
I run to my locker. I put up all my stuff and race to my bestfriend Samantha's locker."Guss What! Guss What!" I cried. Laughing she said " What! Tell me before you blow!" " Ok this is serious" I said looking dead at her. " Your a Halfblood, And have moon powers! I finsihed. We exploded with laughter. That was a big joke between us. Ever since a month ago I had these dreams of her being daughter of Artemis and had moon powers. But seriously the dreams was so real.We laughed intell the minute bell rang. We parted ways and headed to home room. Me and Sam have been friends forever. Well not really, the first day of pre Kindergaren I walked in and saw Samantha and me imeditaly became bestfriends and still are. Samatha and me are 16 years old, But Sami is only 2 months exatly older than me. Mrs. Holmes kept talking and talking. But i couldn't care less beacuse it's the last day of school! DINGGG!!!! the bell rang. I took my seat by Samantha in 2nd hour. We have second , fourth , and seventh hour together. I looked at the board but I couldn't read it beacuse of my dyslexia. I saw Sam having the same problem. I hate being dyslexic and the ADHD doesn't exatly help either. Samantha knew how I feel but still I hated it. That day passed in a blur. Me and Sam walked outta gym laughing. " Loser" Daniel said as he tried to scare me. To bad I could sense him comming up and turned at last minute to face him. " Nice try cuz but you can't scare me." I stated. " No offense but your cousin is verry annyiong Lana" Sam said. I nodded my head. As we were walking the halls a boy bumps into me. He looked right into my eyes. I had no doubt he could see my soul." Hello My name is Nico Di Anglo" He smiled ." I am Lana Star and this is Samantha Kane. Nice to meet you. Are you new here?" I /ked " Kinda i'm vistiting. I will see you again Lana and Samantha." and with that he was gone like he faded into the shadows. He was cute I additted. With dark brown curls and black eyes. That night Sam stayed over. As soon as I closed my eyes the dream began. I am sitting on the top of camp halfblood.Watching the sun go down. A boy has his arm around me. I didnt know who he was beacuse I couldn't see his face. But I didn't care." I Love You" He whispered in my ear. I found my self saying " I Love You To" back to him.Than a boy with brown curls and black eyes comes running toward us. " There you are come on the camp fires about to start" He said. The mysterious person next to me laughed " Were comming Nico" I looked next to Nico and his arm was around Samantha she looked like she couldn't ever be happier. I couldn't belive my eyes.

I awoke to a loud Bang comming from the corner of my room. Sam woke up too. I felt a presense in the room other than Samantha and Myself. A beautiful Silver bow appered on Sam's back. She got ready to shoot... Which was wierd beacuse She has never picked up a Bow and Arrow in Her life." Don't Shoot. We don't mean you harm." A familar voice called. " Nico Di Anglo is that you?" I asked as he stepped outta the darkness and turned on the light. " Hello I told you I would see you again. Would you mind putting up the bow? I dont wanna hurt you and they don't either. The boy is Percy Jackson and the girl Annabeth Chase" I noticed the other people with him. A tall boy with Black hair and startling blue eys that reminded me of the ocean is standing next to Nico. A girl stood next to the boy with long blond hair and intence gray eyes. I started laughing. They looked puzzled. "OK I get the joke. Nice costumes by the way! Now get outta my house or else." I couldn't belive this. They looked like the people in The Percy Jackson Series. But I didn't know them so I was getting creepd out. " What joke" The one that was supposed to be Percy said. I froze. That voice was the one from my dream. I looked into the his eyes. No way this can't be happining.
Even though Everything was starting to make sence I answered him. " Well isn't the famous Percy Jackson and his girlfriend Annabeth Chase and don't forget prince of the underworld Nico Di Anglo.". " We came to take you some where safe to..." I cut Annabeth off before she could finish " to camp halfblood I bet. No wait a mintute I bet you are going to take us to Olympus first." " ok so you get the plan and get dressed and pack we will be waiting outside." I did as I was told beause I had a feeling that what they had said was true. As we packed I told Samantha my dream. She nodded saying she had the same one But couldn't see the boy that had an arm around her shoulder. I told her it was Nico and thought so and she told me that the boy that I saw with was Percy. I shivered. I left a note to our parents saying we ranaway. I still couldn't belive I was doing this! But in my heart I knew it was true. We got in the car Nico provided. Nico driving , Samnatha in shot gun. In the back seat was Annabeth on the left me in the middle and Percy on the right. it was a tight fit. I felt a tear run down my cheek as we drove away from my house. I hope my parents are going to be alright. I hated leaving them and not telling them the truth but I had to. A few hours later I fell asleep.


During the ride Lana was her name fell asleep in my shoulder. I tried to wake her up but she wouldn't budge.So I picked her up and started to carry her to the big house. I saw Nico doing the same to the girl named Samantha. As soon as we arrived Annabeth stormed off. What was her problem anyway? I didn't have time to worry about it because Lana woke up. " What are we going" She said still half asleep. " We are going to the big house" I replied At the sound of my voice she jumped down almost causing me to drop her. "Wow. if you wanted down you could've said.I just carried you here because you were asleep."" Oh sorry you just statled me that all. and why are we going to the big house?" Lana asked. "to let Chiron know your here." I looked at her she was pretty.She had long black curly hair and bautiful bright blue eyes. " Do all halfbloods dream come true" the question took me by surprise " Well yahh or they mean something"


I woke up and knew someone was carrying me. I didn't care I was tired. I asked where we were going. Percy said the big house. As soon as I heard his voice I jumped otta his arms. I'm just getting used to the idea I mean he was the one in my dream and is weird cause I don't even know him. I wondered if my dream will come true I've had dreams that come true.He said I could've asked and he wouldv'e put me down. I told him he just starlted me.I asked him if halfblood dreams come true and he said yes! So we walk up th steps of the big house. Chiron introduced us to Mr. D and some other campers. Later that day I was at the river trying to figure things out.Being by the water helps me think. I started think about my parents than I started to cry. I cried for a while than someone sits next to me." Are you ok?" Percy asked me. " no." I answerd truthfully. " you know you can go see them. I mean your parents. You might be able to stay with them for school." He said trying to make me feel better. " thanks I came out here to clear my head. Being by the water helps me think. and I hold the States Gold medal in swimming" I said I don't know why but I wanted to talk about happy things and not my parents. Percy smiled really big. Than I relized that he is really cute. " You know all the gods are supposed to have more children and I haven't had a brother or sister. Maybe your my sister I mean you love the water and can swim well. Maybe you can breathe underwater too!" He said exitiedly. I thought about my dream " No. I don't think i'm your sister beacuse..." I stopped. I almost told him! Oh my that would have ben embarressing. " Beacuse what." He asked. I looked at him " Because of a dream I had" I answerd and at time the Dinner bell rang. " Come on lets go to dinner you can sit with me if you want beacuse now if your undetrimined you can sit whereever you want." Percy said "ok I will"I went last to sacrife food becase I didn't know to who to sacrife to. Than I went and sat by Samantha and Percy. " Heyy Sami whats up? How was your day" I asked. She went into what happend but I didn't pay attaion. Was busy thinking about swimming beacuse I hadn't for so long. All of a sudden everyone gasped and a few shouted " NO WAY!!!!!!!!" I looked at Samantha and saw a moon above her head. She was Artemis daughter I smiled at her. Than I looked at my head there was 2 tridents. one coverd in seaweed and the other in jewels. I looked at Percy but he looked confused. Chiron came over and ecorted Me, Samantha , Percy , Nico , and Annabeth to the stawberry fields so we could talk alone. The tridents were still above my head. " Well in all my years I have never seen this kind of symbol before." Chiron stated Than it hit me I knew who are my parents. " I KNOW!" I shouted. They all looked at me. " My parents are the other sea gods the ones who ruled before Poisiden. I know this because I remeber. I remember he jewels and seaweed." I said they just stared at me more. Chiron cleared his throat" That would make sence because I have never seen the symbol but hold on" He pulled out a book with symbols and pointed to it and sure enough I was right. I turned to Samantha" Sam I am soo happy for you I told you that you were the daughter of Artemis!" Than next thing you know Artemis appears. "Hello daughter.You will have powers beyond belife. I have to tell you I hvae not broken my promise. When I had you I had you the Same way Athena does but I shot an arrow and instead of an arrow comming back down you did.You have to stay here and train but I will be back for you. Your real name is Silver" and with that she was gone. Samantha I mean Silver fainted and Nico carried her back to her cabin. While Chiron and Percy and me were still there. Annabeth left. "Well we have never had this sistuation before and since we don't have a cabin for you. You will be staying in cabin 3 with Percy" Chiron said than left. I just stood there so much has happned that day and I was so tired. I walkd to cabin 3 and put my stuff on an top bunk and climed up and fell asleep.


Well I don't have a sister. I would never say this out loud but I'm kinda glad beacuse I like her. I mean I really like her. But I can't like her beacuse i'm dating Annabeth. Speaking of which is always running off and hasn't talked to me in awhile. If I was somebody that didn't know us i'd say that we weren't even friends. Even though I shouldn't like her, Lana is special. I looked at her asleep on the top bunk next to mine. Her hair a tangled black mess. She must be in shock.I mean all that has happend to her today. Anyway it's going to be werid not having this cabin to myself anymore.I went to my bed and feel asleep. Th next day she wouldn't come out of our cabin so after breakfast I went to make sure she was ok. I went into the cabin and saw her laying on her bed crying. I went over climbed the stairs to the top bunk and sat down next to her." I know it's a lot to take in. But its going to be alright" I said. " Percy. Can I ask you a question" Lana asked. " Of course what are roommates for?" She laughed. " Will I ever get to see my mom and dad? I mean the mortals ones? I miss them so much and I left a note saying I ranway. I dont think they will ever forgive me" She sobbed. I felt bad. Well that depends your power. Monsters come after very powerful demigods most." Well monsters never came to me. Do you think thats beacuse I'm practically a god?" She asked. I forgot that she is a god. "That makes since!".She smiled than here eyes got clouded and she stood stock still. " Lana!" I yelled she did not reply. I started to freak out. Than as quick as it happend her eyes got unclouded and she smiled again. "Are you ok?" I asked. " Yes i'm sorry I just spaced out. I mean nobody but Silver knows this but I have these visions. I can see the future, past, or presant. I can't control them. Its a good thing you didnt touch me when I spaced out becasue whoever does gets electrcuted. I mean in the hospital type. That happend to Silver. Sorry. Please dont tell anybody." She whisperd that last part and looked at me with fear in her eyes. " I never tell a soul" I promised. She relaxed. " Ok well I have to speak with Chiron. This vison was very important." I watched her run out the door toward the big house. I followed.


I was talking to Percy than a vision started.I was in the streets of New York. watching the boy that has haughted my dream for the last 6 months. I remember the raven black hair and piercing blue eyes anywhere. This time he had a look of deterination in his beautiful eyes. He was holding a scrape of paper. I looked to see what it read. I gasped. It said Sally Jackson NY with their address. Oh no this can't be happining. I could tell this is the present. I wouldn't be able to stop him. He turned his head and looked right at me. Of course he couldn't see me but I saw the sadness in his eyes. That sadness that makes me want to cry. He walked toward Percy's house." Are you ok?" Percy asked. I told him about the visions. I don't know why but I could trust him. I decided to get a quest. I had to save Percy's mom and Him. Before I ran to the big house I looked at Percy. They look identical! but Percy has deep green eyes and He has deep blue eyes. When I got to the big house Chiron was standing on the porch. I replay the vision. I saw Percys jaw clench and hands go to fist." Go. You leave tomarrow I dont think the Oracal can help with this one. You are to take Percy but no on else, that would be to dangerous. " Said Chiron. I nod and go to our cabin. As soon as my head hits the pillow i'm asleep. The next morning I awoke early to pack. I got all the things we would need packed into two bags.Percy woke up and went to get us breakfast. I looked at the clock 4:45 a.m. Good were up early.After we eat breakfast it was 5:00 a.m and we headed out. We boreded the bus to take us to Olympus. After there we searched all the streets for Him. That night we set up camp in a park.I looked back at Percy he looked so sad! "It's ok Percy we will find him and make sure your mothers safe. I will be alright." I said. "Thank you Lana I know we will find him its just I'm scared what will happen to him once we do" Percy relied with his hands in fist.


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 20.03.2011

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