
The Halloween Party That will Change My Life Forever




It was a Friday night, I was home sitting in my room. Wondering how it all came down to me being along tonight. I don’t know what happen but some things happen over the week that had caused me to be along tonight but with family though. I wouldn’t want to get into what happen about the week that made into now because it’s a long story and it’s almost time for bed…… okay, okay…… I will tell you how the week went to how I’m sitting in my room now. It all started on Monday, right after we had lunch….


Chapter 1

"Starting To Make Plans"


Monday, October 27


I was sitting there with my girls when my boyfriend walked up, he sat down with us. Me and my girls where talking about Halloween which was coming up in the four days and how we want to have a party that night. Well, he was listening to us talk about where is should be and all that stuff that goes with that. Then we started talking about our costumes that we would wear for the party, that’s when I’m boyfriend spoke up for the first time sitting with us. “We should have it at my house. I would be cool to decorated my house spooky and have all our friends over plus I would have my girl with me of course.” He puts his arm around my shoulders and I lean in to kiss him on the cheek. Well, we all agreed that would be awesome and couldn’t wait in till Halloween comes. He started to write down what we need to have for the party and started to write down who we wanted to come to the party. We were all talking and having fun with it that he almost didn’t hear the bell for class. Of course my boyfriend walked me to our class so we both were there on time. We sat through the last four classes of the day that felt like it would never end.


The bell finally rang and we all could go home now. We all started for my boy’s car when we saw him talking to a girl that was in a grade lower than us. I knew it wasn’t a BIG deal unless they were secretly kissing then that’s where I draw the line. Well, we headed over there to see what was going with them and why they were so close to each other. As we were nearing them, she walked off and they both smiles at each other before she was in her car driving away. “Who was that sweetie?” “Her? She is just a really good friend of mine, she was helping with something while I waited for ya’ll to come out.” He smiled at me like he was trying to hide something from me but I didn’t want to make some conclusions in till I get some details on this subject. I smiled back as if I believed him which I don’t because I have been having a feeling that he has been doing something behind my back. I didn’t want to believe he was but it sure does seem like it now that he is trying to hide something from me.


Chapter 2

"Beginning to Plan More"


We all arrived at his to see what we could do with it for the party. We walked around to see where the perfect spots where for the decoration, I have been there plenty of time to show them great spots for everything. It didn’t take us long to put everything in its place. We were all excited and now us girl would have to go shopping for our AWESOME costumes.


All of the girls got in to one car so they could start to get their costumes together. I wasn’t sure what my costume would be but I wanted to look to see what idea’s I could choose from. I wanted to be sure I got the right costume for the part to show everyone how creative I was and show my boyfriend how great I could look in a cute costume. We arrived at the mall in time before they closed for the night, headed to the all the Halloween shops to look for costumes but they didn’t have anything for girls. I wasn’t sure what I wanted yet but I knew I wanted to look good for my boyfriend. We came to the last shop in the mall. I look around then I found the costume just right for me. I called my girls over to see what they thought about it, they thought it was the best just for me. I bought it and we all took home our home to saw our parents what we got for the party we were planning.


Chapter 3



Tuesday, October 28


At school, we were sitting around our usual table talking when one of the girls was looking at the front doors. I turned around to find my boyfriend walking in with the same girl we saw him with. I wasn’t sure what would happen but I got and march myself up to them, I went straight for the girl and slapped her across the face. I didn’t care if I gotten in trouble or not, I was pissed and I’m taking it out on the both of them for being complete jerks about my feelings.


I started to walk away when she came up behind me and pulled my hair hard. I went to the ground, my girls came running to see if I was okay. I was getting up and turned around for them to see my crying. My mascara was all messed up, my girls took me to the bathroom so I could fix my makeup.

My ex-boyfriend was standing there looking in the direction of the where I went. He didn’t weather to be upset or happy but all he knew was that he didn’t like when I was crying and he promised he would never be the reason why she was crying. He wanted to go down there to see if I was okay but knew if he did then this girl would do the same to him but much, much hard (pulling his hair). He stood there waiting to see if I would come out, he wanted to know if I was okay. He wanted to explain what happen and that I had it all wrong but knew that I took it as him dumping me.


Minutes later I walk out to found a lot of people around the bathroom waiting to see if I was oaky. Everybody saw what happen and knew what he did to me was wrong, they wanted to make sure that I would be able to cheer at the next football game. I was the captain and I was needed because I was the one that told everyone what they should do but not like a bossy person, just someone that helps others know what their job is during the game. I was the one that helps everyone know and remember what they should do. I was the clue that helped the team together but then again I wasn’t as great as I seemed. I wasn’t sure why but I knew that I wasn’t going to be replaced by anyone any time soon in the future. Back to the story…. I made my way through the crowd so I could go get my stuff off the table. I was on my way over to my stuff when I saw that my stuff has been moved. I turned around to see that girl holding my stuff over the trash, my grandma was the one who sent it to me when she went to visit her family in Tokyo. I wasn’t about to let a girl like her ruin the backpack that she sent me. I started toward her and she lower it toward the trash every step I took in till I tackled her to the ground, my bag went in the air as one of friends catched it before it fell in. I was busy fighting her to see me that EX-boyfriend was watching me.


I was out of energy and I could feel her hitting me and I wasn’t sure how much I could take of this anymore. I was about to get up when she hit outside the head, I went to the ground unconscious. Everybody stood around her, no one was happy that she just did that to me. They knew what happen but that didn’t give her the right to do that to me. I was laying there, I couldn’t feel anything. What I could feel was that someone picked me up and was caring me somewhere. I tried to turn my head and open my eye’s to see who was caring me. I couldn’t, I just was there without knowing who the one that was caring me somewhere was.

When I woke up, I found myself in the nurse office. I couldn’t remember what happen and how I got here. I just wanted to lay back down when the door opened to the nurses. I could hear voices, I could hear them talking about me then I could see a shadow coming toward my room. I went under the covers, I heard the doors open and heard the footsteps in till they stopped somewhere in the room. I peeked out of the covers to see if that person had left, when I looked it was….my EX-BOYFRIEND!! My first reaction was to go back under the covers but he pulled me toward his face, he brought my lips up to him. I didn’t know what to do but I didn’t know why he was kissing me when he had a NEW girlfriend that he didn’t want to tell me about in till I found out myself. He let me go, I sat in the bed, watched him walk out of the room and talk to the nurse then he left. I didn’t know what to make of what happened, what I did know was that I wasn’t sure what it meant. What I wanted to know now was why he did that? I sat there thinking about what happen when a thought crossed my mind, what if he was the one who cared me here? Why would he do that for me? I really want to know this answers but I’m TOO scared to saying something even after what happened. I STILL CAN’T BELIEVE THAT HE LET HER DO THAT TO ME THEN HE DOES THIS!!!! WHY ARE BOYS SO HARD TO UNDERSTAND???!!!!


Chapter 4



That day had ended and I started to walk home. I was close to the block of my house when I saw something that really made me wonder about more that happen earlier. I saw him and his girlfriend kissing majorly in a corner near my block. I was about to run when they parted from the make out time. I decided to just keep walk after seeing that, I was about to my house when I heard someone calling me, I turned around to see my ex standing there. I opened the door and shut the door behind me, I ran up to my room before anything would happen.


Chapter 5

"New Kid"


Wednesday October 29


I had gotten to school when something has happening. I tried to see what was going on but I couldn’t see anything because there were a lot of people in front of me. This guy was standing around with this girls around him, he seemed to be famous but couldn’t really tell right then since there were TONS of girls blocking the way and the front of the school. I pushing my way through the crows when I started to head toward the floor. I didn’t what had happen but the next thing I knew, someone was holding me or was keeping me from falling face first to the floor. I wasn’t sure who was holding me but all I knew was that someone had stopped me from hitting the floor. I opened my eyes to see that someone was indeed holding me, I was in someone’s arms. I was just inches from his face, I couldn’t tell who it was or how they started to go to our school now. I just wanted to be like this a little bit longer.


The bell rang, I started to feel nervous. I was still in his arms, I didn’t what he was planning but he cared me to my class. I wasn’t sure what would happen and what they would think was going on. I just wanted to be like this, I wanted his attention just on me but I already knew that wouldn’t happen since he had a lot of fans at this school. I wanted to be able to be with him but knew better to get my hopes up about it, I was near my class when he walked straight into class. I don’t know what he was thinking but I didn’t know what he was thinking at that moment. I can’t believe that he had walked right into my class with everyone looking at us and I was wanting to be able to stay in the same class but it wasn’t likely that we would have any classes together.


He had put me down, I was right in front of the class. Everyone was looking at me, I didn’t know what to do but he walked me to a seat and sat down right next to me. He didn’t say anything, he was a guy of action instead. I sat there not knowing what to do but I was happy that he wanted to sit with me. I couldn’t wait to see what would happen next, besides him being my new crush now.


Well, I was sitting there waiting to know what to do first, the teacher hadn’t walked in yet and I was wanting to know what my job for this time. I sat there and sat there, the new guy could tell that I’m not use to not being told what my job was during this class (which first period just to let you know). When teacher walked in, it was a guy teacher. He was the only guy teacher in our grade. I was fond of him and wanted him to like my hard work but he never has yet. I waited for him to tell me what I should do, I was waiting and waiting but nothing. I decided to get up and walk over to his desk to ask him what I need to do. I walked over, “Mr. Cates, what is my first job to do right now?” “Well, you could just do what your work. I don’t really have a job for you to do today.” I turned around, walked back to my desk and sat down. I sat there for a little bit then decided to get my laptop out to do some things on there. I was on my email about to chat a friend back when the new guy leaned over and was watching me. I turned toward him, “Do you not have a laptop or an email account?” Looked at me like I was speaking a foreign language. He answered in the sweetest way and his voice was deep but not TOO deep though. “Not really, they told me I would get my laptop today but they weren’t sure when I would though but they said to look onto someone else’s so I could learn how to use it. I haven’t have experience with laptop, I have a computer at him that I use but that’s basically the only one I know how to use.” “Well, I would glad to help you whenever you need it. That’s what others should do to help the new kids but most of them don’t so they send them to me so I can help them out. Oh do you know where all your classes are?” He took out his schedule and looked over it. “No, I didn’t get to look around before school started, I haven’t really looked around yet. Would you like to show me where all my classes are?” I looked at him like he was a totally sweet heart, “Sure, I would love to help you out. That’s what I do, help those that need it.”


I stood up and walked over to Mr. Cates desk, “Is it okay if I show this new kid around and let him see where all his classes are?” “Sure but don’t be late to your next class and if I were you, take your stuff with ya’ll.” “Thanks, we will.” Walked back over and told him, we grabbed our stuff and was headed walking out the door. I took him to front door to start the guide of the school. I showed him where to find where to find the office from where the front door is, I started toward down one of the halls to show him where A hall is but he stopped me right where I was. “Reyna, do you have a boyfriend?” I turned around and looked at him like he just ask something that he should have. “I’m sorry I shouldn’t asked that.” I started to walk over to him when I knew I couldn’t do anything were cameras could see. I grabbed his hand pulled him down the hall, I put the bags down turned the corner where no one could see what was happening. He stood there looking at me like I was going to do something to him now that were away from eyes of others seeing. “What are you going to do to me now that where no one can see us?” I looked at him like he didn’t get why I did this. I walked over to him and put my arms around his neck. “Do you get it now? I brought us here so no one could see do this and no I don’t have a boyfriend.” He looked surprised then he went to smile. He leaned closer to my face to where our noses where next to each other. He leaned down more to where our lips together, we had stood there kissing for most of the class period.

We finally parted and just there looking at each other not knowing what to say after that. We were just both surprised that we had fallen for each other so fast but something wasn’t settling with me that easy about it. I felt like someone was watching us and was going to do something about us kissing and then not getting to be together at all.


Well, the day went by fast. Aric walked me home and then went home himself. We didn’t talk much that day since we kissed and each other’s feelings just well just kind of poured out.


Chapter 6

"The Situation Day"


Wednesday October 29th


When I got to school the next day, people started coming up to me asking questions that I didn’t know how to answer. They were asking me who I was dating if they would ever get to meet the new guy in my life. I wasn’t sure what to say in till I saw Aric walk in and then I was hoping he would help out of this situation. When he finally saw me standing there like I need him came over and told them that a teacher was looking for me. He took my hand and lead me way from them, he went around a corn so no one could see us. I sat on the floor, he sat down next to me. “Are you okay, Reyna?” “No, I never knew that look up to me that much, they don’t want to know everything about my life, also the things that don’t need to be there business. I don’t like how people think I’m this great and beautiful girl that doesn’t have any problems in life. I don’t know what to do?” “Well, I think that you are beautiful girl….you just haven’t seen that yet. I think personal that you’re beautiful and you don’t need someone to tell what you are even though you try your hardest at everything you do. Just let what other people tell you effect how you think about yourself, what you think about yourself is more important. I think you shouldn’t forget that you’re an amazing girl no matter and any guy would be lucky to be with you.” “Well, I don’t have anyone because my boyfriend was cheating on me with some girl that doesn’t even like me anyway. I wish that he would understand how I feel about it but he is too busy making her happy to even notice me anymore but oh well I can’t do anything about that. I have no power of it, I wish but it’s just how it is so I’m going to deal with it the best I can.” He just looks at me and gets up, “We have class in a few minutes so let’s head to class together.”

We walked to class and I didn’t even notice that we were holding hands. I noticed when we walked in and everyone say us, I looked down and saw but that didn’t matter to me. I felt like he wanted to be mine but didn’t want to say anything till the time was right.


Chapter 7

"The Mean Girl Strikes Again"


I sat there in class not knowing what to do, he sat somewhere behind me but wasn’t sure where though. I wanted him to be beside me but I know better to think that we would sit next to me. I was kind of was in my own world when I started to hear laughter behind me, I of course started to think that it’s the same people that it has been before he came along. I didn’t want to turn around to tell them to shush again this week but I wanted to know who was making all the noise behind me. I turned a little to see who it was, to my surprise me that it was Aric and the girl that took my boyfriend away from me. I just watched and I could tell that she knew I was looking and she did something that I couldn’t believe the teacher didn’t see. I wanted to cry, he kissed me and acted like I was the one who he loved but he apparently I wasn’t the girl he wanted to be with. I looked ahead and a tear ran down my cheek, when the bell rang. I didn’t give him the chance to say wait, I just headed to my next class which he didn’t have but the class he had sometimes comes in when the teacher can’t watch them so they come in and do things with my class. Right now I was wishing that they didn’t come in today, he was the last person that I wanted to see now but my ex is in this class which makes it even harder to try and stay away from him.


I was sitting in class and could feel some eye’s staring at my back. I didn’t know what to do but I kept looking forward and did my work. It was about half the class, when that class had to come in. I didn’t turn to see him walk in and I didn’t want to right then which made him confused about it. My ex could see that something happened because I would always smile at him as he walked in but not today which made him also confused about it. I just finished my work and sat there not wanting anything to do with either one of them right then. I just wanted this day to end as fast as possible. I was about to pull out my note book when someone came and sat on either side of me. I didn’t look since it would have been someone in the other class needing to sit in an empty desk. They just there and didn’t say a word to me, that’s how I wanted it. I had a feeling that they were watching every single move and every emotion that was happening. I wasn’t sure what to do because they both could probably tell by my face that I wasn’t in the mood for drama and then I did something that I have never done. I stood up and took a drink of something and then started to get all loopy feeling. I didn’t say anything then all of a sudden I collapsed, I could hear voices calling out to me but I could say anything or even open my eye’s to see who it was. Next thing I knew, I could feel someone was caring me somewhere but couldn’t tell since I couldn’t do anything at that moment.


When I woke up, I was in the nurse’s office. I couldn’t sit up and I didn’t think that I could even if I tried. I wasn’t sure what to do, I just wanted to know what happen and why I am here. I look around to see if there was anyone here to watch over me but there wasn’t anyone. I felt like I wanted to cry but I wasn’t sure I could. All I knew was that I didn’t see any of my friend or anyone there waiting for me to wake me. I closed my eyes back and just laid there not knowing what to do now.


I had gotten out of the office and was heading home since I saw that the last bell would ring soon so I made an early start toward home. I had to go by my locker first, to grab my coat since it was quiet cold outside now (FYI it be may be October but it started to get cold). I was about to my car when I heard someone calling my name, I looked up and saw someone trying to get my attention but couldn’t see who though. I walked closer to school, there was a sign hanging from the side of the window. I tried to read what it said but couldn’t then someone handed my some binoculars to see all the way up there. It read, “Would you be my girlfriend?” I looked around for my ex and didn’t see him, then I saw someone walking out of school dressed in a tuxedo. To my surprise it was Aric, he was asking me to be his girlfriend where everyone could see him asking. I looked up and saw everybody watching and like OMG! Wish it was me. He walked up to me, he stood there looking at me with this smile that would melt a girl when she looked at him. I didn’t know what to say, of course I wanted him mine but what I saw early and what I did shows something that is confusing me. I knew he was waiting on an answer so I made a plan to answer then let him walk me home, then ask him to come inside and then ask him about it. I said, “Yes, I would love to be your girlfriend.” He hugged me and I hugged him back, all the other girls wanted to be me at that very moment which wouldn’t happen since I’m the girl he asked and not the girl that took my boyfriend away and I’m making sure this time that she doesn’t take this away from me.


He walked me home just like I knew he would, we talked and laughed all the way there, he held my hand to keep it warm. He was about to give me a goodbye kiss when I asked him if he wanted to come in for a little bit. He said yes of course, he came in and made us hot chocolate and sat down next to him. We talked more and laugh more, we eventually fell asleep. I laid on him as he was the support for me, it felt good to know that what I saw wasn’t what I really saw (I guess that was confusing a little bit).


Chapter 8

"The Unexcepted Incounter"


Thursday October 30th


When I woke up the next morning, Aric was right where he was that night. I laid my head back down on his chest, I wanted to be like this a little bit longer. I was happy that we got to spend this time together before the Halloween party tomorrow night which I’m hoping he will ask me to. I woke up again and found that he wasn’t there, I ran to the door to see if his car was gone. Before I got to the door, I heard my name from the kitchen which sounded just like his voice. I didn’t want to believe in till I walked in to see him standing there cooking breakfast. I wanted to believe that it was a dream but I went up to him and gave him a hug, I was able to feel him when he hugged me back. We sat there eating together having the best fun that I could have ever feel at that moment, I didn’t want it to stop in till something happened that put everything in slow motion right before my eyes.


I heard the door bell, I didn’t know who it would be at this time of morning but I went to go see who it was, who it was who I wanted to see this early in the morning. When I saw who it was, I was about to faint but I heard his voice for a second and then went oh shoot. She went right past me and walked straight the kitchen where the voice came from. She walked in with a BIG smile, I want to throw something at her that very moment. I wasn’t sure how she knew where I lived but then I had this strange feeling that she wasn’t her because she had good news well for me that is. She walked straight to my boyfriend, I wasn’t sure what to do except just watch and see when would be the best time to get between them. I just sat there not knowing what to do, she then asked him something made me want to slap her across the face that very moment. She asked him if he would take her shopping, take her to dinner and take her to a move. That’s what I wanted him to do with me today since it would be the first whole day that we would be a couple but as it seems that he was about to throw me away faster than a guy who could eat a whole cow in less than 5 seconds. He sat there like I wasn’t even in the room and talked to her like he would me but just a bite different though. I didn’t know what to do but just watch as he ripped my heart out and even right after he gave me as sweet night, full of laughing and talking that would make any girl want to be with him and I guess that’s why she wants him. I’m about to lose my boyfriend because he seems to only see her with a lot of people around and even if I was around. I was wanting to cry right that moment, I was sure I should about it but sit there feeling helpless.


Chapter 9

"Fighting Her Again"


I had a enough her and her trying to take my boyfriend away from me so I’m putting a stop to this right now. I walked over to where she was trying to get up all over him, “Well, sorry to break it to you sweetie but he has plans with his girlfriend today so I would like it if you get out of my house now.” She got all hurt and walked away like I had no right to talk to her that way. I turned toward him and saw him looking at me like I just did something wrong. I turned away and ran up to my bed room. He sat there like he didn’t know what just happen, he sat there thinking about it and trying to figure out what he did wrong. He was sitting there replaying what happen in his mind to figure out what he did wrong or said that was wrong.


Meanwhile… I was up in my room not wanting to be with him. I didn’t know what to do, he made it look I was the one at fault for what I did, he was the one that wasn’t noticing his girlfriend in the room or he may have even forgotten about me even being in the room with her like she was. Why do boys have to be SO stupid about this kind of things? They can be so clueless at times, I don’t know what to do about him and that girl being like that right in front of me.


I was sitting there not knowing about what he do, if he would leave or even thinking about me being sad and hurt. I was about to give up that he would stay with me when I heard a knock at the door. I was about to walk to the door to answer when he came walking in with a expression that said what’s wrong and why did you act like that down there? I just turned away and went back to pretending I was doing something where he couldn’t see my face right now. He walked in and sat down my bed so he could try to pull close to him plus he also wanted to know why I was like I am right now.


He tried to say something but couldn’t since he wasn’t going to listen to me since he wanted to be with that girl right now instead of being with me, I could see it and hear it his voice. I wasn’t sure what he wanted me to do about it but all I could do was watching as it happened and try to find something that would help me forget the pain and also get over it. I was about to let him say something when he got up and walked right out on me, I wanted to just cry knew that I shouldn’t since that’s probably what he wanted to do and want to be my hero. I didn’t know what would be going through his mind right now since lately I haven’t understood how he thinks. I wanted to ran to him but know if I should have but at that moment he wanted to be with that girl that took my first boyfriend so he can be with her since he wants her that badly.


I wasn’t about to let him get me down, a night before the Halloween party. I didn’t know what to do but just keep things from getting to the point that happened with me and my first boyfriend when she got a hold of him. I still can’t forgive her for taking him from me, now she wants to takes this away from me probably doing a great job at right now. I was about to call my girls so they could come over and help me decided what was the best thing to do but didn’t know for sure if they would come this late at night.


I was sitting there not knowing who to call about what just happened but then he wouldn’t care if he knew how it made me feel which really pissed me off. Since he wanted to around her, he can be around her but he better not think that I will just stand there with her. I decided the best thing that I could do right now was let him be him and let him see what he had and then not have.


Chapter 10

"The Betrayed Date"


Meanwhile… Aric was about to get the movie theater when he started to replay everything that happened, she was the one that he couldn’t think was in the picture. He realized what he did wrong, he saw her sitting in the background like she was looking hurt and was about to cry. He stopped right there in front of the theater. That mean girl was standing right there, she looked like she had just won a million dollars. He saw how her expression was, he knew he made a very bad mistake. He turned right around and headed back for my house. That stood there like what just happened, I don’t get what just happened.


Back at my house…. I had just gotten out of the shower and had my pajamas on ready to sit on my bed and watch one of my favorite movies all of time. I had gotten dressed and had put the movie in, I was about to go pop some popcorn but couldn’t because I heard something hitting my window. I was about to walk out of my room when I heard a knock on my window. I turned around to see Aric sitting a branch near my window, knocking on the window. I had the right mind to just walk away but I went the window and let him in. I went and sat on my bed with my back to him, he saw how hurt I was about what he did. He sat down next to me and tried to say something and give me a hug but I wouldn’t bug from how I sitting and acting. He knew that I need time to cool off and just have time to think things through, without having my present making it even harder on her. He turned away and left through the window.


Chapter 11

"The Dreaded Day"


Thursday, October 30th


The day at school, I walked in find that no one was waiting for me for once in life. I didn’t know what to do but go to class early, I was walking to class when I saw him with her, he really made his choose last night then. I sat down in my seat and pulled out my laptop to start writing down some information that the teacher asked me to type up for class. I wasn’t sure how he wanted it but I was writing it the best way I could. I was in the middle of it when some of my classmates started walking in and I saw Aric walk in. I decided to just type up what the teacher asked me to type up for him. I was in the middle of the second half when a teacher walked in with a cute boy that looked like he should be in the same grade as me and Aric.


Chapter 12

"Another New Kid"


The teacher asked for me, I stood up and walked over to them. I wasn’t sure what she wanted with me but I did as I was told since that’s the kind of girl I am. When I got closer, I could tell that he was super cute, I noticed that since he got in the room he couldn’t take his eyes off me which I’m flattered but I only had eye’s for Aric right now. She asked if I would be the student he could watch in all her classes since he doesn’t know what classes he needs to take yet so they thought I would be the best to let him see the class I have before they out him with someone else.


I was glad to let him stick with me, I introduced myself and he introduced himself as well and it was going good. I let him sit in the desk next to me, I let him read what I was typing up, it was all the activities that our class would be doing. He wanted me to out in a organized way so it wouldn’t be hard to understand at the least. He acted like he was really interested in me and what classes I took, which was new to me since no one really liked the classes I took so I was flattered by that and could tell that Aric didn’t like it and I wasn’t about it introduce him as my boyfriend quiet yet since we still aren’t talking and he has her now. When the bell rang, I talked and walked with him to my next class since Aric and I aren’t on speaking terms right now (did I just say that twice? Sorry).


It was lunch time now, I was showing it where I usually sit and how I and my friends usually meet up here with our food but I haven’t seen them all day. He act like he understand when I wasn’t really sure if he was but he tried to so that made me happy. He sat down and were eating when some girl came up, she started to make trouble for us. She walked over and started to shit about me to him, I didn’t care if he believed her or not. I wasn’t sure what she wanted or what her goal was in doing this to me. I started to feel that once my first boyfriend was taken from me, ever girl was trying to be at the top like I was but the reason for me being at the top was because I cared and helped out as much as possible. No one couldn’t tell that the girls just wanted to take what I had but don’t know what that would mean when someone took my spot.


Chapter 13

"Another Fight With Mean Girl"


I got up and faced her, she looked at me straight forward and knew that I wouldn’t do anything since everything that I have ever worded for, was being ripped from me slowly but it was about to be gone. I just started to slowly walk away when she knocked me over to the ground, the new guy stood up and was trying to get to me to help me up but she stopped him so he couldn’t. I tried to get up myself but couldn’t, her friends make sure of that. I don’t get what I did to deserve this when I have tried so hard to help others with their problems but where are they when I need them. There nowhere when they see I need their help, there running away from helping someone that has helped them and been there for them.


She was having fun seeing me trying my hardest to get up and leave. What was weird was that Aric came up, the other girls kind of backed away from me, I wasn’t about to get up yet. I was too scared right now, I don’t know what they would have done if I tried to get up. That girl let him through, he came to my side so he could show me that I could get up now without worrying of being knocked to the ground again. He helped me up, Aric watched as a new kid helped me up and did everything that he wanted to do for me but knew I wasn’t ready to let him say anything to me. He just walked away and watched as he talked to me and made me laugh, he really wished it was him an not the new kid.


So much has happened today, the new kid got asked to the Halloween dance. I told him it would be okay, I wasn’t about to make him stay with me because I didn’t want to be the friend to keep him from doing what he wanted to do.


It was the end of the day, I was about to walk home when I felt like someone was watching me. I wasn’t sure what to do except keep walking and just not freak out because that wouldn’t be a good. When I got home, my mom wasn’t home yet and I wasn’t sure when she would be. I went to room to see my costume that I wouldn’t get to wear tonight since a lot has happened and that’s how I ended up being at home without anything to do with a costume that wasn’t going to be worn at all. Now you see how the week went to how I was home alone and not getting to go since Aric wouldn’t be saying a word to me and would probably would be going with her anyway so I wasn’t going to worry about it. I decided to just get ready for bed early and just lay in my bed and watch Thanksgiving movies all night long. I guess that’s how my night will be in till my mom get home from work.

The Months After The Halloween Party


Chapter 1

"The After Math"


I was sitting there eating my popcorn when I heard a knock at the door, I wasn’t sure if it was mom but I decided that to answer the door anyway. I was about to the door when they just walked right in, she didn’t bother to see me standing there. She came in and decided to sit down and wait in till I came down which I was already down but then I was confused about who this girl thinks she is, walking into someone’s house and not even invited inside. I walked up behind her, she must have known I was behind her because she stood up and put her hand on her hips. “Took you long enough you stupid. I just came her to let you know something interesting.” “Why you have the nerve to call me stupid, someone stupid would walk into someone’s house without being invited inside. Second, what is this information that I should know about?” “Whatever, well it’s about Aric, he is taking me to the Halloween dance. He asked me today since his date\girlfriend canceled on him so he said I would be his second choose.” I sat down on the floor not knowing if what she was saying was true or not. I didn’t want to believe that he would do that even after asking me but then we haven’t even talked in a day or more, can’t really remember right this moment.


I was sitting there on the floor not know if what she said was true or not when I heard he door open, in walked Aric with a rose in his hand. It was my favorite flower and he still remembered that about me. I was about to get up and take it when she walked forward and took it from him, to my surprise he took back and walked toward me with the rose. He held out his hand, I wasn’t sure if I should take his hand but I did. He helped me up and put the rose around my wrist, it was a bracelet. He brought for me since we were supposed to go to the dance together. I didn’t want to say or do but all I knew was that I was glad that I had Aric back. I reacted without thinking and gave him kiss, he wasn’t sure what happened all he knew was that I was the one who kissed him first like when we admitted that we liked each other and love each other also.


He was going to spend his night with me watching movies, that girl couldn’t’ believe after all that she did, he still hadn’t done everything the way it was supposed to go but all she could do was storm out angry. He brought his pajamas and more popcorn so we would have enough popcorn to watch more movies. I had a feeling that things would go back to the way there were from the beginning now. I would keep my place as the one that everyone went to for help, even if they didn’t help me when I needed it. I was going to take my place back, I wasn’t how but I was about to think about idea’s that could help me win back those that I had from the beginning.


Chapter 2

"Unexcepted Vister"


We had out a movie in and were cuddled up next to each other when I heard the door bell, I wasn’t sure who would be at the door at this time. He didn’t want me to leave him but I had to see who the door was or they weren’t going to leave us alone. I paused it and went to the door, when I opened it. I was surprised who was at door. It was my ex-boyfriend…Ryan. I didn’t know what to say to him but I knew why he was here, he wanted me back. I just stood there like I didn’t know what to do. “Hey! Can I come in so we can talk about what happen between us? I really want to talk about what happen between us, I think we could really chan-” “Hey babe, who is at the door?” “I will be there in a sec.” Ryan just stood there like he didn’t know what was happening right in front of him. “Reyna, who was that and why is he in your house? Why did you call you babe? Is he some kind of creep that won’t leave you along? I will make him stop messing you, just bring him here and I will talk to him.” I was about to shut the door on him when he pulled me an I lost my balance and let out a scream. I heard Aric jump off the couch and run to the door. When he got there, he saw that Ryan had me in his arms and I was trying to get away from him.


Aric was about to hit the shit out of him but didn’t because he just didn’t want me in someone else’s arms, he took hold of me and pulled me out of arms and embraced me. “DON’T TOUCH MY GIRLFRIEND!!” “What is he talking about Reyna? He can’t really be your new boyfriend, I was going to ask you if-” “Ryan, listen to me…I’m not your girl anyone. You made it clear that I wasn’t yours and well as it looks, I moved on and I became friends with the new kid then one thing lead to another (not what you’re thinking though) and we wanted to be with each other. I have Aric and I’m not even thinking about you anymore, ever since Aric helped me forget about you, I have been the happiest person. I’m sorry but you need to leave right now, this isn’t a easy situation for me, sorry, but you need to learn that what you did wasn’t okay. Aric, goodbye!” I shut the door and turned to where I had my face on his chest. He could tell that I was crying and knew that guy was the one who hurt me really bad. He let me cry as much as I wanted. There was a point that he needed to sit down so picked me up bridle style and cared me to the couch, he sat down with me still in his lap.


When I woke up during the night, I saw I was on the couch but I couldn’t see Aric anywhere. I turned around and found him beside me with his arm around my waist. I turned to where I was facing him, I fell back to sleep.


Chapter 3

"The Sweet Moments"


I couldn’t tell how long I have slept but I could feel Aric kind of waking up now so I wasn’t sure if I should wake up and see that sweet smile that made me melt like butter. I opened my eyes to see exactly what I knew I would see, he smiling down at me. I put my arms around his waist (he was sitting up a little so I was able to hug him around the waist) and hugged him. He brought me up to his face to where we were just mere inches from each other. He planted a kiss on my lips and I kissed him back, if felt right and I was happy that I was with him on this bright Sunday afternoon (yes, it was Saturday night that all that happened and now it was Sunday afternoon). We had a whole day with each other before school tomorrow, I was really happy that I was able to call him mine without worrying about something bad happening.


We had spent all day together, he took me home then left to go to his house for the night. I was about to get ready for bed when I got a text from him, I told him that he should by and tell what’s going on why he needed to stay at my house for who knows how long. I had my pajamas on and I was ready to go to bed when I remember he would came to see me about something, that’s when I heard the door and went down to answer it. When I opened the door, I was surprised that he had some boxes on my porch. I told him to bring the boxes in and tell what’s going on.


I had made us some coffee, we sat down on the couch so he could tell me what was going on, to my surprise that it was something that has been going on for some time now. I was surprised to know that they kicked out of the house and to not come back in till he could became a better version of how he was now. I told that he could live here with me in till he could find his own place, he gave me hug but something was telling me that he was telling me something else. “Aric, you’re not telling me something, what is it?” “How could you tell that I was hiding something from you?” “Aric, I’m your girlfriend so I should be able to know when you’re not telling me something. Tell me what the other part of this story is, please?” He brought close to him and I knew there was something important he wanted to tell me or ask me or ask me about both. “The reason I’m here is because I told my family off about us, they never really knew I was with in till my sister saw us together during the day and told my parents about it. They told me they didn’t want around you for some reason. I wasn’t what for but I told them I was going to treat like shit like others did, he told me that if I didn’t came over here to break up with you then I could think about coming back so I went upstairs and backed up my stuff. Put everything in my car and came here to see if it was okay if I didn’t leave when I got a job and just stay here with you so I could protect you better. Is okay with you babe if I stay here with you… basically forever in till I marry you?” I didn’t what to say but knowing that he wanted to date me meant something to us both, I sat up and smiled at him. “Yes, you can stay with my forever in till were married then we find a better suited house for us.” He looked at me, he gave me a kiss then brought close to give me a hug. “Shouldn’t we bring your stuff inside now so you can put it in the guest room that’s right across from my room?” He got up and I followed him, it took in till midnight at least to get his stuff in the guest room. He had finished the last load and found me asleep on the couch. He lifted me up and got under me (not like you’re thinking), he let me sleep on him as he slept like he could with me on him. He didn’t care as long as he knew that I was safe.


Chapter 4

"The Day Father Arives"


He drove us to school, when we got out, we saw that a ton of people could tell something happen because they could see how close he was to me and how didn’t really let her leave his site yet. Everyone could tell something happened to have him watch over her more protectively, they weren’t sure why but they knew not to get in the middle of her relationships since it made her mad that someone wanted to know about them when it was obvious how they felt about each other. We had walked in and saw our friends sitting at a table, he took a hold of each other’s hand and walked over to them. They turned to see us coming and made goo-goo eye’s at us because we were holding hands. We sat down in a chair that was right next to each other, he put his arm around my shoulder’s to show other’s not to mess with what was his. We were all talking and we still had time before the bell, that’s when his dad walked in like he was ready to murder someone and I knew exactly who he was looking for.


He walked up to his son like he wanted to slap the shit out of him, I got in front of him and his dad slapped me across the face. I landed on the floor, one of our friends went to go get the principal for some help. His looked at what his dad did to his girl, he was pissed off now, he was ready to swing at him when the principal came and told him he needed to get out before he called the cops on him. He looked at Aric like he wasn’t done with him quiet yet, he didn’t care at the moment, he cared if I was badly hurt by that slap that she took for him. She got up, she was okay but she had a red spot where he slapped her, the principal told us to come in his office for a second. I knew what he wanted to know, he wanted to know why all of this what happening right now and why it was happening.


Aric told him what happen last night and that he didn’t like me for some reason when he didn’t even know how really sweet and caring I was. I had to hold his hand because he was taking this like a adult which is why I felt so safe with him around me. The principal told us that he wanted to move out of my house and move to a place where his dad didn’t knew where it was, I knew exactly to go, he told us to skip school today and look for a new, safe place that we could live, he knew that were serious about each other and knew he didn’t want to separate them. He told or friends what happen, told them they wouldn’t see us in till tomorrow since we needed to move to somewhere were his dad didn’t know of.


Chapter 5

"The Move"


We packed up and asked him to follow me to where I knew that we would safe at, he trusted that I knew what I was doing (I did know what I was doing, it was somewhere that I didn’t know I would going back but I had a feeling that this person wouldn’t mind us living with her). He turned down a street, we were on the phone by head set, he asked why we were in the rich house area, I told that I knew someone that lived over here were his dad didn’t know of. Aric wasn’t really sure what I was doing but he knew she had this figured and that we wouldn’t be separated yet plus I told her that I would be with her forever no matter what ( the no matter what was what he told her but she knew that he meant no matter what).


We drove up in to a drive way, I remembered still how it looked and that she would be home since she didn’t really have to leave her house to go to work, work came to her (not what you’re thinking about). We walked up to the door and knock, we saw a figured coming. When she opened the door she hugged me, Aric was confused about what was going on. I told that this was where I lived but moved out because people weren’t treating like an equal so I moved an had the life that I wanted, I also told him that I called her and told her what happen, she said we could live with her but I mint take time for her to see me around a boy that I called boyfriend. He smiled showing me that he was okay with it as long as he was with me, he didn’t care as long as he was with me. We unpacked and put our stuff in rooms, mine was back where I was before and he took the room across that I didn’t remember what it looked in there since I was my older brother’s room but he was long gone and had a family. Aric came into my room to see that I had a TV, a big sit area and place that I had pool in my room. “Aric, are you mad that I didn’t tell you that I was super rich?” He looked around then back at me, “I’m not mad that just means where a lot alike then, I’m from a rich family but wanted other’s to treat me like an equal like you wanted. We are the same but in didn’t gender though.” I hugged him, he accepted me like I was with or without money, and he was the best ever. I showed the inside of the room, he was surprised to see a hot tube, a TV, a game system and big sitting area. It was a boy’s place but he told me that he wouldn’t spend all his time in here since he was for me, “It’s okay, don’t worry. We can be in both rooms most of the time, spend time in the pool then go and get in the hot tube on cooled moorings. WE will be with each other so don’t worry about not spending time with and don’t feel bad if you want to bring your guy friend and I can bring my girls also.” “Okay, when did I became lucky to have a sweet girlfriend like you?” I smile at him and told me that we still had things to unpack and bring in so he should finish then I could show around the house so he wouldn’t get lost in trying to find the kitchen or something.


We were done in an hour, we were exhausted but he got everything in and we sold most of the furniture since I told that he didn’t need most of it and he said okay and all of it was gone by the time we were ready to leave the house. That’s how we got to the house in plenty of time to unpack and get everything in our rooms and stuff like that. My mom welcomed us with open arms, she told me in secrete that she knew his dad and that he wasn’t someone really liked our family since her brother, he I guess took his girlfriend when they were together during high school so I was guessing that’s why he didn’t want his son to be with me. I was sure what to think, I wasn’t sure why but I felt like he knew where we were, I was starting to fear my mom’s safety. I told her one day that when we aren’t here to lock the doors and keep the first floor windows block so no one could see if anyone was there. She told me she would since she knew I was starting to worry about her being here without us, I was sure she had a plan to help her out but I still wanted her to be safe when we weren’t around the house to make sure no one hurts her. I wouldn’t forgive him if he hurt or killed my mom, I know I would lose it and go off on him then I would be the one that would  have to move because of how I would act about it which I was scared of how I would react to my mom getting hurt.


Alright, it was the next morning and I was up a ready for the day, I dressed comfortably and stylish at the same time. If you didn’t really knew me, I would try and stay in my stylish mode when I could which is like always but then I’m all about fashion, that’s why I’m going to study to me a famous fashion designer or whatever. I was downstairs and was pack all my school stuff in my bag, I didn’t know where Aric was but when I went to find him, I found him the kitchen eating some breakfast (I already had breakfast). He had finished and walked up to me, he wrapped his arms around my waist and gave me a kiss, I was about to give him one back when I heard my mom’s voice. He looked sad he didn’t get on back but he knew that I would give him one during school since it was the best thing to do, it shows others that a couple is serious about each other.


Chapter 6

"Father Causes More Trouble"


Well, when we got to school we were heading inside when I turned around to see his dad’s car here, I tried to get him to turn when I told his dad’s car was here. He turned around to make sure I was right, he saw the car and was pretty sure that was him, he told me to head inside so he could who it was. “You’re not going over there without me and there are still people around so he couldn’t do anything even if he could. Please, let me go with you?” He saw how I didn’t want to leave his side so he took my hand and we walked over, as we did he said to be prepared to run if I needed to. I nodded my head when up with him with confidence, he tapped on the window and sure enough it was his dad in the car. He didn’t look happy to see me there with his son, he just got out of then car, Aric stepped in front of me so he couldn’t do anything to me which I was happy that he was willing to take his life for me.


“How are ya’ll doing? Still disobeying what your father told you to do as I can see. How is the little trap doing?” I could tell that we was about what his father called me, I put my hand on his back so he wouldn’t do anything that he would regret later on. He calm down, I could tell by his back had softened under my touch. “She isn’t a trap and I bet your well father. Am I wrong?” His father looked like he was ready to punch him across the face, he was about to when I stepped in front of him, his father stopped just in time before he punched me instead. “I bet you wouldn’t punch a girl? If you did you could go to jail of it so you better watch what you do to a girl if I was you.” I took Aric’s hand walked away with his father with that to think about, he looked like he was about to cry wasn’t going to since he was in front of a lot of teenagers.


When we got inside, he looked at me like his was surprised that I could stand up like that but then he remembered everything I told him about how I was there for a lot of people so he could see me standing up for someone when the situation was about to go in the wrong direction like it was about to go with my father in the parking lot. He took me in an embrace to show me that he was happy I wasn’t hurt and that I would be like about someone, even when that kind of situation was going to go wrong. I knew he knew that I would fine either way it went but I wanted him to come back to me without being hurt though so I did whatever girl would do is step in front of a punch to keep him from getting hurt. We walked to class and everyone didn’t even know what happen this morning but that was good then the principal would send them away from school again which they didn’t want to miss anymore school then they could.


Mr. Cates was about his desk, Aric was helping me with some documents that he wanted me to type up and the other students did what they always have done during class. A teacher came in and told him something, he looked at me like telling me to come here, I got up and went up to his desk. “Reyna, there is a new student and they want you to show him\her around since you are the one everyone looks up to so could you please?” “Sure gladly, just let me get my stuff and then I will be on my way.” I turned and headed back to where Aric was waiting for me, it told him, he didn’t want me to go with some random person without him, what if this person was sent by his father to hurt her but he knew she would be alright since there was camera’s all over school. He let me go but told me he would go looking for me if I wasn’t in class when he gets there. “It will be okay, promise.” I gave him a kiss and walked out of class, he still didn’t have a good feeling about what would happen with me not around him.


I head to the office since that’s where they left new students if they didn’t have class with me first period which I could understand plus they wouldn’t know where know were the class would be. I saw there was a boy sitting there, he didn’t seem like anyone I knew but then I just walked in and past him into the principal’s office. When I walked by him, he looked at me like he knew who I was or had fallen in love with me at first sight. I was in there talking to him so I could have enough information about him so I could see him his classes where and where everything was in the school.


I walked out and he looked scared to be in a big school, it was like he hasn’t ever been in a big school which I could understand, I was scared when I came here but know look at me, I settled nicely and help students and now I’m the go to girl now since I have had a good appearance for the school. I introduced myself and showed him to his classes and how to get to them, I showed him a quick way to his first period class. That’s where I left him and headed back to class. I met Aric half way, we headed to the same class as the new kid.


We sat in our usual seats like always, the new kid was somewhere behind me because I could the teacher telling him he would have to sit somewhere near the back. I was surprised to hear that, I wasn’t sure if it was because all new kids fall for me at first sight or not. I wasn’t sure what to think except wait and find out. I heard a voice somewhere behind me laughing and talking with someone, all I know that the other voice was a girl. I decided to turn around to see who were the ones that are talking, I look to see the new kid talking with one of my classmates, I was happy that he wouldn’t be hanging all over me during the year which would have pissed Aric off.


Chapter 7

"The Unexcepted Child"


It was the end of the day, I wasn’t sure what to do when I got home (I live with my boyfriend-Aric and my mom in her house). When I get there, I decided that I would pop popcorn and watch a movie as I wait for him to get home from football practice. I was in the middle of a movie when I heard the door, I thought it would Aric but then again he has a key so I was confused on who would knocking right now.


I opened to see the kid on my porch, I was confused why he was here when he said, “I need help to get the attention of the girl I like. She notices me but doesn’t notice me as a boyfriend yet, please help me.” I looked back at him like this was the first time that I was asked to help with something like this. “Sure, come on in.” He came in and we sat down on the couch and started on some ways he could get her attention toward him.


We were in the middle of acting some of it when Aric came in and saw him standing there talking to me like he was trying to flirt, he dropped his bag and started to flinch his fists together. I ran over to him and told him that I was helping him try to get attention from this girl that he likes. I looked at him like there isn’t anything between me and him to worry about. He got calmer and I rapped my arms around his neck and hugged him, he hugged me back. Aric could see the new kid behind me and could see how he was longing to be the guy she was hugging, he was starting to get curious on his real attention of coming over her for advice. I stopped hugging him and went back to work helping the new kid, Aric made sure to watch ever move he made to try and find out what his real attention is of being here.


When we got to school the next day, he could hear something going on over in a corner that made me need to check out what was going on, I found the new kid fighting one of the older kids. I wasn’t sure what to do except get in the middle of it somehow, I walked right in the middle of the fight and got punched. I fell to the ground, I had a read cheek, and Aric saw and came to my rescue and got the fight to stop so how. I wasn’t sure how he did it but he did. I was going to ask him how get them to stop but he was too busy worrying about me to care what I was asking. I knew there would be only one thing he would listen to so I tried it, “I got hurt. He stopped dead in his tracks and looked at me. “I’m joking but I thought that was the only way for you to pay attention to what I was asking you about what had happen back there. I’m sorry if I scared you when saying that but I was trying to get your attention so I could ask you something.” He told me to save the questions in till we got to the nurse to make sure I really was okay, then he would answer any questions that I had about what happened this morning.


As we were in the nurse’s office, I sat there not knowing to do or say, he could tell that something was bothering me. I wanted to ask about what happen but I wasn’t sure if I should right now. We did what we needed to do and headed to class without saying a word to each other.


I got home to found a girl there that I didn’t know, she looked at me like I shouldn’t be coming into other people’s house, I looked at her like she was crazy and that she was the one that was needing to get out instead. That’s when Aric walked in and saw me standing there, he didn’t say anything and went to the couch where she was sitting. I just went into the kitchen where I found my mom making cookies, like usual I help her since it’s a Christmas thing that we always did (yes, it’s near Christmas time).


We were done with one dozen cookies of my favorite, we were in the middle of making another batch when they walked in. “OMG! I love making cookies, can I help?” I looked at my mom and she looked back at me like I knew the answer to what she just asked (just saying that we don’t just let anyone help me and my mom make cookies). “Sorry, it’s what I and my mom has done together and we don’t let just anyone help us so in other words no you can’t help us.” “Well, that’s such a rude thing to say when you have company over, you should be a better host.” “I don’t have to since this is my mom’s house and I’m her daughter so I can say who can and can’t help us. Have a problem with that you can just leave and never come back.” “Fine, come on Aric, you and I can go find another place that you can give me advice.” She grabbed his arm, I wanted to slap her across the face but Aric got out of her grip. “I’m sorry, this is my girlfriend and I’m not about to walk out on her and her mom as they back cookies so you can leave now and you know, never come back.” He looked at me and smiled at me. I walked over to him and gave him a hug, I gave him a kiss on the cheek also. “You heard him, you can leave now.” She stormed out, in the end we all three made cookies together.


It was the last day of school and I was having the best day ever, I had basically a party in every class. I was happy, plus I got to spend most of my class with Aric. It was almost the end of the day and nothing has happened bad has happened yet. I was happy that the last day of school and I can spend my two weeks out of school with my mom and my wonderful boyfriend. This day couldn’t get any better, well maybe, we will have to see how the rest of the day goes.



Tag der Veröffentlichung: 21.04.2015

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This is dedicated to all those girls that deal with being dumped.

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