
New Girl & New Town....What's going to happen



It's a new school year, a girl is coming to town and knows no one. She is moving from Spring, California. She is 5'2 and is a smart, shy, beautiful in her own type of girl. She likes to make new friends and dones't mind to look for a boyfriend. She is moving to a new town called Tulia, TX. She doesn't know what this school and town will have in store for her. I wonder what this school has in store for her.


Chapter 1

"New School"


Pov Brittany*


It was the first day of school and I wasn't sure how I would fit in here. My mom told me that I could take the car to school, I wasn't worried about what I drive or anything but I was worried that I wouldn't make the friends. Well I got to school after eating a healthy breakfast, I was standing right at the front doors. I wasn't sure that I should go in...

I was about to walk in when I heard someon talking to me, I turned around to see the hotest guy in the world, wll that I have seen and like.

I wasn't sure what to do but I though I should say something to him but wasn't sure what, I was about to say something when a girl walking up and grabbed his arm. I looked and I could see that he has some really good muscles. I wasn't sure what to do at that point, they were to busy talking so I walked inside to see if I could find out where my classes where. 


Pov Aric*


I walked up to school when this girl was just standin there, I wasn't sure what to say but I was talking to her when she turned around, she had the most beautifulest face I have ever seen....I know cheesey rigth. I wasn't sure what to say after that, she just stood there not saying anything. I could tell that she was looking at me, she wasn't ugly but I didn't even really like her that much. 

I heard someone come up beside me, it was my girlfriend, she didn't see the girl that I was talking to standing there...

I was about to say somthing to her but she had looked at me like I had done something wrong, the next thing I knew, she walked inside before I could speak to her, I really messed things up for her...she even looked new, too.


Chapter 2

"The Unexpected Encantor Again"


Pov Brittant*


 I didn't know what to think when he was standing there with that girl, I decided to go inside since I was introducing on their....whatever they were doing. 

I headed to the office to find out where I would get my schedule for the school year, they told me to go to the conuslor. I head that way after someone had to show me where it was.

"Hi! Is this Mrs. Bown's office?" "Hello dear! Yes it is, come on in" I walked in and sat down in a chair. "How can I help you?" "I'm here to get my schedule and fine out how to get around this school. I'm new here and I don't know how to find my way around here." "Okay, so your the new student were are getting from California?" "Yes, that's me," I said that very shyly. "Here is your schedule and I will call my best student to help you during the day, if they don't, just let me know and I can get someone else." "Okay, do I need to go to them or are he\she coming here?" "HE should be on his way right now. Just sit tight and he will be here soon." She got up and went to go file some paperwork, I was left sitting there, I wasn't really sure what to do.

Minutes later someone walked in, I couldn't believe who it was....IT WAS THAT GUY FROM EARLIER!!


Pov Aric*


"Aric? Mrs. Brown needs you down ar her office rigth away." "Okay, do I leave for the class period or do I come back to class?" "Just go ahead and leave for the period, I don't know when you would be finished anway." I got my stuff packed up an headed down to Mrs. Brown's office (conselor). 

I was almost there when something crossed my mind, why did she invite me to her office right at the begining of the year?

I neared her office as that questioned staied in my head, I went inside and saw that her door was open so I just walked in. I noticed that she wasn't at her desk and was about to leave when out of the corner of my eye, I saw someone looking up at me. I turned my head towards who it was and it was...IT WAS THAT GIRL FROM THIS MORNING!! 

I couldn't belive that I would be showing her around the school, I was right though. She was a new student to this school.


Chapter 2

"The Greeting Of Something Unexpeted"


Pov Brittany*


I couldn't believe that I was seeing this guy again, he is super cute well maybe hot...WHAT AM I SAYING!!

I didn't know what to do so I stood up and faced him, I could tell that he was surpised that I stood up. "Hi! I'm Brittany, I'm new here." "Hi! I'm Aric, nice to meet you." He looked away and I couldn't tell if he was blushing or what, I wasn't sure what to think really, this was something that I never knew would happen to me today. I sat back down, I didn't know what he wanted me to do. He looked at me like I just did something wrong. I could tell that he was trying to talk to me but I didn't know if he was going to say something to me or not.

"Shouldn't start the tour so you can find your class?" I nodded my head and stood up and walked out the door.

He was starting to really scare me right now, he didn't smile at me or anything...did I do something wrong?

Well we were waling for a couple of steps when I noticed that he was blusing, I wasn't sure if I caused it or what but he looked really darn hot right now.

"Wel can you show me where all my classes are?" He looked at me like he didn't think I was going to say something to him. "Sure, that would help you see how you can get there and different ways that you can get there faster." He took the schedule out of my hand, our hands touched, i didn't know what ot do but my heart was pounding inside my chest.

"I'll lead and you can follow me, I will tell you the classese and which ones are yours." "Okay, thank you!


Pov Aric*


I was told to help the new girl, she told me thank you and smiled at me. That just sent my heart racing. I turned away from her so she couldn't see my face, I could tell that she was curiouse of what was wrong with me right now.

"Come one, let's get this thing over with." I stepped up the pace and could tell that she was having trouble keeping up with me, I slowed down a bit, I didn't want to seem rude but what I just said may have blown my chance of her being my friend or may even my girlfriend. I was thinking in my head when I heard her say something to me. "Are you okay?" I looked at her in the face and could tell that she knew that I was thinking about something. "If you don't want to really show everything, I can always go ask for someone else to help me out. Plus...I don't want to get your in trounble with your girlfriend either." her smiled disappeared and could tell that she was thinking the same thing I was. 

After a couple of minutes of being silent, I finally spoke up. "It's okay, she doesn't really matter. She hasn't been the best girlfriend she could be, well if she wanted to be. It's okay, don't worry about it. I'm really glad that we could meet again, I already want to apoligaze for my actions this morning when he first saw each other." She looked at me, blushed than smiled at me.

That right there, that made my heart race to see her smile. I think I might be falling in love with a girl that I just met.


Pov Brittany*


I could tell that he liked how things were going, I blushed when he was being so sweet to me. I didn't know what to do but we kept talking and laughing. I'm glad that I met him, just maybe, I found the guy that will be my FIRST boyfriend.


Pov Normal*


We were walking together, he has showed me all my classes. "Class is almost over so I guess I should head of to class then..." I looked down at the ground and then back up at him, I was about to be bold and do something that no other girl though of probabling do when they first met a guy. "I guess but I want to do something first." "What?" I walked up to him, I was really close to him, I put my hands on his shoulders and raise to kiss him when...

He pushed me back....what just happened?

He looked at him blushing, I wasn't sure what just happeneed but it looked like he was about to tell me...

"Why did you do that?" I looked at him sad then at the ground, "I just though you liked me and that you might have wanted a kiss good bye for right now. I must have gotten it wrong, huh." He looked at me and couldn't keep from blushing, he then looked away like he was about to say something that I might not even want to hear. "I'm sorry, I'll leave you alone from now on!!" I turned around walked away, I started to cry. I didn't know why but he didn't seem to like me as much as I thought he did.

I can't believe she tried to just kiss me, it kept going through my head. I didn't treat her nice about it but it was true though, I did want to kiss her but she had the coverage to actually attempt to. I can't believe this, I think I just ruined everything by doing that. WHAT!! Did she say that she will leave me alone from now one?


Chapter 3

"The Fight"


It's already been hald the day, it was time for lunch and I wasn't sure what I would for lunch yet. I wasn't really sure what I do. I started to walk towards the main hallway when some girls pulled me aside. "HEY!! Your the new girl that made a move on my boyfriend, right? Well news flash, he's mine and now stupid new girl is going to take him away from me so watch your back, but first something needs to be done before you can leave....

They first pushed me agaisnt a wall, yanked me to the ground, that happened over and over again. I started to get some brusies from their throwing me around. I didn't know what I should do, fight back or just let them go on ahead with what they were doing? 

When they finially saw me on the ground motionaless, "There! our job is done, lets go see if MY boyfriend has brought our food and is waiting for us." They all walk off, leaving me there with blood everywhere, including mysef.

It has been a couple of minutes and no one has come down the hallway. I try to move but it just makes the pain even worse.


His girlfriend sat there with Aric eating when he brought up something that made him think a little. "Has anyone seen Brittany, the new girl?" The boys looked at him and shock their heads. The girls looked at each other and smiled, he saw this and asked his "girlfriend" a question. "Have YOU seen Brittant anywhere?" "No i haven't, I don't even know what she looks like really." They went back to thier talking, he just sat there just trying to piece things together. He just felt like they weren't telling him something.


I was still in the hallway when I finially heard foot steps walking by, they didn't notice a body laying there till they backed up and looked down the hall. They didn't see the blood yet but started to walk toward me, they stopped a few steps in front of me, they turned around and ran back down the hallway and towards to commen area.


They were sitting there talking when they heard someone yelling for the principal. "PRINCIPAL!!! PRINCIPAL!! COME QUICK!!" The principal come out and calmed everyone day. "What's wrong?!" "I was walkind down a hallway near C hall, I was headed towards a classroom to see Welch when down C hall, it was teriable. I think it was the new girl! She was laying on the floor motionless and was covered in blood and blood eas everywhere!! We need to call 9-1-1 FAST!!


I jumped out of my chair after hearing that, looked the way he came and was about to walk that way when my girlfriend stopped me in my tracks. "Where do you think your going? I bedt what he saw was just his imagenation. You just need to sit down and finished eating with us well me." He turned away from her, looked back at her and said, "You hurt her, you are DEAD!!" He turned the way the boy came from and ran that direction.


I heard most foor steps again, they sounded like they were running down the hall. They stopped then sounded like they were coming closer to me but I couldn't open my eye's let alone even move. They stopped near me, they went right where my stomach would be. He didn't care if he got blood on him, he picked me up, with my hand in his arms where he could look down at me. He couldn't bare to see my face lifeless, he was crying, I could hear it but couldn't move. I could feel some strength in my arm, I moved it slowly toward his cheek, I could barely open my eye's. I could see him in tears looking down at me, I tired to say, "I will be okay." I couldn't even mouth the words but he seemed to understand what I was trying to do. I lost my last bit of strentgh and went back to motionless. He just brough me to his face where he could hear me breathing though. That made him happy to know that I was still fighting to stay alive right now. 

The ablience came, he went with me to the hosptial and wait for my mom to arrive so he could go and get some clothes and anything else he would need to stay over night.


Chapter 4

"The Night"


Pov Normal*


I had heard my mom leave for the night but I didn't hear anything else after that. I wasn't sure if Aric was there or not, I couldn't move right now and let alone even open my eye's to even look at him. I heard the door open, I hear it stop then come closer so I could tell that it was Aric. 

I heard him sit down, he didn't say anything but I could hear is breathing, he sounded like he was really worried but tried his best to stay calm as much as possible. 

I was sitting there, looking at her as she laied there motionless, I wasn't sure what I should do but I did know that I wanted to protect her from now on. She was a sweet girl and I didn't want to see anything hurt her physically or emtionally while she is here. I heard someone come in, I just went back to looking at Brittant laying there. I someone move the curtin and it was my...GIRLFRIEND!!

I got up and walked over to her. "Why are you here?" "I wanted to see where you went for so long and see that you were here with her the whole time. I think you should go home now and then you can just leave her so you can come hang out with me at our pool party next week, I don't want you to see my birthday party because of the piece of trash." She grabbed my arm and tried to pull me with her but I wouldn't move from where he was standing. "I'm not going with you, you are the one that hurt her in the first place. How do I know that you won't kill her when I leave...I'm staying here with her till she opens her eye's. She is sweetier and nicer, she actually likes me for me. You can go find yourself a new boyfriend." She looked at him angrly and stormed out of the room.

I heard everything that he said and I so wanted to cry but I know I couldn't. I was going to try my hardest to open my eye's so I could see him.

I heard a nurse run in and he jumped to his feel, he couldn't tell what was going on so he asked, "What's going on nurse?" He had worry in his voice. "I don't know myself, we had thing come on in the nurses station that something was wrong with this patient. I'm not sure what's going on right now." They looked toward me, they saw some color come back into my face and arms, they both looked at each other like...WHAT!!

I started to raise my hand, Aric knew it was for him. He reached out and took my hand in his. I felt his warmth, I was trying my hardest to turn my head a little so when I got my eye's open, I could look straight at Aric. I was doing my best to open my eye's, I opened them a lttle. I could see Aric, he was starting to cry and smile. I tried even harder to open them so I could see his full face without being blurry. I finially could open them all the way without any trouble. They both looked at me like I wasn't suppose to be opening my eye's or moving yet. She ran to go call my mom and let her know what had happened.

Back at the hosptial room...I laied there looking up at Aric. He had a big smile with a few tears coming down. He lowerd closer to my face so I could hear him and see him just a bit better..."Brittany, I love you so much and I was worried that I wouldn't be able to see your smiling face again." I look at him in the face and could tell that he was being serious. I reach up, cupped my hand around his neck and pulled him closer. We were mer inches from each other we could kiss.

I pull him closer to were were just about to touch lips when the nurse runs in. He backs away and acts like he was looking out the window. She looked at us and could read the situation, she then left what she was bring and left. Aric turned back around and looked at him, I motined for him to come closer to me. 

I pulled him towards my lips and kissed him. We spend hourse with him sitting there leaning over the edge making out with me. I was happy and I know that he was happy that he could be with me. I can't image never meeting him and finding a boyfriend.


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 21.04.2015

Alle Rechte vorbehalten

This book is dedicated to those that are new and feel like your alone. You will find your love, don't lose hope just yet.

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