
Adjust to Change



Accountability means to be responsible, liable, and ethical in your behavior. Show your bosses that you are a responsible employee by accepting obligations for projects. Plan, assemble your resources, enroll help, and delegate responsibility. Face problems head-on with the intent to solve them. Be committed to tasks through to completion. Result: gain bosses' and peers' respect and maybe a promotion.




Adapting to change is necessary for the workplace, especially during the economic crisis. For example, reduced hours and pay, expansion in workload, and long hours require adaptation. Focus on improving your skills through education to keep up with the demands of the job market. Make short-term sacrifices for your long-term goals. Change happens; adapt to it or left behind.




Authority refers to the power, and how you use that power determines your greatness. Treat people who report to you and those who report to them with respect. It is your job to convince others to follow your lead and adhere to your directives. A successful leader knows how to use his/her authority effectively.




Adjusting to your surroundings and the people you work with, including their different modes, behaviors, styles, and cultures, requires patience and flexibility; however, the results can be remarkable. Accept the challenge of altering your behavior to accommodate others. Complaining is not an attractive trait. According to Krutza and Wiff (n. d.) stated the following statements:


Much change takes place in all our lives. Resisting change in your workplace will bring in a lot of struggle for you. Don't fear, take action. Shake the feeling of not belonging. Allow others to walk their journey. Seek the change and enjoy the adventure. Release


Verlag: BookRix GmbH & Co. KG

Tag der Veröffentlichung: 28.10.2011
ISBN: 978-3-7368-3803-1

Alle Rechte vorbehalten

To my loving husband and friend Arlington Agard To deceased mother, Gladys Walrond and brother, Wayde Walrond

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