

Chapter 1
I was five years old when my parents died in a car accident. I had a very high fever and was in the back of the car drowning in my own sweat. My mom and dad were rushing to get me to the hospital I was strapped on tight to my seat . It was raining hard that night I told my dad not to rush put he kept saying to relax and to keep quite.
He never listened and neither did my mom, they both turned to look at me and as they turned back to look at the road the car in front of us had stopped and the next thing I knew the car started to spin, then we were tumbling down a hill and into a deep lake.
All of a sudden everything went black and I thought that I was dead till I woke up to the pain in my body,Iwas in a hospital bed when they told me my parents were dead, and that me surviving was a miracle and that I should be thankful for that because not many people survive things like this. So the thing is I have been living in an orphanage for almost ten years in a half and no one wants me and it makes me feel very bad. Most people pick babies and 1-3 year olds and never the big kids but I have made some friends sort of well maybe just one friend her name is Shannon.
"Hey, why are you still in bed? You know what happens today birthday girl!" She said happily as a smile started to form on her face.
"Hum, five more minutes, please?" I said very drowsy and tiered
"No no no. You have to get up we have to celebrate, now come on lazy" she said in a hurry
"Fine, I’m up I’m up...." I said still tiered and not moving from my bed.
"Good, now hurry up and get dressed." she said very happy.
So with that said she got her stuff and she went to the bathroom to start her shower. I got my clothes and then looked at my calendar and it was September 25th and it was my 15th birthday, and it's a saturday. GREAT. I never liked my birthdays and my friend new that she, just doesn't know why, and it’s because my parents died on my birthday.
I got my white and black vans and my black shorts that go under my knee and a red and white top. After I put my clothes on I fixed my hair in a half pony tail. After I was finished Shannon got out of the shower with a towel wrapped around her body. I quickly got up and went to the bathroom and closed the door to brush my teeth and to wash my face. As soon as I finished washing my face there was a pounding at the door. It had to be Shannon.
“Hey, can you finish up in there I really have to go to the bathroom." She said with a desperate voice.
"Okay, I’m done gosh." I said really happy as I came out of the bathroom.
"Thank you for coming out, now please move."She said very fast and dancing on the way into the bathroom.
She slammed the door so hard and I just started to laugh so hard that she was starting to laugh too. When she got out she was still laughing, and once she was done we headed down stairs and met with the instructors. They all wished me a happy birthday but they knew that I never liked to celebrate my birthdays.


"So, what do you think about when you don’t talk jenny?" said Shannon eating her breakfast and staring at the new couple that just walked in with a little girl and baby boy.
“Nothing just about how cool it would be if I had an actual family that loves me for me." I said sadly but it was the truth
"Yeah, I guess you’re right. What are you going to do for your birthday?" she said happily.
“The truth I have no idea. What do you think I should do?" I said looking at my food.
“Hey, the couple is coming this way stay calm..... dun dun dun." She said sarcastically and then started to laugh of course I also began to laugh. So when she stopped laughing I realized that it wasn’t because she didn’t think it was funny anymore it was because the couple was heading towards me. When they got to our table they asked to sit down.
"Yes, of course you can sit down." I said nervously. No one has ever gone up to me and ask to sit with me I just didn’t know what to do.
"So what are you guys talking about." said the women with a smile on her face.
"Oh... um... just about what I’m going to do for my birthday." I said as I looked at her. She had to be in her mide twenty's.
"Oh, when’s your birthday?"She asked
"Um... actually mam' today is my birthday."I said
"Wow, how old are you turning?" She asked
"I am turning 15 today."I said
“How come you don't seem happy about it?" She asked
"Um... I have personal reasons."I said “My name is Jennifer by the way." shaking her hand.
“Nice to meet you Jennifer my name is Angel and this is my Husband Mike and my daughter Samantha and my baby boy named Jack.” she said as I shaked every ones hand.
"Hi, it's nice to meet you all and this is my best friend Shannon." I said as I looked over at Shannon
"Well it’s nice to meet you to Shannon."she said as she shook Shannons hand.
"Its nice to meet you to ...... uuuh..." Shannon said with a nervous voice
"Oh sorry its Mrs.Benson dear." She said happly
"Nice to meet you Mrs.Benson" She said as a smile started to form on her face.
"Well, we have to go and HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!" She said as she got up from her chair.
"Thankyou, and have a nice day." I said looking at Mrs.Benson as she closed the door on her way out.I turned to look back at Shannon who was looking at me suprised and scared. I have no idea when we started to talk because it felt like a life time since we talked. As I finished my breakfast I looked up to see her she hadn't touched her food since the family left.
"Hey, are you okay?" I asked very worried
"Yeah, It's nothing. Don't worry about it." She said not looking at me when she said that.
"Don't tell me that I can see right through you,and I know that somthing is bothering you, What is it?"I said very concerned about her.
"Okay, fine, Its about what that family was doing here talking to you." She said finaly looking at me with such sad eyes.
"What about them, Shan? I mean nothing is wrong with them." I said trying to cheer her up.
"You don't see it,do you? You don't see that they might consider adopting you." She said still looking at me with her sad eyes and I could see that she didn't want me to leave her.
"They wont, they were just being friendly that's it." I said tying to confort her.
"Okay then, why would they ask you questions then? Can you explain that?"
" No, But if they do adopt me then we can write to each other all the time."
"Yeah, but it wont be the same as having you here it would be different."
"Well, I guess we will have to find out."I said wondering myself.


When we got up stairs to our room there were luggages in the room filled with my belongings. As I turn to look at Shannon, I could see that her eyes were tearing up. I cant believe it im actually going to get adopted, but what will happen to shannon?
"Oh no, I cant belive this." I said below a whisper and sadly
"what will we do now?"
"I don't know." I said looking at all of the luggages that were beside my bed. I really didn't know how long we stood there not saying anything until someone walked up to us and tapped me on the shoulder.
"So are you ready to move from this place?" Said my favorite instructer named Emily. She had a very pretty sun dress on with some sandel's. Her dress was white with yellow flower drawings. She had her hair up in a pony tail, her hair was black, wavy, and shiny very shiny.
"Um, did you know about this?" I said very confused
"Oh, um, yeah I did, and I thought that they told you?" She said with a curious look on her face.
"No, they didn't and what about shannon?"
"Oh, they didn't tell you that either did they?"
"No, what did you want to tell me?"
"Oh, shannon also got adopted, its not just you." she said happily. I looked at Shannon and saw happiness in her teary eyes.
"Really? Who adopted me?" Shannon asked egar to know.
"Um, I think it was the Bakers family." Emily said with a smile on her face.
"Are you positive about that? Because if you are I think im going to faint." Shannon said extreamly happy.
"Yes, I am don't you see all of the luggages that are stacked together?" Emily said as she turned to me with a happy face.
"And the best thing of all I have your addresses so you can write to each other any time you want." She said looking back and fourth from Shannon and I. I couldn't belive it, we were both going to get adopted, after a long time I was so happy I could actually cry. I just didn't know what to say, I was so happy that I couldn't belive what was happening. The truth I just wanted to jump up and down till I hurt my feet and I also wanted to cry for how happy I was.
"Oh, my, gosh, Thank you!!" Shannon and I said at the same time and then stared at each other and laughed together, Im really going to miss her and her laugh.
"Okay, well your new families are waiting for you down stairs, and we don't want to keep them waiting now do we?" Emily said with a smile on her face but, I could tell that she was going to miss us as much as we were going to miss her. We grabed our luggages and headed down stairs but, before we closed our bedroom door we took one last look at it, with a smile and then closed the door. I was really going to miss that room because, that is how me and shannon met when we were very little, my one and only true friend. I will miss her with all of my heart. We headed down stairs and saw that all of the instructors were there waiting to say goodbye to us.
After saying goodbye to all the instructers I went over to shannon, She was still saying bye to some of the instucters. I walked up to her with sad eyes hoping to see her very soon or at least talk to her on the phone. When she was done talking to the instructors she finally turned to me. She also seemed to want to cry at the thought of not seeing each other for along time.
"Hey," She said as she gave me a hug " I'm going to miss you."
"Me too, so much you have no idea." I didn't know I was crying until I felt my tears coming down my cheaks.
"Hey, we will keep in touch we will write to each other every day." She said letting go of me and I saw that she was also crying.
"Wish I didn't have to leave without you." I said
"I know me too, but I have to go they are waiting for me," She said with a small smile on her face. She gave me one last hug and started to cry harder.
"We will always be best friends no matter what, right?"
"Of coarse always." I said starting to cry. I will miss her so much she was like a sister I never had. As she headed to her new family. She quickly turned and smiled at me, I smiled back as I waved bye to her, I turned around and wiped my face and went to my new family. As I started to walk I realized that my new family was smiling at me and waving me to come over there.
"Are you ready for your new home?" Asked Mr.Benson
"Yes I am ready Mr--" I interupted by Mr.Benson.
"Please call me dad." He said as a smile formed on his face. DAD. He is now my dad I can't belive that he is now my dad.
"Okay, umm.... dad." I said struggling with the word dad.
"So, your my big sister?" Asked the little girl I think her name is Samantha.
"Yes, I am now."
"Wow, I have never had a big sister before." She said as we got into the car. It was a C class 230 sport merceds and it was black.
"Well, now you do." I said as a smile started to form on my face. This big-sister thig was going to be easy. When we finally got to the house there were a couple of cute boys on the left side of the house.I think there were about five or six guys there. As soon as the car came to a full stop, I came out the left side and stared at the house for a while. I could feel a bunch of eyes on me as I started to walk to the house.


"Welcome to your new home!!!" Shouted my new family. I turned to see them as they rushed to me and gave me a big family hug. Man I just love this family.
"Thankyou, and wow, I just love your house." I said staring at them with such happiness in my eyes. As we headed in the house, I was the last one in, and I swear I heared one of the boys say "wow man, She's hot." to the whole group.
"Your room is up the stairs to the left, Oh, and I hope you like purple?" She asked me as I headed up the stairs.
"Oh, yes I like purple. I think it's cool." I said happily.
"Okay, good now go cheak your room out!!" She practically yelled. I headed up the stairs and I found what looked to be my room. I opened the door to see my room and let me tell you it was just amazing, there was a chandalier at the top of my bed, my bedroom walls were all dark purple, there were also a bunch of nice paintings on the walls. I stayed in my room and fixing my stuff and when I looked at the clock it was already 11:30 pm. It was my first night in my new house and bed but I slept like a baby literally.
I woke up to the laughter out side my window, I looked at my alarm clock and it was almost eleven in the morning. I went down stairs to see that mom and dad were already awake eating pancakes and some fruit. I have to go for my daylie jog.
"Hey, well look who's up." they said at the same time with a smile.
"Good morning, you guys, can I ask you something?"
"Well of coarse you can." Mom said
"Well back at the orphanage I used to go for jogges in the morning." I said as I looked at both of them. "And, I was wondering if, I can go for one every morning like I did before?" I asked
"Well of coarse you can so go on and go jog." Mom said with a smile on her face.
"Thankyou very much, I love you both." I said as I ran up the stairs to my room. I went to my closet and took out my running shoes and a pare of shorts with my sports bra. I went to go look for my ipod and ear phones, once I found them I went down stairs and didn't see my parents so I went out. I put my music loud because I didn't want to hear what they were going to say when I jogged.
I started at the garage door and saw about nine boys looking at me, as I broke off into a run not a jog but a run. I just had to stay in shape there was no way I was going to gain a lot of weight. I went around five blocks non-stop, I was sweating all over and it looked like I was shinning. When I got to my house of coarse all the boys were staring at me. I could feel their eyes roam all over my sweaty body as I walked to my house.
"Well how much did you run?" someone said as I closed the door behind me. I turned around to see my mom with a smile on her face.
"About five blocks I think." I said still trying to catch my breath.
"Well it looks like your taking an early shower today."
"Ya, a cold shower sounds good right now."
"Yup, it looks like you went for a swim."
"Trust me, if I went for a swim I would have asked you guys if you wanted to come."
"I guess your right. Now go up stairs to your room and take a shower!!" she yelled happily as I headed for the stairs. When I got to my room I looked at my clock and it read 3:39, and I was so tiered that after I took my shower I looked at my cslender and marked sunday off and went to bed. I didn't sleep very well, I felt nauseous because tomorrow was my first day of high school. I dreamt of how much fun it would be and how it would complete my life, but after watching all of those teen drama movies, I just didn't feel like going to school.


In the morning, I realised that I had to go to school and I really didn't want to. I still got out of bed at 6:30 in the morning to get ready for school. I went to the bathroom to fix my hair in half a pony tail and then went to my closet. I digged through everything I had and just put on a black tank top with a white shirt on top, then I got black shorts and my black/white pair of vans. I had finally finished, I quickly grabed my backpack an headed down stairs to what looked like a breakfast buffet table.
"What is all of this?" I asked with a smile on my face.
"Your breakfast and a good luck at your new high school." Said dad looking from me to the food.
"Thankyou very much but im not hungry." I said
"Well okay then have fun at your new school." She said. As I went to the garage I foud myself wondering how I was going to get to school. Ilooked around to find my skateboared on the side of the car. Well, I guess it will have to do for my first day at school. All I know is that the school is at least 3 blocks away, not half bad, I think.
I opened the garage door and swung my backpack onto my shoulder, and with that I got on my skateboard and left. I was about 1 block away from my new school, when I heard and saw a car stop beside me. It was the boy that lived next door.
"Hey, you need a ride?" He asked me.
"No, thankyou though." I said as I started to leave.
"You do know that the school is all about the image, right?" He said looking at me through his sun glasses.
"Um, does it look like I care about image?" I said not meaning for it to come out as a question. He kept looking at me up and down.
"Ya, you do so come on i'll give you a ride."
"Like I said before"No thankyou" i'd rather ride my skateboared." With that I put my earphones on and skated to school. I finally got school and let me tell you he was so right this school is all about image. My new school is called Seneca High School. Not a bad name if I do say so myself.
I went inside the school and saw everyone looking at me like I was crazy. I really hate that feeling. I was walking till I bumped into someone in the corner.
"Oh, Im so sorry." I said as I looked up to see that I had bumped into a cute guy with dark brown hair and green eyes.
“It's okay, um, aren't you the new girl jennifer?” He asked bending down to help me with my stuff.
“Um, ya I am, and how do you know my name?”
“Everyone is talking about you, you know.”
“Oh, well since you know my name, mind telling me your name, stranger?”
“Oh, right my name is Jake.” He said shaking my hand as we got up from the floor.
“Well I have to go, I need to get to the office.” I said looking around to see if I could find the office from were I was but no luck.
“I could take you there if you want me to.” He said sweetly. but I couldn’t have him take me.
“Thankyou but no thankyou Jack.” I said leaving him standing there. The truth I felt bad, but, hey I need to find my own way aroud this place. I finally found the office and they gave me my scheduel for my classes and my locker combination along withmy locker number. My first class was science it started in about five minutes. I quickly went to my locker and and put some of my stuff in there and went to my science class. I was the last one in and I was kinda felling wierd because everyone was whispering and looking at me. I went straight to the teacher and gave her my note that said I was new.
“Okay class, we have a new student. Her name is jennifer.” She said “And I want all of you to make her feel welcomed”
“Um, were do you want me to sit?” I asked knowing that there is only one seat opened.
“You can sit next to derek.” she said pointing to the seat next to a cute guy in the back. I walked to my seat and opened my stuff. I could feel him looking at me so I planned to find out if he had a staring problem. When I turned around I found myself staring into the most beautiful eyes ever they were dark brown, and his hair was dark black.
“Um, do you need something?” I asked. What kind of question is that I might as well just die.
“No it’s just you remind me of someone, Whats your name?” He said with the most sexy voice ever.
“Wow, I see that you don’t know your gossip. Jennifer my name is jennifer.” I said shaking his hand. Why did he make me feel like this. I felt butterflys in the pit of my stomache, gosh he was cuter than any other boy I have ever met.
“Ya, I don’t like gossip and I guess you already know my name.” He said
“Um, ya, it’s Derek, right?”
“Ya, it is. Hey, when do you have free time?”
“I think after third period, why?”
“Because I want you to meet me at the thereater room as soon as third period is over.”
“Um, Okay but why?”
“Because I want you to see something.” and with that the bell rang and he was already out the door before I could ask what he wanted to show me. I guess I’ll just have to wait till after third period for him to show me what he wants to show me.


Third period passed by really quick it was history and second was spanish. I was on my way to the thereater when Jack bumps into me with a girl under his arm.
“Hey, watch it!” He yells as he starts to look up to see me. Thats when he quickly takes his arm from around the girl.
“Okay, I’ll go around you next time.” I sad as I head around the both of them when a pare of arms went around my waist and turned me around.
“Hey, I didn’t mean to yell at you.”
“Let me go.” I said harshly
“ Okay, I’ll see you around.” He said as he let go of my waist. I left without looking at him but I heared the girl yelling at him. When I got to the thereater I went inside and I didn’t see if Derek was there.
“Hello, Is anyone here?” I said entering the thereater and walking to the stage, when I felt a hand on my shoulder and I had no idea how I knew who the person was but, I felt like I had a conection with this person.
“Hey Derek, So what did you want me to see?” I said as I turned around to see him with a smile on his face. I didn’t know how close I was, till he wrapped both of his arms around me pressing me aginst him.
“Hello to you to Jenny.” He said with a smile on his face.
“So what did you want to show me.”
“Um, this.” he said taking out the most beautifull neacklace I have ever seen.
“Um,okay, what is that?”
“Its a neaklace. But a speacial necklace.” He said looking at me.
“What are you talking about?” I asked
“Well, you see, the neacklace can show you what is really in your heart” He asked shifting me in his arms so I was pressed up aginst his cheast.
“What do you mean?” I said looking at him as he took my hand and lead me to the chairs.
“If you take the neacklace and press against it, it will show what is deepest in ones heart.” He said as he pressed the neacklace and showed it to me. In the little glass I saw me smiling and laughing.
“How did you do that?” I asked amazed at what I just saw.
“Well, it’s not a trick you try it.” He said giving me the neacklace in both of my hands. I didn’t know what to do with it and I just looked up to see him looking at me with those wonderful eyes.
“Just press your hand against it and keep your mind clear.” He said as though reading my thoughts. I pressed my hand on the top of the neacklace and kept my mind clear. When I let go I saw Derek smiling, after seeing that, I looked up to see Derek looking at me with hope in his eyes.
“So what does this mean?” I said looking into his perfect eyes
“It means, that we’re soul mates.” He said puting his hand on the left side of my cheek. He put his other arm around my waist and pulled me so close to him that our faces were just inches away from each other.
“You think we’re soul mates?” I asked him hopeing that he would say yes.
“Yes, I do think we’re soul mates.” When he said that he bent down before I could say anything else and kissed me. I felt his tounge asking me for permission to enter, of course I let him in. His tounge massaged my tounge and I could hear a very little moan coming from his throat. His grip tightened around my waist as he pushed me to the stage and pressed my back up on the wall. I wanted so much more, and I belive that we are soul mates but, how did he know that we were ment to be? Wait a minute I just met this guy and im french-kissing him. What am I doing?
"Wait, I just met you." I said as I pushed him away, but not to far to were his arms went from around me.
"Your right, im sorry it's just, i've waited so long for you." He said looking very sad and some how I belived him.
"You have been waiting for me?"
"Yeah, and you are the first girl I have ever kissed." He said blushing and something snapped in me. I grabbed the back of his head and kissed him. He kissed me back and I could tell that he didn't feel guilty anymore.


All of a suden the bell rang and he backed up and looked at me with happy eyes and with a smile. I was happy myself I just got my first kiss and my first boyfriend on my first day of school.
“Do you want me to walk you to your class?” He said in a husky voice
“Sure, why not?” I said tying to catch my breath. This is just the weirdest day ever. I just frenched kissed a guy I just met, I shouldn’t have done that but, I stil can’t belive I just did that. Something is just wrong with me.
“Um... If you don’t mind me asking who do I remined you of?” I asked remembering that in class he said I remind him of someone.
“ Oh... you remind me of a girl named selean.” He said looking sad and staring at the floor.
“What happend to her.”
“Long story. How bout I tell you later?” He said finally looking at me.
“Um... yeah, okay.” I said as we finally got to my classroom.
“Thankyou for walking me to my class.” I said turning to look at him.
“Your welcome, after school do you want me to take you home?”
“Um... No thankyou I think i’ll go home by myself. Thankyou though.” I said. As I start to head into class he grabs me the hand and pulls me to him.
“No goodbye kiss?” He said, his face only inches away from mine.
“Well, Okay. But everyone is staring.”
“Okay, let them stare.” He said. Before I was able to say anything his lips met mine. I kissed him back, I swear I could hear gasping and whispering about me and Derek. I could also feel all the eyes on me, I quickly pulled away because he was trying to deepen the kiss.
“Whats wrong?” He asked a little hurt that I had to pull away.
“Nothing it’s just your going to be late for class.” I said
“Okay, one more kiss then?”
“No, because then your going to keep saying that and then never leave for class.”
“Okay, i’ll see you after school then.” He said as he gave me one quick kiss and then left as I was already at the door. Well third period went by really. As a mater of fact the whole school day went by really fast. I went out to the parking lot and bumped into a girl.
"Oh, I'm so sorry." I said
"Well, well, well, If it isn't the girl who ' steals boyfriend's on their first day of school'."
"Um, I have no idea what your talking about." I said confused as I started to walk away. I stopped as soon as I felt a strong hand grip my arm, I turned around to see that the same girl followed me with a look on her face.
"I wasn't done talking to you." She said in a harsh voice
"Okay, but I have nothing to talk to you about." I said trying to walk away but her hand was firm on my arm.
"But I do, I do so listen up." she said "First, I want you to leave derek alone he's my boyfriend, and if you don't you will regret it and i'll make sure of it. Got it." She said "Im alexis by the way" With that she left and went back to her group. OMG, he lied to me and I trusted him, how could I have belived him? Well now I know that I can't trust anybody till I get to know them better. God im so stupid I wish that I never fell for that stuff......


Something brought me back from my thoughts because, I had just bumped into someone on my way home. When I looked up to see that smile on his face and I couldn't stand it so I just went around him. As I went around him, he grabbed my arm and turned me to face him but I couldn't so I turned my head around.
"What's wrong?" He asked worried
"Nothing but, I really need to get home." I said as I tried to break free of his grip, but he wouldn't let go.
"Would you please look at me?" He said as I turned to face him
"I need to go."
"I'll drive you." He said as grabbed my skateboard from my hands and lead me to his car. I turned around and saw that Alexis was looking at me with a mean look. I turned back and took my arm away from derek's grip.
"Um, it's okay i'll just ride my skateboard home. Thankyou though." I said turning around and put my skateboared down to ride it home.
"There is something wrong, what is it?"
"Nothing happend. I just need to get home." I said as I started to skate away, but derek held me back
"I know something happend tell me." He said as he grabbed my hand
"Nothing, just that you lied to me." I said as I turned to see him
"I didn't lie to you, I would never lie to you." He said looking sad
"Yeah, okay that's what they all say, I have to go." I said as I turned away from him and skated home. When I got home I saw once again the guy's were staring at me and I really wasn't in any mode for these guys to be staring at me. So I just ignored them and said to myself that their jerks and pervs, then I headed to the door of my house.
"Hey, How was your new school hon?" Mom said
"Oh, um... It was great." I said with a fake smile on my face.
"Good thats really good, that reminds me your dad and I bought you a guitar so you could have some you time." She said with a smile on her face. I had to force a smile on my face, I just had the worst day ever.
" Wow, oh my gosh, thankyou, I have always wanted to play the guitar" I said and it was true I did want to learn the guitar.
"Well, I hope that you like it and dinner will be as soon as your dad comes home.Okay." She said and then just left with a smile on her face. When I got to my room sure enough there was that new guitar that was now mine, as I headed to go pick up the guitar there was a knock on my window. When I looked to see who it was it derek. Man will this boy ever leave me alone.
I opened the window just a crack so that I could tell him to leave, but before I could say anything he spoke.
" Tell me. Whats wrong?" He said looking at me in the eyes.
"Nothing's wrong. Okay. Just leave me alone." I said as I started to close my window but then derek stoped me from closeing it and just opened it more so he could get in.
"Your a bad lier, you know that? So just tell me." He said as he got inside my room and started walking to me. I backed away from him only to find myself against the wall and him putting his hands on both sides of my head. I could feel myself start to blush at that so I looked away from him and looked at the floor. I guess I wasn't that good at hiding the fact that I was blushing because I could hear him chuckle .
"I don't lie." I said
"Really, just to let you know, if you don't say what's bothering you I will kiss you." He said with a smirk on his face and that said it all he really would do it. I had no choice but to tell him, and not just because he thretend to kiss me but because I would be kissed by a guy who already has a girlfriend.
"Okay, i'll tell you but you already know about it." I said looking at him in the eyes
"Um, okay lets hear it."
"Okay, do you know alexis?"
"Yeah, what about alexis?"
"Don't play inoccent with me she told me everything." I said as I pointed to the window "So just leave."
"What did she tell you?" He said now with curious eyes.
"That im a boyfriend stealer and that you two are going out. so yeah could you leave now?" I said looking at him. As I was getting away from him he pulled me back up aginst the wall and looked at me straight in the eye and I swear I saw some kindness and caring pass through his eyes.
"What are you doing?" I asked a little scared of what might happen next.
"It's just for some wiered reason I can't stop thinking of you." He said getting closer that he was before. Wait a minute what am I doing I bearly know the guy and he's in my room with me up against the wall. This can not be happening I won't let it happen not again.
" should go I don't want to get in trouble." I said my voice quivered for how close he was now and I swear that my face was turning red. He slowly backed away still looking at me with those incredable eyes.
"No.... I've waited too long for you and now that I have you, you can't leave me. " And with that he pushed me up against the wall and and kissed me paionitely , I tried to get free but couldn't and I will never let this happen again.
"Get Off OF ME!!!" I yelled as I tried to push him away. My instincts quickly told me to kick him were it would really hurt, I jabbed my knee into his shin and then he quickly let me go and then fell to the ground. I never wanted this, I never wanted this for anyone.
"Please leave, I have a feeling that they will be wondering what all the screaming is" I said looking at him hopeing that he would just leave.
"Fine, I'll leave just know this you will fall in love with me." He said and with that he hurried to the window and climed out I quickly closed the window when my door flew open. My dad had a bat in his hand and my mom was behind him with a scared look on her face. I have a lot of explaining to do and this is not going to be fun.


"What happened are you okay?!" My dad and mom practically yelled.
"I'm fine, it's just I was so excited to play my new guitar that I guess I just yelled because of how happy I am." I said I didn't like to lie to them they were now my family and it's wrong. But they can't know about what really happened because if they do they might not like me anymore and I've live a long time without anyone to love me.
"Oh, okay then, are you sure it was nothing else?" He asked with consern look on his face. Oh god this is not going to be easy, is it? I thought to myself.
"No, there is nothing else I swear." I said feeling a little guilty I didn't have to lie to them like this. But if I said anything I know that we will both get into some trouble that it would not be something to laugh about when we were older.
"Okay then, how do you like your new guitar?" My dad said with a smile on his face and putting one arm around my mom. I want to grow up with my husband like that. They cared for each other and respected each others decisions, they are what I call a couple, a loving couple.
"I, um, actually have no words, I've always wanted one." I said and it's true I did want one but my reall mom never listened to what I wanted. But now that I have one nothing is going to stand in my way of practicing this incredibale instrument.
"Well I'm glade so were going to leave you so we can go finish dinner." Mom said with a smile on her face and closed the door after my dad went through the door. That was a close one I'm so glade that they didn't see the window.
I went to the window to see if Derek was still there, I looked out my window and saw him just standing there with the other guys looking up a my window. Suddenly his eyes met mine and hen he quickly took off. What was it about him that I can't think right? "Snap out of it you can't be falling for someone like him" I thought to my self. I'm going to study and get good grades and have no trouble with anyone and just be myself. As I closed my window and went straight to my guitar I got a feeling that someone was watching me. When I turned around no one was there and I'm going completely crazy. I sat down on my bed and put the guitar in position that I saw everyone do on tv. This is going to be a lot harder than I thought I was going to be and it might be slightly possible that I get splinters from practicing the songs.
"Foods Ready!" My mom yelled from the kitchen and I was kind of hungry so I put my guitar down carefully and hurried down stairs. I slowed down when I saw luggages in front of the door and I just carefully walked into the kitchen and saw someone that I didn't know. This guy was talking to my mom and dad, my mom quickly gave him a hug until she saw me a the doorway. She let him go and turned him around so he could see me and I could see him. He looked confuse at first but then that confusion turned into a grin.
He was wearing dark blue jeans with, a light blue top and, black converse, his hair was black and spiked up in a cute way. He looked at me up and down until I had to cross my arm. He seemed so mysterious and on the other hand he was kind of cute.


She will be mine, I will do whatever it takes. I just can't believe that Alexis would lie to her. I mean we slept together once and she thinks were married. When I got out of her house I could hear the concern in her fathers voice and her mothers voice too.
"Hey Derek!" Said a voice said as I turned around. It was the guys just great, I wonder if they saw me come out of Jennifer's window? Hopefully they didn't because then i'll be made fun of and i'll have to explain why I was up there.
"Hey guys." I said. They live next door how could they not have seen me come out of her window.
"What were you doing?" Said Simon.
"Um...Nothing. What are you guy up too." I said tying to change the conversation.
"Um... We were going to have a run in the forest but then we saw you coming out of the new girls house." Damon said as a smirk came across his face,and at that everyone smirked with him. God this is going to be a long night.
"So what went on up there?" Asked Tyler. As he said that his smirk turned into a grin. God I wish I could punch it out of him.
"Nothing just talking with her about school." I lied. What am I doing they can smell it when I lie. God what is it about Jennifer that I can't get her out of my head and that i'd have to lie to the guys about.
"You know its a good thing were all wolves because we can smell that it's all lies," Matt said as a grin spread across his face." so what is it really?"
"I really don't know but, i'm---" I got interrupted by the most beautiful music ever. I went to go see were it was coming from and it was coming from Jennifer's house. I went up to the roof and to her window. Only to see her and another guy there holding a guitar. She kept playing and playing I looked very closely and saw it was the vampire the we keep running into and to know that she is in the same room with him and alone. It makes me very mad and with the way he was looking at her made me furious. God what was it about her that made me very protective of her and with the way she smelled. It soothed me to know that she was near me, but not as close as I would want her to be. I almost jumped into the window and tackled the vamp down but the guys held me down.
" Dude you need to chill. " said Tyler with a smirk on his face. I think I should tell my guys since I am going to be alpha now that I have my mate.
"Umm.... there is something i need to tell you guys..." I said looking at each and every one of them. the looked like they were about to just start laughing, which kinda got me mad.
"If you are about to tell us that, that girl up there is your mate then we don't want to hear it." Said Simon on the verge of laughing as the other guys had already began to laugh. Well i be damned, how in the world did they know if i havnt told anyone about it.


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 06.01.2012

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