

Hi! I'm Skylar Smith. I'm 22 years old and I'm from Australia but now live in New York. I wish I hadn't moved here though... The first night I came here I was kidnapped by the second largest gang in the US. They are the cobras. The largest gang is the wolves. They have different bases all over the world but mostly in the US. Don't get me wrong, so do the Cobras but the wolves are so much better. Anyways, I've been stuck here since I was 16. My parents died when I was three so I was living with my aunt but after she was killed I moved here. I haven't ever been sexually abused but I'm basically the human punching bag. I'm hit, punched, kicked, anything by anyone. There is one girl here who is used for sexual purposes but she likes it. All. It's disgusting to me, but you do you I guess. I'm glad I'm not. 

Well on to the story! Enjoy! 



A/n ignore all the spelling mistakes please!

Chapter one

"Hello," he says with a grin. He is the leader of the cobras. Lawrence Strung. Weird name if you ask me.

"Are you ready for today?" He asks. 

"Whatever." I respond under my breathe like always... But this time it was a little to loud apparently...

"WHAT WAS THAT?!" He screams at me as he slaps me across the face.

"N- nothing sir..." I whisper, while looking down at the old cracked floor while gripping the side of the bed.

"That's what I thought! And if you ever disrespect me again, I wont hesitate to do something worse!" I look up at him with fear in my eyes. No... He wouldn't.... 

"Yes sir... I won't do it again..." I say looking down again

"What did I say about sir?! Call me master!!" He continues to beat me, mostly in the stomach when he gets a look and says, "I'll be back in a second... Don't move!"

As he leaves the room my stomach churns. Oh God! Please help me Lord! The last time he said that he came back with almost 20 things and none of them were good. I have so many scars, so many places. For calling things the Australian name instead of American. So I spent days changing my entire dialogue. 

He comes back in the room with the same bag as last time and said three words that made me so scared I almost fainted...

"This'll be fun!"

Chapter two

 He sets the bag on the chair and pulls out the first thing. Oh no... He unrolls the whip and tells me to take my shirt off. I look up at him as if begging him to change his mind. He raises the whip over his head and snaps it down right next to me. 

"NOW!!" He shouts. I take it off slowly while turning around so he can only see my back. He cracks the whip down on my back as I grip the bed to stop from screaming. He did it a few more times before getting other things from the big and hitting me more. When he was finally done about an hour later. 

"That was fun! I'll be back later!" He says with a wink. I knew exactly what he meant... Okay, six years of being beat is a lot but this is pushing it. I have to get out of here. He was about to leave when when the door flew open and hit him in the head. 

"What the hell?! What do you want?!"

"There are trespassers in the woods! We need everybody! Sorry boss but we need your command." 

"What?! What are you waiting for?? Go! Get! Come on!" He slams the door, so hard in fact that most of the frame came off, making the door open. 'Nice!' I think. I go through the bag, to find anything to help, still in pain and my back is full of blood, dripping in some spots... Gushing in others. I find a knife and go out the door. I see someone coming so I go back in and wait for them to leave. After they leave... Its go time.

Chapter three

 I sneak out and when I see a bunch of people running out the door. I start running to make it seem like I'm one of them. I'm at the back so I tap the person next to me and say, "Wait! So-" I then punch her. "Shit!" I whisper yell because of the pain from all the beating I had just gotten. All those years of secretly practicing paid off. I take her jacket and gun and keep running deeper into the woods, but to the side of where they. I'm surprised they have woods in New York honestly. I run until I get lost. I turn around and someone sees me! Crap!

I hear them call to Lawrence and start running as fast as I can, dropping the gun as I went... and I may have accidentaly screamed... Oops. As I was running away I looked back, over my shoulder while I hear him screaming for me to come back. Crap! He's right behind me!! I turn my head back... But not in time... I run into a very hard thing... I'm assuming a tree! Crap he's going to get me! I almost fall backwards when the tree grabs my arm, preventing me from it. Wait... What?? I look up to see a man. I look into his blue eyes that have a hint of gray in them, and almost forget why I was there in the first place... He shoves me behind him while still holding my arm and stands protectively in front of me, a stranger. Why though? My thought are interrupted when I hear him talk.

"You know you shouldn't be chasing a girl you have no chance at beating, Lawrence." He says in a deep voice, but not so deep its weird or unattractive. Its perfect.

"I had a chance! And give me back my girl!! You shouldn't be here!" My captor yells back.

"Well she doesn't seem like she wants to be your girl." He says calmly but with a lot of force.

"What are you doing here anyway?!"

"Oh my dear dear Lawrence... I came for you!" As he finishes his statement, in one swift movement he pulls out a gun and points it at the man standing across from him.

"Uh... We can comprimise, right? I mean I stay away from you, you don't shoot me? It's a win win!" Lawrence says begging the mystery man not to shoot him.

"But you see its not a win win. Bye bye now." I jump as the shot of the gun is fired and his body lays limp on the ground. "You're coming with me, sweetheart."


Chapter four

 He is still gripping my arm, but harder now, as he drags me behind him. I'm too scared to talk so I'm silently trying to keep up with him. He's much faster than me, him probably being around 6' 3" to my 5' 8" figure. Don't get me wrong, I'm pretty tall being I'm a female, but its nothing compared to him. We finally make it out of the forest and he stops. 

"Heyyy boss." A woman wearing a slutty outfit says walking up to him and touching his arm in what I'm assuming is supposed to be a seductive way? She fails miserably seen as he moves away from her. She was about to say something when others join.

"Hey. Did you get it done?" He asks strictly.

"Yeah boss. Their entire gang is gone. They were all like "'noooooooo"' and we were like "'yessssssss!"' Pew Pew they were gone." Says a younger looking boy. Probably 17 or 18.

"Good." He replies when a girl, probably around 20 speaks up.

"Uhh... Boss? Somebody was running back and said something about a girl. We found one and she said something about another before we killed her... I'm so sorry boss! We couldnt find her!" She looked so nervous I felt bad.

"Jess, have I ever given you a reason the be this nervous when telling me you couldn't find someone or didnt complete a job?"

"No... Sorry big bro."

"Its fine. And I know why you couldn't find her. Its beca-" he starts to say before he was cut off but the boy who spoke before.

"Is it because the girl was all drugged up and didnt know what she was talking about? Oh wait! No! She was running away with the boss but you found her with him and was like, pew pew, and she was like "'Ahhhh!"' And then was like, "' bleh! I'm dead" and-"

"Joey!" The boss of them says, while struggling to keep a straight face. "Yes, she was running but not away with him. Away from him." He says and brings me out of the dark. I was still to nervous so I just looked around at maybe 15-20 people staring at me, wide eyed. Welp... So much for me being shy and not wanting to be the center of attention.

"Shit boss... I'm sorry... I shouldn't have said so much..." The boy, Joey says looking at the ground.

"Its fine, we'll just be taking a certain someone with us." He looks at me and drags me to a car as the girl who was I'm assuming his sister, Jess starts the car and speeds away.

Chapter five

 Ugh. I'm so bored I'm in the back seat with him in the seat on the left of me. He won't let me be alone. There isn't anything to do except for look around. I look around the car and I look to Jess. Her black hair was in a braid and she was wearing a white shirt with a black leather jacket, and from what I could see, black leather pants. No offense but ew. Leather pants... I'm never wearing them. She looks in the mirror and see me looking at her so I look away and my eyes dart to her brother. He had the same black hair just shorter and messy. But it was a good messy. Perfect messing. He was looking out the window so I couldn't see his face but I could see his toned arms, even through his leather jacket. He's wearing a white shirt also and ripped jeans. Come to think of it everyone there was wearing almost the same thing. Either leather pants, black jeans, or black ripped jeans. Some people just look better in them than others...

'Uhh what?' I ask myself. 'I wasn't thinking anything...' 

"Hey bro, we are five minutes away." She says as he snaps his attention back. 

"Right. Okay." I look at him and almost drool a little. What? Don't judge me... You would too! Hes like the perfect thing ever and hes right by me. He looks at me so I quickly look away and out the window. I look at the dark night sky and study the bright twinkling stars. I can't find the moon until we turn and then it lights up the sky.

"Lets go." He says opening my door. I didn't even realize we were here. He grabs my arm again and now that I'm not completely over come by the fear that Lawrence would get me, I gasp, feeling sparks where he is touchy. Its not like bad sparks that hurt... Its magical... Amazing... Indescribable...

"Are you okay?" He ask awkwardly. I'm still not in the mood to talk so I just nod and give my best fake smile. It was suddle but you could tell he saw it... And could tell it was fake. 

"Come on!" Jess yells at him while giggling. We walk in the door and are greeted by even more people, all saying stuff like "Hey Boss." "Whats up boss?" "Was it successful?" Until one person... I'm guessing his brother by how similar they looked (hes still way better looking) said, "Hey bro! Oh, I see you finally caved and got a little toy." While looking at me.

He actually, in the most unhuman way I have ever heard, growled at his brother.


A/n- No they are not werewolves, he just did it. I hope you are enjoying! And for anyone who doesnt know what "A/n" means its author note. =)

Chapter six

Everyone snaps their attention to. Him in shock. So did I but mine was filled with thankfulness too. 

"Go to your rooms everyone!" He yells angrily and yanks me down a set of stairs. He puts me in some cell type thing and says, "I'm the boss. Asher Read. You'll be staying here and won't make a peep!" I look at him and slowly nod. 

"Good! I'll be back tomorrow and the others and I will decide what to do with you!" He starts to leave when he turns back and asks what my name is. After I told him it was Skylar, He says "Okay." and leaves, locking the barred door on the way out. He takes the key with him. Damn. I was hoping he was stupid like my previous captor. Yes I'm grateful but I have to go! I lay down on the bed and think about what had just happened. Asher Read, huh? I recall hearing the name but can't figure out why. Shit. Asher Read. Leader of the wolves. No no no! Now I really have to go! I remember the knife I strapped to my leg and take it out... After doing something I hadnt done in year, which felt amazing to do again and get rid of some of the pain, I wipe some of the blood off the blade and see if I can unlock the lock. Yes! I did it!

I open the cell door quietly and start walking up the stairs. I hear people talking outside the door from the basement to the first floor so I wait until I don't see any light from under the door, other than coming in from the windows. And no talking. I open the door slowly and peak out. No one is there so I run to the door and unlock it. I open it and an alarm goes off so I run for it!


A/n- she cut herself,  nothing else. For anyone who doesn't understand why she was so satisfied with it, its because when you cut yourself for those reasons it helps with the pain a bit and she wasnt able to while she was with the cobras


Chapter seven

 I dart out the door and after about a minute of running I look back to see a large house full of lights and can hear someone getting closer. Shit. They are still pretty far away from the sound of it but I cant run this fast much longer. I was always a fast runner but one, after being held captive for four years and being fed once or twice a week, and two after all the wounds I have its getting hard. I start to get really dizzy from blood loss but continue running.

I start slowing down a bit after getting almost to the end of a super long concrete drive way. I guess it makes sense though. Super big mansion, super large driveway. My heart is racing as I hear the steps getting closer and closer by the second. I try running faster but the person is practically right behind me. Even closer than I thought apparently because, before I know there is someone tackling me but before I hit the ground they flip me over so they are laying on me and I land really hard on my back.

"AHHRRGGGHH!" I scream out in horrid pain...




Chapter eight

 I'm about to cry when I finally realize who is on top of me... Asher...

"What the hell was that?!" He shouts confused and angry. I just look at him with tears threatening to spill over the edge. "Answer me!!!" 

"I- I'm sorry sir..." I say attempting to get out from under him but he grabs my arms making me unable to move. Damn, he's strong. He presses down harder making me scream again, just quieter. 

"Whats wrong with you?! Why are you calling me sir?! One, call me Asher or boss, and two, you are coming back with me!!" He says sternly yanking me up after him, causing me to flinch from the pain sent down and all through my back and stomach. 

"P- please no..." I beg him as hes bringing me back. "Please!"

"What the hell is your problem! Shut up and come back! We'll talk inside!" It takes about a minute for us to be back in my cell in the basement. He tells me to sit on the bed in there and I obey. "I'll be back after we make a decision since you woke everybody up." He leaves me in the dark basement alone and doesn't come back for over an hour.

He comes back but leaves the lights off. 

"We decided that you know to much and we are going to have to kill you." He says as he gets a gun ready to shoot. I don't say anything but on the inside I'm freaking out! Finally! My stupid ass life is going to be over! He asks if I had any last words and I just said, "Thank you so much Asher!" He tries to look at me but cant see me since I'm completely in the dark.

"What?" He asks and drops the gun. Really?

"I said thank you, dumbass." I respond getting moody since he didn't kill me.

"Did you just call me a "dumbass"?" He asks and starts laughing which kinda freaks me out. "Heh. Okay. Stay there sweetheart. We are gunna have a talk." He says and walks off to turn the lights on. He opens his mouth to say something but immediately shuts it and rushes up to me with wide eyes.

"Take off your shirt right now." He says so quietly it scares me. I go to do as he says when he stops me by grabbing my hands and looking at my wrists. "What happened??" He asks me looking up at me.

"Um... I did it..." I look at the floor waiting to be hit. 


"What?!" I look up at him in shock. Did he just ask me why I cut myself instead of hitting me for it?!

"Why did you do it?"

"Because I needed to?" I answer, my shock turning into confusion.

"Oh... Okay continue."  He tells me, letting go of me. I do as I did earlier today- well I guess yesterday since it is 2:37 a.m.- and take off my shirt slowly while turning around so he can see my back...

Chapter nine

 He gasps as he sees my back and I do the same as I see my shirt... My once white shirt is completely soaked in blood. I look down to see my white bra is in the same condition. Without warning he puts his hand on my shoulder and turns me around. When he does he looks down. Surprisingly, not at my breasts, but at my stomach. 

"Shit." He whispers under his breathe. "That motherfucker." I look at him questioning what to do next and how to respond to that...

"Come on." He says and holds out his hand for me to take. I slowly take it and let him pull me up. He continues to hold my hand as he leads me up two flights of stairs into a bedroom. He hands me an over sized hoodie and a pair of boxers. 

"There is a bathroom through that door. Take a shower and come out here when you are done. I'll wait right here for you if you need anything." He says as if he actually cares about me. I say okay and go into the bathroom. Holy fancy. There is a huge mirror over a huge vanity. Next to that is a toilet and across from that is a stand-up shower. 'Okay then.' I get the water to the perfect temp. After that I strip my clothing and look in the mirror. I see a brown haired girl with black eyes with gray specs in them, who has some muscle but is so underweight its not even funny. I see a girl whos rib cage is super visible because of how little she was fed. I decide that I just need a shower... This girl wasnt me. I don't want it to be but it is. I look away and get into the shower.

The water is warm but on the hotter side. As I rolls down my back it stings a lot and on my stomach it hurts a bit but it isn't to bad. On the rest of my body it feels good though. After I'm used to the pain I finish my shower and when I'm done I get out and find a clean towel. I take an extra to dry the floor from me walking on it. I pull on his boxers and throw on the hoodie and walk out.

When I get out I see the slut from before on top of Asher trying to get with him still. I know it shouldn't... But it kind of hurt... But then he looked at me with pleading eyes for help so... I may have done something that was either really stupid or really smart. 

I back up and shut the bathroom door almost all the way but not quite. I grab the towel and start drying my hair. I walk out of the bathroom and act like I havent seen it. I then say, "Hey baby. Sorry it took so long! I was just getting over what we just did- oh... I didnt know you had company." The look she gave me was priceless. She glared at me and then got this undiscribable look on her face. I guess it was a mix of hurt, jealousy, and hatred. She huffed as she got off of him and walked out the room. I started to laugh but stopped after the pain it caused. 

"Hey, uh thanks. Good acting." Asher said rubbing the back of his neck.

"No problem. Uh, can I ask you something?"


"Why did you kill me?"

"Um... Because you were thankful and werent scared. Which I've never had before when people are in that situation. And you're the first person to ever call me a dumbass after knowing who I am. And we should patch up your back and stomach." He says.

"Okay..." He goes to the bathroom to get the first aid. When comes back he covers my back with the needed medical stuff. When he moves to the front of me. As he was going to lift up his hoodie , I realized I didn't have a bra on under it, so I stopped him before he got it that far.

"What's wrong?" He asked me, confusion filling his handsom features.

I blush as I say, "I uhh... Don't have anything on under this..." His face is tinted pink as he leaves my shirt and does the necessary things to my stomach. 

"So, am I going back now?"

"Back where?" He asked.

"My cell thing." I reply in a "duh" tone.

"Heh after all this, no. Especially after that!" He says smiling. Wow. His smile is amazing.

"After what? I didnt do anything!" I say sarcastically.

"Mmm well after running away you called me a dumbass and used the "duh" tone."

"What?? Me?? Nevveeerrr." I giggle. I look up to see him looking at me too... 

"Uh we should get to bed. And youre staying with me." He says and lays down in his king sized bed.

"Okay." I say, laying down next to him. "Night."

"Good night, sweetheart." And just like that, I fell asleep next to my savior.


Chapter ten

I wake up in the middle of the night and feel a something secured around me. It kind of hurt my back and stomach but then I felt sparks. It was a familiar feeling I just couldnt remember why? I try to move to see what it is when it strengthens it's hold on me and snuggles closer. Wait... After the memories sort of come back, seen as I'm still half sleeping, I remember that its Asher and stop freaking out. I remember the sparks and quickly fall asleep again.

I wake up later at around 6:30 in the morning. Asher isn't there anymore and it's sort of saddening to me. I go to get up and find a note on the nightstand that read:


         I'm sorry, I had to leave due to a gang emergency but I'll be back at around 7:45 If you are up before I get back, my sister's room is across the hall and to the right. She is up and waiting for you. She has a variety of things to do until I get back. Have fun! See you soon!

                       -Dumbass <3

Aww hes so sweet! Well, in a way. Then he was. 'I should go to Jess's room...' I think and get off the bed. That's the best I've ever slept. The bed was super comfortable and I felt safe for once in my life.

I walk out the door and follow his directions to a closed door. I knock quietly and here rustling on the other side of it. The door opens and I see the familiar face of Jess. She greets me and opens the door wider to let me in. I walk in and stand there awkwardly. I've always felt weird when I don't know what to do...

"Hey, are you okay?" She asks, sitting criss-cross on her bed. 

"Yeah... I'm fine...." I look at my nails and start fidgeting. I can feel her looking at me so I look up a little.

"Come here for a sec." She tells me while patting the bed next to her. I slowly go to sit down. "Tell me the truth now. Are. You. Okay??" She says it sternly but with such sincerity it makes me break down crying. I haven't cried since I was three! No matter what happened I didn't cry, after the death of my parents. I became cold and distant to everyone. I felt numb until I experienced that pain while in the hands of the cobras. I felt numb after a while though. And no matter what, I never cried. "Oh honey..."


Chapter eleven

 She hugs me as I spill her my entire life story, and suprisingly she doesn't say anything, she just continues to hug me.

"And I... Just wanted to take a... Walk and see the city... At night b-but they... Were there and...." I say in between the tears.

I finish the story and shockingly, its only, 7:15 so she says, "Hey, we have about half an hour to get you fixed up to impress my brother." I look at her with a confused but amused look on my face.

 "What?" I ask. "Wait your being serious right now?" My smile disappears. "No! No way! Why?!"

"Because he liiiiiiikkkkeeessss you!!!!"

"No he doesn't! He couldn't... Like someone like.... Me." I look away and start to get up, when she pulls me back down which sort of hurts but I'm fine.

"Then tell me why you are here? Why your dead body isn't down in that cell or back on the cobra base? Tell me why your wounds are covered and have been correctly treated for you to be better. Tell me why, you got away with calling him a dumbass and using that tone with him. And why... Did he let you, a girl, sleep with him?" I'm silent for a while until I finish replaying what she said in my head.

"Wait whats the last thing supposed to mean? Arent all gang leaders supposed to be big, bad, and sleep with 300 women a year?"

"Well this one is different. He had a girlfriend in high school and he had been so dedicated to her, he did everything for her, even was ready for his first kiss to be with her, him first everything, and she cheated on him and used him for money.

"So he's never touched another woman beside the people in the gang which is basically a pat on the back. Other than me. Hehe I get hugs." She say and we both start laughing.

Chapter twelve

"Do you really think he does? I mean we just met yesterday and I've already caused so much trouble..." I mention after catching my breath.

"Hell yeah! Now lets go! We have ten minutes!! Girly girl or tomboy?"

"Tom boy." I answer. She drags me to her closet and throws clothes at me. She then says, "Okay I'll get Asher when he gets here. You," she points at me and continues, "Are going to get changed and then stay in the bathroom until I say to come out."

"Uhh... Okay?"  I go to get dressed when I see what she picked out. Ugh. I put on the black, ripped skinny jeans and the white t-shirt and bra under it. I put on the black converse she gave me and look at the jacket choices. There was a red and black flannel, or a men's black leather jacket. I put on the jacket and realize it smells like Ashers hoodie. Now I'm really keeping it on. I look at the flannel and tie it around my waist. I like the look but I don't want Asher to see it... What is he doesnt like it?? What if he thinks I'm ugly?? 'Oh my god' I mentally slap myself for already being this way. Less than a day! 

That doesnt change the fact that I don't want him to see it though! I sit down on top of the toilet and tell myself that I'm not leaving. I hear her door open and voices. Then she yells to me to come out.

"Nooooooo!" I yell back





"Ye-" She starts before he cuts her off.

"Is this what girls always do?"

"When they are nervous to see the loooooovvveeee of their life yes." She replies. I blush, a lot

"Shut up! I-I'm not! And he's n-not." I yell back


"Am not!"

"Are too!"

"Am not!"


"Girls!!" Asher yells interrupting her. "Jess, stop fighting her and Skylar! Either come out or I'm coming in!" Shit. I get up and slowly walk to the door. I open it slowly and sort of hide behind it. I see him and I gasp.

Chapter thirteen

 He looks perfect. Hes wearing the same thing as last night, but it still amazes me. I look at his face and he smiles. It was a small smile but still wonderful. I come out from behind the door and he looks at my outfit. He looks at Jess and says, "Did you steal my jacket?" 

"Maybe~" she says smirking. "Now go! Shoo! Adios lovebirds!" She grabs him and I by the arms and shoves us out the door.

"Uh hi... Dumbass..." I say smiling at him

"Hey, Sweetheart."

"You know my name now, you don't have to call me that anymore." I look at him crossing my arms in a childish way. I say this because everytime he calls me that I blush.

"I know. You dont have to keep calling me dumbass either, but what do you do?"

"But mine is true. Yours isn't." I look up at him pouting. Oh my god whats happening to me?

"Oh really? Would I do this if I was?" Before I could process what he said, he put one hand on my lower back, careful not to touch my wounds, and the other on my cheek, and then warm lips crashed onto my own. I didn't know how to respond so I started kissing him back. Granted I have no idea what I'm doing. This is my first kiss... He pulls away and I immediately miss his touch. I guess his hand is still on my cheek but I want more than that... 

"Wow..." I whisper.

"I- uhh I'm sorry Skylar..."

"Don't be. Also, stop thats weird." I say smirking.

"Stop what? Kissing you?"

"No!" I answer too quickly... "I mean uh... I was meaning calling me Skylar..."

"Oh. Okay then?" He kisses me again a pushes me again a wall. Forgetting what Jess had said earlier about him, I figured I would just be a one night stand. But at this point I didnt care. We went to his room and.... Took a while to get out...

Almost two hours later we were laying in his bed, and he says, "Uhh... I was thinking maybe we could go to a cafe or something on a..."

"Sure let's go."

Chapter fourteen

"Wait really?" He looks at me shocked.

I sit up and say, "Sure why not? Lets go!" We both get up and get dressed.

We walk out of his room and he stops me. "Okay, are you okay with going on my Harley?" He asks me and my jaw is on the floor.

"You have a Harley???? What are we waiting for????????" I take his hand and drag him to the stairs, down to the first flight of stairs and I stop while he laughs at me. "Shut up." I say as he contiues to laugh at the fact that I dont know the house yet so I don't know where it is.

"Come on Sweetheart." He holds my hand and leads me to the garage his bike is in. When we get in there my eyes dart to one of the cars. Holy. Fucking. Shit!!!

      "YOU HAVE A BLACK CHALLENGER??????" I look at him and then back at the car and then back at him.

  "Yes but we never use it." 

   "What?!" I look at the car in shock. "How can you not use that??"

    "You can have it if you want." 

    "Really?? Okay!! Lets go!"


A/n sorry this is really short and bad, I got writers block and was kinda out of it...

Chapter fifteen

 We got on his bike and he tells me to wrap my arms around his stomach. I do so and he starts his bike. We start on our way when we get stopped. 

"Excuse me sir. Do you know how fast you were going??" The traffic cop asks him.

"Yes. I was going the speed limit. You just needed someone to stop. Now if you'd excuse me, I have a date with my lady to get to. Thanks." Wow. That was honestly kinda hot. I know I know "gross" but its true! He starts his bike again and the next thing I know we are at the restaurant. He helps me off the Harley and we walk in.

"Reservation for Read please." He says to the waiter. 

"Hmm lets see here... Ah yes! Follow me!" He grabs to menus and leads the way. "Okay, the waitress will be here soon! Enjoy your dinner." He walks away after we sit down. I look at the menu and see that its all very high quality stuff. I've never eaten this well before. 

"Uhh Asher..." I say quietly and sort of embarrassed. 

"Yeah Sweeatheart?" 

"This is all so expensive... And I don't have a clue what I good so...."

"Money isnt an issue. And as for the food I'd suggest pasta."

"Um... Okay?" I look at the menu and deside just to get fettuccini pasta with Alfredo sauce. When the waitress comes up to the table she looks at Asher and bites her lip. Then she looks at me in disgust. 

"Heyyy sexy." She says, aimed at Asher. "Can I get you anything to drink?" 

"I just take coke please. Oh and we are ready to order." He answers, looking at me the entire time, as if saying he was only into me. That sounds really self centered but its true. He tells her what he wants and hands her his menu.

She turns to me and looks me up and down while saying "And what can I get you?" I tell her just water and the rest of my order, while balling my hands into fists to stop from screaming. She leaves and I feel something drip down my hand. I look at them and my eyes widen. Four nail marks are on each hand, all bleeding but just a little. Honestly it felt good. Maybe I should do it more often... I tell Asher I'm going to the restroom and walk to it. I go in and rinse the blood off. I'm glad this is his so it is a bit big. I pull the jacket sleeves down past my hands and look myself in the mirror. No wonder she looked at me like that. I'm disgusting. I know I said I was too skinny but I take it back. I'm fat asf. I pull my shirt up and turn to the side. Oh my god! I cant believe he went out with me like this! When I'm about to cry, I blink back my tears thinking, 'you havent cried for 19 years other than this morning. You were weak and stupid. Dont let it happen again.'

With that I walk out and see the whor- I mean waitress at the table shoving her cleavage in a very annoyed, Ashers face. I go up to them and tap her shoulder and say "excuse me, last I checked with was a family friendly restaurant and all that isnt very, so why don't you button up and get to work instead of flirting with my boyfriend. Thanks. Bye bye now." I say shooing her. She glares and me for a moment and with a huff walks away. I sigh and sit down. When I look up I see Asher staring at me with eyes as big as saucers. "Uhh Asher? Asher??? Are you okay??? Asher!"

Chapter sixteen

 "That was awesome!" He says finally out of his daze.

"Oh my god you dumbass! You scared the hell out of me! Don't do that!" I take a deep breath to calm down. I'm not sure why that scared me so much but it did... He grins at me like he knows something I dont so I ask, "what's that all about?"

"Boyfriend, ay?" He says with a glint in his eyes, still grinning.

"Shut up." I say, heat rising to my face. "I was just helping you."

"Ooooooo your bluuuuushing. You liiiike me. Hahaha you like me, you like me, you liiiike meeeeee!!" He chants.

"Shut up!" Before we can continue our food is brought to us. (Thankfully by a different employee) Holy crap... I can't eat all this! I'm fat to begin with! He sees me looking at the plate and asks if I'm okay. "Yeah... I'm fine..." I put on a fake smile, obviously better than the one last night, because he smiles back and starts eating. 'I'll figure something out later I guess...' I eat slowly and when I'm half way through the plate I tell him I'm not hungry anymore. He looks at me conserningly but says okay.

I tell him I'm going to go to the restroom again and get up. When I go into it someone is in there so I wait. After I hear the door shut and dont hear anything besides the soft music from inside the stall, I'm ready. I put two fingers up and then stick them down my throat until I start gagging and can feel it... Then I quickly take them out and barf up my meal. It was gross but it'll be worth it. At least thats what I keep repeating.

I straighten out my clothes and go to wash my hands, but when I open the stall door I see a smirking woman, who happens to be the waitress from before. Great. When she sees me her smile immediately disappears. "Just go away! And don't tell anyone!" I growl at her. She runs out of the restroom. I go to the sink and wash my face and hands. When I'm done I walk out. I turn the corner to our table, to see the scared/concerned waitress by a furious Asher. Shit.

Chapter seventeen

 I turn to walk out, knowing she told her. I start running as soon as I'm outside. I go to the back of the building hoping he won't find me. I hear feet pounding on pavement down the side of the building and I dart. Behind it is a forest area so I go into there. I know its only been a day, so my gashes shouldn't be healed but after so long it heals faster. And this time I had proper medical stuff on it, which made the process even faster. So they are mostly added to the previous scars now.

I keep running scared to find out what he'll do if he catches me. I mean he was mad that I made myself throw up but hes even more mad that I can and ran until I see an opening. Hes been farther and farther behind me with each step since I'm better now. I'm about to get out when I stop short, cause by a pained, manly scream from behind me. It wasnt him in trouble. It was him screaming for me. Less than 24 hours and I've already done this much damage. "I'm sorry..." I whisper and ran into the opposite side of the city. Forest in the city too?? Damn. 

I'm walking down the sidewalk close to tears but keeping to what I said before. I walk with my head down so I don't get very much attention. I'm deep in my thoughts when I bump into a girl.

"Oh my! I'm so sorry!" I say reaching out my hand to help her up. "I'm so sorry ma'a- wait... Charlie??" I say shocked, recognizing my old friend. We were friends in Australia but when I moved here, we obviously lost touch.

"Sky??" She says taking my hand and then pulling me into a hug. "Its been so long! What's up?" 

"Umm... Nothing much.... You?

"Nothing. Wanna get some coffee?"

"Char, its really late." I say laughing at her, trying to distract myself. 

"Exactly. Perfect time for coffee and to catch up!"

"Okay then. Sure why not." We walk to a near by 24/7 cafe and order our drinks. I get a caramel macchiato and she gets a mocha. We sit down and start talking. I dont tell her anything about the gangs though.

"So, where are you living?" I ask her.

"Around here. A two bedroom apartment like 2 blocks away. You?"

"Uhh well... I was living umm... With my friend! Yeah with a friend but lets just say we arent good anymore so I dont really have anywhere." 

"Sky, you always have somewhere. Youre living with me for now. As long as you need."

"Really?? Thanks Char!!" Charlie is the best! I look outside and see a familiar figure. Shit. "Hey Charlie, do you think, we could maybe go there now?" I ask her frantically.

"Sure! Lets go!" Asher moves away but I have a feeling he'll be back soon. We quickly walk to her apartment building and are walking up the stairs when I see him opening the door so I start running and say, "Race you!" Fast enough so he wont hear my voice. We run upstairs and she points to her apartment. She unlocks it and goes inside with me on her tail. I lock the door but not before quickly peaking out. Phew he isnt there.  

Chapter eighteen

 We walk in and I look at her huge apartment. I mean, its nothing compared to Ashers place but her couch is almost the size of my entire room when I was with the cobras. 

"Nice place." I tell her. We talk for a while and then there is a knock on the door. Shit. "Charlie!" I whisper yell. "If that is a tall, fit, handsome black haired guy and he asks for a girl like me, tell him you don't know me! Please!" 

"Why?!" She asks walking to the door.

"Lets just say, we were more than friends, but it was bad so I broke up with him and now he wants me back! Now where is your bedroom??"

"Oh my god sky!" She says as he knocks again but louder. "First door on your left! Go!" I run in there and leave the lights off and the door open a crack so I can hear what is happening. 

She answers the door and says, "Hello sir, may I help you?" Thank God she is a good actress! My assumption was right and it was Asher. The second I hear his voice I want to run out and hug him but I can't. He probably hates me forever now.

"Hi ma'am. Sorry to bother you but, have you seen and 5' 8" girl named Skylar with brown hair who is really skinny and fast?" He asks her. Hes a gold actor too apparently. 

"No, I'm sorry but I haven't. Why are you looking for her?"

"Well she's my girlfriend, and she ran out after a fight and I'm just... Really worried you know? I mean... Shes the love of my life and I cant find her!" He sniffs as if hes about to cry and I feel really bad. 

You could tell she did too because she said, "Well... You know... I saw I girl that met your description pretty well, at a cafe. Good luck sir."

"Thank you. I'm sorry for wasting your time." He says and by the sounds of it is leaving.

"Its no problem! Have a nice night!" She says and closes the door. I open the door to find her standing in the door way.

"'Girlfriend'? 'Love of my life'? Whats going on Sky..?" She asks. 

"Okay.... We were dating for a bit, after being friends for a while and then it get bad... He uh... Was flirting with other women..! And I was upset so we got in a fight and I broke up with him. Hes just upset with me so hes trying to find me to get revenge..!" I lie. I feel bad but I cant afford to get her more dragged into this than she already is.

"Oh. Okay. Well Imma order some pizza, you want some?"

"Um no but thanks. I just ate a little bit ago." 

"Oh okay." She orders the pizza and we sit on the couch watching a movie. 45 minutes later there is a knock on her door. 

"Finally!" She gets up to get it so I go to the bathroom. I'm closing the door when I hear his voice. I whip my head around and see him at the door. He says, "I went to the cafe and everyone there said they saw her with you. Would you mind if I looked around? Please? I'll be like a minute I swear." 

"Fine but you won't find anything!" She says. Thanks Charlie! I mean shes always been my best friend but she loves to prove people wrong I look in the bathroom for somewhere to hide when I see the closet. It'll do. I step in and hide at the bottom where there is space. I cover myself with towels and shut the door. Just incase he looks in here. I can see out but no one could see me. I hear the light switch get flipped on and hear footsteps. They get closer to the door and I stop breathing. He opens the door and...

Chapter nineteen

 "Ugh." He sighs and shuts the door. The light is flipped off and I finally breathe again. The apartment door shuts so I get out.

"Thanks Charlie." I say giggling and rolling my eyes at her. 

"Shit. Sorry Sky."

"Its fine. Hey can I sleep somewhere? Its been a long day..." I ask her

"Yeah sure. The extra bedroom is the door at the end of the hall. Good night!" She says.

"Night." I walk to the room and talk off my shoes and his jacket. I put the flannel on, realizing its his too. I lay down and fall asleep quickly, wrapped in the scent of the man I fell in love with, in less than a day.

I wake up to the smell of food in the morning. I walk out with a plush blanket wrapped around me. "Goodmorning!" Charlie says when she sees me. 

"Whats good about morning?" I grunt. I'm an early bird 99% of the time but I dont like waking up every morning. I've been depressed for over 10 years so everyday I wake up I'm a little upset by it... Except yesterday morning...

"Oh shush! I made you breakfast!" 

"Ummmm well... uh... I'm not really a breakfast and lunch person but thanks." I say. "But do you happen to have creamer and coffee?"

"Ahh yes. One cup of coffee with a lot of creamer in it coming right up!" I laugh at her goofyness. 

"Say, Char? Do you have a balcony?" 

"Hell yeah! Its awesome! You can see a lot of the city from it! Wanna go sit on it?"

"Sure." We go to sit on the balcony and we start talking. She asks if I want to go shopping and I tell her no, but she makes me go anyways. And it was okay for a while, even though I hate shopping... 'Til this happened...

Chapter twenty

 We walk out of one of the stores when I hear my name called. I turn in the direction it is and get really nervous... 

"Uh... Hey... Jess... What are you doing here?" I nervously laugh since Charlie is right here.

"Well I was shopping for Ash because he needs to get out. He hasnt come out of his room after he couldn't find you and its already 2:45 in the afternoon." She says looking at Charlie, who was standing right next to me, listening closely.

"Um... Is he.. You know, here?" I ask looking around.

"Yeah but I told him to stay in the car if he was going to act like that. Sky you have to come back! Please! He's a mess!"

"But I was there for less than a day!" I mouth to her, so that Charlie doesnt hear, and she doesn't see me because shes looking at something over Jess's shoulder.

"I know that but-" 

"Uhh Sky? Isn't that the guy you were trying to get away from?" Charlie cuts in. I look in the direction she is and see Asher. "Shit." I whisper under my breath.

"Jess please don't tell him! I'm really sorry! But I can't! I'm sorry! Bye!" I grab Charlie's hand and run down the mall, hall way. We run out the other exit and get into her car. 

"What the hell was that about? I know you were trying to get away from him, but wasn't that a bit harsh? And who was the girl?"

"Look Charlie... Its hard to explain but... Yesterday I lost my virginity to him, and then the fight, and we broke up so it makes to worse to see him. I'm sorry you had to see that. And Jess is his sister." 

"Oh. Didnt she say she told him to stay in the car?"

"Yeah but for the time I knew him, he wasnt very patient so I'm guessing he came to get her. But I dont know for sure..."

"Oh. I'm sorry. That really sucks. But rewind for a second, you lost your virginity? The girl who said she was never going to have kids for that reason??? Dang girl. You've changed."

"It was not my plan! At all! It just kinda... Happened I guess." I shrug. I look out the window from the passenger seat and see Jess and Asher leave the building. "Char we need to leave. Now!" She looks at the entrance and sees them. "Yup." She says and starts the car. She quickly leaves and I look back at  them. Asher looks bad. Really bad. I look to Jess and see her looking back at me with... Hurt in her eyes. "Ugh." I sigh.

"What?" Charlie asks.

"Jess looks hurt. Really hurt and its my fault. I feel so bad!"

"Hun, you did what you had to do. Dont feel bad. Its not your fault." I listen to her words and keep repeating them in my head. It is my fault though. I'm sorry dumbass...

Chapter twenty-one

 About two months later, I'm still sitting in her apartment, hiding from Asher. I'm still not eating much, but I feel heavier. I'm sick at the moment. I've been throwing up a lot and don't feel the best. Charlie is at work right now. She should be getting home soon though. I get up to use the bathroom when I get dizzy... I use the bathroom and then go to the kitchen to get some water. Keys jingle in the door, and Char walks in. 

I'm gripping the counter for support, when I faintly hear her say, "Hey Sky. Woah... You okay? Sky? Sky?! Skylar!!" Before all I see is black.

I wake up in a white room with really loud machines and super bright lights. Holy shit I'm in a hospital! I hate hospitals! I sit up super fast, just to find that I'm hooked up to 50,000 machines. (Well that might be a bit of an exaggeration but, you know... It felt like that...) A doctor was in the room, looking at one of the machines.

"Woah hunny! Lay down! Here, I put this up a bit for you." She says and raises the top of my bed up. "How do you feel."

"Like shit." I answer honestly.

"Yeah that's common with-" she was about to say something when a nurse came in with water and a tray of food. She sets it down by me.

"Um I'm not much of an eater... But thanks." I say as I grab the water.

"Oh hunny, you are so underweight to begin with and your going to have to start eating more to feed 3 people." 

She says that I the water I was just drinking flies out of my mouth. "WHAT?!" I almost yell.

"Ohhhh she didnt know...?" The nurse says slowly turning the the doctor. The doctor looks at her and says, "No. I was going to say 'for first time mom's before you came in." I'm sitting here in shock. 

"Hold up." I say getting both of their attention. "I'm pregnant?? And with twins??? But I only did it once!! That can't happen! Can it...?" 

"Yes dear it can. Its pretty rare but it can happen. Youre about two months along. At three months the bump with show a bit more, and at five months you can find out the gender." 



A/n- please dont take my word for any of this, I dont know if its true. Its just for the story and how I want it to be so you'll have to deal with it if its wrong. I apologize if it is but yeah. I don't know about anything in the future chapters when it comes it the pregnancy either but, Hopefully you like it!

Chapter twenty-two

 We got back to the apartment at almost midnight.

"I'm sorry Char..."

"What are you sorry for??" She asks setting her bag down.

"Well you have to work tomorrow and I broke your glass earlier and-"

"Sky! Calm down! Its fine! There is nothing to worry about. Look, I have like 20 other glasses. And I can call into work. All that matters is that you and the kiddos are okay."

"Aww thank you bestie." I start sniffling, about to cry.

"Oh. my. God! Is this chick for real?? Are you about to cry???"

"No! Its hormones!!" I say. Looking back on everything, it all makes sense. The throwing up, me being more emotional, being more hungry than normal... All of it. "Thank you Charlie." I say smiling at my best friend.


A/n- sorry for this being super short, I dont really know what to do so I want to do another time skip, and I feel like that should be a new chapter. Thanks! =) 

Chapter twenty-three

 I'm four months and three weeks right now. Being pregnant is a lot of work! Charlie and I are in the living room when there is a knock on the door. Great.

"Ugh, is it today already?" Charlie asks.

"Guess so. Talk soon." I walk into her room and wait. Did I forget to mention that Asher has been checking up on Charlie to see if she's "seen me"? Well he has. And I lov- I mean uhh... We were close but every week? Its kinda annoying when I can't see him. What about when I get so prego I can barely walk?? I already have a baby bump thats pretty big for four months. 

As I'm waiting I hear Charlie say, "Uhh Sky? You should come here for a second..." 

"Okay." I respond and walk out of her room not thinking. My eyes widen as I see her. "Jess?? What are you doing here??"

"Hey Skylar." She replys awkwardly. "Uh I told Asher I would come here instead. To see you... And Holy crap!! You're pregnant!!!! Asher is gunna be so mad that your having a kid with someone else!"

"First of all, hi. Second, yeah. And third why would he be mad?" I ask confused. I'll tell her later that shes an aunt. 

"Because. When I say hes in love with you, I mean he is madly and completely in love with you."

"Oh... Uhh I'll be back in a second." I go to my room and get a shirt I've been working on for a while incase this happened out. Its a shirt that had "#1 aunt" writen on it. I walk out to the living room where they are now sitting. "Okay," I tell her with the shirt folded up. "If I give you this, you have to keep it a secret. You can NOT tell Asher." 

"What? I mean, okay I guess, but why?"

"You'll see." I tell her handing her the shirt. She unfolds it and is in looks down at in. Her eyes widen and her jaw drops. She looks up at me with tears in her eyes. 

"Its... His?" She asks on the verge of crying. I just nod almost crying too. "Sky you have to tell him.... He'll be furious if he thinks its someone else's." 

"That's why he can't find out. It'll but to much stress on me which could hurt them." I explain to her.

"Wait... Them?" She asked even more shocked.

"Eh... Surprise." 

"When are you finding out the gender? Cause you cant yet seen as you have to be just under 5 months right?"

"Yeah... Charlie set up an appointment for the 20th."

"Oh.. Nice. Would you mind if I came?" She asks

"Sure. Why not. Can someone distract Asher so he won't think anything of it?" 

"Yeah I'll get Tony to. Is it okay if I tell him them?" I give her a confused look seen as her and Ash are the only people I really met. "Oh. Our brother. The one Ash growled at."

"He growled at someone??" Charlie laughs.

"Yeah... Sure just make sure Asher won't find out. Speaking of, you might want to head back. But please visit soon." I say giving her a slight smile." She leaves and we go back to what we were doing.

Chapter twenty-four

 Its the day of the appointment so I put on baggy clothes and get ready. Charlie gets in the car and drives to the doctor's office. Jess is meeting us there. She's visited us two times since the first time and Asher hasnt come at all.

When we get to the office I see Jess standing at the door. She shes us and waves. I wave back and look at Char. She shyly waves back and smiles. Oooo. 

"Heyyyy Char. Do you liiiiike someone??" I asks her playfully nudging her.

"What? No! No! I mean why would I?" She responds embarrassed. I laugh at her as we proceed to the secretary. After getting checked in the doctor brought me to the room and left to help a different patient.

"So Jess, how did Tony take it?" I ask her

"Good. He was excited. He seems like a total asshole but he's good when it comes to family."

"Cool. Maybe he should come visit with you some time. Oh and do you like girls?" I ask that and Charlie's head popped up and she glared at me so I laughed.

"Uhh that was... Unexpected... But yeah I'm bi." She says.

"Ohh cool. Do you have anyone in mind at the moment?" I ask

Jess and Charlie both blush and Jess says, "Well.. Yeah but I don't think she would feel the same." She admits looking down.

"Heyyy Char... Wanna share something?" I say her name while looking at Jess to see how she responds. Omg!!!! She blushed!!!! "Eeee!!!!!! You two like each other!!!!!" I squeal. 

"Skylar!" They yell at me in unison. They look at each other and blush. Just then the doctor comes in the door and does what she needs to do. About 45 minutes later everything is done and I can find out the genders. 

"Would you like to find out?" The doctor asks me.

"Umm..." I think about everything and about Asher and stuff and say, "Yeah. Yeah I do..."

"Okay dear. You're having..."

Chapter twenty-five

 "You're having a boy and a girl!" She says excitedly.

"Really?" I say smiling and crying tears of joy.

"Yup. You are free to leave now. Just make sure to set up another appointment before your 8 months and then another when you are 8 months."

"Okay. Are you guys ready?" I ask them while getting up. 

"Yeah." They both say getting up. They are holding hands so I smile and walk out the door with the file in my hands.

8 months of prego is way to much work. I'm in pain most of the time, I constantly have use the bathroom. I got a phone so Jess is always checking in on me. Ugh. I don't know why I did this. Oh yeah! I didnt mean to -_- But it'll be worth it in the long run.

Today Jess is bringing Tony. Of course when I have a super big stomach. I'm nervous but eh. I have another appointment to get to today to check if the babies are okay and I'm okay and stuff. 

We get there and wait for Jess and Tony. When they get there Jess is friendly like always but its kinda awkward with Tony. 

"Uh... Hi Skylar.. I want you to know that I'm sorry for before. I was stupid and tipsy so I apologize." He says.

"It's okay. Hey, youre here arent you? That makes up for it. And the fact that you haven't told Asher. So thank you for that. Shall we?" I say the last part to the group.

"Yeah." They all say. After the appointment (everything is good) we head back to the apartment. When we get there I ask, "So how has he not been suspicious yet?" 

"Oh he has." Jess answers. "He was going through my closet and found the shirt so I said that I found it and liked to color and got it for whenever Tony got someone pregnant." I laugh at her answer.

"Well that's offensive." Tony says.

"Deal with it." 

After about 2 hours they go home. 

"Hey Charlie? Do you want ice cream on a cheeseburger?"

"Ewww!!! No!!!"

"Rude." I say really offended. Then we both start laughing and I fall asleep.


A/n- I'm sorry if the next chapter is really bad but its going to be really hard to write it one point of view but I'll do my best. Thanks! =)

Chapter twenty-six

 I'm due any day now. I'm actually shocked that I've made it to nine months. Jess and Tony and coming again. Tony is actually a really nice guy. They've visited once since the appointment and he brought his girlfriend who is super sweet. I also found out that the slut was kicked out and that the entire gang now knows other than Asher. I'm glad he doesnt know but I'm a but worried about Joey. They said he could keep a secret though.

There is a knock on the door and Char opens it. Jess, Tony, and Storm are there. (Storm is his girlfriend) We were talking when I started to get super bad contractions, but I didn't say anything because I didnt want to ruin it.

There is a knock on the door but I don't really hear it because I'm focusing on not letting them know I'm hurting. Charlie opens the door and immediately swears. The door hits the wall and everyone, including myself, stands up. Jess and Tony and in front of me in a flash.

"What are you doing here?!" Jess asks. "Storm will you make sure Charlie is okay please?" When he came in he made Charlie fall and hit her head.


"You guys have been leaving for a while so I finally decided to see where you were going! And you were here with her????" He yells.

"Asher calm the hell down! Don't stress her out!"

"Why?! Is she gunna die or someth-" he stops talking when I come out from behind them. "You... You're... Pregnant..?" He asks with tears rolling down his face. Jess shoves me behind them again and tells him to go.

"No! Who is the motherfucker who got you pregnant?? Huh?! Answer me!!" He screams, his sadness turning into rage. 

"Back off!" Tony says. 

"You knew too?? How many others knew???"

"Everybody..." Jess says.

"That's why we went out that day. And... And..." They start yelling at each other when I cut in. 

"GUYS!" I yell getting everyone's attention. "My water broke."

Chapter twenty-seven

 The next thing I know I'm in the back of Charlies car with her and Jess in the front, while Asher, Tony, and Storm and following behind us. We get to the hospital quickly and then I'm in a room with the doctors getting me ready to give birth to my two beautiful angels.

"Who's the father?" The doctor asks everyone in the room. Asher says he is just to be in here (at least that's what he thinks) 

For having twins the birth was pretty normal. I didnt need a c-section it just hurt like hell. Asher was there the whole time but distant. After everything I was exhausted but the doctor asked what I was naming them. 

"For the boy I was thinking Ace and the girl, I was thinking Maggie. What do you think Asher?" I ask him with a shy smile.

"I like them, but why would you be asking me?" He asks and looks kind of annoyed. Ouch.

"Because you're here." I say, very dryly. 


We only had to stay a bit longer since they were okay and so was I so when we were done, we went to the apartment where we had set everything up for them. We were talking for a while about how cute they were and stuff when Asher said to me, "Skylar, can I talk to you for a moment?" I get up and walk to my room expecting him to follow me. I walk to the corner of the room and hear the door shut.

"What?" I ask in a very dull tone because of how he acted earlier. It hurt.

"Who's are they?" He asks walking closer. I cant see him because I'm turned around facing the wall.

"Why do you care?"

"Because I need to know!" He shouts, now right behind me.

"It doesnt matter." 

He flips me around and backs me up completely to the wall. Welp.

Chapter twenty-eight

 I try looking at the floor but he holds my chin forcing me to look up at him with one hand and the other holding both my hands above my head.

"Look Sweetheart," he says. Oh how much I've missed him calling me that. "You run away, I dont see you for almost ten months, and today, September 5th, I see you for the first time and 2 hours later we are in this apartment with two babies and I dont even know who's they are. So please. Who's children are these???" 

"Fine. They are mine." I try not to laugh at my sad humor.

He gives a stiff and annoyed laugh and says, "I'm being serious now. Tell me who's they are!!"

"Who's could they possibly be dumbass?! I never planned on having kids in the first place because of it and now you think that now that I lost my virginity to the man I fell in love with in less than twenty four hours, I'm gunna go get pregnant and go sleep with half the world. Thanks for thinking so highly of me." I shout at him.

"You love me...?" He asks still processing the information I just told him. "And they're mine...?"

"Yes and yes." I say barely finish before his lips are on mine. We break the kiss and he rests his forehead on mine. I softly whisper, "Dumbass." And he laughs.

"I've missed you sweetheart... I love you so much." 

"I love you too."

Chapter twenty-nine (final)

 15 years later, we have been married for 12 years and have our 2 kids. We have 3 dogs and are still apart of the gang. 

Charlie and Jess are married and adopted 4 kids, and Tony and Storm are also married and have 1 daughter. Life is good and even through it all... I wouldn't have changed anything







                                                   THE END!


I hope you guys enjoyed this, let me know and I'm sorry for any mistakes. Thank you for reading! =) <3


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 01.08.2019

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