
Chapter One

"Wait! Don’t go! I love you. You’re my world, the reason for my existence. Please stay with me.” Michell called after me.
I turned around, but kept my eyes on the ground. I couldn’t face him. He closed the gap between us in three long strides. He cupped my chin with his fingers and lifted my face so my eyes met his. I stared into the his deep, dark eyes. “I love you, Christy. No one else. You brighten my day. I wake up every morning and think, ‘I’m so lucky to have her.’ You’re my shining star. Please don’t leave me.” He looked deep into my eyes.
I swallowed and closed my eyes. When I opened my eyes, I smiled through my tears. “I love you Michell. Only you.” And with that, he closed the distance between our lips and kissed me gently. My arms snaked up to his neck and his arms around my waist, leaving no space between us. We pulled back for air and he pressed his forehead against mine. “I love you, Christy.” He breathed.
“Aaand…CUT!” Bill, our director yelled through his megaphone.
We immediately ripped apart, wiping our mouths and dusting ourselves free of each other’s germs.
“You suck at kissing.” I said to Tristen. “Well, you’re a sloppy kisser. My dog

could kiss better than you.” He retorted. “How do you know your dog

kisses better than me?” I snapped.
“I’ve kissed her.” He deadpanned.
“Why don’t you go off to Wonderland with her and get married then?” I shot at him.
“Maybe I will, anything to get away from you

." He shot back in disgust. “Ladies, gentlemen, would you two stop fighting for one minute?” Bill asked in frustration.
We both ‘hhmphed’ and stalked off into our dressing rooms.
I opened the door and flopped onto my couch. I immediately took my contacts out. They were so annoying! They’re like a bug that’s stuck in your eyes and you can’t get it out. I stuck them inside their container and threw them on my dressing table. I squinted my eyes and everything was all blurry.
I searched blindly for my big glasses. I like 'em big because it covers my whole eye. I tried wearing the little rectangular ones, and it didn’t work out very well. I finally found them and shoved them on. My eyes adjusted and I flopped back on the couch. I blew out a puff of air. I still had a 5 page paper due tomorrow and I didn’t even start it yet!
I groaned and walked over to my backpack in the corner. I pulled my laptop out and started typing.
Three hours later, and I was still typing. I yawned and stretched. I resumed typing but my eyes wouldn’t stay open. I rolled over on the couch into a comfy sleeping position and fell asleep.

Chapter Two

I woke up to someone poking my side. Hard. "Hey you, nerd. Wake up! Studio's closed."
I slowly opened my eyes and they zoomed in on Tristens face. Which was inches away from my face. I gasped and pushed him as hard as I could away from me. "What's your problem?" he yelled. I sat up straight, "How did you get here?"
"I walked through the door... you know, for a nerd, you sure are stupid." he observed. "Well, for a jock, you sure are fugly." I retorted. "Studio's closed." he pointed to the door. I pushed my glasses up, "Why didn't you leave then?" "I had to wake you up." he said as if it was the most obvious thing in the world.
"Smart ass."
"Why, thank you."
"Just get out." I said, frustrated. "Sir, yes sir." he saluted and walked towards the door. "I'm not a dude!" I yelled at his back. "You sure about that?" he scoffed and walked out the door. I grumbled and reached in my backpack. I pulled out a mint and popped it in my mouth. I gathered all my stuff. I slung my backpack over my shoulder and hurried to the door. I stopped about half way to the door. Wait, why should I hurry? If he's still out there, I could annoy him by walking as slow as possible!

I walked towards the door in slo-mo, and I even turned off the lights in slo-mo. After 5 minutes of walking in slow motion, I got tired of it, and resumed walking at a normal pace.
I reached the entrance and opened the door that lead to the parking lot. I pushed my glasses up and popped another mint in my mouth.
"Finally! Took you long enough!" Tristen suddenly emerged out of nowhere, scaring the living crap out of me. I screamed and clutched my heart He laughed at me, "You should've seen your face! It was priceless!"
"I'm glad I amuse you." I said sarcastically.
"Why are you still here?" I added as an afterthought. "You're my ride." he said.

Chapter Three

"If you

think you’re

stepping one foot into my

car, you’re delusional.” I hissed. He had followed me all the way to my car, and now we’re currently standing beside it, bickering. “You have

to drive me home.” He smirked.
“I don’t have

to do anything!” I shot back. “Yes, you do.” “No, I don’t”
“Yes.” He argued.
“Hell no!” I yelled.
“Yes.” He said.
“No.” I said.
“No!” He said.
“No.” I said and crossed my arms in triumph. He can’t trick me! Insert evil laugh, now. “Whatever.” He groaned and opened the door to the passenger seat. It opened. “You know, you should really lock the door.” He smirked and closed the door.
I huffed angrily and stomped to the driver’s seat. Maybe I should dump him on the side of the road…

“Sometime today…” Tristen pointed to the key in my hand. I sighed heavily and turned the key in the ignition.
I drove to my house and parked my car in the driveway. I opened the door a little forcefully and slammed the door. “Out.” I pointed to his house, which was right next to mine. He rolled his eyes and got out of the car. He walked across the lawn to his house.
I unlocked the door to my house and locked it behind me. “Hey Mom! I’m home!” I called out. All I got was silence. I shrugged. She’s probably still at work.

I did all of the usual things I did before I went to bed. I glanced out my window and I could see the lights inside Tristen’s room and a dark figure moving around.
I feel like a creeper…

I hastily turned away and went to bed. The next morning, I woke up to my mother’s yelling. I groaned and slammed a pillow over my face. “Five more minutes…” I mumbled. “No! Wake up! You’re going to be late for school!” my mom bust through my door and yelled.
I groaned and sat up, scratching my neck. She walked out the door and I got up and trudged to the bathroom. I did my daily routine and went down for breakfast. I ate, and said ‘bye’ to my mom. I walked out the door to my annoying neighbor’s front door. I knocked on it and waited for someone to answer it.
The door opened and Tristen’s mom greeted me, letting me in. My mom made it my job to wake Tristen up every morning claiming that ‘he has so much potential and can’t waste it on sleeping all day’ and even his mom agreed. My job is to go up to his room every morning and sing. My voice was horrible and it could wake a person up from a year long coma. That’s how bad my voice is.
I trudged up the stairs and pushed his door open. His room looked like a typical teen boy’s room: dirty crap everywhere, clothes on the fan, posters of girls, that kind of stuff. He was sprawled on his twin bed, his head and legs hanging off of it. He looked innocent when he was sleeping, but looks can be decieving. He’s just plain evil when he’s not unconscious.
I knelt down next to his ear and took a deep breath, then let out the first words of Payphone by Maroon 5. His head jerked up and he took a sharp intake of air. I sat back and sang some more, and by the time I was halfway done with the song, he was awake. He sat up rubbing his eyes and narrowed them at me.
I shrugged and walked back down the stairs and passed Mrs. Wilson. “Bye sweetie. And thanks for waking Tristen up, you’re the only one that can.” She smiled. “No problem.” I smiled and walked out the door, to my bus stop.

Chapter Four

After the bus dropped us off at the school, I headed straight for my locker. I needed to study extra hard for this test in History. I spun my combo and opened my locker. I stuck my head in it and dug around for my textbook.

." I muttered when I found it. I flipped to the chapter we were on and re- read it. With half my body still in the locker. I leaned my elbows against a shelf I put in there and read.
"Boo!" Someone grabbed my shoulders from behind, scaring the crap out of me. And causing me to bang my head on my locker. "Ow!" I rubbed the sour spot on my head. I turned around to glare at one of my best friends. "Fred, I'd watch your back if I were you." I warned. "Is that a threat?" he exclaimed, flabbergasted. "No, it's a promise."
“Ooo, I’m so scared.” He taunted and wiggled his fingers for effect. I sighed and snatched the textbook I was reading from the floor. I had released it from my grip when Fred scared me. I gathered all the things I would need, which was pretty much everything inside of my locker. You never know when you’d need something.
I hooked my forefinger onto the edge of the locker door, and flicked my wrist. The locker banged shut.
My body sagged because the weight of my books. Fred eyed my stack, “You need help with that?” He was a nerd, like me. But he didn’t transport his whole locker with him from class to class.
I shook my head and tried my greatest to appear like I could handle it. “Let’s go.” I mumbled.
I didn’t even take three steps, when a hand swiftly shot out and bashed against my books, causing them to fall out of my arms. “COME ON!” I yelled. “Whoops.” Tristen said, not sounding apologetic at all.
I gave him the dirtiest look I could muster, and crouched down to pick up my books.
Meanwhile, Fred, being the best friend he is, tried to stick up for me. ‘Tried’ being the key word here. “Hey! Don’t treat her like that!” he shoved Tristen in the chest. Fred and Tristen were about the same size, Fred had some muscles, but Tristen had more. They were spitting words at each other, and they looked like they were about to brawl.
I pushed my glasses up, abandoned my books on the floor and stood between them, with my arms extended out. “Guys, calm down. Tristen, get your butt out of here, Fred, thank you for sticking up for me. Now on yall go.” I lightly pushed them in different directions. Tristen scoffed and walked off without a second glance.
Fred rolled his bottom lip in his mouth and chewed on it. “Hey, I’m not mad at you.” I assured him, and went over to hug him. He beamed and wrapped his arms around my waist, for a friendly hug. I nuzzled my head in the crook of his neck, then let go. “C’mon, we have class.” I exclaimed.
The day went on like usual, boring class, jocks teasing the nerds, me trying to sneak mints in my mouth, and spitballs. When it was time for lunch, I heaved out a sigh. I dropped off my books at my locker and went to the cafeteria.
This high school was split into two groups. The Nerds. And the Jocks. The leaders of the groups were me, and Tristen. I don’t remember how this war started, but I know it started in 5th grade. Back then, it was only between Tristen and I, but eventually, everyone had to choose sides. And that’s when the War started.
I plucked some steaming hot chili and some crackers off the counter and then paid for it. The cafeteria was separated right down the middle; each side had 30 tables, with 8 seats per table.
I plopped onto my usual seat. Fred sat to my right, and Rose sat to my left. “Hey, Brianna.” Someone called out. “Hey!” I yelled back. Everyone on my side knew me. They know who Tristen is too. And same goes for his group.
My table was on the other side the cafeteria, and Tristen’s, was on the other. And the food was in the middle. I abruptly picked up my tray and walked to the trashcan on Tristen’s side.
“What are you doing?” Rose asked, her voice shushed. I continued strutting over to the trashcan. It was as if everyone in the room was holding their breath, anticipating what I was going to do. I felt giddy with excitement. I knew what I was gonna do, and I knew I was gonna enjoy the look on his face when I do it.

Chapter Five

As I rounded Tristen’s table, to dump my trash. I casually tipped my tray over, spilling my whole lunch on him, plus the steaming hot chili. The whole cafeteria gasped. His arms were up in the air, and he slowly turned around. I had a huge smirk on my face as I waited for him to make the next move. He stood up, and shoved a slice of pie on my face. “Eww!” My hands instantly reached up to wipe it away.
He still had chili on his face, and he was wiping it away with the back of his hand. I took that as an opportunity to scoop my hand into a random person’s spaghetti and smear it all on his shirt.
I stepped back to admire my work. Everyone else was silently watching the exchange between us. Except for a few people who would cheer one of us on.
Tristen looked down at his shirt with his mouth wide open. “You’re SO gonna regret what you just did.” He said, venomously. I rolled my eyes, and in mid- roll, I got a face full of soda from Tristen. I shut my eyes tight and rubbed my eyes with the back of my hand. It burns!!
“Guys! Get your weapons!” I shrieked. I knew this was going to happen, so I told everyone from my side to always have a weapon hidden somewhere, not knifes, but water balloons and water guns, that sort of thing.
My side scrambled to get their things and while I was doing that, Tristen was doing the same to his side.
That scumbag!
Suddenly, everyone on his side stood up and ran to the kitchen, where the lunch ladies were, and can back with kitchen supplies. I realized that Tristen had made allies with the staff. My mouth dropped open.
I had to give him credit, he was smart. But not as smart as me.
You see, I knew that this day would come. So I, too, made allies. Most of the teachers, and the P.E. coaches. Seems that Tristen had that same idea.
So I was pretty sure that no one would get in trouble for what was going to happen. Also, the principal loves me.
Tristen and I turned to stare each other down, he spat in my face. My nose flared, and I worked up a mouthful of spit. I spat back in his face and kicked his shin. I ran back to my side. And everyone was ready. “Positions!” I yelled. Most of my group ran out of the cafeteria and to their hiding places, and some stayed for the first battle.
Some girls had black paint for their cheeks. So I walked over there, dipped my finger in the tube, and smeared it on my face, with my warrior face on.
I inspected the place, boys and girls everywhere, had weapons. Some girls even used eyeliner as a weapon. I pointed to Rose, “You, are in charge in here. Got it?” I ordered. “Ma’am yes ma’am!” she saluted. “Right.” I nodded as someone gave a battle cry and charged. It took only seconds before more and more people joined in and charged.
And just for fun, I marched out of the cafeteria in style. Fred caught up with me and gave me a run- down of everything that’s happening. “Everything seems to be in order.” He said, his voice sounding professional.
“Thank you.” I gave a sharp nod. He continued walking with me. I crossed my arms behind me.
“Ok, I think it’s time.” I informed.
We walked to Fred’s locker and opened it. He leaned in and pulled out two water guns. Both full to the top with vinegar and some other stuff we mixed in. Overall, it smelled horrible. He reached in, and pulled out our homemade stink bomb. Basically every horrible smelling thing we could find in my house. Which was everything. Our approach was ‘stink up everything in sight.’ “You ready?” Fred asked as we finished strapping our smelly things on. He handed me a cloths pin. “Ready.” I smiled. We started walking to my favorite teacher’s room.
I spun on my heels and came face to chest with Fred. “In case we don’t make it out alive.” I said dramatically. I pulled him into a tight hug, and buried my head into the crook of his neck.
He chuckled and embraced me. “Let’s do this!” I declared. I swung the door open. Mr. Durandez had his feet propped on his desk and he had a magazine in his hands. He looked up. “’Sup.”
“Hey man!” I greeted. He checked both of us out and asked, “The war started, didn’t it?”
I nodded, and he waved us off. He turned back to his magazine and we both went into the closet and hid.


Thirty minutes later, we were still in the closet. “Got any fives?” I asked in a monotone voice. “Go….fish.” Fred replied in the same tone of voice.
I yawned and threw the cards on the ground, “This is so boring! I’m out!” And with that, I opened the closet, and walked into the classroom. Mr. Durandez was still reading his magazine, he barely acknowledged us as we passed him, and entered the hallway.
We peeked out in the hallway and the coast was clear. So we both started walking in the middle of the hallway.
All of a sudden, we were surrounded by Tristen and his troop. “Well, well. Look what we’ve got here.” Tristen smirked. “I knew you’d come out soon enough.” He taunted.
I sucked in a deep breath and sighed. I latched my hand onto Fred’s and gave it a squeeze. There was no use in trying to escape. We were surrounded. “Fred, I think we should hand ourselves over.” I said in a hushed voice. “We should.” Fred agreed.
I linked my wrists together and held them out for him to take. “Take me away.”
Tristen raised his eyebrows in surprise. “Well..then.” He stuttered, not sure what to say.
He awkwardly reached out and held onto my hands loosely with one hand. He turned away from me and nodded to his men, “You can go now.”
That few seconds was all I needed. I stealthily reached in my pocket for the stink bomb. Beside me, Fred was also doing the same thing. “Stupid jocks!” I yelled as Fred and I threw them on the ground. Instantly, the whole hallway fogged up and the odor was intensifying by the second. I pulled out the clothespin and clipped it on my nose.
There were coughs all around us. Fred grabbed my hand and pulled us away from the stink bombs.
“This isn’t over, yet!” I heard Tristen yell through a fit of coughs.
“You bet!” I laughed.


Texte: Yall know the drill. Don't copy my stuff. (:
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 17.06.2012

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Book Song: Blah Blah Blah by Ke$ha.

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