signaled those exotic, extra-dimensional beings when each and every one of them were ready to be sent home.
Battlestars and Colonial Destroyers fired shots from their turrets as continual salutes to their temporary allies. The familiar bright, lightning-like lights which appeared, eventually expanded and formed their surrounding field of a thick, white light surrounded the Rebel vessels for the last time.
The Colonial music which played for this most unique of all occasions continued until the end even after the Rebel Alliance had disappeared.

Lord Draconis found he had reappeared in one of his hideouts while he conducted repairs upon his converted Jedi Star Fighter, specifically the abandoned base which his Jedi twin Brother had found him. His Sith reflexes made him draw his lightsabre and he turned to see Orion standing upon the landing pad from 25 feet away. The hilt of his weapon held at his side but not activated. Even his Jedi Starfighter was there behind him and must have appeared there while still landed.
"What do you want to do Draconis? I accept that you have no wish to come back to the light, but will you allow me to at least take you into custody?"
Lord Draconis felt like the Council had it in for him and his anger always got the best of him which resulted in his expulsion from The Jedi Order. The council believed he had too much anger and fear in him. For Draconis, anger and fear was his ally. He wanted the dark side of The Force, he felt free from the ethics he had to endure from his former Masters from The Council.
Orion ignited the gardian blue blade of his lightsabre as soon as Draconis assumed his attack stance. This second round of their fight within the same place somehow felt a lot different. If Orion were to think about it, it was the realization that his twin Brother would never accept the light side of The Force voluntarily. He had no choice other than to fight him due to the fact that he was all too adamant about his chosen path. This time Draconis made no attempt to escape, Orion would find him again sooner of later. He decided to deal with his Jedi Brother there and then, whether if he kills his twin or vise versa, he'd be free of Orion either way.
The fight was long, intense and they didn't exchange a word for almost an hour's worth of lightsabre clashing and force techniques. Orion had pushed Draconis back against his converted Jedi Starfighter, sabres locked, and Orion pushed back far enough to burn part of his face and cheek bone. His shout of pain would have been heard throughout the abandoned base had there been any personnel left.
Both stopped their fight and moved away from each other, even deactivated their lightsabres by the time they stood 20 feet apart. Draconis relieved the pain by trying to force-heal the wound.
Orion stayed silent and waited for Draconis' pain to ease before uttering his first word after the fight.
"Draconis my brother, you may have chosen the path of the Sith, but you still have compassion deep down and I feel a conflict but as your brother I cannot turn you in. Let's make an agreement, I'll let you go and not seek you out anymore, however you must never show your face in the galaxy again for our parent's sake." Unlike most Jedi, the twins had the privilege of knowing their Mother and Father's identities.
Still with his hand over his scar, Draconis nodded, while he still concentrated on the healing. Orion sensed the sincerity of his agreement through The Force.
"How will you explain my disappearance?" He asked Orion, still puffing from the shock of receiving the injury although the pain itself had disappeared.
"I'll think of something, I know I will. And allow me to say, that I'm glad that I didn't need to kill you." Orion stated with the genuine care for people he always possessed.
It seemed to Draconis that Orion was about to leave so he immediately said:-
"Take this, say that you got it from me after our fight." Lord Draconis used his free hand to telekinetically retrieve an object from out of a compartment within his starfighters' cockpit. It floated toward Orion Knight-Star's waiting hands.
"I'll keep it safe." The Jedi Knight's final words toward his twin Brother before carrying the Sith holochron to his fighter. The very same one Draconis had found years earlier and used to learn the ways of the dark side of The Force.
Watching Orion's Jedi Starfighter disappear into the sky the Sith twin was alone once again, he rested and eventually returned to repairing his starfighter and then make plans to honour his agreement. But the reason Draconis went into hiding was because of the huge scar inflicted by his brother during their final fight.
Nevertheless, disappear Lord Draconis did.

"Epilogue II -Aftermath."

Darth Bane became the only surviving Sith Lord 1,000 years before The Battle Of Yavin. He established "The Rule Of Two" for all the future Sith after himself and his Apprentice Darth Zannah. The experiences he had outside his timeline and dimension lead him to research past events of similar phenomena and recorded it into the holochron which he eventually constructed two years later. One day, it would land into the hands of Lord Bruticus himself, leading him to attempt to capture the technology to travel through time and parallel dimensions, resulting in the entangled events which occurred.

Grand Jedi Master Seaco Buroc established the first Jedi Temple on Coruscant after The Rebel Alliance reclaimed the planet. The New Republic era began from then. Grand Jedi Master Delpa Gival lead the new Jedi Council under Seaco Buroc's wise direction. Gival established a sophisticated program to search for candidates for Jedi training resulting in the re-establishment of The Jedi Order. By then, they had already met with the Jedi Master Luke Skywalker who became a member of the new Jedi Council and devised training techniques with Seaco Buroc so that others may learn from the benefit of Luke's personal experiences.

Master Damocles became a trainer for the next generation of many Jedi who specialized in lightsabre-to-lightsabre combat on his home planet of Coruscant after the establishment of The New Republic. His skills in military strategy evolved even farther with the gift from the great Commander Cain, skills which aided The New Republic in reclaiming many other worlds who wished to secede from The Galactic Empire but were unable to. The New Republic Star Destroyer Kenobi

contributed to augment the power of those strategic techniques and bring moral and hope to those who sympathized with The Rebellion.

Jedi Knight Orion Knight-Star became a wise and powerful Jedi. He always showed compassion and love for people. He became the liaison between The Jedi Order and his home world of Alderaan.

Sith Lord Draconis kept the agreement he made with his twin Brother. He emptied the contents of his three hideouts and used a transport he "procured" at one time to bring all his possessions to his fourth hideout where he eventually set-up a permanent, self-sufficient residence and remained in isolation for their parent's sake.

Snowtrooper TS 4142, was given temporary leave sometime in his career and went back to visit his parents. It was while back on Coruscant he found the light saber which belonged to his great uncle Orion Knight-Star in an old trunk in his parents home. No-one knew that he had the force talent of psychometry. As he touched it The Force called him to fight for the rebellion so he went AWOL and joined The New Republic. Forsaking his Snowtrooper designation, he became known as Xandor Knight-Star.

Ari'eshna found herself in a refugee camp on Naboo, never to see Lord Bruticus again since she was native to the main Star Wars timeline. She would eventually establish an organization of like-minded people to help free slaves outside of, what eventually became, The New Republic shortly thereafter.

Lord Bruticus, Darth Shivilow and Admiral Targeta were brought to trial for their various war crimes and sentenced to spend the remainder of their natural lives. Each of them in separate specially designed prisons.

President Adar of the Battlestar Atlantia

would lead a delegation of Colonials to the Cimtar Peace Accord. Little did the President of The Council Of Twelve know that the peace treaty with the Cylons would be the precursor to the biggest attack by the Cylon Empire against the entire Twelve Colonies.

Lord Baltar (A.K.A Count Baltar) would eventually conspire with the Cylons to destroy The Twelve Colonies Of Man four yahren after the threat by Lord Bruticus' Imperial fleet. Using the Cimtar Peace Accord as a ruse, he would manage to build the humans' excitement for the treaty as well as give the Cylons what they wanted-the eradication of the Humans. The false peace treaty would result in a battle which became known as "The Battle Of Cimtar." Karibdis greatly assisted Lord Baltar's plans for domination by disabling the defensive equipment on Caprica, thus allowing the Cylon holocaust to occur without at least some defensive action. He would become responsible for the death of a million Capricans. Left unchecked, the Cylons decided to wipe out everything, leaving Karibdis in a precarious situation. During the chaos he bartered his way into the fleet that Commander Adama had instituted by bribing Flight Sergeant Ortega.
He took on the name Pallon and managed to hide himself among the refugees from The Battle Of Cimtar. No one knew of his existence, as he managed to keep himself out of the public eye in the fleet as a waiter on the Rising Star.

Flight Sergeant Ortega would survive the Battle At Cimtar. He would be assigned as a pilot aboard the Battlestar Galactica.

His immaturity, aggression and engagement in illegal activities would make the Colonial Warrior unpopular among his piers. During the Battle At Cimtar, he processed people for the loading of the Rising Star,

three people bribed Ortega for places aboard the starliner-places reserved for children and their caretakers-Among them, Karibdis.
Having enough of Ortega's continual blackmail, Karibdis eventually resorted to murdering him with the use of Starbuck's gun, pinning the blame on him and almost getting away with his crime.

Commander Adama, after The Battle At Cimtar, which would result in the destruction of The Twelve Colonies Of Man at the hands of The Cylon Empire, would lead what was left of the Human race who prospered in that region of the Cyrannus Galaxy. Their goal, to find the long-lost 13TH Tribe of humans. Under his leadership, The Colonials would flee the Cylon tyranny, Adama commanding the last Battlestar, Galactica,

on a lonely quest-a shining planet...

...known as Earth.


Texte: Star Wars and related materials are the properties of Lucasfilm and Universal Studios own the rights to Battlestar Galactica and Glen A. Larson is the creator of Battlestar Galactica.The "Predator Mark I" heavy fighter, that's my own invention for one of the characters.
Bildmaterialien: John Damocles Smith
Cover: John Damocles Smith
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 06.10.2011

Alle Rechte vorbehalten

This is fan fiction only. This story has not been endorsed by Lucasfilm or by Glen A. Larson the creator of the original series of Battlestar Galactica or by Universal Studios. The author of this fan fiction is not affiliated with any of those previously mentioned. This work of fiction consists of three separate timelines and parallel dimensions. The first being the "Main Star Wars Timeline And Dimension." This refers to the universe conceived of by George Lucas and the canon setting of the movies. The second being the "Alternative Star Wars Timeline and Dimension." This being the non-canon universe conceived of by the author. The third is simply the "Colonial Timeline And Dimension," the very setting of the original series of "Battlestar Galactica" set four years before the pilot episode. This story portrays real people as fictional characters, the primary purpose of this fan fiction is to allow those in it to live out their Star Wars fantasies and the author wishes to give credit to all his friends who expressed their interest in participating and giving their generous consent to use their characters as well as background information, which made this story possible. Special thanks by the author to the cast:- Joe "Lord Bruticus" Mignano, Eric Johnson, Sean Connaughton, Patrick Delieto, Colleen Driscoll, Alex McKeel. I dedicate this fan fiction to them, George Lucas and Glen A. Larson.

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