
Chapter 1

The name's Sierra, but my friends call me Cee Cee. My full name is Sierra Courtney Daine. I have long, bright pink hair and it's chopped into layers. Yeah, my hair's long. But not as long as my butt or anything, geez. I don't get how some people can grow it as long as their feet without tripping over it and chop their hair off with the nearest knife available.
Anyway, I'm pretty nice if you're not on my hate list. I like going to the beach, hanging out with my friends and all that other crap that teenagers do. I'm an 8th grader, so that means I'm 14. Do the math. I'm about 5'3 and that's pretty short compared to the average 8th grader. But who gives a shit? Certainly not me.
I have a few close friends, but I wouldn’t call them best friends, my best friends come and go. I’m a straight A student, yeah, big shocker. Oh yeah, and I have no love life. It sucks, I know. I’m 14 and I’ve never had a boyfriend. While all my friends were out enjoying Valentines Day, I flew solo. Yeah buddy!

Chapter 2

So this is how the story began..

I was sitting in my first period, P.E.
I know, most girls would be like, ‘Ewwie! I’m going to be sticky and sweaty by second period!’ Who gives a crap man? I like P.E. I’m not in cheer like most girls either. So yeah, I was sitting there, trying to ignore the complaints and groans when the secretary came in with a new kid.
You know in the movies, the new kid is always hot and smexy? Well, it’s the total opposite for my school. The new kids are always fugly.
Well, this time, it’s different. This kid was HOT. All the girls were drooling. I swear, even some of the straight guys were staring wide eyed at the kid. I crossed my arms and raised an eyebrow. This kid will be in the pops in no time. I call the popular people ‘pops’. And yes, I am one of the pops. Most of them aren't mean, either. I mean, most of the pops were my friends. My closest friends are Henry, Jazzie, George, and London. Henry and Jazzie are together. And George and London are together.
Henry is absolutely adorable, he has big, chocolate brown eyes, and he has brown hair. Jazzy is really pretty, she also dyed her hair, we did it together. She dyed it bright red. She has blue eyes. George, has the most handsome face ever! London has the bubbliest personality out of all of us.
And then there’s me… I’m the single one. Teehee.
So anyway! The new kid came in and he looked like he didn’t have a care in the world. I could already tell that he was gonna be a cocky bastard.

Chapter 3

He walked over to where Brittney was sitting and plopped down next to her. I sighed, "Awwh, another cute guy wasted on Brittney." I shook my head. The coach droaned on, and on about the rules of playing Line Basketball. I turned to a complete stranger and said, "Dude. What the crap? She knows we know how to play this game. Why must she insist on going on and on about the rules?" The guy laughed, "I know right? ...Do I know you?"
My mouth formed an 'o' "Pshhh, heck yea, your name is.. Joe The Singing Walrus."
"No, it's not. My name's Cody." he chuckled. He was hot. He had adorable green eyes, and his hair was black with electric blue highlights. "Awww! But Joe fits you!" I exclaimed. No, it didn't, I just said that because I didn't want to be wrong.
"Mine's Cee Cee." I replied. "Cool." he said. We fell into a awkward silence after that. "Damn! Love your highlights by the way." I exclaimed, trying to get rid of all the awkwardness. "Thanks, I like your hair too. Suits you." he said.
The coach finally finished talking, she numbered us off and we walked to our lines. Me and Cody were on the same team, the new kid and Brittney were on the other. Oh, it's on. It's on like donkey kong..

I thought, narrowing my eyes at them. Cody laughed, and grabbed my hand, pulling me to the other line.
Okay, so the game's pretty simple. You get in two lines, you get a number, and when the teacher calls your number, you run up to the ball and try to make a basket. Simple. But I can get a tad bit aggressive and competitive when it comes to these types of things. The coach started numbering people off. Cody was 11 and I was 12. I looked over on the other side, and Brittney was mouthing what number she was to a chick on my team. She was 11, the new kid was sitting next to her... so that would mean he’s 12. Alrighty then, lets see how good he is at basketball. Though, I already know I’m gonna dominate his butt.
“One and eight!” the coach yelled into the microphone. Yeah, you heard me, a microphone. Why the hell would a coach need a microphone? I’d understand if they used those cone thingies, but microphones? Really?
One and eight ran towards the ball, but the other team got it first. They passed the ball and the other person shot. “What the hell guys?! Run faster!” I yelled loudly.
“Four and two!”
“You better make it..” I threatened. Four got the ball first, and dribbled it down the court. She attempted to pass it to two, but it got intercepted by the other team’s four. “Da fuck, man!? Pass it higher and further!! Ugh!” I yelled and got to my feet. Most people turned to around and gave me strange looks, so I slowly sat back down again. Cody chuckled and shook his head. They shot and made it. “Our team sucks balls.” I muttered under my breath. He busted out laughing, “Oh my god! Did you just say that?”
“Yes! Do you need hearing aids?” I said through clenched teeth, pissed. “Geez! Chill.” He surrendered, putting his hands up.
“Eleven and twelve!” the coach said. “Bring it, bitches!” I yelled.

Chapter 4

I ran up as fast as I could, bent down, and grabbed the ball. I nearly toppled over on my butt in front of the whole gym! That would be so embarrassing…
I faked a pass and tried to pass it to Cody, but somehow the new kid new what I was doing. What the hell?
I grunted and ran after him. He was pretty good too. Brittney was just standing there, pretending to look like she was trying. You needed at least one pass before you could shoot, the new kid didn’t know, so he shot. He made it, but the coach told us to restart. He looked confused so I said, “Hey new kid, ya need at least one pass before you can shoot.” Don’t know why I told him that, but I did. I got the ball and started dribbling the ball down the court, while blocking the new kid with one hand. Damn, he was like a ninja! Every time I let my guard down, he would jump in and try to steal the ball. I got to the hoop and tried to get a clear shot.
The kid was right in front of me and he was really close too. Like body-pressed-against-body close. He had his arms up, and I had mine up too trying to aim at the basket. His eyes were baby blue. Dang! He’s way cuter up close! He smelled nice too. Dude, what am I, a dog? Humans don’t sniff people. Dogs do. I still had my hands raised, so Brittney decided to run up and grab the ball out of my hands, and girlishly dribble down court. “Gah!! Cody, get the ball and pass it to me!” I yelled. He did, and it was pretty easy. She was already at our basket and attemted to shoot two baskets before he got there. That girl just plain sucks! Balls! Cody passed me the ball and I dribbled down the court as fast as I could. I aimed, shot, and…. missed. “Fuuuuuck!” I yelled, looking up at the ceiling. “Sierra! Language!” the coach yelled. I ignored her and watched as Cody shot. He made it!
“Yeah buddy!!” I yelled and high fived him. “We dominated!!” he whooped.
I turned to the new kid and Brittney. “What now, beeachez?!” I yelled, head cocked to the side. Yes, I just called the guy a girl. Get over it. Brittney rolled her eyes walked away. She turned around when she noticed that the new kid wasn’t following her, but smirking at me. “Come on, Miles.” she commanded.
“You’re good, wanna have a little one on one sometime?” he asked.
“Uh, sure…” I replied.

Chapter 5

I’m in second period, and the teacher’s going on, and on about crap. “Now you all should know, prokaryotic cells are unicellular, and they’re the only type of cell that doesn’t have a nucleus. Yada, yada.” I swear, she could make a happy person want to run to the nearest gun store and shoot themself.
With her monotone voice and her 50’s hair cut. My eyes felt so heavy, I’ll just close them for a sec… I thought to myself right as I fell asleep. I woke up as the teacher slammed her hand on my desk: I jumped. “Are you lissstening to me Msss. Daine?” Damn, that woman scares me. She sounds like a fuckin’ snake when she says her ‘s’! I gasped and dramatically laid my hand on my chest, “Are you trying to destroy school property? Are you seriously trying to do that? A teacher? I should go report you. And you could possssibly get fired.” I mocked her ‘s’. There was a couple of whoops in the class and a ‘yeah buddies!’ She fumed, “I will NOT tolerate this kind of behavior in my classssrom! Detention. NOW!”
“Anywhere but here.” I said calmly.
I skipped out of class and out the main doors. Then I saw a familiar face outside sitting on one of the benches. He was texting someone, his head was bent down towards his phone. I walked up quietly behind him and sat on the table behind him. “Boo.” I said. He looked up, and looked back down at his screen. “Oh, my god! You have an Iphone!” I yelled, and yanked the phone from him. I started running towards the bleachers and when I got there, I looked around for any sign of Miles, but didn’t see any. So I turned around to sit down, and I nearly walked into him. “Woah!” I yelled, “Where did you come from?!” He didn’t say anything, but made a move to grab his phone, I moved it out of the way.
“No way! I wanna play with your phone!” I exclaimed as I ran down the bleachers and onto the field. He was right behind me. “Ha! HA! You’ll never catch me!” I yelled behind me, but then I tripped and fell on the ground. Oh well.

I clicked the unlock button, but I needed a password. “Gahh!! Fartknockers!” I yelled. Miles sat down next to me, his body shaking with silent laughter. “You think this is funny?” I asked, outraged.
“This is not a laughing matter.” I stated. Now he was actually laughing out loud. His laugh, gosh it's so... unbelievably sexy. Woah, what am I thinking?!

I couldn’t help it, I started laughing too. “So, why aren’t you in class?” I asked.
“Why aren’t you

in class?” he asked. “No, I asked first.” I argued. “I’m ditching.” He said. “Eh, I'm ditchin too.”
“Wanna go somewhere?” He asked. “Uh, I don’t even know you….” I said cautiously.
“Aw, come on.”
“Fine.” I said.
He grabbed my hand and ran to his car. No one knows we ditched, and I’d like it to say that way. He led me to his car, and opened the door for me. Awwh! Isn’t that sweet? No, he’s with Brittney.... Why the hell are you in his car then?!

I yelled and asked myself. I’m not the type of girl who would stand there and drool over a car, so that’s why I didn’t really pay much attention to the details. All I know is, the car’s black. My favorite color’s black.

Chapter 6

"Where are we going?” I asked. He better not be kidnapping me…
“You like basketball, don’t you?” he randomly asked.
“Well, yeah. I like all sports.” I answered. What the crap is he gonna do to me?!
“Ok.” He smiled.
Yeah, I bet he’s gonna rape me. I crossed my arms and slouched on my seat, putting my legs on the dash. I stared straight ahead wondering what he’s planning to do to me. We were already out of the city.
He suddenly veered to the right, and we ended up in a basketball court.
“Whoa, this is so cool! But why did we have to go out of the city?” I asked.
“I didn’t want anyone to see us.” He shrugged. I narrowed my eyes, why am I even with him? He could be a crazy psycho out on a killing spree for all I know. I got out of the car and stretched, we’ve been in that car for more than thirty minutes and I was getting cramps.
He got out and went to the back of his car and pulled out a basketball.
“Yeah buddy!” I yelled and ran over to him and grabbed the ball out of his hands. I jogged over to the court and started shooting hoops. I raised my arms up and aimed; he came up behind me and reached around my body to take the ball out of my hands. My mouth formed a small ‘o’ and I froze. My back was now pressed up against his front. This is a pretty awkward position…
He laughed, took the ball, and started shooting hoops. I unfroze and pressed my lips together in a straight line. I cracked my fingers, “Oh it’s on, buddy.”
I jumped up right as the ball was about to make it in the basket and smacked the ball. Aye! That hurt! I wiggled my fingers around. I chased the ball around and got it. “What now, boy?” I asked.
He raised his eyebrow; I dribbled the ball to the basket. I shot, but it got smacked out by Miles. “Not cool!” I yelled at him. He smirked.
The game was really fun and intense. We were still playing when people started coming. School probably ended. Some guys joined and we played for a little while but they eventually drifted away. Then it was just us. We were sprawled on the ground, arms and legs spread out like a starfish. Our breathing was heavy, and we were looking at the night sky. When our breathing slowed and calmed down a bit, we sat up. “So, today was fun. Wasn’t it?” Miles asked me.
“It was really fun. Thanks for taking me here.” I smiled at him.
He smiled back, his dimples just looks so damn cute! Snap out of it, Cee! He’s taken; he probably just took you here because he didn’t have anything else to do and didn’t have anyone else to hang out with.

Ouch, that hurt. I quickly stood up and dusted my butt. I cleared my throat, “Um, I think we should go.”
He nodded and stood up. I began walking towards the car, but he took my small hand in his big one and looked me in the eye, “I had a great time today, Sierra."

Chapter 7

I smiled and he let go of my hand. We walked to the car, and Miles opened the door for me. I thought it was sweet of him, but a small part of me thought, 'Get over it, he probably thinks you’re a charity case or something.'

The drive home was silent. Then all of a sudden, a thought came to my mind. Wait, how could a fourteen year old know how to drive? Holy shit! Either he’s a rapist, or he got held back multiple times.

“Um, uh… how old are you?” I asked cautiously.
I nodded my head and said sarcastically, “Yeah sure you are. Then how do you know how to drive?”
“My dad taught me.”
Ok, I see how it is. He doesn’t wanna talk to me. Fine! See if I care. I turned, crossed my arms, and glared at the road.
By the time we got to the school, it was 8:00. Ah, crap. I’m in a butt load of trouble. My parents were probably worried sick because their slave didn’t get home from school on time. I bet they’re sitting in front of the T.V. watching some drama. God, I hate their guts.
“Hey, Earth to Cee Cee!” Miles said, snapping his fingers in front of my face.
“What? How did you know my nickname?” I asked, irritated. “Well, I hear people call you that.” He said. He decides now

to talk to me? While I’m hatin’ on my parents? GAH! Boys.
“I said, ‘Do you need a ride home?’” he repeated slowly. “Oh uh. Sure.” I said a little embarrassed. “Where’s your house?”
“Up your butt, around the corner, in the tube and out your man boobs!” I yelled. “You’re so mature.” He said sarcastically. “Why, thank you. I do try my best.” I said, playing along. He rolled his eyes and exited the school grounds.

Chapter 8

I gave him the directions to my house and I sat there, trying to come up with a conversation starter. When I couldn’t come up with one, I gave up and turned on the radio.
Anywhere But Here by Mayday Parade started playing and I smiled. This song was beast! It was at the middle of the song and I sang along.
“Secret love, my escape. Take me far, far away. Secret love, are you there? Will you answer my prayers? Please take me anywhere but here.” Miles turned to me, “You like Mayday Parade?”
“Of course! They rock!” I smiled. “I like them too.” He smiled back. He looked adorable. He had that one dimple that always appeared on his cheek whenever he smiled. And I was a sucker for dimples.
He raised his eyebrow and I quickly turned my head around and looked out the window. We arrived at my house and he stopped the car. “Well, today was pretty fun.” He said. “Yeah.” I agreed. “Well, bye!” I said, pulling the door open. “Wait.” He said and he pulled me back towards him. Oh crap, he’s going to kiss me. Oh crap, crap, crap, crap!

He leaned down and right before his lips touched mine, I turned my head and he ended up kissing my cheek.
His face turned to confusion and I quickly made an excuse, “I’m sweaty.” He didn’t look like he believed me, but he let it go. I opened the door again and paused. Was I supposed to say ‘bye’ again? I already said it though… “Bye!” I finally said. He chuckled, “Bye.”
I strode to the house and turned around. I waved at Miles and he drove off.
I turned back and looked at the door and groaned. Maybe I should just sneak through my window..

No. I should face my problems head on. I gathered up my courage and rang the doorbell. I waited there for a few seconds and the door opened. My mom was standing there with a furious look on her face.
“Where the hell have you been?” she demanded.
“Woah Mom, you cuss? Since when?” I joked. She wasn’t amused. “It’s all you and your brother’s fault!” she blamed. God, I hate this woman. My dad, being the nosey person he is, walked over and glared at me, and he softened his look when he looked at my mom. “What’s wrong honey?” he asked. I scoffed.
His eyes snapped to me and he glared, “Where have you been?”
I rolled my eyes and said nonchalantly, “A friend’s.” “What friend?” he demanded. “A boy.” I replied calmly. I knew it would get on their nerves. You see, my parents have anger issues, and they’re bi-polar. At least, that’s what I think.

he yelled. I rolled my eyes, “Yes dad, every guy I hang out with is my boyfriend.” I shook my head. “I’m going to bed.”
“You are a disappointment.” My mom sneered. Bitch, look who’s talking.

I ignored her and shove past them both. My parents suck. My older brother was in the living room, just staring off into space. He heard me enter and he smiled, “Hey, ugly.” I smiled back, “Hey, butthead.”
Everyone has that one person in their life they greet with an insult. My brother was that person. He was a junior in high school. He hated our parents too. We were really close. “So, how was your day?” he asked. I pursed my lips, “There was a new kid.” “Oh, cool.” He said. “Yeah, I skipped with him.” I added. My brother, Josh, smirked. “Ooo, what did you guys do?” he wagged his eyebrows. I rolled my eyes, “We just hung out.” “Where? At his house?” he prodded. I rolled my eyes again, “I’m going to bed.”
“Ok. ‘Night.” Josh said.
I walked down the hallway and turned at the corner. My house was a one story house. I went and got my pajama’s. Which were long pants and a tank top. I took a shower and jumped on my bed.
I wonder what’s going to happen tomorrow?

Chapter 9

"Wake up Sierra!!” My mom yelled. You could hear her from three houses down, that’s how loud her voice was. “Two more minutes?” I mumbled. “No! Not two more minutes! Get your ass in the kitchen!” she spun on her heels and marched off. I rolled my eyes and muttered curse words at her under my breath.
Pushing the covers off of my body, I stretched. I waddled to the bathroom and ran into the wall. My eyes snapped open and I rubbed my forehead, groaning. I hope it doesn’t leave a bruise.

I brushed my teeth, brushed my hair, grabbed the first pants and shirt I saw, and put them on, along with my bra. Did I take a shower yesterday…?

Ehh, whatever.
I walked down the hall, and into the kitchen. Mom was in the living room, watching some Korean soap opera. “Hey mom, where’s my breakfast?” I asked. “Go get it yourself!” she yelled.
I rolled my eyes and grabbed some bread and popped it in the toaster. I sat down and waited for the thing to ding. Josh stumbled in, rubbing his eyes. “Morning.” He mumbled. “Morning!”
He trudged over to the table and his toe got caught on the table leg and it made a loud ‘thump’. “Ow! Fuck!!” he yelled, hopping on one foot. I giggled and heard the toaster ding. I pushed away from the table and skillfully plucked both toasts with my forefinger and thumb.
I skipped over to the fridge and got the butter out. Josh was still groaning about his ‘poor little toe’. Personally, I think his toe was bigger than my foot, and that’s sayin’ something.
I set the plate with the buttered toasts down on the table and immediately, Josh snatched one off the plate. I rolled my eyes and finished my toast. “Bye guys!” I yelled as I walked out the door and to my bus stop.
The distance from my house to the bus stop was about a block. I walked down the sidewalk with my earplugs in my ear and The Cab playing at full blast. The band was sick! I didn’t hear him at first, but when I did, I nearly jumped five feet up in the air. “What the fuck?” I yelled at Miles. He simply laughed and motioned me to get in his car. I quickly obliged because the sun was killing me. It was so damn hot! I opened the door to the passenger side, but there was already someone there. “Why does she

have to ride with us?” A voice whined. No way… Brittney?

My eyebrows rose and I looked at him. He scratched the back of his head and gave a nervous laugh.
I slammed the door shut and continued walking to the bus stop. I didn’t want to sit in the same car as Bitchy Brittney and listen to her whine in her annoying voice.
“Wait! Sierra!” I ignored him and turned the volume up even higher on my ipod. I winced but kept it at that. I felt a hand on my shoulder, so I turned around. Miles was saying something, but I couldn’t understand him so I just said, “Screw off!” and ran to the bus stop just in time. I threw a quick glare over my shoulder at Miles and searched my backpack for my bus card.
Stupid bus. The people in charge of the busses suddenly decided to charge everyone who rode the bus like 300 dollars a semester. You had to have a bus card and swipe it across this white square.
“Shit.” I muttered. I tapped the person in front of me and whispered, “Card.” My bus had this secret code thing, if you forget your card, you just have to whisper ‘card’ and the person would swipe theirs’ and pass it back to you. After you swipe it, you give it back. It’s not like the bus drivers look at the names, or anything. So the guy in front of me, swiped his card and passed it back. I swiped it, and handed it back, “Thanks.”
He smiled and sat down next to his friends. I waddled to the back of the bus and sat down next to George. “Hey man.” I greeted. “Hey.” He greeted back.

What happened yesterday!?!” Jasmine squealed. I rolled my eyes and turned to face the front of the bus, and then it lurched forward.

Chapter 10

The bus finally stopped, and all the kids piled out.
Henry and London joined us as soon as we entered the building. Henry kissed Jazzie, and London kissed George. I shook my head and walked to my locker. Times like these, made me feel pretty lonely.
“Hey! Wait up!” London called out. I stopped in my tracks and let them catch up with me. “So! What happened?” London questioned. I sighed, “Nothing, really. We ditched, played basketball, oh, and when he dropped me off, he tried to kiss me.”
“What?!!” Jazzie shrieked. “You heard me. But he didn’t.” I said calmly. “What? Why?” London asked.
“Because once a bitch’s toy, always a bitch’s toy.” I said. All of them nodded in agreement. Suddenly, Henry’s gaze landed past my shoulder, and on something else. I turned around and there he was, the boy who tried to kiss me.
“Hey Cee Cee!” he greeted cheerfully, dropping his arm on my shoulder. He acted as if he didn’t try to kiss me, and he didn’t drive Brittney to school in his car. Probably his way of patching up his wounded ego. Which was probably the size of China. With all the girls drooling on him and whatnot.
I shrugged his arm off and continued walking to my locker. “Er, well, Henry and I gotta go re-take this test in calculus! Right Henry?” Jazzie asked. When he didn’t say anything, she elbowed his ribs. He gasped and said quickly, “Yeah, bye!” They both ran off.
“There’s a janitor’s closet that has our names on it!” London grinned. She grabbed George’s arm and dragged him off.
“Well, I guess it’s just you and me.” Miles said.
“Fuck off.” I grumbled and spun my combination. I tried the lock, but it wouldn’t open. I spun it again, it still wouldn’t open. I let out a yell of frustration, and banged on my locker with my fist.
“Open, you son of a gun!” I yelled at it. A hand shot out and enclosed around mine. I didn’t need to turn around to know who it was. His body was trapping me between it and the lockers. I sighed, “I thought I told you to buzz off.”
“You did. But I didn’t want to.” He whispered in my ear. I ignored him and spun my combination again and amazingly, it opened. “Hallelujah.” I muttered. I grabbed all the things I needed, and slammed the locker shut. My head was between Miles' arms, so when I turned around to tell him to screw off, we were face to face.
My mouth was pressed in a straight line and I frowned at him.
“Go. Away.” I said, putting force in each word. “Listen, I’m sorry about Brittney. Please forgive me?” he leaned forward until our noses were touching. “Please?”
I hesitated. If I give in, then he might let me go… but then again, I might be forever labeled as a wussy in his mind.
Who cares what he thinks?

I sighed, ready to give in. “Cee Cee?” a voice called out behind Miles. I took the chance and ducked my head under his armpit and escaped. “Cody?” I grinned. I ran up to him and hooked my arm with his and tugged him away from Miles. I wasn’t actually mad at him; I just wanted to see how he reacted.

Chapter 11

"Hey Sierra, wait up!” Miles called out behind me. I held onto my books tighter and speeded up a bit. “Cee Cee!”
I ducked my head lower as I full- on sprinted away from him. Seeing that he went through all that trouble to pick Brittney up that morning.. I didn’t really feel like dealing with him right this moment..
I was too busy trying to get away from Miles; I didn’t notice the dude right in front of me, until I ran right into him.
“Woah there, pretty lady.” Cody’s arms went out to steady me. YES. Cody shall be in my very evil and well thought out plan… that I made up three seconds ago.
“Yo, pretty boy!” I ‘flirted’ back.
“What’s a gorgeous girl like you doing, running down a hallway?” He played along. He. Is. Freaking. AWESOME!
Whenever I come up with one of my ‘evil plans,’ –like now- all my friends would give me strange looks.
But he played along! YES.
Anyway, back to the point. Miles was already standing next to us with a confused expression on his face, “Hey…”
Cody’s arms were still wrapped around my waist, so I wrapped mine around his neck and squeezed him tightly. “I had a GREAT time last night.” I whispered just loud enough for both of the boys to hear.
“Wait, WHAT? What happened last night?!” Miles questioned frantically.
I peeled myself off of Cody and quickly skipped down the hallway, leaving a very amused Cody, and a fuming Miles behind.
That’s what you get for pissing me off, Miles.


Texte: Dude. This is my book, if you copy me. You shal feel my wrath... (:
Bildmaterialien: Images from google(:
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 15.04.2012

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