
The Summer That Changed Her Life

It was a bright sunny day, I was hoping to sleep in today but the noise downstairs, wouldn’t let me stay asleep. I dragged myself out of bed, once I get into the kitchen, I see my sister arguing which is the reason why I’m awake. “HEY!! You two! Can’t you be quiet! I was trying to sleep earlier til certain people woke me up.” “Well you should keep your door shut more than sister.” She sticks her tongue out at me. “Watch it! The creeper will come get you in the night for messing with your older sister.” She grabs her twin and they both run upstairs, they shut their door, letting us know they got the drift. “Daughter, you shouldn’t do that to them.” “But mom...they need to learn that I want to sleep in at times. You should know that better than anything else. You were a teenager once.” She continue her cooking, acting like she doesn't hear me so she can finish. “Mom, I know you can hear me.” “Daughter, you should respect your younger sister more, they look up to you. They don’t need to remember being so rude to them.” “Fine! I’m getting dressed and going down the beach for most of the day, send a text when lunch is ready or I can take something myself with me.”

I run back upstairs to change and get the things I need for going down at the beach. I think to myself...why can’t she understand that it’s summer and that I want to sleep in some mornings but you know what, I will go down there and I might take a nap for once while down there. This may turn out to be a good day for once this summer. I had grabbed my stuff and ran back downstairs. “MOM!! Do you have anything you will let me take with me to the beach?” “NO! You can come back up to the house to eat then go back down so I will text you when it’s time for lunch.

I head out while thinking...just great. She doesn’t trust me enough to do anything I ask of her. When will she ever let me do things I want?

I found the place that I always sit when I come down here. It was in a lawn chair, almost. I changed it up so it would be able to suit the needs I was needing. Well, I sat down and the first thing I always do before it got to hot, read a book. Call me crazy but I think it’s a good way to pass time so I can swim when it gets, you know, that hot part of the day. Well, today that didn’t take long so I didn’t have much time to read, really. I slapped on sunscreen and dashed out to the ocean for a quick and rather long swim.

It tired after about an hour and half, thinking I should get out and take a time to rest before swimming anymore. Plus, I will need to put on more sunscreen as well. I was getting ready to put on more sunscreen when I heard some voices headed this way but couldn’t tell from where it was coming from. I was about ready to get up and go in when one of the voices was right next to me. Good thing I couldn’t see the face at the moment, I had an umbrella on the chair, I fixed up just for me. I was about ready to say something to the guy when he beat me to it. “So how long do you plan to be down here today?” “Does it matter if I was down here long. Don’t you have some other people that you can bother right now?” “Yes, I do but I wanted to see why a girl like you would be down here, at this time of day.” “I’m down here, so I can get away from my family for a while. You can run along now before I go ahead and head home, early.” “Maybe. I will go but you should come back later today though.” “What makes you think I will do that, just for you?” “Well, me and my buddies are wanting to talk and hang out with you, but, you are wanting to head home early so it can’t happen then, huh?” I’m thinking to myself...why does he keep bothering me when I’m obviously trying to hint that I just want him to go away. Ugh! This is why I don’t interact with boys, they think they can put the moves any old girls and think that they can just fall over them. Not me! “So, you leaving or staying?” “I’m staying but you know, you could, go and hang out with your buddies so I can get back to my book I was reading.” “Fine. See ya around, maybe.”

He finally went away but oh wait! Here comes one of his buddies now. Great! “So, I hear you go some issues with my friend, why?” “I don’t like being bother and look, your doing it as well. Why can’t you boys just leave me alone so I can enjoy my day without ya’ll ruining it.” He kneels down so he can see who’s under the umbrella. “So, you're the mystery umbrella girl.” “What’s that got to do with anything?” “You should just come hang out with us or I can sit here and we can continue talking.” “Why would you do that when your buddies are waiting on you, obviously.” “Look, my friend shouldn’t have said whatever he said but I’m not like him. Your interesting and I want to get to this girl that is so mysteries.” He gives me a smile that warms a girls heart. He actually made my heart start beating fast. I never knew a guy could this short of thing to me.

I hesitate to say anything because I’m not sure how things will go so I do what I think is best. “Umm...sure as long as your friends don’t come over here. I don’t like one of them and I’m pretty sure you know which one I mean.” “Yes, I do. I won’t let me so I can have you all to myself.” I started to think to myself about what he just said...did he just say he wanted me all to myself? OMG!! This can’t be happening!! I wish this would have happened when I was in my home town and not in this place. It won’t be much longer til I have to leave, go back home, so I will be there when school starts. I just wish this had happened sooner. “So, what do you like to do here for fun?” “There are many things. Will you be back down here tomorrow?” “Yes, I will be back down.” “Make sure you dress for going around places.” “Alright, I will do that.” We spent the rest of the day talking and everything. The one bad thing about it is, I forgot mom texted me for lunch so I didn’t eat lunch and I still haven’t had dinner either.”Hey! Would you want to go get dinner since you haven’t eaten and I haven’t either?” I start to think to myself...I don’t know if I should or not. He’s a really nice guy and everything but what would my mom say if I told her all of a sudden that, I was going to eat dinner with a guy that I barely met. I think I should, it would give me a chance to see what kind of guy he really is. “Sure, let me tell my mom first. Unless you want to come with me and see what I have to deal with?” “Nah! I will just wait here for you. Is that alright?” “Sure, I’ll be right back.” “Oh, hey! Are you going to change or what? You look like that if you want to put some sort of pants on if you like.” I blush right off the bat. “Yeah, I will put some sort of cover up on.” I run the house to tell my mom, would have texted her but then again, I wanted to see what he would if he had to wait on me.

I came back shortly. “Hey! I’m ready!” “Great! Also, you look great in your shorts with your bikini top on.” “Thanks! Is this alright to walk around town in, though?” “Yeah, it’s fine. Everyone walks around like that, some girls show more than others though.” “Wow! I knew most girls were like that but to go that far though.” “Yeah, I don’t like girls like that. I like, well...girls like you. Ones that don’t try to dress to impress.” I start to think to myself...did he really just say that to my FACE!! I really am starting to like this guy. I wonder what would happen if I asked him if he liked me? I don’t think it would hurt to ask but what if he said no, what would I do then?! I think I will stay quiet about asking for now. “Is that a good thing?” “In my opinion it is. So, where would you like to eat?” “I don’t know this place so you can pick. That is if I can trust you not to poison me in the end.” I could help laughing after I said that. “I promise I won’t poison you. That is if you act like a good girl and come with me quietly.” We both bursted out laughing. It felt great being able to be like this with someone other than my friend back home.

We had finishing at this nice little restaurant. I would totally go back, well, if I have time before I have to go soon. I start to think while he’s walking back to where my house is...I can’t ask since I won’t be here much longer. I guess the only thing I can do is, just find some time to hang out again and if something should happen, then it happens. I hope nothing does because it would be murder to have to leave, knowing he likes me and he possibly wouldn’t ever see me again. Once we reach my house, we stood there in complete silence. “Well, thank you again for taking me out tonight. I had a lot of fun.” “I’m glad I could. Have nice night now.” I smile...I totally wish he would kiss me now. I want him to kiss me. I want to know if it means anything. Please, please, please...let him kiss me!! He tucks a hair behind my ear and cups my face. As he leans closer, my heart starts to beat fast and faster. Finally, our lips touched. It was like sparks were flying, but that left me with dread now. I moved away and smiled at him. “Goodnight, see you tomorrow.” “Goodnight, have sweet dreams. See you tomorrow.” I walked inside and went straight to my room. I didn’t stop to talk or anything, I wanted to be alone to think things through. I started to think while sitting on my bed... I really like him but it won’t be long til’ I have to go back home for school. I’m going to tell him tomorrow if it’s the last thing I do. I will be honest with him, that’s a good way to start out a friendship so they know, you will be honest while in a relationship. What was going to happen now? He was everything I could wish for but…it just can’t be meant to be.



It was time for the big day to come. We had packed everything up and had loaded everything into the truck so we could go back home. I started to think...I wonder if he will be waiting for me. Will he wait long enough till’ he comes and see’s if I’m even home? I just wonder exactly what he will do when he finds out that we left today? I don’t know if I want to what he will do when he finds out. I had helped get the last few things in the back of the car. I was standing there, looking down at the beach wondering if he was waiting for me or not. “Brittany, it’s time to go. We will be late getting to are plane!” I looked back one last time then walked out the door to never see again...well, not until’ next year. I sat in the car, looking out the window, wanting to know what he was doing right this moment.

Back at the beach....

Aric was sitting, waiting on me so he could take me around town again. This time, places he hasn’t shown me before. I wonder when she will be here? Did I do something wrong to make her not to come back? I liked her and I want the chance to tell her that but I’m too scared to say anything. I wonder if she even likes me back or if I’m just thinking up fluff. Man, I really want to find out about all this. How much longer am I going to have to wait til’ she comes? He couldn’t remember how long he wait til’ he went up to the house but to his surprise, he came to a house that had no one in it. What happened to all there stuff? Where did they go? I need to go find her and QUICK!! He raced down and went to the only place he could of that would tell him anything about them or where to find us so he can ask me something important.

Back to where I am….

We have arrived back home and I’m am help unloading all our vacation stuff back into our house. I was kinda down when I started but towards the end, I just wanted to lay in bed and just be alone. I didn’t want to talk to anyone or do anything else, other than laying on my bed. I couldn’t help remember all the times I spent with him and how great it felt. I shot up from the bed super fast. I never asked him his name!! How could I have been so stupid. I fell back on my bed and laid there for what seemed like forever. I think I laid there for over two hours at least before I heard it was dinner time but I didn’t have the energy to get up and go down to eat. My mom finally comes up and checks on me. “Brittany, is everything okay?” “Mom, can we not do this right now.” “What do you mean?” “Mom, please not right now.” “Okay, okay...I get it. Sorry I bothered you.” She gets up to leave when I stop her in her tracks. “Mom, I do need someone to talk to so would you be willing to listen and just listen for right now?” “Of course, I will listen to what you have to say.” I spent the last hour or more telling her about him and how I didn’t say bye or anything and wondering if he even cares at all. She sat there and listened the whole time which made me really happy to know. When she noticed I had finished telling her what I needed to tell her, she told me what she thought about it. It felt good talking to someone that would understand what I was feeling right now, When the talk was over, she let me sleep and would talk more about it tomorrow.

Back at where he is @5:50 during the day…

He raced all over town trying to find someone that could tell him, how he could find me\us. Jr asked people that he didn’t even know if they knew where he could find us. He went to every business that he could think of but nothing so far. He couldn’t think anywhere else to look but wouldn’t stop till’ he could find something or a hint of where we might be. He couldn’t remember how long it has been but he continues searching through the night.

Next day…

It was all bright and sunny when I got up then harsh reality kicked in. Now, I didn’t want to get up anymore, I wanted to sleep the day away since it’s the last full day of summer vacation before school starts.I decided to let my friends know that I was home now but was at home for the day. That, it wouldn’t last long when I told them that and they kept texting me like crazy.


How texting conversation went like:

Miranda: What do you mean you aren’t going to leave your room??

Amanda: Yeah! What do you mean?

Brittany: It’s a very long story and I don’t want to take up all the screen space on your in other words, I will not be telling you.

Miranda: You just wait, I will find out and you will not know how I will.

Amanda: That’s right. You won’t know how I will find out.

Brittany: Okay....I guess that is up to ya’ll.


After that, I hadn’t heard from them. I was starting to wonder what they might do to find out. I started to remember that I told my mom about it and not they could call\text her but why would they ask my mom? What the heck are they planning. I can’t keep up with their thinking. I guess I will find out as the day goes on. Why do they even want to know what’s going on? And how would they even know my mom’s phone number. I guess I will never know. It had been at least a hour and a half now and I still haven’t heard anything from them. That would all changed in less than a few minutes.

I was sitting in my room, minding my own bussiness. “Brittany, you have some company!!” I sit fast and race down the stairs. Please be him, please be him, PLEASE BE HIM!! Once I got to where the front door is, it was Miranda and Amanda. They walked towards me and dragged me back upstairs. “Thank you for letting us in,” said Amanda. Once we were in my room, they sat down and looked me. I was starting to get cripped out.


This is the conversation between the three girls:


Amanda: Girl, tell us. We didn’t come over here for no good reason.

Miranda: We still love you though but...we want to know why you aren’t going to be leaving the house today.

Brittany: Girls, look. I love you both but... I don’t want to talk about this right now. I’m not in the best of moods right now.

Miranda: Alright, we understand but…

Amanda: But we want to know what’s going on. We love you and care about you so can you please tell us.

Miranda: Please!!

Brittany: Alright girls but...can you just listen and then say what you want to say AFTER I finish telling ya’ll.

Miranda & Amanda: Yes we will. Begin when you are ready.


Brittany: Alright, it goes like this…

Brittany: You know how I always go down to that one beach every summer when it gets closer to the end of the summer. Well, one day when I was there, I met this guy. he showed me around and I think after awhile...I started to like him. His friends weren’t that nice at all. They well...they are boys I don’t want to ever see again. I had a lot of fun and now, I want to go back and continue to have fun with him. I just remembered something, he had planned on us doing something when we were leaving.The only bad part about is it that, we left before I could tell him anything and now, I’m wondering what he is doing right now and I DIDN’T GET HIS NUMBER EITHER!!

Miranda & Amanda: Sounds like you have a lot of fun. I wish you could have gotten his number so you could tell him. You should try to contact someone back down there, that can get you his number so you can tell him what’s going on.

Brittany: I should do that. That’s a great idea!!

Miranda & Amanda: WE will sit right here and watch. We want to see what type of guy he is. We do need to approve of him before he just date our best friend.

Brittany: I love you guys!!


We all hugged it out. They sat there with me in my room as I tried to find a way to talk to him.

Back to where Aric is…

He spent the whole night, trying to find someone that could tell him where he could find me. He asked every person they saw when they were hanging out and he couldn’t get anything. They all said the same things, “Sorry, I haven’t seen her since you came by that time with her. Good luck finding her.” He didn’t like hearing that but it was basically true. I hadn’t gone everywhere till’ he got me to. (What he didn’t think about...he didn’t check with the people we rented the house from but we will wait and see if he will ask sooner or later.) He spent all his morning running around town, trying to figure out who he could ask if they knew where I was.

It took him a hour to think about the owner’s of the house and if they should ask them or not because who knows if they would tell him what he needs to know. He thought, it doesn’t hurt to try. So, he ran to where he thinks he could fine the owners.

Back to where Brittany is:

The three girls were doing there best to get a hold of people down there. Nothing was going through. They were about to give up hope when someone answered on the other end.


This is the conversation between Brittany and the store owner:


Shop Owner: Hello! How can I help you?

Brittany: Yes, can you tell me what that boys name was, the one I was with just the other day.

Shop Owner: Is this that girl....Brittany?

Brittany: Yes, that is me.

Shop Owner: So you are talking about Aric. The guy that was showing you aound that day.

Brittany: That’s his name? Do you know how I can get a hold of him?

Shop Owner: I don’t think so but the next time I see him, I will tell him to call this number. Would that be okay?

Brittany: That would be great! Thank you so much!

Shop Owner: You're welcome! Have a nice day now.

Brittany: You, too.


Once she hung up the phone, the three girls squealed in excitement. They couldn’t believe that they could get through and get someone that knew him, tell him to call her back on that very number.

Back to what Aric was doing...

He finally got the the where he things the owner’s might be right now. He run inside and ask for where they are right that second. They took him to them. Once he got there, he explained why he was there and why he needed that information. They told him that he couldn’t tell others that information. They wish they could help but they couldn’t. He felt like crap now. He wasn’t sure what he would do now. He decided to go the soda shop and get a soda pop. He could use a cold drink after running around town.

When he got there and got his soda pop, the shop owner came up to him. “Hey, remember that girl you had been looking for..she called her and told her that I would tell you so you could call her back. I wrote the number down so you could call her back,” “Seriously! Why didn’t you tell me something earlier.” “Son, you haven’t been here since that day you brought her here. don’t get grumpy because you didn’t come here earlier.” “That’s true, I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have been rude to you because I didn’t come by here earlier.” He smiles and walked off to continue his job. He sits there and looks at the number, I wonder when I should call her? I wonder if she is wanting me to call back when I got the number? What should I even do? He gets up and goes home. He sits in his room and looks at his phone. He dials the number but couldn’t bring himself to hit the call. He finally presses the call and it’s ringing.

Back Brittany’s house in her room...

The three girls were having so much fun doing each others nails and stuff. They almost did her cell ring, they finally heard it and she answered.


The conversation between Aric and Brittany:


Brittany: Hello?

Aric: Is this Brittany?

Brittany: This is she.

Aric: Brittany, it’s Aric. The one you went around town with.

(Brittany gives the girls the be quiet sign because it was him so they were quiet and listened to what was going to be said)

Brittany: Aric! I have been needing to talk to you.

Aric: You, too! I have been needing to talk to you also.

Brittany: Do you want to go first or should I?

Aric: Doesn’t matter to me really.

Brittany: You can go first then since you don’t really care.

Aric: Alright.

Aric: I wanted to ask...why...did you leave and not tell me. Especially, the house looking like it never had someone living there.

Brittany: That is exactly what I have been needing to talk to you about. I was wanting to tell you what happened before any of this happened.

(They both laugh that they both tried to contact each other so they could find out the question and answer of what they were wanting to hear)

Aric: Dang! I guess I should have came by earlier then or should have come up to the house before you left so I would know. I’m guessing I worried you because you didn’t know how to tell me that you wouldn’t be here anymore.

Brittany: Nah, it’s fine, honest. I was worried that you would have been mad at me because I didn’t tell you.

(They both laugh again)

Aric: Let’s pretend that none of that happened and I knew what was going on. So, which phone are you using there?

Brittany: I am using my cell phone. Why?

Airc: Looks like we will be able to text then because I am also using my cell phone.

Brittany: Great! I should go, I have some friends over and we were doing something so text me sometime.

Aric: Alright, will do. Talk to you later, bye!

Brittany: Bye!

(They hung up the phone and went back to what they were doing)



It has been the whole day and they are still talking. She was telling him about her starting school tomorrow and he told her that they don’t quite soon. They kept talking about how they could see each other again before school start. She wasn’t sure how that would work out but she did want to see him again. What she didn’t know was that, he was on his way down there the minute he realised he wanted to be with her. He had everything set up and ready for when he got down there, which, would be during the day while she was at school but that wouldn’t stop him from going ahead to school to see her and surprise her so he was planning to go during lunch so it would be a good surprise.

At school during lunch...

Brittany was sitting with Amanda and Miranda, they were sitting where they also sat. They had been talking till they saw a big crowd by the door. “Looks like we got another new student this year.” “I wonder who it could be.” “Don’t you always want to know if it’s a boy Miranda.” “Come on guys. It’s nothing, it’s like it always has so lets get back to what we were doing.” They hadn’t started talk when the crowd started to move away from the door but wouldn’t get far because of the crowd of people. They could just watch from where they were seated. Brittany started to stand up because she recognized that hair. She tried to get a better look but couldn’t because of the crowd (she was trying to see from where they are seated).

Aric was trying to get through and look for Brittany because she is the one he wanted to see more than all these girls. He could tell someone was trying to see from a seat far away from the crowd but he couldn’t make out who it was. He recognized the hair, he knew he has seen that hair from somewhere. He moved forward and the crowd moved with him. He got somewhat close enough to be able to see that far, he knew who it was now.


Brittany turned around as the crowd parted. She couldn’t believe her eye’s. Where they desiving her? No. It was really him. She took off running toward him as she run into his arms. They hugged and everyone could just watch. Some of the girls that weren’t happy, they had walked away when hearing her name.

When they finally let each other go, she immediately grabbed his hand and took him over to her friends (main best friends).


The conversation between the four:


Brittany: Miranda, Amanda, I would like you to met Aric.

(The girls wave at him)

Miranda & Amanda: Hi! Nice to met you.

Aric: Nice to met you, too.

Brittany: Oh! Would you like to go get some lunch before next period?

Aric: Yes, that would be great!

(Miranda & Amanda just looked at each other with a smile as we walked away)

(I am not going to go into detail about their periods unless the story takes place in one of the classes.)

After lunch was over, he walked her to her class then went to his. Everyone was starting to call them the “Perfect Couple”.

Once school was over, he walked her to her car. She sat on the hood and looked toward him. He was standing right in front of her. He walked closer till he was touching the front of the car. All of that felt so normal, they didn’t know why. She stood up and put her arms around his neck. They looked at each other. They weren’t sure for how long they were. They started to move closer together till their lips touched. They didn’t know how long they were kissing till they heard some voices. “Look who we got here. It’s the loser and they new guy.” We turn to see where the voices were coming from. We saw the three girls that weren’t standing off that far from where we were. “What do ya’ll want?” “We just want to warn the new guy to stay away from a girl like you but as we can see, that’s a bit too late.” “Ya’ll can go find someone else to bother, okay?” “Oh look girls, she thinks she is smart.” They laugh as we just aren’t seeing why they are here. “Exactly why are you here?” The head of them, you could tell the way the other two were acting. “We are here to invite Aric here to come join us so he doesn’t have to be around the likes of you. So, what do you say Aric?” He looks at them like...what the heck is your issues. “No thank you beautiful girls, I think I will just go home.” They all smile at each other. While they were busy, he whispered to me, “I will hide behind a car and when they leave, I will come back.” I nod as he walks away. When the girls see this, they are satisfied and walk away as well.

Once they were gone, he came back. “Dang! Do they always act that way?” “Sadey, yes. (sighs) They only do that for a short period of time with the new boys, well, till the new boys see what game they are playing, then they walk away and never say a word to them.” “Well, sad that they didn’t see it before but glad they say it later BEFORE it got too late for them. You know what I mean?” “Yes, I do. I doubt they would let that happen though.” We didn’t know what to do so we decided we would go to my house so he could see where I live.

When we got to my house, we went straight the riediage to get us something to drink. Who knew school could make you so thirsty. Well, we drank our drink then started on our homework.

Two hours later...

We were about done with our homework when we hear the front door open then shut, shortly afterwards. “Brittany, are you home?” It took me a milia second to reply. “Yes mom. I am in the living room.” I can heard her footsteps but didn’t see her quite yet. “Brittany, what do you-oh, hi. Who is this Brittany?” She smiles at me. “Mom, this is the guy I went around town with that day. He came here, is going to school with me, and mom...I think that we actually might like each other.” She looked at me all happy and could see that he wasn’t happy with what I said, he had the look of...seriously! I didn’t come all this way for nothing and hear you say that to your mom. She understood since I wasn’t aware of how he was feeling right now. “So, does this boy have a name?” “Hi, I’m Aric.” “Nice to met you Aric. Are you staying for dinner?” He looks at me and can tell I want him to. “I would be honored, thank you!” “It’s nothing, glad to have you for dinner (not like that).”

My mom went into the kitchen and started to make dinner. We finished up our homework, a couple of minutes before dinner was ready. Once it was finished, we all sat around the table and just had a nice conversation (which is very rare that my mom and I talk during dinner). (What they had for dinner was; steak, mash potatoes, green beans, homemade bread, and some cake for dessert).Once finished, he helped my mom clean up while I washed the dishes. My mom thanked him for eating with us and told him. “Come back any time. We are glad to have you.” He smiled and left. After that, my mom wouldn’t shut up about how great he is and hopes things work out. I had to admit, she was right about this one.

The next morning at school...

Brittany had finished getting dressed for school and was on her way to school now. Aric, he was already there and you would never guess who he was talking to. Once Brittany got there, she got out of the car and started toward the door. When she got close enough, she could see that Aric was talking to….ASHLEY!! I hide behind some bushes and waited to see what was going on. I couldn’t really hear or see what they are doing because they aren’t that close to the bush I was hiding behind. What am I doing? Why should I be hiding behind a bush? I should be over there getting all over her for talking to the guy that likes me, not her. What?! Are they flirting? This is going to end now!! Brittany walks over to where they are standing. She crosses her arms and stands there. “Hey, Brittany. What are you doing?” “Oh, I don’t know. Wondering why you are over here with her.” “’s nothing. We just talked so that’s what I’m doing. Something wrong with that?” “Because of what she did yesterday. Isn’t that something to think about.” “Brittany, why are getting so ugh about this. I can talk to whoever I want to talk to.” That hit me hard. The minute he said that, he could tell that he shouldn’t have. “Oh...I see how it is.” “Brittany-” “I will just leave you two to talk then.” I walk away and he tries to go after her but couldn’t because of Ashley keeping him there. I went through the day alone till it came time for lunch. Once I sat down, the girls could tell something was up with her. “Brittany, what’s wrong?” I could tell they were trying to cheer me up but I wasn’t sure if they even could at this point since he didn’t try to say anything to since this morning. Here she thought, he liked her but she is now thinking other wise.

Me and my girls sat there in silent for a while til I saw two people that I wouldn’t think about seeing together, well, thinking that he would have said something by now but I guess not. “Brittany, just don’t look alright and talk to us. “We won’t let you get yourself down. You're our friend, try to ignore it.” “You are right guys, thanks.” Tries to smile for them but just couldn’t do a normal smile this time. The minute I turn to look at them, I get eye contact with Aric. I move my gaze away from his as fast as I could. I knew for sure that he saw I looked at him and was down in the dumps about something.

Ashley on purpose made them walk by where we were sitting. “Oh, sorry. I didn’t mean to bump your table. It was in my way.” All three of us could just look at her and wanted to hit her outside the head. Aric looks over at me. “Hey Brittany!” I look away and turn toward my friends. He could sense that I wasn’t happy but he wasn’t sure what about. “Brittany? Did something happen that I should know about?” I look at my girls and they are shaking their heads, I could tell they didn’t want me to say anything to him, let him figure it out for himself. “Brittany?! What happened to make you act this cold towards me?” Brittany couldn’t take it and stood up, turned around and looked at him. “I don’t think I need to explain anything to someone that is flirting and ignoring me for the mean girl that tried to take you the first day you were here. If you can’t see what your doing to someone you said you liked then apparently we have didn’t types of way of showing you like someone. Let’s go girls.!” Me and my girls walked off with them standing there. Ashley didn’t care, she got what she wanted. Aric, he is another story.


What will happen when he figures out what he is doing? Will it be too late for him to fix things with Brittany or will she have already moved on?



Two weeks later...

I was sitting in my room, doing my homework. I wasn’t sure if I was hearing things are not but I swear I thought I heard something hitting my bedroom window. I was somewhat scared to look and see what it was but I needed to look, just in case it was a peeping tom. I creep to my window like a spider. I look at the window and saw that it was...ARIC!! I stood up and just crossed my arms, he grinned, I closed my curtains and went back to doing my homework.

Two hours later…

I was about to get in the bath when I heard my phone went off. I wasn’t sure if I should look but I looked anyway. I saw that Aric sent me a text and I peeked out the window and he was still there. I sat down on my bed and replied to his text.


On the text conversation went:


Aric: Hey! What’s up with you lately?

Brittany: What’s up with me! WOW!!

Aric: WHAT?!

Brittany: Just leave me alone and go have your fun with Ashley.

Aric: Dude, why are being like this? Especially because of Ashley?

Brittany: Seriously! You are really going to say that to me.

Aric: ….

Aric: Look, Brittany, if you’re going to be that way then I guess we can’t hang out anymore.

Brittany: OMG!! You did not just say that to me. IF you want to throw away me because of her...then I guess I should have never fallen in love with a jerk like you. I regret everything I did with you!!

Aric: Brittany, you don’t really mean that.

Aric: Brittany? Answer me!!

Aric: Brittany, I’m sorry. Honest. Bye!


All Brittany could was cry herself to sleep that night. She wasn’t as heartbroken as she was tonight,

Next day at school...

Brittany pulled up in her, parked where she always parked, Today, her girls were standing there waiting for her. They could sense that something had happened and that she needed her back up. She got out, got her stuff, and walked toward the school with her girls. They talked like nothing had ever happened. When they neared the front doors, there was Aric with Ashley. They walked right on past them, the one thing she never wanted to happen, happened. Aric grabbed her hand and pulled her to the side. She could see that Ashley wasn’t happy that he pulled her a side and that it wasn’t where she is. She tried to ignore Ashley and try to listen what Aric has to say before she went on about her business.

There conversation went something like this:


Aric: Brittany, we need to talk about last night.

Brittany: There is nothing to talk about. So, can I go now.

Aric: Come on, you know we need to talk about what happened.

Brittany: There is nothing to talk about. You made it very clear that you think of her more than me. You said what you wanted to say, I’m going now. Have a nice life.

Aric: Brittany, wait!!


Brittany walked away and met up with her friends. Told them what happened and they told her, “You did the right thing. He’s really being a jerk.” We were just doing our own thing. Talking about what we were going to do tonight, we need some girl time. What we didn’t know was that someone was watching Brittany from a far. They were scheming of what to do next.

Later that day...

Aric was walking out from cafeteria, he heard some people talking. He looked to see who it was, it was Ashley talking to some of her girls. He hide behind the wall so he could what they were saying.


The conversation between the girls:


Ashley: I can’t believe that I got him to ignore her. Isn’t funny how she looked so hurt and how he just doesn’t act like he cares.

Girl 1: Yes, it is.

Girl 2: Well, does that mean we can go ahead and do plan B now?

Ashley: Yes it does. Later today, during girls PE, we will carry out our plan. No one will ever remember who Brittany is.

(they laugh evilly)

Girl 3: Great plan! What are you going to do about...Aric if he asks?

Ashley: Leave that to me, I have wrapped around my finger. He will do anything I tell him to. Just you wait, Brittany will be history.

(they walk off as Aric comes out of hiding)


What have I done? I can’t believe I thought she was different then what Brittany told me. I was so stupid, I have to find a way to fix this before PE but when does she go. Crap! What am I going to do now? I have to warn her but I don’t know if she will want to listen to me now that I screwed things up. I have to try though, this has to show that I love her and that I was stupid for doing that to her. He ran around the whole school looking for Brittany. He can’t find her anywhere. He finally heard that she has headed to PE already. She would be in the gym soon. He ran to the girls locker room, he tried to listen if he heard voices but he could hear Brittany talking to her girls while they changed. He wasn’t too late, well not yet anyway. He had to find a way to get her to come outside so he could warn her. Once he heard that another told Brittany that coach needed to see her right away, she bolted out of the locker room. He saw her run towards where the coach’s offices were located. Before she could open the door, Aric pulled her around the corner. Held her against the wall and looked to see if there was a sign of Ashley around. He didn’t see her so he moved away. He looked at the face of a very angry Brittany. Now is my chance to warn her about what Ashley is going to do. I wonder if she will listen to me? It’s worth a shot.


The conversation between Aric and Brittany:


Brittany: What do you want?

Aric: I am trying to warn you about what Ashley might do to you.

Brittany: That’s funny. You care...that’s really funny. Last I remember, you were falling over Ashley and wouldn’t even listen to me. Why do you think that I would listen to you of all people? Explain that to me.

Aric: Look, I know I have messed up BIG TIME but you have to listen to me on this.

Brittany: (laughs)

Aric: This isn’t funny! You are in danger, You gotta believe me, why would I even lie about something like this?

Brittany: I don’t know what to believe anymore. You chose her over me, someone I thought you liked. Why would I believe you after ignoring my warning on her. I thought that first you met her, that you would stay away but you didn’t. If you want to mess around with her, fine, you do that. I won’t stop you. Why don’t you think about why you even came down here.

(Brittany started to walk around the corner and head into the building having the coach’s offices)


Aric couldn’t remember how long he was standing there, thinking about what she said, He remembered the reason why he was here but he lost sight of that after being around Ashley. He needed to make it right but didn’t know how now. Brittany wouldn’t listen to him, he messed up and now he doesn’t even know what to do. All of a sudden, he heard a scream. He knew that scream and run inside. It was dark, he couldn’t see a thing. Now he understood why she called her in here, it was going to be dark and no one would have thought about showing up to see if she was okay. He had to think of a way to save her but didn’t know how. Where were they? He heard another scream and knew that planning wasn’t going to happen, he had follow the scream the best he could. Lucky if he gets there in time to save her.

He ran through the building, trying to find where the scream came from. He was about to one it when he step on something. He looked down and saw; a bow, shoes, and someone else clothing. He started to panic, he started to run again. He run the direction the stuff was leading. He felt like he was running for a year at least. He finally saw a light, he run toward it and then heard the scream again. He knew that he found where they were. He was afraid to look inside, he didn’t want to see if he was too late. He bent down anyway and look inside from the keyhole. Ashley had tied Brittany to wall so she couldn’t get away. “Let’s have a little talk, shall we.” All Brittany could do was scowl at her like, are you seriously asking someone that, when you tied her up and made it to where she can’t even response. Yes, nice going. Let’s see what you want. “Seeing you can respond...I will do all the talking about you will just listen to me, alright? Alright.” She paces around the room for a bit then stops in front of her. “How do you know Aric and what does he mean to you? What is your connection to him? I want to know!!” All she could do was scowl and glare at her, since you know, I CAN’T TALK!!

Back at the coach’s office building with Brittany and Ashley...

“Why won’t you answer me, you like B!!” One of Ashley’s groupies steps forward. “Miss...can I say something?” Ashley turns and looks at her. “What is it?” “Well...she can’t answer you miss. You covered her mouth, so if you want her to answer than you should uncover her mouth...well, if you want to miss.” She cowers away. She turns back toward Brittany. “ONE OF YOU!! Uncover her mouth. I don’t want to touch her mouth.” One steps forward and uncovers her mouth, steps back so they don’t get in her way. “Now, answer me!!” “Here’s the thing...I DON’T HAVE TO ANSWER THE LIKES OF YOU. Beat them apples!” Ashley starts to get really mad now, she was never ever talked back to. She ready to do something she has never done before.

Before Ashley could do anything, Aric burst in. Ashley turns to him and tries to make a innocent look. She was about to say something when he beat her to it. “Don’t say anything Ashley...I should have listened to Brittany about you. I should have never trusted you.” Ashley acted like that really hurt her when her heart is as black as coal. He goes over to Brittany and unties her. “Brittany, I’m sorry I never trusted you about her. Will you ever forgive me?” Brittany acts like she is thinking about it, making him have a downcast look. “Well...I guess I can if you make it up to me. Like that thing we were talking about that one night, maybe you could take me on that. Then, I guess I can forgive you.” He beams like the morning sun. “Of course! I will do anything to make you trust me again.” “Alright, when are you going to pick me up then? What day? What time?” He just looks at her. “You do know when you want to go, time, and place...right?” He looks down at the floor. “Well...kinda.” Brittany stood there trying to think of what to say so she wouldn’t hurt his feelings. “Give me the rest of the week so I have something planned for about Friday @7?” Brittany acts like she is thinking again. “Sounds good to me. Text me when you are coming so I can make sure, you know, I’m ready.” He makes a thumbs up sign. They walk out of the coach's office building like nothing had happened. They went throughout the day together.


They now thought that nothing bad could happen to them again. What would happen during this outing? Could someone try to make things go wrong so they won’t stay together? Continue reading to find out what happen next.



After the rest of the week of school and after thinking and planning, Aric now knew what to do for their date…

Aric was ready to go pick Brittany but wanted to know if she was ready or not. He texted her asking if she was ready, she said that she was almost. He waited a bit longer before heading over to her house.

What was going on at Brittany’s house while he was waiting for a while…

She was getting the last of her outfit on, shoes on, and now she was doing her make-up before she did her hair. She was in the middle of doing her last touches on her hair. She got a message for Aric.


There conversation went a bit like this…


Aric: Brittany, are you ready now? I don’t want to rush you getting ready.

Brittany: Aaawww

Brittany: Yeah, I’m doing last touches so you can come on and head over here.

Aric: Alright, I will text or call you when I get there.

Brittany: You could just walk to the front door, so you should come inside and get me.

Aric: Would you like that?

Brittany: YES!! Please do that for me.

Aric: Alright, I will do that for you. On my way.

Brittany: Alright, see ya.


Aric left his house and headed to Brittany’s house. Brittany got her shoes on and waited in her room so she could make a big entrance when he got here. It was a few minutes then she heard the doorbell. She started to get butterflies in her stomach. (Which she rarely ever gets). She could hear her mom and him talking so she planning to wait til her mom calls her, so she can come down. Next thing she hears, “Brittany...Aric is here to pick you up?” Brittany calls, “Alright! I’m coming!” She grabs her purse and heads to the stairs. She can see him standing there, she breaths in, and walks down the stairs. When Aric saw her coming down. He had all eyes on her. He couldn’t pull his gaze away from her. “Wow, you look beautiful Brittany.” She blushes and smiles at him once she gets to the bottom of the stairs. “Thanks!” “Alright you two. go have fun but I expect her to be back around 9:30-10. Now, go!” Brittany gives her mom and hug then walks out the door with Aric.Once they got a few blocks away, he pulls Brittany close. “You really do look beautiful tonight. I’m one lucky guy.” She blushes then says, “Thanks! I tried to find something nice for the plans you might be having tonight. I was thinking you wouldn’t do anything mess, right?” “No get mess but you might get sweaty later on during the date.” She blushes again.


The outfit details:

She is wearing skin tone colored ankle boots

Pink fluffy looking skirt

A white top tucked into her skirt waist band

A jewelry looking belt to cover up the connection between the two fabrics

She is also wearing a black short-ish sleeved leather jacket

Then there is her lightly done makeup so the outfit sounds out (yes, I did put the makeup in there and not going into detail about it)


They walked a couple more blocks til they hit the restaurant street. They crossed and ended up to a nice restaurant but not to nice but perfect for a first date. They walk in, he tells the person sitting people he has a reservation and she lead them to their seat. Aric helps her sit in her seat then pushed her in. He sat down right after. “ you like this place?” Brittany looks around. “It’s really nice. I can’t believe you got a reservation here tonight. Did you do this all for me?” He reaches across the table and takes her hand. “Of course, I want to make it up to my girl.” Brittany blushes deep red. “What is it?” She looks at him in the eye then says, “You called me your girl.” He goes red now. “Yes, I did. Is that bad or what?” “No, it’s fine but well…” “You are my girlfriend, aren’t you?” Brittany smiles. “Yes, I am.” They smiled, talked, and laughed throughout the whole dinner. Once they had finished, he asked for the check. They payed and and left the restaurant.

Few minutes after leaving…

“So, where are you going to take me now?” “I was thinking maybe a theme park\amusement park. What do you think?” She looks away. “What is it? You can tell me if you don’t want to do that.” “’s not that. I just well...I don’t do rides.” “That’s alright, we can play the games and do whatever you want. This night is for you and making it up to you.” She looks back towards him and smiles. “Thanks!” She kisses him on the cheek. They continue walking till he tells her to stop. “What’s going on now?” “You will have to wait and see. It’s a surprise.” All she could do was smile while waiting for this surprise.

About 10 minutes from waiting…

A horse drawn carriage pulls up. (It’s like something you would see Cinderella riding in, to go to the ball.) She was so surprised that she couldn’t even step inside. She was so surprised she was frozen like a statue. Aric pulls her in and closes the door, tells the coach that they are ready. They pull away.

On the carriage ride (Conversation)…


Aric: How do you like it so far?

Brittany: It’s more than I would have thought of you doing.

Aric: I’m glad that you like it. I tried to plan something that you would like. Did I do a good job so far?

Brittany: You have done more than just a good job. It’s beyond I could have ever hoped for. I’m really glad that you planned this.

Aric: I’m glad that you do.

Brittany: So...where are we going now well when we stop and get off?

Aric: I already told you...we are going to the amusement park.

Brittany: Oh yeah...ops!


As the ride continues, they talk about what they might do while they are there. She couldn’t wait to get there. Aric, he liked seeing her so excited and happy about it. It brought a smile to his face while they talked about it. He knew he did the right thing by going after her when he heard what Ashley said she would do.

When they arrived outside the amusement park…

We got our tickets, walked inside, and started to look around at what we could do first. We went on rides, played some games, and ate. I was having so much fun with him that I didn’t notice that it was already so late. We were heading out of the amusement park gates to wait til’ we had the energy to walk home. (He was going to walk me home.

Outside my house…

I got to my door and was trying to find my keys when he pulled me toward him and kissed me. I kissed him back for what seemed like hours. Once we pulled away, he let me go inside but first he said while leaving, “I will see you tomorrow girlfriend.” He smiled that smile that makes me melt for him. I waved while blushing\smiling. I was so happy things worked out for me and him that I wish I could have spent more time with him. I wonder what will happen next year we both graduate High School? That’s not for a while so I guess I shouldn’t worry for a while.


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 22.03.2016

Alle Rechte vorbehalten

This is dedicated to...all those summers that girls wanted that one guy to notice her and follow her. The people that have helped me is: -Matthew Haney -Myself -My two befriends

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