
chapter 1

I woke to frosty cold atmosphere of my room and the grim bare walls in which caged me. The window was still wide open from where it was left when my sister, Ella, opened it yesterday to get air into my room. Most stories start with the cliché start of the warm sun glistening over them but mornings are just not like that. I mean it’s always fucking cold and dreary.


I sighed remembering I had a date with hell today since I had to go to my mum’s best friend’s wedding, YAY! (By the way that ‘YAY’ was sarcasm) I don’t really like weddings. Maybe it’s because of the frightening ugly bridesmaids dress I had to wear at my mum’s wedding, or the fact that people believe that you need a huge celebration and a SERIOUSLY expensive rock around your finger.


I rubbed my eyes clearing my sleepy daze and cushioned my bear feet into my purple fluffy carpet. I pulled myself out of bed and forced my body towards my wardrobe. I flung the wooden door engraved with doves and flower petals and began pulling out a bridesmaid dress. It was a heart line dress, white, with rhinestones on the bottom of the dress and near top. I groaned at the girly puke of a dress. I know I’m being kind of harsh but I am not really the girly type I would rather wear casual clothes. Although I do like to dress up sometimes but today I felt like shit and just wanted sleep.


But I had to go. I trailed into my bathroom and unbuttoned my pyjama top and stepped out of my pyjama bottoms and stepped into the shower. My body began to relax and ease under the warm water pattering against my bare skin. After twenty minutes I strode out of the shower and wrapped a towel around my body. Once I reached my draws I grabbed my matching white lacy bra and pants, and put them on. I then grabbed the brides made dress and slung it over my large chest and slim stomach, shit I forgot how short it was. It barley reached over my ass.


I pulled my makeup bag out and placed some white eye shadow on my eyelid and all around my eye. After I painted a small black line on my eye lid and over the white eye shadow, I applied a small layering of mascara. After my eyes were done I brushed on a light covering of light pink blush and coat of colourless lip-gloss. After I had done my makeup I curled my blonde hair in ringlets and pinned most of it up into a braid around my head, like a crown. Then I grabbed my two inch heels my mum gave me to wear and forced my foot to fit into the strappy heel.


I grabbed my bag and ran as fast as I possibly could in these ridiculous heels, the sooner this wedding is over the quicker I can get out of these heels. I sprinted into the limo waiting outside of my house with my sister Lizzy inside. She is wearing a purple strap-less dress with black flats, she wasn’t a bride’s maid as you can tell. Lauren, my mum’s friend, and Lizzy didn’t get along too well. She matched the dress with a white pearl necklace. My mum sat opposite me while Lizzy sat next to me. Mum was wearing a long purple dress to match with Lizzy with black flats and her hair was in a bunch of messy curls flowing into her face.


We arrived at the wedding about an hour later; the ride was so boring I almost fell asleep! Lauren and my aunt Christy was waiting for our arrival since I was a bridesmaid. WOW! Lauren looked amazing; her dress was long and elegant and hugged her body in all the right places. Showing her curves perfectly, it was a royal red with white underneath. “aunt Christy!” Lizzy screeched ignoring Lauren. “Oh, lizzy darling!” Aunty Christy said in her heavy British accent. I ran up to Christy and cuddled her too “hi Auntie” I said smiling politely I then ran up to Lauren and gave her a huge bear hug “You look so beautiful Lauren!” I shouted while hugging her. “Thank you, Lex” she said smiling. Lauren grabbed my hand with hers and dragged me into the church.


Shortly after we arrived I shadowed Lauren down the aisle. Lauren looked so elegant with her veil and dress slowly trailing behind her. As I walked down the aisle I glanced amongst the faces either brimming with tears of joy, until I spotted a strangely familiar face. He was god like with sharp features and high cheek bones. I don’t remember knowing someone so handsome and attractive. When he saw me gawping at his stunning face he smiled and waved slightly.


When we reached the end of the aisle, I sat down on one of the benches with the other bridesmaids while Lauren and Max did their lines. I wonder who this guy is I mean I really don’t remember him, how could I be so fucking stupid to forget such an alluring and unforgettable face. After the lines had been said and they are now officially married we all sat with our families on separate tables except for me of course, APPARENTLY, bridesmaids have to sit on the bride’s table and next to a complete stranger.


I was seated next to an old man who seemingly can’t close his mouth when he eats, great just my luck! I rushed through my dinner trying to ignore the gravy dripping down his chin and the bits of chewed potato and meat being spat on everyone. After I had managed to chomp my food up quickly and chug down three glasses of wine and nearly  I dashed over to my mum and pulled up a spare chair.


“UGH! That was the most disgusting thing ever!” I complained to her “I had to sit next to a man with two and a half teeth who spat gravy everywhere!” I continued. “Dear I bet it wasn't that bad” she smiled, “are you fucking joking, you wasn't there! Having to re-live the food you just ate but this time it was chewed and being spat on you!” I protested. “Dear” she coughed staring at the light haired boy sat opposite me chuckling. “Shit” I said out loud and he replied with a soft smile. I didn't even realize there was some else here. “I’m so sorry really” I apologise getting up out of my seat “I’ll just go...” I apologise again, he probably thinks im a right bitch, just embarressed myself once again, well done lexi.


“No its fine, please stay” he laughed gesturing to the spare seat. I sat down and smiled politely at him. This is awkward I thought to myself. “Lexi, dear this is Ashton” she said gesturing to him. He smiled “nice to meet you again Lexi” he declared. I gazed at him and gasped remembering his gorgeous face from the church rows of benches. “Again?” I questioned.


“Yes” he smirked. “We met when we was two, however this is our official meeting” he grinned, “when we was two? No wonder I don't remember you” I laughed and he laughed with me “yeah I’m Lauren’s son” he smiled “oh my gosh, I do remember you! How did you have become so fucking hot?” I shouted, what the fuck was I doing?!


 He laughed and gave a lopsided smirk, making his face gleam. His hair was long, but only long enough to reach the nape of his neck. He also had a fringe which swayed across his forehead only just covering his eyebrows. His eyes were a light blue colour which stands out compared to his golden layered hair. He wore a dark black suite and a red tie what matched Lauren’s dress.


“Once you have finished checking me out, would you like to dance” he gloated smugly. “I was not checking you out!” I giggled “and of course I would”. His large hands curled around mine and he led me towards the dance floor where the bride and most of the guests were lovingly dancing.


 He placed his hand on my waist and the other still had mine in a tight clutch. He smiled and looked down at me. “You have beautiful eyes.” he whispered in my ear while slowly guiding me with the rhythm of the music. “Thanks” I said blushing and turned away to hide my face. He grinned stupidly making me laugh and rested his head on my shoulder. I didn't realize how much taller he was than me. But I am only 5’6 and he looked like a 6’2.


Ashton’s warm breathe brushing against my bare shoulder sent chills down my spine. He smiled against me at my reaction to him, it kind of pissed me off actually that he was laughing at me. “I’m sorry” he smirked “for laughing at you” I laughed at him and rested my head on his shoulder too.


“Do you believe in love at first sight?” he asked. I couldn’t help but express my amusement and laugh loudly at this “don’t be stupid” I replied jokingly. His eyebrows furrowed at my reaction and he lifted his head up and so did I. He cupped my face and made me look at him in his heart felt eyes.


“I’m not joking” he assured. He gently placed his plump and moist lips on mine and pecked my lips. “I’m serious Lexi” he violently embraced my lips with his and one of his hand wondered down my back and the other one grasped my hair.


His kiss grew more passionate as it changed to the next song, ironically it was ‘let’s get it on’ by Marvin Gaye. Ashton playfully bit the bottom of my lip then push away  from one another so he could clasp onto my hand. Ashton directed me to his car by hauling me forward and opening the passenger seat for me to step in.


 His car was nice it had black leather seat covers and appeared red from the outside, well from what I could tell since it was already pitch black outside. Ashton jogged around to the driver’s seat and jumped in. He turned the keys and turned the radio on. “What song do you want?” he asked in a sexy purr. “Hmmm… play I could be the one” I replied with a suggestive wink.


“Good choice” he replied while laughing at my wink. He passed me a box of CDs and I flicked through. Once I had found the CD I pushed it into the sterio and pressed play and as soon as the song started i attempted to sing along with the music.


“I could be the one to make you feel that way” I shouted at the top of my voice. “I could be the one to set you free.”  Ashton began to yell along with me until we reached his house and he turned his keys and turned off the music. He grabbed the keys and shoved them in his pocket.


It was dark and silent. And the only thing what lit the night up was the stars twinkling in the sky. Ashton turned to face me and gave me a seductive lop sided grin making my heart clench. He leaned forward and gently yet passionatley kissed me. I followed throught with his kiss and pushed him backwards in the driver's seat.


His kiss became more vicious and heated as his hands stroked down my back. I wrapped my legs around him as he lifted me up and opened the door. He disconnected our kiss and pressed the locked button on his car keys then turned to face me again.


I pressed my lips on his while he somehow managed to carry me into his house and up the stairs to his room. He laid me across his bed while he took off his shirt and shoes. I closed my eyes breathing in his cologne. His scent was exotic and alluring while his kiss was the opposite; his lips had a slight taste of vanilla and were soft yet plump.


I could feel Ashton crawl over me and gaze at me face. I kept my eyes closed and pretended to be a sleep. My heart began to race as Ashton’s breathe caressed my face I took a deep breathe not giving in my act. Ashton giggled at me and kissed my lips, he then trailed his kisses along my jaw line.


He glided his hand into my hair and began stroking the stray strands of blonde hair which escaped my braid. “You’re so beautiful Lexi” he whispered into my ear then blowing on my neck. I giggled at the ticklish breath kissing at my neck. "I knew you were awake!" he proclaimed.


“No, I’m a sleep” I smiled. He sighed at my attempt to fool him and started tickling me. My eyes shot open to this and I jumped up off of the bed and started crying with laughter “stop!” I shouted “ash please! Please stop it!” I begged between each breath I panted. Ashton carried on tickling me until I was on the floor dying of laughter.


“Ashton!” I complained while stretching out on the floor. Ashton was laid next to me still laughing “I’m sorry Lexi, you’re just so funny!” he snorted. I scowled at this and rolled on top of him “you calling me funny?” I questioned with emphasis on the ‘me’. He looked at me and smirked while nodding childishly.


I glared at him jokingly “I need a drink, Ash go get me one please!” I pleaded. He rolled his eyes “you’re coming with me then” he grabbed my hand and pulled me down the stairs and into his kitchen where he reached to the wall and turned the light on. His kitchen was nice; the walls were covered with a baby blue paint and had huge glass windows what reached both the ceiling and the tiled white floor.


Ashton flung open the fridge and peered inside “alcohol or milk?” he asked. MILK?!? What the hell, why would I pick milk “durr, alcohol why would I want milk?” I chuckled. “I don’t know, I thought you might like milk” he laughed.  He grabbed a bottle of white wine and two wine glasses. He poured a glass for me and we went back upstairs to his room.


“How old are you Ashton?” I questioned before sipping from my glass of wine. He sat up on his bed and crossed his legs so he could stare at me “I’m 20” he smirked “and you?” he grinned lop sided at me “I’m 18, but I’m basically 19 in a couple of days!” He smiled and then flopped back down.


“Ashton?” I asked “Yeah?” he replied still lying down. “Nothing…” I laid on top of him, resting my head on his well-toned chest. “Can you take my shoes off me, there killing my feet” I said jokingly. He laughed and sat up.  I lifted my heeled foot on to his lap so he could take them off.

He began unclipping my heels and kissed my bare foot once he had taken my shoes off. “Thanks, servant” I teased. “Oh really now!” he protested while crossing his arms pretending to be angry.  “Yep! I’m our queen Ashton, you have to bend to my every will and make me happy." I beamed.


He laughed at my idiocy and pecked me on the lips and closed the distance between us. I kissed him again but more violently and entwined my hand in his hair. I bit against his lip teasingly while playing and twirling his hair. “I love you Lex…” he whispered into my ear “don’t be stupid” I replied snuggling into his bare chest.


He curved his arms around me holding me close to him and breathed in my scent. “Are you smelling me?” I questioned he didn’t reply he just laughed “yeah…” he finally replied. “You’re so weird Ash” I laughed and turned round to face him.


 He was very attractive he had light blue eyes and a small nose. His skin was lightly tanned giving him a roman effect; he also had long dirty blonde hair which swayed across his for head and reached down to the nape of his neck.


His lips where a natural skin colour and were very plump yet moist. I tilted my head forward so I could kiss him. I flirtatiously bit the bottom of his plump lip and kissed more viscously. Ashton leaned over andulled the lamp switch off leaving us surrounded with pitch black.

chapter 2 (yay, to you if your still reading!) often

I was awakened to the warming aroma of sizzling bacon and sausages; I could die for some food right now. My stomach felt hollow, I’m so glad mum was cooking a breakfast. I stretched my muscle and got out of bed expecting my feet to be cushioned by a warm fluffy purple carpet. I looked down to see where my fluffy carpet was then realised I wasn’t in my room…What the fuck happened last night…

My stomach began to growl awakening me from my shocking realisation. I observed the room by looking in the wardrobe, all men's clothing.And pretty decent clothing at that, an arrangement of shirts and designer jeans. I then investigated the draw beneath the wardrobe to discover it was a underwear draw, it was filled with Calvin Klein briefs and different coloured socks.

 I grabbed a pair of the briefs and looked for a name tag or something, I know what you’re thinking who the on earth puts name tags on the under wear! Well I don’t know I was so lost I didn’t have a clue to where I was or who's house i was in and who took me home last night...

I sighed at the zero amount of evidence I had found, I had searched the bathroom cupboards and found a surprising amount of products, such as cologne, shaving cream, moisturiser? I had also examined all the bedroom draws only finding clothing and money.


This guy didn’t even have a picture of his family, but he did have at least 3 bottles of wine bottles on his floor 2 empty and one half filled. I must have been fucking hammered; I inspected the clothing on the floor and found my bridesmaid dress and heels.

I still had my underwear on though so I don’t think anything happened. I went into his bathroom and looked in the mirror. I dampened a cloth and wiped off my old makeup which was half way down my face and the light pink blush. I cleaned my neck and tried rubbing off a red blotch on my neck but it couldn’t be removed SHIT! This guy gave me a love bite!

I scowled at the mockingly love heart shaped pink blotch stained onto my neck and ran my fingers long it. I went back into the room still just in my white lacy underwear and grabbed my bag. I searched through my makeup bag and applied a thin layer of mascara and some concealer to hide the hickey. After I was satisfied with my appearance I went up to the window and had a look outside to where I was.

I instantly realised I was in Laurens house, I knew this because when I was little (about five-six) I came over a lot to play with Harry and Ashton Dawson, Laurens kids. So in conclusion I often came home with Harry, I hope it wasn’t him. No offence to harry he was really nice and he was like a brother to me but my best mate Georgina had a crush on him so I couldn’t do that to her. Knowing my luck it probably was!


I walked out of the room and along the landing where I reached another room; I peeked around the door finding Harry asleep. THANK FUCK! It obviously wasn’t Harry since this was his room I slowly closed the door trying not to make a noise, when Ashton suddenly wrapped his arms around my bare stomach making me scream for my life.

“ASHTON! That’s wasn’t funny” I bawled and slapped him. He just laughed it off and hugged me, his arm and abs were well defined with muscles, and the harder he hugged me the more his perfectly toned muscles flexed. “Let go… I can’t breathe” I choked “oh. Sorry” he smiled

“Anyways I was wondering if you were hungry?” he teased “of course I fucking am!” I yelled. “Well come on then” he smirked while entwining his hands into my mine. “I can’t… I haven’t got clothes on…” I refused pulling him back. He looked me up and down literally eye rapping me.

“You look fine to me” he tormented “ash! What about your mum!” I questioned. “She’s asleep and so is harry, so come on…” He replied pulling me down the stairs. The warm bacon and sausage aroma grew stronger and stronger as we became closer to the kitchen. When we reached the wide open kitchen there were two plates of breakfast on the table with apple juice.

My stomach squealed at the sight of the steaming glory on the plate. I ran towards the plate and sat down. “Do you have any ketchup?” I quizzed "yep!" he gloated popping the ‘p’ he then tossed the bottle of red liquid into my hands. I squeezed the bottle of ketchup and made a pool next to my sausages and bacon which where sweating with heat and meat goodness. After me and Ashton were half way through our breakfasts we heard footsteps on the stairs and Lauren talking to her husband, max. “shit…” Ashton said and stared at me and we ran for the glass door of the kitchen and ran into the garden where we hid behind a wall.


“Ash, honey, I’m fucking freezing” I stated shivering at the cold gusts of wind. My lacy white knickers were all I had to warm my body up. “Fuck, I forgot you were in your under wear" he said dumbfounded. I shook my head at him and told him to gie me a boost so I could reach the roof.

He crouched down allowing me to get onto his shoulders, here I was on a model like guy in just my bra and pants, why is my life so fucking weird. I climbed up to the roof and felt a whole burning through my backside “STOP staring at my ass ash!” I complained and he began laughing.

I reached the window which was left open and crawled in. I leaned against the wall waiting for Ashton to come into the room. I heard him go back into the kitchen and tell his mum he needed fresh air so he went outside and she said it was fine and excused him from the room.

Each step Ashton took my heart poundedn the thrill of sneaking around and the adrenaline rush I had experienced so early in the morning. The doorknob began to turn and Ashton sauntered cockily into the room while rubbing his well-toned muscles, I licked hungrily at my lips at the sight of him.

He smirked and walked over to me and kneeled in front of me then leaned forward to kiss me. “So what do you want to do now?” he asked in high hopes that I would want to return back to bed, but no thanks. As much as I wanted to hold his well-defined body, I had to go home to my mum and annoying sister.

“Well…” I said in a seductive voice, and a smile arose on his face. “I’ve got a good Idea…”  I stated leaving my lips in a pout. I pushed Ashton down and crawled on top of him and began kissing up his well-defined abs making him sigh. I pursued the kisses up his stomach till I reached his neck and blew making him flinch. I kissed at his neck and began sucking at his skin, after I had finished there was a small royal pink love bite. HA REVENGE

“How about you drive me home…?” I asked leaning over to his face and kissing his lips. “Don’t go…” he moaned while hugging me. “I have to ash you can over mine later if you want?” I asked kissing his cheek and getting up.

I picked the dress up off of the floor and looked at the mess of a dress, it was screwed and crunched up, and it was also wet? It must have rained last night… I hope. “Ash do you have any clothes I can wear home this is wet…” I turned round to see him searching through his wardrobe chucking random pairs of knickers and bras out. I picked one of the bras up and examined it; it was black with a red lace bow and frills. I then picked a bra up and it was made of leather, what the fuck? I looked down at the floor to find at least 5 pairs of underwear.

“Why do you have all of this underwear…?” I quizzed in dead shock of what I might have just got myself into. “There my ex’s underwear” he replied with a slight laugh. Jesus she must have been a proper whore, I wouldn’t even call this stuff under wear, you would be wearing more with a bit of duct tape covering everything.

I sighed then pushed Ashton out of the way I grabbed one of his tops and a pair of sports shorts. which I then dragged the top over my head and pulled it down to my waist, I then stepped into the shorts which hung loosely around my waist.

“Yeah ill drive you home…” he said sighing he got up and grabbed his car keys I walked next to him reflecting on the night and morning, I think I really liked Ashton and I think he liked me. Well, guessing from how easily I can turn him on I snickered to myself.

“What you laughing at?” he asked “oh nothing” I replied nearly crying with laughter. “What, tell me?”  “No it doesn’t matter” I replied. His eye brows furrowed at my refusal and he pinned me against the wall and locked his lips against mine, “tell me or ill carry on” he commanded. “No!” I begged he held my arms above my head and began kissing me neck making me shiver. “I was laughing at a TV program…?”  I lied. He let me move and held my hand “fine, don’t tell me” he scowled pulling me towards his car.

chapter 3

When I arrived home the house was soundless in the break of morning. Ashton was stretched out in the driver’s seat while he collected his bag from the car floor. “You ready?” he questioned tilting his head towards me. “Yep, let’s go” I replied jumping up out of the car, I placed my feet onto the cobbled floor and kicked the door shut with the back of my foot.

I slung my hand bag over my shoulder and began dawdling towards my door. I reached into my pocket then pulled out a silver Yale key. Ashton was looking up and down at my house examining the outside. “So…” I chittered “you want to go inside? Or would you rather stay outside?”

“Sorry, it’s just been so long since I’ve been here” Ashton explained walking up towards the front door where I was stood.

“Yeah, it has been a while you probably don’t remember this place very well huh?”

“No I don’t, but your garden seems familiar” he smiled

I forced the door open and let him inside. I dumped my bag on the floor and hung my coat on the hooks screwed into the wall. "mum?!" i shouted wondering if she was in or not. "yes honey" she eventually replied. I sighed at thinking this wwould be easy than i thought it would be but then to have my relief snatched away. I walked into the living room which was the first room attached to the hall way.

Ashton slowley followed behind my shadowing my every move, I living room was small. But i prefered it that way it was cosey like  real house, and not one what is just for show. I jumped onto my sofa still holding the wet dress and heels in my hand. Ashton the followed and sat next to me.

My mum then walked in to the living room moping about how little she managed to pull last night "I really thought that dean, lauren's old freind,was going to come dance with me last night" she carried on "but he didnt, its a shame I would totally jump that man he is so-" she explained coming to a pause when she saw Ashton on the sofa with my sprawled out on top of him.

Her draw dropped at the site of him "um.. Ashton! how are you?" she asked shying away slightly with embarresment. "good thank you miss lee" he smiled politle trying to make the situtation lighter, yet fauled epicly. I smirked with enjoyment at my mum's face "so... Dean huh?" i teased. she glared at me "you could of told me we had guessed coming over." she said scowling.

"yeah, sorry" I smiled and hugged her, "we going up stairs ok?" I asked and she nodded with a freindly smile followiing, "of course, no hanky panky, ok?" she taunted, she might of been serious but b using a lame ass word such as hanky panky I couldnt take her serious in the slightest.

I stroked her shoulder then reached to grab Ash's hand, "come on" I smiled dragging him up the stairs and into my bedroom. Thank god my sister wasnt down stairs that would of been to much hassle than what its worth. Ashton walked into my plane dull room with family pictures and drawing pinned around the room.

"nice..." he smiled while opening drawers, he picked up various things and examined them, that was untill he found my underwear draw and picked up a saucy black leather bra and jumped on my bed covering his chest with the clothing item. "never thought you would of had something like this" he grinned playfully. I tutted and snatched the bra off of his flat yet musclar chest.

"did your mumy not tell you to ask before you do stuff?" I asked him in a childish tone. "I could ask you the same thing, Im not the only one to be blamed for looking through people stuff am I?" he quizzed me with a smirk smacked across his face. I sighed "I guess not." I admitted shamfully, "but I didnt put yours on my face or body..." I protested, frowning at him.

"it cant be helped being your stunning self, how can you blame me?" he gloated, I tutted and walked away while chucking the bra back into the draw where it belonged. I glanced back at Ashton, where he still layed on my bed making himself at home. He was so small before, we use to play now and then together but I spent more time with his brother,my mum and lauren have always been freind, well from what i can remember.

I only met Ashton when I was two since he went abroad alot with his dad, who lauren has broken all ties with since apparently he was a right ass hole, so i gathered Harry stayed with lauren and Ash went with his farther. He was small and fragile then, a really tiny kid Ive seen photos of him over the years but the only relate to the age range of 0 to 11. He was a beautifu kid but was bullied alot, its probably due to the spiteful kids who were jealous.

I turned back to see Ashton drifting off to sleep, I smirked and began dragging my feet towards the door. "waite.." he said reaching his hand out, he then moved over and tapped the bed space. I chuckled and turned back to him, "hold on" I replied lifting his t-shirt off of me and pulling his baggy shorts off from around my waist, I then turned to him "look away then, give a lady her privacy" he snorted but turned around obediently "only if you give me a glass of apple juice later" he chuckled.

What the fuck was wrong with this guy and apple juice I rember looking in his fridge this morning and seein at least 3 cartons and a few small puches of it. "who said you will be here later?" I retaliated with a snort to, I slipped yesterdays pants off and pulled a new baby blue pair on, these were more comftable, probably since they were a soft lace and  bra to follow.

I turned round to see Ashton starting at my sadly "whats wrong?" I asked. "do you want me here?" he asked puzzled. "of course dont be a dumbass i wouldnt of invited you other wise." i replied while pulling a checkered shirt on and some leggings. I then slumpt myself onto the bed next to him, where he wrapped his arm around me and snuggled into my head. His scent was relaxing, yet controlling it made me want to pounce yet I didnt want to loose myself again, not this time I will play it cool, I dont want to experience the same heart brake as last time with Leon.

chapter 4 (this is a flash back ITS THE PAST)

I could feel his gaze rippling a bruning hole through me as he stared at my face, "will you please stop fucking staring at me Leon, its so fucking distracting" I complained. "I cant help it, your just so fucking gorgous" he quirried. I tutted at this and carried on sketching down the notes from the classroom's board.

Mr Rowling was launched in his chair once again, spread out as if he was at home. The small amount of drawl slowly seperating from the group what had already collected in his shrivled lips. My eyes then wondered from my drawling teacher to the stunning creature propped up infront of me still blazing a hole through me.

I looked at him and smirked, might as well have fun and mess with this guy since he makes it so clear that I can. "Lee-Lee, you know Im only horrible to you because im scared that you will regect me, but im not anymore" I said in my most seductive vioce I could bring myself to make. His eye widened in both delight yet shock "eh?, really?" he questioned me, "of course I mean look at you" I said nearly purring, I leaned forward revealing some of my cleavage.

He swallowed hard at my destraction "so do you want to go home together today after school?" he asked literally ripping his eyes away from my chest and to my petite yet striking features. "loved to" I giggled while stroking his shoulder, Urgh I better get soething decent from this.

Ok, yes I abused my power this time but i was usually the held back peer of the group, yet I have lways been popular how im still pondering to why that is, I dont usually speak much unless someone strikes a conversatio with me. and that only when I can be assed to speak. Yep im one of those hidden biaches, but I dont need others to enjoy life, these pricks miss the smaller yet pleasant things in lfe like true love or real freinds and not the pricks what are only your freinds to higher their social status. Already dealt with way to many of those hoes.

I smirked and pushed my self up off of the table using my petite yet newly manicured hands, "waite for me outside the school gates" I winked and trotted off and handing my notes to my teacher on the way out, who literally eye raped me, just looking at him makes me want to gag.

I sauntered off leaving the sweet scent of perfume where ever I walked and the echoe of newly bought designer shoes. Today clothing arrange ment was light blue ripped jeans which clinged tightly to my thin yet tanned legs, matched with a white tank top and a cream lace waist coat which hung loosley around my cleavage and flowed down near my thighs, just past my shorts. Which i then pinned together using a thin brown belt with small gems on the side.

I dawdled down to my locker where I chucked in my white woven bag, and grabbed a backpack from inside, this was filled to the brim with casual clothes like jeans, hoodies,converse,vans. I looked around the corridor which was still as clear as day, I got to leave early because the head teacher told all the teachers that I could leave the school grounds when I wanted.

But obviously that came with a price, I had to sleep around with a few teachers to acheive that level of athority, I guess every thing costs these days. I chuckled to myself and walked towards the school exit, I then pulled out my iphone 5 and slid the lock off then speed dialed my freind Nelly. "hey Nells, hun can you come and pick me up at school please." I pleaded "sure thing babes" she replied.

I hung the phone up and walked over to the street outside of the school where a small charity shop was perched, I walked over to the charity and handed them the rucksack full of clothes. "I would like to donate this to charity" I smiled. "of course" the old petite lady replied "thank you betty" I replied. In which she smiled at, she walked back over "how is your mum and sister doing?" she asked being considerate. "there fine thank you" I smiled back politley. "I got to go though my freind will be waiting for me, Ill be back tomorrow" I waved goodbye. "yes dear, be safe" she waved back.

I walked out of the building a jogged to the parking lot, which i saw Nells waiting in the car for me, "Nelly!" i called to her, she turned side to side in confusion until her eye landed on my figure running towards her. "babes!" she called back while rising her sun glasses to place in her hair.

"Thank you so much can you do me a huge favour?" I pleaded "of course, you want me to take something to your cousin right?" she smiled, I laughed at how well she knew me " yes please" I replied smiling. She then held out her perfectly manacured hand and I gave her a letter with a check in it. "ok, I gotta go" I told her "ok bye, hun" she replied waving then reversing out of the parking lot.


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Bildmaterialien: google
Lektorat: me
Übersetzung: mee
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 03.06.2013

Alle Rechte vorbehalten

banana cake made me so happy i wrote a story so say cheers to cake :3

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