
Deborah Dawson Walked down Main Street unaware of the creature lurking in the shadows. She became nervous and clawed at the sides of her jacket, feeling a cold chill she looked over her shoulder. Deborah heard a low growl and stopped dead in her tracks. ‘Rabid dogs?’ She thought to herself, ‘No It was more of a cat’s growl… but it was so…Loud!’
Suddenly she was on her back staring into…’purple eyes?’
That was Deborah Dawson’s last thought before she died.

Rayne stood up and breathed heavily wiping her mouth on her sleeve. “Clean kill,” Her mother said appearing behind her. “I told you never to follow me on my hunt Mother.” Rayne still stared at her victim lying on the sidewalk, “If you’re going to follow in my footsteps, Kitten, I’m going to have to view your work. You did very well.” Her mother’s fangs glittered in the moonlight, “Your father would be proud.” Rayne laughed at this statement, “I could care less about how proud I make my father,” She shrunk herself down to her favorite state, She purred in approval and licked her paws and face clean.
She turned a purple eye to her mother and used her telepathy to call the car. Rayne hoped into her mother’s arms and the entered the limousine, they then returned to their manor on the outskirts of New York City.

Rayne woke up the next morning and walked down the stair case to the kitchen, “Miss Rayne, Might I make you some breakfast?” Melissa, the Griffin’s maid asked her as she stepped towards the door. She paused and pierced into Melissa’s mind, She laughed, Melissa was scared of Rayne. “No,” She said not looking over, “Where is my mother?”
“O-Outside Miss,” She stuttered.
Rayne moved with precision and speed until she was standing in front of Melissa. “It’s not very professional to stutter, Melissa.” Rayne hissed into her ear.
“N-,” Melissa cleared her throat before continuing strong, “No, Your right Miss Rayne,” Rayne smiled amused at her own power then turned and left the house.

Rayne scanned the landscape in search of her mother. She noticed a rather large tiger wading in the shallow end of their pool; she walked over, when the tiger spotted her she arose into the beautiful figure that was her mother. “Good morning, Kitten,” Her mother always used the pet name that was given to her because of her favorite state, a cat, she used kitten because she was her apprentice. It was a suitable name for her indeed. “Good morning, mother.” Rayne said as her mother gently kissed her forehead. “I pray you slept well?” Rayne nodded and followed her mother who had taken a seat on a lounger beside an umbrella table. “Of course,”
“Well, my love, I must tell you something…” Her mother said lowering her sunglasses over her eyes, “Your father wired us 5 million dollars this morning, he called it a down payment, and He has requested a business meeting with you.”
“My father is a multimillionaire, he has many people he can call to have someone done away with, And 5 million dollars is a bit cheap for a down payment, don’t you agree?” Rayne raised a questioning eyebrow at her mother.
“I know you’re used to more money Kitten but it may be a small job, one that he believes you would be perfect for, at least grants him an audience?”
Rayne leaned back in her chair and thought hard before nodding,
“Good, I have called a car to be in front at 3 o’clock, pack your bags you’re going to be there for a while.”
“Mother please, I’m not new to this.” She said then walked back towards the house.

The limousine arrived at exactly 3 pm, Rayne stepped in and saw two of her father’s men inside,
“I don’t recall needing a babysitter?” Rayne question one of the men.
“Miss Griffin, you are only 15 years old, and one of the youngest yet best assassins in the world, you and your mother both. You need protection.” The larger of the two said.
“Yet I am the best assassin in the world, and I must have escorts?” Rayne folded her arms and sat as far away from the men as possible until they arrived to the airport.
She noted her father’s jet sat alongside others, but was the largest of them all. The men exited first then held the door open for Rayne and offered her a hand, she accepted it only because it was the polite thing to do. The driver hand one of the men her bags and she walked between them to the plane. ‘These guys must be the best body guards around, they certainly know their stuff.’ She decided to pierce into the guard’s mind, only to feel her conscious hit a wall. They had blocked her out; at once the both began to laugh, “Silly Lycanthrope, We are Protectors you cannot read our minds.”
“I should have known my father would put me in the hands of The Protectors,” Rayne smirked.
She entered the plane and was again surprised to see more Protectors; she sat in silence and stared out the window the entire ride. She hoped they would forget she was even there.
When they landed another limousine was there to pick them up, this one was much more fancy, she could tell her father was either inside or had handpicked it to arrive at the airport. She hoped too much to believe he would be inside waiting for her.

As they pulled up to her father’s mansion there were Protectors on every corner.
Rayne forgot she wasn’t the only one who despised her father. He need all the protection he could get.
A boy about the same age as Rayne stepped into view along with her father, the way they looked so much alike made Rayne suspicious. Had he called up an apprentice also?
“Rayne, you get more beautiful every time I see you,” Her father said kissing her cheek.
“Wish I could say the same, but you’re still looking like the low life you’ve always been. Ever since the day you walked out on my mother, you have brought nothing but shame to your family.” Rayne stared down her father without blinking. In one movement she was pushed up against the car by the boy who looked more like her father every minute. She grabbed hold of his arm and twisted it to his back laying him on the ground chest first, she sat on his back.
“You really should learn to be more polite to people you have never met.” She said as he caught his breath.
“Rayne, Don’t hurt my son, He knows not of your reputation. He only wishes to protect my honor.” Her father held up a hand to show it was time to let him up.
“You have no honor, not anymore.” Rayne stood off of the boy but didn’t bother to help him up; she simply looked at him and watched as he dusted off his polo shirt.

Her father ignored her comment and introduced his son instead, “This is my son, Rayce, and He would be your…Half brother.” Rayce held out a hand to Rayne she hesitatingly took it. He had a firm grip, He was also well build, and had their fathers smile. “I apologize for pinning you on that car,” He said as if that would make everything better.
“I apologize for getting dirt on your pink polo,” She smirked, and then turned to her father. “Now, was I called here for a family reunion or do you have an assignment for me?”
“Yes, Please, Come in.” Rayne’s father stepped aside and raised an arm to the mansion. Rayne nodded and Rayce grabbed her bags and followed them in.
“Rayce, take those to the room across from yours, she will be staying there so have the maids make up the bed,” Mr. West said “Rayne, Follow me.”
Rayne nodded and they came to a large room that reminded her of the ‘Godfather’ movie there was a desk in the center and two chairs in front of it, with a rather huge fireplace behind the desk chair. Her father sat behind the desk so Rayne took a chair in front of it.
“Rayne, I have a…Business partner that is not cooperating anymore. In fact, he’s been selling my investment secrets and such to other corporations. I need you to find out who they are, and put a stop to it. Rayne, I want you to kill him.”
“Simple enough, how to I find these secrets though?”
“Well that’s the thing, you see, he has a son. I want you to make this boy fall for you. If you do that he would be at your beckon call. He would get the secrets from his father, you bring them to me, and then away with his father.”
“That could take weeks! Months even!” Rayne leaned forward in her chair, “It seems like a lot of work for one man.”
“Rayne, I’m willing to pay 15 million dollars.” Her father folded his hands and laid them in front of himself on the desk.
Rayne stood up, “I have killed 3,000 men, I’ve preformed 500 assignments, and I have earned some out zillions of dollars, each job costs at least 30 million.” She sat back down “All have been satisfied customers; all would have gladly paid more. I am good at what I do, father. Take it or leave it.” She leaned back in her chair satisfied with her speech.
Her father brought his hands up to his face and breathed deeply, Rayne knew he was a good business man and would try to pay as little as possible.
“300 million dollars,”
Rayne’s eyes widened, she knew there had to be more to it. “What’s the catch?” She crossed her legs and eyed her father.
“You have to kill whoever he is spilling secrets too as well.”
Rayne mulled this over, “Deal,”
“Excellent, we will discuss the details over dinner.” He snapped his fingers and several servants came forward, “Show my daughter to her room and begin preparing dinner,” he looked at Rayne, “And make it a feast.”

Rayne decided to take a shower as plan some tactics, as the warm water hit her body she thought about her soon to be boyfriend, ‘what if he wasn’t dateable? What if he was so dateable that he said no?’ She ran her fingers through her hair ‘What if I you fall for him Rayne? You would never be able to betray him… No I will never fall for him. It’s a job Nothing more Rayne, Nothing, More.’
She stepped out of the shower and cold air hit her body sending chills up her spine, she threw a towel on and shuffled to her suit case, she pulled out a white mid thigh sun dress and pulled it over her head. She dropped the towel on the bed and stepped into her black flats. Rayne then put a hand in her medium length black hair and shook out the water; she then flipped her bangs out of her eyes and went into the bathroom to apply makeup.
There was a knock on the door “Miss Griffin? Dinner is ready.”
“Just a sec!” she rubbed the powder into her cheek and skipped out the door, She wasn’t trying to impress anyone but Rayce made a double take when she walked in.
“My, Rayne, do you look gorgeous,” Her father said pulling out a chair for her,
“Thank you,” Rayne smiled, it felt good to be noticed; it was always part of her job never to be seen.
Rayce stared at her as if he had no idea who she was or why she was sitting at a table with him and his father. She decided to start a conversation with him,
“So, uh, Rayce, How old are you?” She began picking up her napkin and placing it on her lap like she had done a million times at home.
“I’m uh, turning 16 this month.” He said realizing he’d been caught he stared down at his soup.
“So, He’s the son of that whore you were with when you were married to my mom, huh?” She spoke to her father but glared a hole in Rayce’s head. “And you had the nerve to give him a similar name to mine?” This time she pounded on the table and looked at her father. “By the way, your guards where kind of late if they were try to act like they know me. I turned 17 four months ago.” With that she crossed her arms and didn’t say another word.
“Rayne…” her father began.
“Drop it, and leave there.” She leaned back in her chair and waited for the main course.

When the food was brought out her father cleared his throat. “About your assignment…” Mr. West looked at Rayne to check for any sign of argument. “You will start school on Monday, I have made sure you will have every class with Seth, the boy we spoke of, and you will be in his grade, your name with be Rayne West, and you will drive one of my cars, also taking Rayce with you, Yes he will be your brother, not half brother.”
Rayne nodded taking it all in with every breath. She looked at Rayce, “He knows about all of this?” she motioned her head to Rayce.
Rayce nodded, “I’ll stay out of your way…”
Rayne looked up at him through her eye lashes, “I may need your help at some point, but don’t get your hopes up.”
“Good,” Mr. West nodded in approval and they continued with normal family conversation.

After dinner Rayne went on a hunt. She didn’t need to tell anyone, she was an assassin they would have known she had her reasons. She decided to walk to the school she would be attending; she walked about a block before coming to a rather large house with a Tall boy about 18 (she could tell) playing with his dog in the front yard. This wouldn’t have fazed Rayne too much but when she looked at him, he had these soul piercing green eyes. They glowed in the moonlight like a cat’s but he’s were a perfect shade of neon green. They stopped her dead in her tracks. She wanted to get a closer look at him, she shrunk herself into a dog one exactly like his so the dog wouldn’t ruin the moment. Then she strolled in the gate, she played the scared female dog part and heard the most soothing voice in the world.
“Hey Snow, look at that dog. Come here girl, its ok we won’t hurt you,” Cooed the green eyed boy.
They Rayne happily walked up to him and licked his hand, ‘Man does he taste good’ Rayne couldn’t stop herself from licking him until he was down on one knee. Then she jumped onto him pushing him to the ground, God was he gorgeous. His blonde hair lay perfectly on his face, but Rayne licked it away. She could have licked him for hours, if it hadn’t been for the stupid voice that came from the house. “Master Cade? It’s time to come in now, you have school tomorrow!”
The green eyed boy held Rayne in his arms for a moment before yelling back, “Coming Rita!” He looked at her she had a smile that was gorgeous even if she was a dog. Then he noticed her purple eyes, he tilted his head in curiosity. ‘Oh no, he can’t memorize my eyes, if he goes to my school and sees me he’ll know something up!’ Rayne panicked and jumped out of the boy’s lap and darted for the bushes She then changed to a dove incase he came looking for her, when he did she flew out so fast he nearly fell backwards. Rayne sighed and flew to the window of her temporary home. She changed quickly and slid into bed it was almost 2 am when she finally fell asleep dreaming of the green eyed boy.

The monotone scream of the alarm clock was nothing to Rayne. ‘5:40 am’ shown on the screen, Rayne looked at it for a moment then continued tying her black converse. ‘If I’m going to a high school, I’m going to have to look like a high school Student.’ She stood up and walked to the full length mirror in the bathroom. She had first chosen a ‘the bunny the bear’ t-shirt and blue skinny jeans to match. She didn’t want to draw the ‘gothic’ crowd so she decided to go with a Purple and blue low cut shirt and a blue shirt to match. She braided her hair to a messy side ponytail, and done simple black eye makeup. She walked to the bedroom door and glanced back at the clock, ‘5:45 am’ there was a knock on the door in front of her, “Darling, are you ready?” her father leaned against the door listening.
“Father,” Rayne opened the door as her father stumbled back, “I’m a professional assassin, I’m always ready.” Rayne walked past her father towards the stairs, “What about Rayce?”
“He just woke up… he’ll be down in about 20 minutes.” They walked side by side down the stairs and Rayne could smell toast, her stomach grumbled in approval. She sat on a stool at the counter and waited for her plate, she turned when her father cleared his throat.
“Don’t you look just lovely,” Her father sat at the table “but, let’s not give those boys a show, okay?” He eyed her skirt.
“Father, this is mid thigh length, meaning school appropriate,” She stood up and looked down at her father. “This is what I’m wearing, If you’re trying to be my father, you’re 17 years too late.” Rayne sat back down on her stool and began eating when a plate was placed in front of her.
“Rayne…” Her father tried to begin but couldn’t find the words so he sighed and placed a set of keys next to Rayne’s plate, “There’s a house key, garage key, your car key, and a gate key. Don’t lose them. Now I must be off to work, don’t be late for school now.” He put a hand on her shoulder and tried to kiss her forehead but she quickly shrugged off the stool with keys in hand and walk towards the back door
“Rayce! Let’s go, now!” Rayne yelled towards the stairs. Rayce came stomping down the stairs skipping the last three and skidded to Rayne’s side as she walked out the door and it slammed closed behind her. Rayne used her key to open the garage door; she was slightly impressed with the selection of cars. She pressed the button on my car keys and a car lit up on the far side of the garage, she was excited to see what her car would be. Rayne ran to the car and stopped in front of it. “Shit,” She looked at Rayce who shared her smile. She ran around to the driver’s side and stepped into her gorgeous blue Lamborghini Embolado. “I didn’t even know they made them in the color!” Rayne started the ignition to listen to the purr of the engine.
“Dad had a custom paint job done, he asked your mom for your favorite color…” Rayce buckled his seat belt as Rayne pulled out of the garage.
“So…” Rayne tried to make conversation “what’s your rep. at school?”
“What do you mean?” Rayce stared out the window; they were going pretty fast…
“Who do you hang out with, popular crowd, Jocks, Math geeks?”
“I guess you would say popular crowd… I hang out with the rich kids…”
“Alright, I’ll use that to my advantage, save me a seat at lunch okay?” They pulled into the school parking lot as people gathered to gawk at the expensive car.
“Do you want me to come with you to the office to get your schedule and stuff…?”
“Um… Yeah...I think I might get lost…” Rayne looked at the campus and could already tell how huge the inside was.
Rayce laughed seeing her nervousness “Ok, but after I got to go, Can’t have people thinking ‘I love my sister!’” He emphasized this by batting his eyelashes and holding his hands to his face, then making a grossed out face and getting out of the car.
Rayne never really thought about it but as a few girls circled Rayce, she realized he was pretty handsome, with his big brown eyes and brown hair just below his eyebrows; he even had a smile to add to his beauty. As Rayne walked to the other side of the car she spotted the green eyed boy. She walked over to Rayce and whispered in his ear “Who’s the kid with the green eyes?” She said not removing her eyes
“Who, Seth?” As if hearing his name Seth walked over and fist pounded Rayce.
“Hey bro, who is this pretty lady?” Seth looked Rayne up and down, but then stopped at her eyes. His eyes had always been the attraction of every girl he met, but hers were so much brighter and florescent
“This is my sister, Rayne, Rayne this is Seth.” Rayce motioned to each as he mentioned them, Seth held out a hand and Rayne shook it although she thought it was a bit formal his touch sent a tingle up her arm, ‘No Rayne! Use him and lose him!’ Seth looked into her eyes and lifted an eyebrow he laughed and released her hand,
“Hi,” Rayne said quietly, she had to look up at him because she was 5’5” and he was about 6’2” His smiled gleamed in the sun and his blonde hair was cut about the same way as Rayce’s
“Hey,” Seth turned to Rayce “Mind if I walked her to class?” Rayce nodded.
“Well,” Rayne spoke up “I need to know what class I’m going to first… Mind walking me to the office?”
“Sure,” Seth turned leading the way and Rayne noticed Rayce had disappeared into the crowds.
As they entered the office together Seth leaned against a wall near the front desk and Rayne walked towards the secretary, “Hi I’m-““Ms. West, Yes here are your things, have your teachers sign this slip and your set to go.” She smiled widely “Have a nice day!” Her smile disappeared and she looked back at her computer screen. “Um, Thanks…”
As Rayne and Seth walked out the door to the hallway Seth grabbed the schedule from Rayne’s hand. “Wow, you have every class with me… that’s creepy,” He lowered the schedule to see her face “Promise not to stalk me?” Rayne laughed ‘I won’t need to.’ This time Seth raised an eyebrow at her and began backing her against a locker, she would have stopped him but he did in a way that seemed kind of romantic…
“I don’t know what you’re planning yet but I do know your trying to get something from me. Well, if you think I’m going to fall for you, you have another thing coming;” Seth whispered in her ear sending shivers down her back just from his closeness “I’m going to make you fall so hard for me that you will drown in love. We’ll see who falls first.” Rayne smiled as he looked at her, she reached in his mind and made something to send off pain, Seth cringed, and Rayne stood on her toes to reach his ear.
“It’s very rude to intrude on people’s thoughts Seth,” She lightly placed her lips below his ear, “And I accept your challenge.” She backed away from him planting her feet back on the ground. The warning bell rang and Rayne pushed him off of her, but he didn’t let her go the easy, he intertwined his fingers in hers and walked her to first period. Rayne smiled knowingly as they entered the room, Seth bent to whisper in her ear.
“I’ll save you a seat,” He let go over her hand and walked to a group of what seemed to be popular guys and girls. She stepped up to the man behind the large desk in front of the room, “Um, I’m Rayne West, the new student… The office wanted me to have you sign this…” She placed the slip on his desk and took and step back raising on her toes then back down again. “Ah Yes, Rayne, Good to have you, Free seating so just sit where you like, We will begin class in a moment.” The man looked about 40 with sandy blonde hair that appeared to be turning grey, he had hazel eyes and wore glasses that he took off when he spoke to Rayne, His voice sounded young but wise. “Oh,” He said as Rayne began to turn away, “My name is Mr. Wade, Are you perhaps related to Rayce West?” Again he took of his glasses,
“Yeah, he’s my younger brother.” Rayne half smiled,
“Well, you look a bit like him,” He put his glasses on again, “Sorry for holding you, please, take a seat.” This time he looked at his desk and continued writing. Rayne nodded and walked towards the crowd, once she passed the barrier she saw Seth talking to some guys that looked to be jocks, like Seth did. When Seth saw her he quickly stood up and walked over to her put his hand around her waist and introduced her to the guys, “Johnny, Jeff, this is my new girlfriend, Rayne.” Rayne looked at him, “um, I’m not his girlfriend,” Rayne laughed, “But the guy can dream.” Everyone laughed except Seth who just stared into Rayne’s eyes looking a bit mesmerized, then laughed a bit too fake; this made Rayne put her arm around his waist. Seth beat him set for enjoying her touch, then he pulled a chair out and put Rayne’s stuff on it, he took the seat next to it. Rayne sat down knowing he was bit nervous around her; that was a good sign that he liked her.

The desks were a two person table so that meant they would be partners on most assignments. It also meant could Rayne put her hand on Seth’s knee without the teacher noticing. Which she did, He gave her a look that said ‘what do you think you’re doing?’ to which she returned her best puppy dog face ever. Again Seth became mesmerized with her eyes, Rayne smiled and snuck into his mind. He was in mid thought ‘- but she so freaking gorgeous, no I can’t do this… Don’t fall for her! She’s trying to use you!’ Suddenly he felt a presence and searched for it. Rayne tried to get out of his conscious but he found and held to her presence. ‘What do you think you’re doing?’ He spoke to her creating a bond.
‘Nothing… just wanted to know if you were ok… you looked a bit confused…’ She realized her hand was still on his knee… She decided to remove it and look towards the board as Mr. Wade passed around sheets.
‘Not at all, I know what you’re doing, and I’m not giving in to it. No matter how cute your puppy dog face may be.’ He turned his head and looked her up and down, Rayne laughed.
‘I saw that Hun.’
Just then Mr. Wade pushed a sheet in front of Rayne, “I know you’re new to the class but I’m confident that you’ll do well on this worksheet… Seeing as how well your brother does…”
“With all due respect, Mr. Wade, I’m nothing like my brother.” Rayne began working on her sheet leaving Mr. Wade speechless, he continued passing out sheets
‘You’re a real bitch you know that?’ Seth was back to talking in her head again.
‘I’ve been told once or twice. I think I’m just too honest for people.’
‘He was only trying to give you a compliment…’
‘Hey, goodie two shoes, Do you work and let me do mine. We can finish this talk later.’
After her first three periods (all flirting with Seth) Rayne and Seth finally made it into lunch. In lunch line Seth again intertwined his fingers and hers; she looked up at him smiled and shook her head ‘Damn it why does she have to be so pretty…’
“You know I can hear you?” Rayne said giving him a look.
“What? No you can’t… how?” Seth rolled his eyes then looked back at her.
“When we had the… discussion… you created a bond. Meaning neither of us have to read each other’s minds. If you think loud enough I can hear or if I think about you I can hear your thoughts, so if you were to think of me and say something, no matter where I am, I can hear you and talk back.” Rayne picked up a tray of food and wait for Seth to reply.
“Wow, that’s pretty much awesome. I can annoy you any hour of the day, Sweet.” Seth pulled her closer but she walked faster and began waving.
“Hey! Rayce,” She sat down next to her brother and Seth pulled a chair next to her and scooted closer to her side. Rayce was sitting with a bunch of kids that looked extremely popular.

Rayne looked around the table trying to paint a metal picture when she noticed a blonde girl glaring a hole in Rayne’s face, Rayne smiled, amused, “Can I help you with something?”
“Yeah, you can start by getting your hand off my boyfriends knee,” The girl sound as snotty as she looked. Rayne hadn’t noticed she had put her hand on Seth’s knee but with the clear glass tables it was plain as day. Wait… her boyfriend?
“Him?” She motioned to Seth with her eyes, who was now aware of the conversation,
“Yes, Him, That’s my boyfriend, now would you mind moving to the losers table where you belong?” She moved her head side to side to emphasize her point… or to try and rub the “burn” in Rayne’s face.
“Haha, that’s a funny joke, Seth told me he didn’t have a girlfriend.” Rayne looked at Seth when she said his name then back to the girl.
The girl opened her mouth in disgust “But Seth, you said it I had sex with you, you would be my boyfriend!” She was standing now with her arms crossed and stomped her foot.
“Sorry Britt, plans change, if it makes you feel any better… you were really good in the sack.” Seth laughed and Rayne glared at him with raised eyebrows. “What? I’m just being honest. Don’t worry you’re my main girl now. I promise.” He put his hands up in defense. Rayne rolled her eyes and shook her end then stood up to dump her lunch, Seth followed her like a lost puppy. “Rayne,” Seth grabbed her hand “Come on, can we talk about this? Please?” Rayne pulled her hand away and walked outside; it was her free period so she decided to take a walk around campus. “Rayne!” Seth followed behind her; Rayne turned around and crossed her arms in front of her waiting for his explanation. “Okay, it was like a week ago… You have to realize I only met you today!” Seth threw his hands up and tried to take a step closer but Rayne took a step back still eyeing him suspiciously “You still never said anything about her!” Rayne yelled back clenching her fists at her sides. “I-I don’t know… when I met you… I could think of another girl… I forgot about her I guess.” Seth stared at his shoes, “Go tell it to someone that hasn’t heard a million pick up lines.” Rayne turned on her heels and continued until she was a field of yellow flowers. She noticed Seth hadn’t followed her, this gave her a bad feeling in the pit of her stomach, but she didn’t really want him around to ruin the scenery with his words. Rayne laid down in the flowers and in took the scent of flowers. Suddenly the sun disappeared, she thought it to be a cloud or just rain so she didn’t move, but then she felt a hand stroke her hair and she was immediately in a crouching position. “Whoa, calm down it’s just me!” Seth held his hands in front of him and took a step back.
“You scared the shit out of me!” Rayne sat down in the grass and began to pick the pedals off a flower.
“Sorry, I didn’t know you where that jumpy.” He picked a flower and handed it to her, she then began picking the pedals off of that one and handed in back. Seth stood up then sat down close to her and they continued this routine for a little while before he spoke up, “So…how do you just magically become Rayce’s sister yet Rayce has been at this school since I’ve known him, I would have remembered you as close to Rayce as I am.”
“Well,” Rayne picked up a flower and stared at it trying to think of a story, “Our parents are divorced… I live in California with my mother, I came down here to visit for a few weeks but something happened and I’m going to be here for a few months… so they want me to continue my education here.”
“Wow,” Seth laid back into the flowers, “So… you’re just…visiting, huh?” Rayne noticed he sounded kind of upset about the thought of her leaving.
“Yeah, well…maybe, we don’t know yet…I may be here a really long time, however long it takes.” Rayne became lost in thought until she realized she was staring at another flower, she threw it and lay back on Seth’s chest. He was a bit stunned but put his arm around her, he enjoyed her closeness… a bit too much… He finally broke the silence, “However long what takes?”
Rayne was half asleep but managed to let out, “hmm?”
“You said you’re going to be here however long it takes, what do you mean…?”
Rayne adjusted herself on his chest so she could sleep, “Until my mother calls me home…” She drifted off into slumber and Seth felt her breathing slow down. He thought this over a bit and then pulled her closer and let her sleep.

Seth sat up but tried not to wake Rayne, as Rayce walked up he did not have a very happy expression on his face.
“I can’t believe you did that in there.” Rayce said sitting in front of them.
“Well they both had a right to know, if I had went to talk to Brittany in private who knows where Rayne could have gone. But I had to tell her so she would stop giving Rayne shit.” Seth tried to talk quietly to not wake Rayne but she rustled a bit and he repositioned her.
“Now she’s going to have the reputation of man stealer, Seth. All the girls in school are going to hate her!” Rayce leaned in close then backed off when Rayne rustled again, he lowered his voice, “I don’t know how you’re going to make this better but you need to fix this. She needs to have friends; you can’t keep her from everyone.” Rayce stood up and turned back to Seth, “Trust me, she doesn’t need you to protect her, and she will take what she wants and leave.” Rayce turned and walked back towards the building.

Ten or so minutes later Rayne rustled and looked around realizing where she was, she leaned her head back to look at Seth upside-down. He smiled, amused and stroked her hair; He was being to enjoy this lovey dovey shit. She rubbed her head into his hand and let out a quiet purr, that he couldn’t hear, she caught herself and snapped back into reality.
She looked at Seth and smiled before looking around at the flowers, Seth continued to stare at her until he couldn’t take it anymore, God did he want her. He put his hand on her jaw and turned her to face him, she seemed like she knew what his goal was and leaned into him as he began to kiss her, she put her hands on his neck and combed through his hair with her fingers. Seth moved his hands to her waist and pulled her close to his chest, Seth began leaning back until Rayne was lying on his stomach. Rayne smiled into his lips and raised up on her hands, she grinned at him and laughed,
“What?” Seth smiled and rose on his elbows, and kissed her jaw line.
“Nothing, just thinking about all the girls you must have done this same routine with.” Rayne rolled over off of him; Seth laughed slightly and rolled over onto her,
“Actually… none of the girls I hook up with like to sit in a field of flowers and talk to me, so this,” He used his hands to mean everything around them, “is kind of a first for me, but,” He kissed her again, “I think I could get used to it.”
Rayne sat up, “Um, what time is it?” Seth got off of her and pulled up his sleeve to look at his Rolex,
“2:30” Seth said unsurprised,
“What, we’ve skipped like three classes, Seth!?” Rayne turned and threw her hand towards the building.
“Rayne, babe, calm down! They down take role at this school! Look at all the students around, you think they’re supposed to be here?! Our parents pay 3,000 dollars for us to come here. They don’t care if we actually learn anything or not!” Seth put his hand just above her knee and squeezed it lightly.
Rayne put her head on his shoulder and he wrapped an arm around her, “does this mean… we’re like together now…?”
“Does that mean you would say yes if I were to ask you out?” Seth looked down at Rayne but Rayne continued to stare at a couple sitting under a tree across the yard.
“I want that,” Rayne cocked her head to the side and stared with pleading eyes.
Seth followed her vision to a couple of nerds sitting against a tree holding hands, him laying on her lap and her smiling while she reading him a book. Seth took Rayne’s hand and kissed her check softly,
“I think I can do that,” Seth smiled, Rayne looked at him and smiled, then looked back to the couple who were now both sitting up and making out.
Rayne grinned wide, and laughed. “They are so cute!”
“We can be better,” Seth stood up and grabbed her hand say she stood also and walked her towards the parking lot.

Rayne got home at about 1am that night. At home it would have been nothing. Of course, at home she would be working, not making out at a closed down water park. She decided it was best not to used to front door so we simply flew into a hallway window close to her bedroom. She needed to remember to leave her bedroom window opened from now on. No sooner had her human feet touched the carpet did she hear her father calling her into his study.
"What the hell were you thinking?"
"I was thinking, 'Hey maybe my dad will be okay with the fact that I'm working on an assignment HE GAVE ME!' I was thinking, 'Man he's going to be SO proud when he hears how far I've gotten in one day!' But then I thought, 'No wait, he's a giant asshole who will probably think I give a fuck about what he thinks. Guess what? I don't. I could care less. Let's get some things straight right now. One: I'm making progress on my job. Two: That's all it is, A JOB. Three: I am not your Goddamned daughter, who have no control over me." Rayne stood in front of her father's desk glaring into his equally furious eyes.
"You live in my house, you will follow my rules, understood? I don't care how much progress your making, if you don't have permission from me, you will not be out passed 11. Got that? Lastly, I don't care how you talk in your house, but you will NOT talk to me like that. Now, go to bed. I'll see you bright and early tomorrow morning."
Rayne, seeing that the conversation was over, turned away quickly and walked to her room.

Seth came by the next morning to pick up Rayne, seeing as it was Saturday. He father said yes, and she and Seth drove back to his house.
On the way there Seth noticed Rayne staring at him. "What?" He smiled.
"When we first met, you read my mind, twice. I didn't think anything of it because I'm used to being around people who can, such as my mother and father. But now that I think about it... How?"
"Our father's are business partners. They both work for the Rytaries. Meaning, Both of our parents are going to have to have super natural powers. I didn't know you had them, Rayce doesn't, How do YOU?"
"I guess he just got the short end of the stick?"
"Or, you have different mothers. Rayne, I know Rayce's mom died 6 years ago. At first I thought you had to be a cousin or something, but then I saw how alike you were with, not only Rayce, but his dad too. I realized you had to be his half sister."
Rayne looked at him for awhile. "You're smarter than I gave you credit..."
"Why did you lie?"
Rayne sighed. "My father, he didn't want others to know about his 'affair' with Rayce's mom. She's human, Normal. He's normal. His mom was our father's Secretary, at his cover up job."
For the first time Rayne looked up, she realized they were in Seth's driveway. "How long have we been sitting here?"
"I don't know half an hour?"
"Maybe we should go inside then" Rayne laughed and opened her door.

When they got inside, rayne stopped to admire the house, It wasn't that she wasn't used to big houses. It just looked more whole, like it was decorated by a couple, not just one half like in her house and her father's. It had a few toys scattered here and there but it made it look homey. Rayne liked it, Seth took her hand in his and directed her to the kitchen. There was his family sitting at the bar, they looked so together, so happy. Rayne wasn't sure why so much disappointment washed over her body. Seth cleared his throat and his mother, father, little sister, and bother who looked to be about 15 looked up at them.
Seth introduced them to be; Jane Cade his mother, Adam Cade his father, Layla Cade his sister, and Luken Cade his brother who was actually 14. They were all gorgeous and Rayne felt a bit intimidated around them. That is, she did until Seth introduced her as 'His gorgeous new girlfriend' and pulled her in close with his hands around her waist. Rayne wanted to cry, but she had always been taught to never show weakness. EVER. 'They will use it against you at any cost.' Seth went onto explain that he wanted to take Rayne out camping all weekend. His parents said yes, but only with the condition of taking his siblings along. Seth sighed,"Fine go pack were leaving in two hours."

They drove for maybe 6 hours. Rayne wasn't sure, she had fallen asleep twice. When she woke up the second time in was sunset and the car was empty. She was laying on Seth's lap with a blanket around her, they were laying by the fire and the kids were roasting marshmallows. Rayne was starving and marshmallows seems pretty appetizing. Seth handed her an already roasted marshmallow that she ate a little too fast, she looked like a chipmunk trying to chew it and shallow at once. Seth laughed, "Normally people chew before swallowing..."
"I'm so hungry... don't we have other food?" Rayne looked around.
"We brought Ramen in the trailer.." Layla told her. She couldn't get up because she was so comfortable but eventually sat up and Seth picked her up the rest of the way. They walked over to the trailer and he held the door for her. The "trailer" was actually more of a gorgeous luxury RV that looked pretty expensive. As Seth let the door shut behind him he pushed Rayne up against a wall away for the kids sight and kissed her hard. She put her arms around his neck and waited for him to pull away. He did; ten minutes later.
"I can't take 8 hours of not being able to kiss you. It's not fair." He said she still holding her against the wall. Rayne smiled and kissed his neck, but he pulled her away.
"Don't do that to me, baby. There's kids around..." Seth watched as she sunk back down to her flat footed state and gave him a tempting look. He groaned because he knew he wanted her but couldn't do anything with two kids just outside waiting. God, did he want her. She pushed him away and walked to the cabinet above the microwave. Seth turned slowly and watched her stand on her toes to reach the top shelf then land back down softly, Rayne looked at him and smiled.
"What? You told me to stop." Rayne shot him a look she knew he couldn't stand. Seth looked her up and down and raised an eyebrow, biting his lip. How would they get away with fooling around? He knew the kids would nark on him. But she looked so good, and he couldn't stand it. Rayne held the packet out threatening to 'drop' it.
"Don't even." Seth smiled and threw a threatening look. She dropped it and bent over slowly to pick it up. Too slowly. "No." Seth jumped at her and grabbed her waist picking her up. Rayne screamed playfully as he threw her on the couch.
"I'll be right back." He winked at her and left through the door. He came back a while later with the kids, "Go take a shower and get ready for bed." He took Rayne's hand and pulled her out of the trailer towards the car. He opened the back door and lay her down inside. She smiled and bit her lip, then started backing up as he crawled on top of her. Rayne put her hands on his face and started kissing him, she ran her fingers through his perfect blonde hair that shined in the moon light. Seth ran his hand up her back to her shoulders pulling her deeply into himself until he could feel her chest firmly against his own. She ran her hand down to his waist and twisted her finger around the belt loop of his stone washed white jeans. Rayne began kissing down Seth's neck but he stopped her.
"I don't want to do this..."
"Wait, what?"
"I mean of course I WANT to do this, but... not yet... we're having fun doing the couple thing..."
"This IS a couple thing," Rayne said pulling at the bottom of his shirt.
"I mean... let's keep doing the cute thing... until we know for sure we want to do this.. you know, before he get serious with it..."
Rayne looked at him, gorgeous, sexy, him. "Are you a virgin?"
"No..." Seth gave a questioning look, did she really think HE was a virgin? or all people?!
"Then why do you want to take it slow?"
"Because... I don't know... you're different... I don't want you to think I want to hit and quit..."
Rayne kissed him again, he was so fucking sweet it's was incredible. Oh and he was hot. Bonus points. They made out for a while more before he got out of the car and picked her up in a cradle hold and carried her back towards the already dark trailer. He took her into the master bedroom and laid her on the bed, then laid down beside her with his head on her shoulder and arm around her waist.

She was alone, her boyfriend had just proposed to her that night and she was as happy as come be. He had gone through all the effort of bringing her on this romantic camping trip and today they were supposed to go home. She was more than excited to get service and call her mom to tell her the news. She would never get that chance. She took a morning jog to the lake every morning of their trip but today the breeze felt a like cooler. The fog felt a like dense as is rose from the lake surface, Miranda stopped and leaned on a near by tree. Not a care in the world she stared off to the horizon.
"What a gorgeous ring," The girl with raven black hair arose from the misty forest behind her. "A ring like that must only be given to a girl of equal beauty. Congratulations." The girl smiled half way giving her a suspicious look about her. What was she doing out in the forest alone this early... and why was she looking for conversation? Miranda shifted her footing uneasily.
"Yes, I just received it last night," She said admiring the large stone herself. "It was so sweet of him, I know it was a lot to save up for." She looked back at the girl finding her not in the spot she had been.
"Yes," The girl said suddenly appearing in front of Miranda, "I hear engagement rings are hard to pay for nowadays. Perhaps that's why the marriage rate has gone down. That and all the partners that run out before the big day..." The girl stepped closer and Miranda stepped away feeling even more uneasy... The girl laughed at her and again was inches away from her in what seemed humanly impossible amounts of time. Miranda turned quickly and tried to run, but as soon as she did the girl was in her path again.
"Oh, leaving so soon? We were just getting to know each other." The girl smiled devilishly revealing sharp fangs that hadn't been there earlier.
"Please, I'll give you want ever you want, just don't hurt me." Miranda put her hands up in front of her and spotted the ring on her finger, she quickly took it off and offered it to the girl. She laughed at her again making Miranda question exactly what her motives were.
"I like when my prey beg for their lives, makes the game more interesting. But I don't want your petty offering. I want you to run."
"Yes. The chase is always the most fun part. Your adrenaline will also make your muscles more tender." The girl growled low in her throat as if she were amused... or hungry. Miranda spent no more time examining the girl, rather, she turned on her heels and ran into the forest for her life. She ran for a few minutes deeper into the woods. She didn't scream or yell because she knew it would only make her tired faster, and there was no one to hear her. She had jogged too far out from camp, and now she was never going to make it back. She would never get married, she would never have kids. At age 27 she was going to be killed, and would never see her fiancee again. Miranda stopped, she stood there for a moment looking to see where the girl had gone. She realized she was crying and brought her hand to her face. Breathing heavily she ran back towards the direction of camp, hoping she had lost the girl. Suddenly she felt all the breath rush out of her body, She was on the ground and felt as if she had been trampled by a million buffalo. The girl had thrown her, She had pulled her backward and thrown her at the ground. The girl was now standing over her, not even breathing heavily she whispered to her, "Go ahead and scream, no one will hear you. I expected more of a fight from you, Miranda. You're weak, and soon you will wish you had stayed faithful to your workout routine." Miranda tried to move but realized soon enough that her ribs were broken. She moaned in pain and put her hands to her chest breathing deeply she asked;
"Why me? Out of all the people in the campground, why would you come after a weak, worthless human like me?"
The girl laughed again, she didn't look much like a girl anymore, her face was still flawless and young, with purple eyes that could make any boy melt at her feet, but she had grown razor fangs and claws, her body was still slim and flexible but she looked stronger and more intimidating now. She was a perfect, gorgeous being, yet she looked more like a werewolf now... but that would be silly, werewolves don't exist. Suddenly all Miranda's thoughts stopped. Her world came crashing down as the girl's sharp claws exited her body the same way they went in. Miranda doubled over and lay limp on the leaf covered forest ground. Miranda's thoughts began dimming as she remembered her fiancee, and her family. A single tear streamed down her face as she screamed in agony. Then she was silent, the world went dark as Miranda drowned in it. As her final breath left her, Miranda smiled, she was free.

Three days past quickly as the four kids had fun swimming ATVing and boating. Seth and Rayne enjoyed their time with the kids but treasured their alone time each night even more.
On the fourth day in the early morning Seth woke up to a knocking on the trailer door, He got up and ran his hands down his bare chest to pull up his boxer shorts before opening the door. The ranger stood at about 5'5 and was a little shorter than Seth, He was no younger than 45, he held out a poster to him.
"Have you seen this woman? She's been missing three days and police have been called out to survey the area."
Seth yawned and rubbed his eyes looking at the photo, "I haven't, but if you want I can ask my girlfriend about it? One second." He stepped up to the door and yelled inside to Rayne who yelled back that she was sleeping. Seth sighed and slumped over. "Can I take this inside to show her? It will only take a second." Before the ranger could answer he stepped inside the trailer and went into the room, "Hey, this lady's gone missing, look familiar? Rayne... Get up."
Rayne pouted a bit and sat up on the bed looking expressionlessly at the photo. "No, I'm going back to bed."
Seth sighed again and returned to the ranger. "She hasn't seen anything, sorry about that, she's not a morning person."
"I heard that," Rayne appeared at the door in one of Seth's T-shirts that barely covered her panties and made her look just sexy as hell.
"Well, she may not be a morning person, but she knows how to make herself look sexy even in a bad mood." The ranger's eyes traveled down the the 16 year old's young and gorgeous body. He began to feel a bit heated standing there; he leaned right a ways to get around Seth and see her more fully. She stepped down to Seth and he put his arm around her waist pulling the shirt down and ruining the rangers show. He cleared his throat as to say 'my eyes are on my face, not my girlfriend's ass.'
"We done here, officer?" He glared at him, as Rayne shifted her weight and stepped closer to Seth, taking his hand.
"Well yes... I suppose we are... I'll be back later to check on... things..." His eyes wandered down Rayne's body again and spotted a place where the shirt had pulled up again. "If you hear anything, please," He looked at Rayne, "Don't hesitate to call." He handed her a card with his number and information.
Seth fumed and took the card from Rayne's hand, who looked up at him a bit annoyed, but he was cute when he was jealous. She thanked the ranger, who returned her thanks with a wink. Before leaving he looked at Seth, "If you ever get tired of this one, let me know, I can take her off your hands for a few hours..." Seth reached down to Rayne and kissed her aggressively lifting her and her shirt a little. He returned her to the ground to see a slight bulge in the ranger zipper area. 'Take a nice look old man, I can't kick your ass for dreaming.'
"That won't be necessary." He half smiled sexily.
Rayne lifted an eyebrow and glanced at Seth then to the man and giggled a little.
"Goodbye officer." Rayne taunted him with her tone, before taking Seth's hand and walking him up the trailer stairs as seductively as she could.
As soon as the door closed behind her she punched Seth in the jaw. "I am not your bragging right. And I will not be used to show off to guys. Especially creepy ones." Her face was serious and she stared at Seth hard. The her face softened and she added, "But you're really attractive when you're jealous." She bit her bottom lip and leaned on one leg looking him up and down. She turned quickly making her hair spin with her and went back to the bedroom, leaving Seth to watch her go. Which was as nice as it sounds.

Later that day it was time to pack up and go home so they let the kids sleep in pretty late. At around 4 everyone had eaten and was ready for the trip back.
When they reached the house and unloaded the shit Seth showed Rayne around the house for a few hour and it began getting dark. He took her outside and sat her down in the grass before running inside to get a blanket. As they lay on the blanket staring at the stars Rayne put her head on Seth's chest,
"What's your dream?" She said quietly.
Seth stopped, his dream? Was he supposed to have a dream? He knew other kids had dreams... but he was rich, and popular, and attractive. everything he dreamed for; he got. He didn't need to dream...
"Your thought speak louder than you think..." She looked up at him. She returned her gaze to a star that was brighter than the rest. "When I was little all I wished for was that my dad would come back, that I could have a family again... It was a selfish dream... People don't come back... They don't change... They stop thinking about you and they move on. Then you realize that they aren't coming back... You were replaced... and it crushes you. You feel so pointless after that. Like, they meant the world to you... but they didn't feel the same... and they had the power to leave you standing there, alone, cold, useless... and broken. And you feel like you can't trust another human being more than you trusted them... that's when the darkness sets in, you fall into this hole that no one can pull you out of... they just... wait for you to crawl out by yourself... And they tell you they're sorry... that they can't come back now... And they apologize so much, you want to believe it but... you still have that arrow in your heart... that betrayed feeling never goes away. And without knowing it they push it in a little farther sometimes... but even if they did know... they wouldn't care... they aren't really apologizing to you... they want to make their own guilt go away. Everyone just wants to clear their own conscience."

Rayne again stepped into the front door to be greeted by one of her father's men. But this one was not a servant... He looked more along the lines of a body guard or secret service type. He was slim but fit in every way possible, he wore a black suit and was at least 6 ft. She read him to be about 19, and found that to be a little young considering the training he would have to endure to be fit to even step foot in her fathers house. His hair was white, but certainly not from age. It had been bleached that way, and Rayne liked it. Very much. After all she would need a hair color change after a case like this. She walked by him and her eyes danced down his body, he seemed trust worthy enough... but that doesn't mean her back would turn to him.
"Can I help you, Miss?" He was looking down at her with a suspicious look on his face, but his kind quiet voice evened out the mood in the room. Rayne realized she had been circling him, reading his movements, much like she did her victims.
"Yes. Guards shouldn't be inside the house... What are you doing exactly?"
"I... uh.. Rayce wanted me to... uh.."
"Don't you mean Mister Rayce?" Rayce eyed him again stepping up on her toes and back down to toy with him.
"Look, don't say anything okay? I'm supposed to be keeping watch for your dad. Rayce is getting us some shit from the booze cabinet in your dad's office and we'll be out of your hair in no time. I must say it's a shame you can't come too, I bet you'd be losts of fun once we loosened you up a little." He gave her a flirtation look and half smiled... he was pretty cute. Where did Rayce get such attractive friends?
"Hmm," Rayne looked down at her shoes, flirting back a little. "Where are you guys going?"
"To the football field, we're meeting up with some friends. Wanna come? I'm sure you'll find a few girls to chill with, and if not... you have me." He winked at her and took a step closer.
"Is.. uh ... Seth or Britney gonna be there? I don't need my fun being ruined... ya know?"
"Seth hasn't heard about it... he was gone all weekend. And if we see Britt I'll have someone take care of her for you kay babe?"
"Well, if you put it that way... Alright! I'll go." Rayne smiled and walked to the mirror to check herself. "Uh, you're not actually going in THAT are you?" She pointed a his clothes and gave a strange look.
"No, no. I have clothes to change in the car, haha. Don't worry I won't embarrass you!"
Rayce ran down the stairway with a case of beer and a few bottles of vodka, plus a loaded backpack. Who knew there was that much liquor in the house! "Alright dude, let's split before my sister gets... home... fucking hell. This isn't what it looks like! Please don't tell dad! We'll bring more-"
"Dude, shut your hole, she's coming too!" The white haired boy said hold up a hand to Rayce.
"what the fuck, Trevor?! Why would you tell her what we were planning? You supposed to watch out for anyone!"
"She caught me! How was I supposed to know your dad doesn't allow guards in the house?!"
"Can you douche bags shut up so we can go already? I'm driving, let's go!" Rayne glided towards the door past the still bickering boys and held out a hand waiting for the keys to Trevor's car. He was so preoccupied he handed them over without stopping the argument. Trevor sat in the back and grumbled about it the entire ride, which was rather rough considering Trevor's car was older than he was.
"So Rayce, you wanna tell me how a sophomore got invited to a senior party? Or why all your friends are like, two years older than you?" Rayne mocked her brother who stared at her like a hurt puppy.
"Well, I've been friends with Seth since we were in diapers... He kind of took me under his wing when I got to high school. And once the popular kids found out how rich, hot, and how close I was with Seth, it was instant popularity!" He got this cocky grin on his face that Rayne wanted to smack off with a chair.
"So... you bought your way in huh? Atta boy!" Rayne was proud of her brother's success with high school popularity. It was going to give her a one way ticket in too.

Rayne parked the car in the middle of the field like her brother told her to. And stepped out into the cool night air pushing the seat forward she let Trevor step out also, but he got out and moved the seat forward again. He pressed a few buttons that popped the truck lid up which aloud trembling bass lines to pour out of it. He locked the door and slammed it behind him then closed the door and leaned against the car with his hands in his pockets. His white hair hang down in his eyes as a toothpick dangled from his lips, he was rather skinny and dressed in dark colors of grey t-shirt and brown over shirt, with his faded white wash jeans he looked mysterious and appealing to Rayne.. And to many others as girls began to walk up and compliment stupidly on his car. A half smile drew across his face as he looked over the girls to Rayne who shook her head at him, did all guys in this town get that much 'tang'? Trevor pushed a small brunette girl out of the way as she asked his how much horsepower his car had.
"Wow, you know, the color of your car really compliments your eyes!" Rayne mocked at him not making eye contact.
"Oh, don't tell me your jealous now? Besides, I bet you don't even know what color my eyes are!" He put a hand over his face and looked away "Go on! Guess!"
"Please, I couldn't care less about your eye color." Rayne looked away.
"I knew you didn't know!"
"They're slate blue." Rayne said after a moment of looking at two boys smoking by a group of girls.
"Lucky guess," Trevor stepped in front of her and tilted his head to make sure he still had her attention. "Blue is a pretty common eye color, unlike yours... Are they contacts?"
"No... they aren't..." Rayne looked at her shoes as memories flooded back to when kids made fun of her eye color as a child... until they took her away...
"Well, I like them. They make you unique, I'd do anything to be unique," He motioned to his hair. "This is about as unique as I get. Naturally snow white, and proud of it too!" He flipped his hair out of his eyes and they twinkled in the moon light.
"Come on... let's do something, I mean we ARE at a party! Let's act like it!" He took her hand and pulled her over to the group of kids handing out drugs and pushed through the crowd. When they got to the center he draped his arm over her shoulders and let it hang in front of her. "Jacob!" Trevor put his other hand up as if to get the attention of the boy sitting on the ground with a large bag of smaller bags of pot in every size, and a bottle of vodka in his lap. He was skinny with brown hair that spiked in the front, Rayne couldn't tell how tall he was because he was sitting criss-cross on the ground slumped over the bag with a lit cigarette in his mouth.
He looked up, "Trev! You asshole, where you been?! You're missing all the fun!" He picked up a small bag about half the size of a sandwich bag and handed it to Trevor. "Here! This should be enough for you and your friend here," He nodded to Rayne, who politely nodded back and smiled. "But not too much fun, you hear? I'll have to tell Rach!" He laughed and threw him head back that's a drink from his bottle then returning to his other costumers as they threw money at him by the wads. Rayne and Trevor pushed their way back out of the mob and walked toward Rayce who had found a pretty blonde girl to keep him company. Her name was Molly, she was a freshman, and she was wasted as fuck. She laughed at everything Rayce said as if he was just the cutest thing on the planet. But she was cute, she had blonde hair that went down just below her chest and blue eyes, she stood about 5'3 which was the perfect height for Rayce, but by the looks of her, she would take her pants off just for a chance to touch him. Rayce talked her into coming with them as they loaded back into Trevor's car; this time Trevor drove and Rayne sat in the passengers, while the horny couple sat in the back as constant giggling came from the girl.
"Where are we going?" Rayne asked clearing her throat and trying to draw her attention away from Mindless Molly.
"My house, I live alone so we should be okay, plus, there's a bed for her to crash in once Rayce doesn't want her anymore..." He looked in the mirror at them, but they didn't seem to notice a conversation was even in progress. "I'll drive her home once she's sobered up a little.." He continued to drive with a serious expression on his face, Rayne couldn't pin why his attitude had changed.
"Who's Rach?" Rayne asked looking out the front window, but she could feel him look at her.
"Rachel? She's Jacob's sister... We had a thing a few months ago, nothing serious, just getting high and having sex. I dumped her after she said she wanted a more stable relationship and wanted to move in... I don't do that shit, I just want sex, nothing more, nothing less." He took a left turn and sped up a little more so he would catch the green.
Rayne smirked, "Good, emotional attachments just cause problems for everyone."
Trevor glanced at her, "I don't think I've ever met a girl who thinks that way..." He smiled, "But it's hot, I like it."
Rayne looked at him and smiled, as he turned his attention back to the road, Rayne looked out the side window and thought about Seth. She couldn't cheat on him just yet... it could risk her entire mission... but she did want sex... she mulled this over for a bit, until they pulled into a drive way of an apartment complex. He drove through a gate and into an underground parking garage with several cars inside, Trevor pulled into a spot where his last name on printed on a sign on the wall.
"All right horndogs! Let's get you two inside before you start taking advantage of each other now!" Trevor pulled forward the seat and let the kids out. Rayne took her time getting out, too much time because Trevor got to the door and opened it for her, "Don't expect me to do this anymore, I'm not really the gentlemen type."
"Oh, sorry... I was just, thinking..." Rayne stepped out and closed the door behind her then followed him to an elevator and eventually to his apartment. Rayce took no time to find the spare room and lock the door behind him.
"That kid knows how to get laid, I mean, for a sophomore!" Trevor took out some stuff they had gathered at the party and eventually had set out an assortment of drugs and alcohol on the table in front of his couch. He sat on the floor across the table from Rayne and cleared his throat. "Your poison of choice, Miss?" He motion his hand over the table and cocked his hand with a half smile that could just make you want to take out his shirt that very second. Rayne indulged him, and grabbed a bottle of vodka. Trevor laughed and took a can of beer off the table then stood and sat on the couch, Rayne sat next to him and leaned into his side.
"You remember what you said about an emotionless relationship? Just sex?" Rayne looked at the bottle in her hand and took a large gulp. Was she really going to do this?
"Yeah..." Trevor knew exactly where she was going with his and sat up a little.
"If we do this... We can't tell anyone... NO ONE. Not even Rayce, got it? I'm kind of... involved with someone... and I don't need my relationship and reputation ruined so soon. Understand?" Rayne glared at him, leaning forward.
"Oh yeah I hear ya!" He put his hands up in front of him "Do you know what would happen to me if Rachel and Jacob found out? Let alone Rayce! And Seth!? He'd have the entire male population beat the shit out of me!"
"Ok, then we understand each other. No phone calls, no talking to me outside of this apartment, no gifts, no secret notes or form of communication. We will make plans for the next time we meet after sex. And if plans need to be canceled we will tell Rayce to tell the other 'Hey'. And under NO circumstances, will there we emotional feeling between the two of us. Agreed?" Rayne put out a hand. Trevor took it and nodded.
"Agreed." He stared at her for a minute and stood up, he took her hand and walked her towards the bedroom, where he sat her on the bed a nd locked the door behind him. Without a word he kept eye contact as he pushed her back onto the bed and kissed her gentle at first and more violently. He stopped and drew back, he smiled wickedly at her and pulled his shirt over his head and threw it to the ground. His body did not disappoint her.

Rayne stopped and leaned her hand onto to ceramic tile lining her shower walls. She closed her eyes and held in the agonizing pain, one of her hands moved to her abdomen and she felt the fluids in her heating and the muscles pulsing. She listened for a heart beat she knew didn't exist anymore, and instead heard the sounds of implanted fluid that prevented and protected her from diseases and injuries, including aging. But, as she was taught, everything comes at a price. Her immortality came at a price; not only her ability to care about another being but she also lost many of her internal organs. Due to the fact that she had to die to live forever she no longer had use for them and they were given in equivalent exchange. She fell to the floor and sat as the water ran over her. She coughed a few times and stood abruptly before a mixture of blood, mercury, and plasma ran down from her mouth and created a pool of liquid as vibrant of purple as her eyes. She breathed heavily and pressed her forearms against the wall, she stared down at her feet and watched them return back to a human form and color. Rayne's fists tightened and she pounded on the wall, she took a step back and washed everything down to leave no remains, before turning off the water and stepping out into the cool air. She held out on grabbing a towel and cleared off a part of the misted mirror and stared at the body she had been given. She stood for a minute and looked at her deep brown eyes, slowly they began to dissolve into a purple that grew stronger until her pupils narrowed in the center. She continued to lean against the counter, she had to talk to Alce and Axex. Soon.

After Rayne had finished dressing, she walked to the window in her room and looked to the forest that surrounded the estate. She knew they would be around somewhere and that would be her best bet to look in. Then she remembered something and let out a breath, she walked to the table by her bed and picked up the phone that sat on it patiently.
"Hey.." the voice was calm, confident, and quiet.
"I can't come over today. Unexpected plans, I hope you understand." Rayne spoke the way she would to an employer or someone in a business deal.
Seth sighed, "If you don't want to see me you can tell me, you know."
"It's not that, I'm just going to meet up with some old friends... I'll call you in the morning, okay?"
"Alright... Wait, Rayne!"
Rayne put the phone back to her ear and waited,
"Please, be careful..."
Rayne smiled to herself, he knew where she was going. Not exactly, but he had a pretty good idea. She hung up without another word and removed the phone line from the wall. She clenched her fists and returned her gaze to the open window, the sun was setting. It was almost time for them to wake up, she was right on time. She wrote a note and left it on the counter in the kitchen before slipping out the backdoor and into the wooded area.

Rayne slowly shifted down to a new form and howled to her companions, within seconds the call was returned by the screech of an eagle. Rayne chased the call and within seconds was in her human form standing in front of a large opening in a rock.
"We weren't followed, I pray?" Axex's voice was low, almost a whisper while still it was deep and raspy, it had a rather calming and malicious, villainous tone in it.
"Of course not, do you take me for a fool, Axex?" Rayne stood dwarfed next to the 8' griffin in front of her. He looked like a typical griffin with jet black fur and wings that were trimmed with gold, he had a wing span of ten feet. His beak and crest were pure gold and glittered as the sun set. He was beautiful, with eyes of platinum silver. Axex bowed to her,

"Never my darling, I just wish we could keep a closer eye on you. This forest is an awful distance from your shelter, my love." His wings flapped as he lowered them to his back and set a cool breeze that shifted every leaf on every tree.
Rayne took a step towards him and he lowered himself onto his belly and purred as she kissed his peak and stroked his face.
"If you changed into a small form, father may make an exception..."
"Rayne, you know we couldn't do that. I would take to long for us to return to form if you were in danger." Alce stepped out of the cave and Axex rose as she slid to his side. She was smaller that him by at least a foot, with golden fur on her body that turned to a darker brown on her wings and limbs and eventually faded into a little tan. Her beak was also gold but turned to iron as it reached the point, her eyes were a dark brown that was almost black in the shadows that surrounded them. She was slimmer and her voice was as smooth as silk. It was quiet and calm, like a mother's touch to a wound. It washed over you and made you feel like everything was okay, no matter the situation.

"But Alley, master said his work was complete! We can change forms as fast as we wish!" Axex turned to her and pleaded. He couldn't stand separation, especially from Rayne.
"No, Axex, he told us we could regain our human forms again. And here that would be the most dangerous thing for us. We would be recognized immediately!" Alce snarled at him.
"Why do you put such foolish thoughts in his head?! He's bound to you, whatever you say is a command to him! All he wants is to please you!" She looked at Rayne with eyes that were fearful but confident. She knew Rayne could kill her on the spot, but she knew she had to tell her off. It wasn't fair to Axex. "I apoligize, my grace. I spoke out of term, but please, do not have him believe things which he can not obtain." Alce bowed to her master.
"Foolish griffin," Rayne patted her head and rose her chin to meet eyes "Everything is obtainable for us." She smiled with a sharp fanged grin, Alce and Axex loved their master. And Rayne loved them the most she was able to.
"Now, since we all know about the mission... I think it's time we payed the good Dr. a visit. I'm sure he be happy to hear from his two favorite griffins, don't you agree Alce?" Rayne stood with her back turned to them staring off at the horizon, but they could sense her wicked half smile and picture the look in her eyes.
Alce growled with pleasure, the famous Dr. Cade... It would be an honor to rip his heart out.
"Next week, I've been invited to dinner at their lovely home. Do be on time Alce, I'll see you at 8 pm." Rayne kissed each of them, "Sleep well my darlings."

The following weekend.

"I'm disappointed Rayne." Mr. West stood looking out the window of his office with his back to his daughter. "I expected someone with a reputation as yours would have this done quickly and be gone by now."
Rayne stared to one side of the room, as she sat in front of hers father's desk with her arms crossed, and an annoyed look in her eyes. "You gave me a lot to do, gaining a persons trust takes time, sir." Rayne moved her gaze to her father. "Not only am I to kill, but learn the location of his lab AND find his research. You couldn't expect me to do that in a few weeks!"
"You have no time left, Rayne. Get it done tonight." He turned around and screamed at her "Or don't bother coming back at all!" Rayne stood up and clenched her fists at her sides, she closed her eyes and released her fists. She bowed. "Good. Be gone." Her waved his hand at her, and put them behind his back turning back to the window. He watched the sun begin to set.

"Brother, get up! Please!" Seth sat up quickly and breathed hard, he looked down into his sister's petrified eyes.
"Cali! What's wrong?!"
"There's people downstairs," She began to cry "One of them hit daddy!" Cali reached for Seth's shirt, "Brother and Mom are gone too! You have to save Daddy!"

"Well, Dr. is this anyway to treat a guest?" Rayne sat behind the desk in Mr. Cade's office, with her hands folded in front of her.
"You are not welcome here." Cade stood just inside the door and glared at her. "What do you want? You and your father have no business with me. Let alone the other realms."
"But, you and I both know you have something I need." Rayne smiled sweetly, "And I have something to bargain for it..." She snapped her fingers and Axex appeared to the right of the desk, a motionless body in his mouth. Cade's eyes widened
"What have you done to my daughter?"
"Relax Dr. she fainted from terror. My griffins nor I would harm an innocent child." She waved her hand and Axex dropped the body to the floor, where it lay in a heap.
"My my, Cade. I thought you would have taught your children better. Why don't you tell your son to stand down before he puts a useless bullet in my neck." Seth stood shaking as he held the gun to the side on Rayne's neck.
"Seth, the only thing that will accomplish is to make her angry..." Cade put his hand up to his son.
"I'm not going to say I didn't try." Seth pulled the trigger hard and closed his eyes, only to hear a faint clicking noise. Rayne laughed at him,
"You're a foolish child," She grabbed him by the shirt and threw him across the desk to Alce who pounced on him as he put his arms up in defense.
"You forget, I know the secret to your precious griffins. They are all loyal to their creators." Cade smiled devilishly.
"Oh yes, you helped create the first griffins didn't you? No matter, these griffins owe me their lives. And that loyalty over powers yours."
"I still know how to defeat them." Cade pulled a gun from his ankle brace and pointed it to Alce's forehead.
"But, Doctor, you wouldn't have the strength to kill your own children... would you?" Rayne stood and walked around the desk. "Axex darling, would you like to remind your father of what he true children look like? And I'm sure Seth would be eager to see as well."
Axex nodded as Alce backed away from Seth's body. Seth stood and watched in horror as the griffin slowly walked toward hiM changing with every movement into a human that was identical to himself. Axex had raven black hair and eyes as silver as the moon. He was the same height and build but his skin was almost a pale green. Seth's legs began to give out but Axex caught him by the shoulders and stared at him.


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 30.06.2011

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