
Chapter One: Wednesday 7:30pm
Everything on the outside of the bricked house leads me to believe it was in every sense of the word abandoned. The steep looking pieces of wood falling over each other. Surrounded the over grown garden. Each piece making its own mark on the so called garden in front of the house. Oranging grass crossing the border line made by the slacking wood. Crossing the few feet it took to get to the vertical gate as it lay scattered and pitiful on the path winding its way up to the house itself.
Pausing there to oversee the front garden. Well what was left of the once glamorous carefully sculptured garden. Where there had once been thousands upon thousands of red roses lined up one after the other. Swaying back and forth each taking its own place in the dance. Now lay withered and decaying on the bottomless background. Breathing in the imprinted sweet smell of flowers and excitement at all the old fabulous parties that the rich owners must have thrown. Although long gone, the thoughts and memories would stick around.
Gathering weeds blooming out of the damp soil. The only thing besides myself that is still living. Alive and healthy in this garden. Taking those necessary steps forwards making my way well into the pining garden. All that is needed is some good care. With someone to take care of it.
The huge figure of the house stood before me. Dearing me to enter. Much like a play ground bully playing with his pray. Keeping them at a safe distance for his plan to be put into order. The body of the house looming way above my head as I came nearer and nearer. The chill of the unknown started to play at my skin bringing goose bumps to its surface. I continued to make my way along the cobbled path. The stones jutting up heavily in random places under my feet creating many obstacles for my heeled shoes. I walk the walk hundreds before me have taken. Under different circumstances than mine; with joy and excitement for a soon to start party or banquet. Young lady’s sneaking off to find their soul mates in places their parents would never approve. Each telling their particular story. Own point; own thoughts; own wonders. Stopping in front of the paint peeling door. The grand structure standing around the double doors.
Stone pillars holding their own against a huge slab of stone applying its whole weight on two stone pillars. I could almost hear the sound of groaning at the pressure of the slabs weight was forced to carry. The job it has been obliged to do from the start of this building to the end. The only thing still keeping its duty in this disastrous disgrace of a once popular monument. As you can see I’ve done my homework.
My attention turning back to the door. Playing an even different part of the story I must find. I raised my hand to the door. Feeling the ruff surface crumble under my hand; paint flying to the ground as I gave a large push. The door didn’t move. Again and again I tried; the creaking of the door drowned out any other sound.
I could just picture when this house had once been at its best, embedded with laughter and class. People coming from all over to visit, while the maids hurriedly rushed to the door and back again to their assigned duties. The door swinging open effortlessly with each push. No effort needed then.
Using the balls of my feet I leaned up determined not to be undermined by a door that had out lived me by hundreds of years. When it became apparent that the door really was not going to open. Sealed with age. I took a few steps backwards making my way back onto the path I had taken to make my way up to the house. Each step taking me there me further and further away from finding out the really reason for my departure here. What was it I had to know?
I turned to face the way I had just come at the exact moment my foot came in contact with the paved ground. After taking a few feet back into the garden of choice I court a glimpse of something green. In any other circumstance I wouldn’t have thought anything of it; in this garden however everything was deceased and no longer being taken care of like it would have back when the house was at its best. Savants running wild around the garden taking any sign of the deadly weeds from their masters pots. Feeding each plant its own feed no longer allowing the slightest sight of death anywhere near their beloved garden. There was a job to be done then. Not anymore.
The breeze steadily picked up making strands of bright red fly crazily round my head. Pulling my coat tighter around my petite frame as I stopped looking back up at the house. Grabbing hold of my hair and yanking it out of my face as the wind blew on. Specs of frozen water started to plummet down leaving the plants glistening around me. All thoughts of whatever the green thing had been flew out of my mind as I rushed back to the cover of the heavily slab of stone hovering above the double doors. Of course this now meant I was stuck here but really I didn’t think hanging around here till the rain eased off would hurt.
I would find some way of getting inside the house another time. When more information on what had drawn me here comes to light. Until then I was stuck here. Late for my first dinner at Aunt Tess’s. Well they say first impressions always count..... No use brooding about something unfixable it’s not like I want to be here. Okay harsh it’s not her fault I would make it up to her later....
Resting my back on the cold crumbling but solid door I close my eyes. Only a month ago I had been in London planning a holiday to Greece with my two best friends from photographic club. Well I say club but really it is more like my life! Even the thought made my hands itch to pull out my camera; taking photo after photo of the new scenery. Scenery I had not yet seen through the lens of a camera. Everything looks so different and magical through the eye of a lense. I sighed remembering I had left my camera in the car when I had dramatically exited the vehicle after the crazy feeling I got and needed to follow. The feeling was rare and something that usually leads to answers; leading me to follow my gut to this grand house with its desolate appearance and untold story hidden within. Okay how did I even know that? It’s like any other house that has been abandoned for a long period of time. Well someone’s letting their imagination run away with them today.
Reopening my eyes to find a shadowed figure standing only feet away from me was the biggest fright I have had in a long time. I muffled my scream as my aunt came nearer soaked to the skin; hair plastered to her sculpt with a worried; turning annoyed expression on her face. Okay I deserved that big time.
As Aunt Tess ushered me out of my cover and into the still pouring rain. Dripping down on my hair as it hang limp on my shoulders as it instantly soaked up the wet substance falling heavily from the sky. I followed my Aunt out of the garden with all its fresh soil and droplet covered grass and onto the pavement I had rushed down only minutes before. On a spare of the moment feeling that had turned out leading to a dead end.
I would love to be in Greece right now. Where the ‘telling off’ from my Aunt for ‘running off’ on my second day here. Would only be a distant memory, one that I myself would not actually have to live. As we made our way round the winding streets I noticed more and more of the scenery I had missed on my dash from the car to the house. The beautiful gardens on either side each with its own history leading back to when it was still a hole in the ground. Family’s moving in and out of town making their own mark on the place.
My heeled shoes made loud clacking noises as I made the walk of shame back round the corner; where Aunt Tess had hurriedly parked the car. I had better apologize the feeling of stupidity was finally pushing its full weight onto me as I walked taking the slow march back to the car. Well I say car it is more like a van. Okay a land rover to be exact but I was used to small fancy cars driven by spoiled money laden teens with dogs the size of small bags. To be fair the dogs them self were amazingly cute, not like I’d say anything to them though.....
“Sorry Aunt Tess. That was stupid. Won’t happen again.” I spoke clearly holding my head up in a way I had seen millions of other proud girls my age do only with no pride in my posture. Only shame trying to show threw my poker face.
“That’s okay Honey. Just get in the car before you catch your death!” my Aunts expression had softened as soon as I had started saying sorry well amazingly badly I had the annoying blessing of a sarcastic tone with whatever I said. Thankfully my Aunt had not picked up on it so it would not much of a problem.
I put one foot on the open door frame making sure the heel of my shoes didn’t touch the neat paint job; pulling myself up with my hands and landing heavily on the leather seats. In all I think that was pretty elegant for someone who is wearing four inch stilettos getting into a van/car that is two feet off the ground. Who am I kidding, an elephant could have done it better!
“All righty. Let’s get back to the warmth ay.” Aunt Tess grinned as she heaved herself much more easily into the front driver’s seat of the land rover; grinning over at me while turning the key in the ignition and pulling us into reverse.
I hated driving. Especially on bumpy roads in a huge car that jumped at the slighted dump in the road. I lost count of the times my head hit the roof of the beast making my heart beat like crazy. I squeezed my eyes closed willing the ride to be over as soon as possible.
The brown covered beast came to an abrupt stop. Slamming me forwards then plummeting back again as my Aunt stomped on the brakes. My hands had balled into fists as the journey took to its full extent. I prized my fingers away from the door handle stretching them gingerly before replacing them back to open the door and scramble my way back out backwards using only the balls of my feet to stumble my way down and onto the pebbled path. I learnt yesterday that taking the left path that looked less likely to be the place I was supposed to be heading, turns out it wasn’t. The summer house had come into view looking new and modern which was the exact opposite of what Mum had described the house to look. That was when I realised I had taken the wrong path meaning I had to walk back the way I had come leaving me completely lost. Just like the city girl I am my Aunt had said once I had finally found my way round to the back of the house amazingly not breaking anything. Thanks to that I had seen the garden. It really was beautiful.
Organised chaos would be Mums word for it. But for someone who loves to take pictures. It is my dream. Amazing grass land with there was a pond that could not be deeper than the length of my arm. The spray of the fountain in the middle sent droplets of water flaying high into the sky. And oh the flowers. Well that was a whole other story. Whereas the pond has been carefully sculptured to attract the eye the flower beds however have been spotted here and there with colourfully flowers standing out from the green of the leaves. Glorious sculptures of dancing couples in huge ball gowns and tuxedos. Neatly played out on smiling blocks of marble all still here from the period the house had been built in.
I had managed to see all this in the dark with only the light from the house and the moon over head. I had only been able to catch glimpses of the detail and work that has been put into this beloved garden. This is what I could imagine the garden I had run off to. I really was looking forwards to seeing the garden at its full glory. Even in the rain it would look glorious and magical. Last night the garden had given off a mystery vibe. Now in the light and thundering rain what would it be?
“Come on let’s get this city girl into the house with a warm cuppa huh?” I was bought back to the pebbled drive with a splash of cold water to the nose. well at least this I was used to if you live in London you tend to get used to the changing weather and craziness of the rain as it sets into winter or plummets down on those lucky enough to have had a few spare minutes of sun with the youngsters running wild around them. A teen laughing as the rain soaks their friends new out fits leaving them screaming. Taking the sun away for that day. Leaving me stuck inside taking picture after picture of inanimate objects. Well that’s my excuse for having amazingly pale skin anyway.
I shook my head quickly leaning away from the door and fast walking after my Aunt who assumed I would follow. The rain was still leading its way down from the sky. Making puddles at my feet as I click clacked my way up the drive and towards the house I was now staying at for the rest of this year. Well if I didn’t think it was a long time with I arrived here I sure did now. Sighing as the door swung shut behind us I continued to follow my Aunt into the kitchen where she went straight to the kettle the only modern thing in what I think was the whole house. No wait that doesn’t count the dish washer though. I liked the old fashioned theme here it was a totally change from my parents city apartment in the middle of London. The room I would now call my own for as long as I was going to stay here had beams running across the ceiling. Walls painted white but the wood is still its natural colour.
“One or two sugars?” once again I was snapped out of my wondering and back to the kitchen below the room I am staying in.
“One please.” I reply knowing full well that she would put two in anyway. I glanced around the room that had been my first view of the house last night. Huge brown beams running across the ceiling. Much like the ones above in my room. The paint however had a more cream tinge to it than my pure white ones upstairs. The light wooden furniture along the walls was elegantly cut with amazing handles on all the draws. The table right in the middle was the heart of the room.
I could just imagine a large family of five sitting round the table as maids and cooks hurriedly scrabbled around to get their dinner on the table on time. Flowing evening skirts billowing out from under the table as idle gossip was exchanged as the sound of clinking bottles and the prayers from the man of the house were said. Maids standing on hand as they watched their masters tuck in. knowing full well that they would have at least a whole three hours yet before they themselves could get a bite to eat.
I could imagine the hunger in their eyes as they forced themselves to smile as they were rudely called over for more wine. The younger members of the house. The ‘young lady’s’ would be smiling now but planning secretly how they would sneak out of the house that night. Get away from the ever watchful eye of their parents and the heavy weight of promises that if they had their way would never have been made, let alone kept. However they didn’t have their own way; soon they would be made into proper ladies of the house with a husband of their father’s choice at their arm.
I took the cup of steaming hot coffee in my left hand as Aunt Tess took a seat at the table I had just been imagining a whole different family to be sitting. I looked the room once again imaging what it really would have been like with the steam coming in from the downstairs stove.
“So what are you planning to do when the weather lightens up?” Aunt Tess asks looking up at me from her seat at the grade table. It was obvious she was just trying desperately to make conversation. We hadn’t seen each other in years, I cant actually properly remember when I last saw her...
“Not sure. Do you recommend anything?” she seemed to light up with radiance like she had been waiting from me to ask just that. Is it too late to take it back?
“Well you could go for a tour round the town. You saw some of it when we went to the post office today but from a car the view is never the same! Oh! I could get John to take you! That would be great wouldn’t it?” yeah the thought of going round the town had been on my mind but this John? That sort of put me off. I had no idea who he was but the way my Aunt was looking at me I could tell what she was implying; trust me on this when I say it is not going to happen.
“Umm sounds great but..... I’m not really.... umm well ready for introductions.....” I had really started to sink from I high status of being the only one to be calm in situations. The presents of so many strangers and the prospect of meeting more in a short period of time was slightly overwhelming me. I almost slapped myself since it was so obvious from what I had said. Nora get a grip on yourself!
“Well then I could show you round myself......” I knew already that she had work and could not really afford to take the day off to show her pathetic niece around town when there are others perfectly fit for the job. Now be kind and say you will let this John person show you round.
“No, no don’t bother I’m sure one introduction won’t hurt. I guess” I added as an after thought
As soon as I was upstairs in my room I flopped very un-lady like on to the bed with my face staring up at the ceiling. Grabbing a book I had left open on the side table this morning. The only thing apart from new clothes I had bothered to take out of my trunk this morning.
While pretending to read the book I held in front of my face the words blurring as I concentrated on the muffled voice down stairs as Aunt Tess rang up this John guy. I really wasn’t sure about being shown around town by one of my Aunts middle aged friends but what the hell, it kept me out of the house making it harder to let my imagination get away with me. Also I might be able to find out something about this town since the only research I have been able to do so far is on the internet and that was before I even came here. So what could it hurt to get some info from the actual people here? Plus it kept me out of my Aunts way making me seem less of a nuisances of myself.
“John. Oh Hun do you think-“ I couldn’t hear the end of what she said because her voice had drifted into another room. Making it impossible for me to eaves drop anymore. I gave up pretty soon after that and quickly got changed into sweatpants and a vest top I'm not a PJ’s type of girl. Curling up in bed I pull out the picture I had found at home only days ago now. Before I had hopped on a plane and flown my way out here with my mother’s gratitude on my side.
I drifted off to sleep pretty quickly after that. The picture safely hidden under my pillow as I slipped into a deep sleep after my ‘adventures’ second day out.

Chapter two: Thursday 8:20am
I woke the next morning to the smell of sweet pancakes and raspberries. The breeze blowing in from the window I had left slightly opened last night. Sweet summer air rushing in swirling round the room leaving the pages in the book I had started to ‘read’ last night blowing open half way. Page after page being pushed by an invisible source softly slowing to a stop about half way through only to pick back up again when the breeze increases. Well my page was lost.
I sat up in bed rubbing my eyes as I listened to the sound of birds outside in the grand garden. Wait birds? Back in central London you would be lucky if you saw any other bird apart from pigeon which were slowly taking over the population. As I stumbled sleepily over to the window to gaze out. The sight of blue cloudless sky flowed out for miles and miles in front of me. The musical tune once again playing out from the flower beds below. I turn my gaze down catching glimpse after glimpse of the magnificent birds. The sun catching each individual feather as they spread their wings soaring high in the trees allowing my gaze to shift upwards.
Early morning light cast over the watch fountain. Sparkling glimmers of water shone high into the early morning sky the rainbows soaring as high as the birds. Trees rusting in the breeze as the leaves tumble down to the ground making way for new life to begin.
The garden I had described as beautifully magical last night held the enchanting appeal of awaiting amazement. It was a scene you did not get anywhere near London and for this I was glad. I was far as I could get from there without going overseas. The tall tower blocks standing high above anything else. Bustling streets packed full with tourists and eager shoppers. Compeered to the peaceful atmosphere in which I stood now casting my gaze out a window that has been in my family since well since it was built. My Aunt had kept this place going since it had been handed down to her. We both bare the same surname as she is my father’s sister. Only sister as it happens. Only relation on his side alive to this day.
Leaning my forehead against the window pane and shutting my eyes. Letting the breeze carry me away as the peaceful smell of fresh pancake mix wafted up from down stairs. Allowing a small growl from my stomach, before giving in and pulling on a cardi and exiting my room.
The smell grew stronger as I approached the waiting door which would soon open up to reveal the kitchen with its high ceilings and wooden beams. From the other side of the door I could hear a faint sound of music as my Aunt listened to the radio on low. Even though there were not any neighbours for about at least a mile not like in London where you will never be more than 50 yards from a neighbour. Well yes I am being a little stereotypical here and only thinking from experience but it is so different here. I just have to determine if it’s a good different or a bad one.....
I raised my hand pulling the cardi further over my hands before pushing the door open. The nervures reaction I had had ever since I discovered the great beauties of sleeves. The door opened effortlessly again proving how well my Aunt had looked after this place and her family before that. I still referred to them as her relatives and not related to me since I had had nothing to do with my dad’s side of the family. It has always been mum’s side that we go on holidays to see. I was still adjusting to the fact that my dad had family on his side.
I stood in the door way watching my Aunt fuss around by the stove shoving pancake mix onto a pan before flipping it in the air letting it flip round and round before sloshing back down in the pan like nothing had happened. I had never seen anyone actually manage that before. Me and mum had attempted it a few years ago resulting in a huge round stain on the ceiling where the pancake mix had stuck for about four days until dad got home from work.
“Oh honey your awake! I thought you teens were supposed to be late risers!” she stopped to laugh; smiling her friendly smile as she scooped the now fully cooked pancake out of the pan; onto a plate and into my hands as she ushered me to the table.
“Now you must eat something this town might seem small but there is plenty to look at. John will be here within the hour so make sure your ready. Eat up.” I laughed at how enthusiastic she was being about me going around town. I was still nervures about that fact that a totally new person that I have never met and don’t even have that little fact that I have to get along with them since there family. Instead I have act like the perfect town girl hoping my city girl nickname would rub off soon. Well now I'm being incoherent always a great sign.....
I finished off the last bite of the mouth watering pancake in a daze thinking about what the day’s events would foretell. Picking up the plate and cutlery I plodded my way over to the sink running the water to a suitable temperature making small circles on the plates with a sponge I had just put washing up liquid on. The water gushed over my figures running down the plug hole to the sound of sinking.
When I had deemed the plate to be clean I marched my way back upstairs in hope that I could pull out an outfit without totally having to unpack. I'm sure I put my checked shirt and jeggings on top of my many bags. As soon as I entered my room I jumped on my bag; pulled out not my checked shirt but my dark green button up shirt and high wasted shorts. Turns out I would have to unpack soon if I didn’t want to freeze. Tuning to another bag I quickly rummaged through grabbing underwear and thick tights. Well it did look sunny outside I told myself in the hope that I could save the unpacking for another time.
I swept into the bathroom across the hall with my toiletries bag in hand and clothes in the other. A quick glace in the mirror sent me off groaning at my wild red hair. Most people would lead themselves to believe that my hair is died but no it really is this red naturally. My fringe was evenly cut just before my arrival here yet still hangs near my eyes coming right up to my eye brows. Ringlets of red hair hang down far past my shoulders trailing a light way down my back. Back in London I was pretty much a freak for wanting my hair like this. Well not really wanting but for not changing. It was only a couple of years ago that people actually started to like my strange unique style. Sixteen was the highlight of my life people started to demand my opinion and respect it without question. Even then I didn’t like how it had turned out yet I let I continue for reasons I still haven’t figured out or should I say would rather not think off. I had been deemed as plastic the cover girl but like I said it got me into more bad than good. Well no good really. If only things could always be that easy, not that I want to be the plastic anymore where everyone just assumes you are dumb, but it where I could not belong but live with.
Coming back from memory lane I grabbing my comb and dragged it threw my hair letting the curls hang wildly down my shoulder before pulling it back with a hair band. I quickly changed out of my nigh wear leaving it lying by the door while I returned back to the mirror and started to apply a little bit of lip gloss and mascara. Old habits die hard.
When I was finally done I left the bath room and walked back to my room and dumping the clothes onto the bed before once again rummaging in my bags for flats. Learning that heels were not such a great idea when walking for rather a long time around uneven ground.
I sat on the bed with my phone in hand. I had turned it off after talking to mum the first night telling her I had arrived safely. I wasn’t sure if I wanted to check the messages or not. What would they say if they said anything at all? I pulled the hair band from my hair letting it once again spill free around my shoulders listening to the sound of my bangles clatter together as I moved my arm back down combing my fingers through my hair. Rolling my eyes I tossed the phone on the covers and got up sliding my feet into my shoes just as the door bell rings.
I exit the room following the landing down to the stairs just as my Aunt walks out of the study and opens the door. I swear my mouth dropped open. Mentally. A boy about a year or two years older than me stood there and oh god was he something to look at. I mentally brought myself back to the present and ducked behind the banister so I could collect myself and mentally curse myself for being once again ridden by the sight of good looking boys. Well majorly good looking boy. Nora stop! I scolded myself for even thinking it. I would not get into that kind of thing. Not for a long time, a bloody long time at that.
I closed my eyes and leaned my head against the wall I had ducked behind listening to my Aunts convocation down stairs. Why was I so stupid to expect her to only know people her age? Why couldn’t she know someone about my age? Could I have not asked who this person was before I went and said yes? Well there was no point now all I could do was put on a brave face and face this. I am not going to be a coward that’s the last thing I'm going to do.
That’s what convinced me to come away from my hiding place. No not my hiding place it’s just the place I had chosen to take a breather. I took the steps slowly; coming down the stairs to meet my Aunt half way as she was just about to call up to me.
“Hey” appear normal. One day, only one way to find out about the town can’t be that hard. Who am I kidding I used to be able to have any boy I wanted wrapped round my little finger. Well that is not going to happen anymore. I'm not going to be something because it’s something someone else wants me to be. That me was long gone and staying that way.
“Oh dear don’t you look a picture!” Oh god..... I smiled kindly while inwardly cringing at my choice of clothes. “Anyway. Nora this is John. John this is Nora my niece. Thank you so much again John for showing her round. The business is so busy right now I just don’t know how I would find the time.” Her hand went to her heart in exasperation. Well today I was defiantly going to be someone else’s burden. Thinking this I looked down at the panelled wood flooring at my feet keeping my face expressionless.
“It’s no bother Tess. Dad wants me out of the house anyway.” His deep voice echoed around me as I stood still thinking about what my ‘friends’ would have said when I had still hang out with them about the way I was acting now. I had no practise at being myself it had only been thanks to my true best friends Lola and Grace that had finally brought back some of me. Now I stood in this hall way using all my energy to stop myself from blushing.
Pep talk. Basically I get through this one day I can show myself around town by acting normal today responding to whatever or whoever this boy turned out to be. Then I would judge myself on my actions that lead to later happens.
“So off you two go now. Are you taking a coat Nora? It might get cold later.” I nodded quickly before making my legs move at a normal speed back up the stairs to grab my American jock jacket. Once I was safe inside my room I leaned against the door breathing as I went once again to my suitcase packed full of coats and shoes alone to get my jacket.
Standing in front of the door once again pep talking myself mentally to get out of this room and down those stairs; out that door and look around town.
The only reason I left that room and took the stairs down was because I wanted to know the history of this town. Why had dad never told me why he had left? Why was he still not telling me even though I was here myself? When I had told him I needed space mum had suggested here and I had jumped on the chance. I'm taking my gap year before I go to Uni this is where I'm spending it. Before I had left to get on the coach that would take me here he had asked me to go somewhere else to change my mind. Really if he hadn’t said anything like that I might have changed my mind anyway thinking I would be followed by my reasons for leaving if they even could be called that. More like me just being desperate and drastic at a time when I was supposed to be calm. Getting court was also a big part in the reason I needed space.
I exited the house with Aunt Tess fussing wildly that I would be back for Tea trust me I would. I had my mobile in my pocket she had made me take it just in case. “The town is easier than it seems to get lost in.” she warned me just as I exited the door and started walking with John down the cobbled path. I would not be making the same mistake as I had before by taking the totally different path. Hopefully I would soon get rid of that stupidity like I said before it was all part of my nickname. City Girl.
“So you wanted to see the town?” his tone was not what you would call friendly but not sending daggers at me either. I guess that is good.
I nodded saying, “Sorry I could show myself round if it’s a bother.” Allowing me to concentrate on the sights instead of acting normal. The only reply I got was a shake of his head. He was already off on a perfect tour guild speech about the sights already visible through the trees on either side.
“You can get a better view from the other side but it private properties so no luck there unless you can flirt your way in.” Great labelled as a slut from the go, the old me would have had a snappy comeback on the tip of my tongue already. But now, not so much I kept quiet, just nodding as he went on to something else about the walk it would take to the town itself. Lots more sights to see before the day came to a close.
“Did you want to see the sight or find out about them?” he asked as we came up to a junction half a mile down the road. Well it was really up to him but facts would have been cool. “Depends what you know. Later stuff or when the town was built?” my voice was one worthy of a business woman arguing her case. Keep it that way Nora.
“I know both so which is you want to know?” his voice had not changed since we left the house by when his eyes turned to me I could see emotion that his face was hiding. Only thing is I had no idea what emotion it is.
“Whatever you want to tell me” Best to say that since I didn’t actually know much about the town and wanted pretty much anything to go on.
“Right” pointing to a just visible building over a rather big tree to our left he said, “The church has been here for half a century. It was built when the other one burnt down in a fire. The old one is more over to the left by the grave yard. They kept it in the same place for spiritual reasons.” Well okay maybe this boy was a good choice for finding stuff out about the town.
The scenery pasted by slowly as my steps carried on at an even pace. John carried on pointing out each and every land march and ruin there possible could be in a small town like this one. Amazingly there were actually a lot making my view of the town improve let along my information. My brain was backed with facts and figures by the time we stopped off at a small cafe with cars parked outside in orderly lines. All looking along the same lines as my Aunts all big moistures looking vans with heavy paint jobs.
I leaned against the wall of the structure behind me as John made his way in to the main interior and straight over to the cashier already ordering. The breeze outside was tangling my hair together with its harsh blow. Strands of red constantly chose to blow in my face as I tugged them back and into a loose pony tail. Now where did I put the hair band I had used earlier? I checked my pockets in my shorts while still holding my hair up. No luck. Coat pockets? Nope. Well I must have left in on the bed. Damn! I let my hair fall back down flowing over my shoulders and down my back before picking back on in the flow of the uneven wind and twirling wildly around my shoulders and head once more.
Ignore the fact that part of my vision is nothing more than bright red I concentrate on my surroundings the swaying trees dancing back and forth with their partners on the other side of the road. The birds over head flying peacefully from hiding place to hiding space. Playing with their friends before flying off out of sight. Parents and children jumping towards the playground on the other side on the cafe. Children hopping onto swings and sliding down cold slides with puffer jackets the only thing keeping them from the harsh wind playing around the area. Cars driving slowly past as fast as the speed limit would allow them. The daily bus stopping meters away at the only bus stop in town. According to John anyway; sadly I pretty much believed him. Each getting on with their daily chores very much like the one I am putting off. Unpacking.
“Hey” Jumping at the sound of someone’s voice emerging from behind me. Immediately feeling like a fool when I turn and see that it is only a snobby looking boy around the same age as me. Oh joy. “Hi?” the one word came out more of a question than a hello but either way. I shrugged mentally at myself. Maybe that wasn’t the type of impression I wanted to have but this guy already annoyed me. Was there a reason behind that Nora? Be nice. God I am having a little convocation with myself here need my sanity back!
“Sorry you look lost. Need any help?” the guy drawled still standing in the doorway to the cafe like he owned it. Well okay how do I know that he didn’t own it? None of my business. None what so ever. Well I'm sure it soon would.
“No thanks just waiting for someone.” I turned away at that point looking once again at the wildlife across the road. The boy standing in the door didn’t get that this was not a good time for introductions since he instead of going back inside the cafe or simple leaving to one of the many heavily painted vehicles alongside the road. He came to stand beside me. Now do I have to be nice? Right just for asking myself that I am going to give it a try. One step closer to getting my brain back into order is to not take it out on anyone who dares come near me. I wanted to change that thought as soon as I thought it since I had used the stupid word dared implying the exacted opposite. Sanity!
“Sure?” when I nodded still arguing with myself he continued, “So who is it you’re waiting for? Getting a tour round town huh?”
“That obvious I'm new here?” I ask laughing at myself for letting on. I continue to still look in the general direction of the woods over the road. I heard the guy laugh before answering my question, “not exactly..... Stone mentioned it in the cafe. Took a wild guess that it was you. Not many people have your hair colour. Well not round here.” Okay right.... Stone? He made that sound like a name. Have I missed something with my internal babble?
“If you knew who was showing me round why ask?” I try a smile; finally turning just in time to see John exiting the cafe door raising his eye brows before walking over with a see threw bag in hand. The guy standing next to me laughed letting his ‘cool’ hair jostling wildly to the side. Sadly this was the type of guy I used to like. Proof that I really must have been drugged by some idiot trying to ruin my life. The guys bronze hair brushed up neatly into a style supposed to be called ‘bed head’ but the time and money was way to obviously put in.
Mean. Stop. It. Now.
“Ready?” John asked curtly as he reached the place I was still leaning next to the guy ‘trying to help’. There that’s getting it right. I sighed inwardly knowing full well that being nice or kind or even civil to this guy or anyone else I would first have to get over my past experiences and stop being so stereotypical. In other words this could take a while. Nodding to John I started to walk towards the exit of the car park waving politely to the guy I had been talking to. I closed my eyes when I reached the gate pushing it open followed a little way behind by John who still bore no expression what so ever. With my eyes closed I could hear and feel my surroundings without actually having to see them.
My thoughts returning back to what the town or village would have once looked like back when it was still new and counted as exotic. The farmers heaving their crops from place to place in their mug covered rags. Shirts once white but greying with age and hard work. Families carried round by carriage and horse. Images playing out before me of old time that must have happened and some that I guessed. Somehow I knew them to be true. I let the cool breeze calm me as I continued to walk along side John who I could feel walking steadily next to me.
Each twist and turn of the wind winding me further and further into the past where my imagination could roam round free of the barriers of the modern day. The walk carried on but I opened my eyes still seeing the images before me. The winding paths set in stone up ahead as we made our way further into the town.
I snapped right out of my daze as the structure of an old fashioned ruin came into view. The huge brick walls looking heavy and secure. Each brick perfectly placed to perfection. It took some time to convince myself that it really is there. The slanting roof carving into the left side of the wall making way for yet another piece of the roof to appear. The pillar’s supporting the outer frame as the balconies guttering out of the front with a smooth slant. Triangular frame finishing off the top as the door just visible through the mass of trees in-between the space where I was standing.
“What is that place?” My voice had taken on a wiser more mystified tone than I had ever heard before. Something about this house had been stuck. Something about the way my mind worked when I saw the house protruding out of the trees. It is hard to see it from here but I know I know every single detail of the outside that it is possible to know.
“Oakwood manner.” The name rang no bells what so ever. “Has it always been called that?” I asked trying to find the connection I felt straight away. Had dad mentioned something about this place after all? Described it somewhere? Maybe even a picture around the house?
“No but the names not easy to pronounce so it was changed once the new land owner moved in. Right city guy” I winced turning away at the tone of his voice even though I didn’t think it was a jab at me the way he said ‘Right City Man’ made my skin crawl. It wouldn’t be so easy to get rid of my nick name after all.
“Right. Do you by any chance know where I can find out the old name even if the pronunciation is ‘hard’” I didn’t mean to make my voice turn the last word sarcastic but my instinct to defend myself kicked in. John turned towards me then again raising his eye brow as I looked away. Letting my face once again become an open book while I struggled to pull every emotion back in out of view.
“Library?” his voice had softened. How easy am I to read? Even though I simple nodded my nerves were getting the better of me making me snap out. I knew it before it always happened and would have to calm myself. Breathing in and letting myself get lost in my imagination letting the breeze carry me away again.
I didn’t get to let my imagination take me away and calm me. Yet I didn’t snap at John or even myself. Instead my mind had cleared. Letting me think. Looking up at the sky I once again closed my eyes. “Sorry.” I muttered quickly a little too quietly to be considered normal for a person who wanted to be heard. John turned his head still not really bearing an expression but his eyes seemed softer which made me feel better. “No problem. Want to see the library?” I nodded pulling my head back down from looking at the sky and looking straight forward. The grand house coming more and more into view.
It was nothing like the house I had jumped out the car the other day to see but I could tell that this is the one I thought it had been. Where had that thought come from? Coming to a new town in the middle of summer maybe not such a great idea. I never have been good at introductions and here where the only person I vaguely know being an Aunt I have not seen in forever, even then I guess I didn’t know who she was.
I let my mind wonder again to the reason I had chosen to come here. The mystery I wanted to find out. Why dad hadn’t wanted me to get on the coach. What it was that had him never even mentioning the fact that he had family? The only thing I hated was that I had to impose on my Aunt to find it all out. After all it had been her who had got back in contact with us. It just happened that I was the one to pick up the phone otherwise I probably would never have found out about her.
I had chosen to ask if I could spend my gap year here since I needed a break according to mum who thought all it would take for me to become my ‘happy’ self again was a ‘break’ the only reason I came was for the history. I love it. Finding out about the past losing myself in it was great but this just happened to be the place I had to go. Well when I say had its not really true it happened to be the place I thought would be the best place to find history. Both of the town and of my own families.
John lead me to a more modern looking building than any of the others I had so far seen in the town or even the out skirts where my Aunts house is situated. The building itself had brick covered over with cerement. The body was coved inwards at the tops with no visible way of tell the roof from the rest of the building. The whole building rang out knowledge just screaming it right in my face as I followed John up the stone path and round the bend; finally taking the last turn and up the steps towards the wooded doors.
The inside was not what I had expected if I had expected anything at all. Each space in the whole large room was crammed full with books. Sections on everything you could possible think of in one place. In other words I had no idea what so ever where the one name I wanted to find out was. Looking up at John about to ask if he knew where to look but he was already off in the direction of a far off book shelf with the title ‘Town History’ well okay maybe looking there would be a good start.
Reaching the book shelf a couple of seconds after John I saw he had already pulled out a book and was shuffling through obviously looking for something he already knew. He must have known the page number and everything since he didn’t even bother to glance down the page in which taking for ever to find it. Instead flipping threw to find a few numbers Imprinted at the bottom of the page.
Glancing around the room while John carried on shuffling threw page after page looking for one in particular. The room was full of old and new books. All in its own category each having its own place. The Liberian leaning heavily on the desk as she tried to stay awake in the quite atmosphere. Only having a short convocation with another human being when they came to the desk to check out a book. From the looks of it no one had done that in awhile and the paper cuts on her fingers and bags under her eyes proved why she was working in library more than any words could.
“Here.” John passed the heavy hardback book to me with one hand. Glancing over the page I read the words ‘old fashioned’ and ‘abandoned’ mentioned throughout. The only description of the house itself theses few words. I become to doubt that this really was the house we had seen from a far until I court a glance of the name. Willow Cottage was the translation from French Chalet Saule was its real name. It sent bells ringing in my head. Something I knew but couldn’t quite place. Well this was really going to annoy me until I remembered.
“Thanks” I said to John handing back the book after rereading the page to make sure there’s nothing else that could give me a hint as to why I knew this cottage. It might be beautiful enchanting but that didn’t change the fact that it felt familiar.
John put the book back in place on the shelf while I continued to think about the town. The amount I had learnt in one day. Not knowing how I would remember it all. The dates and features that one small town could hold is outstanding and unbelievable to one little city girl. Ok a while ago I had called myself petite I am not nearly 6ft tall like my bests friends . I do not tower over everyone but to some this might explain my infatuation with heels. 5ft 3inchs. Never a good combination. Lucky I had balance so heels weren’t a problem. Only problem was the ground here is mostly mud of pebbled paths. The chances of anyone’s heels surviving that is pretty much 0%.
John led me once again out of the building back out in to the ‘bustling’ street. Shopper’s passing by with groceries in hand. Children covered in mud from the rain this morning. The tour would continue until I would once again become Aunt Tess’s burden instead of Johns.
Might as well make the most of it while I can.

Chapter three: Saturday 5:09pm
The table had been laid for Tea. Food on the stove and Aunt in the study. I was left to wonder the house alone with nothing else to do. The halls were endless and so was the limitless of the doors that lead to nowhere. The house was pretty much like a maze. A maze that I had been staying at for four days still not knowing most of the where a bout’s of any other room upstairs than my own.
Paintings hung from walls canvases covering whole side walls opening up to reveal doors that normally would have been over looked. Aunt Tess had told me that there are 31 rooms in all. That includes of the six halls, dining room, six bed rooms, two studies, two kitchens, old ball room, conservatory, library, sitting room, upstairs sitting room, pantry, six dressing rooms and finally two bathrooms one down stairs and one upstairs. Sad thing is I know this from counting them all today. I have spent my fourth day here wondering around the house helping with whatever chores needed doing.
Now don’t get me started on describing the rooms. There just is no way I can think of. All unique in their own way. All with old paintings hanging freely from walls neatly painted or covered from head to toe in glorious wall papers. The day’s events had added to what I all ready knew from two days ago thanks to John showing me round. Painting a picture of its own of what it would have been like to live here when the town was new and exciting to the eyes of rich land owners just waiting to pounce on yet more land to invest in. the image I had when I first looked at the kitchen table of the happy family sitting down to a nice meal made especially for them by loyal savants about to receive their next pay check. That same family came to mind now. Expensive clothes bought only the day before hoping to make the message clear to their ‘welcoming’ neighbours that they were now the riches family in town. Competition and gossip would have been high but so was respect.
There is now an outhouse and summer house only a little way from this one. My family had built it only a few years before to be exact. The idea however had been there ever since the construction of the old outhouse was finally accepted. However the idea had been there for around 121 years. Yes I have done my homework. The library here has been very useful for finding out facts. That was where I spent my day yesterday. Taking a rest from that trying to make my eyes un-square from all the reading of history books I had gone outside to the garden. The need to take photos had over took the need for facts.
Taking my old fashioned camera outside with me I started to snap picture of the scene laid out before me. Today I had developed the everlasting pictures of the sun on the leaves of plants as it disappeared out of view covered by clouds as Earth span. Each of which I tagged into a photographic book I had brought with me. One of many, I had filled up the rest.
I was planning to look through them again tonight. Remind myself of the last couple of years. All captured in little rectangle boxes preserved there for life. Memories all attached to every single one taking me back weeks, months to whenever it had been taken.
For now however I would continue to wonder aimlessly round the humongous house finding all the rooms my Aunt had told me there was. Seeing yet again how the first family to live here would have led their daily routeing. Young still learning the way of the adults while the old by which I mean twenty or twenty five for that was old back then. Coming back to visit their family after being married off to someone that their family thought worthy. The picture I have however is one of them all the family home still with the same surname and no experience of anything different.
The family still as one before the brake. Dividing the family in two. No three parts of the once great family that had roamed these halls. Falling to a disasters end. No fairy tale ending to that family. Although they were the first family I had read about in the books. The disaster though was still a mystery to me. I had looked through most of the books I could find which okay is not many but still. None of which told me any details apart from the fact that the family slit up and divided into three instead of one. Two of the elder sisters going off on their own breaking the family. The reasons for this were not mentioned and the third sister never spoken of.
The books I had read about them were all from one person’s point of view all with the same tone of knowing but never leaving an opinion or biased written word in any of the books. If that alone was not hard enough to read they were all about the size of my head and about that thick two.
Yes I just called myself thick. How could I have not realized?!?! I quicken my pace making my way back to the library along the hall. The oak door in front of me gave way to my entry straight away letting me make my way over to the shelf I had been yesterday with its cushioned chair pulled up beside the shelf itself. Trust me after a while that chair is not what you would call comfortable. I reached up for one of the many book I had consumed all the knowledge available. Lifting it down from its high shelf I examined the front cover before moving onto the side when I could not see any intelligible name of the author.
There! Right in front of my own eyes! How could I have missed that? Arthur McBride my great great something uncle. That’s why I wasn’t getting any information. He was the man of the house of course in his books I was not going to get a real insight on this life that his family had lead and why they it had ended in a three way slit. Glancing at the clock I lifted the book back up to the shelf and exited the room. Still thinking off the first family to have lived in this house. The surname carrying on for generations as it is the same as mine now. Lenora McBride. If anyone back in London had called me by my full name I would have pretty much ignored them for the rest of the time I knew them. It would drive me crazy having my name as Lenora what had my parents been thinking. That was back when I was like ten and had no idea how much I would soon grow to like my name. It was the same as my Aunts on my mum’s side. Only thing that was different is the surname. Gregory. My mum’s maiden name. After realizing that I started to like my name. I still preferred Nora for the simple fact that it was shorter and easier to say. Dad always said my name was unique same as my hair. Still not sure if that was meant to make me feel good or bad about my name.
I took the steps down the stair case slowly still contemplating the lives of others. Okay I really need to get doing something else maybe something useful. Before I become obsessed with my relatives. I came out onto the landing and turned the corner to the kitchen where my Aunt was now dishing the casserole up into way to large portions into bowls for three. Three? That’s never a good sign....
“Hello Hun hungry?” nodding “that good there plenty to go around although I'm sure Edward will be sure to have at least two portions. I mentioned that I had invited Edward over didn’t I?” I shook my head “oh well Dear he’s the boy from next door. John must have pointed out his house to you! You can’t miss it. Oh dear I should have mentioned!” I did remember the house john had pointed out to me saying something about me having to flirt to get my way in. yeah I was really starting to get the wrong vibe from this guy and he hadn’t even arrived yet. Wait a second why is he coming in the first place?
I stopped story of asking Aunt Tess realizing I am being over suspicious and shut my mouth firmly closed and made myself think positively. I am so screwed.
At that moment the door bell rang and I nearly jumped right off the floor and onto the table well okay back to earth now Lenora. Things really do start getting back when I mentally call myself Lenora.....
“Oh Edward come of through my niece is just in the kitchen why don’t you go on through?” I heard Aunt Tess say to the person at the door before I heard the familiar rely “Thanks Miss McBride” OhhCrap... I stood stock still listening to the boy I had met at the cafe make his way through the hall to the wide kitchen doors. I breathed and leaned against the kitchen table thinking that this really would be a long evening just as the doors swung wide open reviling ‘Edward from next door’.
“so we meet again” great a guy that thinks he is all that AND has really bad chat up lines. With my Aunt right behind him......... this should be amusing.

An hour later I am still sitting at the same table listing to the same jabs pointed my way from Edward. My Aunt somehow managed to stay unaware throughout the whole three courses. Only now did she realized my stiff posture and asked “Are you okay dear?” to my reply of a very sarcastic “peachy” before she went back to make sure Edward had had enough to eat. As I had guessed there was much food left over even with Edward eating three portions instead of two as promised. I concentrated on the room around me while Aunt Tess and Edward discussed my visit I heard him say that if I ever needed a left anywhere to just ask.
“Oh that’s nice of you! I'm sure Lenora will call if she does.” She once again used my real name as it must have sounded more I dunno authentic with Edwards name as well. Stop being a bitch Nora! He is actually being nice! Ahhhh crap.
“Thanks Edward that would be great but I'm more of a walking person thanks for the offer though.” I smiled over at him for the first time noticing his eyes. They were great almonds that court the light at the precise moment making it hard to look away. Worse part is that Edward noticed it and held my gaze until I finally looked away to the far wall. I could hear the smile in his voice as he spoke.
“I'm sure I could walk with you if you so wished.” Great I told myself nice not flirtatious. I am doing exactly what John said I would. Why the hell did I care what John said? I can flirt if I so wish.
With permission to leave the table taking my plate into the kitchen and away from Edward and Aunt Tess gossiping like old grannies god that was too weird to even think about thinking about. Glancing through the window speckled with flecks of water from the rain slowly making its presence known outside. The night sky was starting to turn dark yet my black top and skinny jeans still managed to keep me warm in the heated kitchen. The sky outs side clouding over with dark meaningful clouds. Where is my camera when I need it? Putting my plate in the sink I turned in search of my camera little hope that I would find it in time.
The clatter of my necklaces against each other echoed around the hall as I exited the kitchen with heated floors making my way into a much cooler zone were the windows held no truths and each as secretive as the last. The painting of a lion on the wall. The sharp teeth appearing almost as if catching the sunlight of a hot Asian day. Each hair standing on end stalking its pray as the day’s events unfolded. To think someone must have painted that from memories or standing right there in front of that fears proud looking lion. Photos hold a million memories. A million different thoughts. Story’s unfolding at the slightest touch. One freeze frame holding it all. The unarranged pictures are always the best. Nature at its best people letting their guard down for those few crucial seconds it takes to press the button on my Cannon camera holding that moment longer than a memory ever could.
Turning away from the painting in search of my camera soon even though I knew the images had long past I would still need it soon.
I turned horridly down the hall and bumped straight into what felt like a wall. I stumbled back but hand quickly court me, walls have hands. I looked up at that thought and came face to face with...
Chapter Four: Saturday 7pm
“Oh I am so sorry!” I quickly blabbered, out of all the people I could have possible bumped into did it have to be John? Wait what is John doing here in the first place...?
“Its okay, is your Aunt Tess around?” His dark features turning down in a frown as he finally looked down at me. All of a sudden the dim light of the hall seemed to blaze, illuminating the whole hall, only it was no longer the hall which we were standing in. Oh no this is defiantly not the hall, yet I couldn’t seem to make it all out as I couldn’t possible look away from Johns captivating eyes.
Without warning the sound of laughter and the clink of wine glasses filled my ears, the music playing in the background beating to the rhythm of my heart, yet I still could not look away. As couples swayed on the dance floor, and servants bustled around, slipping glasses of wine into uncaring guests hands. The smell of sweet lavender wafted to my nose. Yet I could not look away from those pools of blue.
I felt the fabric of my ball gown as it swayed with the breeze from the window we were standing at, the soft marital grazing my hands with its two and fro. The clearly elegant shape fitted my figure to perfection; I could feel the suffocating waist pulling my ribs in closer and closer to make my figure appear more hourglass, my wild red hair was no longer lying shapelessly on my shoulders but intricately fitted onto of my head. The lights glistened of the floor sparkling in John’s eyes making them glisten.
A sudden feeling of anxiousness came about me as I realized we were behind a pillar hidden away from the rest of the dance, yet all my sense told me this is where I wanted to be.
How many of the girl here didn’t want to be, did they have some where better to be? With a lover maybe, or in a library reading to ones content? How many of the couples dancing together were just for show, does every single one of them feel the love that is glowing out of the rare few? Is it there obligation as a rich man’s daughter to dance with the eligible bachelors here? What if there was someone else? Would they be standing right where I am, staring into the eyes of another? Hidden from the rest of society, hidden as almost any disgrace would be.
I stared into the pools of blue, a sense of urgency and suspense in the air as slowly we leaned towards each other- BANG!
The sound bought me hurtling back to the present where there was no blazing lights glistening in a happier John’s eyes, no dancing couples trotting around each other no daring to put a foot out of line. We were no longer hidden behind a pillar, hidden from prying eyes.
We were out in the middle of a hall, a hall where we were no longer along for the slam of a door had echoed right behind us.
“Nora, what are you doing? Oh John is that you, I see you got the message I sent you.” Aunt Tess came around from the side, coming into view as I quickly took a step back and lowered my gaze; it felt weird to suddenly look away from the pools of blue and down to a dark brown carpet.
“Yeah dad said you need help with the garden, I’ll get the stuff tomorrow if you show me what you need now-“ I quickly excused myself to get my camera still in a daze from what had just happened. For it was one thing to image what it would have been like to live here when it was first made but another to actually get sucked into it. Yet the feeling was so familiar that all the smells and sounds bought back other memories. Memories I am sure I have not encountered personally.
I turned into my bed room grabbing my camera, after all that was what I had been coming here for in the first place, but the picture I had wanted would for sure be long gone by now.
I furrowed my eyebrows, thinking about what my imagination could come up with sometimes. Well I guess and over active imagination and a load of history books really are not a good combination... Yet somewhere in the back of my brain there was something telling me that this was not so, those images were too vivid, to real to be anything other than a memory, I dismissed this idea straight away. Its nonsense is all.
I had only just realized however that my imagination had placed John in servant’s clothes. One that was very common, according to the books I read today, for servants of the McBride house hold.
A casual look across the halls, a quick word behind closed and locked doors. And the occasional whispered convocation. This is what my dreams that night consisted off. Repeats of the same memories over and over again. I would wake up to the sound of my heart beating in an offbeat rhythm, and a sinking in my heart. My body betraying me by wanting the dreams to not end. That is the last time I read so many history books in one day.
After I had grabbed my camera mu Aunt had got me washing dishes while making polite convocation with Edward. Not exactly my idea of fun. My camera had lain longingly on the side while we talked. The convocation flowing from one subject to the next, Edward was not actually that bad a guy, but he still reminded me of my past, the me of 2 months ago would have jumped at the chance to flirt outrageously with this guy, but the me of today could not find it in herself to even try.
After about half an hour I had done with the dishes and Aunt Tess had come back in with a distracted John. By now it was around 8:30pm and surprisingly I was ready to pass out. But after a long goodbye to both John and Edward I made my way back to the dining room and grabbed my camera off the side. I had been away from my pictures for too long and I was having withdrawal symptoms. I needed to take a little bit of the world and snap it into one frame. Taking one aspect of a life and capturing it. Whither that be of a person, living organism or some sort of inanimate object, and the garden had been calling to me. so that is where I shall go.
In the rain you could hardly see any of the glorious plants yet now in the twilight it left another light to be seen. Holding the camera unto my face, the small square of land covered my screen, enhancing the brightened objects and leaving the shadows to grow. Each picture I snapped was different none were the same; none could ever be the same. You could snap a picture one second and with in that same breath snaps another yet both of these could be completely different. Something might have moved, some colour would have changed. There would be an element of different in each picture and that is what I loved. Lining up printed picture next to printed picture, creating a slide show of moving images. The movement of water, the fall of an object. My favourite one being the jump of people. You can see each muscle change to create the jump. The leg muscles pushing them of the ground, and into the air. The arms rising; to reach more height. I loved to watch the change as gravity pulled them back down to earth, the strength of the jump vs. the strength of the gravitational pull. To me this was magic.
I was out there until the sun had completely set leaving no light at all to take pictures. I trailed my tired feet into the house and clumsily up the stairs. The lights in the landing were off making the halls dark and gloomy. I did not care, for I was near to passing out from exhaustion. I might get up early but god damn it I liked my sleep.
My room was the first on the left and I quickly pulled myself into the room and collapsed on the bed. Oh how comfy. I sat up and quickly changed into my PJ’s before once again collapsing from exhaustion. As soon as my head hit the pillow I was out like a light.
The sun was setting outside my bedroom window; this is the time he usually comes. Oh I can’t wait! I have heard so much from the other girls about the times in which they have sneaked out. The countless stories they have told have enticed me. Yet here I am sitting at my window seat waiting for my Quinn. The man I was forbid to have even the most unimportant of convocations with, but it was not just him it was all the staff. Father didn’t like my view on things. He said I was to optimistic. ‘Living in a world of my damn own’ he has told me time and time again. Yet I can’t help it. I think I love him.
The sun had set at this point and I was dreamily looking out the window waiting impatiently for my Quinn to come, that I hadn’t noticed the door open and close. By the time I had turned I realized that it was my Mother and Father who stood stock still in the doorway.
“Oh Mother, Father what brings you here?” I quickly stand and curtsey for my parents. For the seriousness on my father’s face scares me. Yet the joyous look my mother holds raises my spirits , it cannot be bad news if mother is smiling. My sisters always say that if one is serious the other will always smile. This is has been proven countless times by my parents yet my other sister continues to ignore it and go by her ‘own way of thinking’. She is the rebel out of us all; no matter how taboo that word is I cannot think of a better to describe her nature. While my other sister Gracie is the rule abiding daughter. While others sneak out at night she will be at home, in her room practising her ‘duty’. You could not find two sisters more unlike each other.
“We bring you great news, Annabel. And with it comes great responsibility.” My father starts off. Looking me dead in the eye before looking over to the window quickly, and glancing back, “Our great neighbour and friend Mr. Rivers has asked for your hand in marriage...”
I woke with a start.
Mr. Rivers? Now why did that sound so familiar?
I have got to stop reading history books all day. It has really started to mess up my dreams, that one had seemed too real, I could feel the fabric of the dress dream me had been wearing, the smells of expensive fragrances had clung to the air. And the feel of impatiens turning to shock and dismay felt so real I could feel my heart beat wit every change of emotion. How could someone have such a vivid imagination?
I closed my eyes once more hoping to enter a dreamless sleep without any more weird dreams. Thankfully my wish was granted and I drifted off into darkness.
Chapter Five: Sunday 8:30am
I had pushed the dream from last night to the back of my mind for the time being. I didn’t really want to contemplate what my subconscious was trying to tell me. Something was trying to tell me something but I just didn’t want to know, way too many complications could lead from dreams.
The night before hadn’t been the first time I had had a dream like that, but when I questioned Dad he just laughed and said I had an over imaginative imagination. If only I could explain it so easy, because I was sure John had felt, seen it too yesterday. I could have been on my own, could I?
This is why I pushed all thought of yesterday to the back of my mind, too many questions that I didn’t have the answers to, too many thoughts and opinions on the subject for me to even make a coherent thought. But I will not think of it now.
The garden in the day was a whole other story to last night when I was out capturing images, because although the night bought out a mysterious side to the plants and hidden archways. The light illuminated the whole area. You could see every detail of the plants leaves as you walked past. Rain drops glistering in the blinding sun; hearing the soft wet grass crunch under foot. You would never find something like this back in the city. It was almost magical.
“Nora, Honey. Are you out there?” The sound of my Aunts voice carried to me as I walked behind one of the many high growing bushes.
“Yeah” I walked back around so I was facing the house once again in all its glory. The night had not done justice to the house either, as the bricks almost shone in the early morning dew. The rising sun glinted off of the windows springing rainbows across the lawn.
“I asked Edward here to take you down to the village today. You seemed a bit off yesterday, I thought the exercise would d you good.” I found a smiling Aunt standing at the kitchen door.
“Aunt Tess I'm sure I can find my own way, Edward has better things to do.” Something about him just put me on high alert, again this could be due to my over imaginative imagination but then again I don’t want to take any chance.
“Nonsense Nora, what have I got better to do than show you to town, it’s really not that far.” Looking up I saw Edward had joined my Aunt at the door and was now grinning ear to ear. To me that seemed pretty creepy, if this was really the type of guy I went for a year ago, I really need to start questioning my sanity.
“Well... if you’re sure.” Just be polite, and maybe he will get the message. That includes my Aunt to as she appears to be the one trying to set us up. Really need to talk to her later.
“Well we better be on own way, Tess. I’ll have her back by dinner.” I waved to my Aunt before being ushered out of the house.


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 15.03.2011

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