
The vampire chronicles
Book two
Love till the end

Dear Catherine,
How are you feeling? Is the cancer getting to you yet? I certainly hope not. You were always strong. Im hoping that you will come and stay with cebastian and me. I really miss you. You can also bring Joel. Just please come, its been three years since I have seen you.
Your favorite cousin,
Kara Manley
I read Kara’s letter for the third time. “Ill come see you Kara” I said. “I never thought you actually missed me.” I pulled out a piece of paper from the desk and began to write a letter to Kara.
Chapter 1
I watched as she walked to the mailbox, her long black hair swaying in the wind. When she pulled the mail out of the mailbox and went through them, she smiled. She had gotten a reply from her cousin Catherine. Her dear cousin Catherine was very sick with cancer. Kara had been hoping that she would come to visit before something terrible happened to Catherine. I watched as Kara ran towards me. “Oh cebastain” she cried “she’s coming. My cousin Catherine is really coming.”
“I know darling.” He said, and scooped her into his arms. He began to spin her around in circles.
“Careful cebastain” she giggled. “The baby remember” she looked into his eyes.
“Oh yeah” he said, and set me down gently. “I love you so much.” I felt his hand on the small of my back. “I can’t wait until you have the baby.” He kissed me on the lips. My eyes closed. I drifted back into our high school years. The day we made love in his old hearse, I had such a wonderful time that day. I can’t possibly forget the day I got pregnant. Just two weeks ago, the day he slipped in between my legs without a condom. The flashback stopped when I heard the screen door slam. I opened my eyes just in time to see josh come out of the house. He had gotten over me and cebastian being in love. “How are my two favorite lovebirds?” he said. “Why are you guys so happy?” he looked at us patiently.
“My cousin Catherine is coming to stay with us” I said. “It will probably be the last time I see her before…” I paused. I just couldn’t bear to say the words.
“Before what?” josh asked “what’s the matter Kara?” he looked at me curiously.
I fell down on my knees and began to cry. “Oh why does this have to happen to her? She was always a good cousin. She doesn’t deserve this much pain.’ Josh turned to cebastian with a curious look on his face.
“Kara’s cousin has cancer” he said with a solemn look on his face. “Kara stop crying and get up. You’ll hurt yourself.” Josh and cebastain reached down to get me up. Cebastian put his arms around my waist and josh grabbed my hand. Suddenly a pain shot out from between my legs. I screamed. “She’s having the baby.” I heard cebastian say. “Get the car josh.” He yelled “we have to get her to the hospital” josh was gone in a flash and through the screaming cebastian heard the car start. I was to busy screaming to notice. “You’ll be okay baby” cebastian said, and kissed my forehead. Finally the car pooled up in front of the house. Josh came out and helped me get into the back seat of the car. Cebastain got into the back of the car with me. He held my hands. “It’s okay Kara” he said. “Were almost there” just the n the car came to a stop in front of the hospital. Josh ran inside to get a wheelchair. He came back out with a nurse following him. “Lets help you honey” she said. “Oh my you don’t look a year over eighteen. How old are you?”
“She’s nineteen” cebastian said. “We just got married a year ago. She wasn’t supposed to start having contractions for another week.
‘Are you the father” the nurse asked. He nodded “well congratulations. Your going to have a child your hands, boy, can you handle that?
“Yes ma’am believe me I can. You have no idea how long ive been dealing with this”
Josh grabbed cebastain from behind as they walked into the hospital. “Watch what you say man. That nurse can take it the wrong way. She probably figures out what we really are if you don’t be careful. It’s bad enough that we have and pregnant vampire on our hands here.” He whispered to cebastian. We finally reached the operation and it went down.
Chapter two
Cebastain watched as his wife went through labor, a pained expression in his eyes. He couldn’t stand watching her go through this. He pulled out a cigarette. The nurse suddenly was in front of him. “Young man, if you are going to smoke that thing do it else where. Unless you want your wife to get worse than she already is.” She snatched the cigarette from his fingers and put it out on the table. “I doubt you would want that baby of yours to have smoke poisoning now would you”
He put his head in his hands and silently let the tears fall. He then felt a hand on his shoulder. He looked up the tears were running down his face. It was the nurse. “I want you to come with me boy” she said.
“No” he said. “I need to stay with Kara.” He tried to stop but the nurse wouldn’t listen.
“She’ll be fine” she said. “She’s in good hands. You’ve fathered other children?” she asked.
He stayed silent for a few than spoke. “Yes before I was married, during high school. Her name was Elizabeth. She died during childbirth.” He lied. “The child didn’t survive.”
“Are you worried about being a bad father? You blame what happened to Elizabeth on yourself?”
“I guess I do” suddenly another nurse came out of the room.
“The baby’s coming” she said. “Right now. You must hurry.”
He hurried into the room and grabbed Kara’s hand. “Im here darling” he said “its okay” suddenly she had another contraction and he heard crying he watched as the baby came out of her. The doctors whisked it away. “are you alright?” he asked.
“Im fine” I said. “I love you so much.” I smiled gently.
“I love you too” he said. Suddenly josh came into the room.
“How did it go?” he asked. “Is she okay?” his eyes were full of the compassion he still had for me.
I smiled weakly. “Im alright. Just really tired, that’s all.”
A nurse came in holding the baby. “It’s a girl” she said as she handed her to me. “Time for you to name her, sweetie.”
I pondered for a moment and then said; “her name is Candice Lynn Manley” I looked passionately at cebastian.
“Such a wonderful name” he said. He walked up to me. “Can I hold her?” he held out his arms. I looked at this man, not believing that he could be a father. I handed the baby to him. He looked so strange with his long hair and all black clothing holding a sweet little baby wrapped in a pink blanket.
Chapter 3
“Are you ready?” cebastian asked me. He was holding the baby. We were waiting for Catherine to arrive. I was wondering what she would look like. Would she be bald from the radiation? I hoped not. Just then a car pulled up into the driveway. I waited patiently for her to get out of the car. I saw a boy with blond hair come out first. Joel Armstrong, her brother went to the other side of the pick up truck and opened the door. I saw Catherine her red hair blowing in the breeze. She still had it. The beautiful red hair that I was always jealous of. When she saw me she got out of the car quickly and almost fell over. I ran to her.
“Catherine” I screamed. “You’re here” I gave her a huge hug. “It’s so good to see you.”
“Do I get a hug?” I heard Joel say. I turned towards him. He was frowning.
“Oh hi Joel” I said. “How are you doing?” I kept my distance from him. I remembered the time he almost raped me. The time he held a gun to my head and said he would shoot me if I told anyone.
“Well” he said. “Where is my hug?” he chuckled. He had his arms wide open.
“Um you know I actually have to go change the baby’s diaper” I said. I sent a helpless glance at cebastian. He didn’t understand. He just shrugged.
“Are you trying to avoid me?” I heard Joel say. He looked at me. His eyes looked vicious.
“No” I said. “Why on earth would you think that Joel?” I began to walk off.
“Come on” he said. “Just give me a damn hug. You know how much ive missed you Kara.” Everybody was staring at me. I couldn’t back away from him now. So I reached my arms out and gave him a hug, trying to keep my face as far away as I could. But he pulled me closer. “It’s so good to see you again Kara” he whispered. “I can’t wait to get alone with you” he snickered silently. I became repulsed. I shoved him away from me, perhaps a little too hard. He yelped. “Ow’ he said, and began rubbing his chest. Than I walked up to cebastian and wrapped my arms around him.
“Keep him away from me cebastian” I whispered in his ear. “Protect me from him.”
“Why?” he asked. “What’s the matter?” he put his arm around me protectively and began glaring at Joel.
“Not here. Ill tell you somewhere else, away from him.” I rested my head against his chest and inhaled his scent. He pulled me into the house and up the stairs. Then he began leading me to our bedroom. We sat on the bed. He tried to calm me down.
“Its okay darling” he said. “I won’t let him get near you. Now explain to me what happened between him and you.”
“It’s a long story, but I might as well tell you. I was home alone. Every body was out shopping for Christmas. I heard the door open downstairs and went to investigate. When I walked into the living rooms I saw Joel sitting on the couch. I asked him what he was doing here. He said he had come to see me. I became worried. He walked up to me and grabbed my arm. I told him to let go. He wouldn’t. He pulled me down to the couch and forced me to lie down. I tried to scream when he began to pull off my shirt. He pointed a gun to my head and told me to shut up. Then he began to fumble with his clothing. I could only watch as he pulled his pants down. Then he reached for mine and tore them off. I wanted to run but couldn’t. His iron grip was to strong. He pointed the gun to my head and said if I told anyone he would kill me. Just then the door opened. My dad walked through the door. Joel slid his gun under the couch. My dad thought that I actually wanted to have sex with him and told him to get out and grounded me for a month. Oh please keep him away from me cebastain.”
“I will darling” he said. “Don’t worry I will” he put his arms around me and patted my back. I wrapped my arms around him and began to pull up his shirt. “Someone’s desperate” he said. He kissed me on the nose. “Do you want to go take a spin in the hearse?” he chuckled.
“You know I do” I said. “Let’s go somewhere private.” I laughed and got up off of the bed. He grabbed my hand and led me to his car. When we reached the car we were about to get in, but noticed Joel sitting in the driver seat. He was sitting there as if the car belonged to him.
He got out and began to walk towards us. “Nice car cebastian. A little too dark for your style isn’t it Kara? So where are you guys going? You aren’t going to leave the baby all alone now are you?”
“No we aren’t” I said. “Parents get a little time off once in a while you know. Right know Candice is with your sister. She seems to be enjoying herself.” My voice was full of disgust for Joel.
“Well, you wouldn’t mind if I joined you then. Life gets boring alone, you know?” he said.
“You know what Joel?” I said. “I wouldn’t really know. Married remember?”
“Oh come now Kara. What has happened to you? This monster of a man has changed you so much.” Cebastian looked like he was ready to pulverize him and rip him into shreds. I placed my hand against his chest. He calmed down immediately.
“That monster of a man is my husband, Joel. Id advise you to watch your mouth before I let him kill you” before I could say another word. I was pulled against Joel and being kissed ferociously. I tried to push him away. The next thing I knew I was on my hands and knees. Suddenly I heard a loud crash as Joel was slammed against the hood of my car.
“If you ever touch her again I swear I will skin you alive” I heard cebastian say. Suddenly josh was by my side and helping me up.
“Are you okay?” josh asked me calmly.
“Yeah I think so” I glared at Joel. “Cebastian will you take out the trash please?”
“Wait” I heard Catherine say. “Please don’t make him leave. Im sure he didn’t mean it, Kara. Sometimes my brother just doesn’t think straight.” I watched as Catherine walked towards me.
It was for Catherine so I couldn’t say no. “Alright” I said. “He can stay in the guest house. Ill be fine just as long as he’s away from me. Pack your bags Joel and get over to that damn guest house before I have cebastain rip your head off.” I watched as he marched angrily into the house.
“Um where’s Candice?” I noticed that Catherine wasn’t holding her.
“I left her in the nursery….” Said Catherine. “Oh shit.” Cebastian was in the house in a flash I luckily inherited that speed when I became a vampire. When I got to the nursery I saw cebastian ready to pounce and Joel holding a knife to the baby’s neck.
“Joel” I said. “Calm down. You don’t have to do this. Please don’t do this Joel. That’s my baby Joel, you can’t kill her.”
He put the baby back into the crib and dropped the knife. It hit the floor with a loud crash. Suddenly Joel was being held to the floor by josh. “If you try that again with my sister-in-law, I swear I will rip your heart out.” Then Joel was flung against the wall. I closed my eyes and heard a loud crash as he hit the dresser. I began to cry. Cebastian picked me up in his arms and carried me to our room.
“Oh why does all this have to happen right now? What the hell happened to him?” I whispered. “I remember when he was ten years old and he used to follow me around like I was his idol. Catherine was seven at the time.”
“Something went wrong in his childhood?” he asked me.
“well yeah” I said. “He had watched his father try to kill himself. So I know it must be hard for himself. He was seventeen when he tried to rape me. I was only fifteen years old.” I lay down on the bed. Before I knew it I was asleep.
Chapter 4
I rolled over and felt cebastian’s cold hard body. I wrapped my arms around him. Then I heard him chuckle. “Somebody’s awake” he turned towards me and kissed me on the nose. I giggled. Then I felt chills run down my spine as he began running his tongue in between my breasts. I pushed my body against him. “Wanting to have more children so soon?” he asked.
“All I want is you” I whispered in his ear. He began licking my neck on the exact spot where bit me two years ago.
“Well in that case, how about we have another camping trip like we did two years ago. We can make it kind of like a double date. You and I can go, and Catherine and Cameron. I noticed she has been eying him for a while.” He placed his hand on the small of my back. Then he reached it lower until his hand was in my pants. I held my breath as his finger delved inside of me. Suddenly I noticed Catherine standing in the doorway.
“Oh god Catherine” I said. “What are you doing in here?”
“I wanted to come talk to you, but I didn’t know you guys were busy.” She giggled. “Now what’s this about a camping trip and Cameron? Because if your planning one involving me and Cameron alone in a tent. Well that’s perfectly fine with me.” She smiled meekly. Cebastian pulled his hand out of my pants and wiped it on the bed covers. He pulled his hand off of my breast. I hadn’t noticed it was there.
“Well, we were planning on going camping with you guys. We thought you and Cameron might enjoy it.” He smiled. “Cameron will especially enjoy it.” He chuckled. “Besides you and Kara can finally get caught up.”
“Alright” Catherine said. “Ill go get packed. Can one of you tell Cameron? Does he know that I have cancer?”
“No Catherine we haven’t told everyone yet.” I said. I gave her a hug. “It will be okay. Go get packed. Ill get Cameron.” I left the room and was immediately in Cameron’s door. I rapped on it loudly.
“Come in” I heard him say. I opened the door and saw him sitting on his bed playing a guitar. “Surprise, surprise.” He said. “If it isn’t sweet, beautiful Kara. I don’t have time to talk to you. Go away. Please.”
“Cameron, how many times do I have to apologize to you? I know how much it broke your heart when I married cebastian. But he is the one I love. You’re just a good friend. Besides I heard Catherine really likes you.
“So what. She wont live long now will she.” He said with a sigh.
“How did you know?” I asked him. “We never told you.
“Your guy’s room is right above mine. I can hear you talking.” He said. Then he set his guitar down on the bed. “How could you betray me so Kara? When I saw you come out of the tent holding cebastians hand, I thought it would just blow over, but then again, it didn’t.” he sighed. “I loved you Kara. Won’t you ever understand? Just do one last thing for me Kara, please. Just kiss me one last time.”
“I can’t Cameron. Oh how I missed you. You’re like a brother to me. Won’t you understand? Oh how can I explain this to you?”
“Please Kara. Just kiss me. I only need you to it once. Than I can move on. Ill make your cousin feel loved if you do. Please, do it for you cousin.
“Alright” I said. “But only for my cousin. She needs someone to love really bad.” I put my hands on his shoulders and touched my lips to his. Just then cebastain walked into the room.
“What the hell are you doing Kara? How could you do this to me?” he slammed his fist into the wall. When he pulled it away there was a huge hole.
“It’s not her fault” I heard Cameron say. “I talked her into it. She was just doing her part of a deal cebastion. Don’t get mad at her. Be mad at me.”
“What deal?” cebastian said. “Dammit what deal has to do with you kissing him Kara?” I only watched as he slapped me in the face. “Tell me now, you stupid bitch”
“It was only a deal. I was trying to make Catherine feel loved before she died Cameron said He would love Catherine with all of his heart if he just got one kiss from me.” I bursted into tears.
“Oh I see” he said. “Im sorry Kara. God please forgive me. I just lost it. You know how much I love you.” I watched the pained expression on his face.
“Sometimes cebastian I just don’t know anymore” I pushed him out of the room with all of my strength and finally shut the door behind him. “Cameron will you please just go camping with us? Do it for Catherine. She’s the one who needs it.”
“I will Kara.” He said. “Go to cebastian. He probably needs you right now.” He kissed me on the forehead then pushed me out the door. I walked slowly up to my room. The door was shut. I knocked gently on the door. No answer.
“Come on cebastian; let me in, you know I love you.” I knocked again. Still no answer. “Fine” I said. “I guess im just not wanted anymore. I might as well just take the baby and leave.” Suddenly I heard the door open and cebastain was standing next to me.
“Don’t leave Kara” he said through the tears. “Please I really need you” just then I threw my arms around him and kissed him on the lips. He looked shocked for a moment then composed his features. “I was hoping you would do that.” He smiled. “So are we still going camping?” he asked me.
“Yeah” I said. “Let’s get packed” I went to the closet and grabbed a bunch that probably wouldn’t even for camping I didn’t even care. I tossed them into a suitcase.
“Actually” he said. “Were going to a hotel. I’ve already arranged it”
“When did you do this?” I asked him absentmindedly. I was to busy thinking about the weekend ahead.
“Just now. I hope you don’t mind. They have a pool, darling. Think of the new experiences. Hmmm, I can’t wait. I already talked to Cheyenne she’ll watch Candice while we are away. So every thing is taken care of. Cameron and Catherine are packing right now. We will a hotel room with two different bedrooms so it will be quite comfortable and quiet” he planted a kiss on my lips. “Cameron’s ready” he said. “Catherine just got done packing. Lets go.” He lifted me into my arms and carried me out to his car. He set me in the passenger seat of the hearse, and then ran upstairs to get my bags. While he was gone I felt a pair of hands cover my mouth. I tried to scream. Then I heard Cameron laugh.
“Its okay, Kara.” He said. “Im just joking with you.” He kissed my on my shoulder. Then his lips began to roam up my neck. He stopped when he saw cebastian coming. “Don’t tell him, please”
“I won’t” I said. “I promise” cebastian had all of our bags in his hands. Catherine was trailing behind him like a lost puppy. I felt sorry for her. “Im going to miss her when she…never mind.” I rested my head against the window. I felt Cameron’s hand on my shoulder.
“It’s okay” he said. “Ill miss her too. I would fix it by….but I can’t. You know that Kara.”
“Okay guys lets go” I heard Catherine say as she got into the car. She grabbed Cameron’s hand. He smiled warmly and kissed her on the cheek. I heard cebastian start the car up and we were on our way.
Chapter 5
“Wake up sleepy head. Were here.” I peered at cebastian through tiny slits. I opened my eyes fully. We had stopped in front of what looked like a grand chateau in the countryside. I slowly tried to get up but found I couldn’t. Cameron had fallen asleep on my lap. I poked him in the shoulder a little too roughly. He yelped.
“Ow” he said. “What was that for?” he looked at me sleepily.
“Did Mr. Prince charming have a nice nap?” I asked him.
“Oh well yeah I guess” he said and smiled. “Are we here?”
“Yeah we just arrived. Hey cebastian exactly where are we?”
“Welcome to the fleur delacour motel.” He said. “Its amazing I even had enough money for this.” He opened the door for me. Then he scooped me into his arms and planted a kiss on my cheek. “We will be staying for two months. It’s going to be amazing. I told you I would show Catherine a good time, now didn’t I. every body grab your bags.” He hoisted me on his shoulders and walked me over to the trunk of the hearse. He grabbed our suitcases. Then we walked to the front of the hotel. He had to put me down because the door was so low. We walked to the front desk hand in hand. “Reservation for the Manley’s” he said to the women at the front desk. She looked like she was seventeen years old. She eyed me and cebastian, then spoke.
“Yes sir” she said. “Let me get your key. You’re on the second floor” she glanced at her reservation book. Then she bent down to grab the key out of the drawer. Then she handed it to him. I thought I even saw her wink at cebastain. I kissed him on the lips as we walked away. The girl began to frown. He put his arms around my shoulder.
Chapter 5
I smelled my hair. “Yuck” I said. “I really need a shower.” I went into the bathroom and turned on the water. Then I heard a knock at the door. “Come in” I said. I opened the door and took my hair down. Just then cebastian walked into the door. He wrapped his hands around my waist.
“mind if I join you?” he asked. He began to pull up my shirt. I laughed and twisted out of his arms.


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 02.01.2011

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