
Rinzy looked out over the water and muttered
“What would we do if you were still here?”
Then she heard Anetta scream she turned around and was shocked to see a man standing above her sister.
She ran forward, and barreled straight into the man.
“Umph!” they both said as they fell to the ground.
Rinzy got up fast turned and looked at her sister and said
“Are you okay, what happened?”
Anetta rolled her eyes “No, he fell on me and it just surprised me.”
She walked over to the man and helped him up
Anetta asked “Are you ok?”
The man answered”I’ll be fine, thank you.”
He turned and after giving Rinzy a look that would have burned her to the ground, walked away.
“Ok, I deserved that.” Rinzy muttered to herself.
She turned back to Anetta
“Sorry for overreacting…..”
Anetta sighed” It’s ok; I would have done the same thing.”
“So………..What do you want to do now?” Anetta asked.
Rinzy thought for a minute and looked around the bright deck of the liner.
“Hmmmmmm……” She said as she thought about what there is to do on a huge cruise liner.
Then she turned around quick, smiling as she looked down at Anetta.
“Let’s go swimming!” Then without warning she grabbed Anetta’s hand and dragged her to the elevator.
When they stepped in the elevator, Rinzy was stunned speechless.
She looked over at a pair of the most perfect people she’d ever seen.
The woman was pale as sheet, with bright blue eyes, and strawberry blonde hair.
Her body was long and she was built like a model, with the perfect legs and the hour glass shape of her hips. She was in a bright yellow bikini and khaki shorts with a towel in hand.
The man next to her was equally beautiful. He had icy blue eyes with dark brown hair.
His body was lean and muscular and it was displayed in a pair of dark swim shorts.
His skin was perfect not a blemish on it and his skin was the same pale white as the women next to him.
Rinzy only sighed, as she thought of what it would be like to have a man like that.
Then without warning he turned his head, and she was struck with the intensity of his eyes. He jolted as if he’d just been hit in the face. The woman next to him looked at him then the elevator door opened and she turned and grabbed his arm and had to struggle to get him to walk out of the elevator with her.
Rinzy only took a deep breath and watched him as the door shut.
Anetta looked at her sister and said “WOW, he was so hot.”
Then she just kept looking at Rinzy, at the absence of an answer.
Anetta grabbed Rinzy’s arm and shook her, “Rin! Rin! RINZY!”
Rinzy shook her head and looked down at Anetta and said “What?”
Anetta just looked at her sister and asked “Are you ok?”
‘Yea and I have to agree with you on that one…... Now let’s go get our bathing suits on and go swimming.”
Anetta just smiled and said”Ok.”

“Lucas, what the hell just happened?” asked Navaeh as she dragged him to the rail.
Lucas shook his head and looked at her “I don’t know…”
“Well that was really weird you both looked like you were in a trance.” She said as she stared out at the ocean wondering why that looked so familiar to her and why she had a bad feeling about it.
Navaeh looked at him, “That looked a lot like what Maya looked like when she saw Isaiah.”
Lucas jumped and looked down at her.” Didn’t she change him?”
Naveah looked him in the eyes, “You really need to keep away from that girl, I don’t want to chance being discovered or hurting an innocent person.” She said thinking of the curse of being a vampire.
Lucas turned his head and looked out at the ocean.
“What the hell is going on? All I did was look at her and then I couldn’t look away” he mumbled
Navaeh was thinking about that too.
She turned and said “The next port we get off and catch a plane to Madrid.”
Lucas just looked at her.” What about Zuzana and Kellan”
Navaeh just looked at him then nodded “Your right we can’t get off….You just got to make sure you don’t see her again.”
Lucas turned and with an exasperated face said “Why?”
Navaeh rolled her eyes “You remember what Maya did to Isaiah?”
Lucas’s eyes widened, “Yea….”
Navaeh took a deep breath and said “You really want to be found out? Even though we may look normal their still going to wonder what’s going on when a bunch of people start to disappear.”
Lucas nodded “Ok, I’ll try, but I might not be able to I’m not going to go looking around for her, before I go anywhere.”
Navaeh looked at him “ Yea, We’ll just have to watch out while we go….Oh! Look! There’s Kellan!”
Kellan smiled and walked up to them and leaned against the rail as they were.
“What’s up?” Kellan looks over at Lucas
Lucas is just staring out at the water.
Kellan’s eyebrow raised and looked at Navaeh
“What’s wrong with him?” He whispered.
Navaeh looked at Lucas “I’ll tell you later.”
“Ok??” Kellan said as he studied Lucas.
“So whereas Zuzana? She’d never miss a chance to swim!” Navaeh said.
“Oh, She’s coming she just had to find a way to lose this guy that’s been tailing her all day. He looks like a lost puppy! It’s so funny!” Kellan said as he chuckled.
Navaeh’s eyebrow rose “How’d she manage to grab someone that fast?”
Kellan only smiled “Come on, you know what happens when we go somewhere new!”
Navaeh nodded “Yea, I forgot that always happens.”
Then they both looked back at Lucas he was staring again, but not out at the water this time.
Navaeh recognized the girl. It was the same tan skinned, red haired girl that she’d seen on the elevator.
She turned quickly and saw Lucas’s gaze was on her and she swore under her breath and turned just in time to grab Lucas before he walked forward she shoved him back.
Then she glanced over at Kellan he was wide eyed and had a slack jaw staring at them.
Kellan started “What the heck is with him?”
He asked as he saw Lucas’s look and the way he watched her walk to the pool and
dive in after the other girl she was with.
Navaeh turned her head “Help me get him to the room and I’ll tell you all about it.”
Kellan turned and without another word grabbed one of his arms and helped drag him back to the room.

Rinzy got out of the water and glanced over her shoulder.
She saw the two people she’d seen on the elevator, and another man.
The woman and other man were dragging him toward the elevator as if he was sick or something. All the while the man had his head turned and was staring at her with a look so intense she felt herself feeling something she’d only felt when she was with a man.
“Rin?” Anetta was watching her sisters’ face and noticed the look the man being dragged to the elevator gave her sister and how her sister couldn’t resist looking back at him.
Then after the three people got into the elevator and Rinzy looked away, Anetta asked.
“Are you ok?” As Rinzy stood and shook her head.
“Yea, just ah, got side tracked…”
Anetta continued to look at Rinzy until she turned her head and grinned down into the pool.
“So what was I about to do? Oh! That’s right ! I was going to do….THIS!”
Rinzy yelled and jumped on Anetta sending her underwater.
She came up gasping and gave Rinzy a look. “That wasn’t even funny.”
Rinzy grinned “Yes it was and you know it.”
Anetta tried to shake her head but the sloppy grin on Rinzy’s face was irresistible, so she gave in and smiled back at her sister.
Then Rinzy’s stomach growled and she looked at Anetta
“I’m starving lets get something to eat.”
Anetta nodded “ I’m all for that.”
As they got out the woman and the other man came back off the elevator. The man was tall and just as pale as the women next to him. His his hair was a golden brown and his eyes were just as icy blue as the woman beside him. Rinzy began to wonder if they were related……..
“ Come on you just told me you were hungry then you stop in your tracks! What’s going on-“ Anetta was cut off as she saw what Rinzy was looking at.
“ What? Are you going to turn into a stalker too? Just like Lila?” Anetta asked, having a dark swirl of anger swirl in her stomach as she mentioned of her recently ex-boyfriends new love.
Rinzy winced “ No, I was just wondering what was going on with them.” She said and nodded toward the two people as they stood by the rail and talked seriously. Then the man turned and looked at her, his jaw was slack and eyes wide. He turned his head back to the woman and started talking again.
Rinzy turned to Anetta “ God, Are they from the ‘We are gods’ club? If so I want to join.”
Anetta just laughed “Yea you’d be able to fit right in.”
Rinzy just shook her head. She knew some called her beautiful and others called her gorgeous but she refused to accept it. She had bright red hair and bright, grass green eyes. Her skin, normally pale, was tanned to a subtle gold and with a shiny tint due to the lotion she’d put on her skin before coming down to the deck to swim.
Anetta sighed.
She thought of herself as the ‘ugly duckling’ next to her sister. She had the same red hair and green eyes but her mouth was thin and her chin was round and it gave her the look of an elementary school student rather than an 18 year old woman. Her sister on the other hand had full plump lips and a beautiful narrow chin. She also had the voice of an angel, once you convinced her to sing.
Rinzy kept walking and she turned her head when Anetta started to mumble something.
“What are you and your self-conscious talking about?” She said with a smile
Anetta just huffed and walked faster into the little tiki bar on the deck.

Rinzy was mumbling to herself as she turned the corner, she wasn’t paying any attention to where she was going. Then she bumped into something she looked up to apologize, and she looked straight into the eyes of the man she’d seen on the elevator. He just looked down at her smiling with those icy blue eyes bright as the sun and when she just stared; he tilted his head and said,
“Why don’t you watch where you’re going?”
Rinzy sighed and looked up, “Sorry, I wasn’t paying attention.”
She then noticed that he was standing in front of her with his hands in his pockets watching her with calculating eyes.
Her eyes narrowed “ What may I ask are you looking at?”
His smile just widened “Oh, nothing may I ask you something?.”
Rinzy smiled “Sure, what do you want to know?”
Lucas took a step back “What are you doing on this liner? Vacation? Work?”
Rinzy looked at him shyly, “Vacationing with my sister, we needed time away from home.”
Then she turned her head and peered down the hallway where there were about three more people coming their way and realized that she didn’t want to stand here anymore so all the people around could here what they were talking about.
So she stared to walk by, but he just got up off the wall and followed her.
“My names Lucas, and what is yours?” He said as she walked out toward the deck
She kept walking and turned her head “ Rinzy.”
He kept on looking at her and she was starting to feel uncomfortable.
She turned “ Is there something I can help you with?”
“ No, just looking for my friend.”
“ Then why are you following me?” Rinzy asked
He just shrugged my friends out on the deck swimming and since your heading that way…..”
“LUCAS!” someone yelled
He turned his head and looked to see Navaeh walking toward him with a mad look on her face.
He just sighed and turned “Hey, my friend found me. See you around?”
Rinzy smiled back “Yea see you.”
Navaeh got there in time to see her walk away and see Lucas stare after her.
“What are you thinking?” She asked at him.
His smile went away “What I was walking down the hall and she ran into me!”
Navaeh’s eyes narrowed “So instead of walking away like we talked about you talked to her.”
He just nodded “Yea and I was on my way to find you and Kellan. I thought you guys went out swimming so I was on my way to the deck and I ran into her.”
She continued to look at him
“What do you think I should have done ran down the hallway?”
She shook her head “No, I guess you’re right at least she won’t think anything about a guy
just talking to her.”
He smiled “You want to know what we talked about, huh?”
She sighed “Yea, and I don’t want you to leave anything out.”
Lucas took a deep breath “She bumped into me said ‘sorry’ and then I said it was okay we looked at each other for a while. I complimented her and then I asked her name, which just so happens to be Rinzy by the way, and then I asked her what she was doing on the liner and she said she was just vacationing with her sister. Then I told her I was looking for you, and then you yelled and here I am. Good enough for you? I wasn’t with her for more than five minutes.”
Navaeh nodded “Yea that’s good. Hey do you know where-…………What was that name?”
Lucas smiled “Rinzy”
Navaeh’s eyes widened “Your following around Phoebe and Oliver’s daughter?!”
Lucas smiled “Yea so?”
Navaeh’s eyes widened “Oliver is going to kill you!”
Lucas just shook his head “Why would he? He said so himself, he misses his daughter and I bet that other girl is also his. He told me that he wouldn’t trust anyone else with what is his.”
Navaeh nodded her head, “Yea and he was talking about objects! You know like his diamonds
and other stuff?”
Lucas just nodded and continued to stare at her “Yea, I guess I understand what you were saying.”
Navaeh just shook her head “What until Oliver hears what’s going on. He’ll kill you.”
Lucas nodded “Okay I will try to stay away from her.”
Navaeh watched him.
“Doubt it” She mumbled softly.
Lucas was so into the conversation he wasn’t paying attention when she walked by him smiling and laughing at something her sister had said.
Navaeh watched as his eyes changed. They went from icy and glowing to dark and intense.
She watched his eyes follow her across the deck and to the chair on the side of the deck.
She nodded when he shook his head and mumbled “I’m going back to the room.”
He turned swiftly and walked back to the elevator and disappeared.
She sat there and studied the girl as she talked “Rinzy” she murmured
Then Kellan came up behind her and asked, “What are you doing?”
She turned, “Watching the girl.”
Kellan turned, “So what did you find out?”
She turned her head and raised her eyebrow, “Eavesdropping?”
He smiled, “A little, come on spill.” He said looking at her with a pleading face.
Navaeh sighed, “It’s Oliver and Pheobe’s daughter, Rinzy and that girl with her is her sister. Lucas didn’t have time to get her name.”
Kellan’s mouth dropped and his eyes bulged for the second time that day, “Are you fucking serious?!”
Navaeh just nodded and kept watching everything Rinzy did.
“Oliver’s gonna kill him when he finds out! Wait. Have you called him yet?” Kellan asked.
“No, and I was kind of trying to put it off and now that you got it in my head he’ll know.”
Navaeh turned back to the rail, “I just wish we could get off this boat and forget this ever happened.”
Kellan nodded and turned to walk away when he remembered what he had come down there for.
“Oh, hey Zu said that if she doesn’t feed soon she’s going to turn on the people onboard so next stop we’re going hunting. Ok?”
Navaeh turned smiling, “I was going to ask you to talk her into going. Wow, she beat me to it.”
Then the horn blew they turned back to the water and watched the liner come upon the island.

Rinzy got up in the room and turned when Anetta came out of the bathroom.
“The captain just said we’re on one of the Italian Islands, ready to explore?”
Anetta looked at her sister, grabbed her baseball cap and skipped to Rinzy’s side.
“Ok, lets go.”
As they walked out to the gate that would open up to the island, they saw the two men and women and another equally beautiful women with them with nothing but what they had on their backs. Which to Rinzy’s mind wasn’t much, all they had on was their bathing suits and either a shirt or shorts.
Rinzy noticed that even though she hadn’t said anything the man she had met turned and stared at her with those icy blue eyes.
Anetta noticed it too. “What is the matter with him? Hasn’t he ever seen another person before he’s always staring at you!”
Rinzy looked down at her sister, “His name is Lucas.” She mumbled.
Anetta gave her sister a suspicious look, “And how may I ask do you know that?”
Rinzy looked down at her feet, “I literally ran into him and we started to talk, but then the blonde came running and yelling at him as if he was her kid and he was grounded….”
Anetta just looked at her sister, “So-“
She got cut off as everyone, including her sister started to go down the ramp onto the island.
She sighed and followed her sister onto the island.
Rinzy turned and waited until Anetta caught up to her.
“Will you sit still so I can ask you something?!” Anetta yelled.
Rinzy turned, “What?”
“So are you planning on ‘running into him’ again?” Anetta asked raising a brow.
Rinzy sighed, “I would like to but not literally next time. Now can we drop it and go shopping and sight seeing? This place is amazing!!!!” She said with her eyes darting in every direction.
Then her eyes settled on Lucas. He was staring at her with that slight smirk on his lips and hot look in his eyes. The look was so intense it had heat flowing through her body down to her toes.
As she stared back, he grinned as if he new what was going on and that he had caused it.
Then she walked forward and his grin widened. He met her halfway, “So are you going to walk around and enjoy the sights?” he said in that husky voice that held a hint of Britain. She began to wonder where exactly he was from.
She smiled back, “Yea, what about you off to see one of the most beautiful places in Italy?”
“Yea, I’ll also be seeing the beauty beyond the city.” He said with a hint of regret.
She tilted her head, “You don’t sound to happy about it.”
He laughed, “Yea, It’s annoying when me and my friends do it everywhere we go.”
She sighed when she heard Anetta shift next to her.
Lucas’s eyebrow raised, and Rinzy took a deep breathe.
“This is my little sister Anetta, Anetta this is Lucas.”
Lucas nodded to her without taking his eyes off of Rinzy.
Anetta said, “Hello, Nice to meet you. So what are you and your friends doing while we’re here in Italy?”
Lucas’s face sobered and looked her dead in the eyes for the first time. Anetta felt the shock that she saw Rinzy went through when he looked at her, but this was with cold not heat this look sent fear shimmering through her.
“I’m going to go hiking with my friends. Out beyond the city and by the time we’re done it’ll be time to go.” He said in a voice that sounded more depressed than excited at the adventure he was describing.
Then the blonde that Rinzy had saw him with the first time walked over. A smile spread across her face, and she said, “Hello, How are you?”
Her voice was the soft flutter that you expected from one of the little ten year old girls walking around.
“Okay, I’m Rinzy and this is Anetta. We’re from the U.S.” Rinzy said in a small voice.
“Oh, I’m Navaeh and we all are from Britain, we’re heading to meet with other family members in Madrid. So what are you doing on this cruise?”, she asked with a big smile on her face.
“Oh, we’re just vacationing. Our mom and dad passed away in a fire last year and this is the first time we’ve been out since. I guess we missed them and this helps us to keep up the tradition we had.” Rinzy said with a shrug. She saw the way Navaeh glanced at Lucas and Lucas just shook his head. Then Navaeh sighed, “It was nice meeting you. Come on Lucas Kellan and Zuzanna are waiting for us.”
He sighed, “Ok, I’m coming. See you later?” He said smiling at Rinzy.
Rinzy smiled back, unable to help herself. “Yea, we’ll be on the ship in an hour. All we’re doing is going shopping.”
“Ok, bye!” Lucas said, and after nodding to Anetta he followed Navaeh off to where Kellan and Zuzanna were waiting.
Rinzy sighed, “Ok, I really want to shop now, Let’s go.”
Her and Anetta turned and walked into the small town on the side of the mountain.
It had been two days since she even got a glance of Lucas. She wasn’t even sure he’d gotten back on the liner.
Rinzy sighed, “So, What do you want to do today?”
Anetta shrugged, “Up to you we’ve done about all there is to do on the liner.”
Rinzy took a deep breath, “Yeah, Your right. Hmmmmmm…. I know what we can do!”
Anetta looked at her suspiciously, “What?”
Rinzy smiled, “Lets go look around and make up names for all the hot guys we see.”
Anetta rolled her eyes, “Aren’t we a little old to be doing that sort of stuff?”
Rinzy’s grin vanished, “I thought you wanted to do something fun.” She said as she fell back on the unmade bed.
Anetta thought about it for a moment. Then smiled.
“Ok, I’ll do it as long as I get to call dibs on some.”
Rinzy rolled her eyes but the grin came back, “Ok, I’ll give up my chance with a hot guy so that you can have your fun,” She took a breath as if it was hard to let them go.
Anetta just looked at her, “You know you’re such a drama queen?”
Rinzy smiled, “I know and I love it.”
Anetta got up and put her shorts over the pink and blue bikini she wore.
Rinzy was already dressed in a tank top over her green bikini and a pair of shorts to match.
They got up, Rinzy grabbed the key and Anetta put her stuff in the closet.
Then they both headed out the door.
Once out the door they began they’re search for the hottest guy.
Anetta thought that Rinzy already had her perfect man in her mind so she figured she’d be the only one pointing them out. When they got to the deck, she found out she was very wrong.
Rinzy spotted five of them in the first ten minutes of the search.
Then when they were sitting in chairs watching all the people swim and playing they’re game, a shadow fell over Rinzy.
She lifted her head to see Lucas standing there. He had his signature smile he always wore.
She smiled, “Hi, Haven’t seen you in a couple days.”
He just kept smiling, “Had to leave for a bit but got on when you landed Cicely.”
She just nodded, “So what are you up to?” she asked noticing that he was alone for the first time.
He shrugged, “Don’t know. I’ve been so bored for the last few days. Visiting boring family, and getting ignored when we ended up at my friends’ parents’ summer home.” He lied smoothly.
He couldn’t get Oliver’s words out of his mind. ‘I know trust you with my most prized possession.’ And he couldn’t get over the fact that Oliver was more than happy to have his daughter followed around by a vampire. The fact that just a couple months before he had faked his and his wife’s death, to keep the secret from they’re daughters was unbelievable. Lucas wondered how they could have ever left the two girls standing in front of him.
“So what have you two been up too?” he asked.
They exchanged glances, “We went shopping. I must have spent a fourth of the money that we brung with us.”
He just smiled.
Rinzy looked at Anetta, “Weren’t you going to get something to eat?”
Anetta nodded when she understood the subtle ‘get lost’ in the sentence.
“Yeah, I’m starving. See you around Lucas.” She said before she walked off.
Rinzy turned back to Lucas, “So do you want to take a walk around the deck with me?”
Lucas’s grin widened, “Sure. Let’s go.” He said taking her hand and leading her forward.

“Ugh!, I can’t believe Oliver doesn’t care!” Navaeh said to Zuzanna as they watched Lucas walk away with Rinzy.
Zuzanna nodded, “Well he knows what is going to probably happen.”
Navaeh sighed, “Yeah, and then he won’t have to worry about hiding from his own daughters anymore. I know I saw his face when he said it.”
Zuzanna turned and looked at Navaeh, “He misses them. Haven’t you heard him talk to his wife? The littlest of things remind him of them. Both Oliver and Pheobe will be a lot happier when they have their daughters back.”
Naveah just nodded, “Yeah, I know. I’m just worrying over how they will react.”
Zuzanna’s eyebrow rose, “React about what?”
“That they’re parents are alive, that vampires exist? I don’t know pick one there are a lot to choose from!” Navaeh said.
“Lets just hope that they take it well.” Zuzanna said.
“You know we get to Madrid in only five days right?” Navaeh asked.
Zuzanna nodded, “Lucas has to get her and her sister to come with him, That may be harder than you think.”
Navaeh looked at her, “I don’t think so. Rinzy is already falling in love with him. Chances are she’ll be more than happy to go.”
“I wonder what the sister will say….”
Navaeh turned to see Lucas and Rinzy walking toward them, smiling and laughing.
Lucas turned to Navaeh before they passed by, “Hey, the captain said that we’re ahead of schedule we get to stay out at sea another day. Apparently we’ve been going too fast and there are two ships behind us, who are supposed to be in front of us. So we have to slow down and let them pass.” Then he turned and smiled back at Rinzy.
Navaeh sighed, “So we get to be out at sea an extra day?”
Lucas nodded, “Tonight I’m going to eat with Rinzy tonight, ok?”
He turned his head, and was looking straight into Navaeh’s eyes.
Navaeh sighed, “Yeah, its ok. We were planning on eating in anyway.”
Lucas nodded and looked back at Rinzy, “You want to go swimming?”
Rinzy smiled and looked down at herself, “Um, I have to go back and change.”
“Ok, go I’ll wait for you here.” He nodded and watched her until she disappeared in the elevator.
He turned back, and before he could say a word Navaeh cut him off.
“So what is your plan to get her to go to Madrid with us?”
Lucas sighed, “I’m working on it. As of now I’m gonna wait until the last day and then ask her and her sister to come with us. That’s all I got.”
Zuzanna nodded, “That may work, but what if she says no?”
“Come on as if she’d say no. She’s been staring at him all the time and it’s as if she knows what’s going on.”
Zuzanna grimaced, “If she knows then I’m surprised she’s not scared…”
Navaeh sighed, “If she’s anything like her mom or dad then she’s not scared of anything.”
Zuzanna sighed, “Your right and I hope this is the right thing to do…”
They both stared out over the horizon and waited til sunset.

“That was so fun!” Rinzy told Lucas as they walked back to their cabins.
Lucas nodded as he grinned, “Glad you had fun.”
“I never knew we could do all that on a liner!”
Lucas smiled, “’You can do any thing you want’”
Rinzy laughed as he quoted the slogan for the liners.
“So what are we gonna do tomorrow?” Rinzy asked as they approached her door.
Lucas’s grin vanished, “Tomorrow we get to Madrid.”
Rinzy stopped laughing too. “The cruise is over already? It feels as if we just got on.”
“Time flies when your having fun.” He said solemnly, he looked as if he was as sad as she for having to leave so soon.
Lucas looked back at her, “I wanna ask you something. It’s a little outrageous, but I really want you to come with me to Madrid to meet….the rest of my family.”
Rinzy’s eyes widened, “What about Anetta? I can’t just leave-“
“She can come too. There is plenty of room at my family’s summer home.”
Lucas cut her off smoothly.
Rinzy nodded, “I’ll have to ask her but I don’t see why not.”
Lucas grinned, “I can’t wait. The only thing you’ll have to look out for is Navaeh. She tends to get a little tense and doesn’t make friends easily.”
Rinzy nodded, “That’s okay, that’s how Anetta is. It takes awhile for her to get used to you.”
Lucas nodded, “yea, It’ll take awhile to like you but when she comes around…..”
Rinzy laughed at his martyred expression.
“So what are we doing tonight?” Rinzy asked eagerly.
Lucas thought for a minute, “I think tonight you should talk to your sister and see that she’s ok with what’s going on. Then tomorrow, if everything goes right, we’ll be together in Madrid.”
“Ok…..Can I ask you for something?”
Lucas cocked his head, “Depends on what it is that you want to ask for..”
She smiled, “It’s not much but I’m dying to know…”
He smiled, she was getting closer with every word, he had a good idea what the question was.
Rinzy looked up at him, “I was wondering if-“
She was cut off as Lucas grabbed her and his mouth covered hers.
Rinzy couldn’t believe it. This was kissing she’d never had before. The way his lips formed on hers, and how his lips were cold and felt like they would freeze her skin, was a whole new experience for her. She wanted to stay there kissing him for the rest of the night, when suddenly it was done. He’d stepped back and was smiling. His normally ice blue eyes were darker than she’d ever seen them, he’s also taken a step back, and she wondered why his fists were tight and bunched against his back. His face was the opposite of his body. His body was tense, but his face was peaceful and he had a smug smile on his lips.
Lucas smiled down at her, “Is that what you wanted?”
Rinzy shyly smiled back, “Yea, WOW…. I don’t have the words to describe that…”
Lucas nodded then stepped toward her and brushed his lips over hers.
“Good night. Hope to see you in the morning.” He said before walking to the end of the hall and disappearing into the elevator.
RInzy stood there for a few minutes then walked into the room. She was hungry all of a sudden.
Anetta was sitting on the bed with a plate of fetticini alfredo in her lap, watching the small TV on the table at the end of the bed.
She eyed Rinzy as she came in and what were you just up to?”
Rinzy blushed, “What do you mean?”
Anetta rolled her eyes, “You’re blushing and you have that glazed look in your eyes that you only get when you do something reckless……..”
Rinzy just grinned again and looked toward the little window of the cabin.
Meanwhile, Anetta was thinking about her sister, the signs, the foggy eyes, the dreamy smile, the excited look she’d had when she’d walked into the room……….
Anetta gasped,but Rinzy didn’t notice. Rinzy was too deep in thought of what her and Lucas would do tomorrow…….
Rinzy turned, “Yea? What?” she said as she saw the smile on Anetta’s face.
“Were you just out there with….what did you call him….the God?”
Rinzy’s grin widened, “How’d you know?”
Anetta laughed, “That look. You only look like that when your either excited to do something or you meet a guy.”
Rinzy smiled, “Well then, I actually met Lucas and he walked me back, and while we were talking he kissed me……” Rinzy looked down blushing deep red.
Anetta’s eyes widened. “What?! You never kiss guys not even when you were going out with them!”
Rinzy’s blush deepened, “I know, and tomorrow he wants to walk around Madrid, show his favorite places.”
Anetta’s eyes looked as if they were about to pop out of her head.
Rinzy laughed, “You look like a fish. Netta relax.”
Anetta blinked, “Ok, so what did you tell him? Are you going with him tomorrow to Madrid?”
Rinzy looked down at her hands, “Okay I lied WE’RE going with him to Madrid.”
As soon as the sentence was out, Rinzy squished her eyes closed and braced for her sisters wrath.
Surprisingly, Anetta was calm and smiling.
Rinzy opened one eyed and looked, wearily, at Anetta.
She raised her eyebrow at the speculative look on her face.
“Why aren’t you yelling at me???” Rinzy asked when she couldn’t stand the silence anymore.
Anetta just smiled, “I’m not yelling because I’m not surprised.”
This time Rinzy raised a brow. “Huh? Would you mind explaining that?”
Anetta chuckled, “You two have been together every minute for the last week, I knew SOMETHING was bound to happen.”
Rinzy just smiled, “The only bad thing is that, we’re spending a week at his parents house in the country.”
Anetta ogled, “His PARENTS?”
“Yea, him and his two sisters and one of their boyfriends are going there. I met Zuzanna and she seems nice, but Navaeh on the other hand…..I don’t think she likes me.”
Anetta rolled her eyes, “You’re with her brother, how would you feel towards a guy that I was with if you don’t know them yet?”
RInzy sighed, “Ok I see your point, I’d be pretty mean and a little hostile towards any guy you were with.”
Anetta laughed picturing her sister being hostile.
“Ok, Ok, I have to tell him we’re going…..Dammit!”
“What?!” Anetta asked surprised by her outburst.
“I never got his number. I guess I gotta go to his cabin, great.”
Fustrated she pushed a hand through her hair.
Anetta rolled her eyes, “You know you don’t mind.”
“I don’t but he might….”
Anetta snorted, “Yea right, I’ve been watching him. He looks for you even when you just left him. Its’ sute.”
Rinzy smiled and blushed.
She liked the idea of him wanting her, maybe it was the same way she wanted him.
Though she didn’t ONLY want him to get into bed.
Rinzy laughed to herself, as she walked out of the elevator and to his door.
She took a deep breath and knocked on the door.
Lucas answered with a smile on his face.
He’d smelled her from the moment he heard the elevator open.
He grabbed her and kissed her like he had earlier. When she opened her eyes again she saw him very close and smiling.
“Want something?”
Rinzy smiled, “I just had to tell you that Anetta and I are coming with you”
Lucas’ smile widened, “I knew you couldn’t say no.”
Rinzy laughed, “That’s exactly what Anetta said when I talked to her.”
Lucas laughed, “Well you are very predictable.”
“Oh really,” she asked with a cocky grin on her face, ”did you predict this?”
She grabbed his lapels and dragged his mouth to hers and ravished,
He was shocked speechless. No, he hadn’t predicted this. He thought she was the’ you do it first’ type, but this kiss showed his examine of her was way off. She was un-predictable.
He grabbed her waist and pulled her against him and turned so that they were in the room rather than in the hall.
Lucky for him everyone had gone to land for the night to set up.
He crushed her back against the wall next to the door.
He groaned as his hand cupped her breast, and her mouth found the side of his throat.
She bit him and he groaned again, he whipped one hand out and closed the door.
She could feel his hands roaming all over her body and moaned as he began to slide her shirt up her sides, and ended up giggling as his touch tickled her.
He pulled her shirt off her head and tossed it to the side, then went about trailing open-mouthed kisses down her body.
“Lucas” Rinzy said on a gasp.
Lucas either ignored her or didn’t hear her.
“Lucas” Rinzy moaned as he started to trail his tongue up her stomach.
This time he picked up his head and looked at her.
Her hair was crazy, her eyes half opened, and she was breathing heavy.
“I don’t think we should do this.”
“Yea…” That hung on the air for about a minute.
Then Rinzy looked him in the eye and said, “Who cares?”
She grabbed onto his hair and pulled his mouth back to hers.
He pressed her body to the wall as she pulled his shirt over his head.
She trailed her hands down his body and he quivered. She smiled as he groaned.
Rinzy was drunk on the power to make Lucas quiver.
Then Lucas looked into her eyes and smiled as her eyes widened when he yanked her shorts down her legs.
They were both smiling when they brought their mouths back together. He picked her hips up and she wrapped her legs around his waist as he carried her over to the bed.
They landed in the center of the bed and rolled pulling clothes off in the rush to find each others skin.
Rinzy landed on top and began a trail of open mouthed kisses down his throat, over his chest, and stopped right below his bellybutton.
Lucas rolled Rinzy and proceeded to do the same to her.
Then they started rolling again, by the time Lucas was on top again they were both naked and breathless.
He paused long enough to look into her eyes, before he plunged inside her.
Twin groans filled the room.
The rest was lost in speed and ecstasy.

Rinzy rolled to her stomach and sighed.
Lucas began to laugh.
Rinzy turned her head “What’s so funny?”
Her eyebrows drew together, “What’d I do?”
He picked his head up and actually looked at her face.
Her eyes were half shut and her cheeks were flushed.
He grinned as his eyes trailed over her body.
The grin faded when he saw her rubbing a spot on her neck.
He grabbed her hand and moved to see what she was rubbing.
There in her neck were a set of fang marks.
His eyes widened as he stared at them, then he tried to remember doing it.
He couldn’t…..
He reached up to his own face and felt his chin, sure enough there was blood covering his chin.
He took his hands off her and stared at her in horror.
Rinzy’s eyes were wide as she looked at the blood on her own hand.
Lucas shook his head and looked at her.
Her eyes widened as she saw his mouth and gasped at the sight of fangs.
Lucas started to crawl away from her as she sat up to him.
She studied him for a minute.
“I’m sorry” Was all Lucas said.
She smiled, “I knew their was something different about you.”
He looked at her in disbelief. She had just found out he was a vampire and she made it into a joke.
She looked across the room at the mirror on the wall, turned her neck and studied the two perfect punctures. She slid her fingers over them and turned back to him.
He was gazing at her in disbelief, hi eyes wide and jaw hanging wide open in shock.
“You look like your choking on a fish” She said with a grin.
Lucas shook his head, “You act as if you already knew”
“I didn’t now that you were but I know that they exist. I met one a couple years ago.”
Lucas’s eyes widened, “You mean you now about vampires?”
“Yea, It doesn’t bother me. I kinda knew that Kellan and Navaeh were but I had no clue about you.”
Rinzy said as she got up off the bed and walked to the bathroom.
“Your telling me that you know that there are vampires on the ship and it doesn’t bother you? At All?”
She turned back and smiled, “I think its cool. Ha. You should have seen Anetta’s reaction though. When I found out Liam was a vampire.” She shook her head as she spoke.
Lucas’s head tilted “Liam? As in Liam Gradue?”
Rinzy turned back, “You know him?”
Lucas knew that Liam was one of the only vamps that had powers, and that his certain power happened to be seduction.
“Just one question. How’d you find out about vampires?”
Rinzy giggled, “Oh same as this.” Smiling she turned back around to wipe up her neck and check the scars.
“Yours are deeper than his were.” She turned her head and he saw the matching set on the dip of her neck.
“Why do you think I always cover my neck?”
Lucas shook his head, “I had planned to tell you when we got to Madrid. I thought you would freak and never want to talk to me again.”
Rinzy laughed as she walked back to the bed, “Why do you say that?”
“That’s the normal reaction we expect when humans find out.”
RInzy leaned in and kissed him, “I’m not normal”
She slid a finger over the blood on his chin and leaned away without taking her eyes off his she licked the blood off her fingers.
“Iv had a taste for blood ever since I was little. I think its just a weird defect in my head or something but I have actually bit my tongue hard enough just to taste the blood.”
She laughed again.
Lucas knew that wasn’t it. The reason she had a taste for blood was because of her parents. That was the trait she had inherited and he was pretty sure that Anetta’s was just a really strong sense of smell.
Lucas laughed, “Well this saves a whole argument I thought we had coming.”
Rinzy laughed, “I learned from Liam that its difficult for you to tell us mortals because of the elders law.”
Lucas nodded, “Yea, They didn’t want our existence out in the world, so they decided that anyone who knows becomes a vampire. It helps in some ways in others it doesn’t.”
Rinzy looked up, “Does that mean that I……..”
Lucas nodded, “The elders know whenever someone finds out.
How is she still alive? Lucas asked himself.
Lucas looked down at his lap.
Rinzy walked over and sat on the bed.
“If they know when people find out, then how come I’m not a vampire?”
Lucas looked up, “I really don’t know. That’s what I just asked myself, It doesn’t make sense….”
Rinzy tilted her head, “Who are the elders anyway?”
Lucas looked up quickly thinking of her mother and father as the head elders. Then it hit him, they had hidden her from the rest, they didn’t want her to be a vampire so they were protecting her from death. Now he felt like an ass. He’d gone through all that trouble to get them to allow him to tell her and the entire time they had been trying to save her from the very fate he was pushing for.
Lucas sighed, “There are many of them. They all live in Madrid and later this week is the annual celebration for the treaty.”
“What treaty?” Rinzy asked.
“The treaty is between the werewolves and the vampires. The treaty keeps the vamps from killing the werewolves and it keeps the werewolves from eating or attacking humans. Though I bet a lot of people don’t know who’s a werewolf and who isn’t” Lucas chuckled.
Rinzy stared at him, “You mean that its not just vamps? There’s werewolves and other creatures out there too?”
Lucas nodded, “Witches, Ghouls , and other mystical creatures that make you think of Halloween town.”
Rinzy laughed, “So your telling me that there is pretty much a real life Halloween town?”
Lucas laughed, “Pretty much but we call it Abra Ciudad.”
“Abra Ciudad? Open City?”
Lucas laughed, “It’s open to all the different kinds of beings that walk the earth. Humans live in there world, we have our own. Though it is much more……civilized.”
Rinzy laughed, “How?”
“One there aren’t any guns in Abra Ciudad, the only types of fighting there is fist and magic. Well most of the time its better some of the spells can get pretty gruesome. Other than that its pretty good, no drama and most of the people have homes. I love it there. My mother actually found it one day when her and I were walking around. Then…..”
Rinzy nodded, she could tell what had happened after they had found Abra Ciudad.
“How old were you when you……”
“I was 18 and I had just come back from a vacation with my friends.”
“Oh. That must have been hard.”
“Oh yea, especially when the paper reported us missing. It lasted a while then one day I was in Chicago and Kellan found me. He found out and he was turned too.”
“Oh…How did he take it?”
“Like the rest of us. He denied it at first, then he learned that he could not ignore it. He finally left for a while and when he came back he was perfectly happy with being a vamp. Then he met Zuzanna. She found out what he was and he changed her.”
Rinzy cocked her head,” So whoever you find out is a vampire is the one that changes you?”
Lucas nodded.
“Then that means that Liam would have to do it….”
Lucas shook his head, “The elders didn’t know you knew before me. So what happened with Liam might as well of never happened.”
Rinzy couldn’t tell him the truth. Ever since that two month relationship with Liam, she had been having dreams of him. They occurred very rarely, but ever since she’d met Lucas the dreams had become more and more frequent and realistic.
“Umm…..I don’t like the look on your face. You look like your hiding something and it looks embarrassing.”
“It kind of is…..You see ever since I broke up with Liam I’ve had dreams of him now and then. It only happened when I was happy and on the verge of forgetting him-“
“And ever since you met me they’ve become more and more frequent.” Lucas finished with a grimace.
RInzy nodded, “How did you know?”
“Seduction and Love are Liam’s powers. He is in you dreams because once you taste someones blood you are bound to them. Not bodily but emotionally and thought wise. He knows what your feeling and what your thinking.”
Rinzy gaped, “So your telling me that even though I broke up with him Im still tied to him?!”
Lucas nodded, “And he has as much pull over you as I do.”
“Goddamn it! I thought I was done with him two years ago”
Rinzy sat on the edge of the bed and put her face in her hands.
“Why did you break up with him in the first place?”
“He cheated on me, and before that all he wanted to do was travel and spend as much time as possible in bed. I had to work and take care of Anetta so I told him to chill, but that didn’t work.”
Lucas looked at Rinzy, “He was the first vampire other than my mother that I saw after I changed. He and I became friends right off, but what happened to you is exactly what happened to other girls that he met before you. The same thing happened to every one of them, with little difference between all of them.”
Rinzy nodded, “I bet. Liam is such an ass………Oh my god!”
Rinzy whipped her head around and looked at him, “He’s going to be there isn’t he?”
Lucas nodded, “Sorry but he’s staying at my mothers house for the celebration.”
“Oh god, I am so screwed!!!”
Lucas chuckled, “I wont let anything happen to you.”
“That’s not my problem. Do you know how awkward it will be for me to be near my ex boyfriend AND dating his best friend!!”
“Oh….I never thought of that….”
“AHHH!” Rinzy said as she fell back against the bed.
Lucas leaned over her, “Don’t worry, nothing will happen. If it bothers you, you and I can go stay with Zuzanna and Kellan.”
Rinzy shook her head, “No, You never get to see your mother. I can handle it.”
Lucas sighed, “If its gonna be hard on you we can stay somewhere else….I really don’t want you to be bothered.”
Rinzy shook her head, “I can handle it, I’ll just try to ignore Liam.”
Lucas laughed, “Now theres something iv never known anyone to do!!!”
Rinzy laughed too, she knew exactly what he was talking about.
“So what are we doing tonight?”
“Ummmm…It is night and you have to go talk to Anetta.”
“Oh….Right” RInzy chuckled nervously
“Is Anetta going to be mad?”
“No, just surprised. Actually she told me something was off about you.”
“Well apparently she was right.”
Rinzy shook her head, “It really doesn’t bother me Lucas.”
Lucas sighed, he leaned over and kissed her cheek. He loved the way he could feel the blood beneath her skin under his lips.
Lucas pulled away smiling, Rinzy didn’t like the smile. It looked as if he’d come up with an idea, and she was scared to find out what it was.
“What are you smiling at?”
“What do you think Anetta would say if you were about another hour?” Still grinning
“Ummmmm……I don’t think shed mind,” Rinzy said hesitantly. She knew exactly what he was smiling about now.
Lucas’ grin widened, “Let’ find out.”
Lucas grabbed Rinzy by the waste and rolled on top of her.

By the time Rinzy walked back to the room it was 1 o’clock in the morning. She opened the door slowly trying to be quiet in case Anetta had fallen asleep.
“Well she back.” Anetta said from her spot on the bed.
Rinzy blushed, “We, uh, had to talk about something.”
Anetta grinned, “Sure and that’s why you look so relaxed.”
Rinzy laughed, “Yea, well then I don’t have to explain what Iv been doing.”
“So……One question?,” Anetta said grinning.
“Rinzy frowned, “What?”
“Was he good?”
Rinzy fell on the bed laughing, “I really didn’t expect that!!”
“Well was he?!”
“Oh YEA. He was so worth it, and…..I got a little surprise along the way.”
“What?” Anetta asked instantly worried.
Rinzy simply pulled the neck of her shirt down to expose the fang marks that Lucas had given her.
Anetta stared at them for a long moment.
“Well, I knew something was different about him….”
Rinzy smiled, “He thought I’d freak. He had this whole argument ready inside his head…..”
Rinzy sat for a moment staring at the ceiling.
“He was so excited when I told him that we were going to stay with him in Madrid.”
“Oh, I can see how he channeled that excitement.”
Rinzy smiled but threw a pillow at Anetta.
Then Rinzy frowned up at the ceiling.
“Liam is Lucas’ best friend.”
Anetta’s eyes widened, “Are you kidding me?!”
“Nope. On top of that he’s going to be there too.”
“Did you explain about you and Liams…...”
“Yea, I kind of had to didn’t I?”
Anetta nodded, “Did you tell him everything?”
“About the dreams? Yea. He understood that more than I expected him too.”
“This is going to be extremely awkward.”
“Tell me about”
Both of them were silent for a long minute.
“Ok, so if were getting up early in the morning to pack and be ready when the boat lands…”
Rinzy nodded as she slipped beneath the covers.
Anetta sighed as she mirrored Rinzy’s movement from the other side of the bed.
Anetta rolled over and eyed her sister.
Rinzy was cuddling with the pillow with a silly smile on her face, and Anetta knew exactly what was going through her mind.
Anetta sighed again, “Don’t you look relaxed”
Rinzy smiled, “Good night.”
As Anetta slid into sleep, Rinzy grinned into the night.

Lucas had just gotten the sheets changed and a shower before Navaeh and Kellan showed up.
Kellan took one step in, sniffed the air and grinned at Lucas.
Lucas grinned back.
He knew what Kellan smelled. He smelled blood and the after smell of sex.
Navaeh stopped dead in her tracks as she smelled it.
She cocked her hip, and with one hand on hip, stared at Lucas.
Lucas’ grin widened as he shrugged, “She stopped by to tell me Anetta said ok about going to Madrid with us, and one thing led to another.”
“How’d she take the ‘I’m a freaky vampire’ thing?”
“Actually she already knew they existed.”
Both Kellan and Navaeh’s eyes widened, “How?”
“My good buddy Liam….”
Kellan nodded, “I can understand that. She sounds exactly his type.”
“Oh yea, and he knows I’m with her. The dreams he sends them? He started double timing it with her.”
“O god. Really? That’s going to be weird for her. Being with her boyfriend and ex boyfriend slash vampire.”
Lucas sighed, “She has fang marks on the curve of her neck, and on the in side of her arms.”
“Oh jeez, How long was she with him?”
“She said longer than she wanted. He did the regular Lucas thing. Play with her for awhile, then when he wants to get serious she doesn’t want to spend every waking moment in bed. Well Lia reached an all time low with this one. He cheated on her.”
Kellan shook his head and leaned back on the door he’d just closed, “That is stupid, even for him.”
“So she what just laughed and thought it was cool? That you’re a vampire?”
Navaeh added after his blank look.
“Actually that’s exactly what she did. Its as if you were here… What were you guys doing?”
“Zu wanted to swim and when we were done it was dark so we swam up to mainland to talk to Oliver again.”
“So…You told him about our plans?”
Navaeh nodded.
“Where’s Zu?”
“She stayed back on the mainland. She said she had something to do.”
“Ok, ugh, this is going to be the longest night I’ve ever had.”
“You could try going to ‘sleep’ early. You’d just have to wake up and pack and then try to find something to claim the boredom.”
Lucas nodded, then smiled, “Rinzy will probably be up at about 6 anyway.”
“Jeez, He’s really hung up on her.” Kellan said pointed at Lucas, trying to get Navaeh’s sympathy.
She sust shook her head, “Well we’ll get to know her really well the next three weeks.”
Lucas shook his head, “Try forever.”
Both Kellan and Navaeh’s heads whipped towards him in that ungodly fast way of vampires.
“Oliver gave you permission to change his daughter?”
“No, the others found out that she knows. She has too.”
Navaeh looked down at her feet.
She was very close to Pheobe and knew how hard it was going to be on her to watch her baby be changed into the monsters that they tried so hard to hide her from.
Navaeh sat on the bed and shook her head.
“I cant believe it….”
“I feel like a total ass for doing exactly what they tried to prevent.”
“Ah, it’s not that bad. Pheobe and Oliver will actually get to spend time with their daughter.”
Lucas nodded as he stared out the window he was scared what tomorrow would bring.

Rinzy sighed as she looked out the window of the cabin for the last time. That time tomorrow she would be with Lucas meeting his family…..and Liam.
Rinzy shivered thinking of how that was going to go.
Then there was a knock on the door.
“I wonder who that could be.” Anetta mumbled from the bathroom, still drying her hair.
Rinzy rolled her eyes and opened the door to Lucas.
He smiled at her and she felt her heart beat accelerate.
“Hi” Rinzy whispered.
“Hello, ready for your big adventure?”
“As I’ll ever be.”
Lucas laughed at her chagrined face.
“It wont be that bad. If Liam gives you problems then I’ll deal with him.”
Rinzy smiled, “My own personal knight in shining armor…”
Lucas grinned, “We have to get going, my mother will be waiting for us when we land.”
Rinzy looked at her shoes and tried not to think about meeting his mother…….(EEEKK!!!)
“She really isn’t that bad. She’ll love you.”
Rinzy shook her head, “Sure, and then Zuzanna and Navaeh will like me even more.”
Her sentence almost dripped in sarcasm.
“Come on, Scared-y cat.”
“Anetta you better be up there in 10 minutes or I’m coming back here and beating you!!”
Lucas laughed, “So I’m not the only one you claw?” Lucas whispered in her ear.
Rinzy turned beat red and bit her lip.
Lucas chuckled, “I cant wait to get a couple new scars.”
RInzy smiled, “Oh yeah? I’ll give you scars.”
Rinzy lunged, grabbed his hair, pulled his head down, and bit his bottom lip.
Lucas grinned, “I think my rooms empty…”
“No. Your mother will be here soon and I don’t want to have to explain to her why we were late.”
“Fine, but when we get to the house we’re taking a shower.”
“OOOO, That sounds fun.”
Rinzy licked her lips and watched his eyes follow the movement.
She grinned, “Maybe I’ll just..” she leaned up and described what she wanted to do to him at the next possible chance.
She leaned back and saw him staring at her, she smiled.
“You are so evil. Now I’ll be thinking of that when I’m talking to my mother. But….we’re going to try that, multiple times, tonight.”
As Rinzy laughed, Lucas saw Kellan walking towards them. No doubt he had heard her painfully clear explanation.
Lucas grinned, “Hey Kellan wheres your hip?”
Kellan’s grin widened, “Oh Zu’s finishing her hair. She takes forever!”
Lucas laughed, “Well that’s what you get for falling for a beauty queen.”
“Well you just got yourself a goddess.” He said grinning down at the now blushing Rinzy.
“Yea, aren’t I the lucky one?” Lucas grinned at Rinzy.

An hour later, Rinzy, Lucas, Anetta, Navaeh, Kellan, and Zuzanna watched a black car pull up to them.
Rinzy turned to watch Lucas grin and walk over to embrace his mom.
Lucas’ mom looked like the rest of them. Tall, pale, and of course beautiful.
Lucas turned with his mom on his arm and walked her over to Rinzy.
“Mom, I want you to meet Rinzy.”
“Rinzy this is my mother Tara.”
“Hello, its nice to meet you.”Rinzy said as she watched Tara size her up.
“Thank you, and same goes. Lucas, you never told me she was this pretty.”
Lucas grinned as Rinzy blushed, “Rinzy doesn’t like to be talked about as the pretty one.”
Anetta, who until now Lucas had forgotten she was there, nodded, “she hates it when people only talk about beauty,”
Tara nodded, “Well, I hope to get to know you beyond your prettiness.”
Rinzy chuckled, “Me too.”
“Ok, everyone is already at the house and if they have to wait much longer im afraid they will lose it.”
Everyone nodded, and piled into the limo waiting behind the SUV.

Lucas watched Rinzy as they drove through Madrid. He was worried of how this was to go. HE knew Liam would be there, along with about 200 other vampire friends.
As they turned into the driveway, Lucas could see many of the guests waiting on the steps to the door. As he expected Liam was in the front.
HE turned to Rinzy and noticed the moment she saw him. Her shoulders stiffened and she let ut a shuddering breath.
The limo came to a stop at the end of the stairs. The house the stairs led to was a pale color and big enough to rival a palace. The yards around the house were full of flowers.
Lucas was the first to step out, he stood and turned to help Rinzy from the car.
Rinzy stood in her pretty green sun dress, and smiled at Lucas.
Lucas turned and walked a little ways to Liam. Who’s smile faded as he recognized Rinzy beside Lucas.
Lucas smiled and walked forward to hug Liam.
“Hey Liam, how are you?”
“Good, you?”
“Fabulous. I think you already know Rinzy.”
Liam nodded, a slight smile forced on his face. “How are you?”
Rinzy smiled, “Good. Excited. And scared out of my mind.”
Lucas chuckled, “Theres nothing to be scared of.”
“I know, just nerves.”
“Where’s Anetta? I know you never leave her anywhere.”
“I’m right here” Anetta spoke from behind Lucas.
“Oh, Hi Anetta. How are you?”
“Fine. Just tired of all this traveling.”
“Then why don’t you come inside and take a break? We can set you up in your room and you have until about six to rest.”
Anetta smiled, “That sounds fabulous.”


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 02.10.2010

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