
Lessons at Sunrise














Lessons at Sunrise

The student followed the teacher into the higher parts of the mountain. It was dawn but it very well could have been dusk.

The mountains in this part of the world exploded with colors of green and were very lush indeed. There was a cold mist lingering in the morning air as the two walked along the lost and forgotten path that flowed and drifted through the cliffs.

The student was about to embark on a long journey into the world. His teacher, whom he had not seen in many years, wanted to share the most important lesson of all.

The teacher was one of the wisest men in this part of the world. He had written many books about the ways of the Universe and had lived a long life. He had taught thousands about the ways of love and light and was an inspiration to many. Even though he was getting on in years, he still spread love into the world with his kind thoughts, words, and actions. His eyes glowed with compassion and love while his lips spoke only the Truth. In looking at this simple man, one could not possibly think he had affected the lives of so many.

“Where are we going?” the student asked as the teacher led him deeper into the misty and dew-filled trail.

This question was absorbed within the cold mist and did not receive an answer-the teacher continued walking as if nothing was said. The student, avoiding the puddles of water that had formed along the path from last night’s rain, thought his teacher did not hear the question because he was growing old.

The student replied in a much louder voice, “Where are we going?”

“Does asking the same question twice in a louder voice make it heard?” the teacher instantly replied.

The student, quite surprised, was about to explain why he repeated the question.

The teacher quickly followed by saying, “Why is it so important to know where you are going?”

“I just want to know where we are going, that’s all,” the student replied quite pleased with his response to the question.

“Allow the Path to unfold as you walk for when you know the destination, you tend to set your eyes on it and do not appreciate all the steps along the journey. The journey is key; always remember this. The destination is merely a resting place-a place in between journeys.”

The student was not surprised by his teacher’s answer. However, he felt compelled to retort with a clever comment because he wanted to show his teacher how much he really had learned since they had been together.

“You speak wisely Great Master, but a life without a goal is like a life in the wind. It drifts aimlessly and is filled with coincidence. Surely knowing the destination is as important as the journey for without knowing where one is going or having a set plan, one’s life is random.”

“I did not say a life should be without a goal. One should not neglect the daily steps in between the journey for a destination in a distant tomorrow,” said the teacher as he sat on a large boulder just off the side of the path.

The student could barely see his teacher sitting on the boulder because there was very little to the mist-filling morning. The student wanted to take this trek into higher parts of the mountain when it was lighter, but the teacher insisted upon this time.

‘It is good to see you again after so many years,” said his Master with a soft smile. “I am honored that you have come to me for advice on the eve before you set off into the world.”

“Of all the teachers along my journey, you have been my favorite,” said Kai. “This is why I have come to you for counsel to learn the most important lesson of all.”

“You were always a good student, Kai. You have learned many of my lessons well. Though I am sure there is much you still do not know, your sincerity and passion for learning still burns within your essence and on this day, you will learn the most important lesson of all. This you will need to be successful with as you journey into the world and travel to distant lands.”

Kai sat on a boulder next to his teacher. How he loved this man who had been so instrumental in his own life. Even though he had not seen his teacher in some time, the old man’s eyes still burned with fire and a simple smile always seem to adorn his face.

“Today, I take you into the higher parts of the mountain to teach you the most important lesson of all because you have asked me to,” the Master repeated as he placed his hand on Kai’s shoulder.

“Today, I will share with you a place where you can look to gain knowledge, wisdom, insight, truth, and answers to all of your questions no matter what you choose to do with your life or what part of the world you are in. This place…”

“Is this why you wanted to take me into the higher parts of the mountains today?” interrupted Kai as his eyes lit with curiosity.

“Are you going to show me a special temple or shrine that exists in this part of the mountain where I can visit when I am feeling tired and my heart aches for comfort? Is this why you picked this time of day, so you could share with me, in secret, what has been your haven?”

The Master smiled.

He saw himself in the eyes of his student. He did not mind the interruption because Kai had always been filled with so many questions. How lucky he had been to meet such a young man filled with passion and a willingness to learn. Though Kai had grown into a man, his inquisitiveness was that still of a child.

“No,” replied the Master. His face was warm and a soft light filled his eyes.

“This place I share with you is a place that cannot fade with time. The hot sun cannot melt it nor can the wind blow it away. This place is timeless and endless. It is a place you will take with you on all your journeys. You can visit it in a simple thought.”

The Master leaned closer to Kai and said, “This place I speak of is inside you. It is the garden with your essence. It is within all of us. Attending to it daily allows us to enjoy its splendor. No matter what the circumstances of life might be, always look within yourself to find answers to all your questions. This is the place I want to share with you on this last day before you travel into the world.

Kai felt puzzled because he knew his teacher had already shared with this lesson with him. It was the first lesson he shared with him many years ago. He thought, perhaps, his teacher had forgotten they had discussed looking within for answers since he was getting on with his years.

‘You already have told me this lesson,” said Kai with a glint of disappointment in his eyes. “I already know I should look within for all my answers. I have studied under you for six years a time ago and have studied under other great teachers ever since. I have read countless books on wisdom, truth, and knowledge. I have visited the best universities and libraries in this part of the world and now I am going out into the world to teach others what I have learned. Help me to understand why your last lesson to me on this day is similar to your first.”

The teacher smiled again. He arose and started walking back on the path to continue his journey. The student followed.

“Come, I will show you why my last lesson to you is similar to my first. Let us go to the higher parts of the mountain on this glorious day.”




Lessons by the Cliff














Lessons by the Cliff

They walked for another hour in silence.  They could see the sun just over the mountains.  The teacher sat next to an old chestnut tree.  The student stood just a few feet from one of the more treacherous cliffs.

The mountains from this vantage point were stunning.  The village lay below and other lands stretched out endlessly.  There were still higher mountains, but the teacher decided this place would be perfect to begin their lessons.

“My last lesson to you is similar to my first because that which lives within us is both the First and the Last.  If you only remember one thought from me after all these years, then I ask you to remember my first and last lessons.  Forget every other lesson if you must, but remember my first and last.  This is why you must to look with for answers to all questions; the Father of the Universe lives within us all.”

The student was not really surprised by his teacher’s lesson.  Indeed, it was a beautiful lesson.

“Yes, I know.  I love God.  You know this.  I have studied Him for years and know all about Him.  I pray to God and know He created everything.  I worship Him in the Temple and abide by all the rules of my religion.  This you also know.  As long as I live a good life, God will not punish me.  He will keep me from the dark one who tempts me daily.  I also know I should keep my distance from others that sin, so I do not become tainted with the dark one’s touch.  My house is an honorable house and others in it revere God.  When they do not conform to the teachings of our religion they are punished accordingly because God is just and wants us to be good as He is good.”

The student was finished.  He felt comfortable and strong in his belief and loved his religion.  There were other topics in which his teacher was superior but he knew when it came to the concept of God, they were equals.

The Master walked by the edge of the cliff and said, “Come here my wonderful young student.”

The student rose and stood next to his teacher.  There was a time when his teacher was taller but the years had robbed the old teacher of his height and now Kai was much taller.

“Yes, Master, what is it you wish to tell me?”

“Look at the sun and tell me if it is rising or setting,” said the Master as he lifted his walking stick in the direction of the sun and smiled at his student.

There was a time the student had been stumped by many of his Master’s questions but he could not believe the simplicity of this latest query.  He thought his Master might be joking, but then his teacher asked him again, “Look at the sun and tell me if it is rising or setting.”

The student did not know how to respond to the question and simply said, “Why, the sun is rising, of course.  Why do you ask me such a simple question?”

“How do you know the sun is rising?” the teacher fired back not giving Kai a moment to think.

The student looked puzzled.  “What do you mean how do I know?” he said while waving his arms in the air.  “I know because it is morning and the sun always rises in the morning.  Day follows night and night follows day.  This is how it has been for centuries and how it will be for centuries to come.  You know I have studied Astronomy and Astrology as well as Physics, Logic, and…”

“Yes, yes,” interrupted the Master.  “I know you studied all those subjects because I taught you many of them, but how do you know the sun is rising?”

“Forgive me, dear Master, but is this one of your puzzles?  We know our solar system has nine planets.  The sun is at the center and planet Earth is the third planet from the sun.  It is now morning.  Because we know the orbit of the Earth in relation to the sun and the rest of the planets, the sun is rising.  This is how we know.”

The teacher smiled and walked back to sit by the tree.  He was proud of his student but knew there indeed would be yet another lesson on this day.  On this day, his student would understand a Great Thing.

The student looked at the sun again then came back and sat by his teacher.

“Master, is it not morning and is the sun not rising?  How can there be any other possibility?  Help me to understand the nature of your question.”

The Master’s heart filled with love.  There were moments when Kai’s burning curiosity made him look like a wonderful child exploring the world for the very first time.

“You are a good man,” said the Master.  “You have gained much knowledge since we have been together, but it will be on this day you learn the Truth.  Of course the sun is rising because it is morning, but my lesson to you is that you base this information from your current perspective; your perspective from being on planet Earth.  You mentioned other planets in our solar system, did you not?  Is it also morning on those planets?  Is the sun also rising on those planets?

“Today, I will teach you about perspective,” continued the Master.  “Much like your perspective allows you to draw conclusions that the sun is rising, your religious perspective also allows you to draw certain conclusions about God.  This, too, is merely a perspective; an important perspective but nonetheless a perspective.  It is relative depending on your vantage point.  In fact, all things in the Universe are a matter of perspective.”

“Master, I understand your words but there is nothing better I understand than God.  As long as I follow God’s rules, I will go to Paradise.  I should help others so I am worthy of God’s love, and if He is merciful I will share Heaven with Him.  I should keep myself clean from all sins or else I will burn in the fires of hell where the dark one will torture me.  This I know all too well.”

“Yes, this is what your religion professes, but it is simply a perspective about God.  As you go off into your journey, you will encounter others having their own perspective about God.  They may not believe exactly as you do, yet are as comfortable with their religion as you are with yours.  They may call God by a different name, they may have rituals different from your religion, and…”

“Yes, Master, I know,” interrupted his confident, young student.  “I will worship God in my way and I should respect others in how they respect God.  I have studied all the major religions of the world since we have been together and I feel most comfortable with this one.  It’s really quite simple.”

“Perhaps simple in concept, my dear student, but remember you must exchange ideas with them, teach them, learn from them.  What will you tell them if they disagree with your concept of God?  What will you tell them if they say they are right and you are wrong?”

The student stopped for a moment.  He remembered conversations similar to the way this one was developing when he was a child learning from his teacher.  However, he was no longer a child and felt confident in his own views about God.

“Master, I would tell them all about my religion.  I would explain to them that I studied all the other religions and feel this one will get me in Paradise.  I would share with them how our Great Prophet Luma walked the Earth 1,000 years ago and liberated our people by writing his Laws into the Fabled Tree just outside the city walls.  I would teach them from the Great Book of my religion and when they see the Truth, they, too, will want to believe as I believe.”

The student paused for a moment and then said, “Yes, this is what I would do.”

The teacher commented, “Your strategy is bold and honorable.  Your mind is sharp and your heart is golden.”  Kai smiled momentarily, but sense his teacher was not quite finished.

His Master continued, “And once you tell them about the history of your religion, its Great Prophet and its Great Book, what if they told you about their religion, their Great Prophet, and their Great Book?  What if you disagreed with the details of your religion?  Your religion’s Great Prophet Luma wrote his Laws in a Tree.  What if their Great Prophet wrote their Laws on a rock?  What if their Great Book was different than yours or they did not have a Great Book?  What if they did not believe in Paradise or in a dark one?  More importantly, what if you started to agree with things they said that were contrary to your religion?  Would you honestly be able to still work with them?  Would you sincerely be able to teach them as much as those believing exactly as you believe?”

Both teacher and student became silent.

The Master removed a golden pear from his cloak and bit into it.  There pear seemed to appear from nowhere.  He continued swallowing a piece of his pear.  “What if most of the rules of the religions were the same but a few were very different?  Would you teach them any less?  Would you respect them any less?”

This was the first time Kai felt a bit unsure as to what to say.  He had forgotten how masterful his teacher was in getting his students to really think about what they believed.  The topic of God, however, was something Kai cherished and honored all his life.  He felt comfortable with it.  It was really the only area of his life he felt he had mastered, but before he could utter a word, the teacher persisted, “What if they said something that disagreed or contradicted your concept of God?  How would you then know if your religion was the right religion? How would you know if the way you worshipped God was the best way to worship God.  How would you become found once you became lost?”

The teacher and student were silent, yet there was more sound in the air now than when they spoke.  In his heart Kai knew had had found God.  Perhaps he was not able to express it as well as his teacher, but he was sure his religion provided him with all the answers.

Finally, after several minutes of silence the student said, “I would teach them as you taught me.  I would pray to God for the answers and attempt to look at all the similarities between the different religions.  I would attempt to show them that it was not the path that was important but the traveler on the path.  I would awaken them to whatever concept of God they held in their heart and let them know if they wanted to Life Eternal, wanted to be saved, or wanted to participate in whatever concept of Heaven they held in their mind, they would have to turn to God.  I would speak truthfully and plainly to them, and not allow any differences to distract us from connecting to our own unique concept of God.  I would share with them the love of my religion and create a forum so they could share the love of their religion with me.  Throughout my teachings, I would pray to God for Truth and Guidance.”

The student then rose and walked to the edge of the cliff.  “Oh Great Master, I would carry you in my heart as I taught them, and remember how wonderful you were in front of a group of people.  I would attempt to waken in them the same spark of life you awakened in me that placed me on my current path.  I would fill their minds and hearts as you have filled mine; with ideas and feelings that would move their soul.  I would teach them of darkness and light and show them various prayers, meditations, and affirmations that would hopefully get them into their own concept of Paradise.  I would teach them about the dark one and how the realm of darkness attempts to dim the light within us all.”

Kai then picked up a rock and tossed it below.

“I would create books, songs, and poems that would raise their spirits no matter which path they walked.  I would teach them how to listen to Nature and Her animals and how to respect all people, places, and things they encountered.”

Kai pointed to the sun.

“I would tell them that whatever concept they held of God, He created all things in the Universe.  I would tell them God lives in Heaven and seeking God should be our endeavor in life.”

Kai then stopped and walked beside his teacher and said, “This is what I would do for them as you have done for me.”

Kai walked back over to the cliff and stared out into the world.  He wiped the sweat from his forehead.  He was an inspirational speaker indeed.  His ways were gentle and his passion went unsurpassed.  He had the fire of a thousand suns and was ready to share it with the world.  Kai picked up another rock and turned toward the perilous cliffs as he waited to hear what his teacher had to say.

The teacher said nothing but slapped at a fly that landed on his arm.  Kai paced back and forth by the edge of the cliff and threw the rock further than the first.

“Master, what have you to say?”

The teacher slowly rose again and stood by the edge of the cliff with his student.  Finally, after what seemed an eternity, the old man spoke.

“You are truly becoming a great man.  There is no greater reward to a teacher than in watching his student bloom.  I am extremely proud of what you have become and love you like a son.”

At this, the teacher placed his hand on his student’s shoulder and with a warm smile said, “Come, let us go into the higher parts of the mountain to continue our lesson.”






Lessons by the Meadow














Lessons by the Meadow

They climbed for another ten minutes and rested by a field of flowers that had every color of the rainbow.  The path was not as rugged and they both sat under a tree in the middle of the meadow.

"You have spoken well, my young student."

Kai smiled.  His old teacher always seemed to know exactly what to say.

"As I mentioned earlier, I am honored that you have sought my counsel  before you go out into the world but i must, however, ask you another quesstion," remarked his teacher.

"Of course," replied Kai.

"Tell me, then, why do you want to share all that is within you with the world"?

A big smile graced Kai's eyes as he jumped up instinctively with the passion of ten prophets.  It was the question he was waiting to here from his Master.

"I want to touch every man and woman I encounter with my thoughts and words.  I want to spread goodness into their lives as you have done to mine and write the best books about God, Truth, and Knowledge as you have done.  There would be no greater books except yours, or course, not only in this land but all over the world.  I would endeavor to be a great teacher to others as you have been to me."

Kai picked up a white tulip and continued, "I would teach them how delicate their lives are and how we are all equal in the eyes of God."

"Excellent!" shouted the teaching knowing one simple word of praise would have his student preaching to the flowers in no time.

"I want to be the spark that ignites their Divine Light so as to awaken them to God."

Kai paused and smelled the flower.  "Yes, great Master, this is why I want to share all that is within me with the world."

A gentle wind blew as the two sat among the field of summer flowers.  A wonderful fragrance filled the air.  As Kai took a deep breath from the world around him the teacher said, "And what would you say to those that after listening to your words, after reading your books, and after singing your songs..."

The teacher paused and chose his works carefully.

"What would you say to those who did not agree with you and to those that did not believe in God?"

"Ahh, great Master," sighed Kai.  "I would convince them with the various theories I have learned through the years that God is withing us all.  I would tell them that if they wanted to be saved or wanted to stop the cycle of reincarnation, or whatever specific beliefs they held, they would have to follow a religion.  It would not matter which one but a religion that made sense to them.  A religion that would help them gain answers to the questions during their beautiful lives."

"Wonderful, wonderful," said the teacher, "but what if they were still not convinced ever after your teachings?  What if they did not want to belong to any religion or follow any way of life?  What if they truly believed there was no God, heaven, hell, or things of this nature.  What would you tell them?"

Kai thought for a moment and said, "I would tell them that their very lives were in danger; they walked in the shadow of darkness.  I would try to be their light as you have taught me and remind them that a life without God is certainly a life that is lost.  I would find what concept of God made sense to them and teach them in the ways of this perspective."

The teacher continued his probing questions, "Yes, but what if they still did not care what you said?  What if they chose to perform actions your religions does not accept?  What if they chose, for example, to cut some trees down to build a simple fire in the forest?"

Mad passion lit Kai's eyes.  "To cut a tree down is both blasphemy and deserves dead according to my religion!  Trees are sacred since Luma wrote His Laws on a Tree.  My dear teacher, this person would be a sinner and would be cast out from among our group.  I would turn my back on this sinner  because the dark one already tainted his essense with the color of evil; our Great Book teaches us this matter plainly and simply.  He is a sinner and according to the Laws of our religion, the shadow of evil fills his heart.  I also know many religions also professes this to be the case.  Any good, solid religion has rules and regulations to help govern its people's behavior within the context of God.  When one of these rules or requirements are broken, then the punishment should fit the crime.  This is simple, and, as you know, is one of the rules all major religions have in common. This is what I would I would endeavor to teach all of those who cross my path during my journey into the world."

A crow flew by as Kai finished his words.  Both teacher and student became silent once again.  Kai was pleased in how he answered the arsenal of questions from his teacher.  In his heart, he knew Luma would was smiling; Luma would be proud, he thought.

It was almost two hours into the day after they started their journey.  Kai leaned his head against the tree and closed his eyes.  The warm sun felt goood opon his face.

Then, as unexpectedly as the crow flew by a few minutes before, the teacher arose and said, "You have learned a religion and its doctrine quite well indeed since we studied together many seasons ago.  Now, follow me, and I will teach you about the Father Within."



Lessons by the Lake














Lessons by the Lake

The student and teacher continued their journey into the higher parts of the mountain.  The sun, too, continued its journey into the brilliant blue sky.

Magnificent clouds softly passed in the sky and looked like gigantic, white creatures floating in the air.  After several more minutes of walking, they came upon a splendid lake in the mountains.

The water reflected the sky as birds and a variety of other animals played in and about the lake.  Kai also saw two swans as they glided across the lake both on their own journey.  He spent many days fishing in this lake when he was younger and this part of the mountain had always been his favorite.

Kai saw his teacher slowly making his way deeper into the trail as it veered to the left of the shiny lake.  In so many ways his teacher had changed, but in so many others he was the same teacher of old.  Kai smiled to himself as he thought how fortunate he had been to meet such an extraordinary simple man.

There were many times throught out his life he wished he could read this teacher's  mind.  This moment was one of those times.  He wondered what his teacher thought about his ideas and reflected upon how he always seemed to look for recognition and approval from his wise, old counselor.

"Come, Kai," shouted his teacher.  Kai had not realized he had fallen a bit behind while watching the magnificence of the lake to his right and losing himself in thought.

"Come, and we shall sit by the lake and continue our lesson for this day."

 Kai joined his Master as they sat by a tree whose branches created a perfect shade from the sun.  They sat a few feet by the lake and both stared at the sheer beauty of this part of the world.

"Listen," said the Master.  "Listen to the world.  Hear what it has to say."

Both listened.

Kai could hear the sound of the breeze as it sailed through the leaves above him.  He heard the splashing of the birds as they busied themselves with small branches that had fallen into the water.  His ears heard the silent slapping of the small waves as they massaged the sand at his feet.

The world was alive and with sound.

'I hear, Master.  It is all so beautiful.  The whole world is alive and bursting with life."

The Master smiled.  This old man adored the world.  He adored and appreciated everything.  His ways were gentle and warm.

"You will be a great teacher, much greater than I, and one day your students will be much greater than you.  Your goal will be to teach your students so well they they learn more than you do.  This is the sign of a Great Teacher.

The Master too a long, deep breath and breathed it back out into the world and continued.  "As you go off into the world, do not forget to stop and listen to what the world is telling you.  Listen to the sounds of the world but also listen to the silence of the Father within yourself."

"I will teach others as you have taught me," said Kai.

"I know you will, I know you will," said the Master as he placed his hand on Kai's shoulder and smiled.  "I know your heart is filled with Love and your mind with Light."

Kai smiled since he lived for his Master's compliments.

"Many great men have achieved your level of knowledge, awareness, and understanding of the Universe.  Your passion will carry you through many dark days to come."

The Master stared at the swans momentarily, "Realize also that your passion might blind you to the fear that lvies within your heart," he said.

Kai was listening so intently to this Master that it seemed as if they were the only two people in the Universe.  A squirrel scampering through the branches above reminded Kai that the rest of the Universe still did exist.

"Master," said Kai in a worried voice.  "What do you mean my passion might blind me to the fear that lives within my heart?"

His Master became silent.  Kai could see the Master was measuring his words carefully.

The old teacher continued, "Watch the ripples of water as I place my stick into its silence."

Kai watched as his Master placed his walking stick into the water.

"The ripples carry to all parts of the lake both seen and unseen.  The lake will then empty into the flowing mountain stream which eventutally will find its way into other bodies of water and mix with the Ocean.  As you go off to teach the world, make sure the ripples you create with your thoughts, words, and actions also carry love into the hearts and minds of all seen and unseen.  Make sure you spread love to the world and not fear."

Kai looked puzzled.

At times he felt his Master was not listening to him.  "Master, have you not heard a single word I have said all morning?  I wish to travel into the world and touch all people, places, and things much like you have touched me.  I will teach people to look within themselves to find their own unique conccept of God and fill their hearts with stories, riddles, and puzzles much like have have taught me.  My hope is to plant various seeds within their soul so they can find deeper meaning in their lives and experience life more profoundly.  I intend to make a difference to all people crossing my path wherever my path might lead me."

The teacher pulled his walking stick from the water and sat against the tree.  This deep eyes looked into the water.  Kai sat next to him waiting for a reply from his Master.

"I know you intend to spread love what I am saying is I pray that you do, in fact, spread love."

Kai was starting to become upset with his Master and replied, "Have you heard nothing?  Nothing at all?"

Kai arose and walked around the other side of the tree and placed his hand upon its bark.  "I wish to touch the world like I am touching this tree, Master.  I love the world and her people.  This I learned from you.  Why do you speak of fear when my heart is burning to spread love?"

Kai walked back around the tree and knelt in front of his Master.  "What are you trying to tell me, Master?"

"All of us are both teachers and students simultaneously.  We are constantly giving and taking from the world, her people, places, and things during our everyday travels.  Our goal is to ensure we give love freely much like freely we receive love."

"But Master, this is what i do not yet understand," repeated Kai.

"But you already understand, you have just not realized it yet.  Continue to keep an open mind as you have done throughout the years for what I am about to share with you."

"You know I will," replied Kai.

""Yes, yes, I know you will," the teacher said with a sincere smile.

He turned toward the water and facing this radiant essence he said, "You have gained much knowledge since we have been together.  I am sure you can quote any saying from your Great Book and recite all of Luma's teachings without giving it a single thought.  You also spoke wonderfully earlier.  There is passion and fervor in every word that crosses your lips..  Those listening would have loved your words, your metaphors, and your analogies."

His teacher turned and faced Kai.  "All these skills will place you in many situations where others will base decisions about their very lives upon the words you speak.  This creates a unique position for people like us who choose to teach others.  This is why we must be absolutely certain we spread love and not fear.  Our mission is to heal not harm for the world is already filled with many who intend to heal but in truth harm, my dear Kai."

"But Master," shouted Kai.  "I wish to heal  not harm the world!"

"Of course you do," said his Master.  The Master stared at the water just by his feet and said, "Look at your reflection in the water, Kai."

"Master, tell me plainly what you wish to say," said Kai who was growing ever more impatient and upset.

"Kai, look at your reflection in the water," insisted the teacher without flinching.

Begrudgingly, Kai knelt by the water and saw his reflection.

"The world is our reflection.  Much like the water reflects your face back to you, all of the people, places, and things you encounter during your travells will also reflect back to you.  If you give love to the world, the world will reflect love back to you.  Smile and the world will smile back at you; teach fear and the world will give fear back to you.  Today, I will be your world; your mirror.  Today, I will reflect back what you said by the cliff and the meadow earlier."

Kai waved his hand in the water and stood up next to his teacher.  His passion was getting the most of him.  "I still do not understand what you are trying to say.  Speak plainly to me today!"

Kai helped his Master sit down by the tree.  It seemed like yesterday that this great teacher stood in front of thousands and could talk for hours and even days without rest.

"Please know I love you like the son I never had.  What I must say will hurt but it must be said for it is Truth.  I will attempt to be as tactful as possible.  Please understand there will come many moments in life where words will fail you like I am sure they will fail me during the next moment."

"I sense your love and appreciate your difficulty in saying what you are about to say," said Kai.  "Now please tell me what you wish to tell me."

Lessons of the Price














Lessons of the Price

The Master continued, "I imagined myself as one of your students when you were speaking earlier.  I was initially impressed by how you spoke.  However, as I thought of what you were saying, I realized I heard more about fear, requirements, and punishment that I heard about God.  You were wise in seeing past the differences between the numerous religions but everything you said, regardless of the religion, came at a price.  Without realizing it, your words were teaching that God's love for us comes at a price."

"At a price?" questioned Kai with a surprised look on his face.

"Yes, at a price," repeated his Master.  "Though you have understood it does not matter which religion, if any, one uses in order to connect the Father within our hearts, your words suggest every religion has its price.  All religions have a piece of the Truth but realize that all of the religions in the entire Universe can still not capture the essence of the One Father of the Universe.

"The various rules, regulations, and requirements are the price men have created to attain the Father's love; realize these are rules created by men and not by God.  All things from the Father are free.  Anything that hints, smells, or implies price is based on fear not love.  The Father is Love and He gives us this love for free not expecting anything in return.  His love for us is unconditional, endless, and eternal.  Endeavor to spread love into the world freely as the Father spreads love.  Learn to give like the Father gives:  freely.  If you are giving to the world because you are expecting approval, recognition, fame, or fortune, you are spreading fear and not love.  You are giving at a price."

Kai did not know what to say.  His teacher's words seemed to have tied his tongue in a knot.  After a few seconds, Kai shot back, "Without rules and regulations there would be chaos in the world.  Every religion has set up various requirements to help govern its people.  Are you saying each religion can have their followers do as they wish?  Is this what you are sayong?"

"No, of course not," laughed his Master.  "Humans like other creations in the Universe, need various rules, laws, and codes of ethics to align them to live a good life.  What I am saying is these rules are more for conduct and not the price for God's love.  The Father's love comes freely.  Teach your students to cherish their religion.  Teach them that regardless of which one it is, to follow its rules as best as possible.  Help your students understand that even though a rule or all the rules are broken, the Father of the Universe still loves them as if they had never broken any of the rules."

 Kai got up and paced by the lake.  He grabbed a rock and skipped it off the surface of the water and then turned to his Master.  "How can this be?  God will punish those that break His rules.  This is not only true of my religion but many other religions as well.  Each religion has its Prophet, its Great Book, and its Prayers and Meditations.  Are you telling me that all of these people won't be punished if the rules are interpreted by each religion's teachings are not followed?"

His Master stood up.  His movement was quick and agile.  Then, with crimson fire in his eyes, the Master said, "The Father Within is Divine Love.  The Divine Love that created all things in the Universe.  The Father does not punish, men punish.  This is what I am telling you.  All God does is love us.  He allows the brigh sun to shin on the sinner as well as the saint.  In truth, there are  no sinners or saints.  In the Eyes of the Father, all of us are His Children and He loves each of us endlessly and equally without price."

"But Master, what about the lost ones with sin and break God's rules?"

"The Father loves all of us equally no matter what the mistakes we made.  What many religions call sins, the Father sees as mistakes His Children are making during their growth.  He loves us unconditionally and has given us the freedom to make mistakes.  Being a teacher yourself, you know a student can learn and grow much from his mistakes.  All of us are always learning.  This is true in all parts of the Universe.  I know this is dificult for you to understand because you cherish your religion, as others cherish theirs, but let me give an example."

"Please do, great teacher," said Kaii as he released the air in his lungs as if he had been holding his breath for an hour.  "For today, you are either opening my eyes to a new way of thinking or you are confusing me like before."

Kai sat back down by the tree.

""Your Prophet Luma once said, "Heal those that harm you," did he not?"

"Yes, this wonderful lesson is written in our Great Book.  It is Luma's greatest lesson," Kai replied confidently feeling once again he understood something.

"It is written that as a followerof Luma, one should not cut down a tree for any reason.  Is this also not true?"

"Yes," replied Kai.  "Luma liberated our people from the wilderness and wrote His Laws in a tree just outside our capital city.  One is not allowed to cut down a tree because they are children of Mother Nature."

"Wonderful," said the Master.  "Luma was a true manifestation of the Eternal.  Is this not what your religion calls God?"

"Yes," replied Kai.

 "Then what do you think Luma would say about a group of devoted Lumarians that became lost while traveling to your religion's Holy City if they cut down a tree and built a fire to avoid freezing in a wintry snow storm?"

Kai knew immediately where his Master was going.  This old man had a frail body but his mind was as clear as the lake in the mountains.

"Are you going to draw me into one of your philosophical discussions about morality?"  asked Kai?

"No," said his Master.  "I am curious to hear what you think Luma would say about the question I pose."

 "Luma would say to cut down a tree so his followers might live."

"But is it not death for one to cut down a tree according to the laws of your religion?"

 Kai debated this wise old man all his life but after what his Master said about God loving freely, he was not quite certain what to say.  "To be honest, I don't know what Luma would say."

"Yes you do!" shouted the Master.  "Open your heart not your mind!  Luma is a manifestation of the Father of the Universe.  The Father of the Universe is Divine Love.  Luma would have helped the people cut the trees himself because Luma, like the Father he represents, is an expression of love.  He would have lit a fire with them and told them how much the Eternal loved them al.  He would have stayed with them until the storm was over and then would have led them out of the forest.  This is what I believe Luma would have done because he learned to love like the Father loves:  freely and unconditionally."

The Master got up and stroked the bark of the tree.  "Luma wrote his Laws in a tree to show how important Mother Nature is to human beings and to planet Earth.  She, too, gives freely for the service of humanity.  We, too, must learn to give freely back to Her because we receive freely from here.  This is what Luma wanted to teasch us.

Though his mind told Kai otherwise, is Master's words touched his heart.  What his Master said sounded like the Truth.  He knew it was the Truth.  He had studied Luma all his life and the story about the fire and the winter storm was the Luma he had forgotten.

"Luma wants you to write His Laws in your heart not in a tree that can be cut down and burnt for warmth.  All Great Prophets from all religions want their respective followers to write their Laws in the hearts of the people and not on a stone, mountain, book, or any place that can wither with time.  I know what you are hearing disturbs you, but you must hear it if you truly want to spread love in the world."

The teacher know nothing more need to be said for this moment.  He was a Master at the Art of Silence.

The clouds dispersed since they first sat by the lake.  The sky was a crisp blue.  The Master saw a flock of birds fly by and smiled.  He was teaching a young man who had the courage to look inward and increase his concept of God.

"Master," said Kai as his red, teary eyes looked into the eyes of his teacher.  "I feel like a lost child since your words have shaken up my world and belief system.  I do not like this feeling but it is how I feel Great Master."

 "Wonderful, for what it not Luma himself that said, 'Any man seeking the Eternal shall be born into a child and love the Eternal with all his heart and soul.'"

Kai's tears turned to happiness.  His Great Master had taught him wel, indeed.

After a few more minites of silence, Kai splashed some cold water on his face and said, "Master, how is one unknowingly spreading fear in the world if one does not give freely as the Father does?"

"That, my wonderful, inquisitive Kai, is a wonderfuly inquisitive question," smiled the Master.

The Master also saw a hint of a smile on Kai's face.

"All things come from the Father.  If we give to the world so we might receive, then we are not giving as the Father gives.  If you go into the world to teach what you carry in your heart, then teach because you love teaching and enjoy opening the minds of others.  Teach to learn; dont teach to teach.  If this is your reason to teach, then teach.  This is giving like Father gives and you will be spreading love since you love teaching.  You will be freely giving to others what you have freely received from others.  If, instead, you go into the world expecting to receive something in return for your teaching, like currency, approval, recognition, or things of this nature then you are spreading fear."

"But how would one be spreading fear?  Is it wrong to expect to be paid for one's services?  Is it wrong to gain recognition or approval for a job well done?"  asked Kai.

"It is not wrong to expect money, approval, or recognition for your teaching but these should be the results of your teachings and not your reasons to teach.  During the studies of the Mind, do you not remember the great theorist discussing the concept of Ego?"

 "Yes, I remember your wonderful lectures about her fascinating theories.  If i remember correctly, she stated  one filled with Ego is filled with an immature and narcissitic type of love.  One only loves himself and no one else in the world, but what does Ego have to do with fear?"

"Ego has everything to do with fear," stated the Master.  "According to this great theorist, one's Ego becomes developed throughout life to overcome various fears.  Many of these fears are needed for people to survive.  These innate fears are buried within all of us and help us run when we are presented with danger.  This is normal activlity for all people.  As one's Ego becomes too larger or overgrown, one thinks he knows more than he really does.  This is very common among teachers," joked the Master as Kai began laughing.

"And of students wanting to become teachers," added Kai.

"Of course, of course," smiled the Master.  "One's Ego allows one to cover up various fears.  Perhaps as a teacher, you have a fear of being wrong or not knowing the answer to all of your student's questions.  This is how I was when I first began teaching many, many years ago before you were even born.  I was so fearful of not knowing the answers to all the questions that I would give my students false information.  I was afraid to say I dont now when i truly did not know.  I am not proud of this but I am being sincere with you on this matter.  I would encounter brighter students than I asking very difficult questions.  Since i feared being wrong, I did not encourage any questions during my teachings.  I was teaching them how to fear teaching and learning.  These were the lessons they received from me.  I was not teaching them love but fear."

 "Fascinating," said Kai.  "So Ego hides one's fears from others, does it not?"

"Worse, it hides one's fears from oneself.  Remember, Kai, the world reflects back to us that which we give to it.  This is why we see in others what we cannot see in ourselves at times."

"Master, do you see any Ego in me?"

"All free-thinking beings have Ego.  All of the Great Prophets of the religions lived their life through humility.  They gave their EGO to the Father and He provided for their every need.  We will talk more about this later.  In you Kai, I know you seek my approval; you always have.  You cherish when I confirm or validate what you are thinking.  You seek my compliments.  This is normal.  All of us seek approval from others we respect, but to give to the world because one expects approval is giving because one's Ego is covering up a fear of not being approved.  One gives only so one can receive; in this case approval.  This is what I see in you, Kai.  What I want to make sure is that you go into the world because you truly, genuinely want to share with others knowledge you have learned about God and not attempt to convince anyone of anything so you might feel better about your own belief system.  I want to make sure that if you do it, you do it for love and not to cover up any fears that your Ego is hiding from you whether you even realize it or not."

"I never thought about it quite like this before. I am intriqued by this new perspective you present to me Master."

"I am glad to hear you use the word perspective again.  All things in the Universe are a matter of perspective.  So you see, we can either spread love into the world or we can spread fear. The choice is ours.  The secret is to ask the Father Within to help us realize the difference."

"But how will I know for sure if I am spreading love instead of fear." asked Kai.

"Kai, give your Ego to the Father and He will help you spread love in the world instead of fear.  In fact, give your whole life over to the Father and ask Him to teach you in ways of love, light, and Truth."

The Master continued, "If you do go out into the world to teach what lives in your heart and mind, so it because you love it.  Remember also, that the world is your immediate family, friends, and the simple daily occurrences that happens in your life.  Right now, I am your world.  When you return back to the village, the world will be the people that you see, think, and dream about.  This is how I want you to think when you think of the word world.  In this way, every thought, word, and action you create will pour love onto all you touch, regardless of where you are in the Universe.  The world starts now and is here not out there.  Spread love not fear, Kai; it is very elusive and only with the Father's help will you know for sure what you are spreading.  Our Ego covers and masks our fears quite neatly: appearances are deceivig and the more we grow in Mind the more adept we become at hiding our fears."

Kai sensed the Truth within his Master's words.  He somehow had always known and on this day his Master simply reminded him again about the simple ways of the Universe.  After several moments of thought, Kai finally said, "If the Father of the Universe lives in us all and He loves us freely and equally, then why are there so many different religions in the Universe?  Why does He not simply tell us which religion to follow?"

"Excellent, excellent question my dear Kai.  I am happy to hear tou ask questions of this nature.  Come, let us go into the higher parts of the mountain to continue our lesson."


Lessons by the Fallen Tree














Lessons by the Fallen Tree

Kai and his Master climbed higher into the mountain.  The sun began to get hot during this time of the morning. Kai felt a bit hungry but was hungrier for what his Master had to say.  His mind did not agree with everything his Master saidbut his heart burned with love and sensed there was much Truth in this words.

As they walked, Kai saw a bird's next high above one of the pine trees just to his left.  He saw the mother bird feeding three or four of her hatchlings and could not help thinking how God provides even for the smallest of creatures.  Perhaps this is what his Master meant by the Father of the Universe giving freely to all His Creations.

"Master, are you hungry?" asked Kai.

"Let us climb by the fallen tree and we can eat as we watch the world," said the Master.

There was an enormous tree once struck by lightning many months ago.  Part of the tree hung over the edge of the dangerous precipice whilst most of it lay in the middle of the path.  No one had ever removed it from the trail; the area took a magical quality.

Kai was happy they would be spending some time by the fallen tree.

After a few minutes of walking, they arrived at the fallen tree area.  Kai immediately junped on the huge bark and walked across until he saw the dangerous cliffs befire his feet.

"Master, let us eat while sitting on this part of the tree."

"Very well, very well," said his Master as he shook his head in disbelief in what he was about to do.

"My head is already light from hunger and it will be lighten even more as we sit on what will feel like the edge of the world."

Kai smiled.  Though his Master had grown old, courage still filled his heart.  He helped his old teacher across the fallen bark of the tree jutting out several yards over the edge,

Both were hungry

The Master pulled out some bread and several figs from what appeared to be nowhere and the two began eating while overlooking the beautiful but dangerous cliffs before them.

"Kai, do you remember all the different colored flowers as we spoke by the meadow, earlier this morning?"

"Yes, of course," said Kai.  "The meadow was beautiful and her flowers magnificent.  Why do you ask?"

"As you venture off into your journey, think of all the different people you encounter as flowers in God's Meadow.  Each will have a different color, size, shape, and fragrance much like each flower is unique, but all are made from God and all have the Father within them."

"Yes, for the Eternal created all of us in His Image and Likenesss," added Kai.

His Master continued as he bit into a piece of bread, "The differences we see between the various flowers are because we are focussing on the external appearances of the flower.  A violet is purple and a rose red but they are both flowers.  God created both of them.  We see the differences because we are focussing on the details of the flowers.  As humans, we are Children of Detail."

Kai bit into a piece of bread and his Master continued, "Your skin is dark while my skin is a bit whiter.  As you travel, you will encounter skin color that is white, yellow, brown, and all other colors.  You will also encounter those that are much taller and shorter than you, those that speak a different language, and those that think differently than you.  All are still Children of the Eternal Father.  Do not focus on that which makes all of us different, but strive to focus on He that Created all of us;  He that is within us.  Look beyond what your eyes show you."

 "Yes, the Eternal is a Wonderful Creator," said Kai.  "He is love and His Creations are diverse, indeed."

"You speak well, Kai.  This is also why there are so many different religions in the Universe.  We are all free-thinking beings.  The Eternal, as your religions calles Him, allows us the freedom to workship Him as we choose and in ways making sense to our part of the world, our point of view, and our perspective.  He gave us free willand because of this free way of thinking, we have created countless different religions."

"But tell me Master," asked Kai.  "Of all the different religions in the Universe, which religion is truly the best religion?  Which religion do you follow?"

The Master ate his last fig.  He had eaten to his fill.

"Which flower in the meadow is the best flower, Kai?" returned his Master.

Kai, too, finished his last bite.  The bread was the best Kai had ever eaten and the figs were perfectly sweet.  He thought for a moment and then said, "You answer my question with a question."

His Master smiled at Kai's quick eye in skillfully watching the conversation as if a casual observer.

Kai continued, "Well, I might like the rose while you like the violet.  I suppose it is really all a matter of opinion."

"Yes, exactly!" exclaimed the Master. "It is all a matter of opinion.  I would rather choose the word perspective because it really depends on how one views life and how one views the Father.  As for me, silently spreading love in the world is my religion.  I respect and honor all religions, teachings, doctrines, and ways of life that are based on the Eternal Father's Divine Love.  Teach your students to embrace their religion and follow it like its Prophet would follow it.  This is my advise to you.  Do not try to convince any man or woman a certain religion is better than the one they cherish..  Do not pretend you have the Truth for then you are speaking from the standpoint of fear, not love.  Do not seek to convince, but to learn and expand your own concept of God."

"But Master," said Kai.  "What you are saying sounds easy in concept but difficult in practice.  One of the reasons I chose my religion is because Luma himself said he was the Path, the Reality, and the Eternal Life.  He said this on the Third Night of the Moon just before writing His Laws into the Fabled Tree.  He also said no traveler who seeks the Eternal could find the Eternal without going through Luma.  Our Great Book tells this wonderfuly story and it is at the core of our religion.  This is why I believe in Luma and his teachings for I can only get to the Eternal through this Great Prophet and no other way."

"Come," said the Master.  "The sun is hot and it burns our miind.  Let us find some shade and we will continuue"

 Both teacher and student walked back to the path and found a shady place to sit.  The day was hot and the shade felt good.  A soft breeze caressed the world helping to cool the travelers.

They both sat under a tree.

"What you say is true," said the Master.  "But many of the religion's Great Books also state that the only way to get to the Father is through the religion's Great Prophet whose life was a living manifestation of the Father of the Universe."

His Master stopped and pointed to his forehead then said, "But think upon this thought for a monent:  each one of the Prophet's lives can be likened to a consciousness or a way of life."

"A consciousness or way of life?" asked Kai.  "What does that mean?"

"Luma said he was the Path.  He wanted to show, through acts he performed, that the Eternal lived within him.  As you know, he was born the son of thieves and after this parents were killed spent his childhood in misery and poverty.  He suffered much throughout his life, but always had a kind word and action to offer his fellow man.  Think upon the way he lived his life as an example of how this way if life was a Path to connect to the Eternal.  This is what I believe he meant when he said he was the Path."

"You speak wonderfully," added Kai.  "Luma was truly a Child of the Eternal.  His life served as a perfect example of how to get into Paradise.  He truly was the Path."

"Yes, but he was only a Path.  There are many Paths leading to the Father for the Father lives within all of us.  There are as many paths to the Father as there are people since each of us can learn to be a path to the Father within our essence.  The Path is within because, we, too, are Children of the Eternal."

"Master, tell no one what you have just told me for to equate yourself with Luma is certain blasphemy," whispered Kai as he lowered his shoulders and secretly looked around to see if anyone had heard.

 "Kai. we are al Children of the Father for the Father lives within all of us.  Was it not Luma that said, 'For the Eternal created us and left His Divine Spark within us all so we might attend to it like one attends a fire and grow it until it becomes an Everlasting Flame.'"

"The Path Lum was tallking about was the Path within our hearts and minds for this is how we connect to the Creator of All Things."

Kai could not believe what his Master was tellling him.  He had many feelings forming inside his heart.  "Master, Luma was the Path, the Reality, and the Eternal Life.  Any man believing in this Great Prophet would live Life Eternal.  All else will die."

The Master looked into the eyes of this student.  Kai had learned the ways of his religion well, almost too well.  "Luma's prayer, like the prayer of all the Great Prophets, is to believe in the way he spread love to all of those he touched.  It is beliefby expression; expressing love in the world as he did and not by saying we believe then acting as if we do not.  Kai, reflect upon your actionsyou give the world to truly know how much you believe in what your Great Prophet represented; in what he has said.  Words and thoughts fall in the realm of intentions while true belief is in the action.  It is by giving freely to the world as our Father gives freely.  This is what the Great Prophets of all religions taught.  All else are idle words and and thoughts."

 The Master continued, "The expression of love into the world, her people, animals, Nature, and all things encountered is what Luma was talking about when he said he was the Path.  Your interpretation makes Luma out to be a man creating requirements to obtain the Father's love.  The Father's love is free.  There are no requirements."

"Though my mind disagrees with what you are saying, my heart loves your words.  It is beating in my chest as you speak because my heart is free and..."

"Kai," interrupted his Master.  "We are alll Children of the Heart sharing a Loving Father who is Divine Love.  Our mind is the domain of the Ego which hides our fears while our Heart is the domainof love.  Your heart is pounding because it is recognizing Truth whiley your mind is closing because of fear."

"What you say is how I feel," admitted Kai.  "But the Great Luma also said he was the Reality and the Eternal Life."

"As you reread your Great Book, and others reread their Great Book, think upon the life of the Great Prophet of your religion as a way of life and a consciousness.  As you read about all of his teachings and lessons, and all of his love he poured into the world, think about how he lived in humility; how from the standpoint of humility he touched the lives of others.  This Great Prophet, like all of the others, lived his in flesh mirroring our life in spirit.  The Father of the Universe, who is Eternal Spirit, is already within every single one of us.  Our search to rediscover Him within us is the reality Luma was talking about.  Their physical life is analogous to our spiritual lives that we choose to live via our physical actions.  In our own humility, we will realize Him within our essense.  This is the reality he was talking about.  Kai, the Father is within us.  Your Great Book mentions this many different times as other Great Books mention this most important lesson.  In our humble search in discovering the Eternal within us and by freely giving love into the world as the Great Prophets did, we, too, are the Path the Reality, and the Eternal Life."

The Master became silent.

Kai thought perhaps the hot sun had indeed melted the mind of his Master but his heart was pounding in his chest as if attempting to break free from the prison all the reqquirements that his religion created for him.

He wanted to believe what his Master was saying.  He wanted to believe he could be like Luma.  He wanted to believe the Eternal loved him as much as he loved Luma.  He wanted to believe the Father loved us no matter what we did, no matter how or if we believed in Him, and without a single condition.

After a few minutes, he heard himself ask, "What you say touches the depths of my soul and stirs my heart.  I can see how we can become a Path to the Father by keeping an open heart and mind and connecting to His Eternal Essence.  I can also see how we can connect to the Father by living humbly and silently spreading love to the world.  This is the Reality at the core of Luma's teaching but Master, what about Eternal Life?  If I do not believe in Luma, I will not live Life Eternal.  This is about the only thing left I think I know."

His teacher arose from beneath the shady tree.

"Come, let us take a brisk walk into the higher parts of the mountain to digest our food and our thoughts."

The sun was directly above their heads.  It had already been several hours since they made their journey into the mountains yet it seemed like a moment ago.  Some clouds were forming off to the east and the breeze became a bit stiffer.

There was a new wind in the air as they ascended to the cliffs above.

Lessons in the Hut














Lessons by the Hut

Kai had never been to this part of the mountain.

He felt a bit light-headed as they climbed-they were quite high indeed.  They have to move slowly because one false step would prove fatal.  The path was very narrow with either side falling into the cliffs below.  Kai could not believe the agility of his Master beccause this part of the path was treacherous.  Every step this old man took looked so precise and calculated.  He have been been to these heights many times during his loving prayers and meditations for himself and the world below.

Kai could barely make out the village.  At these heights, it was difficult to make out the detail.  All things seemed of equal importance and significance from this perspective.

Clouds that have gathered off to the east looked ominous and it began to smell like rain.  The sun kept disappearing behind layers of clouds.  Kai felt some cold drops of water on his arm as they journeyed upward.

"Come," said the Master.  "There is an old hut behind this bend that will provide shelter from the rain.  Let us go there to continue our lessons."

After a few more minutes of walking, an old hut appeared out of the misty air behind some of the taller trees.  It was a rather simple hut with a barrel just to the right of the door.  Both student and teacher entered the hut and were greeted with a damp and moist smell.  It reminded Kai of his father's old wine cellars where he and his cousin used to play as children.

A candle sat on top of a wooden bookcase and was already lit.  This surprised Kai since it seemed as if the candle was expecting their arrival.  The Master took the white column of wax, placed it upon the small table, and sat in one of the oak chairs.  Kai could see some of the Master's books lying in the bookcase.  He had read all of his Master's orginal works many years ago.  He also saw a set of green books with golden titles the likes of which Kai had never seen before; yet they looked vaguely familar.  He wondered what Mighty Wisdom was contained in the Discourses of these Volumes.

"Close the door, Kai,' said the Master, "so we might continue our lesson inside this simple hut."

Kai closed the door.  The old piece of wood moaned while he moved it.  A soft, yellow light glowed from the table as Kai sat on the other chair facing his Master.  Kai felt a bit cold.

How quickly the weather changed in the last hour.

"Are you cold?" asked Kai's master.

"Yes, a little."

The Master smiled.  Kai would follow him to the ends of the Earth and beyond.  He started across the the wooden, dusty table at his young student.  He knew Kai would be successful no matter what endeavor he chose in life.  He was a good man with a great heart who yearned to learn the mysteries of the Universe.  He knew they were about to immortalize yet another moment in time.

"Kai," said his Master in a soft but loving voice.

"Kai, tell me about Eternal Life."

Kai come closer to the candle-lit table.  He moved his wet hair from his forehead and looked intently at his Master.

The candle flickered wildly as Kai approached the table.

Kai begin speaking.  "Our Great Book speaks about Eternal Life in many places.  Eternal life is living in Paradise because God has considered you worthy of this place..  Eternal Life is achieved based on the path of goodness one chooses to live during his earthly travels.  It is a reward for resisting the temptations of the dark one and his sinister ways.  Only the Eternal decides who is worthy of Eternal Life.  I learned this lesson very early in my life and consider the entire subject of Eternal Life sacred."

 Kai's sat back in his chair and placed his hands close to the flame to steal any warmth from the tiny source of light.  He could not help thinking what his Master told him earlier about how the Father of the Universe gives freely to all His Creations.

He was truly confused.

His heart accepted everything his Master was revealing to him, but his mind refused to hear such things.  He apppreciated his religion even more when perceived from this new way of thinking, from this new Light.  It just felt right, but he still felt confused.

His Master sat back in the old chair.  Kai could barely make out his face since the candle cast little light.  Kai heard his Master's chair creak as the old man came forward into the yellow, flickering light.  A crack of thunder reminded both of them that this part of the world was drinking from the waters above.

"Kai," whispered his Master, as the soft light from the flame danced off his old, wrinkled face.

"Kai, the Father of the Universe gives all His Gifts freely.  All his Children are worthy.  The mountain we have been walking upon has been alive for centuries.  All we have seen today as been alive since the beginning of time.  The tree we sat upon  was struck by lightning and now lies dead.  Death is not the end of life, but merely the beginning of another journey.  The leaves will fall from its branches while its bark will be blown away by the wind, but its seeds will fill the Earth below with life.  In its death, other trees will burst with life and provide shade for many creatures in the future.  With the Father, there is no death, only life."

"I know this Master, but Eternal Life is only for those who are worthy of the Eternal's Love.  Only those who have lived a life without sin have earned this right.  This was Luma's whole mission while on Earth.  He served as the living example and believing in him would set us on the Path of Eternal Life.  You are saying the Father has already given us Eternal Life; that it is a Gift He has already given to us freely.  I do not agree with this because then the murderer, the thief, and the good man free from sin have Eternal Life.  If I already have Eternal Life, then why should I even attempt to live a good life as Luma wanted all of us to do.  Why should I even bother to live my life free from sin?"

The Master appreciated this student's question.  It was an excellent question.  That old man sat back in his chair.

Kai could hear the rhythmic sound of the rain as it slapped against the roof of the hut.  He was beginning to dry off.  If he could only start feeling confortable about the conversation, he would truly cherish this moment.

"Keep an open heart and mind for what I am about to share with you," emphasized the Master.
"You know I will," said Kai as he, too, sat back in his chair.

"There is either love or there is fear," started the Master.  "The Father lives withiin us all.  What I share with you is merely a perspective.  Please keep this in mind.

"Think of the flowers in the field, the lake in the mountains, and the rain as it falls from the sky.  All are reminders the Father is creating; the Father is Life.  He is the energy that animates all things in the Universe.  He is as much in this room as He is in the farthest corner of the Universe.  He is the Universal Constant; there is not one space in the entire Universe that does not contain His Essence.  Every cell in our Bodies in in the Universe contains God.

"The Father is neither male nor female yet He is both.  I use the word Father too help us with our conversation about the Pure Energy of the Universe.  If you prefer the word Mother to help you understand according to your perspective, then do so.  The One God of the Universe has many names.  He is the energy giving life to all things seen and unseen, heard and unheard.  He is the Source.  He is all these things and so much more."

The candle flickered as the old Master spoke.

"Many men live their lives based on fear.  With this fear, men build walls from other men.  Men also create religions.  These religions, too, often build walls from other religions.  Many religions teach its followers to fear God.  They teach that Gold will punish the sinners and reward the saints.  They teach of a dark one who waits in the dark corners, much like a thief, and attempts to tempt the hearts and minds of men.  This, too, is fear."

The Master continued.  "Many religions have set a trap based on fear.  They teach of a punishing Father, a set of rules and requirements, and an evil one torturing the sinners in hell.  They teach fear when they teach from this perspective.  Because of this fear, they teach that all should follow the prescribed rules and regulations-any that deviate from this path are sinner, or lost ones, as your religion teaches, and tained by the dark one's touch.  They have created islands between either other because of this fear.  Any attempt one makes to increase his respesctive concept of God is often shunned because he is considered to be walking in the shadows of darkness.  The Truth is that he sincerely wants to increase and expand his concept of God.  He might even be considered satanic by many and shunned.

"Many religions do not often encourage the growth and expansion of one's concept of God.  Kai, the Father is love, growth, and expansion.  God created man and man created islands because of fear.  Fear causes walls to be erected from others and from oneself."

"What you say is true," added Kai.  "This is why the Eternal has given us the right Path.  We shall follow Luma to gain Eternal Life."

"Yes, your Great Prophet Luma was a Path but he was only a path.  The Path to the Father of the Universe is within.  Do you think for a moment that Father would have placed a price or condition on Eternal Life?  Allow yourself to imagine the Father as more marvelous than we can ever know.  Allow your heart to dance in your chest when it hears that the Father has already us the Gift of Eternal Life.  There are no requirements necessary to obtain this Gift.  It is ours without question and it has always been this way.  All we have to do is realize that Eternal Life is already ours and begin appreciating this most wondrous Gift.  By appreciating all we experience, we extract the Essence of God in all people, places, things, and events during our travels.  The Gift of Eternal Life, like all His Gifts, is free because the Father gives freely.  We are made in His Image and Likeness as all of the Great Books simply state.  Because He is Eternal, we are Eternal.  Eternity is already here, Kai."

Kai could not believe what he was hearing.  This just could not be.  "Master, do not say such things!  I do not believe in what you are saying.  This cannot be true.  The Father will punish the Lost Ones and reward those that walk His Path.  Eternal Life is a reward that we must earn and not a Gift.  Only He decides who is worthy of this Great Reward.  We do not know of such things."

The Master knew he was contradicting the very essence of what Kai believed; the very essence of what many of the major religions believe.

"Kai, imagine you are drinking a jug of water ffrom the lake in the mountains.  The jug is like your body and the water inside is like your soul.  Within the water, there lives the Father for He is in all things.  If you break the jug, the water spills on the ground and on your clothes, does it not?  The body is broken but the soul lives on the ground and on your clothes.  The Spirt of the Father remains unrbroken.  It merely seeks a new container perhaps your clothes or perhaps the air once the Sun dries the water.  It is Eternal regardless of condition or requirement.  It is Eternal because the Father is Divine Love and He has given the Gift of Eternal life freely for us to cherish.

"Place your mind outside the rainy door for a moment and listen with your heart.  The Father Within loves you no matter what you do, no matter how you worship, and no matter what color your skin might be.  There are no conditions to be met.  He loves you just the way you are no matter what sin you have committed.  He even loves you as much whether you believe in Him or not.

"Earlier, when you threw those rocks out into the cliffs, did you see the effects of gravity upon the rock?  Do you have to believe in gravity for gravity to exist?  It exists wheter we believe in it or not.  Listen to these words with your heart for a moment and tell me how you feel.  Kai, all the Father does is create and love.  It is He that lives within us.  It is the Father Within."

The Master sat back in his chair and closed his eyes.

Kai simply did not believe what he was hearing.  It sounded too easy; to clean.  It sounded like lazy man's religion.  To Kai, it seemed as if one did not have to work hard at connecting too the Eternal since Eternal Life was already ours.  This did not make any sense to Kai.  A million questions raced through Kai's mind.  This just could not be.

 "Master, what are you talking about? Why do you speak of such things?  How can you possibly know how the Father has designed the very Fabric of Life?"

"Listen with your heart Kai, not your mind," repeated his Master.  "What I say might sound to difficult to believe, but does it not sound wonderful?  Does it not sound beautiful?"

The Master's face lit with the brightest smile Kai had ever seen.

The Master continued, "Imagine that no matter how many mistakes we make during our life, we are still loved beyond human comprehension.  He has already forgiven us for everything and simply awaits us to forgive ourselves.  All He does is love us and waits for us to allow Him to enter our life.

"Think upon the life of Luma as your own spiritual consciousness.  Look upon every facet of his physical life as your own spiritual birth and growth.  Once you invoke his consciousness within you, the spark Luma's way of life represented, you, too, will be the Path, the Reality, and the Eternal Life for yourself and those you touch.

"The Path means you are using your Inner-Eye to realize the Father is already within you.  This is the way to the Father Within.  The Reality is that you are seeking to allow the Father to work through you, so you can heal yourself and all people, places, things, and events that cross your path.  By seeking the Truth in all things, you are expressing to the Father through your actions that you are serious about connecting to His Essence.  The Eternal Life means you are already living eternally since the Eternal is already within you.  Is this not a wonderful way of perceiving the nature of what Luma and other Great Prophets shared with the world?"

"Of course it sounds wonderful," admitted Kai.  "If what you say is Truth, then why should a man live his life by rules?  Man would become as wild as animals with no rules to guide his conduct.  One could kill, steal, cut down trees, and commit all kinds of sinful acts if he knew the Father loved him regardless of what he did.  One could laugh at the dark one because one would never go to hell if what you say is Truth.  I do not believe in what you are telling me.  Please forgive me, but i am being sincere with you."

"Are men not already like the animals?" questioned the Master.  "By allowing the Father of Love to fill one's hearts and mind, there would be no murder, theft, or any other action limiting one's growth or the growth of another.  All would live not for fear of punishment or expectation of reward, but because the Father is Divine Love and as His Children we, tooo, are Divine Love.  All would live freely and naturally.  By connecting to our own unique concept of God while respecting others in their own unique concept of God, we would learn to love as He loves:  eternally and unconditionally.

Both student and teacher listened to the Silence.

The rain stopped.  The Master rose from the table grasping his cane and looked at the day as he swung the door open.  Kai could see drops of rain fall on his Master's shoulders as he also saw the lower branches of wet leaves and heard the drops of water falling into the barrel just outside the door.  It had rained quite heavily in a short amount of time.

"The rain has stopped, the air is sweet, and the day shortens my wonderful student.  Please remember my goal is to not convince you of anything but you encourage you to think about things in a whole new Light.  All I ask is you open your heart to the ways of the Father Within."

Kai arose from his chair and blew out the candle.  "Master, before today, I felt I understood many answers but now I am not sure I even understand the questions.  Why are you telliming me such things today?  Why have you waited so many years to share with me what you are sharing with me today?

The Master smiled and places his hand upon Kai's shoulder.  "I am asking you to think about what I said because you want to spread love into the world.  I waited to tell you on this day because you would not have been ready to hear it any sooner."

"But Master," said Kai.  "I am stil not ready to hear what you have told me because I do not agree with your words."

They both walked out into the day.  It looked as if it had been raining for days.  The sky was clearing as the Sun flirted to break out from behind the clouds.  It was much cooler than it had been earlier in the day.

"Perhaps your mind is not ready to hear what I have shared with you, but I feel like I have gotten your heart's attention.  Come, let us return to the lake to wash ourselves from our mud and dirt and continue our lesson."

The student followed the teacher back to the lake.  Small islands of water blocked the path and their clothes were stained even more from mud.  Kai began to feel uncomfortable as he was much wetter and dirtier than he wanted to be.  As they descended, the sun broke out from behind its white, fluffy guardians and sook Kai felt the warm rays upone his face.  It would not be long before he felt dry again as he basked under the warmth of the familiar sun.

Lessons by the Spider Web














Lessons by the Spider Web

The two Seekers of Truth walked back to the lake in the mountains.  Their walk was much quicker.  Kai could see the world around him was wet and dripping from the heavy rains.  The clouds had broken and the sky was crisp and blue.  The rain brought a cooler breeze and the day had blossombed again into a beautiful flower indeed.

As they descended, they came upon a rather large spider web just off the trail to their right.  There was no signs of its spider.  Countless drops of water spotted the web and it looked like balls of mercury hanging from silk.  The web was in almost complete ruin except for a small area that remained intact.

As they watched, a leaf floated down from the trees above and landed in the more complete part of the web.  Kai saw the lead dangle and spin in the misty web.

"Every day," began the Master, "the spider spins and weaves its web.  It does it to survive for without the toils and labor of spinning its circular string of silk, it would not eat.  This daily activity is the spider's sustenance; its survival."

As the Master finished talking, the spider, sensing its web had a visitor, show down from its home under a brown leaf and made its way to the small leaf.

"Kai, observe the spider as it makes its way to what it senses is its daily food."

Kai watched as the bluish spider glided down and over on its web.  The spider reached the small leaf and quickly started to detatch this unwanted object from its home.  In a matter of seconds, the spider had cut the leaf from the web as Kai watched the leaf float to the ground.  The spider drifted back upward toward its lair and was gone from sight.  A small hole now occupied the area of the web that had been unbroken a few moments earlier.

The Master smiled at Kai and began walking down the trail once again.

After a few more moments of silence, the Master said, "Kai, because the spider is almost completely blind, how does it know what is food and what is folly?"

They walked along the dripping trail as Kai thought about his Master's question.  The weight of water hung heavy in every part of the mountain as the sun in the sky burned with passion.

 After a few more minutes of their silent descent, Kai said, "Thought the spider is almost blind, it can sense life in all things.  Its instinct drives it to expend the necessary energy on what brings nourishment and on what that brings nothing.  This is Truth in all of God's creations."

The Master smiled to himself for his student had learned well.

"Come," said the Master.  "Let us go by the lake and wash the world from our garments."

After a few more minutes of walking, they reached the lake.  The spot where they had been earlier was much too wet for them to sit so they sat on a jagged rock facing the glistening lake.

Kai could see the tree they sat under just a few hours earlier and realized there was a beehive in the upper branches.

He had not seen this earlier.

Both Master and student took some time to wash their garments from the dirt, grass, and leaves that had found a home on their clothes.  They would be dry in no time since the sun burned brightly.

Kai and his Master sat against the jagged rock as they looked out into the lake.  The view from here was breathtaking.  The world was colorful, bright, and so filled with life.  Each breath was like a soft caress of paradise.  Sounds of geese filled the air as they made their way toward the lake.

After both became settled, the Master began his lesson.  "Kai, as you go into the world to spread love, do not fret about whether Life Eternal is a Gift or a reward.  In a sense, it does not matter because our belief either way does not change the Reality.  Remember, instead, to connect to the Father Within every day.  Make this a life-long decision.  Pray and meditate daily to listen to the Inner Voice of the Father of the Universe that lives within us all."

"Yes, Master," added Kai.  "Your words are beautiful.  I pray using the prayers of my religion.  Luma has given us some wonderful prayers and great examples of how to meditate.  Our religion teaches us that praying is simply talking to the Eternal while meditating is listening to the Eternal."

Kai felt good again.  His clothes would soon be dry and he felt clean.  He liked this discussion since he felt extremely uncomfortable with the subject of Eternal Life discussed back in the hut.  He admired his Master's ability of altering the lesson's topic because he sensed some restlessness.

The Master replied, "Yes, Kai, your religions speaks beautifully about prayer and meditation."

The Master stared at a crevice he was playing with using his walking stick.  He then turned and faced Kai.  "Endeavor to be like the spider, Kai.  Spin your web daily.  Then sit back and wait for your spiritual sustenance to arrive.  As you patient wait in silence, the Father Within will speak to you in ways you will understand.  In silence speak, and in silence listen."

Kai received a wave of tingles throughout his body.  What his Master was saying spoke to the innermost recessess of his heart; to the very core of his essence.

 The Master continued, "Though your web will be broken daily by life's events, do not despair.  Via prayer and meditation you will establish a strong connection to the Source of the Universe.  Do not allow one day to pass that you do not attend to your Divine Web.  You are responsible for your connection to the Father Within.  You are responsible for your own daily spiritual sustenance.  Ask the Father in prayer for His Divine help and He will speak to you depending on your perspective and in ways you will understand.  Kai, connect to the Father Within and all this of this world will be given to you."

The Master leaned the back of his head against the jagged rocks and closed his eyes.

 Kai found tears in his eyes because the Master's words filled his very being.  "Master, I am cherishing the words flowing from your lips.  There is Truth to what you say.  What you are saying is above any religions, rules, or requirements and applies to all peoples of Earth.  It is speaking to my heart.  I hope I will someday learn to speak the Universal Language of Love to the hearts of others.  I hope through my prayers and meditations I can stay connected to the Father and avoid sin, the dark one, and evil.  Thank you for sharing these insights with me; I am truly grateful."

The Master, still keeping his eyes closed, smiled and placed his hand on Kai's arm.

Kai placed his head against the rock and closed his eyes.  He thought about the tingles he had gotten just a few moments earlier.  They seemed to be physical reminders that what he was hearing was Truth.  He had gotten them many times before during different moments in his life, but it was the first time he reflected upon them in this Light.

 As he closed his eyes, his mind drifted.  He thought of the moments during the day leading up to this moment.  He could not believe that soon he would be leaving this life to go off into the world to teach others how he had been taught.  He also thought about what the Master said earlier:  how the world was not out there, but made up of the daily interactions with his family, friends, and other people, places, and things.  The world is here and now.

He also thought of what the Master told him earlier, about giving freely to the world, about Eternal Life, about opening his heart.  Although he disagreed with many concepts and ideas, he seemed to see his whole religion in a new Love and Light.  It was almosst as if he was seeing his entire approach to Luma and his Teaching from a new perspective.  He honestly sensed he already had a deeper appreciation for his religion.  This pleased him very much because at first, he felt like he had to let go of all he had learned in order to adapt to the Master's new way of thinking.

"Master," said Kai after several minutes of silence.  "If the Father is Love then why is there so much suffering in the world?  Why does He allow our daily web to be torn?  If the Eternal truly loves us, why does He not make our lives easier when our hearts are weary?"

The Master's eyes remained closed.  "The whole of learning is made up of a teacher willing to teach, a student willing to learn, and various lessons serving as the raw material for knowledge and experience.  Kai, the whole reason for being is to learn.  Without lessons there cannot be learning and without learning there is no growth.  We experience suffering when we do not believe the Father is providing us with even our most basic needs.  We experience suffering whenw e become fearful of our own growth.  The suffering occurs when we refuse to let go of various ways of thinking, different negative attitudes, and countless beliefs as we experience different moments of our life.

"If we realize that Eternal Life is already ours, we will see every moment of every day as a learning experience and a new opportunity to grow into the Fatther and He into us; to become One with the Father.  As we connect to the Father Within, we, in essence, will become the teacher, the student, and the lsson.  Ask the Eternal to help you see beyong the suffering and focus, instead, on the lessons that will help you strengthen your connection to the Source of the Universe."

"I understand this, Master," said Kai.  "But why must we suffer in order to learn?  Why can we just not learn in some other way?"

 "Yes, yes," said the Master as he opened his eyes and looked at Kai.  "I understand your question and have been asking it myself for many years now.

"Think bacak to when you first learned how to ride a horse.  You learned how to sit on the horse, how to hold the horse's reins, how to tell the horse to stop, go, and many other things involved with horseback riding.  Now, after you had been told all these things, what if your teacher told you to get off the horse because your lesson was over.  What would you say?"

"Get off the horse?" questioned Kai.  "What kind of thing is that to say for a teacher teaching his student how to ride a horse?"

"What would you say?" repeated the Master.

"I would tell my teacher the only way I could learn how to ride a horse is to actually ride a horse," laughed Kai as it seemed like he was stating the obvious.

"True," replied the Master.  "But what if your teacher said he feared you would fall from not knowing how to ride and felt just knowing the steps involved in riding and watching others would suffice."

 Kai could not wait to get the words out of his mouth, "First of all, Master, he would be teaching me more about fear than about love,"  Kai smiled proudly the moment he heard this response cross his lips.

"Yes," said the Master.  "I suppose this is true.  I was not going in that direction but your interpretation is accurate.  Perhaps the teacher himself had a fear of riding and decided to become a teacher to alleviate his fears.  What else?"

"I would also tell him that in order for me to become a proficient rider I would have to risk falling.  I would just have to have to take that chance."

"Yes, excellent!" yelled the Master.  "You might learn more during your physical suffering than you would if you did not fall from the horse.  God does not require suffering to teach us but, at times, it is only through suffering that we learn valuable and important lessons.  There really is no other way."

 Kai founnd himself slowing nodding his head at his Master.  All things seemed to be so clear when his Master spoke.  How would he be able to manage when he was off into travels all alone?  How would he be able to make things clear to his students>?  How would he remember all of these lessons when others asked for his counsel and advice?

There were just too many questions.

"Master," said Kai.  "How will I know what to say when others ask me questions of this nature?  How will I know how to speak like you?"

"Do not try to speak like me.  Speak like yourself.  All of your answers are already within you for the Father of the Universe is already within you.  Seek, think, feel, and become Truth and you will know what to say when the time comes.  All the Eternal to work through you and stay connected to His Eternal Essence with prayer and meditation every day.  Tend to your Divine Web daily, Kai.  As you attend to its daily maintenance, all things of this world will be given to you in silence.  You will simply know what to say and do when time comes."

The Master placed his right hand over his heart.   "Trust in yourself and in your connection to the Father Within.  Do not worry or become concerned about the answers.  Instead, endeavor to truly understand the questions."

 His Master closed his eyes and drew a circle in the air with his right hand.  "Think upon Life as a circle much like the spider web.  It has no beginning and no end.  As you increase your concept of the Father, you will perceive all things in a new Light.  At times, you will have to revisit places, moments, and experiences with a new perspective.  This perspective is the accumulation of experiences up to the current point in time,.

"If you think about your life in terms of a circle, you will return to the same moment but will see it from a new angle or perspective.  Do not be ashamed to take a few steps backward and reexamine areas where you already left your energy.  You will be surprised at how you perceive and experience earlier parts of the path when you return to that point now wielding a new perspective.  This is an opportunity and you should thank the Father when moments like these arise.

"Do not allow yourself to think upon life as a series of points in time that you merely take to achieve a certain goal.  Think in terms of levels of consciousness; think in terms of a circle."

The Master continued, "As we let go of old ideas, attitudes, and beliefs, we are resurrecting to new levels of awareness.  We die and are reborn every day of our physical life as we embrace new ways of thinking, believing, and perceiving.  All levels are good because the Father is Good.  If we allow ourselves to reflect for awhile, we will realize that whole of life is nothing more than One Eternal Moment, the Eternal Now.  Our learning and connecting to the Father Within our being, allows us to experience His Eternal Moment in an endless and infinite array of perspectives."

Kai could feel his clothes were dry and the wrld around him was drying ever so quickly.  Kai then looked at the beehive again as a wave of energy ran through his body.

 He got up and shouted, "Master, I know what you are talking about!  I know what you mean about thinking of life as a circle; about revisting the same moment with a new perspective.  This morning when we arrived by the lake, I did not notice there was a beehive in the tree.  It was the first thing I saw when we returned to the lake to wash our clothes.  From this vantage point, I realized for the first time there was a beehive in the tree."

The Master quickly added, "Yes, from this vantage point you realized there was a beehive in the tree and earleir you realized there was a tree.  The moment is the same but your perspective allowed you to increase your concept of the moment.  Your vantage point and return to the moment increased the moment's energy and power.  Yes, Kai, this is a wonderful example of what I am talking about.  You have learned this lesson well."

Both Kai and his teacher smiled.

The day moved along.  Both closed their eyes and allowed the afternoon sun to warm their essence.  Kai felt good about the lesson by the lake.  It made sense to him.  He decided he would take what made sense to him and move on.

As he sat in the sun's warmth, he found his mind drifting to when he was a child in a school playing with his friends.  How he missed those simple days yet he would never really want to go back to them.  He thought of various moments in his life that were profound and caught himself thinking of these times in a newer Light.  He felt good about what his Master was telling him, but could not hide the feeling that the dark one might be influencing their entire conversation.  After all, his Master spoke very little of the Great Book of Kai's religion.  It all seemed so easy and carefree and with very little guidance from the rules of his religion, or any religion for that matter.

"Tell me, Master," said Kai.  "What do you know about the dark one?"

His Master's eyes lit up as if he was waiting for this question all day.

"Come, my wonderful, young student.  The very essence of your question implies that we must continue our lesson on another part of the mountain.  Let us continue our lesson as we step into the higher parts of the mountain."

The afternoon sun watched the student and teacher continue their trek into the mountains.  They took a trail Kai was not familiar with and it seemed much drier since it was a heavily wooded area.  Massive trees created what seemed to be a whole new world.  It was just a matter of minutes before the Seekers of Truth journeyed into the darkness of the gigantic trees from the light of day.



Lessons in the Darkness














Lessons in the Darkness

They walked for what seemed another hour.  Kai had never seen such massive trees before in his life.  They towered over him hundreds of feet into the air.  He learned to respect and honor all trees.  They were very important and played a major role in his religion's teachings but this whole area of the world simply made him feel uncomfortable.

The whole area was ominous and foreboding.

"Do not fear, Kai, for even fear, evil, and the darkness are a matter of perspective.  All things in the Universe are a matter of perspective."

Though Kai hear his Master's words, this area still made him fearfuil.  Why did his teacher choose such a poorly lit area to continue the day's lesson.  Kai just did not understand his old teacher at times.

"I know of a tree having an opening where we can sit and continue our lesson.  We will be there shortly.

Kai could not help himself and found himself saying, "Master, why do we not stay by the lake?  I do not like this area and felt much more comfortable basking in the sun while sitting by the lake.  Let us return for I do not liken the darkness during the day."

The Master continued walking as if nothing was said.  "You will learn that darkness and evil are temporary ways of thinking.  They are mere black clouds momentarily hiding the sun.  The Father of the Universe is Light and all of His Creations are Love and Light as well.  Be not afraid and follow me for there is a Great Lesson to be learned."

Both continued into the darkness of the wooded area.

It seemed to Kai that the trees were getting higher and the air cooler as his mind raced with ideas of evil spirits and things of this nature.

Finally, they came upon the tree.  It was massive and had a cave-like opening on one of its sides.  It seemed like a natural opening and Kai soon found himself inside the wooded hole.  There was already little light in this part of the forest and even less light inside the tree.  Kai wished he had taken the candle from the hut, but then he heard his Master say, "It is important for us to continue our lesson with very little light.  Today, in darkness, you will learn much about Light.  Do not be afraid and all will be well."

Even though Kai did not know what his Master meant, he still trusted him.  He could barely see his Master in the darkness.  He could barely see his hands before him.  He kept telling himself it was the middle of the day, but a depressing feeling filled his heart.

Finally, he could not help himself and spoke, "Master is this one of your games?  Are you amused?  Was it your intention to terrify me today?  I do not understand why we are sitting in almost total darkness inside a hole in a tree in the middle of nowhere when there is such a beautiful world awaiting us outside this tree.  I do not like or appreciate your location and am leaving."

Kai went to leave but his Master quickly said, "Until you understand the darkness of your own unconsiousness, you will lever truly see and appreciate the Light."

Those words froze Kai.  "The darkness of my own unconsciousness? What does this mean?

The Master had gotten Kai's attention once again with a simple comment and continued, "You asked me to tell you about the dark one.  On this day you will learn that he is an illusion.  He is a myth.  Much like it appears we are in darkness the reality is we are always in Light, we just do not realize.  It is our current perspective allowing us to draw the conclusion that we sit in darkness.  In Truth, darkness and evil are temporary ways of perceiving.  They are both merely an illusion;  a temporary reality based on a perspective and point of view."

The Master paused then said, "There is God or there is nothing.  There is love or there is fear.  As humans, we create the concept of darkness and Light, good and evil, right and wrong.  The dark one that your religion and countless other religions describe is a manifestation of our fears much like your fears about your current perspective in this tree.

"At this moment, you feel uncomfortable while in this wooded hole, but we both know the sun is burning brightly above the trees.  This is a temporary perspective based on your fear.  This is the same fear stunting spiritial growth and keeping men prisoners because it does not encourage increasing one's concept of the Eternal.  Under this fearful perspective, anything not written within the Great Book of one's religion is considered to be part of the dark one.  One walks through life with blinders and, in a sense, sees only what he wants to see, not what he needs to see.  A belief in a dark one is the blinders themselves that do not permit us to see other loving points of view and ways of life.  This belief in a dark one creates islands between religions as all religions truly believe they have found the way to the Father.  The Truth is:  the way to the Father is within.  One can increase his concept of the Father of the Universe by appreciating and honoring all religions and all loving ways of life."

The Master stopped and became silent as he usually does in moments like this.  Kai was about to disagree with him when he heard his Master say, "You have asked me to tell you about the dark one and I have told you he is an illusion.  The is nothing unless we freely choose to make him something; unless we choose to create him and allow him to run our life because of our fears.  Our fears are the fuel for his existence.

"Believing in the concept of a dark one serves only to keep one steeped in fear and in the darkness of one's own unconsiousness.  The concept of a dark one is nothing more than men creating a character for his fear.  The dark one is a character of illusion fueled by fear."

The Master became silent again.

Kai heard the chirping of a small bird outside the tre.  How he wished he was back by the lake.  His eyes adjusted to the lack of light in the hole and, admittedly, he could see much better than before.  This lesson was starting to feel like the discussion about Eternal Life.  His mind was refuting every word his Master was saying, but his heart sensed the Truth in this Master's words.

 He found himself drifting again about how wonderful it would be if what his Master said was Truth.  What if there realy is no dark one?  What if Eternal Life is an unconditional Gift that God as already given us?  What if God does not punish us?  Too many questions filled his mind.

Though his heart sensed the Truth in his Master's words, his mind instinctively said, "Master, what are you trying to teach me?  Our Great Book, much like many of the other Great Books of the world, mentions the concept of a dark one countless times.  The dark one is written in our Great Book over one thousand times.  Why would the Eternal allow others to create Great Books with the concept of a dark one if he does not truly exist.  What are you trying to teach me?"

Kai felt horrible.  He put his face in his hands and thought his Master had become mad.  Everything he was learning today contradicted everything else he ever learned.  It took him his whole life to gain knowledge and one single day to feel confused.

He kept his faced buried in his hands when he heard his Master say, "I am trying to teach you the Great Men and Women of all religions were inspired by the Eternal to write to a group of people within a certain period of time based on a certain level of collective consciousness.  The core of many religions teaches a dualistic way of thinking about the Eternal; a way decribing a battle between the forces of Good versus the forces of evil.

"I am attempting to teach you that the only battle is within the hearts and minds of men.  The Eternal is pure Goodness.  He is often seen as a bearded, wise old man living in the clouds battling the dark one daily.  The dark one is seen as an entity tempting the minds of men and attempting to steal as many souls as posible.  I am attempting to teach you that even though many of the Great Books talk about the dark one, he is a myth; an illusion.  There is God or there is nothing.  Kai, do not allow yourself to believe in nothing.  This is what I am trying to teach you."

The Master paused for a few moments then said, "I am trying to teach you the Father loves you just as you are no matter what you are doing, have done, and will do.  He loves you unconditionally and without exception.  When you truly believe will all your mind, heart, and soul that the Father loves you unconditionally, then you will freely and joyfully do good to yourself and to your world.  You will become an expression of His love.  You will become Pure Goodness like the Father.  This is what I am trying to teach you."

 Kai heard his Master's words but did not understand.  He wanted so very much to believe but was fighting many years of learning and a whole tapestry of mental thoughts that flung in his mind like comets crashing against a planet.

What his Master was telling him somehow felt more like remembering than learning.  Somewhere deep in his essence, his Master's words rung with Truth, but Kai's mind did not believe, perhaps could not believe.

He began to get upset with his Master.  "Master, are we not now in darkness? Is the dark of night an illusion?  As the sun sets, does she not bring the Light with her to grace other parts of Earth and other parts of our solar system?  God fights the dark one.  There is darkness and there is Light.  There cannot be another way."

Kai felt his argument was weak.  The moment the words crossed his lips, he felt as if they were mere specks of dust in a tornado.  This was one of the longest day's of Kai's life.  His Master spoke with such eloquence and simplicity that it was difficult to say anything countering his new way of thinking about the nature of things.  He was confused and frightended yet there seemed to be a new seed within his essence taking root.

 "Kai," continued the Master, "imagine you are floating above the surface of the Earth.  While you are floating above the Earth's atmosphere, you are watching the sun burn brightly.  Imagine you are viewing the Universe from this perspective.  Would there be darkness?  Would there be anything else but Light?  Darkness is all a matter of perspective.  Because the Father Within is Pure Light we, too, are Pure Light.  Are we not made in His Image and Likeness?"

"But Master," insisted Kai.  "many religions and ways of life talk about darkness and Light.  Many religions talk about the struggle between good and evil.  How can you say otherwise?"

Kai finally felt good about the question he posed.  It was warm and humid in this wooden hole and he really wanted to be somewhere else.  He had never heard his Master speak of such things and though he felt philosophically overmatched, he felt fortunate for the opporunity.

"Yes, I know many religions speak of such things.  I am asking you to think about these things in a whole new Light.  The Father is Good.  He is within us.  By nature we are Good because we inherited all of His God-Like attributes.  It is our own fears getting in the way of connecting to the Source of the Universe.  It is our free choice to tend to the Garden the Father has given us.  How we choose to attend to this Garden is entirely up to us.  The Gardens I speak of are our hearts and minds.  What we choose to place in these wondrous Gifts is a reflection of how we view both ourn internal and external worlds.  Kai, endeavor to fill your Garden with Love and Light.

"Our true essence is Light because we are all Sparks of the Divine.  What we perceive as darkness is merely a viewpoint of the moments in our life when we feel bereft of God because when there is Light there cannot be darkness.  Do not fear the dark one for he is an illusion and his realm of darkness is merely a temporary perspective.  Darkness, fear, and evil exist because we allow them to exist.  We create themm but they are all temporary since they are based on perspective and a level of consciousness.

"Many of the religions of the world speak of this duality between darkness and Light to help their respective followers conduct how they live their life.  It is much easier to think of God as Light and a dark one as darkness.  The minds of men think of right and wrong, good and evil, and heaven and hell.  Kai, the Father is Eternak and He lives within every one of us so we are already eternal.  Darkness, fear, and evil are temporary much like the darkness of the night is temporary.  A new sun will always rise.  This is the Rising of the Father Within.

"As you think about the nature of these things in a whole new Light, a new will sun will rise; a Ball of Light within your mind.  You will appreciate your own religion more and all other religions as well.  You will see that this new way of thinking will not replace how you currently think about all things in the Universe; it will enhance and add color to it

"This is the Rising of the Father Within."

Kai could see his Master's face as he uttered these last words.

He felt as if they had entered a new level of existance; a new plane of perception.  He wanted to believe everything his Master was telling him was true.  It all sounded so beautiful and free.  His heart believed without question, but his mind still refused to believe.  Somehow, it was too neat and clean, Kai thought.  If the Father loved everyone no matter what they did, then people could harm themselves, others, and the world and know they were still loved.  It would be easy to take advantage of the Eternal, Kai thought, because we would know He loves us no matter what we do, are doing, or have done.  This, to Kai's mind, did not make sense.

Kai wiped some sweat off his brow and looking at his Master said, "If everyone could do anything and the Father still loved them, then who would be saved and who would be damned?"

The Master smile and placed a reassuring hand on Kai's arm.  He loved Kai very much and kept fighting the nothing of telling his young student what he wanted to hear.  It would be so much easier, but he knew Kai would be going into the world to spread seeds of love.  He wanted to make sure Kai, did, in fact, spread seeds of love and not fear.

"Come, my young student," said the Master.  "This part of the lesson is over.  Let us go into the higher parts of the mountain to continue our lesson for the day shortens and there is still much to be learned."

Kai helped his Master as they made their way out of the gigantic tree.  They continued onto the part of that path unfamiliar to Kai.  As they walked, he thought about all the other parts of the mountain he had never seen.  Before today, he thought he knew these mountain trails well, but since learned there is much still to be learned.

Both walked to the edge of the forest and back into the Light of day.

Lessons by the Bridge














Lessons by the Bridge

Both teacher and sstudent left the forest and found themselves on a part of the path hugging a dangerous cliff.  Kai had never seen the world from this part of the trail.  It was majestic.

The sun hung in the late afternoon day and served as a wonderful travelling companion.  Kai smiled and felt a wave of warm, loving tingles spread through his body.  There was still much Kai did not understand but he trusted his Master endlessly and without question.  As they walked, he watched his Master carefully pick his steps for the trail was rocky.


Lessons by the Volcano














Lessons by the Volcano

More to Come

Lessons for the Healer














Lessons for the Healer

More to Come

Lessons at Sunset














Lessons at Sunset

More to Come

Lessons at Son Rise














Lessons at Son Rise

More to Come


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 19.01.2015

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