
Chapter one



Hi. I'm Matt. Or in other words, Matthew Frey. I'm 18 years old, and a senior at Quail Lake High School. I live with my dad, step-mom Tiffany, step-brother Wayne, half sister Jade, and sister Skylar. Wayne is about my age, about three years older, and we don't  get along at ALL, for some  reasons, but we'll  get to that later. I dont have a good relationship with Tiffany either. She's a real bitch most of the time, but we have no time to explain right now! Jade, Sky, and I are all pretty close, Jade is just still close with her mom and brother, where as Sky and I stick to our dad and each other. Anyway, Skylar, well she's my world. She the best thing that could have ever happened to me. Shes 15 so three years younger than me, but that just makes her my baby sister all the time.

"Sky! Are you ready?" I call up the stairs to my sister. "Jade and I are waiting."

"Coming!" I hear and a few seconds later, she emerges from the hallways and down the stairs. Her long, honey brown hair flows down covering her shoulders, and complimenting her hazel eyes. Shes wearing a dark green sweater which surprisingly goes well with it, and black leggings. She can pull anything off though. 

"Looking good big sis." Jade winks and I gasp at her next words. "No wonder you have boys lining up at your door." She says it jokingly but as the big brother I am... well...

"Excuse me? No. I will not see any boys in this house until your 35." I grab my car keys and open my door.

"That is so not fair!" Jade whines dramatically.

"Oh hush child." Sky and I say  in unison. We have a stare-down for a few moments, and then all three  of us burst out laughing. "You're only 12, you know. Calm down." Sky points out and I huff in agreement. Jade sighs very over dramatically, sinking back in her seat.

"Okay, we're here. Have a good day." I tell her, stopping  in front of her junior high. "Eh-hem?" I call out when she ignores me.

"Have a good day..." She rolls her eyes and keeps walking.


"Hmm?" I flip my gaze to my passenger and see a small, sad smile on her face. 

"Will you tell me the story about mom again?" I let out an also small and sad smile, with a matching quiet chuckle.

"Sure." I grab her left hand with my right, even though I'm technically supposed to have both hands on the wheel at all times. The law is just the law, right? No biggie. (Who even  says 'biggie' anymore?) "I was really little- four to be exact. Mom and dad had gone out that night, and got me a babysitter. Now, this babysitter was evil. He..." I pause for dramatic effect. "Wouldnt give me chocolate ice cream!"

"No!" She gasps, going along with my antics.

"Yes. So, I did the logical thing. I refused to go to bed. Just to get back at him." I nod to myself. "I was running around, butt-naked, and wouldnt let him put any clothes on. Dad and mom came back during that, and I got so scared, I rolled down the stairs, and landed head first on the hardwood. Although I was only about 5 steps from the bottom, mom still came running over, cutting dad off, and, she didn't think I saw, but she flicked him off when he tried saying she had cut him off. He immediately shut up and came over to my side. I was a crying mess, but mom picked me up and kissed my head, and poof, it was all better." I smile at the story.

"Where was I?" She asks for the first time, momentarily shocking me. "I had to be... one right?"

 "Yeah. You were with Grandma Patricia." 

"Who's that?" 

"That's mom's mom. After... all that, she wanted nothing to do with us. She blamed us." I sigh. 

"Oh... it wasn't your fault you know." I take a deep breathe and swallow back the tears that have sprung to my eyes.

"Yeah... Yeah I know. Anyways, um, have a good day." I tell her putting my car in park after pulling into a parking spot.

"Yeah, you too." She smiles, her usual joyous self.

"Always." I plaster on a smile as she walks backwoards to her waiting group of friends, waving at me. "Always..." I mutter after shes turned around.

Chapter two



I walk in my class, ignoring all the whispers, glares, and laughs. I sit down, pulling my hood over my head.

"No hoods in class fag!" Someone from behind snickers, causing the whole class to laugh. I roll my eyes and keep it on. The teacher walks in a few minutes later and the rest of the morning is uneventful. After the morning classes, at lunch I close my locker and start in the direction of the library, but I'm stopped.

"Hey, Matt." The person claps me on the back. "Hows it going? You know what,  dont answer that. I don't want to know. I dont really care. I just need you to do something for me. Go in there, and stay quiet." One of the basketball guys smiles- super fakely, but a smile non the less- and before I can process any of it, I'm shoved into one of the janitors closets. I dont react, as this is an almost everyday occuranse.

Yes, I'm 'that guy.' The one everyone makes fun of. Pushes around. I fought back at one point and almost ended up in the hospital for it. That was fun explaining to my dad and sisters. Although Skylar and I go to the same school, she has no idea about this. I plan in keeping it that way. After my best friend and I both had to move away from each other, I never made any new friends. Once I got to this traitorous town, I was just that guy. 

 A few hours later, the lock jingles and the door opens. The familiar face comes to view and she sighs upon seeing me. "Really Matt? This is the fourth time this week. You need to tell your family." She shakes her head in disapproval.

"Sorry Marge... You know I can't do that though. Things are tough right now." I smile sadly at her. She wont tell my family against my wishes, but this has been happening so long, that not only are we on a first name basis, it's gotten to nicknames. Shes like a grandmother to me.

"They're always tough." She mutters. "You should get going. Your sister  will be out of classes soon."

"Thank you." I squeeze her shoulder lightly and start jogging down the hallway. I get to my car and sigh. Going through this for six years takes its toll on you. Luckily, I only have to go through is until June when I graduate, so six more months. 

"Hey Matty." Sky laughs as she slides into the car. I smile and roll my eyes at her. You gotta fake it to make it

"What happened  to not calling me that?" 

"I never agreed to that. You made that rule." She points out as I pull out of the parking lot to get get Jade.

"And? I'm older, so you agreed without agreeing to it." I counter, making zero sense. She rolls her eyes and laughs and then it goes silent as we approach being five minutes from Jade's school. "What's up pumpkin?" I ask using the nickname I've had for her since she was six and I was nine. I'm the only one who calls her that though.

"Nothing. It's nothing." She replies too quickly for my liking 

 "Sky." I drawl out, in a harsher tone than before.

She squirms under as much of my gaze as I can give her, seen as I'm driving. "Fine." She finally cracks. "Theres... this guy. And before you say anything, I know. No guys. But this one... he's different. He's smart, and charming, and handsome. He's like the prince charming of real life. And I planned on telling him I liked him today, but some of the popular girls started saying stuff like I'm never going to get him and he'll do so much better than me... just stuff like that. I guess it's getting to my head." Her smile dims as she goes on with her story, her eyes gleaming while talking about this mystery guy, and darkening with sadness as she continues. 

"...What's his name?" I ask, sighing.

"Ryan." Her smile returns.

"Goldman?" Hes one of the most popular freshmen there is. Everyone knows him.


"Well, he'd be a fool to pass you up." I tell her. I know what having a crush is like, so I tried to make her feel better. She smiles at me and starts humming a soft tune as we pull up to a waiting Jade. 

"Hey J-Bear." Sky greets in a sing-song kind of voice.

"Hey Sky High. Hi Matt Attack." She smiles at us so I smile back through the rear view mirror.

"Hi J-Bird. I just realized... our family must like animals. J-Bear, J-bird, dad is 'falcon' around his friends." Sky hums in agreement and Jade nods and shrugs. "How was school?" I ask the seventh grader sitting in my back seat.

"Fine. There was a new guy. Hes my best friend now." I states, nonchalantly.

"Wow. First day and hes your best friend?" I ask cautiously.

"Shut up Matt! You know what it's like, now dont you?!" She looks me in the eye through the mirror and I gulp. She gets mad really easily and let's things slip when she doesn't mean to. She once said she hated me and that I should go kill myself.

"Hey... Hey... Calm down Jade. I was just going to say how great it was that you made such a good friend on his first day. And it must have been hard starting two months into school, so its nice that you helped him." I lie but I've gotten pretty good at that over the years so, neither of them notice. She smiles again and the rest of the drive is quiet.

Tweens. I swear.

Chapter three



"Dad! We're home." I call when we enter but get no response. "Whatever. I'm gonna go do my homework." Aka all the work I didn't get to do while I was locked in a closet. I tell to no one in specific since they're already gone. I roll my eyes and go up to my room, where my lovely step brother waits for me. Yippy. "What do you want Wayne?" I roll my eyes, throwing my bag down by my bed and sitting in it, opposite of him, who's sitting on my desk chair.

"Hmmm... that's a great question! What the hell do you think?" I dont bother answering him, I just look away. "I was told you weren't in fifth or sixth period." He smirks. Yeah, he still talks to people from my school to know how much they fucked up my life that day.. "Then that must mean... someone must have locked you in a closet again!" He smiles giddily, as if a kid who just got a cookie.

I guess when I said that I just became 'that guy', it wasn't true. Wayne is the reason I'm him. "Fuck off Wayne." I growl.

"Its not my fault that you-" 

"Fuck. Off." I cut him off. He laughs darkly and walks over to me, picking me up by the collar of my shirt, and slams my head against a wall, so hard that I see dots. Then to help the situation (not) he kicks my stomach a few too many times.

"Okay." He smiles down at my bleeding body as I glare up at him and hold my stomach. 




"Hey son, how was school?" My dad asks at the dinner table that night.

I glance at Wayne who's smirking down at him plate of food, and say, "Fine. You know, school is school."

"Yeah, I understand. You know, I used to hate school, until I met your mother...." He droned on about my mother (even though his new wife is right there, looking very annoyed), but I tuned him out. I can't listen to how great and beautiful and just fantastic, my mom was, again. I see Skylar look at me out of the corner of my eye, trying to get my attention, but I go from looking at my plate, to my dad, and back to my plate again, over and over, until he finally shuts his mouth. He makes eye contact with me, and his smile dims. "Oh... I'm sorry Matt, I shouldn't have-"

"Its fine dad." I sort of smile at him. Things have been tense for the last ten years between us, but it's fine. We still are sort of close and stuff, its just not the same. He smiles back and goes to talking about him work as a lawyer and a new case hes working on, but no one listens.

Here's the thing, dad doesn't really love Tiffany, but he was trying to make it seem like hes moved on from my mom. Tiffany doesn't really love my dad, she loves his money. She gets whatever she wants, when she wants, because hes just too busy to care. Hes up until 3am working his ass of on cases and she stays up until 2:30, partying and hooking up with anyone who's willing, and then getting home before hes done and sleeping like the perfect little wife she is. It's a wonder dad hasn't found out yet.




"Matt, I can't do this anymore. I'm telling your dad. I cant keep finding you in this stupid closet anymore and you cant keep living like this." Marge sat me down after she found me this afternoon, a month later, and this was the news she told me.

"No no no no. Please. Please Marge, dont tell him. He has good clients here and I know him, he'll go off on the school and loose all of them. And and, my sisters. They'll find out. Please." I beg.

"You know, you didn't mention your step mom or step brother. Ever." She looks at me and when I dont respond she gives me that 'grandmother' look. "I'm sorry Matt, but I'm going to." With that she opens the door and walks out, leaving the door unlocked for me. I sigh and get up, knowing Skylar is probably already waiting.


"Hi Matty." She responds.

"How was school?" I ask, but as she responds, all I can hear is my heart beating, too fast. Marge is actually going to tell my dad? I'm probably over reacting, but I'm honestly kind of hurt. Sure, she started as Margaret the Janitor, but then she was Marge, the grandmother figure. Now dads either going to hate me, and kick me out or- wait. No. There Is no or. He'll hate me! I already cause so much trouble and it's my fault that-

"Matt!" Sky screaming knocks me out of it, and I swerve into the right lane, just before hitting a car. 

"Im... I'm so sorry Pumpkin. I wasnt paying attention. Maybe you should ride with Wayne from now on. I'm going to put you in danger. You almost died and then I'd have two-" I cut myself off before letting my thoughts slip out.

"Were you about to say... Matt. I'm not riding with Wayne. You're my brother. I love you, and yeah, that could have been bad but it wasnt. Now, tell me what's going on inside your head." She tells me.

"Well... if it goes like I think it will, you'll figure it out when we get home." I sigh. We pick up Jade and I take the longest route possible to our house, even stopping for ice cream on the way.

But all too soon, we're in the driveway, and have to go inside.


Chapter four



"Matthew Elliot Frey! Get your ass in here." Dad normally doesn't use my full name, yell, or swear. Oh shit. Jade and Skylar send me concerned looks, both knowing that if he does any of those things, hes pissed.

"I guess you're about to get your answer." I say to Sky. "H-hey dad. Hows it going? Did you win that case you were talking about?"

"Oh cut that crap. Margaret here was telling me-"

"Oh hey Marge! Fancy seeing you here." I laugh nervously, stalling as much as I can. "Girls, dont you have homework?" I ask turning to my sisters. They both shake their heads really fast, even though I know they're lying.

"Matt." Marge sighs and shakes her head.

"Why wouldnt you tell me something like this?? Getting locked in a janitors closet for at the least two hours a day?? Constantly getting picked on and bullied??" I cringe at his words. "Did you two know about this??" He turns to the hurt-looking girls, who shake their heads again, just must slowly. "So all the 'goods' and 'fines' were lies then? God I must be terrible at my job then. I'm literally supposed to fight for people and, and, and, I should know when they're lying. Why are you even getting such treatment?" The door slams and Wayne stomps in.

"Cause hes a fucking faggot." He growl-laughs. 

"You knew about this??" I expect it to be my dad who says it but its Jade. She shoves him and he staggers backwards.

"Well um..." He gulps. I guess he didn't realize that the girls were here.

"Yes." Tiffany walks into the living room like a spoiled brat, and puts her hands on my dad's arm.

"You knew too??" He shrugs her off.

"Well yes. He just didn't tell you, because he was scared of how you'd react to him being gay." She explains, lying.

"What the fuck? Dont lie about me when I'm right here! You found out because you were snooping around my room and read my journal you btich!" I dont care that I'm finally going off on her in front of my dad.

"You know what? I'm making a few calls. In the mean time, girls? Matt. Pack your stuff up." Tiffany smirks at me and goes to head to their room but my dad stops her. "Let me be more specific. Skylar and Jade. Go back your stuff we'll leave in an hour." 

Its only when I turn around I remember that Marge is there. "Hey... I'm sorry you had to see all that."

"Its quite alright dear. Here, gimme a call if you ever need to." She hugs me, and sees herself out.

"You're going to regret this you son of a bitch!" Tiffany shoves me as she speaks and I fall back into Wayne, who looks down at me before tossing me effortlessly to the side. I roll my eyes and limp up the stairs, having sprained my ankle when he threw me. Soooooooo I guess you found out why they hate me. They're both homophobic. Like I said before, Tiffany found out because she was snooping in my journal I kept a few years back, and she told Wayne. Wayne told the whole school that, and other things (most of which were lies) about me.

So that's how we ended up in a car with all of our stuff an hour later, on our way to some mystery town. 

"Dad where are we?" I ask, breaking the uncomfortable silence. "Dad?"I ask after he'd been ignoring me for a while.

"Is what she said true? That you were scared to tell me that youre...  you're..." He takes a deep breath and gets the word out. "Gay."

"No!" I defend immediately. "I mean yes, but I... I was scared to tell everybody. The only person that knew ended up leaving me so I guess I kind of got nervous that after that, everyone would leave me." I explain, feeling extra vulnerable in the car full of the people I love.

"You know, Kyle wouldnt have left because of that. I mean yeah, you guys were twelve and middle schoolers and most would make a big deal out of it, but Kyle was different. He was too mature for his age. He knew literally everything about you, and never hated you or anything." Sky speaks up.

"I'm not making a big deal out of it!" Jade protests, getting angry.

So to calm her down, I say, "I know J-bird. And thank you for that." She smiles at me and goes back to moping out the window. I'm assuming that it's because she had to leave her mom and brother.

"Matt, this news is shocking, to say to least, but I'm not going to look at you any different." My dad tells me. 

Too late for that. I think.

"What was that? What do you mean 'too late for that'?" He asks. Shit. I said that out loud?

"Nothing dad. It's nothing. Say, um, are we almost there?" He sighs but let's it go.

"Yeah." We pull up to a house about two hours away from where we lived before. Yay.

Chapter five



"Dad, there is no possible way I'll survive being the new kid again. We just moved here Friday, and you expect me to go to school tomorrow??"

"Really? Cause you call being locked in a closet at least two hours a day, surviving." He sneers causing me to flinch. I sigh and go to my new bedroom without another word. I decide fo go to bed early that night, sleeping in just my boxers briefs. 

I wake up the next morning feeling refreshed, but still nervous to start school. Sighing, I get up and go to the bathroom that's connected to my room, and take a nice, hot shower. When I get out, I put on grey sweatpants on over my boxers, and a baggy black hoodie. I'm trying to go with a 'Not interested' look. I guess after not having friends for so long, it gets super scary to even imagine yourself with anyone.

"Hey Sky, you ready?" I ask when I'm fully ready downstairs and she comes in. She nods and sits down on the bar type stools next to me, as we wait for Jade, who comes down soon after. "Alrighty then. Let's get this show on the road!" I exclaim, with sarcastic excitement. They laugh at me and we head out, dropping Jade off first.

"Matt?" I glance at the fifteen year old, letting her know I'm listening. "Will you tell me this time? If anything like that happens again?" She looks so sad, I can practically feel my heart breaking a bit more.

"Oh course pumpkin." She smiles a bit and then we're at the school. We walk to the office together, and there are two people sitting there already. I glance at them but they seem preoccupied with each other, so I just keep walking until we hit the desk, with a probably mid fifties, woman sitting behind it. She has cat like hazel eyes, hidden by glasses resting on her nose as she types away on her computer. Her red hair has a few white streaks in it, and is pulled back into a tight bun. 

"Uh, hi?" Sky says sort of awkwardly, although successfully getting her attention.

"Oh! Hello dears. What can I do for y'all?" She asks, a slight southern accent peaking through.

"Hi. I'm Matthew Frey and this is my sister Skylar. We're new here." I state, not knowing how to continue.

"Ah. Okay, so schedules?" I not at her and she digs through a messy pile of papers on her test. "Here we go. Matthew and Skylar." We thank her and go to leave, when the two girls from before stand up.

"You two are Matthew and Skylar, yeah?" The blonde asks. I slowly nod. "Okay. I'm Kaylee and this is my older sister Tessa. I'll be showing the chick around and Tessa will be showing you." She barely spares me a glance before dragging my sister off.

"Hi. I'm sorry about her." Tessa says, as we walk out of the office. I shrug in response. "Well, like she said, I'm Tessa."

"Um, nice to uh, meet you." I sigh at the end of my sentence, at how much I let my past affect me. I'm actually afraid to talk to people now! "You can call me Matt." I tell her, collecting myself, ignoring the confused and concerned look I was getting.

"Okay Matt. So, why dont we get this started? Let me see your schedule..."




Tessa finished up the tour pretty quickly, but I still got all the information I needed. My locker is actually just a few down from hers, and she even invited me to sit with her and her friends at lunch. We have the same schedule, so we head to our second hour class, although it was in the middle of it. Tessa hands the teacher our passes and she makes me introduce myself, and let's a few people ask questions about me.

"Where are you from?" Someone asks.

"Uh, just a couple hours from here." I answer, and I know my cheeks are red from all the stares.

"Why did you move?" Someone else asks.

"Um... My uh, my dads job." I lie on the spot.

"How many different schools have you been to?"

"Three including this one." I respond. Someone else goes to ask a question but Ms. Torres stops them. Ms. Torres cant be anymore than twenty-five years old, and she looks like she could be a super model. Her dirty blond hair is hanging down over her shoulders, complimenting her sky blue eyes. Shes wearing a purple dress, with black heels. After I sit down next to some kid, named Kai, she starts the English lesson again. The next two classes fly by, and then its lunch. Tessa grabs my hand and drags me to the lunchroom, where her friends apparently sit.

"Guys, this is Matt. Hes new here. Matt, these are George," she signals to the guy with dark blue eyes, and brown hair, who waves at me. "And this is Kyle." She points to the other one, who has dirty blonde hair, and blue-green eyes that could put you in a trace. Familiar ones at that. My breath catches in my throat as I see him.

"K...Kyle?" I stutter, and I feel tears fill my eyes.

"Matto?" He uses the name he gave me way back when. He stands up and that's all I need to rush over and wrap my arms around his toned body. "I missed you so much." He whispers and I can practically hear the tears forming in the deep pools he calls eyes.

"I missed you too." I respond.

"Ummm.... Did I miss something?" Tessa asks, obviously confused. I look to Kyle and nod, knowing hes asking permission to tell her instead of me.

"Ya know the guy I was talking about when I first came here? My best friend? That had to move away at the same time as me, and I lost touch with?" He asks and both George and Tessa nod. "Well, you've finally met him." He says. 

"So, you're the person they never stop talking about." George states, studying me before admitting, "I think I might agree with them. I like you. You can stay our friend." 

I laugh at his comment and thank him before his words hit me. "Them?" 

"Yeah. Kyle's brother. Hes our friend too but he got suspended for two weeks yesterday for beating up a kid. You'll meet him right before we go on winter break." I look around after Tessa explained this, and realized that Kyle had left to go get food. 

"Wait... Kyle has a brother? I thought I knew everything about him?" I ask confused. Tessa and George make eye contact for a bit, having a silent argument (from what I understand from it) and finally look back at me.

"Um yeah-" George doesn't get to continue, as Kyle returns. Now in even more confused.

Chapter six



Despite the confusion, I took a liking to George right away, since I was already sort of friends with the other two. George and Tessa sat across from Kyle and I, George cracking jokes the entire lunch period. I figured out that second and third periods are the only two I dont have with all three, and those two I have with Tessa. I was about to respond to another one of George's jokes (which I'd already heard as it was pretty common-- What do you call a deer with no eyes? No eye deer. I didnt think it was funny the first time I read it, until I said it out loud, and it sounded like no idea) when some girl came up to our table.

"Kyle, where is your brother?" She sticks her lip out in an annoying pout and even though this is my first, even sort of, encounter with her, it takes everything in me not to gag.

"Maybe you should ask your boyfriend. You know, you do have one of those, you really should spend some time with him instead of fucking with every single guy in this school." Kyle responds, not even glancing at her, and I cant help but laugh a bit. I haven't  seen him in six years but before he would have never said anything like that.

At the sound of my laugh, her red hair covered head, snapped over to me. "You must be new, because everyone knows me and everyone knows not to disrespect me." She flips her hair and stomps away. She doesn't even make it a few feet before our group erupts into a sea of laughs and giggles. If she would have talked to me and I actually had to answer, I never would have laughed, but she didnt, so I did. I dont know what it is about this group of my new friends, but I just feel so comfortable with them, its unbelievable. I can barely talk to my own father comfortably!

"Matt? Can I talk to you for a second before lunch is over?" Kyle asks as it nears the end. I nod while getting up, telling the others I'd see them soon. We walk out to the locker bay, and he looks at me for a moment before pulling me into another bone crushing hug. "I missed you Matto." 

"I missed you too Ky." I tell him, squeezing a bit before backing up a bit. He looks at my choice of apparel and his eyes land on my arms. "Kyle, I havent. Two years." I tell him and his eyes light up.

"Really? I so proud of you!" He exclaims. I smile back at him but it's a dim smile. He seems too happy to notice though. And I'm just happy to have my best friend back, and to have made two new friends. "How have you been doing?" He asks.

I take a deep breathe and give him the short version if my current situation. "I have a homophobic stepmother and stepbrother and a half sister. I moved here because I would be locked in a closet about half the school day, and then pushed around by the steps at home, who we left back there for now, but I dont know how long that'll last." I tell him. "But hey, I'm out now so." Kyle is the only person that knew until Tiffany went snooping around. He looks at me with pity which angers me. "Dont fucking pity me Kyle." I snap, turning to leave but he grabs my hand, spinning me around into his arms for the third time in an hour. 

"I'm sorry." He rubs his thumb up and down, hitting his hand before going up as far as it can reach and repeating it, calming me. 

"No I'm sorry." I apologize, feeling horrible for my actions. "You shouldn't have to deal with this anymore. I thought I was better." Its been like this since everything happened when I was little. I havent been able to control it.

"Hey, I understand. Talk to me whenever okay?" He runs to a locker next to mine, three away from Tessas and grabs a piece of paper, scribbling his number on it and giving it to me. "Now, what do you say we get to class? Being early was never a bad first impression." He smiles like my miniature outburst didnt just happen, and I'm thankful for this. We head to class and the rest of the day pretty much goes the same. Introduce myself. Sit down. Follow along, even though I'd already learned most of it. After not being in class so long (I'm shocked I wasnt expelled) I got my own books and taught myself everything, which was ahead of the rest of the classes in the state.

So pretty much, school is back to being boring old school. amazing.

Chapter seven



I wait at the car for Sky, with Kyle. They used to he really close. He always treated her like a little sister and loved her like one too, and I'm pretty sure she likes him better than me. I hear a scream and I turn to see her running towards us, a huge smile on her face. "Kyle!" She squeals as she literally jumps into his arms, wrapping her legs around him. He hugs her back and I can see the tears falling down Skys face. "I've missed you big bro." Shes known him since she can remember, seen as he was with me when I first saw her, the day she was born. Even though we were three, I still remember that day like it was yesterday.

"I missed you too pumpkin." I guess when I said I was the only one, it wasnt true. We both called her it, because she absolutely loved carving pumpkins for Halloween, so I called her it and it stuck between all of us.

"I didnt know you went here! What about your brother??" She asks, getting down and brushing off her shirt. Wait, she knows about this mystery brother too?? How? She was nine when we had to leave each other, how does she remember him if I didnt??

"Yeah, he does."

She looks confused, most likely thinking about what was just said and then speaks up. "Wait, but isnt he nineteen? Why is he still in high school?"

"After we left, he started doing pretty bad in school, so when he would have been going into eighth grade, he had to repeat seventh." Kyle explains.

"Really?" She asks, the shock evident on her face. He nods in response. "But why? I mean yeah, moving is hard, but he never really cared about anyone anyways?" 

"He was heartbroken." Is all Kyle says. Heartbroken? Over what?

"Will someone please explain what's going on?" I ask, suddenly angry. Kyle seems to sense this as he puts his hand on my shoulder.

"Its okay that you dont remember him Matt. You've been through a lot." He says calmly. It enrages me even more, to the point I have to squeeze my hands into fists, so hard it almost pierces the skin, to stop myself from snapping again. I tell him we should be going, and we exchange our goodbyes, and then Skylar and I leave. I dont know why I get angry. Its happened since that horrible night, all those years ago. I take some deep breaths and calm down.

"So how was school?" I ask, deterring the attention from me.

"Pretty good. I met this super ho- um." She cuts herself off with a cough although I can tell it's fake.

"Hot guy?" I finish for her. She looks away in attempt to hide her tinted cheeks from my sight. She nods and begins telling me how he talked to her and they became friends despite her crush on him, but that she thinks it's because he doesn't know. "So, Ryan is forgotten?"

"Yes! You like Andrew."

"Oh, he has a name." I raise my eyebrows at her suggestively before returning my eyes to the road. She smacks my arm while laughing and I cant help but laugh back. What's with my mood swings? Like I told Kyle, I really thought I was better... "Hey! I'm driving here missy." I scold her causing her to laugh harder.




The three weeks leading up to Holiday break are pretty easy, I'm told. It's been two weeks and they have been simple, but this week, I'm dreading it. I'm not sure why, but I am. Mondays are great, arent they?

"Bye J-bird!" I holler out the window, causing people to look my direction, my blush a response to them. She simply waved back at me, most likely embarrassed. I drive away and Sky starts talking about Drew again.  She really likes this dude for only knowing him for two weeks. "Have a good day Sky." I give her a side hug on our way into the school and leave her to find my friends. I find Kyle in class.

"Hey Matto!" I walk up to him and sit on his desk. 

"Hey Ky." I respond. We talk for a bit before the teacher walks in and I have to return to my seat. Classes drag on as I know literally everything the teachers are saying. Even after we moved, I stayed ahead. I didnt ever want to be behind, or have lower than an A in any of my classes. Finally lunch arrives and I cant wait to hang out and get to talk with Kyle, Tessa, and George. I rush to the lunch room but freeze a few feet away from my usual table when I see someone occupying my spot next to Kyle. His head snaps to me, and my eyes meet his dark, emerald green, eyes. I swear, they look like they are glowing.

Thousands of memories flash through my mind of these very eyes. And when I say that, I mean literally, just his eyes. No part of him, or anything around him, just him. His eyes narrow, and I slightly stumble backwards. "Uh, hey guys. I um- I need to... study. In.... the um, library." I studder, and they all look at me concerned, except for the one glaring at me still.

"Oh, okay. I'll come with you." Kyle suggests, standing up.

I feel mystery guys glare intensity so I quickly say, "No, no. That's okay. I'll just go on my own." His glare dims a bit but still doesn't leave me. "Bye." I walk quickly away, heading for the library, but I get stopped, being slammed against the lockers. I push back all the memories of my old school, and open my eyes, allowing the persons scent to envelope me. Familiar eyes stare back at me.


Chapter eight



"Matt." His deep voice and stone cold face sends a shiver down my spine, but I dont make it visible.

"Um, do I know you?" I ask, making my voice sound as strong as possible. The stone breaks momentarily, as he frowns at my comment, but it soon returns to normal. (Or at least normal for me?)

"You dont remember me?" He arms pushes harder into my neck, making it harder to breathe.

"Am I... Supposed... To?" I choke out. He seems to notice my struggle and backs off a bit, but doesn't fully let go. His fist is almost touching the locker, but I can breathe again. 

"You really dont?" I shake my head the best I can. "H..How? I thought-"

"Cade Evergreen!" A voice booms through the hallway and Cade immediately drops me. He looks from the man to me with wide eyes, and grabs my hand to pull me up from the ground. We both turn to the man, and when he gets to us, I see that hes the principal. Ohhhhhhhh fuck. "You just got back from a suspension! This is the twelfth fight you've been in this year! This is unacceptable behavior. I'll have no choice but to expelle you at this point-"

"Shit." I hear... Cade? I think that's his name, whisper under his breath. Why do I do the things I do?

"Sir, with all do respect, this was all my fault. I provoked him. If you are to blame anyone, I ask that it is me." I speak up in a small voice. I dont know why. All hes done so far is be a complete ass but whatever. Too late now, dumbass.

The principal studies us for a few moments. "Mister Frey, I only know what I saw, and that was mister Evergreen harassing you. I have nothing to go by other than that. This school doesn't have cameras, so I'm afraid this is what I must do."

"Please sir! I swear, it was my fault. He will tell you!" I tell mister Heron, as I found out his name was, in a panick. Why am I freaking out so much? I turn to Cade who's staring at me, shocked. "Tell him." I silently glare at him, hoping he'll take the hint and tell him.

"Umm... yeah. What he said." He says reluctantly. Mister Heron stares at us, and sighs. 

"This is the last time Evergreen. Fix your self and you wont have to have others lie to save your butt." With that he walks away, just in time for the bell.

"I never asked you to do that! Just... Stay away from me and my crew." He rolls his eyes after his loud blow out, and walks away, leaving me staring after him, despite the crowd, pushing me around. I'm shocked. I just almost got in trouble for him and he doesn't even have the decency to say thank you, but nooooooooo, tell me to stay away from my friends. Makes sense. Asshole. I roll my eyes and break from my trance, heading to class. Luckily, I do not have any classes with him. After school as I'm walking out of the building, Kyle catches up to me.

"Hey. What's up? You didnt talk to any of us after lunch." He comments.

"Yeah." Is all I say.

"Um, is there a reason why?"


"Are you going to tell me that reason?"


"Why not?"


"Cause why?"


"Because why?"

"Doesnt matter." I feel a familiar glare on me. Oh God. Thanks Kyle. Now the guy who hates me hates me even more.

"What did Cade say to you?"



"It doesnt matter! All he said was to stay away from you guys." I growl.

"Oh that asshole. Dont listen to my stupid brother Matt-"

"Wait. Hold the fuck up. That's your brother? The one I can't remember for some reason?" I ask.

That's the one." He sighs, shaking his head. "I'll talk to him. Now go spend time with Sky." He pats me on the back and says goodbye before jogging off somewhere. I hear Sky laughing so I look up. And boy do I regret it.


"Hey Matt." She smiles.

"Matt." His husky voice is hard to ignore, so I simply roll my eyes and look innocently at him.

"Yes Cade?" I try for my best sweet voice, but make sure the sarcasm is evident. "Oh, I'm so sorry! Would you like me to stay away from my sister too?" He glares at me but says nothing.

"Did I miss something?" Skylar looks between our glaring match, confused. 

"Nothing." We say in sync, which makes him roll his eyes. Which means he looked away first. Hah! Suck it Evergreen! "Sky lets go." I tell her, spinning around to get in my car, but a warm hand on my arm stops me.

"Dont test me Matthew." He walks off with those words, leaving me standing there with mixed emotions. I shake my head to rid of these thoughts and climb in.

"What was that?" Sky asks. 

"Long story short, I met an a-hole today." I say. She simply nods, and begins telling me more about Drew. Apparently he asked her to the winter dance that's happening on Friday night. We quickly get to Jade, and I rush down the road, wanting to be left alone in my room, blasting some music. A black blur jumps into the middle of the road suddenly, and I swerve to avoid it. After almost crashing into trees from the forest, I quickly pull over. The black creature disappeared into the woods. "Are you two alright? I'm so so sorry!" I apologize but they both assure me they're just a bit shaken up. "Stay here with her." I tell Sky, and then run into the forest.

Chapter nine



I here Sky and Jade screaming from me to come back, but I keep running. Why? I dont know. I'd like to figure that out myself. I come to a tree-less circle and stop. The black blur, happened to be laying there, in all of its wolfy glory. I slowly approach it, (I never said I was smart!) and it slowly looks up. It let's out a low growl and stands up, by I continue moving towards it. I really am dumb. The wolf is hella big. Its probably up to my stomach on all fours. I puts my hands up as the it growls again, and slowly lower myself onto my knees.

The wolf slowly approaches me, growling as it comes. I can tell it's a male, just by how it holds itself. I raise my hand up when it stops in front of me, and at the speed of moslasis, put my hand on his snout. He tenses for a moment, and then seems to melt into my touch. I catch a glimpse of his golden, practically glowing eyes, before they close and he lays down, putting his head between my arm and chest. I sit down further, my legs crossed, and in a trance as he moves his head from my elbow to my lap. I continue petting his soft, pitch black fur for a while. He seems to be calming down slowly, and I cant help but to smile.

"Matt??" Someone yells from a distance. This breaks both the wolf, and me from our trances, and hes back to growling. I quickly get up, and run back where I came from. Although, as far as I ran, I couldn't find the car. What the hell? I come to another clearing, but this one full of little houses everywhere, and one really big house in the center of it all. I turn around confused, but honestly, I have no idea where I came from. I hear a growl, followed by a few more, maybe ten, and then an animal is pouncing on me, knocking me to the ground.

I open my eyes, to sees a wolf looking ready to rip me in half, baring its teeth. What's with all the wolves today? A guttural growl stands out among the rest. All the others stop growling and lay down in an awkward position, and the one on top on me nips a little to close to my face, for comfort, and gets off me. I half sit up, propping myself up on my elbows. When I do this, I come face to face with the wolf from before, also looking like hes going to attack me.

I can immediately tell the difference between his and the rest of these wolves. Where his eyes are golden, the rest have blue or red eyes, and hes slightly bigger. He must have been the leader or something? I dont know, I never liked science so I dont really keep the knowledge. He shakes his head and leans his head down. I flinch and close my eyes, thinking hes going to bite me or something, but when I feel nothing, I see his looking up at me with amusement twinkling in his majestic eyes. I could get lost in his eyes, kind of like Cade's. 

He shakes his head again, but the amusement doesnt leave his eyes, as he pulls the sleeve of the hoodie I decided to wear today between his teeth carefully. He slightly pulls, and I take it as a sign to get up, so I do. He turns around and the wolves surrounding us make a path so he can get to the forest. He turns to me and nudges his head the direction of the woods, so I hesitantly follow him. I follow him until we reach a different clearing, which holds two freaking out girls.

"Matt!" They both scream. They run over to me and I have them in my arms in seconds. 

"I'm so sorry girls." I sigh at myself. 

"Why did you run in there? And why is your sweater torn?" For the first time, I realize that it is in fact torn. Stupid wolves.

"Um I dont know. I wanted to make sure it wasn't hurt and then got lost. But then..." I trail off as I turn around to find the wolf gone. Right. "Um, let's go. Dads probably worried. I really am sorry."

"Its fine Matt. That thing came out of no where." Sky says. I smile at her.

"Yeah. But did you find it?" Jade asks excitedly.

I contemplate how to answer this. Do I say that I did and have to explain everything? Or do I lie and save myself a confusing story I dont even understand myself? "Um, no. I went and got lost though." I laugh, effectively derailing the topic.




"Hey Matt. I talked to Cade, and hes mad at me, but I dont care. You're sitting with us today." Kyle stops in front of my desk, with George and Tessa behind him, nodding.

"That's not necessary." I tell them but they all shake there heads and insist again. "Fine." I sigh. They smile and make their way to their desks. As usual, classes drone on until finally lunch arrives. I'm a bit more hesitant to walk to my table, but I'm pleased to find that my typical seat isnt taken this time.

"Heyyyyyyyyy Matt..." Tessa begins as I sit down.

"Oh God." 

"You know the winter dance this Friday?" George continues for her.

"Absolutely not."

"Well, too bad. You're coming with us." Kyle finishes, leaving no room for discussion.

I study the group for a moment, and roll but eyes but I cant help the smile that makes it's way onto my face. "I hate you guys."

"Aww! We love you too!" They all say together, and before I can respond, someone sits down across from me. They say a simple 'hi' and go back to talking about meeting up to get clothes, but my eyes stay drawn to the person before me. How are he and Kyle brothers? Kyle has dirty blonde hair, and blue eyes, where Cade has pitch black hair with those captivating emerald green eyes. Speaking of, they snap to me and he looks me up and down (as much as he can seen as I'm sitting) and rolls his eyes. I roll mine right back and try to ignore him but it's hard.

God, why did you have to make something this good looking? It shouldn't be possible.

Chapter ten



Why was he back all of the sudden? He wasnt supposed to ever be back. We moved for a reason. To get away from him, so I could focus on my duties to train to be the alpha of my pack. Being a werewolf isnt easy as it is, we cant have distractions. Like him. He was- is, my only weakness. Now hes... my... I can't even say it! I mean I, I have a girlfriend. He can't be... No. No, I'm just a hormonal young adult, and that's messing with my brain. That's why.

I feel his eyes on me so I turn mine to meet them. The last time I saw him, he didnt know I was me. He thought I was some weird wolf. I mean, he isnt wrong. I let my guard down and was acting like a weak human. But God, his touch just... I cant even describe it. It sparks something inside of me, that I havent ever felt. I never thought I'd feel anything like it.

Which is why I have to make myself hate him.

I can't let him distract me. Not again, not after last time. If I get attached, and my father finds out, he'll take me away again. I can't do that to either of us. 

I don't realize that as I'm thinking this, my eyes rake up and down his body, the best they can. Wow... Hes amazing. Yesterday, I wasnt paying attention and almost killed him and his sisters, and yet he still came after me. Hes also really good looking. At probably 5' 8", 5' 9", he has caramel colored skin, his mother being Latina, that make his deep, dark brown, almost black looking, eyes stand out. His fawn colored shaggy hair compliments both beautifully. God, hes turning me into a fucking girl. I roll my eyes at my thoughts, and he rolls his back before turning back to the conversation my brother and friends are having. 

His hanging out with them again brings me back to yesterday. Why did he stick up for me, when I was being a complete dick to him? I literally almost choked him to death (not that I tried to! I'm used to fighting wolves where I can use my full strength) yet... The panick in his eyes couldnt be mistaken as he looked up at me, trying to get me to agree.

This brings me to something else. How doesnt he remember me? We were so close... So so close... I told him things I'd never tell anyone else! I was always there and what, he just... goes and forgets about me??? Maybe I had every right to treat him the way I did. Asshole. I cant believe that I'm over here obsessing over someone who couldnt even bother to remember me.

We dont know the full story, Cade.

Shove it Axel. He forgot about me, end of story. He doesnt deserve to learn about you, and doesnt deserve my time.

I block my wolf out after that. Who's side is he on? Mine, his human or some guy hes never met. We left before Axel came along. Most werewolves shift around thirteen, but I first shifted when I was 15. I wanted to run, and find Matt, but I couldnt. He made it clear he didnt want me in his life.


"I have something to tell you." We say at the same time, so I tell him, "You go first Matt," with a smile.

"Um, I'm moving." He tells me.

"Me too..." I say. He looks up at me shocked. 

"Really?" He seems to be deep in thought. "But... Um... Never mind." He shakes his head.

"At least have your number!" I say happily, recalling the events of yesterday making me smile even more. But I wasnt expecting his reply.

"Cade... I dont think us staying in contact is a good idea. Yesterday was a mistake and I regret it ever happening. Good bye Cade." With that he walks away, leaving me there with my mouth hanging open.


I feel pressure hit my calf and I almost growl, until I realize I already am. Tessa, George, Kyle, and even Matt are looking at me. The growl was deep, so I play it off like I was clearing my throat. They look relieved, except for Matt. He looks like hes remembering something. 

"What's up?" Kyle nudges Matt with his elbow, snapping him out of it. He asked it so quietly that it would be inaudible to the human ear but since I'm a werewolf, I could hear it clearly.

"Hm? Oh, nothing. Just... Thinking." He responds vaguely. 



"Matthew Elliot Frey, you better tell me or I swear to God I will tickle uou." His entire face heats up, like a fire was placed a few inches in front of him, at Kyle's words, and my, my, was it hot as fuck. I mean uh... I um. That didnt happen. I never said that. I forgot how ticklish Matt was, but now I remember how much I used to tease him for it and I would tickle him all the time. As if he senses my smirk, he turns his eyes to me. If it's even possible, his face turns even more red.

"Fine, fine. Something happened yesterday and it's been on my mind. I'll tell you the rest later." He says, even quieter than before, after looking away from me. But, his cute blush still stands. Fuck! Ugh. Why did he have to mess up my mind? Although, if it's what I think it is, I'm glad hes thinking about it, in a way. In another, I'm nervous he'll figure it out. I mean, if he really is... my... still cant say it. But if he is, maybe he'll have to figure it out someday.

But hes not.

Chapter eleven



"So what happened?" Kyle asked as we walk out of the school to my car.

"Well um... a... cat... a cat, ran out in front of my car and I had to swerve, but I almost crashed with the girls in the car, and if I did that... that's the second time since school started. It's only December." I say, and while its mostly the truth, that's not all. I was thinking about the wolf, and Cade. Oh, and the memories. Why would I have a ton of memories, of just someone's eyes? And an asshole none the less? I caught him looking at me today, and I could see the cocky, and stupidly sexy, smirk playing on his lips.

God, those lips.

"Oh wow. Are they okay?" He asks, suddenly worried.

"Yeah. Jade just had a bruise on her leg this morning from hitting it on the door, but Sky was fine." I tell him. He nods, and we approach the car. I look up and see two guys with her. What's with finding her with a new person every day? "Hey Pumpkin." I say, approaching them. Although the two males have their backs turned to me, I know who one is immediately. Ugh.

"Hey Matty, Kyle." Sky says, walking around the two over to me, causing them to turn around. "Matt, you obviously know Cade, but this is-"

"Drew?" I'd completely forgot Kyle- well, apparently Cade too- had a little brother, but now that I've seen him, (unlike with Cade) I remember him. "Hey!" He pulls me into a hug and I see his oldest brother glaring daggers at me, but Sky lit up like a Christmas tree.

"Hey brother! I've missed you." 

"I missed you too." I tell him, even though I just fully remembered him now, I guess I always knew Kyle had a younger sibling. And I did miss him, in a weird way. I dont know. I dont know half the things that go on inside my brain.

"Cade, I forgot to ask, are you bringing Callie to the Winter Dance?" Andrew turns around to ask his brother. 

"Yes." He grumbles.

"Who's Callie?" I ask, Kyle, not Cade.

"Its none of your business dipshit, but my girlfriend." Cade growls, even though I wasnt even turned towards him.

"Hey!" The other three exclaim at his name calling.

"It was a simple question dipshit." I mock. 

"And? You didnt have to ask it asshole."

"And? You didnt have to answer it, asshat." He seems taken back by my comment, which gives me enough time to say, "Now, I have a sister to pick up, so I'm gonna go." His eyes narrow at the fact that I 'disrespected' him and his stupid 'authority'.

"Can I get a ride from Drew?" Sky asks.

"Sure I guess." I sigh. "Who's riding with you guys?" I ask.

"Just my brothers." Drew says. I nod and Kyle, Drew, and Sky walk off.

"Dont hurt her. Do anything and I swear to God-" I start to say to Cade but I get cut off.

"I thought I told you not to test me Matthew." He growls.

"Hmm... You know, I dont really give a fuck what you say, so I dont recall this." I say in a sickly fake sweet voice while opening my car door. He goes to say something else but I get in and start the engine before he can, cutting off any noise he was about to make. He walks in front of my car right before I'm about to pull out, making me slam on my brakes. His signals for me to roll down my window, and I do so, but not without rolling my eyes. Its only then that he steps out from in front of me, but only to my window. "What's your problem??" 

"You." He says back.

"Really? Would you mind explaining that one?" I growl, rolling my eyes. Again.

"You know, if you keep rolling your eyes they're going to get stuck. Dont do it."

"Just for you." I give him a quick, bitter smile, and continue. "Okay, if you're not going to explain what the hell is wrong with me, I'mma just go." I say, and step on my gas pedal, praying that his foot isnt under my tire. Fortunately (or not?) it isnt. I know we dont get along, but I know what that pain is like, and I dont wish it upon anyone. I speed to get Jade, and I feel guilty as I see her standing out in the cold. (Okay, it was like 40°F but I'm always cold so...) "Jade, I'm so sorry. Some sh- crap happened at school so I had to stay later. I'm really sorry."

"Its fine. Wheres Skylar?" She asks.

"Shes riding with Drew and Kyle." I dont bother mentioning Cade. Speaking of, I cant ignore the pang of jealousy that coursed through me, when they mentioned... Cassie? Carry? I dont really know, but the second he said she was his girlfriend... God, what's wrong with me? Why wouldnt he have a girlfriend? Hes the perfect specimen, anyone would want him.

"Oh, okay." She says and pretty soon we're at our house, and I pull into the driveway right before Cade was going to. I smirk at him and he rolls his eyes. I walk up to the door and open it, but stop when I hear voices inside. Dad shouldn't be home. 

"Oh! Hey Matthew. I see you've arrived home." Someone stops at the top of the stairs going up, in the entryway. "How was the car trip?" Then her son comes to her side, and I cant do it. I turn around and walk quickly to my car, and speed out of the driveway, ignoring every look I get, and every person that calls to me. (Not that it was many, I could only hear Skylar, Jade, and Kyle)

I didnt think this day could be any worse.

Chapter twelve



"Bye Sky." We all say to the girl leaving my vehicle. I'm about the leave but I look at the door, and see Matt tense. Then he practically runs back to his car a speeds away. I see Kyle about the jump out to go after him, but I stop him. "We're going together." I say. 

"Wait, I need to stay here. Sky and I are actually-" I cut Drew off.

"Yeah yeah whatever, get out if you need to. Just hurry up with it." I didnt mean for it to, but it came out in a growl. He quickly jumps out at my (accidental) alpha command and I slam down out the gas pedal, to catch up to the still speeding Matt. What was in there that caused him to dart like that? I follow him all the way to... a cemetery? I know his mom died, but she passed in our old town. Wait... She got buried where she was born. Is that why he moved here? To be closer to his mom?

Kyle and I look at each other, and then silently agree to go in. When we get there, Matt is already kneeling down by the grave labelled:

In loving memory of

     Grace Frey


Loving daughter, wife, and mother

Then he starts talking. "Mom... Why did you leave me? I thought you loved me? I didn't think I would have pushed you to.... God, ten years and I still cant say it." He chuckles slightly at this, but I dont get why. Hes talking about his mother- "I miss you. Dads still trying to make it seem like hes over you, but it's not true. Tiffany is a witch, and so is her stupid son. I cant do this without you mama... I wish it would've worked. I shouldn't be here right now. I should be with you." These words enrage me. What the hell is he talking about 'should be with her'?

"What is he talking about?" I growl.

"Shut up Cade! You're being too loud." Kyle hisses, but it doesnt calm me down at all.

"Now I'm in this town, and I was so happy. I had good friends, I met Kyle again, I was away from Tiffany and Wayne, I was doing well in school, and then all went to shit. Someone I don't even remember came, and turned my life upside down in all of two days, and now they're back too. I cant do it again. I want to... no, I need to... I've tried so... so hard not to but it just hurts so bad. I'm sorry mama. I love you." He puts his head against her gravestone and I feel my heart break for him. Shit. This isnt good.

 "No!" I suddenly hear, and then Kyle is by Matt's side. "Please dont."

"What the hell Kyle? What are you doing here? Spying on me?" Matt is quickly stands up to reach Kyle's level.

"No! Well yes but we just-"

"We?! You brought your stupid brother too??" He cuts my brother off.

"Excuse me?" I stalk over to them. "Who are you calling stupid?"

"I did say his brother, so I guess I was right. You really are stupid." He rolls his eyes.

"I meant it when I said to not roll your eyes at me asshole." I growl.

"And? Do I look like I honestly care?" He does it again, just to irk me. And it works.

"You-" I raise my fist but Kyle steps forward, not enough to be between us, but enough to make me pause.

"Stop it you two!"

"Go ahead Cade. Hit me." Matt says, ignoring his best friend.

"Matt!" Kyle screeches. 

"Do it!" He practically screams. So... I did it. My fist cracks down on his cheek bone, and then another one a little higher to his eye. This time he starts the fall to the ground but I catch him before he can. I catch a glimpse of his beautiful eyes, before his eyelids cover them.

"What the hell Cade??" Kyle falls to his knees by us.

"I...I...I dont know! I just... I..." I stutter, as I watch his eye already start to turn red. Guilt washes through me. "No no no no. Fuck!" I pick him up and find his keys before throwing them at Kyle. "Take his car back to his house. I'm bringing his to the pack doctor."

"Why? I mean, it'll probably just bruise. That wont make up for the fact that you punched him but it wont need medical attention." Kyle asks confused, but walks to Matt's car anyways.

"I used my wolf strength without meaning to. He could have brain damage or something!" 

"You know, it's weird to see you care about someone. It's nice though." He says, but doesnt bother elaborating. I dont care. That's insane. I dont care about anyone but my family and pack. I mean, I really... really... dont care.


Chapter thirteen



I open my eyes to be met with a blinding light and a killer headache. I groan against the pain and quickly shut my eyes again. "Matthew?" A chirpy male voice breaks through the ringing in my ears.

"Hmm?" I groan and raise my hand to my eyes. I try opening them, and it takes a few tries but I manage to do so. Once my eyes adjust to the annoyingly bright lights, I look around the room. It's all white like a hospital, but doesn't have quite that strong of a smell. I look down and see that I'm not in the same clothes as before, which worries me. I notice that I dont have an IV but I am hooked up to a heart monitor. I finally notice the two men in the room, staring at me.

One is probably in his fifties or sixties, wearing a blue button up and a white coat, with tan pants, so I'm assuming he's a doctor or something. He smiles brightly at me, while typing on his computer, and honestly, it kinda freaks me out. The other is probably fourty-ish, with black hair that has a bit of silver in it and blue eyes. Hes wearing a three piece suit and a heavy scowl on his face. My breath quickens as I recognize the man before me.

Cade's father.

I mean, Kyle's. I mean Kyle and Drew's. Ugh. Why did Cade come to mind first? 

"Doctor, would you mind leaving us alone for a moment?" Mr. Evergreen asks. The doctor looks hesitant, but eventually nods and leaves. "Matthew Frey. Long time no see." He smiles darkly at me. He always hated me. Thought I wasnt good enough for Kyle and Drew. That they shouldn't be friends with me. But I guess I don't know about Cade. I dont even know if we were ever close. I gulp and reply.

"Mister Evergreen." I wince at the pain cause to my head from talking, but still sit up in attempt to shrink away from the man.

"I thought I told you to stay away from my boys. Now, I catch the one you shouldn't even remember, carrying you like a fucking baby." He growls. I burrow my eyebrows in comfusion.

"What do you mean I 'shouldn't remember' him?" He laughs darkly once again, and goes to answer but the door swings open, revealing Cade, and then Kyle.

"Matt!" Kyle says loudly, and I cringe at how loud it is. "Sorry- Oh damn. You look like shit."

"Thanks." I smile but stop when I feel his dads eyes on me. I let my eyes drift to Cade, and his entire face is guilt ridden. "So um, what exactly happened?"

"You two dumbasses wouldnt stop yelling at each other, and then Cade punched you twice, and then you passed out. Now you have a black eye and concussion." I see Mr. Evergreen smirk after Kyle says that I only lasted two punches, but he doesnt comment, and neither do I.

"Right." I sigh and lean my pounding head against the wall. 

"Shouldnt you be laying down?" Kyle asks. Mr. Evergreen smirks even more at this, as he knows how I got to this position. Cowering in fear.

"N-no. I'm fine." I stumble on my words but Kyle and his father dont seem to notice, although Cade does. His eyes narrow in my direction and he raises one eyebrow. How do people even do that?? I glance over at their dad and I find him still smirking, so I look back to Cade. Although instead of them being on me still, his mesmerizing emerald eyes were on his father.

"Kyle, dad, can you give us a minute." He asks but it comes out as more of a demand. Terrance, as I remember his name is, glares harshly at me, and I sit up even more in attempt to get away. Once the door is completely shut, Cade begins glaring at me instead. "What the hell was that?"

"What?" I ask, playing dumb, although now that Terrance is gone, I spread out a little bit, not confined to the back of the bed. Lucky me, he seems to notice this too.

"Really? Dont bullshit me Matthew." I gulp under his sharp glare, but dont cower back like with his father. He doesnt really scare me.

"What are you talking about Cade?" A sharp pain rips through my skull and I cant help but grab my forehead, but that hurts even more. I immediately remove my hand and look at Cade again, trying to ignore the pain of my head. I know he noticed, but he ignored it also.

"Matthew." He growls.

"Cade." I mock. I roll my eyes as he scowls.

"Why must you do every fucking thing you can to annoy me?" His deep voice gets louder, and it triggers another pain, and he didnt ignore it. "Sorry." The tone of his voice didnt back up his statement at all, but the look in his eyes did.

"Because it annoys you." I reply.

"No shit sherlock." He rolls his eyes. God, those eyes. 

"So you can roll your eyes but I cant?" I try to derail the conversation from the previous topic.

"Yes. Now, what was that?" Shit.

"Fine. Kyle's- Well I guess, your dad, always hated me. He always told me I wasnt good enough for Kyle and Drew. Honestly, I dont know about you but still. When we had to move, it was becau-"

"Alright, you two have had quite enough time." His dad comes in, looking angrily at me. So he heard...

"Actually dad, we didnt. Get out." Cade growls, shocking me. It also shocks me how much I can describe what he says as growling, but I'm not lying.

"Dont talk back to me son." Terrance glares at him.

"Get. Out." I dont fail to notice the specks of gold floating around in his emerald orbs, and it makes them look even more amazing. The two men glare for a while, but his dad ultimately looks away first, to glare at me. Then he leaves again.

"So um, where are we?" I ask, my voice tiny but it still carries to Cade.

"A family friend. A doctor." Cade answers, still looking at the door, but then he faces me. "Do you need anything?" He asks hesitantly, as if nervous to seem like he cares. Hah! Cade, caring? I should be a comedian. 

"A bathroom might be nice." I almost whisper. 

"Oh, yeah. Right. Go through that door right there, and you'll be there." He points across my bed to a door to my left. "You..." He clears his throat. "Um... Dont...." He clears it again. "You dont need help right?"

I feel heat rush to my cheeks and my eyes widen at his words. "Um, uh. No. No, but thanks. Just a concussion, still can walk." I tell him, my cheeks still bright red. Although, unhelpful to my previous statement, I stumble as I attempt to get out of bed, but instead of hitting the cold floor, I'm engulfed by warmth, and an amazing scent. I open my pained eyes to see Cade. Well, talk about a sight for sore eyes. I find myself getting lost in his eyes, kind of like the wolf's. We end up just staring at each other, for what seems like forever, but couldnt have been more than a minute or two. Normally that would be awkward, but this time it wasn't.

A crash from somewhere outside breaks up both from our weird trace-like states, and he help me stand up. "Right, um, so you're sure?" He asks, after clearing his throat a few more times.

"Uh, yeah. Thanks." With that, I scurry off to the bathroom.

Chapter fourteen



 As soon as I got us both in my truck, I sped off to the packhouse as fast as I could. Once we got there, I picked Matt up bridal style, and as fast as I could without it actually being running, walked to the pack doctor. I know its risky taking him to the pack houses and everything, but at this point, I wasnt thinking about anything but the fact that I hurt Matt. God, how could I do that to him?? All he did was say things, that I actually deserved, and I punched him for it. Fuck!

"Cade! What is the meaning of this commotion?" My father stepped out of one of the rooms. "Who the hell is that? Matthew???" His anger flared as he saw the peer perfection in my arms.

 "Yes dad. Something happened and he needs help." I growled at the previous alpha. I rushed to the nearest empty room and demanded that a doctor got here, stat.

"Alpha Cade. What can I do for you?" An overly cheerful, quite annoying pack doctor came in.

"Help him." Is all I had to say before he got to work.

"Alpha Cade, he needs to be changed, these clothes are too wet, he'll freeze." The doctor had said, so I directed him to get out. I peeled his wet clothes off, down to his boxers, and I couldnt help be wonder what he held beneath them, but I ignored the thought, and put dry, warm clothes on. The pack doctors office is under ground, so on cold winter days like this, a human would freeze. Wolf's are naturally warmer, even in our human forms, so we're fine most of the time.

The doctor came back in, and told me he needed to run some tests on Matt, and that I needed to wait outside. I almost protested, but when I had looked at Matt, with a red shape around his eye soon to turn into a bruise, and a bruise already forming on his cheek, I simply nodded and left. I paced around and around the mini hospital like area, and I sort of remember being upset when my father went in there, but that stopped when I heard Matt's groan, loud and clear. I ran to the private Alpha house, where the Alpha and his/her family lives, and got Kyle.

We both rushed down as fast as we could (which was pretty fast, seen as we have superhuman speed) and I ended up talking with Matt alone. Hearing him say that my father hated him, and then mentioning the reason he had to move before he was rudely cut off, made my blood boil. What if... No. Even if he did hate Matt, he wouldn't. 

So, now I'm pacing back and forth across his small room, waiting for him to leave the bathroom. I hear a shriek come from there and I dont hesitate to rush in, not caring that he might not be covered. "What happened?" I ask, panicking.

"What the hell did you do to my face??" He asks with his jaw practically on the ground.

"Oh, um... Heh... Uh...." I rub the back of my neck nervously. "I um..." Matt looks like hes about to choke and then bursts out laughing. His laughter is music to my ears. I know I always acted like an ass to him, but after this, and him not waking up for almost a day, the constant panick, wondering if he was okay, I knew I would ignore this anymore, and decided I wouldnt be like this anymore. I'm finally accepting it. He's-

"Your face was priceless! You were all like," He contorts his face in a weird way, apparently looking like me.

I attempt to scowl at him, but I cant help the smile that makes it's way onto my face. "Shut up. It wasnt that funny!" I protest, but by the look of sheer disbelief on his face, made it obvious I'm wrong. "Fine. But your face should heal pretty quickly." I say, and it's not a lie. The doctor gave him some medication, so that it would speed up the process up to how fast a werewolf would heal, meaning he should be better in a day tops.

"Okay." He walks past me, grimacing as he does.

"What's wrong?" I ask, worry consuming me.

"Nothing. Just laughed too hard, my head hurts." He explains. "Ph shit." He says once he's laid back down and I'm sitting on the edge of the hospital like bed. I raise an eyebrow and he takes my sign to continue. "Do still have to go to this dance? And take pictures? Oh God, I'll look like a just decided to punch a watermelon so it launched itself at my face, but not before being covered by grapes." He groans.

I stare at him, weirded out by his comparison, but the laughter bubbling inside of me in undeniable, and he realizes this also as it rumbling out of my mouth. He gently chuckles with me and I shake my head at him. "Anyone ever tell you, you're really weird."

"Once or twice." He responds with yet another soft laugh.

"Well good. I'd hate to be the bearer of bad news." I state sarcastically with a sigh. He stops laughing, but theres still a genuine smile, spreading across his face. 

"Anyways, when is the dance again?" He asks.

"Two days from now..." I answer hesitantly and then check the clock. "Exactly two days."

"What??? But it was Tuesday! Did I really not wake up for an entire day?" I nod at his question and he looks back at the mirror in deep thought. "....How?..........."

Chapter fifteen



I dont understand. First of all, what's with Cade being nice to me? And how did me getting punched result in a concussion where I didnt wake up for a day? I've been punched before. Its never been a big deal. Sure, I got a black eye, but this is so much worse than normal. What the hell? I dont give myself time to dwell on it, as I ask, "Anyways, when is the dance again?"

"Two days from now..." He checks the clock. "Exactly two days."

Flabbergasted, I can help but freak out. "What??? But it was Tuesday! Did I really not wake up for an entire day?" He nods and I look back to examine my face, once again wondering how it got this way. "....How?..........." He doesnt give me an answer, so I turn to see him looking down. "Cade?" 

He snaps his head up to me. "Hmm?" I shake my head, as if to say 'Never mind', and walk past him, out of the bathroom, with a grimace. Laughing was a huge mistake. "You okay?" He asks, following me.

Yeah, fine. Head just hurts." I explain. He nods in understanding. "So, can I go back to school tomorrow?" I ask.

"I dont think so. Since today is Wednesday, you'll be able to go on Friday, but they have to make sure you're okay first." 

"Oh. Okay. Can I sleep?" I ask, since I've heard you're not supposed to let people with conccusions sleep or something, but I dont remember exactly.

"Yes. He confirmed that you had no new brain issues." His eyes widen as he realizes what he said.

"What?" I ask, narrowing my eyes in his direction, where he sits beside my bed.

"Um, we arent sure what but," He takes a deep breath and sighs. "Somrthing happened, presumably a few years ago, and you lost part of your memory. Maybe that's why you dont remember me..." He looks deep in thought and I needed some way to break the tension.

"Well, I'm pretty sure that even after I lost my memory to that, I'd remember an ass like you." I softly chuckle, so that it doesnt hurt as bad. He glares at me and shakes his head, but I dont miss the corners of his luscious lips, tilting upwards.

"What do you mean, 'to that?'" He asks after a moment of silence.

"Um... It happened. It's in the past, and it doesnt need to be brought back." I decide is going to be my answer. He doesnt look happy with my response, but theres nothing I'm willing to do to change that.

"Are you tired?" He asks. I nod and he goes to get up, but before I can register what I'm doing, my arm darts out and I grip his hand with my own, successfully stopping him.

He turns around with an eyebrow raised, and I blush deeply. "I...I... Um... I..." I turn into a blubbering mess. Now the curious look on his face turns into one of amusement, so I pull myself together. "Will you um, stay? Please?" My cheeks get darker if that's even possible, when he nods. He goes so sit down, but I move over so there is room for him. He looks deeply confused but sits next to me, this time on the bed.

"What's this about?" I shrug. "Matt." Him calling me Matt made butterflies erupt in my stomach but I ignore them.

"I dont know. I mean, honestly, I dont feel 100% safe with your dad, but I just dont I'll be able to sleep." You'd ask for Kyle if that was the reason. My subconscious yells, but I choose to ignore this too. Cade swings his legs up onto the bed, and wraps his arm around my shoulders, not that I'm complaining. Now I get to cuddle with this incredibly hot man. "Thank you." He I feel him nod and I rest my head on his shoulder.

"You should actually lay down you know." He chuckles, and lays us both down. His arm in still around me, so I snuggle further into his warmth, my head ending up between his muscular chest and arm.

"Mmm... You're hot." I mumble. My eyes shoot open as I realize what I just said. He just laughs. "I... I meant warm! Like, really warm. That means hot. Not like, hot hot. I, I mean not that-" 

"Calm down little one. I get it." My heart flutters at the new name. I sigh and go back to his body, closing my eyes. I take a deep breath, savoring his masculine scent. A mix of... Pine, mint, and lemons. I wouldnt think those went together, but God, its intoxicating. 

His scent, warmth, and the comfort I get from being in his arms, puts me to sleep quickly.




I hear his breathing even out, and the steady rhythm of his chest raising and falling, and I know hes fallen asleep. It's weird being this close to him. I like it though. I get to smell his overwhelming scent, as it fills my nose in humongous quantities at once, and boy do I love it. He smells like peppermint, vanilla, and sweet apples. I nearly choked when he said I was hot, and even after explaining that it was, 'just meaning warm', the mess out words coming from his delicious looking mouth, revealed his true feelings. 

The second he mentioned my father, I knew something other than them just have a mutual antipathy, was going on. Matt is one of the most reserved people I know, and it had to of taken a lot from him to ask me to stay. I wanted to anyways, so I was ecstatic when he asks. I nearly pumped my fists in the air while jumping like a small child getting a new toy! 

Either way, I dont regret this. Not one bit. 

Im guessing that's why I slip into a state of unconsciousness, much much faster than normal.

Chapter sixteen



I wake up, feeling quite refreshed and oddly comfortable. My head doesnt hurt much at all, and my eye isnt nearly as swollen. I go to get up but I'm pulled back down with force. That's when I register an arm around my waist, and another under my neck. Cade's arms. I feel his hot breath against my neck as he shuffles closer to me, so close, that if he'd extend his lips even a centimeter more, they'd be touching me. The thought sends a shiver through my body, and the shiver doesnt go unnoticed by him, as I feel him chuckle behind me.

"Cade... Let go." I tell him trying to get up again, but he pulls me back again, but this time I practically land on top of him. "Cade..." I groan, and continue attempting to get up, but he holds tighter, so I end up just squirming in his arms, which wrap tighter around me, pulling me even closer to his muscular body. "Cade..!" I whine and he chuckles again. "I'm leaving now."

I try to get up, but in a second, hes on top of me. My cheeks heat immediately, and I can honestly say, that my face has to look like a bright red cherry. "No." He growls. His weight is quite a bit more than mine, but its comfortable. Theres the amount where it's too much or too little to be okay, but this... This feels right. That sounds so cheesy. "You're comfy." He snuggles more into my neck and I feel his breathing from his chest, and when it hits right behind my ear. I bite my lip and concentrate on not moaning, as this is my sensitive spot, and I have an incredibly hot guy on top of me.

"D-dont you have t-to go t-to s-school?" I ask, trying to keep the breathlessness from my voice. 

"No. It's already past noon so theres no point." He whispers and I bite my lip so hard I can almost taste blood.

"O-oh. Right." I attempt to slide out from underneath him, but I just end up squirming under him now.

"Stop." He says, in a strained voice, which I'm confused about. And then it hits me. Person squirming under newly adult male = boner. Doesnt matter if you like the same gender or not, theres still the 'person' aspect to them. Oh fuck fuck fuck fuck! I freeze immediately and pray that he wont notice the slight growth in my pants. Luckily, he finally gets up, but stays hovering over me. "Calm down. I'll get up eventually, just not right now." He goes back to laying on me. 

This time I'm calmer, just satisfied with the comfort from him. "Okay." I whisper, closing my eyes. Before I know it, I'm out like a light.




I couldn't help but keep laying on him. It just felt right. Like he was meant to be on top of me, and under me, and just in my arms. He let me put all my weight on him, and then he fell asleep. The doctors came in while he was sleeping before, and did most of the testing they needed to, and I instructed them not to be back until late tonight so he'd have to stay another night. I almost... Scratch that. I don't want him to go at all. I ended up falling asleep again, still on top of him, but I woke up to the feeling of eyes on me, and something in my hair. No one touches my hair.

My eyes snap open, and I find Matt on his side, next to me, looking at his hand which is softly playing with my hair. He goes from my scalp to the tip and back, every once in a while twirling it around his finger. I notice that my arms are secured around his waist, making him unable to move, but from the adoring look twinkling around his almost black eyes, I doubt he minded. His eyes widen as he sees me awake, and goes to take his hand away while saying, "Oh, um I'm s-sorry Cade I-"

"No. Don't. It felt nice." I growl, keeping his hand there. I dont even let my girlfriend touch my hair, but I'm letting him. Ugh. I sound like a fucking girl. He slightly smiles, and goes back to messing with my hair. "How are you feeling?" I ask.

"Okay. My head is killing me and I'll get random waves of nausea, but it's not as bad anymore." He answers.

"That's good. You're eye looks better." I comment and he removes his eyes from where his fingers continue to tangle themselves in my hair. 

"What? My black eyes normally take-" I cut him off.

"Normally? This is a normal occuance?" I ask suddenly on edge. Why would he tell me something like this? Cause you're an asshole to him. I dont fail to notice the warning in Axels message. "Oh yeah, um, I'm sorry by the way. For all of it. I guess you wouldnt remember but, we didn't leave on the best of terms so I wasnt a fan of the facts that Kyle let you into our group of friends." He simply nods and returns his eyes to the hand tangled in my no doubt mess of hair.

"Your hair is soft." He whispers, attempting to change the subject, but his voice cracks when he says 'Your', so I know something is up.

"What's wrong?" I ask. He shakes his head and goes to remove his hand, but I reach up and hold it where it was, which happened to be against my chest. He blushes as he looks back to me.

He sighs and opens him mouth before closing it again, and I assume hes trying to find the right words. "I just... I wish I remembered. Everything. I wish I remembered you, I wish I remembered how we were, what we did, what happened. I wish it wasn't a mystery as to what happened back then." He sighs.

"Hey, it's okay. We can make new memories now." I attempt to soothe.

"Why are you being so nice now? What happened to 'Grr I hate you' guy?" He asks, going to sit up but I tighter my grip with my one arm, over his waist. 

"I dont know. What happened to your memories?" I shoot back. He raised his voice and being alpha, I'm not used to being disrespected, so I raised my voice back, and said something I probably shouldnt have, although my arm never leave him, and I dont let go of his hand. He stays silent, and so I say, "No really Matt. I wanna know. What made you loose all the memories of me? You remembered Kyle. I'm assuming you remember when you found-"

"Do you really wanna know?" He cuts me off, which makes me angry, but the offer to tell me stops me from doing anything about it.

"No shit sherlock." He takes a deep breath, and starts talking. 

Chapter seventeen



I wasn't supposed to tell anyone. Not even Kyle. I shouldnt be telling Cade right now, but I let it slip before I could stop myself, and now I cant help but tell him. "After Kyle... Well I guess you guys, left, I was absolutely broken. I'm assuming you know about..?" He nods so I continue. "Yeah. So, I wouldnt stop. It got to the point where I was hospitalized three times in a week, and they finally put me in the mental hospital for about six weeks for my mental illness, to make sure I stopped. It worked for a bit, but not long. Maybe a week? Yeah, I think so.

"Anyways, I picked it up, and didnt stop. Not until I was almost too weak to walk. I walked outside. Down the street. Until, I hit the highway. It was icy. Cold. I went to a patch of ice. Mustered up all the strength I could, just so I could feel the pain. I waited until a car was going faster than the speed limit, and made sure to go just as it hit the edge of the ice, and then jumped out. The car didnt have time to stop, and it slipped. I remember the impact. The pain as the car hit me, after the adrenaline wore down. The blurry outline of the person as they came running from their car, to see if I was okay. Then it went black.

"Bam. I woke up two months later, with severe amnesia, I didnt even remember myself, but it slowly started to come back to me. I found out that I dad visited me three times, the entire two months I was in the hospital, and by that time, Tiffany had come and found him. Told him that after my mom and him got in a fight, and he went and cheated on her, that he got Tiffany pregnant. They got married and her and her stupid son made my life a living hell.

"I started again, but this time not as bad. It continued that way for four years until I got caught when I was 16 by Sky, and got put in the hospital again. That time, I got put in for about a month and a half, and in that time, just became numb. People at school made fun of me, locked me in closets, and the torture continued at my house. So it was better the be numb. Not feel anything. But that had to stop once we came here." I sigh at the end of my story, and finally dare to make eye contact, with the owner of the emerald eyes that haunt my dreams, and he doesn't look happy. 

At all.

"You tried killing yourself?? Is that what you meant by 'I should be up there with you,'??" I dont answer, just look away. He takes the hand holding my own, away, and I go to move my hand, but he growls, "Dont. Move. Matt." I return my hand to it's original position on his chest, and dont look at him until he grabs my chin to make me look at him. "You tried... killing yourself." He seems to choke on his words, and I know he can see the tears pooling in my eyes.

"I...I...I'm sorry!" I sob and he pulls me against him, in a tight hug.

"Shh... Shh... Its okay Matt. You're better now. It's okay. You're strong. You can do this. Shh..." He soothes. And I thought I had mood swings. But, I have to admit, him stroking the back of my head and back, is very comforting. 

"Knock knock!" The cheerful voice of the doctor pulls us slightly apart, but he still holds my hand. "Good, you're awake. You look much better!"

"Umm... Thanks?" I respond, unsure of how I should. He types at the computer attached to the wall, and then comes over to me and directs me to stand up so I hesitantly do, knowing I'd have to let go of Cade, and I dont really trust the doctor. He just gives me a bad feeling in the pit of my stomach when I see him. Kind of like Cade's dad. But I do it anyways, and he begins making me do the post concussion procedure. It's done quickly and he tells me I can go get dressed in clean clothes and leave any time. I look down and realize again that I'm not wearing my original clothes. "Um, okay. Thanks." He leaves and I turn to Cade. "Who changed my clothes?"

"Uh... Um..." He clears his throat and looks down with his cheeks tinted, while he rubs the back of his neck.

"Cade!" I shreak. My cheeks heat up, and I look down.

 "I'm sorry! You're clothes were all muddy and gross and- and- um..." I cant help but laugh at his flustered state again, and he looks up shocked. "Are you laughing at me?" He gets off the bed slowly and takes a step towards me. 

"No, why would I do that?" I mock.

"So, you're laughing at me?" He takes two steps forward, and if he took one more I'd be in arms reach, so I take a step back. He lunges at me, taking me in his arms, and starts tickling my sides. 

"No! C-Cade p-please! No! C-Cade!" I attempt to get out, but it basically comes out in gibberish between laughs. I'm bend over already trying to get him to stop, and hes over me, so in attempt to make it so he cant see the bulge growing south, I fall the my knees, letting the over sized shirt I'm wearing fall over my lap. 

"Say you're sorry." He demands, never ceasing his actions.

"No!" I laugh.

"Say it."



"N-no!" I feel tears rolling down my face from laughing so hard.

"Is everything alright in there?" Kyle's voice breaks through my laughing. 

"Yeah, great." Cade tells him.

"No! H-help me!" I laugh as he tickles harder and continue to struggle. The door opens and Kyle bursts out laughing. 

"Nah. Have fun." He laughs and goes to leave.

"N-no! Kyle! I t-thought we w-were fr-friends!" He just chuckles and leaves. "Okay okay fine! I'm sorry!" Cades tickling stops and he chuckles.

"Good boy." He helps me up but I turn my back to him, trying to figure out how to hide my... issue. So, I cross my arms over my chest to make me seem mad at him.

"I'm not a dog you know." I huff. I feel arms wrap around my stomach, a little too low for comfort in my current situation. His chin rests on my shoulder I turn slightly to look at him, and find his lip stuck out in a adorable pout.

"I'm sorry." He states in a baby voice. 

Ugh. Hes going to be the death of me. "Aww is the poor baby-waby so sad?" I mock in my own baby voice, and ruffle his cute messy hair. I turn in his arms, ignoring what I've been trying to hide, and rise my hand up, going past his scowl to his nose. "Boop!" 

He looks baffled. "Did you just... Boop... Me?" He asks, stupefied. I nod innocently and he raises an eyebrow. "That's a new one." I laugh at his statement.

"You're girlfriend has never done that?" Comes out of my mouth before I realize it, and I instantly tense. I had completely forgotten. The air becomes thick with tension. "Um," I clear my throat. "I'll go put, um, these on." I tell him, and rush off to the bathroom.

Chapter eighteen



By the time they said I could leave, it was too late for me to go home, so I stayed there again. But this time, they brought me upstairs to their house and let me stay in a guest bedroom, despite Mr. Evergreen's evident dislike for it. The morning was weird though. I woke up in Cade's truck, in new clothes, and we were on our way to school. "Cade?" I ask in a raspy voice thanks to me just waking up.

"Morning sleepy head." He chuckles. "You wouldnt wake up this morning so I just carried you here." He laughs again, but there is a certain edge to his voice. I cant tell what though...

"Okay..." I don't bother asking about the clothes. I already know the answer to that. "Shit." I mutter, remembering that tonight is the stupid dance I have to attend.

"What's wrong?" He asks, concern lacing his husky voice.

"Oh, nothing. Sorry. Just remembered that I never got clothes for tonight."

"That's fine. As long as you have black pants and a button up, you're good. No one will care. Plus, people dig the messy, 'I dont care' look." He assures me as we pull into the school parking lot. I nod and grab my bag... wait, how did he get that? Noticing my confused facial expression, he says, "I had Kyle drive your car to your house and tell your parents you wouldnt be there for the next few days since you needed to study so you'd just stay here, so he grabbed your bag while he was at it." I nod again.

"Who's clothes have I been wearing then?" I ask, though I have a faint idea because of the scent radiating off of them. He points to himself and I wonder why he didnt just say it, when I see a small girl running up to us. Shes about 5' 2" with silky blond locks, framing her heart shaped face. She has a cute little button nose between two hazel eyes. Not to mention a killer body. I mean, shes super fit! I'd be dying already, and her breathing doesnt even falter as she launches herself at Cade.

"Hey babe." She says with a smile on her face after he spins her around and releases her from there hug. Now that shes on the ground she turns to me. "Hi! I'm Callie!" She holds her hand out with a welcoming smile, and I'm shocked. This is his girlfriend? They are nothing alike! Hes all... grrr, all the time, and shes this little ray of sunshine. I take her hand in mine and finally remember how to speak after Cade chuckles a bit.

"Oh, right sorry. I'm Matt." I introduce myself. I cant help the pull I feel in my chest as I watch her grab his hand, but how could I ever dislike her? I mean, she seems so nice. She seems like the type of person who wouldnt hurt a fly. Plus, it's a silly... crush I guess. Hes her boyfriend, I'm not getting between that. I mean, I wouldnt even if she was a complete whore, cause Cade deserves so much better. I'm just a piece of trash, while hes over here looking like a fucking God.

"Oh, so this is Matt! I've heard so much about you!" She squeals. 

What? Who would even talk about me? "Y-you have?" I ask, in a small voice.

"Of course! I swear to you, those two never shut up about you. Babe, hes not annoying. He's so sweet!" She turns around to Cade with a smile on her face. His eyes widen and I choke on my laughter at the look on his face, I cant even describe it. He glares at me and shakes his head but the corners of his soft-looking lips tilt up anyways. "Yeah, Kyle and him get in fights all the time over you."

"T-they do?"

"Mhmm!" She hums with a smile. Does she stop smiling? I hope not, it's good some people are still happy in this fucked up world. "Kyle says what a great friend you are and Cade is always denying it and saying that you came in between the friends and that you're annoying but," She leans to my ear and whispers, "I can tell he's lying. He enjoys your company a lot."

"Okay! This has been great, but we should really get to class." He exclaims. He places his hand on the back of my neck lightly, just enough to guide me forward, quickly. He rushes me to my first class dispite my many protests.

"You're not in this class..." I state when he sits next to me. 

"I am, I just never go to class. I'm in all your classes." He says nonchalantly. I stare at him dumbfounded. Okay then...

"Hmm. Mr. Evergreen. How nice of you to join us." The teacher comments, with evident annoyance in his tone.

"Aww thank you Mister Jones! I wish I could say the same for you but I dont really like you so..." He trails off and puts his arms behind his head with his feet on the desk. Before I can stop myself, I smack them off. The laughter rippling through the classroom stops and even the teacher stares at me like I've grown two heads, opposed to his recent glare towards Cade.

"You know him? And you arent punching him by now?" He asks me and then turns to Cade. He sits up and turns to me. 

"Did you just hit me?" He asks. I nod and reach up to his face.

"Boop." I boop his nose and ruffle his hair, ignoring all the flabbergasted people around me. Cade huffs and crossed his arms over his muscular chest. 

It takes Mister Jones a few moments to snap out of his dazed state. "Um, okay. Let's uh, get started, shall we?" He starts the lesson and I spend most of it kicking Cade under the desks. He kicks me back and we just keep going back and forth, as the rest of our classes go. At lunch, he sits across from me and we start kicking each other again, and then I realize something is off. I look to the right of Cade and see Callie.

"Oh... H-hey Callie." I stutter, and cease my attacks on her boyfriend. It pains me to say that, but as I said, I cant bring myself to not like her. This would be so much easier if she was a bitch. Why did Cade have to have good taste in girls? She strikes up a conversation, but I cant bring myself to join. I stare off into space, when I feel my phone buzz in my lap. I look down and open the new message, and find that it's from Sky. She just wants to know if I'm okay since I havent been home. She also wanted to know if I was going to the dance. 

I tell her I am and then the bell rings and we go to class, where I certain someone sits by me, giving me the perfect opportunity to attack his legs with my feet again.

Chapter nineteen



I decide on a light blue button up, with black slacks for attire to the winter dance. I figured the blue was like, snowing or something? I don't know, I just really don't care about this stupid dance. I mean, who likes to embarrass themselves in front of everyone with their stupid dance moves? Like, hello, we see you, you can stop now. 

A honk from outside breaks me from my self-pity for having to go to this messed up event. I say a quick goodbye to my dad, ignoring the two people by him. Tiffany wiggled her way back into my dad's life, and I really wish he would just tell her no. They should get a divorce, and then I'll never have to deal with Wayne again. And, with being the best lawyer around and having lots of connections, I'm guess he could get full custody of Jade.

 Anyways, the car honks again and I rush out to meet George, Tessa, and Kyle in the car. I sit silently in the back, while they all mess around and sing goffily, reminding me of the days at my old high school. It's only been three weeks? Feels like a life time. I remember sitting back, watching everyone with their friends, being happy and excited over the littlest things, because they were with the people they cared about. I didnt have that for six years. I guess that much alone can take its toll on you. Damn, now I'm really in a bad mood.

Whatever though I guess. 

"Yo, Matt, you coming?" George asks, jumping up and then running, his chocolatey skin glimmering in the string lights hung between the street light poles for the event. I get out of the car, and immediately want to turn about. I dont belong here. I should be alone, away from any social interaction. I feel my breathing quicken, but at the same time, I dont have enough energy to breathe that fast, so soon black dots fill my vision, and I have to sit down.

My friends leave me, and I scan over the crowd, not looking for anything specific, just observing what's happening about me. Colorful lights flash, meeting the beat of the fast pace song. Most guys are wearing something close to mine, and the girls are all wearing basically summer dresses, which is sort of ironic considering the theme. That's when my eyes land on the happy couple. Cade catches my eye and smiles, saying something the Callie and then they walk over. "Hey Matt!"

Hey Callie. Cade." I slowly stand up and feel myself sway a bit but I straighten up before Callie noticed. Cade doesnt though.

"Are you okay?" He asks. 

I nod and look at my shiny black shoes. "Yeah, fine. Just not used to going to things like this. Makes me nervous." I explain. 

"Oh, I totally get that! Come dance with us?" Callie asks, pulling me by one hand and Cade by the over. The song that comes on happens to be This Town, so it's a little slower. Callie latches on to Cade's neck, and I instantly back up. This is a private moment. And a painful moment to watch. I shrink back to my seat, not wanting to embarrass myself. Ugh. "Hey, where'd you go?" She asks after about 10 minutes.

"I..." I obviously couldnt tell her, 'Oh it's nothing Cal. I just secretly really like your boyfriend but you're a great person so I cant do anything bait it.' Stupid. "I, just didnt want to intrude on a private moment, and dancing isnt really my thing. I'm sorry." She shrugs and sits next to me.

"How are you? Cade told me that you had to stay with the pa-" She stops mid sentence cut off by an obviously fake cough, and starts again. "A family friend who's a doctor?" I nod. "He didnt tell me what happened though."

I decide the best thing to do, is probably not lie. Too much. "We got in a fight, and it turned physical, but it was fine. I just hurt my hand, which didnt make a dent in his stupid face." She giggles at this. 

"I like you. You're hilarious. Wanna get some fresh air with me? This is a little too thick for me." She says, standing up.

"Sure." I stand up and walk outside with her. I find Cade in the sea of people, and he looks like he could use some help, and I cant help but laugh and point him out to Callie. She laughs at the sight. Kyle is behind Cade holding his arms and making him waltz with George, while Tessa is doing to same to him. Kyle kicks the back of Cade's knee, making him dip George, and he immediately straighten up and goes back to waltzing the a very unmatched beat. Seen as the song is 'Can't Hold Us', I'm surprised that they are letting them do this to them. Cade looks over and sees us laughing so he glares, before Kyle makes him spin around, but it's a very slow spin since Cade isnt exactly cooperating. 

Callie and I walk outside, still laughing. "That was the best thing I've ever seen." She laughs.

"Yea-" I'm cut off by a scream and then I realize said scream came from me, when strong arms wrap themselves around my stomach.

"That's the best thing I've ever seen." A familiar voice says behind me.

"Shut up." I grumble, pouting like a child. Cade chuckles but doesnt let go of me. I notice that were his arms are tingles and got warm, but I ignore it. Everyone gets warmer when someone is by them. "You're warm." I say, going closer to him to heat my frozen body. I'm a freeze body, so I dont know why I thought coming out here was a good idea since I'm just in a button up. Callie giggles.

"You two are dorks." She laughs.

I put my hands over my heart. "Aww thank you!" I gush and then put my hands down, but it ends up being over Cade's hands, but I don't move them. Cade chuckles and goes to say something but gets cut off.

"Hey Matto! Come on, dance with us!" Kyle yells from the door.

"Its been fun, but I'm being summoned, so adios. I'll see you guys later, okay?"

"Okee dokee," Callie says at the same time Cade says, "Alright." But he doesnt let go.

"Umm Cade?"

"Hmm? Oh yeah, right." He is still hesitant to let go, but he eventually does. 

What a strange guy.

Chapter twenty



Callie laughs and I look at her confused. She is the most beautiful girl uve ever seen, (besides my mom and Matt's mom but you know what I mean) with long blonde hair, and brown eyes, a cute button nose and full lips, but that's just it. Shes the most beautiful girl. Not person. "What?" I ask. She sighs and walks closer to me, putting her hand on my cheek.

"You are so in love and you dont even know it." She shakes her head and smiles.

"W-what? Cal, what are you talking ab-bout?"

"Cade, if it were me, we would know already. Honestly, this hasn't felt romantically right from the beginning. You are more like my best friend, and I'd like it to stay that way. But we both know, that nothing could break what you feel for Matt, and he deserves you too." She says with a genuine smile. "Say you'll still be my best friend?" 

"Of course Cal." I scoop her up in a hug and look down at her after shes back on the ground. "Thank you so much." 

She nods and blushes when she looks down. "And... I found him."

"Really?? Who?" She found her mate but was still with me?

"I just found him tonight, if that's what your wondering." She assures me. "His name is Jake. He came with his sister since she refused to get a date."

"Oh." I look down, wanting to go do something but I'd feel rude doing so.

"Go get 'em tiger." She punches my arm playfully and smiles at me and then walks with me in the building. "Good luck." She says, but it sounds like a whisper compared to the loud music. 

"You too." I smirk when I see her go towards a man with a blush coating her cheeks. I take a deep breath and walk over to my friends. "Hey." I say solely to Matt.

"Hey." He turns to me with a smile. 

"Can I talk to you?" He nods and follows me back outside. A breeze drifts through the air, and I sigh in contentment. Werewolves are naturally a lot hotter so the cool was really nice. Although, Matt doesnt share my opinion, as he shivers. "Still always cold?" I chuckle and give him my leather jacket I brought along.

"Thanks... Yeah. I guess." He looks away.

"What's wrong?"

"I just... I still don't remember you at all. All I remember is your eyes, which is just weird. You know me but I've only known you for five days. I can't imagine how it would be if I actually remembered you. I already feel really close to you. What did we even do when we were kids?" A thousand memories flash through my mind.

"Umm... Just, normal friend stuff." I tell him. "So anyways, Callie and I broke up..." 

He looks super shocked. "What? But you two were like, the definition of couple goals! I'm so sorry! Are you okay??" He asks frantically.

"Yes." I laugh. He looks up at me hesitantly. "What?" I ask, pushing him to ask what he wants to. He's had the same look since we were little.


"We just realized that we were right for each other. That maybe seeing other people would be better for us." I take a chance and look him directly in the eye while I say this, and I hear his heart beat speed up. 

"O-oh." He chokes out. His breathing becomes erratic and shallow as I look between his dark, captivating eyes, that are bouncing back and forth between mine. "I-" He starts but doesn't continue. I start to slowly lean down and-

"Matt! Come on, you'll freeze out here!" I hear my brother laugh. Stupid Kyle. Matt jumps back and looks up at me with flushed cheeks. Kyle walks up to us, obviously taking note of the fact that Matt was in my jacket, but he says nothing. "Hey, George and Tessa are waiting for you. You should go, we'll meet you in there." He says, faking a lighthearted tone. The hesitancy in him movements shows that Matt noticed too, but as Kyle did before, he doesn't say anything. He nods and leaves without looking back. "What the hell??" Kyle asks, dropping the act as soon as he's out of earshot.

"What?" I ask shocked at his out burst.

"Really Cade? Callie finds her mate and you're all over my best friend?" His face is flushed with anger and I look away.

"What are you talking about?"

"I saw you too. I get that you know he's gay and all but you don't have to use that as a reason to use him to get off." He spits and I struggle to keep my jaw off the ground. How can he even say that?? He's my brother! He's supposed to love and support me, not think I'm some ass looking for something to shove my dick in. I wouldn't do that. Not to Matt.

Before I can stop myself, I have Kyle's shirt in my death grip, pushing him up against the brick wall of the school building. "Kyle? Back the fuck off. You don't know what I feel, or who I feel it for, so before you go around making assumptions about what I want, or what I'm doing, fucking ask. Its none of your fucking business what I do with my life. The only thing that concerns you is that I'm your fucking alpha and you need to remember that before shit goes down. Do you fucking understand me?" 

"Woah Cade. Calm down, you'll have a forced shift." Kyle says after I put him down, smoothing out his now wrinkled dress shirt. "Look, I don't know what your up to, just stay away from Matt. He can't handle being hurt again." He tells me coldly.

"Really? You act like I didn't know him before. Care about him before. He was not only in your life Kyle. He was my life. Speaking of, it's my life. Not yours. Stay the hell out of it." I growl harshly. He opens his mouth to stay something but I walk away, shaking my head.

Chapter twenty-one



That was... Crazy. Intense. But over all, the night was fun. Cade came in with Kyle, looking mad at first but after a bit he was better and started talking and laughing. We decided to all come to my place after. "Come on in." I unlock the door and then open it like a butler would. They laugh and walk in. 

"Hey Matt- Kyle! Cade!" Skylar runs down the stairs to us and gives both of them hugs, before turning to George and Tessa. "Hi. I'm Sky, Matt's sister." She holds out her hand and Tessa takes it and introduces herself, but when she gets to George, being the 'People Person' he is, he pulls her into a giant hug. She looks shocked but Pat's him on the back awkwardly. 

"Hey Sky, um is..." I raise my eyebrow and sort of shrug, silently asking if Tiffany and Wayne are around. She shakes her head and I relax. 

"They'll be here later." She says quietly. I tense again, but realize that someone like Cade would notice so I try to relax, but it doesn't really work. I nod, and invite them to the kitchen. "Jade got a last minute invite to her friends sleepover so dad drove her out there, and he decided to go to work and work on a case. Tiffany and Wayne went out but I'm not sure where." She tells me, holding me back so we don't bring them into our family drama. 

I nod again, and try to push them out of my mind. "Wanna hang out? They all like you. Well, George likes almost everyone and Tessa will like you a lot." She says okay and we go into the kitchen. "Do you guys want to stay the night? It's already midnight. Tessa, you could borrow Sky's clothes and you guys could borrow mine or my dad's." I suggest. They all agree to it, and call there parents to tell them. "I'll race you to my room!" I shout and dart out of the kitchen. I realize that they have no idea where my room is and laugh at it as I hear people shouting and laughing while running behind me. I reach my door and am about to open it when I am grabbed by my waist and lifted up with one arm while Cade opens my door and rushes in with me still held securely in his arm. "Hey! Not fair!" I pout like a child, slumping down in his arms.

"You never said there was no touching." He points out. I huff and cross my arms over my chest. Kyle freezes when he walks in and then bursts out laughing. Tessa, George, and Skylar follow. "Hey Sky, you sleeping here too?" He asks my sister.

"Nah. I'll hang out for a bit but my bed is my bed." She laughs. Cade, Sky, and I pile on my bed while Kyle, Tessa, and George sit on an ottoman bench at the end of my bed. "So... Truth or Dare?" Sky asks, wiggling her eyebrows suggestively. We all agree and she looks around, looking for the first victim. "Cade. Truth, or dare?"

"You know I never back down from a challenge." He winks. "Dare." 

"Hmm... I dare you to be in just your boxers the rest of the game." She raises one eyebrow, challenging him to back down. He glances at me and he gulps, his Adam's apple bobbing. Damn, that was hot. He nods and goes into my bathroom. When he comes out he's in just blue boxers, hugging his no doubt massive package in all the right places. I look away so that I won't drool. 

"Pervert." I whisper to Sky when no one can see. She laughs and its Cade's turn. 

"Matt." He states, and I looked around helplessly, before pointing at myself. "Yes you. Truth or Dare?"

I gulp. "Um... Tr- Dare." I change my mind. 

"Let's see here..." He goes into deep thought and it's then that I notice that he's sitting on my bed in just his boxers like it's nothing. I feel a blush coat my cheeks. "I dare you to sit on someone's lap for the rest of the game, in just your underwear." He smirks. I gulp again.

"D-does it matter who?" I ask, as I feel my blush worsen. 

"Why doesnt everything be the person to your right, if a specific person isnt named?" Tessa suggests. Fuck.

"Alright." Cade smirks at me. He happened to be, the person on my right. I gulp again and go to my bathroom, stripping of my clothing, and hesitantly walking out. I walk over the my bed and sit down, almost on top of Cade,  trying to get away with it, but my plan doesnt work as he pulls me directly on top of his lap. I yelp in surprise and everyone laughs at me. We go on for a while, the entire time Cade has his hands tightly grasping my waist, before it gets back to me. And this time, it's from Sky.

"Truth or Dare?"

"Um, truth." I say.

She thinks for a moment. "Okay, is it true, that you like someone in this room?" She asks, and I feel Cade's grip tighten and him get tense.

"Uh, I think I'll do a dare." I say with a blush.

"Okay, I dare you, to tell us who you like."

"Skylar! You can't do that!" I protest, suddenly feeling trapped.

"Yes I can. It isn't in the rules that you can't." She counters. 

"I'm done. The game is over. It's getting late." They all protest and ask why, and through the noise, I can just barely hear tires rolling up the driveway. "Cade, let me go." I panic, sort of shaking. 

"What? Why?" He asks confused, and everyone stops talking at the look of terror on my face. 

"Let go." I push up trying to get away, but his grip only gets tighter. Then he demands to know why. "Just let go." He finally let's go and I quickly rummage through my drawers to find sweat pants and I t-shirt. I grab the first I find, which is black sweat pants that has 'Stop Looking At My Dick' printed on the front, which probably isn't the best choice considering who I'm about to face, but it's better than nothing. The shirt is just a plain white t-shirt. I rush out my door, to the kitchen, to make it more believable that I'm getting drinks or whatever. I open the fridge door right when I here the front door open.

"Hey faggot, isn't it a little past your bed time?" Wayne walks in, shoving the door as he does. 

"I wouldn't do too much, I have friends over." I tell him quietly.

"Psssst. You? Have friends? Good one." Tiffany and Wayne both burst out laughing. 'I warned them' I think. I roll my eyes and walk back up stairs with six bottles of water in hand. "All those waters just for yourself?" Wayne asks following me up.

"Don't come in here." I tell him and go to shut my door quickly but his foot stops it. 

"Why not?" He shoves his way in and opens his mouth to make fun of me for something, when he freezes. "Umm." He chokes on his words. "Have a g-good time t-tonight bro." He says, scrambling out of the room.

"Who was that?" An angry looking Cade asks, standing near the door.


Chapter twenty-two



"No one. It's just my step brother." I go to walk around him, but his hand shoots out and grips my arm. 

"Can we talk?" He asks, trying to remain calm, but I can see the party of emotions swirling around his deep pools of green. I gulp and nod. We walk out of my door, and I see Wayne closing his door. With asigh, I lead him downstairs, and luckily my stepmom isnt there. She probably left to go to some party, even though after looking at the clock on the stove I see that it's already 2:30. Knowing my dad though he won't be coming home until tomorrow. 

"What's up?" I ask innocently once I'm sitting a safe distance away from him on the counter.

He looks at me with sheer disbelief written all over his handsome face. "I heard what he said. Do they always treat you like that?"

"Why were you listening anyways?" I ask, avoiding his question.

"Answer the question Matthew." Normally I hate my full name, but God, when he says it, it so unbelievably sexy. 


"Sometimes." I answer vaguely. He raises an eyebrow daring me to lie again. "Damnit, why the hell do you know me so well?" I ask, throwing my hands in the airfrustrated. They slam down on the counter as Cade takes three steps forward, getting a few steps away from my spot on the marble.

"We were close." He states huskily, taking two more steps forward, now only about a step away. He looks at my face and I study his, noticing that his eyes bouncing back and forth between mine. Before I know it, he has closed the space between us, putting his body between my legs. His hands cup my cheeks, and he continues gazing at me. My legs hook themselves around his knees and pull him impossibly closer. He takes that as I go ahead and plants his luxurious lips over mine. I swear it's like the Fourth of July right here, with him. Sparks seem to be flying every which way and the world around me starts spinning as I get lost in the taste of his lips. 

My hands snake themselves around his neck, and I play with the hair at the bottom of his cleanly shaven do. He groans against my lips and I feel myself get harder then I was before. My tongue swipes across his lip, needing more. He opens his mouth and we momentarily battle for dominance of it, but I quickly give up that fight letting him take over. His hands crawl down my arms and on to my waist, yanking me against his growing member. I suck in a breath and he chuckles. My hand travels from his neck down to his boxers, and I palm him through them. This time it's my turn to turn to chuckle, as he suddenly bites my lip in surprise. He groans again but doesn't stay from his mission right now, which from the way he's rubbing against me, even with my hand between us, I'm guess is making me moan. 

Little does he know, I'm not a moaner, so-

His hand- at an inhuman like speed- slips into the waistband of my sweatpants, and he brushes his fingers against the cloth covering my erection, and I pull away, taking a sharp breath, and letting out a breathy moan. I pull my hand from between us, and bring it back up to his neck, and slam his lips against his, making his smirk disappear. "Hey! You guys done talking yet?" We hear Skylar call and where as I went to jump away, he grabs my neck, kissing me one last quick time, before pulling away. I jump down and start walking towards the stairs. "There you are. You've been down here for like half an hour." She says and walks back up.

"Really?" I ask, looking at the clock on the digital thermostat, seeing that it is in fact, almost three in the morning. "Hmm. I hadn't noticed." I hear Cade chuckle behind me and smile. I've known him for five days -at least from my point of view- and he just makes me happy. We get back to my room and I bounce on my bed and it dips down when Cade sits on the edge. We talk for a while before we all get super exhausted and decide to get ready for bed. I send Tessa with Sky, and give George and Kyle my dad's clothes, just because they didn't want to steal mine, cause knowing them, they won't want to change in the morning, so I grabbed some of my dad's clothes from when he was a teenager from the basement. Then I ask Cade what he want as I walk through my door, holding blankets and sleeping backs for everyone, to find him digging through my closet.

My heart speeds up, but them it calms down when I remember I found a better hiding spot. "Sorry, I hope you don't mind, you just seemed busy." He explains.

"No no, it's alright. Find anything good?" I ask goofily.

"Very." He replies, looking me up and down. I gulp for the fifty-thousandth time tonight as he finishes picking when he wants to wear. He picks gray sweatpants, most likely because they are one of the more baggy things I have so they'll be more comfortable on him since he's taller and stronger than me. Then he chooses a black t-shirt and lays down on my bed next to me. The others come in soon after from where they were changing, and Sky says good night to all of us and that she had fun. "So who's sleeping where?" Cade asks me.

"Um... You and Kyle can have my bed and-"

"Nah, I'm good on the floor." Kyle interrupts, smirking at me, and suddenly I think he might have seen the kitchen scene. Oh shit.

"Me too." Tessa, and George reply at the same time. They both pick their sleeping bags and blankets before I can say anything. Great, now I'm stuck sleeping in the same bed as Cade. I mean, I'm not complaining, it's just, the others may suspect something or, or maybe-

"Settle down." He whispers in my ear, almost inaudible. I'd turned off the light and crawled in my bed already, and I could feel my heart beating out of my chest. He wraps me in his arms and places my head on his chest. I hear his heart beating, and it eventually lulls me to sleep.

Chapter twenty-three



I groan when I wake up. An excruciating pain swirls around my head, and I grab it. I haven't felt this pain in years... I get up, struggling to escape Cade's death grip, and rush to the bathroom. I go to grab some tylenol but I see that I'm out. Shit! It hurts so bad I can't even describe the pain. A distance knock registers, along with Cade's voice, but it seems miles away. Everything around me starts spinning as I fall to the ground, and the last thing I see is the door opening. 




I feel Matt slide out of my arms and I'm disappointed. I guess this time is just like the last. Kiss and leave. I know that this may not seem like a big deal, but for me, it was more than just a kiss. It was me saying how I felt about him and how he felt about me. Why am I turning into a girl? I hear Matt groan, but it's pained. I get up, and walk towards the door. I knock and speak softly, "Matt? Is everything okay?" I don't get a response, but I hear a thud, which is all I need to burst through the door. "Matt??" I ask again frantically. My breathing stops when I see him slumped on the ground, passed out. The first thing I do is check his pulse, which thankfully is still going strong. "Guys hurry! Get up! We have to take Matt to a hospital!" 

They are up in a flash, along with Skylar. "What's wrong?" She asks, panicky. 

"I-I don't know. He just passed out! W-we have to get him to the hospital!" I get Kyle in my truck and put Matt between us, while George, Tessa, and Sky pile into Kyle's SUV. I speed to the hospital, and pick him up bridal style in my arms, rushing to the doors of the emergency room. I don't know what's wrong with him so I'm not taking chances. They take him and tell us to wait in the waiting room. Sky goes to call her dad and Jade to explain what's happening. Tessa goes with her, leaving Kyle and George with concerned looks on there faces, and me not able to even sit down, super stressed. What if he's hurt? What if he loses his memory again? What if he... he... dies? What feels like days later, which was probably like an hour, I hear drunken slurs from the lobby.

"Where is my son?" The man asks, but it sounds more like, "We are is ma sloon?"

"Sir, you are drunk. We have to ask you to leave." One of the nurses states. I peek out and find Lawrence Frey,  Matt's father, swaying a dangerous amount. 

"Kyle! Lawrence is here, and he's drunk. You need to bring him home before they arrest him for drinking and driving." I tell my brother. 

"I'll do it." Says George. Damn, I've never seen him this stressed. I guess Matt really did make a huge impact on all of us in such a short amount of time. He gets up and walks to Lawrence where he puts an arm around his shoulder and says to the nurse, "I'm so sorry. We got the news when I was driving him home, I told him to stay in the car. I'll get him home now." He smiles politely and leads Matt's dad to Kyle's car. I go back to pacing, impatiently awaiting the news. George soon returns and says Mr. Frey is safely in bed.

About half an hour later, a doctor comes out and says, "Matthew Frey?" 

"That's us." I make my way towards him, so fast I almost trip over myself multiple times, with everyone close of my tail. "Is he okay??" 

"He's alright, just a bit shaken up. He had amnesia a while back according to his records, and from what he said, he got more memories back. He should be fine soon, he just got a minor concussion from hitting his head on the vanity. You can go in now- just not all at once." He tells us. Kyle and Sky go in, then I let George and Tessa go in, just so that I can go in myself, but I'm super freaked out. 

"Go ahead." Tessa pats my back with a smile and I take a deep breath, and enter his room.

Chapter twenty-four



"Hey Matt!" "Look at this-" "Matt! I-" "Matt?? Are you okay??" "Hey, what's up?" "Matt..." "What happened?" "Those bastards are gonna get it, I tell you-" "No no no! You're okay. Come on, we'll get through this. Together." 

"I lov-"

I wake up with a jolt. What the hell? I just... Remembered Cade? Not all of it, but enough to know how close we were. I look around and all I see is blinding white, but soon my eyes adjust enough to make out that I'm in a hospital room. 

"Mister Frey. I am doctor Drake Ramirez. We're glad you're awake. Nurse Lauren will ask further questions and I'll come back soon." The male doctor gives me a stiff, annoyed smile before leaving.

"Alright Matt- Matthew? May I call you Matt?" She stumbles on her words. She looks young though. Maybe 24, 25. At least some people still have manners in this fucked up world. 

"Its okay, you can. Most do." She asks me a few questions but seems very nervous after calling me Matt before she asked. "Its really fine." I tell her as she types my answers into the computer connected to the white hospital wall.

"O-okay. Thank you." She turns and almost bows, keeping her eyes downcast.

"Are you okay?" I ask, genuinely concerned. 

Her eyes water and her voice cracks when she says, "Yeah I'm good," giving away that shes lying.

"What's going on?" I ask.

"Oh, we're just asking questions to see why you passed out and-" she begins but I cut her off.

"Not with this. I already know why I felt so horrible and passed out. I got more memories back. I meant with you. What's going on with you?" It comes out a but harsher than intended and she flinches. "I'm sorry." I tell her quieter.

"I..." She looks like shes about to open up to me but then thinks better of it or something. "It's really none of your business." She states, trying to be confident but fails.

"Please?" I beg, giving her my best puppy dog eyes. 

She laughs at my sad attempts and shakes her head, almost sadly. "I'm fine. I just... I'm in a relationship right now and my boyfriend doesn't treat me all that well." She admits.

"Oh... Do you have your phone on you?" I ask.

"Of course, why?"

"I want to help. Let me put my number in and call or text whenever you need to." She looks skeptical, but after a bit more coaxing, she always me to do so. After that she finished up and leaves. Sky and Kyle come in first, making sure I'm okay and asking what happened, but after them being assured that I knew how much I worried them, and that I was fine, they left so the others could visit. George and Tessa come in, and Tessa has to pry George off of me. 

"We've been so worried." George tells me.

"Hey, hey, stop worrying. You'll get wrinkles!" I exclaim and he rushes to the bathroom, coming back relieved when he sees that he has no wrinkles on his annoying smooth skin. They say they'll see me soon and then leave so Cade can come in. A few moments later, the door handle jiggles as if someone has gripped it, but didn't move it. After about half a minute, the door opens and Cade is standing there with tears in his hypnotic eyes. He shuts that door and is in the bed with me, wrapping his arms around me, before I know it. I engulf and much as I can of his body into my arms, but in the awkward position, that's basically his head, since its resting on my stomach and he's curled up in a ball. "Hey..." I whisper, stroking his soft hair. 

"Don't scare me like that." His voice is muffled by my stomach, but the crack in it gives away his true actions. I lift up his face, and wipe the stray tears that have fallen from his eyes.

"Never thought I'd see the day you cried." I'm still whispering and I don't know why, but I say it with a soft smile.

He blushes, another thing I never thought I'd see. "Shut up." He pats the side of my thigh, so I scooch over a bit, and he slides up next to me, wrapping an arm around my shoulder and kissing my temple. I fling my arm over his stomach and settle into his chest. We lay there in silence for a while, before I fall asleep. "Matt." A soft voice whispers, pulling me from my slumber. I grumble something inaudible, and not even I'm sure what it is. "Hey, we can leave. Let's get you dressed and go, okay?" Now that I'm a bit more conscious I recognize that it's Cade. I semi nod, but he understands. Helping me up, he gets into new clothes, and then leads me out of the room and to his truck. Kyle, Sky, Tessa, and George pile into Kyle's SUV, and they all head to a diner near by. Cade told them that  we'll meet them there, and we leave in a different direction. We end up in a secluded forest around and he looks at me, straight in the eye, with fear written all over his face. "I need to show you something."

The seriousness in his voice and expression makes me close my eyes as I get a small wave of pain washing over me. 


"Matt I need to tell you something." Cade walks up to me. I get excited the closer he gets. I mean, who wouldn't want a big 13 year old talking to you when you're just 12?

"Yeah?" I ask childishly.

"I... forget it." He squeezes his eyes shut and starts to walk away but I reach out and grip his warm wrist. I give him my best puppy dog eyes and he finally gives me a small smile. "I... I don't want you to look at me any different... But Matthew, I like you. There's no logical reason for it, you're my friend and my brothers best friend but I do." He sputters out in a hurry. My cheeks flush. 

I've waited for this moment forever. "I like you too." I say quietly. 

"Really???" Cade's head shoots up and a huge grin break out across his face. And that's when it happens. Little 12 year old me, had his first kiss with his crush from forever. My eyes flutter shut but we both pull apart when we hear Terrance's angry voice.

"Cade! Come on! Now." I smile when I glance back at his retreating figure as I run through the woods to my house.


"Matt?" His much deeper than then voice breaks through the memory and I gulp. "Are you okay?" I just nod, trying to catch my breath. Holy shit. What the hell? "Okay, well I don't want you to look at me any differently." I don't want you to look at me any different. I shudder the echo away and focus on him. "Come on." He tells me and gets out of the car. I follow suit and he turns to look at me. "Stay here." He darts into the forest and I wait patiently. A huge lump forms in my throat when a wolf steps out from the trees. A very familiar one at that.

"C-Cade?" The wolf walks forward slowly and sort of nods. My breathing becomes uneasy as I look at him with wide eyes. "I...I..." I shake my head and the last thing I remember seeing with hurt flash across his captivating yellow eyes before I run back the way we came. 

Chapter twenty-five



I'm not sure how far I ran but suddenly I find myself lost in the trees. I decide the just walk from here, since both my legs and my lungs are burning at this point. I see more light than I have for the past while so I walk to it, and find an opening in the trees. Walking through, I hear growls and suddenly it's all too familiar. This is where I first came with the wolf- Well I guess Cade... "Stand down. Matt? W-what are you doing here?" Kyle chuckles nervously. 

"Cade. He-he went in and came out and suddenly he was-" I stutter, falling into my best friends arms, beginning to hyperventilate. 

"Breathe Matt. I can't have you going to the hospital again." Kyle wraps me up in a half hug and begins walking to a porch on the largest house in the circle of them. "What happened?"

I take a deep breath. "Cade, told me that he had to show me something, and he went in the woods. He came back and he was... He was a... a..."

"Shit." I hear Kyle mutter under his breath. "Matt, please just hear us out-"

"Oh my God." I cut him off, the realization just hitting me. "You're one too." I shoot up and off the wooden swing he had sat me on, and out of his embrace. "When were you planning on telling me you're a fucking supernatural creature???" I'm yelling at this point. 


"Kyle? What's going on out here?" Mrs. Evergreen comes out of tree he house through the screen door, and it slams shut behind her, making me flinch. 

"I gotta go." Despite my unfit-body's protest, I run out of there as fast as I can, and end up on the side of the road leading to my house from school, so I run as long as I can in the four miles to my house, and walk the rest of the three. Considering we left the hospital at about nine in the morning, and I just got home at five P.M., I'd say I need to exercise more.

"Matt!" Skylar slams her body into my with a bone crushing hug. "Where have you been?" I hesitate before answering that. 

"Just got caught up with Cade and Kyle. Sorry." I give her a slight smile. 

She nods and drags me up the stairs to where my dad I'd laying on his bed. "Dad came to the hospital yesterday drunk off his a-" She coughs -Fakely- Cutting herself off. "Really drunk, and George had to drive him home." She explains. 

"Have you given him any Advil?" I ask. She nods and I go to my dad. "Hey dad. You okay?" He groans.

"I should be asking you that." He grumbles.

"I'm fine. You should get some more rest, you look exhausted." I tell him, and with a squeeze of his hand, leave the room. "Where are Tiffany and Wayne?" I ask. 

"Oh yeah... Dad let it slip while he was drunk. He got fed up with them and finally told Tiffany they're getting a divorce. Jade was with them last night, so she just got dropped off since dad actually has a job and home. We all think he'll win custody. She's sleeping right now." 

Wow. That's... Great! I have to go tell Kyle and Cade the- Um...


I feel my smile fade at the thought of them. After saying bye to Skylar, and go to my room. How could they just not tell me something like this?? I mean, they had to have known before we lost touch. Ugh! My anger towards them soon turns to sadness and I feel tears pool in my dull eyes. Silent sobs wrack through my body, until it feels as though there is nothing left in me. I check my phone and find that I've missed about fifty calls- twenty-one from Kyle and twenty-nine from Cade- along with about one hundred text messages. Those come from Cade the most, Kyle the second most, and then a few from Tessa, George, and Sky from earlier today. I ignore all of them, but listen to the few voicemails I have.

"Matt, please pick up. Let us explain. Cade is going ballistic. Please. I'll be here when- if you call back." Kyle sounds really upset. He has a few more, about the same as the first, and then I find the one from Cade. 

"Matthew pick up the fucking phone. Please! I need you. Please Matt. I should have told you, I know, but just let me explain. I wouldn't wouldn't tell you lies. Please..." Just before he hangs up I hear a heartbroken sob leave his mouth. I almost call back, but my inner voice stops me. 

Oh come on. You know better than that. Like he'd actually miss you. Need you. He just wants to humiliate you.

That's enough to make me stop. It's right. He wouldn't care. He'd just show off the weak human to all his... wolf friends. I cry a little longer, but once again, I've run out of tears. I glance towards my closet, and gulp, although that's quite painful given my recent actions. I get up from my place on my bed and open the door. Digging to the back of a shelf, I find the shoe box I keep everything I can fit from my past in there. There is a letter than has my name on it, but in a rush I simple throw it to the side, and I'm unsure of where it landed. I feel a poke and smile while I pull out something I haven't felt in three years. The cold metal feels great on my warm hand and I know it'll feel even better deep in my arm. 

Chapter twenty-six



Fuck! I knew it was too early but no. I had to tell him. "Cade!" Kyle runs to me. 

"What?" I growl. 

"You should have told me. You wouldn't have told him so soon if he wasn't your mate." I choke on nothing as he says that. I haven't even really said it to myself yet so... "Whatever. Just call him. I've already tried for a while and it isn't working. I'll keep texting him. And thanks a lot. Now he hates me." My little brother shoves past me to get up the stairs to his room, making sure to hit his shoulder against mine. 

I take a deep breath, and try to ignore it. Now he's not even picking up! I finally give up after about 30 unanswered calls and leave a voicemail. Then I decide to go for a run. I can't be cooped up anymore. I've cried enough today. I never cry so this is new to me. My mate rejected me. I shift to my wolf and let him take over. I can't even think right now. I can still see everything he's doing, but I can't physically make him do anything, easily at least. Before I know it we're in a familiar neighborhood and Axel stops in front of Matt's house. Axel let's go. He refuses to leave, and then a scent over powers Matt's, but only by a little. I've spent enough time around it to know the smell of blood. But this is mixed with Matt. With means he's bleeding. Before Axel can stop me I push through and take control back and rush to get the clothes I had in my wolf mouth on before running to the door and knocking frantically. A groggy Lawrence opens the door and freezes when he sees me.

"Cade? Is that really you?" I nod and he laughs. "How have you been, son?"

"Um fine... Can I talk to Skylar?" I ask. He nods and lets me in his home, making the smell of blood even stronger. "Thanks." I say over my shoulder as I run up the stairs. "Sky." I knock on her door and she looks confused but lets me in. "Okay, I'm just going to come out and say it. I'm a werewolf and so are Kyle and Drew. I told Matt and he ran off. Did he seem off earlier?" I ask.

"Um... kind of I guess?" She looks shocked and her eyes widen as what a said finally sinks in. "You're a-" My hand flies over her mouth since she was yelling. 

"You can't tell anyone. Promise me." I tell her. She nods slowly and I grab her wrist. Dragging her to Matt's room, I burst through the semi open door to find Matt laying on the carpeted floor. Blood is dripping from his arm so he's lucky it landed on the tiled bathroom. "Get a first aid kit." I tell Sky. Despite her shock of finding her brother this way, she jumps over him into the bathroom while I do the standard things like check his breathing and pulse. She finally finds a first aid kit and I riled it open to grab some soft cloth from it, applying pressure over the direct wounds. "Reach up, and grab the pressure point in his upper arm. It'll help the bleeding stop." With shaky hands, she does it. Throughout it, I keep checking his pulse, but it's not working. His pulse keeps going down. 

"Come on Matt." Skylar whispers under her breath. Her heart is beating erratically, and so is mine. I must say, I've never been this afraid. 

"Sky, don't freak out. But I have to bite him. It'll give him my fast healing and at this point it's our only chance to save him." She takes a deep breath and nods. My canines come out, and I lean down to his neck. With a deep breath I plunge my sharp teeth into his flesh, and his sweet blood flows into my mouth. My saliva will transfer some of the fast healing, so he should be okay. I pull my teeth out quickly, so that I won't transform him into a wolf. 

"Isn't that how people turn??? Or whatever you call it." Sky is freaking out. 

"Yes but I pulled out fast enough, I think." 

"You think???"

"Calm down Skylar! It was the only chance we had! It'll be fine!" I growl, my worry getting the better of my temper. She looks frightened and I immediately feel guilty. "I'm sorry." I say quietly. She just nods and looks at Matt. Suddenly, scaring both of us, he shoots up, out of breath. He looks around and gulps when he sees me, and again when he sees Sky. He goes to get up in a rush, putting pressure on both wrists, and he falls back with a groan when he feels the pain in his wrist. He looks down at it. And then up at Skylar. 

"S-Sky." She gets up with glistening eyes and he gets up after her. "What the hell are you doing here??" He asks as I follow him outside where Skylar went. 

"I just saved your life thank you very much." I spit back. 

"Well maybe I didn't want to be saved." With that he runs as fast as he can after Sky. I would have too, but his words made me freeze. Was he trying to kill himself again? Or was almost dying an accident? With a sigh, I follow his scent and find Sky and him sitting on a thick log, talking. "Sky, I really am so sorry. It was an accident." I guess that answers my question. "Everything was just over whelming. I didn't mean to. I should have gotten rid of my blade before but I was weak. I'm so, so sorry."

"So why didn't you tell me? Was I not enough?" Her saying this reminds me of right after their mother died. 


"Cade... What did I do?? Why wasn't I enough?" His heartbroken voice asks. 

"No no no! You're okay. Come on, we'll get through this. Together." 

"Are you sure?" He sniffles and hides his head in my chest. 

"Of course. You're stronger than you even know."


"No! No of course not! You are. You are I promise. I just didn't know how to describe how I was feeling. But now I can. Do you wanna hear it?" She nods and wipes her nose with the back of her hand, before slumping into his body. He wraps one arm around her and kisses her forehead before talking. "Okay. I feel sad, I feel angry, and I feel betrayed. But at the same time, I feel loved, and supported. You know why?"

"Why?" Sky shakes her head. 

"You. Sky, you're always there for me, and I love you so much. You know what we're gonna do? We're gonna go back to the house, and we're going to throw that stupid blade away. Okay?" She gets excited and nods. They both get up, and Matt doesn't even glance my way as he passes me. I follow them back, not creepily of course, and surprisingly, Matt leaves the door open for me. I shut and lock it, and then get to his room just in time to see him gulp and squeeze his eyes shut while he throws the blade in his trash can. Sky picks it up, brings it outside, and throws it in the can for the garbage people to take. That's not saying he couldn't get another, but I don't think he will. "Wait Sky. Please don't tell dad. He'll make me go back... I can't go back there." With pleading eyes, he asks. She hesitantly nods and leaves the room, leaving it just him and I. 

Chapter twenty-seven



I shouldn't have said what I said to Cade, but it just came out. I don't even know how I woke up, or when I passed out. I went too deep and I know that, but I swear it was an accident. Sky leaves and I turn to Cade. "What were you even doing here?"

"I was on a run." He explains. "Somehow I ended up here and smelt blood."

"Right. With your wolf senses." I scoff. 

"Yeah well without those 'wolf senses', you'd be dead." He bites back, and I flinch at the coldness in his voice, and eyes. I feel a sudden tingling between my neck and shoulder, almost like a spider is crawling on me. I rush to the bathroom to look in the mirror, and my eyes widen at the sight in front of me. 

"What the hell did you do to me?!?!" I exclaim, motioning to the two scabbed over holes in my neck. 

"That was the only way you were going to live and I couldn't have dealt with you dying and knowing it was my fault!" He throws his hands up in defeat. "I'm not as strong as you." I freeze at his words, as does he. "Matt-"

"No no. I get it. Thank you. For finally admitting that my mother committing suicide, was my fault!" I stagger back and grip the counter as yet another memory comes back to me. 


"Mommy! Mom! Look at this!" I hold up my very first working paper airplane for her to see. 

She barely even looks at it. "Yeah yeah, that's great honey, why don't you go show your father." Her hands grip her head as she stares blankly at the desk. 

"You didn't even look!" Me being a petty eight year old, I had to throw a tantrum.

"Yes I did. Please just go show your father." I've never seen her like this. She's always smiling, and happy. 

"Mom, what's wrong?"

"Nothing. Just go." She tells me. 

"Fine! Whatever! Don't expect me to ask ever again though!" I stomp out of the room, after my exaggeration, and find my father. "Dad, look at this." I throw my plane and it lands on his head. "Oops." I giggle. 

"Wow, good job buddy! Hey, guess who's coming!" 

"CADE AND KYLE!!!" I scream and dance around the kitchen. The doorbell rings and I rush down to get it. "Cade! Come on, mom will be so excited!" I run upstairs, not waiting for him and barge into my parents room. "Mommy Cade and Kyle are-" The sight I saw next will he forever engraved in my brain. My mother, the woman I loved more than anyone and anything, hanging from a ceiling fan, with a rope around her neck, and a chair underneath her. "MOMMY!" My screams echo throughout the entire house. I fall to my knees, and Cade is suddenly by my side, pulling me into his lap, hiding my face from the horrific sight. "DAD!" I sob. "PLEASE! PLEASE MOMMY NEEDS HELP! MOMMY! NO-NO-NO." I sob against Cade, never letting go of his shirt and my dad rushes in, and freezes when he sees my mother. 

"Lily! Lily please wake up, love. Come on. Please. Please. Come on." My dad gets her down, begging her to get up, but she never does. Ever again. 


I remembered all of that, except for the part with Cade. "You were there. With me. You never left my side..." I mumble.

"Yeah. I always promised you I wouldn't." He smiles sadly. "I'm so sorry Matt. I didn't mean it that way. It wasn't your fault, remember? Your dad told us, she saw something she shouldn't have. She was getting threats, they were going to kill her family, so she did what she had to." My heart stops at his words. 

"W-what?" I step towards him. "That never happened- I was never told of that. I...I... It wasn't my fault?" He shakes his head and I can't stop the tears that fall from my eyes as I fall into his chest. 

"Shh. It's okay." He soothes.

"Thank you. For saving me. I'm just... shocked. Why would you tell me?"

"Are you sure you want to know?" He asks softly.

I nod against his warm chest. 

"You're my mate."

Chapter twenty-eight

 ~Matt~   *14+*


"What??" I look up at him since I don't want to leave his embrace. "B-but I'm human. And a guy. That can't happen can it?" I've read enough books to know a bit about it, I just didn't ever think it was real. 

He shrugs. "Apparently it is." He cups my cheek in his hand, his lips just centimeters from mine. "But boy, am I glad it is." His lips descend onto mine, and the seriousness of this situation finally hits me. My life will never be the same after this... I mean, if he really is the leader as I previously thought, then he's an Alpha, right? I know I said I didn't really pay attention in Science, but like I said, I've read enough book to know. I just didn't know it it was the same for real wolves. "Stop thinking." He demands, and parts my lips with his skilled tongue. He plunges it into my mouth, and suddenly a whole new side of me comes out, that I didn't even know I had. 

*If you don't feel comfortable skip to the next bolded part*

I battle his tongue for dominance, and end up pushing him back until he lands on his back on my bed. He bounces on the soft bed, and I put my legs on either side of him in a straddle position. He pulls back, looking at me confused, and I lean down to his ear, whispering in what I hope is a husky voice, "Let go." He groans as my tongue darts out, licking just behind his ear. His head drops and I kiss him again. I trail my lips down his neck, while unbuttoning his shirt. He somehow shrugs it off and I keep doing down, until I get to his very defined v-line.

I glance up at him, and he's propped up on his elbows looking down at me on my knees in front of him. He groans. "Matt..." He doesn't even attempt to say anything else, just dropping his head back. I slip his sweatpants down, leaving him in just boxers to cover his rock hard package. I take a deep breath, a few old insecurities coming back, but i let this new, bold side take over for the time being. I remove his underwear from his delicious tan body, and Cade Junior springs up. I smirk up at him.

"Really?" I ask, bringing my face closer to him. He groans again and I take him in my hand. The sexiest moan I've ever heard leaves his lips, and I hold my free hand to my lips. "Shh. We wouldn't want to wake up my sisters... or my dad." He nods quickly and practically thrusts up into my hand. "Impatient are we?" I start stroking slowly, painfully, but it was worth it to see him struggling to hold back his moans.

"Matt please." He groans again. I've never seen him this vulnerable... I kiss the tip, and lick down his hard shaft, until I reach his sack, and go back up. I lick around the tip and without warning, take all of his eight inches, into my mouth. I hold back a gag, and bob my head up and down, careful not to scrape my teeth against him. He moans again, and it doesn't take long before he spills his seed down my awaiting throat. I swallow all of it, enjoying the saltiness of it.

*Scene done*

I crawl up next to where he's moved on my bed, going to my pillows. "Wow." I whisper. 

"Wow indeed. I've never seen that side of you." He turns to face me on his side. 

"Me neither. I didn't know I had it in me."

We lay in silence for a while, just cuddling, before he says something. "Top or bottom?" I choke on nothing, and look up at him. 

"Excuse me?" 

"Are you, a top, or a bottom?" He asks again. My cheeks turn bright red as I look up at him. 

"Umm... I've only ever has sex once... But I was a bottom." He nods and all goes quiet again. "What about you? Oh wait, you've probably never done it with a guy..."

"Or at all." He says, and when I glance up at him, his face is even more red than when he came.

"Wait really? Mister Tough Guy, is a virgin?" I raise an eyebrow at him. He looks away and shrugs sheepishly. I smirk and raise my lips to his ear. "Don't worry... I'll be gentle on you... At first." I whisper and lick the sensitive spot behind his ear, making him shudder, before going back to my previous position, cuddling in his arms, like nothing happened. 

He chuckles and wraps a protective arm around my body, pulling the blanket he currently has draped over him, over myself too. "You are one in a million." It doesn't take long for the sound of his steady heart beat, to put me fast to sleep.

Chapter twenty-nine



That was the craziest thing I've ever experienced. The warmth of his mouth... His skilled tounge. Just the sight of him had me unraveling within just a couple minutes. The only thing I didn't like was the fact that he'd been with someone. As soon as those words left his mouth, I felt Axel burning with a desire to rip that bastard's throat out. I feel him stirring next to me, and when I look down, he's looking up at me with sleep-blurred eyes. "Good morning beautiful." I say, kissing his forehead. 

"Don't call me beautiful." He rasps out. 

"But you are." I protest, like a child. 

"Fine. Good morning Pup." He plays with my hair and I shrink into it. I didn't know this could feel so good!

"I can live with that." I sigh happily, and snuggle further into Matt. That's when the news hits me again. "Who was he?" 

"Oh God. Really Cade?" He groans. 

"Yes. I want to know. Was he good? Was he bad? Did you love him? What age? Why did you? What was his name?" I press.

"Fine. I was 16, he was okay I guess, but he barely even went in, and no I didn't love him at all. I don't know why. He came to me one day, said he might be gay and wanted to experiment." He answers.

"You're missing one." I tsk.

"What? His name? Cooper Brown. Happy now?" I nod and go back to cuddling with him. I soon fall asleep again, but a knock on the door jolts me awake. I wrap the blanket securely around my waist, high enough that who ever came in wouldn't be able to tell I was naked, just before the door opens. 

"Hey Matt, is Cade here? Ahh, there you are. Your dad is here, wants you home." Matt's dad says, looking at me.

That's when I remember my clothes are sitting in a pile on the floor, so I lock my gaze with his, practically daring him to look away, so that he won't look down and see it. "Alright. I'll be right down." I give him a slight smile, and he nods slightly confused, probably from the awkward staring contest, and walks out. Matt and I scramble out of the bed, me throwing on clothes, him throwing on a more presentable outfit than sweatpants that say, 'Stop Looking At My Dick,' and no shirt. He throws a black t-shirt over his head, and quickly pulls on jeans over boxers. I put my clothes from yesterday on, and we both exit the room, going downstairs. "What are you doing here?" Is the first thing I ask when I see my father. 

"You didn't come home last night. I figured you'd be here with your boy toy." He looks at Matt with disgust. 

"Excuse me? You act like he's a hooker." I go in front of Matt, so that only half of him is showing. 

"May as well be." He scoffs. That's when I snap, lunging towards him, but Matt grabs my arm, so between that and Mister Frey stepping between us, I can't. 

"You can show yourself out. And don't bother coming back." Lawrence snaps. My father glares at all of us and goes to storm out, but he stops and turns around. 

"I at least want my son." He growls.

"I'll come back when you're gone. And just you. I expect you gone by tomorrow, and I expect everyone else to be there, happy and healthy." I growl back, but he can't disobey me, since I am now the alpha. He shakes his head and this time, really does storm out. How hard he slams the door rattles the entire house. "I'm so sorry Matt." I immediately go to hug him, and he wraps his arms around my, tightly, for a human. After I pull away from him, I turn to his father. "I'm really sorry Mister Frey. I had no idea he would say such a thing, and Matt totally did not deserve that. I'm so sorry, here, I'll get out of your hair-"

"Nonsense." He waves me off. "You and Kyle are welcome here anytime." I thank him, and we all walk to the kitchen. We don't even get to say anything before Jade and Sky burst into the room. 

"What happened? Oh, hey Cade. Again..." Skylar looks at me confused, but I just nod, telling her he's fine. I'm glad I pulled out soon enough, or things could have been pretty bad for Matt. I mean, he'd be a new wolf, so a bit more aggressive, and he'd have to lie to his family. For a bit at least.

"My dad stopped by and wasn't too happy with me. It's fine though." I shrug, and Matt looks at me, as if he was trying to figure me out. He shakes his head and looks at me disapprovingly. 

"Oh. Okay." She shrugs tiredly. Matt laughs.

"What were you doing all night?" He asks and she blushes.

"Shut up. Nothing." She denies. I see Lawrence give them a look, and they both go quiet. For now. I can see the look in his eyes and it makes me laughs. 

I sling an arm over my mate's shoulder while I say, "Ahhh, siblingly love, aye?" He laughs at me but doesn't push me off. I'm guessing it's partly because you can still see the bite marks from yesterday. Faintly, but they are still there. They probably will be for about two days. Mister Frey asks Matt to grab plates for the breakfast he is making, and so, much to my dismay, he shimmies out of my grip and grabs plates. He turns towards me, and I instinctively look at his neck. 

Holy shit.

His bite marks are gone. 

Yeah, my speed healing should have transferred to him, but only for a few hours. It's been more than a few hours. "Cade? Are you going to eat or just stand there?" Matt laughs, patting the seat next to him at the table everyone is sitting at, staring at me. I nod and sit down, ignoring my thoughts. 

It's nice to feel like a have a family again.

Chapter thirty



Having Cade laughing and getting along with my family was nice. It was also a plus to know they liked him. "No! A hot dog is not a sandwich." I protest. 

"But it is! It's just like half a sandwich, when you fold it in half." Cade counters.

"Sorry Matto, but I'm with Cade on this one." Sky says, walking to the side of the island Cade is standing on. We some how ended up in the position, across from each other, in the middle of one of the many debates we've had this mor- well afternoon now. It's close to two o'clock in the afternoon. 

"Me too." Jade shrugs, going over with him.

"Dad!" I whine like a toddler. 

"Fine. Fine. I'm with you, it's just not a sandwich."

"Hmm... well that's too bad. It's three to two Matthew. Looks like I won." Cade taunts me. I stick my tounge out and mock him, making everyone laugh. 

"Okay, you can't disagree with me on this one..." I start, and then realize that I still haven't thought of a topic. "Alright, I got it." They look at me expectantly. "Pineapple belongs on pizza." I say dramatically. 

"Alright alright, you got me there." Cade comes over to my side, as my dad joins the girls on the other. 

"Ew no." They all drag out at the same time. We laugh, and Sky opens her mouth to say something, but the doorbell suddenly rings, scaring me so bad I scream. They all laugh at me, so I stick my tounge out and walk down the stairs to the front door. I swing it open and I kid you not, slam it shut when I see who's on the other side. I walk back up the stairs, and my dad looks at me confused. Well, everyone does, but my dad is the first to speak. "Who was it..?"

"Ding dong ditcher." I laugh. My father and Jade believe me, but Skylar and Cade don't seem that convinced. I'm guessing Cade can probably smell the person. I shake my head, and Sky finally says her topic.

"Okay, so. Winter is better than summer." 

"Are you crazy? It's freezing out there right now." I scoff. Cade shrugs and walks to the side with all my family on it. "What?" I act hurt, grabbing at my heart, causing them to laugh. There is an impatient knock at the door and I sigh. "I'll get it." I start to walk to the stairs, when I feel Cade by my side. 

"I'll go with." He states, making me freeze and turn to him. 

"N-no. You don't have to. It's just a ding dong ditcher again..." I laugh nervously. 

"You know, you're right. I'll go alone." He starts walking past me so I put my hand over his chest to stop him. 

"Fine. Just don't say anything." I tell him and he nods hesitantly. I get to the door and open it a crack. "What?" I ask flatly. 

"Please Matt." My ex-step brother begs. 

I glance at Cade for a moment, and then look back at Wayne. With a sigh and nod, I walk out into the cold. It's not actually too bad out right now, despite the white snow grounds. "What?"

"I'm so... so sorry. I swear it wasn't my choice. It was mom's." He exclaims.

"Don't call her mom, like she's my mom too." I growl, suddenly very angry. "You have no idea what you did to me. You made my life hell and I'm sure as hell not going to forgive you for it. Leave." I step closer to the railing next to the concrete stairs. 

"Matt I'm so sorry. She made me! She knew how I felt about you..." He says the last part quietly. 

"How you felt?? What the hell Wayne??" I practically shout. He looks at me and the next thing I know, he's in front of me, pressing his lips to mine. I push him away, with more force than I meant to, making him stumble back. I feel the railing hit my back, but I don't stop. I feel myself begin to flip, and Cade bursts through the door and Wayne yells. I see Cade reach for me, but even with my extended arm, it was just too late. I see him begin to run down the stairs, and then I feel excruciating pain when my skull connects with the driveway. I hear a scream, more than just my own, and look up to see a faint outline of both my sisters and my dad, all leaning to see me.

"Matt. Matt! Are you okay? Talk to me beautiful. Come on." Cade falls to his knees beside me, and I can see tears pool in his eyes as the pain begins to subside and I get my vision back.

"I'm fine, Pup." I smile. He gives me a slight smile and puts his hand on my cheek while he lifts me onto his lap. 

"We have to get you to the hospital." He tells me. 

"No. Not again. I hate that place." I protest, giving him my best puppy dog eyes. 

He chuckles. "Matt, you just fell seven feet on your head." I sit up.

"No Cade. I told you I'm fine." I touch the back of my head. "See, perfectly fine." I show him. 

He looks behind me. "But Matt... There's blood right where you landed." 

"So? I just still have your speed healing." I make him look me in the eye. "I'm good Cade." I peck his lips, and blush instantly. It deepens when I remember that my family is there. Cade follows my gaze, and he zeros in on Wayne.

"This is your fault." He growls. 

"What?" My dad turns to look at him sharply. 

"I- I'm sorry. It was an accident I swear!" He begins backing up, down the stairs. 

"I don't want to see you, or Tiffany on my property again." Wayne nods and his command, and rushes away. My dad and sisters rush over to us. "Are you okay?" He asks worriedly. 

"Yeah dad. I'm good." I smile. 

And for the first time since my mother's death, I truly mean it.

Chapter thirty-one



"So, when were you two going to tell us?" Jade asks when we're back inside. Sky smirks at us, apparently knowing, but my dad nods. 

"I don't know. Whenever." I shrug, embarrased. I'm glad my family didn't see what really happened, or they wouldn't have believed me when I said I was fine. They laugh and Cade turns to my father. 

"Would you mind if I took Matt for a while? Just to talk to Kyle." He asks, politely. 

"Sure, I think that would be just fine. My only condition is that he's home my ten. You guys have school tomorrow." I nod and give them all a hug, and then go to leave. "Woah, Matt. You gonna put a jacket on? You'll freeze." I nod again, and go throw on a thick hoodie. 

"This should be fine, it's been okay out today." I tell him. 

"Matt it's only 30° out. That's really cold for you." I just shrug and walk out the door. 

"You coming?" I laugh. He shakes his head and rolls his eyes and he runs after me, but I don't miss the smile that graces his lips. About twenty something minutes later, we arrive at what I found out was the pack houses. Werewolf family's could live in smaller houses throughout the land they owned, but the really large house I was apparently in before, was for the Alpha and his/her family, the Beta and his/her family, and finally the Delta and his/her family. The Alpha is obviously the highest rank, then Beta is like the right hand, and Delta (for Cade's pack anyways, he said it may vary depending on what pack/ country you are from) is like the head of the warriors. Warriors are exactly what they sound like. If there is a dangerous rouge wolf, they fight them. Those are the ones that pinned me the first time. That's what most others are. But there are wolves that just stay and take care of the children, and hunt for them. 

We get to the house, and Cade and I quickly go to Kyle. I also found that Kyle is the Beta, and Drew is the Omega. "Matt!" Kyle rushes up and looks like he's going to hug me, but hesitates. I open my arms and it doesn't take him even a second to crush into me. He gives me a bone crushing hug, and I finally pull back when I can't breathe. "Sorry." He chuckles. He looks at Cade. "And when sir, were you planning on telling me he's your mate? Also, did you actually kick father out? He came in yelling yesterday, grabbed his shit, and left saying he'd join Uncle's pack." 

Cade laughs. "Yes indeed I did. And I didn't want you to kill me for stealing him." I laugh with Kyle and Cade suddenly gets a sparkle in his eye. "I want ice cream. Let's go." He grabs my hand, and pushes Kyle towards his truck. He somehow put me in the middle of them, since it was a two seater, and Kyle gets in the passenger side. "Now you'll stay warm." Cade smirks. I shake my head with a smile, as he starts theengine. He reaches over and turns the heat on for me, even though it'll make them super hot. He leaves the driveway, and starts driving to this cute little ice cream parlor. Without warning, I get super hot, and attempt to yank off my hoodie, while being squished between the too. "Jesus Matthew. Are you okay?" Cade asks when I finally get it off. 

I nod, hoping the air against my bare skin would help, but it doesn't. I turn the AC onto max, and that's when Kyle gets concerned. "Woah Matt. What's wrong with you? You're always freezing." 

"No I'm fine." I assure them. 

"What the hell?" Kyle asks. "You fucking bit him??"

"He saved my life Kyle. And it wasn't long enough to turn me-"

"Fucking hell." Cade suddenly says. He pulls into the ice cream parlor parking lot, and looks at me. "I'm so sorry Matt." He says, looking at my neck. 

"What? You said it wasn't long enough." I try to say confidently, but there is a slight quiver in my voice. 

"I said in was pretty sure, it wasn't long enough." He runs a hand through his soft, now disheveled hair. 


"Matt, I turned you."

Chapter thirty-two


A few months later                 April


I've never felt so alive. These past four months, Cade has been training me. He's taught me to fight, shift, stop a forced shift (a shift caused by strong anger), and even all the things that can hurt a werewolf. I ended up telling my family what happened about two weeks ago, and they took it surprisingly well. I moved in with Cade, but I still drive Sky and Jade to school everyday. George and Tessa welcomed me right into the pack, along with most others. Some didn't like the fact that I was male, but they'll have to deal with it. 

"Alright class. Today is Friday, so you'll have minimal homework. Just rereading pages 346-367 and answering questions 1-10. Alright?" My science teacher tells us and I groan. I hate science. I miss chemistry, not physics. Ugh. The bell rings and everyone rushes out to get to lunch. 

"Hey Georgie." I draw out. 

"Yes Matty Poo Poo?" He says in his best girly voice. I hear our friends laugh behind us, and feel Cade come up to my side. 

"George Dallas, are you trying to steal my man?" He accuses. 

"Nah. I'm good." He laughs and turns back to looking where he going. His face turns into a snarl as a low growl leaves his lips. I burrow my eyebrows, confused, and turn to the sight before us. Sky is against the lockers, with Drew in front of her. She's laughing and he looks like he's about to lean in but George rushes up. "Skylar! Just the girl I was looking for. You wanna eat with us?" All the grades lunches got moved to the same time recently, so sometimes she'll sit with us. Drew pulls away quickly and Sky looks over. 

"Umm... Sure." George smiles at her and that's when it hits me. 

"Holy. Fucking. Shit." I mutter.

'What?' Cade asks through the mate bond. 

Without bothering with that, I say, "Sky is George's mate." Cade brusts out laughing and everyone looks at us. I raise an eyebrow at him and he goes serious. 

"Wait, really?" He asks. I nod and we look at George. He's concentrating on Sky though. "Um." He clears his throat. "Let's go." 

"I'm just gonna sit with my friends." Drew says, and kisses Sky on the cheek. We start walking, and I look back when Sky does, to see Drew now kisses a different girl. 

"He... He's cheating on me?" Oh yeah, did I forget to mention they're now dating? She takes a deep breath, squeezing her eyes shut, and opens them again. She stalks up to him before I can stop her, and pokes Andrew on the shoulder. He pulls away and his eyes widen when he sees her. He opens his mouth, but she talks first. "Quite the friend. We're through." 

"What? No! You can't do that."

"You may be my brother's, boyfriend's, brother, but yes I can." She growls back. 

"You'll miss me." He says. 

"No I won't. I found someone better." He looks confused.

"What?? Who?" 

"Me." George is by her side in a flash, and everyone's eyes widen. Sky just nods, and he grabs her hand, dragging her back to us. Once we sit down, she finally finds her words again.

"T-thank you." She says, blushing and smiling at him. 

"Anytime. Don't let him get to you, gorgeous." He brushes her hair bhlehind her ear, making her blush harder. It's like catching her boyfriend cheating never even happened. Once George tells her, I'm guessing she'll be seeing Drew more, since he still is in the pack, so it's probably good there's no bad blood.

"Careful there buddy. She is my sister." I warn jokingly. Everyone kind of goes into they're own bubbles, so Cade starts talking to me. 

"Hi Beautiful."

"Hey Pup." I reply with a smile.

"How's your day been?" He asks.

"Great. You?"

"Now that I've seen you? Wonderful." He gives me a quick kiss. 

"Aww you're too kind." He chuckles deeply, and then stares at me. "I love you." He suddenly says. 

My world stops then. Alright, maybe my life wasn't the best so far. I've lost a few things, been heartbroken, suicidal, and so many other things. But right here, right now, I realize, my life couldn't have been better. Yeah I'll still always miss my mom, but I have my family, right here. They are all I need. And my story is just beginning. 

I give him a deep kiss.

"I love you too."





The End.

Hey loves! I really hope you've enjoyed this! I'm actually pretty proud of this. It took forever, but I think it turned out pretty good. I'd love to hear what you think, so let me know in the comments, or by liking it! Thank you for reading, and I hope you all have a great life! Stay safe! XoXo


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 20.03.2020

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