
Author's Note


This book also appears in the following site under my account. My pen name is always "Chifaye"

The first one:


This book is mine and mine alone! Reproduction of this book without my consent will burn your souls in the eyes of the law and to me! :)) RAWR

Happy Reading! :))


Chapter: One | End


BY: Chifaye Le Iron F


Chapter: One | End




Faint smiles, endless tears, new journey, and the need for a new sequel. Oh god Vampire Knight's ending sucks like hell.

"This manga deserves a warm furnace in hell." I groaned, throwing the manga off the wall. This is why I don't read manga online, because whenever I get pissed I want that thing to vanish completely out of my sight.

I stare at the broken manga on the floor, its leaflets shattered all over my room. I get up of my bed and plan to pick up this mess. I don't want to miss the bloody supper later just because I didn't clean my room. My Aunt Nancy is just too strict when it comes to cleanliness.

I grabbed the manga and prepared to throw it on my trashcan, but certain words written from it caught me off guard.

"A tablet that can turn vampires into humans." I read. Honestly, that is the only part I'd like in this whole story. The way purebloods were cleanse out to become a normal human ended their greedy race.

I wonder if Anais can make that kind of tablet. I thought to myself. So instead of burning it on my hand, I place the manga on my study table. 

As the only daughter who penetrated the womb of my 10,000 years old mother, I was given a gift to control the four major elements of this world. Only Bluebloods like me are the only ones who can receive a supernatural power from birth.

But they didn't know that I have another gift too that I'd acquired when I was born. And never in my eternity I will reveal this special gift to them.

For like the other fictional books about vampires. Vampires are always greedy for superiority and powers, except for this Twilight shit. Damn that book destroys the faith in vampirity! not only to humanity.

Since it was published, there was an increase in teenage pregnancy and werewolves murders. Just disgusting.

I secured my room's oak door and windows before practicing my second secret gift, my second power that no one ever possessed up until this year 2013. It is the power to summon Demons or Witches fresh from Hell. For some reason my blood can create a portal or entrance to the other world.

I opened my mouth and let my vampiric fangs to adjust to its predator length. My temperature started getting warmer as my fangs grow, while my eyes became more vivid that even tiny objects that cannot be seen by the naked eyes are all visible to me. I know my once melancholic blue eyes changed into crimson blood everytime I used my Vampiric side. Such an usual tradition for every vampires like me, except to thousands old vampires. Their eyes remained crimson red, which is a mystery to me.

Do we age? I mean do we get weaker as decades goes by? If yes I can end this filthy race!

I bite my right arm and let my blue blood fall down the floor. Vampires are blue blooded, and I swear they are not rusty or tasty like a human blood. Our blue blood tastes like dried rubber. Bitter.

Well, I'm not sure if our blood tastes like that too for human's tongue too. Of course who will taste a Vampire's blood? No Humans can reach that level of insanity.

"I'm here for my Demon. In my name Empress de Fifth, I summon Anais!" I ordered, as a huge wave of blue portal forms in front of me. The portal emits cold wind as it twirls in my room. The portal became darker and darker in every turns it makes, a sign that my Witch is about to appear.

The gust of cold wind became wilder which destroys the neat-ness of my room. Oh no Aunt Nancy will kill me.

"Faster Anais! You are destroying my freaking room!"

I hissed, as I try grabbing my flying pillows, blankets and such. Until a wild roar occupies my room. Anais doesn't scream, she is a bitchy socialite Witch who only care at her appearance.

"Finally I'm free!" I turn around and look at this new Demon I've never seen before.

"What the fuck." I murmured in disbelief.




Chapter: Two | Freedom


BY: Chifaye Le Iron F


Chapter: Two | Freedom




It is so dark in here, the only light that entertain my sight is this torch with lively blue waves like an ocean. I stare at it reminiscing the moments that I was still free from this cell.

Hell is hell-er when you are a prisoner in hell.

I lost already track on counting how many days I've been here. 

As long that this torch's blue flames never failed, I will remained tied in this jail.

A deep sighed escape out of my mouth. I want to get out of here. I'm too tired of being tied in chains.

Out of desperation, I tried blowing off the flames of the torch. Hoping that this spell will stop binding me down in this horrible place.

But of course, nothing happened. Instead, the blue flames only ignited more.

I sighed once more, looking down at the floor where my feet are also locked in giant chains.

"When will it stop?" I told to myself.

The blue flames attracted me, when all of a sudden it became wilder and brighter. It was an unusual brightness which made my eyes close.

It was so bright and the heat was so harsh, my skin feels like they are burning and tearing each other apart. The pain lingers as the sway of flames seems to succumb me inside of it.

I open my eyes in terror. I was jarred when I saw the flames on the torch are becoming bigger while it spins into a huge wave of fire.

It is getting bigger until the flames eat me away dragging myself in a deep pit while the pain of flame on my body keeps burning.

I keep on falling in this deep path until I heard a voice of a woman.

"I'm here for my Demon. In my name Empress de Fifth, I summon Anais!" The voice is calm yet too powerful, as I heard that voice the flame had stopped burning my skin and the motion of my falling out of this pit became fast as ever it would be.

Then the flames become colder and the lights around me are getting darker until they fade away and a wooden room appears in my sight. 

My whole body that was tied up before feels light and comfortable now. I set my feet on the marbled floor and realize that now I’am…

“ Finally I’m free!!” I yelled in happiness and relief.

"What the fuck?" I look down at this tiny girl, she looks a little bit menacing but all in all if her eyes are not abnormally red, she's probably pretty.

"You are the one who summoned me up? Thank you." I smiled, hoping that she will accept my sincerity and just let me free without her asking to be my Master for saving my ass out of the prison in Hell. I'm too tired of being a slave.

"There's a jail in Hell?" She asked, grinning at me in a creepy matter. This girl is pretty weird.

"Yea.. why?"

"Just wondering what crime had you committed?"

"Oh that.." I sighed in guilt, I don't want to talk about it but this girl seems like she is planning to pissed me off.

"Because you are ugly?" She continued, with a high pitch laughter.


"What me? Ugly?" I wondered, Demons are not that ugly to everyone’s eye. Since Satan was an Angel before we possessed that angelic face of him.

"Yea, skeleton maniac." She smirked.

"Skele what?" I groaned, the girl gets something on the table and hands it to me.

"Look at your damn self in the mirror filthy skeleton." I did what she said, and I swear to holy things this is not my true reflection.

"What the hell!" I screamed, as I see my face is skin-less and my eyeballs gouging out of my eye sockets.

"Even you got scared to your own reflection."

"I will go back to Hell! This is not my real form!" I panicked, as I turn my back where the portal back to Hell is still open.

"What? I thought you want to be free." She said, I ignored her and focus myself to jump back in the portal, but as she spoke the bluish portal closed.

"Open that again!" I yelled, I don't want to stay in this hideous form.

"Relax big bone demon and drink this." She offered her bleeding arm to me. I was jarred when I saw her blood is color blue.

"What are you?" I asked, amazed at her rare blood.

"Ugh you sound like my ex human husbands." She said, while she rolled her eyes to me.

"You married humans?"

"Yes. So what I eat them afterwards anyway, evidence must be destroyed."

"Such a heartless monster." I said in disbelief.

"Why are you doing that? Love is sacred to be play of." I continued, then I heard her laugh wickedly.

"For pleasure, wait what is there a good monster?" She smiled, revealing her fangs on.

"Vampire?" I said, unconsciously.

"Obviously." She said, with a half-smile curved on her lips.

"Do you want to remain in your hideous form or what?" She continued, as she offer her bleeding arm again.

"Just bring me back to Hell."

"Why? You don't want to be free?"

I look at her and was amazed by her words.

"You will not request for slavery? For the exchange of that blood?"

"Hahaha! You are so traditional! Nah I prefer human slaves they taste better and easy to play with. Their emotions are so fragile its fun to fool."

"You are mean."

"Shut up and drink this I want you to get out of my room now." She ordered, her eyes glows in bright red as she put her arm on my mouth forcing me to drink the blood of Lust where Vampires originated.




Chapter: Three | Bloody Supper


BY: Chifaye Le Iron F


Chapter: Three | Bloody Supper




I'm now lying on my bed, wondering what happened to my witch. I cannot summon her today and I just met a weird Demon as I look for her.

But damn, that Demon is handsome when he drank my blood. His face is perfectly radiant like an angel, his eyes are immortal green so lively that it made you feel you are in the cursed Paradise of Eden.

"Princess Empress?" A low voice knocked on my door which trailed my thoughts off.

"What the hell? Redundancy in title?" I groaned, seriously my name is over titled for royalty. My parents are third to the oldest Vampires that's why we are entitled to royalty titles. Top three oldest are the only ones who can rule the realm of Vampires.


"Bloody Supper is ready your highness." 

"Alright." I said, as I get up on my bed and opens the door.


My maid handles me a Victorian cream white gown that made me groaned.

"Not gonna wear that."

"But, your highness!" My maid pleaded.

But I just smirked at her as I sent the ugly gown on fire. I can create elements through my mind if I want to. The maid screamed in terror as she throws the burning gown on the floor.

"Great. Now that its gone will you excuse me? I'm hungry, you don't want to be my supper tonight right?" I grinned, as I watch her face expression shifts in horror.


The human maid run away in terror, that made me laugh hard. She almost stumbles and fall off the ladder as she run away from me in fear.




"Zup family." I smiled, greeting my vampire family. My father is there looking gorgeous as ever together with my mother who looks like a professional model on her ebony gown.


"Come here sweetie." My father smiled, as he pat the left side of the table where I will be sitting across my mum.


"You didn't wear the gown again." My mother said, in an alluring soft voice that almost sounds like a harp.


"You know I don't like wearing those." I said, while I sit on my designated chair.

"You are so stubborn Empress."

"What's wrong with red shirt and black shorts?" I sighed as I let my face fell boredly on the wooden table.

"Everything." My mother sigh in disbelief.

"No more fighting, let just enjoy our meal." My father intervenes. I get my head up and smiled to my dad.

Not so long, cold mists surrounded the sophisticated dining room.


"Ah finally, Nancy is here." My mum said, with a bright smile curving her crimson lips.

"Here comes the favorite." I murmured, as I watch their mist forms into their selves.

"Aunt Myra!" An annoying voice greeted, oh well that's the stupid cousin of mine.

"Oh how nice! The gown I made for you suits you perfectly." My mum smiled, as she gave the little bitch a hug.

"Thank you Auntie! Your works are dazzling, those people who don't appreciate your works are stupid!" 

"Said by the stupid." I laughed, my father chuckles as we gave high-five to each other. I have an awesome dad.

"Watch your mouth Lady!" My mother ordered.

"Oh I'm scared." I smiled, challenging her patience.

"Come sit beside me dear." My mother said completely ignoring my challenge. As soon that they get their asses a chair. Four maids appear with five bowls of hot blood that they will serve to us. The scent of the blood drives my mouth crazy. Oh I'm so hungry.

Not so long the bowls were served and everyone started eating hungrily. I look at my stupid cousin whose eyes are glowing red in hunger.

"Wow your accidental pregnancy must be though." I grinned, as I watch her losing her formality and ethics as she eat her food like a beggar. She looks at me with her eyes set on fire.

"Why are you so mean to me!" She blurted out. I laughed at her childish reaction she is a stupid immortal for 5 decades.

"Because you are so stupid." I smiled, as I sip the last blood on my bowl.

"Just because I fell in love and became pregnant you'll judge me like that!" She yelled, she was about to cry.

"Of course, you can't even identify the difference between a human and vampire. Now you got hit and run by a low level vampire." I said with a devilish smile of victory on my lips.

"You!" She yelled, as she throws the empty bowl to me. I created a shield of wind immediately around me that causes the bowl to bounce back on her stupid head. It cracked on her head and light blue blood oozes out of her. 

The darker the shade of the color of the blood the powerful a Vampire is. 

"Whore." I smiled, as I remove the shield off me.

"Empress!" My mother yelled, her eyes are glowing red in ire.

"What? You know the rule. She tried to injure a royalty." 

"Myra, you know the rule. Sasha must be punished. I'm sorry Nancy." My father said, in his authoritative voice.


Nancy just nodded, she is not talking a lot today. I can tell she's in a bad mood.

"What kind of punishment do you want to impose to her." My father smiled.

I look at the stupid Sasha, she was shocked and crying.

"Just make it bloody dad, like our supper." I said, as I get up on my chair.

"Alright sweetie." My father replied, my words were easily granted when two violent guards from Vanguards appear in a red mist.

"Get Sasha." He ordered.

"Where are you going Empress?" My mother asked in defeat. 

"I’ll just quench my thirst and boredom." I smiled and disappeared in a black smoke.



Chapter: Four | Chain


BY: Chifaye Le Iron F


Chapter: Four | Chain



That was just a good way to relieve my bored-ness. Sasha getting a bloody punishment in Vanguards made me so happy. But now I should focus on getting some prey. I miss walking down the aisle in wedding gown.

I teleport out of our mansion, there are three main views of our home depending on the eyes of the holder. To Humans it is a huge mansion, to Allied Vampires and other creatures it is a huge Goth castle, and to our Enemies it cannot be seen.

I walk out of our main gate in my favorite comfortable attire. I'd plan to get a new victim today so I wore a nice outfit that will emboss my immortal beauty.

A simple lacy black sleeveless, cocktail dress matched with my black boots. For this year, Goth girl always win the heart of this fools.

"Hmm so where am I going to find my victim." I hummed, as I walk down the empty road.

Not so long after five minutes of walking, my eyes caught an unusual store with a usual name.

Oh Irony isn't it?

Juliet is the name. I cringed at the common name as I remember the times when I dated Shakespeare.

My human name when I dated him was Juliet, because of his obsession to my immortal beauty, he made an opera and offered it as the fruit of his love to me.


The opera became so main stream that's why I killed him. As a royal vampire, I'm not allowed to be exposed in fame for our enemies might find a way to track us down.


Do I love Shakespeare?

Yes as a food.

I quickly walk out of the store, until my normal eyesight cannot see it anymore.

I was lost on my hungry thoughts when someone bumped me.

"Idiot." I said in a serious dead tone.

"Ouch!" He yelped, his head bumped with my strong shoulder and my right foot is stepping on his foot.

"Idiot." I repeated, as I push him down the ground. My vampiric sides is a sensing a strong aura of stupidity from this guy, which pissed me off.

 "Sorry." He sighed in defeat; he just gets up without even looking at me.

A part of me is glad that now he was gone. I can't stand around with pathetic idiots, who just bumped me as I catwalk myself in this busy road.

Our mansion/castle is located at the middle of this crowded city, where different establishments can be seen. We choose this busy place for easy food hunting.

As I walk down the busy street, once again I saw the different faces of people. Those who are with their partners dating each other like swan pair in lost lake, happy families with their little kids playing with them, the busy-office lady and man who seems to be stuck with their laptop's screen forever, students cramming with their deadlines, and lost wanderers who just seem to be lost in this place.

Every one of them is destined to reach the end of this life. I remained my sight at the beggars and wonder who really the lost one between us is.

 At least I'm pretty. I smiled and proceeds on lurking around this busy street.


Each step I take in this city made everyone's heads turn just to look at me. Obviously admiring my beauty, I ignored them until a human who cannot control his self on admiring me pulls my arms down the dark alley.

Since everyone is staring at me at that time when this unknown man, pulled me out in the dark alley. I took the opportunity of creating drama in this place.

I cry for help, attracting a man to help me out of this filthy guy.

"You are mine now." I turn around to face this silly human who probably wants to rape me in this dark alley.

"You wish--" I trailed off, when I saw the familiar grey eyes of this old man.

A Vampire Slayer.

Holy fuck no.

I tried to take off his tight grip on my hands, but it is too late, he already put the energy-drainer chains around my wrist.

For an instant my body felt weak and eyes are feeling droopy. I'm pretty sure he hasn’t locked the silver chains yet, for I know it requires some prayer for sealing.

So with my last energy, I created a giant fireball on my other free hand and throw it on his face.

He didn't probably expected that I can still use my power even after being halfway drained by the chains.

I watch him as my fire eat him together with his chains he pulled out of my arm when I throw my fire at him.

I slumped down the floor feeling totally drained. My eyes are closing by its own, I'm to weak to fight the urge of sleeping to regain back my lost energy.

"I'll get the woman!" The last thing I heard before I close my eyes.


Chapter: Five | My Name is...


BY: Chifaye


Chapter: Five | My name is…



I'm dead tired, I already woke up an hour ago but here I ‘am in someone's bed too tired to move even my single damn finger.

This is normal when a vampire hunter tried to hunt and drained your energy with their magical silver chains. Which is until now, we haven't found any solution to conquer that problem.

The only thing not normal here besides the fact that I'm too pretty for this room was, who the hell owns this place?

It was a typical cream white room with a single bed, cabinet and a desktop. And the only weird in this room was this guns hanging on the white wall, which made me feel nervous.

What if... That old veteran hunter had another company who captured me here?

So I checked my paralyze arms if ever I was chained, gladly enough I wasn't. My energy is just too drained.

I sighed in relief and decided to go back to sleep to regain my energy, when the door swung open.

My eyes look at the young boy who has a coconut husk haircut. He looks funny; I want to laugh hard on his face, if only I can as I don't even have that energy to laugh at all.

"Brother! She's awake."

Oh he has a brother. I just hope he is not a big version of this coconut kid.

I tried myself to smile and be polite at him, but he just turned his back to me, like he was not amazed by my beauty.

'Damn kids.' I thought.

"Are you feeling well now?" A different voice asked. I slowly turn my head to where he was standing.

My heart race, my eyes fell wide open, as my mind and soul seems to play tricks on me to what am I seeing.


"Hey? What's wrong?" He asked as he took the seat besides the bed.

"What happened to you?" I asked, gladly enough I've finally regained the energy I needed for this conversation.

"I believe I should be the one asking that--"

"Stop playing Eyre!" I yelled cutting off his ridiculous act of pretending to be someone else.

"Do not fool me Eyre! I know you!" I said, while jumping off the bed, and held his face in between my hands.

"Those eyes of yours they never changed." I said, sounding amazed like a child who just visited a circus for the very first time in her life.

"Uhmm... Miss you are too close--"

"We always do this before Eyre." I responded, while I let myself to make the first move of kissing his lips.

It’s just an inch away from his luscious lips when he pushed me away.

"What the eff Eyre! Have you forgotten me that fast?!" I asked, as I fell on my knees, remembering the decades we had been together while I look at his ever greeny eyes.

"Your face didn't change a bit. Just...” I paused, as I notice the drastic changed on his hair.

"Your hair... Why did you cut it!" He had a long royal black hair before, it is one of the prides of every vampire -- their long hair, yet he cut and shaved his. He is unexpectedly bald now though he still looks gorgeous as ever... forever.

"Will you let me to speak please?" He pleaded while he removed my hands on his face.

"Look, I'm sorry you are mistaken. I'm not your boyfriend."

"Lies! How the hell did you know that guy was my boyfriend? See? You are just lying! and pretending to be someone else!" I yelled, while I stand up on my feet feeling mad at him.

"Because you just said a while ago you always kiss each other right? Don't tell me you friend zoned that Eyre?" He replied, with his arms crossed.

"You idiot! Why are you rejecting me?" I yelled losing myself to him.

"I want to hug you so bad. I miss you Eyre..." I trailed, when I feel this warm liquid flowing down my cheeks.

"I'm sorry..." He said, as he stood up on his seat and wiped my tears with his white handkerchief.

"Maybe I just look like him, but I swear to God I will never have a beautiful girlfriend almost perfect like you." He smiled.

My heart leaped in joy when I saw his signature smile once more.

"Eyre..." I murmured, as I wrap my arms around his body, hugging him tight around me.

"My name is..." He trailed; I slowly look up on his face. Our lips are just an inch away again from each other.

"I'm Vincent." He said, in between his heavy breathing.

I don't care whatever kind of foolish names he will give to me just to keep this game of pretending he is not my eternal pair.

My heart knows he is lying and I will stick in this sense of mine.

That he is my Eyre.

I lean closer and our lips finally met. For the first time after how many decades of looking for him since those vampire hunter caught him, here we are again kissing each other, feeding our lust with our body and soul.

"No.. you.. are.. my.. Eyre.." I said, in between our lust full kisses.



Tag der Veröffentlichung: 15.09.2013

Alle Rechte vorbehalten

This story is an on-going sequel. It is a funny fantasy fan-fiction of my life and the characters' name came from my friend, families and such. I love you all for giving me such a wonderful life that inspires me to write :D From the amazing me: Faye

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