
Chapter 1


I woke up to a buzzing noise, great school. i get up and look around my room, my room is normal size my walls are painted purple with black swirls. i have a desk by the window poster of my favorite bands on the wall, and a vanity on the other sidel. my comforter is purple. all my furniture is black. i head into the bathroom and do my morning routine. once showerd i got to my closet to pick an outfit. i pull out some ripped balck skinny jeans and a Nirvana tee. once dress i go and sit in my vanity, i like to think im average looking. i have soft ivory skin smooth and clear. my brown eyes are adorne with thick eyelashes normal size lips. i apply some eyeliner and mascara, and blow dry my hair, which is reall long. slip on my combat boots and go downstair where i can hear Mom and Ryan talking.


"good morning mom Ryan" i say when i step into the kitchen 


"morning" they say 


i get a bowl and serve myself cereal, my mom is sipping on coffee. we look alike just mom is abit shorter. Ryan on the other hand looks more like my dad with his blue eyes. if you're wondering where my dad is well he ditched us saying somehting about he didnt wanted this life, but like whatever like we care.


"i should get going see you later, love you" mom says to both of us as she exits through the kitchen door 



"junior year are you excited?" i hear Ryan say 


i shrugg my shoulders, he was a senior at our school and the popular quarterback. i like to think we have a good brother and sister relationship. he has been there for me and i for him. 



"yea i guess so" 


he chuckles at my respons 


"dont get into any trouble this year" he looks at me acuisingly but i could still hear the playfullness in his voice 


"hey no promises" 


i finish with my cereal and head to the garge not before sayin bye to Ryan 


i look at my baby everytime i look at it im hit with happyness and sadness, you see my grandpa gave me my 69 Camero which i was in love with the minute l laid my eyes on it, i it was sleek and black with a black interior. Granpa knew so he left it to me when he passed away. i get in and start the car and it roars to life. i make the trip to school its a fifteen minute drive from here. parking anywhere i could find. i cut the engine, with a deep sigh i come out the car and the bell rings. i make my way through the corrider filed with kids hurrying up trying to make it on time.  i make it just in time and go sit at my seat, which is behind my my best friend Ana. the teacher still wasent in i smile at my bestfriend when she asked 


"what are you doing today?"



 "Um nothing, why?" i asked 

"Can i come over today"
"Yea sure" i say when Mr. O walkes in; he was a middle aged man brown hair brown eyes. Ana was super skinny 5'4 blond hair with grey eyes light skinned. The teacher was going on about some assignment he wanted us to do, when the door flew open and everyone's attention turned to the boy standing there. He was tall, taller than Ryan he was built and looked strong, he had light brown skin, shaggy brown hair that covered his hazel eyes a bit, full lips that look so soft . He was wearing a white V-neck and dark jeans. He walked in and when up to the teacher all the girls were drooling including me, he was probably the hottest guy i have ever seen.
"I’m new here" he said in a deep voice the teacher look up and nodded and looked back down
"Yes Mr. Reed" Mr. O said
"Call me Jay" he said with a smile when he turned around
"Well okay have a seat" he started scanning the room for an empty seat. there was probably two open seats and one was next to mine, he started making his way towards me i look down quickly then look up he gives me a sexy ass smile that i almost melt almost, and sits next to me.
"Hey" I hear someone whisper
"So class look to the person to your right, which will be your partner and answer the questions on your English book" Mr. O said and going to his computer. I look to my right and see a smirking Jay; i give him a small smile and start moving my desk towards him.
"So what’s your name since you know mine now" he casually says
"Um Cara Wilson nice to meet you" i say and extend my hand to him
"Cara... what a beautiful name, for a beautiful girl" he says shaking my hand and smirking at me. Does this dude only knows how to smirk?
I roll my eyes at his statement "So let’s get on with this" i Say getting out a piece of paper.




I was at lunch now and everyone was buzzing about the new hot guy. I was making my way to my table when i see Ashley rubbing her boobs all over his chest ugh disgusting, she’s hardly wearing any clothes and her shirt doesn't even cover half does fake as titties of hers. I feel a little jealous that he is liking it, i make my way to my table where my friends are. There’s Mike tall small muscles blue eyes blond hair type of guy, Eli or Elizabeth short thin with light brown hair and chocolate eyes, she’s going out with Mike. Next is Jaime she’s probably the tallest of the girls tan skin black hair and blue eyes. Then there's Aiden tall lean and somewhat built he has the i don't give a shit look sandy blond hair that covers his eyes most of the time light skin with green eyes. Zane is the bad boy here black as night hair light skin gray eyes you could look into forever, and Zeke his brother same hair same skin tone except he has black eyes. So these are my friends.
"Did you hear about the new hot guy" Jaime shouts at all of us
"Yea" we all say
"He's my partner in English" i blurt out
"Really” all the girls say and i nod and blush
"Someone has a crush" Eli said
"No" i sayt back Aid gets a mad look on his face and i think i know why he likes me i don’t end of story there.
Lunch pass rather quickly it was art class now and Mrs. Love told us to draw what we wanted so i started sketching my skull, when i do art i get like in a trance so i didn’t notice the bell had rung until someone touched my shoulder and it felt like if i got shocked, tingly vibrations traveled down until they moved it away.
"Wow you have mad skills there" Jay says inspecting my drawing
"Thanks" i say blushing a little
"No problem, well um see you tomorrow Cara" he says giving me a half hug and leaves. What just happen right now? I was making my way to my car and got in it when something caught my eye, it was jay and he was in this slick motorcycle. I watched him kick start it and roar to life and he was gone in a flash
"What are you looking at?" Ana asks me
"Um nothing" i say turning to her she gives me a skeptical look
"Just get in before i leave you" i saw turning my car on, she gets in and we speed of to my house. When we arrive, my brother’s jock friends are here playing COD.
"Hey guys!" i shout cuz the TV is laud as a MOFO
"Hey!" they all shout back without looking at us
"Oh hey Ana" Ryan says and she starts blushing, my brother has a thing for her and she for him but they told me not to tell either of them.
"Hey Ryan" she says still blushing
"Let’s go" i say pulling her up the stairs once in my room i plop on my bed Ana does the same.
"so when are you going to tell him you like him" i ask her getting on my side to face her
"Um… i don't know" she confesses
"well you shouldn't wait too long, by then someone ells might have him" i say
we talked for a while and had dinner Ryan kept staring at her the hole time during dinner, i had to kick him to stop it was real creepy. Now I’m getting ready for bed i come out of my bathroom fresh and clean go to my bed and fall asleep, thinking about one boy. Jay.

Chapter 2

I woke up did my normal routine and head downstairs noticing my mom was gone already. I went to the garage got in my car and it wouldn’t start just fucking great. I went back into the house
“Ryan can you give me a ride, my car won’t start!” I said screaming
“Yea sis let’s go,” he said walking in the kitchen. We got in his car and drove off. We parked in Ryan‘s official parking spot
“See you after school Ryan” I called out waving at him behind my shoulder. I made my way through the hall and headed to English. I sat in my seat and glanced at jay’s seat but it was empty
“Hey Cara”
“Hey, Ana,” I said and in walked in jay wearing blue faded torn jeans and a black v-neck shirt. WOW, he made that look good. He sat down in his seat staring straight ahead.
(Jay’s POV)
I was getting off my bike when I saw Cara getting off a car and waving at the guy I met yesterday In P.E… Ryan. He seemed pretty cool, but I didn’t know that was her boyfriend. I felt this weird feeling overcome me. I mean I just barley met this girl and I’m already getting weird feelings towards her, and the worst part is she’s taken. I made my way toward the school when I heard someone call me I turn around to find Ryan.
“Hey what’s up man,” Ryan said
“Nothing just heading to class,” I said in a rude tone
“That’s cool; well I’m having a party this weekend you should come”
“Yea sure where and what time?” I asked
“8 and here’s my address,” he said handing me a paper and walking away. I made my way to the hall and into English, sat on my seat, and waited for the teacher to show. The teacher showed up. I already forgot his name but whatever and told us to continue what we did yesterday. Cara starts moving her seat towards me and takes the book and a sheet of paper out.
“Hey jay,” she said
“Hey,” I said not looking at her. She starts flipping the pages of the book when I blurted out
“so your boyfriend is having a party” I asked looking at her. She got this confused look on her face as she spoke
“I don’t have a boyfriend and what party?” she said looking at me. Did she thought I was stupid or something
“Ryan” right when I said that she started laughing and the whole class stared at her and the teacher gave her a look to be quiet.
“That’s… my… brother” she said in between gasps.
“Oh” was all I said when I felt a smile creeping on my face. I felt stupid.

(Cara’s POV)
Jay made me laugh loud which got the attention of the whole class and a look by Mr. O. he thought Ryan was my boyfriend. Ryan didn’t tell me he was having a part. Fucking asshole I know my mom is going on a business trip this weekend and his trying to have a party and not invite me how rude of him.
“When exactly did he tell you this,” I asked jay
“This morning” he replied. I made an Oh with my mouth and continue working on the questions.
“Wait he didn’t tell you he was having a party,” he said amused
“No… what a jerk,” I said. Now it was his turn to laugh
“It’s not funny,” I say
“Yea it is”
“No, it’s not”
“Yea uh”
“No uh”
“Yea uh”
“Okay it is,” I said giggling
“Are you going?” I asked jay he looked at me in the eyes and said
“On what,” I say
“If im going to see you,” he said with a smirk. I felt my face get hot and jays smirk got bigger. I didn’t know what to say, I mean it’s my house so I should be able to go to the party
“Yea I think you will,” I said smiling like a dumb ass. I wanted to get to know him more and I wonder if he wanted to know me too.
“Why you move here if it’s okay to ask,” I said staring at him
“My dad got a better job over here so we moved”
“What about your mom,” I asked. He looked sad at that subject and I wondered if I said something wrong.
“She passed away a few years ago,” he said looking down
“I’m sorry,” I said
“Thank you,” he said with a small smile on his face. The bell rang and I got my stuff and said bye to jay.
The day passed so quickly before you know it I was standing by Ryan’s car waiting for him. I saw him coming out of the school and makes his way toward me
“When were you going to tell me that you were going to have a party,” I said with one hand on my hip.
“I was going to tell you later on tonight, to help me with the decorations,” he said getting in his car
“Oh what about mom,” I said while changing the radio there was nothing on so I turned it off
“I asked her and she said it was okay only if we clean it afterward,” he said pulling into the garage.
“So when are we going shopping”
“Later on tonight,” he said and I nodded and went upstairs to my bedroom.

We came home after we got all the stuff that we needed for the party tomorrow. I went to my room to hang the new dress I bought, it was black and lacy and cling to me in all the right places. I went to my bed after putting it away and changing into some pj’s and went to sleep thinking about the party tomorrow.

Chapter 3

I woke up by someone shaking me and saying get up I opened my eyes a little and saw Ryan standing there with an annoyed look on his face.
“What you want,” I said groggily
“Help me with the set up please,” he said pouting
“Okay, wait for me downstairs” I see him leave my room. I get up and get my phone and text my friends
Hey, guys party at my house tonight @8
Ana: Cool can I come over and get ready at ur house
Me: yea
Eliz: yea all be there
Yaime: totally I’ll go
Aid: awesome all be there
All my friends were coming. I made my way downstairs and Ryan moved all the furniture to the wall to make room. After I don’t know how many hours we had a table with snacks sodas and Ryan said he bought a few kegs and I liked that idea. I heard the doorbell ring and it was Ana
“Hey gurl,” I said closing the door
“Hey,” she said and we headed to my room
After we showered not together if that’s what you’re thinking. We were in the bathroom doing our make-up and hair
“Do you think Jay will come?” she asked me
“Yea he told me he was” I was applying blue eye shadow and heavy eyeliner
“I think today I’m going to make my move on Ryan,” Anna said blushing
“Good for you,” I said happy for her. They deserve each other.
We were all done and we could hear music playing downstairs and people. We stand in front of my length view mirror to check our self’s out
Ana was wearing a navy blue strapless dress and she looked good in it. I was wearing my lacy dress with some ripped thighs boot heels and a necklace of a gun.
“We look hot,” we said at the same time and we started laughing. We went downstairs and the first thing I noticed was Ryan’s mouth fell to the floor when he saw Ana. I tugged her shoulder
“Ryan is drooling over you” she looked his way and he quickly shut his mouth making his way towards us.
“He's coming over here what do I do,” she asked panicked
“Just act cool”
“Hey Ana you look amazing,” he said blushing awe he looked so cute. They were staring at each other’s eyes when I coughed
“You to sis,” he said not even looking at me
“Well Ima go,” I said it was getting awkward
I was walking through the entire house looking for jay but he was not here. What if he doesn’t come?
“Cara you look… beautiful” Ayden said. He was wearing a button-up shirt with dark jeans looking good.
“Thanks, Ayd, have you seen jay,” I asked him he got this mad look on his face and walked away I guess he hasn’t seen him. I made my way towards the dance floor where I saw my friends dancing and bumping into some people in the process.
“Hey gurl cool party,” they all said
“I guess” I shrugged
I was getting a little mad so I started dancing to blow some steam when I spotted Anna and Ryan making out in the corner
“YEEEEAAAA” I yelled and everybody looked at me like I was crazy. Ryan turned to look at me with a goofy smile on his face and I gave him the thumbs up and he continues doing what he was doing. I got real thirsty so I went to where the kegs were and my friends Zeke and Zane were there.
“Waz up guys,” I said standing in front of them.
“Nothing getting drunk,” Zane said and Zeke just shrugged
“Can you pour me some?” I asked holding a cup toward Zeke
He gave me the cup filled with beer I chugged it in one gulp and asked for another one.
“Take it easy Car,” Zeke said handing me the cup again.
(Jay’s POV)
I was walking up to the house, should I knock or just opened it. I decided to open it, there were a lot of people already here. I made my way through the people and got a beer when Ashley comes up to me
“Hey Jay, want to dance with me,” she said trying to sound seductive. I wanted to gag.
“No thanks I’m looking for someone”
“Who!” She said mad. I just walked away looking for Cara. I found her dancing, and my heart did a little flip. She looked so good in that tight dress. I gulped my beer down and went behind her. She gasps and turned her head around
“Jay… I thought you weren’t coming” she said pressing herself more to me. Her body feels so good against mine it makes me feel all tingly inside. Fucking pussy.
“I wouldn’t miss this for anything,” I say moving her and I to the beat
“You look beautiful Cara” I whispered in her ear and she giggled and it made my heart swell.
(Cara’s POV)
We went outside and he just keeps looking at me.
“So what do you like,” I said playing with my dress
“I like you,” he said looking at me and I felt myself getting all warm inside.
“That’s not what I meant”
“I know I… um just wanted to say it” he whispered
“I like to skateboard, hang out with my friends, play videogames, and don’t laugh but I like to … read”
“I skateboard, read, and sometimes I play COD with my brother and his friends. You should come sometime and we could play I will so dominate you!” I shouted
“No you won’t I will,” he said getting closer
“No, I will” getting close too
We were almost touching noses when he whispered
“No I will” and he leans to kiss me. His lips are so soft and warm moving against mine, they make me feel like jelly inside. He grabs me from my waist pushing me harder to him, when I put my hand on his hair pushing him harder to me deepening the kiss when he licks my bottom lip asking for entrance which I denied and pull away breathlessly. I look up at his beautiful eyes
“Um… that was... amazing,” I say looking at his l swollen lips
“Yes it was,” he said kissing me again
After our make-out session, we went back inside it was around 1 in the morning and people were still partying dam these people could party. Jay took hold of my hand and lead me to where the beer was, he poor one for him and me.
“Thanks,” I said taking the cup and sipped it.
“Hey isn’t that your brother and your friend over there,” he said pointing at Ryan and Ana.
“Yea that’s them all right,” I said laughing
We were looking at people play beer pong and I wanted to play
“Next round would be Jay and I,” I said to Zeke
Jay just turned and looked at me and had his eyebrow raise
“What you think I can’t play,” I said in an annoyed tone
“No that's not it… I just wouldn’t picture you into this” he said motioning to the table
“Okay, Cara let’s play,” Zeke told me. His partner was Aiden and was looking between Jay and me and I notice we were still holding hands.
“Well there’s a lot of things you don’t know about me,” I said moving my hand away from him, my hand felt empty without his and placing the cups and filling them with beer.
“Well will see about that,” he said standing next to me. Aiden was shooting daggers at Jay and Jay acted as if he didn’t care when he winked at me and threw the ball and made it into the cup.
“I see you have played this game too,” I said with I smile looking at Aiden gulp down the beer.
“Yea couple time” he shrugged
It was my turn next and made it too and Zeke gulp down his beer. Jay gave me that smile that makes me feel warm inside. After shooting and making it in we were on our last cup, so jay threw it and made it. It was my turn if we made this we will win. I felt like I was under pressure because I just noticed that all the people were staring at us and shouting you can do it. I launch the ball and made it.
“Fuck Yea!” Jay and I shouted
Everybody started cheering and Zeke and Aiden had defeated look on their faces.
“Nice throwing you got there,” I said to jay, we were walking away from the crowd.
“Yea I guess” he shrugged
“You have a nice throw too,” he said and we sat on the couch
“Dam I’m so fucking tipsy,” I said giggling
“Me too,” he said and we started laughing
I heard my brother kicking everybody out, apparently, it was 3 in the morning and I was getting so sleepy. Ryan and Ana walked hand in hand toward us and we both looked at their entwined hands.
“Are you two going out already?” I asked looking between both of them.
“Yea,” Ryan said with a big ass smile
“Finally,” I said throwing my hands in the air
Jay started laughing at me
“What’s sooo phuny” I slurped
“You drunk,” he said and I smacked him on the shoulder and he faked hurt.
“Well… I um don’t mean to interrupt but the party is over” Ryan said
“Okay then I better get going, thanks for inviting me dude,” Jay said to Ryan while getting up.
“Yea no problem man,” Ryan said
He was walking towards the door and I was behind him, and like DAM he has a nice ass
“Stop checking my ass out Cara,” he said with a smile. He was at the door already and I was looking down blushing like crazy when he puts his hand under my chin to look at him.
“Don’t hide that pretty face from me?” he said and pecked me on the lips he pulled away too soon leaving my lips warm from his lips and wanting more.
“Goodnight Cara,” he said walking away into the night
I closed the door and slid down on it touching my lips remembering how good his lips felt against mine or how when he touched me and pulled away I could still feel his warm touch on me. Then I started to think, I might be falling in love with Jay.
“What are you doing on the floor,” Ana asked
“Just thinking,” I said getting up
“Okay let’s got to bet I’m tired,” she said and we went up the stairs
“Where’s Ryan,” I asked
“He went to bed,” she said and I opened my room went to the drawer and got my pajamas changed and went to bed but not right away.
I told Ana what happened between me and Jay and she told me what she and Ryan did. I was happy for them and that they got together. After we talked we fell asleep.

Chapter 4

I woke up with a mean ass hangover; my head is pounding so hard I can’t hear myself think. I roll out of bed and head to my bathroom and take a shower. Once I get out bottom I see that the house is a mess red cups everywhere trash. I can’t believe we have to clean all this mess it might take a while.
I went to the kitchen and start making breakfast, I made eggs, bacon and French toast. Just when I was done and about to call Ryan and Ana they appear at the door
“Good morning” I said to both
“Good morning” Ana said
“Morning” Ryan said
“I’m guessing you guys have hangovers” I said while serving them
“Yea” they both said After we ate we started cleaning, it took us all morning to clean the whole house and get it how it use to look. We were done cleaning when I heard the door bell ring.
“I’ll get it” I said because Ryan and Ana where to busy making out in the couch.I opened the door and didn’t expect to see him, standing there wearing a light blue button up shirt with the top button open and dark jeans.
“Hey Cara um… would you like to go to dinner with me” jay asked giving me that heartbreaking smile
“Yes I would love to, but I will have to get ready first” I said
“Okay” he said grinning
“Come inside you could wait with my brother and Ana” I said pulling him inside and shutting the door.
I ran up stairs connected my straightener.40 minutes laterI was all ready and I was looking at myself in my mirror I had on a shirt that was ripped from the back so you could see my lacy bra and dark grey skinny jeans with my combat boots. I went down stairs to find Jay playing COD with Ryan and Ana.
“Hey I’m ready” I said to him
He turned around to look at me and grinned, he got up and extended his hand for me to take I gladly take it.
“I’ll be back later” I yelled to Ryan when we were at the door. I see his black motorcycle and I get excited.
“So were we going” I asked while he got on his bike.
“This restaurant now hop on the bike" he said giving me a helmet
“Oh and by the way you look very beautiful” he said while I slipped on the helmet and good think he couldn't see my blush. I got in back of him and he kick started the bike and I got a little scared so I hugged myself to him and I could feel his chest rumble from laughter. I was looking at his back and noticed how strong it looked how he flexes every time he makes a turn. I also noticed he has two moles in back of his neck that I feel in love with.We came to I stop and I didn’t even notice where we headed.
He put the kick-stand and got off and helped me off the bike. I felt tingles where he touched me. The restaurant was beautiful it had those round ball lantern thingies they were all different colors. He took my hand and let me to the door and he open it for me.the host was all checking him out, but he paid no attentin to her.
“Table for two and somewhere private please” he said to the host and she lead us towards the back where it was the more private area. He took my chair out for me and then he sat down and the waitress gave use our menu
“I’m Pam your waitress this evening would you like a few minutes to order” she said in a polite voice
“Yes please” Jay told her and never looking away from me
“Thank you know one as ever been such a gentlemen” i said
“Really” he said raising his eyebrow
“Yea” I said looking at the menu. Everything sounded good and I didn’t know what to get The waitress comes back and asked for our orders
“I’ll have a New York steak medium rare with a coke” Jay said and looked at me
“Um I’ll have a prime rib medium well and a Dr. Pepper” I said to the waitress and she wrote it down and left.
“So how do you like it here so far” I asked
“Its okay” he replied with a shrug
"what's your favorite color?" he asked me
"Um i guess it will have to be purple, yours"
"Gray" he said are food got here and it looked so mouthwatering This prime rib taste so good I heard jay laugh
“What’s funny” I asked
“Every time you take a bite you go Mmm, and it’s cute”
“Really” I said blushing He nodded his head.
“What was your life back home” I asked him
“Well it was okay I guess I had friends and I was considered a bad boy in my old school, but there was always something missing that I didn’t know until know” he said locking eyes with me. What did he meant by that, was he talking about me.
“What about you tell me about yourself” he asked me
“I’ve lived here all my life my parents are divorced I don’t care what people say about me I once broke my arm riding my skateboard I can cook I love rock, and that’s all I can think of right now” I said He just stayed there staring at me until he said
“That’s pretty cool I broke my leg on a skateboard and I like rock too” he said we were all done eating when he told me
"Would you like desert" he asked
"No thank you I'm pretty full" i said patting my belly. he waved for the waitress to bring the check.
(Jays POV)
We were talking and I couldn't help but wonder how beautiful she is. I asked for the check and paid the bill I got up and asked for her hand and she took it. I felt her warm flesh against mine and it made me get this feeling in my heart that could only mean one thing I fell for Cara. We went outside and I got in my bike i helped her up. I kick started it and I felt her get tens and she hugged herself to me more i could feel her Breast and they felt good. I couldn't help but laugh at her reaction.
“It’s not funny!” I heard her scream over the roaring sound of my bike and that only made me laugh even more. I didn’t want to let go of her yet so I took her to the beach. I got off and took a blanket of my saddlebag. I took her hand in mine and led her to the sand. I laid the blanket and we lade back staring at the bright stars.
“It’s beautiful” she said
“Not as beautiful as you” I blurted out and she blushed. I turned on my side and she did the same staring each other in the eyes. I was nervous she made me like this I've never been nervous around a girl but she’s different.
“Cara I know we haven’t known each other very long but um… I… i think i'm falling in Love with you” I said looking at her. Her eyes went wide not expecting it I guess. She stayed quiet at first and i just kept looking at her beautiful eyes when she spoke
“Jay I…” oh no she’s going to reject me “ i think i'm falling in Love with you too” she said and it made me so happy I capture her lips with mine. This kiss was passionate showing our true feelings. I let my hands roam her back and I felt her hands on my chest and she pulled away.
“I’m sorry” I said mad at my teenage hormones
“No its okay it’s just… we should wait for the right time” she said to me
“For you I’ll wait as long as you want” I held her cheek in my hand and went for another kiss. This one was soft and gentle melting me from the inside out never wanting to let go.We both cached our breath
“I think I should go home” she said looking at her jack skeleton watch
“Okay come on” I got up held my hand and she took it and got the blanket. The ride back to her house I’ll I could think of was her lips against mine her soft touch. She was driving me crazy.We were in her front porch when the door opens a women stood at the door whoI’m guessing is Cara’s mom. They looked I like.
She was eyeing me when Cara said “Mom this is Jay my…Fr” I finished for her “Boyfriend” she looked at me wide eyed and smiled at me.
“Really since when" her mom asked me crossing her arms over her chest
“Since today mam” I replied
“Well nice to met you Jay I’m Marie, and it’s getting late and you guys have school tomorrow so I will leave you alone” she said going inside without closing the door
“That’s my mom” she said laughing and I gave her a kiss on the cheek.
“Goodnight Cara” I said in a low voice
“Goodnight Jay” she said and pecked me on the lips with her sweet lips. I walked down the porch watching her go inside and close the door.
When I got home my dad was in the couch watching TV
“I’m home” I said to him and he turn around
“Where have you been you have school tomorrow” he said using his stern voice
“With my girl” i said smiling and thinking of Cara.“When can I met her” he said happyly “Soon” I said going up to my room and taking of my clothes and going to bed thinking about Cara.

Chapter 5

I woke up happy from last night events. I got up and took a shower, after I got out I did my hair. I put some dark skinny jeans with a Cage the Elephant t-shirt and my combat boots. I grabed my bag and head down stairs. I found Ryan eating cereal and I poured myself some.
“Did mom left all ready” I asked him
“Yea a few minutes ago” he replied. I was finish with my cereal and so was Ryan we put our dishes in the dishwasher.
“I might need a ride” I told him. He nodded and we went to his car and got in.
“When are you going to get your car fix” he asked me backing up
“I’m going to take it to the mechanic today” I told him and a few minutes later we were at the school.
“See you later Ryan” I waved goodbye and went straight to English.
I sat on my chair waiting for the bell to ring.
“Hey girl” Ana said
“Hey An, what u doing today” I asked
“I’m going on a date with Ryan” she said happy
“Cool I’m glad” I told her. I saw Jay walked in the class room and it made my heart skip a beat. He had his hair shaggy which made him look good, he was wearing a black t-shirt and some light washed jeans. He walked to his seat and sat down and turned to me
“Hey baby girl, I like your shirt” he said looking at me and I blushed from the little nickname.
“Thanks Jay you like Cage the Elephant” I asked him
“Yea I do” he replied and he leaned to my side and kissed me on my cheek that left a burning sensation on it. I had a goofy smile on my face and so did Jay.
After English was over I was putting my stuff away and got up, I saw Jay standing next to me
“Can I walk you to your next class” he said
“Yea” I said and he had that smirk on his face. We reached history and we were standing by the door
“Bye Jay see u at lunch” I said and kissed him on the lips I was pulling away when he snaked his hand around my waist deepening the kiss.
“Bye Cara” he said breathlessly I nodded not able to say anything
I sat on my seat and everybody was looking at me, I saw Ashley walk up to me
“So what’s up with you and Jay” she asked standing in front of me
“What you mean” I said playing stupid
“You know exactly what I mean, you better stay away from him or else” she threatened
I got up from my seat to stand right in front of her face
“Now listen to me, threatened me again and I will beat your scrawny little ass” I said mad
She looked scared and just walked off, I sat on my seat and the teacher came. I wasn’t paying attention to the lesson and before you know it the bell rang for lunch.
I walked out of my class to see Ashley hovering over Jay, he just walked away and that got a smile on my face.
“Ready for lunch baby” he told me
“Yea let’s go” I said grabing his hand and going to the lunch line
“Jay do you mine coming with me to the mechanic’s today” I asked him while getting pizza
“Yea sure what time” he said
“After school” i said
“Okay then”
“Here let me carry that for you” he said getting my trey of food. what a gentlemen We made our way to the table and sat down.
“Are you two going out” asked Elizabeth
“Yes” Jay answer
“Good because I thought Cara was never going to get a boyfriend after…”
“Okay okay we get it!” I cut her off and gave her a look. She knew that I didn’t like to talk about him. Jay gave me a questionable stare and I just shrugged. We started eating and my friends were going on about how they were going to the fair this weekend
“Are you going” asked Yaime
“Yea, do you want to go Jay” I turned to him
“Yea why not it’ll be fun” he said while putting his hand on top of mine. I saw Aiden get agitated and stood up.
“I’m leaving” he said and walked away
“What's up with him” Jay asked
“His mad” said Zeke
“Why” jay said confused. I think I knew why
“Because he likes Cara more than a friend” answer Zane and I glared right at him
“Oh” Jay said
After I finish my lunch I went to PE. We were running laps and I saw my brother so I went towards him.
“Hey Ryan what you doing” I asked standing next to him
“Coach wants me to be a judge at tryouts” he said looking at the players getting warm up
He blew a whistle and everybody came towards us taking their helmets off. Couldn’t believe what I saw Jay and Aiden were trying out. Jay gave me the smile that I love so much, I smiled at Aiden but he just looked away. Ryan put them into teams.
“Let’s see how your boyfriend does” Ryan told me. They got in formation and said hike. Funny ass word. I couldn’t even see were the ball was, but I did know that Jay’s team had the ball, and then they started again. They said hike and I saw some dude throw the ball at Jay he caught it. He was running for a touchdown when I see Aiden tackle him hard. They both fell to the ground. Aiden and Jay kept tackleling each other. At the end Jay’s team won.
“Well I’ll tell you one thing sis Jay made the team” Ryan said whistling again.
“That’s cool” I said walking away, PE was all ready over. I quickly change and walked out seeing Jay standing on the wall with his hands in his jeans.
“Hey baby” he said taking my hand
“Hey I heard you made the team” I told him while we were heading to art.
“Yea I did would you come to my first game” he asked me with a smile, I couldn’t say no to that
“Yes I will” I said we reach art class and went inside
“What was up with you and Ayden” I asked sitting down in front of my canvas.
“I don’t think he likes me very much” he said while sketching something
“Okay class to day I want you to draw any kind of flower” the art teacher said. I all ready knew what I was going to draw. I started sketching my stem and the petals. I was done with my drawing so I started coloring it. The petals were red and the stem was green. I turned to looked at Jays and was surprise he drew the same flower as me.
“You like tulips too” I asked him. He turned and looked at my drawing and smile
“Yea I see you too” he said. The bell rang I got my stuff. I and Jay were walking out the school when I seen Ryan waiting for me.
“You don’t happen to have a truck or something” I asked Jay
“Why” he asked confused
“Because my car won’t move” I said going toward Ryan’s car.
“i do but not fcor hauling you could always tow it” he said opining the door for me
“Oh yea ill call one, can you give me a ride?” I said sticking my head out the window
“Yea” he said giving me a quick kiss
“Later Ryan” Jay said fistbumping Ryan
“Later” Ryan said getting in the driver side
We were driving home. I turned the radio on and my favorite song was on Lake of Fire by Nirvana. I started singing.
“You have an amazing voice” Ryan said pulling in to the garage
“I know” I said getting of the car and going to my room. I drop my bag by the bed and took my phone out to call the tow. when i hung up i walked down the hall and i stop at Ryan's room.
"Hey you better treat my beast friend right" i said
"Cara don't trip you know i will" he said serious
"Okay where are you taking her" i asked
"To diner and a movie" he said while getting a towel and going to his bathroom
"K see you later and tell Ana to call me later!" i said to the door.
i saw my mom in the living room watching her soap-opera
"Mom i'm going to the mechanics with Jay" i told her sitting next to her
"Okay Sweaty" she said when we heard a knock on the door

Chapter 6

I walked to the door and open it, He was there standing looking hot and i couldn't help myself from staring.
"Hey Cara" he said snaping me of my trance.
"UH hey jay ready, the tow truck should be here anyminute" i said closing the door behind me. We started walking towards the garage
Once we got inside i open the gagage door "This is a nice ride" i hear Jay say behind me, i turn to see Jay expecting my car "I know my grandpa left it to me, you know before he passed" i said remembering my gramps
"oh im sorry" he said walking towards me and wraping his arms around me
"Its fine" i said when we heard the truck coming
"Thats the car" A guy not that older than me with light brown hair and eyes said
"Yea" i said he nodded
"Nice" i heard him say before he started getting to it and Jay and I getting out of his way
Once he was done we got into jays car.
i started getting bored so i was playing with the radio. i remembered that i had my CD with me
"Can i put this on" i said waving the CD in his face
"Yea, i like sublime" he said looking at me with a smirk and turned to look at the rode.
i popped the CD on and put number six and i started singing
"You sing amazing you know that" he said
"Yeah i know" i said with a cocky grin, he just rolled his eyes
"Its right here" i said pointing to the mechanic shop just as the truck pulled in.
They told me the starter was fucked up and they were going to replace it, it was going to take a few hours.
"You guys could sit in the waiting area" the mechanic said i read his name tag and it was Bob. HA
we sat down and it was silent at first until Jay broke it.
"So what was that at lunch" he asked looking at me. Oh shit i knew he was going to ask i just didn't think that soon
"Um... it's a long story" i said looking down
"its okay you dont have to tell me" he said lifting my chin an looking at me in the eyes and smiled
" its fine" i said looking at him and he nodded
I told him everything that happen between Blake and i. How he manipulated me, sometimes even hitting me but the worst part when he tried to rape me only Ryan stop him. i still remember that day.
i was getting ready to go to a party with Blake my boyfriend. i was wearing i tight navy blue dress. i saw the clock and noticed Blake was coming in 30 minutes so i put on my ankle boots and a silver heart chain. I was walking down the hall when i went to my brothers room
"Hey Ryan ready for the party" i said sitting on his bed
"Yeah" he said spraying cologne on him self when we heard the doorbell ring
"That must be Blake see you at the party" i said walking and going to the front door. There he was with his light skin square jaw and green eyes,wearing a black v-neck shirt and dark blue jeans his black as night hair slick back.I use to think he was hot, i looked him in the eye but he wasn't looking at me. He kept roming my body and licking his lips making me feel this disgusting feeling in my stomach. which i didn't get why.
"Dam babe you look hot" he said with a grin
"Thanks" i said and steeping outside, he open the door for me and i got in he went around and got in the driver side. We were mostly silent but i was okay with it. i could hear the music booming and i knew we were getting close.
We made our way inside the party and Blake just left me like usual. Hours pass and i found Blake playing beer pong he saw me and put and arm around my waist.
"Where have you been Cara" he slurped and i knew he was drunk. i got mad asshole he left me
"What u talking about you left me" i said irritated. he squeezed my waist and i gasp it hurt so much
"Stop Blake please" i said in a low voice and he loosen his grip on me, i let out a sigh of relief.
"I'm sorry babe" he said and i just nodded i hate it when he gets drunk.
"Lets go upstairs" he said grabing me and going up stairs. we went inside this room it look like a little girls room. Blake pushed me onto the bed with him on top, he started kissing my lips and down to my neck. i felt his hand go up my dress and i pushed him away
"Blake i cant" i said locking eyes with him, his green eyes looked as if they got darker
"You will Cara... your mine!" he growled he tried to undo my zipper and i kept on fighting. he slapped me across the face and i whimpered, he had my dress half way down you could see my breast. Blake kept touching me and i felt disgusted i started screaming but he covered my mouth. Out of nowhere the door flew open and in the door way stood Ryan. he quickly made his way towards us and ripped Blake from me and started punching him in the face, in the mean time i was fixing my dress and got up. i went over to Ryan and put my hand in his shoulder
"Ryan come on is not worth it" i said in a low voice and he looked at me and nodded.
"If i see you near my sister again i will kill you" he threaten Blake just laughed and got up and looked me straight in the eyes
"This isn't over Cara, i will get you no matter what" he said trough gritted teeth. i gulped Ryan and i walked away and went home. its been three years since then and i haven't seen him and hoping not to. I told Ryan to never speak of this, and he agreed.

Chapter 7

(Jays's POV)
I was mad how can someone try doing that to my Cara. Did i judt say that my Cara. sounds nice. I wanted to rip the guy to shreds. i quickly change my emotions so she wouldn't noticed
"I'm sorry for having you tell me" i told her in a soft voice
"Its okay" she said, we were still waiting at the mechanics.
"You know i will never do that to you Cara" i told her looking at her eyes.
"I know Jay" she said placing her hand in mine, it felt good her little hand so fragile and warm around my big one. i saw an M&M machine and got up to get some leaving Cara's hand in the proses.
"Would you like some" i asked Cara she looked at me and smiled
"Yes please" she said and i put another quarter in,i gave her the candy. she popped some in her mouth
"Yummy this are my favorite" she said while i popped more in my mouth
"Yea so are mine" i told her giving her a smile, and leaning into herTouching my lips to heres.
dam those lips taste so good. i nip at her bottom lip begging for entrance which she granted me, i explored her mouth with my tongue she did the same. her taste exploded in my mouth making me water, tasting like chocolate i kissed here with more force and never wanting to let go, until she pulled away gasping
"Sorry" i said with a sad smile
"you know what i like to do" she asked me all happy
"What" i said looking at her amused
"I like to sucked them for a little bit and then cut them in the middle removing the hard shell and then eat the chocolate" she said opening her mouth to show me what she meant.
i raised my eyebrow "You know you're weird" i said to her and she started giggling
"I know" she said in between giggles
"I like it though" i said and she blushed, i leaned into her looking at her full lips begging me to go closer. i went for it and felt her warm lips, unti she pulled away "Sorry" i said leaning back a bit
"Its okay i enjoyed it" she said looking me in the eyes, which made horny. Shit. I felt my face heating up remembering where we were.
"you look so cute when you blushed" she said pinching my cheek
"So do you babe" i told her and she blushed and i did the same thing she did to me
"Stop it Jay" she said punching me in the shoulder. a few minutes later the mechanic came
"All right miss you car is finish" he told us Cara shot up from her seat
"Really thanks" she said and the mechanic handed her the keys.
she went up to her car and i followed behind her
"I will follow you back home" i said opening her door for her
"Okay then"
i went to my car and started it when Sublime blasted from my stereo i smile lit up my face. i saw when Cara backed up and i was right behind her the hole way back, i parked my car when we reach her house it was dark out. she parked her car in the garage, i went inside
"So i guess this is goodbye" i told her hugging her to me
"No you could stay for diner" she asked me i couldn't say no to her
"Okay then" i said and she smiled dragging me inside her house
we were siting at her dining room table eating pasta. Ryan kept glancing at me giving me looks
"So you two going out or something" he asked looking at me
i cleared my throat "yea" i felt something squeezed my leg, it was Cara. i looked at her with a what you do that face but she just shrugged.
after diner was over i excused myself.
"Thank you for the diner Ms. Wilson" i told her
"Your welcome Jay, you could come back anytime" she said
"Okay thanks" i said walking to the door with Cara behind me.
"l'll see you tomorrow at school love" i hugged her
"Yea and don't worry about Ryan his just being a big brother" she said Peking me on the lips.
"I wont, i will never do anything to hurt you Cara" i told her with as much honesty i could i love her to much to harm her in anyway.
"I love you" wait did she really just say that to me
"I love you too"
i woke up for school today was Friday fuck yea. i took a shower and got dressed in some dark jeans and a gray v neck. i looked my self in the mirror i looked good sprayed some Gucci by Gucci cologne, and headed downstairs. i noticed my dad had left early. i went inside the kitchen and took out some Resses Puffs, after i got done eating i grabed my backpack and went to the garage. i decided to take my car. i pulled in to the high school and i was looking for a place to park when i found one next to Ryan's car. i got out and grabed my bag and started walking.
"Hey Jay wait up!" Ryan called from behind me i turned around
"i just wanted to tell you if you hurt my sister i will murder you" he said serious as possible
" i wont hurt her, i love her to much to do so" i said serious too
"OK then, but if i ever find out you try forcing her into something she doesn't want to do do i'll kill you still" he said pointing a finger at me
"I wont do that to her" i said he nodded and walked away.

(Cara's POV)
i walked into English and sat on my seat, yesterday after Jay left Ryan and i had a really long talk he is worried about me, about the hole Blake thing. Ana sat beside me making my thoughts disapeer. "hey ready for tonight" i asked her, we are going to the fair
"Yea can't wait i told Ryan to come with me" she said happy. Her and my brother are going out finally after they went on their date.
"cool" i said when i saw Jay walked in taking my breath away, why does he have to be so good looking.
"Hey babe" he said sitting on his seat
"Hey Jay" i said to him, then the teacher walked in. class when like a blur, we were at the lunch line know
"So i was thinking if you wanted to go with me and ride my quads on Saturday" jay said
"That's sounds cool yea" i said while getting some chicken nuggets and fries. we go sit down with my friends
"we are leaving at 5" said Yaime
"cool" we all said
Aiden was not speaking to me anymore and think i know why, i will just give him sometime to get over Jay and i.
school was over and i was heading to my car, and i text-ed jay to pick me up at 4:30.
i ran inside not noticing my mom home early until she scream at me
"Cara slow down!, what's got you all hipped up" she said standing at the bottom of the stairs.
"Jay, i and all my friends are going to the fair by the beach!" i screamed and enter my room. i did't know what to wear and Jay was going to be here in 30 minutes, my closet looked like it threw up, maybe i should just wear what i had on nah. i finally decided on a pair of black shorts, a white button up long sleeve with black around the wrist and choler, and my all black high-top converse.
i looked my self in the mirror i looked good, then i heard the doorbell. i quickly grabed my nightmare before Christmas cross-body bag and head downstairs.
i answer the door and it was Jay
"hey" i said
"Hey" he said hugging me and he gave me a kiss that was wonderful
"Mom i'm leaving!" i yell behind my shoulder. we were walking to this nice as black on black Audi
"Wait is this yours" i said confused
"Yea" he said opening the passenger door for me
"How many cars do you have" i asked when he got inside.
"Um this is my dads car, i took it" he said grinnig making me laugh
we pulled into the street and i started playing with the radio nothing good was on, then i remembered i left my CD in Jays car.
"Hey you better not jack my Cd" i said in a serious tone
"I won't promise" he said then laugh
"Its not funny" i said he laughed more
i just turned my head to the windshield silent treatment anyone, to get back at him
"I was just playing" he said placing a hand on my leg, i moved his hand away still looking straight. we arrived at the fair i saw all my friends so i got off the car and ran to them.
"Hi everybody" i said to them
"Hey" the said back i noticed Ayden wasn't hear yet
"Wheres Ayden" i asked Zeke
"He said he will be running late something about his date" he answered oh so he was bringing a date i was happy for him. finally Jay made it to me and wrapped his muscular arms around me
"Are you still mad at me" he said in a soft voice
"Maybe" i said back when he spun me around and crashed his lips to mine, i didn't kiss him back at first until he started to pulling away. i grabed a hold of his hair and crashed our lips together i could feel him smiling against my lips, the warmth that takes over me every time we kiss. i got the feeling of being watched but i just brushed it away.
"I wasn't mad at you" i said braking the kiss
"Then why you acted that way" he asked confused
"to get you back for laughing at me" i said intertwining our hands to together
"That's not nice" he said looking amused i didn't noticed my friend ditched us to buy there tickets
"Come on lets go buy our tickets" i said going to the booth.

Chapter 8


We kept ridding all the rides until we got hungry, we went to eat hot dogs.
"So who wants to win some prizes" Zane said everybody turn to him
"Oh i do baby could you get a stuff animal" Eli said to Mike
"Yes come on" he said grabing her hand and taking her. everybody started laughing
Ryan and Ana still hadn't shown up so i Tex ted them, they said they went somewhere were they could be alone.
we were almost finish eating when Ayden pops out and guess who his date is
"Hey guys sorry i took so long but Ashley hear takes long" he said pointing a finger to her
"I have to look perfect" she wind
"Hey Ayden i did know you were bringing Ashley" i said to him
"Well yea just how you brought Jay" he sneered i was taken back Ayden was never mean to me.
"Okay whatever" i said standing up throwing my trash away and taking hold of Jays hand
"Come lets go win some prizes" i said living them behind
"He really doesn't like us together" Jay said walking to a both
"I don't care, i told him i did't have feelings for him" i said spotting the cutes Giant As Panda ever
"Jay i want that one" i said pointing to the panda
"Okay then" he said going up to the booth
"Sir what do i have to do to try and win the Giant as panda" he said to the man behind the booth
"Well you have to knock all pins in arrow" he said pointing to the pins.
"Okay then" Jay said handing the man some money
"You get four try's" he said handing him the balls
Jay threw the first ball and knocked all the pins down, then was the second one same as the first. know the last one he threw it but missed, he had one ball left and with a wink to me he threw the ball and knocked everything out.
"Yea!!!" i screamed jumping up and down
"Hear you go babe" he said giving me the panda
"Thank you Jay i love it" i said pecking him on the check
"Anything for you" he said kissing me on the lips a sweat kiss.
we made our way back to my friends
"WOW you one the Giant as panda" asked mike
"Yea Jay one it for me, isn't great" i said hugging it to me
"Fuck yea, i only one a puppy" he said motioning his head towards Eli's hands which she had a brown stuff puppy
Ayden came up to us
"Can i speak to Cara alone" he said looking at Jay
"Only if she wants" he said back
"Okay come on" i said walking away, we went around a corner so you couldn't see us
"So what you wanna talk about" i said looking up to him
"Cara i... i.. love you, and i want you to leave Jay for me" he said with pleading eyes
"Ayden i don't feel that way about you, anyways aren't you on a date with Ashley" i said to him
"Yea but i don't want her i want you" he said to me out of nowhere some one knocked Ayden out and was on the floor in a second, i just stood there shocked looking at his limp body. until i looked up meting a pair dark green eyes
" Well well well what do we have here" Blake said looking up and down my body causing cold shivers run up my spine
"W... w... what do you w... want" i stuttered taking a step back
"What i did't get to get that night" he growled steeping closer to me, i was going to make a run for it when he caught my arm and swung me over his shoulder dropping my panda.
"Let go of me!!!" i screamed hitting him on his back
"Never" he growled


i was waiting for Cara with her friends, when Ayden comes back without her.
i ran towards him
"Where's Cara"i demanded looking at him
"Um i don't know someone knocked me out and when i woke up she was gone" he said rubbing his head i panicked what happened to her. i started running trying to find her i looked everywhere but no such luck. my heart was racing then i heard it a scream it was coming from the beach, i ran towards it. i was at the beach but i didn't see no one there, i heard a another screamed coming from the rocks. i went by the rocks were there was a light that illuminated a cave. i step inside the cave hearing whimpers and i hoped that wasn't Cara, my heart was beating fast inside my chest. i came to the opening and what i saw struck me, it was Cara with blood running down her head her shirt was torn and she was crying silent tears. someone was on top of her and that made me angry.
"Get the fuck off of her" i growled the guy turn around to look at me
"What if i don't want to' he spit back
"I'll fucking kill you" i said
he got up and was charging towards me i got ready. he swung but i dodge his hit i swung right into his jaw he stumbled back a little. i took this time to swing again right in his nose i heard a crack then his nose started bleeding.
"Fucking Asshole" he screamed
he came towards me and hit me in the jaw. i punched him in the ribs multiple times until he was in the ground, i started kicking him.
"Stop" i heard a little voice say
i looked down to her puffy red eyes and noticed she was half naked, i take my shirt off and put it to her.
"i'll carry you" i offered she just nodded, i carried her bridal style and she rested her head on my bear chest. i was walking to my car when her friends came running towards us.
"Are you okay" Elizabeth said
"Yea" Cara said in a low voice
"I'm going to take her home" i said opening the car door and placing her in the passenger seat.
"Okay tell her to call me" she said, i got in the driver side and drove her home.
we were quiet until she spoke up
"Jay thank you for saving me back there" she said sounding tired
i nodded
"Cara what happened back there" i asked
"I'll rather not talk about it right know" she said
"okay when you're ready you could tell me" i said pulling up to her house.
i took her up to her room and laid her on her bed, cleaned her wound gave her a kiss on the forehead, i was getting up to leave when she tug my arm
"Please stay" she said sleepy
"Okay baby" i said getting under the sheets and bringing her close to me, until i feel a sleep with her.

Chapter 9


I woke up with someones arm around my waist and my back against someones chest, i couldn't stop replaying last night events. it was awful after he knocked Ayden out he drag me to the beach and in to this cave. i was trying to fight him but he was just to strong for me, he kept telling me that i was his and nobody else's. the way his kisses felt against my skin made me feel nasty i shuddered of that thought, i felt somebody tighten their arm around me pulling me to their chest. i forgot that someones was behind me until i turned around to see Jay's sleeping form. he looked so peace full and beautiful, yesterday i was shocked seeing Jay angry like that for the first time. Jay opened his eyes and when he saw i was looking at him he smiled at me.
"Where you staring at me" he asked with a smile
"No you wish" i lied
"You know i could tell when your lying" he said hugging me more to him
i put my head in his neck and took in his sent, he smelled of forest and cologne and it made my mouth water. i looked down and noticed he wasn't wearing a shirt, his upper body was perfect he had muscles and a eigth pack WOW. i ran my hand down until i felt a line of hair and started playing with it.
"Cara stop" he plead
"Why?" i asked but then i noticed something was poking me on the leg and i froze.
"Sorry i s... should get up i need to pee" i said heading for the bathroom. while i finish my business i looked myself in the mirror and gasp. my forhead had a bandage my hair looked like a birds nest. i was wearing Jays shirt and i smelled it, it smelled like him. i wash my face and teeth and went out. Jay was leaning against my headboard i went over and sat cross-leg.
"So are we still riding your quads" i asked
"Yea"he said i smiled
"That's awesome but first breakfast" i said my tummy grumbled we both laugh. i got up and took of his shirt and handed it to him i looked down my shirt was torn and you could see my bra.
"I'm going to change" i said he nodded i went to my closet and took out some sweats and a AC DC shirt and headed to the bathroom. when i came out Jay had his shirt on
"dont say anything, i want to tell Ryan later"
"Where's your mom?" he asked
"On Saturdays she works early" i said he nodded and we headed down stairs to the kitchen.
"So what do you want" i asked him leaning on the counter
"Um anything i guess" he shrugged, well i was in the mood for french toast and eggs.
"Do you like french toast and eggs" i said while going to the fridge and gathering the ingredients.
"Yea i like them" he aid siting in a chair, i got a pan and turn the stove on. i made the batter for the french toast, i made sure the pan was hot and it was and put butter in it. i dip thebread in the mixing and put it on the pan. it made i sizzling noise. i was flipping the bread when i felt warm hands surround my waist and felt his went lips on the back of my neck sending shivers all over my body. Blake's image just popped in my head and i push Jay away.
"Are you okay Cara" he asked coming back to me
"Yea i'm fine" i said as believable as possible. i was done with the bread and started with the eggs. after i was done i served him and myself and sat down to eat.
"Wow Cara this are amazing" he said shoving his mouth with more i giggled
"Thanks" i said Ryan decided to pop out with Ana behind him
"Hey Ryan Ana" i said
"Hey... you made breakfast awesome" Ryan said grabing a plate and handing one to Ana
They sat down with us
"Hey Cara sorry about yesterday" Ana said
"Its okay, but i hope it was worth it" i said and Ana blush like crazy
"What up Jay" Ryan said
"Nothing much" he said finish with his food
"So what are you guys doing to day" Ana asked looking between Jay and i
"Well were going to ride my quads" Jay said
"Cool" Ryan said
"Yea" he said
we where done eating and we clean the mess up and i went to go shower. i went to my closet it was hot today so i picked out some grey short shorts and a shirt that said Fuck off. i got done changing and put lotion on my legs, arms, and face. i put my hair into a messy bun, i decided not to put any make up on i got my combat boots and headed downstairs were Jay was waiting for me watching TV with Ryan and Ana.
"I'm done" i said
"Okay then lets go" he said standing up going to the door.
"You two have fun, but not to much fun" Ryan said laughing
"Yea sure bye Ana see you later" i said going out the door. i went over to Jay's car, he open the door for me and went to the driver side.
"I'm going to my house to shower and change, so you're meeting my dad" he said starting the car and driving. i was nervous of meeting his dad, he never mention him or how he's like i hope he likes me.

we reach Jay's house, it was cute. it was painted a pear color with flowers everywhere, it's two stories, and the the door was black cherry wood i think. he parked the car in front and went over to open my door.
"I know his going to like you, so don't be nervous" he said helping out the car, he could see right through me sometimes. we reached his door and he open it and we went inside, the house didn't look like two men lived here. everything was organized and neat. the living room was painted red, with comfy couches and a big screen TV. we went upstairs and stop in front of a wood door.
"This is my dad's office" he said opening the door reviling a man about his 50's you could tell he was handsome, and Jay looked much like him except his eyes his where blue.
"Dad this is Cara my girlfriend" he said the man looked at me and and a big smile crept to his lips and he got up went to me
"Nice to meat you, my son has told me lots about you" he said sticking his hand out
"Nice to meat you too sir" i said shaking his hand
"Please call me Mike" he said smiling
"Okay mike" i said
"Nice shirt i like it" he told me and we all laughed together, he was pretty cool
"So dad Cara and i are going to ride the quads" Jay asked him
"Okay son just be careful, and don't get back here to late" he said going back to his desk. we left to another door and we step inside, i'm guessing it was Jays room because it smelled like him. the walls where a light blue shade, he had posters on the wall of some of my favorite bands. His bed was hugged with a silver comforter, the room was all neat like the house.
"So i'm going to take a shower, you could wait here and watch TV or go downstairs" he said getting some clothes and going to the bathroom. i was going to use this time to snoop around. i went to his book shelf looking at what types of books he likes, there was some mystery and horror books. i also found a photo album, i sat on his bed and noticed it was very comfortable. i open it to the first page there was Jay as a baby rapped in a blue blanket, he was so adorable. then Jay when he was probably 2 or 3 playing with toy cars in the dirt. the next page made me laugh he was in the bathtub with a soap mohawk big smile on his face, and next to him well not really next to him but you know what i mean was a beautiful lady with Jay's same eyes i'm guessing this was his mom. i didn't even noticed when Jay came out until he spoke
"I remember that day, i was playing with mud in the backyard then my mom saw me, and i was running away from her until she caught me and took me a shower" he said with a faint distance in his eyes
"I'm sorry for going through your stuff" i said guilty
"No it's okay i wanted to show you i just didn't know when" he shrugged
"Come lets's go" he said graving the album ,putting it back and graving a hold of my hand.
we walked all the way to his garage and in the corner where two quads, one was all black an the other one was blue and white. Jay went over to them and started hauling them in his truck
"Um do you need help" i asked he turn and looked at me and laugh
"No its okay i got it" he said and he finish and rap the rope around them
"Could you do be a favor though" he asked between roping
"Yea sure" i said
"Over there in that cabinet are the helmets" he said pointing to something in back of me. i turn back and saw the cabinet and walked to it, i open it and inside where helmets i graved two and closed it.
"Okay my lady were ready to leave now" he said opening the door for the blushing me
i put the helmets in the back while he got in and drove away.
"If you want you could go to sleep, it might be a while before we get there" he said looking at me
"Okay i i'm feeling tired" i said getting comfortable until darkness consumed

Chapter 10


I woke up to someone shaking me and saying my name
"Cara where here" he said i yawn and stretch my arms, i open my eyes and rubbed them.
i saw that we were in a lot filed with dirt and ramps
"Where are we?" i asked turning to Jay
"we are at the sand dooms" he answered my question, we got off and he started taking the quads off i on the other hand got the helmets. i noticed there was not a lot of people.
"Okay do you know how to use one of these" he said motioning to the thing
"Um not really" i shrugged
"Well then get on i'll teach you the basics" he said taking one helmet from me. i put it on, he handed me some goggles,gloves and i got in the all black one.
"Okay this one is manuel, so this is the start button" he said pointing to a red button on the right
"Try it" he said i pushed it and it roared to life. cool.
"This button is to go" he said it was right next to the start button
"What if i get confused" i said to him
"No just keep your finger here at all times" he said placing my finger on it
"Okay this bike has gears so every time you hear a weird noise when you're driving, just press that thing with your foot" he said motioning to the left side of my foot
"An this are the front brakes and those are the back brakes" he showed me
"Okay i think i got it all' i said prepared for this, he went over to his bike and geared up.
"Okay go first!" he screamed at me
i was nervous what if i crashed, all that went away when i pressed that button and took off
Jay was in back of me until he catch up and left me eating his dust i heard that noise and pushed the gear. there was i ramp coming up and i thought i could do it which i did. After probably two hours we stop to take a brake
"So what do you think" Jay asked me
"It was awesome" i exclaimed
"I'm glad you liked it" he said picking me off the bike and placing me on the ground
"Do you wanna eat lunch" he said
"Sure" i said we moved our bikes to this little shack by there
we enter the shack and went to the front, we ordered some burgers, french fries, and cokes. we sat down and waited
"So how did you know this place was here" i asked him
"I used to live around here until we moved" he said looking at me
"Oh" and our food came, we mostly ate in silence but not awkward silence.


We were done eating and heading out the door when we bumped into some of my old friends from here
"I thought i recognized your bikes" will said i looked at him
"Hey will how you been" i said not even caring
"Just fine" he said and his eyes flickered to Cara
"Who's this Jay" he asked with curiosity i tighten my hold around Cara's waist
"This is my girlfriend Cara" i said holding her more to me
"Shes pretty, can i have a taste" he said grinning
"Yea can we" Allan said
"No! were leaving now" i growled at them
"So soon, we still have some unfinished business" he said crossing his arms
"Not anymore, i'm done with that you hear me" i said walking away and bringing Cara with me
"I'll see you real soon Cara!" he yelled that made me angry. fucking bitch just because i was in his little click, he thinks he owns me but fuck that. that's why my dad and i left this town well part of it that and he got a new job too. i got the bikes back in my truck and helped Cara in, shes been quite since we left the shack. we were driving when she finally spoke
"Who were they" She said not looking at me
"Just some friends i had here, that's all" i shrugged
"What was the unfinished business" she said now looking at me serious too. i sigh
"It's nothing" i said she nodded. we reached her house and i walked her to her door
"I'll see you tomorrow if you want" i said
"Why wouldn't i" she said hugging me
"I don't know, maybe your tired of me" i said putting my chin on her head
"Never" she whispered
"Well in that case i'll see you tomorrow" i said bending down to kiss her. our lips meet feeling her lips against mine made me fall harder for her every time. Dam i love this girl
We pulled a part both needing air
"Yea i'll see you tomorrow" she said in a low voice, she open the door and went inside.
i walked back to my truck and drove away, i reached my house and parked in the garage i went inside the kitchen and there was a note
Son i had a business meeting be back later Dad

i went to my room and laid on my bed. i was thinking about Cara and her juicy lips that i could kiss for ever, I've never felt this way about a girl before. my dick started getting Hard just thinking about her, shes driving me crazy but i'll wait for her. i feel a sleep thinking about her.


chapter 11


Okay i know i was dreaming one because i was on top of Cara sucking on her neck, two she was only in her bra and panties those hot lacy ones, third she was whispering in my ear naughty things. i started kissing her down her neck until i took off her bra revealing her boobs. i put my mouth on her nipple and started sucking in it while squeezing the other with my hand
"mm Jay" she moaned my name i slowly bit it and i felt her shuddered, i moved my way down and took off her panties.
"Are you ready" i asked her
"Yea fuck me Jay" she teased i spread her legs, the tip of my head was on her heat when i woke up.


i woke up and had a brilliant idea and text-ted Jay

me: lets's go to the beach today
a few minutes later

Jay: yea what time

me: k like in one hour i'll tell my friends and Ryan by luv u

Jay: Luv u to bby

yesterday i talked to Ryan about what happend at the beach. he was furious but glad nothing had happen to me.

i got up and went to Ryan's room and started jumping on his bed
"Wake up!" i screamed
"Fine" he said sitting up
"What you want" he said rubbing his eyes
"Lets go to the beach, and you could invite Ana" i said excited
"Yea when we leaving" he said
"Well jays coming in an hour so then" i said leaving his room to call my friends. only Mike and ELi said they will come. i change to my swimsuit which consist of black board shorts and bikini top. i Graved my Nightmare before christmas bag and put sunscreen, lotion, blanket, and towel. i went to the bathroom and put my hair in a pony tail and brushed my teeth. i was walking downstairs and knock on Ryan's door
"You almost ready in there!" i yelled
"Yea!" he yelled back i went to the kitchen to get some snacks, i noticed my mom was drinking coffee.
"Hey mom Jay and i and some friends are going to the beach" i told her while getting some water bottles and chips
"Okay honey, i'm just going to relax today then" she said sipping the coffee
i heard the doorbell and i went to go get it
"Hey baby you ready" he said standing in the door way looking at my body and with a satisfied smile "Yea i'm ready" i said gesturing him to come inside
"Hello Mrs. Wilson" he said politely
"Hey Jay" she said back
"Well we are leaving tell Ryan will meat him in the beach mom" i said she nodded and we went towards the door
the drive there was fast, Mike and Eli where all ready there and they helped us with the stuff. Jay brought a grill to make hot dogs.
"Where should we set up at" mike asked
"Um over there by the tree" i pointed we made our way over there, set up our blankets in the grass. i sat down and Jay sat next to me
"So are you ready to get wet" he whispered in my ear
"In a little bit I'm waiting on Ryan and Ana" i said to him and he nodded placing me on top of him
"You know you look very sexy" he said looking at my eyes sending warm shivers through out my body
"Thanks" i said blushing. he leans towards me taking my lips in his, we share a passionet kiss until i feel something poking my leg and i gasped. he takes this time to shove his tongue inside my mouth, and i forget about what ever is poking me.
"Get a room you two!" I hear someone yell and we brake away gasping for air, i found the source and it was Ryan with an annoyed looked on his face and a smirking Ana by his side.
"Shut up" i said snuggling closer to jay.
"So who wants to go swimming" Ana asked everybody, everyone agreed to go
"Jay could you put sunscreen on me" i said while getting the lotion and handing it to him
"Yea sure" he said taking it, he started rubbing the sticky substance all over my body leaving it warm were his hands just where.
"All done" he said rubbing some in my nose
"Do you want me to do you" i asked graving the bottle
"Yea" he said taking of his shirt and WOW i cant get over of how good he looks, i feel plain standing next to him. i started rubbing it on his back and i went to the front feeling his eight pack.
"There" i said
"Come on then" he said graving my hand and leading me to the water, everyone was there all ready. mike was wearing some red shorts and he was buff but not as much as Jay, Eli had on a blue two piece bikini that looked great on her no homo, Ana had a black one piece that Ryan couldn't keep his eyes off, Ryan had some blue shorts, and Jay had dark grey ones that compliments his skin. we were having so much fun until we all decided we were hungry and got out to make some hot dogs. it was still sunny so i decided not to put my towel on, Jay got the grill he brought and started turning it on
"Want help" i asked him
"Its okay i got it, but thanks" he said peaking my on the lips and got back to the fire
i needed to pee and everybody was busy so i went by myself, the bathrooms weren't that far i could still see them. i did my business and started walking back when i heard i low whistle and turn, to noticed a group of guys wearing nothing but shorts
"Dam girl come play with us" some blond haired fucker said
"Fuck you" i spat
"Oh we have a feisty one, i like" the brown haired green eyes said. i started panicking so i started running
"Come back here or will chase you!" i heard some one yell from behind. i made it to were they were
"Whats going on" Jay said placing his hands on my shoulders
"S...some losers were chasing me" i said gasping man i needed to exercise , and speaking of them they show up
"Hey why you ran, my boys snd i just wanted to have some fun with you" the blond haired said
"So your the fuckers that were chasing my girl" He said louder in the my girl part placing me behind him
"Oh so this is your girl" he said looking at me
"Because she was all up on my nuts" he said smirking and making me gag in response. Jay's grip on my hand tighten
"Fuck you man my sister would never do that with a douche-bag like you" Ryan spat
"Really because she enjoyed sucking my dick" he said graving his junk, Jay lets go of my hand and punches him out cold with one hit.
"Does anybody have something ells to say about my girl" he growled to them, they just shocked their heads and took their wimpy ass friend with them
"are you okay" he says turning to me
"Yea i'm fine, i just can't believe those assholes" i said crossing my arms
"come the food is ready" he said taking my hand in his
we all sat down ate and forgot about what just happen and enjoyed each others company, its was time to leave so we packed everything up and went home
"So did you have a good time" jay asked while driving me home
"Yea i did, you" i said back
"Yea until those fucks talked about you liked that" he said griping the steering wheal
"Calmed down at least nothing happen" i said conferring him, we made it to my house and he walked me home
"See you tomorrow beautiful" he said cupping my face
"Yea" i said taking in his sweet sent, until he crashed his hot lips onto mines giving me weak knees i would have fallen if it weren't for him holding on to me
"By i love you" he said breathlessly
"I love you too" i said
i watch him drove off until i couldn't see him no more and went inside.
"How was the beach" my mom asked siting watching s reality TV show
"It was fun" i said not needing to say the part about the guys
"Good, go to bed you have school tomorrow" she said
i went up to my room took a quick shower and went to bed.

Chapter 12


morning came, i just laid in my bed thinking about Jay and i. its bean four months that we have been together, and in those four months i have realize that he is the one that i want to spend the rest of my life with, the one that i will fully give myself to, the one that makes me happy, the one that wipes the sadness away, the one who i can tell anything to, the one that blows my anger off, the one who caught my heart, and the one i love. thinking about him brings joy to my life. i get up and get ready for school.
"Good morning mom, Ryan" i say entering the kitchen in my school close which consist of a black leather mini skirt,a white blouse shirt, and my boost with my long hair hanging down.
"Hey sweaty" my mom says drinking coffee i grabe some froot loops and start eating
"Good morning sis" Ryan said eating cereal too. we finish our cereal and head out. i arrive at school and park and walk to the entrance were Jay is waiting for me
"Hey baby" he said kissing my lips
"Hey" i said in between kisses today he is wearing light jeans and a long sleeved gray t.
"You look sexy today" he said grabing my hand and walking to class
"Thanks you look hot" i said and he laughed we entered the class room and took our seats
"Hey Cara Jay" Ana said and we said hi back
"Okay class today we will be arriving new students" the teacher said and everybody when oh and yea.the door open and in walked in Will, Allan, and some other two boys. i saw Jay go stiff and clench his hands. they walked in as if they own the place and handed a slip to the teacher
"well this our the new students introduce your self would you" the teacher said
"well i'm will i just moved here from a town up north" will said looking at me and Jay he was tall with light skin and blond hair and blue eyes.
"I'm Allan Will's cousins" he looked the same except he had silver eyes
"I'm Eric" he was sorter then the rest of them with light brown skin and hazel eyes with brown hair.
"I'm Nash" he was the hot one from the group, with a light tan build body and greenish bluish eyes his hair was black and long, but i still think Jay was way hotter.


i can't believe this punks showed up here, they piss me the fuck off. they sat in the back and i felt as if they were burning holes in the back of my head. i turn to look at them and they were staring and Will mouthed
"You owe us" i shook my head and turned around, i knew they wanted something from me.
it was lunch time and Cara and i sat in our regular seat with her friends
"so you hear about the new kids" Yaime asked
"yea i heard they were delinquents" Elizabeth said
"I heard they went to jail" Mike said i can't believe all this rumors they suck
"If you ask me their just a bunch of idiots" i said out loud and everybody turned to me
"Why you say that" asked Mike
"They seam like it" i shrugged Cara was rather silent so i got up and offered her my hand and she took it. we walked to a tree
"Why you so quiet" i asked her
"Um why did they came here" she asked looking at me i sighed and gave up, i told her everything. about i was in a click or gang whatever, how we use to steal, deal drugs, and other stuff i can't name right know. i don't want to go back to that and i don't want to get Cara into this. shes been quiet since i told her just looking at me
"Um Cara is something wrong" i finally broke the silence
"I just don't know if i know you enough" she said with tears in her eyes i hugged her to me
"Baby you do know me, that's not me anymore everything i told you about me was true" i said hugging her more to me
"I... i just need time to think okay" she said stepping out of my grasp
"I understand but know this i love you more than my own life" i said holding her hand to my heart she nodded and walked away from me making my heart shatter. the day was finally over i didn't see Cara after that she's probably still hurt. i was going to fined will and the others to end this. i spotted them leaning against my car
"What the fuck are you doing hear" i growled
"Wow calm down we just want to finish the job we didn't get to" he said back with as much force as me
"I aint going to do shit" i said back
"Well we wouldn't want Cara to get hurt know would we" he said teasing me
i felt my self filled with anger and grabed him by his collar
"If you fucking touch her i will kill you!" i growled with so much anger
"Then you would do this, we need 5 guys and as you could see were short" he said shoving me away. FUCK i told my self i wasn't going to do this.

so know it was the weekend and Cara still Hasn't talked to me, im not okay with it i miss her but if that's what she wants. i was in a car with Will, Allan, Eric, and Nash. we were meeting some people who wanted drugs. we arrived to an abandon warehouse the paint was gone it was rusty and beat down.
"Come they will be inside" he told us, Eric stayed in the car just in case.we started walking when Will stop
"Take this" he said handing me a 45 caliber we enter the screeching door it was dusty with cobwebs and i think i just saw rats. in the middle there was a table and in back of the table where 4 guys. one was tall and build with dark hair and brown eyes, the other one was tall too with a bald head and dark eyes, the next was short but was very build with blond hair and blue eyes, last one was a boy around 12 with brown hair and hazel eyes.
"you have the money" will asked placing the briefcase on top of the table
"Yea" he did the same, they both opened the cases and inspected the merchandise.
"Okay everything looks good" they both said Will was closing the case while the guy nodded to someone in the back and i heard i click
"Put down the money" he said pointing a gun at Will. i had my hand warped around my gun
"Turn around and walk away" He said and we all did what he told until Will and the rest popped their guns out and so did i facing them
"Now we will leave with the drugs and nobody will get hurt" Will said with authority
the other dude started laughing
"I don't think so" and a shot was fired. everything was going in slow motion shots were being fired people were going down, and know it was 4 guys us and the 12 year old.
"What should we do with you" Will said aiming the gun to him the boy had a gun aim at him too
"Fuck you" the boy spat and fired i was the closes to Will and i don't know why i did this but i pushed him away and got hit, the pain sucked, i fell to the grown then i heard another shot and i saw the boy fall
"I'll get Jay and you guys get the money and the drugs" Will said going towards me
"Why would you do that!" he screamed i couldn't talk all i could think about was Cara and how she was mad at me and what if i didn't see her again. he picked me up and we went to the car
"What happen" Eric said starting the car. i was going unconscious bleeding out, i could see there mouths moving but i couldn't hear. im guessing we arrived at the hospital i wouldn't know because i blacked out thinking about Cara.

Chapter 13


I woke up from my nap screaming, there was a pain in my chest it hurt so much and i didn't know why. it felt like i was dying inside. my mom barges inside my room
"Honey are you okay" she said sounding concern and sits on my bed
"Yea mom it just, it hurts right here" i pointed to where it hurt
"Do you want to go to the hospital" she said rubbing my back. i nodded and got up and dressed.
"Ryan i'm going to take your sister to the hospital" my mom said to him, while he was watching TV.
"I'm going too" he said putting on his shoes. we got in the car and drove
"What's wrong with you" Ryan said turning to me
"I don't know, my chest started hurting really bad" i said and we arrived at the hospital. we went to the emergency side to check in.
"Hi my daughter got a pain on her chest out of nowhere" she said to the nurse
"Okay when did it start" she said
"UM when i woke up few minutes ago" i said to her
"Okay then fill this out and someone will call you" she said handing me some papers. i sat down, filled the papers, and handed them back to her.
"Let me see your right wrist" i took my hand out and she put a bracelet around it with my name on it. i went to sit back down with my mom and Ryan.
"you feeling okay" asked Ryan
"Yea its just faint now" i said to him, i turned to the TV and teen wolf was playing. Just then the emergency doors flew open and a gurney with a guy on it came in. my heart felt like it sunk and i wondered why, so i took a closer look and what i saw crushed me. It was Jay he was bandage and blood was soaking throw it, he was unconscious. my eyes filled with water and i ran towards him.
"Jay, baby wake up" i nudge him
"Mam do you know him" the paramedic asked
"Yea his my boyfriend" i said looking at Jay
"Well we are taking him inside, you could see him when he is stable" he said taking Jay away from me. by that time Ryan and my mom were at my side hugging me
"Its okay honey i'm sure he'll be fine" she said to me
"Don't cry sis he'll get through this" Ryan told me, just then my name was called. the doctor checked me and said i was fine, but just to make sure he ordered and EKG. i had a feeling that they were't going to fine anything, i got the pain because Jay was hurt. i know it sounds weird but i think we are connected some how. after they did the EKG everything came out fine, i asked the doctor if i could see Jay Reed. he said he was in room 311. i told my mom and Ryan to meet me in the lobby. i started getting closer my stomach felt weird, my hands were sweaty, and my heart hurt. i reached the door hand on the door handle, i was hesitant at first but i needed to know if he was okay. opening the door slowly, i saw him laying down i walked up to him and he turned his head looking at me
"Are you okay" i said going next to him
"Yea" he said in a low voice
"Look i'm sorry for everything" i said starting to cry again
"No sh.. baby im the one who should be sorry, for not telling you about me" he said hugging me being careful with his arm.
"i love you, and im glad you're okay" i said kissing him, this kiss was different desperate like if we needed each others comfort. god i'v miss his kisses his touch.
"I love you too Cara" he said braking the kiss.
"So what happen" i said laying next to him, he put his good arm around my waist.
he sigh "I took a bullet for Will and i don't know why, we were doing a drug deal i had to if not they were going to hurt you" he said pleading for me to understand. i understood he wanted to protect me.
"I'v miss you" i told him,while doing circles in his chest with my finger
"I miss you too baby" he said and the doctor walked in
"Okay he needs his rest lady" he said to me, i got up
"When do you think he will get discharge" i asked the doctor
"next week" he said leaving
"Bye love i'll see you tomorrow" i said kissing him with as much force i had he was stunned at first but then gave in.
"Bye love you" he said falling a sleep i took one last look at him and left. when i got home i went straight to my bedroom to fall asleep.


i woke up because my arm was hurting, i pushed the button for assistant. soon the nurse came
"Whats wrong" she said checking my arm
"My arm hurts" i said to her
"Okay i'll bring you some medication" she said leaving. i heard a knock and in came Will, he walked up to me
"Thanks for saving my life" he said running his hand through his hair
"I'm leaving this town and going back home, and i... just wanted to say that to you" he said
"Okay you're welcome"
"I hope thing could go back how they were, before this hole mess" he said smiling
"Yea i think it can" i said
"Also about Cara i didn't mean anything i said"
"Well then i better go, catch you later" he said right when the nurse walked in with my medication. he left and so did my pain, i was watching TV when my dad comes through the door, with a worried look.
"Jay are you okay" he said right next to me
"Yea dad i'm fine" i said looking at him
"We are going to talk about this later, right know i'm glad your okay" he said patting me on my arm. we were watching football together having a good time, and just then Cara come inside and smiles at me.
"He Jay how you doing today" she said sitting close to me
"not good but now i'm feeling much better" i said taking her hand in mine
"Hello Mr. Reed" she said addressing my dad which i forgot was here.
"Cara what did i say call me Mike" he said
"Okay then Mike" she giggled making me smile
"I'll leave you two alone" he said getting up and leaving.
"How was your night" she asked me
"It was okay i guess" i tried shrugging
"your so beautiful" i said to her and she blushed
"Come here" i told her
"For what" she asked curious but still came, i kissed her and it was a heated kiss. she even ended on top of me. i slid me hand down her back and griped her waist. her hands made there way to my hair, i broke the kiss only to trial some down her neck and she moans in my ear making me shiver. some one clears their throat and she backs a way from me. Cara tries to hides her blush while i try to hide the bulge in my gown
"Well... um you could leave now, just change your bandage regularly, and come back in a week" the doctor said leaving. we both started laughing when my dad walks in
"What's so funny" he asks
"Nothing" i say between laughs

when we arrived home Cara came with us, my dad helped me into my bed and left Cara and i alone.
"i guess you're not playing in the opening game" she said sitting on my bed
"You're probably right"
she kissed me passionet and i kissed her back the same making me moan in her mouth. i ran my hand down her side and griped her waist. making her moan into my mouth.
"I love you" i breath out hugging her to me
"I love you to Jay"
we both feel a sleep in each others arms that night.


ever since Jay came back from the hospital i'v been at his house taking care of him. i was changing his bandage today, and it looked better.
"How does it look" he asked
"It looks a lot better" i said kissing his shoulder.
"We should go outside so i can practice throwing a football" he said putting a shirt on
"Okay then lets go" he has been practicing this few days, and each time he gets frustrated because it hurts his arm. we were in the back yard now, i was a few feet away from him.
"Okay throw it" i yelled
he threw it but didn't made it all the way to me, so i had to go get it.
"Its okay lets just keep practicing" i said and he nodded. i threw the ball at him he caught it and i know it hurt him because he wince at the pain. this is how we spend 10 minutes until he said he was giving up, but after this one. i know he was mad now.
he threw the ball with force, because it hit me in the tit and let me tell you something that shit hurt like a bitch.
"shit" i screamed rubbing were it hurt, Jay came running towards me.
"Baby i'm sorry i didn't mean to, are you okay" he said sounding regretful
"Yea i'm fine" i said still rubbing it, that's when Jay got a wicked grin on his face and replaced my hand with his. Oh god it felt so good he was doing a circular motion, i was biting my lip to prevent a moan to spill. i couldn't it help it anymore and i closed my eyes and moan.
"You like it baby" he whispered in my ear
"Y...yes" i moan
he crashed his lips to mine ruining his hand down my back to squeeze my ass. i wrapped my hands in his hair, he pushed me closer to him. i pulled back for air and continue kissing him down his neck. i heard him moan and felt him shiver
"Cara" he moans my name making me feel hot in between my legs
"I think we should stop" he breath out i stop kissing him to look up to him
"Why" i asked confused
"Because then i wont hesitate to take you" he said
"Well then you better take me" i said kissing him. he kissed me back automatically pushing me inside the house. we were up the stairs when he pushed me to the wall kissing down my neck, he placed his hand in my calf and lifted my leg to his waist. i wrapped my legs around him, holding me from my ass. we enter his room, tossing me to the bed. he gets on top of me and i spread my legs for him. we start kissing he kisses me down my neck, and before you know it my shirt and bra are off. he kisses the top of my breast making his way down. capturing my hard nipple with his mouth, making me more wet. i turn us over so i was on top now, taking of his shirt. running my hand down his nice abs kissing his neck, and that's when we hear it the front door slamming making us jump.
then the footsteps get closer, we get offeach other and start putting our clothes back on.
"Hey guys, Jay how you doing" mike asked entering the room. we manage to change just in time.
"I'm great dad actually" he said sending me a wink making me blush
"Well then i'm going to order pizza, if you want to stay Cara" he said
"Yea thanks Mike" i said to him before he left
"That was... awkward" i broke the silence
"Yea and i was enjoying my self" he said getting up
"I'm sure you were, but don't worry there will be more" i said and he turned to look at me with an amused look
"What made you change your mine" he asked right beside me
"Um... that i love you" i said he looked happy
"Well then i'm honor and i love you too, you wanna watch a movie"
"Yea" i said being drag out of his room to the theater room. we got popcorn and sodas, we were watching American Reunion. after we watch it and ate pizza i had to go home, so i left by kissing Jay and saying good night to his dad. i arrived home took a shower and went to bed thinking about how intimate Jay and i were today.

Chapter 14


I woke up for school today, straighten my hair and apply little bit of make-up. i change into some black shorts,a white button blouse, and my boots. went downstairs to eat breakfast.
"Hey Ryan" i said to him while getting cereal
"Hey" he said with mouth full of it
i was eating my cereal when we heard the doorbell ring
"I'll get it" he said getting up i heard him talking to someone, but i couldn't hear the other person.
"Guess who is here" Ryan screamed from the door. it was Jay he hasn't been going to school lately
"Hey babe" he said going to my side
"Hey you coming to school today" i asked
"Yea the doctor said i could do my normal routine now" i put my dish in the sink
"I'm happy i missed you at school" i said Peking him on the lips.
we arrived at school and everybody surrounded Jay
"I heard you got shot"
"Are you okay"
"Will you be able to play football"
"Did it hurt"
they just kept coming and coming endless questions
"Okay back off people!" I shouted at them earning some glares from some of them
"Thanks babe" he said taking my hand and going to class. we sat down in our normal seats waiting for the teacher to come
"Guess what... i'v been practicing with my dad, and i'm getting a lot better" he said sounding excited
"Yea that's great" i said to him. the class was boring and eventually was over and now i was at my locker with Jay beside me
"So i was thinking, i know we haven't gone out lately so im taking you some where today" he said
"You don't half to take me nowhere"
"I know but i want to" he said kissing me on the check. my next class was even boring when Jay isn't with me. lunch arrived slower than usual, i was excited about the date and where he would take me. we sat down with my friends
"So were are you taking me" i asked him while eating french fries
"Its a surprise, but were something hot" he winked. Ugh
"But i hate surprises" i pouted
"Well then i'll just tell you... wait never mine i wont" he grinned eating my food i slapped his hand away before he got another french fry
"What was that for" he asked surprise
"My french fries" i said and he gave my the cutes puppy dog face i have ever seen
"Can i please have a french fry please" he plead i moved my tray over to him
"Works every time" he smiled eating my french fries
"I hate you" i murmured
"No you don't you love me" he said waiving the greasy stick in front of my face, and i took a bite of hit biting his finger in the process
"Ouch" he yelled and every body started laughing even Aiden
"You guy's are so cute" Yaime said
"We know" we said at the same time turning to each other we smiled and he leans into kiss me. our lips touch making never to pull a way but the bell rings, but that still dosen't stop this passionet kiss we are sharing
"Okay guy's time to go!" someone yells we brake away looking at each other in the eyes Jays eyes are filled with love and i know mine are too
"I fucking love you so much" He whispers
"I fucking love you too" i whisper back.

so now we are in art class drawing people, i drew a women dealing with pain.
"Okay class finish up the bell is about to ring" said Mrs.Love i did a few more things in it. on Friday we were going to have a contest which painting is better. the bell ring and i put everything away
"So are you ready to go" Jay asks walking towards me
"Yea" we leave the class and make our way to his car, he opens the door for me then gets on the driver side
"So are you excited" he asked
"Yea if i knew were i was going" i said crossing my arms
"I can't say just trust me" he took my hand in his, i was just going to have to trust him and see where he would take me. we arrived at my house
"Okay get ready and i'll pick you up at 7" he said leaning in to kiss me
"Yea see you then" i kisses him again i got off and watch him drive away. i went to my door and open it
"I'm home!" i yelled walking in
"I'm in the kitchen" my mom said so i walked to the kitchen and there she was making diner
"Hey mom" i said
"Hey sweaty, how was school" she asked over the stove
"Boring, so the same" i said
"Mom Jay wants to take me out tonight" she turned around to look at me now
"Okay just be back before midnight" she said giving me a smile i nodded and went to my room and bumped in to Ryan
"So where you going on a school night" he asked leaning on his door
"I don't know its a surprise noisy" i said shoving him inside his room. i went inside my room and headed to my closet, what to wear i thought after what seemed like hours i had a outfit. some black skinny jeans, with a blue blouse and the sleeves cut off, and my black combat boots. now was make up i kept my eye liner just added some blue eye shadow to make them have the smokey look, and lastly some red lipstick. my hair i was just going to put a blue ribbon in it. i looked at the clock and it was 6:40, so all i do now is wait so i grabed my black jacket. i went to Ryan's room to wait and he was on the phone
"Em i interrupting something" i said sitting on his bed
"Yea sort of, talking to my girlfriend" he said pointing at the phone i snatch the phone away
"Ana im going on my date now" i said and Ryan gives me an annoyed look
"He wont tell me where he is taking me" i say then Ryan snatches it back, so i just leave and walk downstairs.
"You look nice" my mom says
"Thanks mom"
"Are you two having sex" she asks out of nowhere
"Um no" i say back awkwardly
"Okay and if you do just use protection, but that doesn't mean to do it" she says and i hear the doorbell so i answer it save bu the bell. i see Jay's eyes widen then go back to normal
"Wow you look... sexy" he says grinning and i blush, and take in his out fit. wearing his hair cute and messy, a black short sleeve button up making his muscles look bigger, with dark ripped pants, and his white and black converse..
"You look so hot" i said and his grin widen, he had a hand behind his back
"What you got there" i say pointing at his hand
"Oh yea, here for my love" he says taking his hand and revealing a blood red tulip in his hand.
"Wow its beautiful, thanks Jay" i say taking it and smell it, it smelled good
"Shall we go then" he says extending his hand i nod and take it, going to his car. we got in and he starts driving
"So were are we going" i ask placing the tulip on the dashboard
"you'll see when we get there" he said, so i just stayed quiet and let him drive. we kept driving and i was getting worried
"Are we almost there" i asked
"Yea almost" he said and look at me. so after that we pulled into a parking lot and there was a lot of cars, and we couldn't get a spot but eventually we found one. he turn off the car and went to open my door
"Thanks" i said and took his hand leading me into this big building
"What is this"
"something" he said stopping at a booth and he handed the guy something, and we went inside. when we enter i couldn't believe what i saw, we were in a concert but of who there was a lot of people.
"Are we in a concert" i said to him
"Yea we are" he said leading me to our row which was the 7th , and sat down.
"Are you excited" he asks i looked at him and nodded he smiled and lean into kiss me
"I've wanted to do that since i saw you" he admitted and i kissed him back
"I'v never been to a concert" i said
"Then i'm honer to be the first to take you" he whispered in my ear and kissing it causing me to shiver.
"Who are we watching" i asked
"You'll just have to wait" he exclaimed just then the lights turned off and i we saw a guy coming to the stage, and he introduced the ban which was a shock i was so happy right now.
"I cant believe you brought me to a Cage the Elephant concert!" i screamed over the music. we stood and i was jumping up and down to the beat and singing with them, i was so happy he took me here.

we kept dancing to all the songs it was so awesome. so now the concert ended and we where leaving.
"So you liked it" he asked hugging my waist
"Yea it was awesome, thank you so much" i said with a big smile
"Im glad u liked it" he opened the door for me and went to the driver side and before he could start the car
"Come here" i motion with my index finger, he did what i said and i crashed my lips to his. our lips were moving in prefect sync with each other and i some how ended on top of his lap. i needed to breath so i backed away while he trialed hot kisses down my neck, i felt his hand go up my shirt griping my waist then i moaned and blushed. his lips met mine again and this time i felt his tongue tracer my bottom lip, i open my mouth and our tongues played with one another. i bit his lip a little and he moan in to my mouth, i could feel heat between my legs and i know i was becoming wet for him. i felt his erection poke me and i pulled away
"Um... maybe we should stop" i stuttered looking at his lustful eyes
"Yea your right" he said picking me up and moving to my seat, and starting the car.
"You know i wont make you do anything you don't want" he said and looked at me seriously
"I know" i said back

when we got home is was midnight so we made it just in time. he helped me out of the car and walked me to the door.
"I'll see you tomorrow babe" he said while i try to open the door i turned around to face him
"Yea l'll see u tomorrow, and thanks that was the best night ever" i exclaimed he held a smirk on his face and leaned into kiss me. this kiss was't like in the car it was slow and caring, we broke away and placed his forehead on mine
"I love you" i felt his breath tickle me and smile
"I love you too" i said
"Then go to sleep i want to see you already" he joked
"Yea i will"
"Goodnight babe" i said
"Goodnight love" he said giving me a last hug i went inside and to my room. this night was awesome, i went to my bathroom and took of my make-up put my pj's on. placed my tulip in my vanity,i got under the sheets and feel a sleep quick.

Chapter 15

I heard a buzzing noise and my hand made contact with my alarm. I got up and went to the shower starting the hot water, waiting for it I took off my clothes I check to see if it was hot enough and it was and got in. when done I went to my room, to find something to wear. once I was done I headed downstairs in search of breakfast. my breakfast consisted of Trix cereal, that's when Ryan decided to come down wearing his jersey number 12 and black dickies.
"Hey the game is tonight right," I asked with mouthful full of cereal
"Yup it is and we are so fucking wining this shit" he poured some cereal for him, I started thinking if Jay was going to be able to play in the game
"Will Jay be on the game" I had to ask he has been working hard for this
"Yea, so you better be there to cheer him on" I was excited now, today was the game and I was going to be there for him. graving my backpack off the floor I went to my car. arriving at school and parking next to a fucking Porch, it was gray and slick with tinted windows I could feel myself drooling. as I got off my car I couldn't suppress the laugh that was building inside me the license plate read FUCK OFF that shit is so funny, then I started wondering who's car was this was I 'v never seen it here before. walking to the door where Jay will be waiting for me I heard people whispering about a new hot chick. there standing at the door was Jay, he wasn't facing me I went up behind him and covered his eyes with my hands.
"Guess who" I tried to sound low and rough
"Um... ugly Betty," he said removing my hands from his eyes and turning around and kissed me which shocked me at first because he did it in a quick motion, getting over my shocked I kiss him back with as much force as I could tangling my hands in his hair and tugging at it a little.
"Hey babe" he brakes the kiss
"Hey" I gasped letting go of his hair and taking a hold of his hand he gives it a light squeeze. we walk to English and sit in our seats
"So have you guys heard there's a new girl at school" Ana announced to us both
"Yeah," we say at the same time
"I heard she is super-rich," she said, and judging by what she just said that must be here Porch. English was bearable I was walking to my next class with Jay at my side
"I'll see you at lunch babe" he gave me a quick kiss on the cheek
"yea" and he left to his class leaving me standing outside the door. I made my way to my seat and waited for the teacher to come. As I sat there the teacher came not long after that and started the lesson. the door opens revealing the person standing behind it a tall lean and curvy body, with long waist honey brown hair a heart-shaped face red plump lips, straight nose, and green emeralds for eyes. she went straight for the teacher ignoring all the stares she was receiving
"Hi I'm new here," she said with grace, the teacher looked up then down
"Yes Have a seat next to Cara, Cara would you please raise your hand," he said I put my hand in the air she came towards me and sat down.
"Hi my name is Ivory," she said in a sweet tone
"Well I'm Cara nice to meet you," I said extending my hand she gladly to took it
"Why you move here, I mean if it's okay to ask," I told her
"To tell you the truth my boyfriend had to move over here, and I miss him so much so I told my daddy to move here," she said like it was a normal thing to do.
"Okay" was all I could say after that we just stayed quiet until the bell ranged
"Hey um you think I could sit with you at lunch," she asked me while getting her stuff
"Yea, of course, I sit with my boyfriend and friends I will introduce you to them"


I had a bad feeling today something bad was going to happen and you know what sucks is not knowing what. I'm in class waiting for the bell to ring and go to Cara to make sure she's alright. when the bell finally rings I ran out of the classroom and make it to her class she was waiting outside for me
"Hey baby ready to go to lunch," I asked here giving her a tight hug
"Yea lets just wait I'm waiting for the new girl she is going to have lunch with us," she said hugging me back.
"Jay is that you," asked a voice that I have forgotten I turn to the source of the voice and there she stood the girl I thought I was in love with
"Ivory," I said shocked in the meantime Cara was looking back in forth between us.
"you guys no each other...wait" she had a confused look on her pretty face then change as she put something together in revelation.
"He's... he's the one you were talking about," Cara asked Ivory, what they were talking about me oh shit.
"Yeah, Jay baby I 'v missed you" she took me away from Cara and hugged me but I didn't hug her back. Man I used to love when she hugged me like this, but now it feels foreign to me I feel nasty and I miss Cara's body press against mine. her small frame her full breast pressed against my chest. Okay, I got distracted back to this.
"Um Ivory what happened between us is over," I said pushing her shoulders to look at her better, her lip started to quiver then she looked at Cara and she was pissed just like that.
"Is because that bitch isn't" she spat and I instantly get mad
"Don't fucking call her like that!" I raised my voice at her something I have never done. she looked up to me with a shocked face
"Jay you have never... screamed at me" she quivered her lower lip
"I know, but I won't allow you to talk to her that way," I said seriously and went over to Cara put my arm around her waist. she looked up at me with a sad expression on her face.
"I'll explain later" I whispered in her ear and she nodded.
"I thought you... were in love... with me," she said between sobs, I turned to look at her
" I didn't know what love was until I meet Cara, I'm sorry but I guess I was just infatuated with you, it wasn't loved Ivory" I confessed walking away from her towards the cafeteria.


I was hurt why didn't he mention any of this to me, I mean I've been nothing but honest with him. we were inside the cafeteria now I was still kinda shocked.
"Why didn't you mention any of this," I asked stopping the line
"Um I forgot about her," he said, the people in the back started complaining so I had to move. I wasn't paying attention to what I was getting, how can he forget about a person.
"How," I asked he looked at me and shrugged
"Um well when I first meet you... you made me forget about everything ells I was like... what is Cara doing, does Cara like me... all my thought were revolved around you" he sigh should I believe what was just said to me we sat at an empty table just staring at one another, he was pleading me with his eyes to believe him, could I?
"I don't know if I should believe you, Jay, I mean how many things have you hidden from me" I finally spoke. his face fell making my heartache I didn't want to see him like this.
"Cara... baby I'm sorry for keeping this from you, but I truly forgot about her," he said cupping my face in his hands
"I love you so much and I don't want to lose you, your the best thing that has ever happen to me" he gave me a sweet short kiss and in that kiss, I knew I had forgiven him already.
"I...forgive you Jay, but you need to be completely honest with me who's going to show up next a baby," I said a little dramatic
"What... no, no baby," he says shaking his head. I finally look to see what I got for lunch which was french fries, but I had lost my appetite.
"Look, Cara, I went out with her for like 2 years, but she doesn't mean nothing as you mean to me," he said leaning towards me
"Okay, but why does it seems like nobody wants us together," I say
"It seems like that doesn't it," he said and I nod my head
at lunch, we mostly kept to our self's, but from the corner of my eye, I can see her watching us it's creepy and I can tell Jay saw her too.
"So today is the game" I leaned into him we were sitting next to each other
"Yea, I finally get to play" he sounded happy
"You're going to be there right," he said looking at me with an eyebrow raise
"Um... I don't think so" I lied his face fell and he looks so sad and I couldn't hold my laugh from coming out
"Are you playing with me" he smiled
"Yea, of course, ill be there, I promised" I kissed him and the bell ranged
"Okay, I won't be at art class cuz I have to get ready but ill walk you to it," he said getting up and extending his hand for me to take. we walked in silence enjoying each others company until we made it to the door
"I'll see you at the game baby" he leaned in to kiss me when someone bumped him and kissed my cheek. I looked to find the person responsible, I saw her all ready walking away
"What a bitch" I thought out laud
"Yea" he responded and kissed me on the lips this time
"Bye love you" he backed away from me
"Bye love you too," I said entering the classroom
art went by quick and now I was at the bleachers with Ana.
"I cant wait to see him play," I told her
"Oh yea you didn't get to see him last time," she said remembering
"Yea," I say when they come out of the lockers, and I see Jay scanning the crowd when he spotted me I waved to him and he waved back, I see Ryan waving at Ana and she waves back. they both go by the couch to huddle up
"How did we get so lucky" she spoke looking at me
"Um I don't know An" I honestly say, she was right how did we get lucky I mean look at Jay he is so handsome, and looks at me ordinary and a rock chick with a jock no wonder people didn't like using together oh fucking well. I was looking at him play and he played like if he was in the NFL or something he was good. we were losing by 6 points and it was the last quarter.
"Omg, I hope we win" Ana shouted and I nodded at her I was paying attention only to Jay. Ryan threw the ball to Jay and he started running dodging anyone that came to him. he made it and everyone started cheering even me
"Yeeeeaaa!!" I screamed with Ana. I saw the football players pick Jay up and they were all happy they won. 
the bleachers were clearing out of all teachers, students, and parents. Ana and I made our way to the parking lot waiting for the guys to come out. speaking of them we see them approaching us. Jay comes to me and Ryan goes to Ana.
"Congratulations babe" I kiss him on the lips and hugging him also
"Thanks, I can't believe we won," he said putting his arm around my waist
"Yea I know, we kicked ass"Ryan shouted fist-bumping Jay we started walking to our cars, I leaned on Jay's car and pulled him to me
"Oh hey" he smirked down at me
"You were so good" I whispered in his ear
"Yea I know" he wrapped his arms around my waist he leans to kiss me, our lips met and I felt desire building up inside me wrapping my hands around his neck he licked my bottom lip and I granted him access. tongues exploring I felt his hand go down my waist and land on my butt and gave it a light squeeze and in response, I moan. backing away for air we were both gasping for some.
"Um we should get going don't you think" I breath out
he coughed
"Uh yeah," he said opening my door. if I hadn't said anything before well today is Friday and my mom was leaving for a business trip, and I think I was ready to go the next step with Jay, so I was going to ask him to a sleepover tonight. I was all wrapped in my thoughts I didn't even notice we arrived at my house and he killed the engine
"You been quiet the whole ride, what's the matter baby," he says turning to face me I stare back at him
"Stay over tonight," I said low
"What about your mom," he asked
"Shes gone.... please" I pleaded
"Okay baby," he said getting off and going around to open my door
"Thank you," I say
"Go ahead I'm going to get my gym bag," he tells me going to the back seat. I make my way to my house and Ryan is there with Ana watching TV
"Jay is sleeping over," I say passing them and going to my room not bothering to hear his response. I slumped on my bed to wait for Jay I hear talking downstairs and the footsteps
"Baby im going to take a shower first okay," he says going to my bathroom. I see him go inside and close the door then the water starts running. should I join him or not I keep thinking this for I don't know how long but it seems like a while and I finally make my decision. locking my door I strip my clothes off and grab a towel and go to the bathroom, I stop at the door my shaking hand reaches for the knob. I can do this I breathe in and out and slowly open the door. I step inside and everything is fogy I see his clothes on the floor, my heart feels like it's going to jump out of my chest any minute now. I set the towels down and got to the curtain im hesitant at first but quickly make up my mind, I step in and he is facing the other side and hasn't noticed me yet when he turns around and his eyes look like if they were going to jump out
"Cara what are you... doing," he said a little nervous
"Doesn't it look obvious to what im doing" my voice comes out calm and im thankful for that cuz in the inside im a nervous wreck
"uh I guess" he runs a hand threw his hair I take a step closer to him and wrap my hands around his neck
"Just go with it baby," I say in a seductive voice and start kissing his neck I feel his hand go to my waist giving them a light squeeze. I trail kisses up and down his neck making him shiver in response. I make my way to his lips and I kiss him with all I have and shove my tongue inside his mouth shocking him, but he responded and kisses me the same. I moan into his mouth and he picks me up and shoves me against the wall. the water cascading over us he trails hot kisses down my neck and the top of my breast, I can feel his manhood on my leg making me hotter for him. I pulled his head to me
"Jay i... I think im ready," I say
"Are you sure?" he asks me and my response was to kiss him, he shuts the water off and carries me to my bed and lays on it him on top
"Ima make you feel so good baby I promise," he says in a husky voice

Chapter 16

He starts kissing my neck going down to my breast, caressing my left breast with his hand making me arch my back. it feels so good I can't even describe what iv been missing. he licks my right nipple and I feel it get up and he sucks on it
"Jay" I moan in pleasure
he lightly bites it making me moan again, he starts going more down and licks my belly button he spreads my legs caressing my inner thigh making me squirm under his touch. I wanted to feel him inside me all ready
"Please" I moaned he look up to me
"No not yet baby," he says rubbing my clit, oh my god
"MMM Jay" I screamed he kept rubbing then I felt his finger slip inside me. first, he started slow and he started picking up speed
"OHHH" I moaned feels so good my hands clutch the sheets he stops and I look down at him and he licks his finger
"MMM so good," he says closing his eyes, he opens then and smiles at me. next thing he is lowering his head and his tongue makes contact with my wet soft skin and I couldn't repress the moan that escaped me. it felt like I was slowly melting
"Please baby now" I grasped his hair
"You ready," he asked I just shook my head and went by the bedside drawer and pulled a  condom out. I gave it to him he opened it and pulled it on, I didn't realize how big he was until now I got a little scared.
"Are you sure?" he says looking at me he must have seen my face
"Yea" I whispered and he just nodded
he positions himself above me and I felt his head hit my opening. to distract me he started kissing me and goes in slow at the same time. fuck it hurt like a bitch and he wasn't in, he kept this on until he was all the way in.
"Yeep" I screamed
"Sorry baby," he said rocking us slowly. the pain was gone now and in its place was pure pleasure, I wrapped my legs around his torso pulling him closer
"OH" he moans into my ear he started picking up his pace going faster and faster
"Oh my god," I screamed he silence my moans with his mouth kissing me passionately, kissing down my neck.
"Fuck you feel so good, warm and tight" he moaned he kept going fast then slow
"No slow" I moan and I heard him chuckle. he sat up and took me with me and then I started moving
"OH yeas baby" he moans wrapping his arms around me. he gropes my boob giving it a gentle squeeze
"MMM," I say, I felt his hot breath on my nipple and he starts sucking on it and biting it too. I feel my eyes roll to the back of my head and my body quivers
"Fuck" I screamed and orgasm, but he still doesn't stop he keeps going faster and faster and it feels fucking good until I feel his head swell and he slows down
"Fuck" he moans
he looks at me and smiles and kisses my lips slowly and tenderly, then places me on the bed. I watch him get up and heads into the bathroom. he comes back out with boxers on and comes lays down next to me, hugs me  and places his head in between my neck 
"I love u Cara" he whispers in my ear
"I love you too Jay," I say back and I feel my eyelids closing.






I woke up with the most wonderful feeling ever possible. my whole body radiated happiness from my head to the tip of my toes. my eyes were closed, my hands roamed the sheets only to find them cold and empty. my eyes shot open and I jerked my body up, leaving me in a sitting position. I hiss from the pain down there. I started to panic looking around my room a couple of times, like if I will find what I'm looking for. when a noise from downstairs takes me out of my daze. I look my self down and I noticed I'm still naked, and with that thought, I get up. my closet doors open and I grave black lacy dress and head to the bathroom for a shower. once I'm done in the shower I go to my room change and apply a little bit of makeup. when I'm ready I head down the stairs, then a mouthwatering smell comes from the kitchen and I follow it. what I come to find... Jay making waffles and bacon, I just lean on the door frame and stare. the sight of him cooking is adorable puts a big smile on my face.
"quit staring at me," he said not turning back and my smile falls
"i... uh, you knew," I said narrowing my eyes
"Yeah I heard you coming" he laughed turning with two plates in his hands. placing them on the table he looked up at me
"I hope it's ok I made u breakfast" he runs a hand threw his hair
my smile returns going up to him, I place my hands behind his neck and kiss him, he immediately places his hands around my waist squeezing me more to him.i break away and whisper to him
"I love it thank you," I said leaving him and going to sit down and dig in.
"Wow, this is amazing, how you learned to cook?" I said he smiled and came to sit by me
"my mom," he said cutting his waffles
"that's nice," I said leaning into him and kissing his cheek
"I think you.. miss," he said smirking at me
"oh did i" I joked back
"yup you did," he said leaning into me and placing a kiss. we kissed passionately tangling my hands in his hair he moans, shoving my tongue in his mouth took him back for a bit till I felt his tongue playing back. we broke away gasping for air
"your so beautiful" he breathed out kissing me gentle and soft
"your so sexy," I said blushing he smirked
"really" his eyes sparkled and I nodded my head yea leaning into kissing me again. we broke off when he heard someone cleared their throat. we looked up to find Ryan with an annoyed expression and went back to eating. we finish eating I cleaned the kitchen while Jay when to shower, I finish and went to my room to clean it up a little. I entered my room to find a but naked Jay
"oh my," I say looking down his body stopping at his... well you know what.
"HaHa, like what you see?" he smirks coming closer to me. oh no.
"um... I so don't" I badly lied backing away from him till I felt a wall. dam these walls these days.
"hmm.. you failed," he says laughter in his voice. dam I love this man!!
"Ok... yea, now get dress," I said walking past him
He goes inside the bathroom, a few minutes later he comes out with A pair of grey shorts and a white v neck. Coming toward me he stops at the foot of my bed
"So...I was thinking if you wanted to get your ass beat by a girl in call of duty" I chirped
"You still think you can beat me," he says in a cocky tone
"Yeah why not" I shrugged he gets this wicked look in his eyes
" let's make this interesting then, how bout a bet" he challenged

Chapter 17

So I lost, what a shocker, and the bet was to go skinny dipping. We arrived at the beach oh no I don't think I can do this stupid jay. I glanced at jay he had his smirk on. Jerk.
"You ready?" he asked parking the car, I nod my head
"Let's just do this," I say stepping out the car.
Oh my. The hair in .....the back of my neck stood up there was a chill in the air. We make our way to the beach, and before we get to the shore I took of my shoes. Jay is just looking at me with an Amuse face. "Come on" he encourages Dam him and his super awesome playing skills. I unbuttoned my pants, might as well have some fun. I step In front of jay back to him, slowly I start pulling my pants down bending Down a bit. I hear a grown from the back, and I know I did well.
"Don't tease me baby" I hear the smirk on his face.
"You know you like it' I teased him more
"Dam right I do" he presses his chest to my backsliding his hands down my waist, pulling my pants down to my feet. He goes up again taking my shirt with him. gosh now I was just in my underwear
"Do I have to?" I asked
"A bets a bet baby" And with that he unclasped my bra, falling in the sand. next my underwear. he gives me a small push. I start walking further until my feet hit the shore, I cringe from the cold water.
"Come on!" I hear jay scream I take another step when I feel a bare chest come behind me and arms circle around my waist picking me up.
"Jay put me down!" I scream "Ok"The cold water Raps around my body
surfacing to the air, I hear Jay laugh
taking this time that he's distracted, I go up to him and jump on his back. we both fly backward colliding in the water.
resting ou heads in the sand we gaze up to the stars, reminding me of our first date. which seems so long ago, how time has passed and how we've become as a couple.
"What you thinking" he breaks me out of my thoughts
"Just about our fist date" I answered
"Come here" he motions for me to go
capturing me in a passionate kiss, that was my first time making love on the beach.

Monday came sooner than I was expecting, now I was standing at my locker waiting on Jay.
"Boo" someone whispers in my ear
I turned to look at him and every time his beauty caught me off guard
"Hey" I take his awaiting hand, and head for the cafeteria
things pretty much went to normal for me and Aiden, he started talking to me again, and he ditches Ashly.
we were all talking about summer vacation, and how we have one more year to go. when the cafeteria doors open and in walked in, hand in hand
Blake and Ivory...
what the fuck is going on, I glanced at Jay and saw his eyes darken. my friends were giving me questionable looks, which I didn't have an answer too.
"What's that" Jay whispers at me
"I don't know" I whisper back
they sat across from us, hugging and kissing like if they were a couple, I thought Blake dropped out of school. this is so confusing and I need to get to the bottom of this.
Jay and I were at my couch now, still thinking what was up with that
"Cara I swear, if he touches you again I will kill him" he balled his fist
"Jay, please don't it's not worth it" I griped his hand feeling him relax under me
"We should have reported that son of a bitch"
"Reported who" I hear my mom asked, we turn to look at each other, oh shit what do I say
"Just someone from the team, I think took steroids" Jay answered
"That's wrong"
"yeah I know, but he said he wasn't going to do it again, will see," he said looking at me
we had diner and a good thing my mom didn't mention anything about the steroids thing to Ryan, going to my room and lying in bed. I knew what I had to do tomorrow.

waking up, and getting ready I headed to school. trying to avoid Jay in the meantime. searching for a certain brown-haired girl. Looking for her took me, what seems like ages. but there she was, heading to the restroom. perfect. she was looking in the mirror fixing her make up.
"Ivory, we need to talk"
she spun around glaring at me
"About? let me see, how you stole the love of my life? huh" she growled
"No, it's about Blake he is..." she cut me off
"Blake told me about you guys, and guess what he doesn't want you," she said smirking at me
"As if I care, it's just he is dangerous and you should watch your back" I shrugged and exited that hell room

This blows could she possibly know, what Blake did to me? and if she did was she not freaked out by it? or maybe she was just as sick as him, I mean who knows right? maybe I need to talk to him, but I'm scared shit less.
"Baby, what are you thinking of" Jay sits next to me, we were at lunch and ill I was doing was spacing out.
"I talked to Ivory" I saw him tensed
"And she said blake told her about us, but I don't know how much," I said scratching the side of my head feels like I've been doing that a lot lately
"Cara, baby I want you to stay away from him" he pleaded with his eyes
"Jay I can't I need to know "I sighed '

he looked into my eyes searching for something, which I didn't get but when he opened his mouth he surprised me
"I'll talk to him," he said determinedly
"No, you cant not with what happened between you two" I held his hand
"I'll rather do it myself, then to let you baby" he kissed me a passionate kiss full of love and want . god I want him right now so bad. I tangled my hands in his hair bringing him closer to me, licking his bottom lip he opens up to me moaning into my mouth.
"mmm baby, later I promise," he said pecking me one last time before leaving me cold there. I went to my class waiting and waiting, I couldn't take this anymore. the anxiety was eating me raw. Finally the end of the day, waiting is my worst nightmare. I dump all my things in my locker and hurry up to meet jay, he was there waiting on me. when I finally reach him he turned and oh my, that beautiful bottom lip was busted.

''What happened to you'' I asked panic reaching up to touch his lip
'' well we talked, and turns out she knows about everything''
''you serious, there?'' he nods
oh shit what the fuck is wrong with her
'' do you think they're planning something against us'' I said while walking to Jays car

''maybe, I'm not sure but I won't let them come between us'' he said clasping my hands in his.





we were getting ready for a party, Ana insisted we came with her.

" Are you ok?" she asked putting on lipstick
"no, I'm worried I feel like if something bad is going to happen"
" you have me and Jay with you" she tried to a sure me patting my back

the party was packed, and I couldn't get comfortable.
" baby you need to relax" Jay stops dancing
"I know but I can't" I step back a bit he reaches for me and rubs my back
" I need to use the restroom"
"you want me to go with you," he said
"no it's fine," I said walking up the stairs

I was walking threw the hall, when I notice not a single person was up here. the lights turned off panic rose from me, I kept walking feeling the walls nothing seemed familiar. I felt cold hands on my shoulders which were creeping up until they covered my mouth and dragged me somewhere with a thump.

unknown pov

I saw her talking to him, they seem like if they were arguing when he put his drink down and turned to the stairs. that's when she slipped something in his drink. he turned back took his drink and left, not before taking a long gulp. her wicked smile made the hairs on my back stand. later on, I realized I should have said something to that guy, the regret in my body fills me up completely.

Chapter 18

Cara's pov

ah shit, my head hurts what happen last night. my eyelids flip open and start roaming the room. This isn't my room.

Shit last night's events came back to me. Oh no, this can't be happening to me, I was laying in a bed, and thank god I still had my clothes on from yesterday. I get off the bed, make my way to the door. Dam, it is lock.

"shit" I whispered

Placing my back against the door my eyes focus on the window. I went up to the window and panicked, even more, someone had nail the window shut. I looked around the room, I didn't notice the other door. I made my way towards I was somewhat glad that at least there was a bathroom.
I walked towards the sink, splashing water on my face. the cool water feeling good against my burning skin. I was so confused who could have done this to me, where is jay? I hope he's alright. I dried my face with a towel I found. I couldn't help all the thoughts going through my head. I hadn't noticed I was crying until I felt the warm tears streaming down my face.
Please, someone, help me. Jay, I miss you so much.

"Don't cry my Lil flower" a disgusting voice says

No no, why him not him please let this not be true.

I turned towards the door and was met with a pair of soulless eyes. Chills ran up my spine and not the good kind.

"What do you want from me!" I yelled to him
he just stood there smirking at me

"You're mine now baby, and that asshole won't find you" Blake spat the last part walking back where he came from. Leaving me more broken.

Jays p.o.v

What the fuck happened last night. My head is pounding, my stomach hurts, my mouth is dry. Shit, I think I was drugged, that's when I felt movement to my right.
I flicked my eyes open, noticing the person next to me wasn't Cara, but Ivory. What the actual fuck.
Rushing of the bed I almost slipped. Checking if I had my clothes on which I did.
Wait. Wheres Cara? Memories from last night came flooding in
The last thing I remember was seeing cara walk up the stairs and arguing with Ivory.

"Wake the fuck up" I shove her arm
She turns glaring at me

"Where is she" I spat


"You know, wheres Blake? "

That's when she started laughing which only made my heart sink.

"Blake got what he wanted, know is my turn" a wicked glint shown in her eyes.

I stormed out of there, wheres my cara I need to find her

I took out my phone and searched for contact and waited

"Hey" he answered

"Ryan...Blake took cara"

"what! Why weren't you watching her!" he yelled threw the phone

"I was I think they slipped something in my drink," I said getting in my car

" we'll find that son of a bitch, don't go to the police' he said before hanging up


Caras pov

I think it's been like three days since I've been here I'm not sure, time seems different when your enclose. why haven't they found me yet? I'm getting really worried, what if they don't come for me. Of course, they will come for me, right?
The door burst open revealing the devil himself. He comes inside not before closing the door and looks straight at me.
" you hungry," he asks I shake my head

"Come on at least talk to me" was he fucking kidding me right now

"Why don't you fuck off and let me go, don't you get it I fucking hate you, you're a piece of.."


ahhh!! I bite my lip drawing blood

" I'm sorry baby I didn't mean to," he says as if he is truly sorry. yeah right.
" just get away from me" I spat with venom. He nods and quickly walks away. good.
Now I'm left with myself to swallow all this pain, how much more can I take. I slip down the floor

"AHHHHHHHHHHH!!" I scream at the top of my lungs pulling and clawing out my hair frustrated with myself about not being able to do nothing about my current life situation. I get up and start kicking the cabinet then I punch the mirror, I stop for a sudden staring at the broken glass thinking in mind of a wicked thought that makes my heart pound. I walk back to the room suddenly tired get into the bead, I feel my eyes shut but not before slipping my freedom in my pillow.

Jays POV

Its been three days since Caras kidnapping, Ryan didn't want to call the cops. he said he wanted to deal with him himself. Ryan told his mom Cara was staying with Ana, a good thing she went on a business trip. We have interrogated Ivory several times, and she still won't give up the location. Ryan is trying real hard to get some information on Blake. Mike, Zane, Zeke, and Ayden are helping us find her, we go around the neighborhood searching and looking for anything.

I slam my fist on the steering wheel, I can't fucking take this anymore. I need her, I need to see her. I can't lose her too. my phone takes me away from my dark thoughts, without looking at the caller ID I answer.


" I know where she is," says a muffled voice
"where, who is this"
"Doesn't matter, shes at 1278 old rock road" and the line goes dead
I'm not sure where that address is, I punch it onto my GPS and tells me its 10 minutes away from here.

I quickly dial Ryans number
"Ryan shes at 1278 old rock road," I tell him
"Shit okay that's a bit for from where I'm at but I'm on my way," he tells me
"I'm 10 minutes away I'm headed there now"

we end the call and I immediately start driving breaking the speed limit. I arrive in no time, I parked my car a few spaces back. it was an old beaten up house, the windows where boarded shut. I open my glove compartment, the mettle waiting for me to grab it. I get off my car tucking the gun on my waistband. I know I should wait for Ryan, but I can't I need to see her now. I go towards the back door and thank god the door was open. I step inside, the kitchen was trashed and it stinks like old milk. the house is to quiet, I start looking around for any sign of Blake. I make it to the living room and its just as worst here, he must be keeping her upstairs.
I climb the stairs slow not wanting to make any noise, I reach the top. there's a long corridor with four doors, I check the first door closes to me locked, and the next until I'm standing in front of the last door. it was unlocked, I slowly turn the knob opening the door. I look around and find a bed with the love of my life laying on it. I quickly rush to her
"Cara" I whisper
she starts moving and her eyes open
"Jay?" she says as if she couldn't believe I was here
"yes baby, I'm here" I take her into my arms and she starts crying
"shh baby your okay now"
"wheres Blake?" she asks
"I don't know he's not here though" just when I say that we hear a door slam shut I put a finger to my lips motioning to her to be quiet as much as I don't want to leave her here I push her down back on the bed. she gives me at horror look and I just plea with her with my eyes to trust me. I leave her on the bed closing the door and head into the bathroom standing behind the door. my grip on the gun tightens taking it out. we hear his heavy footsteps come up the stairs. he opens the door and walks in I see him stand with his back to me facing cara 


I see him sit beside her and stroke her cheek, that's it he's dead. I step out of the shadows 


" ah ah, I wouldn't point that gun at me" I hear him Tsk catching me off guard how did he know I was here?


he moves to the side giving me a clear view of Cara, tears were forming in her terrified eyes. Blake had a knife to her throat 


"don't hurt her" 




Chapter 19

 Caras POV



"don't hurt her," he says and I don't know if it was the pain and desperation in his voice that had me gripping the piece of glass under my pillow. Blake was too occupied with Jay to pay attention to what I was doing, and I take the opportunity to grow as much strength as I could and plunge the glass into his chest.


everything felt in slow motion, the minute I pierced his skin his eyes turn to me. they held anger, sadness, and most of all betrayal. That's is kinda ironic, seeing as every opportunity he got to hurt me he took. He drops the knife and tries to stop the bleeding from his chest. 


"Cara...I" he says before Jay shoves him away from me and lands on the floor


"Baby are you okay," Jay says coming next to me 


I look down to where Blake is bleeding out, I know I shouldn't feel bad but I do. I can't help it, I use to have feelings for him, and I never thought I would be the one who would do that to him. 


Texte: This book belongs to Jocelyn Reynoso.
Bildmaterialien: image from Google images.
Lektorat: This is my very first book. so tell me what you think about it.
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 22.03.2012

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To the one that caught my Heart. You now who you are I Love You Always.

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