
Chapter one



 Hi. I'm Emma Winters. I'm turning 18 in about a month, and the day I do, I'm moving out. I've lived with my abusive father since my mother's disappearance 12 years ago. Sometimes, just sometimes, I can make it the morning without getting a beating, but I always get one in the afternoon, unless he is drunk off his ass and cant find his way back home. Today, was not one of those days. I almost make it out the door when I hear his bedroom door fly open.

"Emma!" He shouts. I make a split second decision, a dumb one, but a decision none the less. I dart out the door and make a run for it to school. I hear far away footsteps pounding behind me, but once we make it into town he'll leave me alone. He can't let his secret get out. This'll make my punishment tonight after work twenty times worse, but it'll make me not late to school. I yank up my hood over my head and slow to a walk one I reach the doors to the school. I keep my head down, so that if my foundation uncovers my latest bruise, it wont be as noticeable. I almost make it to my first class when I run into someone.

"I'm sorry..." I say, helping her clean up her books.

"It's quite alright! Say, it's my first day here, do you think you could show me to-" she's cut off by the two biggest jerks in school. The populars. Luckily, their girlfriends arent with.

"Yo Shrimp!" He calls to me. He sees me handing the girl her last book and says, "Dude." He smacks his friend Xander, getting his attention.

"What Steve? Oh look at this. Shrimp has a friend. How cute. You know Shrimp, your friend is pretty hot. She'd be a good-" He gets cut off by a guy stepping between them and us.

"Do we have a problem here?" He asks.

"N-no." Steve stampers. "We were just uh... Congratulating Shrimp on getting a friend. Congrats!" They run down the hall way and out of the school, when the guy turns around.

"Are you okay?" He asks the girl, not giving me a second glance.

"Yeah." She says and turns to me. "I'm Jessica by the way. You can call me Jessie though. Oh, Troy this is my friend..." She turns to me meaning I should say my name but I'm shocked. I haven't had a friend in years.

"Uh... Emma.... Emma Winters." I say.

"Yeah. This is Emma. Emma, this is my twin brother, Troy." My eyes drift to the God like figure before me. I notice the similarities between them. They both have black hair, piercing blue eyes, tan skin. Although, he looks more like a bad boy. He has the leather jacket, tight shirt, black jeans. Just everything about his screams bad boy.

"Okay. I'll see you later." He states once again without ever looking at me.

"Well isn't he just a ray of sunshine." I murmur under my breath. Jessica hears it and giggles.

"Yeah. We definitely have different personalities. You should sit with us at lunch!" She suggests. She's very bubbly. I like it. Its better than my mad, or depressed personality. 

"Sure. What room were you looking for?"

"B206." She replies as we start walking.

"Cool, me too. Lemme see your schedule." 

Chapter two



"Hey!" Jessie slides up next to my locker on the way to lunch.

"Hey." I reply. We start walking and when she sees her brother she grabs my hand and drags me over to him with her.

"Hi Troy!" She exclaims slamming her lunch down on the table and me down next to her.

"Hi." He says with no emotion. "Why is she here?" 

"Because she's my friend!" She says.

"I can leave..." I tell them.

"No!" She says at the same time he says, "Okay."

"Umm... I'll just go..." I try getting up but she yanks me down.

"Nope. He has to deal with it." She starts an entire one sided conversation, mostly because she just kept talking, but also because, I kept stealing glances at Troy. A couple times, I saw him already looking at me. He quickly looks away and before I know it, lunch is over. "Alright, bye Troy." She says, super bubbly. Holy crap, can she ever be mad? She leaves me alone with Troy and all he does is glare at me. I get up without another word, and lucky me, when I sit down in my next class, Troy was at the door. I groan and burry my head in my arms.

"Bye Emma!" Jessica calls.

"K I'll see you tomorrow." I say going to work. I'm underage, but I work as a bartender. Once my shift is over I head the direction of "home". The second I get home, I know that my dad is high as fuck, but that just fuelled the fire.

"Hello, ungrateful piece of shit." He says from the couch he was recently passed out on. Before I can even make it up the stairs before my head is slammed into a wall. Dots fill my vision and before they can go away, his fist collides with my stomach. I grunt and lean against the wall as I continue taking blow after blow. At one point, he even threw a glass bottle right by my head. He snickers while he walks away, as I lay on the ground unable to move, for hours. I finally move, when my phone goes off.

"Hello?" I manage to get out.

"Hey! It's Jessie! How are you, girl?"

"Umm.... Great... You?" I lie.

"Pretty good. So, I was wondering... You, me, after school."

"Doing?" I start trying to walk but that was a big mistake. I slump against a wall and bite my lip to stop from making noise.

"Meet me at the local cafe!" She exclaims.

"Um... I don't know Jessie... I'm gunna have a lot of homework and-" I cut myself off before I can let it slip that that'll make my beating worse. Just when I'm about to continue, I feel a trickle of liquid down my face. Feeling it, I realize it's blood, coming from around my temple area. "Uh, I gotta go. Yeah I'll go to the café with you. Bye." I hang up and go to the bathroom as fast as I can. I shut the door, turn on the light, and look in the mirror. Stuck in the side of my head, is a piece of glass. Great, how am I supposed to cover that up? It'll show through the foundation... Yippy.

Chapter three



Looking in the mirror the next morning, I realize that it covers up easier than I thought it would. You can still sort of see it, but no one will notice. Besides my busted lip, everything is covered. 

Thanks sweaters and jeans. I think to myself. Without making any noise, I sneak downstairs, and out the door. I walk to school quickly and with my head down, trying to avoid people seeing my lip.

"Aye, Shrimp." I hear Xander say. "So, you gots yoself a little protector? Well maybe we'll give you something to need protection for." His fist comes up but a throat is cleared, and while I know it's Troy, and that I should thank him, I run as fast as I can to the nearest bathroom. That was too much like what happened years ago...




I could tell it was going to be his last one, because of how out of breath he was, but as his fist comes up, the door flies open and my best friend clears his throat.

"Motherfucker." John, my father whispers under his breath. 

"Henry, go!" I shout at him. But he doesn't.

"How could you?! She's your daughter! And she doesn't deserve this!" John goes down and grabs Henry by the collar and continually slams him into the wall before throwing his almost limp body down another set of stairs. Holy shit... My dad is a murderer...

"Now real shit is about to go down." He says, coming up to me. Soon, the entire house is filled with my screams.


*End of Flashback*


Tears flood my eyes but I push them back as I pace around the girls restroom. Everything is a little hazy but I hear the bathroom door open and Jessica's voice but after everything starts spinning, I pass out.




 "Troy!" My sister runs out of the restroom where I was waiting for her and Emma. Well, I was really just waiting for her, but after I told her about the thing in the parking lot and that she ran off, Jessie immediately ran to the bathroom.

"What?" I ask not moving from my spot against the wall, until she grabs my hand and drags me into the bathroom. "Jessie! This is the girl- Oh shit." Emma is laying on the ground, passed out. "When? How?" I kneel down next to her and check her pulse, which is still there thankfully.

"I don't know! She was just pacing and then she fell over! Help me carry her to the nurse!" She almost yells, but this is different than her normal bubbly yell. She's about to lose her shit. 

"Okay." Before Jessie can even get close I pick her up bridal style and rush out of the bathroom. Her limp head ends up resting on my chest, one arm is placed on her stomach, and the other is being held up by me. When we reach the nurses office, I set her down on one of the beds and as the nurse rushes over, I notice something on the side of her head. It looks like a deep cut she tried to cover up, and it worked, especially with her dark brown hair covering it, but once her hair had fallen out of her face, it was noticeable even through the foundation. She also has a busted lip.

"She should be fine. I'm guessing it was from a panic attack or something of the sort." The nurse says. I nod but dont move from my place beside her bed.

"Troy we should get to class..." Jessica starts.

"I'm staying here until she wakes up." I growl. I don't usually do that to my sister, so she looks hurt. "I'm sorry..." I only ever apologize to her. I stand up and wrap my arms around her for a while, when a stirring catches my attention.

"Emma!" My sister starts bouncing up and down. "You're okay!" 

"Yeah." She responds looking at me for a moment and then at the ground. "Thanks." She says, but to Jessie, not me.

"Mhmm. We should get going, you up for that?" Jessica asks. Emma just nods and gets up like passing out is nothing. I sigh and follow them out and to, second hour at this point.

Chapter four



"Yeah. I'll meet you there." I tell Jessie after school. About 15 minutes later I arrive at the cafe. I text her asking where she is when i don't find her. My phone goes off at the same time as someone else's, so I look up. To find Troy. I pull out my phone quickly and read Jessica's text.

Sorry. I set both of you up. Now talk. Have fun!

She sends a winky face at the end. I roll my eyes and look up to meet Troys unreadable gaze. I sigh and walk up to the table he's sitting at.

"I guess I should say thanks. For both things earlier." I say not showing any emotion in my voice.

"I did it for my sister, not you." He says with equal emotion. I roll my eyes in response. "What's with your lip and temple?" He asks. I gulp and my breathing quickens.

"Um." I clear my throat before continuing. "Nothing. I just feel." I lie, looking anywhere but him. "I gotta go." I don't give him a chance to respond before I literally run out of the cafe. I run all the way back to my house, because I was already late and no offense but if he's going to find out about John then staying there isn't worth it. When I get to my house there is another car in the driveway. A police car??

"Emma!" I hear behind me. Shit.

"Troy?!" I whip around and see Troy walking from his car, just as John opens the door.

"Hey-" He cuts himself off when he sees Troy. I gulp, as Troy gets closer.

"What are you doing here?!" I whisper shout.

"Well you ran off and dropped your phone so I followed you here. Is that your dad? What's with the police?" I snatch my phone from his hand and tell him I'll talk to him tomorrow. I dart up the stairs and past John, flinching when he slams the door shut. I throw my backpack in my room and slowly go to the living room.

"Hi honey. How was school?" John asks, in the sweetest voice he can. It may sound like a "loving father" to everyone else but not to me. I see behind it. 

"Fine." I respond sitting across the room, closer to the police officers. "Hi. How can we help you?" I ask.

"Well, we just wanted to check up on everything." The woman responds, looking directly at me.

"Yeah. Since your dad got arrested and his friend had to bust him out we'll be checking on you guys every month." The guy says, glaring at John.

"So, how is everything?" Its the woman again.

"Great." I lie trough clenched teeth. They stay for a little bit longer and I see them out. "Have a good night." I tell them. I walk back up the stairs and John throws another bottle. I shriek at the impact sending shards flying every which way, multiple in my stomach and arms. The doorbell rings and I start picking up the glass. John goes to the door and opens it.

"What?" He growls. I see two shadows but can't identify them.

"Hi!" I hear a familiar bubbly voice. Shit. Jessie and Troy. "We're friends of Emma's!" I ignore the pain in my stomach and rush down the stairs but throw on a sweater.

"Hey guys. Let's talk outside..." I slip past John and he kicks the back of my knee, causing me to fall into Troy as John slams the door. He catches me, but the glass presses harder into my stomach and arm making me groan in pain. "Sorr-"

"Are you okay?" Jessie cuts me off.

"Yeah. Fine. So what brings you guys here, again?" I look directly at Troy when I say that.

"Troy just said that there was police officers at your house so we came over. Right Troy?" She looks at her brother but he pays no attention to her as he narrows his eyes at me.

"What's with the blood?" He asks coldly. I look down and sure enough, the blood had soaked through my gray sweater. Shit.

"Well, I got my period and was sitting on this when it happened." I lied playing with my hair. 

"Typically that wouldn't be spreading." I gulp as I try to think of another lie but he just shakes his head and looks at his sister. "Why did you make me come over to check on a self centered, lying, brat?" My eyes widen and Jessie hits his arm.


"What? It's true." He starts to walk away, but the door opening behind me shoves me down the stairs into Troy, again. I land on top of him, who managed to land on his back, with his hands secured on my hips. I study his face and he does the same with me, when John ruins it.

"Alright, play time is over. Emma, house. Now! You two, can leave." I quickly get off of him and scramble up the stairs, muddering a goodbye to Jessie before rushing past John. Tonight, will be horrible.

Chapter five



I can barely move but I know that I need to, to get the glass out. I go to the bathroom and grab my first aid kit that has almost everything I need in it. About half an hour later, I have the ten pieces of glass out of my arm and stomach. I patch everything up, and get ready for school. When I get down stairs, John is already there looking evil as ever.

"So about those friends of yours." He sneers the word friends. "I wont be doing anything in the morning, because they look smart. They could find out. And we can have that, now can we?" I just nod and dart down the stairs and out the door. I run all the way to school and when I arrive I see Jessie leaning against a car talking to her brother. I walk up to them and the second Troy sees me he walks off.

"Hey..." I start.

"Hi Em!" She starts walking to the building so I begin following her.

"So, what's with your brother?" I ask.

"Oh trust me, he's not as bad as he seems. Hes protective and doesn't like me hanging out with other people. He's really a good person, and brother. He'll come around to you eventually." She assures me, followed by a sqeeze of my hand. She drags me all the way to our first class (we have all the same classes) and sits me next to her. I notice that Troy hasn't come in by the time the bell has rung and the teacher takes attendance. I zone out most of class until I hear something about a partner project. Mrs. Crow names off pairs when I hear some familiar names.

"Steve and Britney (his girlfriend), Xander and Franco, Stephanie and Vera (Stephanie is Xander's girlfriend), and Emma with Jessica. There, everyone has a partner. Wait... Troy still needs someone-"

"We can work with him." I hear, before I realize that I said it. Oh shit.

"That's very nice of you two Emma. Well then, we'll have a group of three." I notice the many glares from most of the girls in the class, that I 'stole' Troy. The bell rings and we're out in a flash. The rest of the day is boring, and neither of us saw Troy again until the end of the day, when we walked out to the parking lot, and saw him leaning against their car, smoking. I leave Jessie behind I walk faster up to him, snatching the cigarette from between his lips and smashing it under my foot.

"Smoking is bad for you." I smirk at him before turning and walking away, yelling bye to Jessie. I steal a glance behind me to Troy who can't deside between being shocked or angry. I giggle at this and run the rest of the way back to the bar I work at. Just as I'm about to clean up and leave, the door opens again. I groan and turn to see... Why him again? "Troy?" My voice echos through the empty bar.

"Emma? What are you doing here?"

"I could ask you the same thing." I state.

"I asked you first."

"I work here. Now what's your reason?" 

"Jessie is out with some of her old friends and I can't stand them and then my parents started fighting so I came here. It's like a five minute walk from where I live." I sits down across from me and I ask what he wants. "Dunno. Surprise me." I just pour him jack and coke on the rocks. "Is it even legal for you to work here?" 

"Nope. The owner doesn't care though and I need the money." I respond. "Is it even legal for you to be drinking that?" He doesn't respond and just takes another drink. "That's what I thought." It's silent for a while until he breaks it.

"You're lying."

"What?" I ask baffled.

"About your head, and stomach. Say, what's with all the bandages on your arm?" He asks raising a challenging eyebrow.

"There was a... A... Stray cat... Outside. And when I went to go to school, I got attacked by it." I horribly lie. God, you know, after almost 12 years of doing this, you'd think I'd be better. I can lie to absolutely anyone else, but the second Troy comes around, I'm a blubbering mess.

"That doesn't explain the head, stomach, or the fact that you were cleaning up glass last night." He takes a final swig of his drink so I pour him another one.

"I was doing the dishes and the doorbell scared me so I dropped it a cup." I lie again.

"What about how aggressive your dad was with you? You fell into me twice. Both of those, his fault." I can't think of anything so is do something else.

"What is it to you? You're the big bad Mr. Bad Boy, you know, the cliche 'dont give a fuck about anything at all' type of guy. The only person you care about other than yourself is Jessie." I sort of regret it the second the words leave my mouth but I don't show him that.

"So would you like me to not keep those assholes off of you? Or not bring you to get help when you randomly pass out? Then fine. I won't."

"You're the one who said you did it for Jessie, not me." We're both practically shouting at this point.

"Well maybe I lied! It's not like that's a new thing to you, now is it?!" He abruptly gets up and slams the door the bar behind him. Shit man...

Chapter six



Well the three weeks we had on the project, it was never the three of us. It was either Troy and Jessie, or Jessie and me. Troy has been avoiding me for all three weeks, but today we have to present, so it'll probably be Jessie and Troy on one side and me on the other. 

"Yo Shrimp. I noticed you haven't had your boy toy around for a while." Steve's voice fills the hallway, causing it to become silent. All eyes are on us.

"He's not my boy toy, Asshole." I growl. 

"Damn. She's grown some balls, stevey boy." Xander claps him on the back and stays by his side as they attempt to back me up into the lockers, but this time, I don't move. Stephanie and Brittney soon join then and Brittney smirks at me.

"So Emma, how's your mom doing?" She did not just go there... We used to be friends, until Stephanie came and she left me in the dust. "Oh wait, you dont know. She's 'disappeared'. She puts air quotes around disappeared.

"What's that supposed to mean?" I choke out.

"Well, with a daughter like you, do you really think that someone came and took her? Honey, she left you. Just like everyone will. Forever." I'm in shock. My shock soon turns to... Nothing. I just feel numb.

"Emma!" I hear Jessica's voice behind me as I walk out of the school quickly, and once I'm out the doors, it turns into a full on sprint. I go to the only place I really feel safe. The park. I came here as a kid all the time with my mom. I would always curl up in the tube and hide from her until she found me. I climb into the tube and curl up at the edge of it, crying and crying, until I cry myself to sleep...




"Troy come on! I need you right now. I know that Emma isn't your favorite but please help me find her!" Jessie begs.

"How do you even know that she's missing? She probably went home to her parents." I growl.

"Are you dumb??" She smacks the back of my head. "Did you not hear what Stephanie said? Her mom went missing! Now she's left with her dad, who from what I got, isn't the best when it comes to feelings. She ran off and hasn't come back to school all day. Plus she isn't answering her phone. Lets go." I sigh but we start walking around town.

"Jessie, you check over there, I'll check the playground." I say once we get to the park. I doubt she'll be here but my sister insisted on checking. "Shit. Jessie!" I pick up a sleeping Emma from one of the plastic tubes, bridal style and go to find my sister. Emma's cheeks are tear stained and her lips looks like the cut was opened again.

"Holy crap. Where was she?" 

"She was in one of the tubes. Should we bring her back to her house?" Jessie nods and we start the walk to her house. Once we get there, Jessica knocks on the door and after a while, her dad opens it and leans against the doorway.

"What? Oh my God I've been so worried, thank you." He goes to take her from my arms, but I'm hesitant at giving her to him. I sigh and hand her to him, and after he thanks us again he shuts the door. Jessie is already almost at the car, but I stayed. I don't know why. I sigh again and turn around, when I hear a loud thud. I stop in my tracks, and grumbling follows the thud. I decide that he set her on the couch and she fell off or something.

At least that's what I'm going to tell myself.

Chapter seven



 I open my eyes as I hit the floor. Shit. I thought that it was one of those times you felt like you were falling but really werent. I guess not. I land on my back and all of the wind in knocked out of me. I struggle to breathe, and when I look up, I see John staring down at me. I was really hoping that Troy had dropped me... Yeah, I woke up, saw that Troy was carrying me, but I didn't want to move from him warm imbrace, so I closed my eyes and soon fell asleep again.

"You bitch! You wanna explain to me why there is another boy in your life?? I thought I made it clear what happened to them last time!" I open my mouth the speak but he kicks my side, before somehow getting me on my stomach, and slamming his foot down on my lower back. I really hope that Troy and Jessie left, because if not, my scream would have defiantly been heard. He continues beating me until I can hardly move and then he smiles down at me. "Make me some food."

"O-okay?" I respond. I struggle to get up but after a few minutes I do. I go to the kitchen and start grabbing some things to make him food like meats and vegetables. I grab a knife to start chopping the vegetables, but when I feel his presence behind me, I slowly turn. His hand slowly goes up and down my arm that has the knife in it as he begins speaking.

"You know, I don't like hurting you. You just deserve it." He quickly grabs the knife and plunges it into my stomach. I can't tell you how glad I am that this is a paring knife, but it still can do some damage. He's too high to realize that if I can find help, that I could still possibly live. I stand there, frozen, as he laughs walking away. Probably to go to the bar. When the door slams shut I pull out my phone and press call.

"J-Jessie..." I start but a pain in my stomach stops me. I groan in pain and her voice fills my ears.

"Woah there Emma... You okay?" 

"I need your help..." I croaked out. 

"What's wrong? I'm coming over right now!" Before I can say anything, she hangs up. I drag myself outside, while trying to stop the bleeding. I faintly remember a black SUV pull up in my driveway, before my eyes shut and I drift off...




"Emma! Emma... Emma, no no no." I rush up to her unconscious body, taking everything in. She has a knife still planted in her stomach. How did that happen?

"Troy, come on!" I pick her up bridal style, and place her in the back seat before sliding in with her, laying her head on my lap. Jessie peels out of the driveway and rushes to the nearest hospital. As soon as we bring her in, she's rushed to the ICU. What feels like an enternity later (which was really just hours) the director comes out and talks to us. They dont know the cause of the stab, but the knife was too small to do any serious damage. She should be waking up soon apparently.

"You two can go see her and wait until she wakes up." We thank the doctor and quickly go to her room. Jessie sits by her bed, while I pace the room. I hear a small grumble, and turn to an almost stirring Emma. I say almost, because she can't exactly move right now. 

"Emma!" Jessie grasps her hand in her own as Emma comes back to reality.

"Jessie? Troy?" Her voice comes out really raspy. We let her get used to being awake and stuff for a bit before I have to question her.

"So... How are you feeling?"

"Like I was just impaled." She almost laughs but stops herself so it doesn't hurt as bad.

"Makes sense. How uh... How did it happen?" At this point I'm across from Jessie on the other side of Emma, but I give her some space. Just then the doctor came in. He asks her the same questions I did but this time she actually gets to answer.

"Oh, I was going to my Jo- my dad some dinner because he'd just had a long stressful day at work, so he took a walk. I decided to suprise him, but I tripped on my shoe lace and fell onto the knife. Well, I fell on my hand but it had the knife in it. So um, yeah. I called them and they came and got me."

Fucking bullshit, liar.

Chapter eight



I feel Troy glaring daggers into the side of my head as I told my story but he doesn't say anything. 

"Hey Jessie," he asks when the doctor leaves. "Do you think you could get me some coffee?" Jessie nods and smiles at me before leaving and shutting the door behind her. "You're lying." 

"W-what? No I'm not." I stutter. Shit.

"Really? Then tell me... Why weren't you wearing shoes when I found you? And how did a knife end up in your stomach that way from falling? Your dad should have been back by the time you passed out. Especially since I saw his car speeding down the road." I gulp at his words. "Seriously Emma. Twice in ine day, I've found you unconscious. Tell me Emma... Is, or is he not, abusing you?" God... How am I supposed to respond to that? I want to shout at the top of my lungs, "Yes Troy, he is! Thank you for realizing it! I need help!" But I can't. People dont understand, when your parent or someone abuses you, it's not easy to come out and say it. 

"He isn't. He's been there, since my mom dissappeared. You have no right to be assuming things about a father, you don't even know. I'd appreciate if you would stop talking about people you don't know." I lie. Just when I thought this day couldn't get any worse... God, I can't tell you how bad, I want to have him wrap his arms around me after I tell him that he's right, and have him hold me forever and ever and never let go.

"Fine. Why is your face so red?" He rolls his eyes and looks away as I realize how red my cheeks really are... Just thinking about him? No! Nuh-uh! Nope! I do not like him at all!

"It's hot in here, isn't it?" I start fanning myself in attempts to make it more believable. Just then my savior, (Jessie) walks in the door.

"Hey girly. Your coffee." She hands Troy is coffee that he takes a sip of, and immediately spits out. All over me. "Woahza! Troy!" She rushes out to get napkins so I start using the sheets, cause this crap is hot.

"Sorry." He mumbles, taking some napkins from his pocket and helping me. He's super gentle in the stomach area, and goes straight to my neck and face. When he gets to my face, he just stares at me... And I back at him... His eyes are a good- no, an amazing contrast to his hair, he has a defined jawline that goes perfectly with him lips. I can't even describe how amazing he looks.

"And I'm back." Jessie shuts the door shuts the door so we quickly go back to how we were before she left.

"Thanks, but we cleaned it up..." I say. She sits down next to me and we talk for a while, Troy not saying a word.




"They want to keep me for about a day, just to see how I'm doing after a bit." I tell mainly Jessie but Troys here too.

"Okay." I look between the two of them as Jessie responds, and they both look like they haven't slept in a while and could pass out at any second.

"Go home. Get some rest." I order.

"Okay..." Jessie nods after a bit of hesitation. I look over at Troy who seems to be studying me. He turns and walks out the door which takes me by surprise. Until he comes back with a slip of paper.

"Call either Jessie or me if anything happens. We'll be back tomorrow. Bye." He says it with no emotion, but his eyes hold traces of sympathy, knowing, and a hint of something else but I can't tell what it is... They leave but not before Jessie gives my hand a sqeeze, and a knowing look to Troy. I sigh as they disappear from my sight. What's happening?

Chapter nine



"So, you wanna come over for a while?" Jessie asks as I'm wheeled out to their car despite my many protests. 

"Sure, why not?" I respond. My dad will be mad he didn't succeed in getting rid of me so the longer I'm away the better. We get to their house and I'm amazed. It's funny how much ten minutes can change the scenery. Their house is massive, they have like, a sixty bah-jillion car garage (that may be a slight exaggeration... It's more like a four or five car), their lawn is all green and it's like a house straight out of a magazine. "Whoa..." I stare up at it in amazement and hear a chuckle behind me. I turn to Troy chuckling, and a giggle soon mixes in with it. Honestly, the sound is like music to my ears.

"Come on!" Jessie grabs my hand and drags me to the house, until she realizes that I'm grunting in pain. Then she lets me walk at my own pace, which just happened to Troy. When we get inside, the smell of freshly baked good fills my senses.

"Well that's... Intense." I say, stumbling backwards for dramatic effect.

"Ha. Ha. Very funny." Troy moves past me and down a hallway. Jessie and I soon follow, ending up in an amazing kitchen. From the high quality appliances to the huge island. The kitchen is super spacious, and appears to be the place the baked goods are coming from.

"Hi dear, you must be Emma. I've heard so much about you!" A woman, who can't be more than fourty by the looks of it, steps in front of my line of view, scaring me so bad I almost fall over. "I'm sorry!" She laughs, soon joined in by Jessie's and mine.

"Hi. You must be their mother." She nods. "Well it's great to meet you." I smile at her.

"So mom, where did Troy go?" Jessie smirks at me.

"He came in and ran with the muffins." Her mom replys.

"Oh no he did not! Troy!" Jessie darts down another hallway, assumingly to Troys room to... Steal back muffins?

"This is normal for them." Their mom laughs again. I swear, her laugh is contagious. I laugh until there is warmth behind me that startles me. I turn to see who it is, but when their hands direct me back to how I was before, I know it's Troy... With a basket of muffins.

"Mom! Where's Troy?" Jessie skids into the kitchen.

"Haven't seen him. Have you?" She turns to me. How do neither of them see him crouching behind me?

"Nope." I lie, trying to keep the smile off my face.

"The back door!" Jessie abruptly turns and runs back down the hallway. When I know she's gone, I nudge him with my foot.

"Thanks." He says jumping up from behind me. "For that, I reward thee, with... A muffin." He presents the muffin to me like a knight would present a sword to a king. I can't help but burst of laughing. Which, I don't know why I keep doing that. It hurts.

"Thanks." I take the muffin and do my best to curtsy. I turn to find their mom staring at us like we're weirdos, but with a smile on his face.

"What's with all the racket?" A deep voice behind me says. I can't tell if it was jokingly or not. "Ooh! Muffins!" His voice gets significantly higher as he says that. Before Troy can steal the basket, his --I'm guessing-- father steals one and eats it whole. His eyes grow wide when he sees me right next to Troy, who I've somehow become closer to. "Uhh..." He laughs nervously. "Hi. I'm Tom Stewart." He holds his hand out for me to shake, so I do.

"Emma Winters. I'm uh, I'm a friend of Jessies." I say.

"Uh! How rude!" Troy puts his hands over his chest and dramatically fall to the ground.

"Last I checked, you didn't want me to even be friends with Jessie so deal with it." I tell him playfully, while rolling my eyes. Although, I once again, cant keep the smile off my face.

"Anyways, for the task at hand. Eating these before Jessie gets back. I'll see you later." He rushes off with the basket and I turn back to their mom and dad. His mom looks confused and his dad looks off in his own land.

"You say you're Jessies friend?" She asks and I nod. "Oh..." Her eye brows furrow more.

"Not to be rude, but is there a problem with that?" I ask.

"Oh, no. No dear, I was just curious because you seem to be all Troy talks about." I feel my cheeks practically burst into flames at her words. Shut up stupid. He probably said how horrible you were. Seriously you idiot? I tell myself. My jaw drops as I see Troy walk into the kitchen with an empty Tray of muffins" shoving the last one in his mouth. He stops mid step, when he sees my shocked expression.

"What?" He asks, although through the crumbs and stuff it sounds more like, "Wuf?" I just shake my head and shrug in response. We talk for a bit more, before Jessie walks back in, huffing about the fact that she couldn't find Troy" but stops dead in her tracks when she sees him.

"Oh, you are so dead!" He jumps up and pulls me up with him, hiding behind me. I let out a shocked squeak that he laughs at, but continues using me as a human shield. He starts walking towards his room with me trapped in front of him, and Jessie trying to lunge at him, around me. I'm just glad my stomach isn't hurting at the moment. I can't stop laughing or smiling, as we make it to his room and plops down on his bed, ending up pulling me down.

On top of him.

Chapter ten



I know having her sitting on my lap shouldn't be a big deal, but to me it is. She sort of squirms, but Jessie doesn't doesn't seem to notice. I sure do. I end up with my arms wrapped around her waist so I can put my head on her shoulder to see my sister without Emma falling over.

"Seriously?? Do you know how far I went, just to find you?? And you and your... Little, munkin here," She motions to Emma causing her to have to bite her lip to stop from laughing. God, she doesn't know how Beautiful and sexy she is, does she? "Knew where you were the whole time! You liar!" She glares and Emma and this time she doesn't hold back the laugh and neither do I. "Really? You know, if you hadn't just gotten yourself stabbed, I would be like wrestling or tickling you so hard right now." She huffs. I feel Emma go a little tense at the mention of her being stabbed but I couldn't tell had I not been right up against her.

"Well I'm so sorry for my shoes." She laughs, nervously, but once again, Jessie is too blind to see it.

"Mhmm. Blame it on the shoes. I see how you are. You just don't want to admit you're clumsy." Jessie accuses. When my sister isn't paying attention, I finally say something to Emma.

"Let's just say that 'Clumsiness'," I made sure to put air quotes around it. "Could have cost you your life." I whisper.

"Shut up. I already told you that it isn't my dad's fault." She whispers back, again, squirming.

"Then why are you here now, and not at your house? Why didn't your dad visit you, even once, in the hospital, or at least call?" She doesn't respond at all but attempts to get up. My arms secured around her waist stop it though. 

"Let me go." I can almost hear plea in her voice so I loosen my grip a little, but apparently still enough for her to get up because shes up and out the door in a flash. Why does everything feel empty now that she left?




I leave with Jessie, and every part of me turns ice cold. Troy was so... Comforting and, warm. Pushing those thoughts away, Jessie and I hang out in her room for a few hours.

"Hey sweetie." Their dad pops his head though the door. "Hey Emma. We're about to have dinner, would you like to stay?" 

"Uh, sure. Why not?" We hop up and follow him into the dining room. 

"You get to sit next to Troy." Jessie whispers, smirking at me.

"Oh no. No. No. Nuh uh. Nop-"

"No what?" Troy asks, sliding into a seat.

"Nothing." I respond a little too quickly, plopping down next to him. I make sure to send multiple glares Jessies way. She just smiles at me.

"Oh, would you like to invite your parents over too?" Their mom asks. I starts coughing to cover up me choking on water at her question.

"Um... My dad actually had a business trip to go to today. That's uh, that's why he couldn't come to the uh, hospital." I throw a sideways glance at Troy, who seems to be contemplating wether I'm lying or not. I realize that I was playing with my earrings like I do when I'm lying, so I quickly retract my hand.

"Oh, okay dear. What about your mom?" I gulp at the mention of my mom and Troy seems to sense my discomfort.

"Um, mom." He clears his throat. "Her mom, uh, went missing.... 12 years ago." He seems to feel just as awkward talking about it as me.

"Oh dear! I'm so sorry. Well you mustn't go home without anyone there! You can stay here until he gets back!" She offers. 

"Oh no... This time he'll be gone for a month. I couldn't burden you that long." I say making up a random length in time.

"You aren't a burden! Stay here, Emma. There are plenty of extra rooms you can stay in. Please, we'd be happy to have you." Jessie reasons. I guess I could move straight out of here then. I'll be 18 by then and John will never even know I'm alive. 

"Well um, I suppose. Thank you." The rest of dinner goes by pretty uneventful, although I do notice Troy glancing at me throughout it, multiple times. "I can go get my clothes tomorrow after school, right?" Their parents nod and sign Troy up to bring me to a room. Once we're there, he sits on the bed and stares at me. "Can I help you?" I ask.

"I don't know what it is about you Emma Winters. But I sure as hell am going to figure it out." With that he stands up and leaves.

Chapter eleven



I leave the school at lunch, telling Jessie that I had to go to the library, and Sprint to my house, just to make sure John isnt there. I grab my clothes and the essentials, throwing them in a backpack. I dart back to school and throw the bag in my locker. I close it and almost scream when I see Troy leaning against a locker a few down from mine, with an amused looks on his beautiful face. What the fuck? That did NOT just come out of my... Brain.

"What book?" He asks smirking at my reaction.

"You Asshole. What? Oh... Book. Yeah book. Uh, lots. Lots of books." I reply playing with my earring. 

"Interesting. Well, Jessie's waiting for you." I nod and attempt to move past him but he grabs my arm. "Don't lie Emma. It'll only get you into deeper shit." He growls almost in a whisper but a not. His voice is gruff and deeper than normal.

"Thanks for your concern." I spit back. I rip my arm from his grasp and as I walk away I say, "but I dont need it." He dryly and humorlessly chuckles behind me, but doesn't follow me. After school I pretend to go home but don't. Instead I go to a park a bit away from there for about 10 minutes before running back to school with both my backpacks stapped on. "Hey Jessie." I say stopping right before I run into her.

"Whoa girly." She laughs, getting into the back of the car. I go to follow her, but she grabs my bags and fills up the spots, smirking at me. I glare at her, sigh, and get into to passenger seat next to Troy. "Let's go!" Jessie hits the back of his head.

"All right, all right." The drive to their house was completely silent. I hop out of the car as fast as I can and after grabbing my stuff, I run up to my room. I plop down on the bed and start scrolling through my phone. A soft knock at my door cuts through the silence, scaring me so bad I fall off my bed. My door opens at the large thud, revealing a laughing Troy. So hard that tears welled up in his eyes. "Oh, that was amazing." He wipes his eyes and continues laughing.

"Shut it pig shit. What do you want?" I growl getting up.

"Ouch. That's harsh. I just wanted to tell you that dinner is ready. But you know, I don't have to tell you." He dramatically grabs at his chest again and I roll my eyes.

"You just did dumbass." I respond.

"Look at you, you little spit fire." He winks.

"Shut. The. Fuck. Up." I growl. Push past him and he chuckles again. I hear his footsteps behind me as I rush down the stairs. "Jessie, your brother sucks." Jessie giggles and looks at Troy who still has a smirk on his face. When he sits down, he places his hand on my knee. Despite my tinted cheeks, I shove him off.

"How was school?" Their parents come in and start to make small talk which I'm thankful for so that I can ignore Troy.

"What about you Emma?" I was spacing out, so again, Troy makes me jump.


"They asked if we were interested in any activities." He explains, the smirk never leaving his face. Not letting my dad find me and staying alive. Is my first thought.

"Uh... No... Um, not really." I gulp. 

"Hmmm... Maybe you could join the track team. You do seem to run pretty fast, dont you?" Troy looks me directly in the eye. Shit. He knows about lunch. And me going to the park.

"Um, I still have some homework, so I'm just gunna go..." I say, rushing my plate to the kitchen and upstairs. Once I get to my room, before I can shut the door, it shuts for me.

"Homework? The library? Going home? I thought I told you not to lie Emma." He sneers.

"Troy, leave it alone. We all have our secrets. You have yours, I have mine. Now, leave mine to me, and get out." I cross my arms over my chest, and leaning against the wall, he copies my stance. "Troy. Please. Leave me alone." His eyes move back and forth between mine before slowly removing himself from the wall. He takes a slow step forward and continues staring at me.

"What could be so bad that I have to leave you alone?" He deep voice cuts through the silence. He takes another step forward, causing me to take a step back. He continues walking, as do I, until I back into the wall. "Answer me princess." He says, reaching up to touch my hair. I flinch as his hands come up and he freezes.

"Don't start with the pet names Troy..." I whisper, barely audible.

"Answer me." His hand unfreezes and moves to play with a loose strand of hair. "It's not that hard princess." He whispers.

"Troy... Please..." I beg.

"Tell... Me..." His breathing becomes heavier as he becomes closer and closer.

"Troy..."  Is all I can get out before I'm silenced by his warm, soft lips.

Chapter twelve



God, this is so wrong. I wasn't supposed to actually act on my thoughts. I came here with the intent of confronting Emma, and I was, but this is where we ended up. Her hands play with the hair of my neck, my hands resting on her hips.

"Mmm... Troy." She goes to pull away, but I move even closer if that's possible, not letting her. I'm pressed flush against her body and she doesn't seem to be protesting, as she licks my bottom lip asking for access which I gladly grant. Her and I fit perfectly together, if I do say so myself. At last, I reluctantly pull away.

"Wear... Did you... Learn... To... Kiss like that?" I ask out of breath from the most mind blowing kiss ever. She just shrugs, even in the dark of her room, the only light being from the street lights below, casting a beautiful glow on her face, her cheeks are red. I rest my hand on her cheek and again she flinches. "Emma... Please. Tell me." 

"Fine. I've been... Trying to figure out what happened to my mom." She says, reaching up but she quickly pulls it back.

"Was that so hard?" I ask smirking at her. Complete disbelief coats her featutes. I swear I saw hurt flash through her eyes, but if it was, it's quickly masked.

"I told you, now get out." She scoffs angrily. She slips out from my grip, and walks to the door, opening it. I stay still for a moment, contemplating what just happened. "Get. Out. Now." She says, zero emotion in her voice. I slowly walk out of the room and she slams the door shut behind me.

"Jessie?" I knock on my sister's door. She opens the door and let's me in.

"What's up?" She plops down on her bed, and motions for me to sit next to her.

"Okay, promise me you won't laugh or get mad."

"I don't know, those are two very different things Troy." She laughs but seeing my stone cold face, stops. "Fine. I wont."

"So, I went to talk to Emma, and long story short, it ended up in us kissing. After we kissed, she admitted what I asked her before and asked her how that was so hard." I tell her.

"Did you smirk at her?" She asks. I slowly nod, confused. "You Asshole!" She punches my arm. Hard. 

"Ow! What the fuck Jessie?!"

"You idiot! She thinks you kissed her just to get the answer! Get out and go fix things with her or I swear to God-" I clamp my hand over her mouth before she can finish.

"I will fix it! Jesus woman." I roll my eyes and leave, going back to Emma's room. "Em?" I ask, softly knocking.

"Go away." She responds harshly. Instead I twist the door handle and let myself in, shutting the door behind me. She doesn't say anything so I walk over, and sit on the bed she's currently burrying herself in blankets in at the moment.

"I didn't kiss you so that you'd give me an answer." I bluntly state. She doesn't answer again, so I start bouncing on the edge of the bed. Besides a grunt, she continues ignoring me. I move over her, my knees resting over either side of her legs, and my arms on either side of her head. The blanket is very slowly lowered, as just her eyes peak out. This isn't enough for me, so I actually sit on her legs.

"Get off me." She groans, pushing the blanket all the way off as she tries to get me off.

"Princess, you're not going to get anywhere." I chuckle. She freezes and glares at me for a moment before giving up. Before I can stop myself, I lean down again, and claim her lips. She doesn't hesitate for even a second before kissing me back. Her lips fit perfectly with mine, along with the rest of her, almost as if she was made just for me.

Chapter thirteen



Tomorrow, I'm turning 18. I'm moving to my own apartment, away from John, away from this torture. By that, I mean Troy. Since the first night, we've shared a few heated kisses but never further. My body... It craves him, like an addiction, and I haven't even had him yet. God... What am I doing with myself? I start thinking of all the possibilities of Troy and I actually having sex and some of them, not going to lie, scare me. Troy getting me pregnant and leaving, Troy hating me and never talking to me again, Troy acting like he likes it and then spreads rumors about me to the whole school. In all of the scenarios I can come up with, there's never one where I don't like it. A soft knock disrupts me feeling bad for myself. How conceded is that?

"Come in." I sigh. Troy comes in and shuts the door behind him. I don't look at him, but I do know its him. Over the past four weeks, I've learned everything about how I react to him. His scent, his touch, his lips. Just his presence.

"Hey princess." He says.

"What happened to no pet names?" I roll my eyes still not looking at him.

"I never agreed with that... Princess." I turn to glare at him but freeze when I see him in just a pair of shorts. Shirtless. In my room. I'm speechless as I gawk at the sight for sore eyes.

I try to get words out, but it just comes out as incoherent mumbles, something along to lines of, "Hmmna." He chuckles and walks over to me. He wastes no time taking my lips in his. Although this time, his hands that are normally on my waist, travel a bit higher, pulling my shirt up. I snake my legs around his waist, a new found confidence washing over me. He quickly removes my shirt and pants, leaving me in over matching black undergarments. I quickly remove his shorts, leaving him in only a pair of boxers. Those are soon discarded, along with the rest of my clothing.

"God you're beautiful."




I wake up next to a softly snoring, and might I add, naked Troy. I decide to get up and go for a jog, in hopes to get rid of the pain and soreness between my legs. It difficult at first but I manage. A while later, I hear foot steps pounding behind me, causing me to be slightly frightened and run faster, but they quickly catch up. Troy. 

"Oh my God, you scared the shit out of me." I sigh but keep running.

"You do you know how horrible it is to wake up after a night that amazing with you not next to me?" He grumbles.

"Sorry." I giggle and roll my eyes, but stop in my tracks as I see a woman looking very lost wandering around. "Excuse me ma'am? Is there anything we can help you with?" She seems oddly familiar but I push it aside as Troy slides up next to me.

"My daughter. I need to find her." Her breathing becomes frantic and uneven.

"Hey, hey. Its okay. Why don't you come sit down over here and we can talk." I suggest. She nods and I help her to a bench. I kneel down in front of her, Troy proactively towering over both of us. 

"What do you mean you need to find your daughter?" He asks gruffly. I snake his leg and turn back to the woman.

"I need to find her. To see if she's okay. Please, help me. What's the date?" I check my watch and discover that it is my birthday.

"November 18, 2019." I tell her. "Can you tell us your name?" I ask.

"Today is it... I- I'm Jackie. Jackie Winters." My breath catches in my throat and I find that I cant breathe no matter how hard I try.

"Whoa princess. Breathe. Just breathe." Troy soothes, kneeling down by me. I finally am able to breathe and look up at the woman.

"M...Mom?" I ask just below a whisper. Although she hears it.

"Emma? Emma, is that you baby girl?" She asks as tears well up in both of our eyes.

"Mom!" I jump up and immediately give her the biggest hug ever.

"Oh God. You've grown into such a beautiful woman." She tells me. "Twelve years changes so much."

"Princess... This is your mom?" Troy asks. I simply nod.

"W...where?  Where were you?" I ask.

"Honestly? I don't know. I don't even know how I get here. How's your dad?" She asks, hope in her eyes. I look at the ground and she quickly catches on. "No... He didn't. That bastard." She pulls me in for another hug and Troy clears his throat. 

"We should get back. Emma, you can bring your mom. She can sleep in one of the guest rooms for now." He turns and it feels like everything we've worked towards is ruined. Emma. His simple, normal word echos through my head as I help my mom back to their house. He hasn't called me Emma since the first night we kissed. He's pissed... Once we're back Troy is already in his room. I bring my mom to once of the rooms and tuck her frail body in. She looks horrible. Like she hasn't slept in months and she's lost so much weight she's practically skin and bones.

"Good night... Mom." I shut the door and practically run to Troys room. I don't even bother knocking before I barge into his room. "What's wrong with you?" I ask.

"Oh I dont know. I told you. You're a fucking liar. He did abuse you. Why the fuck wouldn't you tell me?!" He almost shouts.

"Be quieter!" I hiss. "Troy, I was scared. Okay? Yeah, he's the reason I was in the hospital. He's the reason I flinch everytime someone, other than you touches me. He's the reason I had the cut in my head. He's the reason for everything. Are you happy now?" I throw my hands in the air in defeat.

"Why the fuck would I be happy?? You could have died Em!!" He's pulling so hard on his hair I think he'll rip it out at any moment.

"Yeah? And? You would have died if I had told you. Just like Henry." I let it slip.

"Who hell is Henry??" Rage is dripping from his words.

"He was my best friend... John... I mean... You know what? John. He killed him. He tried to stop him from hurting me and ended up being killed in front of me. That's why I would- I couldnt tell you."

"And why would you care if I died?? You dont seem to care before or now, now do you??" He seeths.

"I do care." I fire back, louder and harsher than I intend to.

"Really? I highly doubt that." He scoffs. As the next words fall from my lips, I realize that they're all, so true.

"It's true! You know why? I'm in love with you, okay?? I am beyond my control, 100% in love with you! There is nothing I can do to stop it, no matter how hard I try! I love your smile, your laugh. I love your looks. I love when you dont act like you care about Jessie and me but deep down you do. Everything you do warms every part of me like a fucking furnace. I love you Troy... So much..."

Chapter fourteen



I stare at her in amazement and shock after her out burst. She... She loves me? I get to her in two long and fast strides, smashing my lips on top of hers. 

"I love you too." I whisper against her lips. I feel her smile but pull me closer by the collar of my shirt. "I like this... Confident... You." I say between breaths.

"So you don't like non confident me?" She challenges, pulling away. Damn.

"I'm just saying I like non confident you too... I'm not saying I don't like non confident you, I do! Like all of non confident you." I ramble nervously.

"But you don't like all of confident me?"

"Dammit woman." I kiss her again and she wraps her legs around my waist again. I gently set her down and the right side of the bed and hesitantly pull away, laying down next to her. "I'm sorry." I whisper, playing with her hair. She looks up at me, confused, so I continue. "For being a jerk before. I just... I didn't want to get close to you to have you break Jessie and I. It's happened before so I just thought..."




"Troy... I won't. I promise." I whisper back. He smiles and places his lips on mine. 

"I won't either, princess." He promises.And yet, somehow...

It happened. 

I wake up the next morning and Troy is gone. No note, no text. No nothing. His parents, Jessie... No one knows where he is. He did leave. I try calling him, but I hear a muffled ringtone. I quickly go through the pile of clothes and find his phone. Left, here. Princess <3 is lit across the screen. Then my phone goes to voicemail so I hang up. One missed call from: Princess <3 pops up on his screen. I groan and throw his phone, and mine on his bed. I go up and pack all throw all my stuff in a bag, and I'm ready to go in 20 minutes. But... Should I wait for him? You know, maybe he just had to go get something quick... So that's what I do. I sit there. And wait. And wait. All. Fucking. Day.

"Mom!" I almost yell. "Hey, let's go. I've burdened this family long enough. I have an apartment ready. You can move in with me." She looks confused but nods. The shock is still there, so I haven't really reacted yet. But later, sitting in my one bedroom apartment, it finally wears off. I'm balling, on the couch, while my mom sleeps in the bedroom. Everything is just too much...




I get home as fast as I can, the next morning. I got in a fight over some jewelry I was trying to get for Emma for her birthday. It was a key with a heart on it. Anyways, I got in a fight cause I asked for it and this guy said he did already and the lady behind the counter said I said it, he got mad, hit me, we actually fought, and I ended up sitting in a jail cell until they figured out what happened and let me go. I run up to my room to find that Emma isn't there. 

"Jessie? Where's Emma?" I ask skidding to a stop in front of her door. 

"She left." She hisses coldly, slamming the door in my face. I run back to my room and check my phone, that I accidentally left here. Missed call from Princess <3 is the only notification so I call her back so fast I almost drop my phone. Multiple times. A phone rings and I dig to find it. Emma's phone. Mr. Bad Boy <3 it reads across the screen. I slightly smile but rush back to Jessies room.

"Where?" I ask through the door.

"I'm not supposed to tell you." She sighs.

"Jessie please. I need to find her." I lean against her door when she doesn't respond, causing me to fall when she opens it. "Son of a..." I start but look up at Jessie.

"What are you doing? Let's go. I have a relationship to save." I jump up at her offer and run as fast as I can out the door and to the car. Jessie starts the ignition and speeds out of the driveway to the mystery location. I couldn't get out and to her door fast enough. I ran all the way there and almost didn't stop as I knock on her door. I hear a groan but soon the door opens revealing Emma. I don't let things register for her before I kiss her with everything I have.

"I love you, princess." I whisper against her lips.

"I love you too... Mr. Bad Boy.







Seven years later, John is locked up in a cell, my mom is happy and healthy and even has her own house at this point, my sister-in-law has one kid named Kai, and Troy and I are married with two kids. A three year old and a four year old. The three year old is named Tyler and the four year old is Madelyn. Tyler fights with his older sister all the time, but you can tell they love each other. 

I don't know how my life would have been without the Stewart family moving here, but... I can tell you... I'm so thankful they did.





                          The end.



A/n- Hey! Sorry that this book is rushed and not very good but I'm super excited for my next cliche book (lol) so I hurried this along so that I could start the next book. I hope you enjoyed, despite how bad it is. Please let me know what you thought in the comments! Thank you for considering my book and have a great day!





Tag der Veröffentlichung: 15.10.2019

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