
Chapter 1

The light rays filled the small dusty room.The radio droned on as a lifeless reporter read the daily brief.Mary ,stood behind the counter wiping the chipped glasses with a faded tablecloth.She looked up as a smartly dressed man walked in.He walked to the furthest table and joined a man reading an outdated paper.The man looked up wearily and set down his paper. He picked up his drink and poured it down his throat,all while looking his visitor over.Burping loudly he slowly looked around the pub.The rusty tables stood deserted,apart from one surrounded by gruff men hunched over quietly their worn cards .His eyes finally settled on his neighbor.He looked stiff in his suit. A long dead wrist watch hang from his broad wrist.He dipped his rough fingers into his breast pocket and pulled out a folded photograph.His neighbor as if with great difficulty reached over and slowly unfolded and it.He looked the photo over and placed on the stained table.He straightened out his slouching figure and loudly cleared his throat."where do I find him?"he slurred, tipping his head to the photo lying facedown."Next town, you get your money from Tomo"he briskly said. Standing he slid him a small coin and added"Give that to Tomo".Kael watched him leave.He looked at the photo before him and gulped down the dregs of his liquor.

Chapter 2

 He peered through his grimy visor as he approached the rundown town.He walked up the creaky steps and looked back to his propped bike.He was grateful to escape the night chill.He looked around the packed pub and pushed through the dense crowd toward a hunched figure at the back.The man peered at him and quickly looked back to his half empty glass. He wrapped his bony fingers tightly around the dirty glass. As Kael set himself across from him the man flinched ."Lady bring me a beer and for my friend here..."The man looked doubtfully at Kael and whispered for a beer himself.Kael looked at the man who grew more animated as the night wore on .Soon half  dozen bottles of booze separated them.Kael leaned in sticking the photo into his comrade's face "seen him around here?"Squinting the man answered in a raspy voice "you'll find him in the motel "pointing."Thanks"Kael said placing a coin before him .The man glared at the coin and slowly looked up,shocked.Kael walked out and looked down the street noticing the neon lights of the motel 'The mirage'.He walked in to find the receptionist's head down on a book,her colourful braids spread all over the messy desk.He tapped her thin tattooed shoulder and she woke with a start. She looked up rubbing her eyes and squinted at the photo in her face.She pointed down a corridor to her left and whispered "3B" before falling back into slumber.Indifferent to the reason of his visit.He quickly tapped the door thrice and stepped back. After a while a narrow face peeked out.Kael noticed his stained vest and tiny shorts ."what do you want?"Kael stretched his face into one of his rare smiles."I've been sent by Daro "he said stressing on the 'Daro'."May I come in?"The man stepped back hesitantly to let him in.Kael looked around.A table on the far end was covered with boxes, wrapping and leftovers.The bed was undone resembling a stormy sea.The walls were yellow and stained. The ceiling beared testament to the great storms that rocked the town . A pile of clothes reeked of sweat and mold."What's your name?"his subject asked. His hand clutching the door handle."My name is not important"he said turning to the sweaty , trembling man."It's just that someone does not want you... Alive.Before he could dash out the door Kael managed to drive his blade into his back.With every successive strike he got bloodier and bloodier. His prey lashed out with aim less punches . Grabbing his face he clawed into it till he went limp.Kael rose feeling his blood drip down his face mixing with the cadaver's.He dragged the body onto the bed and tucked it in a sleeping position. He wiped the pool of blood with a sweater from the pile ,which he threw into a bonfire surrounded by dead eyed street urchins.

Chapter 3

The woman rocked the baby slowly in her lap, looking up to see the teller calling her over ."Miss..."he said looking down at his papers ."Jane ...Jane gait".The teller looked up as she slid a bundle of worn notes to him .He took it and after licking his index finger he quickly went through mumbling as he counted .The hall was filled with the clicking of typewriters and shuffling of pages.She flinched as he cliked the drawer shut. He gruffly handed her a stiff paper and went back to his file .She fished through her bag pulling out a pen. She signed, realizing that her shop would be cleaned out afterwards.She forced a nervous smile as she handed back the deed .The teller sent her going with an impatient cough.Looking at the woman as she struggled to hold back her tears Kael approached the teller. He looked him over noticing his discomfort in his cheap cotton suit."How may I help you ,sir"said the settler with a slight smile.Kael leaned in and in a whisper said"I'm here to say Tomo".As he said this he retrieved a small coin and placed on to the desk.The teller with renewed interest left his cramped booth and asked Kael to follow him.Going through a heavy door with an imposing golden plaque announcing"EMPLOYEES ONLY". Reaching the furthest door the teller asked him to wait.Kael looked down the corridor enjoying the subdued colour of the walls.The teller walked out and he stepped in.Tomo stands to the left wall next to a large globe spinning it lightly,a bookshelf behind him." Have a seat,Kael."Kael did, pouring himself a drink from an elegant pitcher placed on a silver tray."I admire your work,crude true ,but efficient you're here to collect your dues aren't you.Well the money is in the the envelope."He stopped and walked over to the desk he settled his large frame into the plush seat and sat back.Kael sipped from his glazed glass his eyes fixed on Tomo's."The man you killed owed me a lot of money and killing him is not going to get me my money is it?"he said with a dry chuckle.Kael grinned noticing the gleam from Tomo's rings resembled that from his bald head."But...there is a trinket in his possession that would be more than enough to settle his debt . Unfortunately I need a person to find it for me."He said as he leaned in making the leather on his chair squeak and groan.Kael took a sip from his drink and smacked his lips."That's in order ".Tomo said cheerfully pouring both of them a drink.


Chapter 4

 The smell of antique books floated drowsily around the room.The fan twirled lazily overhead. Lady Topper sat upright her gloved hands placed lightly on her black silk gown.Her back leaned stiff and her head sat slightly turned.Her eyes looked lazily around the room settling on a wiry youth before him "The necklace... where was it taken from?"he asked  pinching a pencil eager to take down her statement."My safe ... in my room."When was this?" he asked."last week... will you get back my necklace?""Who else has the safe's combination"he asked."Well me ,my husband...". Noting her discomfort he ventured "Do you have any one in mind ma'am "."Now you mention a servant did disappear afterward.""His name?" "Umm ... Oh frido I believe""Thank you "he said.The door clicked shut,he adjusted his overcoat and put on his fedora.  Outside across the street he bought an outdated paper and after parting with a buck for information he hailed a courage Settling in the back of his carriage ,he snapped "The mirage."Walking into the sleepy lobby he approached the receptionist ,the obese man wiped his greasy mouth with his equally greasy hand."What do you want?""I'm looking for Frido is he here?"he asked."Whose asking?"he asked talking a bite off his thick sandwich."It's business,"he answered sliding him a folded note."He hasn't left his room in awhile,"he said holding the note against the sun.

Chapter 5

He shoved through the traders and carts milling around him.Children ran about his legs and scurried under stalls manned by wrinkled men and women.Taking in the sharp scents he looked over the crowd and noticed the small worn sign announcing the jewelry shop.A young sulky man perched on a high stool polished a broad copper plate. A stack of gleaming plates stood beside him. A small fat man sat nestled between elegant rugs.The rugs cut of the noise from the market much to Kael's pleasure.A wide silver bracelet sat between  his grubby fingers.Looking through a large magnifying glass he studied the etching on the bracelet.Noticing the potential customer he put away the bracelet.Waving his hands over his wares he said "welcome sir "revealing his small tobacco stained teeth.Returning the smile Kael asked,"Has a man come here selling a necklace."The man stared at the ceiling willing the memory back."Frido" said Kael helping along. "Can't remember, would you like anything else ?"said the merchant."I'm sorry I'll be on my way"Kael said.He heard him mutter as he walked out. A little way down the street the boy stopped him.Recognizing him from the shop he turned.The boy kept looking around and spoke in barely a whisper."I heard you're looking for Frido,I Know where you can find him."he said.Raising  his brow he coaxed a coin out of Kael."dupil "he said before melting into the crowd.

Chapter 6

 Standing in the gloomy hall,John tapped the door and stood back.Nothing.He listened to the mouse scurrying in the ceiling. A musty smell of decay hang thick in the air. Placing his ear against the mouldy door he listened in.Taking a breathe he walked in expecting to be struck down .He looked at the lump on the bed and pulling out a penknife tiptoed to the bed . Clutching the yellowed sheets he  pulled them away and held his blade to the corpse. The stench of rotting flesh slammed into sending him reeling back . Pinching his nose he covered the body and slipped his blade into his pocket. A moment later he reached over the bed and took  a worn coat from the bedside table.


Texte: Seven teen
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 06.11.2023

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Id like to dedicate the book to every dreamer out there. In this dark world a good book is all you need.

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