
"Amy hurry up were going to be late for school" called Elizabeth. Elizabeth and I are best friends but I always had a feeling she was hiding something from me. Shes beautiful, smart, and everything I wasn't I thought.As I came down the stairs I saw her brown curls bouncing at the thought of being late."Amy,finally were now late for exams" said Elizabeth."Thats the difference between you and me were nothing alike" I said.
Later that day me and Liz were at our lockers when Brittany and Kim come over. "Hey Kim don't you think Amy's hair is so last year" Brittany said."Buzz off Brittany" Elizabeth said."At least we can get dates not like you losers" said Kim the sidekick."Hey, whos going to use the brain you both share for the test" I said.
With that they go away with every other nerd that drools over them."Don't listen to them there just messing with you" said Liz.But im really just sad for the truth they said."I know nobody likes me but were both 17 and you have a boyfriend" i said.Liz pouted i just loved it when she does that."Fine,whatever come to my house after school" she said walking away.That was the last day of my original life.

The next morning my mind was blank another stupid boring day I thought.As i went to school thinking about the stupid things me and Liz were going to do when there was a flash.When I finally woke up the smell of blood surrounded me i was swaying as i tried to get up there were arms around me weird I thought.
As I looked in to his eyes I never wanted to look away they were the color of my green blouse. "Are you alright?" the handsome boy asked me.For a second I had lost my head he was handsome,green eyed, brown haired perfection."I think so what happened?" i said my mind was spinning I couldnt keep my eyes open.
"You slipped on ice and hit your head hard on the concrete when I saw you I used my super speed to get to you" he said."Super speed what are you?" i said confused maybe i was still asleep at home."Oh no, i said too much lets get to a hospital" Then I lost sight of everything the room blurred.
As I opened my eyes the room was pretty plain the white walls, beds on my sides, and an annoying beeping sound.Then i remembered being hit by something cold and solid.The boy where is he i can't lose him he was just so perfect or did i imagine him? No... That perfection can not be imagined as I looked around the room there in the corner stood the boy.
"I thought you were never going to wake up from that concussion" he said annoyed.All I could think about was my parents, Liz, and the boy. "Where are my parents?" I said confused I thought they would be here when i woke up.
"There in the caferteria they told me to stay," he said frowning. "Oh yeah my name is James" we shook hands they were cold he was still smiling when i looked up "I'm Amy" as i said this i felt dizzy.When i looked at him once again i hadnt looked at his clothes he was wearing loose pants, leather jacket, white dirty shirt,and black boots.They scream dangerous maybe hes in a gang I thought but no hes too nice."You saved my life there has to be some kind of way to repay you" when I said this he shook his head. "No you don't I got to much pride to take money".He sounded like those old movies in black and white i thought.Then finally i found the real question I wanted to ask. "What did you mean by super speed?" as I said it he went stiff. "If i tell you'll probably faint or something like the others" He said shrugging.Then he said it slowly "Im a vampire."
                                                                                     THE TRUTH
Then reality hit me all the evidence was there he was a vampire. He was looking at me like expecting me to run away."Ok that explain a lot" I said.The look on his face was surprised of my reaction."I thought you would run especially a beautiful girl like you". Then I blushed no boy or vampire had said anything like that to me I was flattered."Im Nothing to look at" I said looking down he quietly came across the room to sit down next to me.Then he put his arm around me I was shocked."Your really self conscious aren't you" he said laughing to himself. Then my parents came in they were kind of a weird couple my dad kind of a nerd in high school and second my mom was the popular one.One second James was there by my side and the next he was across the room. "Amy your awake" then they hugged me but i kept my eye on James. "James now here is your reward for saving our daughter" they were holding a check."No i cant take this and i really got to go bye" then he walked out the door. What if i never see him again i got to act fast i though. "Mom, dad i need to talk to james ill be right back" then my mom helped me up.When i was on the other side of the door waiting for me there was James."I knew you would come after me" then he smiled at me that took my breath away."Now what is it you want to talk about"."I just wanted to know if ill see you again" i said while blushing a deep shade of pink. "Sure i'm going to be a new student at your high school so do not worry"then he lifted my chin why is he so intense we barly knew each other i thought.Then he let me go but i did not want him to so i grabbed his hand. "Ill see you tomorrow promise" i said. "Promise" he said. Then he let go of my hand when i thought he started retreating i acted fast.
"I'll see you at school then bye James" i said walking away when i looked back he was gone. THE NEW KID
The first day back everyone kept asking if i was ok it got really annoying.In first period there he was the teacher was introducing him but i was just staring into his eyes.When the teacher was done the only seat left was the one next to me so convenient:).The rest of the class i was too distracted to pay attention that i did'nt do my work then at the end of class we started talking.
"So how have you been?" the way he said it was so seductive. "Ok i guess" turning pink with thinking about kissing him. "I still have to think of a way to repay you" at that moment my science teacher said we were going to have to do a project on atoms. "Want to be project partners im really good at doing projects" gosh i sound stupid i thought."Sure so when do you want to get started" but he didn't look so excited."I dont have a home" the way he said it meant he was serious."Where did you live all this time" Even to me i sounded worried."I came to this town to get away because my parents are died" and i saw his eyes they were sad "I'm so sorry" Then I touched his shoulder before me the the world seemed to shift when i looked into his eyes i forgot everything. It felt like hours when i finally let go surprised James looked like he had never really looked at me.
"I'll see you at my house ill give you the directions later bye" and i slided out of my chair wondering what had happened in there.But the weird thing is we had all the same classes.Liz was at my locker waiting "I saw you talking to the new guy anything going on between you two" Liz had her why did you not tell me face I though.
"I dont really know and he was the one that saved me from getting ran over" but Liz was still smug."So hes your prince charming" she said laughing.There he was at his locker i might as well introduce them I though. "Whatever do you want to meet him hes at his locker" liz said sure so lets go for it.
As I walked down the hall with Elizabeth at my side James looked my way then he smiled at me.When he looked at Liz i thought i would see the usual attracted look on his face but he just smiled again.
"Hi James i would like you to meet Elizabeth" when they shook hands Liz turned pink."Hi" he said but he was only staring at me."So Amy the directions to your house" oh yeah i thought."Sure my house this afternoon well james talk to you later we got to go" I said.After james said bye i was heading to leave with liz at my heals when i looked back he was gone how did he do that.
"WOW" liz said like there was no other explanation i thought."Did you see his eyes were on you the whole time i think he likes you bella" i blushed at the thought."Do you like him" said liz i hadnt thought about it but the first thing to mind was yes and i said it out loud too:)."Ohhhh James and Amy sitting in a tree" she sang while skipping "Hes so dreamy if i didnt have a boyfriend and you didnt like him wow"."Why is he going to your house" she said
romanticly."Were project partners i got to go liz talk to you later" i said trying to get out of here as fast as i could."TELL ME HOW IT GOES WITH JAMES..." Elizabeth yelled from across the hall.
Later that day after hours of getting ready James came he looked handsome with his leather jacket he always wore then we got to work.Later that day after two hour of work we took a break "So about your friend - he said but i cut him off."What about my friend" I said getting angry.James smiled "Don't get mad but she has a secret but i'm not sure if she even knows it" when he said this it wasn't hard to believe i always had the feeling she did."When you came over she smelled like a witch and i'm not lying theres only one way to prove it" he said his eyes sad.
The look on his face told me he wasn't kidding so i believed him but it wouldn't hurt to check.

As i look at the stars that night i wonder if everything James said was true.I planned to sleep on the roof that night because i just had this weird reason that the stars and the moon would make it right.The stars were bright as ever i thought about why James would have saved me but i could ask next time we were alone.As i look at the sky the air got chilly so i got deeper in my sleeping bag.My mom seemed not to care she was used to my random decisions.How could Liz be a witch and not know as i thought about Liz i dozed off.
When i woke up the sun was in my face i almost fell off the roof when i remembered where i was.When i opened my eyes instead of the sun being there James was staring at me like i was crazy."What are you doing on the roof?" James said puzzled."I like the stars what are you doing here?" i asked.He looked embarrassed "I came to walk you to school".
I blushed "You don't have too and i still have to change" i said looking down."But I want to" then he pulled me up he held me tight."Don't worry i won't let you go" he said when i stumbled then he jumped with me at his side.
As I was getting dressed and James was in the living room getting investigated by my parents.When I got to the living room my parents were done with the investigation and they seemed happy when they saw me they smiled."Sweetie we didn't know you were getting to know James" my mom said then winked.When i looked at James he looked smug like he was glad she thought that.
"James we got to go to school"i said an ything to make an excuse.As I went out the door James grabbed my hand when I looked back I saw my parents smile."So your parents like me besides the saving your life thing" then he smiled."So I meant to ask you why are you in the sun and not dying" as I said this he laughed."Lots of things about vampires are myths Amy" he said."Theres something else.." i trailed off."WHY DID YOU SAVE ME" I yelled finally getting it off my chest.When I looked up at his face he seemed surprised "Can we talk about this later" he whispered."We got to get to school" he said then he started running.It was hard to keep up but it seemed like James wasnt even trying.
When we got to school the girls were glaring at me and giving me the cold shoulder.Like they were jealous wow jealous of me this is new I thought.When they looked at James they would smile or sigh but James didnt notice he was staring at me.
Classes went fast except for the only class I had James.I wondered what it meant to James when he would hold my hand.From time to time I would look at him from the corner of my eye and he would smile.
Elizabeth didn't seem to notice that I wasn't listening when we talked.I was distracted about her being a witch so I had to prove it.James said if you spill some blood that will get her to do something magical without knowing.
So i told Liz we should make a cake for Vanne's birthday tomorrow.As we made the cake i watched for anything that can make her bleed.When it came to cutting the cake i knew this was my only chance.
As she was about to cut the cake I made my self trip.I hated having to hurt her but I had to know and she got a cut right at her wrist."Crap Bella its not your fault I'll clean it up" Elizabeth said panicking."Elizabeth its only blood what is there to to panick about" I said looking around.
Then it happened what I had been waiting for the light bulbs started flickering then it exploded and the chairs started moving then everything went back to normal.

Liz didn't seem surprised she was busy cleaning her cut."Amy I have something to tell you" she said sadly."Ever since I was a little weird things happen every time I get upset or bleed" she said staring at the table."I know why Liz I just hope you believe me" I said starting towards the table.
"James is a ... vampire he smelled you and he said your a witch" Liz understood and smiled."It all makes sense now but wait James is a vampire are you sure?" she said."How else does he know your a witch" I said sure.
"So.. your in love with a vampire Amy?" Liz said looking serious."I honestly don't know Liz I don't know" I said looking down.
Minutes went by which seemed like hours finally Liz stood up."Where does James live Amy" she said."I don't know he pops up at my house thought" I said.Liz started towards the door "Then lets go" she said laughing.
At home me and Liz looked for signs of James finally Liz told her mom she was staying over.Me and Liz were on the roof when James appeared out of nowhere."Hey Bella and hi Elizabeth"then he took my hand and then kissed Liz's.She blushed "Amy told me i'm a witch" she told James."Yeah and i'm sorry we had to make you bleed to find out for sure" he said.
"So you and Amy..." she said looking at our hands."Well do you know how to control your powers Elizabeth?" he asked changing the subject."No,but I can do that?" she asked annoyed that he changed the subject."Sure I have a witch friend that can show you her name is Thea" he said
The next day at school James gave Liz the directions."Just go to the door and there should be a witch then say the password" he said in a hurry."How do i know the password?" she said confused.James smiled "You'll know your a witch".
"Bye Liz make it back safe" i said hugging her goodbye."James you'll take care of Amy for me right" but she said it as if she mean't something else."Of course" he said with a wink.When Liz was gone me and James spent the day together.
A week had gone and I was madly in love and I think James was too.Elizabeth had noticed and was keeping her distance with James around.She was finally getting her powers under control.Today was James and mine's last day as project partners and the last day of my days.

That night as James and me were working on the project our hands touched when we both reached for the pencil.Instead of James getting the pencil and letting me go he did the oppisite,As i was about to let go he grabbed my hand in his"Amy" he whispered in my ear I was frozen with surprise."You know what I am and I..." he trailed off."James I-" but then he cut me off his expression determined."I love you Amy thats y i saved you I love you" then he grabbed me around the waist and pulled me towards him."James I love you too but your a vampire" I whispered."I know but we can change that..If you want its your choice" he said kissing my forehead."Of course James lets be together forever" I said happily.My parents had gone out to dinner tonight but I think they knew tonight was the night we would declare our love for the other.Hahaha things were getting intense I think thats how they knew I though.
James kissed me his lips cold but soft it was a very different kiss.James told me everything about being a vampire that I could start and stop aging whenever iIwant,drink blood once every week,and can have a family but would have to stay hidden from people becuz of bloodlust,and everyone in a blue moon can be a human for a while."Amy this might hurt for a second im sorry" he said then kissed me."Its worth it" I said smiling then I waited for the pain.
The pain was a pain of an ant bite barely noticable.I felt like I was getting sucked dry but the best thing was I had a dream.James and me were in our twenties in a living room in a normal house,with kids around us playing around us laughing.Then i look at us I was holding a baby that looked exactly like james.When I looked at James he was looking at me adoringly.Then I looked at my self and I looked like a freaking model! But with fangs and pale skin.
Then I came back to reality and opened my eyes.It felt like I was born all over again.

Everything felt new as I got up I realised I was still in james arms.He looked at me with sad eyes for some weird reason ."James how do i look hand me a mirror please" I said in a worried tone.
He grabbed my hand "you look beautiful love you always have" he smiled pecking me on the cheek."Can i suddenly disappear like you now?" I asked like a little kid asking if they can fly.He laughed "I cant turn invisible but you have superspeed sweetheart" i blushed haha like always."Lets go tell liz the good news!" I grabbed his hand and ran like a kid on christmas morning...
Liz had her glasses on with a book in her hand looking like a school teacher with an serious expression."Bell is that you? what happened to you?" she looked both worried yet amazed."Can we come in?" I said not sure if that myth was true."Sure " she said as I came in her eyes followed me as if not sure what to think.After I told liz everything she looked at like the world was about to end and we had a day to live.
"So your a vampire now?Im happy for you" she said but by her expression she had something on her mind."Elizabeth tell me whats wrong?" I said elizabeth when I was being serious and liz knew.
Its nothing important" she said her eyes watering.James seemed to realised what she was talking about and went stiff."James, Elizabeth whats going on...?



Tag der Veröffentlichung: 14.01.2010

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to my family and my best friends Annalee and jenny:)

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