
Chapter 1 - Foundations of Homiletics

As one who will deliver the word of God, then one must know the content of the word. However, one must also know how the word should be delivered. Therefore, one needs to understand, know, and study Homiletics. The term Homiletics is a science that explains or elaborates on the word of God (sermon).


Talking about homiletics does not mean that we always talk about sermons, but the sermons are one of the forms of homiletics themselves, in which they have an inseparable attachment but also cannot be said to have in common. To discuss in more depth we will discuss what is the meaning, significance, characteristics of homiletics and their position in theological studies and what is the function, role of homiletics, and its position in worship and also discuss the form and model of homiletics in the preaching of God's word.


What is Homiletics? - Homiletics comes from the Greek word “Homilia” which has a basic meaning; consultation, elaboration or sermon. Homiletics can be defined as follows; the science of Preaching or lessons is spoken in front of a crowd so that the subject conveyed can be presented in a clear, real, and powerful way. The emphasis in this word is on how to preach Christian teaching in an orderly, systematic, and pleasant manner so that the listener can receive it well and be able to apply it in daily life.


The above definition contains two indications, namely; preparation of sermon material, and the main preparation of delivering the sermon. That means homiletics is a practical science that is learning how to preach Christian teaching including the requirements in educating someone to be a good preacher of the word.


The term Homiletics comes also from the Greek adjective "homiletika" which is connected with the word "techne homiletika", meaning "science" or "science of speaking". The adjective homiletics contains the noun Homilia, which is an association (conversation) with kindness. [1] Homiletics comes from the Greek word "homilia" which means "conversation or talk that brings a meaning". [2] The word homily comes from the Latin word Homilia which is translated from the Greek word for conversation, discourse, or speech. The term is mainly used in the context of the Roman Catholic and Episcopal churches. 


In foreign languages, this lesson is called Homiletics, meaning the science that explains the golden verse or the ability to describe something. In Indonesian, it is translated with the science of preaching or the lesson of speaking in front of a crowd (congregation). Homiletics is a discourse that explains the way of human salvation through Jesus Christ performed by the mouth of man, in order to be a testimony to other human beings.


Careful exegesis and good hermeneutics allow preachers to practice homiletics. Where homiletics is an art and a science that says the same thing as what the Word of Scripture says. Technically homiletics is the study of the preparation of a sermon that creates an inseparable connection between the sermon and a correct understanding of the meaning of the underlying biblical references. Homiletics is the culmination of the application of all the principles of hermeneutics and exegesis in an effort to understand a word of the Bible and then convey it to the listener.


The meaning of Homiletics is that the content of the sermon delivered is the Gospel. Because this is the power of God that saves believers. Because Jesus came into the world because of the gospel. The content of the sermon should be relevant, contextual to follow the development of the times and the sermon should answer the content of the struggles of the church that listens to the sermon. 


From the above description, let us conclude that Homiletics comes from the Greek word Homilia. That means that before this term became a Christian term, the word homilia was already used in the Greek field of life. The word homilia was formerly used in the field of association. The word association reminds us of encounters and friendships. The term friend with best friend is very different. The friend is related to the heart and feelings. We do not want our friends to be hurt but we want our friends to be happy. That is the meaning of the homilein.


Luke saw the very glorious meaning of the word in the word homilein and then Luke took this word and included it in the Gospels and Acts (Luke 24: 14-15, 17-26; Acts 10:27; 24:26). The most important of these verses is in Luke 24: 14-15 where the content of the conversation is about the resurrection of Jesus Christ.


There was a woman who went to the tomb of Jesus to anoint the body of Jesus, but when they reached the tomb, they found the tomb door open and the tomb of Jesus empty. Because of the incident, some women panicked and ran to tell the students. Hearing that, the students went to make sure. But some other women met Jesus. In that meeting, Jesus said to the woman, "Go and tell my brothers to go into Galilee, and there they will see me." Then she told it to the disciples. But the disciples did not believe. But the news spread quickly throughout Jerusalem so that two of the disciples were talking about Jesus.


The term homily is a Christian term, which speaks of Jesus Christ. Only the Bible uses this word because Christians are bound by it. The original term homilia: Social science, the question arises: what makes a peaceful friend ?. Luke answered: Speaking of Jesus Christ is the source of salvation. That is the etymological meaning of the word from the Greek term to the Christian term in theology.


What is Sermon? - Sermon is a communication skill of a biblical concept or idea that can be taken through a correct interpretation of Bible verses and applied through the power of the Holy Spirit to the lives of preachers and listeners. A sermon is the Word of God that is received, felt, and done by oneself and then uttered firmly and clearly, so that it becomes a testimony and a way of salvation for others.


Sermons are one of the ways used to communicate a message. In the Christian tradition, this message is based on what is written in the Bible or what is commonly preached. In Greek, this good news is called Greek eungalion. The Bible as a source of preaching the Word of God through the process. So that the sermon delivered is not the subjective thought of the preacher. The message of the biblical text is the essence of the sermon. The cover of the New Translation of the Holy Scriptures in Greek is called Kerygma.


Kerygma is a message from a previously interpreted biblical text. The way a sermon is communicated is also different from other ways of communication. The Sermon on the Mount is one example of a sermon given by Jesus. The Sermon on the Hill is also one of the references in the ethics of the New Testament. Jesus in His preaching contains about the coming Kingdom of God. The sermon also contains Jesus' call to everyone to repent. In addition to Jesus, the most famous figure for his preaching in the New Testament is Paul. Paul's preaching of the gospel is centered on the death and resurrection of Christ according to the Scriptures in preaching there are certain ways in the science of preaching.

Chapter 2 - Characteristics of Homiletics


Characteristics of Homiletics – Homiletics has several characteristics, namely:


1. Homiletics is inseparable from Scripture. The Bible testifies Jesus Christ, so the Word of the Bible must be the basis of the sermon. A sermon without biblical references, it is likely that it is a speech that presents the mind of the preacher and not the Word of God.


2. Homiletics is a human sermon that speaks about God to us. That is because God first spoke to people that is to reveal himself to us and the most perfect is in Jesus Christ (Heb 1: 1-3; Matt. 13: 16-17). In our preaching, we must center on the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ because through Him we have new life.


3. In carrying out the task of preaching the gospel, the preacher is not dependent or accountable to God alone, but also to the church that calls and ordains him as a pastor or preacher. Homiletics should (a) Occurs In worship. (b) Speak Jesus Christ (the living Word of God) to the church, so that her faith grows and her heart is opened to the work of the Holy Spirit: The Word of God in Christ is the gospel or liberating good news. (c) Refers to the Word of the Bible. The Bible introduces Jesus who loved mankind until He Himself died on the cross to atone for our sins, containing aspects of encouragement, comfort, and counsel (2 Tim 4: 2).


The Position of Homiletics in Theology -  Homiletics hold a close position in theology and all its majors. A sermon must be based on good theology, that is, it must not differ or contradict the results that have been achieved in exegesis (interpretation) or dogmatic. Briefly the relationship of homiletics with the respective theological majors: the most important major for homiletics is exegesis because the basis of the sermon is none other than the Bible. Therefore, a preacher should research the sermon carefully and thoroughly. It is not the thoughts of


Verlag: BookRix GmbH & Co. KG

Tag der Veröffentlichung: 18.05.2021
ISBN: 978-3-7487-8309-1

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This book is dedicated to God, my creator. My wife, Deanna Beryl Majilang-Hutabarat, and to our only beloved daughter, Emma Majilang Hutabarat.

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