
Crisp winds

I wake to the crisp winter air
I feel the wind so cool in the night
My soul seems to want to take flight

I hear the lonely winds so cool in the clouds
the birds chirp a song to waken the others
two hungry shadows lurk in the breeze

So dark this morning in time
waiting for the sun to rise
I hear scampering around the tree's

Hoping to hear your voice
hoping to see your hand in my day
seeing the shadows keeps me longing for your embrace

The sun rises and the leaves seem crisp
ready for snow this morning
the clouds are grey and the wind seems to have
went away.

I close my eyes and see the sun
the sun shines deep in my soul
waiting for my master to take control.

Written by©Betty Bolden
All poems are copyright!©

Deep In The Woods

Deep in the woods,
the branches dance in the wind,
wild and free,

Spreading their fragrance for
you and me.

Wild flowers sway,
as the wind trys picking them up,

Their roots planted firmly,
as they flow from side to side,

showing us all their glory,
and our makers touch inside,

shadows follow as they calmly go slow,

Deep in the woods,
time is well known,
as night takes hold,
until the morning,
when light takes control.

Written by:©Betty Bolden

All poems are ©copyright!

At a Distance

At a distance,I hear the birds rejoice
The choice is mine to hear
Not to fear the sounds
In my head,that will not come unwed.

At a distance,sounds follow me
To see the heavens open
To hear the praise of the wildlife
Sometimes my fears cut like a knife

At a distance is far for me
To hear the sweet sounds of your voice
At a distance gets closer the times I let go
Of the fears that haunt me so long ago.

At a distance,you keep coming to me
I love the way you won't let me go
I love the way you stay and keep me under control.

At a distance is still in my soul
But I have to learn to play my role
To not have you at a distance way down deep
In my soul.

Written by:©Betty Bolden

Nature At It's Best

Deep in the woods,
the branches dance in the wind,
wild and free,

Spreading their fragrance for
you and me.

Wild flowers sway,
as the wind try's picking them up,

Their roots planted firmly,
as they flow from side to side,

showing us all their glory,
and our makers touch inside,

shadows follow as they calmly go slow,

Deep in the woods,
time is well known,
as night takes hold,
until the morning,
when light takes control.

Written by:©Betty Bolden

All poems are ©copyright!

Your Glory inside

When I laid down the night before,

I woke up to find Your Glory inside,

When I woke up to find Your Glory inside,

I bowed down at Your feet,

I crossed over the Jordon and fell at Your feet.

I Praise You now and Praised You then,

When I woke up to find Your Glory inside,

how wonderful now when I woke to find,

Your Hand in mine,

Your my Hope Lord,

Your my desire,

My Savior,My King.

One day,when I lay my head down,

I will wake up to find,

Your Glory inside!

Written by:©Betty Bolden


After the Storm!

After the storm life seems fresh
our Lord took us out of that mess

After the storm
the sun shines through

Our Lord made us brand new

After the storm
we walk in His light

things seem so bright

After the storm
people know
His love has touched us

His love is new

After the storm
we look at the sky

We praise Him for all He does
He keeps us in line

After the storm
life is nice

He is the one
whom gives us advice!

Written by:©Betty Bolden

All poems are copyright!©

Butterfly Love

Do you ever watch the butterfly?

The beauty in its colors.

The love in its movements

its just like no other.

The butterfly is my favorite

of the bugs and the flowers

the love it shows is like Gods hand

its touch is soft and full of grace

so gentle in its movements like the Lamb.

So as you walk in the spring

watch the butterfly as it lands

see how it moves and let it stand

on the flowers God made for us and it,

take it slow and never skip.

Written by:©Betty Bolden


All poems are ©copyright!

A light in the dark

You are a light in the dark
the shadows follow but Your
love stands inside to keep me holding
Your hand so wide.

You are a light in the dark
it's scary out here in the
deep wide world that's not my home,
but Your love holds onto my heart
deep inside we never depart.

Your a light in the dark
when I feel so alone
You take hold of the inner parts
deep in my soul.

Oh Lord, how I long to be home,
YOUR my true light in the dark.

Written By:©Betty Bolden
All poems are copyright~©

Awesome Sight!

He will come like a Thief in the night.

Rolling back the clouds and sky.

A lot of the people will wonder why.

We will join Him after the dead arise.

To be with Him is my Joy inside.

His Love is great
He doesn't make mistakes.

He is my Savior
My Lord,My King

We will take flight
one Awesome beautiful night.

Written by:©Betty Bolden

Caring More

We need to care more in this world about others that hurt so much.

So much death is going on, No one's happy,whats so wrong?

Suicide and depression,alot of souls feel alone,so over
whelmed,no Love can be found.

Jesus says,Love your neighbor as yourself,why can't we see the hurt all around?

People popping pills to get relief,lets call on God and see Him change these lives.

Let us intercede and see Him set us all free.

Written by:©Betty Bolden

All Of Her Days

She road through the night
With his light shining the way

Shadows of darkness followed behind
As she kept riding, He guided her ways
in all of her days.

Sky dark and sometimes blue,
One day he'll make it all new.

The darkness trys to invade,
But his love guides her through the pain.

She leans on His grace in so many ways,
And she will remain in him all of her days.

©Betty Bolden

Are we Ready?

Are we ready to fly to the sky?
Are we ready to see His face so bright?
Are we ready,and are we steady,in His love that God sent from above?

Jesus is coming soon,do you know when?No man knows.
Lets get ready for His big opening in the sky,don't sit and wonder why,get ready for He will open the sky,and we all will fly.

Get ready,our King will be here soon,you can't hide in any room.
His love is everlasting,and when I pray,I say come Lord Jesus,come.

This might be the day,and it may not ,but keep looking up,and you'll see,He is coming,to take us home,where we will never be alone.

I say,Come Lord Jesus,come.

Written by:©Betty Bolden

Darkness Surrounds

The shadows take place inside of my disgrace
you left me standing in this one dark place
its shallow, its cold its full of dark spots
take me out of this not so good space
help me see your beautiful face.

I have fallen to my knee's so many times
why have you left me so far behind

I know I have sinned, but confessed to you my pain,

I told you how I messed up again and again
you seem so far, the shadows keep coming in
take my hand lead me within,

No matter how much I cry and fall
you seem so far and so small,

Others feel you, they see you and rejoice
whats the problem within me still
all I want is to see your hand
to be like you and go to other lands,

Why not speak inside my heart
help me see your not that far
help me know you have taken my hand
to lead me out of this dark, dark land.

Written By://©Betty Bolden
All poems are copyright!©

Falling colors

Falling colors surround the ground
falling colors all around
the crisp wind blowing them like a dance
that helps us see the true romance
of His hands shaping the leaves so divine
their brightness clears the tears we cry
we spread his joy from way up high.

Falling colors seem joyful in the sun
as the squirrels leap and play to gather
their food seems to be so much fun.

Falling colors light up the world
they give us sight in this season of trial
of how He will bring us all a brand new tommorow.

Look outside and see the sunshine down
to help the fallen colors shape the ground
keep our hearts full of joy
help us to see the fallen colors in our hearts
help us know you won't depart.

Written By://©Betty Bolden
All poems are copyright!©

Embrace me

I feel the love through your embrace

the time has slipped away so fast

all I want is it to last.

The smell of winds rushing through

the sounds combine.

Your love so true helps nature unwind.

You shelter me with love so deep,

your touch leaves me feeling sweet.

Help me to feel your embrace within

for your shelter is my desire inside

so deep I take in your words divine

all you say helps me to unwind.

Written by:©Betty Bolden


All poems are copyright!©

Hearing Your Sounds

Its wonderful to hear all
Your sounds,while I'm
sitting in the back yard
thinking how far, but so close you are.

My mind wanders far at
times, wondering how Your
touch keeps my heart inline.

I dream of your Glory
and Your wonderful ways.

Your Beautiful to me
always in my heart
never to depart.

Stay my Lord,keep me safe
never to rome,
never alone,
with You at my side.

Written by:©Betty Bolden

Glorious Savior

Glorious Savior, Love so divine
Your Image is delightful

Your love is so true
Glorious Savior, wonderful friend

Keeping me coping until the very end
Glorious Savior, to You I send Praise

You are the One who deserves all the Glory
You take my life and mend my heart

Glorious Savior, to You I owe
All my desire's and all my hope
To lift them up to Your very Throne

You rescue, You save, You deliver me always
From life's misery, to You my Lord I lift up my eyes
Glorious Savior Your so Divine.

Written By://©Betty Bolden
Jesus Is My Joy Ministry's
All poems are copyright!

Hands Intwined

Crossing many paths as time goes by,
My hand in Yours and Yours in mine.

Together we travel on,
with deep oceans in front
and some that past us by,
but even with this trial
or two,Deep in my soul,

I always belong to You.

The Love You bestowed in me,
keeps me longing for more,
So keep me by the shore,
Your hand in mine and mine in Yours.

Written by:©Betty Bolden
Dedicated my My Lord,and King
Jesus Christ,the Savior of my soul.

I come on my Knee's

I come on my knees's today,
I come on my knee's to say,

I adore Your ways,
I adore Your smile,

Your smile inside me,
Your Glory all around,

I see the love in the river
flowing without end
inside my heart.

I come on my knee's
I love Your touch in the wind.

The breeze so cool,
but yet so warm.

The sun so bright,
You take away all my fright.

Lord,thank You for loving me.

Written by:©Betty Bolden

All poems are copyright!©
Do not use without permission.©

One single rose

One single rose standing so much alone
One single rose deep in the valley
keeping the darkness deep within
so cold and afraid wondering why everyone went away.

One single rose so lonely in the woods
living deep in life's sorrow
wondering when there will be a new tomorrow.

One single rose waiting in the deep valley
standing still until shadows fade
falling leaves keep the warmth in
taking time to cover the soft pedals
spinning in time and falling deep within
the pain never seems to end.

One single rose stood still and heard a voice
One single rose made its choice
One single rose listened to the voice within
Now the light shines deep inside
taking the rose to the side
now the rose blooms so bright
deep in the valleys night.

Written by:©Betty Bolden

All poems are copyright!©


The snow falls lightly to the ground
each flake so perfectly round.

As it falls it lands so still
doing only Gods will.

So white and cold and wet
each flake ready to land
to fill the ground with Gods Hand.

To think something so white and cold
will soon melt away
but the Love that formed it
can Only be His way.

Written by:©Betty Bolden

All Poems are ©copyright!


Autum leaves falling freely

to the ground,colors changing all around,

summers fading soon to be gone,fall takes

hold,bright and red colors I adore ,made by your hands.

Birds chirping,breeze blowing lightly,

the sky turns colors ,all around Your touch hovers.

Time to sleep autum says,look for food critters do,

to keep them warm in winters bloom.

The Love You show for all you have made,

makes me strong and keeps me free,

Oh Lord,Your love is inside me.

Written by:©Betty Bolden


Take a walk in the Forest

Have you ever took a long walk in the forest?

Looking up to the sky as you swayed by and by.
The tall trees standing proud
fill all the spaces now.

Rivers running freely loud
breeze blowing lightly around.

Close your eyes and dream of Him
The one who put the trees within
Let your mind take you there
Walking in the forests wind.

The crickets chirp,the land is free
my soul searches for thee.

The smells of pine and maple to
The sounds of Heaven wait for you
His Love is all around us
His touch revives the day
His Love is in my heart today
The forest is free inside of me.

Take His Hand and walk the path
Hear the sounds He gives
Let us live within His Grace
Let us touch His sweet face.

Written by:©Betty Bolden

Twists and Turns

Life is full of twists and turns,
which road shall we take,without
a mistake.

We are pulled one way and the other,
afraid of even the littlest smother.

But I KNOW someone who takes this all away,
He is all powerful in His Love He gives away.

His touch is like gold and even better than that,
for gold will fall away,He will never turn His back.

His Name is Jesus,my King and my Lord,let Him see
Your heart inside and watch how He changes the things
that you hide.

His Love will never leave,so give Him a chance,
and You'll see how beautiful He is, at your very
first glance.

Written by:©Betty Bolden

Waters Divine

Day dreaming about You and I,

sitting right at the edge of waters divine.

The sunset is orange,and yellow and blue,

only Your touch,can make us all knew.

I see us sitting,hand in hand,no more tears

destroy my Land.

I'm wrapped in Your love,and it can't be mistaken,

I pray when I see this,

I just can't be awakened.

I long for this day,beneath the darkness inside,

I pray our souls will soon be intwined.

Written by©Betty Bolden


All poems are copyright!

Where the River flows

There is a place that I long to see,
Where the river flows,to Eternity.

There is a King,who shelters me,
where the river flows,to Eternity.

There is a Savior,I won't deny.
Where the river flows, to Eternity.

There is my Lord,Jesus on High,
where the river flows,to Eternity.

His plan will unfold,for all Eternity.

There is a place,I soon will be,
Where the river flows,for all Eternity.

Written by:©Betty Bolden

When Jesus whispers

When Jesus whispers,He fills my heart with Joy,
When Jesus whispers,He tells me things I can't ecnor,
because He is my hearts desire,and His Love sets my
soul on fire.

When Jesus whispers,I love the song His lips send,
To let me know,His Love will never end.

When Jesus whispers,I stand still to hear the things
He says,I open my heart and Jesus whispers,I'm here
with you my dear child,I will never leave and I'm yours,
your mine,everything will be fine.

When Jesus whispers,stand still,and you'll hear,
His sweet sound,for He'll always be around.

Written by:©Betty Bolden

Wonderful Love

Help me to know Your ways,My Lord,My friend.

As You lead me,Keep me,sweep me clean,make me feel free.

The Love You show,when I read Your words,sink beneath my
soul and I let You take control.

Take away the fear,Draw me near.

I love You Lord,Help me to use Your sword,Protect me and Hold
me and Mold me.

Written By:©Betty Bolden


Texte: Jesus Is My Joy Ministries Betty Bolden
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 24.12.2011

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To my husband and my kids and grandsons, oh how much you have touched my life.

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