
Chapter one

"Storm you have to go! Then we'll work together and its high paying. You can get your own place and be happy!" My best friend Owen tells me.

"Thank you Owen, but no! I dont want to work under some arrogant snobby boss who doesn't care about anything other than money. And money doesnt buy happiness." 

"He's a caring boss! I promise!"

"Yeah because you're one of his "bros"! I'm a girl! He'll treat me like shit like every boss I've ever had! I may as well just continue fighting as my only source of income. At least then I get respect." Owen is the only person who knows about me fighting. I go to a fight club every Friday night and some times on week days. I live with Owen in his condo. One more win and I can get my own.

"Please Storm. Just go to the interview! There's a low chance you'll get it anyways." He reasons.

I sigh and say, "Fine. But only for you! Its tomorrow right?"

"Yeah. I already have your outfit ready. Its gunna have you lookin finnnne." 

I laugh at him. "Go flirt with your boyfriend or something. I bet he misses you. I have plans with peanut butter, my bed, and music. So buh-bye." I walk to my room and get ready for the fight tonight. Its Sunday so more random but I was called. When I have the correct clothes, which is shorts and a tight tank top, I sit and put my ear buds in. I start listening to Pull Me Apart and eat peanut butter. Delicious. An hour before I have to leave I go to the built in gym. I start with weights and then go to the treadmill. When I go to leave a man walks in and gives me a weird look.

"Um, can I help you?" I ask feeling more self conscious than normal under his gaze.

"I haven't seen you here before. Nothing to worry about."

Chapter two

 "Uhh okay? I'm just gunna, go..." I say slipping around him not breaking eye contact. His eyes are icy blue, and very captivating. 

"Okay. See you around then." He smirks and turns around. I walk away with a smile on my face. I go to my car and drive to the tattoo parlor. I go to the back and behind the curtain. When I get to the door I tell them my code name. They let me in and I go to my changing room. I put on my mask so that no one knows exactly who I am. 

"Youre up in two, Shadow." The announcer tells me on his way to the arena. 

"Okay. Thanks." Shadow is my code name so nobody knows my real name. I walk to the entry doors and stop. Tonight should be fun. I have to go against the worst person to fight in this club. I'm the second. If I beat him I'll be the biggest competitor here. No presure.

"Next up, the best against the best... Thunder and Shadow!!" Jeff, the announcer yells and the crowds go wild. I push through the doors and see him. Hes probably a good 6 inches taller than me, at 6' 3" and me 5' 9"

 I'm pretty tall for a girl but still. I tie my thick brown hair into a pony and get in position. He throws the first punch but I dodge it. I side-step his next one, only to be met with his other fist colliding with my ribcage. He right-hooks my face and kicks me in the knee. I return the favor by doing the same. I grunt in pain from my ribs, which quickly turns to fury. I upper-cut him in the jaw causing him to stagger backwards. This gives me the opportunity to kick him in his no no square. He falls to the ground on his hands and knees so I kick him in the face again. 

I turn him around and pin him down. He manages to knee me in the stomach. I bend his arm in return and he cries out in pain. I dont really feel bad, like most after so long. You kind of have to be emotionless in this arena. 

"Ahhh! Fine! I give up! You win!" He yells. The crowd goes wild once again as I get up. I turn to them, and up against the fence is a familiar pair of eyes, not that I can pin point who the owner is. Hes wearing a mask like everyone else is so I cant see the rest of his face. He catches me looking at him and he smiles at me.

I roll my eyes and look away as Jeff says, "There we have it! Our new number one fighter, Shadow!!" The audience claps and I bow. "Next up, Blade and Red! Get ready for the new fighters first fight!" He continues. I look back for the mystery man to see that he is leaving. Interesting. I decide to watch the next fight, since there is a new fighter. Red has been here as long as I have.  I ask the security guards to open the gate. They do so and I few minutes later, Blade and Red are called into the arena. Red comes out and then the new fighter does the same. From the angle I'm at, I can see a tattoo of a sword on his lower back. Blade. Makes sense. 

Red takes her swing and ends up in a head lock. Nice move. For him at least, not her. She kicks his knee and he lets her go. She gets his fist to her stomach So She holds it. We've sort of become friends over the 6 years I've been here, so I feel the need to help as much as I can.

"Go Red! You can do this Hun!" I yell, getting both of their attention. She snaps out of it faster than him, nodding. He contines looking at me. He winks and turns to Red punching his stomach. He gets a few good punches in before she jumps on his back, confusing him. She jumps off and knocks him over from the back on his knees. "You go girl!" I encourage. She has him pinned down, until he flips them over and he's holding her down. He sits on her stomach, causing her to have a difficult time breathing, until she finally forfeits.

Blade stands up and helps her up. Aww he's sweet. 'Wait what?? Oh my God shut up Storm!' I scold myself. They both exit and I go back to my room to change clothes, realizing I have to be up at 5 in the morning to be fully prepared for this interview. I grab my phone and check it while walking out to my car. I have a text from Owen but before I can answer it I hear, "Wait up Shadow!" From behind me. 

I turn and see Blade running after me. "Yeah?" I ask.

"Hi. I'm Blade, as you know I guess but I just wanted to say, you were really good in there."

"Thanks... You too." I say baffled.

Chapter three

 "Thanks! Well I have to get home, but yeah. See ya later!" He says, leaving me in the middle of the parking lot. Eh. I walk to my car and leave. I take my mask off and head into the building. I go to Owens unit and walk in. Hes on the couch watching a movie with Zach, his boyfriend.

"Heyyy bitch." He says seeing me.

"Hi dork." I answer heading towards them. "Hey Zach."

"Hello Storm." He says pulling me into a hug.

"Have fun, but I need more than two hours of sleep so I'm gunna get the three I can. Night you two!" I walk into my room and quickly change. I take the outfit off of my bed, that Owen put there for my interview. I fall onto my queen sized bed and drift into a pretty restless sleep.

My alarm goes off and I quickly turn it off. I get up to shower and grab the clothing on my way to the bathroom. I turn the water on and look at my self in the mirror. I examine the bruises on my torso and legs. I look up at my face and see a mark on my cheek. It isnt that bad and will easily be covered. I get in the shower and wash my hair. As I let the conditioner soak in I shave my legs and wash my tan body. When I'm done I get out and dry myself. I get dressed and look at myself. Owen brought me nice black jeans, a white button up shirt covered by a black business suit, coat. 'I look like a business woman already.' I laugh at myself.

When I finish getting ready I get in my car and go to the address he gave me. Blade Enterprise it reads. 'Here goes nothing.' I sigh and walk in the building.

Chapter four

The secretary directs me towards the elevator to get to the 10th floor, where the interviews are being had. I go up to that floor and notice that I already don't fit in. All the other women are wearing skirts and heels. Ew. I look down at my jeans and brand new black converse and sigh. I go to the waiting room where others are waiting too. Not that I really want this job, but it kind of intimidating. I already have enough money from winning last night to buy my own condo so I don't really need it, but still. They all look like they came right out of a modelling agency. Damn.

A few girls are called and about an hour later I hear, "Storm Dark?" My head pops up at my name and I stand up shyly. 

"That's me..." It comes out as almost a whisper. The woman chuckles and comes up to me. 

"Hi dear. I'm Candice, one of the secretaries here." She sticks out her hand for me to shake so I do. "Follow me and we'll get this started."

I follow her into a big office. On the other side of the desk there is a chair facing a wall. "So you're here for the interview?" He sighs turning around. My eyes widen at the sight of the guy from the gym yesterday.

"Um yeah. Hello." I greet awkwardly.

"Ahh youre the girl from the gym! Please, sit." He tells me. Hes wearing a white button up with a gray suit over it and matching gray pants. It makes him look very sophisticated. Hot. I do as he says and he continues. "And what brings you to Blade Enterprise?" 

"Owen." I say forgetting that I'm supposed to be proper at interviews. Oops.

A deep laugh escapes his perfect lips as he says, "So you're Storm. The friend he never shuts up about?"

"Sounds about right. Um, I'm sorry but I really have no idea what this is about or for... I just agreed to it so he would stop pestering me." I admit, looking at my hands that are nervously fidgeting with each other.

"Well he gave me your resume and information." He looks in a folder and up at me. "You work at a cafe right now?" He asks confused.

"Um no. That was the last job I had. Seven years ago." I shift in my seat and fidget more.

"Okay. No college or experience in the business field?"


"And it says you live with Mr. Taylor?" He looks at me with a hint of... Something I couldn't read in his eyes.

"Yes. I've been friends with Owen since I was a sophomore. We moved in together right out of high school and a couple years ago his partner moved in too. Sorry. You probably didn't need my whole life story." I laugh nervously. 

"Okay. If you got hired you would be trained and expected to do a lot of work. Do you have a boyfriend? Or "partner" as you put it?"

"Isn't that a bit personal??" I ask shocked at the question.

"Well yes but not in this way. I need to know that you'd have no distractions while at work, for the job you're applying for, takes a lot of time, effort, and dedication. Do you have all of those?"

"Um yes. I do. But no, I don't have one."

"Okay then." He signs a paper in the folder and closes it. "When can you start?" He asks folding his hands on his desk. 

"Wait what?? Owen said there was a very low chance I would get it??" I say bewildered.

"Yes. A low chance. Not impossible. So when can you start?"

"Um depends what the job is. I still dont know that." I reply.

"Well you'll be the boss's assistant. You'll be getting him coffee in the morning, attending meetings with him, doing paper work, and whatever else he asks."

"Uh okay..? Tomorrow I guess. But I do have a question. What's he like?" I ask meaning the boss.

"Well he's pretty controlling but kind about it, unless you piss him off. Then it's not pretty. He's a pretty good boss but picky. Kinda goes with the controlling part but yeah. There's more to him than it seems." He describes. Yay. Controlling. I like being in control. Not be bossed around.

"Great. He sounds like an ass." I whisper but he hears it.

He chuckles and looks me in the eye when he says, "I guess thats one way to describe me."

Chapter five

 Ohhh shit. I stare, wide-eyed back into his icy blue eyes.

"Uhh... I... Umm.." I swallow and finally get out, "Uh, I'm sorry Mr. Blade. It won't happen again..." I squirm even more in my seat, and continue fidgeting.

"I've been called worse but good." He laughs a dark laugh. Honestly, kind of scary. Oops. "Well thats your office." He says pointing to an desk at the back of his, surrounded by glass. 

"Thanks I guess. I uh... Mean, thank you sir!" I sigh wanting to slap myself. "Good going Storm." I say under my breathe.

He laughs and says, "Well you are free to go now. Tomorrow you start at seven. I'll give further instructions tomorrow." He says. I get up and start to leave when he says, "Oh! And since we live in the same building I'll be driving you."

"Thank you, but I do have a car..." I state quietly. 

"I insist. You can't say no to your boss, now can you." He states with a smirk on his face like he just got away with something.

'Ugh.' I think to myself. "Okay. I'll see you at 6:15 then." I say, adding time to get here.

"Alright. Have a good day, Ms. Dark."

"You too Mr. Blade." And I walk out.

Chapter six

 I get to my car and sink into the seat resting my head on the back. Great. Fan-fucking-tastic first impression. I look at myself in the rearview mirror. My black and grey eyes are red from being tired. My foundation is starting to come off my cheek, so I go to grab my back up one. I'm going to take the previous layer off so the difference wouldn't be as noticeable, when there is a knock on my window.

Scared, I accidentally wipe most of it off. I look out to see him outside. I unlock the doors signaling for him to get in on the passenger side and quickly put more over the bruise. He gets in and shuts the door.

"Hi. Whats with the bruise??" He asks concerned. 

"What? Oh I'm a clutz, so I sliped in the bathroom last night and hit my cheek on the vanity." I lie, one I've been using since I started fighting.

"Oh okay. Well you left your phone in my office so I wanted to find you before you left. Its blowing up by the way." He tells me handing me my phone.

"Thanks." I say checking me phone. I start scrolling through the texts from Owen when I a call. I answer forgetting my new boss in the car.

Before I can say anything, he starts. "Heyyy. Hows my girl? Did you get it? What do you think? You hate him don't you. He's not as arrogant as he may seem you know. I bet he likes you. And why were you ignoring me for like, a whole 3 minutes?! I was just checking. Also Zach is here so I wouldnt suggest coming home for like 2 hours. But I wanted to check on you. Hello? Are you there? Why arent you talking? Stor-"

"Owen!!" I interupt him. "Calm down! I'm fine, yes I did, its nice, I dont hate him, I highly doubt that, I forgot my phone so he had to bring it to me, and I won't. Happy?" 

"Yaaass. We'll be working together! I'm so happy!! Well I'll see you in a few hours." He says, hanging up.

"Goodbye to you too." I mumble. I hear a laugh and look up. "Oh. I forgot you were here, sorry."

"Is that always how he is outside of work?" He asks smiling. His smile is dazzling. Damn.

"Um pretty much." I say, blushing a bit when I realized he listened the entire conversation. "So you heard all that..?"

"I don't know. Am I too arrogant to?" He asks his smile turning into a smirk.

"Damn." I say quietly. "No. I uh... It's a long story." I say instead of explaining it to him.

"Well seems like you have two hours sooo..."

"True. But do you?" I ask raising an eye brow.

"Sure thing. Wanna get some lunch? The place across the street has some really good salad and pizza. We could walk?"

"Sure, why not. Don't have anything better to do." I admit. I go to leave, but realize I still have the foundation in my hand I reach over to put it away in the glove box. I freeze when he gets up, because, from sitting down his shirt rode up a bit, exposing....

A tattoo of a sword, on his lower back...


Chapter seven

Oh shit. Again. I knew I recognized his eyes! How am I supposed to work for him now?? God, how could I not recognize him?? 

I'm snapped out of it when he leans down and asks, "You coming or just thinking about it?"

"Oh! Hi! Yeah, sorry. I just remembered something, so uh yeah. Lets go!" I say getting out of the car trying not to laugh nervously. 

We walk to the crosswalk and across the street to the restaurant. When we get there we order our food and I tell him the story about my conversations with Owen. 

"So, am I treating you like shit yet?" He asks, a small smile tugging on the corners of his mouth. 

"Hmmm.... Nah." I state matter-o-factly. "Youre good. For now." I let out a small giggle and then our food is brought to us. We make small talk for about an hour before we start heading back. "Thanks. For all of this. I had fun, captain, Zayn." I say quoting one of the stories he told me. 

"Haha very funny. I regret telling you that now." He laughs. "But, I should be thanking you. I-" he starts to continue, when he is interrupted by a woman running to his side.

"Hey baby!!" She screeches. I flinch from her scream, but when he flinches its cause she put a ton of pressure on some of the places, Red got some good hits in. 

"What do you want?" He asks between clenched teeth.

"Why cant I talk to my boyfriend?!" She screams. I take a deep breath to stop myself from screaming at her the shut the fuck up.

"I'm not your boyfriend!" He states sternly. I have an idea but I look up to him for permission to do something. He doesnt know what it is, but the pleading look mixed in with the annoyance and anger in his eyes, is all I need.

"As I was saying before we were rudely interrupted," I shoot the girl and evil glare. "Are we still on for tonight, babe?" I ask looking back at Zayn with I wink.

His eyes widen a bit before he says, "You know it." Winking back at me. The girl looks at me with pure hatred and huffs away. I start laughing and he soon joins me. "Thank you!" He says after calming down a bit.

"Yup." I giggle.

He looks at me and his face turns very serious. I get nervous and start fidgeting under his gaze, once again. Funny. I can stand hundreds of people watching me fight but one man's gaze and I'm done for. Ugh. I look into his eyes that are staring down at mine. He puts his right arm against my car on one side of me. My breathing quickens as he leans down to my ear. "What are our plans for tonight?" He whispers.

"Oh my God you pervert!!" I shout pushing him away. He laughs as heat rises to my cheeks. "I hate you." I pout. "I'm leaving."

"Have fun with that Storm." He laughs. I turn on my car and start to leave, when I hear something hit my tire and Zayn bendind down and holding his foot. "Oww!"

I rush out asking if hes okay, to then realize I didnt run over his foot, he just kicked my tire. "I stand by my previous statement." I frown.

"Haha! See you later, Ms. Dark."

I wave to him and drive away.


Chapter eight

 I'm driving home behind a car that's swerving like crazy, so I get into the lane next to them, and try to speed a bit so that I can go in front of them and avoid getting hit. That worked. The car hits my car, causing it to spin and flip. I'm on a backroad to avoid traffic so not many people are on it. I get out, forming high resistance to getting hurt, well being sore and in pain at least. I grab my phone and call the most recent person in my call logs, being Owen.

"Owen?" I ask coughing from the smoke leaving my car.

"Hey. What's up?" 

"Can you guys come pick me up? I'm on... Birch street and Lincon."

"Sure thing. But why? You have a car?" Zach asks. I tell him he'll see when they get here and they leave. About 20 minutes later a car pulls up behind my wreck and Owen jumps out and runs up to me. While hes hugging me, Zach gets out and another car stops behind them.

"Owen..?" I ask knowing its not some random person.

"Heh... Heh... I may have called Zayn?" Owen says looking at the ground.

"What!? Why him of all people?? Look I know he's technically my boss now but you didnt have to tell him!" I whisper shout. Owen looks upset so I hug him and say, "I'm sorry Owen I'm just still a little shocked. And its been awhile since I've had my stuff so I'm just all over the place. I'm so sorry." He knows that by "stuff" I mean my anti-depressants. I open my eyes to see Zayn standing a few feet from us. "God you scared me! Again!" I say jumping back.

"Sorry. Are you okay Storm??" He questions me for a few minutes more about what happened. He smirks at me and says, "Guess you have to now." 

"I could just ride with Owen?" I say with a questioning smile.

"No. Sorry, not really sorry!"

"Ugh." I sigh. 

"Lets go! I'll call someone to clean this up." He starts walking to his black and silver Lamborghini. Holy nice! I hug Owen and Zach and leave.

"Thanks. For everything today..." I shyly say a few minutes into the drive.

"No problem. It gave me an excuse to leave anyways. I did not want to deal with Pam's bitching about you!"

"Ahhh so thats the whore I had the lovely uncounter with earlier." I blurt out. "Oops! I'm sorry Mr. Blade!" I say trying to excuse my slip up.

He laughs and says, "Its quite alright. As long as you're not calling me bad stuff, I dont care what you say." Thank God!

"Uh thanks..."

"And don't worry. Pam is the assitant I have at the moment. I can't wait for her to be gone!" I laugh at his excitement. "I know its only Monday, but do you have any plans on Friday night?" He asks.

I gulp not knowing how to answer. "Uhh yeah. A little late but yeah." 

"Shit I do too now." He whispers under his breath. Think I don't hear him he says, "Oh okay. Well a couple people from work are getting some drinks that night if you want to come."

"Oh. Uh sure. I'll be there." I answer as he pulls up to the building.

"Cool. Are you sure you dont want to go to a hospital? That was a nasty crash." 

"No I'm fine. I just have a few scratches." 'And a minor concussion but what else is new?' I add in my head.

 "Okay then... Well I'll see you tomorrow, Ms. Dark."

Chapter nine

 The next morning I am fully ready by 5:45. I go down to the lobby to wait for him, and decide the ask about any available units. She tells me there is one, but it is next to the owner who is apparently quite the jerk.

"Do you think I could look at that one?" I ask.

"Well... Yes dear but are you sure?" She asks cautiously.

"For some reason... Yes." Since I still have 25 mintues I go up to the top floor and look at it. 20 minutes later I decide I want it and walk back to the lobby and see Zayn talking to the receptionist.

"Hey, Boss man." I say walking up to him. "And I'll be back later to talk about it, is that okay?" I turn to the lady at the desk.

"Okay dear, I'll be waiting." She answers.

Zayn gives me a weird look and I just shrug. "You ready?" He asks me. We get to the building about half an hour later. "I'll be training you since Pam isn't here to do so." He tells me once we're in his office.

"Okay." He tells me what I should do every morning when I get here. Then he shows me how to do the paper work and what to do in most meetings. Soon he directs me to the break room where I had to go several times to get him coffee. The first time it was too sweet, then there wasnt enough cream, then there was too much cream and too little sugar, and then when I finally got it right he spilt it. On my fifth try I was finally successful.

"Okay, I have a meeting in an hour that you'll be attending with me. Until then," he sets a piece of paper on my desk. "Put those in your calender. Thanks." He walk out and into his office. He sits down and holds his head.

"Um... Excuse me Mr. Blade... Are you okay?" I ask from the door of my separation.

"I'm fine. I just fou- um." He clears his throat and continues from his almost slip up saying he fought last night. "I just have a head ache."

"I have some drugs if you want them?" I offer. 

"What?? Owen said you were clean?!" He shoots up.

"Oh shit! I meant ibuprofen, sorry." I say feeling really stupid.

"Oh thank God. I guess it couldn't hurt." I go to my desk and pull out the bottle I put in there this morning for any mornings after fights. I put four in my hand and walk to his desk setting them down. 

"Do you want some water or...?" I ask. I go do as he said to before the meeting, when he tells me he'll be fine. I get to work quickly.

I'm so engrossed in what I'm doing I dont hear him knocking or saying my name until he almost yells it. I shoot up, scraping my hand and legs on the bottom of the desk in doing so. "Woah, you okay there?" He asks.

"Yeah... I'm fine. Sorry, old habits." When I worked somewhere in highschool, the boss was a dick. If you didn't do what you supposed to or didnt pay attention, you would get screamed at. If you didn't stand up when he said your name, or you used a "bad tone" with him or anything like that, he would scream at you. Any little thing.

"Okay then... Well we should get going." He says waiting for me. I pick up journal/ sketch book, so I can take notes if needed.

"Let's go."

Chapter ten

 We get to the meeting and I'm instantly bored. Yay. I start picking at the chair and a few minutes later Zayn notices. He leans down and whispers in my ear, "You can write for something. You don't have to pay attention."

I look up at him and give a shy smile. I flip in the journal to the sketch pages. I start sketching a man. I only draw from the waist up so that it's easier. He has very defined abs and muscles and is sweating a bit, but not so much that it's gross when I finish I realize that the person I drew ended up being the man sitting next to me. It looks realistic so it's even more embarrassing. I quickly turn the page and look over at him, to make sure he didn't see. 

Well shit. Hes looking down at me with a smirk, while the others talk. My cheeks flush and I sink lower in my seat. He whispers in my ear, once again. "Make sure to sit up straight." He smiles when my breath quickens as he puts his hand on the small of my back, directing me to sit up straighter. I huff and go back to drawing. This time I draw a husky and then the meeting is over. I stand up with Zayn and he's still smirking. 

"It was an accident. Don't let it get to your head." I blurt out. He continues smiling as he walks over to a group of older men.

"Hello Zayn." Most of them say. Some of them keep looking me up and down. I put a hand over my stomach feeling very self conscious under so many stares. 

"I see you've upgraded." One of them says smiling at me. I take a small step to the side, wanting to be closer to Zayn. And to keep myself from kicking him down there. 

"Yeah. She's a keeper." Another adds. People in the group continue making comments on me before Zayn growls and pulls me away. I've always been afraid of what people think of me, so when we exit the room, I run to the nearest bathroom despite my boss's protests. I get to the stall and lock the door, with tears already streaming down my face. I sit down and my breathing is hard.

I hear the bathroom door open and, "Storm?" And when I don't answer a few seconds later he knock on the stall door. I go unlock it and retreat back to my corner. He looks at me and grabs a piece of toilet paper and tells me to rip it into straight strips. I do so and I'm so focused on that, that I stop crying and my breathing goes back to normal. "Better?" He asks.

I nod. "Thank you."

"I'm sorry, for not getting you out of there sooner. I should have known better than to take you to them. God I'm so stupid! I'm really sorry Storm."

"Mr. Blade, it's fine. I could have done something about it but I didn't because I trusted you. You don't have to worry about me." I tell him. We walk out and on the way to our offices, Owen sees us, and immediately notices the red in my eyes from crying.

He runs up to my side and hugs me. "Are you okay? Who hurt you? Was it am anxiety attack? Oh my God I'm so sorry I wasnt there!" He says while Zayn watches, kind of confused. 

"Owen I'm fine, thank you though. Some people in the meeting were making- My book!!!" I say louder than I mean to, attracting some eyes to us. "I forgot it in the room!"

"Storm its okay! We can walk back and get it." Zayn says. He starts walking after I nod. The scene I see when I get there is even more horrifying than when some one breaks something during a fight...

Chapter eleven

 At the conference table, a bunch of people were crowded around... Going through my journal. I nearly scream at the sight and stand there frozen, causing Zayn to run into my back. My everything is in that journal. Well not so much in the writing part but the sketching part is everything. I've drawn fights, people, things, important stuff, non important stuff. Anything and everything. Zayn quickly goes around me and is at the table with my journal in hand in a matter of seconds.

"You are all asses. This is private and you went through it. If I'm not mistaken the front very clearly says, 'private' so why would you go through it?? You know what, I might think again about that contract." He walks to the other side with my book and goes to the contract. It's torn to shreds in seconds. "Now please get out of my building or I will force you out." He says flatly. 

Once they all leave I manage, "I'm sorry Mr. Blade... I didn't mean to lose you your partnership... I really am sorry."

"It's okay. I knew they were jerks and I never liked them, I was just doing it to make my dad happy, so it works out. And I believe this belongs to you?" He says sliding it across the table to me.


"Oh and by the way," his smirk comes back and I roll my eyes knowing what's coming. The next thing I know he is right next to me with his arm on the table behind me, similar to the scene on the car yesterday. "You shouldn't role your eyes at your boss, you know." He whispers. "Especially when you draw like that." 

I dont say anything and he looks me in the eye, but I realize I have to look away or he'll recognize me in the arena. I clear my throat and say, "Well this was an interesting first day.." And he laughs. The rest of the day was most paper work and talking to Zayn.

The rest of the week was pretty non-eventful but I'm okay with that. Then Friday night was here. I brought my stuff and put it in the back seat of my newly bought car, in a backpack so I could change there and just leave from the bar. I walk in a see a bunch of people from my work, including Owen. 

"Hey, Owen." I say walking up behind him.

"Heyyy, Storm-a-nator." He replys.

"Never call me that again, you dork." We laugh and I feel a set of eyes burning into the side of my head so I look over and see Zayn sitting a few seats down. "Hi, Boss man." I wave a sit down next to Owen. I have a perfect view of Zayn from here so, I'm good. Yes, I know hes my boss but, I can still admire a handsome face.

"Hey prettyyyy... Laaaady." A man slurs behind me. I turn around and come face to face with my ex.

Chapter twelve

 My first boyfriend. He was the start of the chain that all my boyfriend's cheated on me, so I gave up. His name is Tom Freshman. I was popular in high school, he was a nobody that got bullied, I dated him, he got popular after helped him, and then he cheated on me.

Back to the present, I see him and the first thing I do, is kick him in the "girl getter" and turn back around. Everyone is staring at me wide-eyed except for Owen, since he knew the whole back story. He gave me a high five. Zayn started laughing and everyone stared at him and then at me again. Yay.

"I'm sorry, but did you just kick a stranger in his-" he can't finish because he is laughing too hard.

"That was her ex." Owen explains. Zayn starts laughing harder and everyone else is laughing too but at him.

"That's even better!" He laughs. I sigh and order a pina colada. I can only have one drink, so I'm taking advantage of it. Four hours later I notice that I have to go. 

"I gotta go. I'll be back later and text you when I get to my place." I say to Owen. Oh yeah, I got the unit but still haven't seen the owner. Eh. Zayn gets up then, and we both leave. I wait for him to leave and stay there for a few minutes to make sure he doesn't see me. I change in the car since its dark out and then leave. When it comes my turn to fight I go out. 

"Next up... Shadow and Jaguar!" Jeff announces. And what kind of name is jaguar. Whatever. I throw a few punches and so does he but hes down in less than two mintues. I leave the arena and immediately notice two icy blue eyes. Zayn. 

"Hey Shadow." He smiles his wonderful smile. 

"Hey Z- Blade!" I correct my slip up fast enough he doesn't notice. We have a conversation before he has to go fight. He going against thunder. Oh God. I really hope that he turns out okay. 

Well he turns out okay. He went from 29th to 2nd in one match. Damn.

Chapter thirteen

 The next few months were normal. I've been working at Blade Enterprise for 7 months and honestly its great. I joke around with Zayn and the occasional goofy flirting, but do my work at the same time. Its fun, I really like him. Well as a friend too but you know... Friday nights, and other nights when I'm called in are a bit nerve wracking but I manage. I also found out that he's the owner of the condos. Why am I not surprised?

Tonight I have to fight again. I don't know who I'm fighting but They say it'll be a challenge. One that I'm up for. 

I get to my room and quickly change and put my mask on and I wait. I take out my sketch book and sketch another picture of Zayn, just better. I put him in loose sweat pants and shirtless, with once again, very defined muscles. I had a lot of time so I drew him and me together. That sounds weird but eh. Who cares. I'm interrupted by a knock on the door.

"You're up in one." Jeff tells me. Yay! I get to find out who I'm fighting and kick their ass. 

I get to the door and when I get the "okay" to, I go. Lets just say... I was not at all up for what's about to happen...

Chapter fourteen

 Standing on the other side was... Zayn. Either him, or my number one spot. The answer isnt hard. He hesitates but gets back into fight mode. I smile as tears brim my eyes. I can't do this. 

"Attention please!!" I shout, silencing the whole room. "I... I would like to... Forfeit, and give my number one spot to, Blade. Thank you for your attention but I have to-" I quickly run out before my voice cracks from crying. I run to my room and slam the door, only to hear a knock a few seconds later.

"Go away!" I yell like a child. 

"Shadow let me in!" Zayn yells. I sigh and wipe my eyes. I go out in the hallway and he traps me against the wall. "What the hell was that?? You said you would never give up your spot!! So why??" 

I stay silent making him even more mad. "You wouldn't understand." I say after a minute of him glaring down at me.

"Then make me!"

"No! You don't want to know and I dont want you to!" Before I can say more he rips my masquerade type mask off. "Zayn please..." I beg before he leaves me there. Hes furious. He leaves me there, feeling broken. 




A week later I finally go to work. Smart, I know. Go to work on a Friday and then have the rest of the weekend to drown my sorrows in ice cream and crappy Rom-coms. Anyway, I ride with Owen instead. I've already spewed all of it to him so he understands. I haven't done anything other than sleep, use the bathroom, and cry. Not even eat. I walk into Zayns office and avoid eye contact. I give him his information for the day and then leave and do my own thing until the meeting. I don't pay attention like always, and when I look through my sketches, I see the drawings of Zayn and the one of Zayn and me especially hit hard. I start tearing up and excuse myself to the restroom.

"It's okay. It's okay. It's okay." I keep repeating to myself. I take 10 deep breaths and sigh. I wipe my tears and go back to the conference room. I see people looking at it as if they want to search through it, including Zayn. I rush up to it and snatch it up, causing him to look up at me. I gulp and dit down, diverting my gaze to a woman giving me a death glare across the table. 

When the meeting is done she stops me. "Um, can I help you?" I ask slightly annoyed.

"Stay. Away. From. Zayn!" She whisper shouts.

"Trust me when I say, you can have him. I don't want any part of him." I reply.

"Good!" She says and walks up to Zayn whispering something in his ear. They go off somewhere so I go back to my office. Great. I find them in his office, not doing anything, but that doesn't stop her from touching his arm and stuff. Or the shot of jealousy in my heart. I look at him, on the verge of crying again, and he sees it. 

"We'll talk later. If you would excuse me, I have some business to take care of." He says to her with zero emotion in his voice. I hurry to my section and shut the door. Well...

Chapter fifteen

 I put my head in my hands and take deep breaths the stop the racing of my heart. Not that that worked. My door slams open and my head pops up and instantly back down when I see that its Zayn.

"What was that?" He asks, anger and frustration dipping from his words.

"It doesn't matter. You wouldn't understand, and this time I really mean it!" I respond, gradually getting louder the more I spoke.

"Really? Then make me understand, and not make me figure it out!"

"What's the hell is the point?!" I shout. "You hate me for lying to you, when there is no reason that I needed to tell you!"

"The point is I want to know and I'm your boss!" He fires back.

"Yeah well I want a lot of things I don't have so you are just going to have to deal with it!" 

"Really?? What could you possibly want?! More money? More friends? A better job? A fuck toy??"

"Oh my god you ass! No! I dont want any of those! I want my parents to be alive. I want my brother and sister to actually give a damn about me, and I want you!" I blurt out. Oh shit. I didn't mean to tell him the last part.

"Why the fuck would you want me?? Another one night stand for your majesty??"

"Where did you hear that??"

"Lydia!" He says. I put the pieces together and realize Lydia is the woman from before. 

"Wow. Thank you for thinking so highly of me, that you believe anything that petty bitch tells you!" I get up and walk to the opposite side of the desk hes on.

"Well if that isnt true then why would you want me??" He yells angry.

"You know what. I don't. At all. I was stupid and said some random lie."

"Bull. If that's true then why did you almost cry when you saw the pictures of me you drew?? And why you did again when Lydia was here talking about you and all your guys!" He states walking to my journal. I pick it up before he can get to it.

"I told you. That is the truth." I say looking down and trying to calm myself so I let anything else slip out of anger.

"Tell. Me. The. Fucking. Truth. Storm!!" He yells at me.

"You know what! Fine! You're right! Its all bullshit! Me! You! This job! The fights! Petty bitches! The whole fucking world! But most of all, the fact that I love you!" I scream. My hand flies to my mouth but not in time. A pair of warm lips beat me to it.

Chapter sixteen

Wow. It's not like this is my first kiss but I'm still in awe. His warm pink lips mold perfectly to mine. He puts his hand around my waist and my hand finds his dirty blond hair. He pushes my back against a wall without breaking it except for small breathes of air.

He finally breaks it a while later and quietly replys, "I love you too." Leaning his forehead against mine.

"Really?" I ask.

"Yes. And I'm sorry that I just left you there but that's why. It hurt before when you would get hurt but knowing all those times that it was you. And then you finally came to work I was excited but then you ignored me so I assumed you were mad at me so I didn't try anything. I'm so sorry Storm..." He explains tearing up a bit.

"Hey... It's okay..." I begin before I start swaying a bit.

"Storm are you okay?" He asks concerned.

"I'm... Fi-" I say but can't finish for the fact that I'm consumed by darkness.




I open my eyes and brightness fills them right away, causing me to blink a few times. I sit up feeling a bit weak, and discover I'm in a hospital. 

"Hey Storm... You're awake..." Zayn whispers next to me while holding my hand.

"Hi." I whisper back, smiling at him. "Why am I here?"

"The doctor told me that she found that you hadn't eaten in over a week. Is that true?" He looks hurt by it. 'Why?' I think to myself.

"Well... Yes..." 

"I'm so sorry Storm!! I'm so so sorry!" He tears up again so I put my hand on his cheek.

"Zayn, it is not your fault. I should have told you the second I found out it was you. So don't blame yourself." 

"How did you find out?" He asks looking up at me still holding me.

"Well I wish I could say I wasn't stupid and blind, and it was because of your eyes, I mean look at them...  But it was because when you sat in my car on the day of my interview, your shirt rode up a bit showing your tattoo. Which is so cool by the way!" He leans down and kisses me gently, but quickly pulls back when there are two squeals at the door.

Chapter seventeen

 I look at the door and see Owen and Zach. Zayn looks confused and I start laughing at all of them.

"Hey guys." I say.

"Oooooo girlllll I told you!" Owen drags Zach over and sits on the other side of my hospital bed. I blush lot and look at ceiling while he continues. "I told you, that night when you were crying and telling me the story, I said that it would all work out and that he would love you!" I blush even more and look at them to "shut up" but they do the opposite.

"Yeah! You were all like, "I'm never going to have feelings for someone again! It's stupid and just UGGGHH!!" But now your all over each other and smoochy smoochy!" Zach continues for his boyfriend. Oh God. I look over at Zayn who has his eyebrows raised looking down at me.

"Is this true, Ms. Dark?" He asks and I answer by blushing and looking away. "Hmm... Interesting."

 "Thanks. What great friends I have." I say sarcastically while I roll my eyes at my two best friends.

"Aww thank you!" Owen says. "Its good to know you love us!"

I grunt and look back at Zayn who is enjoying our "show." Wow, I have a great boyfr- well I guess I dont know where we stand... "Well this has been fun, but can I leave yet?" I ask. Zayn leaves to get a doctor and Owen and Zach start fangirling again.

"Eek!!!! Storm!!! I'm so happy!" Owen starts and Zach continues with, "Hmmm... Zorm or Sayn?" 

"Totally Zorm! All the way! Omg! The ship has sailed!! You've liked him for like over six months and it's finally here!!!!!!!!" I blush as I realize Zayn was in here for most of that. Could this day get any worse??

"You are free to go, I've already checked everything and signed you out, so this lovely man can take you home." The young female doctor tells me. I have to admit that I was a bit jealous when she called him a "lovely man." As if he read my mind, Zayn grabs my hand and squeezes it. We leave the hospital and we walk into my unit to talk.

"So umm..." I start not knowing where to go.

"Do you have plans before that on Friday night?" He asks me.

"Yeah. I'm going out with this guy I really like. Well, I guess that is, if he says yes?" He opens his mouth to respond while I smile at him, when we are interrupted by a man clearing his throat behind us. 

Chapter eighteen

 I whip around to look at the couch, scared out of my mind. When I do I see two familiar faces. 

"What the hell are you two doing here??" I ask furious. 

"What? No hug for your brother and sister?" My brother, Nate asks me.

Coral, my sister joins in. "Its been years sis."

"You are not my siblings. You lost that title a long time ago. Now, what. Are. You. Doing. In. My. Place?" I ask glaring at both of them.

"Damn." Nate says. "We just wanted to stop in, see your place, you know. See how you were doing."

"Ha! Funny! Then where were you when I was 14 fucking years old?! When I was screaming for your help and you two stood there, laughing your asses off!  You shouldn't even know where I live, we haven't talked in years. So tell me the real reason or get out and leave me the fuck alone." I say with zero emotion in my voice.

"Ugh. Fine. We need your help. We need 20,000 next week." Coral explains.

"Huh. Funny. Why?" I say, not showing my anger thats rising by the second.

"Well we bought some illegal stuff and can't pay it off so we need your help." I give him a look saying he needs to tell me what it is. "Uhh drugs... Firearms.... Stuff like that."

"Okay. One second." I go to my bedroom, knowing Zayn will follow me asking questions.

"You're not seriously going to give that much money to them right? And what was the story about? Whats wrong? I'm so confused!" I pick up my phone and dial a number. 

"No." I say to him and then talk to the person on the phone. I walk back out to my living room. "Okay, be patient. Everything will be set in a few minutes." We wait and then there is a knock on the door and I get up and smirk at them. I open the door and everyone's eyes widen except for mine.

"Hello, officer Reale. These two right here." I point to Nate and Coral. I know it sounds cruel especially since their blood, but I had to do it. They sneer at me as they are led out.

"You bitch!" Coral shouts at me. Nate agrees and when they are out I finally let out the breath I've been holding in.

"So..." Zayn says. "You going to explain what that was about?"

"Umm... When I was fourteen my broth- Nate pushed me into the ocean when we were on vacation. They didn't help me so my parents decided it was time to go back home. I could tell they were planning something but I didn't know what. My- I mean Coral screamed causing my mom to run of the road. The car flipped and they ended up dead. I was stuck in the car and was screaming at them for help but they left me there." I lifted up my shirt and pant legs to show him the scars, and then quickly pulled them down. 

"Owens parents were my foster parents and we've been best friends since then. Owen wanted to know what kissing someone was like when we were sixteen so he was my first kiss but neither of us felt anything. He met Zach and they've been together for eight years. Sorry, I didnt need to tell you after the part about them..." I blush, embarrassed and look away.

He puts his hand under my chin, forcing me to look up at him. "Its okay. And you're sexy when you're mad. And when you blush." He places a soft kiss on my lips. When he pulls away I grab the collar of his shirt and pull him back to me. After a bit he licks my bottom lip, asking for entrance which I gladly grant. I pulls away and looks into my eyes. "God, you're beautiful." He whispers. He looks around my face, asking for permission to go further. I know I shouldn't but... I nod and we go to my room.

Chapter nineteen

 I wake up and the bed next to me is empty. My anxiety spikes as I shoot up, assuming the worse. 'He knew I was weak and would give in like a slut and then he could leave.' 'He found someone better and ran off with them!' 'I was terrible and he wants someone better!' My mind comes up with a million different scenarios. All these thoughts stop when I run out of my room, in just a sheet coving me, and see Zayn standing over the stove making breakfast.

I run up to him and give him a hug from behind. "Oh thank God!" I say nuzzling my head into his neck.

He chuckles and turns around. He kisses my forehead and says, "Hey beautiful. You were supposed to stay in bed so I could bring you breakfast." He pretends to pout and I start poking his stomach.

"Aww I'm sorry. I really am. Really. So so sorry." I giggle sarcastically. He smiles at me and finally notices that I'm just wearing a sheet.

"Nice clothes. Just make sure not to where them at work." He winks at me and gets back to his task. I go through his t-shirt on and a pair of underwear and go back out to the kitchen, where Zayn is sitting at the table waiting. He eye brows burrow a bit and he frowns at his phone. I go up to him and ask what's wrong.

"I'm sorry Storm. Its just my mom said she has a surprise for me. That is never good." He sighs. 

"Oh... When do you have to go?" I ask, sad at the thought of  leaving after last night. His eyes brighten and he smiles down at his phone. He brings his eyes to mine and says, "We are leaving at 4:30 tonight." I smile at the thought of going anywhere with him but my stomach flips when I remember I'll be meeting his parents.

"Oh no... What if they don't like me? What if they make me leave you? What if you have to marry someone else? What if you fall in love with her?? Zayn!" I start pacing but get on my knees begging him. "Don't leave me? I love you way too much for that!"

He pulls me up and whispers, "Don't worry baby, I'm not leaving." His warm breath on my neck send chills down my spine. He gave a deep throaty chuckle as he felt my goosebumps. "Do I need to convince you?" 

"Yes!" I say too quickly. He laughs and picks me up bridal style then and we go to my room. 

Chapter twenty

 "I'm convinced." I say between breaths. Funny, I've never done this before, and yet I've done it four times in less than 24 hours. He laughs again and gets up. 

"Hey umm... Will you be my girlfriend?" He asks.

"Yes!!" I respond excited. I kiss him and tell him I love him.

"I love you too. Well Angel, we should get ready, much to my dismay." He tells me kissing my forehead.

"How many nicknames to I have?" I giggle. He looks me up and done and softly plants a kiss on my lips.

"So many." He looks into my eyes and I melt. I wrap my arms around his neck, ignoring my completely naked body.

"I love you so much..." I whisper into the crook of his neck.

He hugs me back and tells me, "I love you too, gorgeous." We get up and get dressed. I wear a nice pair of jeans, black converse to match my black shirt, with a red flannel to go over it. He wears a black button up with nice jeans and black shoes. We leave and an hour and a half later, we arrive. Saying this was a house is an understatement. This is a fucking mansion! I take a deep breath, in attempt to calm my nerves.

"You okay?" He asks, squeezing my hand.

"I'm fine." I respond, giving him a reassuring smile. He smiles back so I try to push down my feelings. 'This is for him, Storm. Get your shit together!' I tell myself. I get out of the car and wait for Zayn. We walk up to the door together and he knocks on the door.

A lady opens the door and invites us in. She takes us to the dining area where Zayns family is. A little boy, probably around the age of 10, comes running up to him and hugs his legs.

"Hey buddy!" Zayn laughs, kneeling down to get on his level.

"Big brother!" A teenager runs up, similarly to I'm assuming her little brother.

"Hey Vic!" He pulls them both into a hug and I smile at them. He looks up at me and says, "Guys, this is my girlfriend, Storm. Storm, these are my siblings, Victoria and Eric." My heart fluttered when he called me his girlfriend.

"Hi!" I greet them with a smile.

"Girlfriend ay? I'm Tom, Zayn's father." Says a man coming up to us and holding his hand out. I shake his hand and Zayn gives him a hug. Then a woman comes up. "Hello Zayn." She says coldly, completely ignoring my presents. Okay then... I'm assuming that's his mother. His father sighs and shakes his head at his wife.

"Please excuse her. She is... A bit of a bitch. I wouldn't of married her if it was my choice" Tom tells me with a sigh when she walks away. I try to hold back my laughter but when Zayn fails to do the same, I cant hold it in. All of us laugh together and then we talk for a bit. Then his mother comes in with a girl, wearing a skin tight dress that makes her fake breasts almost spill out and only goes down to just below her butt, behind her. Everyone is confused including Tom. 

"Mary!" His mother screams. Ouch. A maid brings seven plates of food out and we eat in silence. I keep poking Zayn under the table and he does the same back. When we all finish his mother says, "Zayn. You know Stacey. She will be your girlfriend instead of the slut next to you."

Chapter twenty-one

 Zayn opens his mouth to say something but I get there first.

"Ma'am, if you dont mind... You dont know me. I haven't said I single word to you since I got here and you have made no effort to talk to me. I am not only in this for money. I have plenty to suffice my needs. I am not even close to being a slut. I have been in love with your son for seven months and don't plan on stopping any time soon. So please, don't assume you know me and don't pretend that you do. Now, continue with whatever you want but I'm done here." I stand up and walk out. I get lost trying to find a door, and instead I find a stair case instead sit down on it. I put my head in my hands and sigh. A few tears leak from my eyes and soon after I feel an arm around me.

"Hey baby..." Zayn whispers, running his hands through my hair. I look up at him and start crying harder.

"I'm so sorry Zayn!" I cry. He pulls me to his chest hugs me tighter.

"Shhhh... Its okay sweetheart... She deserved all of that. You were amazing. That took a lot of courage. I love you so much!" He whispers, kissing the top of my head, continuing to stroke my hair.

"I love you too... But you have to be with her." I sob.

"No I don't. I'm with you and I'm not stopping. I told her I refuse and the rest of my family agreed with me." He tells me softly.

I jump onto his lap wrapping my arms around his neck. "Thank you." I say kissing him. We hear three quiet "ooooo"s from behind us and I turn around, my arms still locked around Zayn. Standing in the doorway was Tom, Eric, and Victoria. My face heats up while they all smile.

Zayn clears his throat and says, "Uh hi..." I look to him and his cheeks are pink too.

We all talk for a while more, me staying firmly planted on my boyfriend's lap. About 45 minutes later him mom comes in the room.

"I'm sorry."

Chapter twenty-two

 She says it as cold as ever and it sounds very forced. Everyone stays quiet waiting for her to continue. She sighs annoyed and goes on. "It wasnt right of me to do that." With a roll of her eyes followed by my own. Zayn lifts me off of him as he stands up.

"We're gunna get going." He says with me still in his arms. Eric and Victoria run up to us.

"Put me down you weirdo!" I giggle trying to say goodbye to the kids. He reluctantly puts me down and I kneel down to Eric's level. "Bye bud." 

"Bye Storm!" He jumps into my arms causing me to fall backwards laughing. When we get up, I stand up and Zayn puts an arm on my shoulder.

"Don't steal my girl Eric!" He laughs. Eric laughs and runs back to his dad.

"Bye Victoria." I say, not knowing how she'll react. She hugs Zayn and pulls me into the group hug.

"Goodbye." She looks up at Zayn with sadness in her eyes. "Promise to visit soon?"

"Of course." Zayn smiles down at her. She releases her hold on him and wraps both arms around me.

"Thank you. For making him happy... If anyone is going to be with him I'm glad its you..." She whispers in my ear, only loud enough for me to hear. Her saying this brings tears to my eyes. I slightly pull away from the hug. I look down at her, smiling and nodding. She smile back and goes back to her dad. Zayn and I walk up to him. I go to shake his hand but he pulls me into a hug. Very huggy family I guess. 

"We hope to see you soon, Storm." He tells me while putting his arms around his kids. "You too Zayn." 

"Will do. Bye dad." He smiles at them. We head to the doorway where his mom stands. I look at her and slightly nod and pull Zayn out.

"I'm sorry if you wanted to say bye to her..." 

"Its fine Storm. After what she said I'm upset with her. Let's get going?" I nod and we head back. Once we get back to our building I ask Zayn if we can visit Owen. "Sure. Lets go." We walk to Owens unit and I knock. A bit later Owen opens the door in nothing but boxers, Zach in the same situation.

"Uhh... Did we interrupt something?" I laugh.

"You're so mean, Storm." Owen says turning red and jokingly glaring at me. Zach comes up behind his boyfriend.

"Hey Storm. What's up?" We have a quick conversation and then Zayn and I leave. We go to his apartment instead of mine. 

"Sorry its a bit of a mess." I look around a see nothing but a coffee cup on the coffee table.

"Oh shut up dork. Its spotless. Now, where's your room?" I ask.

"Really?" He asks smirking at me.

"Yup." He leads me to his room and I go to his closet. I put on one if his shirts and walk out, where he's taking his shirt off. I lay down on his bed waiting for him. He gives me a kiss and crawls next to me.

"Now, for sleep." I smirk at him as his disappears.

Chapter twenty-three

I wake up in the morning to sunlight coming though my curtains. Did I really leave them open? Ugh. I go to close them but I cant. I'm being weighed down by something? I turn to see a sleeping Zayn. I take a minute to take in his peaceful features. His messy, dirty blond hair hanging over his eyes, he lips turning up at the coners in a slight smile, his uncovered chest beside the tattoos all around it- wait. Smile???

"Good morning to you too, you ass." I glare at him.

"Took you long enough. Morning gorgeous." He says kissing my head. My glare turns into a smile as butterflies erupt from inside my stomach. I bring my head up and softy kiss his lips. After cuddling for a bit we get food and sit down on his couch.

"So I've been thinking..." He starts.

"I've been thinking too..." I start sweetly, and end goofyly. "That kind of how people work! Mind elaborating?" I giggle as he mocks me.

"I was thinking about how since I own this and can do whatever I want to it... Maybe we could break down that wall?" He points to the wall separating our units. "And then we would technically live together so I get if you don't want to... It was just an idea! You dont have to say-" 

I cut him off with a kiss and then say, "Yes." His eyes light up and he tells me he'll get someone to do it tomorrow. We spend the rest of the day goofing off and watching the Twilight series.

"You've never seen this before? Its awesome!" I say when we finish all four movies. 

"No but I do agree that they're good though." 


Chapter twenty-four

 Two months later we have taken the wall out and have been living together and happy. I'm a little nervous because I'm over a month late so I'm going to the doctor today. Zayn doesn't know, and he'll be at an emergency meeting that he doesn't need me at. I get dressed and go to Owens place.

"Hey..." I say already nervous and he and Zach leave their unit. They are taking me and have already been told not to tell Zayn.

"Hi! You ready?" I sigh at his question and start tearing up. Owen and Zach pull me into a hug. "Its going to be okay Storm. Even if you are, he won't leave you." 

I try to pull myself together once we get to the car. I take a few deep breathes and blink back the tears that are burning my throat. 


Hey Zayn. How's the meeting?


I text him not expecting a reply. 


Boring. How's it going at home?


Good... Just chilling waiting for you.


I bite my lip the stop from screaming. I've been to the fight club a few times since Zayn found out so if I am, what if they got hurt? I would never forgive myself. Plus on top of that I'm lying to the man I love. 


I cant wait. I'll be home in a few hours but I gotta go for now. I love you!


I love you too :) 


I feel sick. And not just physically. 

"We're here." Zach tells me from the passenger seat. I take more deep breaths and get out of the car. We walk into the building and I fill out the paperwork. We wait until the nurse comes out and calls my name. We walk back and she takes the normal stuff like height, weight, blood pressure, etc; and then the doctor comes in. She asks me some questions and tells me to pee on a stick. Gross. I go to the bathroom and do as I'm told, despite my many protests. A while later the doctor comes back.

"Congratulations! You're pregnant!"

Chapter twenty-five

 I... I'm really pregnant.... Holy shit... I can't tell Zayn... He'll leave me and our baby. I plaster on my best fake smile and ask if we can leave.

"Yes dear. Just make sure to come and get checked out once in a while." We leave and I get home a few minutes before Zayn. 

"Hi..." I say pretending its okay. We have a normal conversation and then head to bed. How am I supposed to explain it to him when I get morning sickness? Ugh... I'll worry about that when it comes to it. I climb into bed. He drapes his arm over my stomach and I tense up. If only he knew...




Two months later I'm three months and starting to get a baby bump. Shit.

"Hey babe." Zayn says, his voice husky from just waking up.

"Morning." I say smiling at his mess of hair. We get up and ready when he tells me we're going out later. "What kind of going out??" I ask panicked.

"Just to dinner. Why?" I let out a sigh of relief.

"I just wasn't in the mood for alcohol?" I lie. I feel horrible lying to him but... We go to work and then come back home to get changed. Once we are ready we leave for the restaurant. I have a bad feeling about tonight but I push that feeling down. We get to the restaurant and get our seats.

"I'll have the butter and garlic chicken with corn and mashed potatoes." He tells the waiter.

"I'll get a salad with almonds, pickles and ham on it. With a side of more of that." I say. Fuck you cravings. Zayn gives me a weird look and I get nervous. I can't deside if I'm happy or not that there was a big distraction. There is a gunshot and three men enter.

"Stay down!" Two of the men point their guns at the people in the eating area and one guy at the register. "Give us the money and no one gets hurt. Now!" He demands. The woman running it looked scared and started grabbing money. Of course, me and my dumbass self spoke up.

"Dude, what the fuck. She's terrified and you don't care!" I whisper to Zayn to call 911 during my distraction. "Why dont you get a job, and then you wouldnt have to steal. Just a suggestion." All of them look directly at me, and I recognize one of them. "Hey John. Long time no see. I see once a bastard always a bastard." 'Oh my God Storm! Shut the hell up!' I tell myself. Not that I listen. 

"Shut up. I'm not John! I'm... A...."

"B-a-s-t-a-r-d!" I say. My ex boyfriend's face turns red with rage and he raises his gun.

"Is that your new boyfriend?" He points to Zayn and I know I fucked up.

"No! Don't touch him you Asshole!" I shout. Everything that happened next seemed to go in slow motion. I saw his finger pulling back on the trigger so I moved to the left, blocking the love of my life. I felt a sharp pain hit my stomach and I fall to the ground. I feel Zayn pull me into his arms and police sirens outside. 

"Stay with me baby. You can do this! Come on! Dont close your eyes Storm! Please!" Then all I see is black. 

Chapter twenty-six

 I open my eyes and all I see is white. Am I dead? I finally hear murmurs from far away and my eyes start to adjust to the light. My brain floods with memories. I shoot up and almost yell, "Are they okay??" I realize Zayn is in the room with Owen and Zach when he rushing up to me. 

"Hey baby. Is who okay?" Oh shit.

"Um, the other people at the restaurant?" I improvise. 

"Oh..." He still gives me a look but let's it go after. Owen and Zach look at me so I bite the inside of my lip and give them apologetic looks. I know I need to tell Zayn but I'm really scared.

"Shit." I whisper finally notices the pain in my upper right stomach. That shouldn't have touched my baby, right??

"I'll go get the doctor." Zach says. Owen follows him and I know they'll be telling to doctor to not be obvious they're talking about a baby. The doctor gets in and runs a few tests.

"Are they okay??" I say desperately.

"Yes. No one else was touched." She gives me a knowing look saying I need to tell Zayn if I'm not leaving him. She hands me a folder with all my information and says I have to stay a bit longer and then I can go home on bed rest.

"I love how the first thing you ask when you get up is if other people are okay." Zayn smiles. I sigh and gulp.

"I need to show you something..." I give him the folder knowing it says I'm pregnant in it. His eyes widen, he stands up, and runs out the door.


Chapter twenty-seven

A pang of sadness hits my heart. Tears spring to my eyes and I do nothing to hold them back, while looking out the window, waiting to see him get in His car and drive off. I see him go to his car but what he did next surprised me. He stood on top of his car and yelled at the top of his lungs.

"I'M GUNNA BE A DAD!!!!!!!!" Everyone looked at him but he didn't care. I start laughing through the tears as he jumps down and comes running back. When hes not visible anymore I take a deep breath. A few moments later I hear, "I'm a dad!" Over and over again as he passes anyone new. He gets to my door and runs up to me. He grabs my hips and spins me around.

"How long have you known?" He says still holding me excitedly.

"Dont be mad, but two months. And I'm three months." I look at the ground and he puts a finger under my chin, forcing me to look up at him.

"Baby, I'm not mad. I understand why you hid it from me. I'm not leaving. I love you." He kisses my forehead and I pull away. He gives me a concerned look and I smile at him and kiss him on the lips.

"I love you too."

"Now, rest!" He says bringing me back to the hospital bed. 

"But the bed is uncomfortable!" I complain. "It makes my butt sore!" I continue, mostly to annoy him. He leans down and whispers something so that only I can hear him. 

"I can make that happen." I blush too much for my own good and rush to sit down. "Good girl." He smirks. I mock him and we both laugh.

Chapter twenty-eight

 Five months later I'm having my babies. I'm having twins. Two girls. Emma and Ella. The birth was painful as hell but it was worth it. My baby girls are my world now. Zayn and I are getting married soon and so are Owen and Zach. About time.

"I love you babe." I tell Zayn planting a kiss on his lips.

"I love you too baby!" He replies when we pull apart.

"Forever and always.".





           THE END!


I hope you enjoyed this book even though it isnt very good. Please let me know! Thanks for reading!


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 15.08.2019

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