
I Dare You


My name is Kayla, and this whole fucking thing started with a dare.

~ Spin the bottle ~

Oh good god. Him, really? I grimaced, he’s cute, don’t get me wrong, but he just isn’t my type. He has dark, curly hair, and his chocolate colored eyes gleam mischievously, as if he were thinking dirty stuff about us girls. And he’s one of those guys who would flirt with every girl alive. Player.
Ehh, who cares, here I go… I stood up, walked over to where KJ was sitting and leaned toward KJ and gave him a kiss, which turned out to be really nice, his kiss was soft, and gentle. I smile and go back to my spot in the circle. Mary turns to me and smiles. Huh, he ain’t such a bad kisser after all.
My friends and I are playing spin the bottle; I have no idea why I agreed to do this, but I did. Its little kid game I know, but hey, when you’re a senior in high school, things get…interesting.
I snuck a glance at Mike, he wasn’t looking my way, but I could tell that he had a frown on his handsome face. I’ll talk to him later, I thought. Mike has been my best friend for as long as I could remember. He’s like my brother. I even have a nickname for him!! Wanna hear it?? Get ready… Surfer Dude. I call him that because he has blond hair. He looks so adorable when he flips it! He hates his nickname, which is part of the reason why I love it so much.
I looked at KJ and he’s staring at me. I raised my eyebrow and at him and he turns away. Huh, weird.
“So!! This game is pretty boring, who wants to play truth or dare?” I ask the guys. Mary, KJ, Max, Jen, Lauren, Chris, Flinn, and a dude I don’t know nodded their heads. Who the hell is that dude?? I swear if he’s a rapist then imma call da cops on him!! Why didn’t I notice him earlier?
“Who the hell are you?” I asked the dude.
“S’cuse me?” He asked in a low voice. Woa, I never knew peoples voices can go that low!!
“I said, who the hell are you?” I asked again, but this time I say it slow, like I’m talking to a child.
“My name is Nick.” Nick says equally slow. What the fuck? ‘Kay, so lemme get this straight. This dude comes into my house and actually has the nerve to talk to me like imma kid?
“Nice to meet chu Nick. And who invited you to my house?” I ask suspiciously.
He smiled evenly at me while I stared back at him with narrowed eyes. My friends are looking at Nick like he just magically appeared in my room. Mike was the only one who wasn’t staring so he cleared his throat and we all whipped our heads towards him. “What?” I asked. He didn’t say anything so I turned back around but Nick was gone. Just like that. POOF.

~ The Forest ~

What the hell? This is starting to feel like I’m in one of those creepy movies where the girl invites her friends over for a slumber party and they all end up dead the next morning.
“Ohhhkay! So, truth or dare Max?” I ask. He considers it for a moment before saying, “Truth.”
“Aww, your no fun!” I complained. “Fine. Is it true you asked Jessekah out to the movies?” I asked in a bored voice.
Max shifted uncomfortably before answering, “Yea.” “Ok, truth or dare Kayla?”
“Dare!” I replied enthusiastically. “I dare you… to go in the forest, and stay there the whole night with Mike!” he said with an evil edge in his voice. “Ight. Aye, Surfer Dude. C’mon, let’s go!” I said grabbing my coat and flashlight. “Don’t do anything fun without me!” I yelled behind my back, earning chuckles behind me.
We silently crossed the backyard to the forest, located behind my house. When we entered the dark forest, I turned around with a worried look on my face. Mike had taken an interest in his shoes, and his hands were jammed inside his pockets.
“Mike?” I asked. No reply. I walked to him and grabbed his shoulders. “Mike, look at me.” I demanded. He wouldn’t look up so I dropped my hands and started towards the house. I turned around and Mike was already walking deeper into the forest. Perfect, he didn’t suspect a thing. I was tempted to do my evil laugh right then and there but decided not to.
I quickly and quietly ran to him, trying to jump on him from behind to cheer him up like we used to do when we were kids. But at the last moment, I jumped up and… missed. Whaa? His back was just to me and now we’re face to face. Intense moment here!

~ Wtf? What just happened? ~

My heart beat faster as I looked into his eyes. They were electric blue, and I couldn’t help but notice how cute he is. The way his dimples showed when he smiled. His intense eyes bored into me, and my breath quickened. Dammit, this is my best friend we’re talking about here! Ahhh! Dear Lord.
The next thing I knew, his lips were on mine, kissing me hungrily. I kissed back with the same amount of hunger, and he wrapped his tan, muscled arms around my waist. I reached up on my tip-toes and wrapped my arms around his neck. Wow, this guy right here is even better than KJ! I slid my hands down and felt his lean upper body. Wait. This is my best friend I’m making out with right now..
Holy crap! I could feel a fit of laughter build up inside my chest; I just had to ruin the moment did I? I couldn’t help it anymore I pushed away and burst out laughing.
Mike had this confused look on his face and I laughed even harder, clutching my sides. I… can’t… breath! “Kayla, are you ok?” he exclaimed, out of breath. “Hold up, I needa chill for a sec.” I answered, still out of breath.
A few minutes later I calmed down a little. Mike looked at me with an amused look on his face. “Sorry.” I apologized. “No worries, you’re always cracking up at the wrong times” he chuckles. “Ha.” I said sarcastically.
“So, what happened back there at the house?” I asked. “Shouldn’t you know by now?” he replied.
I raised my eyebrow. “No, I don’t know.” Yup, I’m always the clueless one in the family.
He just smiled and dodged the question. “C’mon! Let’s see what’s in the forest!” he grabbed my hand and pulled me deeper into the darkness. It was 30 minutes later when I noticed that the air around us was friggin’ 20 degrees! I shook violently and Mike, being the perfect gentleman he is, handed me his jacket. I was too cold to go through the oh-but-it’s-yours-and-then-fight-
over-who-gets-it routine, so I just grabbed it and put it on, on top of my other one. My PJ’s weren’t really helping, because they were thin as a leaf, and my jacket was thin too. I turn around after putting the jacket on and look at Mike behind me. “Thank you.” I said. “No problem,” he said.
I wrapped the jacket over both of us and smiled at him. “Are you cold?” I asked. “Nah.” he answered, and we continued our walk. I tripped a couple of times over thick roots that covered the ground and blushed. Hopefully, Mike couldn’t see in the dark, like, night vision or something. I ran my hand over the rough surface of a tree, feeling the texture. I turn back to Mike. “Hey, do you know what time it is?” I asked. “Uh,” he checked his phone, “11 o’ clock.” “Wow, we’ve been out here for like, 3 hours already.” I stated. He nodded, “What should we do?” I yawned, “Lets find a place to sleep.” Wow, boy was I tired, my eyes started drooping and I swayed. Mike chuckles and all of a sudden, I’m being lifted up into his arms, bridal style. I smile and looked up at him and his eyes connected with mine. I look down and snuggled in his arms. He kept on walking and I drifted off to sleep.

~ The Meadow ~

I woke up when we stopped. He gently lets me down and I looked around. It’s dark, so I can’t see very well. I didn’t feel like turning my flashlight on, but I could see faint outlines of trees surrounding us. It seems like we’re in a meadow. How we got here, I don’t know. The meadow had tall, green grass that swayed slowly in the wind. I shiver and pull my jacket closer. Mike is collecting twigs and other stuff to make a fire.
Ten minutes later, we have a warm, cackling fire. Mike and I sit on the ground right next to each other and stare into it.
Mike reaches over and grabs my hand. I squeeze it and put it on my lap, faintly tracing patterns on the back of his hand. He had his legs out in front of him and one arm out behind him. I’m sitting criss-cross-applesause. I suddenly had this strange urge to go sit in his lap. Man, it looked comfortable! Ehh, what the hell? I let go of his hand and scooched over into his lap. I can feel him smiling and then he wraps his arms around my waist. I sigh and lean my head back against his shoulder and close my eyes. A couple of hours later, -I think- I woke up when a twig snapped. I’m a light sleeper. But Mike, on the other hand, can sleep through a hurricane. You usually have to jump on him or push him off the bed to wake him up. When he wakes up, he isn’t grumpy or anything, he’s as sweet as a pie. I didn’t want to wake Mike up, so I slowly lifted his arm from my stomach. Then I bent down and kissed his cheek. I grabbed my flashlight. I clicked on the flashlight and tip- toed towards the direction the noise came from, which is behind the trees that surround the meadow.
Don’t you hate tip- toeing? I do. When I tip- toe, my whole weight is moving back and forth between my tiny little toes and they hurt from putting all my weight on them for too long. I got to the edge of the clearing and into the big trees. I slowly scan my flashlight around, casting shadows on the trees. Creepy! I push through torn bushes, earning many scratches in the process. Then finally, I came to a clearing. It looked a lot like the meadow Mike and I were sleeping in. But the only different thing about it was that instead of the ground being covered with grass, this clearing had only dirt and rocks. Some of the rocks were as big as my head. Then all of a sudden, a figure steps out of the shadows. “Well, well. Nice to see you again.” the figure said. “Nick.” I breathed. And then he lunged at me. Damn, he was fast. He had me in a headlock and one of his hands over my mouth before I could scream, “Potato head.” This is incredibly fast because he was all the way across the clearing when I first saw him. “What are you, sidekick?” I asked him. But with his hand clamped over my mouth, it sounded like, “ooo ooarh oo, aiiikk?” He laughed, his breath hot against my skin, “What?” Oh, so he has the nerve to ask me what I’m saying when he’s the one with his hand on my mouth? I don’t think I even want to know where that hand has been. I’ll show him what’s funny. And with that, I shot my leg up and kicked behind me with all my might, right where his sun don’t shine.
Huh, I actually hit my target; I usually have terrible aim. I would aim for a wastebasket or something, and I’d throw the object, and it would land 5 meters away. What’s up with that?
While he was doubled over in pain, I skipped up to him and kicked him again in the same spot. Ha! That teaches you to mess with me! “Douche bag.” I muttered under my breath. He fell to the ground, and I bent down near his face. “Next time, you’d think twice before touching me. Son!” I said. Then I ran back the way I came from, not caring about the noise I’m making and the scratches I’m getting, just trying to get to Mike. When I reached the meadow, Mike was still there, but this time he wasn’t alone. This night just keeps getting better and better. I thought sarcastically.

~ Biker Dudes ~

I climbed up the tree and looked down. Mike was being held by a biker dude with a bandana around his head, and boy, did he look buff- in a bad way, that is. He looked bored out of his mind too. It’s very typical for a biker dude. I hopped down from the branch and onto biker dude’s neck. OOOO THAT’S GOTTA HURT! I put my hand over his mouth and breathe in his ear, “Let him go, and I won’t snap your neck.” I’m bluffing, just to let yall know. I’m really weak. “And don’t even try to call your friends, cuz I swear, imma do the same to them.” I threatened. He shook his head and laughed, “You don’t mean that, you’re bluffing.”
“Ya sure bout that, biker dude? Can I call you biker dude? Sure I can. Anyways, are you really sure about this? Cuz you can always let him go…and your neck might not get snapped?” I finished weakly. Then, a guy walks up to us and widens his eyes. “Hey guys, look what we’ve got here!” the guy yelled. I was trying to get away, but biker dude had a death grip on my legs, so I was forced to sit there, on his shoulders.
Stupid, stupid biker dude! Why can’t he be piuny and weak? Aggghhhh! About two minutes later, some people came over and eyed me. “What chu lookin’ at? Son!” I yelled at them. I usually yell ‘son’ after every sentence I say when I’m mad. They kept on staring and I got pissed. “I SWEAR TO GOD, IF YOU KEEP STARING AT ME LIKE THAT, IMMA CUT CHU, SON!” I yelled. They winced and looked away. “Yeah, I thought so.” I said. One of the guys picked me off of biker dude’s shoulder. The guy that picked me up looked around his mid thirties; he too had a bandana around his forehead. He has jet black hair, and brown eyes. I’ll just call him biker dude number two. Biker dude number two slung me over his shoulders, causing me to bang my head on his back- what the hell? Does he think I’m a sack of potatoes or something? – And walked over to a Mexican dude who looked like their leader. “LET ME GO, YOU FART KNOCKER!!” I screamed while hitting biker dude number two’s back, which only caused him to grunt and keep walking. He came to a stop right in front of the Mexican guy. “¿Quiénes son y por qué son en nuestro territorio?
I cleared my throat, “Ahem, me no speak your language.” I said slowly, just in case he couldn’t understand me.
A guy next to me spoke up, “He says, ‘Who are you, and why are you in our territory?’” I turn to him. “HAALA! Finally, someone who I can understand!” I scream. He chuckled. “So, what’s your name?” I asked the guy who translated what the Mexican dude said to me. “Kirk.” He answered. He had boyish features, with straight, brown hair and he was about 5’3. His eyes are chocolate brown. “Hey Kirk! Nice to meet ya!” I said happily. “Now, would you mind, I don’t know, letting us go home?” I asked. “Ha! No.” Kirk replied. “Douche.” I muttered under my breath. Kirk chuckled and slung me over his shoulder. “Again with the slinging, I’m not a potato sack you know!” I yelled exasperated. They ignored me. Typical. Kirk kept on walking, and behind me, the dude I threatened, had also slung Mike over his shoulder. They’re a bunch of fags. While I was mentally cussing them out, I hadn’t notice that we were already next to a van. Eh, I thought biker dudes ride motorcycles. Whatever.

~ The Attempt Escape ~

They dumped Mike and I into the back of the van. Stupid morons! I had just realized that they were kidnapping us. I’m so stupid. I looked around and noticed that there weren’t any windows, and there was a bunch of trash in the back. It’s called cleaning up, yall should try it. I thought disgustingly in my head. Cartons of Chinese takeouts and chip bags were littered in the back. Some bags were open, and some weren’t. I spotted a huge bag of hot cheetos and immediately grabbed it as the van lurched to a start. “Mmmmm…” I moaned with a mouth full of chips. Meanwhile, Mike sat there, with a blank look on his face. Probably daydreaming about me, I smirked. “Hey Mike, EARTH TO MIKE!” I screamed, snapping my fingers in front of his face. He snapped out of his daydream and looked at me. “What?” he asked confused. He looks so adorable when he’s confused. I smiled and sat down next to him and handed him the bag of chips I was eating. “We have to find a way to get out of here.” I said. What are these people going to do to us? Why did they kidnap us in the first place? “Yeah.” Mike said. Great, leave it to me to ruin the moment. I looked down on my lap and saw the bag of hot cheetos. I grabbed a handful and tried- and failed- to stuff it all in my mouth. Since my mouth was too small, a bunch of chips landed on the floor. I stared at the poor chips that didn’t make it into my mouth. Mike laughed. I should’ve never taken that dare. How are we going to get out of this mess?
About and hour later, the van jerks to a stop. I was still debating whether or not I should pretend to go to the bathroom, - but then Mike wouldn’t be able to come with me, or else they’ll get suspicious if he did- or I could bust outta here with lightning fast ninja kicks and punches. Or I could go with my third option, find a way for Mike and I to escape, and run like hell.
The third option seems nice, so I went with that one. “Psst, Mike!!” I whispered/yelled at him as I tried to shake him awake. He moaned and turned away. Well, he leaves me no choice; I reached over and tickled him. His hand reached up and covered the spot where I tickled him, but his eyes remained shut. I’m practically an expert at waking boys up, because I live with a 13 year old brother, and Mike pretty much lives with me too. “Son, you best wake up!” I huffed. Fine then, time for plan B. I reached over and pinched him. He immediately sat up, now wide awake. I smirked. “What do you want?” he asked, his voice slurring. “We’re gonna find a way to get out of here, and then run like hell. Okay?” I asked. “Sounds like a plan.” he agreed. I bit a bottom lip, frowning. How are we going to get out of here?
Dayyum! She looks hot when she bites her bottom lip. Then all of a sudden, she gets up and starts banging on the door. “What are you doing?” I asked, confused. “Duh, I’m trying to get us out of here!” she said, still hitting the van. She’s one weird girl. I went over and started hitting the door too. “Thanks Mike.” Kayla said. Hold on, I reached down and grabbed the handle and pulled, but the door wouldn’t move. Ugh! They must’ve locked the doors. “Ugh!” I grunted, as I slammed myself on the door. Kayla laughed, “Surfer Dude. That’s not gonna work.” God, I hate that nickname! Why? Why must she insist on calling me that? But hey, surfer dudes are known for their looks... Finally, after sitting in the dark trunk- or whatever you call this place- the dudes opened the door. “About time!” Kayla yelled. She tried to make a run for it, but a dude slung her over his shoulder and then she sighed in defeat. “Hey! Don’t treat her like that!” I yelled. The dude glanced at me and then I felt myself being lifted high up into the air. “Hey! That ain’t cool!” I yelled as I beat my fists against his back. The dude scoffed. Soon after, I grew tired of hitting him, so I stopped. “Forget you.” I grumbled. I looked up, and saw that Kayla was still beating the crap out of her dude, and yelling every curse word she knows. That’s my girl, I thought. The dude started to get annoyed, so he grabbed her by the legs, and turned her upside down. “DANG YOU, DANG YOU ALL!” she screamed, while trying to wiggle out of the dudes grip. “What do you want?” she asked through clenched teeth.
"Your blood.” the Mexican person said in a heavy Mexican accent. Kayla couldn’t say anything else, because her face was turning red from being upside down too long. Is he joking? Cuz I really hope he’s kidding. And human, not some blood sucking vampires. “Dude, let her down.” I commanded. The guy holding her snorted, “And why would I do that?”
“BECAUSE I’M TURNING GREEN OVER HERE, IN CASE YOU STUPID BABOONS DIDN’T NOTICE! Now if you don’t want me barfing on your shoes, then I suggest you PUT. ME. DOWN!” Kayla screeched. “Listen to her.” I warned.
The guy dropped her on the floor and stood over her, “If you even try to run, this gun” –he pulls his jacket over to the side to reveal a big and deadly looking gun- “will go next to your brain and the bullet will shoot straight through your head.”
Who are these people? A gang of serial killers?
Kayla suddenly screams, and I turn around in the guy’s arm. “My Converse has a fuckin’ hole in it!” she complains. “Take me to Wal-Mart and buy me a new one!” A few people groaned and said shut up, but Kayla kept whining and yelling. So we ended up in Wal-Mart.


Kayla and I were in an isle looking for shoes, and two of the kidnappers were watching us, one in each end of the row. Both of them had guns in their pockets and they made sure we knew it. “Any sudden moves and we’ll blast your head.” One of them warned. So now we’re browsing the racks, looking for shoes.
“What are we going to do?” I asked. “Remember our plan…?” Kayla answered my question with a question, although I don’t think she answered the question…
“Yeah... I guess.”
“Ok, when I count to three, we’re both going to run that way" – she pointed towards the right- "and run outside."
She grabbed a pair of black Converse and pretended to look at the price.
“Hurry up over there! We ain’t got all day you know!” one of the guys said.
“Just a sec!” Kayla yelled.
The guy grumbled something about teenage girls and how they can’t stop buying shoes.
“One… two…three!” Kayla whispered. We both turned to our right and began running, we got to the guy that was blocking the exit, he tried to stop us, but we ran right into him. All of us were lying on the floor, dazed for a second. Kayla quickly scrambled up and grabbed my arm.
“Hurry up Mike!” she yelled. I pounded my legs even harder, Kayla hot on my heels.


I looked behind me, and the two guys who were watching us were right behind us. The one closest to me was gaining on me. I panicked, and naturally, I tripped. “Fuck!” Mike heard me, and ran back. “Dude! What are you doing?! Run munchkin! Run! Run like the wind!” I yelled, right as the guys caught up to us. A person pointed his gun at me, I didn’t know who, for I had my back to him. “You’re not getting away from us now.” I shut my eyes really hard, and waited for the blackness to consume me.
Wait, what am I thinking? Da hell am I gonna just let a random guy point a friggin’ gun at my brain! This lady in her late thirties passed us with her two kids who couldn’t be older than 6, widened her eyes- and I swear, I thought they were gonna pop out of their friggin’ sockets! She opened her mouth and screamed.
“Holy grilled Jesus! Blow my eardrums out why don’t you?!” I screamed, as the guy pointing the gun at my head turned to look at the woman, giving Mike and I the chance to scramble onto our feet and ran like there’s no tomorrow.
We pounded our feet against the slick, smooth, white surface. “Wait! I’m hungry! And who knows? We might end up in the streets with hobos! So better be safe than sorry.” I said as I squeaked to a stop and ran towards the food section. “We don’t have time! They’re gaining on us!” Mike yelled. “Well to bad!” I yelled back. I grabbed Milk Duds, mint flavored gum that I know Mike likes, water, and all the chips I could find.
We raced towards the cash register, and Mike threw a 20 on the counter, “Keep the change! If there even is any..”
And we busted out of Wal-Mart, and into the parking lot. We stood there for a moment catching our breath. But when I turned around, I saw the guy again. “What is he? A stalker?” I asked none in particular.
We both started running again and it was like we were playing hide and go seek in the parking lot, except the seeker didn't’t go, “Come out, come out wherever you are!” This one yelled, “Bitch! Get your fat ass over here!” I pretended to look offended, and slapped my butt, “You don’t think its fat, do you?”
Mike chuckled and slapped my butt, “Yup!” I gave him ‘the look.’ We were hiding behind a car, and we heard footsteps coming our way. I got out my handy dandy lock picker, and picked the lock of a random truck, “Lets just hope I can hot wire a car..”

Once I got the car running, I told Mike to pull up his hoodie and try to look ghetto. I did the same, and I look hot! If I say so myself.
I drove at a normal pace, trying hard not to look like I had a gun pointed at my face, and chased around in a store. The guys somehow spotted us and pointed at the car; I squeaked and hit the accelerator.
I didn’t dare to look back as I got on the road.

~The Chase~

I feel like I’m in one of those action movies, when the good guys chase the bad guys and they’re like, swerving in and out of cars. Well, that’s happening to me. But in my case, the good guys (Mike and I) are being chased by the bad guys (the biker dudes) and I’m not really an experienced driver. I glanced over at Mike, and his face was white. His knuckles were white from gripping the armrest too hard. “You ok?” I asked in a surprisingly calm voice. “N-no!” he managed to get out. “What’s wrong?” I asked worried. “You just had a gun pointed at your face, and you sound like we’re having a tea party!” he yelled. “What the hell?” I asked.
“You’re so calm! How can you be so calm?!” “I just am.” I shrugged. And that pretty much ended the conversation for a while.

15 minutes later…

I was driving at a normal pace, cruising more like it. I had one hand on the wheel, and my other arm tapping on the outside of the door, and all the windows were down.
Mike calmed down somewhat, so I turned on he radio and “Ass Back Home” by Neon Hitch and Gym Class Heroes came on. “I love this song!” I yelled. Mike managed to smile a little. I started singing and Mike joined in.

“Oh, so sexy y'all
I don't know where you're going, or when you're coming home. I left the keys under the mat to our front door, for one more chance to hold you close. I don't know where you're going, just get your ass back home.

I put my hood on halfway like in the movies. I don’t get why some people do that! I mean, ya have it on or ya have it off.! There’s no half- hood thing!
Anyways, I bobbed my head to the beat while trying to look like a serious rapper by doing hand motions when the guy came on.
Mike looked at me and cracked up.
We both knew this type of life didn't come with instructions, so I'm trying to do my best to make something outta nothing. And sometimes it gets downright shitty in fact, when you call and I don't even know what city I'm at.
Or what day of the week in the middle of the month in a year I don't recall. It's like my life's on repeat and the last time we spoke I told you I wouldn't be long (yeah)
That was last November now December's almost gone, I'd apologize but I don't realize what I'm doing wrong
I don't know where you're going, or when you're coming home, I left the keys under the mat to our front door, for one more chance to hold you close I don't know where you're going, just get your ass back ho

- oh shit!”
I looked at the rearview mirror, at first I thought I saw a black Mercedes following us. I’d noticed that the car had been trailing behind us, but quickly dismissed that thought. Kayla, you’re being paranoid! Snap out of it, SON! But I kept checking and it was still following us, so I entered the exit.
N/A: Sorry if I get the driving terms wrong, but gimme a break! I’m only 12. Anyways…

I looked back, and the Mercedes had just turned on the exit, and headed straight for us.
“Please tell me I’m being paranoid, but is that car following us?” I asked nervously, while cracking my fingers. (That’s what I do when I get nervous.) Mike stiffened, and turned around slowly.
Damn. They ARE following us. But I’m not gonna tell her that, so I said, “Pshh. Noo… they’re probably just… yeah, I got nothin’.”
She swore under her breath and hit the accelerator, and once again, sending me flying to the dashboard. She blew her bangs out of her face, looking like she’s deep in thought, and very frustrated.
“Put your seat belt on!” she commanded. “Yes ma’am!” I said playfully, while saluting her. “You best call me ma’am!” she joked back. The car started jerking up and down as we sped down the dirt road. I glanced back every five seconds. They were right behind us, literally. Their bumper practically touching our trunk, I ran my hand threw my hair as I tapped impatiently on the dashboard. “Can this truck go any faster?” I asked.
Kayla threw me look, “Quit complaining butt- brain, I’m doin’ my best ight?” Then she turned her attention back to the bumpy road.
She made a quick left, and we were on the highway. To make things worst, there was traffic. She groaned loudly and pounded her hands on the horn. “Fuck this! My 80 year old grandma with a bad knee can walk faster than this!” I looked at her and cracked up. “What chu laughin’ at SON!”
“Your face.” I replied. She narrowed her eyes, “Screw your piuny little ass.” And with that, she unlocked the door, crouched down and hopped. Like a frog. I swear that girl has problems…
I got out of the car and did the same thing, I probably look weird. Some of the people in the cars peered out of their windows and gave us the –wtf-are-you-doing?-look.
One of the guys in a car looked at me, and I shrugged and pointed at Kayla. He nodded and turned his attention back on the road. I looked around for Kayla, and found her next to a car. Her back was against the door, and she was trying to flatten herself against it. She had that epic look on her face too, the one spies have when they’re on a mission.
I tried hard not to laugh. I hopped over to the car, and the driver was a middle aged woman, and the poor lady looked freaked out. I hope she doesn’t get a heart attack!
Jesus. What am I gonna do? I have a guy laughing at my every move (Mike), I just ditched the car, and who knows how many psychopaths are chasing us now?
I looked around and I couldn’t see the kidnappers anywhere. “Flying Penguin to Big Ape, do you read?” I asked, holding my shirt up, and pretending I have a microchip thingymabobber that the spies use. “You know, I’m right here… right? And what kind of code-name is Big Ape?” Mike asked. “One that suits you..” I muttered.
“I heard that!” he sighed, “Yes, I hear you. Over.”
“I think the coast is clear!” I said in a not so quiet whisper. I looked over my shoulder again, and didn’t see our kidnappers, and I ran off the highway, and into the trees right next to the highways.
Mike and I once again, ran as fast as our little legs can carry us. I looked behind me, and I could see faint outlines of our pursuers. “They just won’t give up!” I muttered. I was leading the way, and I zigzagged, made lefts and rights and all that crap. I turned back around and I couldn’t see anything behind us. I tripped and fell on the ground. “Well I guess we’ll stop here.” I said. Mike plopped on the ground right next to me. We both sat there, trying to catch our breaths, when I saw a shadow in front of me. “Flying Penguin to Big Ape, I think we got company.” I whispered into my imaginary microchip.
Gosh. How come all of a sudden, we’re being stalked by some fart-faced, psychopaths? I mean, I know I’m lovable and all, but this is taking it too far.
Mike and I both scrambled to our feet and turned around to face the oncoming stalker. He was taking his time, so I grabbed Mike’s hand and tried to run away.
And then I ran, but I didn’t get far. Because there were people coming out of nowhere. I think I just saw one come out of a bush.. what the heck?
But anyway, we soon found ourselves being surrounded by both men and women. I coughed and made a fanning motion with my hands, “Wooah! Someone needs a shower!” Like, really. They were standing 20ft away from me and I could still smell the smelliness. They all closed up on us and I looked around for something, anything to help us get out of there. I didn’t see anything but rocks on the ground. “Fudge crackers!” I yelled, then I bent over and grabbed the tiny rocks and started chucking them at them.
It didn’t seem to work, because I have terrible aim, and whenever I actually hit them, they just blinked kept inching towards us. Mike was charging at them and trying to tackle them. It didn’t work either, and he’s on the football team too. I gave up trying to throw rocks and said, “Flying penguin, away!” I made a fist and pointed it upwards. I didn’t shoot into the sky or anything. That pissed me off. Stupid movies. They put fake images in your minds.
I looked around us, and I spotted a familiar face, Nick.
Now the stinky people were about 9ft away from us, Nick being one of them.
My breaths came out ragged, and I tried to take deep breaths to calm myself down. Mike and I were back to back, man. I wish we had guns right now; we could be the dynamic duo. Like in the movies, when the two good guys are back to back and they have guns in their hands and are shooting like maniacs.
“Mike! What should we do?!” I yelled, panicking. “Arrrg!” he yelled as he rammed into another stinky person. The person didn’t even fall back; he looked down at Mike and grabbed his shoulders. He bought Mike up into the air and Mike was kicking his feet. Stinky Guy looked like he was concentrating really hard on something. I looked at Mike and he was turning into a frightening shade of gray. While Stinky Guy looked somewhat normal. Before, he looked like a rotten corpse green, skin peeled, and his hair was coming out in clumps. His teeth were all jacked up, and I could see bone sticking out underneath his skin. I shivered and vomited in my mouth a little.
Mikes eyes rolled up into his head, and I shrieked and ran over to him and Stinky Guy. He looked up as I reached them, and his eyes looked gross! They were the color of decaying crap, and so were his teeth. I thrust my hand out and pushed Stinky Guy. I shivered as he dropped Mike and flew to the nearest tree. Did I just do that? I mean, I pushed him hard enough to let go of Mike, but certainly not hard enough to make him fly! Dude, I wish I could fly… “It’s not nice to grab others.” I scolded Stinky Guy. Mike was sitting up and rubbing his eyes, “Woa man, I just had the weirdest dream.”
“It wasn’t a dream!” I sang. His eyes flew open and he looked around us. Now there was a tight circle around us. All the zombies were staring intently at us. “Woah! Bubble space much?! You just popped my bubble! Blow me another one, now!” I yelled. I got up, dusted my butt quickly, and pushed as hard as I could, at the zombies. The ones that I pushed flew and hit some trees. Mike and I ran, AGAIN.
“Momma Mia! How long will we have to run?!” I complained. Mike glanced back behind him and couldn’t see anything following us, so he stopped and leaned against a tree. He leaned his head back and breathed in and out. I, on the other hand, wasn’t even out of breath. To be honest, I only wanted to stop so we could talk and do some other stuff… if you know what I mean. I slowly crept to him and when I was close enough, I jumped on him, wrapped my legs around his waist, and smashed my lips onto his. He was caught by surprise, thanks to my awesome ninja skills. But he soon started kissing me back, he grabbed the back of my throat with one hand and pulled me closer to him and with his other hand, he grabbed my bottom to keep me from falling butt- first to the ground. I pressed up harder against him. We pulled back and stared into each other’s eyes. “Intense moment ruined!” I screamed as I hopped off. I attempted to climb up a tree, but you know, a ninja has her limits. But I tried anyway, I stood at the bottom of the tree, and looked up. I gripped onto the bark of the tree with my hands, and sorta did a hop- dance. I put one foot on the bark, and tried to get the other one onto the tree. But whenever I do, the other foot slips down and I end up falling forwards, face- first on the tree. I groaned and rubbed my face. Mike stood there, watching me with amused eyes. “What chu lookin’ at, SON?” I growled, which caused him to crack up. I gave him the evil eye and turned around so my back was facing him. “Awwh! Babe, don’t be like that.” He said, coming over and wrapped me in his arms. I my eyes started to droop and I fell asleep.
Mike and I woke up, and started running, because we didn't want the stinky people to catch up to us.
By the time I was gasping for breath, I stopped and bent over and put my hands on my knees. My chest was heaving up and down with every breath. Once my breathing became somewhat normal, I stretched in a very awkward way. I looked like a hooker humping the air. Both my hands were on my back and pushing foreword, causing my breasts to pop out. Like I sad, a very awkward position.
“Damn! I’ve runnin’ a lot lately! I think I’m developing leg muscles!” I said disgustingly. “I don’t want muscles! Muscles make girls look manly!” I yelled in horror. I slapped my thigh. Mike came up behind me and wrapped his arms around me, “Babe, you’re still as hot as before. Maybe even hotter. And no, you don’t have anything back here.” He was referring to my leg muscles. Then all of a sudden he squeezed my thigh; I giggled.
“Flattery won’t get you anywhere. I’m still mad at you.” I said, crossing my arms and walking out of his arms. Is it just me, or did it get a LOT

colder? I just wanted to run back in his arms, but I was too stubborn. “Awww! Don’t be like that!” he whined.
Knowing Mike, whenever he whines, he’ll have his adorable puppy dog face on and it always works! Pisses me off. I shall not give up. I shall not give up…

He moved until he was right in front of me; I turned away quickly. We did this for about five minutes when I got tired of it and just closed my eyes tightly and my mouth in a straight line. All of a sudden, I felt something soft on my lips. He was kissing me! I shall not give up…

he smirked against my mouth and he grabbed my thigh. That ain’t fair! He knows that’s my weak spot! I gasped and he stuck his tongue in my mouth. The fuck man!?
I pushed him away and said, “Taking advantage of innocent girls, are we?”
Mike scoffed, “Since when were you

ever innocent?”
I nodded. “You’re right.. hell, I wasn’t even innocent sitting in my mom’s belly!”
I pursed my lips, “We should probably find our home now.” Mike nodded and grabbed my hand. Our fingers intertwined and I looked up at him. He looked down at me and leaned down for a kiss.
My foot got caught on a root and I tripped. Cliché moment ruined.

“Ugh! I always seem to ruin cheesy romantic moments!” I complained. Mike chuckled. “I wonder why it’s always food.” He wondered. “What?”
“I wonder why they say ‘that’s so corny’ or ‘that was cheesy.’” He rephrased.
“I don’t know…” I said.
“Anyway! I think I hear a car up there in front of us.” I changed the subject.
“Thank god!” Mike yelled happily. He hopped over roots and fallen trees excitedly. He looked so adorable! I smiled and jumped over logs, following him.
We chatted while we walked, and soon we reached the highway. But there was one problem. We didn’t know where we were and we needed a car.
“Do you wanna hitchhike?” Mike asked.
“Er, sure.” I said. We stood on the side of the road and stuck our thumbs up. We waited, and waited. No one seemed nice enough to give us a ride. I sat down with my thumb up, while Mike was still standing, peering left and right for any cars. I started playing with the gravel on the ground. This is so boring!

“Erg!!” I yelled in frustration. I stomped my way to the middle of the road and stopped there with my right arm outstretched.
“What are you doing?!” Mike yelled. “Trying to get us a ride!” I yelled back.
“No!” he tried to tackle me to the ground as a car whizzed past us, somehow missing the both of us by inches.
“You’re an idiot, you know that?” he said, looking down at me. “Yes, yes I do. Can you get off of me? I’d rather live for another few decades.” I asked. “Oh, right!” he scrambled off me.
I laughed and pushed myself off the ground. I ran to the middle of the road as a car was racing down the road, like the rebel I was. “KAYLA!” Mike yelled. I think I might give him a heart attack one day. I chuckled at that thought. The driver hit the brakes and you could hear the loud squeal. The car bumped me a little and I stumbled back, falling on my butt.
The driver swung the door open and ran to the front of the car where I was. He looked a few years older than me. He has black hair that reached just below his eyes, which were emerald green. “I’m so sorry! There wasn’t anyone in the road so I sped! Are you okay? Did I hit you?” he said frantically. “Chill, man. I’m alright.” I laughed and brushed myself off. He blew out a breath of relief. “Thank goodness.” He said. “I’m Ryan by the way.” He stuck his arm out for a handshake. “I’m Kayla, and this is Mike. Nice to meet you!” I said.


Texte: Dude, don't copy me. If you do, feel my wrath...(:
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 28.02.2012

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For my crazy friends and family(: Book Song: Angel With A Shotgun by The Cab

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