
Chapter one



"Honey you have to go..." My mom, Blair tells me. My dad nods along with his wife and I sigh.

"But moooom! I'm seventeen, I still have a month before I turn eighteen, I don't want to have to go to these stupid pack meetings!" I whine. I may sound like a two year old but I don't really care. Honestly, I basically went numb a long time ago.

"Alex! Knock it off. You may be seventeen but you're acting a hell of a lot younger than that right now! Listen to your mother. You have to go to this. Jackson has to also seen as he's going to be the beta and practically your second in command. He is a few minutes younger and yet he's a lot more mature. Suck it up and go. After you can go do what you want." My dad growls finally fed up with me. I open my mouth to shoot back a "rebellious teen" response, but don't get the chance to before our front down flys open.

A familiar pair of arms wrap around my head as he rubs his fist around my head. I roll my eyes and glare at my dad as Jackson laughs at how annoyed I am.

"Yes, Jackson is so much more mature than I am." I hear two laughs adding to Jackson's as my mom and dad's best friends come up the stairs meeting Jackson and I in the doorway to the kitchen.

"Aww thank you!" Jackson gushes sarcastically and he begins rubbing my head again. I growl and flip him off of me.

"Play nice missy." My mom gives me a look, and turns back to the stove where she is making potato soup.

"Yeah Alex! You're so mean to me!" He sniffles and burries his head in his hands as he fake cries. 

"Aww did I hurt the baby-waby's feelings? I'm so sowwy, Jacky-wacky." I pout and start pouting his back before grabbing his ear and twisting.

"Oww!!!" He screams shooting his head up to glare at me. "You really are so mean!" He holds his ear as I laugh at him. He slowly starts smirking as mine disappears, because of the glint thats appeared in his green and blue eyes. 

"Uh-oh. Bye!" I yell as I'm out the door, running into the woods surrounding my house. I hear bones cracking as Jackson and I turn into our wolves. I'm an alpha so he wont be able to catch up to me as easily but he sure will try. I take an unexpected turn and head for the waterfall my parents showed me as a kid. I hear a yelp as he runs into a tree, that was well hid in the dark. I turn into my human form and punch in the pass code. I slam the stone behind me right bsfore he can get in. His gray wolf whimpers outside of the door and I slightly chuckle. I open the door slowly and peak my head in the small crack. Jackson pushes open the door and pounces on me. 

"Get off me weirdo!" I yell "struggling" to get put from under him. I don't really try but he doesn't know that. He licks my face and slobber all over me. "Eww!!! Get off me you pig! That was basically you kissing me!" I yell actually pushing him off.


Chapter two



I'm clutching my stomach, laughing as I return to my human form. Her face of udder disgust is so worth it. She glares at me as she opens the door and jumps into the waterfall. I follow her out, closing the hidden door and follow her into the clear blue water. When get there shes scubbing her face and muttering, "Asshole." under her breath. I laugh and she rolls her eyes.

"Oh come on, you love me and you know it." I say jokingly splashing her with water. Something flashes in her eyes but it gone just as quick as it came. She splashes me back and jumps up from the water, her hands landing on the top of my head. She pushes me under the water but lets go pretty quickly making sure I can breathe. 

"Thanks." I say glaring at her. She flashes me a smile and gets out of the water. I do the same and look down at my soaked clothes. My white t-shirt --which was now see through-- is clinging to my body as are my shorts. I look over at Alex and she's putting her black hoodie over her black long sleeve shirt. She's wearing black skinny jeans and I watch her curiously.

"What?" She asks annoyed looking at me waiting for an answer.

"Its summer and almost 100°F out. How are you not dying??" She looks at her shoes for a quick moment with an unreadable expression before she walks in the direction of the house. I run to catch up with her and continue pestering her, as she continues to ignore me.

"Dinner is ready kids. Go clean up and change and meet us down here." Blair states as we walk in the door. She rushes to her room and I go to the new spare that has my clothes in it. Since our parents are best friends I stay here a lot. They live in a separate house from the rest of the pack and we practically live with them, we are here so much. I had a room but then something happened, although I'm not sure what, causing me to move to the one down the hall from Alex. I change into a blue t-shirt and black jeans. I walk to Alex's door which is open a crack and see her messing with something at her nightstand. I cant see what but then she takes a drink of water and my curiosity takes over.

"What cha doin?" I ask pushing her door open. She spins around and slams her nightstand drawer shut. She sighs and walks to her bed and pulls another black sweater over her head, covering her dark tank top. She pushes past me and walks down the stairs.

Chapter three



When he said that I loved him, I don't know what happened. I just felt something, and it was really weird. I could tell my medication were wearing off, especially when he asked how I wasn't dying, so I got home as quickly as I could. I change quickly and  go to my nightstand. When I open the drawers I grab the pill bottle for my depression.

I have... Severe depression to say the least. I also have a bit of social anxiety which I why I dont want to go to the stupid meeting. I haven't told anyone about that though. Anyway, when I go to open the bottle before I can I see my best friend. My blade. I pick it up and look at it. 

Alex you can't keep doing this! Its not healthy. Sure you are a wolf but that doesnt mean you couldn't d-

'Shut up.' I roll my eyes at my wolf, my depression taking over. I push the blade against my already scarred skin and drag it, using my wolf strength to my advantage and pushing harder. Blood pops up in multiple places as I continue the act all around my forearm. My entire forearm is red and covered in cuts and blood.

Take the pill now!! My wolf's order snaps me out of whatever "trace" I'm in and I quickly take the pill, not bothering to drop the razor blade. 

When I hear, "What cha doin?" From behind me I push the uncapped bottle, the lid, and my blade in the drawer and slam it shut and spin around to find Jackson in my doorway. I sigh and squeeze my eyes shut for a quick second, one because its just Jackson (which could be a bad thing since no one but my parents and I know about my depression and they dont know about me cutting) and two because my pills had to have gone everywhere which is really annoying for my OCD. 

Normally wolves don't even have a little bit of anything like me but severe? That's a whole new story. Especially since I have three things. I slightly shake my head and, careful to not show my arm, walk over to my bed, to put the hoodie laying on it on. I walk past him and start down the stairs with Jackson behind me.

"Why do you hate me so much?" He asks and when I don't respond continues to question me. "Hellllllooooo? Alex. Alex. Alex. Why do you hate everyone? What were you doing? Was it important? Am I annoying yet?"

"God Jackson! Yes! Now shut up and stop!" I stop but don't turn around, and he runs into me. I continue walking as he huffs down behind me, causing me to sort of smile. 

"What's up with you?" Jackson's dad, Ashton asks him.

"You make me hangout with a big meany!" He pouts and I raise an eyebrow at my dad.

"And you said he's more mature?" He looks back and forth between the two of us, stopping at me and shrugging. We sit down to eat dinner and when we are done Jackson and I are signed up for doing the dishes. "You're washing." I tell him, since I cant roll my sleeves up.

"Ugh woman." He rolls his eyes at me and I laugh. Once all the dishes are done, I roll up the wet drying towel and snap it at his back. "Hey!" He turns around and I cant help but laugh. He glares at me but then smirks, similar to earlier. I run out of the kitchen into the living, the towel in hand and Jackson following me out. I run around the TV back into the kitchen but in the other entrance. Jackson goes back to the other entrance so we are circling each other.

"Calm down you two." My dad sighs and we both laugh. He lunges for me and I run out the front door for the second time today, turning into my wolf. My black coat now matching the darkness. 

"Come back before ten!" Myah shouts from the door. We still have a while. We weave our way in and out of the trees, ignoring the pain in my front left leg, before I turn at the waterfall and go back to the house, careful of Jackson. I get to the house, returning to human form and slamming the door, laughing at Jackson outside.

"Alex let me in!" He knocks at the door vigorously so I let go of the door handle and run back into the kitchen where the towel is sitting on the floor. Jackson comes running at me and tackles me. I start laughing and kicking him when he starts tickling me.

"S-sto-Stop! Jackson!" I actually struggle this time since hes actually trying. "Jackson!!!" I laugh attempting to push him off. He laughs at me as I continue pushing against him.

"Alright you two. Get off of her Jackson."

"But daaaaad!" He whines and looks up at him.

"How are you even seventeen?" I laugh finally able to get him off me.

"Well my mommy and daddy woved each other vewy vewy much and-" He says in a baby voice.

"Jackson!" I shove him with my elbow as all the adults join us.

"What? You asked." He shrugs innocently at me and I roll my eyes. 

"Okay then, well off to bed." My mom turns us around and pushes us towards the stairs. 

"Good night." He says stopping at my door.

"Good night dork." I say stepping into my room and shutting my door as he walks away.

Chapter four



I shoot up to the sound of muffled screams and look at my clock. It four in the morning so who's screaming?? It's not the... That kind of scream, if you in know what I mean... I quickly get out of bed and run into the hall. The screams seem to be coming from Alex's room, so I run and barge in not caring about the consequences of doing so. She is in bed and from the looks of it shes been tossing and turning for a while and just recently fell asleep since her phone screen is still on and its unlocked.

I know they say not to wake someone up from a nightmare, so I go to her side and grab her hand. She squeezes mine and the screams die down a bit but shes still having the nightmare. A couple minutes later she sits up sweating and crying and looks at me with fear in her eyes.

"Hey... It's okay... It was just a dream." I raise myself and sit on the edge of the bed, pulling her into my arms. I rest my chin on her head and stroke her soft black hair. She cries into my chest for a while before she calms down.

"Th...thank you." She says not letting me go yet. "This is new... No one's ever been here." She whispers not meaning for me to hear. Wait, this has happened before and she hasnt had anyone?? 

"Are you going to go back to sleep? If not I'll stay up with you." I ask her. She looks deep in thought before she answers. 

"I will... But can you maybe... Stay... With me?" I'm sort of surprised at this but nod anyways. "Thank you." I get her laying down again and stay beside her bed. She sleepily smiles at me and says, "Come up here." She pats the bed next to her.

"Are you sure?" I ask and she nods. I crawl in next to her and she cuddles up to me. Its funny, she has a king sized bed but we arent even taking up half of it. 

"Mmm your warm." She says before her breathing steadys out. I fall asleep not long after.

Chapter five



"Blair, can you get Alex up? We have to leave in about two hours." I ask my beautiful mate.

"Sure." She walks up the stairs giving me a great view of her ass. "Dylan." She warns not even turning to look at me. I huff back into the kitchen before Blair comes running back down the stairs. "Myah! Here! Now!" She pulls a half sleeping Myah up the stairs and when she comes running back for Ashton shes fully awake. I follow them to see what all the commotion is about and find them gushing around my daughter's door. Being the tallest I just look over them and scan the room. My eyes travel to her bed and find- Wait. Alex and Jackson? In her bed?? Cuddling??? No! Nuh-uh!

"No! Not happening! Up! Now!" I push through them, ignoring their disappointed grumbles as Alex and Jackson shoot up and out of her bed. My eyes narrow as I find them to be fully clothed. "Now I'm confused. Explain." I demand.

"Dad... I had a nightmare and Jackson helped me. I asked him to stay. Nothing happened. I would never with," She points up and down the guys standing next to her. "That."

"Ouch. I'm hurt." Jackson says grabbing at his chest. Alex laughs at him and rolls her eyes. She hasnt even had her meds yet... Thats New....

"Oh come on. Leave them alone Dylan."

"Fine. But get ready. We are leaving in two hours." I walk out as my "friends" laugh at me. "Wow. Thanks guys."

Chapter six



Last night when I woke up and Jackson was by my side I was really happy he was there.


*The Dream*


I wake up and there is a man staring down at me. I shoot up and look over for my mate. He isn't there?? 

"Aww are you looking for your precious mate? Well hes right over there." The man says.

"Jackson!" I scream looking at him tied up with blood all over him. He can barely look up at me. He tries smiling at me but grimaces instead. "Please." I beg looking up at the man.

"I'll let him go if, you will be mine." He tells me. 

"Don't do it Alex. I love you! Don't do it. I'm fine!" Jackson shouts. I contemplate it and deside I have to do it.

"F...fine..." I studder out.

"Good. Now I'm going to do amazing things to you in front of him and then I'll let him go." He smiles at me and his eyes darken. He jumps on me so fast I dont even have time to react. He kisses down my body as tears stream down my face. He strips me and himself and enters me having no mercy. "I've always loved you!" He screams before cutting off my air way and reaching over to the night stand and grabbing a gun. He shoots the love of my life right before he ended my life.


*End of dream*


I shudder at the thought. Despite having the dream, I slept the rest of the night soundly. One question has been running around my mind, all day though. I didn't really pay attention during the meeting because of it. Why was Jackson my mate in my dream? I shake these thoughts out of my head as we drive back.

"-so then she was like, 'Hello there' and I was like 'Sorry I have a girlfriend' so now you have to pretend to be my girlfriend? Pleeeaassseee?" I'm not really paying attention to Jackson but I replay what he says in my head and I snap my attention to him.

"What!?" I shriek.

"Please Lex!" He begs using my childhood nickname and I roll my eyes at him. 

"Fine." I sigh. "When?" 

"Uhhhh tonight? Its just the movies I swear!" I roll my eyes again and get out of the car that was parked in the driveway. "Its at eight!" He shouts. A few hours later I'm in the shower when his voice fills my head.

'Hey, I came to your room and put some clothes on your bed since you werent there. I promise you'll like them.'

'K, get out.' I send him back.

"Rrrraaawwrrrr.' He responds responds like a cat hissing. I shake my head at him and roll my eyes. When I'm done with my shower I leave and go to my room. I stop dead in my tracks when I see Jackson with his back turned to me, messing with something on my bed. Mind you, I'm in just a towel. I'm about to go back into the bathroom to hide behind the door but he turns around too soon. His eyes widen and he gulps.

"What part of 'get out' dont you understand??" I yell continuing to the door.

"Sorry! I had to change the hoodie!" He yells. I wave my arm towards the door signalling for him to get out but quickly retreat it when I realize he could have seen my cuts. He rushes out the door and I get dressed. When I'm done I look at myself in the mirror. I hate to admit it, but Jackson is right. I do like it. I have his black hoodie on, making it more believable that we are dating, which hangs down past my butt which I'm happy about, and blue skinny jeans. I out on my black converse after pushing my hair and teeth and go to the living room.

"And where are you going young lady?" My dad asks me.

"Jackson was an idiot and now I have to act like his stupid ass date." My mom looks at me interested but my dad gives Jackson a sharp look.

"First of all, language. And second, touch my daughter and your dead." He says the last part to Jackson and my eyes widen.

"Dad! I can defend myself and he will not be touching me. Right?" I turn and give Jackson a look that causing him to vigorously nod in agreement.

"Yes sir!" He drags me out the door and we go to the movie theatre. Yay... I can't wait for tonight... To be over!

Chapter seven



We get there and I immediately want to turn around.

"Can we go yet??" I ask looking up at Jackson's 6' figure and he looks at me and sighs.

"I wish." He looks ahead as a girl struts over to us.

"So this is the girlfriend?" She looks me up and down with a disgusted look coating her features. I give her a petty smile and she looks shocked. 

'So this is the girlfriend?' I mock her, badly mimicking her voice on purpose. I look over to find Jackson trying to hold back a laugh.

"Yeah." He finally gets out. 

"Fine. Let's go. After the movie, we'll talk more." She purses her lips and walks away. We end up watching "After" which I'm okay with since I like the movie. When we are finished we wait for the bit- I mean... Girl to get out. I have my arm through Jackson's thats staying hooked by his pocket. "Okay, why the hell would you rather date this ugly ass bitch over me?" She whines.

I open my mouth to snap at her but Jackson beats me to it. "First of all, she's far from ugly, second of all, all that makeup cant make your soul any less ugly, and three your a petty bitch. Dont talk shit about other people until you fucking know them." Her jaw drops and this time I do nothing to hold back my laughter.

She clears her throat and swallows. "F-fine... If you really are dating then... Kiss!" She puts her hands on her hips as if challenging us. 

'You owe me you ass.' I tell him privately before grabbing the collar of his shirt and bringing his lips to mine. I pull away and turn to see her lips trembling.

"Sorry hun, he didn't lie. Now if you dont mind, I think we're going to head home." I roll my eyes and drag him down the street until we turn down the next one, out of her view. I let go of him and start gagging.

"Wow. Real mature. I'm not that bad." He defends himself.

"Last I checked you haven't kissed yourself." I shoot back, although he's right. He isn't bad. Actually he's a great kisser. I'm glad for the dark at the moment because I'm sure my cheeks are as red as a tomato. 

"What am I going to do with you?" He sighs and I start walking. "Wait up!" He runs up to me. 

"Was my acting enough for you?" I ask rolling my eyes.

"You know, for how much you roll your eyes, I'm surprised that they don't get stuck that way."

"Only for you." I wink at him and he chuckles.

"Okay, dork."

Chapter eight



I walk her to her room and smile at her. "Thank you." She smirks back and shrugs.

"Anytime." She shuts her door and I sigh. Tonight was perfect. Yeah, Sarah (I think that's her name?) Was super annoying but I got to kiss Alex! I'm acting like I'm in elementary and their crush told them that they like them. Ugh. I've liked Alex for a while but it keeps getting stronger. I suppose that'll stop once I find my mate. Wolves can only figure out who their mate is once they are 18 and older. 


"Jackson. Jackson. Jackson. Jackson. Jackson. Jackson. Jackson!" I feel my bed dip and I open my eyes. After they adjust I see Alex bouncing on my bed. 

"What?" I ask.

"I'm bored." I sigh and roll my eyes at her. 

"So you wake me up at," I look over at my clock. "6:47 in the morning because you are bored?"

"Mmm yes?" She smiles innocently at me. "I'm sorry, I just haven't slept all night." I notice that she does have dark bags under her eyes.

"If I'm here and you can't sleep just come in here." I sigh. "Come here." I pat the bed next to me and she lays down under the blankets. "Why can't you sleep?" I ask despite being ready to pass out again.

"I dunno." She says.


"Fine. Ive just been... Thinking. And I'm sort of afraid after my dream." She admits shyly.

"What was your dream?" She hesitates before answering me.

"Basically some guy was in love with me so he killed y- my mate. He shot him but suffocated me. Not before uh... Doing stuff but yeah."

I gulp at hearing her dream. I understand the screams now. I pull her close to me and begin stoking her hair. "I'm really sorry... Let's do this, we are going to alter it. Okay?" She giggles but nods. "Once upon a time there was a big bad wolf. He wanted to have... Red riding hood all for himself so he did whatever he could to get her. He even went to the extent of preparing to kill, but before he could, red's hero -- *cough* Jackson *cough* -- comes in and gets him off her. *cough* Jackson comes out of the fight with not even a scratch on him. He saves her and then runs away, bringing her somewhere safe, and stays with her for the rest of their lives."

She giggles at my re-make of her dream but still smiles when she looks up at me. "Thank you." I nod at her and a few minutes later, her breathing evens out, not caring that her head is resting on my chest. I quickly join her slumber, satisfied with the start of the day.


Chapter nine



Going into Jackson's room was a long shot, but I'm glad I did. He made me feel a lot better and I got to sleep with him again. I wake up again to my dad yelling from down stairs that we both need to get up. I groan as Jackson starts to get up and he laughs at me.

"What? Your warm." I complain. He laughs again and I prop up on my shoulder to look at the time. "Damn. Its already noon?" I sigh and move to get out of his bed.

"How'd you sleep?" He asks following behind me.

"Pretty good." I admit.

"Good. I'm glad." We walk downstairs and join our parents in the kitchen.

"Morning sleepy heads." My mom greets, smirking at me.

"Sorry. I couldn't sleep until almost seven this morning." I tell her.

"Well we have some news." My dad starts. 

"Wait. Am I having a younger sibling?? I knew this was going to happen." I sigh and everyone laughs at me.

"No." He shakes his head at me and continues. "They are going to move in with us." He signals to Myah and Ashton.

"Nice! I get to live without parents!" Jackson exclaims.

"Nope. You are too mister." Myah tells him sternly.

"Damn." He whispers under his breath causing me to laugh. My parents both give me questioning looks and then ask if they can talk to me. We head to my room and I go to my nightstand and grab my pill as they start talking.

"You've laugh two times in the last two days before you've taken it. Whats going on?" My father asks concerned. 

"I honestly dont know. Its just little things Jackson does that make me laugh." I feel my cheeks heat a tiny bit as I smile. My parents look at each other and back at me with a smirk on her face.

"Looks like somebody likes a certain somebody." My face turns dark red from embarrassment before I defend myself.

"Pfft no I don't! He's... Hes Jackson! Jackson is Jackson! He's just... No! I don't! Plus even if I did it wouldn't matter! He wouldnt like me back and once I find my mate it won't matter anyways. B-but I don't!"

"She didn't say a name..." My dad points out. I flop down on my bed onto my stomach. I groan and my mom laughs.

"Oh honey... You are so far gone."

Chapter ten



They come back down and Alex's face is bright red. She plops down on one of the bar stools and just grumbles when they laugh.

"So Jack." Her dad starts. "Do you have your eyes on anyone?" I spit out the orange juice I had began drinking and start choking.

"Woah, don't die." Alex starts patting my back and in between coughing I start laughing.

"Will do." I tell her when I'm finished. "And uh, yes." I answer him.

"What??" My mom shrieks. "Do tell!" I have both the woman's attention but Alex looks away. 

"I uh... I'm going to go get dressed." She says and rushes out of the room. 

"Is she okay??" I ask looking to her parents.

"Yeah... She's fine. She just needs alone time sometimes. Typical teen behavior." Blair smiles at me. "So who is the lucky girl?" My cheeks flush a bit as I think of the person who just ran out.

"I know who it is." My mom smirks at me.

"Myah! Who?" Blair gushes at her best friend.

"A certain you know, Steele child." I glare at my mom as the redness darkens. Dylan and Blair look at each other and smile but look back with straight faces. 

"Thanks mom." I roll my eyes at her and she gets up. She walks around the breakfast bar and when she passes me she smacks the back of my head. "Owww!"  I hear a small giggle and turn to Alex.

"What'd you do to deserve that one?" She asks still giggling. I huff and stick my tongue out at her. "Oh, poor Jackson. You're going to regret that." I pop up and rush out the door with Alex on my tail. We turn into our wolves and she tries to get me but I hide behind a tree. She growls at me as her pearly canines contrast against her pitch black coat. Her red eyes glow as she looks back at my yellow ones. I see four other wolves running towards us and silently laugh. 

'You should know that you can sneak up on a future alpha guys.' She sends to all of us, turning around to look at them. Her dad charges at her and tackles her which leads to them wrestling. I sneak around the trees and behind my own dad and pounce of him. We start wrestling too while my mom and Blair are laughing at us. We soon run into Alex and Dylan and they abruptly stop. They both get up and look at each other. They both attack at the same time, Alex on me. We start messing around before all three alphas stop. They smelt them first, but the scent soon hits the rest of us. Vampires.

Chapter eleven



Vampires are our worst enemy. Worse than other wolves. Three of them step out from behind the trees and Jackson tries to step in front of me, but I stop him, blocking him, ignoring his growl in protest. Ashton blocks Myah as us three alphas growl at them.

"Calm down pups." One of them says. "We just want to... Talk." We are almost up to their height and much larger so when my dad growls again, the two others, obviously much younger then the first one, stagger back a bit. "Look, all we need is three wolves and we can be on our way. The three behind you look perfect." I step more in front of Jackson if possible, as my parents do the say with Myah and Ashton.

"No!" I bark out. 

"Then I guess this wont be as easy. Oh well." They charge at us, and with their speed and strength it a bit hard to meet them in the air, but we manage. I'm not letting them hurt the others. No matter the cost. I got the youngest who I manage to get down in a little less than a minute, (like I said, hard.) and go to help my mother.

We finish off that one and turn to my dad. Hes pinned under the vamp who is about to bite him. Jackson jumps on him before I can get there, so the vampire directs his attention to him. I growl, furious at both the Vampire and Jackson, and attack the man. He's ripped to shreds in seconds, thanks to my anger. I turn back into human form, as have the rest, and stalk back to the house without another word. I make it there with Jackson close behind me.

"What's wrong Alex??" He asks closing the door. I turn around at the top of the stairs and look down at him before snapping.

"What the hell were you thinking?! You could have been killed you idiot! If I wasnt there you would have been dead!!" I scream. "You took a risk that was stupid and was unneeded! I could have gotten there in time, but no! Jackson has to "save the day" and be the big hero! You dont always have to help! You should have ran! Not stayed where you could have gotten killed either way!!" I gulp, my throat sore from screaming.

He slowly starts up the stairs before talking. "Why would you care?"

"What the fuck would I do without you?? You are my best friend Jackson! You've always been there no matter what! Ugh!! I hate you, you asshole!" He reaches the top of the stairs and pulls me into his arms. I sob into his chest as he strokes my hair. 

"It's okay Alex... Shh..." He soothes when I hear the door open. I pull away from Jackson and wipe my eyes, though it doesn't do anything since tears still leak from my eyes. My parents and his walk up the stairs, all of them pulling us into a hug. I'm between Jackson and my mom so when we are done she pulls me into a separate hug. I pull away and smile at her.

"Why don't you two go upstairs for a bit?" Myah suggests I nod and go up another set of stairs. I go into my room and go to my drawer. I pull out my blade and study it for a few minutes, then drop it back into the night stand, but not before adding fresh cuts to my already present and a little bit painful ones.. I put earbuds in a press shuffle on my playlist. The first song that plays is "Best Friend" by Jason Chen and my mind goes to Jackson. My stupid liking to him has never been this bad. It keeps getting stronger which scares me. I think back to my out burst and sigh. When the song is done and pull them out and go over to Jackson's door. I knock on the door and hear a faint "Come in." Before I enter.

"Hey..." I slightly smile at him and close his door again.

"Hi." He responds, not having much emotion in his voice.

"Jackson... I'm really sorry. I was upset and scared. I shouldn't have done what I did but its done and there is nothing I can do to change that. So either forgive me or tell me to get out." I say and look at him. He looks straight ahead trying to keep a straight face but the corners of his lips curl up a bit. He sighs before patting the bed next to him. I smile and go to plop down on his bed. "Thank you." I whisper, hugging him again. He says nothing but wraps his arms around me.

Chapter twelve



We lay there for a while before deciding to watch a movie. Alex goes down stairs to get snacks and I pick out a movie.

"My parents said not to stay up too late since we have school tomorrow." She says closing my door.

"Okay." We sit on my bed and start watching the movie and then watch another one. I end up falling asleep and wake up to my alarm going off. Alex is, well was, asleep on my chest, which makes me smile. "Hey." I say after turning my alarm off.

"Morning. I have to go shower." She gets up and takes the food from last night with her. I get ready for school and meet Alex and our parents in the kitchen.

"How is it that she showered and you didn't, and yet she was done before you." My dad asks. I roll my eyes and take an apple.

"It takes work to look like this." I state and Alex snorts.

"Please, thats how I look when I wake up." She walks past me and outside, leaving me with my jaw dropped. 

"Damn..." I whisper and all of them laugh at me. I walk outside and see Alex leaning on her black mustang.

"Slowpoke." She says signalling for me to get in. I follow her actions into the passenger seat as she starts her car. "Get apple juice anywhere in my baby, and I will drop you on your head." She threatens. I slowly close my mouth and lower the unbitten apple.

"Maybe I'll just wait till we get to school." She laughs and drives to our high school. We get out of her car and go our seperate ways. Before lunch Alex and I have one class together which is algebra. At lunch I find her in the cafeteria with two of her friends, Brooke and Amy. When I'm about to look away to find my friends, one of the biggest flirts and jerks in our school walks up to her. He talks to her, either ignoring or doesn't see her really annoyed look, until she finally says something. She whispers something to him that leaves his jaw dropped, and walks away with a wide eyes Brooke and Amy following her.

She walks to a table and sits down. I pull my eyes away from her and towards the table my football friends are at. I go to sit down, not really paying attention to any of them. My mind wonders to Alex, wondering what she said. Then I have an idea.

'What was that about?' I ask her.


'Shut up woman. What'd you say?' I have to stop myself from rolling my eyes.

'I told him not to talk to me ever again or I would do a lot more than threaten to kick him down there.' She tells me.

'Exact words?' 

'My exact words were "talk to me again and you won't have anything to charm the ladies with anymore."' She states flatly.

'Damn. Remind me not to get on your bad side.' Her laugh fills my head as a reply and I smile. I get through the rest of lunch uneventful and go on to the rest of my classes.

Chapter thirteen




I leave lunch and go to my next class which is English. I walk in and go sit in the back corner, when Jackson comes in the room. My heartbeat increases when I see him... Shit! Jackson's is quicker than usual too... He comes to sit by me, when I see the girl from the movies. Double shit! She smirks and walks over to us. 

"Hey Jackson. Sitting by your girlfriend?" She "asks" loud enough for the whole class to hear. Lucky us, everyone is here. All the student turn to see who the quarter back is "dating" now. I gulp and look at Jackson.

"Uh... She um... Broke up with me." He makes up.

"Oh." She smirks. "So, you up for that date now?" His face falls as he sighs. Not thinking before hand, the next words spill from my lips.

"Jackson! Will you take me back?" He whips around to look at me with a shocked look.

'What the fuck?' I shrug at his and signal for him to answer.

He clears his throat and says, "Sure. Yeah." I smile at him, for show as people take their phones to spread the news. I sigh and excuse myself to the bathroom. Tears threaten to spill over the edge as I make it to the bathroom. Shit. I forgot to take my meds! I hear the bathroom door open and stop mid pace. I turn to see Jackson.

"You do realize this is the girls bathroom, right?"

Ignoring my question, he asks, "Whats wrong?" Hmm I dont know... Maybe that I have this overly stupid crush on you and I want to date you for real but you'd never agree to it or feel the same way. I publicly humiliated myself for you and I doubt you care because no body does. I hate myself and wish I could die. Other than that, I have no idea! I think to myself but sigh before I answer.

"Nothing." He opens his mouth to speak but I push past him. Walking into class, all eyes are on me but I do my best to ignore them.

"It's all for popularity."

"I bet he's cheating on her with someone better."

"Why would he date her?" 

"20 bucks she's pregnant and its his."


"Its out of pity."

I hear these and more on the way back to my desk and have my wolf turn my emotions off. I stare blankly at the front of the room, ignoring Jackson who tries to get my attention the entire time.

Chapter fourteen



Alex was in the last four of my classes and ignored me in all of them. The last bell rang and she was out the door. She goes to her locker and I can tell she's turned her emotions back on because they fill her scent again. I stand by her, her locker door being the only thing separating us. She shuts her door and slightly jumps at the sight of me but judt shakes her head, ever so slightly and turns to walk away. I grab her fore arm to make her turn to me and she winces. Weird.

"Fuck off Jackson. I'm already playing the part as your girlfriend, isnt that enough?" She spits out at me.

"Whats wrong Alex?" She scoffs and pulls out of my grip. Running outside she gets in her car and pulls away. I sigh and start the 8 mile walk. About half a mile in, a familiar car pulls up on the road near me and I hear the door unlock. I hesitate but get in. "Alex please. Just talk to me" 

"No." She says.

"You just did." I reason and she rolls her eyes.

"Look. It doesn't matter. I'm fine. Just in a bad mood. So leave it alone." She growls so I shut up. When we make it home her dad tries to talk to her but she growls at him too before going up to her room. 

"Alex!" Her dad yells angry and starts to go after her but then Blair says something to him through their bond. They make no effort to hide that they are communicating like this, but since they aren't saying it out loud it obviously mean they are hiding something. Dylan face turns from angry to understanding and goes back to looking at some papers. Alex comes down a few minutes later and goes to hug her dad from behind.

"I'm sorry dad." 

"It's fine sweetheart. I understand. Just... Tell us before you do that again." She nods and I'm instantly confused. She turns to me but looks at the ground.

"I'm sorry Jack." I smile at her and when her eyes finally lift again she smiles back.



Chapter fifteen



"So why were you in such a bad mood?" Jackson asks from where he is on my bed. I shut my book and sigh, contemplating on what to tell him.

"Just... People being people. Made me mad."

"When don't they though." We say in sync. I look up at him and start laughing. We start watching Dirty Dancing and then 47 meters down. Jackson was screaming a lot of it and I just laughed. Being the nice person I am, the next movie I put in was IT. 

"Why have we been watching so many movies the past few days?" He asks me during the previews, not knowing what was to come.

"Comfort food is good for female business." I state making him jokingly gag. I roll my eyes and press play. My stomach hurts by the end of the movie, from laughing so hard. "Dude it isnt that scary!" 

"Yes it was. And you are evil." He glares at me.

"Aww thank you! You're so kind!" I get off my bed and bow.

"What am I going to do with you?" He sighs and flops back on my bed. I pick up the food and bring it back downstairs, expecting him to be gone when I got back. But I was wrong.

"Why are you still here?" I ask him.

"Because. I am. I'm going to have nightmares because of you so you are going to suffer too." I laugh at him and hop on my bed. 

"Well, sweet dreams." I wink at as he rolls his eyes.

"Hardy har har." My best friend snuggles up to me, and I realize that I really, really like him. Ugh.

Chapter sixteen



I wasn't actually going to have nightmares, but I wanted to stay next to her. We've been sleeping together for a week and its kinda become normal. I know, it's such a short time but still. 

"Get out." Alex shoves me out of her bed and I land on the floor with a thud.

"Gee thanks." I huff.

"Anytime." She winks and I roll my eyes. I reach up to her night stand drawer to help me up. I accidentally pull it open when I'm half way up, but before I can see anything in it, she slams it shut. I look down at her confused but she just answers, "Umm... Diary. Open. Drawer. Ugh. My dairy is open in the drawer..." Her heart beat seems to increase more and more every second she waits for my answer.

"Oh... Sorry." She shrugs and her heart slows down. I can only still hear it because of my increased hearing. I leave her room, still wondering if she was telling the truth. I dont think she was, but its not my place to press. I quickly get dressed before rushing down stairs. "Do you know what Alex has in her night stand drawer?" I skid to a stop in front of Dylan and he looks at me like I'm crazy. He pausing for a bit so I can tell he's talking to her. 

"Yeah. I can show you later if you want." 

"Cool. Thanks." I go back up stairs and finish getting ready. I'm sort of excited for later...

Chapter seventeen



When my dad told me to hide the pills I knew Jackson didn't believe me. I hide them under my bed and rush out the door. I quickly retreat and put my journal in the drawer to make it more believable. Lets hope this works. It was only when I has already left for the run when I realized... The blade. I run back as fast as I can but its too late.




 The kids get home from school and Alex asks to go for a run, as planned before hand. I lead Jackson up to her room and go to her nightstand. I open it and have him look at the journal.

"She said it was open." He argues.

"She closed it." I state having him back up a bit. I rummage through it quickly to make sure he can look through it. Something catches my eye, until I realize what it is. I snatch it up, furious and let him look. He does and sighs.

"Fine..." We walk downstairs and I look down the stairs as the door flies open with a scared Alex in it.

"Alex. A word?" I point up the stairs and she slowly follows me. "What the hell is this?" I yell after slamming her door.

"Dad I'm sorry..." She starts but I cut her off by grabbing her arm and yanking the sleeve of her hoodie down. Her entire forearm and some places above that are either covered in scars or red lines. I do the same to her other arm and she starts crying.

"Where else?" I demand her to answer with my alpha command but she still fights it. "Where. Else." I repeat and this time she cant fight it.

"My arms, stomach, legs... Anywhere I can hide really." She sobs. 

"Oh baby..." I wrap my daughter in my arms as she sobs hugging me back. I start crying also... I haven't cried since the day she was born.

"I'm so sorry dad... I love you..." She chokes out.

"I love you too baby girl."




Standing alone in the kitchen since the others are shopping, I faintly hear their conversation, when they are yelling. It quiets down for a bit, before they comes downstairs. Dylan has his arm draped over her shoulder as her leans into his chest. Her eyes are slightly puffy so I'm assuming she was crying.

"Hey... Everything okay?" I asks looking between the father daughter duo.

"Yeah." She smiles at me. "Who's up for a run later? We could go to the waterfall with mom and Jackson's parents?" 

"I'm down." I say as soon as the suggestion leaves her dark pink lips. She smiles and then her dad agrees too. The others get home and they agree to it. We go to the waterfall and play around for a bit before we have to head back. Alex and I grumble at the same time causing everyone to laugh. "Race ya!" I say to Alex, already stating to run. I make it to the house and think I beat her, but as I look up the stairs, shes sitting there picking at her nails. My jaw drops and she laughs. "H...How??" I ask shocked.

"I'm faster and there is a back door." She laughs.



Chapter eighteen



That night I slept alone and it was weird. Well, I guess I can't say slept, since I didn't sleep at all. I miss Jackson's warm embrace and his hot breath blowing my hair slightly. I miss him stroking my hair or back as I drift off to sleep. I just miss him. God... One week and I'm in deeper than ever. Its okay though... Three weeks of this, and then I wont. I'll only be attracted to my mate. Ugh. Who am I kidding? I'm counting on finding my mate right away but I might not. I've never liked anyone before Jackson. This is weird. So, so weird. I don't like it. I groan into my pillow and flip out of bed, ending up on the floor. A laugh comes from my door and I look up to see Jackson leaning in the doorway.

"That looked fun." I grumble in his direction and he laughs again. "What happened to the morning person I know?" 

"She died when she got no sleep." I mumble but he still hears it.

"Maybe it was something in the air. I couldn't either." 

'Thats what you think.' I think to myself. Although I'm not sure of his reason I do know mine. I'm a lovesick puppy. I groan again as I get up and walk to my closet. Grabbing my clothes I feel his eyes on me which makes me quite nervous but I shake it off.

"Can you drive me to school?" He asks.

"I do everyday you weirdo." I respond raising an eyebrow but not turning to him.

"I know... It's just some people said some things so I was wondering..." Now my head shoots to face him.

"What did they say???"

"Just that you were... well they said cheating on me... But we're dating... I mean not! Not dating... So it would technically be true. Sorry! I mean wouldn't. Shit." He whispers the last thing unlike the mess of what he said before. "I guess what I'm trying to say is I was wondering if you were going with your real boyfriend after or before school." I stand there frozen for a while, before going up to him and putting my hand on his chin to drag his gaze from the ground to mine.

"I dont have a boyfriend. And I find it kind of pointless considering I can find my mate in three weeks." I give him a weak smile while my mind goes to a dark place.

Well what about Jackson? You might not be here in three weeks. Just give up. No one would want you. You don't deserve anyone. Jackson will find someone perfect and you'll always be in love with him. He doesn't care about you. Its all an act. He's using you. Its all fake. You are nothing. Give. Up!

"Get out!!" I remove my hand from him and back up. He steps forward and reaches out to me while asking if I'm okay but I just scream for him to get out again.


"Out!!!" I scream louder. He looks hurt but gets out, slamming the door behind him. I go to the drawer and grab the blade. I hesitate with it over my skin as I ball my eyes out. I hear my door open and hit the wall but everything is a little hazy. The blade is taken away quickly as I faintly feel arms wrap around me. That is all before it all fades.



Chapter nineteen



I'm hurt that she pushed me away so suddenly. What did I do? I slam her door and stalk over to my room. Dylan was running up the stairs as I shut my door but I ignore him. I go to my phone and start texting my friends before school, when Dylan yelling interrupts me.

"Someone call the doctor now!!!" I step out of my room annoyed but my heart drops. He's carrying a limp body in his arms bridal style. That limp body just happened to be the person I was in love with. Yeah yeah, that's a strong term but honestly it's true. I have my phone out and its ringing before Blair and my parents can get up the stairs. The pack doctor rushes over and has everyone except her dad leave the room. No one was happy about it but we did it anyways. About 20 minutes later Dylan comes out and sighs a sigh of relief.

"She's fine. She just passed out from... Stress. Blair can I talk to you?" They go downstairs and my parents go to their room for a bit. I decide to snoop and see what they are talking about so I follow them even though they've been down for about a minute already.

"What was it really?" Alexs mom asks.

"She had another lapse. I figured thats what it was but I had to be sure since... Shes going to be mad at me but I need to tell you something." He opens his mouth to say what, but then the doctor comes down the stairs noisily causing them to stop. Ugh. Lapse of what??

A few hours later Blair is upstairs talking to Alex after talking to Dylan again. I'm sitting on the couch with my parents and her dad watching the football game when Blair storms down the two sets of stairs and out the front door angrily.

"Mom! Mom wait! Please! Mom!" Alex runs after her barefoot. I get up to try to help but Dylan stands up and puts an arm in front of me.

"They need time. Blair will get over it soon. She's done this before and they come back fine."


"Damn Jack. You're in deep." My dad says.


"In looooovveee." He wiggles his eye brows suggestively and everyone laughs at my reddend cheeks.


Chapter twenty



I wake up to a pounding headache and a few minutes my mom comes in.

"Hey mo-"

"Show me your arms. Now." She demands. 

'Dad! What the hell???' I ask him.

'She had to know Alex. Even if shes mad it'll blow over soon. Just explain it to her. Now go.' I sigh and pull my hoodie off, leaving me in just a tank top. Her eyes drift to my arms and she gasps.

 "Alex! I thought your dad was lying! How could you?? You could have died!"

"Mom I wasn't pushing hard enough for that... It was just a release... It felt like that could let all the pain out! I'm sorry..." I respond, putting my sweater back on.

"Really?? We got you pills to help you! We were always there! What, is our family not enough for you?? Fine then! I'll leave!" She turn and starts out my door and down the stairs.

"No! That's not what I mean! Mom. Mom! Mom wait! Please! Mom!" I run out the front door after her, not caring that I was barefoot. I bolt down the driveway and in front of her, putting my hands on her shoulders to stop her. "Mom... I promise you that I'm okay. You and dad and Myah and Ashton and Jackson are all I need. I'm so... So sorry. I should have told you but I swear I won't cut too deep. I love you so much... Please don't leave me mama... Please..." I beg. She looks up at me and I see that ears are rolling down her face. I pull her into my arms and rest my chin on her head, using my two inches on her to my advantage.

"Baby I'm just so scared that I'll lose you!" She sobs. "You are the most important thing in my life... I swore to myself on the day I found out you would be coming that I would protect you with my life and I cant lose you!"

"Mama you won't lose me... I'm okay. I'm sorry that I'm a disappointment..." I murmur. She pulls away and rests her hands on my cheeks.

"Dont you ever think you are a disappointment young lady. You are so so important and deserve so much better than to be stuck with these stupid things." She hugs me and then we head back, arm in arm.


Chapter twenty-one



They come back and both of their eyes are puffy but they are smiling and Blair's arm is hooked through her daughters. I look over at Dylan with my mouth slightly hanging open, and he smirk at me. They stop in front of us, and Dylan starts slowly nodding at Alex, not meaning for anyone else to see.

"What's for dinner?" My dad asks, once again wiggling his eye brows.

"Whatever you're making." Alex answers for her mom. The look of complete disbelief creeping over him face was priceless. We all laugh and he scowls. "Oh calm down. I'm kidding. Jackson's making it." My smile disappears as I turn to look at her.

"B-but... No kitchen. Bad. Bad kitchen. Fire, food, burn. No." I croak out. She bites her lip to stop herself from laughing and I have to hold back a growl.

"Fine, I'll help you. Mom, you okay with that?" She looks over at her mom who's nodding. She leaves her daughter and plops down next to her mate and snuggles up to him. 

'That should be Alex and me.' I think to myself.

Shut up. Its not going to happen. My wolf says that and I get a little upset but ignore it. We go into the kitchen and she tells me to wash my hands. I do as she tells me to and she gets out ingredients.

"What are we making?" I ask her.

"Just some simple chicken parm." 

"You and I have different definitions of simple. How can I help?"

"Do the dishes when I'm done with them." She says backing me up from the stove where she's starting to go to town. I do as she says but 45 minutes into it I'm bored.

"Alex. Alex. Alex. Alex. Alex. Alex. Alex. Aleeeexxxx." I poke her over and over again. 

"What??" She spins around to face me.

"I'm bored."

"Get off me, you weirdo." She pushes against me but I only move a little. "Jackson I'm cooking!" She protests.

"But I'm bored." I whine. She sighs and turns back around where she's currently frying some vegetables. And go directly behind her and put my chin on her head.

"Get off! You're acting like you're three." She elbows me, kind of softly but kind of not. I stay put but her elbow soon meets my stomach but harder this time. I fall on the floor with a grunt and she turns around. Her eyes widen as she sees me gripping my rib cage. "Oh my God, are you okay?? I was aiming for your stomach and... I'm sorry! I- You Asshole." I start laughing at the fact that she believed my act and she huffs and turns back to the stove.

"Aww I'm sorry." I wrap my arms around her from behind and she tries to shove me off.

"I have a hot pan and its about to meet your face." She states causing me to back up.

"I... I was just getting plates out." I can tell she rolls her eyes at me and slightly shakes her head but she chuckles too.


Chapter twenty-two



We sat down for dinner and begin eating.

"I'm never cooking again." My mom says with her first bite. Ashton and my dad are just shoving food in their faces and Jackson goes to take his first bite.

He lets out a little moan while saying, "It's amazing Alex." I have to shove food in my mouth to stop from growling/whimpering at his moan. We continue through dinner uneventful until it came to who was doing the dishes.

"Alright people, dad and Ash are going to be doing to dishes. Alright? Alright." I state getting up and putting my plate in the sink. 

"I thought you loved me!" My dad exclaims putting his hand over his chest like he was hurt.

"I do. Enough to let you have the privilege of washing the dishes." I smile sweetly at my dad as he and his best friend grumble. "God you guys are babies." I roll my eyes as I take the rag from Jacksons dad and the drying towel from mine. I hand the rag to Jackson while taking his hand and dragging him to the sink.

"But Alex... I already did the dishes." He complains.

"And? Do some more." Our moms laugh at us as we start the dishes and they sit and talk at the table, about something I can't hear no matter how hard I try. Wait... Damn I'm stupid. They aren't talking talking, they are bond talking. "How's school going?" I ask Jackson, making small talk.

"Eh. Girls are so annoying. They think that just because I'm the quarter back, that I'll sleep with them 24/7 It's just so annoying. Football is okay. The team this year sucks, besides Joey, Brad, and me. Classes are okay. The best are with y-" he starts coughing mid sentence and I start patting his back.

"Are you okay?" I feel kinda bad but I laugh.

"Wow, thanks. Really feeling the love." He says straightening up. 

'Damn, can't you tell I do love you???' I think to myself before my wolf tells me to shut up because it'll never happen. Ugh.

"You're welcome. What were you saying?" I ignore my own feelings and push the conversation forward.

He clears his throat before saying, "Oh nothing." We do the dishes and go to our separate rooms before I realize something. I go to his door and knock on it. "Yeah?" He asks opening it.

"You skipped school today. Because of me. Why?" He gulps before answering.

"I- I was worried. You know I t-thought it was my fault. But you're okay so, bye." He shuts the door and my mood darkens. Not mad darkens, but I'm honestly really sad. I thought maybe he cared more than if it was his fault but I guess I was wrong... Damn...

Chapter twenty-three



I'm ignoring Jackson at the moment. He said hi this morning but I just kept walking. We're in my car right now and I still am. I know I'm probably over reacting but I am hurt. I really thought he cared. We arrive at the school and I get out leaving him in the car. I hear him sigh and follow me out.

"Alex, what did I do?" He runs up to my side. I continue walking until I'm in the building at my locker. "Alex, just answer me!" He leans up against the locker beside me. I get all my stuff and start walking. He grabs my wrist to stop me and I surprisingly dont feel pain. What? I cut last night so why didn't it hurt? I pull from his grip and rush the the girls bathroom.

"What the hell?" I ask pulling up my sleeves. All I have are scars... Ugh. I didn't press hard enough so it healed right away. 'Thanks wolf gene's I roll my eyes at my thoughts but shake it off and go to my first class. That goes on uneventful, besides the whispers. Same for the next one. Lucky me though, Jackson's in my last morning class. He sits next to me and continues to fight for my attention but when I quickly leave class I think he finally gives up. At lunch I sit with Brooke and Amy. Brooke is a member of our pack but Amy is human. I dont hear much except for Brooke saying her birthday is tomorrow and bits and pieces of other things. My mind is on Jackson the entire time. Ugh.

The rest of my classes come and go like my third. When I go to leave, Jackson is already leaning on my car. His eyes are on my as I pause at the front door of the school. I take a deep breath and resume walking. When I'm in arms length of his, despite my attempts at going to the side, he picks me up and throws me over his shoulder as if I weigh nothing. He steals my keys and puts me in the passenger seat. Shutting and locking my door, he walks to the other side and opening the door. Without a word, he starts driving. I sigh and watch the world fly by through the window. I close my eyes and listen to the road under the tires and low hum of the music through the radio. I open my eyes and find us in the middle of a forest. I turn towards Jackson to find him staring straight ahead with a grip on the steering wheel so tight his knuckles are turning white. I try to jiggle the door handle but it's locked and my locks from inside stopped working.

"Talk. To. Me." He demands not taking his eyes off a tree in front of us.

"Look I wasnt in the mood to talk okay?? That doesn't give you the go ahead to kidnap me and lock me in my car!"

Chapter twenty-four



"Bull." I state flatly. I was fed up with her ignoring me all day so I did this. "You were talking to Brooke and Amy. And Joey. The second I came you rushed away. What, did you lie about not having a boyfriend or something and dont want me to find out??"

"No I just don't want to talk to you." She says turning to look out the window again.

"Why?" I loosen my grip on the wheel a tiny bit as I wait for her answer.

"I just- It doesn't matter." She cuts herself off and I growl.

"Tell. Me." 

"No! Stop asking!" She uses a more authoritative tone but my wolf is beginning to come out so it doesn't do anything.

"Alex! Tell me!" I see my normally brown eyes start turning yellow in the rear view mirror but ignore it.

"No." She growls back. I whip around to her, and grab her chin, bringing her closer to me. Dangerously close...

"Alex just tell me. It isnt that hard." I growl not removing my eyes from her turning red ones.

"Because you dont fucking care." She states, grabbing the keys out of the ignition and unlocking her door. She gets out before I can stop her. She was swift with it all. What does she mean I dont care? I stayed home from school for her and I- shit. I stayed home from school for her. Last night. I quickly get out of the car and chase after her scent.

"Alex!" I yell. I stop when her scent suddenly is gone. "Alex!" I run all the way back to our house and barge through the door. "Where is she??" I yell causing the four adults to gather at the top of the stairs.

"Where's who?" My dad asks.


"She's with you isnt she?" Dylan asks. I gulp and spit out the story to them. "So you're telling me that, my daughter is missing because of you??" I slowly nod my head. 

"Dylan." Blair warns. "Don't. We'll find her." He looks down at me and his growl fills my head but he nods at his wife. "Jackson, go into town and search there. Dylan and I will go to the waterfall, and Ashton and Myah, you take the forest. Okay?" They all nod and we rush out the door. I run into our smallish town and through most of it before Blair's voice fills my head.

'Nothing. You guys?'

'Not here either. We checked the pack house too.' My mom responds.

'I'm still looking.'

'Let us know if you find her.' They tell me. I go again and end up at a cafe on the other side of town.

'Please let her be here.' I silently pray. I walk in and scan the room. I sigh amd I go to walk out the door when I'm drawn to a figure in the corner. Alex.

Chapter twenty-five



I ran away from the scene and kept running until I ran into this old cafe. Its on the other side of town so it should be okay. Soon my parent's voices go off in my head and I know Jackson has told them. Tears spill down my cheeks as I huddle further into the corner. As far as the chair will let me. I bring my knees up to my chest and hug them as my feet rest on the chair seat. I prepare myself to leave but I can't do it. I don't have enough left in me to move. I hear the bell above the door ring meaning someone new just came in and I can smell him but don't look up. 

"Alex." He rushes to my side but I do nothing. "Alex?" I look over at him and sigh. He gulps and picks me up bridal style. "I'm so sorry. I'm so so sorry. I care. I care so much Alex. I'm sorry." He continues whispering things like this until I fall asleep in his arms.




 I sigh as I set her in my bed. I squeeze her hand before leaving the room and meeting the adults in the living room.

"I'm really sorry alpha." I tell him. "I didn't mean for this to happen..."

"It's fine Jackson. This was coming for a while. And since when do you call me alpha?" He responds.

"Uhh since I thought you might want to murder me for losing your daughter?" I admit causing them to laugh at me. "Anyways, we have school tomorrow so I think I should head to bed." I get up and turn to the stair case. I'm about halfway up when I hear my name.

"Thank you. For finding her. You'll be an excellent beta." Dylan tells me. I smile and turn back to the stairs. Once I make it to my room I look at the sleeping beauty in my bed. God, she's amazing and I was a jerk. I felt stupid so I basically told her I didn't care. I pull off my shirt and pants leaving me in only boxers when I hear a rustling in the bed. I turn to see Alex sort of sitting up and rubbing her eyes. I try to hurry my bottoms on before she fully wakes up but I can tell its too late when I turn again, but this time to meet a flushed Alex.

"S-sorry..." She murmurs.


"Being like this... I was so butt hurt over something stupid. And then had you guys chasing me around. I'm just sorry for everything." Her eyes water and forgetting that I didn't have a shirt on, I go over to her and pull her to my chest while I sit on the edge of the bed. Her arms find their way around me as she hugs me back. I lay down next to her, not removing my arms from her.

"It's fine. There's nothing wrong with you." I stroke her hair and before I can stop myself, I kiss the top of her head. I bite the inside of my cheek and squeeze my eyes shut but she doesn't move a muscle.

"Thank you." She says, coming closer if thats even possible. I sigh in contentment and fall asleep.

Chapter twenty-six



I wake up in the morning to a really annoying alarm. I open my eyes to a very chiseled bare chest. He moves and the alarm turn off but he doesn't let me move.

"Jackson." I whine. "Get off of me! We have school you know."

"Mmmm comfy." He snuggles closer to me, and I grumble, trying to hide the fact that I like this.

"What, are you calling me fat?" I look up at his face and see that his eyes are still closed, giving me more time to study his face. I look from his defined jaw line to his lips. They aren't full, but they aren't thin either. I look to his closed eyes and miss the hazel that's normally there.

"No. Just comfy."

"Cause that makes sense." I laugh.

'Happy birthday Brooke.' I send it to the entire pack so that they remember. I shove him off me and he grunts.

"Comfy gone." He stalks out of bed, looking like Igor. I laugh and he looks at me. "Comfy." He starts walking towards me like a zombie so I laugh and run out of the room.

"Dad!" I run into the kitchen and behind my dad. "Save me! This weirdo is after me!" I yell over dramatic.

"What?" He asks me not seeing Jackson yet.

"Comfy." Jackson enters the kitchen and ignores my dad, heading straight for me.

"I'm not part of this." He puts his hands up and walks away.

"Dad!!" I yell running away from Jackson again. Jackson stops walking like a zombie and runs after me. I run into my room and slam the door shut in his face.

"Owww." I hear and laugh. "Wow. Thanks." I open the door still laughing and he tackles me. 

"Don't you dare-" I start laughing and kicking as he tickles me. "Jackson!!" I shove him off of me and quickly get up, putting my bed between us. He plops down on my bed and starts fake snoring. "Well I'm going to go shower so you need to be out."  He grumbles some more and walks out of my room. I laugh as I go to shower. Whens I'm done I through on a Hamline High hoodie with jeans. Walking out my door I run into Jackson. Literally. He starts to fall down the stairs but I quickly grab his arm to stop him. "I'm sorry." I say helping him regain his balance.

"Its fine." He laughs. We head to school and the second I'm out of my car I'm grabbed by the hand and dragged away.

"Wow Brooke. Calm down. What's wrong?" I ask my friend.

"Mate. My. Found. Human. Amy." She begins to hyperventilate and I can't tell what she says. 

"Breathe Brooke. Breathe." She starts breathing regularly again before I ask her again.

"I found my mate."

"That's awesome! Who is it?" I ask her. My jaw drops at her response.


Chapter twenty-seven



"Oh. Come here." I drag her back to my car where Jackson is standing there confused. 

'She found her mate. It's Amy. I'm bringing her to my dad.' I tell him. He nods and walks to the school. I help her into the passenger seat and quickly get into the drivers. We are at my house in about 10 minutes and rushing into the house.

"Dad!" I yell when I walk through the door. Hes not in the living room so I barge into his office. I walk into my mom and him making out on his desk. "Eww!" I shriek. They pull away and both of their cheeks are super red. My dad sees Brooke and goes into alpha mode.

"How can I help you ladies?" 

"Dad, Brooke found her mate and she's human." I blurt out.

"She's?" I nod at his question and my mom gets all excited.

"Oh honey, it's fine! Alex's uncle had a human mate, you just have to make sure they love you back before you tell them. Then you can mark them and turn them. Who the lucky lady??" She rushes up to Brooke and steals her from me.

"Amy..." She admits quietly. My mom bombards her with questions for a while, while my dad talks to me.

"You the right thing bringing her here. I'm proud of you. Where's Jackson?"

"He's still at school. I figured we'd just come in late." I tell him, looking for the okay to do so.

"Alright. Have Amy and Brooke over tonight. They can sleepover if they want since its the weekend." I smile and nod at him, before going and stealing her back from my mom.

"Sorry mom, gotta go. Love you." We head back to the school and are there by lunch. Jackson and I were late to begin with. I have Brooke get Amy and then meet me where I'm sitting, which ends up being by Jackson. "Everything is fine. They're coming over tonight if their parents are okay with it." I say quietly.

"Okay." They come sit down and I feel terrible for Brooke. The entire time the other football players are hitting on her and Amy. That's just great.



Chapter twenty-eight



Amy and Brooke came over and they were in her room all night. Alex came to talk to me after they fell asleep but went back to her room, much to my dismay. Anyways, that was three weeks ago. Yesterday Brooke asked Amy to be her girlfriend and she said yes. Today is mine and Alex's eighteenth birthday. I wake up and look down at the soon to be woman next to me. After today, this might not happen again. She might find her mate, I might find mine. I study her features before I have to wake her up. Her rosy cheeks, her perfect lips, her cute button nose. 

"Alex." I whisper and watch as her beautiful grey eyes come to view.

"Hey." She smiles at me sleepily. "Happy birthday."

"You too." I respond. She props herself up on her shoulder and sighs.

"A few more hours and I have to be the alpha." She says more to herself than me.

"Hey, look at it this way. You have an awesome beta!" I flip my imaginary long hair over my shoulder and she giggles.

"You dork." She shakes her head and moves from my bed. "I'm gunna go get ready. Meet you downstairs." She leaves the room and I smile. Not because she left, but because she was here. I get ready and go down stairs to find them talking.

"So, you excited to potentially find your mate?" Blair asks.

"No. No boys aloud." Dylan states.

"Oh hush." Blair smacks him on the back of his head.

"Ouch!" He rubs the back of his head.

"I'm nervous. What about J-" Her mom clears her throat before she can finish.

"Sorry, I had something in my thoat. Oh, hi Jackson." She says finally realizing I'm here. "What about you? Are you excited?" 

"Eh." My dad gives me a look and I blush a bit. "We should get going, right?" I look at Alex and she nods. We head out and make it to school a bit early. "So, right after lunch and you'll potentially find your mate, huh." I say breaking the silence no matter how sad it made me. 

"Yeah... You too..." She sighs at the end which makes me curious. 'Probably nothing.' I tell myself.

Stop being sad. You'll have someone better soon. 

'Shut up.' I tell my wolf before blocking him out. We just decide to get out and go to first hour early. As soon as we are out of the car Brooke and Amy are in front of us basically pushing Alex and I together on the trunk of her car.

"Hi... Whats up with you two?" She asks.

"Hey wolfies." Amy smiles.

"Aww you know!" Alex throws her arms around her friends. "Thank you." She whispers.

"For what?" She giggles.

"Accepting us." Brooke and Alex so in sync. They pull away and Alex starts backing up but trips, falling back into me. Her cheeks turn dark red as he straightens up with my help.

"Sorry..." I laugh and tell her it fine before we head to class. Our first three classes and lunch fly by and before we know it, we're talking at her locker.

"One minute until you're an adult. How does it feel?" I hold up an imaginary microphone which she pushes away. "Ouch."

"Five minutes until your an adult. How does it feel?" She mimics me. I roll my eyes and start to say something when her hand flies to her nose. "I- I gotta go!" She runs down the hall way, not caring if she runs into other students here and there. What happened?

Chapter twenty-nine



We joke around for a while until a scent hits me. A familiar scent. Jackson's scent. My hand flies to my nose trying to block it out.

"I- I gotta go!" I run into the bathroom, knocking into multiple students on the way. Holy shit. I just found my mate. My mate is Jackson. I block my scent so that he won't know, since I'm freaking out. I go home, and text Jackson that I'm sick so he'll have to find a ride. I avoid him for the next three days but it's hard. I don't go to school, claiming I am sick but my parents know better. "Mom, can I talk to you?" I ask walking I to the kitchen.

"Sure." We walk to my room and on the way I see Jackson. I gulp and he looks at me hurt... Ugh.

"How did you stay away from dad for so long??" I ask as soon as my door is shut.

"Uhh a lot of self control I guess. Where did that come from?" She laughs.

"Mom I'm going crazy and its been three days." I breakdown.

"Baby, what's going on?" She wraps her arms around me as we sit on my bed.

"Everything. I'm wrong. Wolves shouldn't have depression and OCD and anxiety. Yes I have anxiety too. He'll never want me!" I sob.

"Who won't want you?"

"Jackson..." I admit quietly. "Mom Jackson won't want me when he finds out."

"Baby, he already wants you. You're his best friend. Find out what?"

"Jackson is my mate." 

"Oh honey..." She continues holding me as I almost fall asleep after two nights of no sleep. "It'll be okay..." We stay there for a bit longer before she leaves. I stay in bed until his scent fills the house. When it does, I finally go down stairs, to see if I can handle it.

"Hey." I enter the kitchen and my dad turns to me with a knowing look. Thanks mom.

"Hey sicko. How ya feeling?" He spins an apple in his hands looking at me like nothing is wrong. I guess he doesn't know so...

"Good." I answer, trying my best not to pounce on him right now. Luckily we get through an entire conversation without incident. I continue pressing my boundaries with him for about three months.


"Ugh. I feel like I'm never going to find my mate." He complains. We're in my room sitting on my bed. Well I'm sitting, he's sprawled out on it now for dramatic effect.

"You'll find them some day..." I comfort. God I suck at this. I sigh at myself but he doesn't notice. 

"Anyways, when is the alpha ceremony?" He asks sitting up again and leaning against my footboard as I lean against my headboard. I yawn, exhausted from lack of sleep and masking my scent 24/7. It's a lot of work.

"Sorry. Uhh I'm not quite sure but I think some time in winter or spring." I answer.

"Nice. Ugh. We have school tomorrow." I laugh and nod my head.

"That we do. We should probably head to bed..." I sigh again knowing I won't get much sleep. School has been horrible lately. I can't ever focus, either because of Jackson, sleepiness, or both.

 "Yeah... Hey uh... Would you mind if I slept here tonight? It's okay if you dont want me to I just-"

"Jackson it's fine... Just let me talk to my mom quick." I sigh for the third time in less five minutes. He smiles and nods at me before I leave. "Mom?" I peak my head in my parents bedroom. She looks up at me and then closes her book.

"Hi honey, what's up?" She asks. I go over and sit down on their bed between their legs, so that I'm in the middle.

"Is there a way that I can, mask my scent with another scent? Just for a night?" I asks, looking down at my hands that are awkwardly messing with each other. I look up at my dad and he looks deep in thought.

"I suppose if we drenched you in another smell he wouldnt be able to recognize you. This is about Jackson right?" He asks. When I nod, he asks, "Why are you still hiding it from him?" 

"I'm scared... Plus mom hid it from you for longer than I did." I raise an eyebrow at him and he nods.

"Point taken. Let's go mess up your scent." He says jumping out of bed. My mom and I laugh at him before following him. 



Chapter thirty



As I wait for her to come back, I must have sighed 20 times. I'm never going to find my mate. I smell hint of something at weird hours of the night but never enough to identify it. Ugh! I bet Alex found her mate the first day and just isn't telling me out of pity. She comes back in the room and I look over at her.

"You've found your mate, havent you? You just arent telling me because you feel bad that I can't find mine." I spit out before I can stop myself 

"W-what are you t-talking about?" She asks me with fear in her eyes.

"Lex, if you found him just tell me. It's fine. I haven't found mine but that shouldn't have to be without him. Now, who is he?"

"Jackson, I would tell you if I found my mate. No one would replace you. I wouldn't not tell you out of pity." She says walking over to the bed. I sigh out of relief. I won't lose her... No matter how much it kills me to see her with someone else. "Let's head to sleep." She suggests. I nod and move over to one side of the bed. She lays down next to me and I end up draping my arm over her stomach. She relaxes instantly which is a bit confusing but I suppose its just because her... Protector..? I guess that's the best way to put it... Is here.

"Good night." I tell her.

"Good night." The last thing I remember before falling asleep is her snuggling closer to me.

Chapter thirty-one



"Alex! Alex wake up!" I'm shaken awake and when I look at the clock I see that its 5:23.

"Yeah?" I turn to Jackson who's looking at me with excitement coating his features.

"Do you smell that?! My mate is near!" I give him a weak smile and turn away so that he can't see the tears rimming my eyes.

"That's great..." I tell him before blocking my scent again.

"It's.... Gone..." My heart breaks at the little whimper at the end of the statement.

"I'm sorry... Why don't we just start the day? There's only about 20 minutes before my alarm goes off." I gulp getting out of my bed and going to my clothes to get clothes quickly. I can tell he's looking at me and upset but I had to get away and I can't show him my face or he'd see I was crying. I go into my bathroom without another word and turn on the shower so he can't hear me crying. He was so excited... What about once he finds out its me? He'll be crushed and hate me forever. That's the basically the only reason I'm not telling him... I'm scared of rejection. 

Striping my clothes, I get into the hot water. My tears mix with the water and before I know it Jackson is asking where I am. Shit! I rush out of the shower and get ready hurrily.

"Shit shit shit." I repeat quietly rushing around my room to get ready for school. I run out the door and into my car where Jackson is already waiting. I groan pulling out of the driveway. "Sorry." I murmur.

"Its fine." He says. 

"Don't turn your emotions off just because you couldn't find her." I say, just in a bad mood.

"You dont know what its like." He shoots back.

'The hell I dont.' I think rolling my eyes. We get to school and I rush to class leaving him behind.

Chapter thirty-two



Fifth hour came and Jackson sat next to me. Ugh. Looking down at my work I try to figure out the answer but can't. I groan in frustration and bite my lip, like thats going to help me think. A low growl breaks the silence of the room but only wolves would be able to hear it. My eyes widen as I snap my head in the direction it came from. Jackson? His eyes are slightly yellow as he quickly looks down at his paper from my side of the room.

"What the hell was that??" I whisper.

"Nothing." He growls. I roll my eyes and go back to my work.




I couldnt help the little growl that escaped me when she groaned and bit her lip. I shift in my seat, trying to fix my issue. I'm thankful when the bell rings because I rush out of class and deside to sit away from Alex in out next one. She seems relieved which darkens my mood greatly. Ugh! When that class is done I storm out to her car to wait for her. My mind drifts to the scent from this morning. A lot of it smelt like Alex but it couldn't have been her since it had other scents mixed in. Alex comes out of the school talking to a guy from the football team. I growl at the sight but stay where I am. She leans against a wall laughing when he leans down to her. She backs up a bit, but he moves forward grabbing her hips. She doesn't hesitate to kick him and move away. He calls out something but I can't tell what. Slamming the door shut she speeds away.

"I'm going out with a few friends tonight." I tell her.

"And I care why?"

"Damn. What's got you in such a bitchy mood?" I huff.

"Why should I care when you're just going to get a good fuck." She turns abruptly making my head hit the window.

"Where the hell did you hear that??"

"You're little friend out there." Is all she says before we end up in her drive way. She storms out of the car with me hot on her trail.

"That's not it! He's an ass! Why do you care anyways??" She turns around in the doorway.

"Just stay the fuck away from me. Here." She throws me her keys before slamming the door. Angry, I go back to her car and speed away. As soon as I'm at the bar they want me at, I know I have to go back. Texting them that something came up, I turn back to the house. As soon as I'm out of the car her scent hits me like a ton of rocks. Holy shit.

Chapter thirty-three



I watch him speed away and a few minutes later I deside to shower again. Hes going to be gone for a few hours so I can unblock my scent for the time being. Thank God. It felt like a huge weight was lifted off of my shoulders. Quickly showering, I realize I forgot clothes. I wrap my towel tightly around my body and leave the bathroom. I freeze in my tracks as a pair of glowing yellow eyes stare at me from my bed.

"Jacks-" Before I can finish he growls and the next thing I know, hes on top of me laying on my bed while my towel is on the floor. "Jackson..." I choke out.

"You knew." He growls. "You knew and didn't tell me. You let me suffer. You could have made this so much easier." His wolf takes complete control as he flips me onto my stomach. He plants a slap on my bare cheek and I whimper. 

"Jackson..." I say into the pillow. I have the strength to push him off but I dont really want too... He does it again and I accidently moan his name. He flips me back over and lays over me, planting a hungry kiss on my lips. He starts the trail kisses down my throat and I moan again, once he gets to the crook of it. "Jack... Parents..."

"Their gone." He growls, although now its him and not his wolf. I gaze at his hazel eyes as he moves down my body. He looks up at me once he's right where I want him but instead he skips it and continues down my thighs. I groan and his eyes turn a chocolatey brown. He moves back up to my neck and I feel his canines coming out. Its a mix of pain and pleasure and he sinks them into, marking me as his. Going back down, he plants soft kisses on my most sensitive parts before diving into me. I moan as his does so much with his tounge. I feel myself going higher and higher until he suddenly stops. "Not yet." He smiles. I flip us over and kneel on the floor in front of him. Pulling his shirt off I kiss the crook of his next, before marking him as mine. I begin kissing down his chest until I come to his pants which are soon off with his boxers. He moans as I take him in my mouth. Right before he explodes I pull away and lick my lips.

"Mmmm." I groan. He growls in return and pulls me into the bed. We continue on all through the night and all of it was amazing. "Please tell me they werent coming home at all?" I ask him catching my breath.

"No. Which is good. I'm surprised you can still speak after all of the screaming." He winks at me and my cheeks turn bright red. I snuggle closer to him, laying my head between his arm and chest.

"I love you." I whisper.

"I love you too."

Chapter thirty-four



She falls asleep in my arms and I soon follow. A few hours later I wake up and the bed is empty. I shoot up but can still smell her scent. Mixed with mine. God, that's the most amazing scent. I look at the door, getting an idea. I lean over the side of her bed and slowly open the drawer. My eyebrows burrow in confusion as I see the orange bottle. I pick it up and read the label... For depression? I deside to ask her when she comes back up. I put the bottle back in the drawer and go to close the drawer but a shimmer catches my eye. I open the drawer again and dig around until my hand hits it. Pulling it out, I see that its a blade. The scent of her blood fills my senses.

'Alex, I need to talk to you.' I tell her knowing her parents are here now. 

'I'll be up in a minute.' She sends back. She soon comes back up, just wearing an over sized hoodie. She closes the door and turns to me but stops when she sees the drawer. Her eyes linger there for a moment before slowly moving them to me.

"J-Jackson... I c-can explain." She says looking at me with fear in her eyes similar to last night.

"There's no explaining needed." I growl back. I jump up and her hoodie is soon on the floor. I grab her arms and hold them out to mine. Scars fill both of her arms and she gulps. My eyes move down her body to find more on her stomach and legs. How didn't I notice last night.

"It's not a big deal..." She whispers.

"Not a big deal?? Not a big deal?? Alex your going to fucking die and you think its not a big deal?? You must not care about anyone but yourself! I can't believe you! They knew too! God why can't you tell me anything?!" I let her go and slightly push her back.


"No! Just don't! I... I can't." I quickly grab my clothes from the floor and put them on.

"Jackson please! I'm not going to die! I've already had this conversation! Please! Jackson!" She rushes to get her own clothes on, while I storm out the door. 

"I'm going for a run." I lie. I'm out the front door in a flash and turn into my wolf before running. Running away.

Chapter thirty-five



"Where is he??" I slide into the living room while tears fill my vision.

"He just went on a run. Calm down hun." My mom smiles at me.

"No! He... He found out! He's not coming back! God! Why was I so stupid?!" I'm out the door in a flash with all of the adults close behind. My wolf takes over as we dart in the direction of his scent. Now that we've marked each other, masking our scents won't work. I run and run, not paying attention to my surroundings until I hear low growls around me. I'm soon aware of my parents and his parents by me. I look around and panic when I realize we are trespassing.

'Dad...? What do we do?'

'Just follow my lead.' He turns back to human form and I take control back from my wolf, following him. My mom, Myah and Ashton do the same as the other wolves soon follow.

"I apologize for trespassing on your land. I'm alpha Steele. My daughter here, is looking for her mate and followed him this way. You wouldn't happen to know where he is would you?" My father says formally. The wolves just look back and forth between each other before I feel something hard hit the back of my head and everything fade away.




Everything is a bit hazy as I open my eyes before the memories come flooding back. I was running not caring where I was when wolves surrounded me. I was knocked out and here I am. A familiar scent causes me to open my eyes further and quickly scan the room.

"Alex!" I whisper shout. "Alex, wake up! It's me!" She sqeezes her eyes tighter before slowly opening them.

"Jackson!" She sighs in relief before she realizes we are strapped to the chairs with metal coated with wolfsbane. Its like kryptonite for wolves. "Mom, dad." She says attempting to get them up. Soon, everyone is up and we try to come up with a way out, but through the bond incase they are listening.

'Dad, just escaping won't work. It's wolfsbane, not Windex.' She says rolling her eyes at his latest suggestion.

'Its better than nothing.' He snaps back at her. Just then, a man comes into the room and gives us an evil grin when he sees all of us awake.

"Ahh good, you're awake." He says. I notice Alex's eyes widen as she looks at the man.

She turns looks me directly in the eye while sending, 'Hes the guy from my dream.' 

Chapter thirty-six



He comes over to me and strokes my cheek causing low growls coming from all of us.

"Calm down. Jeeze. You'll all go free. Well, almost all." He looks down at me when he says the last part and Jackson starts to fight against the chains, which does him no good but he still tries.

"Don't touch her!" He growls. The man drifts over to Jackson who is still fighting his chains.

"I'll touch her how ever I want." Jackson, my dad, and Ashton growl at him while my mom and Myah let out little whimpers. I just stare at him while contemplating how to get out of it. "Hmmm, what's this?" He says moving the collar of Jackson's shirt to fully expose his mark. My dad looks at me, but not mad like I would have thought. For the first time in his life, he looked scared. Horrified. I remove my gaze from my father as the man begins walking back to me. He moves my collar over too and strokes my mark. Unlike when Jackson touches me, with this man, all I felt was repulsed.

"Stop touching her!" Jackson yells with a whimper at the end. Tears fill my eyes as the man rips the hoodie down the middle leaving me in only a bra on my top half. He begins to trail his finger from my thoat down. When he reaches in between my breasts he stops for a moment. That pause is all Jackson needs to hop up from his chair and pounce on the man. The next thing I know, the man is ripped to shreds in front of me. "I'm here... I'm here..." Jackson quickly unlocks the chains I'm in and engulfs me in his arms. "I'm so so sorry...."

"But the chains.... Wolfsbane... How?" I ask dumbfounded.

"I just did... I don't know how but I did. I'm so sorry.... I love you so much Alex." He whispers into my hair.

"I love you too."

Chapter thirty-seven



 We free the others and rush out of there. Once we make it back to our territory, Dylan stops and turns to me.

"Thank you." He smiles at Alex and me, and then down to our entangled hands. "I'm letting it slip, just this once." Alex laughs and I smile. We begin walking again and I start talking to her.

"So that was the guy from your dream?" She nods. "See I told you I'd save you." I slightly nudge her with my shoulder and she laughs.

"Well in the dream you couldn't have..." She looks up and me and I raise an eyebrow. "You were dead..." She bites her lips and I don't try to stop myself from growling this time. I did in class, but that didn't work either. I stop us abruptly and bring my lips to hers. The dots connect in my head I pull away.

"I was your mate?" She nods again and I smile at her. "Well then you must have all sorts of future seeing abilities." She laughs and we continue walking. "I'm sorry... For getting angry and running off like that. I was scared. I can't lose you Alex. Not before, not now, not later. I liked you before but now it makes this so much more special." 

"Jackson, you wont lose me. I love you." She stands on her tippy toes and kisses me, showing all the emotions she had in the one kiss. Love. Passion.

"I love you more." I smile against her lips.

"Say that again. I dare you." She threatens. I laugh and we go into the house.

Chapter thirty-eight



*Five years later*


"Your turn." I shove him a little so he'll get up. 

"Who's choice was it to have kids?" He groans and gets out of our bed to go check on the new born who's screaming from her room.

"Yours." I state laughing. The screaming baby wakes up her older brother so I have to get up anyways. "Thanks Olivia." I sigh and get out of bed. They are a lot of work but I wouldn't change anything for the world.







                                    The End



A/n- Hello! I hope you enjoyed the book, I'm actually sort of proud of this one. It took a lot of time but it was worth it. Thank you for following Alex and Jackson on their journey, and I'd really appreciate if youd let me know what you think! Should I make another book with their kids? Let me know! Have a wonderful day, night, week, month, year, decade, life, all of the above! Thank you!


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 12.09.2019

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