
Chapter one

"So, is everybody ready?" I ask my men and women. At the moment I was prepping them to come face to face with our enemy. We'd never actually met before, we just became enemies and everyone knows that. 

Oops, how rude of me. I'm Blair. I'm the leader of a well known and feared gang. We are practically tied with his gang for the best. Oh and I'm a werewolf. Nobody else in my group is except for my right hand woman, Myah. She's been my best friend for... Ever. I can't imagine my life without her. No one knows that I am a wolf and I plan on keeping it that way. .

'You ready My?' I ask through the bond. Normally you can only communicate like this with your mate or pack, but since we are both rouges, we dont have that. So when we got to know each other better she became not only my rock, but my entire pack. I had a pack, but when I was younger and preparing to become the first female alpha in decades, I was forcefully impregnated but nobody believed that it was forced. So, my own father threw me out. Now I'm here.

'I dont know B... This is dangerous. Then again, what isn't when it comes to you. Let's get this show on the road.' I hear in my head. Slightly nodding and smiling at her, so that only she noticed, I tell my people to get going. I'm only taking five people, as that was the agreement. 

'Hide your scent. We dont know if there are more wolves there.' I tell her not far from where we need to be. She does so and I sigh. I don't know whats going to happen but I have a sinking suspicion its not going to be good.

My suspicions were confirmed when I stepped out of the vehicle, and smelt two wolves. An overwhelming about of mint and forest, is thrown in my face I gulp and try to ignore it. But as I approach where he is standing, it gets stronger. Great. Not only is my mate part of my enemies gang... It's the leader.

Chapter two

'Myah!' I shout to her through our thoughts.

'Whats wrong Blair?' She asks.

'My mate...' I can't finish because his scent is over powering my thoughts. I sigh a breath of relief as it stops. Thank God, he blocked his scent. I was blocking mine so he doesn't know I'm his mate. 'My mate is Dylan.' I tell her finally able to think again.

'Holy shit! What are you going to do?'

'He doesn't know and its going to stay that way.' I sigh and walk the rest of the way up to him and the five members he brought with.

"Ahhh Antonio." He smirk as I roll my eyes at him calling me by my last name. I have to act natural since he cant know I'm his mate, or a wolf.

"Ahh Steele." I mock him by calling him by his last name. His eyes narrow and his smile disappears. I smirk at him and bat my eyelashes. He shakes his head at me. "Now. Why did you set up this lovely meeting?" I ask while yelling at my wolf to calm down.

"Well, I'd like to make a deal. This line," he picks up a piece of chalk and draws a line "separating" us. "Is a border. One neither of us can cross without permission. This is my side, thats yours. What do you think?" I reach over and touch his shoulder, immediately feeling sparks run through my body. 

"Does that answer your question?" I ask.

"Why not?" 

"Because. I have clients over here and I know for damn sure that you have some over here." I state slightly annoyed. For real now. I feel wind behind me and a gun being pulled back. I spin around to see Myah in a head lock. "You Asshole! Let her go! You said five people! I agree to your stupid border but let her the fuck go!" I go to punch him out of furry but he grabs my fist.

"Ah ah ah, border. Let her go. Now this meeting is done. Glad we could work things out." He says with a smile. I shake my head and walk away, grabbing Myahs hand in the process. If he wasnt a wolf too he wouldnt have been able to block me. Ugh! He may be my mate but he's annoying as fuck!

Chapter three

I stop in my tracks and abruptly turn around. "Why are you so keen on this border? Its not like we've even seen each other before this so it cant be that I'm annoying you." 

He gives me a sort of annoyed and sort of amused smirk. "Because then your "buddy" can stop trying to kill me."

"Who the fuck are you talking about??" I ask honestly very confused.

"Hmm I believe he goes by.... Tommy? No... Timmy.... No! It's Tod. Yes thats it, Tod." I knew Tod liked me but going to kill Dylan?? What the hell? 

"Oh." My blood boiled at this knews. He may be annoying but hes still my mate and I do not want him hurt. Damn. Having a mate sucks. I turn back around and continue walking while my gang members follow me. We get back to the warehouse thats we've used as a base for a while now, and call Tod. 

"Hey boss." He says with a wink. My blood boiled even more than before.

"We need to talk." I announce as he sits across from me. Just then a message from Myah clouds my thoughts.

'B I know this probably isnt a great time but... I found my mate. And its Ashton.' 

'Myah you cant tell him... Not yet at least. He's Dylan's second hand man and this is technically his pack area. I'm really sorry...' I send her back.

'We'll talk later. Good luck'

'Thanks. Love you My.' Since I've known her forever we dont find it weird to say I love you to each other. Shes been my best friend for... Ever. 

"What is it?" He adds another wink and I have to hold back a gag. 

"I heard you were continually going to attempt to kill the leader of the Steele gang?"

"That's not true! Well it is but only because I wanted to impress you!" He gets up and comes over to me. "Please Blair! I love you! I always have! I'll do anything for you!" He gets closer and leans in. I push his back and tell him to back off. "No! I will have y-"

He gets cut short when a gun shot rings out from the gun in my hand. "No, no you won't." I go to my computer and figure out Dylan's number so that I can call him and tell him. 

"Yes?" He answers without looking at his own computer.

"Thanks Asshole. I just did you a favor and you cant even look at me." I say acting offended.

"You?? How did you get my number??" His head shoots up and his eyes are wide.

"I know how to hack. And arent you happy to see my beautiful face?" I say will a roll of my eyes followed by his.

"And what this 'favor' you speak of?"

"Lets just say you won't have to deal with Tod anymore. So you're welcome." I finally get a good look at him and I almost melt. He has dark brown hair and silver eyes. He's very toned and has a few tattoos peaking out of the collar of his shirt.

"Damn. Did you kill him or something?" He laughs.

"Yeah." I say completely serious. His smile disappears.

"Wait, your serious? You killed your own member?"

"Yes. He was pissing me off. And about to get more physical than he should have. I was aiming for his dick but he moved so it ended up in his chest. Either way, his annoying ass is gone."

"Uhh ok-" whatever the rest of what he was saying got cut off when Myah came into my head again.

'Blair! You there was a gunshot! More than just the one you shot off, cause I know you did. But we are under attack!!'

Chapter four

 I run out, not bothering to end the call and take in the scene in front of me. There were bloody bodies in front of me and others fighting. None of my men and women were down but the other people were almost all the way gone. Someone came running at me from the side so I elbow him and he falls backwards. I pin him down and ask who they work for.

"O-our alpha w-wants to speak to y-you." He tells me. I cut off his air way and he suffocates. I go outside after everyone is down and see a man.

"Hey! What do you want?" I yell. 

"Well well well. Hello Blair. Long time no see." The man comes out the the dark place he was in and reveals his features.

I don't say anything for a while, just stare. Then finally I choke out, "D-dad...?" I snap out of whatever emotional haze I'm in when I feel Myahs hand on my lower back as she stands by my side. 

"What are you doing here?" She asks. She knew who he was, as she was a part of my pack but she left with me.

"Just wanted to see how my daughter is doing." He added emphasis when he said daughter that almost brought me to tears. 

"Is she here? Or he?" I ignore whatever feelings I was feeling and go numb. Its easier when you're a wolf. 

"No. Your bother is working on taking over the pack and your mother is dead." 

"What?? How long?"

"Oh about 5 years. She died in a pack fight. Now I have a new woman though." He says with a smile.

"You're sick! But mom was your mate! How could have you moved on??" 

"Well I never really loved her. Yes she was my mate but that doesn't mean I had to love her. And if she was involved in making you then I don't want any part of her."

"I hate you and she does too!" Myah stands up for me. "She was raped and impregnated by one of your men and you don't believe her! And on top of that she had a miscarriage and forced or not that was hard on her. You haven't been in her life for 12 years and we dont need you now. So get the fuck off our property!"

His eyes were wide but were slowly narrowing. "How would the Steele pack like knowing you two were here?" He whispers between us. 

"They won't! Because you are going to leave, and never come back! Or I will make sure of it. Bye." I say still emotionless. I turn around and walk away while my gang members parted for me to get to my office. I shut the door and immediately start crying. Balling. I kicked a chair and went to sit in my chair. I put my head in my hands and try to stop crying but that only makes it worse.

"Are you okay?" I hear. Shit! I forgot that I never ended the call! Why didn't he?

"I'm fine. Why didn't you end the call?" I ask wiping my face.

"You left quickly and I was curious. What happened?" 

"It doesnt matter. We are still enemies and thats not changing. Now if there is no more business here I'll be going."

"Wait!" He exclaims right before I end the conversation.

"Oh my God, what?" I try to sound annoyed even though I'm glad. I want to keep talking to my mate.

"Uh.. Why are you so protective of miss Danvers?" He asks like it was the first thing that came to mind.

"Because Myah's my best friend, my rock. Shes the most important thing in the world to me. She was there when no body else. Is that really what you wanted to ask me?"

He sighs and answers the question. "No. Honestly I'm bored at the moment and I felt some weird sort of draw to you today. I cant be the only one who felt it." 

'He can't know.' I tell myself over and over again. "Oh. The only draw i felt to you was the need to draw my fist to your face." I give him a cheeky grin over the video call and he rolls his eyes. 

Stop being mean to our mate! My wolf, Luna tells me.

'Luna he cant know! Not yet at least. Bye now.' I block her out and see Dylan waving his hand in front of the camera.

"Hello? Earth to Antonio?" 

"Hi! Sorry. I spaced out. And maybe I'll eventually tell you what happened but not now. And before anyone comes in and sees me talking to you, my enemy, I'm gunna go. Bye."

"Bye I guess." I sigh as I click to end it. Hes hot as fuck, actually semi nice (when he wants to be) and my mate. But he cant know. He can't.


Chapter five

 'My come here.' I tell her. Seconds later shes in my office and locking the door. 

"Blair I'm really sorry! I should have waited to tell you about Ashton! I know you were busy with- oh." She stops when she sees Tods limp body. 

"Yeah. And I'm the one who should be sorry. I promise you can tell him, I just have to... Do something before you can." I tell her. I can't tell her I need to leave here. Dylan is going to be furious when he finds out I've been staying on his packs property. This whole pack is his which means all of this city is his. Ashton will save Myah, I'm sure of it. The thought of leaving my best friend kills me.

"Really?? That's amazing!" She exclaims. "What do you have to do?"

"Oh its nothing. But you'll be able to tell him soon." I hate lying to her but I can't tell her. I cant tell anyone anything apparently. 

"Cool! Thanks! Let me know when I can! I want you there in case anything happens!"

"For sure." I give her a slight smile as she bounces out of my office. I sigh and call someone to get Tod and dispose of him. I go home after everyone else and the second I flop down on my bed I start crying. I haven't cried in 12 and 1/2 years. Not even when my dad kicked me out. Damn you Dylan. After what seems like hours of crying, which was really about 10 minutes, I end up screaming into my pillow. 

I grab my phone and earbuds, not being able to take anymore crying. I put my favorite playlist on and drifted off to sleep.

Chapter six

 I wake up in the morning and get ready for a shower. I get into the bathroom and look at myself. My gray eyes are red and puffy from crying, I have dark bags under my eyes and my black hair is a complete mess. I have black hair in human form, and white fur in wolf form. I find that ironic but eh. I take a quick shower and get dressed. I leave and arrive at the warehouse and immediately get to work.




Three months later I'm still working on finding a house no one can find me in. I've continuously apologized to Myah since she's had to wait so long but she's okay with it. After the first one, Dylan and I have had more meetings, which have been torture. I finally find a place that will work. Ive been hoping for, and dreading this day since I first decided I had to leave. I video call Dylan and he answers on the second ring.

"What now Antonio?" 

"I need to... Meet with you. Just you and Ashton though. And this time seriously, no one else." I sigh, the choke back the tears that are springing forward. 

"Umm okay? Are you okay?" He asks.

"I'm fine. This isnt about me. Meet me there at 11:00 tonight. And do not bring anyone else. You dont want this to get out either." He opens his mouth to speak but before he can I end it. Let's see how this goes.

Chapter seven

 I arrive 10 minutes early with Myah in my passenger seat. We get out of the car and lean against it. I tell her to hide her scent until she tells Ashton. I hide my scent and wait for them. I packed my bags and stuff before Myah got here, as well as gave the gang to one of my best members. With five minutes left I give Myah a big hug.

"My, I love you so much." Tears threaten to spill over the edge when she laughs.

"B I love you too, but I promise that even if Ashton and I end up together you won't lose me. You'll always be first." A single drops down my cheek at her last words.

"You'll always be my number one and I will always do anything for you." Another couple tears roll down my face and I hug her tighter, thankful for the fact that she cant see me weak. 

"Blair I know that you weirdo." I wipe my eyes glad she wont be able to tell I'm crying in the dark. Despite my attempts more tears leak out. There is a street light shining on my face at the moment so if anyone else came they could see me. I close my eyes and savor the last moment I'll have with her for a very long time. I open my eyes just to see Dylan and Ashton watching us. Dylan gives me a confused look that I ignore, jumping back. I wipe my eyes and this time make myself stop crying for now. 

"Myah..." I tell her signaling for her to talk to Ashton. 

"Umm Ashton I need to tell you something." She says nervously.

"Okay, what is it?" He smiles at her slightly and I sigh knowing this is the right thing to do. She'll end up hurt in my hands. 

She slowly unblocks her scent and Ashtons eyes light up. He hugs her tightly ignoring the border as he should. She squels and giggles. Dylan looks mad and is about to snap, but Ashton puts her down, although not removing his arm from her.

"Dylan don't! Shes my mate and you're not hurting her!" He growls. They start fighting and Myah isn't paying attention so I sneak back to my car. It was running still, so before anyone could notice me I sped away. 

Chapter eight

 'Blair where are you going??' Myahs voice rings out through my head.

'Im so sorry My! You weren't safe in my hands. Tell Ashton to take good care of you for me. I love you so much Myah and we'll see each other again. I promise you. I'm so sorry.' Tears spill down my face and I don't do anything to stop them.

'No! Don't leave me Blair! You cant do this to me! What did I ever do to deserve this?? I hate you, you bitch!' I sob uncontrollably when she says that.

'I deserve that Myah but it wasnt you I swear. I really am sorry.' I have to pull over on the deserted road, because I cant see.

'B-Blair please. Come back for me! I'll go with you!' She sobs causing mine to flow out harder.

'I know you will. I know Myah. I love you, and that's why I cant. I'm so sorry.' She doesnt respond for a long time before I hear her again.

'Dont talk to me and expect a response. You said you would put me first but thats a fucking lie! You're a selfish, neurotic, bitch! Bye.' Honestly I feel dead right now. I just broke my best friends heart. I'm away from my mate who doesn't even know hes my mate. 

I sigh and continue down the road. I find the place I'm staying at, which isn't all that far away. Another pack made it and let me buy it, and about two acres of land around it.

At least you can still see them. You could sneak around, and watch them. my wolf puts in.

'Yeah, lets go be a fucking stalker!' 

We both know youre going to do it despite what you say.

'Yeah but that doesn't need said yet.' I walk into the place, hidden behind a waterfall. I put the pin in the hidden box and the rock opens, revealing a home behind it. Weird but it'll do the job.





"What do you mean shes not coming back??" I ask furious. "Shes a rouge wolf for God knows why, she was on my land, and then ran??"

"Yes. And I know why Asshole." My best friends mate, Myah exclaims. She is extremely emotional right now, even though it's the morning after the event, and Ashton is comforting her. I don't have a mate and at this point in my life I doubt I ever will.

"Why?" I ask her annoyed. 

"Basically she got raped and prego and our pack didnt believe that it was one of the betas her dad, the alpha, had. So he disowned her and made her leave. I left with her and its been that way since."

"Wow... How old was she?"

"Lets see it was 12 years ago so... 16." She doesnt say any of this with much emotion but you can see in her eyes that its killing her that her best friend left her.

"Where's the baby then?" I ask since I'd never heard of her having one.


"Oh. I gotta go." I head to my office and try calling her, instead of on the computer like normal, I used the phone number Myah gave me. She doesnt pick up so I send her a voicemail.

"Blair you need to get the fuck back here! Myah is hysterical and you should honestly be executed or something. I know everything now so you don't have to hide anymore. Just come back. Please. Bye." And now, we wait.

Chapter nine




As soon as I heard his message, I was a mix of sad and angry.

'How could you tell him I was his mate??' I contact her not expecting an answer but hoping she would. Thankfully, it was the latter.

'I told you not to contact me Blair. But no. I didn't. He thinks I told him everything so you're welcome.' I cant see her but I can hear in the tone that shes rolling her eyes. 

'oh... I'm sorry... For everything. I really did do this for you My. I couldnt let you get hurt, which you would have with me.'

'Really?? You don't think I know that?? I didn't care because I was with you!! My best friend. Blair... Why?' She sobs through our thoughts and I quickly join her. 

'Myah.... If I tell you where I am you can come, just dont tell anyone and make sure no one is following you.' I make the last minute decision.

'Really? Are you serious right now?' Her sobs stop and I get really nervous shes about to pop a cap. 'Blair thats amazing! I promise. Now where are you?' I sigh a breathe of relief and tell her where I am. About half an hour later she alerts me that shes here. I go and open the door, just to be tackled. 

"You okay My?"

"I'm sorry I called you a bitch. I love you." She wraps her arms around me tighter. 

"I love you too. And I deserved it. I'm sorry for everything. How'd you get them not to follow you?" 

"I just told them I needed alone time right now. Ashton listened right away and made Dylan agree."

"Damn. He must really love you, already." I laugh and she joins me.

"I love him too." She admits quietly. We talk for a few more hours and then she has to go back.

"Promise to come back soon?" I ask her at the door pulling her into a hug.

"I promise. Do you think I could bring Ashton some time?" She asks shyly.

After thinking for a moment I say, "Yes but only after you know you can trust him."

"Thank you! I gotta go now. Love you B!"

"No problem. Love you too!"

Chapter ten



"Some alone time" doesn't normally mean 10 hours of it. I'm suspicious but Ashton won't let me press her for answers. I go outside to have a run to get away from them. I let my wolf side take over and start running east through the forest. My black coat blend in with the nights darkness and its comforting. A few minutes later a faint scent hits my nose. Like... Vanilla with a hint of lemon. My wolf pushes harder to take full control but I don't let him. I run towards to smell and end up at a waterfall. I turn back to my human form and look around for whatever the delightful scent is coming from.

With my heightened sense of smell and hearing, I move closer to the falling water, where the smell gets stronger. I'm close! It's.... Gone? What? My anger spikes at not being able to find it. I almost have a forced shift, but I take control and run back home. Slamming the door I stomp into the living room. 

"Woah dude! Take a chill pill!" Ashton tells me. 

"No! I couldn't find it! Why couldnt I find it?? It just disappeared! Ugh!!" I screaming like a child that lost their toy.

"What couldnt you find?" Myah asks me in a soothing tone.

I take a deep breath and say, "The scent. There was this scent, it was so so strong. It was like vanilla and lemon. It was amazing, so I followed it to this waterfall. I looked around for it and then it was just, poof, gone. Its just- ugh!"

"Duddddde!" Ashton laughs but then stops and spaces out a bit. "T-that really sucks. I'm sorry." I look over at Myah and she's nodding along sympatheticly. Something was going on here and I was going to find out.

And yet, four months later, I still hadn't.

Chapter eleven



Four months. Four months of me hiding, sneaking around, and Myah visiting me. She told Ashton the day I told her, but I get why. He doesn't know where I am though. Apparently he was about to tell Dylan he had a mate, when I had fell asleep to the faint sound of the waterfall outside, and he caught my scent, but she stopped him by telling him. She's bringing him today and from what I know, Dylan still doesn't know. 

'Open up pretty lady.' I laugh at her and open the door. 

"Has been opened by the pretty lady." I say giving her a wink.

"I thought I was the pretty one!" Ashton looks at her offended and scoffs, both jokingly. "Are you cheating on me miss Danvers??" He starts tickling her sides and she falls into me.

"Damn. Get off me you cow!" I yell at her. Shes really skinny and honestly pretty light but I like to joke around with her, and she knows its joking. She stops laying on me, and instead sits on my stomach. "Myah!" I say laughing. 

"Is this why you're gone forever?" Ashton asks holding out his hand for her. She takes it and nods.

"Oh shit! I need to cover my scent! You two should too." I tell them, closing the door and masking my scent. We hang out for a few hours but then they have to go. "Some day, you guys should say you're renting a hotel room over night and stay here." I tell them.

They look at each other and look back me. "How would tomorrow sound?" Myah asks me with a smile. 

"Well I have literally nothing to do so good." I laugh. "Thanks for coming. And I'm sorry you have to lie to your best friend Ashton."

"It's fine. Dylan can some times deserve it. You ready babe?" He asks looking down at Myah. His green eyes shine when he looks down at her and her hazel eyes match them. 

"Yeah." She tells him. "Bye B." She hugs me. 

"Bye My. Bye Ashton." I hold my hand out to shake since I didn't know what to do and he raised an eye brow at me. He pulled me into a hug. When I pulled away from it, he leans down to kiss Myahs forehead, as if to say he belonged to her.

"Okay, save it for your house lovebirds. Love you Myah." I push them out the door and shut it. 

'Rude.' Myah says into my head.

'Aww thank you!' 

Chapter twelve

 Today has been nothing but movies and food. I look at the time and realize they'll be here in less than 20 minutes. Oh shit. I rush around and clean everything up, and then throw a hoodie and ripped jeans on. 

'We're here.' Myah tells me. I open the door and let them in quickly, replacing the stone to its original place.

"What happened to you Ashton??" I ask meaning the red mark on his face.

"Dylan was mad since he couldn't find you anywhere and when we were leaving he went all ballistic and punched me."  He explains. I sigh and walk to the bathroom. I grabbed a towel and got it wet. I brought it out to Myah and handed it to her so that she could wipe his cheek. I went to the kitchen and got an ice pack for his face. I go to give it to him when his phone rings. 

"Do you want it on speaker?" Ashton asks looking between me and Myah. I gulp and nod. He presses the answer button and I swear, I almost fainted.

"Hello?" Ashton makes himself sound annoyed, but I'm guessing part of it isnt acting.

"Hey Ash... I'm really sorry. I'm just really frusterated and I found out what the scent was so now I'm even more frustrated." The second he says he figured it out fear engulfs my body. What??

"What do you mean you figured it out?" Ashton asks with a sturdy tone, not matching his facial expression.

"Well I did some research and found out that a smell that strong, and that important for a wolf to find is their mate! I just don't know where she went. I was at the waterfall and then she just... Disappeared. Wait, is that water? Like a waterfall?" Shit! Damn! Having the waterfall sound faintly come through the door might not be such a good thing...

"No! I mean yes but... Thats just uh... Myah running a bath!" He looks up at us and shrugs, followed by our own.

"Oh... Damn... I thought I recognized it. Sorry."

"It's fine dude." Ashton tells him.

"So what hotel are you guys staying at?" Is he catching on to the fact that they lied to him?

"Uh... 5 star hotel?" Ashton makes up quickly. 

"Oh. I've never heard of that one. Have fun buddy." Dylan ends the call and Ashton sighs. 

"I'm so sorry Ashton... If you want you can go back an-" 

"Blair!" They cut me off at the same time but Myah continues.

"B, its fine. Even if he knows we're lying it doesnt matter. Cause we are here. With you. Right Ash?" She look over at him and both their eyes light up. Young love.... That'll last forever. We talk for a while longer when we hear scratching at the stone of the door. Well shit.


Chapter thirteen

 I put my finger up to my lips signaling them not to do or say anything. A few minutes of scratching later, we hear a whimper that breaks my heart. We wait for a couple more minutes after we think he's left, just to make sure. I slowly go over to the door and open that even more slowly. Peeking out both directions behind the falls, I see that he has left.

I sigh a breath of relief and turn to them. "He isn't her-" I get cut off my being pushed to the ground from behind. A sharp claw is dug into my leg causing me to whimper in pain.

"Dylan! Get off her!" Ashton screams at his friend.

"Blair!!" Myah tries to rush over and help me but is pulled back by Ashton when Dylan growls at her. 

Let me out Blair! 

'You're not getting full control Luna.' I tell my wolf. I shift into my wolf form and shove Dylan off me. His wolf is beautiful, matching his human form. His dark black fur and red eyes as most alphas have. I have them because I was supposed to be an alpha.

He lunges at me and I dodge him. I manage to jump on his back but he backs out of the door and shoves me off, causing me to fall back into the water. I hear Myah and Ashton screaming, Ashton at Dylan, Myah for me. I get up at the bottom, probably with a couple broken ribs from the weight of the water, to see Dylan jumping down from where the entrance is. I shift back into human form for some reason. I'm not sure why but I did.

Tell him. Luna continues to chant in my head. 

'No!' I attempt the block her out but for now, shes too strong. 

You have to. Do it for us. You'll die if you dont. Do it before its too late Blair.

"No!" I shout, not caring that everyone can hear me. Tears are streaming down my face as Dylan comes closer. "Shut up! Shut up! Shut up!" I scream. It gets louder as I have a forced shift. 

Let me out and it'll all go away.

'No! You'll hurt him. You won't care that he's our mate you'll hurt him!' Honestly Luna did not have any self control and I already know that she would attempt to rip him apart, getting us killed in the process. Dylan gets closer and I back up, not wanting to fight him any more than I already have. I end up tripping and have something digging into my back. My normally white coat is red, soaked with my blood, from this and Dylan before. As I lose more and more blood I have to turn back to my human form, to weak to stay in wolf form. 

You are too weak to keep masking your scent.

'Why are you being such a bitch Luna??'

Because, I have to, to make you understand. She says this and then I do become to weak to hide it any longer. My scent hits his nose and he turns into his human form.

"Blair! I'm so so sorry! My wolf took over! Please! Please don't leave me when I just found you! Blair... Blair. Come on!" I feel him pick me up bridal style, but I don't remember but else before it all fades into darkness.

Chapter fourteen



"How could you guys not tell me?" I ask Ashton and Myah. "You knew she was my mate and you almost let me kill her!"

"Sorry Dyl. I just did what she said. And I did tell you, you just werent you. You're wolf had taken over by that point." Ash tells me.

"No offense but I would listen to me best friend before you." Myah says. I figured. I knew I had to have it in my life the second I caught her scent, I just didn't know why until a bit ago. I had followed their scent because I knew they were lying, and found them at the waterfall. I scratched at the door for a bit and then started the leave, but then decided to wait for a bit to see of any one came out. I saw her and my wolf took over attacking her from behind. I tried to take back control but it didnt work. Until she got too weak to mask her scent. 

I rushed her to my private house instead of the pack house and called the pack doctor. She has a few broken ribs and some deep gashes but she'll be okay sooner since she was born to be an alpha. At least thats what he said. Shes resting right now so I was talking to them but I want more than anything to see her and have her wake up and forgive me. But I doubt that'll happen. I was a serious jerk. Ugh.

"Damn it!" I almost yell kicking a near by chair. "I shouldn't have done that! I'm so stupid! She deserves so much bett-"



Chapter fifteen



I woke up and despite my body not wanting to, I got up. I didnt recognize the room I was in, but the bed was super comfortable and smelt like Dylan. Wait... Dylan? All the memories came flooding back to me.

'Understand what?' I ask Luna.

That he was going to either find out or kill you. You're lucky it went the way it did. And I'm sorry for being a bitch.

'Its fine...' My head is pounding as I attempt to leave the room. My torso is killing me, and it hurts to walk since the place Dylan stuck his claw was practically the back of my knee. I push through it and walk to the door. Once I open it I can hear talking from the floor below me. I walk a bit further and the more I walk, the more Dylan's intoxicating scent engulfs me. I smile and pick up the pace a bit. When I make it to the top of the stairs I see Dylan, but he starts yelling and kicked something.

He continues yelling but before he can finish one of the sentences I cut in. "Dylan?" Myah gets a huge smile on her face when seeing me, and Dylan whips around.

"Blair!" He runs up to me and picks me up by my waist, careful not to touch any of my wounds.

"Hi..." I say looking up at him after he puts me down. I'm 5' 7" but he has to be at least 6' 2".

"Hey... I'm so sorry! I promise I didn't mean to! My wolf took over and-" I silence him by standing on my tippy toes and brushing my lips against him. When I pull back his eyes are wide but a smile spreads across his face. "Oh."

"Yeah." I smile back at him but Myah and Ashton "oooo"ing in the background made it sort of awkward. Dylan clears his throat and turns around. 

"Where's my hug girly?"

Chapter sixteen

 About a month later, I am fully healed and well. Dylan and I have gone out a few times. It's been fun, and Myah and Ashton are good. Today I'm dragging Dylan out to the mall with Myah doing the same with Ashton. Myah is the one who wants to go shopping but if I have to suffer, so does he. I throw on a black hoodie with some skinny jeans. Myah wears a pink sun dress since its summer, but that doesn't stop my clothing choices. Ashton is wearing a plain white t-shirt and shorts while Dylan wears a black t-shirt and jeans. I tie Myahs blond hair up and then we head out. 

Once we are at the mall, the first thing I do is go get food, despite it being about 10:00 a.m. A few hours later we have  shopped and I dont think it was even possible to shop anymore. We start walking out when a couple runs into me.

"Oh! I'm so-" the man starts but I cut him off.

"Evan?" I can feel Dylan looking at me but for right now I chose to ignore him.

"Blair?" He recognizes me and his... Girlfriend? Gives me a dirty look.

"Its been awhile... Little bro." Both Dylan and the human girls looks soften as tears begin building in my eyes. "How have you been?"

"Fine I suppose... How about you?"

"Pretty good." I answer smiling up at Dylan as he snakes his arm around my waist, pulling me closer to him. "Who's this?" I ask meaning the girl.

"Oh... Em, this is my older sister Blair. Blair, this is Emma... My mate." My eyes widen at the news, but Myah speaks up before I can.

"Your mate is a human?" Evans eyes finally leave from me and drift over our group before landing on Myah.

"Hey Myah... Yeah..."

"Well then... Welcome to the family then..." I say hesitantly.

"What about you? Who's this?" Evan motions to Dylan with a slight look of disgust.

"Evan! Manners. Damn, after twelve years you're right back to square one." I slightly shake my head at him and he laughs.

"Sorry sis."

"This is Dylan. He's my mate. Dylan this is Evan my baby brother."

"Hey! I'm only five years younger! I'm not a baby anymore!" He pouts, causing everyone to burst out in laughter.

Dylan holds out his hand and says, "Well its nice to meet you Evan." Evan shakes his hand and then turns back to Myah.

"Who's that?" Myah laughs and suggests we find somewhere to sit and sit. We end up staying until closing time getting to know each other, some of us just catching up. I give Evan my phone number and we head out, for real this time. 

Chapter seventeen

 A week later I've convinced Dylan to let Evan come over. I spend all day cleaning and then he and Emma get here. We talk for a while, and I realize how much I really have missed Evan. I havent seen him since our dad kicked me out, and besides Myah, he was my best friend. I had been with him since the moment he was born and I didn't want to stop. And then he found his mate and I had no idea, plus he couldn't talk to me anymore. There-

"Blair?" A hand waving in front of my face pulls me from my thoughts.

"Huh?" I ask confused. I see then that the hand belonged to Dylan. I scoot closer to him for some reason.

 "Evan asked you a question?" He tells me.

"Yeah. I asked what happened to your kid." Evan says. My face falls a bit at the thought. Like Myah said, it may have been forced but she was still my baby and losing her was hard. Yes it was a girl.

I clear my thoat and tell him. "She was a miscarriage. And do you believe me?"

"I'm sorry sis. That it was forced?" He asks me and I nod. "Yeah. He let it slip to me after dad kicked you out of the pack, especially since it was done publicly." The thought of the event made my blood boil and a sharp pang of sadness at my heart.


"Hows taking over?" Myah ask lightning the mood. Emma snorts and we all give her confused looks.

"I don't know how you did it Blair. Dads being an ass and it's a hell of a lot of responsibility." Evan sighs and I cant help the giggle escaping my lips.

"Sounds about right. Are you ready to become the luna, Emma?" The luna is the male alphas mate, if thats who is making/ taking over the pack. If its its a female alpha... Well I dont really know what their mate is called. I'll have to look into that.

"Its defiantly nothing I ever thought about growing up, but," She look over at my brother who has his arm around her. "Now the thought of being changed so I can be with him forever... I can't wait." He smiles down at her and kisses her forehead.

"Wait, you actually were supposed to be the alpha?" Dylan asks.

"Yeah but how did you know? Well before this." I ask.

"When the doctor came to check you out he said youd heal faster because you were supposed to be an alpha." Ashton explains.

"What happened that you had to get a doctor?" Evan asks. Dylan opens his mouth to speak but I quickly answer before him.

"Oh nothing! I was fine, just Dylan wanted me to be sure. I just fell..." I don't like lying to him either but if he found out he'd try fighting Dylan for hurting me and then it wouldn't be pretty.

"Oh. Sounds like you." Evan laughs. Myah, Ashton, Emma, and Evan begin having a conversation when a man voice fills my head.

'Whyd you lie?' Dylan asks me through or mate bond.

'If I didnt it wouldnt have been pretty. He would have tried fighting you and never trust you again. Its just better this way.'

'Okay then.'

We talk for a while more and then they have to leave. About five minutes later there was a knock at the door. 

Dylan gets up and says, "I'll get it. Its probably one of them forgetting something." He walks away and I get up and deside to follow him. I get there in time to hear Dylan say, "Oh, hello alpha Smith!" 

My heart drops as I hear it. After my father disowned me I changed my last name, to Antonio from Smith...

"Hello Steele." He says. I'm frozen a ways away from Dylan so I'm not sure if my father has seen me yet.

"What brings you here?" Dylan asks.

"Oh, I heard that you had Blair Antonio? I'd like to speak to her."


Chapter eighteen

 I rush to my mates side and speak up. "I thought I told you to leave and never come back. What do you want, asshole?"

"Hmm I never thought I'd hear that from you. And I see that he already found out so why exactly do I need to stay away?"

"Because I dont want to see you. 12 years without you was far too short. I'm serious, I want you the fuck out of my life." I growl.

"That's not a very nice way to speak to your father young lady." He sneers. I feel Dylan tense up beside me and he tightens his grip on me.

"Neither is calling your daughter a slut, hoe, disappointment, and so so many other things, publicly, because your stupid ass beta forced me to be pregnant. And I cant believe that I used to love you, especially since you believed him before me." His jaw drops as I say this.

"You little-" 

Dylan cuts him off by angrily spitting out, "Stay off my land and away from my mate or I won't hesitate to have your head ripped off."

"Okay. That doesn't mean I have to say away from my daughter." My dad's eyes narrow as he looks at me.

"Actually it does." Dylan says dully its almost funny to me.


"Yes. Now get the hell away from us." Dylan slams the door and turns to me. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah... Thank you. So much. I'm sorry I didnt tell you that I changed my last name."

"It's all alright baby." He plants a soft kiss on my lips and we go back to our friends. Today has been eventful...


Chapter nineteen



God! Why am I so fucking stupid?! I should have put the pieces together... The teenage girl getting publicly humiliated in front of hundreds of people, was now the woman I'm in love with. I'm in love with her but havent told her yet. Anyway, my parents wanted me there so I had to see it happen. Her father was horrible to her. Even I could tell it was forced. She didnt cry the entire time, so I'm guessing she shut her emotions down or something. 

"You coming Dyl?" She gives me a slight smile and goes up the stairs to our bedroom. I follow her and shut the door behind me.

"I'm really sorry I didnt protect you more Blair." I say, very disappointed in myself. She comes out of the closet with nothing but one of my shirts and underwear on. Damn shes hot as fuck.

"It's okay. I needed that. And thank you for what you did." She smiles and comes closer to me. She kisses me and keeps her hands on my sides.

"You know, you're really sexy right now." I smirk down at her. She rolls her eyes but lets a small laugh escape her perfect dark pink lips.

"Shut up you dork." She kisses me again and then goes to the bed and crawls under the covers. I go into our walk in closet and change quickly, throwing on just a pair of sweatpants. I walk out and She looks up at me and blushes slightly. "Talk about me being sexy." She says under her breath, not meaning for me to hear.

"Oh really?" I walk over to the bed and trap her under me, by putting me legs around the outsides of her legs and my arms on either side of her chest. She blushes even more as I lean down to kiss her. This kiss is rougher and more passionate than any of our other kisses. 

"What was... That... For?" She says breaking it after a while, out of breath.

"Just you." I smile at her and plop down next to her. She turns off the bedside lamp and cuddles up next to me, her back against my front. 

"Good night Dylan... I... I love you..." She says as if shes scared I'll reject her, but I could explode right now with joy.

"I love you too baby." And then I drift off to sleep, with the love of my life in my arms.

Chapter twenty



Telling Dylan I loved him was one of the hardest and scariest things I've ever done. And thats coming from a gang leader! Then again, that was almost a year ago. Not much has happened since then. I took over my gang again and Dylan and I joined ours together, Evan became the alpha of my ex pack and Emma has been changed into a werewolf, Dylan and I are going strong (save for the few fights we have, but what good couple doesnt have a few?) Oh, did I forget to mention that Ash is proposing to Myah tonight? Well he is. My job today is to distract Myah all day until we head to the beach for "late night swimming" tonight. Ashton is putting his all into this proposal even though he could have literally asked after a movie, but he's planning a whole candle lit dinner, of McDonald's, and he's super pumped and nervous about it.

"My, you ready?" I knock on their bedroom door and she comes out. 

"Hey B. Let's go!" She grabs my hand and drags me down the stair and we see Dylan and Ashton sitting on the couch, playing the part of them not doing anything all day. I see Dylan smirking at this "save me" I mouth to them, just to make it seem for believable. Well thats not completely true. I did not want to go shopping all day but it'll be worth it to see two of my best friends happy.

'You owe me mister.' I tell Dylan through the bond. He smirks at me even more causing me to roll my eyes.

'I could repay to tonight...' He winks at me and my eyes widen as my entire face turns into a tomato and a feel a pinch in my lower abdomen.

"Asshole." I say out loud and he laughs at me. Myah and Ashton laugh at my reaction, although they have no idea what was just said.

"Come on tomato." She drags me out the door and stops when we get in to car and looks at me, completely serious. "Okay, whats really happening? You haye shopping."

"Hey, you like shopping, I'm just in it for the food. I want my cream cheese wantons missy." This was technically true. Ish. She laughs at me and heads to the mall. We get there and shop for a few hours and then the sun goes down and we leave. I get in the drivers side and go to the beach.

"Why are we at the beach? Its late." Myah points out.

"I know! Thats why now is the best time." I exclaim jumping out of the car. We walk down to the shore and walk along it.

"Blair... Have you ever wondered if Dylan really likes you?" Myah asks shyly.

"Yeah but what makes you ask that?"

"The past few days Ashton has been so cold and distant to me. He's fine with you and Dylan but... Its like he doesn't want me anymore. I dont know what to do B!" She almost starts crying when I see the candle lights up ahead.

"Come on. I know how to make you feel better." I grab her hand and run towards the table. She gasps when we stop and looks directly at Ash who is wearing a black tux.

"Ash... Whats going on?" She looks scared but interested.

"Myah I need to tell and ask you something..." Ashton begins looking very nervous but strolls up to her and grabs her hands as I scoot away to where Dylan is standing.

"Myah... I love you so so much. I have no idea how the hell I lived before I had you in my life. You are the most perfect thing in the world. If I could change one thing, I wouldn't find anything possibly wrong with you. We were made for each other and I'd like to make sure of that right now." He gets down on one knee and pulls out the ring, still holding one of her hands. Myahs free hand flies to her mouth as he continues. "Myah Danvers, will you make me by far, the happiest man alive, and be mine forever?"

Chapter twenty-one

 Tears are streaming down Myahs face as it breaks into the biggest smile I've ever seen. "Yes yes yes! I thousand times yes!" All of Ashtons nerves float away as he hears her say this. He puts the ring on her finger and stands up, to be almost pushed down by Myah slamming her lips on his. "I love you." She whispers leaning her forehead against his.

"I love you too baby." Myah turns really red and I ask what's wrong through our bond.

'Ummm..... I know I should have told you before but... I'm pregnant.' She answers.

'What?? Really?? Does he know??' 

'No... Should I tell him?' I nod at her and she looks up at the man holding her.

"Babe... I need to tell you something..." He looks down at her urging her to continue. She takes a deep breath and squeaks out, "I'm pregnant." His eyes light up even more and a smile consumes his face.

"Really?" He looks at her with so much love it almost makes me cry. She nods at him and he swoops her up in his arms and spins her around. She giggles and they go off to have their dinner. I look over at Dylan and he's already looking down at me.

He smiles and says, "Hey gorgeous." I laugh at him. "Oh really? You think thats funny ay?" He smirks devilishly at me as I try to stop laughing, which fails miserably. That is until he picks me up, as if I weigh nothing, and walks over to the water, past the shore so it was pretty deep. 

"Dylan... What are you doing?"

"Something thats worth laughing about." Is all he says before dropping me in the water. I scream but that gets muffle by the water. I swim up to the top and glare at the man laughing hysterically at what he's just done. 

"Your clothes are wet too you know. Oh and-" I yank his arm down, pulling him into the water. He reaches the surface and his hair is all shaggy and wet, draped over his face. Now it's my turn to laugh. He huffs and starts to swim away. "Aww I'm sorry baby." I stop him and wrap my arms around his neck and my legs around his waist.

I kiss him, planting small kisses on his lips, each one lifting the corners of his mouth more. Something goes off inside of me and my lips leave his, as I make a trail of kissing down his neck, stopping at his collar bone, slightly biting on it and sucking on it, causing him to let out a little moan. Its not like we haven't slept together yet but I still smiled against his skin at that.

I moved up to the curve in his neck and continue sucking, sure to leave a hickey. I laugh as he moans again and entangles his hand in my hair. We hear two laughs behind us and I snap back, to see Evan and Emma behind us, quickly joined by Ashton and Myah. My face turns beet red and I'm glad it's dark. Dylan and I quickly go to the shore and Myahs voice fills my head while she smirks at me.

'Just because I'm Prego doesnt mean you have to be too.'

Chapter twenty-two

I had laughed at her words and the irony of it... and almost laughed again recalling the memories of a week ago. Seeing my smile Dylan props up on his elbow looking at me laying next to him.

"What's going on in that pretty little head of yours?" I laugh and run my fingers through his brown hair.

"Do you ever wonder how we were ever enemies?" I ask pulling at a curl from his bed head. He starts to stroke and play with my hair as he goes into deep thought.

"I suppose I do. Everytime all I can think is how stupid I was to not see how amazing you are." I lean up and brush my lips against his and he smiles against my lips.

"I love you...." I whisper.

"I love you too baby girl." He smirks at me and says, "Oh yeah. Myah is making you go shopping today." My smile disappears and my jaw drops.

"You're letting her take me?? Please noooo!" I grab his leg as he begins to walk out of the room. He laughs as he drags me down the stairs. "No! I will stay attached to your leg until she gets home." When I say I hate shopping, I really do. I only did it before for Myahs happiness but twice in a month?? No!

"Sorry babes, your coming." Myah says winking at me. I press my lips into a tight line and roll my eyes at her.

"You're evil." She laughs and stands up, but not before giving Ashton a kiss. 

"Aw thanks, I love you too!" I give her a look of complete disbelief and everyone laughs at me. 

"Ugh. Lets get this over with." We get ready and head for the torture.

Chapter twenty-three

 We shop all day and by the end I swear I'm about to die. Myah made me wear a fancier shirt so having to slip in and out of that trying on clothes all day was a lot of work. I sigh and plop into the passenger seat. 

"You're evil missy." 

"So I've been told." She laughs. She starts the car and begins driving. 

"So when is the bridezilla going to be born?" I ask although there isnt much use since I fall asleep right after.

"B!" I get shaken awake and pop up although not very awake.

"Don't drink the kitten!" I shout. "Oh shit." Myah laughs at me and then continues.

"Come on sleepy head." I step out of the car not paying any attention to our surroundings, still half sleeping. I follow Myah and when she stops I run into her. I'm completely awake once I see Dylan in a suit. I look around and we are in the middle of a beautifully lit park. There are light posts and strung between all of them are white, gray, and black little ball string lights. 

"What's going on?" I ask. Dylan comes forward and begins talking to me.

"Blair... I've only known you for about two years, but I feel like I've known you my entire life." He smiles at me and grabs my hand, where I'm still very confused. "I love absolutely everything about you, from the way you always ignore me because you are listening to music, to the way you would drop everything for me. I don't deserve any of you but I'm damn sure I'm glad I have you. You make me happier than I ever thought I could be and never want to live without you." What's happening finally clicks and tears appear in my gray eyes. He gets down on one knee and pulls out a ring. "Blair Antonio, will you be mine?" I cant get words out so I just nod.

He slips the ring on my finger and lifts me up while I grab his cheeks and pull his lips to mine. I hear a slow clap as I'm lowered to the ground, and that's when I finally notice Evan and Emma. But the clapping isnt coming from them. I turn around and there he is. My father. I look at Dylan and he gives me a slight smile.

"What?" I ask, although not as upset as I would have thought since I'm really happy right now.

"Look Blair... I'm sorry. Your brother told me and I feel so stupid. I was terrible. I know I shouldn't be forgiven but... I truly am sorry. Congrats... On this. And on the pregnancy." My eyes widen.

"H-how..?" I hadn't told anyone yet. I look up at Dylan and his eyes are just as if not wider than mine.

"I can hear her."

"H-her?" Dylan asks. Everyone else is shocked too. Myahs voice fills my head.

'How far along are you?'

'Same as you...' I knew I was pregnant when Myah told me she was and then we talked after about it after and I figured out that we are both seven weeks. Shes super excited when Dylan speaks again.

"Did you..." I nod and he looks at me with slight hurt in his eyes. "Why didnt you tell me?"

"I'm sorry... I was scared and I only found out two weeks ago!" I was ready to beg for his forgiveness but he doesn't let it get that far. All hurt is gone and he's over joyed. He lifts me up again and kisses me.

"How do you know its a girl?" He asks my dad.

"I just can..." He smiles at me and most of my anger disintegrates. I run up to him and wrap my arms around him. Myah quickly joins me. My parents were like hers, since her parents died right after she was born. I back up to Dylan and smile at my now fiance.

"I love you..."

Chapter twenty-four


 Seven months later we've made most of the wedding plans and are having our wedding about three months after our baby girl is born, who is due in two weeks. Being pregnant is a lot more work than I would have thought but I know that she'll be worth it. Myah and Ashton are getting married almost a month after their little boy is born. He is due in one week. Myah and I have been working our asses off the get these weddings ready while the boys haven't done much.

"Dylan get your ass down here!" I scream from the kitchen. He rushes down the stairs but trips on the last one, falling on his face. 

"Oww." I laugh at him so hard it hurts. Is that bad for the baby? "Are you okay?? What's wrong??" He jumps up ignoring his own pain to see if I'm in any.

 I laugh at him and continue to ask questions about the wedding as he rolls his eyes and laughs at me. He helps me for a bit, unlike normal when Myah and Ash come from down stairs.

"Hey My." I smile looking up at her but stop when there is a sharp pain in my stomach. I bite my lip continue looking at them.

"You okay baby?" Dylan asks me very concerned. 

"Yeah... This one is just worse than normal." I've been getting contractions for a while now, but they've gotten a lot worse the last few days. I think that's normal though, because Myahs have been too.

"Agreed!" Myah huffs walking over.

"Uhh Myah, when did you spill water on the floor?" Ashton asks.

"Same with you Blair." Dylan agrees. I look down and sure enough there was a puddle of water where I was and where Myah was. Just then I got the worst contraction of my life. My best friend and I say the next four word in unison.

"My water just broke."

Chapter twenty-five



The second she said those words she was in my arms and then in the car, with Ashton in the same situation following close behind. Once they are both in the car and Ashton is in the passenger seat I speed off to the hospital.

The girls are both in a lot of pain which makes me go faster. I'm not worried about a ticket seen as I practically own this town and everyone knows it. They don't know I'm a wolf but theres still the gang. Thats one reason I was always so surprised with Blair. She's two years younger than me and she started her gang after mine. She knew she was on my land but she didn't care. I suppose I wouldn't either if I had gone through what I did. Her dad and her are good now so he's coming to the wedding. Well as good as they can be after that.

Back to the present, we get to the hospital and we rush them in. Wolves dialate faster so they have to be almost ready. A doctor runs out the second she smells us, being a wolf also. She leads us to an empty room and closes the door. She tells is how to lay them and then sets them up. Myah is at 8.7 centimeters and Blair is at 9.5 centimeters. Shes in a lot of pain, and I can tell you that this... Is by far the worst pain I've ever gone through. I cant feel her pain, but seeing the love of my life in this much pain and not being able to help is horrible. 

"I need you to step back! Shes ready!" The doctor tells me. Blair is covered in sweat and is screaming as the doctor tells her to push and push. A bit later, (despite it feeling like an eternity) our baby girl is out and cleaned up. Myah goes through the same process and I can tell its killing Ash.

An hour ish later we are already going home. The doctor said we were there for longer than we were so we could leave since wolves take less time. Now all we have to do is get through parent hood.

Chapter twenty-six



"I now pronounce you man, and wife. You may kiss the bride." The priest says as we stand at the alter. Dylan leans down and kisses me and out guests get very excited and happy. We pull away and I look towards Dylan's best man. Ashton is holding Jackson who's in a matching black tux, but for a three month older and my father who is standing behind them. I turn to my best friend who is holding Alex for me while the ceremony was taking place. I take my baby girl from her and give her a half hug. 

"I love you My." I tell her.

"I love you too. But maybe you should show some love to your husband." I laugh at her response and Smile up at Dylan.

"I love you so much." He tells me planting a kiss on my lips.

"I love you more you dork." And we went on to live our wonderful and full lives.



                THE END 



A/n- Hello lovely reader! Please let me know what you think of my third book! And should I continue this with the kids? I probably will but, please let me know what to think! Thank you for reading my book and have a fantastic day/night!


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 10.09.2019

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