
The Beginning of the Worst



I wake up like any normal day but today is not a normal. My name is Samantha Hollis, I am in 9th grade (you can call me Sam or Sammy) and today is the day before my 16th birthday. I’m so excited but my dad has been kinda off lately. My mom passed away a long time ago but I don't know how because my dad doesn't like talking about it. I walk down stairs to eat breakfast and see my dad sitting at the table reading the newspaper.        He smiled at me and I said “ hey dad hows it going?” 

He replies huskily “oh nothing out of the ordinary.” 

I looked at him and smiled sweetly before saying “ dad what do you have planned for tomorrow... you do remember its my birthday right?”

“Oh of course! Sweat heart how can I forget about my only child?”

I laughed at that and just turned away blushing. I liked the fact of being the only child because then I get spoiled but don't get me wrong, I am not one of those brats. He looked at me and sighed and said “ I want to go to dinner tonight and talk about some things, that I feel since your old enough you can know.” I shook my head yes and went up stairs to get dressed for school.

I put my hair in a ponytail and some cute jeans and a red shirt. After I put my shirt on I slid my red Vans on. I went outside and walked to school since I only live like three blocks away. When I got to school I found my best friend Natalie. She was waiting for me with what I could see in her eyes was gossip. I love Natalie but she loves gossip way to much. She came up and said 

“OMG! Have you seen the new kid? He is SOOOOO HOT!” 

I laughed  saying “Yes cause I so did not just walk into school not even a minute ago.” She just looked at me with smirk. It made me laugh even harder. The bell rang for first period and me Natalie said our good byes until second period. When I walked into my first period which was home room I saw the new kid and I guess you can say he is cute but not absolutely hot. All the girls seemed to drool over him, I guess because they would have a new toy now. 

I didn't pay attention for the rest of the day because I was wondering about tomorrow. When I got home, I made some pizza rolls( which are the BOMB!!) and watched t.v. My dad walked in saying “get dressed we are leaving in thirty!” I got up and walked to my room to get changed. I striped down and went and got a quick hot shower. When I got out I blowed dried my hair and put on a super cute black dress with black and silver heels and silver accessories. I don't really need make up because I like my skin which is nice and tan. I don't have very big boobs but they are nice but I can say I do have a nice ass. I walked down stairs just as my dad had finished getting done. He looked at me and smiled “ You look very beautiful sweet heart.”

I smiled and kissed him on the cheek before saying “ Thank you dad you look very nice yourself.”

He just looked at me and laughed as we walked out to his car. I was awkward so I decided to break it by asking “how was your day? Mine was ok but to be honest i wasn't paying that much attention”

He laughed again and said “ Me either but it’s ok. 

When we arrived at the restaurant we ordered and talk about our day some more. After a while he began to look nervous so I asked “ what is wrong dad? And didn't you have to talk to me about something?”

He just looked at me and smiled tightly before saying “ Yes baby girl I do and I'm not entirely sure your gonna like it so keep it open minded. Tomorrow you life is gonna change and I don't know how your gonna take that change.” Right before he continued the waiter kept coming up and interrupting us so after we ate we decide to leave. When we were in the car my dad kept quiet. I guess so we can talk more at home. We passed the cemetery mom was buried at and then all of a sudden my dad started swerving and all I remember is us flipping and seeing people around us, pulling my dad out of the car and all I could do was scream until I blacked out.

A New Life and A New Day

When I woke up there were bright lights everywhere and they were so not helping my headache. I looked around and seen an unfamilar girl siting on the chair in the corner. She looked up at me and said "Wow your awake! Well hey I'm Katherine but you can call me Kat. Your Uncle Blake asked me to sit in here while they go pack your stuff." I just looked at her like she was crazy and asked "Why would they be packing my stuff? I live with my dad." She immediatly got up and walked out. A few seconds later the nurse walked in.

"Hey your awake. How do you feel?." she said smiling.

"I'm fine but where is my dad?" She lost her smile at the question and I began to worry. Tears started filling my eyes and everything became blurry.

"I'm so sorry Samantha but the doctors did everything they could but your father lost to much blood and they didnt have anyone with his blood type. I'm so sorry sweaty." she said with a frown.

Tears started falling down my cheeks and I couldn't stop them.

The nurse walked out and Katherine came in she looked at me and gave me a hug "I'm sorry but I just couldn't tell you but lets change the subject. Kay?"

"Kay" I said with a weak smile.

"Well you know my name and your uncle Blake said your name is Samantha but anyways I go to Hearst High and your Uncle Blake said thats where you will be going now that you will be living with him and that's cool because then you could hangout with me and my friends." She said with a wide smile.

She continued talking "So do you have a boyfriend? I did but well his name was Jason and one day he had to go on some trip and we talked on the phone. Well one time we were talking and he sounded like he was in a rush and said he had to go, yeah I kinda got mad. Well he accidently called me and he left a voicemail saying another girls name and come to find out it was a bitch from our school named Harper."

I had a frown o my face and said " Wow now that is so messed up and whats up with dudes thinking they can just play us girls. And to your question no I don't have a boyfriend."

We laughed and my Uncle Blake and Aunt Karen walked in. They both ran up and hugged me before saying "Sweaty I'm sorry about what happened honestly but we can talk about it at home. The Doc said you can leave so are you ready to go?" I just looked down a my hands.

A few seconds later I said "Yeah I'm ready but when is dads funeral and how long have I been out?" Kat walked out, I guess because she didn't want to answer that and she just waved bye. 

"His funeral was two days ago and you have been out for about five days." He said with tears going down his face. There was an awkward silence so I just sat up and said "Well let's go home and get something to eat I'm starving." I said with a smile.

On the way to my new house I began thinking about how everything is gonna be different without my dad and tears started falling down my face again. I know life is gonna be didfferent but my dad wouldn't want me to grieve my whole life, so I have to pull it together. We pulled in the driveway and I helped my Uncle get my stuff out of the car while my Aunt Karen made dinner. After I got everything in th house and up to my room and began rearranging everything until dinner. We ate dinner and I went to walk out but my uncle grabbed my hand and handed me a book and said "Here I think your father would have wanted me to give this to you." I nodded my head and walked up to my room. I sat the book down on my table and decided to read it tomorrow because it was getting late and I had to start my first day at Hearst High.

Things just get weirder!

When I woke up the next day, I got in the shower and washed my hair, and shaved my beautiful tan legs. I looked in the mirror and notice my eyes were puffy from crying yesterday. I put on my skinny jeans with a tank top, sweatshirt, and some boots because I didn’t feel like getting all dressed up. I curled my hair and then walked out to the bus. When I walked on everyone was staring at me so I just decided to sit in the front of the bus. When the bus arrived at school, I got off first.

As I was walking through the hall I spotted Katherine and she wave me over. When I made it over to her she gave me a hug and introduced me to her friends. “This is Sarah and Ashely” They waved after she said their names, Ashely invited my to a party she was throwing this weekend. Ashely was short and had short brown hair. Sarah was tall, tan, and had brown hair also. They both said they had to go and I waved bye. “Hey Kat will you show me where rom 108 is please and by the way you look super cute.” I said smiling. Kat was wearing white jeans with a pink see through shirt with a white tank top under it. To be honest she looked really good. She smiled and said “Follow me.”

We walked down the hallway and she gave me that back ground on everyone.. or well the short version. 

“She’s a skank. He’s a player. He’s a player. He’s cute but almost OD’d last year, so he’s a bad bet. She’s a two-faced, lying, cheating witch. That’s right Harper I’m talking to you!” Kat said with anger in her eyes.

 Harper had muscles and tats so I made a not to self to never mess with her. 

Kat continued “But anyways, he’s gay but in denial. That girl right there is so snotty you’ll need kleenex just to talk to her.” I laughed at the last part while she continued.

“She’s not bad. He’s CRAP!! Now act like your laughing.”

I pretended to laugh and it was kinda loud. I gave her a confused looked and said “Ok now why are we doing this?”

“Ok don’t look now but that is my ex boyfriend Jason I was telling you about.” She said with a smirk.

Of course the person I am I looked over and to the right there were eight boys. They were tall, they were stacked with muscles. Most of them sported tattoos on their arms. A few wore chains around their waists, as if metal links were belts, but on those bodies they could only be weapons.

They were shoving one another, laughing and punching each other in the arms. “There used to be more of them but two died last year from some disease that turns your blood into toxic.” Kat said with a grimace. 

I caught a note of... something in her voice “Did you know them?”

“Yeah, and I thought I would cry forever and this might be horrible to say but I’m glad they went together because they were best friends.” “The blonde one was mine. Was. He’s not anymore and wont ever be again.” She said in discuss.

I scanned the crowd. Two were black, two were brunettes, one had jet black hair and the other two had blonde hair. I wanted to look over to the blondes, I did but once I spotted the black headed one, I was stuck. 

He wore a red baseball cap. he was the only one not horsing around. He was GORGEOUS, and I absolutely, no question, had to be drooling. 

“Yo Kitty Kat,” someone called. I forced myself to stop staring at the dude, to bring my attention to one of the blondes. “ come over here and give me a proper hello. You know you want to.”

“What I want is for you to go to hell” Kat yelled back. 

My guess was that was her ex Jason. He had the face that would make the devil go hide in the shadows and cry for his mom. I could never imagine him winning over someone like Kat though.

“Baby I was just teasing you when I said her name.” He said with a smile.

“I’m not mad anymore,” She said with a smirk “You lied to me and I lied to you. We’re even.”

He lost his smile then. “When did you lie?”

Her smirk widened “Every time you came over I never really enjoyed myself. If you know what I mean.”

“Don’t be that way baby” He pleaded. He had a sad look in his eyes, which he quickly covered up.

“Don’t tell me what to do, oh and by the way I’m not teasing you when I do this.” Kat flipped him off. 

The black haired one finally glanced over at us. I noticed that his eyes were violet. He glanced over at Kat and grinned a hello and he turned his head to look at me. When our eyes met, I lost focus on my surroundings. He was all I could see and in a span of a second we weren’t across the hall from each other. We were.... in each others arms and kissing? I don’t remember how I got over here. I’v never been kissed before but his tongue was defiantly in my mouth. 

“Sam” He breathed.

“Kyle” I breathed back.

My fingers tangled in his hair, knocking off his cap.

“...Sam! Sam!” Kat pulled me to look at her. I blinked and looked around, noticing that I was occupying the same spot as before. I realized I never crossed the hall, never met the boy in the hat. I called him Kyle but I’m not sure that is his name. 

“You okay?” Kat asked worried. 

She was so short I had no trouble peeking over her and at the group of boys. I didn’t notice before that the tardy bell had been ringing and everyone was fining their way to their classes. All I could think about was how long was I staring at him? At least he was staring at me to but that wasn’t a good thing. He was more like scowling at me, and it wasn’t a nice one. One of his friends were tugging on his arm to get his attention.

He took a last look at me and snapped his teeth before walking off.

I quickly looked at Kat and said “What is the one in the hats name?”

She smirked “Why you interested? But to answer your question his name is Kyle Holland.”

 I was shocked. I can’t believe his name is Kyle. We started walking to my class and Kat looked back at me “Trust me you don’t want to date him. For starters your intimidated by him and he is the leader of that rabid pack of animals so that means he is totally dangerous.”

Dangerous. Yeah I got that. “You dated one of his friends.”

She lifted her arms like I made a point for her. “Exactly and look where I ended up, cheated on and broken hearted.” I finally got what she meant.

“Kyle is like the worst, he speaks and the rest jump to obey. They skip school  a lot and well your guess is as good as mine about what they do. They are always wounded, so you know they like to throw down in the nastiest ways possible. The only girls who get to hangout with them is Mackenzie Love or you can call her Kenzie but anyway she is Kyle’s ex and Harper the one you met earlier.”

I was shocked for a minute because Kyle still hungout with his ex.. but it’s not like I care or anything. What happened int he hallway was weird but I have always had a strong imagination. I brought my attention back to Kat who was still talking.

“And by the way, If you hang with them Kenzie will corner you and threaten your very existence. Oh and your friends will drop you and you will be known as trouble.” I sensed that she was sad for a moment so I couldn’t help but ask.

“Were you dropped by Ashely and Sarah when you dated Jason?” When the question came out my mouth I knew the answer because she radiated sadness before covering it up and grinning.

“I’v always been known for big time trouble so it didn’t bother me but you will learn to love that part of me, I’m sure.”

I smiled and said “Already do.”

We arrived at a big red door and peeked inside. I must have shuddered because Kat said “Nervous? Well don’t be.”

I wanted to ditch but before I could say anything Kat pushed me inside the classroom. The teacher who’s name is Mr. Buttle but I will forever call Mr. Butthole, made me explain while I was late. I just told him I’m new and couldn’t find the room. Everyone’s attention was on me but when Mr. Butthole turned around this cute guy with puppy dog eyes made a jerk off sign and that sent everyone laughing and their attention away from me. 

I made it through first and second period easy and made it to third period right on time. The teacher Ms. Meyers came up and said “I’m so excited to begin a brand new day with you guys.” Everyone just replied with a bored expression on their face. I meant to pay attention, I really did but my mind just drifted all to Kyleville. 

One question kept forming right after another. What happened in the hallway? Did Kyle experience the same thing? What if I do it again?

The bell rang, making me come to my senses. I walked out the classroom and Jason and one of his feral friends were waiting for me. As I walked out they leaped into motion. I bet the were here to warn me away from Kyle. I kept walking and they kept passing behind me.

“S’up I’m Jason,” the rough looking blonde said. “This here is my boy Bronx,” he added. 

Bronx had eye brow piercings and his hair was died an electric blue. He didn’t speak but oh did he stare. “Okay” I said.

“So how do you know Kat?” Jason asked with a interest. I relaxed because they weren’t here for Kyle. So I replied “We ran into each other other of summer break.” 

That sparked more interest. “Where at?”

I looked back at him trying to think of a way to tell him but without spilling anything about myself. the two boys ‘guided’ me around a corner. I continued to look at him and said “Well why don’t you just go ask Kat yourself.”

He gve me a pleading look “Please with a cherry on top just tell me.”

I gave him a smirk “Ok here’s a hint. A lot of people were there. There was screaming, defiantly some writhing. A LOT of touching.” Doctors were very hand on.

His eyes went dark “Did she touch anyone? Did anyone touch her?”

I just looked at him and said “It was nice talking to you but I have to go.” I realized they were taking me to lunch. Good thing because my stomach was growling. I went to turn another corner, when I ran into something solid and losing my balance.

I was about to say sorry until she interrupted me and started talking to jason. “Is this your new slice of tail.” she asked Jason. 

Jason gave her an evil glare “Back off Kenzie.” Ahh this Kyle Hollands ex. Of corse she is. Beautiful boys date beautiful girls. I let this be my exit and walked away into the cafeteria. 

Kat waved me to her table and I could here Jason yelling for my attention. I just ignored them and sat down. Kat immediately asked “What were you doing with Jason?”

I laughed “Jason was just so curious of how we met of summer break.”

She looked worried “What did you tell them?” I began bullet pointing everything I said and she looked relieved. “You did almost as good as I would have.”

I nodded with confidence “Thank you.” Before I could ask why she didn’t want anyone to know her troop arrived. I greeted them both with a half smile. They began talking about the stuff they learned about people today. I kept getting this feeling that someone was staring at me and I had it for several minutes before I turned around to see who it was. I turned and saw Kyle staring at me or you could say piercing me. If eyes could throw daggers, I would have a few in my chest. I waited expecting a vision but none came. This morning must have been a one time thing. 

Kenzie must have noticed him staring at me because she leaned over and whispered in his ear what looked like “Let me teach her a little lesson please.” She ran her tongue over her teeth. I didn’t hear his reply.

Kat tapped my hand “Are you listening to me?”

I gave her confused looked “No I’m sorry I wasn’t.”

Someone tapped me on the shoulder and I came face to face with the boy with puppy dog eyes from Mr. Buttonhole's class. “Don’t let Kenzie scare you,” He said, “She is good with her fist but get her on the ground and you’ve already one.” With that, he walked off. I turned to face Kat and asked “What?” because she was staring hard.

“Kyle is so not gonna like that he has competition. That was Justin Silverstone, and he never talks to anyone except his sister. You’re definatly not his sister.” Kat said smiling. Ashely jumped in and said “Let’s see if Kyle noticed your unexpected visitor.”

We all turned around and sure enough Kyle was watching Justin as if he was flaying skin from his bones. “That has nothing to do with me.” I managed to croak out.

The bell started ringing and I walked to my last period. It was history so I didn’t pay attention much either. I thought about my dad. I wish he was here so I could talk to him about this stuff. he probably wouldn’t understand but it would be good to talk to him about it. 

Before I knew it the bell started ringing again and I made my way to the bus to go home. I sat in the front again but I noticed that dude Justin Silverstone rides my bus. When the bus pulled up at my stop I got out and ran up to my room and put my stuff down. I saw the book I put on my table and put it in my closet because I didn’t want to remind myself about my dads life. It would be just heart braking. 

I went dow stairs and helped my Aunt Karen cook. After we finished and ate I went upstairs to go to sleep. I tossed and turned for awhile until I got up and sat by my window. I saw something move in the bushes and tried to focus on it but it appeared almost see though. I looked like.. a bride..? It’s face was all messed up and it looked like it was missing her foot. My imagination must be getting to me again. The bride just kept looking at me. I decided to call her Bridezilla. She eventually wondered off and I got tired. I went and laid down and slowly drifted off to dream land.

Chapter 4

It's Thursday so it's been a few days since the hallway accident and Kyle or his friends bothered me again. I'm guessing Kenzie had second thought about teaching me a lesson or whatever she thought I needed to learn, or had someone stopped her? Was it Kyle? But that would mean she listen to him, had cared about what he said. The couldn't be right because I can't come up with a single reason for him to defend me.

        Sighing, I rubbed my temples to ward off an upcoming ache. Today when I got home from school my Aunt Karen came up and told me they were leaving for the night. I just stayed in my room after they left. I sat at my window looking at the sky. A golden half-moon graced the black velvet sky and a blanket of stars are twinkling in every direction. I now sit just waiting to catch a glimpse of Bridezilla and hopefully I'm not going totally insane. 

      I have been waiting here for a few hours and already I was yawning. I just know I can't go to sleep because I want to prove that Bridezilla exists. Even though I don't see Bridezilla I still feel as if someone is watching me. I must be paranoid or something. The other day when I spotted Bridezilla out in the woods, the next morning I came out and looked around. I found seven sets of human footprints. Most were big and wide, as if from a man, others were small and thin as if from a women. Those prints proved my sanity but apart of me feared I was only seeing what I wanted to see. 

       Another hour passed as I watched and waited. It's already 2 am. So I made a plan to scan the forest one more time and lay down.  As I scanned the forest the barest hint of white fabric caught my eye. A breath got caught in my throat. Adrenaline rode my veins and I knew there would be no talking my self into staying put. 

        I went down stairs and grabbed a base ball bat. Before I walked outside I remembered my dads words "Never go out at night Sam. They are out there and they will catch you." I was little and didn't know what he was talking about but I never went out at night. I looked up and said "Sorry dad but I have to break your rule at least once."

         I grabbed the handle and walked outside. As I crossed the yard I could see Bridezilla walking back into the woods so I followed.

When I made it passed some trees I started smelling this really bad smell, it smelt like dead animals. All of a sudden I heard a twig snap and I turned around to see Bridezilla jump out at me and I feel backwards and landed into the yard. I ddin't even look up and I just ran inside and hid under my blankets until I fell asleep.


Chapter 5

The next morning my eyes burned with fatigue as I walked through the halls of Hearst High. I'd spent most my night propped up looking for Bridezilla and the other half being scared to death. My thought kept going back to Bridezilla and how she jumped at me and I knew I needed a distraction. And at was  perfect one. Except, as I walked through the crowded hallway I found myself looking for Kyle instead.

       My palms started sweating as I neared the hallway where I seen him my first day here. In the distance I heard lockers and doors closing, and people laughing and talking away. I squared my shoulders as I rounded the corner as I prepared for impact, just in case.

         As I looked around  I saw him. He was leaning against  locker, his hands stuffed into his jeans pockets. He wore a hat again but this one was blue. Shadows cascaded over his face and hiding those beautiful violet eyes. I could see a fresh bruise on his chin and his lip was a little swollen. 

  He'd gotten into a fight.

          He wore a black T-shirt that stretched  indecently over his hard worn muscles. A chain wrapped around his waist, and I would have sworn there were dried specks of blood on it. His friends surrounded him, though there weren't as many this time. Every single one of them sported a bruise somewhere and some were worst then others. Jason wore bandages around both his wrists, hiding his tattoos. 

     "Hey Sam!" Damn! Jason caught me staring at him. He gave me a sunshine-happy smile. "Looking good today."

      "Thanks." I replied trying to hide my nervousness. Ok yeah I did dig out my favorite pair of jeans and a flowing gray and white shirt that made me look chestier than I really was. So what. 

      "Why don't you make our jeans and come talk to us." Jason just had to had with all his smooth charm.

       I turned my attention to Kyle, to see if he wanted me to come closer. He was now peering at me as well, he wasn't grinning tho. He was scowling. The moment our eyes met the world washed away...

    'We were in the middle of the now empty hallway. His strong arms wrapped around me, trying to pull me closer to his strong body.  I traced my fingers up his chest, around his next and into his hair.  He pressed our lips together. his tongue taking control in my mouth. We tilted our heads for deeper access.  He tasted like mint and cinnamon, and I decide from then on that the combination was my new flavor. And his hands.. Oh the things he did with his hands!

          He had everything under control and he knew exactly what he was doing. He had a lot of experience with playing a girl like a piano. The word playing ran through my mind. Did he think this was a game? Was he using me? 

           "Yo, Sam!" 

         The kissing scene vanished and the rest of the world swooped back in. A frowning Kat stood in front of me. "There you are," she said. "Back from the mental vacation." "Just do me a favor and capture my next words carefully. If you don't wipe Kyle Holland from your mind you will end up on the SS Miserable with me." 

  I couldn't help my self. I turned around and found Kyle striding over to me, determination in his every step. His hands were fisted. I couldn't just stand here. He would probably ask why I keep eye stalking him. 

   I turned towards Kat "Thanks for the advice, I'll be sure to run with it." "I will see you at lunch, kay?" Before Kat could ask any questions, I spun around in the opposite direction and took the long way to the ladies room in front of my class. Thankfully Kyle never caught up with me. Maybe he didn't even try. 

          I splashed cold water on my face and then dried my face. I studied myself in the mirror. My cheeks were rosy, my bottom lip was swollen, I'm guessing from chewing it during the vision.

            Before I could move a muscle Mackenzie Love (Kyle's Ex) stormed into the bathroom, clearly on a mission. Today her dark curls were twisted on the top of her head. She wore a long sleeved button up and flowing pants. Every inch a predator, she narrowed her eyes and closed the distance between us. This must be the 'corner and threaten' routine Kat was talking about. 

           "I don't know who you think you are or what you think you're doing," she snapped. "but I will bury you if you hurt one of my friends."

         Yep. It was. "I think I'm Samantha Hollis, and I think I'm standing here minding my own business. You should try it." Because Kenzie was a few inches shorter than me, she had to look up to meet my gaze. 

            She scowled and flashed perfectly white teeth "You better watch yourself. You don't want to see me angry."

           " Or what? You'll grow a few inches, develop muscles and turn green?" Sorry. but I wasn't who was easily intimidated. Except by someone with black hair and violet eyes, of course. 

                Kenzie sputtered as she tried to come up with a reply. I was willing to be tI was the first to stand up to her but I don't see Kat cowering in a corner and her threats. "I don't want to be late to class, so come find me later when you come up with whatever insult you think up."

            I breezed past her and saw Kyle at the end of the hallway. Wow he followed me. He spotted me and bounded into motion. I just could't catch a break. The bell rang and I hurried towards him. Yes, towards him. But thankfully before he could reach my I made it to class. 

           I was late again. Mr. Butthole made me stand in front of the class and apologize. It wouldn't have been so bad, but through the window in the center of the door, was a glaring Kyle. Only when I slid into my seat did I lose sight of him. No way could I explain what happened twice in the hallway. Well without bursting into flames of embarrassment. 

           I didn't see him for the rest of the day before lunch. Just before I reached the double doors Kenzie stepped in front of me. I barely stopped myself from slamming into her.

           "You're not going anywhere" she said. "Not this time!"

          "Do we really need to have another discussion?" I asked with a sigh. 

          "Yes we need to have 'another discussion'" She mimicked in a shrill voice. "I saw Kyle chasing you outside the bathroom. Why did you run from him?" "Are you trying to play hard  to get? Because it's a little late for that, the way I hear it you can't keep you're eyes off him." She said without trying to hide her fury.

           Heat burned on my cheeks. Kyle must have said something to his friends or they said something on their own. Either way people noticed.  "Why would you care?" I snapped " The way I hear hear it, you're not dating him anymore."

          I could have sworn a bomb detonated in her eyes. "You have no idea whats going on between me and Kyle!"

          "You're right it doesn't concern me," I said 

           She looked up fiercely "Earlier I told you I'd hurt you if you hurt him and that's still true, but now I'm telling you to stay away from him or I will wipe the floor with your face before I do the hurting." 

                Okay now that one pushed me over the edge just a little to far. "If you want me to cry and promise you to do whatever you want, then try a more original threat."

               All about the intimidation, she rose to her tiptoes so we were nose to nose and she said "I am capable of things you can't imagine."

             I had a smirk on my face "Right back at you."

             "That's brave talking, let's see you back it up" 

               "Let's see you back off, Love Button, before you burst a vessel." Said a familiar voice, which made my smirk wider.

            I caught a scowl on Kenzie's face before she turned around to look at Kat. " Alley Kat. Racing to the rescue of another stray?" Grinning Kat strolled to my side. "Yes I am. To your rescue, just so were clear. My Sam has skills. The first time I met her, there were people all around her moaning and groaning in pain. True story. And besides I don't wanna see her suspended after only four days because she did the entire school a favor and fed you your own teeth. Besides, Kyle's the one you should be chatting with. He practically ate her up with his eyes, in fact I'm surprised Sam doesn't have bite marks." 

         Kenzie balled up her fists and I stepped in front of Kat, just in case. No one hit my friend and lived to tell the tale. That was my new motto and I would forever embrace it.

          "You're in trouble now." Kat sang.

        Slowly Kenzie unfurled her fingers. "You're not worth it." She snapped at Kat.

        "Is that so? Well you should go ask Jason because apparently she is worth anything."

      Laughing Kat pulled her arm into mine and pinky waved at Kenzie as we walked away.

    Together we sat at an empty table in the back. "As you've probably figured out, there are only two people in this place that have the lady balls to stand up to her, and I'm one of them but I didn't think you would be the other," Kat said with her voice dripping with glee. "I am soo glad we met at an undisclosed location over the summer."

       "Me too." I noticed almost everyone in the cafeteria was staring at us silently. I rubbed my palms on my thighs. Had they over heard our conversation with Kenzie.

      My movements quickened when I spotted Kyle. He occupied the same table as usual. We locked gazes for several seconds. I expected a vision but none came. I don't know what he expected or if he expected anything at all, his expression stayed bland, until Kenzie reached his table and shimmied next to him. She cupped his jaw, her fingers caressing his cheeks. Frowning, he tugged out of her hold and the two got in a lox angry argument. He massaged the back of his neck, as to stop himself from strangling the girl.

       "And she's off for another mental vacation." Kat muttered. 

       "sorry." I replied.

       Ashely sat across from me "After that, you can't deny you're interested in him."

 Well great I have been so distracted, I missed her appearance. Sarah sat right next to her.

      "No, I'm not interested in him." I have quickly became obsessed with him. 

      "Oh." Ashely's shoulders dropped.

      "I thought you said I needed to stay away from him?" I asked confused.

      "I changed my mind," She said while twirling her hair. "I think you guys would make an awesome couple."

     I wasn't sure how to take that because she considered him the worst kind of trouble. 

     "Sammy, Sam, Sam," Kat tsked under her tongue. "Don't look so forlorn. You're making the right decision. Kyle once ate a pound of rusty nails and said they tasted like unicorn tears and fairy dust. True story. I was there."

      Sarah nodded encouragingly. "I wasn't there but I can believe it. Once I saw him body slam a teacher for daring to ask him the meaning of X minus Y."

       "He put the  guy in the hospital for three months," Ashely said while taping a finger nail against her chin. "Or was that a student he body slammed for daring to give an answer different than his?"

      "Probably both. He's body slammed enough people to start a new country. And there could be a neighboring city for all the people he has punched in the throat." Sara's delicate fingers fluttered to her own throat, as if she was experiencing sympathy pains. Then she added, "The last time he did that was the most awesome thing I've ever seen." She said grinning. "Oh, oh. It's still on YouTube, I think. Give me your number and I will send you a link."

         "Maybe Sam will luck out and Kyle won't actually body slam her," Ashely said.

        All the girls burst out laughing, causing Ashely's cheeks to redden.

      "She will be the first person he'll body slam, Kat said with a snicker. "He's probably already imagined it a thousand times already. 

           My own cheeks started heating up to a lovely shade of red. Even though I wasn't sure how much longer I will have a phone, I gave the girls my digits and took theirs. Thing was my Aunt and Uncle probably wouldn't continue to pay the bills. They forked through the money my dad left because my cellphone was the last thing my dad gave me and I would have freaked without it. It still has pictures of him in it, as well as his text messages. I haven't looked at a single photo or text because I just didn't have the heart. Not yet. One day, though, I would. I hoped.

      "Here. Eat this." Kat handed me half of her PB&J. "If I know my Sammy, and I'm pretty sure I do, you're going to go against my better judgement and Make a play for Kyle. And if you're going after someone like him, you will need to keep you're strength up."

        "I'm not going after him, but thanks for the sandwich." I had forgotten my lunch so I scarfed it down like it was heaven. "So are any of yo guys dating anyone?" 

         "I am!" Ashely beamed. "He graduated from here last year and he now goes to UA. I usually see him on the weekends."

      Sarah shrugged. "I usually keep my options opened the first week of school. It's like shopping really because you just look around until you find something you like."

        Kat laughed. "Don't lie to Sam. When she and Kyle get married in a beautiful prison ceremony, because we know that's were Kyle will end up, she will be able to help your cause." Kat beautiful hazel eyes swung to me. "She has been crushing on Bronx for two years."

      Her announcement hit me like a ton of rocks. He was the one with Jason when he met me after class on my first day. "But he's soo..."

     "Serial killer-esque?" Kat asked with an arched brow.

      Well yeah. But like I really have room to judge. Bronx might give off a serial killer vibe, but I was obsessed with the guy he calls his leader.

     "I tried to warn her," Ashely said "Many times."

      Sarah was the third girl to blush. She lifted her chin and said, "Bronx has made it more than clear that he's not interested in me, so what I feel doesn't really matter."

      "I have told you are better off so many times." Ashely reiterated. 

       Sarah continued. "Besides I have decided to say yes to John Clary and goon a date."

      "John Clary!" Kat and Ashely said in unison.


     "He's so perfect for you!"

      "Such a doll!"

     "He can tutor you in math and help you get a good grade!"

   I had nothing to offer. I didn't even know who Jon Clary was. As each of the girls launched a million questions at her, the bell rang to signal it was time to head to class. Poor Sarah. She looked so comfortable as if she was standing naked in front of history class, giving a report on the Salem witch trails and using her body as a visual aid for the torture.

      I said my goodbyes and stood. When I turned , I bumped into someone and my hands landed on a hard chest as I sought to regain my balance. Whatever I meant to say next died as I quickly discovered my hands were on Kyle Holland. 

     I looked up..up...up.. and there he was. I inhaled sharply, caught the sent of sandalwood and almost moaned. He smelled just like he had during the.... Oh, sweet heaven. Was this a hallucination, too? Here, now? I dug my fingers into his chest. He was solid, warm. Which meant... this was real. This was happening.

    "Well, well," Kat said with to much glee. "you here to walk Sam to class or what, big boy?"

     A muscle ticked in Kyle's jaw as a sign of pure anger.

    "Well?" Kat prompted. 

   He looked at Kat. "Let go of Jason's leash. You're choking the life out of him."

 Her eyes narrowed to tiny slits. "He deserves to choke. He didn't keep little frosty in his pants this summer."

   "Yes he did," Kyle said calmly "now do you mind letting me talk to Kat alone."

   Kat looked at me. "Ali?"

     I gave her a weak smile. "I'm fine." And with that Kat walked off. 

  "You have Mrs. Heldermon next," He said with a statement and not a question.

  "Yes. How did you know?"

   He massaged the back of his neck, just like he done when he talked with Kenzie. Please tell me that wasn't a sign of irritation. "My class is in the same building, yesterday I saw you go into the room." He said. "Come on."

  And with that we kicked into motion. As we walked people turned to look at us. When we were out of eavesdropping range Kyle turned to me. "Whatever you're doing to me each morning," A hint of irritation in his voice. "Needs to stop."

    My gaze shot up to his face so fast, it almost gave me whiplash. "What I'm doing to you? How about what you're doing to me?"

    "What am I doing to you?"

 I almost laughed. Like I was going to mention my craziness without confirmation of his. "You tell me." Maybe he was talking about me eye stalking him like I first assumed. Neither of us said anything and I wanted to wait him out but my willpower lacked me. "So.. who did you fight?"

 There was only a beat of hesitation before he responded , "No one you'd know."

 We reached my class room. "Thanks for the escort but lets sooo not do this again sometime.," I muttered. 

   He stretched his arm out in front of me, flattening his palm against the door frame, blocking my escape.  "I'm sorry about Mackenzie."

    "I wasn't worried." I replied honestly.

  He had to stop himself from smiling "You should be, she can be a... Mean. Very mean."

    What had he stopped from calling her? I gave him a smirk. "I'm still not worried."

      Now he started smiling. "Have you ever been in a fight?" With a free hand he pinched a lock of my hair and rubbed the strands together. "You look like something out of a fairy tale."

    "The wicked witch?" I couldn't help but ask.

    "Please, the princess."

    Had he just given me a compliment? Couldn't have. I noticed to kids standing to the side, wanting to get into the classroom. I wrapped my fingers around Kyle's wrist and lowered his arm. I didn't return my place because I was flushed against Kyle, I couldn't bring myself to move. "Yes I have been in a fight." Remember ing his question. Even though the fight was with my dad when he was training me self defense. 

    He raised an eye brow. "In a fistfight?"

     "Is there any other kind?" I couldn't bite that question.

    "Many kinds. So who did you fight?"

   "No one you'd know." I said mimicking his answer earlier. If i told him my dad he would think he let me win. 

    I was so distracted by his beautiful eyes and how that violet was my new favorite color.


  I cut off my gaze. "Yeah?" 

   He raised his eyebrow again. "I asked if you'r last name was Hollis."

   "Oh yeah it is." I said blushing.

  "Was your dad Phillip Hollis and your mom Miranda Hollis?"

   I looked at my feet at the question. "Yeah that's my dad but I don't remember my mom. She past away when I was younger. How did you know that?" 

   He must of sensed my sadness. "Oh my dad went to school with them."

     Before he could ask anymore questions I said. "Thanks for the heads up about your girlfriend. We should probably say goodbye now." 

   He gave a stiff nod "Fine. But just so you know Mackenzie isn't my girlfriend." 

    After that I strode into the classroom and didn't stop to look back.

   When the last bell rang I went out to look for Kat. She wanted to know every detail. I gave it all to her and she just laughed.

    "Ok you so need flirting lessons but I know now isn't the time. Let's go get some coffee."

    Suddenly I heard angels sing. "I would so love that."

       We walked to her car but when I walked up to it everything started to spin. I could only here cars beeping theirs horns and people yelling and zooming by in their cars. I don't know what happened but I couldn't get in the car with Kat. I just had a feeling something was gonna happen. And I started thinking about the wreck with my dad and I didn't want to put Kat in the same position. I could only stare in horror.

    "Sam are you ok?" Kat asked worried.

    "I can't." I said looking at her concerned face. I spun around and ran. I heard her calling after me and I seen Dr. Wright our principle and she was yelling for me to. I just kept running. I ran straight into the bathroom (for boys). I just sat in there and cried.

    I didn't want to call Aunt Karen so I just decided to walk home. Yeah so no cars would e involved. And besides I needed the exercise. 

     As I walked it started raining and I knew I would be soaked to the bone when I got home. But everyone would be safe and thats all that mattered.


Chapter 6

My Aunt Karen came home early today and I wasn't there. She got worried and called my phone a dozen times. So dinner tonight was a horrible tense affair. I knew if I would have answered she would have insisted on coming to get me and I couldn't have that.

        "What is the point of having a phone if your not going to use it?" She muttered at the dinner table.

        "I did use it." I said before sneezing again. I'm surprised I haven't blown the thing off by now. 

     "Oh umm Sam have you read that book I gave you?" My Uncle Blake asked.

   "No I haven't got around to it. I will try and read it tonight." I said honestly. "Matter of fact I will go do it now. But can I ask yall something?"

        My Uncle Blake had a confused look on his face "Sure anything."

     I looked down at the table. "What was my mom like?"

    My Uncle cleared his throat. "Oh umm didn't your dad talk to you about this stuff?"

    "No he didn't like talking about it."

    My Uncle grabbed my Aunts hand and looked at me with sorrow in his eyes. "Your mom was amazing. She was sorta shy but when she started dating your father, it was like she became a new person. She love hanging out with Karen and then she got pregnant with you. She was so excited, especially when she found out you were a girl. After she had you, it was like her life was accomplished."

    I looked up at him. "How did she die?" 

   He looked down. "I think you should read that book. I pretty sure it will explain everything and answer all your questions."

   And with that I turned around and took my dishes to the sink. I walked up to my room and got the book down from my closet. Reverently I cracked the book open and began reading the first page.

     'The battle has begun. Evil is here, it is real, and if we aren't careful, we'll be consumed by it. But it doesn't have to be that way. We can win. But too many people are ignorant of the truth and without the truth, we will perish.

        What is the truth? We are spirit beings, those spirits our source of power, and we have a soul....or our logic and emotions, and we live in a body. Evil lurks in that spiritual realm. Some people can see it while they're still in their body. Most cannot.'

    As I reached in the closet to pull something else out my phone beeped. I dropped the book and got on my bed to read the text.


 Kat: WTF happened 2 U 2day? A load of dill wrap, that's what!


Me: Sorry. Went mental.


Kat: Oh. Your dad. I get it now. U ok?


Me: Yeah I'm fine. Thanks for understanding.


Kat: Good. So check this. I ran in2 Kyle after U ditched me.


Me: What!? And??


Kat: He went after U 2. I take it he din't find U either?

      Wow I didn't think he would have went after me. Why would he? I stood and walked to my window. The storm had passed and the sky had cleared. The sun was starting to set.

Me: He didn't


Kat: 2 bad. I think he would have offered U a ride w/him. Bet U would have been all over THAT. :)

      Maybe.Yes. No. Definitely not. I would have turned him down. I didn't want to put him in danger. How would someone like Kyle handle rejection? Would he have talked me into accepting or just throw me over his shoulder and carry me to his car.

Kat: Or maybe I should say, U would have been all over HIM?


Me: NO way!


Kat: Good girl. Make him work 4 it. Oh! Game tomorrow & party on Sat. I have an idea Cole will show up 2 both just 2 C U. See ya!


Me: Really?

No response.


Still nothing.

Me: We will have serious beef 2morrow!

Again nothing..

      Distraction time. Sighing, I logged onto my computer, searching for any and all references to Kyle Holland. During this ensuing hour, I learned Kyle does not have a Facebook or twitter page. 

    I got bored so I decided to search up my name and see what people could learn about me. First thing to pop up was the articles on the accident. About how a tragic teen lost her father. With far more force than intended, I shut the computer down. I hated how everyone in the world could read those things and pity me. 

   Now, needing a new distraction, I showered, dressed in a tank top and cotton shorts and dried my hair. I studied myself in the mirror. I had dark circles under my eyes and my cheeks were hollowed. I looked breakable. The fairy tale made sense. 

        I stalked to my window to close my curtains because I knew I was in need of desperate sleep. No watching the forest tonight i told myself mentally. Before I could close the curtains my skin began to tingle and burn, the fine hairs on the back of my neck rose as if someone was watching me. I peered out frantically, there was no sign of Bridezilla. 

     I jerked the curtains shut but I didn't walk away, instead I stood watching through the crack. I saw movements, so I jerked the curtain open and zeroed in on the object. I thought I saw a tall muscled body dressed in black. I thought that body stopped, turned, and glowing violet eyes met mine.


     Will anything normal ever happen to me? I wondered as I waited for the bus to arrive at my stop the next morning. After maybe, or maybe not seeing Kyle I went to sleep. When the bus arrived, I guess I forgot to keep my head down because I spotted Justin Silverstone motioning my to come to the back. I couldn't leave him hanging or I would hurt his feelings so I walked back there. A girl who sat across from him was glaring at me as I sat in the seat with him.

  "Hi." He said with a smile.

  I just replied with a warm smile.

   He held out his hand and said. "I'm Justin."

I gave him another warm smile before saying "I know. You kinda made in impression at lunch the other day and the girls filled me in about you. But I'm Sam." "Oh. And by the way thanks for that distraction in Mr. Butthole's class on the first day."

      He laughed at that. "Well the way to get on his good side is to suck up and he will be yours all year."

   At that I couldn't hold back my laughter. "Like what?"

   He stayed quiet a bit before replying. "Dang, Mr Buttle. My brain hurts from information overland. Good job, dude."

    Again I went into a fit of laughter until I realized the bus was arriving at school. "Well thanks and it was good to officially me you, Justin."

   "You to." He said with a slight grin.

    I went to turn to leave but before I could Justin chimed in again "Wait um Sam are you going to Ashely's party on Saturday? If you are I was wondering if you would go with me."

   "Sure." I said while getting off.

   When I stepped off the bus I didn't go five steps without bumping into....guess who... Kyle. 

 I went to turn "I'm so--" Our gazes locked, and once again the world faded away. Only this time we didn't kiss, we..... fought?

       We had out backs pressed against each others and slowly monsters started to circle us. Each had matted hair that was falling out in chunks. Kyle held two broadswords and all I knew was that I was freaked out. "On my count go low." Kyle demanded.

   "One..." he said.


    "Three!" He yelled and I knew that was my cue to go low.

Kyle twirled the swords, slashing to monsters in the throats. He couldn't kill all of them on his own. I should...

    "Sam!" The world whooshed back into focus. We stood int he hallway, kids rather than monsters were walking around. Kyle was still in front me, holding me, and horror filled those beautiful eyes. His cheeks were fever flushed. Probably a mirror of mine.

     Horrified, we jerked away from each other, bother of us panting. 

     Kyle back away from me, one step,two. Thats when I noticed Kenzie had her arms around his waist and was tugging him back...back away from me.

      Justin came up behind me, placing a hand on my shoulder. "Are you ok?"

       I couldn't look away from Kyle. Was he frowning at me? Did he see the fight? If Why? What did any of this mean? Kyle caught a glimpse of Justin's actions and stopped moving away from us but took a step forward. He was scowling at Justin and his hands were curled into fists. Was he going to challenge Justin?

       I couldn't let that happened so I grabbed Justin's wrists and pulled him down the hall in the opposite direction, leaving Kyle behind.

      Justin turned to me. "Are you and Kyle dating?

    I thought I was gonna choke. "What? No."

    "Are you sure bec---"

 I cut him off before he could finish. "Yes I'm sure. But anyway I'm not going to make it to first block, I have to go."

     I rattled off my phone number to Justin so he could call me about details on going to the party and then left hims in the dust.

    I needed a distraction so I went to look for Kat.

    I found Sarah. "Hey Sarah have you seen Kat?"

      She looked up from her locker and replied. "No she had to do stuff but she there is gonna be a change in plans tonight and that to not go to the game and she will pick you up later today." 

     I gave her a smile. "Thanks." And with that I walked away.

    As Iw as walking down the hall I heard footsteps behind me. A hard arm wrapped around my waist. I curled up my fists, ready to do some damage to whoever it was. But it was only Kyle and for some strange reason that finally calmed me.

      He forcefully switched my direction. "This way. You and I are gonna talk."

Chapter 7

Kyle ushered me outside, through the sunny parking lot that is now devoid of witnesses and into a Jeep Wrangler. 

   I looked over at him. The principle, Dr. Wright will.." 

   "She won't care that we're gone." He interjected.

   "Ok.. So where are you taking me."

 He ignored my question and cranked up the radio. I really wouldn't be scared of were he was taking me because all I wanted to do was talk about what has been happening. 

     Since he wanted to play the quiet game, I decided to study his face. he had a slight bump in his nose, as if he'd broken it more than once. His bruised jaw has faded. His chin jutted stubbornly, and I felt sorry for anyone who has challenged him.

    After about ten minutes he turned the radio down and glanced at me. "So that boy Justin."

    I gave him a confused look after he didn't continue. "Yeah, what about him?"

   He popped his jaw. "Are you dating him?"

    Like for real. He asked the same thing about me and Kyle. If you ever spoke to a guy at Hearst High, it's like picking out wedding bands.

     "No I'm not. Why do you care, anyway?" I said even though secretly I wanted him to care. But if you translated that into guy code it would be saying 'you want to date me. please I'm begging you to.'

    Thankfully he ignored the question. "How did you get home yesterday?"

    "I walked." I stated.

    He gave me looks that were all kinds of dirty. "Don't you ever do that again, do you hear me? Those woods are dangerous."

    For a moment all I could do was sputter. "Wow I think it's so adorable that you think you can boss me around. And how did you know that I went through the woods? For all you knew I could have lived behind the school."

    "You don't" He said with confidence.

    Ok my curiosity took over me, so I had to ask. "Were you in my back yard last night?"

    A beat of silence then. "Yes."

   He cranked the music back up. I wanted to turn it down but instead I acted like Mrs. Manners like my father would have wanted. 

      After a while of driving, we pulled up into a twenty four hour grocery store. He was quiet for a minute and then said "I'm giving you my number." He turned and faced me. "If you ever need a ride from school, call or text me, I'll make sure you taken care of."

     I was stunned. I mean this ultra bad boy from Hearst High was offering to chauffeur me. ME. The weird girl with the staring problem.

    "Okay?" He insisted. "Got it?"

      "Well I had a ride," I explained. "I chose not to take it."

      He looked at me with dark expression and it made me shutter. "First, that's all you have to say to me."

  I just looked at him. "Well yeah." I mean what did he expect. 'Omg that's the sweetest thing you could ever say and I fell like I'm dancing on stars.' Well those words will never come out my mouth. Not even in a million years. 

     "Second, why didn't you take it?"

    "I wanted to walk." I said.

   "Well you better not walk again."

   "Or what?" I asked smirking. I honestly wanted to know.

     He was a total animal or make that manimal when he snarled.

   "Has anyone ever told you that your the most frustrating person in the world, or have they all been to polite?"

   "Hey!" I said slapping his arm."

   He rattled off his number so I had to forget what I was saying to program it in my phone. "Now give me your number."

  I had to wait a second for his words to sink in. "But Kyle, I don't have a car, so I won't be able to give you a ride. So theres no point.."

 He cut me off of course. "Are you trying to tick me off? Give me your number."

   Ok now I'm peeved. Why is he bing rude all the time? "Ask nicely."

 "Nicely," KYle gritted out.

    "Well how can I resist that." I said getting annoyed now. I wanted to give him a bogus number just to prove my point but... well... honestly I wanted him to call me. Even though I don't know what we would talk about. I rattled off my numbers.

    "Stay put." He demanded and he got out the car and walked around to.. help me out. Wow I didn't think he knew any manners. I'm shocked. "Tell me your not gonna be this difficult the whole day." He said.

      "I guess we will have to find out together then. Won't we." I said smirking. I felt his warm skin against mine and I liked it, even shivered.

    "Cold?" He pressed me up against the jeep, his arms caging me in. 

   "No. I mean yes. I mean maybe. I don't know!"

 He just laughed and said. "Ok now we're going on a little adventure. So you will listen to me when I give an order and there will be no asking nicely."

   I nodded my head. I have to go along so I can get my questions answered.

   He looked at my now twitching lips. He leaned down so close to me that I could feel the heat of his breath on my skin.

  "What are you thinking?" He asked, his lips hovering over mine.

    "Will Kenzie be upset that your with me?"

   He straightened up. "No she shouldn't be. We're not dating anymore."

  I wasn't given time to reply. "Come on."

 At the back of the building I seen a forest that leads to my grandparents house. Realizing that the trip here should have been shorter, unless he took unnecessary turns. Maybe he thought he was being followed just like I did. "Are you walking me home?" I asked unsure of how I felt about that. 

  "Yes and No. Now, will you be  quiet your distracting me, and I have to make sure we don't stumble on any trip wires."

  Ok why trip wires? "Umm did you say trip wires?"

  "Distracting me." He said in a singsongy voice.

  "Annoying me." I sang back. I bit my tongue so I would stay quiet, as we hiked through the woods. 

   By the time we made it to my back yard, my thighs burned and my heart was beating really loud in my chest.

   "See those tracks?" Kyle asked, pointing to the ground.

    As I looked down I remembered two nights ago when I stumbled out here looking for Bridezilla. "Yes. I see them."

  "Do you know what caused them? Besides the ones belonging to you, of course."

  "No." Maybe. I licked my lips. "Do you? And how did you know I'v been out here?"

   "Give me some credit. You're an eight and a half and your shoes have a distinct zigzag patterns."

   Normal kids don't notice those thing. 

  I thought about his question and I was not ready to tell him my answer. What if my answer was wrong and he thought I was a crazy person. "First I want to ask you something. Do you know what caused the tracks?"

   "Yes." He said without a beat of hesitation. 

"What?" I asked.

   "You tell me." He said stubbornly.

  "I never said I knew Kyle."

 "You paled. And that was answer enough. But you have to say the words."

  I shook my head. 

"Sam I shouldn't even be talking to you about this. So that means I can't admit anything outright. You have to tell me what I'm trying to say."

   Was he saying what I thought he was saying? That he saw monsters to but couldn't admit it until I admitted it.

  "Let's try this another way," he suggested. "You're dads dead, isn't he. Killed this summer."

   Immediately I turned so he was facing my back. "I won't talk about that either."

   "He died in a car wreck, in a cemetery," KYle persisted. "You were with him. Did you see something... weird?"

 "I don't wanna talk about that either." I said stomping away. If I did, Then I would start crying and I don't want to cry in front of him.

    A scream burst out my lips when my feet were jerked out from under me. A band was tight around my ankles and it was pulling me up.. up.. until I dangled from a tree branch. Someone had booby trapped the land behind my back yard. or was it a trip wire that Kyle mentioned earlier?

 "Let me down!" I demanded.

   His smile was anything but pleasant. "You and your commands. Ask nicely."

   "Will you... please.. let me down." My nice voice was ruined when I tried to punch him.

   He jumped back out of my striking distance. "Now, now. There is not need for that. I'd be happy to help you.....After," He added.

  "After? What do you mean after? Do it now!"

  He looked amused. "After we finish talking."

    Oh really? I began swinging back and forth until I got a good swing going on. 

  "What are you----Oomph!" He crouched over, wheezing. I jus head butted him in the gut. Satisfaction filled me. 

  "What about now?"

   When he no longer sounded like an old man on an oxygen tank, he moved directly in front of me, placing my forehead directly in front of his navel. Brave boy. To keep me still, he placed his hands on my waist...bare waist. I realized that my shirt fell and catching on the underwire of my bra. "Stupid gravity!" I yelled. I lifted my hands and tugged on my shirt to make it go back up.

   "Calm down before you hurt my favorite body part. I'm very fond of my... gut." He moved my hands, making my shirt fall again. "Let me." He grabbed my shirt and tucked it into the waist band of my jeans.

  "Kyle. Please. Act like you haven't been to juvie and let me down."

   He sighed and it wasn't a patient sound. "Samantha has a mean streak, good to know. And I told you, I'll let you down after we chat so lets chat. Did your dad ever talk about anything weird?"

   Dread slithered through me and wrapped around me heart and squeezed. "Like what?"

   "You. Tell. Me."

   ARGH! "I do not know you. I do not trust you. Therefore, I will not talk about this with you."

 Another sigh slipped from him. "The answer is simple then. You'll get to know me. Are you going to the game? To Ashely's party?"

  I rolled my eyes. "Not to the game but I'm thinking about making an appearance at the party."

  "Are you going with anyone?"

    "No." Wait. Yes, I was. I was going with Kat. Wasn't I?

   "Good I'll meet you there."

   My eyes widened to the point I thought they would fall out. He'd meet me there as

  "No," He said shaking his head. "Not a date. You don't like to share your story with people you don't know. I don't like to go on dates with girls I don't know."

  Great. I hadn't meant to or even realized I said that out loud. "Great we're on the same page then." I said in an effort to recover. "But just to be clear, we'll be spending time together, chatting about something other than the tracks and weirdness?"

  "Yes. Got a problem with that?"

 A big one. but I said. "Fine. I'll do it if you insist, but only if you let me down now."

  "Fine but with one more question, I'll give you what you want." He said.

   Ugh! This stupid rope forcing my hand. "Ask."

  "Does anything happen to you each morning when you first look at me? Something that doesn't happen any other time, just morning when you first see me."

    "Y-yes." I stuttered. "Wh-What do you see?"

    "I'll tell you, but not here and not now. Write down what you see, and I'll do the same. After school, we'll exchange notes. That way, neither of us can claim the other is lying. And if you hand me an empty note, I'll make you regret it."

  "Scary," I said acting scared. "But the same goes to you."

  He finally cut the rope and I began to fall. Right before I could hit the ground Kyle caught me and rightened me as if I weighed like a bag of feathers. A long moment passed until I was steady on my feet. Did I step away from him though? No. He wouldn't let me. He held tight. His finger applied pressure to my waist. "Do I need to tell you that this conversation goes no further, not even to Kat, or do you already know that?"

  Yeah this whole convo was a wake up call. No talking. "Already know."

  "Good. That'll do for now."

Chapter 8

Chapter 8.

 By the time I got home from school my nerves were battered and deep fried. My teachers kept asking why I missed their classes. Following those delightful encounters, Kyle ignored me at lunch. I shouldn't be mad because I made plans before him, and I could make plans after him. Except, he'd been waiting for me after final bell. He handed me a note and I did the same. Not a single word was spoken. 

   Now I sprinted up to my room, locked the door and threw myself on my bed, digging for the small folded paper out of my pocket. i'd desperately wanted to read it on the bus, but I'd managed to stop myself. 

   Now I unfolded that page Kyle gave me, halfway expecting it to be blank. I opened it and surprise, theres words. The note read, doing stuff, kissing, fighting. 

   Oh thank goodness. He'd had the visions to. Which meant, in this area in life, I was actually sane. But soon after relief followed confusion. Why had we imagined kissing each other? How was any of it possible? Was there a strange mental connection between us? Or were we having glimpses of the future. 

      Knocking at the door brought me back to reality. "Come in."

   My Aunt Karen stepped in and said you have a visitor and a grinning Kat soared into the room. "Guess whose lucky day it is? Yours!" She said smiling. She looked tired, with pallid skinned and dark circles under her eyes. 

    "Are you ok? I heard you were sick?" I asked with concern clear in my voice.

   "Sick? Me? Never! i just needed a little Kat time."

  "Your parents just let you stay out of school?" I asked not totally believing her.

   "Yeah. My dad....and uh, my mom... say kids deserve breaks too."

   I just nodded.

 "Aren't you wondering how I knew where you lived even though you never gave me an address?" She asked.

   "Yeah. How did you?" I asked curiously.

    With a clap and a twirl she said, "Jason and by the way his new nickname is Frosty anyway he  has been texting me all day long, checking on me. I told him to make him self useful and find out about you. I would have texted you but word on the street is that you spent the morning with Kyle and I didn't want to interrupt anything illicit. And by the way, I'll want the entire story when I'm finished with mine. Anyway, Kyle knew your addy, the naughty boy, so Frosty knew your addy, and boom, here I am." 

   "Wait. Back up a bit. Are you and 'Frosty' getting back together?"

  "No! Yes. Oh, I don't know." She threw herself on my bed. "I mean, i firmly believe that a guy walks away from you, he should have to crawl back. Frosty hasn't done enough crawling."

   I thought for a moment. "What if Kyle was being truthful and Jason-- I mean Frosty never actually cheated on you." As rough as the guys are, I could never imagine them lying. They wouldn't care about the consequences. What I could imagine is them getting in everyones face saying, 'I did it. That's right. Me. What you gonna do about it?'

   "Here's a life lesson for you. Boys always cover up for other boys. they will lie to your face and behind you're back. Ok anyway Now it's your turn. Spill what happened today!"

  As I paced in front of my bed I told her that we went for a drive and he asked slash commanded me to meet him at Ashely's party for a non-date, and that I'd said yes.

   "He never goes to parties for non-dates. I think he really really likes you." She beamed.

  "Really?" Okay how pathetic was I? "It doesn't matter anyway because I'm going with Justin Silverstone but just as friends.'

  Oh, sweetie.... I can't wait... this is gonna be so EPIC, and even though you don't know why and I'm not telling because that would ruin it, you just made me the happiest girl in the world and now I'm gonna make you the second happiest. I'm taking you to spy on Kyle!" gleefully she rubbed her hands together. "Life lesson number two. Spying is the best and only way to learn the truth."

   No way we are spying on Kyle. No way. He'd catch us. 

  "I'd bet we'd see him shirtless," She said.

   "I'm in." I found myself saying. 

   "Awesome! Because we're going tonight!"

   "Great." I said dryly.

   "So enthused." She said sarcastically. 

 After dinner I found myself strapped inside her girly pink mustang going down the highway. Somehow she convinced my Aunt and Uncle to let me stay the night with her. This would be my first ever sleep over.

   "Are you nervous?" Kat asked

  "Yes." I replied.


I wanted to say because I haven't been on an evening drive since the accident and couldn't help but clutch onto the seat but instead I said "Cars." and she understood.

  "Where are we going?"i so needed a distraction.

  "Well I noticed a few things about our boys when I was dating Frosty. About every once every two weeks,, you can't reach any of them. Whatever they're doing it's violent and top secret. That was two days ago, which means they spent last night patching up their wounds and they'll spend this one celebrating whatever secret thing the celebrate two days after disappearing and a day after healing. They will be at Hearts, the most exclusive club ever."

   "How will we get in?" I asked.

   "Well the guys and company are always aloud in and Frosty put my name on the list, and because he secretly hopes I will do exactly this a spy on him and I'm almost positive he didn't take my name off."

 I looked down at my clothes and was about to ask if we need to change but then we pulled up at Sarah's house.


By the time Sarah was done with us, smoking wasn't the right term, we were more like five alarm blazing and should probably have been hosed down. 

   Apparently, Sarah had attended a school of beauty over the summer and she was loaded. She lived in a tall sprawling mansion, with white columns, domed ceilings, chandeliers dripping with thousands of crystal teardrops, winding staircases and an entire separate section of the house where the servants lived. 

   Sarah dressed us in slutty, to tight outfits and hooker heels. My "outfit" consisted of an ice blue corset top, a micro mini skirt with dark blue ruffles and ripped up leggings. Black boots that laced up just under my knee. She did my make up and she made my eyes pop, my cheeks to appear rosy and my lips look like "plump candy apples all the boys will want to bite." her words not mine.

  Kat wore a long sleeved top that veed all the way down her navel, forcing her to ditch her bra. Atleast her legs were covered by a pair of skinny jeans, the lucky girl. Rather than jewelry, Sarah got her a boys necktie that would play hide and seek with her chest.

   Sarah dressed in a black and white polka dotted dress that flarred at the hip and ended above the knee. She reminded me of a sexy seventies housewife.

   Ashely dressed in a gorgeous tank top, jean shorts, and cowgirl boots.

 We walked to Sarah's SUV after we all finished getting dressed. We reached the club in about thirty minutes. Kat gave her name to two ginormous bouncers I would have run screaming from in any other situation, and they allowed us to bypass the hundreds waiting to get in. We sailed inside, loud, raucous music instantly assailing my ears.

      On the dance floor boys and girls were grinding on each other. At the bar boys were doing body shots off girls. In the corner a whole lot of making out going on. There were two floors. The top floor was for VIPs. I looked up at the sectioned of part and I got a clear view of what was on the edge. There I could make out black leather couches and chairs, iron tables, and..... Kyle.

   He wasn't wearing a hat tonight. He was wearing a black T-shirt that looked as if it was painted on he was total smex appeal, and I wish i could see his lower half.

    I nudged Kat in the stomach and pointed.

  "Goody!" she said while rising to my ear. "Time to enact Operation Boys Will Cry. Stage one-- make them notice us."

   "What about spying?" I demanded.

  "We can't really spy on them if they're not spying on us, now can we?"

   Warped logic, but okay. I wanted to talk to Kyle but instantly thought 'oh crap this won't end well.'



Texte: Alice in zombieland & looking through the zombie glass
Bildmaterialien: Google
Lektorat: wanda
Übersetzung: none
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 11.12.2013

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