

Smoke was all she could taste. It filled her empty body and replaced oxygen as her foremost vapor. The shouts of triumph from the mob assembled increased as the carrot colored flames lept closer to her ghostly defeated figure. The controlling ropes felt like steel as they held her to a long totem of wood. She coughed. Tears of pain cascaded down her fragile face. Why me? She thought. What have I done wrong? As if to answer her thought, cries of 'WITCH' now fought against the pain as the thought most prominent in her young mind. I'm not a witch! She tried to say, but the flames scalded even more her branded tongue. She had lost complete feeling in her now almost black legs.

Let it end, please gods, let me die, let me rejoin my family. She remembered her mother, light blond hair, green eyes, always present in her last five years of life. She begged herself to not look at the carcass next to her, that used to be her loving wonderful mother. What did we ever do wrong? What in fact, her young mind did not understand, was that the towns folk were scared of her and her mother. Her mother, Diana, held great authority in their small town. She was the only doctor, and greatly skilled at the art. They were afraid, especially the men, that she had too much influence in the town. That women should not be in charge and that she would set an example to their wives and turn them against their husbands. So, she had to go, and her daughter being much like her, she needed to follow suit. Accusing her or witchcraft, they took them away this morning, and watched with pleasure as her daughter screamed at the sight of her dying mother. But they would soon regret this.

A bright white light bathed her form; she knew the end was here. Sighing in contentment, she lifted her face to embrace death. White overcame her vision, and she felt no more. The townsfolk felt pride when her small shapeceased to tremble. That was until they saw the light. Cries ofdisbelievement and wonder soon turned into howls of fear and pain and the object got closer. It embraced the child, setting her free, and as it turned to the villagers, spoke.

'You have committed great treason and crime, and I, as a great sorceress, curse you . Your children, and any children that will be born, will die the same death as this one, at age fifteen.'

They gasped, clutching their young ones close. Fear overcame any other emotion, except regret.

'This curse will continue to transpire until destiny has forgiven you for your terrible deed.'

Some didn't believe this great enchantress, but one year later, when young Mary burned slowly in a forest fire, they knew what would come.

And so it was, for the next ten years, young children suffered the same fate. But this is not the end of their tale, no, it is only the beginning.

Chapter 1

10 years later......

The birds chirped a good morning to her as she quietly made her way through the forest. Sunshine felt wonderful on her pale face, and Destiny knew there was nothing more beautiful. Even if she couldn't see it. She was blind.Ever since she could remember she couldn't see. Her completely white unseeing eyes unnerved most people outside the forest. So, she never left. Her whole life was spent in the three thousand, four hundred square miles of Etoile Forest. Waterfalls and stunningly tall trees took control of the landscape. Many varieties of animals, from the rare unicorn, to the two-tailed brown squirrel, thrived in this landscape. Birds in abundance lived in the high canopies of the hundreds of thousands different types of trees. It was a beautiful sight, especially the sunset over the clear waters of Crystal Lake. Destiny sighed, for the umpteenth time she wished she could see it. She shook her head, no use dwelling on that. She heard a low growl and smiled.

'Sasha, come here'. A large black, green eyed panther emerged from the lush undergrowth. She came and stood by Destiny.

'Hi sweetheart, how are you?,'

Destiny asked, scratching Sasha behind her ears. A resounding purr answered her. Sasha tore her head away, and gestured to the barley visible path into the trees. 'OK girl, I'm coming' Destiny held out her hand and Sasha placed her silky tail in it. Destiny knew most all of the forest bye heart, but it had rained last night, and mudslides are common. When the dirt is gone, more rocks and tree roots are visible, making it harder for Destiny to find her way around. Small animals scampered through the foliage as Destiny and Sasha made their way to the Home Tree. All of the population in the forest lived here, except for a few solitary nomads. All and all, the population reached around five or six thousand. But Destiny spent her time mostly away from the Tree. Mostly everyone was nice, but she didn't like the stares or whispers pointed at her. She knew she didn't fit in, and spent her time near the edge of the forest, or behind the waterfall in a secret cave she found several years ago.*

The immense tree came into Sasha's sight. Destiny heard the thousands of voices, and knew they were here. The Home Tree was positioned on the side of a giant lake smack dab in the middle of the Etoile Forest. One mile across and five high, it was a monstrous natural structure. And the best part, it was naturally hollow.

'Destiny, welcome back!' She heard Mr. Splanskey call to her. She inwardly groaned and turned her head to general direction of his voice.

'Hello' her wind chimed voice responded. Hearing the short conversation and the mention of Destiny's name, several people turned to her direction. She hid her face behind her sheet of silvery white hair. They silently made way to the docks.

'Here, Destiny, let me take you across' Mr. Splanskey said and helped her into the small vessel. Sasha growled a goodbye to Destiny.

'Thank you Sasha she replied. Before they left, Destiny sensed another presence coming onto the rowboat. She knew who it was immediately.

'Hello Leo' He smiled, he knew that she recognized him even after her three months of solitude. Hisluminescent blue eyes fixed on her own. He could never understand why people would say that she was handicapped. Her completely white colored eyes felt like they stared into his very soul.

'Stop staring at me Leo, you know i hate that' Destiny stated.

'Sorry D, you look so.....different' Leo answered. Destiny rose her light blond eyebrow.

'Is that a good thing?'

'Yea, definatly' he stuttered. She chuckled, amused at his shyness. The wind blew his chocolate hair around his sculpted face and Destiny heard him trying to blow it away, much like a girl. The boat touched the soil of the ground near the Home Tree. Leo helped her out.

'DESTINY!!' A high-pitched voice yelled, and she could almost imagine Melina's red frizzy hair andprominently freckled face run towards her. Destiny held open her arms, and embraced Melina's slightly plump body, smelling her earthy scent.

'Destiny, you look so good!' her overly excited voice exclaimed. Destiny grinned, Melina was always positive. The bustle of market day overwhelmed Destiny's four highly attuned senses. She smelled the spices from the coast of the Idila sea, she heard the crackle of the wrappers on the candies from the mountains of Attolia, but her favorite was the hand braided pegasi feathered bracelets from the city of Skya in the neighboring country of Aerthia. She ran her delicate fingers over the soft bracelets.

'D? Did you hear me?' Leo asked.

'Hmm? Oh, sorry what?' Leo rolled his eyes, used to Destiny's day dreamy state.

'He SAID, What did the Elder want to talk to you about this time?' Melina responded. Destiny sighed, 'I don't know, something about discovering my past and helping me to see with my ears, or something'

'Well, won't that help you, you know, with your -' Melina started.

'DISABILITY?' Yes, I do hope it will, freak' a girl my age with long black hair and Asian looks imitated stumbling around.

'Oh wait, you couldn't SEE that, could you?' She snickered, and a mini look-alike copied her. Honestly it still hurt Destiny, but she was used to it, but she knew Melina had her back.

'WHAT did you say?'Melina advanced closer to the girl, using her « oh you better be scared now » tone. 'Destiny does NOT have a disability. Maybe she can't see with her eyes, but that doesn't mean she can't see. Her ears are highly attuned to everything, and her sense of smell is beyond any ones. I bet she could even tell you what color clothes you have on, Chelsea'. Chelsea took a step back, but replied her usual sneer.

'We'll SEE about that' her friend chuckled at her rude joke.'See you later, freak'.

Destiny felt the air around her swish as Chelsea left. A burning pain throbbed somewhere beneath her many layers of skin, right in her heart. Melina nodded, to Leo, and motioned to a distressedDestiny, her light brown long sleeve tunic with a simply adorned belt rustled as she moved. Leo returned her nod, and made his way over to Destiny in his forest green tunic and dark brown boots and trousers. Hr touched her light green fabric covered arm in sympathy.

'Don't listen to what she says. It doesn't matter that you cant see, what matters is how your character really is, and i see a strong, astounding young woman ready for anything' Destiny smiled, she felt much better,'Thanks Leo, you always sound wiser than your fifteen years of age, and usually that's not a good thing, but today it is' Leo playfully smacked her arm, and all three of them laughed. Melina, always the one to talk, said,' Well its time to get you inside.'

Destiny hadn't been inside the Home Tree for three months; a painful experience with another villager shunned her from the rest. She eventually made her way back to civilisation. She forgot just how big it was. When Destiny entered the tree, the space felt enormous. The air felt big, and the echos of so many people talking bounced of the walls, making her head hurt. What she didn't know was the change in lighting. Outside, a bright day was beginning, but inside the shadowy trunk of the Home Tree, the trunk sapped up the light from the few lamps. Before, when they first started living in the tree, this proved as a problem. Then they discovered another special quality about this tree. It glows. The tree saves up the solar energy on the outside, and transports it on the inside to save it for nighttime. Fortunately for the villagers, they live on the inside, so the light the tree has saved is always shining in the walls made of bark in magnificent swirly patterns that move and change. You could spend hours watching them and never get tired. When night falls, the tree simply lets out thelight that it stored during the day on the inside, to the outside; making the tree glow at night to guide travelers home. By this time, the villagers had also found some luminescent moss flourishing in a cave nearby, that only glowed at night. This silvery greenish moss was strung up everywhere for the villagers lighting during the night. Of course, Destiny couldn't see it, but she felt it. She somehow knew that the restaurants were not as popular tonight. Or, that the many corridors that branched off the main room were filled with people.

'Is the Elder still in the top branch of the Home Tree?' Destiny asked.

'No apparently he's too good for the rest of us. He now lives in a separate establishment next to the Home Tree.' Leo answered, obviously sharing their disdain for the Elder. They walked to the lifts. Made of wood with a genius pulley system, they easily and safely transported the townsfolk to the different levels of the tree.

On the way up, Destiny asked, 'How's Emma?' Emma was their good friend, who had just turned fifteen before Destiny left. Melina's face fell.

'She Burned last month'.

Both Destiny and Leo cringed. Destiny being that she just heard the news, and Leo that he and !destiny were fifteen. Ten years ago, an enchantress placed a curse on a village nearby, saying that sometime in the year a child turns fifteen he or she will be Burned to death. The curse slowly spread as the villagers fled from their town to try to escape the curse. They only succeeded in spreading the curse all over Liguaria. The special aged teenagers had been dropping like flies in the past ten years. Some were afraid that their population would never be able to survive, and would be extinct in the next fifty years. This theory spread like wildfire, and most children feared for their lives.

'How did it happen?'Destiny questioned.

'Don't know, she was by the lake by herself, and next thing you know, an pile of cinders took her place;' Destiny felt sadness take over her body. A small tear made its way down her delicate face.

'Hey, its okay, this curse can't go on forever, can it?' Destiny didn't answer, but as they stood infrontof the Elder's house and waited for admittance, she wondered, can it?

* * *

As usual, Melina and Leo had to stay outside the meeting room. They instead were invited to have refreshments in the adjoining waiting room. The Elder's house was grand, but its true glamour didn't show until you walked inside. The walls made of intertwined branches were prominentlyfeatured in the interior, as well as the vines that snaked their way around the stone columns supporting the peaked roof. Colors of light streamed in through the grand windows in every well furnished room. Destiny knew her way by heart, and comfortably sat down in her favorite red velvet chair. She ran her fingers up and down the arm of the chair as she awaited the Elder. He entered the room silently, but was sure she could hear him. As he watched her lift her head in greeting, he was truly astounded that she lived her life all alone in her three months of solitude. He stood by the stone fireplace, waiting for her to stand in respect. Of course, she didn't.

'I know what you're waiting for, and you will have to wait a LONG time if you want me to show you any respect.' Well, then; the Elder thought, she's going to start this off without any fake niceness this time.

'D,-' he began

'Destiny', she interrupted.

'Destiny, how have you been?' if she wasn't going to pretend to be polite, if didn't mean he couldn't play his charade.

'Why do you ask when you don't care?' she shot back with fake innocence. The Elder rolled hiseyes.

'Listen, I have an opportunity for you. A caravan of actors and playwrights and artists of whatnot need an assistant. I thought you should go with them and see the world before the Burningchooses you.' For once, he sounded sane, Destiny thought. Maybe it would be good to see Liguariabefore- she didn't want to think about the last part of his statement. And its not like she's needed here.

'Have you told them about, you know, my-'

'Dissability? Yes, I have' Destiny opened her mouth to correct him, but decided against it. Ti would only lead to more fighting, plus he might turn down the offer he made.

'And, I would go by my self?' Destiny seemed intrigued by the caravan, but needed a friend with her.

'Leo and that red-headed girl have already agreed to go. You will be gone about a year, if you agree; of course Leo and you won't last that long.' The Elder stated matter-of-factly, swishing his short greying hair and white robes « of purity » that he wore.

'At least you will die soon enough so your blind self will be out of my hair' he continued, his black eyes pondering the thought. Destiny scowled, she knew he hated her, but she didn't think he hatedehr as much as to wish for her forthcoming death. His mean comment made up her mind.

'Yes, I will go with them, Father'.

Chapter 2

Chapter 2

Melina watched a disappointed Destiny come towards her.

'What happened, didn't he ask you about the caravan?'

'Yeah' mumbled an unwilling Destiny. Leo raised an eyebrow.

'Hey, you okay? You're coming with us, aren't you?' Leo asked.

'Of course I'm coming, did you think I'd let two inexperienced kids like you go out on your own?' she playfully teased them. Melina smiled, that's the Destiny she knew.

Leo led them to the apartments on the second story of the Home Tree. Delicately entwined luminous moss decorated the corridors. Brass numbers hung on the dark wooden doors. Several people were prancing through the hallways, but the majority were either inside or working. Leo stopped in front of the room number 256.

'Ah! Here we are, home sweet home.' Leo swung open the door, which creaked on its hinges, before revealing a destructive sight. Leo's two youngest brothers had taken cinders from the small stone fireplace, and hand commenced to draw pictures in the form of sticks figures on the yellow painted walls.

'Henri, Joseph, stop!' Leo yelled, making them freeze and turn around, guilty looks on their four year old identical faces.

'And what exactly were you doing?' Leo commanded in a don't-you-dare-give-me-lies voice.

'Well.... we wanted to be artists like mama-' Henri started.

'-and we couldn't reach the paper and used the walls instead.' Joseph finished, his traited family blue eyes filled with innocence. Melina lowered herself to his height and placed her red head next to his. Mimicking their innocent look, she said in her best baby voice

'They didn't mean any harm, I mean look at their wittle faces' Joseph looked frankly scared at her tone of voice. Destiny laughed, a musical sound.

'Come on, let's get this cleaned up'.
One hour and five exhausted kids later, the room was finally clean.
'MAMA!!!' Joseph and Henri yelled in unison, and ran over to the door and wrapped their little arms around her long legs. Destiny turned her head in Rina's direction.

'Woah! Henri, Joseph, calm down-Oh! We have company.' Rina reached over her two youngest children and gave Melina and Destiny a one armed awkward hug, and planted a motherly kiss on Leo's head.

'Mom....' Leo groaned, his cheeks pink.

'Twins, why don't you go get Marissa and Peter for dinner?' Rina asked.


Rina put down the two large grocery bags she was carrying on the long oak table.
'So', she said, green eyes twinkling, 'how's everyone?' Murmurs of 'good' and 'fine' exited from the three teenagers' mouths. Leo suddenly remembered something.

'Mom', he started warily, ‘I-I need to talk to you about something;'
Rina raised a suspicious eyebrow.

'Yes?' Melina started to lead Destiny out of the room but a worried look from Leo's eyes changed her action. Leo hoped that with the two girls here, his mom wouldn't be as judgemental.

'Mom, as this is my last year, and Destiny's as well-'

'Wait, you're not getting married are you?' Destiny and Leo faced each other, mouth's open and cheeks bright red, while Melina was rolling on the floor in hysterics, her red hair flying out in every direction.

'NO! I was going to say that Destiny, MELINA, and I have been offered a work position in an artist caravan. And...well.. we accepted. The job starts tomorrow, and lasts one year, away from the home tree.' Rina had been nodding in agreement up until he told her the last part.

'Wait- WHAT???!! But this is your Burning year, if you leave I'll-' she swallowed the lump in her throat. She was remembering two children she had already lost to the fire.

'I know Mom, but this is the last chance for me- for ALL of us to see the world, before, well, you know....' he trailed off. Rina by this time was almost in tears.

'My mom is okay with it' Melina said, trying to help. Destiny looked at her. Her single mother had her when she was only sixteen, and never was really able to support her. Her mother, Llia, was almost as cruel as Destiny's father, and was grateful for the burning because she could hardly support her daughter. Rina gave her a look of pity, which Melina shunned.

'I'll have to talk to your father, tonight.' And with that Rina dismissed herself from the room, her light brown bun shaking as she cried. Leo sighed, devastated with the result.

'I don't want to leave, but it’s our last chance' he turned his blue eyes to the girls.

'I know, Leo, but if you stay we won't hold it against you.' Destiny said, placing a hand on Leo's slumped shoulder.

He cracked a half-hearted smile, 'You think I'd leave you two defenceless girls by yourself?' Melina whacked him on the head, showing him how « defenceless » she was.
They spent the night in the plentiful chambers of the large family's apartment. Destiny lied on her comfortable bed, and the snores of both Melina and Merissa echoed of the walls like an orchestra. But they could not drown out the heated conversation in the room next to her. With her super-sensitive hearing, Destiny could make out every word.

'It's Leo's choice', John, his father stated.

'But... what about the Burning? If he leaves we will never see him again', Rina argued between sobs. John sighed.

'I know', he placed his hand on his wife's trembling shoulder, and pulled her into his warm embrace.

'But, it IS his choice, and we have to respect that. Even-' he stopped and took a deep breath, 'Even if it means never seeing it again. Who knows? Maybe he'll be the one to break the curse.'

The next morning after breakfast, John and Rina led them to the edge of the lake. Across its sparkling waters rested a caravan of artists, and their ticket to the world. Rina handed her son a small bundle of money, which he tried to refuse, but to no prevail. John put out his hand to shake his son's, but instead grabbed him in an oxygen depriving hug. Melina's mother was also there, giving her daughter a cold stare and an unfeeling handshake before sending her to the small rowboat that awaited. Destiny felt someone approach.

'Father? Is that you?' she was very surprised that he had in fact come.

'Yes, Destiny, It's me. I have something for you; it was your mother's.' Destiny gave him a surprised look as he placed the light object in her hands. She felt it over, to try to feel the shape of it. It was a sphere with a medium sized hole drilled into one side.

'It’s a Voice Projector, when you speak into it, you transport your voice anywhere in this world, just imagine where you want it to be. If, perhaps you would like talk to me while your gone, just imagine yourself next to me and your voice, along with this device, will do the rest.' Destiny turned it over in her hands, wishing she could see the pearly white surface she felt. Andrew, a friend of John's and the man who would row them over, walked up to them.

'We need to go now', he briskly said. Destiny nodded, and he helped her into the tiny vessel. She heard the sobs goodbye from Leo's parents, and the whoosh of the small waves they were making on the lake as they were carried over it. She needed to do one last thing before she left the Home Tree.
Placing her lips on the hole in the Voice Projector, she imagined herself next to someone. And across the lake her father heard thank you whispered in his ear, before his only child became a speck on the other side.
Melina anticipated her new life, it felt as if she had started over. Away from her ruling mother,away from the constant yelling and pity. Now she could start over, be a new person; be herself. When they reached the other sandy shore, she jumped out of the boat eager and excited.

Leo on the other hand, felt like his heart was breaking in two. He had just seen the last glimpse of his parents that he would ever see. Sadness engulfed his mind. He shook his head, he needed to get rid of the feeling. He spotted the caravan in front of them. Made up of three worn down wooden trailers that were pulled by equally worn down horses, it didn't seem like much. On the first trailer it was written in barely noticeable green paint, « Berny's Extravagant Show » and below it, a old painting of what he assumed was Berny. A man of some resemblance, but at least ten years older stepped forward. In his late forties, with barely any hair left on his shiny balding head, and the biggest belly they had ever seen, he was a sight to behold.

'The name's Berny. And y'all what are you called?' he bleated in a strong southern accent.

'Leo' he stepped forward and shook Berny's large red, sweaty hand.

'My name is Melina' she hopped closer, and winced at Berny's tight grip.

'Destiny' she approached Berny and gave him her small hand.

'Oh! You're the blind one, am I right,'

'Yes' Destiny replied, disappointed in his rather loud outburst.

Andrew came up next to Melina. He shared a nervous glance with Leo before speaking.

'I have to get back to the Home tree.' He gave them all hugs and waved to the three children as he left.

‘Good luck’; he called to them, his big voice carrying it over to Melina, Destiny, and Leo. You will need it, he silently added to himself.

Chapter 3

Chapter 3

Hermy didn't give them much instruction, other than that the caravan was leaving tomorrow at daybreak, and to make themselves useful until then. He left them to their own means, and it seemed like every person the walked by shot them a look filled with curiosity. Destiny heard small footsteps scurrying closer, and the short panting breaths of a young child running. The sound stopped in front of them. Destiny swiveled her head around to look at the young child, which she assumed was a girl.

'Hello', a shy feminine voice came from that direction. Melina smiled, and returned her greeting. The girl, who she assumed was about seven years old, quickly jumped up, and hid herself behind Melina's tan dress.

'Don't let him find me,' she whispered, and clutched onto the long fabric. Not five seconds later, a worried masculine voice traveled closer to the new three.

'Evie, where are you? You know I hate it when you hide' A tall, brown haired boy came into Melina's line of sight. He was about fifteen years old, and his emerald eyes were laced with worry. The boy was frantically looking around, his bold eyebrows scrunched in confusion.

The little girl giggled. The boy immediately noticed a fiery headed Melina that had two small hands wrapped around her waist. He sighed.

'Evie, come out, I know where you are.' A small pale face peeked out from behind the layers of brown fabric, then rushed into the boy's outstretched arms.

'Sorry about that,' he addressed Melina and the others,' Evie is a little wild. My name is Quinn by the way', and he held out one hand, the other still trying to hold back Evie.

Leo took his hand and shook it firmly, ' Leo's the name. '

'I'm Melina', she said and embraced her small hand in his tanned one. Destiny, however, didn't make a move to greet Quinn. Instead she stared at his face, as if searching for something.

'D,' leo said. Destiny turned her unblinking eyes to Leo.


'He wants you to shake his hand.' Leo answered, used to Destiny's blank moments, moments when she just couldn't understand what was happening.

'Oh,' she searched for his large hand, and soon found it due to the warmth radiating from it.

'I'm Destiny', she said. Quinn had a very puzzled look on his face, consequence of Leo and Detiny's strange exchange. Destiny sighed a knowing sigh.

'In case you are wondering, I'm blind.' There, she thought, I hope that solves his curiosity. With a surprised look on his face, he noticed things about Destiny like he didn't before. Like she never blinked, or didn't look him in the eye, or how she flinched at every sound. He sister, however was confused.

'What's blind?' The innocent Evie asked. Destiny bended over until she had become her height.

'Blind means you can't see' she said very seriously. Evie's rosy lips formed a small 'o' before confusion took over her angelic face.

'But, you knew where I was, I-I saw you look at me' Destiny smiled, she liked this young girl.

'I heard you come, when you are blind, you're other senses,' and to Evie's confused look she explained,' touch, smell, hear, and taste, are magnified, made bigger' that last bit was for Evie to understand the word 'magnified'. Evie appeared to be in deep thought, and Destiny straightened.

was watching this exchange with interest. He took his sister's hand,' Come on, we'll show you around.'


After a long day of a detailed description of all thirteen wagons in the artistic caravan, Leo was exhausted. Evie was with them the whole time, and always ran ahead, her long black hair streaming behind her as she ran.

They had started with the first wagon, Hermy's wagon, the one they had seen earlier. It was his living corners, and hosted important documents as well as the income of the caravan. The second wagon, or the Magician's House as everyone called it, was painted midnight blue, with stars decorating the outside, and a full moon in the front. Two magicians,the 'Fantastic Fido and 'Ravishing Riley, along with their assistants, the 'Amazing Amelia' and the 'Exquisite Emily', mad the Magician's House their home. The third wagon, bright red with gold trimmings, was the acrobat's home. The normal bunk beds that all the wagons had were pushed to the side, leaving space for a small trapeze area. Six or more acrobats lived there. Wagon four held all of the food and a grumpy cook, who, behind his back, everyone dubbed 'Chocolate Chip Cookie' because of his severely freckled face. Wagon five, more commonly known as 'Michelle's' was the wagon of none other than the physic fortune telling Michelle. Her black wagon gave off a mysterious vibe that only increased as you entered her blue silk draped wagon. Although very nice, Michelle seemed creepy to Leo. Wagons six and seven held animals. Zebras, lions, giraffes, panthers, and many species of tropical birds were held here. The eighth wagon also held and animal, but no one was allowed to see it accept Hermy. The ninth was the home to painters and sculptors. Wagon number ten, a silver painted wagon, held archers, and sword fighters and its neighbor, wagon ten, held wrestlers. Leo had made sure to keep a distance from them. Wagon eleven was the theater wagon. Actors and writers stayed here, along, with Quinn . The next wagon Evie was thrilled to present. Pure white, it shined in the sunlight. Evie had pranced inside and had showed them her bunk with a flowery cover. A tall grey haired man had come in to escort Evie to her singing lesson, for this was the wagon of the singers. They waved goodbye, and Quinn showed them to the last wagon, a beaten down old thing, that was the home to the newcomers before being placed in one of the other twelve wagons.

Leo sat by the fire with Melina and Destiny. He wondered where he would be placed. An animal tamer? No, he never got along with animals. Cook? No, the only thing he could make was water, and he had trouble doing that. Singer? he chuckled to himself, he couldn't sing to save his life. As he fell asleep other ideas whisked through his mind, all of them getting denied by himself. Actor? No. Acrobat? No. Sword fighter? No. Wrestler? Definitely not. Archer? Magician? painter? No, no and no. He was still denying himself when sleep overtook him.

Chapter 4

Chapter 4

'No, again!' the sword instructor yelled into Leo's ear. He panted from exhausting, he just wanted to tell the middle-aged old grump that he failed this placement test and get on with the next one. He showed no promise whatsoever for anything that he had been tested for so far. For the magician test, he lost the rabbit that he was supposed to pull out of the hat, only to find him bouncing around and nibbling on the costumes in the closet. In archery, he almost hit the instructor, and in singing class, he broke a glass by screaming to hard.

'You're hopeless!' the instuctor cried, throwing his hands up in defeat. Leo trotted out and poured a flask of water over his sweaty head.

'Hey' Melina plopped down beside him,' any luck?' He glanced at her with a "are-you-kidding" look.

'And you?' he asked her. She shook her curly red hair.

'No, not the slightest. I am testing for acting next, then animal training, and after that I'm done. The highest I have scored so far is in dancing, but even that was horrible.'

'How is Destiny?' Leo questioned.

' having trouble, although, she did score 8 out of 10 in music. She is testing for fighting next.' Melina said, shooting Leo a worried look.

'I am sure she will be fine.' Leo reassured her.


Destiny waited for the sounds of sword clashing to come to an end. When they did, the wooden door opened to a large room the size of the wagon.

'Now, to start the test, pick a sword', a gravelly deep voice commanded her. She felt around for the swords, and nearly cut herself when she found them. She tried every blade, some unbalanced, too heavy, or too short. One felt better than the rest. Destiny could tell it was long, and made out of steel that reflected off the blade. The handle was encrusted with some sort of metal, maybe a thin sheet of gold, that was molded on the carving of vines that wrapped around the handle. It reminded her of her forest home. Destiny took the blade firmly in her hands. Her pants the she was required to wear for this test gave her freedom to move around.

'What do I have to do?' she asked with her confident voice.

'Last three minutes in a fight against me.' Adrian, the instructor said cockily. She heard him shuffle his feet and advanced her body in that direction.

'Poses ready!' she kept her feet apart, and gripped tightly at her chosen sword.

'BEGIN!' Adrian made the first move, swiping at her feet, an interesting first move as it was usually used later on.Destiny heard the blade advancing and swiftly jumped over it, as she lunged at his undefended chest. He blocked her blow, but she could feel his surprise at her knowledge. She stepped backwards, forcing him to follow. They danced around each other, showering themselves with a variety of blows. Adrian lunged to her left, and she countered his swipe, and kept her sword on his, forcing him against the stone wall. They both breathed heavily and her unseeing eyes were inches away form his brown ones. A bell rang, signaling the end of three minutes. Destiny dropped her hold, and Adrian stood shocked. In his eighteen years of life, being born before the curse, he never saw anyone like Destiny.

'Well, I believe you have passed. Meet me in my wagon in two days at 5:00am sharp to commence your training, oh, and keep the sword.' Adrian said, then walked out of the room. Destiny sat down on the wooden floor, a smile permatly stuck on her pale face.


Melina heard a bell ring from the sword fighter's wagon. She hoped Destiny was alright.

'Elana will see you now,' a young girl with brown hair announced to her. She walked to the animal keeper's wagon, and knocked on the green door.

'Come in' She was greeted by a woman, about thirty or so, with her chestnut hair tied up in a bun. She was standing up, black boot propped up on a bench, and was trying to redo her laces.

'Ah, yes, you must be Melina, I'm Elana, the animal master', she held out her worn hand out to shake. Elana was a pretty woman that wore horse riding breeches, and a severely stained one white shirt. Elana stood up, and led Melina to the outside ring. There were many cages. Tigers, giraffes, elephants, and many more were inside them. In the ring outside stood two horses, who were separated form the rest that grazed in another, larger ring.

'Do you know jow to ride?' Elana asked, and looked at her with kind blue eyes.

'Yes, but not very much, nothing like you do here.' Melina answered, because she had seen circus horses before, and how their riders did amazing figures, sometimes even jumped, on their backs.

'Of course you don't. Now come here. Yes that's good, put your foot in this loop here, it's called a stirrup. Now, just swing yourself over. No! Not like that, yes that's more like it.' Melina sat exhausted already on top of a beautiful gray Appaloosa. She grabbed the reins with her shaky hands, and gave the horse a slight kick. The horse walked slowly around the ring, guided by Melina.

'Good, very good, now give him a harder kick' Elana told her. Melina did as she wished, and the horse quickly started cantering around the ring, trying to hold on to a slipping Melina.

'Good, now STOP!' The horse stopped in his tracks. Elana went over and attached a rope (AN: its called a "lead line" to any of you who don't ride horses) to his black bridle.

'Now, I want you to stand up.'

'WHAT?' Melina cried.

'Shh, not so loud around the horses, yes stand up, don't worry, I have got Pickle.' Pickle snorted in agreement.

'Pickle? Isn't that a type of food?' Melina asked.

'Yes.' Melina shrugged, and let go of the reins. She took her feet out of the stirrups, and placed her hands on Pickle's neck. Slowly and surely, Melina stood. She smiled, arms out as she kept her balance. All of the sudden, Pickle started to canter. Melina wobbled from surprise, but kept her balance as Pickle kept moving. Melina felt the horse's back move under her feet, and she positioned herself to the rhythm of the horse. Melina knew from the grin Elana wore, that she had passed the test.


Leo sat on the steps of the cook's wagon, the place of his last test. His head rested in his hands, as he knew of his failure. With only one more test to go, he knew he would never master it. Music. That was his last test. He had never held an instrument in his life, much less played one. He knew that he would fail.

'I presume you are Leo.' He looked up at the face of an old man.

'Come, it is time for your test.' Leo followed the old wrinkled man into the yellow wagon.

'Here, pick wisely.' He gestured to a large array of instruments. Everything from a piano to symbols were there. Leo walked past all of them, and accidentally knocked something over that made a metallic sound as it hit the ground. He bent down to retrieve it. A small bronze flute he now held in his hands.

'Well, this is better than nothing, I suppose', Leo said, showing that he had chosen the small flute.

'Play for me.' the teacher instructed.

'But I can-' Leo started.

'Just try' Leo sighed, but brought the flute to his lips, and arranged his hands to what he thought was correct. he closed his eyes and imagined the forest, and began to play. He blowed lightly into the instrument, and flew his fingers up and down it, creating different sounds as he covered and uncovered the holes. His beautiful tune was cut short by the sound of applause. The old man was rapidly clapping his hands.

'Good, could be better, but good enough. You need training though, meet me here in two days.'

'D-Does this means I have passed?' Leo asked hopefully.

'Yes, yes it does.'

Chapter 5

Chapter 5


A seductive female voice whispered.

Destiny....sister....give me back my voice....Destiny do not be afraid.

Destiny woke up to a pitch black cabin, and by the sounds of snoring, she could tell it was nighttime.


The voice now seemed to be coming from outside. She sat up, and slowly stood up. Destiny threw a coat over her white nightgown, and brown boots. She creeped past the bunk beds of fellow sword trainers, and tip-toed outside into the frigid night.


The voice demanded, and it seemed like Destiny had no will of her own, as she walked past the wagons. She stopped at the fortune teller's wagon.

Open the door... Again, Destiny obliged. She entered a very fragrant room covered with midnight blue silk that draped on the ceiling, and covered the once wooden floors. In the center, was a round table with a snow white table cloth, and two chairs, in one of which sat a lady covered from head to toe in purple fabric.

Sit down child. The chair is to your left. Destiny felt around, until the familiar shape of a chair came in contact with her hands. Sit. She sat.

'Why have you called me here?' Destiny asked. speaking, one cannot utter a word in this room, instead open your mind, like they used to do in the Time of the Elements.

Destiny closed her eyes, and cleared her mind of all thoughts. She imagined a thin thread that connected her and the lady's minds.

Who are you? A triumphant Destiny asked.

I am called by many names,such as Lachesis, but my true name is Serendipity. I have a gift for you, wear it always.

Serendipity handed Destiny a sliver necklace. She felt it with her hands, it felt like three 'C's back to back in a circle.

It is three crescent moons. Serendipity explained.

Why are you giving this to me?

Think of it as a token for the future, Clotho....

Destiny opened her eyes, and immediately felt a coldness on her neck. It was the necklace from her dream. Clotho. She thought, Why does that sound so familiar?


They arrived at the town of Lithina the next morning. Melina had never seen so many colors or activity in one place. When they entered the stone gate, by the nod of an armored guard, she stuck her head out of one of the windows and gasped in awe. Markets stalls were set up every few feet, their owners crying out to passer byes, in hope to make a sale. It reminded her of the Home Tree, but ten times larger. Stone houses towered over their caravan, creating shadows onto the street below. Banners and flags of every color possible billowed from the roofs of the immense homes. She saw a beautiful sky blur blue jay land on a market tent and pointed it out to an awed Leo.

Destiny stood next to them, her eyes shut firmly, but ears and nose wide open. All the sounds! They flooded her ears full. The small chat of people, creaks of doorways, clops of horses nearby, shouts of delight from young children, she smiled at that. And the smells! Freshly baked bread, spices from a faraway land, sweet treats from a stall close by, they all gave her an indication of where she was, and what her surroundings look like. She fondly touched the Voice Projector in her pocket in remembrance of her once-harsh father. It reminded her of a much more recent gift, her silver necklace. It was a mystery of to how it came to her, but she felt a connection to it, and would never take it off.

Familiar footsteps trodded behind her.

'Good morning Adrian', Destiny greeted her young instructor.

'D' he acknowledged with the nod of his head.

'Is it time to train already?' Destiny asked. In response, Adrian walked away, through the doors that connected the moving wagons, a clear sign to follow. Adrian didn't speak much, but Destiny preferred him that way. Their silences were never awkward, more peaceful-like. With Adrian's help, Destiny had improved much, but struggled when encountered with unfamiliar surroundings. Adrian never quite had a student like she. Not just because she was blind, but she was more like him then any other student. She rarely spoke, wishing more to listen and observe. She practiced her swordplay more diligently than he had ever seen, for she has to do twice the work to keep up with his other pupils, but surpasses them easily. Even his best student once lost to her in a fight.

They came to the door of his wagon. Darius and Emma were sparring off inside, showing off their new techniques. Emma had her feet a little too close together, but with a warning from Adrian, she soon corrected herself. Darius's arms were way too far out, not close to his body, and Adrian shot him a pointed look as he was fighting, and he fixed it. In the end, Darius landed the first blow, signaling the end of the battle. they both panted, exertion showing on their faces.

'Darius, you will compete against Nicholas in the presentation, and Emma will be paired will Marie.'

Darius nodded in consent, and Marie looked insulted, as she knew Marie was an easy opponent, but agreed.

'Destiny,' She turned at the sound of her voice. 'I guess ill have to pair you up with Mike'

Surprise filled her face, as he was the best in the group.

'But, there's no way I can beat him, he's too large his movements aren't as fast as mine, but hold greater strength behind them.' Adrian shook his head.

'You are his only worthy opponent.' His said, his brown eyes meeting her own.

'T-thank you...' she stuttered. Adrian grinned.

'But if you're going to try to win, get practicing!'


Quinn leaned against the flimsy wooden ring that the workers had hastily set up in a meadow near Lithina. Melina stood straight on the horse as he flew around the arena. Her leg lifted slowly up, to come to a rest in her right hand. Her left hand gripped the cord that connected her to the saddle. Quinn was mesmerized.

'Knee's straight!' her instructor yelled. Melina's almost perfectly straight knee's became even straighter. The horse, a large bay, started to slow down, and Melina gracefully leaped off to Quinn's applause. She came over.

'Great job! I can't wait to see you in the show tomorrow.' Melina's already flushed face turned a color redder.

'Thanks, how about you? Is practice going well?' She asked as she hopped over the gate, and waved to her teacher to announce her departure.

'Yeah,' Quinn said, falling in step beside her. 'Although this really annoying girl, do you know Daisy? No, well anyway, she is always complaining. This morning it was her hair, which looked the same as always to me, then this afternoon it was the stage; she said it was too slippery.' Quinn shook his head in diastase.

'Hey, a couple of us are going to have a pre-show party want to come? You can bring Destiny and Leo too if you want.' Quinn added the last part rather quickly. Melina's face lit up.

'Of course!' she said almost jumping in anticipation.

' Oh good!... Uh I mean.. I'll meet you and your friends in front of the bridge at twilight.' Quinn answered, then hastily walked away, Melina's eyes followed his every step.

'What did he want?' Leo asked, but recived no response;

'Mel?' Destiny chuckled as she saw her friend's face.

'Is she sick?' A worried Leo asked Destiny. She smiled at Melina's like for Quinn that showed in her green eyes and responded;

'Yes, very.'


As the golden sun hit the trees, the three walked to the bridge. Melina had put on her best dress, a dark green dress, with golden stitching. Destiny wore a light blue less expensive dress, and of course her silver pendent. Leo had quickly grabbed and put on a white shirt and dark brown pants before meeting the girls at the bridge.

'Where is he?' melina frantically asked; 'What if he doesn't show up?' 'What if-'

Destiny planted her hand firmly over Melina's mouth, much to Leo's amuesment. In response, a dark figure came towards the trio, revealing Quinn.

'Hey,' he greeted them, but his eyes were clearly on Melina. Dressed in all black, Quinn looked very handsome in Melina's eyes.

'Shall we ?' He asked, offering his arm to Melina. She giggled, and they led Destiny and Leo across the old bridge. When they reached the city wall, Destiny started to panick, and searched for Leo's arm, and gripped on to it.

The guards quickly looked them over before letting them in the city. Melina gasped. The colorful world she saw earlier had been replaced with an even more stunning picture. Lights were strung like stars on the walls of the buildings. Different colored lamps hung from the open restaurants. Quinn directed them past the crowds that watched the fire breathers, and the long lines of people that awaited for the restaurants to have room available, to a large fairground. Stalls among stalls littered the space, most hosted games, and a few sold rare items. Romanticwater boat tours of Lithina coated the river, and many other attractions including the largest ferriswheel they had ever seen. Laughter and giggles filled the air as people passed by them.

'So, what do you think? Pretty spectacular, huh?' Quinn asked.

'Is it like this all the time?' Questioned Melina in awe.

'Nah, just for the Fates Festival each year, to honor the three fates that create and end our lives'

'We never have had this at the Home Tree,' Said Leo. Destiny nodded in agreement, hand pressed against her now chilling pendant. Quinn shrugged in answer;

'Come on, the group's over here!' He walked the the base of the ferris wheel, Melina still on hid arm. Three girls and two guys stood together.

'Let me introduce Darius, whom Destiny already knows,' A blond haired muscular thirteen year old gave Destiny a smile of recondition that she didn't catch.

'Phillip, who works with the acrobats,' A skinny brown haired, gray eyed boy with chocolate skin greeted them.

'Melissa and Nina, the artist twins,' the light brown haired, young blue eyed beauties said hello in unison.

'And Ina', When she turned around, Destiny's heart jumped. She knew her from somewhere, she recognized how she moved and just her natural mysterious demeanor. Her silver eyes stared at Destiny, contrasting with her jet-black hair, she was very tall even for someone of about twenty years old. But it wasn't until a voice spoke to her in her mind did she finally knew who she was.

Welcome sister, we meet at last.

Chapter 6

Chapter 6

The rest of the night was a blur. Destiny’s reaction left her clinging to Leo the whole night long. When they returned he had several crescent shaped bruises on his left arm. Melina never took her eyes off of Quinn, and they never saw the discomfort and awkwardness Ina’s presence caused for Destiny. When she woke up the next morning to the toll off the clock tower, all Destiny could remember from the night before was the feeling of those ice blue eyes boring into her soul. She shuttered with remembrance. The familiar thump on the wooden door to make sure the students were away, resounded throughout the wagon, along with the tired groans of wakefulness. Destiny put on tan Bermuda shorts and a sky blue tight shirt with dark brown suede boots. The other girls in her wagon quickly changed into similar attire, except their shirts were different colors which matched the shirt of their partner in the fight today.

“You ready for your first show?” Emma asked.

“Yes, but I’m very nervous. I have to go up against Mike. He’s the best in the group.

Emma grinned. “You know what I think? I think you’ll win. I’m rooting for you girl!”

Destiny smiled at her friend’s optimism.


“Leo, Leo! Leo!!”

Leo snorted as her snored. A shocking chilling sensation took over his body as his fellow music student, Bill, doused him with ice cold river water. He jumped up and promptly hit his head on the aging wooden bunk above his and winced.

“Bill, I’m going to kill you!” Lea yelled and stood up on the soaked rug-covered floor with rage.

“Whoa! Dude, calm down! The Master told me to wake you up. We perform in 10 minutes.”

All the anger left Leo’s green eyes and he frantically searched for his performance ensemble - A blood red shirt with dark brown pants and gold adornments. He hopped down the stairs while putting on black boots. Leo grabbed his copper flute, and shot out the door into the waiting group of musicians. They walked through the city to the east square the dancers and musicians would perform here. A large crowd had gathered around the hastily built stage. Well warn down with age, including its once red velvet curtains, it felt welcoming to all. The East square had large apartment buildings that enclosed the small square. Numerous small passageways granted access to the square. The heat-filled crowd parted around a large and beautiful fountain, with a statue of a marble white angel protruding from it. The aqua colored water poured out of her eyes, to show that her emotionless eyes were crying. The fountain was a large contrast to the joyful citizens who came to watch them play.

Butterflies flew in Leo’s stomach as he walked the stage stairs. The curtains still hid them from the public, but Leo’s nervousness only grew as he took his place behind the dancers, but in front of the trumpets. On a black metal music sheet stand a small name was painted in white on the side. It read “Leo.” He breather in deeply as the rest of the musicians took their places. His palms sweated with nervousness and excitement. His already flushed face became red with heat as he remembered the grand crowd waiting just behind the curtains. They opened slowly, and at long last, the crowd was in full view. Leo started sweating. He took a deep breath to begin the show.


Melina let out her long held breath. Her purple leotard and tights were refreshing against the heat of the day. She had tamed her mane of red hair into a large slick bun. Shiny god eye shadow dusted her eyelids and faded into silver on her brow bone. Lavender paint in swirls decorated her cheeks and around her eyes. Silver and gold beads were sewn all over her lavender ensemble. He black soled flexible vaulting shoes made it easy to grip onto Pepper’s spotted back. She road Pepper over to the circus tent constructed in the main square. Large and yellow on the outside, it resembled a shining sun. In the interior, silver stars dotted the midnight blue ceiling, giving it the illusion of being outside at night. The large stands were covered by people frantically fanning themselves with any flat object they could find. The sandy terrain in the middle invited Melina to perform. The trapeze artists whizzed past her while she practiced, and the magicians were searching everywhere for a lost white rabbit. Melina dismounted and walked to the performer’s entrance at the back of the tent. After attaching Pepper to the horse’s wooden post, Melina went in search of Elena.

“Melina, you’re on in 5 minutes,” Henry shouted as he glided past to his spot as the ringmaster in the middle of the show ring.

“Welcome ladies n’ gents! Welcome to the Circus Fantasia!”

The crowd erupted in applause as a response. Henry lifted his hand up, directing attention to acrobats and trapeze artists above.

Pepper pranced out of the curtains, as the acrobats finished, with Melina on her back. A thin almost invisible but extremely strong cord that wrapped around her right wrist was the only thing keeping her from falling. She stood straight on the horse's back, and waved to the cheering crowd. Quinn's cheering face stood out the most to her, and she blew a kiss in his direction, making him turn bright red. Melina giggled.The music pumped in her veins as she started her first trick. Pepper went swiftly into a canter, and Melina did a graceful back flip, on the horse's back, much to the delight of the crowd. Still standing, Melina grabbed her foot with her hand, and put it above her head, before jumping into a split. The crowd roared. Melina sat on Pepper's back, in anticipation for her final trick. They neared a trapeze bar, and with her feet, Melina grabbed onto it after undoing herself from the horses's saddle. Pepper continued cantering, then changed into a gallop. Melina still hung on to the bar upside down, and as Pepper approached, she stretched out her hands and landed a graceful handstand on the still moving horse. Her ears split with the noise from the crowd. After a small front flip and curtsy, they exited the arena. Backstage, the hubbub of activity briefly stopped to congratulate her on her performance. Melina smiled at all the great feedback, and led Pepper to the stable hand, before running out to try to make Destiny's show.


Destiny quickly downed a flask of water to chase away the hot temperature. Mike had taken a swing at her arm during the fight, and it was bleeding all over her light blue shirt.

'Destiny, you have one more minute until you go back in the ring!' Adrian shouted. Destiny shook her head to get rid of her doubt. She HAD to win this, not just ti beat Mike, but to prove that someone with a disability could do the same things as everyone else. Just keep him pinned down for ten seconds, she silently thought. But Mike was good. Really good. His footwork was flawless; a,d his broad and strong body put her at a disadvantage. Plus, he could see.

'Destiny, time to go!' She made her way to the entrance of the ring, fairly large, and filled with hundreds of screaming citizens. She walked to the middle of the ring and waved to the crowd. They responded with louder cheers, one young black haired, light blue eyed woman in particular.

The bell sounded. Mike stroke first, with a swipe to her legs which she easily jumped over. He proceeded with a jab to her stomach which she blocked, and returned with a blow to his shoulder, which connected. She winced as a sicking crunching sound indicated that she had broken it. He roared in anger, hazel eyes flashing. Mike kneed her in the stomach, forcing her to the ground. The crowd went silent. Destiny felt the steel blade being knocked from her hand, and then his at her throat.


Destiny, don't give up. Serendipity's now familiar voice screamed into her mind.


He has me pinned down, what can I do?


Seredipity's voice laughed.


Use your instincts.


Power surged into her weakened body, and with one swift move, she disarmed Mike and put him in the same position she was just in.





5 , Mike squirmed under Destiny's hold.



8, Almost...



A scream rang through the crowd, causing both Mike and Destiny to jump up. Mike pulled Destiny out of the way just in time, as a Burning Leo ran towards them.

Chapter 7

Chapter 7

The Burn Keepers, who were assigned in each town to deal with the Burnt children, gathered up all that was left of Leo. His ashes were cast into a small cloth bag, that would be sent back to his family, along with a letter of consolation. Not that this would change anything, Destiny thought bitterly. She missed Leo immensely, and when Melina heard the news, Destiny took over a motherly role to console her. Destiny however didn't cry. She couldn't, her soul felt numb with pain, and the slightest thing reminded her of her best friend. The worst part was she was expected to go on as if nothing had ever happended, they all were. This curse was a natural thing now, invetible, and nothing would change that. Destiny stood up, determination filled her body, and she yelled,

'I will break this curse!!!'

Several startled birds took off from the surface of the lake, chirping as they took flight. She sighed, before she could do anything, she knew there was one thing she had to do first. Tell the truth.

Rina (AN: Rina is Leo's mom, I know it has been a while, so here is a reminder) briefly paused washing the clothes to glance at their old clock. 10:43. Just fifteen more minutes until the mail comes, she thought, maybe there will be a letter from Leo.


She turned around, doing so , dropping a shirt back into the bucket of soapy water.

'Sweetheart?' No answer. Rina shrugged.

RINA! A familiar voice shouted.

'Who's there?'

It is me, Destiny.

'Impossible, you are with Leo, on the caravan. Wait, why am I talking to myself, there is no one here” she scoffed. The voice sighed.

Rina, listen to me, the Elder gave me a device that can transport your voice to anyone else in the world. I am Destiny, Leo's best friend.

'How do I know you are not some sort of joke? That it is really is you?'

I know that when Leo was five, his older brother convinced him to eat a frog. There, satisfied? Destiny added impatiently.

'Okay, so let's say it really is you, then why are you talking to me?'

Destiny went quiet.


There was nothing I could do, you know no one can prevent it....

'Destiny, what's going on?'

Leo's dead.

A shrill scream of pain surrounded everyone who lived close to Rina. The neighbors stuck their heads out of the doors, and some hurriedly barged in to see what was the matter with Rina. They found her curled in a fetal position, the bucket of water splashed on the wooden floor, and her hands scratching at her face. She knew if she could feel pain then this is not a nightmare, this is reality.

Destiny heard Rina scream, but she knew it was better this way, then waiting for news from Leo, and instead getting a horrifying letter, and a bag with his ashes. She had already lost one child to the curse, and now another. Destiny slowly and reluctantly walked back to the caravan's tents. She then began searching for Melina. She found her in the stables, rhythmically brushing Pepper.


She turned at the sound of her name. Her once joyful face was clouded with sorrow, her curly red hair lifeless, and her normally sparkling green eyes were dull.

'Melina, I'm leaving.' Melina dropped her brush, and stared at Destiny with wide eyes.

'I need to break this curse, I can't have another family broken like Leo's, another family waiting in despair as they would know that the fateful day would come. I can't have that anymore, I can't stand by and do nothing. I am going and you cannot stop me.' Destiny concluded. Melina took a deep

'Here, take Pepper, you should leave tonight, because the caravan is leaving tonight so they won't notice if someone goes missing. Destiny, I-I can't go with you. I'm sorry, but there is to much for me here.'

'You mean Quinn?' Destiny asked, almost teasingly.

Melina smiled a little.

'Yes, Quinn, and this is my home now, my family.'

'I understand' Destiny replied.

'But I will help you in any way I can' Melina assured.

'I will need some food, and I will pack my bag soon. How about I meet you at the old bridge at sunset?'

'Deal, I'll bring lots of food.'

Destiny stuffed several pairs of clothes in her bag. The Voice Projector she put in her pocket, along with a bag of gold coins that Hermy paid her for the show and that her father stuck into her bag before she parted. She was now grateful that he had. Someone knocked on her door, she quickly hid the bag under her bed, and stashed her sword behind her.

'Come in.'

The door opened.

'Who is it?' Destiny asked.

'It's me, Adrian, I know what you are doing, Destiny, and you can't do this alone, especially if you are going to ride a horse. How will you know where you are going?'

'I HAVE to do this, and besides who would go with me, you?' Destiny smartly replied.

'Yes.' Adrian calmly answered. Destiny stood there in shock.

'Oh. Okay. If you want to. It's not going to be easy.' she answered.

'One question, where are we going to start?' Adrian asked.

'I was thinking the Sephorian mountains, it is rumored that a wise old shaman lives there, he should know about the curse.' Destiny answered. Adrian nodded.

'Okay, now grab that poorly hidden bag of yours, and let's meet Melina at the bridge before anyone finds out were are gone.'

Melina and Quinn met them on the bridge. Melina held two horses, Pepper, and a dark bay, and Quinn had a bag of food.

'Here, Pepper is for you, Destiny, and this is Oliver for Adrian.'

Melina's upper lip quivered, and she quickly thrust her arms around Destiny and encircled her in a large hug.

'I'll miss you' Melina said.

'I'll miss you too.' Quinn gave Destiny a quick hug, and shook hands with Adrian. They mounted their horses and set off.

'Adrian,' Melina yelled,' take care of her'.

They rode out of the caravan area and Pepper's clip-clop of her hooves broke as she stepped on something metal. Destiny quickly dismounted and found a long thin piece of metal, badly burnt, but she could tell what it was. Leo's bronze flute.

'I'll break this curse, Leo' She whispered to the breeze, and as they left the town, she could hear the wind calling; Destiny, Destiny.

Chapter 8

Chapter 8

Rain pummeled on Destiny's back, as she tried to shield her face from the storm. Thunder rumbled in the distance, and lighting stuck awfully close to a nearby tree. Flames jumped up, but were quickly extinguished by the pouring rain. Adrian couldn't see anything, so he had attached a cord from his horse, to Destiny's behind him.

'Just a little longer!' Adrian yelled through the howling wind. Destiny tried to respond, but her voice lost the competition against nature. In the distance he could see the warm glow of an inn, and they headed towards it. A young boy took their horses to the inn's stables. Destiny placed her hand on Adrian's arm, as this was unknown territory to her. He tensed, then relaxed. Their boots squeaked as they walked towards the door. Laughter and the clink of glasses could be heard. Adrian pushed open the wooden door, and immediately Destiny's senses were overwhelmed by the pungent odors of rather large (and extremely loud) men. Adrian gently pried her fingers off his arm and took a protective stance in front of her.

'Can I get ya somethin'?' A large man with thinning black hair, and a once white apron asked.

'Two rooms for the night, along with two dinners.'

''Uhh. I only have one room left, if y'all don't mind sharin'.' Destiny blushed

'One room it is'

Most of the occupants have filed out of the main room, and as the clock chimed 10:00 they decided they should too. Adrian led her up the winding stairs and into the room. There were two small beds, a small bathroom, and a wooden desk.

'You have first choice' Adrian said as he gestured to the beds. She put her bag on the one closest to the window.

'I'm going to wash up' Destiny said. She felt her way in the unfamiliar room to the bathroom. She turned the bronze faucet on, and lukewarm water streamed out. She sighed as the water washed away all the dirt and grime she had accumulated today.

Adrian stood over a map he had laid out on the desk. He ran his hand through his slightly curly brown hair. He heard a knock at the bathroom door.

'Adrian? It's you turn to wash.' Destiny opened the door, dressed in a simple white flannel nightgown. Her blond hair was combed, and her white eyes turned to him, fixing him with their unseeing gaze.


'I'll go wash in a minute, you go ahead to bed.'

'You better wash though, because you stink.' Destiny giggled. Adrian rolled his eyes.

'Alright, alright, I'm going.'

She laid down on the hard bed, and draped the blanket over her body. A little while later, a clean smelling Adrian emerged from the bathroom. He went over to the desk and started to roll up the map.

'Adrian?' Destiny's tone of voice made him turn around. She was stroking the blanket.

'What color is this?'


'What does blue look like?' Adrian paused, unsure of how to answer.

'I mean, what does it feel like?'

'It feels,' he started 'serene, calming, it makes me think of water, the pounding of the waves on the shore, the smell of the ocean, the-' Adrian stopped when he heard the smallest of snores coming from Destiny, who's hand was clenched tightly around a disfigured bronze flute.


They rode hard the next several days, only stopping when they absolutely needed to. The days after the storm were hot and very humid, making it hard on the horses and their riders.

'We are here,' Adrian drgged Destiny's hand to their spot on the map, 'and we need to be here', he positioned her hand about five inches to the east.

'We better get going then' Destiny replied. They rode harder than before, and stopped briefly at villages to inquire about the shaman, but nobody seemed to know him. They stopped at the base of the mountain.

'Are we going up there?' she asked.


'It looks cold.'

'It most likely is.' Destiny shivered, she didn't like the cold, but preferred it to heat. They had been on the road for almost a month now and Destiny was loosing hope. The steadily began their climb up the treacherous mountain. That night, they stopped in a vacant cave to rest.

'I'll take first watch,' Destiny suggested. Adrian nodded, as he needed a well deserved rest. Destiny sat on a large rock and started thinking about Melina. How is she? Where is she? Then she remembered. She grabbed the voice projector out of her coat pocket.


Melina couldn't go to sleep. Whenever she was about to, she thought about her fight with Quinn, or Destiny being gone, and she woke up again. She groaned into her pillow.

'Hey! Melina, be quiet would ya!' A bitter voice said on the bed above her.



''Destiny,' she whispered, 'is that you?'


'How are you and Adrian?'

Tired, tired of looking and not finding anything. This mountain is our last resort, if we don't find anything, I don't know what we will do.

'I'm sure you'll find something.'

How is everyone there?

'Good, for the most part.'

Who's the exception?

No answer.

Did you have a fight with Quinn?


What happened?

'I don't want to talk about it.'

Well, whatever he did, give him a second chance, that boy really loves you.

'You think he does?'

Oh, I'm SURE he does.

'Melina! I thought I told you to be quiet!'

'Uhhh, I better go, 'night!'



Destiny put the Voice Projector back into her pocket. She heard a rustle in the bushes and unsheathed her sword. It got louder, then suddenly stopped. She lowered her sword slowly. Destiny heard a growl to her left.

'Adrian,' she whispered a she shook him frantically, while still listening to the growls of a nearby beast.


'Whaaaaat?' he said, his words still thick with sleep.

'Something's out there, something big, something that's getting closer by the second.'

Chapter 9

Chapter 9

A large black bear lumbered out at them. Its claws shone in the moonlight, and its razor sharp teeth would intimidate even the best of fighters. Adrian jumped up and quickly and swiftly grabbed his sword. Destiny already had her's drawn. She knew that Adrian would have a disatvantage because it is nighttime, but she was used to the dark, for her daytime is the same as nighttime.

'Stay behind me.' He said. She silently shook her head, and went in front of him.

'I told you to-'

He was cut off by the roar of the giant bear. Destiny took a swipe at his chest, forcing him to retreat. This only enraged the beast further. He charged towards them, and they separated, giving him a path to plow down, much like a bull before a red flag. The rain never ceased to pummel down, only adding to their grim situation. The horses neighed in fright, and frantically pulled at the ropes that attached them to a nearby tree as they tried to get away. Adrian snuck behind the evil creature, forcing it into Destiny's sword. Before the bear made contact however, he kicked out with his large hind leg, and Destiny heard the crash and groan as Adrian fell.


She screamed through the wind. She felt so hopeless with out him. He was always the best, and now a bear had beat him. The animal in question ignored Destiny's scream and lumbered over to the fallen instructor. He sniffed his body, and opened his wide jaws. Destiny stood in shock, she knew the bear was close to her teacher, however her body refused to respond to her brain's pleas. She heard a crunch as the bear's jaws closed on one of Adrian's bones, breaking it. This brought her out of her shock.


With a ferocity she didn't know she had, she ran over to the mammal, her sword raised high above her, and in one clean swipe, decapitated the creature.

She dragged Adrian's heavy body out of the rain and into the in closed cave. Tears streaked sown her face as she felt his cold body, and she knew fire was a priority. Destiny felt around for the stored kindling from earlier today. She dug out a shallow hole on the floor of the cave. Searching for the flint, she also came across a small knife that she could use to strike it. Sitting before the pile of sticks she tried ferociously to ignite them. At last she felt the warmth of the small flame. She nursed it larger until a warm glow filled the otherwise dreary cave.

Destiny padded over to Adrian, and did her best to inspect the wounds. She herself had several cuts and one large, very nasty bruise, but nothing major. Tears started to fall again when she peeled away his shirt, and felt the extremity of the situation. The bear had bitten Adrian's ribs, breaking at least two, if not three. Also, he had obviously punctured the skin, and there was a lot of blood. It stuck to her messy hands like glue, and she tried to imagine the pain Adrian must be in, but quickly blocked that thought. She searched through her pack and found a worn green shirt which she tore into strips. She didn't know much about how to fix breaks, but she knew that she had to keep his torso still. Destiny grabbed three strong and rather flat pieces of wood and, after she soaked up the excess blood, placed them on his broken ribs. She then wrapped his whole torso in fabric, and put him in a clean shirt, then laid him next to the fire. Destiny tried to stay awake and watch over him, but after the events to the day, she eventually fell into a deep slumber.


A young and beautiful woman walked gracefully down a dirt road. It was springtime, the birds sang their melodies, and the grass felt warm and inviting. The lady's chestnut hair flowed behind her as a warm spring breeze came her way. She sighed in contentment. But something was missing, something she desperately longed for. A child. She felt her thin belly tentiavly, as if she expected to feel a kick of a treasure inside. She was still young, maybe twenty or so, but she and her new husband wished so much for a child of their own.

Suddenly the scene changed, now a girl who looked an awful lot like Destiny, sat at a spinning wheel, and watched the young woman out of her large window. The young girl at the spinning wheel grinned, and started to spin. Her choice of yarn was a light blue, signaling what to come. She started spinning.

Nine [dream] months later, the young woman was now glowing with excitement at her new joy, her new bouncing baby boy.

She tilted her head towards the heavens and whispered her thanks;

"Thank you Clotho."



She woke up to a bundle of warm charcoal instead of a fire. The dim morning light lit up the cave and bounced of the stone walls.The humidity of last night's storm hung thickly in the moist air. The memory of last night's tragedy forced her to bolt up and check on Adrian. He was breathing softly, and his bandages were almost soaked with new blood. She shivered, then changed his cloths. His skin was burning up with fever. She gasped as she felt his burning forehead. Destiny didn't know how to cure this sickness. Keep him warm to sweat the fever out? Or cool him off to freeze the fever away? One thing she knew for sure was that they needed help, and fast. She melted enough snow to fill two canteens with water, she stocked up the firewood pile, and made enough bandages and simple meals to last him three days. Before she left, she took a piece of charcoal and wrote on one of the cave walls:


I left to find help.

I left food for you and enough water for three days.

Hopefully I will be back by then.

Change your bandages once a day, and be careful.


She left around midday with a worried expression on her face. Adrian had woken up once and after a short meal and water he went back to sleep. Destiny didn't want to leave him alone, but she could do nothing to help him, so her only possibility was to find the shaman, and fast.

Destiny fashioned a long stick which she waved in fornt of her while she walked in front of the horse to use to feel the obstacles before her, just until she got out if the forest and onto the bare mountain side. She thought about Adrian all the first day, and how she wouldn't be able to live with herself if he died. She knew it was her fault. During the harsh decent on the other side of the mountain, she replayed the scene again and again in her mind.

The bear turning around and chosing another apponant, Adrian. She heard it next to him and was instantly frozen to the spot. The loud crunch that followed broke her from her dreamlike state. It was her fault that he could die. A large salty tear dripped down her cheek, and off her chin onto the hilt of her sword.


She emerged from the trees at the sunset and onto the high plains about one sixth down the mountainside. She jumped on her horse, and trusted it to lead her onwards. Destiny knew her mission was urgent, so she didn't stop anytime during the night. Although, once she had almost fallen off the horse of the fifth time from fatigue, she decided to rest for a little while. The horse had led her to a stone wall of some sorts, and she decided to shelter here for a few hours. Destiny tied the horse's lead line to her, so if the animal tried to go exploring, Destiny would wake up. The sun soon rose and illuminated her sleeping form, and the inhabited hut that she was sleeping against.

Chapter 10

Chapter 10

The old man hobbled over to the sleeping figure. Her blond hair was splayed out, and her clothes were worn from travel. A horse nickered softly behind him, a horse he supposed belonged to the young girl who had curled up next to his house. He grunted and used his cone to move closer. He sharply jabbed her in the side. She groaned and rolled over. The old man raised a large grey eyebrow, and poked her even harder. The girl opened her eyes and put her hand to her side in pain.

'Who's there?' she frantically asked, bits of grass in her hair. The old man looked in her unseeing eyes and confirmed his assumption that she was blind.

'Harlen.' he answered.

'What?' she now stood up and faced him.

'You asked me who i was, I'm Harlen. The more pressing question is, who are you and what are you doing outside my house?' Destiny felt the wall behind her, and noticed it was indeed a wall of a house.

'My name is Destiny, and I am looking for someone to help heal my friend, Adrian. He was attacked by a bear, and he is waiting for me about a day's ride away.'

'Come'. Harlen shuffled around to the front door. Destiny obeyed without question, and felt her way around the unfamiliar house. Harlen walked inside; Destiny at his wake. The stone walls were covered in wood on the inside, and so was the floor. The hearth crackled with its fire, and the two small windows showed a glimpse of the crisp day. The house was very small, only enough room for a small cot, a desk, and small table with two stumps as stools. Destiny could smell different herbs and her hopes rose in thinking that Helan could cure Adrian.

'I can cure your friend, but what good will it do to me?' Destiny was a little taken back at his bluntness.

'I don't have much money, but you can have all of it, if you will cure Adrian.'

'I don't want money.' he grumbled.

'What do you want?'

'An emotion.'

'What?' she asked, an emotion? what could he do with that?

'Yes, an emotion would do, i will heal your friend if you give me one emotion; love.' Destiny's mind reeled. If she didn't give him her emotion, Adrian would die, but she would never be able to love anyone ever again.

'Deal. After you heal Adrian, I will give you my emotion to love.' they each took one drop of each others blood and put it on their hands before shaking them in confirmation. Doing this, no matter what happened, they both would have to fulfill the contract, or die.


Destiny jumped off the horse, Helan followed her into the cave after dismounting his mule. Destiny worridly ran into the cave, almost tripping over upturned stones and tree roots. She followed the sound of Adrian's shallow breath and sank to his side.

'Adrian? It's okay, It's Destiny, I'm here now, I'v' brought someone who will cure you.' He mumbled something in response and she reach for his hand. Helan quickly got to work, stripping Adrian of his soiled bandages Destiny had put around him, along with his shirt. He poured water onto the gaping wound, then slathered it in a green paste that smelled like pine mixed with something foul. Helan then bandaged him up tightly. Destiny held Adrian's hand the whole time, and when Helan had finished and Adrian and drunk some water, she felt a faint squeeze. His eyes fluttered open.

'Destiny?' he croaked and she gave him more water.

'Destiny,' Helan said,' the contract.' Destiny gripped onto Adrian's hand. Then, slowly leaned towards his lips. Adrian put his hand on her cheek and pulled her closer. Right before their lips touched she whispered,

'I love you.' Then they kissed. Destiny felt whole, she knew he was her other half. She was in love. Destiny felt a tug at her heart and stopped kissing Adrian. He looked confused as she held her hands over her chest.

'Destiny? Are you okay?' He asked. A sharp pain pierced her heart as Helan took her emotion of love. She screamed. Destiny took Adrian's hand as the rest of her ability to love left her soul. Tears streamed down her face. She stroked his face and apologized for his heartache that was sure to follow before kissing him one last time.

'I love you Destiny.' Adrian told her after the kiss. She didn't respond because she felt nothing, she felt nothing at all. She turned around and asked a content Helan,

'What does love mean?

Chapter 11

Chapter 11

Adrian's heart felt it had been trampled on by a gang of wild horses. If felt like it had been split open for surgery and not been sewed back up. He had finally admitted to not only himself, but Destiny as well, that he loved her. One moment they were kissing and the next her love for him had evaporated. Adrian knew it had something to do with Helan. Adrian stood up and walked over to him

"What did you do?!!" he yelled, his fists clenched in anger. Helan smiled.

"She had to for fill her side of the bargain."

"What bargain?" Adrian questioned.

"Her ability to love was my price for healing you. I had to almost bring you back from the dead, you know." Helan picked at his fingernails. Adrian's shoulders slumped in defeat. She had done that for him? What was life without love? Destiny would soon find out.


Destiny was confused at the strange looks Adrian was sending her way. An emotion, along with pity, were mixed into his eyes. She felt different somehow, like the feeling when you know you forgot something but cannot remember. something was tickling the back of her mind, trying to remind her of something important. The strange bearded man who had healed Adrian had fled during the night. Adrian seemed distressed by the matter and very angry, but Destiny could not really remember who the man was.

Adrian had decided this morning that they should continue down the face of the mountain into the town of Manque below. He was eager to get away from the cave for it held bad memories for him. He still was in love with Destiny even if she could no longer love. He just prayed that this shaman they were searching for would have a cure to her ailment that she was completely unaware of. If not, he was not sure what he would do.

They traveled on horseback for the most part of the day. At the bottom of the mountain, a small village nestled at the edge of a large lake. People bustled to and fro and several fishing boats were out on the lake. The silvery fish tempted the men searching for a meal. The sun rested at the 2 o'clock place in the sky as Adrian and Destiny trotted up to the badly constructed stone wall the village used as fortification against attackers. A lazy entry guard yawned at his post, spear in hand. He glanced over them and admitted the travelers inside. The town was mostly bare, save the few adults lumbering around. They rode around the town in search of an inn. The strange thing was that they saw no children. None at all. No baby's wails or little girl's giggles. The town was void of any laughter.


In the Red Rooster Inn, Adrian took Destiny's hand and led her inside. The elderly patrons stared at the two in wonderment.

"Where do you come from?" one man asked.

"Over the mountain." answered Adrian. He paused and thought about what to ask.

"Why are there no children here?" a wave of sadness crossed over the man's face.

" 'Tis the Curse. They have all Burned. But what about you? You are still alive and you are past the fifteen years. " Adrian nodded.

"The curse came to my village the month after my sixteenth birthday. We are looking for more information about this curse, is there anyone we can speak to?" The men all glanced at each other. The eldest nodded, and the first man said,

"There is an elderly woman by the name of , Atropos who lives in a small hut in the west end of town. Her brother, the shaman Helan, lives some ways up the mountain." Adrian bristled at the mention of Helan's name.

"Thank you sir." The man nodded. Destiny was quiet through the exchange. As she laid on her bed she though, Atropos, I know that name.

Destiny. Are you still looking for a way to break the Curse? You will never be able to find it, for it is a thing that cannot be found. You foolish child.


Destiny woke up, the blanket plastered to her like a second skin. She took a deep breath. It was only a dream. she told herself. Destiny hopped out of the bed and tied her hair up with a piece of spare string. She stripped her nightgown and downed a pair of tan pants and her light blue sword competition shirt. A couple minutes later she heard a knock on her door.

"Come in." Adrian walked in with two slices of bread and a mug of milk. Destiny felt something funny whenever Adrian was a round, like something was missing. She accepted the breakfast gratefully.

"Are we abandoning the search for the shaman then?" she asked mid chew.
" The old lady might be she" Adrian replied. Honestly he was afraid that her brother, Helan, was the person they were looking for. In truth, perhaps Helan never meant them harm, but it had turned out that way. Adrian was showing his affection to Destiny, but she having no emotion to love could not reflect his feelings. The next time he saw that horrid shaman he was going to demand for Destiny to get her love back.

They decided to keep their tired horses at the inn and travel on foot to Atropos. Even though Destiny knew here were no children, she still strained her ears in vain for their noise. All the laughter and joy was still at the Home Tree. But for how much longer? Destiny remembered her childhood.Everyone had made fun of her, but she still came out strong. They actually made her stronger. The insults did get worse about a year ago. Sometimes the others would even beat her. Destiny's father thought it would make her stronger, so he did nothing to stop it. So she left. She traveled on her own and met a group of rebels who taught her how to wield a sword. she only came back because the leader grew unnerved by her and forced her out. So she came back to the Home Tree.


The bells jingled in greeting as they walked inside the hut. From the outside it seemed dirty and fit for a poor peasant. On the inside however small purple tin bells littered the door to signal the entrance of a customer. Even though the floor was cluttered with unnecessary objects it added a certain charm. The small fireplace was lit and it's aroma smelled almost like lemons. In the middle of the room sat a small two person table with a frayed midnight blue cloth draped over it.

"I'm coming!" a frail female voice called from another room who's entrance was blocked by a rather ferocious looking duck. It quaked at them and prances around in it's pink waistcoat.

"Now now treat our customers with respect" the plump woman called Atropos bent down and picked up her duck. She had a large multicolored headdress on along with many layers of dresses including one that jingled when she walked.

"Now sit down. " Adrian offered the chair to Destiny, which she gladly took with a grateful look.

"You have come for a fortune reading?" the lady asked and stared at Destiny with her ancient eyes.

"Actually-" Destiny started.

"Yes yes let's get started. Give me your hand" Destiny sighed but handed it over.

"Let's see..." the lady furrowed her big white eyebrows in concentration.

"I-What did you say your name was again?"


"Are you sure?" Adrian looked puzzled, but Destiny was deep in thought.

"Clotho. It's actually Clotho isn't it?" the lady smiled and then clapped her hands together in excitement.

"I knew it!" she yelled, "I knew you would come! My sister she didn't believe me but" she looked at Destiny's silver necklace " It looks as if she left her mark on you. And without telling me too. How rude. " the duck squawked in agreement. Adrian's eyes went wide and Destiny knew the truth was bout to be revealed.


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 04.03.2011

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