
Snow Sato Book 2: Darkness Always
By: Ai Kagi

Chapter I- Clan of Desperado

"Come on, Yuki! Hurry up!" Taizen called. "Uh! Why?!" Yuki yelled back. "Just follow me!" he said.
It was a sunny day in the Snow Sato. The white snow glistened as the bright sunlight struck its surface.
Yuki pushed back a snow-covered branch of an evergreen tree. She froze when she saw a giant ice castle. "Taizen? What...? Where...? Who built this?" Yuki asked. Taizen quirked an eyebrow and said,"Yours truly."
"What?! YOU built this? How?" "Heh, my secret." Taizen knew Yuki didn't like secrets and on top of that, she was impatient.
"Okay! Okay! I learned a new ability. Watch," Taizen explained. He stretched his hand out and the snow rose. Then, he clenched his hand into a fist and it turned into an ice crown. He set the ice crown on Yuki's head.
As soon as he put the ice on her head, Yuki hugged him. "Thank you, Taizen!"
Taizen was startled by Yuki's actions. Then, Taizen returned the hug. "You're welcome, Yuki. You're welcome."
"Let's go make a snowman like we did when we were kids!: Yuki suggested. "What? You really want to?" Taizen asked. "Mm hm," Yuki nodded. "Okay," Taizen replied, "It is your birthday."
Taizen and Yuki trudged through the deep snow towards the place they always built snowmen. Yuki suddenly fell over and went face first into the snow. "Yuki!" Taizen held her up by her shoulders. "Yuki, are you okay?" "Yes, I- OW!" "What is it? What's wrong?" Taizen asked, alarmed. "My ankle. I think I sprained it," she answered.
"What are we gonna do now? You can't walk. I'm sorry, Yuki, but-" "No, Taizen! We'll make it. I'll walk," Yuki stated. "No, I'll carry you," Taizen protested. "Taizen, I-" she was cut off when Taizen picked her up in his arms. He realized how light she was and asked, "Do you eat properly?" "What kind of question is that?!" she asked with annoyance in her voice. Taizen chuckled.
He walked through the knee-deep snow and saw a clearing. His eyes lit up, because he knew immediately that it was the clearing where he and Yuki made snowmen.
When they arrived at the clearing, Taizen brushed off a snow-covered, stone bench and set Yuki down. He noticed that she was blushing. "Are you cold or not feeling well?" Taizen asked. Yuki looked down and thought, 'He sure is sly; using my sprained ankle as an excuse to carry me.'
"Yuki?" he asked, waiting for a reply. "Oh, no! I'm fine!" Yuki smiled and waved her hands in front of her.
Yuki started making a round head out of snow and Taizen shaped the two, round snow balls for the body. When it was finished, they put the face and hands on. Taizen touched the snowman and it started to turn into ice. "Now it can stay here longer," he explained. "Yeah," Yuki said, as if in a a dream.
'I have to tell her how I feel,' Taizen thought. "Yuki, I-" he began, when Yuki stood up. Yuki had heard something in the woods and jumped up. She started running away from the clearing and into the woods. "Yuki?!" Taizen called in surprise. "I heard something!" Yuki called back.
'How am I running like this?' Yuki thought. She found herself running down a path that was lightly covered with snow. She stopped and listened; she heard a flute and realized whose it was. Then, a lighter flute joined it. 'Hoshi? Fox? What are they doing out here?' She walked a little bit more and the sounds faded away.
Yuki felt that someone was watching her. She kept walking, despite the suspicion, until she knew that someone was directly behind her.
Yuki turned around and in surprise, yelped when she saw Hoshi. He had a long kusanagi on his back and struck Yuki with his hand. She started to fall to the snow and thought, 'What's going on?!'
Hoshi bent down and checked to see if she was unconscious; she was. He picked her up and put her over his shoulder.
By now, Taizen was looking for Yuki. He found footprints. 'Yuki's...' he perceived. He followed them and stopped where they ended.
He was about to call Yuki again, when Hoshi sprung out of nowhere and jumped onto Taizen. Hoshi drew his sword and Taizen grabbed Hoshi's hand with his free arm.
Taizen began using his newly acquired ice power and the ice crept up Hoshi's arm. Hoshi noticed the ice and blinded Taizen with his power, 'Metsuki no Hi'.
The light from his eyes had flashed and Taizen's eyes were in pain. "GACK!" he screamed.
Hoshi was about to run him through with his sword when Kei intervened. "Brother, no!" Kei yelled. Hoshi hit Taizen in the head with the hilt of his blade and stood up.
"You've grown, little brother," Hoshi taunted. Kei was now eighteen-years-old and quite tall for his age, at almost six feet tall.
"Hoshi, why are you doing this" Kei asked. Hoshi looked over at Fox, who was behind him, carrying Yuki.
"Yuki! Why?! No, you can't think of using her for her power!" Kei lectured his elder brother in dismay. Hoshi had a blank expression.
"I don't care about anyone. I'm going to destroy all of the villages," Hoshi said, smirking. "No!" Kei shouted. Hoshi continued, "There's nothing you or anyone can do about it. Her power is all we need to complete the Clan of Desperado. Soon, nothing will be able to stop us. See you later, Kei." He blinded Kei and left with Fox and Yuki.
When Kei could see again, he was very angry. He saw a large, maple tree and punched its trunk. Black sparks flew off of it and Kei removed his fist. He was surprised that he had left a giant hole in the tree.
"They took Yuki. Didn't they?" Kei heard Taizen ask. He turned around to face Taizen. Kei hung his head. "Yes," he replied, "I wasn't strong enough!"
"August sixth," Taizen murmured. "What?" "August sixth; Yuki's birthday. She turned seventeen tody." "I know." "Why would it be on her seventeenth birthday? Hoshi obviously told them, but its strange...exactly seventeen days from her father's death. Someone has to like the number seventeen and that person is very crazy that's behind this." "Yes, you're right..." Kei agreed.

* * *

After a long walk down the road, Taizen toppled over sideways. "Taizen, are you okay?!" Kei asked. Taizen didn't answer and his eyelids were barely opened.
Kei noticed a scratch on Taizen's head that was turning into a wound. 'Oh, no... The kusanagi's hilt had poison that decays flesh!,' Kei recalled that his brother had dipped his kusanagi hilt in that poison for a while.
A lady with blue, unkempt, shoulder-length hair and red eyes came walking down the road. She had a darker blue, robe-like dress on.
"Oh, dear. Is he alright?" the lady asked, rushing over to them. She bent down to look at Taizen's wound. Kei replied, "No, he has a poisoned head wound. Are you familiar with the poison that decays flesh?" The lady looked up at him, "Of course, medicines and poisons are my specialty."
The lady happened to have a brown supply belt on. She took out a small glass of green liquid. She poured some onto the wound and it appeared to heal instantly.
"He may stay in this state for some time. It's better to get him out of this cold," she said. Kei agreed and found a nearby hollow in the side of a hill.
The lady helped him carry Taizen inside and they laid him down. Kei took off his coat and put it on Taizen. Then, the lady touched Taizen's forehead and said, "He will be fine."
Kei was relieved and said, "Thank you." "My pleasure,Kei," she replied. "How did you know my name?" "Well, I've heard some people call you that. By the way... I'm Sardis Vagilis. I've been looking for my younger, Toby. His real name is Tobyus, but I call him Toby as a nickname."
Sardis stood up quietly and began to leave. "I'll look for your brother too and if I find him, I'll let you know," Kei said. "Thank you!" Sardis smiled sweetly, but not seen by Kei, she had a triumphant, evil smirk on her face when she finally left.
"Your face is red," Taizen spoke. "What? What?! Taizen?!" Kei touched his face in alarm. "Just kidding," Taizen chuckled.
"You were awake the whole time?!" Kei questioned. "Mm, maybe..." Taizen said. Kei sweat-dropped, "Are you feeling better?" "Yep," Taizen replied.
They left and started back towards the Snow Sato. They were going to tell the advisors what had happened to Yuki and possibly send out a rescue team.
Once in the Sato Square, Kei and Taizen started looking for Toby. "I give up," Taizen said. "Wha-?! So quickly! We just got here!" Kei growled.
Just then, a thirteen-year-old kid ran into Taizen and knocked him down. The kid, with shoulder-length, dark-green hair, helped Taizen up.
"You're pretty strong," Taizen told the boy. The kid looked scared and hid behind him. "Why're you hiding?" Taizen asked.

Chapter II- New Powers & New Enemies

The kid pointed forward at a very large man and a white-haired woman. The two people came walking towards them from a street.
"EEP!" the boy squeaked, hiding behind Taizen. "Are they your parents?" Taizen asked. The kid didn't get to answer, because the woman yelled, "Toby! Come Here! We have been searching for you everywhere!." "You're not my boss!" Toby yelled back.
"AH! You insolent child!" the woman screamed. "Are you his parents?" Taizen asked. "Of course not! His parents are dead," she replied. Taizen looked down at the kid, then, he turned back to the woman, "What do you want with him then?"
The woman was annoyed now. The man with her whispered, "Let's hurry and get him back to the empress, Marinta."
Marinta composed herself and snatched Toby's hand. She was so fast that Taizen couldn't hardly see her move. Her white, curly, moderately-long hair flashed like a streak of lightning.
"Let go!" Toby yelled. When Marinta only tightened her grip on his hand, he screamed, "Dageki! help!"
A giant, steel dragon fell from the sky and shook the ground when it landed. Marinta fell from the quake.
Taizen and Kei stood in awe of the dragon while Toby jumped onto it. "Heh! I'm not going back with YOU, Marinta!" Toby laughed in triumph. As she stood up, Marinta threatened, "Get down here now or I'll come up there and drag you off."
"Hey..." Taizen began to say. "Stay out of this," the large man said, throwing Taizen and Kei backward with one swipe of his arm. "You are not our concern," he said gruffly.
"Someone needs to teach him some manners," Kei said, pulling out his dual-edge katana. Taizen grinned.
Toby was going crazy now and he was destroying everything as he tried to defeat Marinta and the big man, Jakto. "He's destroying the Sato! We have to end this madness!" Kei told Taizen. Taizen nodded in agreement. Kei went to stop Marinta and Taizen went to stop Jakto.
Taizen walked up to Jakto. "Where are your weapons, kid?" he spat out. He charged forward and Taizen smirked. Jakto didn't see that Taizen's hand was gathering a mass of purple energy. 'What an idiot; charging like that,' thought Taizen. Then, a gush of wind blew up and Taizen's eyes turned purple. As Jakto had almost gotten over to Taizen, Taizen whisked his hand out and hit Jakto. The impact smashed Jakto's chest and he flew backwards.
Taizen turned to see how Kei's battle was going and was shocked to see him on the ground with Marinta standing on him. Kei had a scowl spread across his face and Marinta looked as evil as she could. Marinta looked straight at Taizen and said, "Stop fighting us or I'll kill him." "No!" Toby yelled. Dageki took a step closer to Marinta and Kei felt and electric shock in his head. He grunted in pain and Toby stopped.
Footsteps. An army of footsteps sounded which made Taizen snap his head in their direction. From the left side of the Great Mountain, a herd of strong, ninja soldiers appeared. They had a variety of dastardly weapons that they either held or carried on their backs.
Taizen gritted his teeth together and yelled as he shot out a large, purple force from his body. "No!" Marinta screamed, as all of the soldiers toppled backwards like dominoes. This distraction gave Toby the chance to land an attack on Marinta and he took it. Her eyes widened when she saw a large, metal paw headed her way. She was thrown about thirty yards away and landed on top of Jakto.
Taizen helped Kei onto Toby's dragon and they swiftly left the scene. "Good job, kid!" Taizen told Toby. Toby was shocked, then, he smiled a giant smile and gave a thumbs-up. "Heh!Heh!Yeah, you too!"

* * *

Yuki woke up to find herself chained to a chair. She frowned and tried to escape the metal links, but to no avail.
'Where am I?' she thought, 'I've got to get out of here. *sigh* I guess I'll have to use my power to get out.' Her hair began to turn blue and she would have used her power to freeze the chains, but, suddenly, the chains fell off.
"Huh?" 'What is this?' Yuki jumped up and looked around. She spotted someone in the loft of the building she was in, that looked like an old sanctuary. Yuki lowered her gaze, so as not to alert the person of her knowledge of his whereabouts.
Fox landed behind Yuki, quietly. Yuki turned around and tried to land a punch on him, but he was too quick. He twirled about and kicked toward her head. She ducked and punched him in the face.
Fox brushed off his face with his sleeve. "This is POINTLESS. I just wanted to talk to you," he explained. "Talk? Move like, brainwash!" Yuki exclaimed. "What?! I would never think like that!" Fox grinned evilly, "Your father couldn't escape Ganjou Hoshi's wrath. He wasn't brainwashed and just knelt before Ganjou Hoshi, accepting his fate!"
'Is he trying to make me mad so I'll use my power?' Yuki thought. She frowned and yelled, "My father did what he could! Of course he couldn't escape and he couldn't fight back, because he didn't have a weapon! That's so low for someone to kill and unarmed person!"
"Whatever..." Fox said. Yuki got mad, "You idiot! You used to be our friend! Why did you turn to the wrong?!" "That's none of your business," he said.
Yuki got mad and used her secret , new-found power. "Now we're talking!" Fox said and started laughing. His skin turned completely black and he had white, glowing eyes. Yuki was glowing and she had rainbow-colored sparkles flitting around her.
As Yuki and Fox clashed forces, bright black and white sparks flew everywhere. Yuki struggled hard to win, but Fox finally struck a blow to Yuki's leg, wounding it badly.
Yuki now sat on the floor, with her leg covered in blood that came out of the wound. As Fox cam toward her, she scooted back. He kept coming closer and she was scooting slower and slower, until a large collision shattered the large window of the sanctuary.
The fight ceased as both heads turned to see what had happened. Taizen descended lightly and swiftly from the steel beast.
Fox quirked an eyebrow and smirked. "Come on. Fight me, Taizen," he spat out the name. "Why? What's the point?" was the reply. Kei, Toby, and Yuki gasped at this sudden answer.
Now it was Taizen whom was grinning evilly. "Taizen, wh-" Yuki was cut off. "I don't care about helping out the Snow Sato anymore. I could care less about what happens to it, everyone in and around it, and most of all... you, Yuki. Yuki couldn't believe what Taizen was saying.
"Taizen! You can't mean that!" "Oh, yes... I do," he answered. Yuki was horror-stricken.
Kei did not have to ask why Taizen was doing this, he knew Taizen had been poisoned. 'It was that so-called medicine that that Sardis lady used. Wait a second... She said she was skilled in medicine and poison, but... she never said what she used on Taizen!' Kei thought and his head began to pound rapidly, 'No! It's all my fault! I wasn't strong enough.'
Kei tried to get up but his recent wounds kept him from doing so. "Taizen!" he tried instead, "Sardis poisoned you!" Taizen's facial features were darkened by shadow now and he retorted, "I don't know what you're saying and I don't care," Taizen said, "I'm going to join the Clan of Desperado. I won't be stopped and besides," he brushed his bangs up in the air, "you're both too wounded to fight me or Fox."
Toby got angry at that and had Dageki swipe his paw towards the two Clan of Desperado followers. Taizen destroyed the dragon's arm with some new force, making the dragon crash backwards. This action left Kei and Toby sprawled in the dirt. Fox threw the energy-blown Toby onto his back and left. Taizen glanced back at Yuki; she was now glaring at him, propped up on her elbows.
Her face showed that she was scared. Taizen flashed back over to her, knocking her back down, and he locked a kiss with her. Yuki's eyes grew wide and she blushed.
"Please, don't go, Taizen!" she cried. Taizen glared at her and said, "No way. If you love me, then join me." "I... can't," she said looking away. "Too bad. You don't love me, after all," he said. Yuki was shocked and, then, he hit her on the back of the neck and left.

* * *

"Yuki," someone said, shaking her gently. "Yuki."
She slowly opened her eyes and saw Kei's face right in hers. "Kei!" Yuki blushed a bit, then hugged him. "Yuki?" now Kei blushed and also winced. "Oh, sorry," she said. "It's... uh... okay," he replied, "What happened?"
This question made Yuki remember what Taizen had done and said. Now, she started to sob softly, "Taizen; he's... gone. I don't remember any more." Kei felt downstruck, seeing Yuki this way, and he gave her a hug. 'What am I doing? I'm not usually this friendly,' he told himself. Yuki pulled away and said, "Kei, you have Amai. Don't try to help me feel better. Okay?" Kei wiped her tears away and said, "Okay."
Yuki staggered up and gazed amongst the rubble. She saw Dageki and ran behind Kei. "Yuki!" he yelped when she sunk her fingers into his arms. "Th-That's a-a... dragon!" she exclaimed. Kei sweat-dropped and told her the whole story.
When he was finished, Yuki was staring at him with intent eyes. She realized the story was over when Kei rubbed his neck, saying, "Uh, Yuki... I said it was the end." "Oh, sorry!" Yuki looked away, embarrassed.
Kei sighed and abruptly stood. "Come on. We need to get back to the Sato," he stated. "Yuki nodded. She got up from her sitting position.
Dageki still had a blown off arm and Yuki noticed this. "Oh, you poor thing!" Yuki hugged the dragon's only forepaw. Kei sweat-dropped. 'I thought she was afraid of it,' he thought.
Yuki touched the dragon's wound and his paw rematerialized. "There. All better," she grinned.
She turned to Kei, "Are you hurt, Kei?" "Hm? No... UH!" he tried to lie, but then his ribs started to spasm. He recalled that Marinta had stepped on him earlier, crushing his rib cage.
"Kei! You are hurt! Don't lie to me like that!" Yuki scolded. "No. Really, I'm fine," Kei protested.
Yuki didn't listen to him and walked up to him. "Yuki..." Kei said, "What are you planning?" "Nothing," Yuki had a deviant smile on her face, as she walked up to him.
"Yuki..." Yuki quickly gave Kei a hug and wouldn't let go. "Yuki, let go," Kei said. "No." Kei was annoyed at her arrogance and tried to push her away. "Wait," she said. So, Kei stood still and waited.
When Yuki let go of him, she said, "All better," now putting on a silly smile. Kei blushed instantly and started yelling, "Yuki! Don't do that! You scare me!" Yuki burst into laughter. "Don't laugh!" "Sorry! It's too funny!" "What?" "Your face!" "What?! Yuki, you're embarrassing me!"
Yuki kept giggling and said, "Well, does it feel better now?" "Uh... yes. Thank you," Kei said. "I'm happy to help!" Yuki smiled. Then, she began to feel dizzy and swayed back and forth.
"Yuki?!" Kei caught her before she fell. He looked at her face and thought, 'She must have used to much energy. How can she be so happy at a time like this? Yuki...'
Then, Kei fell over and Dageki caught them. Kei winced, 'My ribs still haven't completely recovered, although she healed them.' "AHH!" Kei screamed and clenched his head. Dageki hesitated to put Yuki on his back, but did so and also felt concern for Kei.
Kei fell on the ground and electric started zapping out of his eyes. Apparently, the major beatings he had taken activated his 'Metsuki no Hi'. The transformation left Kei out cold.
Dageki snorted a sigh and placed Kei carefully on his back as well. A steel plate, from the dragon's back, covered both of them. The plate was like a cocoon and contained a healing substance to help their wounds heal.
The dragon flew off toward the Snow Sato. He had to get there quickly, before a snow storm, which he could sense was coming, set in.

* * *

Taizen and Fox reached the icy castle of the Clan of Desperado that was ruled by the Desperado Empress. It looked as if the castle was broken apart in one section, but the rest seemed to be intact. The glistening castle was atop a mountain and the mountain had a hole in it that did not go through the other side.
Entering the hole in the mountain, the two walked up a very tall flight of stairs. When they got to the top, they opened a white door and went inside.
Taizen shook off the snow that had fallen onto his hair and followed Fox down a corridor. They arrived at a throne room that was enormous and bluish-white in tint. On the left of the throne, was a large, iced spot in the corner. Taizen noticed that an adolescent, about his own age was frozen upright, in the ice, with his eyes closed.
Empress Sardis or Sardis Vagilis was at her throne and noticed Taizen trying to figure out who the frozen person was. "That's my younger brother, Rax," she explained. "Hm... So, you had him frozen, because he was a threat to your Clan of Desperado..." Taizen finished. "Yes, quite thoughtful," Sardis replied, clearly impressed with his observance.
"What do I do with Toby?" Fox asked. Sardis face twisted into a frown, "Take him to the dungeon," she ordered. Fox grinned and looked down at Toby, "Ya' hear that? Your favorite playroom." "NOOO!!!" Toby screamed. Taizen cocked an eyebrow and Fox just shrugged, dragging Toby, by the wrist, out the door. "Sardis!!" Toby begged, then, the door slammed shut.
Sardis sweat-dropped. Taizen forced back a smile that tugged at his face. Sardis stood and walked over to Rax, in his frozen disposition. "Little brothers are such pains," she seethed. "Yeah, so are little sisters," Taizen added.
"Your room is five doors down the hall," Sardis informed. Taizen bowed and left.
Sardis turned back to her brother and placed her hand on the ice. "Soon, I'll have the power to destroy you," she said and cackled loudly.

* * *

Dageki arrived at the Snow Sato and decided not to go to the Sato Square, because it was still being repaired and wasn't safe. He, instead, landed at the medical side of the Sato castle.
Amai came rushing out with Taizen's pet ferret, Koicho. Dageki removed the protective cocoons and helped Kei and Yuki off of his back.
'Kei... with Yuki... Taizen's not with them!" Amai thought. She watched as Kei took Yuki from Dageki into his arms. Then, she noticed Kei's worried look as he stroked Yuki's cheek with the back of his hand.
Amai now had steam blowing out her ears and her face was red. Kei looked up and tried to smile at Amai, despite his injuries; he failed to make her smile back and she ran off crying.
"Amai!" Kei called. He glanced down at Yuki, then back to the bawling Amai.
Luckily, a nurse ran out and took Yuki inside. Kei nodded to the lady and ran after Amai.
Now in the woods, Kei began to gain on the clumsy Amai. "Amai!" "Get out of my sight! Stop following me!" "Amai!" Kei yelled, a bit unnerved.
He caught up to her and they both tripped when he grabbed her sleeve. They fell onto the snow-covered ground and Kei said, "Amai! Listen to me!" "Get away from me! I hate you! You're a traitor! Amai cried. Kei replied, "What traitor? Me? Taizen betrayed the Sato!" "Well, you betrayed me! You said that you loved me! You really love Yuki!" she retorted back. Kei was shocked at what she said.
They paused for a moment, staring at each other. Then, Amai broke the silence, yelling, "Let me go!" Kei stood up and said, "I'm sorry. Here, let me help you." He reached for her hand, but she stood up and slapped him in the face. She had slapped him so hard that he fell back onto the snow. Now, her felt his rib injuries again and winced, clutching his sides.
Amai spun around and tried to run off again, but she tripped again, this time over a frozen tree root. She got up and started to run again. "Amai!" Kei's voice echoed through the forest. She glanced back and saw him in his horrible state. She pictured him dying and felt bad. With tears in her eyes, she stopped and turned back briefly.
"Amari Soshite Hanpatsu," she said, using her magic. The magic healed Kei completely and put him to sleep so she could escape.
"Amai..." Kei mumbled as he began to fall asleep. He watched her run away and his vision went black.
* * *

Amai had been running non-stop in a direction she didn't know. It took her an about five hours to get... somewhere. She figured that she was still in the Cold Region, because there was still snow, but she was really in the Forest Sato territory.
Amai had used most of her energy and fell down at someone's feet. Her cheek burnt when she felt the cold snow against it. She closed her eyes and let darkness overtake her.

* * *
Kei awoke and found himself in a hospital bed. He glanced around, wondering where everyone was.
He got off the bed quickly and Yuki came walking in. She saw him wobbling back and forth. He noticed her and thought, 'Oh, no. Here it comes.'
Yuki sweat-dropped and started scolding him immediately, "Kei, you need to stay in bed! You're going to hurt yourself!" "I can't! I have to find Amai!" "Kei!" she said with a tight throat, "She's not coming back."
Yuki held up a note from Amai and gave it to Kei. He read it and Yuki said, "See? She said she'll have no choice, but to kill you if you try to interfere."
"How could she join Taizen with the Clan of Desperado?" he asked, looking down at the ground. "She said she knew that Taizen had to have had a good reason to leave and that she was getting annoyed with this Sato," Yuki said softly.
Kei was very angry now and his eyes faded to his 'sun eyes' or 'Metsuki no Hi'. The 'Metsuki no Hi' had various powers, even though its main effect was to temporarily blind. In this instance, it made Yuki start getting dizzy as she gazed into Kei's eyes. Yuki tried to shut her eyes and cried, "Kei! Please, stop!"

Chapter 3- A New Ganjou Arrives

Kei realized what he was doing and turned the eyes off. "I'm sorry, Yuki," he apologized. Yuki was crying and Kei felt that it was his fault.
Yuki was whimpering on the floor and Kei walked over to her, pulling her into a hug. This action from Kei surprised Yuki. 'Kei...?' she thought.
He repeated himself, "I'm sorry, Yuki." He wiped the tears off of her cheek with the back of his hand and smiled at her. She sheepishly smiled in return.
Kei was glad now that Yuki was feeling happier. He decided to ask her something that he knew would be okay, since Amai hated him now, "Yuki..." "Yes...?" she gazed at his face and he looked away.
"Will... Will you... Will you be my girlfriend?" Kei stuttered. Yuki's eyes were wide open and she didn't know what to say.
"Yuki... Please... I love you," Kei said, moving closer to her when she backed away. "I..." she really didn't know what to say.
"Do you feel the same way about me?" he asked. Yuki clenched her hand and thought, 'What I feel? I... like Kei a lot, but how do I feel towards him?'
"I love you, Kei..." she said. Yuki felt that she had acted stupid and smiled. "Of course, I'll be your girlfriend!" she threw her arms out and hugged him. Accidentally, though, she went forward too far and ended up kissing him.
Both of their faces turned red and he asked, "Does this mean I'm forgiven?" "Yes..." Yuki blushed more when he leaned forward and kissed her cheek.
Yuki abruptly stood up, with her hand outspread and said, "Come on! We're having a replacement Ganjou come here today! She's going to fill in for me until I become old enough to be Ganjou." Kei took her hand and pulled Kei up. Then, they exited the hospital.
On the way to the Sato Square, Kei and Yuki met up with Futeki. "Hi, Futeki!" Yuki said. "Oh, hi, Yuki, Kei. Are you going to meet the new Ganjou too?" she asked. "Yes!" Yuki smiled.
Almost everyone was standing in the street. The people of the Snow Sato were chattering happily , awaiting the arrival of their new leader.
The cart was thought to be very fancy, but everyone stood confused when a small, hay cart arrived, containing a farmer. The farmer stood up in the cart and announced, in a squeaky voice, "Dear Villagers of the Snow Sato! I bring you your new Ganjou, Lady Emerarudo!" In response, a red-haired woman with, in green robes, arose from the back of the cart. She stood on top of the hay and bowed. She appeared to be in her thirties and had mysterious green eyes.
The announcer continued, "She comes to you from the Emerald Sato. She is a bit hard to cont-" "AHEM!" she cut in. The farmer shrunk down and continued, "She is a very good selection for a leader. Thank you." The farmer bowed to the people and sat down.
Now, Lady Emerarudo spoke. She looked so majestic and beautiful, even on a haystack. "My dear people, I would like to thank you for asking me to come fill in as Ganjou until Lady Yuki is of age. I have met Ganjou Mitsukai in the Water Sato once before; he was a very respectable man. I am honored to come here," she said.
Everyone was speechless at her great conduct and how she used words so smoothly. Lady Emerarudo saw some advisors coming from the back of the crowd and she jumped down in an unlady-like manner. She landed gracefully, her fiery ponytail trailing behind her.
Kei and Yuki had only been in the Sato Square to hear the speech for a couple of minutes, because they had been late, due to the tight crowd. They watched as the Ganjou and the advisors exchanged bows. Then, they left to go to the palace.
"Let's help them get there faster," Yuki said to Kei. Kei nodded. Yuki used telepathic magic to call Dageki to her.
Dageki had heard what she had to say and flew down to them. Yuki told him what she wanted to do and Dageki bowed his head in agreement.
Yuki, with Kei following close behind her, ran over to Lady Emerarudo. She saw them coming and asked the advisors to stop. "Yes?" she asked Yuki. "I- I was wondering... if you'd like the dragon to take you up to the palace; it'd be much faster," Yuki pointed to Dageki. "Er... Lady Yuki... we-" an advisor began, when the Ganjou interrupted,"Of course, Yuki. Thank you." Yuki smiled.
They all got onto Dageki's back and he flew up to the Sato palace. "Thank you, Yuki, Kei, and Dageki," the Ganjou responded after they reached the top. "Huh?!" Yuki was surprised.
The Ganjou chuckled. "I can read minds, Yuki," the Ganjou stroked Yuki's cheek. "Oh," Yuki said, now feeling rather dumb. "It's okay," the elder lady consoled.
Kei appeared next to Yuki when the
Ganjou and advisors had gone into the palace. Yuki gasped when she felt Kei holding her hand. She looked up at him and he smiled down at her, squeezing her hand a little. Yuki's face blushed slightly and she momentarily saw Kei as Taizen. Yuki made an embarrassed smile and ran away from Kei. Kei was stunned. Where was Yuki going?
Kei then feared that Yuki would leave like Amai had. He clenched his fists and started running after her.
Yuki had already run far into the forest and Kei ran after her as quickly as he could. 'Yuki!' he thought, frantically.
When Kei finally caught up to Yuki, he found her sitting in the snow on her knees. She had her face buried in her hands and she cried softly.
Kei slowly began to walk up to Yuki. She turned her head to him and got up, beginning to run away from him again. "Yuki! No!" he yelled and ran to her before she got away. He caught her arm and pulled her back. He hugged her shoulders as he stood behind her. "Don't leave me... like Amai did," Kei said, for once, sounding like he would break down.
Yuki's eyes fell. "Kei... I wasn't running away," she said. She didn't want Kei to think she would ever run away. "Huh? Then, why did you run?" he asked. "I- I didn't want you to see me cry," she said.
"Yuki... It's okay. You can cray in front of me. What made you cry anyway?" he said. Yuki looked out at the snowy forest; she didn't want to answer him on that question.
Kei turned her around to face him and saw that she had tears in her eyes. "Yuki..." he brushed the tears off of her face and leaned into her face. He pulled her head forward and kissed her.
When Kei pulled away, he saw that Yuki looked unconscious, which made him worried. "Yuki! Yuki! Can you hear me?" he asked. He obtained no response, but noticed she was still breathing.
'She must be exhausted. It's just like her to not get enough rest,' he thought, smiling. She was beautifully calm when she was asleep.
Kei picked her up and went back to the palace. He jumped in through her bedroom window quietly.
Kei laid her down on her bed and put her covers on her. He kissed the top of her head gently, stroking her bangs away from her face. Then, he left the room when he heard someone coming.
Futeki had been walking by and felt that someone was in Yuki's room. She cautiously opened the door and walked in. The blind girl knew Yuki was there, but the other person was gone.
"Yuki..." Futeki whispered with concern. She left to go get some food for Yuki and shut the door.
Kei was outside the window and looked back through the window at his sleeping love. "Goodbye for a while. Yuki..." he said, leaving a note on the windowsill. He jumped off and left.

* * *

'Yuki...' "AH! Kei?!" Yuki jumped up out of bed, but she didn't see Kei. 'How'd I get back here?'
Yuki saw that it was morning and she was sad because she wanted to see Kei. 'Where did he go? I'll just go look for him. Usually, he'd leave a note, but...'
She ran out of her room and tripped down the stairs. She landed at Lady Emerarudo's feet.
"Oh, Yuki..." the Ganjou said in surprise. "Hello!" Yuki grinned and ran off. 'What an odd girl...' the Ganjou thought and shrugged.
Yuki was running crazy when she ran into Futeki. "Oh... Hi, Futeki!" Yuki smiled. "Where are you going?" Futeki asked. "Oh, I'm looking for Kei," said Yuki.
"Yuki... Kei went back home. He left a note," Futeki explained, handing Yuki the note. Yuki read it and her eyebrows shot up. "What?! He just went home like that?! He didn't even say goodbye!" she exclaimed, "I have to go!" "Maybe he had something important to take care of," Futeki suggested. "No! I'm going to go talk to him!" Yuki said. She ran out the door like a wild person and Futeki sighed.
While on the road, that she was now running on, Yuki started to get furious. 'He didn't want me to leave him and HE left! GRR! He is in so much trouble!' "You, JERK!" Yuki yelled out.
"What? I'm a jerk?" a voice queried. "Wha- Who's there?" Yuki now questioned.
A young man, about Kei's age, came out of the bushes; he had blue,spiky hair and some of it hung in his face. He brushed his hair away from his face. He looked like a soldier, but a little bit stranger, more like an elf. His eyes were the color of amber and his ears were slightly pointed. His skin was very light, his build was slightly slender, but muscular, and he was quite handsome.
Not to be deceived by appearances, Yuki asked, "Who are you?" "Oh. I'm Ookami and I'm going to meet up with my sister, Ki Tanken," he answered. Yuki blinked in surprise that he would tell her so much information.
"You know, it is polite to state your name too," Ookami said. "EH?!" she sounded. She looked pretty stupid and said, "Y-Yuki Mitsukai." "Where are you headed, Yuki?" he asked. "To the Sun Sato." "Ah! I'm going the same way! I'll walk you there," he offered, which was more like a command. He took her hand and she followed.
"So... Why are you going to the Sun Sato? Do you have business there?" Ookami asked. Yuki blushed and looked down at the ground. "Oh, sorry. I didn't mean to pry," he replied, smiling. "That's okay... I'll tell you. I-" she began when Ookami grabbed her and jumped sideways. "Hey!" Yuki yelled. She was mad, but saw that he had dodged a kunai. "Oh...Th- Thanks," she said.
"Ha! So idiotic!" a voice taunted. Ookami and Yuki looked back and forth, seeing no one. Ookami could tell the unknown voices' location, because of his ears, but he didn't see anyone.
An older girl jumped down from a short cliff in the forest and landed like a cat. She had long, turquoise hair and red eyes that stood out with her porcelain white complexion She was quite thin, which was obvious, due to the fact of her tight, black and turquoise, corset-like dress.
A different girl jumped down next to her; she had long, caramel-colored hair, matching red eyes and white skin. She also had a corset-like dress that was black and red.
"Who are you?!" Yuki yelled. Both girls grinned strangely. The first girl said, "I am Ezulina and this is my twin, Romè. We're ninth and tenth in the Clan of Desperado."
"What?! Why're you here?!" Yuki yelled. Ookami put his arm in front of Yuki. "I'll deal with this," he said. "But I-" "Yuki, I'll take care of this," he interrupted.
"We're supposed to bring her in, you know?" Ezulina grinned. "What, Will, You, Do?" Romè grinned.
"Why? Sardis has gone pretty far!" Ookami yelled, pulling out a retractable staff. Romè and Ezulina kept grinning and claws sprouted from the gauntlets on their wrists. They twirled around and laughed, waiting for their opponent to strike.
Ezulina started attacking Ookami and Romè appeared to be fighting him, but she was using an illusion. Romè jumped down behind Yuki and grabbed her around the neck, saying, "Make one noise and I'll disobey orders to keep you alive. Just sit back and watch him die." Yuki was really mad and her hair started to turn ruby red; her eyes did as well.
"Wha-" Romè started, when Yuki emitted a red power from her whole body. Romè was shot back into the woods and was hurt badly. "What did you do to her?!" Ezulina yelled and threw a flash bomb. She ran to her sister, "We'll be back," she told Yuki and Ookami. Then, the two girls were gone.
"I see you don't really need my help," Ookami stated, with an astonished face. Yuki was dazed and stood up, swaying back and forth. Then, it happened, Yuki fell over, exhausted from the power she had just used.
"Yuki! Are you alright?!" Ookami ran over to her. 'I wonder why she collapsed... When Kit Tanken and I use it...' Ookami thought. He decided to take her to the meeting place first, because Ki Tanken could help her. He picked Yuki up and leapt off the ground, cutting through the air.

* * *

"Hey! Taizen!" Fox said casually. "Hm?" Taizen turned in his seat to see Fox. "Amai..." Taizen muttered. "Oh, so you know her?" Fox nodded to Amai in his arms. "My sister..." Taizen sounded as if he was trying to keep his anger down. "Oh, I forgot," said Fox.
Amai's eyes fluttered open and she looked up, seeing Fox. "Fox?" she blushed and for some strange reason, Fox did too. He put her down.
"What are you doing here?" Taizen asked Amai. "I... Uh... Wanted to leave too. You must have had a good reason to leave," Amai explained. Taizen started laughing evilly.
"You don't know anything. Go back home," Taizen spat; his words cut like a knife. Amai started to cry, "I'm staying anyway!"
Taizen took out a kunai and aimed it at Amai. "Taizen... Don't do anything you'll regret," Fox warned, stepping in front of Amai. Amai was surprised that Fox would protect her and that Taizen would try to harm her.
Taizen grinned and flipped the kunai in his hand. "Whatever, I don't care about her," he said. Fox frowned and Amai went running off. Fox started to go after her when Taizen said, "Hey, Fox..." Fox turned around. "What?" he shot. Taizen threw the kunai and it flew past Fox's ear into the doorpost. "You trying to kill me?!" Fox threw a tantrum. He pulled it out of the post and tossed it back at Taizen. "You're getting out of hand," Fox said, "Watch it or I may have to fight you." He left the room quickly to look for Amai. Taizen was very annoyed now and left to find Hoshi.

* * *

Hoshi thought of the meeting he had just been in; Sardis wanted him to bring many more specimens to collect power to destroy her brother, Rax. She didn't know of Hoshi and Fox's plan to overthrow her. Hoshi was pleased that she was so clueless.
Anyway, he snuck into the throne room and stared at Rax, thinking of a plan to get him out. Hoshi activated the 'Metsuki no Hi'. His eyes brightened and he concentrated the light around Rax. The black-haired adolescent fell out of the ice and Hoshi caught him.
Hoshi knew it would take a while for Rax to be fully conscious. So, he laid him over his shoulder and slipped out a hidden exit.
When Hoshi had gotten far enough away from the castle, he set Rax down on the snow. the cold snow touching his neck made Rax slowly open his eyes. Hoshi swiftly placed his hand over Rax's eyes, because Rax would go blind from the sunlight.
"Who are you? Why did you save me?" Rax asked. Hoshi thought of what to say. "Sardis is going to be overthrown. I don't really work for her," he replied. "Hoshi? Is it you?" Rax asked.
Marinta came looking for Hoshi outside. "Hoshi? Hoshi?" she called. Hoshi threw his cape over Rax and himself. Rax tried to ask another question and Hoshi clamped his hand over his mouth.
"Hoshi!" Marinta sang out. Jakto came out of the castle and ran over to Marinta like a child. He picked her up in a hug. "Jakto! Let go of me!" she yelled. "But... I love you. Why don't you like me?" he asked as he put her down.
"Jakto..." she pulled his face down to hers and kissed his forehead. "You're sweet, but..." she punched his head into the ground. "I don't love you!" She started laughing like a maniac and drug Jakto back into the castle; she had obviously given up on searching for Hoshi.
Hoshi got up when they were gone. His cape was white, like snow, which is why he used it as a camouflage.
He ripped some cloth from his cape and bound it around Rax's eyes. "I have to get you out of here," said Hoshi. "Not without Tobyus and my weapon," Rax added. Hoshi sighed and consented.
The two went back into the castle through the dungeon. "Big brother?" Toby asked. Hoshi and Rax stopped in front of the cell Toby was in. Hoshi opened the door and walked in to get Toby out, bur Toby was scared of him and ran to the back wall. "Come, you must leave with your brother," Hoshi said. "Come on, Tobyus," Rax ordered.
Toby was unsure if his brother knew what he was doing. He ran past Hoshi and hugged his brother. Rax patted his head.
"Where's your weapon?" Hoshi asked. "In my room." "Okay. This should be easy; your room is in a vacant area of the castle and nobody even patrols around there," said Hoshi. "That's good. Then, I'll be quick," Rax said, seriously.
Hoshi and Toby helped Rax up the stairs and into the hall. Luckily, no one was there; they were probably all on missions for Sardis.
They walked down the hall and turned a corner into another hall. They finally stopped at a barred door.
Hoshi broke the bars with the 'Metsuki no Hi' and opened the door. Rax limped into his room and shut the door; Hoshi and Toby waited outside.
"I'm... scared," Toby whimpered. Hoshi suddenly felt sorry for the kid. "It's okay. Be brave," he told him. Toby looked up at him questioningly and ,then, he smiled.
Rax came out of his room. "Okay, let's go," he said. Hoshi quirked an eyebrow, "What kind of a weapon is that?" he asked. "It's the one I made," Rax replied, "Let's go."
"Don't you need help walking?" Hoshi asked. "No, I've got the hang of it now. No worries. We Forest Sato ninja can see by smells," Rax said. "We can?" Toby asked, closing his eyes and sniffing the air to test what his brother said. "Yeah, but you haven't been trained on how to use it yet. I'll show you later. Enough talking," Rax said quickly.
They began running down the hall and stopped close to the end of it when they saw Marinta. "Ah! Hoshi! I was looki- Hey... what is this?" she questioned awkwardly. "Get out of the way," Rax answered, pulling his sword out of the hilt and charging at Marinta. She yanked out her sword and lunged at him, but he crashed his blade down onto hers. Marinta's blade shattered into millions of pieces.
Marinta stared at her sword and asked in horror, "What are you?" "Your worst nightmare," Rax said and kicked her into the wall; the trio advanced forward.
Once they got out of the castle, they ran towards the forest. "Come back here!" Marinta yelled, following them. Hoshi flashed his eyes at Marinta and she fell down holding her face.
"UGH!" Rax grunted when he tripped over a root. Hoshi helped him up and they continued into the forest.
The trio soon came to a waterfall and stopped to rest. Toby was surprised that there could be a waterfall in the winter, because he had never seen one before.
Hoshi noticed Toby's amazement and responded, "Have you never seen a waterfall before?" "No. Ah... It's not that; I've just never seen a waterfall in the winter before," Toby explained. "Oh... Well, this is a popular waterfall; its name is 'Winter Fall', because it flows the strongest in the winter," Hoshi replied. "Strange," Toby whispered. Rax and Hoshi chuckled.
Becoming serious, Rax asked, "Does this mean we're close to the Snow Sato?" Hoshi nodded, "Yes. Sardis' castle lies next to the Snow Sato border, whish explains the snow in the Forest Sato."
Rax thought for a while, while they rested and Toby sat, staring at the waterfall. Hoshi thought up a plan to keep Rax and Toby away from Sardis.
Suddenly, Hoshi heard something and put his hand on the hilt of his sword. "What is it?" Rax asked, smelling the air. Toby looked up at Hoshi.
"Stay here. I'll go check it out," Hoshi said, going off into the forest. "Big brother, I want to help too!" Toby told Rax. Rax smiled and patted Toby's head, "Not this time. You need to be patient and wait for Hoshi to come back." Toby pouted.

* * *

When Hoshi got to where he thought the sound was coming from, he stopped and drew his sword. "Hey, Hoshi," someone said from behind him. Hoshi turned around to see Taizen, who stood with no weapon, but Hoshi noticed that his eyes were purple.
"Well, this is awkward; you turn me to Sardis and you betray her," Taizen said. "You won't stop me," Hoshi said. Taizen began laughing and his power emitted from his body.
Hoshi put some darts in his hand and jumped backward, throwing the darts at Taizen. Taizen didn't see or feel the darts, luckily, when they hit his neck.
Taizen began to charge at Hoshi and Hoshi blacked some power blasts that Taizen punched at him. Taizen's hair began to turn dark-purple and he grew spikes on his back.
Hoshi realized that Taizen's power was becoming uncontrollable, so he resolved to end Taizen's rampage as quickly as possible. Therefore, Hoshi punched Taizen in the stomach, which sent him flying backwards into the snow; Taizen's power started dying down.
Taizen was about to get up when Hoshi quickly ran over to him and hit a pressure point on his neck. "For your own good, I hope that power never comes out again," Hoshi said as Taizen went unconscious.

* * *

"Where's Hoshi? He should be back by now!" Toby whined. Rax didn't say anything and looked up. He sniffed the air and said, "He's almost here."
'I hope that poison works as an antidote to counteract the one Sardis used,' Hoshi thought. He could now see Rax and Toby waiting for him ahead.
"So, you actually waited for me?" Hoshi asked. Toby was annoyed and shouted, "Of course! You're our friend now and we don't run off and leave friends behind!"
Hoshi suddenly was shocked when he had a flashback of when he met Yuki and Taizen. Yuki had said, "You're our friend now and we don't run off and leave friends behind!" Taizen had agreed with her.
Rax stood up and said, "We should get to the Snow Sato before it gets dark." "Yes. Come on," Hoshi said, picking up Toby and putting him on his shoulders. Rax and Hoshi ran as fast as they could so they could make it as quickly as possible to the Snow Sato.

* * *

Meanwhile, Yuki had been taken to the meeting place of Ookami and Ki Tanken. "Is there anything we can do for her, so she doesn't end up like this every time she uses her power?" Ookami asked his sister.
Ki Tanken, a beautiful blonde-haired kunoichi, looked down at the sleeping Yuki with her crystal, blue eyes. "Was her hair this color before?" she asked. "No, it was purple; the same for her eyes," Ookami answered.
Ki Tanken opened Yuki's eyelids and said, "Look at this, Brother." Ookami was speechless, but said, "Her eyes?!" "Yes. I will treat her, but it will take time for her to recover," Ki Tanken replied, "For now, let her rest."

Chapter 4- Old Friends Reunite

"Mmm," Yuki groaned when a bright light stung her eyes through her eyelids. Yuki opened her eyes and sat up. Suddenly, she felt herself gasping for breath and laid back down.
'Where am I? Where are my clothes?' she thought. She looked around the room she was in and saw a set of crisp, folded clothes sitting on a chair by her bed.
After Yuki had managed to get the new clothes on, she carefully walked into a kitchen. Ookami and Ki Tanken came in at that moment and Yuki stared at them in question.
Ookami was about to speak when Yuki began to feel dizzy and held her head, while wobbling back and forth. She was about to fall down when someone caught her.
"Katsui?!" Ookami exclaimed, "When did you return from the Stone Sato?" The man, with purple-streaked, red hair, that caught Yuki gazed emotionlessly at her face and quietly replied, "Today."
Katsui than picked Yuki up in his arms. "Is she not the late Ganjou Mitsukai's daughter?" "Um... I guess; I never thought of that when she told me her name," Ookami said. "Ookami told me that her name is Yuki," Ki Tanken stated.
"She needs to rest," Katsui said. "Ah, yes... She was resting in that room until she woke up just now," Ki Tanken replied, waving her hand towards Yuki's room.
Without another word, Katsui took Yuki back into the room she was staying in. He came out silently, after he put her in her bed.
"What medicine did you use for her eyes?" Katsui asked Ki Tanken. "I used the 'Forest Herb Tonic'," she replied, "How did you know about her eyes?" He remained silent on that question and said, "I'll be back in an hour." Then, he left.
'Why didn't he answer me? It was a simple question,' Ki Tanken thought. She noticed Ookami was very solemn and asked, "Brother, what troubles you?" He looked up, "Why haven't we had her problem?" "I don't know." "Well, has Katsui had it?" "You should ask him if you want to know."
Ookami stood up and walked out of the house. Ki Tanken sighted and looked toward the room Yuki was in.

* * *

"We're finally here," Hoshi breathed. The three had finally made it to the Snow Sato and they were tired, because they had run the rest of the way.
"Let's go find Yuki," Hoshi said, walking towards the mountain that the Sato palace was on. Rax followed him and they went up to the palace.
Hoshi knocked on the door and Futeki answered it. "Hoshi?!" she exclaimed, starting to shut the door, but her reached out and held it open.
"Calm down, Futeki. I'm a spy of Lady Emerarudo's," he said. She was shocked and said, "I want proof."
Hoshi reached into his pocket and took out a green, emerald stone. He put it in her hand and she ran her fingers over it (she had to, because she was blind and used her sight through her fingers).
"O- Okay... You can come in, then," Futeki said, handing Hoshi's emerald back to him. "Can we see Yuki?" Toby asked, sleepily. "Lady Yuki is away at the moment," Futeki answered, "Lady Emerarudo is here, though."
"Where did Yuki go?" Hoshi asked. Futeki looked down, "She went to the Sun Sato yesterday, in search of Kei. We haven't heard from her yet. I hope something hasn't happened to her." "Did she go alone?" Hoshi asked in surprise. "Yes." "Then, I'll search for her," Hoshi replied. "I'm going too," Rax said, "Besides, I want to meet this Lady Yuki, because I have no idea who you're talking about." "Hm. Okay," Hoshi consented.
Hoshi and Rax went to see Lady Emerarudo in the throne room. Today, she had her long, red hair in a ponytail again and she was wearing a green, silk kimono.
"Welcome, Hoshi. How is your spying going?" she asked. "Exceptionally well, Milady, except, my cover has probably been blown now; Taizen Yaiba attacked me before we got here. I gave him a counteracting poison to make him forget and another one to get rid of another poison that he was poisoned with by Empress Sardis. Also, another of Sardis' minions attacked us before Taizen did and I erased her memory. We can only wait and see if I will be found out," said Hoshi and he bowed. "Good; I can't wait to read your report," the Ganjou replied.


Texte: The ownership of this book goes to Ai Kagi. *Used with permission.
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 20.06.2010

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