
I know I shouldn't be awake 'till way later but I just couldn't get back to sleep so all I could do was stare out my window at the empty street. All I wanted to do was to get ready eat breakfast and head off to school, but that wasn't 'till 7:00. So I just thought and thought and thought about what I was going to tell my dad when he woke up and I had a gym bag in my hands. All he wanted me to do for high school was take all the extra classes I could and get straight A’s. But that wasn’t for me I wanted to be a field hockey player. I love Field Hockey so much it is like my life dream. When I was littler I went to a summer camp for it and the coaches there said I had real talent. So I kept going each year till 7th grade year when my dad told me what he had planned for me. I looked at my alarm clock as it changed to 6:00 and went off. I ran over trying not to make a sound and turned it off I didn’t want my dad to wake up. I opened up my dresser and looked inside, last night I couldn’t figure out what to wear so I waited till to day to decide. I had nothing in the drawers that I wanted so I ran to my closet, and grabbed out my jean skirt, black leggings, and my only black shirt that says “If You Can’t Play Nice…Play Field Hockey”. It was my favorite shirt. I ran to the bathroom knowing I was running late. I jumped in the shower and turned it on. After I was done I dried my head with my new blow dryer and then I straightened it. I got dressed and went down stairs to see what there was to eat, of course everything I saw had sugars. So I decided I would just grab something on the way. I called up my friend who was driving me to school.
“Hey Adria.” She answered.
“Hey Jenn. Are you ready yet or are you still getting ready?”
“I’m ready I was just waiting for you to call.”
“Well can we head out earlier because I wanted to stop for something to eat?” I asked.
“Yeah sure I’ll head out.” She said.
“Thanks! Don’t forget your field hockey stuff.” I reminded her.
“I won’t. Bye.”
“Bye.” And I hung up the phone.
When I turned around I almost died of shock. My dad was standing behind me. Oh shit he must have heard me. I was going to tell him I was planning on doing field hockey but not this way.
“Er, hi daddy.”
“Hi Adria. So you are planning on doing field hockey?” Oh man right down to business I was not ready for this.
“Yes. I know you wanted me to focus on school but I love field hockey too.” I was hoping he wouldn’t get to mad. But I spoke too soon.
“Why would you even want to change your future? You could get such a high paying job if you just focused on school.” He yelled at me.
“It’s not my future, it’s yours! I want to do…” But before I could finish Jenn beeped her horn. “I got to go. Bye.”
He didn’t say bye so I just grabbed my gym bag and school bag and put my flip-flops on and ran outside almost crying.
“Hey.” Jenn said. “You ready for try outs? What position you trying for?”
“Left wing. You trying for left mid right?” I asked.
“Of course!!!” She yelled. Jenn had been playing left mid for 6 years straight.
The rest of the ride was silent. We stopped at Dunkin Donuts and ordered 2 bagels and 2 orange juices. After we finished we drove to school, we weren’t the first there. There was some kids hanging around but none of them were my friends, so we parked as close as possible to the field hockey field and grabbed our sticks and a ball out and just shot around on the goals. We played 1 on 1, and I hate to say it but I defiantly beat her. But with Jenn it wasn’t about making shots it was about playing with your team to make sure we won. We were so focused on the game that we didn’t realize the parking lot filling up. When we finally did notice we ran to put our stuff away and grab our school bags. We didn’t know whose classes we were in so we figured that we would stop by the office but as we walked in the front doors we noticed lists hung up. They were homeroom listings. We started checking the homerooms but we didn’t find our names till the last list and we were both on it.
“Mrs. Carter?” I asked.
“I have no idea who that is. She must be new.”
We walked to class looking at all the new extra curriculum activities. We had sign ups for field hockey one week ago, so try outs were today. They were from 2:30 to 6:00, the were three and a half hours long and it was two day try-outs. We found our homeroom with no problems and we saw that people were already taking their seats so we found two seats next to each other closer to the back so when we passed notes nobody saw us. Not even a minute after sitting down we were surrounded by some of our friends who do field hockey. We talked for a bit but the bell rang interrupting us so everybody ran to get their seats. But nobody made it before our teacher came in.
“Take your seat” She didn’t sound that friendly. She sounded like one of those old widowed ladies. “Every day when I come in you should be seated facing forward. No talking, you can be reading, working on any school work, but you shouldn’t be just sitting there.”
She walked to the board and wrote her name then went to her desk and started roll call. She got to like the fourth name when snap. Somebody snapped their gum and Mrs. Carter stared at him with beady eyes.
“Spit it out.” She ordered as she carried the trash can over to him. And so he did.
The rest of homeroom was a blrr. Mrs. Carter did attendence then gave us our homeroom schedule which I made a second copy of to put in my locker, then she gave us our lockers combos and let us practice. I was putting things in my locker when I felt a tap on my shoulder.
“Escuse me.” A guys voice said. I turned to look at him. And oh my god I was almost frozen solid. A boy about half of foot taller than me and had brown hair and green eyes stood before. He was georges, more than georges he was hot.
“Hi.” Was all I could say.
“Hello. Could you tell me where Mrs. Carter’s room is?”
“Yeah I can show you.” I closed my locker and showed him to my homeroom. I was going to go up with him but Mrs. Carter just walked up to his side. I just took my seat and stared at him. He took his seat at the front of the room and dropped his binder and everybody stared at him. Just as Mrs. Carter was going to speak the bell rang we all got up and left the class. I had first period with Jenn so we walked together and sat near each other. I didn’t see “him” again until lunch when he was sitting all by himself so I went to sit near him. Jenn and the rest of my friends followed me too.
“Hi. Again.” I said.
“Uh hi.” He said.
“I didn’t get to introduce myself earlier I’m Adria and this is Jenn, Sophie, Nick, Lola, and Ariel. We all play field hockey together.”
“I’m Ethan. And it seems like everyone I’ve talked to today play field hockey.” He said.
“Yeah it’s a pretty big sport around here. We have try outs after school but only 20 kids make it. You play a sport?” I asked.
“Yeah, basketball. Tryouts are tonight too.” He said. Oh great he plays basketball he’s hot everybody is going to be after him. I was about to speak when someone walked up.
“Ethan is it?” She said. Grr it’s Lucy. She plays field hockey too but she is a whore. She plays center mid the “best” position she says because they have to be every where, and she never let anybody forgets it.
“Yeah and you are?” He asked.
“I’m Lucy. I play center mid field hockey.”
“Figures you play field hockey too.” He said laughing, she laughed too.
“Oh you have to come and hang out with my friends and me” She said and she pulled him away. But before they got to far she looked back and gave one of her “ha I win” smiles.
“God I hate her!” I said.
We ate lunch then went to our afternoon classes. The good thing about them I had them all with Ethan. At the end of the day we went back to homeroom and got our stuff to go home. The bell rang and we all ran out to get our sport bags and to get changed. As we walked into the gym I saw Ethan and some other guys getting ready for practice. God he looked so hot in his shorts.
“Be careful Adria. Boys don’t like it when girls drool.” Lucy said laughing. And she walked away laughing at her dim-witted joke.
We got changed and then we headed off to practice. We started hitting some balls around but we only had a minute because coach onto the field.
“Ok everyone! Gather! I’m coach Jo. These two days will be the hardest try outs any of you people will ever experience. There are fifty-four of you guys and only twenty of you guys will make it. So I won’t be fooling around these two days and if even of you guys fool around you will kicked out of try outs faster than you can say field hockey. And if you make the team and you start fooling around you will still be off the team.” She said. “OK, lets get started. Run five laps then get a quick drink and stand near the goal when your done.”
“Do we have to run together? And do you want us to run with our sticks?” A girl in the back asked but I didn’t notice the voice.
“No you don’t have to run together but I do want you to run with your sticks. OK ready go.” And we all started running. I am so thankful that I did a lot of running over the summer. I was in the lead for the whole time I even lapped 4 people. When I finished everyone else was just starting their fifth lap or not even done with their fourth. Coach was very impressed with my running. I wasn’t even out of breath and when people finished they were dieing of shortness of breath. Lucy looked like she was going to die so when I looked at her she gave me the most nasty look ever she got jealous that I ran faster than her.
“OK, some of you are not in shape but I figured that would be the case. Next we are going to do fartlicks, get in four lines at each corner of the field.” I ran to the farthest corner to get in first in line.
"OK go!" And I started speed dribbling as fast as I could but when I looked up and saw what was in front of me I tripped and fell. It was Ethan. Luce ran by me laughing and when she ran by Ethan she shook her ass. What a bitch! I stood back up and started running again but when I went pass Ethan I noticed he wasn't looking at me but staring at Luce. I finished my exercise next to last. I knew if I wanted to get Ethan's attention I would have to do good on the next exercise.
"OK next we are going to do Eagles. Get in position." Coach yelled. Yes! Luce hated Eagles and I was very good at them. All I had to do was not stare at the most hottest guy in the world. Yeah because that would be easy...not! I got in line and started my warm-up I was happy because I passed everyone and Luce was in dead last. When I finished and Luce wasn't even half done I felt good. When everyone was done there warm-up coach looked at her watch.
"Wheeeew. Where does the time go. OK so just do two cool down laps then you can leave." OK only two I will be done in no time. I knew it was a cool down lap but I couldn't help sprinting them. When I finished I was sitting getting my sweats on and someone walked up behind me.
"Hey." It was Ethan.
"Hi. How was try outs." I asked.
"Rough. What about yours?"
"OK. I would love to stay and chat but I got to go." I stood up and almost fell but Ethan caught me. I could've stayed in his hands all day but I quickly stood up straight. "Thanks."
"Don't mention it. I was wandering if like this weekend if you wanted to um hang out? I don't have any other friends yet. You could teach me how to play field hockey and I could teach you how to play basketball." He asked. Oh my god is he asking me out on a date.
"Yeah. Do you have a cell phone? Can I have you number." I asked and I pulled out my cell phone.
"Yeah it's 207-338-4248." Yours and he pulled out his cell.
"207-449-3689 I got to go. Bye." I said.
"Bye." And I walked away. Oh my god is he really cute.
"Adria!" It was Luce. "Don't you talk to that new kid Ethan. He is mine, and so out of your league. And he doesn't like you he likes me."
"Well if he doesn't like me then why did he just ask me on a date and give me his phone number." She just stopped and stared and I walked off. When I got home, I got changed and jumped onto the couch.
"Adria is that you?" It was my dad. I thought he would've been at work. "Adria?!" Wait that isn't my dad. It was... Jake! Jake is my brother and he lives with my mom in Kentucky.
"Jake? Yeah it's me." I yelled and jumped up to go give him a hug. "Hey what are you doing here shouldn't you be at school?"
"You didn't hear? He asked.
"Hear what?"
"Mom and dad are getting back together. When you guys came down over the summer mom and dad went on a date."
"Really?" Was all I could say and I gave him another hug.
"Uh Adria." He said.
"Yeah what?"
"You stink like sweat." He started laughing but I knew he wasn't joking.
"Yeah first day of field hockey try outs. I'll take a shower and when I get out we can go to the ice cream shop around the corner." I said. And walked into the bathroom. But when I got in there i turned around and opened the door. "Wait where is mom?"
"She will get here tomorrow." H said. And I jumped into the shower. After the shower and Jake and I got ice cream we went home. Dad was there.
"Hi dad." Jake and I said together.
"Hi. Uh Jake there is a ladder in the garage. Mom called and said you had some stuff that hung from the ceiling."
"OK." And Jake walked off.
"Adria we are going to talk about field hockey." He said.
"Dad, it is not that big of a deal. I will play field hockey and I will take extra classes I can do all of it."
"OK but if your grades start slipping you are off the field hockey team." He said.
"Fine." And I stormed off to my room. Grabbing my bags on the way. First day of school, no homework. I don't need to go running. I didn't have anything to do, so I took a nap.


I woke suddenly in the middle of the night. I was soaking wet. I had had a dream about...about him. I sat up fast and tried to catch my breath. My dream was about Ethan and Luce making out and I was jealous and then it liked skipped twenty-five years in the future and they were getting married. I was so jealous I jumped off a cliff. I looked at my phone and noticed i had a message.
Thank you for being a friend to me. Can't wait for our date this weekend. Text me back when you get this message.
Oh my god it was Ethan I was about to text him back when I looked at my alarm clock. 3:00 in the morning. He was probably sleeping by now. I put my phone down and laid back down. I couldn't fall asleep but I knew I had to try. Last day of try outs. I don't remember when that night but I fell asleep some time.


Beep beep beep. Shit my alarm clock. I looked at my alarm clock and almost jumped out of my bed. I must have slept through my first alarm because it was quater of 7. Damn I had no time to get ready so I just rushed around grabbing my stuff and running to the bathroom. I brushed my teeth and hair then got dressed. I ran downstairs put on my shoes grabbed a granola a juice. Called Jenn.
"Hey you heading over?" I asked.
"Yeah like two minutes away. Bye." She said.
"Bye." And I hung up the phone. I grabbed my bags and went out on the sun porch and waited. While I waited I opened my bottle of Orange Juice and drank a little. I put down the bottle when I saw Jenn roll up. I grabbed everything and ran out to the car.
"Hey!" She screamed, she was in the best mood.
"Hi!" I said. But I was starving so I got back to my food. We got to the school and I jumped out and grabbed my bookbag. We raced to the school. But were stopped by a teacher who said "Walk in the school." So we walked to class and when we got there me and Jenn sat in the back row. I turned to talk and someone sat in the seat next to me.
"Hi." It was Ethan. "So, I texted you lst night and you didn't get the message or something?"
"Yeah. Sorry I went to bed like are 6:30 and I got your message around 3 AM and I thought you would be sleeping." I explained to him but it was like he wasn't even listening after I said 'sorry'. What was wrong with him today, maybe he didn't get enough sleep. "Are you ok?"
"Yeah, it's just I really badly wanted to talk to you." He said. I hated to say it even in my head but he started to sound really desperate.
"Oh well um, what did you wanna talk to me about?" But before he could answer our teacher came in. Classes went by and I walked back to homeroom alone. I was putting my books into my locker when Jenn ran up to me.
"What the hell?"
"What?" I asked so confused.
"You cannot have a boyfriend during field hockey season!" She was practically screaming at me.
"I don't have a boyfriend. What are you talking about?" I was still confused.
"Then why is Ethan going around saying you and him are dating? Like he told the boys that he started hanging out with last night." She said.
"He did what?" But I was so angry I didn't even wait for her to answer. I walked to homeroom to find Ethan. When I found him I could help myself I couldn't control it I exploded.
"What the fuck?!?!"
"What's the matter?" He said.
"Your telling everyone that we are going out. We are not boyfriend and girlfriend. Yes I like you but I can't have a boyfriend in field hockey season." I didn't realize I was yelling at him till I stopped talking and it was silent because everyone in our class was staring at us.
"Well what do you want me to say to everyone? Oh I like her and I think she likes me too. But we are just friends that hang out a lot." He replied.
"Yes!!" I yelled and walked out. I didn't care if I was skipping homeroom. I would skip afternoon classes. I didn't want to see him. Why would he do this to me?


At the end of the day I ran to catch up with Jenn who was already half way to her car.
“You ready for practice. I am so excited.” I said.
“I thought you were made at Ethan.” She said sarcastically. We walked to her car, and got our stuff. And made our way back into the gym when I saw him. He had Luce backed up to a wall. He was a foot from her getting closer. I don’t know why but this bothered me, like a lot. I looked at him and when he turned to see me I quickly ran to the locker room. I ran to a corner and sat down and started crying. Second day of school and there is already problems. Maybe I should become home schooled and I will not have to see his face.
“Adria, are you ok?” It was Jenn. I wiped back the tears.
“Yeah, I guess.” But she knew what it was. And then it happened. I’ve known Jenn for 7 years. But I never saw this side of her. She walked out of the locker room and I followed her.
“Hey slut!” She yelled in the middle of the gym.
“Are you talking to me?” It was Luce. And this was the dumb part. Of course she was talking to you. Who else would she be talking to? God Luce was dumb!
“Fuck yeah! I am talking to you!” Again I have seen Jenn swear but not like this. She was pissed. But when I thought she was about to punch Luce, coach walked in.
“Let’s go ladies!! Get changed quickly.” Jenn and I ran to the locker room changed quickly and ran outside. We dropped our clothes off in the car and grabbed our gear. I wanted to say something to Jenn but didn’t know where to start.
“Jenn.” I said shyly.
“Yes Adria?”
“Were you really going to hit Luce?” I asked quietly.
“No.” Wheew she wasn’t going to hit her. “I was going to beat the fucking shit out of her!” Her voice got louder. I didn’t know what to say. You know when you feel like you are going to vomit we I felt like that but one exception: I had word vomit. But it wasn’t like I was going to flip on her. This was the type where you have only one word to say but you can’t say it because you would sound like and idiot.
“Oh.” That was it the word vomit maybe I would just throw up. But instead of staring at me she started laughing. “Ha ha ha ha.” My laugh didn’t sound that convincing but it didn’t stop her. We stepped out on the field and saw coach. We trotted up to her with big smiles on our faces.
“Hey girlies!” She had a loud voice it shook my ears.
“Hey Coach!” Jenn and I said together. We sat down and put on our equipment then stretched a little. When we were finished people were just starting to come out. Luce was one of the last and she seemed like she was intentionally trying to ignore me.
“Alright ladies! We will start with a jog around the field. Four laps. Then when you are done get into a line there.” She pointed to a corner of the field. As she blew the whistle I sprinted off but as soon as I was in the lead I slowed down to a jog. When the fourth lap came I was so far ahead and I knew I had been jogging so I turned. Oh my god it was Jenn. Jenn was on the ground everyone around her. I sprinted to her.
“Let me through!” I yelled at everyone. They were pushing to be in close. “Jenn! Jenn!” I called out but nobody answered.
“Let her through!” It was the same girl from the day before. Even though she was petite everyone listened. A clear aisle just big enough to let me through opened up. I walked in.
“Jenn, are you alright?” She was on the ground holding her right rib cage.
“Adria. Call my mom.” Her voice sounded so scared.
“Step aside!!!” Coach screamed. She was pushing to get through, she was holding the first aid kit. "Jenn. What happened?" Coach was grabbing out a cell phone.


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 26.01.2011

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