Glassy eyes wide, I inhale,
And then exhale slowly.
A long, cool breath blows strands of black
Hair into my face,
sticking to my damp
and my wet
Some of it gets caught on my chapped
I move forward.
Each step brings me further down.
Each step brings me closer.
A loud cry rips though the air above me.
Coldness dances across my skin.
I don’t care.
I look up.
A white beauty floats graciously above me,
in contrast to a dark gray heaven.
My forest green eyes follow the little messenger
as it gets farther and farther from where I stand.
I watch it until it disappears over the dully-colored horizon.
I take another deep breath.
Cold air fills my
and prickles my
But burning my
and my
I shiver, but make no attempt to warm myself.
The two Gods crash together:
and the other
A freezing, salty spray sprinkles my face
and my bare arms.
The Blood of Warriors.
My hair is thrown around behind me as I
leave the Brown God behind for His
brother. I step up.
Remnants of the Lighter God stick to the
soles of my feet,
and dig in like nails when on the harder surface.
, I imagine they call.
Standing on the border between the
Blue God
and the
Brown God,
I feel small.
My feet slip on the cold, Darker God.
But I manage to keep my balance.
For now.
Will I abandon my tawny Gods?
Dark one
in which I have faith in now,
and the
Light one
who I have already turned my back on?
My eyes drift to the horizon.
The little messenger returns.
As he comes closer, inside I’m
to join him.
To be as free as he is.
I take a step forward and reach out a hand to him,
forgetting that there is no ground beyond the
Darker God’s Realm.
I fall.
Texte: Jenna Marie
Bildmaterialien: Google
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 15.09.2012
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