
a vampires love

Jonathan and I were driving back to my house. We were on a date at the movies. He was tired. The car began to turn off the road. I shook him. He woke up. “Whoa” he said and steered the car back onto the road. But the next thing I knew he was asleep and the car began to turn again. I began shaking him, trying to wake him up. “Come on john” I cried. “Wake up” suddenly the car went off the street and ran into a tree. The car began to roll over. It finally stopped. I looked at john’s lifeless body. I looked around the car for my cell phone. I spotted it on the floor and reached for it. I grabbed it and dialed 911. I told them my emergency and where we were. Then I waited patiently for them to come. There was an agonizing pain in my leg. I looked down at it. The bone was sticking out of my leg. Finally I heard sirens. They used the Jaws of Life to get the door open. They pulled me out and put me on a stretcher. ‘John” I said. “Please help him”
“There is nothing we can do sweetie” the paramedic said. “A peace of glass pierced his heart. I’m sorry.” She looked down at my face sympathetically. Then she pulled my stretcher into the ambulance.
Chapter 1
I had put the past behind me. John was gone and there was nothing I could do about. I had begged my mother to move away from phoenix, Arizona. She had seen the hurt in my eyes and finally gave in. my leg had been healed by the time we moved to forks, Washington. I wanted to see Robyn Blackwood. She is my cousin. I hadn’t seen her in at least three years. So my mother and the rest of our family and me took the long trip to forks Washington. When we had arrived we were welcomed with arms opened wide. We were to live at robin’s guest house until we found our own house.
Chapter two
Robin had bought me a Volvo for my car in forks. I drove it to the high school. I pulled into the parking lot of the school on the side of the street. I got out of the car and grabbed the schedule Robyn had gotten for me. My first class was geometry. I found the class room easily. When I walked into the room the teacher Mr. Varner made me introduce myself to the class. Then I stumbled to the only open chair. There was a boy with long black hair and dark clothing sitting there. Why did I have to sit next to a boy? I can’t stand to be next to one after what happened to john. I thought to myself.
“Hi” I heard a voice from beside me. I turned and saw the boy looking at me. He was smiling. I began looking down at the desk. “What’s the matter?” he asked me “why wont you talk to me?”
“I just can’t” I told him. “Im sorry” he began frowning. I became depressed. I had upset him.
“Oh I understand.” He said. “That’s what everyone says but they never mean it. They just don’t want to talk to a freak like me.”
“Oh no you don’t understand. I can’t talk to boys because my boyfriend was killed in a car accident. Im just not ready and I don’t want to be hurt again.”
“You’re lying” he said. “That never happened to you. You just don’t want to talk to me.”
“Im serious I broke my leg during the accident it was sticking out of my skin.” I pulled up my pant leg and showed him the scar from where the bone was sticking out. He looked at it and nodded.
“Im sorry I didn’t believe you” he said then let his head droop shamefully.
“It’s alright” I said. He looked up at me. I smiled at him.
Chapter 3
The rest of the classes went by quickly. I had made several friends. It finally came to the last period of the day. Lunchtime. I got my lunch than went to look for my friend from geometry. I hadn’t gotten his name yet. My eyes scanned the room for him. I spotted him sitting with other boys dressed in bizarre clothing. I walked up to him and tapped him on the shoulder. He turned towards me. “Oh hey” he said. “Do you want to sit with us?”
“That’s why I came here.” I said. Then I smiled at him. His friends stared at me and grinned. But one of the boys frowned at one of the other boys. I didn’t understand. But they looked to be related to me. The boy from biology pulled up a chair and let me sit down next to him and a boy with long black and blond hair. “I didn’t catch your name in biology I told the boy next to me.”
“My name is Eli” he said. “I didn’t get yours either.” He waited patiently for me to say it.”
“My name is Kara” I told him. “Do you guys want to come over to my house today?” I asked Eli and his friends.
“Sure” they all said in unison “we would like that.” Just then the bell rang. We all walked to dump our trays then began walking to my car. They all got in my car and we drove to my house.
Chapter 4
We finally got to my house my mom wasn’t there the boys seemed to like this. I let them in and we began to talk together. Then we suddenly got very bored. “Ugh im bored.” I said. “Is there anything else you guys want to do?”
“Um idk” the boys said. Then one suddenly piped up “why don’t we play seven minutes in heaven guys?” the other guys began to laugh at him. “Oh come on I know it’s for preps but it will be fun come on!!!!!!!!!” he whispered in one of the boys ears nest to him” pass it on.” he said the boys began whispering in each others ears finally looked at each other than nodded. “Okay” Eli said “let play that game.” I panicked I hadn’t kissed any one since john died. I ignored the thought. It was just a game. I thought to myself.
“Alright then” I said. “Who wants to go first?” I saw one boys hand go up first. The boy who must have been his brother glared at him. The other boy pretended not to notice. “Okay” I said. “What’s your name?” I smiled at him.
“Im josh” he said. His voice was slightly masculine but there was a sound I didn’t recognize I figured this kiss was going to be wild. I could tell just by looking at him. I led him to a coat closet in the hallway. He opened the door and pulled me inside. He was extremely strong with a wiry build. He closed the door and pushed me against the wall. My breath flew out of my lungs. I stared into his eyes. He was certainly primal and violent. I couldn’t breath. I couldn’t remove my eyes from his. It was like they were glued there. He pressed his body against mine. I struggled to think about something else. Anything but him. But I found I couldn’t. he shut the light of in the closet. He began trailing his lips from the hollow between my breasts to my neck and finally reaching my lips. I allowed my lips to move with his. His kiss seemed never ending. I pulled his hair. It was an act of passion. But he mistaked it for anger. “Ow” he said. “What was that for?”
“I wasn’t mad if that’s what you think.” I smiled at him. “Ever heard of a thing called passion.” I said. I pulled his head down to my lips. Then I released it. I began running fingers over his strong chest. He wrapped his arms around and pressed his body against me. Suddenly there was a knock on the closet door. Josh released me and opened the door. They boy I thought as his brother was standing there.
“My turn” he said. He glared at his brother. But he turned towards me to smile. Josh walked past his brother and brushed his shoulder. “Im cebastian” he said. “That was my brother. He has temper problems” he gently grabbed my hand. I wasn’t pulled by him. But he gently coaxed me to follow him. I did. I looked at his face. His lips we formed in a sweet line. He had beautiful green eyes. His long hair covered one of his eyes. I picked up his hand but began studying it. The skin was soft. But there were slight muscles there. His hands were beautiful. I couldn’t stop staring at them. I felt a finger under my chin. I looked up at him. He was breathing heavily. I saw desire in his eyes. So I didn’t keep him waiting. I grabbed his head and pulled it down to mine. I honestly didn’t want to wait either. His lips whispered against mine gently. He was tasting. Savoring me. I pushed for more. His tongue delved into my mouth. I moaned. I stepped back and tripped over something. I fell down and pulled him down with me. I remember the time me and john did this. I pushed out the thought. I was enjoying this. I didn’t want the seven minutes to stop. I realized they had to when a knock sounded at the door. But he didn’t stop kissing me. “Cebastian” I said. “Please stop”
“why?” he didn’t want to stop. “I don’t want this moment to end”
“I don’t either” I said. “But we have to stop before certain people get mad”
“Okay” he said, and got up off of me. I stood up. I reached my hand up to touch his face. He grabbed my hand and pulled me to him. He kissed me once than released me. “Don’t trust josh” he said. He looked angry. He opened the door. Then he slammed it behind him. I felt tears come to my eyes. Suddenly before I knew it I was crying. I crumpled to the ground. Suddenly another boy opened the door. He saw me crying and came to sit next to me.
“What’s the matter?” he said. “Why are you crying?” I didn’t say anything. He grabbed my wrist and spotted bruises on them. “Where did those come from?” he asked.
“I don’t know” I said. But I felt the pain of my wrist. “What’s your name?” I asked him.
“Craig” he said. “Are you okay?” he began rubbing my wrist gently.
“Yeah” I said. “Ill be fine.” I stared at the bruises on my wrist. How did that happen I thought to myself?
“Cebastian doesn’t know his own strength. He has problems with trusting people. But from what I saw I think he trusts you very well. You’ll get used to him soon……” he wrapped his hands around my shoulders and let me rest my head against his shoulder. He didn’t make a move to kiss me. He just sat there, comforting me.
“Thank you” I said. “Why didn’t you kiss me?” I stared into his eyes.
“I figured you didn’t need it right now” he said. “You just needed to cry on someone’s shoulders.” He patted his shoulder. I rested my head against it. I felt safe. “But if you need a kiss now, I will give one to you.” He said. He pressed his lips against my cheek gently.
“I think we are going to be good friends” I said. I scooted into his lap and rested my head against his chest. I looked up at him. He had a shocked look on his face but he then smoothed it out. I rested my head against his chest again. He put his head on my back and wrapped his arm around me. There was a sudden knock at the door. I got up.
“Your eyeliners is smudged” he said. He licked his finger and began wiping at it. The sensation of his skin rubbing my eyelid was amazing. I shuddered.
“Mmmmm’” I said. “I love the way your skin feels. It so rough. It tickles my skin.” I giggled. I heard his deep chuckle. He pressed his lips against my neck. He was growing bolder. He moved his lips up my neck to my lips. Soon our lips were moving together. Then he pushed me away from him. He smiled gently. Then he opened the door. There was a boy there with medium length hair that had blonde and black streaks in it.
“Hi” he said. “My name is Cameron Arnold. Im josh and cebastian’s brother.” He sat down next to me on the floor. He wasn’t exactly good looking but there was some handsomeness in there. “I don’t really like kissing people.” He said. “You don’t mind if I don’t, do you?”
“It’s perfectly fine” I said. He just wrapped his arms around my shoulders and stayed like that. We talked for a while. Suddenly I felt his fingers roaming down my waist. “What are you doing?” I asked him.
“Nothing” he said. And pulls his hand away. But then he rested his head against my shoulder. I moved closer to him. I felt his tongue on my neck. I shuddered, it felt good. I let his lips roam wherever they wanted. They began moving towards my breasts. He lifted my shirt up to expose my stomach only. I lay down on the floor for him. His lips skimmed over my stomach. Suddenly there was a knock on the door. He pulled my shirt down and then got up and grabbed my arm and pulled me up. Then he pulled the door open. Finally Eli came in. he shut the door behind him and wrapped his arms around my waist. I struggled to breath. His hands were wrapped around me tightly. His lips moved against mine in barely a whisper. I lost my breath altogether. Then he got up and left the room. There was another knock at the door. I opened it. It just happened to be josh again.
“Do I get another turn?” he asked. But didn’t wait for me to answer he just walked in and shut the door.
I remembered cebastians warning. “Really josh. I said. “Why again?”
“Oh I see” he said. “Cebastain talked to you. Didn’t he?” he sat down on the floor. “And you listened? Why on earth would you listen to him? He’s just jealous because he knows we have a closer bond.”
“Yeah maybe he is.” I said still doubting his words. I sat down next to him cautiously. Suddenly his lips were against my neck. There was a slight scraping. “You have a piercing in your lip.” I turned towards him.
“Yeah” he said. I also have a few in my ears and I have a couple tattoos.” He pulled up his sleeve and exposed it. It looked like a Japanese symbol. I reached my fingers out to touch it. I became fascinated with the texture of his skin. It was an interesting combination of rough and smooth. His scent was alluring also. I found I couldn’t keep my hands off of him. I looked up at his face suddenly it seemed so sweet in an offset sort of way. It surprised me.
“Where are your friends?” I asked him. I was still looking at his face.
“They went home.” He said. “We are here all alone.” He smiled mischievously.
I playfully punched him in the shoulder. “You little devil” I said. “I should have known you would have done that to me.” I rested my head against his chest and looked up at him. “It’s getting kind of cramped in this closet.” I said “how about we go somewhere cozier? Maybe my bedroom?” I saw his eyes light up.
“That’s sounds great.” He said. He scooped me up in his arms. Then he opened up the closet door.
“Josh” I said. “You don’t even know where it is.” I giggled uncontrollably.
“Well tell me where it is then” he chuckled. Then put me down on the ground.
“Upstairs third door on the left” I said. Then suddenly my feet left the ground. “Oh not again.” I said but allowed myself to be carried to the room.
He carried me up the stairs I almost hit my head. Finally he found the room. He set me down and then opened the door. “A little girly for my taste” he said. We walked over to the bed. I sat down next to him. “What do you want to do?” he asked. He placed his hand on the nape of my neck. I froze. Then I remembered cebastains words. But before I could say anything he pulled me to him. I felt his lips against mine. There was an animal look in his eyes. Something wasn’t right. I pushed the thought out of my head. After a year of sulking over Jonathan maybe this is what I wanted. Maybe I needed somebody to love. But I knew this love would be far different than when I was dating Jonathan. It would be wild. I pressed my body against josh’s body in hope of bringing more lust out of him. It worked he pushed me down against the bed. Perhaps it worked a little to well. He cupped his hands against my breasts. I struggled to breath under his weight. “Let’s go somewhere else” he said. “To the park, there’s a fountain. And a lake near there.”
“Okay” I said. “Lets go. Do you want me to bring my bathing suit?”
“You can if you want but you won’t be needing it” he chuckled. “Your mom will be away for a while she’s at robins house. Well leave a note on the counter. It will say you are camping with your new friend Michelle. It will take care of everything. “He said. “But we are going camping anyway. So lets get you packing.” He walked to the closet and threw closes into a suitcase nearby. He grabbed my bathing suit. He put his nose against it and inhaled deeply. Then he threw it into the suitcase.
“Josh” I said. “We can’t do this.” What about cebastian we are going to have to get someone else to come with us?
“Fine” he said. “Cebastains and Cameron can come with him.” He said angrily. “We have tents at our house. Let’s go get them” he zipped up the suitcase. And then he pulled it and me downstairs.
“Will your mother care?” I asked him. His face became sullen “what’s wrong?” I asked him.
“My mom and dad died in a car accident two years ago” he said. My brothers and I were the only ones who survived. Our sister died. Look if you want to have safe sex just tell me. I have condoms.” His mood changed from sad to happy again.
“That would be okay” I said. “Im just trying to be careful.” I placed my hand on his chest.
“Okay” he said. “Let’s go to my house” he pulled me out the door. We got into my car and he directed me to his house. When we got there, he talked cebastian into coming with us. He also got Cameron. When they finally packed their suitcases and we got the tents and went to the park.
Chapter 5
We had set up the tent and were eating dinner. Cebastain and Cameron were whispering to each other and staring at josh’s hand and mine. They were adjoined. Were they mad? I couldn’t bear to think of it. We were such good friends.
I realized that josh had finished his dinner. I wasn’t hungry anymore. He whispered in my ear. “Let’s go in tent” I got up and followed him inside.
“I think cebastain and Cameron are jealous” I giggled. Then I pressed my hand against his chest. “Do you want to take off your shirt?” I asked him. It’s really hot in here.” I grabbed the bottom of his shirt and gently began pulling it off.
“Not yet” he chuckled “we have to blow up the airbed.” He took a large box from the corner of the room. He took the bed out of the box and attached the pump to blow it up. We waited silently until it inflated.
A few minutes later it finally inflated. I laid down on the bed. He grabbed a small box from his suit case and turned away from me. I knew what he was doing. I waited patiently for him to finish. Finally he turned towards me. He laid down next to me. “You sure you want to do this?” he asked me politely.
“Can we wait a little while?” I asked. “I----- I don’t think im ready yet.”
“Okay” he said. “We will wait.” He scooted up next to me. I rested my head against his chest. He seemed content to just lay there. Suddenly the door of the tent opened. It was cebastian and Cameron.
“Do you mind if we come in?” they asked. I saw cebastain look at me. He looked angry. I sat up. Josh looked at me curiously. Then he looked at cebastain.
“No not at all.” He said chidingly. “Just come on in. there is plenty of room.” They walked into the tent and sat down on the bed. Cebastain sat next to me and got really close.
“Need a shoulder babe?” he whispered to me. Josh must have heard because he glared at cebastain.
“No thanks” I said. “I already have one.” I rested my head against josh shoulder. Josh grinned at his brother mischievously. Cebastain’s stare was cold. He stood up. Then he stormed out of the tent.
“That was interesting” Cameron said. “It was hilarious” he grinned at josh. “Cebastain’s always had a short temper, but who knew he could be that jealous.” He smacked josh on the back playfully. “Good job josh.” You not only got the girl but you mad c.b. mad in the process.” He got up and began to walk out. “Ill leave you two alone.” He winked at me. Then he ducked out of the tent door and zipped it up behind him.
“c.b.” I said. “That’s and interesting nickname.” I smiled meekly at josh. I lay down on his chest. He began running his fingers through my hair. I started to nibble at his ear. Suddenly cebastian came in again. He pulled me away from josh and dragged me against him. I began pounding my fist against his chest. He harshly put his lips against him. Then he threw me on the floor and went after josh. Josh stood up quickly. Cebastain punched. Josh countered. “Stop it” I yelled at cebastain. I did something stupid. I ran in between josh and cebastian. Suddenly I felt something hard hit my face. I crumpled to the ground. Tears pooled to my eyes.
“Look what you did” josh said. “You hurt her” he sat down beside me. I saw cebastain sit on the other side.
“Im sorry” he whispered. “I didn’t mean to” I could see shame run across his face. My head was pounding painfully. I felt josh press a piece of ice from the cooler against it.
“It’s not your fault cebastian; I was stupid enough to interfere.” I said calmly.
“It is his fault” josh said. “Don’t stick up for him. He is the one who started it. He deserves the guilt.”
I began to open my mouth. Then shut it quickly. I finally spoke. “Fine josh but you’ll have good luck ever seeing me again. It might have to happen sometimes but never intentionally.” I got up and grabbed cebastian’s hand. His mouth dropped open. But then he smiled. We walked out of the tent together. “Im sorry cebastain. He was being so rude, but you didn’t need to fight either.” I punched him playfully on the shoulder. “I didn’t like josh that much anyway.” I lied. “I honestly feel safer with you” that part was true. Josh seemed more dangerous. Cameron came out of the other tent.
“Whoa” he said. “What happened to you and josh” he was staring at me and cebastian with wide eyes.
“We had a little fight” I said. I gestured to the bruise on my head. “It’s no big deal”
“Okay.” Cameron said. “Well im going to go for a walk.” He walked off on the trail. I sat down in front of the fire. Cebastian sat next to me. “Im sorry” he said. “I didn’t mean to hit you.” He looked at me gloomily.
“You know it was my fault. I shouldn’t have run in between you and josh when you guys were fighting.”
“It’s okay” he said. He began patting my head. He rubbed his hand on my hair. I rested my head against his shoulder. “You should go home” he said. “Josh is going to start bitching.” he laughed. “Ill take you home.” He helped me stand up. “Go get your bags. Ill try to get josh out of there.”
“No its okay” I said. “Ill be fine. I don’t want any more fighting. Don’t worry.” I pressed my hand against his chest gently. He looked down at me. Then his lips touched mine. It felt like the flutter of a butterfly wings. Then he walked away.
I began walking to the tent that josh was in. I slowly unzipped the door. Then I walked in. I saw him staring up at me. “What are you doing here? He sneered.
“Im getting my stuff” I told him “im going home” he grabbed my arm. Then suddenly I was pulled against him. “Let go of me” but suddenly his mouth was against mine. The door of the tent unzipped and cebastian came in.
“Get off of her” he yelled. I struggled to get out of josh’s arms. His arms tightened around me like a boa constrictor tightening around a poor helpless mouse soon to be devoured by the hunter. I struggled to breath. I began to choke. “You’re crushing her.” I heard cebastain say. Suddenly josh let go of me. I began to cough.
I ran to cebastain and put my arms around him. He grabbed my suitcases and we walked out of the tent together. “Are you okay” cebastian asked.
“Ill be fine” I said. “Where are we going to go?” I asked him quietly.
“To a party.” He grinned. “You aren’t really dressed for one are you” he gestured to my pajamas. “We will go to your house and I have something for you.” He picked me up in his arms just to hold me next to him. Then he set me down again.
“You have something for me?” I said, confused. “But when did you get it? You wouldn’t have had time?”
“I got while you and josh were alone at your house. What were you guys doing there? All alone?” he stared off into space. He looked angry. “What did you guys do?” he yelled this time.
“Don’t worry cebastian. You’re the one I love. He just threw a bunch of my clothes into a suitcase and basically forced me to go camping. I insisted you come.” He nodded his head in agreement. “I love you cebastain.” He turned towards me. Then he kissed me gently.
“Let’s go to my house” he said. “You can change there.” He got into the driver side. I sat in the passenger seat. He wrapped his arm once, and then released me. He put his hands on the steering wheel and began driving to his house.
Chapter 6
We arrived at a small apartment building. He got out of the car, and then he opened the door for me. I was about to get out when he grabbed me in his arms and began carrying me into the house. I saw a woman with gray streaks in her hair standing at the door. “Who’s your friend” she gestured towards me.
“Uh mom this is Kara” he said and smiled. He set me down on the floor, then walked up to his mom and whispered in her ear. Her expression became shocked. She smiled at me. I smiled back meekly and wondered what he told her. As we left the room, I asked him what he said. “I told her that I loved you. She always hoped I would find someone, ever since…. Since….never mind.
“Since what?” I asked him. “What’s the matter cebastian? I gently touched his arm. He pushed me away.
“Its none of your business.” He yelled. “She is none of your business.”
“She? What are you talking about?” I asked calmly. “What happened?” I said quietly.
“She died” he yelled. “She drowned in the river. I couldn’t do anything to save her. She was swinging on the rope and it just broke. I cried for help nobody came…. Nobody came.” He frowned. “I blame myself. I should have saved her but the current was to fast. It took her under and I never saw her again” he began crying. I ran to his side. “Get away” he said. “Just go. I hate you”
“Fine ill go.” I began to walk to the door. He looked up at me and realized what he had done.
“Kara” he said. “wait. Please im so sorry. I don’t want to lose the one I love again.” I turned toward him. He began to walk towards me.
“You said you hated me” I began to tremble. “Maybe I should go. I remind you of her to much? Is that true? You don’t want to remember what happened and how you couldn’t save her?”
“Yes” he admitted. I began to turn away. “Wait.” He pleaded. “That was three years ago and ill never forget it. But don’t you see Kara. I love you and im not going to lose you too. Your all I have.” He grabbed my arm and kissed me passionately. From the corner of my eye I saw his mom coming to tell him something. When she saw us, she turned and went back down the stairs. His lips finally left mine. “So Kara are you still up for that party?” he said huskily. Suddenly my feet left the floor. I panicked. Where was he taking me? His bedroom. “Oh crap” I thought to myself. He carried me to a door. There was a poster on it and a sign. I began reading it out loud. “Cebastians room, do not enter if you dare.” I said it quizzically. “Interesting, where did you get it?” I asked him as he set me on my feet.
“I made it” he said proudly. “Do you like it?” he put his face up really close to mine.
“It certainly is interesting.” I struggled to breath. My feet left the floor again and I heard the door open. I panicked when he set me on the bed. “Cebastian?” I said. He stared down at me
“I find it wonderful to see you in my bed darling.” He chuckled and sat next to me. “Im only kidding” he said. “But im glad you are in my bed with me” he had an animal look in his eyes.
“Cebastian?” I said. “No we can’t do this.” He became furious. Now he looked wild.
“Why not?” he shouted. “I want you so bad!” he yelled yet again. “Please darling” he put his hands on my shoulders. I looked him in the eyes. I didn’t know what to do. I began thinking it over in my head. I guess I thought to long because before I knew it I was pressed against the bed.
“Cebastian, no” he began lifting up my shirt. I tried to think clearly. My senses began to get foggy. It was hard to think. I didn’t protest any longer. I lay still as his hands reached under me and undid my bra. He pulled it off along with the shirt.
“So beautiful” he said. “So delicate. So easily broken.” I looked into his eyes. He was determined to take me. I knew it. His hands covered my breasts. My back arched at the sensation of his skin rubbing over my nipples. I struggled to breath. He suddenly covered his mouth with mine. I felt his hand reaching towards my skirt. I bit my lip so I wouldn’t say anything. I watched his hands move under the tiny piece of clothing. I held my breath as he explored. Soon he found what he was searching for. I felt his finger plunge inside of me. I moaned. “Like that?” he questioned me. I only nodded my head. He pulled his hand out of my skirt. I watched as he slowly undid his pants. I knew what would come next. I heard voices outside the door. It was cebastians mom and josh talking.
“Josh is here” I whispered. He didn’t listen. He only nodded. He got off of me and helps me get my bra and shirt back on. But then he pressed me against him and I could feel his manhood through his pants.
“Lets get to that party.” He whispered “they will have empty bedrooms there.” He grinned. “Let’s get you changed first. And in front of me” he grinned. “I want to see your body. He went to his closet and pulled out a bag with clothing in it. He handed it to me “is it the right size?” he asked.
“Yeah” I said. My voice was shaky. “Well” he said. “What are you waiting for? Put it on.” He chuckled
“Right now?” I asked. “In front of you? Cebastion I can’t possibly.
“Ill help you” he said. He grabbed the bag out of my hands and dumped the contents on the floor. He picked up a shirt. It was slightly ripped. “I have a tank top” he said. “Take off your shirt.” I slowly lifted my shirt off of my body. He didn’t move he just stared. “Here” he said. He handed me a black tank top. I put it on. He handed me the over shirt. I put it on. He picked up a pair of distressed leggings and handed them to me. This time he turned his back away from me. I still didn’t trust him. I walked to the closet and opened the door. It was crowded but managed to fit in there somehow. I put on the leggings and skirt. Then I walked out. He turned towards me. “Hmmmm” he said. “Gorgeous” he said. “Except your hair. Let me get my sister.” He walked to the door. He opened it. “Cheyenne” he yelled. She didn’t come. “Cheyenne come here.” He yelled again.
“Im coming” a girl yelled. Cebastian moved out of the way and a tall girl with blonde hair came in. she had earphones in her ears. She pulled them out. “What do you want?” she asked. She noticed me here. “Oh who’s your friend?” she eyed me curiously. “Hi” she offered me her hand. “Im Cheyenne. What’s your name?” I took her hand. She shook it vigorously.
“Im Kara” I said. “It’s nice to meet you.” I looked towards cebastian expectantly, hoping for help.
She noticed my gaze and became all the more curious. “Are you and my brother…?” She leaned closer to me. “You know…. Dating.”
“Uh yeah” I told her. Than I smiled. She looked happy for some unknown reason.
“It’s about time ce…… “Cebastian cut her off. “Um Cheyenne we have more important things than me recently acquiring a girlfriend. Will you fix Kara’s hair the way you normally do yours.” He said. “I haven’t quite figured out how to do it.”
“Why?” she asked. “Where are you guys going?” she looked at us curiously.
“We are going to a party.” I said. “Can you please just fix my hair…..? Before this gets more awkward? I giggled.
“Yeah sure” she said. “Uh find somewhere to sit. Cebastian you really need to clean your room.” She scolded him teasingly.
Chapter 7
“See you later” Cheyenne said after she finished my hair. “Have fun.” She winked at me. The she left the room.
“Absolutely beautiful” cebastian said. He pulled me to his side. “Let’s go darling. Do you mind if we leave your car here. I want to bring my car today.”
I stared at him curiously. “Your car?” I asked him. “I didn’t know you had a car”
“You’ll see” he grinned and covered my eyes with his hands. I giggled but waited patiently as he led out the front door and to the back. When we finally reached our destination, he removed his hands and in front of me was a full blown hearse.
“Holy shit” I said. “This is so cool. Where did you get it?” I grabbed his hand. He smiled.
“I bought this at a garage sell actually. the man I bought it from had received it from the funeral home when they got a new one a year ago. He didn’t want anything to do with it.” Do you really like it?” he rubbed his hand down my spine.
“Yeah” I said. “It’s so cool. Does it have a coffin with a vampire in the back?” I said sarcastically.
“Unfortunately no” he chuckled. But if you want I can do that.” He began trailing his lips up and down my neck. I arched my back. I felt his teeth gently sink into my neck. I screamed than giggled. He removed his lips from my neck. I turned and looked at him. He had blood on his lips.
“Cebastian” I said. He frowned. “What did you do?” I placed my hand on my neck. Than pulled it back down. It was covered in blood.
“Im sorry” he said. “I didn’t mean to. We have to get Cheyenne. She can help.” He picked me up and carried me inside. “Cheyenne.” He screamed. “Help me. Oh god help her” I heard his sister come running. She saw me and saw the blood covering cebastains arms.
“What did you do cebastian?” she stared at him, shocked. “Why did you bite her?”
“It was an accident” he cried. “I didn’t mean to. We—we were just playing around by the hearse and …. And I began kissing her neck. It all happened so fast. Help her. She’s blacking out.” He looked at me frantically. A sudden pain bursted from my neck. I screamed. “The venom is taking effect.” Cebastian said. ‘Hurry”
“What did you do to me?” I yelled. “Im in so much pain” he wiped the blood off of his lips and pulled me into his arms. Even though he was the reason for my pain I couldn’t stop loving him. I wrapped my arms around him.
He looked towards me. “What are you?” I asked him. I thought about what he said before this happened. “You’re a vampire.” I said.
“Yes” he said. “Were going to have to kill the pain. I don’t know if you’ll believe it or not. Im hoping you’ll accept it. I can’t afford to lose you like I lost Claire. Im sorry I lied to you about how she died. It was my fault that she died. It was almost the exact same thing that happened to. We were out at my black Cadillac, doing the exact same thing we were doing. I was thirsty. I just wasn’t thinking. It happened to fast. Soon all of her blood was gone. She was dead. We drowned her body in the river. Then we got myself cleaned up and called the police. Im sorry Kara. I promised myself this would never happen again. Im lucky I didn’t bite you as long as her.” He rested his head against my chest. “Your heartbeat is slowing fast. You’ll change soon. Im so sorry” he kissed me gently on my cheek. Then I blacked out.
Chapter 8
My eyelids began to open slowly. “Cebastian” I said. “Where are you?” I looked around the room.
“Im right here” I heard a voice from the corner of the room. I turned my head and saw cebastian walking towards me. His head was drooping shamefully. I sat up, hoping he would sit next to me. He didn’t. He just stood there.
“Come sit by me” I said. “Please, I love you so much. I can’t stand to be without you.” He walked to the bed and sat next to me. I nestled my head against his chest. He put his arms around me.
“Im sorry” he said. “This never should have happened to you” he kissed me on the forehead. I looked up at him then pulled his head down to mine. Our lips touched. He pulled his lips back in a snarl. “Don’t do that” he said. He pushed me away from him and into the wall. I felt the tears come to my eyes. He got up and began to leave the room, but then he noticed I was crying. He turned and suddenly he was beside me. “Im sorry” he said. “Are you okay? I didn’t mean to hurt you. I love you so much. Don’t cry, darling.” He pulled me into his arms. “Do you want to see what you look like now?” he said. “Still as beautiful as ever just more pale.” He said “and your eyes are a different color, but you still always are my Kara. Do you understand that?”
“Yes” I said “don’t ever leave me.” I rested my head against his chest. The door was suddenly shoved open. Josh walked in along with Cameron and Craig. For once josh looked sympathetically at me. But he turned and glared at his brother.
“What was that noise?” josh asked. “What happened?” he looked from josh to me.
“Nothing” I said. “Everything is alright.”


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 23.11.2010

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to my best friend amber she inspired me the most

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