
the beggining

Shakespeare has said ' I love thee with a love that shall not die till the sun grows cold and the stars grow old'

Love isn't always perfect but when you stumble across it then you'll know that it's true.

I laid in bed alnight staring at the ceiling. I couldn't go back to sleep with all of this crap on my chest. the ruckus down stairs startled me. Footsteps were pounding the stairs. I jumped to the sudden burst of the door coming off it's hinges."Get out of here Jaquor. What ever you do never come back okay? Your far more important than anything in this world," He started shoving things into my book bag."It wil all be explained on my laptop. You just need to get to Evelyn's house. You know where that is Jaquor? Go i'll hold them off for as long as I can. You'll have ten minutes tops"

What the hell is going on.

"Can you show me that fifty kilometer dash in ten" he said with a smile. I nodded my head."Go now Jaquor!"

I jumped out of the window feeling like a superhuman.This feels familair. It's like i've done this before?

As soon as my feet touched the ground I was off. The wind pulled at my hair. Why did i have to go to Evelyn's. Gunshots were fired. Tears filled my eyes as I rounded the last corner to Evelyn's house.


This place gives me the shivers. It's always surrounded with an evil pressence.

I knocked on the door for it to be swung open with a loud shriek.I walked in not knowing what was lurking in the dark ahead of me. At your six,eight, and twelve.

I rolled as something was flung at me. Twelve, Twelve, Your Twelve!!!!

With a swift movement of my hand three piosoned tiped needles flew through the air.Your six is going to tackle to you if you don't move in the next 2.5113112 seconds. 

I jumped over a table and flipped it in time for what, or who came hurdling over it. The lights flashed on and I ducked thinking it was a flash grenade. To my surprize it wasn't. What a relief. 

"I told you he was good, see didn't I tell you. He is the prodigy they want." said a croaky voice.

what are they talking about.

They looked at me with teared eyes. Well at least Eve was there. I gave her a big hug as I cried too.



It all happened so fast that i couldn't really decipher the big picture. So the thing was that I was different than other kids. Lovely huh?

"So what am I?" I asked. 

"Well thats what we want to know...

"So spill it kid or else I'll pop an eyeball out of ya'"said the old lady in the corner.

What was in her hand?"What i was saying was that only you know what you are.


Texte: Olivia Rowley
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 19.02.2015

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