
The Summer That Would Change My Life



It was summer break, I wasn’t sure what to do, my friends were out of town and my parents decided without my opinion that we would go to the beach for most of the summer. I love the beach but I wasn’t sure exactly what would happen down there, I haven’t been down there in ages it feels like.

I was busy packing for the trip when I got a text from one of my friends, she sent a picture of her and her boyfriend would be coming back with her. I wanted a boyfriend but the last one I had wasn’t the best choice I could have had out there. I was ready for this summer to be different than any other summer would be. I hoping for a romance that would be during summer then I wouldn’t have to deal with the heartbreak during the school. I finished packing in time to put my bag in the back of the car.

Chatper 1

"Meeting The Boy That Will Change My Life"


It was long drive down to the beach, I was looking forward to having the room that I had last time but I wasn’t sure how it would be now. When we got there, it looked just like it did all those years ago. I wasn’t sure what I would but I know put my stuff in my room then get my swimsuit on and go down to the beach.

When got up the stairs to find the room I usual use every time we come down, it looked just like it did from those years ago. I felt like there was something missing but I couldn’t put my finger on it. I changed and went to find an umbrella to lay under a just have fun this summer.

I wasn’t laying for some time when a beach ball hit me, I looked up to see a cute blonde with blue eye’s coming up to me. I all of a sudden tried to make myself look cute, I wasn’t sure why he would be coming up to me at this time but he was going to ask about the beach ball. He asked for it then he went back to the boys he was playing with down closer to the beach.

It was the afternoon now and I headed back up to the house, the boys were still at it when I was leaving. As I was walking away I could the boys ask that one boy about me and he was saying some really nice things but he wouldn’t ever see me again unless he comes to the beach everyday like I’m planning to do this summer. I might also go to the teen beach place to meet some new friends. This summer was starting to look promising, what I didn’t know about was that boy, would I ever see him again?

It was the next day, I was up and ready to go to the teen beach club for the day or well at least try to stay for the whole day, I got up and got dressed for the day with my swim suit under my cloths. When I found the place, there didn’t seem like a lot of people were there right now, I walked in a changed into the clothes that I wear at school with heal sandals with a jean skirt and a tank top also with a sparkle belt. I brought a book just in case there weren’t many people around when I got there so I got a drink and sat down.

I have been reading for at least a little bit when I heard some boys coming in, I looked over my book to see the boys from yesterday, I saw the boy that talked to me. I went back to reading my book so I looked like I wasn’t paying attention to them, the boys noticed me sitting reading a book. “Hey dude! Isn’t that the girl from yesterday?” The blond boy turned around to see me sitting there, he looked at my outfit and didn’t think that was me plus my hair is down this time then yesterday when my hair was up and had sunglasses on as well. I could hear them so I lowered my book so they could have a good look at my face.

He turned back around talking to the boys around him, he turned back toward me, and he started my way when my cell rang. I answered to answering to my ex who dumped me for another girl. I started to talk normal but then he started to piss me off an I could tell I was about to cry when I just rung up my cell and sat there like the biggest shit in the world. The blond boy could see that I could use a friend, he walked over to me. “Hey! Is everything okay?” He sat down next to me, like he really wanted to know if I was okay. “Hi! Everything isn’t okay, I got a call from my ex telling me he wants me back when he was one to hurt me. He just doesn’t understand that he really hurt me.” “I’m sorry to hear that, would you want to come down some things with me? To get your mind off that.” I looked up at him and was wondering what he was having planned but he seemed like a sweet person thought. “Sure I would like that.”

We went down to the beach to splash around in the water, we were splashing water at each other when the other boys came out and show my bikini and wanted to join in. They came down to the water, “Can we join?” I smiled at them and nodded my head. They came running down, one knocked me over into the water, I got up smiling and laughing. I think I just made some friends here but I would have to leave them soon since I don’t really live here. We were playing around in the water, one of the boys let me get on his back as he ran from the others. We were busy having fun to see a girl watching us, I wasn’t sure who she was but I was about to find out when she started to walk down to us.

“Hey guys! Who is that girl that is coming toward us?” “That is his girlfriend and she doesn’t like when he has this much fun with other girls so be prepared to be yelled at by her.” She walked right up to me and asked, “Who are you and why are playing around with my boyfriend?” I looked at her like I didn’t even know one of this boys were her boyfriend. “Well I’m sorry but I’m not from around here so I didn’t know that one of this sweet boys was YOUR boyfriend so sorry that I messed around with him.” I turned around to the boys, smiled at them and walked away with my stuff down the beach to where the house we rented was at. I could feel their eyes on me but I didn’t’ really want to turn around to see the blond one’s eye’s though.

Chatper 2

"The Date"


I was in front of our house lounging in a chair, I was busy reading a book to notice someone walking up. I could see someone walking up but wasn’t sure where they were going though. He stopped right in front of me, I wasn’t sure what to do but wait and see what happens next. I could tell that he was looking at me but wasn’t sure why though. He walked around me then stopped, he sat down next to me. “Hey! Sorry about the other day, I didn’t know she would do that to you but I broke up with her. I didn’t like how I couldn’t hang out with other girls, she wasn’t that nice to you when you were nothing but nice back to us. I would like to make it up to you somehow.” He looked at me like he was thinking something was going to happen. I put down my book in my lap, I looked toward him like I wasn’t that I believed what he was saying.

“It’s okay, I wasn’t that mad about that anyway. I liked hanging out with you and your friends. I think you can make it up to me by taking me out on the town since I don’t know most of the stuff is now.” I looked at him like I was hoping he would catch what I was trying to do, he looked like he was getting it but wasn’t sure if he would. “Sure, I would like to take you out of the town. I want to get to know you better and let you see the town.” I got up and hugged him, I practically tackled him to the ground, and he didn’t care since he got to hug me. “Well, I guess I should change then, should I dress casual or kind of nice casual?” “You should dress how you would feel more comfortable.” I smiled at him and ran up to my room to change.

As I was changing I choose to wear a jean shirt again with a sparkle tank and a demi jacket with some cute high tops. I put on a necklace and bracelet, I went down stairs to tell my parents that I would possibly be late getting home tonight.

I walked outside, I didn’t find him where he was, and I looked around for him. I couldn’t find him anywhere, I was starting to think that he did that so he could feel like an apologized for doing that to me. I wasn’t sure what to do when I saw him waiting down by the water, I looked at him for some time, and he looked really hot standing there with the sun setting little by little. I started to walk down to him, I was walking toward him then I stumbled toward him. I fell into his strong arms, we started to lean closer when we heard his friends calling from a car on the street. We ran to the car hand in hand, I didn’t know if he would be okay with this but I was loving it. I was starting to be able to show him how I feel about him but I still don’t know his NAME!!!

We all came to a restaurant, we all sat down around a table, we had so much fun laughing and talking. I didn’t know what time it was but if I remember correctly, it was around 9 at night. We went to the teen club where we could talk, drink (not alcohol based drinks though) and dance. I was having so much fun with them that I wasn’t sure if I would have time with him.

It was about 10 or so when he pulled me aside, he was about to say something when some girl walked up and pulled him away. He looked back at me like he was trying to say sorry but I couldn’t see his face when he got into the crowd. I was standing there alone when was of his friends came up and asked me to dance. He knew that I liked his friend but he didn’t want to see my sad because of him so he asked me to dance so it would make me feel better at least.

I was about to be lonely sitting there without him so I decided to walk on the beach. I was sitting on the beach when one of his friends came down to sit down beside me. “Hey! Why are you sitting out her by yourself?” “I don’t know, just didn’t want to be in there with him dancing with other girls when he said he would make it up to me.” “Well, he is being stupid to leave a beautiful girl like you sitting out her by herself.” “Thanks! I won’t be staying here much longer….” “Why?” “My mom told me that the people we rented the house from where coming back early so we needed to leave before they got here so I’m leaving tonight. I wanted to spend more time with him before I had to but I should be going so I can help get last minute things done. Would you mind taking me home?” “Sure, I would love to help you out.” “Thank you!” He helped me up and took me home, I gave him a kiss on the cheek and walk into the house.

Chapter 3

"Going Home"


I was back at home now, in my own bed wondering if he even noticed that I was gone but then again his friend would tell him when he asked about me. I just wish that he would have spent more time with me before I left but he was busy and I needed to get back so I could help pack and get going. I just thought that we would have at least let me leave with a kiss from him but he didn’t even spend much time with him.


Back at the beach where we stayed, he was looking everywhere for me, he didn’t know where else to look or think of. He remember that he didn’t see me the rest of the night so he went to go find his friend and ask him if he has seen me lately. He found him and asked him if he has seen me, they sat down and talked about what happen. He found out that I left last night and that I wanted to spend my last few hours with him but he was busy dancing with other girls to notice that something was wrong. He wanted to find out where I lived so he could find me and ask me something that he wanted to ask me the minute he laid eyes on me.

He went to the house that we rented, asked that family if they knew where I lived. They told him that I lived in Lubbock, Texas which was WAY different from where he lived. He was about to regret asking but he wanted to see me so he decided to pick up and leave but had to tell his parents first.

Chapter 4

"At Home"


Back where I was…. I was busy unpacking my stuff when I got a call, It was from my friends, they wanted to do something tonight since I was back. I told them where did they wanted to meet so I was meeting them at the mall then we were going to the hangout where all the kids go called Neon Lights.

I was done unpacking and saw that I needed to get going soon so I could meet my friends at the mall, I changed as fast as I could and headed to the mall. I found them at our favorite store, we shopped there for some time. I was busy looking at some skirts when one of my friends came up to me, “Look! It’s the quarter back that you have a crush on.” I looked out of the store in time to see him smile at me, I smiled back before he walked away. I turned back to my friends and did a sequel.

We headed to the food court, we were busy eating and talking to see that someone new walked in, that’s when two girls walk up to him and ask if he needs help finding anything. I didn’t notice that it was the guy from the beach yet, when we were done we threw away our crash and headed to shoes. He saw us but we didn’t see him so he decided to follow us to see where we were going.

When we were looking at some new boots, a guy walked up and tapped me on my shoulder. I turned around to see the quarter back smiling at me, I didn’t know what to do but smile like an idiot. I was about to say something when he beat me to it, “Would you like to go a party with me? It’s not a date though, my girlfriend will be there but she said I could bring someone.” I smiled then heard girlfriend then my smile disappeared. I looked back him like what, he just looked at me like he was confused on why I haven’t said anything. I was about to say something when that guy came up behind me and out his arm around my waist. “Why are you trying to flirt with my girlfriend? I don’t think you should be doing that in front of me.” He just looked at him and he was about say something when his friends pulled him away. I turned around to see who did that and to my surprise it was HIM!!

“What are you doing here!?” “I came here to look for you, I didn’t get to ask you something before you left plus to come and apologize for ignoring you at the teen club.” “You came along way to find me but what about your parents! I didn’t think that they would let you come even though I didn’t know you would though. Oh, what were you wanting to tell me?” He looked at me like I was jumping from subject to subject which I kind of was. “Well, before you left I was going to ask you something but I wasn’t sure if I could say it then but I don’t think that I can ask now that we are in front of your friends.” I looked back them like to give them a sign that we need some privacy as he asks me something. “We will just be waiting over there in the heel if you need us.”

Chatper 5

"He Asked The Question!!"


They walked away but I was pretty sure that they would secretly be listening to see what he was going to ask even though we all three know what he was going to ask anyway. “Well what I was going to ask you was umm to be….the thing is that I want you to be my umm…..girlfriend?” I looked at him like he was crazy when I was screaming in the inside. “I would love to be your girlfriend, I was hoping you would ask me from the very time I saw you but I was kind of shy about it thought.”


I was at the club when I got a call from Aric asking me where I am since he wanted to hang out and meet the rest of my friends. I was sitting with my girls when I heard my name from the door, I looked to see Aric coming toward me, he was about to get to me when some other boys (fti are some of my friends) got in front of him and sat down around me. I started chatting with them, Aric came up and couldn’t find a place to sit, I got up and told him to sit where I was but he didn’t want to take my spot, I told him that I would just sit on his lap if it was okay with him so he said it was okay and I am not sitting on my boyfriend’s lap.

We were sitting there talking for at least over an hour, my friends went with their boyfriends to dance as the rest of were talking still. “Hey babe, can you get up for a sec?” “Sure.” He got up and held out his hand to me, showing that he asking me to dance, I took his hand and went on the dance floor. I was really wondering when he would ask me to dance, I guess he was waiting for the right time to ask me so I would already be standing up. He’s ssoo sweet.

Back over at where we were sitting, my friends (the boys) were talking….”Dude! Wasn’t that the girl that you have always had a crush on but now she has a boyfriend from where they always go for the summer, down at that beach?” “Yes it is and I don’t like she fell for him but not me. I don’t see how that could have happened though. He looks somewhat like he in ways, isn’t the original better than the copy?” “Yes but how are you going to let her see that she is possibly secretly in love you when she has him right now?” “Dude! Remember who you’re talking to, I have my ways.”

We were all ready to leave around midnight, me and Aric decided to go home together. He told me he would see me later but he said he might see me sooner than I think. I didn’t know what he meant but I was looking forward to finding out. He arrived at my house, I kissed him goodnight, got out of the car and walk up to my house. I waved goodbye then saw him take off, I walked in and went up to my room, I wasn’t laying there long when I heard something hitting my window. I didn’t want to get up but I know that I should check out what or who was hitting my window.

I finally got up to see who or what was hitting my window, when I looked down at the ground, I didn’t see anyone but when I looked straight ahead, there was a big surprise. It was Aric, he was the one who bought that house so he could be close to me and to make sure that nothing happened to me now. What he hasn’t told me was that he would have to go back home later to finish up school then he promised he would come back for me. I knew that he meant it because I saw how much it hurt him to tell me that and I knew he would come back for me.

It was close to the end of summer and nothing has happened to damage our relationship yet but he was going home soon and I didn’t know when he would come back to see me but I knew deep down he would try to see me soon. We took to the airport and I saw him off. “You will be okay without me here, right?” I started to tear up. “Of course I will, you can text me and call me now so I will able to talk to you. I’m going to miss you Aric. Promise me that you will come see me soon.” “I promise to come see you as soon as I can baby, I couldn’t stand being away from you so long but if anything does happen and I can’t come see you, take this and you will always have me near your heart.” He held out his hand and showed me the necklace he was wearing that day I first saw him, I took it and put it on so I could have him close right now. He gave me a quick hug and a kiss goodbye. I watched as his plane left, I would hold his necklace close to me heart in till the day I get to have him close again.

Chapter 6

"College" "Unexpect Meeting"


Years have passed and I had graduated high school, I was going to start college when my mom got really sick. I stayed home to take care of her, she told me to go to college but I knew that she didn’t want me to stay here any longer. I wanted to leave but I knew I couldn’t leaver her here by herself. I stayed with her till I saw she could be able to get things for herself and do things on her own. I had finally been able to pack up and leave for college, as I packed I found his necklace, I still missed him terribly so I put it on.

I had been in college for about 2 years now and I haven’t seen Aric, I knew something may have happened but I know that if he was still out there that he would come find me when he finally could. I really wanted to see him but I knew when the time was right, I would get to see him again.

I was out of school for Christmas break, I was invited to a friend’s house for a party, I wasn’t sure if I should go but I went anyways to have a good time. I was busy talking with my friends on the couch to notice a new face walked in. I didn’t see in till I heard laughter from the other room, me and my friends went to go check it out.

When we walked in the other room, a blond boy and girl where talking and laughing, they sounded like they were having a good time. He look familiar but couldn’t put my finger on it, when he turned around, I dropped my class and just stared at him. I was about to cry when he embraced me in a hug, I could tell it was him when he wouldn’t let go. “Reyna! I finally found you! I was looking for you for all this years and I finally found you!” He let me touch the ground now, I put a hand on his face, I had tears coming down. I finally had him back in m life. I kissed him and didn’t want to let go of him, I was afraid he would leave me again when I knew he would never leave me again. He saw I was still wearing his necklace, I was claimed as his and always would be. I knew from here on that I would be the happiest girl alive.

A Year Of College Together/First Semester



It's her third year of college and her first year with her boyfriend back with her. She has missed him so much and now that they can be together again, they can everything they couldn't while they were away from each other. What wold the year be like together? Is there some unexcepted people that might show up? Let's see how things turn out with them...


Chapter 1

"The First Year Together"


 I had gotten a text from Aric saying that he was planning on picking me up so we could go to school togeher. I was too excited that I had to hear and get dressed before he got here. I grabbed a jean skirt with a sparkly belt, my heels and a t-shit. I looked in the mirror, did my hair and put on a little bit of make up on. I heard his car pull up and I was about to go outside when he rang the door bell instead. I opened and as soon as i did, he just planed one on me. We stood there kissing passionetly for who knows how long. I wasn't sure how much longer I could take till my knees went out from under me. He stopped just in time, he picked me up and cared me to his car. I coulnd't believe that I would get to be going to school with the one guy that I have missed so much. He sat in the car and walked over to the drivers side, he got in and started the car. He was about to pull out of the drive way when he noticed a necklace around my neck. "Babe, who gave you that necklace?" I looked down and saw that it was the necklace that he had give me before he went off and left me. I smiled and look back him, kissed him and said, "Don't you remember that you gave this to me before you left?" He had to look at it for a while then he realized that it was the necklace the had given me.

We headed to school now, he parked the car and come around to open my door for me. We were walking up to the school hand in hand when one of my friends run up to us. "Hey you two! How's it going?" We looked at each other and smiled. "What? Did something happen that I don't know about?" We look at her and laughted. "No you didn't, we are just to much in love to really want to tell others about what happens unless we need a third party descesision for some werid reason." "Okay, well I'll be that girl when you need someone."

We walked into school together, all three of us. We werent' sure what to except, we saw how others were looking at us but we didn't care, we had each other. We went to go pick up our schedules when some random guy walked up to me and pushed me to the ground. I shock it off and saw I was ont he ground now. Aric bent down, "Are you okay Brittany?" He held a hand out in my direction. "I'm fine, thank you sweety." He pulled me close, he looked at who did it. "Why did you do that my girl? You better have a good reason for almost huriing her." He looked at me with disgust, I was about to get behind him when he lunged at us. Thank heaven that Aric was able to get him away so he wouldn't hurt me. 

He let me go, I turned away from them when I felt soemone grab me and hold me over their shoulder. I could tell it wasn't Aric, he usual does that when he wants to be flirt but in this kind of situation, he wouldn't ever really do that to me. "Hey! Whoever you are, you better put me down right this minute!" They just turne away from them, I could see them, they were running after us but all I could do was kick and scream.


Chapter 2

"The Frightening Experience"


This guy cared me to somewhere dark that I didn't know where it was, I couldn't tell since it was my first time in this college. I wasn't sure what to do,I kept kicking an screaming, I reach my hand out toward Aric, who was running as fast as he could to catch up. I wanted him to catch up fast but didn't look like it would happen any time soon. We went into somehere dark, that's when we lost them, I felt all the turns that we made, I'm guessing this dude knows what he's doing.

He kept me in this room that had the smell of water everywhere, I wasn't sure what I should be doing.

He came back in, he was caring something's behind his back, I started to worry about what he would be doing to me. I really wish that Aric would come and find me soon!


Aric was busy running around the dark places not knowing if he has been there or not. he always found his way back out of the thing again and again. He decided to turn, he would do only turns till he found a dead in and would know that he shouldn't have turned that way. He came to his first dead end, turned back around and went the way he came. He go back to the start and started the other direction, he could hear someone voices but wasn't sure if it was use or not.


I was too busy to stay away from this guy to think about anything else going on, he grabbed me and threw to the ground. I laied there motionless for a second, I turned to see him looming over me. I wasn't sure what to do, he stuck something in me. I felt like I had no control of my body anymore. I couldn't move or anything. He saw that I couldn't move and started to have his fun. He started to take off my skirt, he was about to take of my shirt when someone came through the door. Aric landed right on top of me (his head was mere inches from me head). He wasn't sure what just happened but he looked up finially, he saw me laying there almost naked. 

He stood up and ran right into that man, it took a good two hours for him to make sure he couldn't get up and follow us. He grabbed me and the cloths that I didn't have on and cared me out of there. We had gotten out of there, he sat down somehwere no one could see us. I sat ther tribbing for hours. I wasn't sure what to do, I felt his arms around me, showing that I would be okay from now one, he was showing me that he would be there to protect me better to make sure that no one could lay another finger on me again.


Chapter 4

"The Ending To A Scary Day"


School was over and everything went back to normal as it possibly could. He took me home, he staied for a while till it started to get late. He kissed me good bye, waited at the door till he drove away. I went up to my room glad that the first day was over and that the rest of the year would be better.


Chapter 5

"The Summary Of The Semester"


The first semester went by fast, nothing bad happened again. Aric made sure to show that he wouldn't let just anyone around his girl. I was happy that he was there to protect me, i was glad that i had my friends and that I had my Aric with me during this year. I'm not glad that the first day was bad but that guy and I, we became good friends after he got the okay from Aric to be around me. Well it's time that we talke about spring break? Well lets get the last few weeks finished before getting inot another story.


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 21.04.2015

Alle Rechte vorbehalten

This book is dedicated to the summer that I wish could happen.

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