
This is my first story please comment or vote AND criticise please!!! hope u like it!! :p ~ Jinx

The Element Keeper

Chapter 1: The Birthday

The golden morning light streamed through my half curtained window. As always, it seemed to uncannily always land exactly on my now opening eyes. I struggled to remember what day it was. Thursday, no Friday. Yesterday was the twelfth so that would make it the thirteenth. October,Friday the 13. The most unlucky day in the whole year, AKA the exact day I was born, weekday and all. I shot up. 'It's my birthday', I whispered to no one in particular. I scanned my room looking for something to throw on over my white tank top and underwear. For once it was clean, my periwinkle laptop laid partly open on my century old wooden desk. I got up passing my full length antique mirror then stopped and took a few steps backwards. Ugh, I look horrible. When opening my lilac bureau I grabbed a pair of orange shorts and an old green shirt. While quickly pulling them out and putting them on, I discovered a brush and quickly ran it through my hair. Now I was presentable.

I undid my trapdoor on the floor of my attic room. Three minutes later with the fold-able stairs unfolded I climbed down to the first story. While strolling into the kitchen almost tripped on my sleeping mother draped across the ripping green (if you could call it green) couch. Sneaking past, I went into the kitchen and grabbed a bowl and started fixing Frosted Flakes. Opening the fridge, I discovered we had no milk.

'Orange juice it is' I grimaced. Even as I sat down and ate my cereal and orange juice, I still could not believe that I was 16 years old, of today. The concept was mystifying and kind of scary. At least I could now drive in my state of Virginia without adult supervision. My only joy....

Mom stirred and fell off the couch with a thump. 'Ow' she said quietly. She repositioned herself and sat up, seeing that I was in the room, and said

'Happy birthday.' Soon she was up and walked over seeing my cereal floating in orange juice she remarked, 'no milk?' I nodded and she groaned because she wanted milk in her coffee.The only thing I really dreaded today (besides of course school) was the party tonight. It was mom's idea that is all I have in my defense. After the silent breakfast (mom had not drunk her coffee yet) I traversed upstairs to get dressed. Blue tank top with multicolored braided straps, worn down jean shorts and my favorite pair of tan gladiator sandals is my daily attire. I quickly thought of what else I had to do...

1. Eat breakfast- check

2. Get dressed -check

3. Brush teeth - ummmmm not check?

4. Make bed clean up room - not check/check (its presentable at least)

In record time, I was outside and ready for Sarah to pick me up. Five minutes later..... Lisa, where are you? I was about to call her when I heard a loud honk and a old, yellow, rusty Volkswagen bug pulled up in front of my tiny house.

'Bree!!!' shouted Sarah while opening her passenger door and inviting me to come inside.

'Hey Sarah, how's life?'

'Sucks as usual, and you?'

'Ditto' I replied.

While closing the door, I accidentally wobbled the car door handle.

'Oops?' I said.

'Its okay, happens all the time'

'Happy Birthday!' my really good friend, Sam, yelled from the backseat. I grinned and Sarah immediately copied his words. About halfway there, Sarah suddenly remembered something.

'Oh, yeah! Bree; hear this is for you!', she said, handing me a pink wrapped box. Opening it slowly, I couldn't help smiling at Sarah's eagerness. Inside was a pair of beautifully crafted silver flats. Little rhinestones, that I usually weren't a fan of, framed the toe. They were beautiful.

'Thanks so much Sar, I love them!' I gave her an awkward half-hug.

'Eyes on the road!' Sam shrieked like a girl. Sarah and I giggle, but obeyed. Maybe this day wouldn't be so bad.


We arrived to the large brick prison that everyone else called school. Please, parents don't put us in here to "learn" but to attain life lessons, like how to get your best friend from beating up your other friend. Useful stuff like that. Sarah and I had math first thing, so we said goodbye to Sam, who had English. We chatted on our way to class, and were interrupted a few times by people wishing me a happy birthday.

We waltzed into class just as the second bell rung. Class was uneventful, but it was hilarious when some guy in the front row threw small wads of paper at Mrs. Becker's back. Sarah and I were laughing all through lunch, telling the story to Sam. I know, I know, I said school was a prison, but hey, I'm not a morning person, alright. My last class of the day was world history, which I had with Sam. I didn't really want to pay attention to the events that provoked the French revolution, but soon started to as Mr. Harrison started quizzing the students. After poor Paul was interrogated until he had nothing left, Mr. Harrison turned to me. He locked eyes with me, green on silver. Not me, I silently pleaded, but knew it was worthless. To my surprise, he turned away, and started questioning little Claire. Before he could get a word out, the bell rang. Claire looked relived.

'Read pages 124 through 145 for Monday' , he shouted. The class groaned.

'Are you complaining he asked? Well then, also do questions 1 through 8 page 135.'We knew better than to complain again.


'Honey, I'm home!' I called as I walked in the door. No answer. She must be working one of her many jobs. I was just about to grab an after school snack when the doorbell rang. We don't get many visitors, so I wondered who I was. I opened the door to see..... The UPS delivery guy.

'Miss Brianna Coll?'

'That's me' I answered. Handed me a sheet to sign, then a small cardboard box. He left and I went inside. I wonder who it's from. I bet it's for my birthday. I looked for the return address but there was none. Strange. I opened the cardboard box and inside was.... Another box, wooden this time. Inside that box no inside was a sliver chain with a beautiful white stone with rainbows of color dancing inside. From my limited geology experience, I still knew that this was an opal, my birthstone.

'Cool' I said to no one in particular. But who would have sent me this? I was about to investigate farther when I saw a small piece of paper taped to the inside lid of the box. There were only three words on it "From your father"


whew, i just finished editing this and chapter 2, now on to the 3rd chapter.

I spent all day on it hope u like it! please comment and vote ~ Jinx

Chapter 2: The Party

I stared at the box. Unconsciously I stepped back and slammed the door in the poor delivery guy's face. This must be something from Mom that she addressed from Dad. That HAD to be it. He NEVER had sent anything to me for my birthday or Christmas before, why should he start now? I sat there twirling my waist length hair on my finger. I still hadn't moved when the door opened and Mom walked in.

'Hi sweetie', she said.

When I didn't reply, she came over and sat next to me. Wordlessly, I handed over the lid of the box.

She smiled.

'Ahhh yes, good it came'

I stared at her.

'Well of course I sent it. Hard to do to, the mailman asked a lot of questions why not only why I sent the package to my house, but that I insisted on no return address.' She chuckled. I knew it. But I couldn't help feeling disappointed. She (as all moms do) noticed that I was sad so she told me,

'Right before he left he gave me this box, instructing me to give it to you on your sixteenth birthday.'

'Why didn't you just give it to me, instead of going through all this trouble?'

'Well,'she answered,' I wanted to be a little more creative than that.' Her brown eyes sparkled with mischievousness, showing off her impish quality.

'So', I replied hopefully 'it really was from him?'

'Of course, I wouldn't lie to you about that,' her strange tone almost implying that there were other things she was keeping from me.


The doorbell rang yet again (twice in one day.....I think that's a record) and as Mom stopped her suspicious diggings around in the cardboard box she brought in, to answer the door, it all came flooding back to me. The party. Pushing my thoughts of Dad aside I ran upstairs to get dressed. Throwing practically my whole wardrobe on my bed, I noticed a white box on my bed. Long and white, it looked like the article inside was very expensive. Here we go again I thought another "present" from dad. But was surprised to see a small note taped on that was signed "Happy Birthday sweetheart. Love, Mom." I opened it and sucked in my breath. Inside was an exquisite dress of gray silk. I put it on and looked in my outlandishly old mirror. It was a centimeter above my knees, perfectly fitted, and matched my eyes. Hurriedly I brushed through my caramel colored hair and put on my new silver ballet flats (obviously my mom and Sarah had coordinated this outfit together) and, on second thought, put my new necklace on. I pushed down the stairs and glided down. Before I could close them I gasped. Sliver tablecloths hastily covered our worn down table and candles flickered everywhere. Sarah was hanging up sparkly silver lanterns when I entered.

'Oh my God!' We said exactly at the same time, me referring to the room, her to my dress.

'You look fabulous!' she squealed obviously over her earlier breakdown. She was wearing a beautiful pale pink dress, complimenting her pale skin, and her blond hair was whisked up into a cute messy bun. Before I could tell her how cute she looked in her flouncy pink number, people started pouring in.


Ding - dong went the announcing the last of the ten chimes, signaling ten o'clock. Our small, old, but powerful clock reminded me of the time. I looked around, drink in hand. The party was going great. My friends from the swim team were chatting with Claire and Lisa from school. A cute guy from the soccer team was nervously talking to Sarah. She, in return, laughed just a little too hard at his un-funny jokes.I noticed a very familiar body walk towards me. His light blue eyes gleamed at me.

'Happy Birthday!' Sam said, giving me a quick hug. He flipped his blond hair nervously, and handed me a small blue box. I posed my drink on the table nearby.

'Sam, you shouldn't have' I said. He sorted,

'Well I can always take it back', he held out a hand.I stuck out my tongue, and proceeded to unwrap the present.

He stopped me with one hand, ' No wait until everyone is gone,' he said mysteriously. I smiled it is just like him to do that. I mean, we've know each other for forever and a day, so there's nothing I don't know about him.

After a couple more hours, and twelve more chimes, the party started to disappear. Now it was just me, Sarah, and a HUGE mess. I sighed, this night wasn't over yet.

'Sarah, how about you get the kitchen, and I work on the living room?' I said. She nodded in response, grateful for getting the less horrendous room. I grabbed a large trash bag and started to chuck black plastic cups and various types of food into the sack. I was about halfway done, and Sarah had long gone home, when a heard a loud crash. I looked around nervously.

'Mom,' I called 'is that you?' No response. I started to get seriously freaked out. The crash obviously came from upstairs, A. K. A., my room. I grabbed the nearest object, which just happened to be a rolling pin (no idea whatsoever how it got in the living room) and gradually made my way to the pull-out stairs. I slowly mounted them, rolling pin ready. I suck in my breath and turned the corner.. No one was there. My window was open and my white drapes billowed in the light breeze, my mirror lay face up on the ground. That must have been what caused the crash. But that's impossible, I thought. It was barely enough wind to knock over small pillow, much less a thirty pound antique mirror. I closed my window, still wondering why it was open and how the mirror fell over. I walked over to it to pull it upright. Maybe the stand broke? Not really watching where I was going I didn't see the over turned chair on the ground in front of the mirror until I tripped over it. Hoping I wouldn't damage the mirror I put my hand out to stop the force of my body. But the impact never came. My hands passed through the glass like mist. Now with no support, I fell, just like Alice through the looking glass.

Chapter 3: The Awakening

Darkness....... that's all I can see. All I can feel. It's like I've been swallowed by the night. Then... a light, glowing brighter, getting bigger and bigger. Shining and then a voice. Not quite a man's voice but but not female either, something in between.

'Wake up!' louder now almost yelling,

'Wake up!' then softer, 'please both worlds need you.'

My eyes flew open. Oh my god. Where was I? All around me was sky. I looked down, treetops. How can this be? I was flying.

You might think that is when I screamed, you'd be wrong. Then I realized nothing was holding me. No ropes, harnesses, nothing. I was, as we call it in the normal world, flying. You might think, "Cool", but all I thought was the scream that filled my body and traveled this world. Then I fell. I tumbled towards the ground branches whipping at my face, the wind whirring in my ears. I instinctively put my arms in front of my face, my feeble defense for this fatal impact. I felt a thud. I opened my eyes and wriggled my legs. Nothing was in pain....yet. My arms were totally fine. Maybe I broke my spine and the pain hadn't registered yet. I sat up s-l-o-w-l-y. Nothing, not even a bruise. Weird. Cool. Unbelievable (but DEFINATLY in a good way) I'm alive. That fall should have killed me (don't get me wrong, I'm grateful, but just curious) but here I am, not a hair out of place. Alive. Is this a dream?My outfit didn't take the fall so easily. Dirt was smeared all over my new dress and shoes. Grass stains covered the whole front of my dress. Where am I? I looked around, I was in a small clearing, (and from my earlier bird's eye view experience) in a large forest. My stomach grumbled. Great, I'll starve to daeth in a dream forest. Something growled in the distance. Or I'll just get eaten by a wild animal, my pick. If only I could see where I am, I could find somone nearby to help me get out of here. I looked at a large oak tree suspiciously. Mybe if I climbed up there......

10 minutes later...

Ooph. I fell off the tree for the umpteenth time. I sighed, this was never going to work. It was getting pretty dark so I curlled up near the base of the tree, and sleep overwhelmed me


CRUNCH. I jumped up, my heart beating a mile a minute. Someone or SOMETHING was out there.

I froze. There it was again, the sound of someone or something approaching. There it is, to my left. Closer, faster. My heart was beating wildly, and I felt my breaths coming out in short rasps. A flash of white, oh great, now I really AM going to die. It came closer, closer, until, he stepped out. I took one look and, for the second time in one day, (I think its record) I fainted.

Sam? Is that you? I walked along a beautiful white road, and saw a familiar face at the end. He turned and looked at me. He wasn't Sam. Eyes light blue, almost white, tanner skin and lighter hair. He smirked at me. Sarah stood beside him. Except, it wasn't her. Her hair now a sandy blond with blue highlights,and eyes of a stunning turquoise blue. Her pink lips were pulled up into a grin.

'I am Lynn' the beautiful girl said.

'And I am.....' the Sam look-alike started, but Lynn shot him a nasty look.

'You'll find out about HIM soon enough, but for now its time for you to wake up, Spirit'

When I woke up, my first thought was, are you able to dream in dreams? My second thought, as I saw who was before me, was Oh. My. God.

Chapter 4: Him

I woke up to the sound of a fire crackling and and its warm embrace. What happened? I groggily asked myself. Then I remembered. Him. I bolted up into a sitting position, disturbing both the coarse blanket that now was draped over by body, and the dirt smeared all over my once beautiful dress. Sighing, I looked around. The he was, sitting on a medium sized rock, not ten feet away. His broad shoulders and naturally muscular built was breathtaking. His dark brown hair was cropped short, exposing his highly tanned neck. I stood up slowly, and he instantly spun around. A shadow of a beard was etched into his profound chin. Eyebrows that matched the color of his hair enhanced his brown eyes; the color of molten chocolate. The minute our gazes locked, warm brown on confronting gray, I couldn't look away. I shivered, who is this guy? Noticing my questions would not be answered unless voiced aloud, I asked him, quite timidly;

'Who are you?'

He opened his mouth to answer, when suddenly; a giant bird swooped down in front of me. Sustaing flight just a couple inches from me. It was my height, and with feathers every hue of red and orange imaginable, and a long tail consisting of yellow feathers.

She was beautiful.

'Stand back!' my unnamed hero yelled, thrusting his sword close to the bird.

'Don't hurt her!' I shrieked, but before his sword could touch her, she burst into flames and disappeared.

'What was that?' I gasped.

'A Vermilion bird, more commonly known as a phoenix.'

'A phoenix', I breathed.

He nodded and slowly sheathed his dark black sword, glancing warily around.

'Will she be okay?' I asked. I hated to think that beautiful bird was dead.

'Unfortunately, yes, she is immortal', he growled. Slightly taken back at his dislike for the phoenix, I remembered my earlier question.

'So', I started hinting that he should answer my earlier question.

'So?' he questioned.

I sighed, men, typical they never remember anything.

'Well then, who are you?'


Xavier. His answer rang in my ears. It fit him perfectly. Muscular bodied, knight-in-shining-armor kind of name. His name.

'And yours?' he asked.

'Brianna, but you can call me Bree-if you want o-or Bree's fine I- ill stop talking now',i stammered out. Looking in those chocolate brown eyes, made my legs melt,much less my voice. He smiled,as if he could find my embarrassed self charming.

'So i guess you need some new clothes' he remarked noting my filthy dress. Leading me to a nearby stream, he opened his satchel, that i just realised he had, and pulled out a light blue dress. Billowy in the arms, its boat neck complimented the full skirt. it was totally what you would think a colonial/medieval dress would look like.

'You can change over there' he said, pointing to a near by bush.

Double checking to make sure he was out of sight I crouched behind the bush and changed, also taking a gulp from the stream. When i was finished, I walked back to the clearing.

'It looks good on you' he said taking in the dress.

I blushed. 'Were you looking for me? Because i mean, why else would you have a dress?'

Yes. He didn't say the answer,but it seemed to flow from his mind to mine.

'What just happened?' i asked.

'I sent you an alva, a mind-message in your language, almost everyone can do it here'

'Can I?' i asked. He nodded. I focused on his eyes and mentally created a line that attached us.

How do I get home? I asked, feeling that it worked.

I don't know, but my father might, ill take you to the castle.

Images of me being chained up in a dungeon flashed through my mind.

' As a guest of course', he said, breaking the silence.

'Of course', I answered, he would never hurt me, would he? I mean i hardly know the guy. As if sensing my misgivings he sent an alva.

You can trust me,you know. There are some you can't,but you can trust me.

What if you're one of the ones who i can't trust? , i shot back, a very good looking one i added to myself.

He chuckled, 'that's a risk you're going to have to take', he said holding out his hand. I slowly placed mine in his, felt a jolt in my stomach,and at once we were in front of a HUGE black castle.


Pronunciation key: Xavier: x-a-v-er

lùgr: lu-ger

Noirsu: no-r-su

Malterre: mal-tear

Chapter 6: The Hastle

Welcome to my home. Xavier's alva said.

'You live HERE?' i exclaimed, looking up at the imposing castle before us. Made of polished black stone that glistened in the setting sun,and its many tall towers, it was a sight to behold.In answer to my question, he grabbed my hand again, and in an instant we were in to be what i to to be the great hall.

'How do you do that?' I questioned referring to our transportation.

'Its my lùgr, talent in your language. Everyone of us is born with one'

I nodded in answer, and wondering to myself if i had one. But I couldn't I wasn't born here. Was I? It all seems so familiar,normal, talking with your mind seems like second nature to me.

Hearing someone clear his throat I looked up. Now noticing the blood red draperies in this auditorium sized room, and twenty giant black doors on each side that opened into various rooms. My eyes traveled to the man approching us now. Very tall, maybe 7' with black slicked back hair, and a black ensemble. With his pointed and slightly hooked nose, he didn' look at all friendly. His brown eyes were cold and unwelcoming, then i saw his crown, almost as black as his hair; it would be impossible to see, save the enormous diamond plastered on the front.

'Welcome to my humble home' he said, bowing his head:

I attempted a clumsy curtsy in return. Xavier caught my elbow to save me from falling.

'I am king Noirsu of the Malterre lands'.

'Sir, y-your Majesty, if i may ask you something?' i asked.

'Of course, my child,' he answered in his nasally tone.

'Why am i here?'

'Ah!' he said putting up a finger. 'That along with your other questions will be answered tomorrow, tonight you shall stay here.' he snapped his fingers, and at once a young maid came.

'Show Brianna to her rooms' he instructed.The maid gestured for me to follow and i let go of Xavier's hand, which i had just realized i was still holding. As we passed along the corridor, my hand still tingled from his warm grip.

At my rooms the young blond and blue eyed girl opened the door and ushered me in. She seemed strangley famalliar, but I couldn't put my finger on where I saw her before.

'Here is the sitting room' she said pointing to the room were are now in. The black shiny walls reflected of the roaring fire in the fire place next to two red chairs and a decently sized bookcase.

I followed the maid, who told me her name was Lorie, into my bedroom. Half of the grand room was taken by a giant bed of black wood four posters and a red duvet. French doors opened into the bathroom where everything was white. And off the pristine bathroom was a balcony.

I sighed in content after the beef stew with warm bread and potatoes, and loved the feeling of the silk nightgown against my bare skin. I pulled the covers over my head and as i drifted off to sleep, I wondered what adventure tomorrow would bring.


In the morning when I woke up, I looked to the right to check the time on my alarm clock, when i saw the shining black walls. It all flooded back to me. I'm in some "magical" land with a really cute guy, and a creepy king. Every 16 year oldtypical day.

Changing into a light yellow dress with white trimming, i felt like a princess. After a breakfast, which In ate alone, an attendent of King Noirsu came in and said that the King requested my presence.

Nervously adjusting my caramel colored hair, I walked into the King's chambers. His sitting room, being five times the size of mine, consisted of a roaring fire in a gold encrusted fireplace, that miraculously didn't seem to melt, and a large mahogany table, and three large sitting chairs. The King was sitting in one of them, and stood when i entered.

'Welcome Brianna', he said bowing.

'We have much to talk about' he continued.

I nodded in agreement. He gestured for me to take a seat. We both sat down.

'So...why am I here; i mean in Malterre?' I asked, my mind burning for an answer.

' I don't really know how to put this, but you are an element'

'An element? like earth water, fire, and air? Isn't that kind of impossible?'

He chuckled, a hollow sound. 'No, you are the most powerful of all, spirit and-'

'How cliché, let me guess, im supposed to defeat a "bad guy" and save the world' i interrupted, throwing up my hands at the last part.

'you're be suprised how much of that is true' he mumbled. 'We need to discover your powers'

' My what?'

'Your powers, we already know you can fly, and allegedly spirit is supposed to read minds and communicate telepathikly. Oh, yes and heal animals.'

Woah. Wouldn't that be so cool???!!!! i mean flying around reading peoples minds, I'd be just like superman!!!

' So what are we waiting for? Let's try these "powers" out' i exclaimed.

(one hour later in a big plain hall with Xavier)

'So remember what i told you, just concentrate on you inner element, your aerth.' Xavier said.

I know i thoght. He has been repeating this 5 thousand times. Granted, I still haven't been able to fly, nor read his mind. I concentreted deep inside of me. Pulling all that energy from my soul into my being. And then I felt it. I was lifting off the ground. I was flying.

'I'm doing it! I'm really flying Xavier!!!'


Chapter 6: Crying and Scrying

Time passed by, days turned into weeks, and then in no time two months had passed. I had perfected my elemental powers, with help from Xavier.It seemed that I could manipulate things. Like the air around me, I can make it move and carry me up. Levitating things is another example, or how any substance, water for an example, goes where I tell it to. One thing I've come to question, is that can I manipulate minds, like make someone do something? That would be....interesting. Weird and cruel, yet somehow strangely temping. I'll have to ask Xavier later.

Xavier, he owned 90% of my thoughts. I didn't know what was happening to me. When ever he walked by I blushed and my hands turned clammy. I wish Sarah was here, she would know what to do. Sarah, Sam, Mom, I missed them all. I had no idea what they were doing, I just wondered if the missed me as much as I miss them. Sudden homesickness overwhelmed me, taking over my emotions and thoughts. I stopped walking down the hallway and slumped to the floor, and started to cry my eyes out. It was like I had been holding it in since I got here, maybe I had. Everything crashed down on me. What was I doing, fantasising over some boy when I should be trying to get home? I started to stand up and demand a way back home, when I noticed something strange.

The tears that I had shed from my last emotional breakdown were moving down my light purple dress onto the floor and formed a small puddle. My necklace from my father lit up like a beacon, then went out. Slowly my blurry eyes made out images forming in the tiny pool. I saw a woman, not just any woman-

'Mom!' I shrieked.

She turned and looked straight at me, her beautiful face stained with recent tears; she probably cried over me.

'Bree is that you? Where are you I can't see you,'

'Im here I can see you' I said.

'I thought you were dead' she said with a shaky voice but I was surprised that she hadn't questioned our strange communication.

'I'm alive. You won't believe me when I tell you this but, I'm in another world, Malterre its called.'

To my surprise she turned white as a sheet.

'Sweetie, you need to get out of there, trust me you don't know them they're-'

The puddle went blank.

'Mom?' Why was she so anxious for to me to leave, and what was she going to tell me before she got cut off?


After my strange magical encounter and emotional breakdown, I felt much better. But still something lingered in the back of my mind. What Mom said about the king...maybe he has a reason behind his kindness. I thought about it as I lounged around in my princess style room. I shook my head. No, I believe that he is gruff on the outside but in the interior, sincere. It helped also that he had a hot knight (AN: i don't know if i said this but Xavier is a knight). I sighed, need to talk to them about leaving this land. It's great,, but I need to get home.

Lorie came in to announce that King Noirsu and Sir Xavier requested my presence in the throne room. Her words, not mine. Perfect, maybe I could ask them about leaving then. Leading myself to the now familiar throne room, I couldn't help but being awed at the two imposing black thrones. Why two I don't know, because as far as I know, the king is currently single. Made out of two giant black diamonds, they shone in the late afternoon light that flew in through the clear glassed windows. King Noirsu welcomed with a nod of his head, and Xavier bowed low. I curtsied in return. How couldI have ever doubted the King's generosity? I thought as I looked in his coal black eyes.

'Brianna, we need a favor from you' the king stated. I was surprised at his request, he came off alittle forceful, but smiled and said,

'Of course, anything to repay your hospitality.' He nodded, obviously pleased with my response.

'We are in need of you powers, you see not all of the people in this world are "good" like us. There is a group of four very powerful sorcerers are, as we speak, wrecking havoc on our villages. Last week, they burned down a whole village, killing adults and children alike.'

'Where do I come into all of this?' I questioned. Imagining the horrible scene.

'Well, the leader of the revolts is nearby. and I want you and Xavier to befriend him. One you get his trust', he drew a line across his spindly neck with his finger. I gulped.

'Your majesty, I-' I started.

'I know it is somewhat brutal, but trust me if I had any other choice I wouldn't ask you to do this' he paused 'think about it Brianna, he's killing innocent children.' the King said persuasively.

I clenched my fists. What kind of creep would kill innocent children?

'I'll do it', I found myself saying. He smiled.

'Good, you and Xavier will leave in the morning.' I turned and smiled at Xavier, and he returned my half-smile. Maybe this wouldn't be so bad after all.


by the way, this story isn't the regular "she goes into another land and falls in love.....blah blah blah"

no. this story is about to have a MAJOR plot twist that NOBODY will suspect; so stay tuned xp

comment vote and fan!

~ jinx

Chapter 7: Preperations

The next morning was hectic. Servents flying around the castle, trying (and failing) to get things in order for Xavier and my trip. I trotted to my chambers, which were full of maids packing unnecessary clothing. Seeing me in the doorway they all froze.

'Miss Cole' they all saind and curtsied in unison. Then all hell broke loose. Twelve different women came up to me with questions such as,

'Miss Cole would you like to take your silver gown?' or

'Miss Cole may I suggest your ruby necklace with tomarrows outfit?'

At this time normaly in a movie someone (preferably me) would wistle loudly; I stuck my fingers in my mouth and blew; I only succeded in spraying my silava on a passing maid. She looked at me in disgust.

'Sorry'. I said, holding back a giggle. I then proceded to yelling as loud as humanly possible,

'SSSSTTTTOOOPPP!!!!!!!!' I yelled, lenghthing out each letter. And for thesecond time in a five minute period, evreyone froze. I sighed in relief. I was kind of funny, watching them standing there, one with three giant boxes stacked up in her arms. Another with dozens of gowns floating from her hands.

'Okay, first of all, I don't want that many clothes for this excavation' a collective gasp rose up from the small crowd. I rolled my eyes.

'And second I want barley ANY jewels and NO I mean NO high heeled shoes!' I believe I saw one or two faint from my proclimation.

'And lastly all of you but Lorie please leave.' And like a herd of well trained dress crazy elephants, they slowly waddled their way out of my chambers.

All except one; I smiled at Lorie and beckoned her closer. Her small petite frame walked over. Looking at me with her blond hair and aquamarine eyes, I couldn't help but smile. She was about my age but seemed to me like a little kid.

' So I need you to find the plainest knapsack you can find' she nodded and started lookin through my belongings. I walked over to my wardrobe and threw the doors open. Inside there were about twenty extravegant gowns all adorned with jewels. I turned around to se Lorie smiling.

'What?' I asked.

'May I show you something miss?' she asked.

'Sure'. She walked over to the woardrobe and searched the back of the wardrobe.

'What is there Narnia back there' I joked

I turned around with a puzzeled expression plastered on her face then shook her head and continued searching.

'Don't tell me you've never heard of-' My jaw dropped. She had apparently been searching for a button of some sorts. Pushing it she had exposed an extra room behind the wardrobe. Lorie stepped in and beckoned me to come. Inside were rows and rows of clothes; but unlike the fancy gowns theese ensembles were mostly made up of pants and blouses.

'Will this satisfy' she questioned

'How-' I began;

'I was the lady in waiting to the last princess here, you are staying in some of her rooms. She never liked the gowns and jewels so hed this extra room built for her.' Lorie answered.


'Are you cold miss, should i grab you a shawl?' she asked.

I laughed, 'No « cool » in my world means....uhh....posh.' I said hoping they used words like that here. She nodded, 'Okay, cool' and i had to refrain from laughing again.


Finally I was ready. Dressed in a tan tunic that reached a little past my knees, and chocolate brown pants accompanied with black boots. I left my hair loose, but kept my necklace on. Lorie had packed my worn out knapsack with severel similar ensembles. Xavier ran up to me, his white billowing shirt a great contrast to his severly tanned complextion, his black pants and boots completed the work.

'Demitri would like to see you in the stables', he said.


He's the head horse master. His alva replied.

Where are the stables? I asked. He pointed to his right, at a collection of small buildings that gave off a strong smell.

'We need to leave in thirty minutes so don't take long' he said.

I nodded and started off in the direction of the stables. Once I arrived I noticed a young man, maybe a little older than me, scooping out a stall.

'Excuse me, but could you tell me where Demitri is?' i asked.

'Right in front of you'.

'You're the stable master?' I was surprised he was very young to be in charge i thought. With his fire red hair and bright green eyes, he seemed younger than ever.

'Yes I know I am young but the reason I am the stable master is because the King appointed me to be, okay?' he answerd gruffly. Apparently he got the « you're to young » thing a lot.

'Sorry I didn't mean it that way. Well on the other hand I believe you wished to see me?'

'Yes, you need to choose your horse for your journey. But know this, this horse chooses you, you don't choose the horse.'

'Woah, like Harry Potter much?' i asked expecting a puzzeled answer.


I cut him off,'Nevermind'.

'So ill leave you to it then.' he then went back to work.

Okay so maybe I was expectiong a little more guidence, but thats okay. I walked up and down the long halway noticing a palimino, a bay, a pinto; but no horses caught my eye. I sighed, maybe no horse here was right for me. I started walking back towards Demitri, when something moved out of ht ecorner of my eye. Stand in her stall staring straight at me was the most beautiful horse. So silver that she was almost metallic, with lavender eyes, I knew she was the horse for me.

'Demitri, I choose this one' he came over and smiled.

'This is Esperanza, it means Hope in our language.'

Esperanza. My alva thought. She jerked her head up and looked into my eyes.

Hello Brianna, I've been waiting for you. You will accomplish great things while astride me, and make choices that will change the worlds. Welcome, Element Keeper.


Chapter 8: Red

We stopped for the night. The early night air dusted my face. I looked over at Xavier who was dismounting his brilliant black horse. I smiled, and touched the necklace that he had given me. A large diamond was strung on a single black chain. Simple (expensive) and yet incredibly chic; it now replaced my necklace from my father. I swung my left leg over Esperanza and dismounted. Stumbling, I grabbed the reins as a wave of vertigo swept over me. I'm probably just tired,I thought.

We gave the horses water and rolled out our small beds in silence.

'Why don't you go get wood while I try to start a fire?', Xavier asked.

'Good idea' I said and walked away in the opposite direction. It was so dark, i immediately wished that I had brought the lantern. I wish I had some light, I thought. As soon as I thought "light" my hands started to glow. A yellowish creamy color wrapped around my hands like sunlight in water. With my new found light ability, it was fairly easy to find plenty of firewood. Sticking my sun enveloped hand out, I command "up" and the log of wood rose of the ground. I amused myself in doing this, and soon had a long trail of logs following a pair of glowing hands, like moths to a flame.

When I walked back to camp, I heard people talking.

'Well is it her?' a man's voice whispered.

'You'll have to find out for yourself, why would i tell you?' Xavier's voice, i was sure that it is his, responded.

'Don't you see? We're only trying to know what will happen if, well you know.'

'Yes, I realize this, but if the prediction is not fulfilled, its better for us.' Xavier sneered. The other man caught his breath.

'That was you're plan all along, i mean I know we hate each other but what about-' And being as stupid and cliché as i am, I stepped on a twig. They immediately hushed. Walking in the camp withthe wood now in my hands, I noticed another man laying by the fire. Using my levitation abilities, the firewood floated near Xavier. Trying to fill the awkward silence, I said

'Soooo, who are you?' directing the question at the young man on my left.

'Aaron'. He answered flipping his blond hair out of his dark grey eyes. His hair reminded me of someone....He was probably 17 or 18, nice muscles (granted not as nice as Xavier's but no one can really beat him) and tan skin. He was wearing a light blue billowing shirt and light brown pants with chocolate brown boots. All in all, pretty cute. I could sense that either we would be great friends, or rip each others eyes out.

Who is he? my alva asked Xavier.

He is the one we came for, he is the one we need to kill.


I looked around me, wind whipping my hair, I stood atop a mountain top; the blue sea on the right, forest on my left and a grand prairie behind. In front of me charcoaled land, something moved in the distance, it was a volcano erupting.

'Turn around idiot' a voice said. I spun around and standing in front of me was a girl. She was about my age, black hair with red highlights on the tips of the hair and eyes that matched. Her dark brown skin contrasted with her long, bright red, dress.

'Who are you?' I asked. She snorted, then shrugged.

'you asked for it' She lifted her arms and her once menacing black eyes were now bright bloody red and her hair was an array of pink, red, yellow and orange. Only then did I fell the heat on my back, it ran up my arms, consumed my whole body. When I turned to look, I saw flames dancing all over my skin. I screamed as they began to burn, more and more. The last thing I saw was a pair of red eyes.

Chapter 9: The Truth About Aaron

Word Key:

Aaron: air-on

Skya: sky-a

Aerthia: air-e-th-e-a

Καλήγη: ka-lee-g

Waking up from my scary real dream, I noticed that it wasn't all a dream. My right arm was submerged in the flames of the fire next to me. Shrieking, I jumped up, noticing the light pink sky of morning. Looking frantically around the camp for someone to help me with my arm. Xavier wasn't there, Aaron was sleeping on his camping bed. I screamed again as my now flame free arm burned in pain. Tears were now streaming down my face. Aaron got up slowly, and as soon as he saw me, he rushed over. He touched my hurt arm, and immediately it cooled.

'What in Aerthia happened to you?' he asked. Not wanting to tell him the truth, I responded;

'I woke up and my arm was in the fire.' Something beyond my comprehension flashed across his face.

'Let's get you fixed up'. He gently led me over to a small brown bag and motioned for me to sit down. His pink eyes glazed with worry he looked at my injured limb. Wait, PINK eyes! Last night they were black! I sighed, I'll never get used to this place.

By early afternoon Xavier teleported back from who knows where, and after a heated discussion with Aaron, we were back on the road. At first I wondered how Aaron would keep up, since he has no horse, but I learned to never underestimate someone. As it turns out, he has one of my abilities, he can fly. It came in very useful, as he is a professional, that he could scout ahead.

We are now headed to a village by the name of Skya. It apparently is Aaron's home town, and as Xavier says, could be a useful way to gain his trust. I'm still not on board with this whole killing Aaron thing. I mean, he's really nice, and I'm certainly no assassin.


We arrived to a large transparent wall. It rose high into the clouds, and stretched as far as the eye could see.

'Well, what do we do now?', I asked, dismounting Esperanza.

'We have to wait for someone from the other side to let us in.', Xavier said.

I looked at the wall, it was transparent but held a rainbow of colors. I looked deeper into it, and unconsciously took a step forward. I heard the faint voice of someone singing radiating off the wall.

'Do you hear that?' I asked. Xavier gave me a funny look, while Aaron looked stared at me, eyes wide.

'Do you, by any chance, hear singing?' Aaron asked.

'Yeah, why? Don't you?' He shook his head.

'No' but by this time a huge smile was plastered on his face. Xavier looked between us, suspiciously. The song picked up again, but I couldn't make out any words. It was a wordless tune, but very beautiful.

I stepped forward, hand stretched out.Somewhere in the back of my consciousness, I heard Aaron and Xavier yelling at me. Be quite , I wanted to say, as it was harder to hear when they were yelling like that. Without hesitating, I stuck my hand into the singing wall. A strange tingling spread through me. I jumped forward into the wall. It was about five feet thick, and now I was standing inside of it. Everything was a swirl of color and music. I knew somehow that I needed to exit quickly into the other side. I jumped out of the beautiful wall, the tingling sensation overwhelming me again. Dizziness came over me, and I quickly grabbed on to a nearby tree. Looking up I saw the most beautiful sight. In front of me was a wonderful meadow, one that in corny movies bunnies would hop by and deer drink out of the small waterfall. Remembering my friends, I turned around to help them through the wall. To my surprise it had disappeared. Aaron floated over in amazement, and Xavier brought the horses over.

'That wall had been standing there for almost three million years. It divided Aerthia in two, Malterre and Καλήγη. And then you come around and-', Aaron motioned to where the wall used to stand.

'Look, I'm sorry, I didn't-' I stated.

'No no no, don't worry everyone will be ecstatic to find out that it's gone. Some families were separated because of this wall, but their ruler forbade them to cross it.' Aaron said, giving a fleeting glance to Xavier,much to my confusion. I didn't dwell on it much because my mind was to preoccupied by one question. How did I do that?


We rode for about three more hours, and arrived to a to a completely burned down village. Black skeletons were all that remained of once mighty buildings.

'Aaron what-' I started, but he put up his hand, rudely cutting me off. Aaron led us to the town square, of what was left of it.

'Quickly everyone over here', he said, motioning to a large white stone that he was on top of. It seemed so out of place in this black wasteland that used to be a town. Xavier and I dismounted, and led the horses over to the white stone. The three of us plus two horses barley fit. Aaron clapped his hands once, and started talking in a language that I didn't understand. A column of pure white light descended from the heavens. The horses whinnied in nervousness as the rock started to shake, and then float upwards into the clouds. We emerged from the white field of clouds, and I saw a beautiful island. Yes, and island in the sky. It was almost like the movie Avatar, but without hot guys who turn into blue creatures. (AN: Great movie by the way) The White rock ported us to a station of some sorts.

'Welcome to Skya'; Aaron announced, lifting his hands up and motioned to the town behind us. Tall skyscrapers completely made of glass, reflected the sky. People walked from building to building by bridges that connected everything. It was magnificent. Aaron looked over at me, his face shining in happiness. Something sparkled on his chest, a sliver chain with a large bluish diamond rested on his white shirt. It kind of reminded me of my necklace from my father. The wind picked up as Aaron saw me staring. He quickly pushed it back into his shirt. It didn't take me long to add it up,. How the wind changed when he moved, how his eyes changed color with the sky, his flying abilities. This young man is no sorcerer. He's the air element.

Chapter 11: Sarah

Valissa's POV

I was born in February, month of the Aquarius, month of wind. My best friend is Bree Cole. My name is Valissa Sarah Winters. I am sixteen years old; and this is the day that Bree disappeared. I had finished cleaning the kitchen from a rather rowdy sweet sixteenth party, when I heard a crash coming from Bree's room. I jumped. Slow footsteps made their way upstairs.

'Bree? Are you okay?' I called. No answer.

'Ms. Cole?' I called to Bree's mother. Nothing. I ran upstairs, not hesitating for a second. Her room ,as usual, was in disarray, but one thing stuck out. Her treasured antique mirror lay face up on the ground. I stepped closer, and saw the tell-tale milky surface inside the mirror.

'Shit', I murmured. They weren't supposed to come for her. Once her dad left they were supposed to go away. I flipped open my cellphone, and held down the one. A tired voice answered from the other end.


'Aaron, its Vali, they took her, they took Bree.' Immediately he was wide awake.*

'They used her mirror, didn't they?' he asked. I heard him put the phone on speakerphone, and the rustle of clothes being put on.


'Have you sent an alva to your sister yet?' he asked. If two people (or more) were in the same family, our alvas can never have a limit.

'No, I'll call you back in a minute'.

'I'm on my way over, and I've alerted the Society'

'Good, bye' I responded, hanging up.

Lynn? Can you hear me?

Vali, is that you?

Yeah, Lynn we're on CODE RED Bree has been taken. Alert the Society in Aerthia.

WHAT?????!!!! she's been taken? I'll contact the elements right now.

I've already told Aaron, he's on his way over now.

Good, Demetri is taken care of and Abira too. We're going to meet at the wall in ten minutes.

Look out for her, Lynn, she'll be coming your way. Take care.

Bye. and good luck.


I sighed. At least now the elements knew. What am I going to tell her mother? Her mother. Ms. Cole . Oh. My. God.

'MS. COLE!!!!!!' I screamed.

'STACEY!!!!' Silence.

'ARE YOU HERE????!!!!!!!!!!! Please, answer me' Nothing. She's gone. They took her as bait. I screamed in frustration, my throat now sore. Tears pricked the back of my eyes, and I let them fall down my face, turning into icicles as they did. My tears hit the floor and bursted into thousands ofminuscule droplets. The wind whipped around me, dropping the temperature. I felt something light on my shoulders. My snow was falling in Bree's room. Great, my emotions got so out of control that i made it snow. Yes, you read that right, I made it snow. No, I'm not an element, but close. I am the Snow Queen.

Chapter 11: Secret Unveiled

Aaron's POV:

She knows. I can see it in her eyes. I saw the light that when off when she added two and two together. I don't know how she knows that I'm the air element, but she does.Xavier knows, maybe he told her. For now, we all need a place to stay for the night.

'This way', I said, motioning with my hand. I felt her eyes follow me, burning into my back. I sighed, this was a minor detour. I missed my city, Skya. The tall glass buildings, crystal clear water, and the air. The air its wonderful here, so fresh, untainted. No evil has come here, and hopefully never will. I would feel it if it came. As we made our way through the white, paved streets, citizens bowed their heads to me, acknowledging my return. I nodded my head back to them. The baker, the mechanist, one of the many flying teachers, people i love and miss.

We soon arrived to my establishment. Situated on the highest hill in Skya, sat a mansion mostly made of glass, and a roof of mirrors. My home. Three stories high, immense gardens, and exquisite art, it was the city's proudest building. I could see many servants running around, anxiously getting ready for my arrival. My father sat in his study, grey sprinkled hair covering his stern face.

'And exactly HOW are we going to get up there?' asked a very sarcastic and mad Bree. She was obviously referring to the fact that my splendid mansion was sitting on the edge of a cliff, and no transportation services could be found.

'Here', I said holding out my hands,'Ill fly you up.' Xavier reluctantly placed his hand in mine. Bree snorted, still fuming. Crossing her arms in front of her cream shirt, she slowly started to rise. Not even looking to where she was going, she landed safely on the edge of the cliff. My jaw dropped. Only citizens of Skya, and I could fly. She must- . I shook my head, impossible. Still in my shocked state, I flew up with Xavier, and landed next to a smug Bree. My wind slightly blew her honey colored hair, and she couldn't help but remind me of someone. No, Aaron; don't think of her, you promised you wouldn't, I scolded myself.

Me in the lead, we traveled through the wondrous gardens, making our way to the front door. I glanced at Bree's amazed eyes. She probably never seen flowers like this before. Flowers that turned the color of the sky, like my eyes or float in the air. Some, when it gets dark, glow silver in the moonlight, and are gold by day. Perched on every tree available, were birds of every color and species. Parakeets, parrots, toucans, and occasionally the Vermillion bird visits. Xavier was very wary, his hand posed on the handle of his sword the whole time, as if he expected the wren close by would attack him. I didn't know what to think of him. His almost black eyes held no trust, only greed. Bree seemed pretty attached to him though, i wonder what she saw in him. Girls, i can understand when certain winds should be where for both worlds, but girls completely fooled me.

I do wonder why Xavier brought her. It was just supposed to be him and me (not that im complaining, if it was just Xavier, I probably would have killed him by now) trying to ally each others countries. I guess she's some type of princess of something. I shrugged, I'll soon find out when we talk to my father.


Bree's POV:

I'm mad. Who am i kidding? I'm furious, and it shows. Why didn't Aaron tell me? I mean, he knows I'm an element too, so why didn't he tell me? And Xavier, did he know? I'll defiantly have a word with him later. We walked down the richly adorned glass hallway. I had to admit Aaron has a nice house. Tapestries of forest scenes and animals (especially birds) were displayed. The white marble floor made a clip-clop sound as I walked on it with my tan boots. The ceiling was made completely out of one way mirrors, so let the pure light flourish in. It fell on Xavier's chocolate hair, and midnight eyes.I don't know how I feel about him, but I know there's something. I just didn't know if he felt the same way. I sighed, boys, a girl can never understand them.

We approached a large almost pearl like door. Xavier stepped closer to me on instinct. His muscular arm brushed my shoulder. Shivers ran up my spine, and a blush bloomed on my cheeks. As if sensing it, Aaron turned around and looked at us strangely.

'Xavier, is Bree part of the treaty?' Xavier looked uncomfortable at Aaron's question. And I just had to stupidly ask,

'What treaty?' Aaron raised his blond eyebrows.

Just play along, I'll tell you everything later, I promise. Xavier's alva demanded.

'Oh! THAT treaty, yes I'm part of it'. He still looked skeptical.

'Are you sure? It's highly classified.' Aaron answered, unsure.

'Yeah, I'm sure',and I looked right into his blue eyes. He blinked.

'Of course, how silly of me, come we shall talk to my father.' I shot a relived glance at Xavier, which he returned. But I knew one thing, both Xavier and Aaron have some serious explaining to do.

Chapter 12

'Hey!' Xavier walked away from me, out onto the balcony.

'HEY!' he turned around.

'You owe me some answers! I looked like an idiot out there! What is this treaty? And why do he have to kill Aaron? What did he ever do to us?' Millions of questions were racing through my frazzledmind, and just a mere few spilled out.

'Hold on.' Xavier grabbed my shoulders.

'Calm down. he said soothingly. But i wasn't going to fall for that.

'CALM DOWN? And what about not telling me that Aaron is the air element, huh???!!!!'

'Shit.' He whispered. 'You found out about that?'

'Duh! It's sooooo obvious! I'm not some dumb girl you just picked off the side of the road, I wasn't born yesterday. God. I trusted you! I-I even-' tears welled up in my eyes. Liked you, I added silently in my head.

'Bree.' Xavier whispered. It's ridiculous how my heart jumps when he says my name.

'I didn't tell you for your own safety. It's complicated.'

'I'm waiting.' I crossed my arms and gave him the best glare that I could.


Aaron's POV

I'm pacing in my room, and each time a current of wind courses through my room. She can't just be some sort of ambassador. She has to be someone important. Ii can just feel it. And how can she fly? Only someone from Skya can do that. I am positive she is not from Skya. I was still pacing, when I heard a piercing scream.

Bree's POV

'Fine, I'll show you.' Xavier touched my mind with his alva, and images flooded my mind.


'Son.' King Noir said, gesturing to Xavier.

'You must do this, for our family, for your forefather's, for REVENGE!' His black eyes flashed maliciously. I now noticed how much they looked alike. The same strong chin, same black hair and eyes, it was a wonder how I hadn't realized it before.

'Give her this.' the king held out my black necklace Xavier had given me.

'It will weaken her immortality. One month after you give her this, KILL HER!'

'Yes father,' Xavier said, and took the necklace from his outstretched hand.


After finding out the bewildering truth, I didn't notice when he plunged his knife into my chest until I felt a warm wetness on my shirt, blood.

'How-How could you?'

'Easy, you just need a sharp knife.', He laughed, his once warm eyes now seemed cold and evil.

Then the pain hit me, and I screamed.

The last thing I saw were two black circles of a traitor.



Tag der Veröffentlichung: 30.01.2011

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