
What the author want to say

 Thanks for reading and enjoy. I know that this book is not as interesting as the book you read before. I also know that the book's cover is scary and the story in this book destroyed the book's cover which it might destroy your mood of reading this book as well. People often said "don't judge a book by its cover." This is my first book and whoever readed my book knows that I have tons of error or grammer mistakes in the story. This book is not finish yet so there will be a lot of changes for the story, maybe the chapter sub title ,and ....etc.
       Once again thank you for reading and please enjoy reading. Have a great day! :)

Bathroom Ghost

It been five days since I die in the bathroom. It was cold and all these darkness makes me feel loney. My name is Nana Chan and I'm a highschool girl in Tendo high. There was a boy that I really like killed me in the bathroom. We were in a relationship, but one day I saw him rapping another girl in the bathroom. The girl yelled out help and i decided to call 911, but before I take out my phone, he ran to me and stab me in the stomach. I don't know what happens after I die, but I think that innorcence girl is dead too. I am now a bathroom ghost that nobody notices. Many peoples sit on me and poop or pee. Nobody sees nor notices me and I can't leave the bathroom because that is the place where I die. I'm loney and stuck in this stinky bathroom smelling shits and pee everyday. I miss my families and friends. I miss those happy moment with them. I wonder what they are doing right now. Suddenly, an old man came in with a newspaper. I'm reading the newspaper with him and found myself in the newspaper. In the newspaper, it says that I am missing. On the bottom of the newspaper, it says that I elope with my boyfriend and both are missing. The word boyfriend hurts me and my tear came out. I would never cried for him because he is a jerk to me after killing me. I wants to forget him and to be reborn. I though I could reborn after I died but I'm still stuck in earth in the bathroom. When I was little, I read a lots of fairytail books about heaven. When a good person die, he or she will go to heaven and reborn, but if a evil person die, then he or she will go to hell. I wonder why I'm still in earth. Normally, people that died and still remains in earth means that they have unfinished business. I wonder if I have unfinished business in this world. I don't know what business it was but all I want now is a friend that can talk to me. Shit! that stinks! I don't believe it. That old man's shit smell's terrible. He probably ate too much fast food. There is nothing good about being a bathroom ghost. The only good thing is that you will never gets hungry. I can't take it anymore, It stinks like a tons of shit plus feet in your nose not on your nose! I want him to get out already! I slowly fell into a deep sleep due to the smell. I wonder if one day someone might discover me.     

Days in the bathroom

It been a week since I died and I'm still stuck in the bathroom. There is nothing interesting in the bathroom, but seeing different darkness and lightness of shit makes me sick. The shit stinks but I'm slowly use to it day by day. I'm just like a treasure chest waiting for the pirate to find me and take me away with them. A few minute later, a young boy came in with his dog. I'm a little happy to see a different specie other than human. The dog look at me and bark. I wonder if the dog can see me. I did a little experiment. I walk around and the dog followed me. This is crazy! I can't believe a dog can see me but not human. What is the point of letting a dog see me but not human. I don't know dog language nor I'm a dog. This sucks, but at least I can play with the dog. Oh my god! he want to bite me. Although he can't because I'm a ghost. This dog is not friendly at all. My friend once told me that pets learn from their owner and have similar personalities. That young boy is probably not that friendly too. Sixs minutes has passed and that boy is still in the bathroom because he is playing subway run on his phone. He is pretty good at this game though. The character is still running even though sixs minutes has passed. I wonder if that boy would get out of the bathroom if the character died. The dog hide himself in the corner of the bathroom due to the stinky smells. I'm find with it beacuse the smells doesn't bothers me anyway. Seven minutes has passed and the boy decided to leave even though the character in the game didn't die. The boy got up and trip on the floor. His leg became weak for overtime sitting in the bathroom. This remined me of a news I read online when I was alive. If you sit in the bathroom for too long, you might turn into vegetable. The boy slowly get up from the floor and take his dog with him. He ran out from the bathroom with his dog with out washing his hand nor flush the toilet. Kids these days are just so careless and irresponsible. When I was young in middle school, I often see toilets that are not flushed. The girls won't use the toilet that isn't flushed. They wait in line to use the clean one. For me, I just flushed the toilet and clean it myself. After I cleaned the bathroom, the girls would come rushing to use it. In my mined, the girls are just lazy to flush. I can no longer flush the toilet now. I will have to turn my face to the other side because I don't want to see shits and pee that is not flushed yet.         


 It's the second day after the young boy left the bathroom. The bathroom is still not flushed and I'm use to the life of being a ghost in the bathroom. This bathroom is built at a park near my highschool. The name of the park is called "Natrual Green Park." Lots of trees, plants, and flowers grow there. No body works for the park and is abanden but, people often came here to relax so the government didn't destroy the park. A few minutes later, a girl came in with her phone. I was surprise. Oh my god! It was my friend Abby! I'm so happy to see her. At least I saw somebody that I know and really miss. She flush the toilet and clean the bathroom. She also put on some perfumes to make the bathroom smells nice. The sweet smells brings back memories. Abby always smells nice and is the same smells that I'm smelling right now. She is my best friend in highschool and the most popular girl in school. Lots of boys wish to have her, but she is not hurry in a relationship yet. I smile and look at Abby's face even though she can't see me. Suddenly, she started crying while looking at her phone. In the phone, it was a picture of Abby and I together drinking apple juice. Abby's eyes became red and swollen. Her tears dripping down on her face like a melting icicle. That shows how much she misses me and I miss her too. Suddenly she shout out "Nana I miss you. You leave me in school alone and nobody talks to me. I'm eating lunch alone and I'm scared when people ask me out. I look for you every where and couldn't find you. I wish to see you. I heared that you elope with your boyfriend, but I don't believe the news. I know you won't leave your families and friends behined. You treasure your friend and families the most. Nana! oh Nana! where are you!" Abby continue to cry and her phone droped on the floor. She didn't pick it up but continue crying with her face hiding on her knees. I feel bad to leave her alone in school and I feel sad to see her crying. I want to tell her that I'm here but, she can't see me. I want to tell her that I will never leave her and will always love her. Abby is finally calming down slowly. I sit besides her and look at her to remember this moment of little happiness. I'm afraid that once she get out of this bathroom, I would never see her again. I will treasure this moment being with her and this will be my little gift from god before I reborn. Thank you for letting me see my friend god.

Found a ring

 Abby left the bathroom after she got a phone call from her mom. I miss her and felt a little loney after she left the bathroom. I am still a ghost in the bathroom but I get to learn what ghost can do and can't do. I hated the dark and like the daylight. Normaly ghost would hated the dayligh and like the dark because they come out and play in the dark. It just the ghost's party time at night. Other peoples that come in this bathroom feel cold but, it feels warm for me and I love it. Hell yeah! The day is getting longer and no body is coming. It seems that the sky is getting dark later or sooner. When the sun set, the light shines on the bathroom and made the bathroom looks golden. I called it " golden bathroom time." I enjoy watching the sun set through the small window but, today I enjoying looking at the red diamond ring that I found under the bathroom in the corner of the hole. It was stuck there and I didn't see it until now. The sun shines on the diamond and it shine through me like I'm being shot by guns. Some how I can touch that ring but I don't know why. I can't touch anything else in the bathroom but only this ring I found. It was weird but I ignored my curiosity and continue to enjoy looking at the ring. I wonder whose ring is that. I hope the own would come back for this ring. This ring is really beautiful and the color of the diamond is as red as blood. With out hesitation, I wore the ring on my finger. My whole body shines and I can feel my feet touching the floor. I don't know what happen but I feel alive. Suddenly, a women came in and saw me. She said " I'm sorry. I didn't know someone was in here." After she said that and went back out, I look at the ring. A moment of extraordinary excitement came from my heart. I quickly ran out of the bathroom and I can see my own shadow. Im alive again! I was surprise, but who cares. I will treasure my life this time. I can't go see my families and friends now. I'm in the news paper and I can't explain what happen to them. If my ex-boyfriend know that I'm still alive, he will come back and kill me in order to keep my mouth shut. The sky is turning darker than before. It can be dangerous at night. I must continue hide in the bathroom for now on and make sure to keep the door lock from now on since people can see me now.

Time to change

Early morning in the bathroom corner, the sun shines through the small window to my face making me awaken. It was weird until I remember everything that happened yesterday. I slowly open the bathroom door and looked outside. It was a wonderful day for a walk but It is time to change my life. I wander around in the park looking for hope. I did say I want to change but, how? I don't have money with me and the people I'm looking at now is the people that I saw in the bathroom. I found a bench and sat down. Looking at the bird makes me sleepy again. Suddenly, a women came and sat next to me. She looks sad and her eyes are getting teary. I know this have nothing to do with me but I'm a little worry about her. With out hesitation, I touch her solder.
"hello," I said. "What happen? why you look so sad?" I said. She turn to me and look into my eyes. Shen then started crying and I don't know what to do. I feel like I'm a man making a girl cry or something.  She look at me with a puppy eyes with tears makes me want to know why she's sad.
"Im sorry for asking. Um...may I help you?" I said.
"I'm sorry for crying in front of you. You must think I'm weird. Am I bothering you?" she said. "No not at all. I just want to know why you're sad," I said. That was a lie. Her crying face does bothers me. That is why I ask her questions. Now that I think about it, does man have trouble talking to a crying girl? I think man find this a pain in the ass. She spend two hour talking about her dead dog. I feel sad for her and I understand the feeling of losing a pet that you love so much.  I use to have a gold fish named "alice." It was given from a boy that I like in middle school but, I haven seen him around after I went to highschool. Alice suddenly died one day and I was heart broken. I didn't eat for five day. There will be a sixes day if it wasn't my mom forcing me to eat. My best memory with alice is watching her swiming in the toilet. She fell into the toilet while I was washing her goldfish jar. She jump up and went into the toilet. I was having a hard laugh at that time. I really miss my alice but I think she is in her wonderland right now. I talk to the women next to me about what happen to Alice. She started to calm and continue talking to me.

I said "you don't need to worry about your pet. Im sure your dog is not gone." She look at me and said "what do you mean she is not gone?" I turn to her and said "your dog is dead but his soul is still around in earth. You just can't see him." She started to get teary again. I wonder if I said something wrong and made her sad again. She then turn to me again and said "thank you for hearing me out. I feel much better and my dead dog might be watching be right now so I should not crying to much. I don't want my dog to worry to much."

"Good! be happy and luck will come to you." That was a lie. Luck will never come to you if you never try to reach your luck. "I really like talking to you. I don't have much friend here and I don't talk much to people around here. Im the type of person that lets other speaks first then I speak," she said. " I can't really talk to people too. I have hard time talking to people," I said. It is not really hard to talk but no body sees me when I was a ghost so I'm having hard time talking to people. I don't really talk much to others in the past but I wanted to now after being a ghost for few weeks. " My name is Sandy. what is your's?" she said. " My name is Na.....ra. Um....yea," I said with an unsure voice. " oh, Nara. That is a nice name. Do you often come to this park?" she said. "I come here everyday," I said. I live in the park's bathroom anyway. I don't have a choice but to stuck with the bathroom after I came back to life. " I want to see you again tomrrow. Where can I find you?" she said with an excited face. " You can find me here everyday," I said. She smiled and walked away. I have a feeling that I might see her again soon. When the sky turn dark, I walk slowly to the bathroom and lock that door. Some how in my heart, there are something missing and I don't know what. This uncomfortable feeling bothers me all night long until the sun came up. I walked out the bathroom and sat on the some bench that I sat on yesterday. My clothes are dirty with dark red stain and I smelled like a dead fish. Soon, when the sun was about to set, Sand came looking fore me. She is calling out my name and seem to be worrying about something. I walk toward her and said "Sandy?" When she turn around, her expression changes. Her teary eyes tells me that there must be something bad happened to her. "Oh my god! I finally found you. I was looking for you and I don't know what to do andymore. Please come~ and help me out please~," she said with a trumble voice. She grab me on the sholder, begging for help. "Oh god! you are cold. How can you be so cold..... I mean is summer right now," she said with a suprise look. She then look at her own hand and it is the dark red stain. The color probably came off alittle. The bathroom wall is kind of wet anyway. "I'm not cold. I have a cold body when I was young just like that. It will stay cold in the future too I think. Oh, and the clothes is cheap so the color came off easily," I said. I am so proud of my lies. "sorry to say that, but you smell like a dead fish," Sandy said. I panic and said " There was an old man smoking next to me and an oldy lady spraying perfume next to me today. The two different smells mixed togther and created the smell that you are smelling right now." I lied again. I wonder if I can get a gold cup for being the winner of lying.


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 01.02.2015

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